#Sol talks with cool people
Can I ask you about q!Trump? I didn't start watching Maximus's streams until he started the Theory bros. Not to mention the amount of vods I need to catch up on due to working when everyone streams. All I know about q!Trump is that he's the only egg to have lost both lives to neglect :/
Ohh here we go.
So whats tragic about them is that q!Trump (I feel the need to clarify the "Q!" everytime i say this egg name for obvious reasons lol) is that he died so soon. In the short time he was alive he proved to be friendly and chaotic at the same time. He liked to play pranks and leave mines scattered around the server. If I'm not mistaken he was good friends with Dapper, Ramon and Leo. But the tragic thing, again, was that he barely got to experience the world. You could tell that he had a lot of potential.
But one of his parents abandoned him right away and Maximus did his best. This was before single parents could take the weekend off. Maximus entered the server almost every day but he failed one day and q!trump lost a life… but the second death was a little more tragic/frustrating because Maximus came back late from a party and tried to enter the server but his power went out . He couldn't do anything and his egg died alone, abandoned again by his other father.
Maximus was heartbroken. He mourned his son but unlike Quackity and Slime he didn't take it out with the other eggs. He blamed the federation (and also himself) and decided that he needed to protect the eggs. His son death is the reason Maximus is now a Theory bro.
Also, and this is aside Maximus and his son, q!Trump is the only egg that shows up in qsmp announcements, like for example:
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People have been theorizing about this and also saying that is interesting that between Juanna, Tilin and q!trump, he is the one "closest to god" in this image:
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sorcerous-caress · 5 months
Maybe we'll write the first notes that will become the beginning of a song someone will sing for us.
Inspire a set of hands to pick up an instrument for the first time and strum a melody.
Be the echos that linger on the tongue, that someone humms to stride forward.
Writing is a beautiful thing, I will gladly say I'll humm each verse you craft for a long time.
The idea that I'd have any lingering effect on anyone at all makes me feel immense joy <3 thank you so much, this was so beautifully written.
I hope so, I really hope some people would see my writing or read my encouragement for others and get inspired to write their own stories or craft their own art. It's like a chain because I myself was inspired by others to start writing! And other people in the future will be inspired by any of my readers who started/went back to writing because of me.
Even if they don't, it's alright. I'm honestly grateful that they made time to read what I wrote and hear what I have to say.
And I'm thankful for your existence. Your writing style is especially captivating, and you inspired so many things in my blog. <3
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to expand lightly on my theory post regarding some of what might be afoot this season (devised and parsed through in collaboration with @stone-stars)
the actions against cassandra and kristen are a revenge plot, orchestrated by a combination of sol, galicaea, and helio. they each have their own vendettas contributing to this. sol has beef with kristen due to the “wholeheartedly reject all offers” scene, where he does turn on her first. he also was incapacitated in freshman year because she let aguefort into his domain. i imagine a sun god isn’t super pleased that there were 4 months of endless night. he also might not like cassandra due to who she used to be. helio once chose kristen and continued to supply her with spells despite her rejection of him and his teachings. she refused to spend any time with him and literally punched him in the face. he’s got some baggage there, for sure. galicaea experienced the first time kristen and cassandra connected, her attempt at convincing kristen was disrupted by the goddess eventually known as cassandra. her followers were responsible for killing the initial version of cassandra. her followers are now facing a revival due to tracker’s pilgrimage (kristen’s ex) and she’s just petty enough to blame kristen for that. plus, her snooty self hated her wolfy side. this revival would arguably make the snootier elves double down on that hatred. as above, so below.
the goings on against fig and the establishment of her cool new horrible luck are probably coming from a devil. the pride armor vision showed that it had ties to that sort of thing. and devils are lawful. fig is not. her ascension into the seat of the bottomless pit was on a technicality and the people who presided over it immediately hated that it happened. she’s been busy (she’s a mortal teen attempting to save the world) and has neglected her hellish domain on a similar level to her father, who lost his job about it. the lawful operatives running hell would not take kindly to that. so they could (would) reach out to her in a moment of her weakness and hand off a curse, as punishment. because hell is also about punishment.
now, i’m sure you’re thinking: why are these in the same post? easy. because i think they’re connected.
the rage stones that were corrupting cassandra and the mages were similar to what happened to ragh’s mom, as zac figured out. lydia is in a medically prolonged state of rage to keep the devil in her chest at bay. (there are some discrepancies over whether it’s a devil or a demon. but i trust ragh to know those minor details over arthur “i forgot to tell lydia i was doing this” aguefort). if something kept back by a prolonged state of rage was given leave to attempt its influence on something (on the astral plane, no less, where rules are almost always different), perhaps its influence would be rage inducing. and, just as she was taken over by one of these stones, kalina, who knew about lydia’s status in sophomore year since she did try to kill lydia, called out “ragh barkrock!”, bringing up another clear and direct connection.
the nightmare king sided with demons during the blood wars. the devils trapped the nightmare king in the forest (this is why arianwen needed gorthalax and why fig’s promotion was vital to their success). the devils would probably want to fight back. the gods we’ve met would probably dislike the imbalance that comes from establishing a new god, especially one who is a riff on one they already destroyed (cassandra establishes that she is not the same goddess she was before her sister killed her. but there have to be similarities. and maybe galicaea doesn’t know that).
the first time we meet our beloved garthy o’brien, they talk about how devils (they say fiends but are explicitly talking about devils and not demons) and celestials and gods are not simply opposed. they’re part of a system that balances out all its parts. angels fall. devils could rise. they work together as part of a bigger system.
so. so. if two specific mortals and their merry band of idiot friends are in direct opposition to some of the most powerful and petty entities in the universe, would they not want to perhaps join forces to attempt to take them down? especially if it could come from freeing one (“important”) devil from decades of being trapped, restoring balance further?
bonus here is the idea that bill seacaster’s goal in hell is to “kill the devil himself”, and perhaps he’s getting too close for comfort and balance must be maintained somehow. and what better way to distract him than by threatening his son?
plus, we know cassandra’s “i thought you were dead” wasn’t directed at kalina or the nightmare king. but maybe, in her brief time back as a god, she noticed the absence of a particular devil. and thought they might have died, when they were actually just trapped.
all that being said, it’s a fun theory to me and maybe we’re completely wrong. but everything we thought about more made it make more sense, which is a wild experience.
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spectator-moon · 5 months
More Bad Kids Headcanons!
These are gonna be wholesome/little info things
Kristen sleepwalks now. She doesn't know why. It's not stress, she just gets up and wanders around. Usually, she finds herself in Adaine's room, arms moving through the motions of Warding Bond despite not being awake to cast it. Often, Adaine will quietly lead her back to her room, but sometimes Kristen will not leave, and Adaine will allow Kristen to flop on her like a cat. Occasionally, Kristen will wake up in Tracker's room, tears that she did not know were falling tracing tracks down her cheeks.
Adaine made a spell to remind everyone to take their meds. She infused it into Mordred Manor, and once again into Gorgug's axe and Fabian's eyepatch. Riz asked her to not do it for him because he has a very ingrained routine and it would throw that off. Adaine has set this spell to be triggered when it detects a certain time or event taking place. For her, it's every morning. Fig takes her ADHD meds after breakfast. Alewyn takes her antidepressants right before she leaves their room. Kristen uses her daily inhaler as soon as she wakes up. Gorgug typically takes his before he leaves the house, and Fabian has his right before he brushes his teeth. Adaine keeps track of all of this in her spellbook.
Gorgug has the most ~crackly~ bones you will ever hear. When he does warm-up stretches he sounds like bubble wrap. The loudest cracking always comes from his neck, because he's always slouching since he's so tall. Mostly, this grosses out everybody. Except Fig, who is also crackly from years of ballet and gymnastics. They often have friendly contests to see who can crack louder. Ayda judges, because she isn't bothered by it either.
Fig runs much warmer than any other Bad Kid. She is always the person who gets 'dibsed' to sleep next to for sleepovers, and during winter she becomes the most likely person to have someone hanging off of her. Ayda and her run at about the same temperature, and if they combine their magic they can actually effectively cause harm with their combined body heat. Fig secretly loves the hugs and snuggling and closeness that her warmth grants her, because it used to be the thing that drove people away (I headcanon that Fig lost all her friends when her horns sprouted).
Fabian has everybody's skin care routine memorized. He knows their go-to drink or comfort food like he knows his own hands, and when they run out of product, or they have a bad day, he'd the first one the door. He may play it cool ("I can't stand when you stress like that, here, take this hot cocoa and stop it." For Riz), but he never goes too far if it's clear that somebody is having an awful day ("hey, I got this plate of pancakes. Do you want to talk?" For Adaine).
Riz, in his neverending quest to know literally everything, has somehow found every spot that Augefort has tried to hide. He has reformed them as '(un)Official Bad Kids Zones' and made them the perfect spot to chill. If at any point, in any place in town, the Bad Kids are getting chased, or they just want to relax, Riz zips behind that one statue of Sol, or this painting from a local artist, and reveals a new place to chill.
This has been my headcanons. I hope you enjoyed! Leave your own in the replies!
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babygirlispunk · 1 year
Summer Fling - PART ONE
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Pedro Pascal X f!Reader
Summary: living in a completely different hemisphere, you didn’t expect to bump into Pedro Pascal at a music festival.
Warnings: 18+, mentions of alcohol
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: Reader is not physically or ethnically described but is Australian. Honestly inspired by my own summer romance I experienced when I was younger with a guy who happened to be Latino lol. This is just quickly written to get over my jitters and get confidence to post other stuff SO ITS PROBALY A BIT MESSY SORRY.
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The ground is vibrating beneath you feet, your ears are ringing from hours of listening to loud music for days. The temperature has cooled down from the summer sun with the night sky. Bodies glisten with sweat, dancing in the crowded space as you're all harmoniously vibing and singing to RUFUS. Everyone's either drunk or high, sloppily hanging off one another or shouting aloud enthusiastically.
It's New Years Eve, 10 or so minutes from midnight. You can't believe your seeing one of your favourite bands live and an absolute banger of a song is playing right now and you can't help but raise your hands into the air and dance your heart out, shouting the lyrics not caring how scratchy your voice is from singing along with different singers and bands for the past 3 days.
You manage to hear your name being called out next to you. It's your best friend Syria. You two managed to lose the rest of your group when squeezing your way further to the front wanting to get into the heart of the crowd and the vibe.
She leans in closer so you can hear her over the pounding music. "I reckon we should get to the very front before midnight hits."
"Why don't we ask someone if we can sit on their shoulders?" you yell back.
You both look around to find any guy or girl that would be willing to hold you and Syria up but most people are already paired up or in groups leaving the creepy looking ones left that would probably feel you up.
Bodies keep dancing around you as you duck and weave your way through to the front. You quickly make it, motivated by the words 'You were right' booming from the speakers and the singer announcing that New Years is drawing in. As you emerge to your new spot you bump with some guy passing a quick sorry and turning your attention to the stage. Both happy with how close you are, you wrap your arm around Syria's shoulder and she wraps hers around your waist. You scream-sing, jumping up and down together getting hyped, probably sounding like squealing pigs, when you just hear a laugh next to you.
(Highly recommend listening to You Were Right - RUFUS DU SOL for the next part, for the vibe)
You look where it came from and connect with gorgeous chocolate brown eyes accessorised by glasses, paired with a wide cheesy grin framed by a scruffy, patchy beard and unkempt curly hair. He must've been the guy you bumped... Being polite, you smile back and turn back to the stage singing with Syria.
But it hits you like a brick wall and you double take. You look back to see the guy talking to their friend, up close as they talk into each others ears. Colourful lights bounce off him from the stage and you focus on his face, confirming who it is.
"Syria!" You hiss into her ear but she's too entranced by the music to notice so you give her a shake under your arm and gives you a 'what' face.
"You would not believe who is next to me!" She gives you a confused look then peeks in front of you to look at him, returning to face you with eyes as big as an owl.
Without wasting a breath she shoves you into his direction and you trip over yourself and bump into him again, basically landing on him but he ever so gracefully catches you, hooking his hands underneath your armpits.
"Woah there, had a bit too much to drink have we?" he chimes out loud.
You're embarrassed and can only blurt out a no.
"Sorry about that, those guys next to us knocked us over." Syria covers for you.
"Assholes." he looks at you, still held in his strong hands, smiling sweetly.
He brings you back to your feet and you turn around to say your thanks but your close. Really close. Face to face. Your eyes flicker at every point of his face, really soaking in every detail your buzzed out brain can retain till you land on his eyes. They're looking down at you're lips before they flick up and lock with yours. They're so deep and gorgeous, you could just dive and swim in them
"Thanks." you manage to say despite your heart is beating violently inside your ribcage. He winks back with a cheeky grin making you blush as you turn back to face the stage. The song keeps pumping around you and Syria is dancing and singing her little heart out.
He stands right besides you now and you can feel his hand brushing against your arm as you both dance on the spot. You can feel the goosebumps travelling up your arm as he keeps touching and nudging you. You can't help yourself but steal a glance at him only to see him doing the same, biting your lip, saving yourself from giggling like a little girl. That damn smile hasn't left his face.
The massive crowd surrounding you start screaming out the minute countdown and you join in trying to distract yourself from the closing proximity between the two of you. Try as you might, you still keep looking at him in the corner of your eye only to see him doing the same.
30 seconds left.
A hand gently glides around your waist followed by a body pressing against to your side sending a chill through your body and the butterflies are released, fluttering wildly in your stomach.
20 seconds left.
You look up at him, he's looking forward at the stage bobbing his head pretending like he isn't pulling your body towards him right now. He's clearly showing his interest, there's no point chickening out now.
You snake your hand underneath his loose tee and wrap your arm along his back, placing your hand on his hip using your thumb to caress the skin on his back.
He turns his gaze to you with a smirk on his face and squeezes his hand holding your waist making you gulp down.
10 seconds left.
He bends down so that his mouth grazes your ear ever so softly.
"I was wondering if you would be my new years kiss?"
He moves his face in front of yours, just a breath away, waiting for your answer.
"Are you sure?" was all you could manage.
"Why not start the year kissing a gorgeous girl?" he inches closer to you, nose tips brushing.
You're both breathing heavy, both of your eyes fliting between each others eyes and mouth. Breaths brushing each others skin.
You turn your bodies to face one another. Moving your arms around his neck, his hands not losing contact with your waist, squeezing your lower half closer to his, pelvis' coming in contact inciting a flutter down there.
The song drops and lips crash into one another, the impact cushioned by his plush lips, you feel euphoric. This all surreal even with Syria screaming her lungs out behind you along with cheers from the masses.
You feel the heat of fireworks and sparklers set off from the stage as everyone celebrates the new year but it doesn't compare to the fire burning inside you as he pulls you in tighter making your chests rub against each other as you two are hungrily trying to taste one another. He swipes his tongue along your lips as an invitation to deepen the kiss and you let him in immediately. As your tongues dance together, tasting each others choice of alcohol, you feel his nose tickle against your cheek.
Not wanting to pull away, you inhale and exhale through your nose and you are enveloped by his smell, his sweet musky smell. He is like a damn drug and you're already addicted. Wanting more you tangle your fingers through his hair, desperately trying to bring him in closer, deeper than physically possible.
You're becoming overwhelmed by it all that a moan slips out of you, passing though and exchanged to his lips. You try not to over think it but you feel a slight smile form on his lips as he devour you, returning the moan back for you to inhale. His hand drops to your ass, kneading them in his fists and pulling you even closer than you thought possible letting you grind up his hard rump forming underneath his thick jeans and your core slickens fast.
Not wanting let go but starving for oxygen, you eventually pull back, not letting go of your bodies. He is also out of breath, shoulders rising and falling rapidly.
“What’s your name?”
You say your name through shallow breaths and he repeats it after you. You feel excitement hearing him say it out aloud, making your own name sound like liquid gold oozing from his mouth. Still getting your breath back, be gently nudges his nose on yours, pecking you and not wanting to lose the space between you, eyes never leaving yours.
“Would you come back to my tent* with me? Get away from this crowd and prying eyes…” he says almost desperately asking as his lips keep pecking yours, knowing exactly what he’s really asking.
You nod in agreement and he smiles that sickly sweet smile. Moving his hands from your ass, he threads his hands into yours and turns to his small friend group speaking with each other. You then realise they had watched the little show you two had put on. Then you feel like something is missing.
You look all around in the surrounding crowd of singing and dancing bodies but you can’t find her. She’s missing. Letting go of his hand, you continue looking around getting on your top toes, jumping to look over peoples heads. You call out her name but she’s no where to be seen. Every worse case scenario runs through your head. Your group made one rule to follow during this festival.
Never ditch your buddy.
A wide hand grips around your wrist, giving you a slight fright till you remember who it was connected to, following his body till your met with his puppy dog eyes.
“My friend is missing, I need to find her, make sure she’s okay.” You say frantically.
“Let me help you.”
“No no it’s okay.” There was no way you were going to drag an A-list celeb around massive festival grounds swarmed with thousands of people that could horde him, away from the safety of his own friends.
“Are you sure?” He brings you in closer wrapping his arms around your waist as if locking you to him and you hold onto his arms, getting a good feel of how toned they are. You look at his lips, swollen from your kiss, hungry for more but you had priorities…
Giving him one last kiss, you keep it sweet and simple, lingering there for a moment fighting the urge the stay. “It was nice meeting you Pedro.”
As you pull away he give you a sad smile to pair with his puppy eyes. Turning away, shattered your moment was cut short, you weave through the crowd looking for Syria.
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You circle round the crazy crowd, desperately looking for Syria but to no avail. You whip out your phone fumbling fingers on the screen trying to call her. Reception on its last bar unsurprisingly but by some miracle she answers. You hear your name from the other side but it’s staticky and broken, repeating over and over again as you try to call her name on your end.
Barely making out the words over the static and loud music pounding around you before it eventually hangs up. You look at your screen, call failed.
You growl in frustration, till a hand grabs your shoulder. Twisting around hoping to see his face, you’re sadly met with your friend Joey.
“Hey we’ve been looking for you!” He yells over the music.
“I’ve been looking for Syria!” You yell back.
He rolls his eyes and grabs your hand and leads you.
Once you’ve reach the back of the crowd, the music is less rattling and people are more spread out, laying on the grass, too drunk or too high, you spot of friend group with Syria.
“There you are! I thought you were kidnapped or something.” You give her a big hug, relieved.
“Oh my God no! I spotted some of the group in the crowd and went to get them so they could witness you getting with your celeb crush!”
“I still don’t believe it. Could be a look alike” Huffs Joey.
“Well luckily I took a pic.” Syria proudly unlocks her phone and shows everyone the photo.
It’s blurry and all you can see is your back facing the camera with the top of Pedro’s head next to yours. The butterflies from before flutter again as you see he’s arm wrapped tight around your waist and his hand gripping your ass.
“Can’t see shit Syria.” Someone else says.
“Fuck off.” Syria shoves the person and turns her attention to you. “I’m sorry I ditched you. Didn’t mean to scare you and ruin your moment. Literally the one time it really mattered. Now you probably won't see him again.”
You give her a big hug knowing she didn’t ditch intentionally. “All good. Just glad knowing you're alive and not kidnapped by weirdos.”
“You hot bitch, you hooked up with Pedro fucking Pascal!” She squeals his name and jumping like an energized puppy, overly excited for you.
You laugh out loud, still not quite comprehending it actually happened despite your skin still hot from his touch, the tingle lingering below and your lips swollen from your intense pash. You bite your bottom lip, reminiscing.
“What a way to start the year.”
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check out my recs list for stories written by people with actual talent ♡
A/N: Multiple day festivals in Australia, typically, people camp at the festival site with tents, camper vans etc. and depending on the festival, they sometimes have the VIP tents with working facilities that cost an extra pretty penny AKA glampin' so he’s chilling in that 👍🏼
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aniraklova · 2 months
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Gabriel Vasquez for @awkwardwhims Yearn For Fern
The life of a 29 years old Gabriel is an interesting topic that he likes to talk about. All started in Del-Sol-Valley. From the young age he was a curious boy and liked to unravel the mysteries. Gabriel was interested in those stories about criminals and murders. While other children played in the sun-drenched alleyways, he liked to attend the local library to get another book to read about criminal stuff and watch the crime movies during free time. As Gabriel grew older, his passion for criminology only intensified. He pored over true crime documentaries, dissecting each case with the precision of a seasoned detective. His curiosity knew no bounds, and he eagerly absorbed every detail, determined to understand the inner workings of the criminal mind. While others weren't sure what they'd like to study in university, Gabriel knew for sure, this is going to be a criminology. Gabriel eventually earned his degree and through hard work became, how he likes to say, the cool criminologist. Some days Gabriel spends his free time writing novelas and criminology books. In his life there were a few people Gabriel loved, but none became his soul mate, the person he'd spend the rest of his life. There were different reasons why led to this, work, relationships, personal stuff. But this day has come and Gabriel decided to try his chance Yearn For Fern. Will it be a disaster or a dream that came true? Gabriel will find out and even write a story eventually...
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torchship-rpg · 3 months
Dev Diary 14 - Star Union Members!
Hello cosmonauts! Today we’re going to go back to the lore and identity Dev Diaries and cover the remaining members of the Star Union. So far, we have done Terrans & Lunars, and Martians & Spacers. These groups collectively make up the Solar Union, which is far and away the largest and most influential member of the Star Union (as the names imply). 
However, there are three other members; let’s touch on them.
Camp Aldrin
The first member we’re going to talk about is actually still within the Sol system! Camp Aldrin was once a major mining base on Earth’s Moon and a small second city, but the costs of maintaining two sets of infrastructure saw it rapidly outpaced by Armstrong City and eventually become something of a ghost town, home mostly to military bases and robotic mining. It is like Armstrong City in most ways, a network of underground tunnels, just smaller.
That changed during the war, because as Solar Patrol started winning battles, it started taking prisoners, and nobody was exactly sure what to do with them or where to put them. The initial plan was to keep them on Earth, which would be cheapest and safest, but Aquillians are not exactly accustomed to 1 g, so that was deemed needlessly cruel in short order. So, Camp Aldrin was repurposed instead; hardly anyone was living there, the systems were robust, it was close enough to Earth to make feeding everyone easy, and escape risk was very, very low on the moon.
Of course, the Sol Union hadn’t really run very many prisoner of war camps in the last half-century, so it dusted off the models it had used during its expansion on Earth, which was basically to have the prisoners self-organise a little community under their supervision, which is a very good way of ensuring that after the fighting is over, the enemy soldiers you release have familiarity with your mode of political organising. This worked extremely well among the Aquillian prisoners (and various auxiliaries and unlucky others who ended up there), who had up until this point lived pretty miserable lives as press-ganged crews of rockets and space stations. Camp Aldrin was the kind of place where the guards didn’t bother carrying weapons.
Then the war ended, and a lot of the prisoners didn’t want to go back. Some left for the new Aquillian republics, some hardliners tried going back to the various Remnants, but after that was over, there were 200,000 people still living in this creaky old moon base who wanted to stay.
So after some negotiation, the guards handed over the keys, and Camp Aldrin was the second full member of the Star Union.
The details of this identity are going to depend a lot on the Aquillian identity, which we’ll go into in more detail in the next Identity-focused dev diary. What’s interesting for our purposes is that Camp Aldrin’s Aquillians are distinct from the other groups because of their ongoing enthusiasm for biological and genetic modification, which is very taboo among other Aquillians. This is basically an excuse to play just about any kind of space elf you want; whatever characteristics you think a space elf should have, there’s a subculture on Camp Aldrin like that.
The other common Traits of Camp Aldrin’s citizens are War Veteran (for obvious reasons), and Dark History, in case you want any juicy dark secrets or old enemies from before you ended up here.
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Camp Aldrin’s flag is based on the old uniforms they gave prisoners, which had a terrible colour scheme and a big symbol on it so everyone could recognize escapees on sight. If the ears didn’t give it away.  (Which it might not on Earth. God, can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to be part of some cool fantasy elf gene-mod subculture and then you meet real space elves and it becomes hashtag problematic? How do you explain to people you just liked Lord of the Rings before First Contact?)
Gee humanity, why does the Star Union let you have two members?
Well before FTL was invented by humans, we sent tiny near-light probes to the nearest systems using our mastery of Fuckoff Big Space Engines. When the images came back decades later, people were overjoyed by the readings from Proxima b; despite being a tidally-locked iceball orbiting a flare star, it had both liquid water and abiotic oxygen generation in the upper atmosphere. Sure, it was cold, you’d need to live in canyons on the terminator band to avoid the howling winds, you need to bring your own soil to grow stuff, and there’s no terrestrial source of metals, but other than that it's basically just like home!
Needless to say, the moment FTL drives were invented, humans threw themselves on some FTL rockets and made the months-long crawl (they were shitty FTL drives) to the nearest star to set up a colony. Compared to Mars, it was basically paradise! Sure, it took months to get supplies from home, and there was no FTL communications yet so that was the only time you got any news, but the basics were covered.
Then one day, after an unusually long delay, one of the supply rockets came in and told them, hey, first contact just happened. Anyway, we’re at war with a giant alien space empire, everyone back home voted to set up an emergency War Council with way too much power over basically everything, and they’ve unilaterally decided that the colony project isn’t affordable in a war economy, so pack it up, you’re heading home.
Needless to say, people reacted in an entirely rational manner. Which is to say, they concluded that the Solar Union had just had some kind of insane military coup, probably by the same bloodthirsty maniacs that oversaw the Elysium Emergency (which was a formative event for most of the colonists), and was trying to shut the place down because it was outside their control. So, naturally, they promptly declared independence, then immediately fell down a rabbit hole of spiralling radicalization and internal conflict as they tried to figure out how to survive in their half-built colony when Solar Patrol would surely be arriving with the jumpjets at any moment.
This is where we get our two Proxmia identities. The first are the surface-dwellers on the planet themselves, who are the far better-known group. Properly Centaurians, but universally known as Proxies. The Proxies had no doubt that humanity would triumph in their war against these mysterious aliens, if it was even real; they were largely Terrans who had grown up at the centre of the Solar Union’s power and could not conceive of something beating them. Obviously, this meant they’d be next! 
This group seized heavily on the preliminary plans to do a Martian-style genetic engineering process and decided that going full-steam ahead and making themselves a distinct species would make them too much trouble to re-integrate back into the Union. And, of course, this could be used to create The Ultimate Specimens of Post-Humanity, an impulse that never ever goes wrong ever.
So, obviously, it went wrong. Sure, a lot of Proxies were faster, stronger, maybe even smarter than the human norm back home. But mostly what happened was they made their kids really sick. Even when it worked out, a lot of them were left with chronic pain, neurological disorders, or permanent dependence on various medicines or procedures to have any kind of decent quality of life, things not in abundance on the tiny colony. To make things worse, the place was rapidly falling apart, and the adults were accelerating this process fighting one another over whether to swallow their pride and call home, or somehow try to tough it out. Eventually, the older generation were overthrown by the super-kids they made, who promptly called their grandparents and asked for medical assistance.
Proxies are a chance to play with all the really fun gene-engineering stuff and make a post-human character. There’s a few recommended Traits; almost all Proxies have a tapetum lucidum for better night vision in the eternal twilight of the terminator band, and the Augment trait’s mix of bonus abilities and medical or metabolic drawbacks is perfect for representing it. The Cold Resistance trait is also a good one; a lot of Proxies have an insulating layer of fat or some other adaptation which makes it easier to survive the bitter cold.
The other group in the system which split off were the Proxima Spacers, a group of Spacers who tagged along with the colony to set up mining in the rich asteroid belts in the system. As Proxima b has no local metals, they were the ones who’d need to provide them, in exchange for food and biological compounds from the surface colony. Being Spacers well-accustomed to the precarity at the edge of the system, and just how fragile the Solar Union was, they were convinced humanity was going to lose the war, and they’d be next when the aliens swept in to clean up. Human extinction was surely imminent. 
So they started to hide, disassembling their major stations and rebuilding them into the sides of low-spin asteroids, spreading out into many small communities and increasingly relying on cold-gas jets to make increasingly infrequent journeys between stations and to the planetary colony. They put up shielding, used lasers in place of radio to communicate, and did everything they could to disappear. They became the Archivists; doomsday survivalists in space.
When the Solar Union returned to the system, it at first looked like the vast majority of spacers had fled down to the colony or died, but over years they slowly became aware of the Archivists through intermittent contact. They mostly want to be left alone to their task, though sometimes members join Star Patrol, either defecting from the tightly controlled and spartan lifestyles of the spacers or, worryingly, spying and gathering information to squirrel away. For the most part, the Archivists seem to just be focusing on long-term survival, and may even have spread to other systems using their reserve of old FTL drives for redundancy.
An Archivist is a really good way to play a loner. The exact mix of Traits is a bit up in the air right now as we rebuild character creation, but you get all the common Spacer ones with a few extracts to represent the culture of secrecy and isolation you grew up in. Archivist communes are often organised quite a bit like mystery cults to compartmentalise information, so lack of trust is something very central which you may need to overcome.
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Proxima's flag is a stylization of the sky as seen from the colony, with the three stars in the system and the endless sunset.
Corvus Peasants’ Republic
Finally, we have the first member to consist of aliens and not be located a convenient walk away from Earth. The unimaginatively-named Corvus is the natural exonym given when a wartime Solar Patrol rocket crashed on an alien world and were greeted by a bunch of crow-people; they presumably didn’t recruit them for creativity. 
The Koath are a species of hunched, bipedal non-humanoid aliens with an interesting evolutionary history. As best anyone can tell, their distant ancestors were once the domesticated pets of a humanoid species which managed to Great Filter itself about a million years ago, possibly over the fact that they’d bred at least one strain of their companion animal to be able to speak and possess the intelligence of a ten-year-old child. The Koath emerged as survivors of the apocalypse, which included a pretty severe biosphere collapse and resource depletion, and have become the dominant form of life on their world.
At first glance, Koath societies look more or less mediaeval, mostly in that really late period where people were doing really cool things with waterwheels, granted, but there’s not a lot of industry or steelworking owing to the easy sources of carbon fuels and decent iron all being long-depleted. For those reasons, the Koath have been at roughly this state of infrastructural development for roughly a hundred thousand years, at the edge of their population carrying capacity and unable to intensify production any further, resulting in interlocking networks of feudal kingdoms prizing stability in an attempt to build up their resources and overcome the gaps.
This does mean that the Koath have a lot of interesting surpluses, though. Having had organised agriculture for ten times longer than humanity, the Koath have selectively bred some absolutely incredible crops; not just for eating, but for just about everything. Need a dye? They can cross-breed you arbitrary Pantones. Need paper? They can make you a lot of it. It’s so impressive that while the planet had consistently been considered not worth conquering, it has long been considered worth visiting, which means the Koath have learned a lot of things they don’t have the technological infrastructure to have discovered on their own… which dovetails with a quirk of their biology.
Koath are really good at languages. Really good. It’s what their ancestors were bred for. They start talking within months of being hatched, and they make up new languages constantly because it’s easy and fun. They have unique languages for regions, religions, guilds, and within families. They can learn to read in weeks. They’re all literate, they make paper with the waste-products of food production, and they’ve had moveable type for longer than human civilisation has existed. And they are, to a fault, curious.
A Koath peasant working the earth with a bronze plough might not know much about quantum mechanics, but they’ve at least heard of it. They have a rich body of secret political writing written in coded languages about how much it sucks living as serfs so a lord somewhere can have the county’s only lightbulb. So when a human spaceship filled with 3d printers, the diagrams for 3d printed guns, and a bunch of very confused communists who immediately bristled at the idea of ‘local lords’ crashed in their neighbourhood, the local peasants did a whole little revolution about it, and were then promptly besieged by every single one of their neighbours.
So that’s the Corvus Peasants’ Republic. Not a whole planet even; a tiny peninsula of possibly overenthusiastic little bird communists trying to build up technological infrastructure while literally having trebuchets pointed at them. They’re very excited to be a part of the Star Union, because every iron-rich asteroid found out there is a new steel foundry back home, so maybe their people can enjoy all the cool technology they’ve had blueprints for since Ur was the happening place on Earth.
As a Koath, you get the Polyglot Trait, obviously, and the Non-Humanoid Bodyplan trait which gives you some cool little tool bonuses when you use your claws, vestigial feathers, and adorable little legs that give a surprising burst of speed, at the cost of needing special tools and being bad at throwing things. You are also a really good recipient for the Out of Time trait, as you may have gone from living as, you know, a peasant, to operating a spacecraft in a few short years. The Prodigy trait also does double-duty here for the curiosity and literacy of the species.
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A year ago this little guy was a farmer.
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c00kietin · 5 months
Since I probably won't be online as much tomorrow (December 25) for obvious reasons, I'll say this in advance and have it in queue for tomorrow.
I probably won't list off all of my followers (nothing personal, just takes too long for my little brain) but to the people that have interacted with me: (VERY LONG POST)
@godofautism / @godofautismnumber2 - you are one of my first followers, and even with how many followers you have, you still talk with me and I'm so grateful for that. You are an amazing, friendly and a very fun person, never forget it! <33
@ofthefrogs - YOU. ARE SO KIND!!!!!!!! your drawings are so sweet and wholesome and bring a smile to my face- you as a whole bring a smile to my face. As I'm writing this, it's also your birthday- so happy birthday! May both your birthday and Christmas be loads of fun! :D
@taperecorder-gizmo - my dear guardian. My parent. I think you already know how much I love you. That first time you drew me, with your sona holding an octobunny, I was ecstatic. I immediately showed my sister, and she can tell you I danced like a leprechaun. And even a more recent time, when you drew Roxie, that had me squealing like crazy! I could probably write a Bible-length book on how much I love ya and how much of an amazing person you are, but I have other mutuals to talk about. Thank you so much for your kindness and your incredible art skills, and I love you loads!
@trashyandtiredsol - you were one of the firsts to become "my biggest fan" (as in liking/reblogging a bunch of my stuff) and you still are! I love your art as well (I'm so lucky to be friends with so much artists!!!) and I am so grateful for every like and reblog you've done on my posts. Love you loads, and thank you so much for your kindness.
@allmightyscroll-swag - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/pos!!!! You helped me show my ocs to people other than my sister, and to be honest, now I love drawing them! Every response you make has me giddy with excitement and smiling like a madman. Know that you are amazing and kind like all of my moots and you are more than welcome to tag me in your art too if you want to! <<33
@chiperti - Hi!!! I know we haven't chatted in a while, but just know I do really like talking to you (especially bout music hehehe)!!! Your art is so pretty and amazing and seeing you post new art always makes me excited! You have a superb taste in music, and one of the many super cool people I've met on Tumblr.
@a-had-matter - Like chiperti, we may not have chatted in a while, but talking to you is loads of fun as well! You're also probably one of the first people that I've had a fully blown conversation with- you and many other people help me talk a lot more, and I'm grateful for that! Thank you so much for all your friendliness, your kindness, and also have a merry Christmas. :]
@glastly - I love your art. I love your art. I love your art. Have I told you how much I love your art? BECAUSE I LOVE YOUR ART!!!! Not only that, but I am so thankful to have you as a mutual of mine and your compliments make me feel AMAZING! You are super kind and amazing and cool and- Merry Christmas!! :D
@t3ddysramblings - technically your other is following me (@newaccountinbio)- BUT STILL! I'm tagging you because I adore your art so much and having you respond to that Fell Sans I drew a good while back had me bouncing off of the walls!! You are a huge inspiration for me, because I think you already know how stunning your art is!
@deltaswapjevil - Yes, you! Like Sol, you've liked almost all of my stuff, to which I applaud you, Thank you so much for the support, and I appreciate all of your kindness. May your Christmas be a great one! <33
@annelostshoe - First of all, love your sona! Second of all, you are also one of my biggest fans according to Tumblr- you've liked and reblogged so much of my stuff, and I am grateful for all the support you've given me! :DD
@lumashoes - HELLO!!! You are one of my first followers, and I'm glad you're still with me! You are a very kind and friendly person, and I'm thankful to have you as my moot! Have a great Christmas!! <33
@gummy-worms-in-my-brain - The fact that you're following me still makes me giddy so much asdfggfgdfsddfgfhg- your art is so SO pretty, and that first time that you drew those Christmas cookies for me, that had me kicking my feet and squealing like a little girl- a very excited one! Thank you so much for all your compliments and support, I appreciate your kindness dearly. :>
@mikebeanz - Hello!! Back when I was starting out and had like 20 followers, I noticed how a good few of them were following you, As you do, I followed you too and I silently loved your content- if that makes sense lol. You're so kind, so friendly, funny and an amazing artist, I was like "damn. I wanna talk to that guy". And the fact that we're mutuals now makes me so happy. Thank you so much for your positivity that brings a smile to my face. <<333
*cracks knuckles and gets prepared for more typing, questioning what the limit is*
@mikey-rottmnt @ghosty-0w0 @angelosorangebandana - hope yall don't mind being grouped into one- but IRISH SQUAD!!! you all are so fun to be with and I love being on Whiteboard with you! @mikey-rottmnt, that time that you drew me made me the happiest bean on EARTH!! It was also one of the first fanart pieces I recieved, and I still adore it!! Thank you all so much for your kindness and positivity, and I hope you receive amazing presents this year!! :DD
@mellybabbles - you. make. me. sso. SO HAPPY!!! Like, really. I mean it. Talking to you gives me that boost of happy vibes that keep me going throughout the day, and I thank you so much for those lil "how are yous". You are all the positive adjectives!! Also, spectacular taste in birds ya kiwi lover!!!! <333
@crazed-rambler - congrats on the burning!! Like many of your other followers have said, you are an amazingly kind and awesome person that we are so grateful to have you as a friend! Never forget how incredible you are, and just before you type something like "I don't think so", or "X for Doubt", DON'T. YOU ARE AMAZING. NEVER TELL YOURSELF OTHERWISE.
@moonys-chaos - another fan!! Thank you so very much for your likes and reblogs, and doing that "going to jail because of your search history with @mikey-rottmnt" with ya made me laugh my ass off- it was very fun to me hehe. You are very cool, and I wish you a wonderful Christmas. :3
@oneshortlove - *gives you a million hugs* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! I LOVE YA SO MUCH!!! YOUR KIND WORDS, YOUR DRAWINGS, AH-they make me so, so happy!!! Your sona is adorable, and you are one of the nicest, sweetest people I've met on this platform! I hope your Christmas is a brilliant one and you have a wonderful new year!!
@goomykazoomy - hi!!! I hope that you're doing well!! Like a-had-matter, talking to you has helped me crawl out of my shell and talk more about myself to other people. Chatting with you is a blast, you are incredibly kind, nice and funny, and I love your art! Also, your sona is so cute and I love em sm :3 Have an amazing Christmas, friend!
@artistheworld - I know we're new to each other, but I'm gonna mention you here because of how kind you've already been to me- I love your art so much and I adore every compliment you give me! Have a very merry Christmas!!
Okay I'm sorry that I'm grouping up some of all but my creative juices are beginning to run out lol-
@sillyallthetime @clownpalette @hiro-doodlez @paintaya @m-iivy- HELLO??? HOW ARE WE MOOTS?! LIKE- ALL OF YOUR ARTWORK IS SO PRETTY AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH- all of your art styles, your colours, I adore it all! Thank you guys so much for following me, It makes me feel so happy. <3
@kanaede-kun @artsandstoriesandstuff @wishtale-blogs @little-creecher @little-silly-things @it-came-from-mount-ebott @italic-does-random-shit @m3l0man14c @panda-of-the-trash @minophlia @largefound @lemonmint-the-neko @spikeygrrl @qeelovestea @holdmyteaplease @motherarts @justmesadlysry- Imma say it right now- we may not interact with each other a lot, but I platonically love yall. Like. Seriously. You are amazing people and I love your content, not to mention how kind you all are. I may have used that word a lot now, but I mean it every single time. @artsandstoriesandstuff, I want to thank you as well for drawing Roxie, for that made me squeal and giggle and smile and all sorts of happy things!! I hope all of your Christmases are wonderful and fun and that you may have a great 2024. <3333
AND NOW, TO MY FOLLOWERS THAT I MAY NOT HAVE MENTIONED ON MY LIST- c'mere. I appreciate you all. Every like and reblog you do, I can see it (which sounds creepy but I mean it in a positive way lol). I love and appreciate all of your support, really. Whether your content is art, talking or simply reblogs, I love you all and what you do, I am so lucky to have amazing people like you enjoying my content, and you all deserve the best. Pretend I'm handing you a fuzzy blanket and a plate of cookies, because that's what you deserve.
Silly Tumblr won't let me add more, so I am now done. Mic drop.
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pattypanini · 3 months
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Lay All Your Love On Me
Chapter 2- Watch Party
Josh Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 3,106 
AN: Hi everyone! Here is the second chapter of Lay All Your Love On Me from me and @mar-rein12! Thank you so much for all the support on our last chapter, as they go on they are getting longer and longer. We hope you enjoy chapter 2, Watch Party.
Next chapter coming next week!
Warnings: 18+, Angst, Flirting, Cuddling (if you squint), Making out, Hickeys, Grinding, Slight pain, Tit sucking/fondling, Cursing, Degrading.
The morning was slow and productive. You cleaned up your room, did laundry, and washed the dishes from breakfast to distract yourself from the nerves that were building up inside you. You would be alone with Josh all night, with no idea of what it would entail. 
Sure, you were gonna watch the movie and talk about what needs to be worked on, but is that all that would happen? There’s something in the back of your mind telling you that he wants something more from you. 
Although you weren’t sure of what would happen, an everything shower was needed just in case. 
You shaved your body, washed your hair with your coconut shampoo and conditioner, and scrubbed your body down with your vanilla sugar body wash.
You feel silly preparing for something that probably won't even happen, but you will not be left feeling vulnerable to Josh. 
You get out and moisturize your body with your coconut cream pie lotion and blow dry your hair. You didn’t want to try too hard, so you opted to clip it back.
While looking through your closet you connect your phone to your speaker to play some music and absentmindedly play whatever song was last on. 
…the bar when your glass is empty
You thinking that this songs coming on to tempt me
I need to be alone like the way you left me
You start calling, you start crying
I come over, I'm inside you
I can't find you
The girl that I once had
But the sex…
You rapidly skip the song and let another play, Girls by The Dare begins to play. Even though some would say it's a violating song, you liked it. Most people probably wouldn't expect it from you seeing that you were a theater kid but you had a very expansive music taste.
You loved Noah Kahan, Tyler the Creator, Lana Del Rey and many more artists. You loved music and it was one of the things that got you into theater. Your Dad would always play music and sing with you in the mornings before school. It was one of the things that got you and your dad through the divorce, with your mom. When you started getting older he would take you to plays and you fell in love with the art. You began taking singing lessons and perfected your voice, which transitioned into acting lessons. All of which led to your audition at the University of Michigan. To your surprise, you were accepted and have been living your best life since. But now you're hit with a roadblock, and that roadblock is Josh Kiszka.
But this role meant a lot to you. You were so happy that Coleman took a chance on you. She had always said that you had so much potential and that with hard work you’d get to be where you want to one day, and now you are. You couldn’t disappoint her now, so if hanging with Josh for a few hours is what you had to do, you’d do it. 
After browsing for a while in your closet, your eye lands upon your blue, Detroit Lions crewneck that you got for your birthday from your dad. You slip that over your body, without even realizing you hadn’t put on a bra. You start digging through your drawers for bottoms. The temperature was a little warmer than usual, a cool 54 degrees which is pretty nice considering how cold it has been.  You find your white Lululemon shorts, and pull them over your hips patting them down to make sure everything looks okay.
You make your way over to your vanity and apply a thin coat of mascara and a few dots of cream blush, then slip on your socks and New Balances. Finishing it all off you spray on some deodorant and your Sol De Janeiro 62 perfume. The nerves in your body were covering up any bit of excitement you had, which is probably why you got ready so early. 
You head into your living area and turn on Victorious which is you and your roommates current binge watch. Without a doubt, Charlotte hears the intro and runs into the living room. 
“You're supposed to tell me when you're gonna watch it y/n!”
“Sorry, I just had some time to spare before I have to go out.”
“Where are you going, over to Andrew's apartment from last week?” She says with a devious grin.
“No. As tempting as that is, I have to go to Josh’s tonight.”  You space out for a moment thinking about Andrew. “...He did have some good dick though.” You laugh simultaneously.
“Didn’t need to know that y/n. SO what are you going to do with Josh?”
“I don't know? Watch the movie probably and figure out how we're going to keep the peace during practice.”
“Makes sense. I wish you were free, I'm going to the mall with Lindsey and Rebecca. I have a vision.”
You knew whatever she was going to say would be interesting. She always has so many crazy ideas and is always looking for something new in her life.
“Okay so, imagine, bubblegum pink sweatpants for the sorority thing were hosting next week. With a cute loose white shirt. Gold chunky hoops and my tasmans. What do we think?”
“Very cute Char.” You would offer for her to borrow yours but you’d probably never see them again. “I’ve been thinking about getting platform mini uggs, but it’s starting to get a little warmer out so I’m not too sure.” 
“Stopppp those are so cute, they would look amazing on you. What if you also got some….”
As the conversation is flowing just like it always does, you didn’t even notice the 4 hours and something minutes had slipped by while having Victorious play in the back before you hear a buzz from your phone.
8:13pm Josh: Sooo do you not want your role orrrr?
Shit. You had completely forgotten about your hangout with Josh.
8:13pm y/n: Fuck, sorry got lost in time. I'm on my way.
You quickly grab your cross body and phone and are on your way.
As you hastily walk towards the apartment you think about what you're going to have to deal with now that he's been waiting for you. 
You decide to take the stairs, sprinting up them due to already being late. When you get to the third floor you knock on the door, 322.
You were expecting an angry Josh, but were met with the sweeter looking version of him.
“Hello?” Jake answers.
His roommate, and brother Jake, looks you up and down before turning away from the door.
“JOSHHH, she's here.” Before you could say anything else he grabs his guitar case and lets you in.
“See you y/n.” He shoots you a wink, causing blood to rush to your cheeks, painting them a flushed shade of red. 
“Bye Jake.” As he leaves, you turn the corner and you’re met with the less enjoyable version of the two.
“Why are you late?” He harshly questions.
You stare at him with a confused look on your face. “I was hanging out with someone before this. I got held up.”
“Who was it?”
“I don't see why that's any of your business. Plus why do you care?” You spat at him.
“I just want to know who you're hoeing around with when you're not with me.” Instead of telling the truth you decide to play into it, make him jealous.
“You calling me a hoe doesn't hurt my feelings, Josh. Just because you don't get any doesn't mean you have to be jealous of the guys I get with.”
“Who says I’m jealous?”
“Oh please, it's written all over you.” 
He scoffs, “Let's just get this done so we can part ways and say we worked on it.”
You roll your eyes and follow him into the dark room, lit by a small lamp that's in the corner. Mamma Mia is already queued up on the TV. You let Josh pick where he’s going to sit, so you can pick the farthest seat from him. 
As he sits on the left end of the couch, you sit your stuff on the end table near the right end of the couch and take a seat. Leaving a spot in between the two of you. You slip off your shoes and criss cross your legs on the couch. 
“Do you need anything to drink?” Josh asks clearly, feeling obligated to.
“Um, I’ll just have some water. Thanks.” You fidget with the necklace hanging around your neck, in a nervous manner. 
He nods and walks away leaving you alone in the living room. As you look around the room, you take in the atmosphere. It’s very different from what you would have thought. It's a very nice apartment for a junior to be living in, but wasn’t too out there considering the wealth of the family. When you walked in you were met with the living room on the right, a very small kitchen on the left, and a bathroom straight down the hall. You would have to assume that he and his brother's bedrooms were also down the hall. You wondered what Josh’s was like?
The living room was cozy but sleek. You sat on a cold black leather couch with a white faux fur blanket draped along the back. A flat screen TV takes up most of the wall, with a table beneath it with a PS5 on top. A small leather chair and music stand sat in the corner of the room, which you assumed was Jake’s.
Midway during your observation Josh had come back with your glass of iced water. 
“Here,” he puts down a coaster on the glass coffee table, sitting it right in front of you. 
“Thanks Josh!” You pick up the glass taking a large gulp of the icy water.
“Mhm,” he says with a slight nod.
“Sooo…do you like Mamma Mia?” You question him.
“Phhh, no. I’m just doing this for the part, I don’t really care about all that stuff. And for them to not even get married at the end was fucking stupid.”
“Then maybe you shouldn’t play the part if you have such strong feelings about it.” You give him a fake, condescending smile.
“Did you come over to work or to just attack me all night?”
“Maybe both.” You say half joking and half not. 
He rolls his eyes and grabs the remote to the tv and starts up the movie. When he has the movie up and running he leans back, placing one foot on the coffee table and his arms draping across the back of the couch, accidentally brushing your neck sending shivers down your spine. 
I wonder what his hands would feel like wrapped around it.
Ew. You shake the image out of your head. You should not be thinking about those kinds of things. He is a peer, nothing else. 
As your eyes fixate on the screen you feel a soft hand graze your neck, this time with a purpose.
“This is a nice necklace.” Josh states while playing with it gently, occasionally brushing against your skin. 
Wow Josh Kiszka being nice, something you would have never expected.
“Did you get this from one of your 12 boyfriends?”
“Funny Josh, My parents actually got this for me before they got divorced but thanks for making this awkward now.” You say with a fake grin.
You could seem him shut down a moment, realizing he hit a nerve. 
“Ohhh, it’s okay Josh! Being a dickhead is just in your nature, I totally get it!” You shoot him down with your sarcasm. 
He grins for a moment, making him feel better that he didn’t absolutely ruin the night. 
As you get through the first couple scenes you begin to get uncomfortable in your seat. You look over to Josh noticing he's still paying his attention to the screen, making disgusted faces every once and a while at the acting. 
You decide to stretch your legs out a bit, turning your body parallel with the couch, facing towards Josh. He doesn’t seem to mind but glances over when he feels movement on the couch. A few moments pass and you feel a hand placed on your ankle. You glance over and see his hand resting upon it, rubbing light circles.
You hate to admit it, but you kind of like it. 
As the scenes went on Josh had scooched much closer to the point where your legs were bunched up in front of you. Josh noticed and gently pulled your legs so they were stretched out across his lap, giving him more leg to rub. His hand traveled higher and higher to the point where it was resting just under the thin fabric of your shorts. Your heart was beating rapidly, and the only thing that could have made it worse was the Lay All Your Love On Me scene. The scene that you and Josh both despised, but there was a different feeling this time. 
Your core heats up and you feel a wetness forming between your legs. Your eyes travel down to where his hand rests, then you look back up and make direct eye contact with him. Your eyes begin to wander down the rest of his body and they stop right below his waist. His gray sweatpants weren’t good at hiding much because you could see the imprint of his dick fighting against the fabric.
You smirk a little, realizing that he is looking right at you.
“What?” Josh raises his eyebrow at you.
“Oh nothing, you're just not very good at hiding how you feel.” You smile smugly at him. 
He begins to look down and tries to readjust himself to conceal his erection.
“It's okay, I’m flattered Josh.” You begin to push off the couch to stand in front of him waiting for him to communicate what the next move was.
He gives a slow look up and down your body before smirking at you. Without knowing, you are being pulled down onto him. You straddle him, your legs resting on either side of his legs. As your hands drape around his , you feel two hands forcefully grab your ass. He begins to grind you back and forth on his hardened length. Your lips connect and tongues fight for dominance. 
Josh separates. “How does that feel mama? You like that?” He whispers seductively in your ear.
Your head is thrown back with a moan, leaving your neck completely exposed to him. His lips attach themselves to your neck, leaving wet, sloppy kisses. Followed by some hard sucking and biting, soothing the area with his tongue after.
What the fuck is going on. Why was this happening? Yesterday you would have thrown up at the idea of this ever happening, and now you never want it to end. 
As he stops attacking on your neck you decide it is your turn. Your lips forcefully attach to his neck giving him no time to react. You suck hard on the tender skin, as a whimper slides past his lips.
“You like that Josh? What's making you feel this way? Me grinding on your cock, the sucking on your neck, or my tits rubbing on your chest? What is it, baby?”
“Fuck y/n. You’re so fucking sexy… god.” He praises you.
“So desperate for me Josh.”
Josh’s hands release from your ass and drag up your back slowly leading them up to your chest. He grabs your tits through your thick crewneck, but that doesn’t stop him from realizing the lack of bra you have on.
“No bra, y/n? Were you expecting something to happen tonight, like the little slut you are?” 
He leans into your ear, “You tell me if you don’t want it, understand?”
You nod in agreement. 
“Words mama come on.” Josh pleads with you.
“Yes, Josh.”
He smirks, “Good girl.” His hands begin to travel down and go beneath your sweatshirt, going right back up to where they had been. He starts off by slowly massaging them in his palms and switches to a painful pinch of your nipples, eliciting a moan. ”You feel so nice baby. Your tits are fucking perfect. Let me see them.” 
Your hand finds the hem of your crew neck and lifts it up just enough to reveal yourself to him.
“Fuckkk y/n.” He looks so turned on right now and you find it slightly amusing. 
He leans his face down to your tits and begins to leave kisses all around them and ends it with a hard suck right on top of your tit, leaving a huge purple mark.
“You look so sexy sucking on my tit, Joshy.” You speak as you continue grinding down on him, supplying yourself with the smallest amount of friction. 
He goes down and circling your nipple with his tongue. He felt so good, it made you wonder what else that tongue could do.
“Want more of a taste?” You tease. His eyes lead down to your core that has been rocking back and forth on his cock all night.
He smirks, and lifts you up while standing up, laying you down on the couch.
He leaves a few kisses down your body before reaching your shorts. His fingers hook onto the waistband about to pull them down before you hear the door creak open. 
You immediately pull your shirt down and sit up to see who it is.
It is Jake coming in with his guitar case. He was supposed to be gone all night?
“Oh shit!” Jake says before shielding his eyes and turning away.
“What the fuck Jake! What are you doing here?”
“Practice got done early.” He says still facing the opposite way, eyes covered. 
“Anddddddd… You're supposed to be somewhere else right now though.”
Jake’s eyes widened. “Yeah yeah I know… I just was dropping this off before heading over to Bens.”  
He quickly throws his guitar down and runs out the door.
You begin to stand up and grab your stuff. “I thought he was going to Scotts?”
“Just got the names mixed up I guess.” He was smooth with his response, but knowing deep down it was a line of shit.
You place your bag around over your shoulder. “Goodnight Josh. Doesn’t seem like you should have any problems on Monday.” You smirk, leaving him there with only the empty thoughts of you. 
@demonrat444 @gvfstuddedmajesty @jordie-gvf @jazzyfigz @mar-rein12 @terry-66 @gvfmarge
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Wait, what happened with Spreen? Did he leave the QSMP? I've been busy all day so if this happened on stream then I'm totally in the dark.
Also hard agree on people being weird about shipping and trying to force someone to play a certain game on stream, it gets soooo annoying. Is it so hard being respectful about boundaries??
Speen talked today on his stream about how he is feeling with people forcing him to play qsmp. And i get it, he and Cellbit are the 2 streamers with most views out of all the server so Spreen is always dealing with people being a little to much in his chat. And to that we have to add the fact that he isn't a big roleplayer so he felt uncomfortable a lot of the time on the server... but people kept pressuring him to keep playing.
However I think the biggest issue is people keep ignoring his boundaries. The shipping is out of control, and he has been vocal too many times about how uncomfortable he feel with seeing fanart of his friends and him, or art of just himself but being sexualized…. And yet people keep ignoring it.
Spreen said that as long as the server is only focusing on rol he is not going back. He admited he has been trying for quackity since he knows his friend has been working hard on the server, but he can't keep logging in if every time he does people start crossing his boundaries.
He talked for over 10 mins about it but here is where he speaks about shipping
Its a shame honestly. I hope the QSMP starts having events like in karmaland where people had to compete with each other. The events were outside the rol and just for fun. I feel like spreen would like something like that.
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leidensygdom · 1 month
OKay! So, our campaign ended! Yesterday was the 81 session, and last one of it- Our DM did a wonderful job at running it. We basically got to ask them for the scenes we'd like to see, and the session was built around that. It's been three years, so it was wild to see it come to an end! Here's a recap tho (a lil bit more focused on my blorbos since they're the ones you know)
The epilogue happened two years after the campaign's end, with a couple of flashbacks going some time back
First scene was welcoming Blasma (one of the party members), who had been on a trip all this time to heal her soul at her grandpa's dubious laboratory. She's pretty okay currently- if we ignore soul healing is something theoretically impossible. Probably many questionable things happened there. Osten traveled with her to make sure she was doing okay
Next scene was her welcoming party. A bunch of shenanigans happened. Yxala tried so play cool aunt, got her a motorbike. They ended in somewhat odd terms and my girl was trying so bad to get her trust again
Pulsar and Tephra- each polycule's kids- appeared to be overall terribly adorable. Yxala talked a lot about her Sweet Potato. Tephra is Yxala and Relé's biological kiddo (as evidenced by the branched horns), 6 months old, and just one of these big hefty babies who is starting to munch on everything (here's a token of baby her, and what she's like grown up!)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
we also got to see the closure of Mythannae, Yden and Jorven's polycule! Myth and Yden recovered their enchanted clothing business. They specialize in magical clothing adapted to specific needs- Like fireproof clothing for fire genasi, helmets with bag-of-holding like pockets so you can put them on with horns, that stuff. Jorven has now been working on music again. (For context, Myth was my previous character before I switched for Yxala!)
Blasma's player also had an epilogue for his previous character- she's a tired old lady, who is now joining another tired old lady to get in politics. An improvement, given they were cops before that
Centi got to resurrect the weird celestial wife of an old teacher of hers- Who had been snatched up by Sol Ascensus and transformed into a monster. I can't wait to show Niereva to y'all tho, she's a bit of a weird aminal (a mantis/naga-like aasimar)
She may have done a fucked up pact with a psychopomp tho-
We had Yxala's, Relent's and Uri's wedding, we knew that was coming! It took Urion a long while to recover from after the Deep Lab, and they still struggle a lot with that they did as The Onirist
We had a scene of Urion's recovery. Initially they didn't even want to come to terms with being Urion- They were The Onirist. Relé had a hard time forgiving them too, bc they DID hurt Relent a lot. Yxala was a bit more fine about it, even after having her heart carved out by them.
they're all going to therapy lol
There's actually a cult to The Onirist/Ataraxia now though! Some people loved the idea of a godly machine that could solve everyone's hurts and ailments, and they're asking for them to come back and fix the world. maybe the mind control microchips were fine, y'know
(uri isn't doing great about this)
We had the ceremony- Money and seeds are given to the partners as a sign of prosperity and life. They're gonna have a great garden.
The polycule drank (alcohol-free) wine imbued with each other's blood too bc ceremonies there go hard- (this one is seen as a bit more archaic)
And a major exchange between marrying partners is expected. They exchanged basses- They had them custom made many decades ago, with Urion's being based on clouds (after Relé), Relé's being based on fire (after Yxala), and Yxala's being based on bismuth crystals (after Uri's). Now Uri has the fiery bass, Relé has the bismuth one, and Yxala has the cloudy bass
Urion was the bassist for Demonwire, a group they were a part of with some other anarchist friends. This bass has a very long history and it's very significative. Yxala was a bit shocked.
After that, the wedding after-party took place. Blasma set a date with Osten- They didn't actually get romantically involved up until now (and it's probably gonna be very slow still gfhudhdgf)
I forgot to mention this but Urion and Relent are now involved with an organization to help the people who were affected by the Deep Lab and The Onirist's actions. Uri had a very awkward interview about it.
We had few other closure scenes here and there. Finding out two other npcs are marrying, the fact the weird undead guy somehow has a new kid, that stuff- and then we went onto the final one
Which was a concert by Demonwire. Urion played with them for the first time in 12 years, and gave an awkward speech, and it was super sweet and just a great point to end the campaign in!
With that, we're now set to go play the next campaign- Which will happen 8 years after this epilogue (ten years after the end of the major campaign events). I'm going to be playing Siegmund, one of Yxala's kids, and I'm very excited for that.
Yxala won't be doing any major stuff- She's gonna still go fight corpos in the streets and she's going back to the Mecha Derby (did y'all know she was a mecha pilot in a sports competition lmao. I'm working on her pilot fit, it's cool!). Urion is going to be back on Demonwire, mostly to raise funds for those hurt by The Onirist and Ataraxia, and will have a bigger role coming up- Specially given Siegmund's (and Vyxander, his twin) have a lot to do with that. Relent will also be doing some major stuff, but it will remain spoilery for a time. He's got some big things to handle!
I may have cried a bit at the end because it's been so long. I'm glad the characters won't be fully gone. Next campaign will have a lot more lore stuff to gush about- We're going to adventure outside the city, and meet people from all over the world. There's a country that uses souls in place of nuclear fission. It's gonna be wild! (And thank you for reading-)
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ellaenchanting · 7 months
Hypnovember Day 16: Sex Obsessed
The perfect opportunity to pay tribute to my friend/one of my favorite content creators @sex-obsessed-lesbian !
Here are some of my favorite works of hers:
Look Into My Eyes
Really hot hypnosis dirty talk
Oral Skills
Fantastic Femdom with oral fixation and begging mmmm
Pull My Hair
Fun, sweet switchiness!
I'm recommending some of SOL's newer Hypnovember stuff because not as many people have had the opportunity to listen to these yet.
Brain Drained
Fantastic, simple metaphor that's very effective very quickly.
I already find denial so innately sexy and this is just a perfect tease.
Smut Reward
Encourages feeling sexy and good when you're writing smut. What's not to love?
Miscellaneous SOL Loveliness:
Kinky Feelings Worksheet
A really excellent, useful tool for negotiating with a partner about what feelings you would both like to experience during a scene
SOL's How to Flirt with Girls powerpoint (for the 2019 Femmeflirt)
Setting Your Subject Up for Success class notes
Helpful notes for one of my favorite-ever con classes
Go show @sex-obsessed-lesbian appreciation for all the cool things she has made!
Tagging @mentat101posts @thekinkycocktailclub @jam-and-stuff
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nocreativityfornames · 5 months
my brain is so empty JWKDJWJ
like imagine asmo, satan, mammon or levi shit talking someone and ranting to teen mc and teen mc cusses about said person in their mother tongue... like teen mc may not have an extensive vocabulary BUT when it comes to cussing, its like they can be those guys in auctions
I love this so freaking much. Also I made Sol the one who taught them how to cuss in demon tongue because that just sounds like something that fucker ( affectionate ) would do, honestly.
Mammon, Asmo & Satan reacting to MC cussing someone out in Infernal
He was ranting about some witch to MC when it happened.
He had never heard them say a word in Infernal before, so he was STUNNED because he didn't think the kid knew the language at all.
Immediately burst out laughing after the shock set in though.
Also, he was SO PROUD and started telling everyone about it afterward, which led to him and MC ( mostly him ) getting lectured by Lucifer because he slipped and told the story while he was in the room.
Was honestly offended that MC went to Solomon to learn the cuss words, and got competitive because he could "teach them better ones" than the sorcerer did.
After all, HE'S supposed to be the cool laid-back older figure that teaches you cool stuff, not Solomon.
He was complaining about some jerk he went on a date with when MC opened their mouth to cuss said demon out and he immediately gasped.
What did you just say?!
"MC, who taught you that?!" He tries to sound upset but starts giggling soon after.
Of course it was Solomon, he's not surprised about that part at all.
Finds it endearing that MC felt so upset for him but doesn't want them saying this kind of stuff again because it could get them in trouble, so he won't encourage it.
He won't care if they decide to continue doing it though, he finds it amusing and always gets a giggle out of seeing other people's reactions.
He's in shock, much like everyone else. "What did you just say?"
Is low-key proud of MC as well, but unlike Mammon he won't go around telling anyone.
Not surprised the sorcerer was the one who taught MC how to cuss in Infernal either.
Won't go out of his way to teach them more cuss words unless they ask him to though.
But he'll correct MC on their pronunciation in front of everyone, which leads to some amusing moments like:
Teen!MC: *cusses out a demon in Infernal*
Satan: *corrects their pronunciation*
Teen!MC: *thanks him and does it again, now correctly*
Satan: *smirks, looking proud*
Demon: ...
And if MC ever cusses out one of the brothers to their faces you better BET Satan will be having the time of his life.
You know when you hear something so crazy your brain barely registers it so it takes you a second to actually react to what you heard? That's exactly what happened here.
"Exactly, that's what they are. So, then they- wait, WHAT?!"
Laughs at the situation and is honestly impressed too but then his expression slowly changes to one of "oh, I fucked up 😨" when he thinks that MC might've learned how to cuss in Infernal from hearing him get angry while gaming alone in his room.
He's terrified, he's going to get in SO much trouble.
Oh, it was Solomon. 😶
He honestly grew respect for the sorcerer after learning that because in his eyes it took some serious boldness to teach MC something like that considering Barbatos, Simeon and Lucifer were always glaring holes through people's heads whenever any "bad words" were said in front of the kids ( MC & Luke ).
So he's not in trouble, okay. He's back to finding it hilarious.
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skrunksthatwunk · 8 months
ok sequel post to the it's cool how obvious mako's crush on ryuko is from day one post from a couple hours ago bc I wanna talk about them more
ryuko takes a bit longer to warm up to her, but honestly? not by much. ryuko has a protective streak in her that lets her befriend people who need her pretty easily, and she's endeared to people relatively quickly if they don't piss her off (i.e. the mankanshokus, senketsu, maiko, eventually satsuki). she really does like people, even if she can be a little standoffish at first
ryuko's a little taken aback by mako's immediate strong affection, but she quickly adapts (very clear in how her approach to mako trying to tackle her changes from dodging to catching her and setting her down gently in only a few episodes). she doesn't get mako at first, but figures her out pretty quickly and adjusts. that's just mako, y'know? plus mako's just very kind to her in a way most people aren't. ryuko, too, wants company. she wants a family, she wants friends.
plus, her protective nature is fed a lot by the other students kidnapping mako so much and mako's dependence on her in those moments. mako is something precious to save and ryuko's weakness, but she also gives her strength. her support means a lot to her and mako comes to her rescue often (in the bathroom with tsumugu, de-monsterifying her, standing up to her family and fighting her demons in the fight club episode, etc etc). ryuko's fight against satsuki is one that feels very solitary. it's emphasized a lot just how many people satsuki has willing to fight for her, and there's just one ryuko. she has backup via mikisugi, mako, and senketsu, but what they can do for her is often pretty limited by their circumstances. again, mako's the one who calls her back from the edge multiple times. she's the key to calming her down. she's the one she staggers home to, the one she celebrates with, the one she spends her free time with. she chooses her company because she likes it. a lot.
there's a lot of moments where ryuko's like yep that's mako :) she's sillyyy. she brightens up immediately around her and often sours when other people enter the picture. she's the one good thing about honouji academy, y'know? she gives in to her a lot, letting her come along on her return to the ruins of her house, letting her come to honouji for the cultural festival, etc. she has an "aww i can't say no to you" thing going most of the time. mako's resolve and persistence is what bores through ryuko's walls and lets her get close to her. it's what she mentions when, after the wedding scene (and we'll get to that, trust me) she says mako and senketsu are more than friends. mako's surprised at her inclusion (again, she tends to slot herself as #2 to senketsu, her sunday best) and ryuko cites that persistence. mako was not only there for her, but stuck around, even when ryuko pushed her away, and that means something to ryuko. ryuko who people always misjudged or sent away or avoided or fought. ryuko who was lonely, whom no one fought for but herself. mako was there, and mako feels the same (as she says running in the naked sol's generator very near the end which. the sheer joy with which they say each other's names there is just. waaaaaaa)
ok the wedding scene. the wedding scene. not gonna go too crazy on this bc I don't wanna detail this but I'll say this: junketsu is frequently referred to as a wedding dress, and the fantasy/hallucination it forces upon ryuko (as the kamui itself was forced on her) is one of a normal-girl, average kinda life. one where she has a mother who's always there for her, she grows up normally, and she's happy. and she's happy because she has a family. she's not fighting all the time, she's in her place in society, she's having a wedding. of course, who she's marrying is irrelevant, even to junketsu. the man is faceless and unacting. he's not what makes this fantasy appealing. it's the assimilation, the acceptance of her by a greater society and authority structure (in this case ragyo). when mako and senketsu burst through the door, its handle flies off and knocks over the groom, stiff as a board, and he is forgotten. mako walks down the aisle to her, to call her back to her senses. ryuko says this is what she needs to be happy, that she'll kill mako to get it. mako says this isn't her or what she wants, pulling the "the ryuko i know" thing from before. but she's always been right. she knows her well. ryuko thinks she hurts mako/senketsu, and that realization lets her break out, lets her flay herself ripping junketsu off. she says she's getting out of that damn wedding dress even if it kills her. this is all to say that that scene is one of the most lesbian-coded things I've ever seen. mako's like you don't need to conform or marry a faceless groom or have a normal life to be happy, and i don't think you're truly happy or yourself like this. and ryuko realizes she's right. she doesn't want to marry a faceless groom, she feels trapped and changed by the wedding dress, by its ceremony and expectations. it's something that has a lot of similarity to a lot of lesbians' experiences of the expectations the world puts on them to marry men, to fit into this role. the joy of having a wedding vs the indifference to actually being married to someone. it's something that resonated with me a lot, having figured out i was a lesbian only a few months prior to seeing it for the first time.
it's after this that she says mako and senketsu are something more than friends. the exact nature of her and senketsu's relationship is unclear to me and debatable, but her and mako's take a very definite romantic shape by the end when mako asks her out, her hallelujah moment featuring them kissing and holding hands, with ryuko in a boy's highschool uniform, evoking heterosexual imagery to imply romantic intent ("I want to go on a date like a boy and a girl would go on a date" is kinda the effect). I think ryuko kinda figures it out then. she wants to go out with mako. she wants to be something romantic to her, something romantic with her.
ryuko lets her in. it's clear to everyone that mako's managed a closeness with her that no one else has (they don't acknowledge senketsu as a person/friend for a long time). they'd move mountains for each other. ryuko, who always had to fight everything alone, finally has someone who's willing to wade through all the bullshit life and ryuko herself give her because she believes in ryuko, because she thinks she's worth it.
my point is ryuko's into mako as much as mako's into her, she's just a bit quieter about it
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saneandrocking · 17 days
Far beyond the perfomance
At first glance, everything I thought about Hyugo could be encapsulated in one word: ethereal. The long blue hair, the smile, and the way he carried himself—all of it mesmerized me immediately. Sol, despite being much kinder than one might expect, didn't offer to introduce me to his friend—which, in hindsight, might have been for the best, because hearing the voice of the owner of those intelligent eyes revealed a melodious tone as well.
Naturally, the friendship between the two was intriguing in itself, making me wonder if there was a different kind of bond not visible to outsiders. But Hyugo clearly joked about Sol's shyness around me, indicating that he saw me as a potential interest for his friend. The thought seemed absurd by my standards—Sol was remarkable with his good manners and subtle humor, yet during those brief interactions in art class, I wasn't as captivated by him as I was by the figure with blue hair. It didn't make sense, though. I couldn't judge Hyugo's interpretation of me and Sol when I knew I was grappling with a strong attraction for someone with whom I'd barely spent more than fifteen minutes talking.
When I agreed to spend my lunch with my new "friends," I found myself observing Hyugo intently as he devoured that well-prepared bento box (after all, the boy only seemed to stop talking when he was eating, and Sol seemed to appreciate the comfortable silence, although I found him somewhat restless). There was something about the way he seemed comforted by the taste of the food that gave me a sense of familiarity. So far from home and so distant from the person I once was on that farm I called home, this feeling warmed me, reminding me of the comfort of having food for everyone and people to share that intoxicating warmth that only a meal after a tiring day can provide. Suddenly, he turned his eyes to me, not seeming surprised that I was basically staring at him with such intensity that I could emit a flash with my eyes and capture his image in my mind, and smiled in a... mischievous way? I felt my face flush completely and looked away.
"For someone who said they already ate, you seem kind of... hungry," he teased, in a lower tone than he had used before. Sol, beside me, seemed to tense up, and when I turned my head to escape Hyugo's gaze, I saw him glaring at the blue-haired boy, and I stifled a laugh. "Oh, come on, Sunny! Are you going to be upset if [Y/N] says she was unsatisfied with your food?" Now, with the blush on my face fading, I was sure that this statement wasn't in the same tone; there was something different in the way he shifted his focus.
"I'll casually forget to make food for you in the coming days." Sol said, his voice filled with annoyance, but lacking true intent. Hyugo made a comical expression of helplessness and began to say it would be cruel to let him starve, while I reserved myself to a low laugh, absorbing the interaction.
A little later, as we walked down the streets to the cinema, when Hyugo's arm casually brushed against mine, I looked at him and saw that he also returned my gaze, with a cool assessment. The shiver that ran through me was more satisfying than I would like to admit, simultaneously unsettling and stimulating. The sparkle I had noticed in the university corridors was lost, but in those seconds of walking, I saw it transition again, this time from a concentrated and almost unyielding expression to the persona I had come to know. It was a brief moment for me to decide if it wasn't my own tendency to create depth in the gaps of reality around me, or if it was real, but I can say that when I gave him a shy smile and lowered my eyes, I knew I wouldn't be watching that movie out of interest in seeing the detective.
If there was something I wanted to see, it was who Hyugo was when he wasn't performing.
The Kid at the Back does not belong to me, and I have no rights over the game, nor will I be earning anything from this work.
Hi, everyone! This is my subtle tribute to the game The Kid at the Back, now that I've spent the last hours of this morning trying to experience all the versions and outcomes of the two days. I have a slight, unhealthy obsession with this game now (by the way, @fantasia-kitt YOU ARE SO TALENTED! I just couldn't stop exploring all the possibilities and getting to know each of the characters!).
P.S.: I loved Hyugo's design and everything about the mystery surrounding him fascinated me, so I took the liberty of giving our boy a little love. Yes, I am a sucker of non-dateable characters, how did you know?
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People are questioning why Sandra Lynn would sleep with Bobby Dawn given how he acts now but I completely understand. I don’t think Sandra Lynn would be attracted to him in present day if she met him as he is now but from personal experience some of the most conservative self righteous preachers have the wildest past. I can see a younger Bobby Dawn being down to do drugs and have affairs and shit. Honestly those hypocrites view it as a badge of honor when they speak of it. Not because of how cool they thought they were but because it’s a great testimony. The amount of times I’ve heard “I used to be of the WORLD I did things that most people couldn’t even imagine but now look at how devoted I am to (Sol)!” I would put money on it that at some point in a sermon Bobby Dawn talked about his affair with a member of his adventuring party and how it was through the grace of Sol and his wife being a devote and faithful follower that he turned his life around. A reformed preacher is often more effective than a preacher who has always walked the straight and narrow. Also I feel like it fits his character to have a sense of self righteousness. His past is of no consequence cause he changed but Sol forbid another young person do what he did at their age.
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