#Practical Tips
raining-tulips · 5 months
A guide to get stains out of anything
As someone whose capsule wardrobe is 95% white and cares about ethical and sustainable fashion (so many of my pieces are investments) it’s important to keep my pieces maintained.
Over the years I’ve earned myself the title Queen of Stains by friends and family. I will be updating this list as I go on, remember, and discover more.
What to have in your arsenal:
Many of these things are so multi-useful they’re just good to have anyway!
Baking soda
Vinegar (i don't think it matters but white is best if you have lighter colored clothes)
Dawn dish soap
Rubbing alcohol
Hydrogen peroxide
Pink Stuff (linked here)
Old toothbrush for scrubbin'
Basics of stains:
Never put anything in the dryer unless you are happy with how removed the stain was. The heat will set the stain in and make it 1000% more difficult or impossible to remove. Air dry until you’re happy.
If a stain isn't lifting or removing, try another 15-30 minute sitting.
I usually add some baking soda to all loads of laundry to help brighten and freshen naturally - it also softens water and allows for less detergent to be needed.
The stains and their cure: (alphabetical)
Alcohol: I’ve tried this on Mikes Hard blueberry flavor but I assume it works for all alcohol. Dawn dish soap + vinegar. Let sit for 15 minutes then rinse. Then do dawn dish soap + rubbing alcohol and let sit for 15-30 minutes. Works on day-old stains. See wine for specific advice.
Blood: cold water. If you need more, cold water + hydrogen peroxide.
Chocolate: dawn dish soap + cold water. Do not/minimize scrubbing.
Grand Canyon Dirt (or red clay based dirt): the most difficult stain I’ve had. Many applications alternating between dawn dish soap and vinegar. Let sit for 15-30 minutes. Rinse. Will require multiple applications (took me two days to get the stains out and they are still faintly noticeable since I know where they are)
Generally Oily stains like chicken grease or food: dawn dish soap + laundry detergent
Lipstick: This was on a red liquid lipstick - dawn dish soap. Try to minimize scrubbing.
Soy sauce: dawn dish soap, a dash of laundry detergent, and hydrogen peroxide. Let sit for 15-30 minutes and rinse out. May require multiple applications.
Wine (red): I’ve used pink stuff to get rid of red wine stains from white bedsheets and cream colored apartment carpet. You have to do it ASAP and follow pink stuff instructions. If you don't have pink stuff, 3 parts Hyrogen peroixde, 1 part dish soap. After sitting for 15-30 minutes, rinse in cold water.
Yellow armpits: (Blue) Dawn dish soap, baking soda paste (mix baking soda with a lil bit of water). Scrub and let sit for 15-30 minutes. Add hydrogen peroxide after first rinse if its not gone. Works amazing on fresh stains if you can wash the armpits after a hike or workout. Old stains it will depend on the fabric and if its been washed and dried yet, but will usually lessen the stain.
I will continue this list as I go, so save for future reference.
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conscious-pisces · 11 months
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Remember: if you must resort to cannibalism to survive, suck the marrow. You need access to fat to be able to digest the rest.
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mindiadesdes · 1 year
Hellou 👋
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heikala · 2 months
Here’s a video on why I only use a pen to sketch ✅ Hope you try it out, it has helped me tremendously to streamline my process and improve faster ☺️💕
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manas-24 · 1 month
Mastering Time: A Comprehensive Ebook Course on Time Management
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Feeling constantly overwhelmed and behind schedule? I used to be there. My to-do list overflowed, deadlines loomed, and the constant pressure left me feeling stressed and unproductive. Then, I stumbled upon the Time Management Ebook Course, and it became a game-changer.
Practical Strategies, Not Just Theory
This course wasn't filled with empty platitudes or theoretical frameworks. It provided practical, actionable strategies that I could implement immediately. From prioritizing tasks effectively to identifying and eliminating time-wasters, the course offered a clear roadmap to regain control of my schedule.
Tailored to My Needs
What impressed me most was the course's ability to cater to individual needs. It offered various techniques and tools, allowing me to choose the ones that best suited my work style and preferences. This personalized approach made the information truly valuable and applicable to my specific situation.
From Chaos to Clarity
Implementing the strategies from the course transformed my daily routine. My to-do list became manageable, and I started accomplishing more in less time. The constant feeling of being "behind" faded away, replaced by a sense of calm control and focus.
Sustainable Habits, Lasting Impact
The course wasn't just a quick fix. It equipped me with the tools and mindset to build sustainable time management habits. I learned to prioritize effectively, schedule realistically, and identify areas for improvement. This newfound awareness has had a lasting impact on my productivity and overall well-being.
Investing in Your Time
The Time Management Ebook Course wasn't just an investment in a course; it was an investment in my time and sanity. It empowered me to reclaim control of my schedule, reduce stress, and achieve more in all aspects of my life. If you're struggling with time management, I highly recommend this course. It's a practical, effective solution that can truly transform your relationship with time.
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happytakes · 1 month
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2024.04.30 | The small things count. Sometimes, we take for granted the small favors that we receive from other people. Saying thanks is always good but when you reach the place where you are also capable of giving to others; be sure to pay things forward and don't forget to look back and repay the past favors too.
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1whoconquers · 2 months
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litmichs-blog · 4 months
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mknewstime · 4 months
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handbagfashionexpert · 6 months
The Perfect Beach Bag For Families: Practical Tips and Must-Haves
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A day at the beach with the family is a cherished summer activity, and having the perfect beach bag is key to ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. From sun protection to entertainment, here are practical tips and must-haves for creating the ideal family beach bag.
Selecting the Right Bag: Choosing the perfect Dino bag sky for a family requires consideration of size, durability, and functionality. Opt for a spacious tote with multiple compartments to organize essentials. Look for durable, water-resistant materials that can withstand sand and occasional splashes.
Sun Protection Essentials: Pack a family-sized sunscreen with a high SPF to ensure everyone is protected from harmful UV rays. Include lip balm with SPF, wide-brimmed hats, and UV-protective sunglasses for each family member. Sun protection is non-negotiable for a day at the beach.
Comfortable Seating Options: Bring along lightweight, foldable beach chairs or blankets to create a comfortable spot for the family to relax. Consider portable shade options like a beach umbrella or pop-up tent to provide respite from the sun.
Hydration Station: Staying hydrated is crucial, especially in the sun. Pack a cooler bag with chilled water bottles for the entire family. Consider insulated water bottles to keep drinks cold throughout the day. You can also include hydrating beverages like coconut water or sports drinks.
Snack Attack: Snacks are essential for keeping energy levels up, especially for little ones. Pack a variety of snacks such as fresh fruit, granola bars, trail mix, and sandwiches. Choose items that resist melting and are easy to handle in sandy conditions.
Beach Toys and Games: Entertain the kids with a selection of beach toys and games. Bucket and shovel sets, frisbees, beach balls, and sandcastle molds are classic choices. Consider inflatable games for added fun in the water.
Water-Resistant Electronics: If you plan to bring electronics like smartphones or e-readers, ensure they are in water-resistant cases to protect them from sand and water splashes. Portable Bluetooth speakers can also add some family-friendly tunes to the beach ambiance.
Beach Towels and Blankets: Pack plenty of beach towels for each family member. Consider sand-resistant towels that shake off sand easily. Bring extra towels to use as makeshift blankets or wraps for added comfort.
First Aid Kit: Accidents can happen, so it's wise to have a basic first aid kit on hand. Include band-aids, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any necessary medications. Aloe vera gel can provide relief for sunburns.
Trash Bags: Maintain a clean beach area by bringing along a few small trash bags. Dispose of waste responsibly, and consider using a larger trash bag to collect all your family's garbage at the end of the day.
Ziplock Bags for Electronics: Keep phones, keys, and other valuables protected from sand and water by placing them in ziplock bags. This provides an additional layer of security, especially when electronic devices are involved.
Change of Clothes: A change of clothes for each family member can be a game-changer. It's particularly useful for the journey home, ensuring everyone is comfortable and sand-free.
Baby Essentials: For families with infants or toddlers, pack extra diapers, wipes, and a portable changing pad. Bring along a baby powder container to help remove sand from little hands and feet.
Zippered Plastic Bags: Include a few zippered plastic bags for storing wet swimsuits or containing sandy items. These bags prevent sand from spreading to other belongings in the beach bag.
Entertainment for All Ages: Don't forget to pack entertainment for various ages. Bring a book for quiet moments, a beach-friendly speaker for music, and perhaps a kite for some airborne fun.
Creating the perfect beach bag for a family outing involves thoughtful planning and consideration of each family member's needs. From sun protection to snacks and entertainment, a well-prepared beach bag ensures a day of relaxation, fun, and cherished memories. With these practical tips and must-haves, your family is ready for a fantastic day at the beach.
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conscious-pisces · 11 months
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Join the Construction Safety Dialogue: Write for the Construction Safety Network!
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etrends-news · 7 months
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mebis-art-dump · 1 month
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She is so cool
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