#The Vampire diaries fics
xxwritemeastoryxx · 9 months
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader - Soulmate Au!
Word Count: 6.1K
Warnings: Angst, arguments, Elijah being overly protective but denying himself happiness as always, canon typical violence, a bit of fluff at the end.
Author’s Note: Because I'm apparently on a sequel kick, here's another. I promise I'm getting to the requests that I have and all the things I still need to work on from last year. I'm going where the muse takes me in my writing flow. So there's that. Also please note that you need to read Hidden Marks before reading this one.
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
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It had been months since Elijah had seen the three intertwined circles on the middle of Y/N’s back that made up her soul mark. The first and only time he'd seen it, he'd been pulling a wooden bullet out from her back when she asked for his help. From the moment Elijah helped to remove the bullet, the mark haunted him. 
Seeing her mark should have been a great thing. It should have brought him some peace and happiness to see her mark. That her mark matched the very one he had just below his left clavicle. A perfect pair that made sense for how close they had become as friends over the century. If anything, since seeing her mark he's been conflicted on his feelings. 
Part of him wants and tries to be protective of her. His soulmate that had come into his life when he least expected it. The woman that had become his best friend over the century had been the one thing he never actively searched for. He now knew why she stepped into his life and never left. But it was the other part of him that caused him to fight daily with his feelings. 
Y/N would be in danger because of him. She would soon become a target if even the slightest word had slipped about who his soulmate was. An endless cycle he'd force her into if an enemy ever came knocking. Threats and being captured for the sole purpose of being leveraged against him. 
Not to mention if his brother had ever lost his temper with him. Klaus wasn't one to spare the women in Elijah's life before. What difference would it make this time? All it would take was one action that made Klaus feel the slightest ounce of betrayal and he'd take it out on her. 
Elijah was willing to take on the devil himself if Y/N was in danger. He was reminded of it any time she recklessly put herself in harm's way. An argument he had with her plenty of times during their friendship, but held a deeper meaning as of recently. 
He was also reminded daily how easily she could bend him to her will with a simple smile as she walked into the room. Or the occasional knowing look she'd give him when he or his siblings said something she didn't agree with that would almost instantly change his mind about the situation. Especially if she added in her details that would make it reckless on her part. 
But no matter how many times that feeling of comfort and love started to grow for the woman he believed he could only care for platonically, he could never voice it. He could never bring himself to mention the details that he knew. And because he chose to keep it to himself, it began the yoyo effect of wanting to keep her at a distance and keep her close for his own sanity. 
It hadn’t gone unnoticed by Y/N either. From the moment she offered him a night out to deal with the humans who had put the bullets into her back, she noticed something different. She noticed the way his demeanor changed around her. He grew worrisome over the smallest of things he never had before. And even fought with her longer over details of plans to help take down the threat the Mikaelsons had been faced with. 
She found herself frustrated on the days that he brushed her off and all but ignored her. He had never once been cold to her in the time that she had known him. They had pushed each other’s buttons on occasion, but Elijah had never once pushed her away like he had been doing now. Every time he did, it hurt more than Y/N had ever expected it to. 
They were close friends, she knew that. She knew there would always be moments that Elijah would pick his family over her. That there would be moments where he would keep his family safe and do anything he could to also keep her safe. She knew she was not the highest priority. But why did it feel like someone had staked her when he walked away from her when she felt she really needed him for a few moments?
That's when the thoughts of doubt had been planted in her head. Doubts that were formed and fueled to drive her insane for most of the night that made it almost impossible to sleep. What had she done to earn such coldness from someone that she was close with? Had she crossed a boundary that she had suddenly been unaware of? 
The final straw that broke her had been moments ago when she offered to go with him to deal with the beginning of a threat. It was always something they had done together. A way to have Elijah’s calm and calculated approach and her glimmer of chaos that would always work out in their favor. But when he told her to stay behind, she could no longer keep anything at bay anymore. 
The moment Elijah had told her to stay behind, her face fell at his words. And as he walked past her to leave his expression hadn’t changed. And as she turned to face him, she let it all out. 
“What have I done?” She asked, causing him to stop in his tracks. “Have I wronged you in some way that makes you no longer want to be around me?”
Elijah heard the way her voice cracked towards the end. He had hoped that his actions wouldn’t hurt her. But here she was asking what she had done to him when in reality it had been him to do it. He turned to face her and shook his head slightly. 
“No.” His voice was composed in comparison to hers. “You have done nothing at all.”
She shook her head as she crossed her arms. “I’ve known you for over a century, Elijah. I know well enough to know you are lying to me. If I’ve done nothing wrong there wouldn’t be this shift between us where it feels like you suddenly want nothing to do with me.”
“I assure you that if I had wanted nothing to do with you, you would not still be standing here.” It was as close to the truth he could go to without coming out right with it. “We are facing a potential threat that I feel as though I need to do this with my siblings. We have no idea what they are fully capable of and the last time I checked, you are not as indestructible as you believe.”
Elijah had no idea how this threat would continue to play in their lives. He had no idea what knowledge they planned to use against them in an attempt to try and take him and his family out. That was why Elijah wanted to do this without her. He wanted to make sure that she would remain safe. 
He didn’t want to take Y/N with him with the possibility of allowing them to get an inkling that Y/N had now meant more to him than he let on. He didn’t want her in danger from something he didn’t fully understand. This was the part of him that was willing to do anything to protect her. He just had to slightly push her away in order to do so. 
“That never stopped you before.” She noted as she took a step towards him. “I may not be an original, but I am still a whole lot older than a majority of the threats that walk into the city. I have proven myself over and over that I can handle my own. I’m even better by your side. But ever since you’ve seen my mark, it’s like you don’t want to be near me. All I want is the truth from you. Did I do something or did my mark tell you something that you haven’t told me?”
Elijah looked at the ground for a moment before looking back up to her. He could see the hurt in her eyes as she expressed everything. But he couldn’t bring himself to tell her even though every part of him wanted to. To bring some peace to her mind on his reasoning instead of making her feel as though she wasn’t wanted. 
“I’m going to try to make this as clear as I can." His voice was still even, almost void of any emotion. "This threat is not to be taken lightly. While we do not have the full specifics on who they are or why they are here, I do know they have come close to harming the people I care about." His eyes met hers. "While our normal plan pairs perfectly with the riff raff we deal with, at this moment it does not. So no, you will not accompany me tonight. I need you here." 
After taking in his words, all she could manage was a nod before he was gone from her sight. He didn’t even give her a chance to respond or fight him on what he was telling her. And it left Y/N feeling defeated. 
Her mind still tried to make sense of the changes that had come over the last few months. Every push and pull that happened between the two being analyzed as if it had been some rather important document or experiment being worked on. She was trying to find something, anything, to show what caused Elijah’s sudden change. No matter how many ways she thought about it, it only came back to one starting point: the night Elijah saw her mark. 
Had seeing it really thrown him off to not want to be near her like he had used to? Not showing them their marks had been a preference they decided on early in their friendships. If there was ever a day they felt comfortable in showing what it was, they would have. And that night, with a bullet in her back, it hadn’t mattered if Elijah had seen it or not. 
She ran a hand along her face, trying to shake off the thoughts that had kept her pacing her room for hours after he had left. She no longer cared about the mark or who she may have possibly shared it with. Why did that change now that Elijah had seen it?
It made her wonder if he had seen the mark on someone else. If there was a possibility that he felt guilty in some way after seeing it. There had been plenty of enemies in his existence. At some point he could have easily come across it and not realized it until he saw it on her back.
Did it belong to someone who had betrayed him? Had he seen it on someone that he had taken their life out of necessity? Or had this person been a victim of the many spells he had endured? 
Deep down she knew it was the fear of losing Elijah. Something she had thought about over the century and a half she had known him. Friendships can only last so long before one reason or another comes along. She knew plenty of people who had left her on the back burner after finding their soulmate, even during her human years. 
She had grown used to having Elijah in her life. It would take her longer to find a memory that didn’t involve Elijah versus the ones with. Over the years she had become dependent on the fact that Elijah had always been there for her just as she was for him. He was a constant and part of her hated the thought of her ever losing that. 
At the thought, Y/N had felt her heart sink. A simple thought putting everything into perspective to her. The idea may have been formed from past experiences, but it all made sense. Elijah must have found his soulmate. And if that was the case, she was sure this was the beginning of being put further back on the burner.  
“Y/N?!” Rebekah’s panicked voice had broken her from her thoughts, causing her to move quickly to find Rebekah. 
Upon reaching the courtyard, a gasp left her lips as she found Rebekah dragging a half standing Elijah towards the couch. The majority of his clothing had been covered in blood. Parts of the fabric had been torn in several places. It was as if Elijah had picked a battle he couldn’t win. 
“What the hell happened?” Y/N asked as she moved to help get Elijah settled on the couch. Her eyes had still been taking him in, accessing his injuries. 
“Witches.” Elijah breathed out as he tried to get a hold of reality. He had lost enough blood and his mind had been a distorted mess from the magic he had been subjected to. 
“Everything had been going according to plan but whatever spell they used on him, it threw him off course.” Rebekah took the moment to leave the room to get items they needed to help Elijah for the time being until Freya could get back there. The moment she was back she continued. “The others are still there dealing with them.” 
Seeing the items Rebekah had brought, Y/N reached for the towel that had been sitting in a bowl of water and began cleaning off the blood from Elijah’s face and neck. “I can understand the disorientation, but what the hell ripped into him?” 
There was panic rising within Y/N. She hated that he had made her stay behind. She could have been there to help him in some way. Been there to help prevent him from being hurt as he was now. 
"Between the spell and some of the wolves within the vicinity, he couldn't watch his back." Rebekah said as she picked up another towel and folded it before placing it on Elijah's forehead. Afterwards she began picking up little containers of what Y/N could only assume were herbs and salves that Freya had instructed her to use for the time being. 
As Y/N ran the towel over his neck, Elijah lifted his hand to her hand, stilling her movements. It caused her to look up at him. His eyes had been looking over her face, before they settled on her eyes.
"You're safe." His voice was barely above a whisper. 
She nodded her head. "I am safe. You made sure I was." She wasn't sure if that was what he needed to relax more as she attempted to help clean him. "Freya will be here soon." 
With that, Elijah seemed to relax his hold and it allowed for her to continue wiping up the blood. So far it looked as though any of the injuries he sustained were healing. It may have been at a whole lot of a slower pace, but his wounds were healing. But the moment her hand moved to remove the shredded fabric stuck to his skin along his left shoulder and chest, his hand grabbed a hold of her wrist, not wanting her to continue. 
"I need to make sure your wounds are healing Elijah." She said softly as she brought her eyes up to his once more. "Or to at least give me the peace of mind that this looks way worse than it is." 
"For once let someone take care of you." Rebekah added and pulled his hand away from Y/N. It had been too easy to remove his hand. His strength is almost non-existent given what he'd been through. 
Elijah hated that he couldn't get his mind to process the protest he wanted to give. He hated that he couldn't give a strong enough response to say he'd deal with it later. But the spell within his mind made it difficult to think clearly for more than a second or two at a time. 
Elijah’s eyes never left Y/N’s face as she began to move the fabric away from his chest. He didn't care about the wounds he was facing. He didn't even care that Y/N and Rebekah were caring for him. It was what laid just under the layers of fabric she was removing, that had him worried. 
Quickly dipping the towel into the bowl of water between her and Rebekah, Y/N brought it back up to his chest and began to rid him of the drying blood. There was a part of her that was relieved to not see some gaping wound that he was trying to prevent her from seeing. 
That relief soon turned into curiosity as the blood was being wiped away. The beginning of Elijah's mark became clear as day. With each wipe of the towel the mark continued to grow. And as last of the reminisce of blood was removed from the mark, she all but dropped the towel. 
Just below his left clavicle had been three intertwined circles. It ran horizontally across his skin in the exact same way it ran across the middle of her back. And for a moment she fought herself on reaching out just to run her fingers along the mark. A need to make sure it was really there. 
Elijah had watched her the whole time. Even through his hazed mind he could see the way relief had flooded her eyes before her brows began to furrow. The curiosity in her eyes had been evident and there was nothing Elijah could do to fully protest in his current state. All he could do was watch her as she learned what he had months ago. 
Her soulmate had been right there in front of her for over a century.  
Her eyes snapped to him and Elijah could see several emotions flash through her eyes. He could see the way there was a sliver of excitement before hurt filled them as she tried to stop the tears from welling up. 
"What is it?" Rebekah asked as she caught on that Y/N had stopped her movements. 
Y/N shook her head slightly before looking away from Elijah. "Nothing worth noting." She said as she went back to wiping the blood. 
She kept her eyes away from the mark and as best as she could from keeping them from looking up at Elijah. She could feel his eyes on her. But she refused to look his way. 
All of her wild thoughts that had been going through her head earlier had only been partially right. She honestly never thought this was the case. And if she was being honest with herself, this felt worse. 
He had found his soulmate like she thought.  But she hadn't expected it to be herself. Not with the way he had pulled himself away from her during the course of the last few months. Not with the way she felt that she was losing her best friend. 
Elijah knew that he was her soulmate and he didn't tell her. There wasn't an excitement at knowing that the person they spent decades with had been the one person they both chose not to actively look for. Their life had been great just as it was. Until Elijah saw her mark. 
She tried to stop the spiral of thoughts that began to form. It was already too late to try to spare her heart the pain it was currently feeling. No matter how hard she tried to focus on helping Rebekah take care of him, one single thought played in her mind on a constant loop. 
He knew they were soulmates and he tried pushing her away. 
The moment Freya came running into the courtyard with Klaus and Kol behind her, Y/N pulled herself slowly away from the side of the couch. It was a way to not only keep the now unwanted attention of her facial expressions away but to give the necessary space Freya would need. 
When she moved a little too far for Elijah’s liking, his hand grabbed a hold of hers. This time his grip was tighter in comparison to earlier. He was getting better, stronger. The venom from the wolf bites was leaving his system while the spell kept a tight hold over him.
Y/N's eyes met his one more time. She could tell he was pleading with her to stay there with his eyes. Almost to say that once Freya helped him he'd explain everything to her. That he needed her to stay there.
There was something in her eyes that changed a moment after his words had pierced the air. “Would you tell me if you saw the mark on someone else?” 
“Of course.” He said even though it had been a lie. He knew he wasn’t going to speak of the very mark that was on his chest. 
Her heart ached at the sudden memory that filled her mind. She wanted to break down. She wanted to run to get fresh air. Do anything that would allow her to process the information she had been given in the last few minutes. 
Freya came over and knelt down beside Elijah, giving Y/N the chance to pull her hand away from Elijah. She took several back as she tried to decide if she wanted to stay or leave the area. But a heartbeat later she was mumbling some excuse and left the courtyard. 
It was only when she was safely behind the door of her room, she felt more clarity than she had downstairs. The wave of emotions she felt calmed in comparison.  While silent tears had begun falling, it hadn't felt like her world had come crashing to a halt as it had. 
"For as many times as I've come here to hide away, there's never been another person here." Y/N said as she took in the stranger. "Might have to find a new one if this one is compromised." 
"I can assure you, I've known about this place for a lot longer than you." The stranger looked towards her. "I may have been out of the city for some time, but I will know more about the history than you ever will.”
A laugh passed her lips causing a smile to form on his lips. “What if I told you I watched that town in the distance be built?”
His eyebrow raised slightly before he looked towards the town she had been speaking of. “I’d then ask if you knew what was out there before the town was built.”
“A small village.“ She responded.  “One that was destroyed just a few years after I was born. There are stories of a creature that roamed the woods that surrounded that village. A creature that was hunted but never killed.” She shrugged her shoulders before looking back towards the stranger. “Though I’d love to hear what you have that can top that.”
He laughed for a moment before he placed his hand out between them. “I’m Elijah. And I assure you, I can surpass any story you’ve been told about the area.”
“That’s a challenge I’m willing to take.” She said as she placed her hand in his. “I'm Y/N.”
That year Y/N needed to get away from the life she had found herself in after being a vampire for a few centuries already. The mountaintop just above the town she was born in had always been her go to place to reevaluate her life as a human and as a vampire. That night, Y/N had been debating on watching the sunrise for the last time. 
But Elijah had been there to pull her thoughts away from the sunrise and into a life that she had now thrived in. Elijah had been there when she needed him the most. Her soulmate had been the one to pull her back from the edge and she never knew it until now.
Elijah had saved her that night. He saved her and it wasn't long after he paid off a witch to create a daylight ring for her. A friendship shouldn't be had just in the dark. Those had been his words as he held up the daylight ring for her to take a few minutes before sunrise a few weeks later.
Her heart picked up in pace as her mind continued to accept everything that happened. The details of their meeting to this current moment made sense from a soulmate perspective. No matter how many times the flashes of memories played through her mind, there was no changing the facts. 
"What if I don't want to marry my soulmate?" A young Y/N asked as she kicked her shoe at the dirt. 
Her mother's laugh filled the air. "You don't always have to marry your soulmate. Sometimes it depends on what best suits the both of you. Your soulmate can be a best friend or even a lover. Sometimes they're both." She knelt down to Y/N's height. "There's one thing I know though. Having them in your life in any form is a whole lot better than not having them in your life or losing them. So when you are able to meet the person that knows your soul without needing to try hard, fight as hard as you can. Fight with them, for them and alongside them as needed." She ran her hand along Y/N’s cheek. "I know this doesn't make a lot of sense right now, but I promise one day you'll understand. "
The sound of the knock on her door followed by the door slowly opening had pulled her out of her thoughts and memories. Without even looking she had already known it was Elijah. She quickly wiped at her cheeks before she turned towards the door. 
The moment she had, Elijah could see that the whirlwind of emotions he saw earlier in her eyes had shifted. Even as her eyes welled up, he could see the hurt along with acceptance. And if he was being honest with himself, the acceptance is what scared him. 
He took a few steps further into her room before he came to a stop. "What I've done was-" 
"Cowardice?" She finished for him before he got the chance to even form the next word. It made him raise his brow. "Because whatever reasoning you have for not telling me was the worst decision you have ever made. And I know there have been plenty of questionable decisions you've made." 
"I know I should have told you that night." He gave a slight nod. "For a brief moment I wanted to. But then I realized the danger you would be in because of me." 
She had already begun shaking her head before he finished speaking. "Danger that I haven't already been in from just being close with you. Or to your siblings for that matter." She watched as he opened his mouth to speak but she quickly continued to stop him. "I know it's not the same. Putting it out there makes it more real and practically puts a target on both of us. I know what that target looks like. That just means we'll be better prepared for it." 
She knew from experience how easy it was to use a soulmate as leverage. How easy it was to threaten them to get someone to bend to their will. There was a dark decade in Y/N's existence where she had once toyed with humans and their soulmates. A time where her humanity had been switched and she hadn't cared. 
She knew the tricks that could be played. She knew how much damage someone could take before they snapped. The emotional torment that could be played on both parties to get the point across was something she lived for during that dark decade. 
At least that was until her humanity had been forcefully switched on. She tormented herself afterwards on how she could carelessly manipulate people by using the one weakness they all had. It was part of the reason she found herself heading back to the mountaintop. 
"If today has taught me anything it's that you were safer without me near." He watched as her eyebrow raised before he continued. "While having you by my side would have been beneficial for many reasons, I watched as my worst fear played through my mind because of a spell. A spell that provided sufficient reasons on why I was right on my decision to not say anything." 
"A spell that was used to distract you.” She noted. It explained why he had seemed so relieved at seeing her safe. "And a fear that we could have worked out beforehand if you simply had told me. I spent the last several hours wondering how and when I had become the problem. Part of me knew that you had found your soulmate and that was why you were pushing me away. That maybe you were trying to distance yourself from me to make room for them." Her eyes began to well up. "I just never thought you'd be pushing me away because I am your soulmate."
Elijah shook his head slightly as guilt filled him. He could see in that moment how hurt she had been by it. The emotions she had displayed when he first came into the room broke down bit by bit. And the thought that she believed she was the problem stung him in ways he never believed it would. 
"I don't know if I can be what you need me to be." He said a moment later. "It has been proven time and again that whenever I let an ounce of happiness into my life, it's quickly taken away. I refuse to have the same thing happen to you. And if that means keeping you at a distance or even you leaving the city-" 
"Nothing has to change!" She cut him off as she shook her head. "We have been by each other's side for over a century without even knowing we were soulmates. We have been through hell and back together without even questioning how it was possible. I have fought by your side not caring if I died in the process." She wiped at her cheeks as more tears escaped. "I will continuously be by your side even after this. I don't care if it is as something more or keeping things as it has been. But don't you dare for one moment think that I would be safer with you pushing me away or even deciding that it's better without you in my life." 
He sighed softly before taking a few steps to close the distance between them. "If anything were to ever happen to you because of me, I'd never be able to forgive myself." His hand came up to her cheek before using his thumb to wipe away more of her tears. 
"It's going to happen with or without you in my life." Her eyes met his. "I am no stranger to being threatened by your family. I have had Klaus's hand on my heart and I'm still here in front of you." She placed her hand on top of his as she leaned into his touch slightly.  A way to prove that she was there. "I am not even a stranger to having a witch use me as leverage or even used to fight against you. I can leave tonight and what's to stop anyone from coming after me once it's actually figured out?" She watched as he took in her words. "This isn't just one sided either. I am afraid of what each new threat could mean for you. I want and need you to be safe, maybe even for my own selfish reasons. But I will not let you push me away without at least fighting to stay. I will continue to be by your side no matter how much you push. I will stand there by your side and face the enemy with you and die there with you if it comes to it. I will continue to be your friend or more if that is what you need and you'll never have to worry that I'll leave you. But I will not let you try and push me out of your life for the fear of what could possibly happen to me just because you're afraid to let yourself be happy."
Elijah's eyes never left hers as she spoke. He couldn't bring himself to look away from her. Not when he was seeing everything play through her eyes. Every emotion, every piece of history and hopeful future had been displayed within them. And he could no longer ignore what he'd been trying to avoid. 
He knew everything she said was right. He would hate himself if anything happened to her while she was gone. He couldn’t even begin to imagine how it would feel if he ever learned the news that something had happened to her. He couldn't ignore the fact that throughout the years and even now she was fighting for her place to stay no matter how hard he tried to keep her at bay and safe in his eyes. 
The same safety that he had been trying to provide her since the night they met. How broken her eyes had looked from the moment she took a seat next to him on that mountain top. And how everything within him had told him to protect her from anything. Even himself if it ever came to it. 
But as he looked into her eyes now, he could see the woman that had become his best friend.  The woman that stood there beside him as threat after threat came. How she cared for him in his moments of need even though he fought her on it. The one person he couldn’t go more than a few days without speaking with. It was why the thought of losing her scared him even more than he ever believed. 
After a moment, Elijah nodded his head. “I give you my word that I will not push you away or ask you to leave.” His thumb gently moved along her cheek. He watched as something changed within her eyes. “I don't believe I could actually watch you leave, let alone be alone out there in the world. Nor can I picture a day where you are not in my life in some form or another. You have your selfish reasons and I have mine. But I have never wished for you to look so hurt as you have today and I will spend as much time as needed to make up for it. ” He looked elsewhere for a moment before looking back at her. “I just don’t know how things will change from here.”
The part of Y/N’s heart that expected the worst had felt relief. Relief that he wasn’t going to continue to push her away. Relief that he was willing to accept that they were soulmates and that she wasn’t going to go down or leave without a fight. And if anything, there was a small tug of a smile at her lips at his words. 
“We continue as friends, just as we have.” She offered. “If in the future things change, we’ll go from there.”
A hum of agreement passed his lips as he pulled his hand away from her. As he did, He maneuvered his hand to take a hold of her’s, finding comfort in just holding her hand within his. Her offer of nothing needing to change played in his ears.
There was something within him that agreed with that. Mixed within the agreement was the hope that things would change for the better. But for now this was a step in the right direction. A step that meant he wasn’t going to push her away as he had planned to. It was in a direction that he strongly believed he’d never lose her in the way that he feared.
“We’ll handle things as we always have.” He nodded his head, a small smile pulling at his lips. 
“Together?” She asked as a small hopeful smile pulled at her lips. 
She could joke about how they would work together as she always had in the past. She could have added in how reckless they could be. How the calm and chaosbetween them would keep things interesting. But at that moment, she only needed the confirmation that it would continually be them against everything else that came at them.
“Together.” He promised with no intention of ever breaking that promise. Even when the world learned of the mark they share, he’d keep his promise and keep each other close to their sides. As a friend, as a potential lover, but most importantly as soulmates that would never have to live without the other. 
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calummss · 9 months
Enchanted To Meet You | Damon Salvatore
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summary: following an invitation sent by giuseppe salvatore, you arrive at the newly built town of mystic falls and meet his eldest son, damon salvatore, who is enchanted by you the second your eyes meet
pairing: fem! reader x damon salvatore
words: 1.5k
a/n: needed a sweet human damon so i wrote this fic
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It was a dark night when your carriage pulled into the Salvatore estate in a town called Mystic Falls. It was your first time you’ve stepped foot in the small virginian town.The carriage came to a halt, horses neighing when you felt the coachman get off his seat as the body moderately swayed. Seconds later the door was opened and you set eyes on the white estate. Lights illuminating the property, guests entering the doors as three men stood out front, shaking their hands and welcoming them to Mystic Falls.
You placed your hand on top of the footman’s hands, carefully stepping out of the carriage and onto the ground, your blue gown squeezing past the carriage doors, brushing off any wrinkles that might’ve appeared. Touching up your hair, you made your way to the stairs to officially arrive at the party.
‘Miss Watson,’ Giuseppe Salvatore greeted you with a kiss to your gloved hands, the two younger men on either side staring at you. ‘How lovely of you to come out tonight. I hope you will find the party most pleasant.’
‘Mr. Salvatore,’ you curtsied as he took your hand, greeting him with a smile. ‘Thank you for the invitation. I was pleased to be invited. Since I was a little girl I have forever adored your get-togethers so greatly. On behalf of my parents I will extend their condolences for not being able to make it tonight. You must know they begged me to tell you how very unpleasant they felt with the short notice. Apologies.’
‘No apology necessary,’ he expressed. ‘Please meet my sons, Damon,’ he nodded towards the dark haired boy, ‘and Stefan.’ The blond one.
‘The famous Salvatore brothers,’ you fixed your gaze on them. ‘I’ve heard quite the tales of the two of you. Your closeness and gentlemanliness travels a great deal of distance. Many of the ladies in town fancy you without ever having set eyes on you.’ You disclosed, feeling Damon’s eyes linger on you as you took turns to study their features. ‘But I can attest that you two are a sight for sore eyes…’
‘You flatter us, Miss Watson,’ Stefan took your hand and placed a kiss on your glove. ‘Word of your beauty travels too. We too can see why.’
You turned your head to Damon who took hold of your gloved hand, his warmth spreading through the material as his lips touched that same fabric, your stomach churning as he looked up at you with crystal blue eyes, batted through dark lashes.
‘Miss Watson, it is a pleasure that you could join us this evening. I hope my father’s party will be to your liking.’
‘The pleasure is all mine, Mister Salvatore.’ You lifted the corner of your mouth, removing your hand from his grasp and passed them to step into the house, welcomed by the soft chords of violins and a piano, clinking of glasses and chattering mixed with lighthearted laughs.
You took a look around the room, every surface sparking with decorations, women in their best gowns—men in their best suits. All come together to celebrate the founding of the new town. The so-called founding families talking of their plans over expensive drinks.
‘Miss Watson,’ you picked up the voice of Damon Salvatore sneaking up on you.
You turned over your left shoulder to find yourself standing opposite him. His curly locks falling down his forehead, highlighting his pale skin and icy eyes.
‘I apologise for catching you so early on, but I was wondering if you might like a tour of our new home?’ His eyes gleamed at you. ‘Our garden has a beautiful view of the lake that is lit by tiny little fireflies,’
‘You are taking too good care of me, Mister Salvatore.’
‘Please,’ he gave you a polite smile, ‘call me Damon.’
‘Then you can call me, Y/n,’ you returned the smile, seeing his fist ball up.
‘Shall we?’ Damon placed his hand in front of his torso, nodding you to take his arm to chaperone you across the large estate.
‘We shall,’ you said, latching yourself onto Damon’s arm as he guided you out of parlour, the atmosphere immediately quieting down as soon as you left the celebrations, only servants and household staff occasionally crossing your paths.
Damon walked you down to the riverside, the sound of flowing water making you appreciate nature. The glow of fireflies swarming through the night’s sky underneath the stars. Wind sweeping across your skin as you glanced back at the house.
‘You know, some might think we’re courting.’ He chuckled, him too sharing a look at the house.
‘We hardly know each other, Damon.’ You tilted your head, seeing that he was already looking at you. His eyes are still sparkling despite the lack of light. ‘And our so-called courting is bound by you showing me your home.’
‘What would you like to know about me?’
‘I haven’t really thought about what I’d like to know, I must admit,’ you chuckled, staring back at the fireflies and the water.
‘How about I start?’ He suggested, taking the initiative to walk along the river.
You hummed in response.
‘Have you ever been courted before?’
‘Damon!’ You snapped your head towards him, very much shocked by his sudden question. ‘You are prying into a lady’s personal life…’
‘It’s a conversation starter!’ He protested, his pearly white smile making your cheeks grow hot.
‘Fine,’ you sighed jestfully. ‘A few months ago Mr. Cooper from town asked to escort me to the Wilson’s family celebrations. When we were alone I tried to return to the others as it was highly inappropriate to be alone in his presence,’ you occasionally bumped into Damon’s side as you kept walking. ‘But when I tried to leave, he wouldn’t let go of my arm and came so close to my face I knew he was going to kiss me. But I didn’t want to. So my hand sort of slipped and I hit him so hard, blood started to drip from his nose. And since then he’s been avoiding me.’
‘Are you serious?’ Damon stopped, letting you take another step before you realised the crunching of grass got quieter, turning around to see his half lit face. Eyes staring at you.
‘Oh my,’ your eyes darted across the ground, taken aback by your loose mouth, ‘I don’t know why I told you that. That—that was uncalled for and inappropriate. It was an accident…hitting him. He was a kind gentleman and my clumsiness ruined a perfectly good courting.’
‘What are you talking about?’ Confusion coated his lips. ‘You didn’t do anything wrong, Y/n.’
‘I didn’t?’
‘You didn’t.’
‘I’m sorry but you were just so silent I thought this story was upsetting you,’ you breathed out deeply, your fingers playing with the hems of your gloves.
‘Oh, I am a serious listener,’ Damon said, his tone letting you know that he was smiling. ‘He was, excuse my language,’ cough, ‘a dick.’ He smirked, whispering the last words of the sentence.
‘Damon!’ You acted shocked, your mouth opening to a wide smile.
‘What?’ He laughed.
‘Perhaps you are right,’ you pondered. ‘He was a really big dick.’
‘Language, Miss Watson!’ Damon scolded you, giving you the same fake shock factor you had just moments ago.
‘You are a bad influence on me, Mister Salvatore,’
‘Are you accusing me, Miss Watson?’ Damon stepped closer, his delightful nature making you more relaxed than you ever have been around a man you’ve only known a couple of hours.
‘I certainly am, Mister Salvatore.’ You stepped even closer, so closer your chest almost touched his, feeling the warmth of his breath clash with the mild night’s air.
Your eyes lingered on his lips, pink and plush as his tongue came out to wet them, glancing up at his eyes, seeing that they were staring at your lips before meeting your eyes.
‘This is inappropriate,’ you whispered, your chest rising as your breaths got deeper.
‘It is…’ Damon whispered back, his delayed breathing reaching the skin of your neck.
Your faces inched closer, lips hovering over each other, enough space to save yourself from improper behaviour. His scent so addictive. Your lips lingered, your noses touched as you breathed in heavily, torn whether or not to kiss him but you were scared someone would see. But it was just a kiss? Could anyone blame you if you just wanted a simple taste?
You leaned in closer, placing your lips on his as his lips melted into yours, pulling out the kiss. Damon placed his hand on your face, allowing him to hold you. A tight feeling in your chest spread heat through your entire body, compelling you to completely give into his touch.
When you slowly pulled away, he rested his head against your forehead, his gaze on your as you panted in silence.
‘I think I like you, Miss Watson.’
‘I’ve liked you the second I set eyes on you, Mister Salvatore. This kiss only proved how I felt, even if it meant that I would sin for you.’
‘Very inappropriate, Miss Watson.’ Damon lectured with jest.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 10 months
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Religious Teachings -Klaus M.
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Okay so…I may have taken the innocence thing just a bit too far? I grew up Mormon and now I have a shit load of religious trauma and I think that propelled this one a bit so…I hope it was everything you wanted and if it isn’t I’m so sorry😅 but this is probably the most fun fic that I’ve ever gotten a request for and now I want to write more like it🤣
I apologize in advance
Warnings: Major Innocence Kink which pushes its way into Dub-Con, Breeding Kink, Daddy Kink (Dd-Lg), Religious Trauma
This is a Religious Fic.
Don’t Like = Don’t Read!!
It’s possible I took the innocent thing a bit too far but considering you didn’t want her to know what sex was at all I assume that’s what you wanted? I hope it’s what you intended.
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If you had told Klaus that one day he would work at an all girls catholic school he wouldn’t have believed you. Here he is though, Saint Holy Mary’s School for Girls as an Art teacher and he’s never been happier.
When Klaus met Y/n he knew she was perfect, she had been home for summer break at the time and Klaus scared off some teenage boys making vulgar comments to her as she walked home. They talked for a few minutes and it didn’t take Klaus long to understand that she’s innocent. Alarmingly innocent. She’s a teenager who is almost an adult that no one has taught about sex, and while Klaus wanted to know how that’s even possible, he decided instead to just enjoy the gift he has been given in the form of his innocent little Bunny.
She was shocked to see him in the school but pleasantly surprised, she blushed whenever he spoke to her, blushed whenever she saw him in the halls or at meals and blushed whenever he complimented her projects. Klaus had spent nearly 2 months just getting her comfortable in his presence, she spends a lot of time with him and often helps him with things that get her out of different classes. Y/n loved spending time with Klaus just as much as he did with her, she proved it the first time he touched her, though she clearly hadn’t understood what was going on and he found it truly adorable.
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‘Might as well just spend the rest of class here love, there’s 20 more minutes.’ She shrugged, blushing as he pulled a chair over beside him for her to sit in. She made herself comfortable and Klaus couldn’t keep from looking at her legs, the short skirt she was forced to wear everyday showing several inches above her mid thigh and he couldn’t stop from imagining them wrapped around his head. ‘So, tell me Y/n, what made your parents choose this school for you? Were you too naughty for them to control anymore or did your parents go here?’ Once again her face was red as she quickly corrected him.
‘My mom went here! I didn’t-I’m not-‘
‘I was teasing love, I know you’re the most innocent girl here.’ He was still teasing her, wanting to see how she would react and she didn’t disappoint him.
‘I’m not that innocent. I just don’t like to break the rules…my dad never paid much attention to me when I was a kid unless I did something right so breaking the rules wasn’t really an option I guess…I don’t like-‘
‘You don’t like people to be disappointed in you. It’s a good thing, but I don’t think anyone could be disappointed in you Bunny, you’re perfect.’ He could practically smell the blood rushing to her cheeks as he rested a hand on her knee but she didn’t pull away. ‘Such a good girl.’
‘Thank you, you’re always so sweet, I love getting to talk to you Mr.Mikaelson.’
‘Ah ah ah. What have I told you about that? You call me by my first name now that we’re friends. You wouldn’t want me to be…disappointed in you would you?’ He questioned, moving his hand up to hold her thigh and seeing his fingers only about 2 inches from touching her panties making her breath just a bit heavier.
‘No! I’m sorry, I just, it’s weird to call a teacher by his name is all-‘
‘But we’re friends. After all this time I thought we were…more than friends even?’ Her eyes widened and she held the sleeve of his red Henley tightly.
‘Of course we are! We’re best friends! I’m sorry Klaus, you know I love spending time with you.’ He couldn’t help his smile at her nearly idiotic level of innocence as she thought he meant ‘best friends’ even as he has his hand almost under her skirt.
‘It’s okay. I love being your best friend, you’re my precious little Bunny. I could never really be disappointed in you love.’ His hand squeezed her flesh and she gasped quietly just before he caught a heavenly scent coming from her making his fangs ache in desperate need of being buried in her throat. In the 2 months he had known her, he had never smelled that sweet slick between her legs until now and he could see as she pushed them together that she didn’t quite understand what the feeling in her stomach was. He would have to teach her everything…he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset about that.
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For the next month he got her accustomed to him touching her, arms, legs, back, face, his hands anywhere on her body wasn’t something she minded, not even when he hugged her from behind and rested his hands on her lower belly. That’s when he knew, when she leaned back into him and pushed her thighs together, he knew he could have her.
The next time they were alone together he made sure they had plenty of time. Y/n was scheduled to stay at home that weekend but Klaus made sure something came up with her parents so she couldn’t go. When she spoke to him, he convinced her to not tell the school and just spend the weekend at his place. It would be fun. She was so excited by the idea of spending time with her friend outside of school that she barely worried about the broken rules, getting off at the first bus stop after leaving the school and hopping into his car with a huge smile on her face.
Klaus had gotten all kinds of snacks and drinks, ordering takeout and relaxing with her eating everything she’s not normally allowed to. He had also gone to the store and gotten her clothes, both pajamas and day clothes to wear if she wanted to go someplace tomorrow or Sunday, all of which were short or revealing and he had her change into black short shorts and a tank top with a wolf on it. Last but not least he put on an R rated movie. She argued but didn’t put up too much of a fight about it. It was a horror movie and she was shocked by the cursing and the drugs, but she enjoyed the stupidity of the characters and how they died.
It wasn’t until they got to the reason Klaus chose this movie that she seemed uncomfortable. She watched as the teenage boy pulled his girlfriend onto his lap and ripped her top off, her tits flashing on the screen before he seemed to make a meal out of them.
Klaus had ensured that Y/n was pressed against his side firmly with his arm around her waist so that he wouldn’t need to pull her closer when the scene came on.
As the boy continued kissing down her body he flipped the girl over and ripped off her panties, shoving his face into her. Y/n gasped, completely stunned by this action and looking up at Klaus in shock. ‘What are they doing?’ She questioned and he looked down at her, trying to stay neutral.
‘They’re having sex love, being normal teenagers. You…you know what sex is…don’t you?’
‘Of course I do, I…it’s to make babies…my mom said I didn’t need to know until…until I was ready to get married. They’re sinning.’ Klaus chuckled at that and Y/n looked back up at him confused before turning back to the television and watching as the boy began thrusting into the girl roughly and she began crying out in pleasure.
‘All teenagers have sex Y/n, it’s more strange not to have done it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support mindless sex with a bunch of people you don’t know but if you love someone, really care for them then you should express that with them. You don’t have to make a baby, there’s ways to avoid it if you want to but sex is called ‘making love’ for a reason, it’s the best way to express your care for that special someone.’ She looked confused but he could also smell her excitement. ‘They love each other, so they’re making each other feel good. It’s normal and I’m so sorry you’ve been deprived of basic knowledge…do you see her face?’ He asked, knowing exactly how he was going to convince her to let him touch her. ‘What does her face look like?’
‘Happy…really happy.’
‘Right, and the sounds she’s making? Tell me, what do her sounds make you feel?’ Her face was redder than he had ever seen and she looked away from the TV quickly before he tilted her head up. ‘It’s okay Y/n, I love you. You can tell me how you’re feeling. I would never betray your trust and tell anyone anything. You can be honest with me…do you want me to tell you first?’ She nodded quickly and he tried desperately to hide his smile. ‘Well, when I hear her moaning like that I…honestly it makes me desperate to know what you would sound like if you felt good.’ Y/n was now turned toward his body and holding his Henley tightly, clearly trying to calm her breathing as she got too excited. ‘What are you feeling right now? I won’t make fun of you, I want to help.’
‘I…I feel tingly in…in bad places Klaus…sometimes when-Oh God-‘
‘It’s okay. You’re doing so good Bunny, so, so good for me.’ He pulled her onto his lap gently and ran his hands up her sides.
‘When you…t-touch me I get…I feel hot…and tingly…and I get…I-I get-‘
‘Does your pussy get wet for me Bunny?’ She groaned out, in embarrassment and relief both but he didn’t care as he gripped onto her thigh tightly. ‘It’s normal. It means you love me a whole lot, just like I love you.’ Her whimper was quiet but instant.
‘You do?’ He nodded. ‘Do…do you get wet too?’
How stupid is her fucking mother that she could teach her daughter basic-fuck that women!
‘No Bunny, but my cock gets hard for you whenever you touch me, or I think about you, sometimes at night I touch myself and just think about how precious and beautiful you are and it makes my cock feel so much better. When a man’s cock gets too hard it hurts and you are always the one who makes the pain stop, you make me feel so good Precious.’
‘Are you in pain now Klaus?’ She wondered and this was exactly how he knew he would get her to let him do anything he fucking wanted.
‘Yes Bunny, I’ve been in pain since the movie started.’ She looked up at him in shock and worry making him wince a bit as he moved to prove his discomfort.
‘How do you make it stop hurting, I can-I can leave you alone if you need-‘
‘Don’t leave me Bunny, no! Please? I need to hold you Y/n, don’t go-‘
‘Okay. I’m not going anywhere.’ She reached up, running her fingers through his hair and it sent a shiver down his spine.
‘Have you ever seen a cock before?’ He asked her and she shook her head, probably thankful she couldn’t get redder than she is. ‘Do…do you want to?’ She hesitated before looking back up at him and nodding, trying to look determined which made her all the more adorable. He moved slowly so she didn’t get scared, it had been probably about 200 years since he had fucked a virgin and he knew he needed to be even slower with Y/n. He pushed his sweat pants down along with his boxer briefs, his cock standing straight and hard, leaking at the tip, and completely red which seemed to make her believe he was in serious pain.
As if Y/n couldn’t control herself she reached her hand out and touched his tip, dragging her finger down his length before yanking her hand away when he groaned. ‘I’m Sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you! I-‘
‘No Bunny, no! You made me feel so good, so fucking good! Please just…oh God, please touch me? Please Bunny, help me?’ His desperate cries of pain were too much for her and she reached out, wrapping her hand around his cock, watching him throw his head back as his hand tightened on her thigh. She pumped her hand up and down his length a few times before her eyes found his tip which was leaking. She swiped her thumb across it and his hips thrust up, nearly throwing her off of his lap. ‘My good girl, so good for me! Such a good little Bunny for your Daddy! Don’t stop? Please?!’ He held her hand and helped her speed up for a few moments before looking back down at her and his eyes flashing to her lips. ‘Y/n…will you do something else for me?’
She nodded quickly. ‘Anything Daddy.’
Fuck! He could have cum right there and been completely happy with it but he pushed it back. ‘Please? Daddy needs your lips.’
‘My-my lips?’
He nodded. ‘Please? Just the tip if you want, suck on it like I gave you a lollipop…can you do that Precious?’ She looked back down at his cock before smiling and nodding her head, moving from his lap and kneeling. He could see the excitement in her eyes and he knew right away he was creating a desperate whore. He was going to ruin this girl and he couldn’t care any fucking less, she would belong to no one but him for the rest of eternity and he would never let anyone else touch her perfect body so…how wrong is it really?
She wrapped her lips around his tip and suckled, tongue running over his slit which made his legs stiffen and shake as she did it again, dragging her lips down his length and moaning. That was the final straw for him. He had imagined her mouth and her noises so many times and nothing came close to this, she was perfection and she was never getting away from him. He held the back of her head still as he came up into her mouth and though she jerked a bit at first she got used to it and quickly swallowed, sucking on his cock for more. ‘Did I make you feel better?’ He couldn’t speak, only nod in that moment of total bliss, head thrown back against the couch to keep her from seeing the dark veins under his golden eyes until he could get his hybrid visage under control again, Fuck this girl does things to him! ‘Can I have more cream Daddy?’
‘Oh Fuck!’ Her innocent eyes and words were going to push him over the edge much too quickly. ‘Daddy…Daddy wants to give you more cream. I’ll give you Daddy cream all you want Babygirl but…do you think Daddy can put it somewhere else?’ She tilted her head, looking up at him from her knees. ‘Do you trust me?’ Y/n nodded her head quickly and he smirked, knowing this would be easier than he thought. ‘Can I show you?’
‘Yes Daddy.’ God he’s going to stretch her pussy so much this weekend there will be a permanent indentation of his cock. He lifted her up and laid her onto the couch, throwing his shirt away and grabbing ahold of hers, pulling it off and quickly keeping her arms from covering her perfect tits. They were just the perfect size for his hands and so fucking cute that he couldn’t resist leaning down and wrapping his lips around a nipple, her hips flying up when his teeth nibbled. He took full advantage, dragging his hands down her sides and holding onto her shorts and panties, nibbling again and pulling the clothes down and off as her hips thrust up again. ‘Daddy!’
‘Shh…it’s okay Y/n, it’s just Daddy. I love you Bunny, and I want to spend the rest of eternity at your side making your pussy drip for me, do…do you want me?’ He asked, seeming nervous so that she feels needier for him.
‘Yes Daddy, forever but…you’re my teacher, how-‘
‘You let me worry about that, Daddy will make it all okay…just let Daddy…let Daddy inside of you.’ He groaned, pushing her legs apart and squeezing her thighs with an image of his girl round with his baby burned into his brain, silently begging whatever Gods exist if any to allow him to be able to put a baby in his Little Bunny. Leaning his face down into her wetness he licked his tongue up her slit, lapping at her like a thirsty animal before caressing her clit with the tip of his tongue.
‘Oh Daddy! Don’t Stop! Please?!’ He didn’t, he shoved his face into her cunt and ate her like his life depends on it. He wrapped his hand around hers as he wiggled his tongue against her clit and felt her legs lock around his head as she reached her peak for the first time ever, crying out so loud he knew the neighbors would hear if he’d had any. When he pulled away he crawled back up her chest and kissed her neck, lining his cock up at her hole and pushing his way into her before she had time to have doubts, still on cloud nine as he pushed the last 2 inches in a short thrust and she squealed.
‘That’s it Bunny, oh god you’re so perfect. So fucking perfect! So tight on my-‘
‘Daddy! Y-You’re in-inside…you can’t-‘
‘Clearly I can. And I am.’ He turned her face to look up at him and made sure she was looking him in the eyes. ‘My cock is in your pussy right now, so deep you can practically feel me in your guts, can’t you?’ She nodded, whining. ‘This is my pussy now, all mine. No one can ever take you away from me…you have the most perfect cunt I’ve ever seen baby.’ He pulled back a few inches before pushing in again and pressing his lips to her lips for the first time. ‘Tell me Bunny, what was it you wanted from Daddy?’
‘Daa-ah!’ He thrust up again when she didn’t answer and he smirked, feeling his fangs trying to push out of his gums as he became more and more desperate to mark her.
‘Tell me what you wanted.’
‘D-Daddy cream…wanted m-more Daddy cream…please Daddy? Can I have more?’ She was begging now, whining in desperation for his cum in her womb.
‘Daddy will always give you cream. Daddy’s gonna fill you with so much you’ll be leaking for days. We’re going to fill you with cream for the next 2 days and maybe I’ll keep you even longer just to make sure it’s all properly fucked into you.’
‘Yes! Daddy cream! Want you inside me Daddy, inside me forever! Your cock feels so good! Why did no one tell me it feels so good! Can you stay inside me forever? Daddy, please?’
‘Oh Bunny…Daddy’s gonna breed this little body so much, gonna fill you with my cum over and over again until you’re a leaking, fucked out mess, until all you can do is whine and babble my fucking name! Until all you can say is ‘please Daddy more?’ And I’ll fill you over and over until it takes and you’re carrying my baby inside of your gorgeous body.’ Her eyes widened as she looked up at him, his hips thrusting harder as she realized what he meant, what he was really doing. ‘That’s right Bunny, you’re gonna give Daddy babies, gonna fill you with my babies over and over and still you’ll be desperate for more. Cause you know what bunnies do? They breed, they breed like crazy, they get Fucked-‘ he thrust hard getting deeper into her, now holding her legs up and getting as deep as he physically can. ‘-until they can’t anymore and then they do it again cause they’re so needy and desperate and slutty that they can’t stop. You have a slutty little pussy Bunny, are you ready for Daddy to fill it?’
He knew he wouldn’t stop even if she said ‘no’ but he wanted her to want it, because she is his for the rest of eternity. ‘P-please? Daddy cream! Fill my pussy Daddy! Please?!’
‘That’s my good girl. Daddy’s good girl, gonna be so full of me! Fuck!’ He shoved his cock into her as deeply as he could, feeling her pussy squeezing him through her own orgasm and practically milking his cock for all he could give her and Klaus had never felt so blissful, not in 1000 years.
He kept himself buried inside of her cunt, holding her close and pulling a blanket over the both of them, nuzzling into her throat to find some comfort before drifting off to sleep with the TV sound in the background.
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Sometime in the night Klaus had moved them upstairs to his bed and cleaned the both of them up. Later that morning he was awoken by the girl in his arms moving, opening his eyes to see her sitting up and keeping the sheet wrapped around her body.
‘I saw it all last night gorgeous, might as well leave the sheet.’ She turned her head to look down at him and as soon as he saw the tears in her eyes he was moving. ‘Oh no, Bunny! No tears, why are you crying?’ To his relief she didn’t fight him, crying into his bare chest as he held her.
‘What am I going to do?!’ She cried, wrapping her arms around his neck and sniffling.
‘What do you mean? You’re going to stay right here, with me. I love you Y/n, and all you and I did last night was show our love for each other, there’s nothing wrong with that-‘
‘Unless I’m Pregnant! My Mom Is Going To Kill Me! I’m a disappointment to God and my father-Oh God My Father! He’s gonna kill me-‘ Klaus clamped his hand over Y/n’s mouth to stop her sobbing.
‘No one is Ever going to hurt you, and do you know why?’ She shook her head, tears streaming down her sweet face which he reached to wipe away. ‘Because you’re my Little Bunny. All mine. You asked last night why you weren’t told how good you could feel, remember?’ She nodded. ‘You weren’t told so that they could control you. You’re almost an adult and no one told you about anything, that’s wrong and cruel and dangerous! You gave yourself to me last night and I am going to spend the rest of our lives worshipping my girl like a Princess…you still love me…don’t you?’
‘Yes! Of course I do Klaus! I love you so much but my father will never let me be with you! He doesn’t care what I want, he will choose my husband once I graduate-‘
‘Y/n, you’ve already chosen. You’re 18, an adult, able to make your own choices. No one can tell you what to do anymore unless you want them to…we can go. Go back to the school, pack your things, I’ll quit my job and we can be together.’ Klaus knew when he looked at her curious eyes that he had her, he was going to make this happen and the best part is Y/n will think she made her own decision for the first time ever.
‘But what about your job? We’ll go live together with no income? I won’t have a diploma so I can’t get a job to-‘
‘You will never have a job!’ Klaus swore and she looked startled. ‘I have plenty of money, I’m an artist, I sell my work all the time. I worked in that school because…because I fell in love with you. I know it’s crazy, of course it is but I couldn’t leave you Y/n! You were already my everything…please tell me you’ll come with me? I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted! A wonderful house on acres and acres of woods and privacy, no one to bother us…except maybe my siblings on occasion but they’ll love you! Your parents won’t be able to control you anymore. You can wear what you want, anything you want, eat what you want, read, write, study, learn whatever you want! I’ll give you jewelry and silk sheets, a maid, the library you always talk about wanting, I can-‘
‘I just want you…’ Klaus’ eyes widened at her soft words. ‘I don’t need all that fancy stuff if I have you…don’t get me wrong, it sounds wonderful but can…can you promise me you’ll never leave me? That it will always be us for the rest of forever?’
He smirked at that, knowing instantly that the deal was sealed, Y/n is all his. ‘Forever and a day my precious girl. I love you so much, and we’re going to be so happy together.’ Y/n grinned, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling his lips to hers in a wonderful, needy kiss. ‘I’m going to make you scream in pleasure every night until you can’t remember your own name anymore, Bunny.’
She pulled back from his lips, peeking up at him with a shy look. ‘Daddy’s gonna give me babies?’
And just like that his cock was so hard he felt like a teenager again, desperately horny with an erection that won’t quit. Y/n is going to be full of him there’s no way she won’t end up carrying his child and he already has plans to speak to a witch about ensuring it. ‘Daddy’s going to fill you with babies everyday, every single day until it takes. Gonna keep you so full you won’t know what it’s like to be empty anymore…in fact, we should fill you up before we go get your things, shouldn’t we?’ Y/n squealed as Klaus lifted her, sitting her onto his lap and holding her up with one arm around her waist as he lined his cock up with her dripping hole. ‘Already soaking wet for Daddy, my needy little whore. So perfect-‘ She gasped loudly, looking down at him in desperation.
‘Not a whore Daddy! I’m not! I would never-‘
‘No, Shh, Shh, Shh. It’s okay Princess, My whore. Daddy’s whore, My girl who will do all the wonderful, depraved things Daddy wants you to. Do you understand? Not A whore, My whore. Any other cock comes anywhere near you I’ll cut it off and stick it up their ass.’ He pushed his cock up into her and she whined, still a bit sore from last night but feeling too good to care.
They ended up staying in bed for another 4 hours, Klaus filling his girl 3 more times before taking a nap together. Getting to the school and compelling the Dean was arguably too easy and they were long gone before Y/n’s parents ever came looking for her. It’s not like they would want her back with how badly Klaus had corrupted her.
Their little girl was gone.
She’s Klaus’ Little Bunny now.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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starshipsofstarlord · 10 months
Bad Guy
Summary -> despite Kai settling down in a quiet life with you, your friends still don’t trust him, and whilst he acts as though it doesn’t affect him, his behaviour towards it behind closed doors is a different matter (2.6k)
Warnings -> 18+ minors dni pleeaasseee, smut, oral (male & female receiving), face fucking, unprotected sex, aftercare, frustrated!Kai, unsupportive friends, slight angst, fluff, mentions of blood sharing, swearing
kai parker works other tvd works masterlist
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Kai was becoming antsy, he knew better than to start an argument with the people that you called your friends. But they wouldn’t let up on their disregard for your and Kai’s relationship, their opinion always seemed to be right in their eyes. And it irritated him, more so that they thought that he could ever hurt you, even during his time for being hungry for power and revenge, he had never laid a bad finger on you.
As you came back from the lavatory, you squeezed in the booth next to Kai, and he instinctively laid his arm around your shoulders. He was always protective, but he didn’t want them to spew their nonsense in front of you, but clearly, they didn’t care what you wanted. And he had to grit his teeth to silence himself from lashing out at them - nobody spoke to his girl like that.
You were a grown ass woman, you were allowed to be with who the heck you wanted, and if it were him, it was their place to accept that they could do nothing about that. “There’s this guy who works at the little cafe on the corner Y/N, he’s been asking about you a lot. He even wanted your number, but I wouldn’t give it to him without your permission of course.”
“Permission not granted.” You said to Elena, picking up your drink and bluntly taking a sip. “I’m with Kai, you know that. And I’m stuck with him, for better or for worse.” Her intentions for you were only for the best in her eyes, she wanted you to be happy, and most importantly safe. But being bound in a relationship with the sociopathic heretic was not good for you, or so she thought. She, and the others, wouldn’t even give him a chance, and it had Kai wondering if he even deserved one.
“Oh it’s definitely for worse.” Damon chipped in, and you could only shoot him a glare. Kai’s knee was bouncing beneath the table, he wanted to say something, or snap one of their necks, but he had to be on his best behaviour to prove each of them wrong. He’d broken their necks and worse in the past, but he was a better man now, and he had to keep trying to convince them of that for your sake.
The digs at him finally settled down as everybody got lost in conversation but they were adamant about leaving him out at every chance they got. It was as though they were pretending he wasn’t there, and he knew that he had definitely not done an invisibility spell. The heretic’s mind was spiralling with private thoughts of what he was going to do to you when you finally got home, and that seemed to pass the time.
Before he knew it the two of you were in your car, and he found himself looking out the window rather than at you. He was trying not to brew in his frustrations, he had been working on it, but he wanted to get home first, that way nobody could see him treat you in the way he knew you liked best. You were oblivious to the emotions that were weighing on his chest, tapping your fingers as you steered the wheel, almost at the last partition of your route home.
It wasn’t much, just a small apartment big enough for the both of you, but it was the one place that he had not been shunned for being in. You’d never even allowed your friends to enter once the both of you had moved in, which only made them more suspicious, but only those that respected your and Kai’s relationship had permission to enter. And until then, they would have to deal with being cast away in the unknown of your living habits.
“Kai, are you okay?” You asked once the two of you had finished on your journey to your home and were safely inside the front door. He quirked his head at you, his stoney orbs mocking you with his widening pupils. He shook his head, taking off his long coat and draping it over the rack. “Kai.” You hurried after him as he headed towards the bedroom, growing worried for the way in which he was acting.
At first he hadn’t been the best with communication, but it was an unspoken rule between the two of you that if there was a problem you would voice it to each other. And he rarely had trouble to voice his concerns, but anxiety bubbled in your throat when you received nothing more than the silent treatment. He decided to sit on the edge of the bed, fingers stroking his bottom lip in thought. “Kai, have I done something wrong?” You enquired worriedly, standing before him and pressing your hands upon the hill of his knees.
He released a scoff, shaking his head in disbelief. “The only thing you’ve done is kept your tongue tied when your friends spoke about us. I can’t put up with it anymore Y/N/N, it’s driving me insane that whilst they have no idea about our relationship, they see themselves important enough to have an input on it.” He stroked his hands through his hair, staring up at you before cupping your waist. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that baby. I love you and I love us, it just doesn’t make me feel the best when I’m forced to hear their opinions.” His eyes begged for your forgiveness, but there was none to be given, considering he hadn’t done a single thing wrong.
In fact he had been on his best behaviour, just for you. If Kai resented something so much he was always one to either speak up or more commonly lash out, but he was aware of what your friends meant to you, and he wasn’t prepared to ruin his redemption. “It’s okay, keep going. There’s nothing wrong with having a little destress Mal, you can use me for that y’know.” Your hands released their hold on his knees and played with the strap of your little black dress, tugging it down in a teasing way. “Do you want to use me Kai? Make yourself feel better with my mouth?”
You bit your lip to emphasise your point, and you were about to lower yourself onto your knees but Kai was already one step ahead of you. He’d used his vampiric speed to shove you to the ground, and he was once again on his feet, shadowing above you like the villain that people thought he was. “That’s a good idea from you baby, I shoulda thought of that sooner. It’s always hot to see you at my mercy, but begging to be, that’s something that I’m not going to shy away from.” You grew excited as Kai began to unravel his belt that secured his jeans around his waist, undoing the buckle only then to switch to the fly.
“Then don’t Parker.” He had no hesitation when it came to revealing himself from his charcoal coloured jeans, pulling his cock out and gripping your hair as he slapped the side of your face with his length. You stuck your tongue out, hungry to taste him on your buds and so he waited no longer to enter his cock in your mouth. His length disappeared down your throat as you gagged, but he held your head still. Kai used you in a means to release his frustration; your friends could never accept him, not even now that he was a good guy, or as close to that as he could get. He couldn’t kill anyone to destress, that would only be proving their point. And so he took it out on you and you most certainly had no complaints to the solution to his enraging problem.
"Take my cock so well, anyone would think it was down your throat when you stayed silent instead of defending me." He was spiteful, what he didn't know however was that you had stood ground for him countless times before when Bonnie or Damon or Elena had the need to express their distaste for your boyfriend. It had always been the way, you were the only one that saw him for more than the monstrous things that he had done.
A whine haplessly strangled out of your mouth when Kai removed his cock, a darkness looming in his grey irises. He knew that he was being cruel, but not in the manner that your friends suspected; he was taking away everything that you craved. It was his sweet revenge that was only bitter towards you. Outside of the bedroom he treated you like a delicate princess, and whilst he had taken a lot of persuading to be rough with you, he had finally gotten there.
He wore a cold smirk, one that only turned you on even more, and to appease your appetite he gave you his cock again, his ring clad hands grasping either side of your face as he rocked his hips, forcing you to breath out of your nose heavily. His neck sloped backwards as he raised his sight to the dull ceiling, as he sloppily fucked your mouth. The sounds from your lack of breath and choking echoed within the room, he was rough with his actions but he had no concerns as he knew that you would be alright, especially considering that you’d be in this position plenty of times before.
“Oh fuck.” He sighed, removing himself from your mouth, despite entirely not wanting to, but his brain was screaming at him to throw you on the bed. He licked his lips, grasping you by the roots of hair on your head, as he ironically laid you on the bed gently, raising you so that your head was against the pillows, and he was between your thighs, bunching your dress up and around your waist, ripping your panties off. He didn’t want a single thing to conceal you from his hunger, you were getting used to the feeling of nothing, however Kai stopped that as he leant forwards, lapping ferociously at your pussy.
It was impossible for him not to moan at the taste of your juices, they only encouraged him to devour you. He ran his tongue down your slit to your entrance, dipping it into your entrance, and his hand came to rest on your abdomen so that he could rub your clit with his thumb, his actions causing you to squeal and wrap your legs around his neck. Your eyes rolled back into your head; Kai never failed to make you feel amazing. Even when he was experiencing a dominant rush, he never failed to prioritise your orgasm, which was close approaching. Your fingers threaded through his hair, tugging mindlessly at it, as you rotated your hips up to meet his mouth. “Kai, I’m going to cum.”
Your words only encouraged him to continue, he needed to taste your cum on his tongue. Fireworks deliriously exploded within your body as Kai grasped your hip with his free hand, rubbing your clit faster, causing you to reach the high that had been near. You raggedly breathed, your form going slack on the bed, Kai rode you out through your orgasm, before climbing atop of you, pushing his lips onto yours and forcing you to taste yourself. “Need to be inside of you.” He muttered, pupils blown wide, as he strived for his greatest comfort. He ran the tip of his cock against you before slipping in with no resistance, and he moaned from your warmth that hugged his cock.
He planted his hands on either side of your head, using it as leverage to pound in and out of your count. Your moans entangled within the safety of your room, and whilst your eyes shut Kai took in every detail of your beauty. He was infatuated with you, it frustrated him to hear that your friends didn’t trust him with you when you meant everything to him. You were the reason why his world spun on its axis, you were the reason why he had finally found peace. As much as your beloved friends thought your relationship to be toxic, it was quite the opposite.
He loved every inch of your being, worshipped it in fact. Your love was healthy despite what they thought, and having your bodies conjoined together in the act of making love, well that was truly his escape from it all. Kai was an easy man when it came to you, all he needed was your presence and he was okay. His lips ran down your throat, sucking on your skin, never daring to feed from you, you were far too precious for that. He felt home from just being inside of you, and he breathed in the scent of your worn and distantly fading perfume, as he kept his head in the crook of your neck for a moment, until he reconnected your lips, eating your moans. “You feel fucking amazing baby.” He huffed, sweat lining his forehead as he rocked lovingly into you.
Your hands swept up, grasping onto his clothed forearms, eyes struggling to remain open as you stared, blinded by pleasure up at him. You could feel another orgasm approaching and Kai could sense it, and so he forced his own to wait as he reached down with one of his hands and played with your bud again, causing you to squeal out his name. That alone was enough to trigger his own end, and he emptied inside of you, filling you with his cum, and he forced his cock deep inside of you in hopes of none of it slipping out. “I love you Malachai.” It had become a habit for him to flinch at that name, but it sounded right coming from you - only you.
“I love you too angel.” He shut his eyes for a moment to cherish the moment, before kissing your forehead and pulling out from you, causing you to lightly moan from suddenly feeling empty. “I’ll be right back.” He lovingly stroked your hair, disappearing from your vision until he returned with a damp washcloth, cleaning away the liquids that had escaped around your most private area. You could only send him a dopey smile when he undressed himself entirely, down to his boxers which he pulled up. He walked around your room, shuffling through drawers until he returned to you with one of his big shirts and a pair of your most comfortable panties.
It was a quiet interaction, yet one of intimacy. He removed your dress and bra, and replaced the clothes you were wearing with the ones that he had scoured for. Afterwards he returned beside you in the bed, tucking you both beneath the duvet as he held you to his chest. “I’m never going to stop trying to make up for the things that I did to your friends you know, I want them to like me, for you. They may get on my nerves, but I need to prove to them that I’m a different man when I’m with you, I’m the real me rather than the monster that my family made me into.” He spoke tiredly, resting his lips against your hair, stroking down your back with a harmless hand.
“They’ll stop eventually, we’ve all made mistakes. Damon especially, and if they can’t accept that I love you Kai, then that’s their problem, not ours. They’re never going to change my opinion of you, because what I think matters more.” Your words were sluggish, and it was understandable that you were tired, he’d just fucked your brains out. Thoughts invaded Kai’s mind, but this time they were happy thoughts. He was thinking about what he would make you for breakfast in the morning, taking a warm shower together since he loved washing your hair, and most importantly, spending the rest of your lives together.
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anisdolly · 24 days
im just watching the vampire diaries and oh my god anakin would be such one of the originals siblings…i can see it so clearly…wouldn’t want anyone but him to turn me ngl
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mrsriddlenott · 6 months
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The Fourth Day Of Smutmas
[smutmas masterlist] [main masterlist]
~ Santa Clause Is Coming To Town ~
Klaus Mikaelson x fem!Vampire Reader
Summary: When Klaus mysteriously returns from New Orleans, the Mystic Falls gang worries about what he’s planning, though his only plan is to convince you to join him for Christmas in The Big Easy, by any means necessary. Starting with lavish gifts, attention, and affections, and ending with his mouth wherever you wish it.
- Klaus is obsessed but not in a creepy way, vampire reader, platonic Damon x Reader & Stefan x Reader -
Warnings: 18+ Content!!Spoiling(gift giving, promises etc),ig kinda manipulation if you squint,f!Receiving Oral.
It was no secret that when Klaus first came to Mystic Falls he had only one thing on his mind, breaking his curse. But when he first saw you from behind the eyes of Alaric, he knew there was….something….so he of course ignored it. By the second time he came around you knew all about him and he you, something about you lingered with him, leading him to look into your past which only hooked him on further.
He was a forward man, anything he wants he goes for, so naturally he was hounding you left and right for the better part of year while him and his siblings ran rampant in your town. Though you were mysteriously never hurt, mentally or physically, something that didn’t go unnoticed by you. By the time Klaus was told of a plot against him in New Orleans, you were ready to accept him, his faults and all, and before he reluctantly left, you shared a heated kiss that stuck with the hybrid even all this time later.
Despite trying to disconnect himself and keep you safe from the enemies after his family and city, he couldn’t stop himself from calling you every once in a while, only feeding his desires to see you, feel you, smell you, for you. By the time Hope’s second Christmas started approaching, he realized she’d be starting to remember them soon, and decided you just had to be there so began planning to get you to enjoy the Holidays with him.
“Uh guys, you might….well you are gonna be upset but I need to tell you something,” Your voice was small and weak as you entered the main room of the Salvatore Boarding House where Stefan and Damon sat drinking bourbon. Damon, rude as usual, ushered you to speak faster as you tried to sputter out the words to tell them Klaus had left you a voicemail in the early hours of the morning to announce his eminent arrival.
“Well you see…” You were cut off by the sound of the large wooden door opening behind you allowing Klaus to saunter in with his usual air of confidence, swinging an arm over your shoulder with a smile that didn’t show his teeth, eyeing the brothers in front of him as though daring them to question his entry into their home.
“Oh come on….why the hell has Santa Klaus come to town,” Damon mocked, scoffing out a laugh as he chugged down the rest of his bourbon, standing from his seat, eyeing you with disappointment before returning his attention to the much stronger man, “We’re having one peaceful, happy, bullshit free Christmas this year and nowhere in that is the Original Hybrid needed,” Damon swayed his hands in a mocking manner as he spoke, he was coaxing him, he wanted to anger him and wanted to prove to you Klaus would rip his head off in a matter of seconds if it weren’t for you.
“Oh Damon,” Klaus sighed condescendingly with a shake of his head, “I’ve only come for y/n, she’s needed for my family’s….what’d you call it…” He feigned a questioning look as his eyes shifted around the room, “ah yes peaceful, happy, bullshit free Christmas, so if you don’t mind….”
“Woah woah woah, what do you mean? You can’t just swoop in and take y/n like she’s your property,” Stefan piped up, scoffing slightly as he crossed his arms over his chest despite Klaus’ eyebrows shot up his forehead to eye the much younger vampire.
“You are so dramatic,” Klaus laughed with a smile that didn’t meet his eyes, clearing his throat before continuing, “I haven’t come to kidnap her, I’ve come to ask her you idiot, and even if I had planned to walk in here and take her….neither of you could stop me.” Klaus was never fond of you living with the Salvatores, especially Damon, but he also recognized their close bond to you and their obvious love for you. He wouldn’t hurt them unless they hurt you, he knew you would never forgive him for that and he just would not stand for that.
With a roll of your eyes you tugged Klaus’ hand, pulling him down the hall away from the brewing argument and toward your large bedroom. “Why’s this room so close to Damon’s?” Klaus’ narrowed, distrusting eyes seemed to search the room and hallway before shutting the wood against the frame and turning back to you.
“He likes to be closer so he can hear if somethings happening faster….he’ll deny that though,” you chuckle awkwardly, you hadn’t been alone with Klaus in almost two full years. Your eyes fell to his hands as he dig into his coat, tugging out a long, silver wrapped box with a golden bow on top, so neatly done that you were sure he had compelled someone to do it perfectly.
“I got you something, come here” He ushered you towards him with two of his fingers. His gravely, authoritative voice you loved so much sending shivers down your spine as you approached, unable to deny him of anything he asked of you in that tone. “There’s more waiting for you under my tree in New Orleans.” Klaus calmly stated, making you cringe slightly as you approached him, stopping only a foot in front of him before speaking.
“Look Nik, I’m sure that whatever that is is lovely and I’m sure all the others are too but if you’re only giving me that to get me to come back with you than I can’t accept it.” You sighed, meeting his eyes for only a second before watching your feet. Klaus stepped forward, almost pressing against you as the air grew warmer, gripping your chin and forcing you to meet his eyes again, genuinely smiling down to you once you did.
“No Love….this is yours whether you come with or stay and if you don’t accept my invite I’ll bring the rest to you. Whatever happens to them after is up to you, leave them, open them, donate them, whatever you want,” His warm hand moved to yours, shoving his gift box into your palm as he watched you expectantly, your brows scrunched together as you narrowed your eyes at him before realizing he was being honest.
You tore through the paper cautiously with a smile, revealing the long black velvet box that opened to reveal a simple golden necklace with a simple wolf charm in the middle, “I usually go for diamonds but I know my girl well enough to know you’d prefer both,” he stated simply before pulling out another perfectly wrapped silver package, this time much smaller. You wasted no time in ripping through and opening the small box to reveal a ring with a thin silver band adorned with a large diamond.
Your eyes shot up to his as you removed the ring from it’s confines with a shocked expression, “Now I know what you’re probably thinking, but when I propose to you that rock will me much larger and,” As he waved a hand around your room with slight grimace on his face, “we’ll be in be a much more extravagant setting….Paris perhaps?”
“Nik….this is too much I….” You couldn’t form words as you looked between the pieces of jewelry, “I can’t accept these not when Hope is so young and Hayley she deser-“ Klaus laughs at your response, eyeing you as though to ask you a question simply with his eyes, before chuckling again with a soft apology.
“Do you really think I can’t get all my favorite girls their gifts? Trust me Hope and Hayley will have plenty of presents, in fact they’re next to yours right now, if you want to get going I’m sure you’ll see them.” Klaus waved his hand towards your door, looking to you expectantly as though waiting for you to walk out before him.
“I can’t just leave with you out of nowhere Klaus,” You sighed, setting your gifts down on your bedside table before rubbing at your eyes as the man stood in front of you again, waiting for a different response, “It- it’s not that I don’t want to okay….I just can’t.”
“Why not?” He asked, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion, his voice exasperated as he turned his hands up dramatically, “Come on what’s keeping you from leaving with me? I’ll keep you safe.” His voice was growing strained, he was beginning to plead with you now, grabbing at your sides as if to remind you of his ability to shield you from harm.
“My friends are here Klaus, the only real friends I’ve had for over a century, I’m not just leaving them” You spoke, narrowing your eyes to him as though asking him to reveal a hidden meaning before turning away from his touch and avoiding his pleading eyes by tiding your bed covers, adding in a small voice, “My friends who do not trust you with me by the way.”
“It’s not like you’ll never see them again, I’m not trying to hold you captive I’m trying to give you a nice Christmas.” You could hear in his voice that he was upset, he was losing patience and wanted, no needed, a flat out response, “Love, please I’m practically begging on my knees here”
“Maybe you should be on your knees,” you joked under your breath without thinking about the mans enhanced hearing well beyond yours or the vampires you’re usually around, only realizing your mistake when you turned to find his eyebrows that had shot up his forehead in surprise. His eyes trailed down your body and back up again, reading you to make sure he heard you correctly before speaking, “Sit.”
“Wha-“ His deep, dark eyes locked into yours in a silent order, halting your question before it was formed as you immediately flopped down on the bed behind you. Your wide eyes followed his actions as he slowly grew closer to the bed with purposeful steps, “You’ll be a Good Girl and tell me to stop when you don’t like what I’m doing won’t you?”
You nodded your head in understanding, putting a halt to his agonizingly slow steps as his head tilted to the side in a questioning and demanding stare, “Yes I will,” You stuttered, your throat beginning to dry, your head falling back to maintain eye contact as Klaus stopped in front of you, just to drop to his knees. His warm, rough hands surrounded your ankles, tugging them apart lightly to settle himself between your legs, his eyes never leaving yours. He smelled intoxicating, his scent wrapping you in a blanket of comfort as his hands slowly rubbed up and down your legs, stopping just before the hem of your dress each time. “Please y/n. Will you please come to New Orleans for Christmas, it’ll make my year.”
“I don’t kneel for just anyone and I think you know that,” as he spoke it felt as though his power he prided above anything for 1,000 years began to seep out of him and into you, “You’re the only woman on this planet that I can’t get out of my head, I’ve had women on every continent drooling at my feet for the better part of a millennium but you, my Darling, are the only one I will ever drool over.” Your resolve was beginning to crumble, the feeling of his soft kisses to the top of your legs between words had you sighing in contempt, your confidence growing with each second.
“What can I do to get you to join me hm?” He punctuated himself with a kiss to the center of your thigh, moving his lips higher before he spoke again, “I’ll buy you anything, I’ll do anything.”
Your hand melted into his stawberry curls, watching his lips form a smile as he realized he’d won, “You seem to love using your mouth….so maybe start there.” His eyes shot to yours, chuckling to himself at your false dominance, he loved being in control and whether you realized it yet or not, he was.
Your back slammed against your mattress in less than a second, Klaus’ firm hand held against your stomach, using his hybrid strength to keep you down. He vibrated against you with pure energy, growling against the flesh of your thigh while kissing a trail to your core, eyes going a golden yellow as the scent of your arousal filled his senses. You leant up on your elbows to watch him, the feel of his prominent fangs that would scare almost anyone else scraping your skin with each featherlight kiss building an ache in your lower abdomen, the sense of danger was overwhelming, knowing that at any moment he could dig into you, infecting you with his venom just so he could taste you. The thought of him losing control and having to cure you from the toxin with his blood had you subconsciously tugging your lip between your own fangs that surfaced from your gums at the sight of him shoving your dress upward once his lips met it.
His fingers effortlessly slipped into your lace underwear, filling the room with the sound of ripping fabric before delving into you with his expert tongue, forcing your hips to jolt up against his hold on you, “Holy fucking shit,” Klaus immediately began drawing figure eights on your desperate clit, sighing in pleasure at just your taste and immediately needing more.
You were dripping for him, filling the room with the sound of your pleasure as he lapped against you, focusing on the strokes of his tongue against your center the same way he would a brush against art. Your high was fast approaching, faster than ever before, you wigged against his grip desperately trying to ease the growing tension in your body but he didn’t let up. Fingernails digging into your flesh as you legs shook, your eyes screwed shut, falling back onto the bed with a sigh of a moan attempting to will yourself to last longer, to prolong your pleasure as though you would never feel it again.
His strokes danced between your entrance and your puffy, needy clit he was beginning to adore, wishing to give you a teaser of what awaited you in his bed in his city. His lips sucked around you, egging on your moans of pleasure from above him until they turned into small whimpers and whines of need. Your mind was hazy, it’s only focus being the tickle of his beautiful hair against your thighs, the scratch of his stubble marking your flesh as his perfect, silver tongue pulled out the first of many shaking orgasms he would give you as his Queen.
“You taste absolutely amazing,” He pushed himself forward, weighing down the bed beside you as you tried to regain focus, “If you pack quickly you may get another gift before we leave.” He chuckled, smacking at your still exposed thigh before pulling you into a desperate kiss he’d waited far too long for.
Not proud of this one smut wise but I think it’s super cute 🥰
Event Taglist (lmk if u want on, off, or changed ur user)
@timmytime17 @talia-scar123 @spencer-reids-wife @ttsbaby01 @animorose @whydoireadanymore @thievin-stealing @spiderman-stilinski @evycloudberry @shady-the-simp @ashisabitgay @porterport @callsignwidow @cicicicicisstuff @mattheoriddleswifee @junebugin-july @moonlightreader649 @devotedlyshadowytheorist @rubyliquor @perverteddsdreams @mildly-delulu @fairydimples07 @shadowmoonlight0604 @80scinemvasworld @nevillescomslut @annaisabookworm @abaker74 @athenalikethegoddess @limeren @h-------n @kezibear @mattheoriddlemarcuslopez @lovemelikecrazyiloveyoucrazy @curiousshifter101 @tobyr68 @spididerman @hedwigprewett12 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @kiwi475 @stellasdelusions
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theeoriginals · 7 months
Idea: Reader is part of the scooby gang (an adult doing them a favour or something - pls not a teenager it makes me cringe) and Klaus catches her staring (because obviously) and is cocky and flirty and likes riling her up
i just like you | klaus mikaelson
author's note; this was so fun omfg i love him sm
warnings: honestly sort of grumpyxsunshine but somehow klaus is the sunshine here ? teasing, taunting, klaus is a flirty menace, reader is super in denial, implied that reader is a vampire hunter but it's not really important, also this exists in some sort of strange canon universe so don't read into it too much, fluff, making out, a steamy-ish scene at the end, but it doesn't get too graphic so don't worry! no use of y/n!
She doesn’t like owing people favors. She doesn’t like when other people owe her favors, either, but people seem to think that trading things off is the best way to live, and she’s hardly got the power to change something so universally accepted. 
She doesn’t like owing people favors, but in this case, it’s not something she can renegotiate. Alaric saved her life, and the least she could do is help him out with something. 
Her view on that changes very quickly when he looks at her and tells her they want her to make a deal with the devil. In fact, she’d rather Alaric had just let her die than ask her to do anything with or for Klaus Mikaelson. 
“I would quite literally rather die than do that, Ric,” She deadpans, givin him a completely unamused look that makes him grimace. 
“No, I know, I know,” He holds his hands up, a desperation to his pleading tone. “It’s a lot to ask of you, but no one else can deal with him like you do. They’d end up dead, or something,” 
“Why do you think I can deal with him any differently than you, or Damon, or something? I hate him just as much!” 
“Oh, well, that’s just not very nice of you, darling,” The man in question drawls, smirk audible in his voice as they look over to where he’s sitting on Alaric’s couch, looking like he practically lives there. She supposes he technically did, for a minute. “Hate is such a strong word.” 
She gives him a saccharine smile, tilting her head. “I’m so sorry, Klaus, did I hurt your feelings? I didn’t know that evil hybrids who kill anyone who breathes wrong could have feelings.” 
Klaus’s smirk only widens at her visible ire, and he props his chin up on his hand as he looks at her. “I have every feeling for you, sweetheart,” 
Her eyes momentarily widen to the size of dinner plates, and then she quickly schools her expression back into a flat glare, snapping her gaze away from him as she huffs unhappily. “You want me to deal with that all day, Alaric? By myself? I thought we were friends,” 
“We are friends,” He stresses, shooting Klaus a warning look that the Original dutifully ignores. “That’s why I’m asking you to do this. All you have to do is make the drive up to Whitmore and get the rest of Isobel’s stuff– we need to see if she has any information on the cure, or anything like that.” 
“Doesn’t Bonnie have that professor guy that was telling her a bunch of stuff? Can’t we just go to him?” 
“Damon doesn’t trust that guy,” Alaric says. “And before you ask, no, you can’t make Damon go. He and Klaus will kill each other if they’re in the same vehicle for that long.” 
“He’s right about that,” Klaus says, still happily in his place on the couch. “Damon’s got such a temper these days. Can’t even handle a joke anymore.” 
She scrunches her face up, giving him an incredulous look. “The only jokes you make are about the time you tried to kill Elena,” 
“How would we cope if we couldn’t make jokes about these sorts of things?” 
Her incredulity only deepens and she drags her gaze back to Alaric pointedly, earning an exhausted sigh from the teacher. “Klaus,” He starts, that same desperation still in his voice. “Can we all just play nice? For once we have something to be united about– could you possibly not jeopardize everyone’s lives again?” 
Klaus heaves a sigh, standing from the couch in a swift movement and crossing the short distance to where they stand. “Certainly. I’m nothing if not professional, you know this.” 
“Uh huh,” Alaric deadpans. “Can you be… professional enough to not provoke her into leaving you stranded somewhere, or something?” 
“I’m sure we can work something out,” The hybrid drops his gaze to hers, bright eyes alight with mischief. “So long as she stops pouting.” 
She huffs, dutifully not pouting. Narrowing her eyes, she offers a hand out to him, ignoring the amusement that sparks in his eyes at her formalness. “It’s for the greater good of all of us, right? I’m sure I can suffer through anything for that.” 
Klaus shakes her hand firmly, and she ignores the way it feels like he’s laughing at her. “I’m sure you can.” 
“I take it all back, I’m going to murder him, and then myself.” 
“Hello to you, too. I take it it’s going well?” Alaric’s voice comes through the speaker of her phone as she walks beside Klaus, ignoring the crowds of college students they’re pushing their way past to head to Isobel’s old office. 
“Oh, it’s going so well, besides the fact that our vehicle just broke down as soon as we got to Whitmore.” 
She can practically hear Alaric’s wince of sympathy through the phone. “Can’t Klaus just compel you another vehicle?” 
“You would think so, but I already tried that, and he said it wouldn’t be very cooperative of him to take advantage of people. He’s apparently all for the teamwork these days,” She shoots him a glare, face twisting into one of disdain when all he does is give her a wide smirk. “Alaric, I cannot be stranded here with him. It was one thing if it was a few hours, but I cannot survive any longer than that.” 
Alaric breathes out her name on an exasperated sigh, and she tries to ignore the slight pin prick of guilt that stabs at her because of it. “Have you called a mechanic or anything?” 
She bites the tip of her tongue roughly. “Yeah. They’re coming to tow it, and they said it’ll be like, tomorrow morning at the earliest before it’s done.” 
“Can you survive the night? For real? Or do you want me to drive up there and get you?” 
She nearly blurts out that she won’t survive, that he needs to come get her as soon as he leaves work, but she stops herself, eyes drifting to Klaus, who seems to be awaiting her answer as well. Sighing tiredly, she shakes her head, even though Alaric can’t see her. “I’ll be fine, I’m just being dramatic. Don’t worry about me, alright? I– Klaus and I will handle this. It’s no big deal, I promise.” 
“Are you sure?” 
“I’m positive,” She reassures, stopping at the steps that lead to Isobel’s office building. “I’ll text you later tonight after we’ve had some time to go through some of the stuff, okay?” 
“Okay. Thank you,” He sounds infinitely less stressed at her reassurances, and the guilt she’d been feeling dissipates easily. “I’ll talk to you later.” 
She echoes the goodbye and quickly pockets her phone again, immediately turning to Klaus to give him a glare that she can’t even really call a glare because of the complete and utter lack of any real heat behind it. Gesturing widely to the building before them, she sighs. “Let’s get this over with.” 
The office is devoid of any lingering students, and she wonders if it was done on purpose. The only person there besides her and Klaus is the girl at the desk, and she racks her brain for the girl’s name, because Alaric had told her earlier before they left. 
“Hi,” She starts, stepping in front of Klaus slightly as they approach the desk. “Alaric called earlier and said we’d be coming up to get some of Isobel’s research, I think?” 
The girl stands, a small smile on her face as she nods. “Of course. I’m Vanessa, I was Isobel’s intern.” 
Vanessa, she internally scolds herself for not remembering, before giving her name back in return. “And this is Klaus.” 
The Original offered a charming smile, and she saw some degree of recognition flutter in Vanessa’s eyes as her smile grew wider, equally charmed and awed. “Lovely to meet you, Vanessa,” 
“You’re Klaus Mikaelson, aren’t you?” She breathes out, shaking her head in disbelief as she leads them to Isobel’s private office. “Isobel was fascinated  with the story of the Originals, but there wasn’t ever enough information to figure out what was true and what wasn’t.” 
Klaus hums, practically preening under the attention. “Such are the consequences of living as long as I have. I can hardly remember what’s real and what’s not,” 
Vanessa’s face lights up with an idea, and she steps towards Klaus excitedly. “Would you mind if I asked you some questions? It would do our research a lot of good to have something new,” 
���Oh, well–” 
“We have a lot to do,” She quickly cuts in over their voices, offering a sharp smile to Vanessa. “But if we have time later, I’m sure he’d love to give you a tell-all interview.” 
Vanessa’s smile dims slightly but she nods, gesturing for them to go into the open office. “It’s all in there. Let me know if you need my help with anything.” 
“We will definitely do that,” She says, ignoring the twitch in her fingers as pushes Klaus into the office ahead of her. “Thank you so much!” 
She shuts the door firmly behind her and lets out a sharp sigh, her eyes fluttering open where she hadn’t even realized they’d shut. She finds Klaus staring at her, and immediately looks away, ducking past him to head for one of the packed boxes in the office, collecting dust. “What?” 
Klaus makes an amused little hum in the back of his throat. “Oh, nothing,”
“There’s clearly something,” 
“There is, but I don’t think you’d enjoy hearing it from me,” 
She halts her movements, hands falling limp on the file folders sorted neatly inside one box. Turning to look at him over her shoulder, she raises a brow. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m curious as to what Vanessa did to earn your disdain,” He says, shrugging lightly, keeping his voice purposefully aloof. 
She rolls her eyes, returning to pilfering through the box, skimming the labels on the file. “She was distracting you. We came here to do something, and we need to do it. That’s all.” 
He makes that irritating noise again, and she pauses once more, this time turning to face him fully. “What? What is so funny about that? Might I remind you, we need to learn about this cure for you just as much as anyone else.” 
He smirks, picking up a box from the floor and putting it on the table in front of him. “Of course. But only if you admit you were jealous,”
She feels the blood in her veins freeze as she stares at him, and she knows there’s a dawning look of horror growing on her face. “Excuse me?” 
“Just admit that you were jealous of that poor girl in there, and I will do as much research as you want me to. It’s very simple.” 
“Jealous,” She echoes, her voice faint the longer she looks at him. “You think that I was jealous because some college kid was treating you like you were the lead singer in her favorite boy band?” 
“Maybe not her favorite boy band, but certainly her favorite Original,” He corrects, grinning deviously. 
“I wasn’t jealous!” She yells somewhat hysterically, face twisting as her pulse races. “I– I have no reason to be jealous, I would never be jealous, I’m not– I’m not jealous! Just– shut up!” 
She waves a hand in his direction, ignoring the warmth in her chest that stings like embarrassment. “Just– shut up, and– and leave me alone! Do what we came here to do,” 
Klaus holds his hands up in surrender, still smiling like the cat that got the cream. “Whatever you say,” 
They’ve booked a hotel for the night, despite the fact that she’d sooner sleep on the street than stay in a hotel with Klaus Mikaelson. But he graciously offered to pay for it, and she was determined to pretend like their conversation earlier had never happened and that meant acting like absolutely nothing was wrong. 
It meant letting him order them room service, and sitting quietly while they ate. It meant letting him tease and taunt her like he normally did, and working overtime to give him the normal reactions she would have– a glare here and there, a not-so-nice name everywhere else. 
Except now it felt like it was all wrong. It felt like she was being even more obvious than before. All because he called her out. Because he was right. 
Just out of sheer principle, she couldn’t ever tell him that. The last thing he needed was that particular ego boost, from her of all people. 
Their relationship has always been antagonistic, but Klaus has never been nearly as harsh as she has. And now that she’s spent the last six hours thinking about every single interaction they’ve ever had, she feels somewhat stupid for not even letting herself contemplate the idea that she could one day be jealous over Klaus Mikaelson. 
But even in that same vein, she understands why it never crossed her mind until he pointed it out. It was non-negotiable, having any sort of relationship like that with Klaus. She’d been friends with Alaric since he first met Isobel, she couldn’t just go and sleep with the guy who killed his girlfriend, let alone have feelings for him. 
The thought alone made her stomach swirl with guilt, but she was determined to not let Klaus in on any of her inner turmoil, considering he’d get some insane satisfaction out of the fact that it’s all his fault. 
By the time they make their way to the private bedroom in the ridiculously grand hotel room Klaus had gotten them for the night, it doesn’t really register in her mind that they not only don’t have any sort of pajamas due to the fact that this wasn’t supposed to be an overnight trip, but the only bedroom in the suite has one bed. 
It doesn’t register in her mind until she’s already in bed, resigned to the fact that she’ll be sleeping in her t-shirt and underwear, and Klaus makes his way over to the bed like it’s no big deal. 
“Hey, hey, what the hell are you doing?” 
He raises a brow at her, gesturing to the bed. “Going to bed. We’ve got an early morning ahead of us if you have any chance of making it back to Mystic Falls alive.” 
She rolls her eyes at his taunting recollection of her complaints, and she holds up a hand, keeping the blankets tucked carefully around her hips as she sits up. “Why wouldn’t you get a room with two beds?” 
“Because it’s one night, darling,” He drawls, signature smirk twitching on his lips. “But if you have some particular feeling that would make sharing a bed with me uncomfortable, then I–”
“No!” She cuts him off, feeling like she was just backed into a corner. “No issue. Just– keep your hands to yourself.” 
He winks at her, and she ignores the way it makes her heart race. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” 
She shuffles back down into the bed and turns onto her side away from him, suddenly too conscious of the fact that she doesn’t have any pants on, and that if someone had told her this morning she’d be pantsless, in bed with Klaus Mikaelson, she probably would’ve punched them and then spent the rest of her life dreaming about it. 
It’s only slightly humiliating. 
Once Klaus is settled in the bed, presumably undressed to the same degree she is if the shuffling she’d heard a minute ago was anything to go by, he turns the lamp off, encasing them in darkness. 
After too long, her hip starts to ache the longer she lays on her side, and she knows there’s no chance she’ll fall asleep with it throbbing like it is, so she resigns herself to the fact that she’s going to have to move. 
Careful of her spacial awareness, she turns onto her back, and then onto her other side, unable to stop her eyes from landing on the shadows of Klaus’s profile. 
She lets out a small breath, shakier than normal, and clutches her hand against the pillow beneath her head. 
“You’re staring,” 
She groans quietly. “I am not,” 
“You know, I don’t know if I should be honored or not that you don’t act like this with anyone else.” 
She squeezes the pillow again, brows furrowing on her forehead. Her curiosity piqued, despite her best interests. “What do you mean?” 
“Well, you’re horrifically antagonistic on a good day, and downright murderous on a bad one. But you don’t ever lose your temper with anyone else like you do with me,” He observes, voice unintentionally quiet in the privacy of the darkness. If she didn’t know any better, she’d even say it was laced with fondness. 
Pressing her face into her pillow briefly to try and collect herself, she lets her eyes trace the curve of his nose, and his prominent cupid’s bow, backlit by the moon shining in the window. She wonders what he looks like beneath a full moon. She wonders if his eyes shine that burning yellow-gold color the entire night. 
“You do it on purpose,” She mutters, trying to keep her tone from sounding as childish as it does in her head. “I’m not stupid, Klaus. You like riling me up.” 
She hears more than sees his head turn towards her, but she feels the burn of his eyes on her face like the summer sun. 
“Did you ever consider that I just like when you talk to me?” He asks, sounding entirely more vulnerable than she ever thought he was capable of being. 
Her breath stutters on an exhale, and she knows he can hear the way his words make her entire body trip up. Despite being unable to truly meet his eyes in the dark, she searches for them anyway, seeking out the truth that may lie in them. 
He murmurs her name, soft and sweet between the sheets wrapped around them, and she can’t stop herself from pushing forward into his space, draping herself across his chest as she presses their lips together. 
She’s instantly satisfied to hear the shocked noise that spills from his lips, but it’s the last coherent thought she can form once he mirrors her utter desperation. 
He steals the breath from her lungs, barely letting her gasp between his greedy kisses, his hands pulling her further into him, leaving her practically on top of him. 
His hands slide up the fabric of her shirt, grabbing at the bare skin there, groaning at the feel of her moving beneath his touch. 
“Klaus,” She gasps out, panting at the spit-slick sounds of their lips together in the quiet of the hotel room. “Klaus, I have to–” 
She forcibly pulls herself away from him, unable to even blame him for the way she let herself get so caught up as she catches her breath, looking down from where she’s propped above him. 
They fall silent, matching each other’s frantic but slowing breaths as their spilled-over tension finally seems to simmer out. 
A huff of a laugh comes from beneath her and she frowns slightly, looking at him. “What?” 
His hands clench where they’re still gripping her waist, and she visibly shivers at the rough touch. “You were jealous, weren’t you?” 
She instinctively slaps a hand against his bare shoulder, wondering how she hadn’t noticed he’d taken his shirt off when he got into bed. “You are such a dick,” She shakes her head, but she’s already leaning back in to kiss him again despite herself. 
Klaus is quick to meet her halfway, craning his neck up to kiss her again, and she lets out a sudden yelp as he flips them around, pressing her into the mattress beneath him. “Let me make it up to you,” 
She’s nodding before he even finishes speaking, and she thinks, tells herself, that she can’t be faulted for how quickly she forgives him after that.
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aklaustaleteller · 13 days
@ghayda0 requested via submission: Hi, please ignore if you’re not taking requests. Klaus is out all day. Literally from morning to midnight and when he comes back, Y/N is very pissed at him and giving him the silent treatment. At first Klaus’s amused by her actions, thinking Y/N is just being bratty but when she starts tearing up, maybe mid argument, he sees that’s she’s genuinely hurt. Maybe it was their anniversary or her birthday and he forgot. Can be smutty if you want to be, I mean he has to make it up somehow ;)
Entirety of Eternity
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Waiting and waiting for Klaus to return home, Y/n's grasp on reality soon slipped and she fell into a sad, sad slumber. But then Klaus finally comes back, and he doesn't know what he's done wrong -- and Y/n won't tell him. Until she does, shouting at him how the night clearly wasn't anything special to him. And now, all Klaus wants is to show her just how much she, and their relationship, truly mean to him.
Warnings - Smut and some mentions of blood. Word Count - 3.3k
Not super proud of the way I wrote this one, but I'm pretty certain that it isn't that bad (please tell me it isn't) And thank you for requesting this -- I hope you enjoy reading it!
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Y/n was sat on one end of the dining table, her face resting in her quite sweaty palms as she waited for her ears to finally perk up at the sound of the front door to the mansion opening. But it was beginning to cross the two-hour mark and still, there was no sound.
Every once in a while, the sound of her earrings' tiny bells would chime in her ears as she'd change her position to get more comfortable. At least as comfortable as she could on a wooden chair.
A deep wine-red dress adorned her body, pooling on the ground around her feet as she sat. Delicate jewellery hung from her ears, her wrists and a dainty necklace rested just below her collarbone. Sighing defeatedly, she let her head lay atop her arms on the dining table, looking at the polished plates in front of her and then at the empty seat across from her.
Tonight was nothing special, at least not to Klaus considering the fact that he had yet to return home. But it was to her. After all, this was the day that he had turned into a hybrid himself, and then turned her into one as well – justifying it with the purpose that he just wanted to spend the rest of eternity with her.
This was just the fifth year, and already he was forgetting their anniversary.
Maybe this wasn't so special after all. But when you've got the entirety of eternity on your hands, surely you'd try and celebrate as many occasions as possible to keep things special and ...to keep their value.
The clock rang throughout the empty house, finally hitting one in the morning and he still wasn't standing across from her. And she was getting too close to doubting if he even will tonight.
And even if it wasn't so special to him, shouldn't he have listened to her when she'd so excitedly told him to return home early tonight as she'd have something special waiting for him? Wouldn't matter anymore because all the food that she'd cooked herself had gone cold, and the candles she'd set up had burned down to the wick.
The dust had begun to settle on the exposed crockery, the moon had hidden itself behind the clouds and her heart had begun wilting away inside her chest.
She didn't quite realise when her hold on reality slipped and she fell into a sad slumber, but she woke up to the feel of a hand on her arm and a soft voice coaxing her back to life.
"There you are, my darling," Klaus smiled, already kneeling beside her so he was face to face with her. "Why didn't you go to bed?"
Y/n looked at him with eyes that were screaming how could he have the guts, the audacity to ask her that and so callously pretend that he hadn't just come home past midnight despite her sweet request that went against his act.
But when her shouts fell on deaf ears, she simply turned the other way from where Klaus was sitting and stood up. "The dinner's gone cold... I'd suggest you warm it up before eating, it'd taste better," she told him as she walked up the stairs, her gaze empty but her blood heating up rapidly.
Klaus looked at her as she walked away, amusement filling him up to the brim at her antics. Yes, she'd asked him to return early but it was for no special occasion, and he'd gotten himself in a rather sticky situation, so why was she upset out of the blue?
He was even sure that she his reasoning in someone's red blood covering him from head to toe, beginning to dry up. And he wished that she'd clean him up like every other time, so he decided to eat first. Give her some time to change her clothes and get comfortable for the night before he could go over to her and ask her innocently to help him clean himself off.
So he sat and ate, his eyes closing every once in a while at the feeling of the home cooked meal filling him up with all the love he could digest.
Rinsing off his dishes, Klaus sped up the stairs and into the bedroom he shared with Y/n as her lover, a frown settling itself between his brows when he caught her sitting in front of the vanity, lost in some thought as she glared at a broken lipstick.
"What's wrong, my love?" Klaus asked her, concern lacing his voice as he walked over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders as he locked his eyes with hers in the mirror.
His frown only deepened further when she didn't reply and began removing her jewellery, looking at him with big eyes trembling with fury. He didn't move, not until she was getting up and moving towards the bed, which had him following her hot on her heels.
"C'mon, it's not the right time to be a brat, sweetheart," Klaus joked, chuckling to himself but stopped when she shot him a look sharp enough to make him flinch.
"Just tell me what's happened!" Klaus insisted, kneeling in front of her and holding her hand, ignoring the fact that she didn't weave her fingers through his' and pick his hand up to press a kiss on his knuckles like she usually did.
"Where were you?" She asked, forcing her voice to be at a bay.
"Well, some newbies truly thought that they could have my head on a sword for them to take home to their master,” he chuckled. “And their plan was quite impressive, dare I say,” shrugging he said, passing her a grin which, expectedly, wasn’t reciprocated. 
“I apologise for not coming home earlier,” he sighed. But he knew that she knew that he truly wasn’t, for he didn’t even yet realise the density of this grave mistake he had made. And when she continued with her silence, Klaus finally cracked. 
“It’d not as if tonight’s anything special!”
And right then, Y/n heard something crack inside her. Possibly her dead heart. 
“I know you wanted me to return early tonight and I’m sorry that I didn’t, I truly am!” He almost whined, trying to show her how unreasonable she was being as he started pacing the room. “But this has happened before and you’ve never been this upset, so just tell me what have I done wrong!” 
He felt quite embarrassed once he was done shouting due to her lack of response, and sighed once more before walking towards her.
“It was our anniversary,” she started, quickly glancing at the clock, “yesterday.”
Klaus stopped in midst of his way to her, his heart dropping in his stomach as he finally found himself at a loss of words. His mouth moved, but nothing came out except for some incoherent stutters. 
“Forget it. It was nothing special,” she gritted through her teeth, not wanting her anger to get the best of her but she could feel it slipping out of her grasp.
“Darling – I,” Klaus stuttered, looking at the floor, wishing it’d remind him how to speak. “I’m so sorry darling,” Klaus breathed, his gaze turning doe-eyed as the realisation set in. 
“No you’re not!” Y/n shouted, getting off the bed to walk towards him. “You are not sorry, Klaus. You clearly don’t care!”
Hot tears were lined up against her lower lashline, making it hard for her to see clearly.
“You were showing that last night meant nothing to you for so long and you even said it! It was no special occasion!” She yelled, her voice shaking as her brain debated whether she was trying to convince herself about that, or him. 
And the way she was talking about their anniversary in a way that it truly had passed and that it was the next day, was only breaking his heart worse. 
“Darling our anniversary means the world to me,” he desperately said. “I’d just carelessly forgotten about it but please don’t think that it doesn’t mean anything to me,” he whispered, his eyes aching to meet with hers but she just wouldn’t let it happen, looking to the side. 
But the moment those words left  his mouth, a bitter chuckle escaped her mouth as she finally looked him in the eyes. 
“Can you hear yourself Klaus?” She asked him, shaking her head. “If it did mean anything to you, you wouldn’t have forgotten about it!” She told him, fisting her hand to prevent herself from ripping her hair out of her scalp. 
“Please let me make it up to you, darling,” Klaus begged, his own tears threatening to spill. “I’d been a bastard to do such a thing but please let me show you how much you mean to me,” his voice went meek as he lowered his head to meet her eyes. “How much this,” Klaus whispered, motioning his hand to point at her and then at himself, “means to me,” he finished, cautiously cupping her face in his rough hands. 
And he breathed in relief when she leaned into his touch, a tear rolling down her cheek. 
“I cooked us a meal, lit up candles and I only wore this dress so you could take it off,” she admitted, a tinge of pink rising on her cheeks, betraying her sadness. “And you just had to go and mess everything up,” she sighed, closing the distance between them and wrapping her arms around him, clinging to his torso while resting her face in the cervix of his neck, ignoring the dried blood that covered his clothes and exposed skin. 
“And I’m so sorry darling,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I swear I’ll never do something like this again,” he smiled, swaying them side to side. 
Y/n detached herself from him then, her hair a bit ruffled due to his touch. “Please don’t,” she chuckled, pressing a quick kiss on his lips before weaving their fingers together and walking towards the bathroom. 
“You better not show up some day covered in your own blood,” Y/n warned him as she sat him on the bathroom counter and wetted a towel. 
She began wiping the blood off of him with ease, having done this a million and more times by now. And she’d just wiped down his neck when she realised that he had way more blood on him that she’d expected, and some in his hair as well.
“Why don’t you just take a shower? You genuinely have blood everywhere, hell it’s even in your hair,” she laughed and didn’t wait for his answer as she went on to turn on the shower and nodded her head at him, urging him to get in already. 
“You’re not joining me, are you?” Klaus asked, teasingly and nervously. 
“You wish, don’t you?” She grinned before walking out, her ears picking up on him mumbling how she very well knew that he did. 
And Y/n had just been sitting on the bed, waiting for him when he finally walked out of the shower, in a towel that hung dangerously low on his hips. And his drenched curls stuck to his forehead while water shone off of his chiselled chest, a teasing smirk on his mouth as he looked at her while she took him in.
He began walking towards her, a certain glint in his eyes as he watched her shut off the book in her lap and place it on her bedside table. Once he stood beside her, he took her hands in his and began moving so that she’d stand up and walk with him. 
Leaning in, he hovered his mouth over hers before tilting his head slightly so that he was whispering in her ear.
“You said you’d only worn this dress so I could take it off… yes?” He asked her, beginning to sway the two of them across the room, listening in to hear her heartbeat picking up while her heavy breath fanned his neck. 
Y/n hummed in response, her eyes fluttering close when he began pressing feather light kisses up her neck. She looked at him with intrigue when he stood the both of them in front of the mirror, looking at her with the slightest smirk from behind. 
“Gonna still let me take you up on that offer, darling?” he asked, his fingers dancing across her shoulders until she nodded her head, and whispered a small yes. 
“Gonna let me show you how much truly special you are to me?” He asked again, clearly teasing her as he fingers travelled to her back. He pressed his mouth against her jaw when she nodded again, eyes still on her in the mirror as he began nipping at her skin, leaving behind the very first hickey. 
He undid the chain of the dress, letting it slump off of her torso and expose her naked breasts to him. No bra, he grinned, licking the bruising skin on her jaw as a blush creeped up on the highs of her cheeks. 
From behind, his hands slithered across her skin, from her back to now her breasts, flicking the hardened nipples as he littered love bites all over her neck. 
He made sure that while he touched her, his eyes remained locked with hers. She knew after so many years with him that he preferred eye contact during such intimate moments, that he preferred to see how much effect he had on her – how he had her at his mercy just by touch. 
“Klaus,” she breathed with pleading eyes and let her head fall against his chest as he began to force the rest of her dress to slip off of her figure. 
“Darling,” Klaus smiled, turning her around once she’d stepped out of the dress that was merely a pool on the floor now. He picked her up, bridal style and walked over to their bed, laying her on it gently unlike other times when he’d roughly toss her on it. After all, he had some apologising to do tonight.
Moving to hover above her, Klaus resumed his kisses and marks, slipping lower and lower on her body until her fingers were clutching his curls while he bit lightly on the lowest point of her stomach. 
“Stop all this teasing now, Klaus,” Y/n asked of him, propping herself up on her elbows to look at him with a rather scolding look as he looked back at her with mischievousness swimming in his eyes.
“Only because I’m truly sorry,” Klaus grinned at her, teasing her for the final time before he pressed his mouth against her aching core, licking up her hole to her clit, spreading her arousal before he could actually begin. 
Y/n’s breathing hitched and a moan escaped her mouth when she felt him increase his pace a bit. His fingers dug into the skin on her hips as he kept his hold tight on her, forcing himself as close to her pussy as he could, his nose breathing in her scent and tongue lapping up her wetness. 
“Oh Klaus,” she whined when he shifted all his attention on her clit, sucking on it until he began feeling a tremor coursing through her thighs. 
He went back to licking up her arousal then, wanting to prolong her orgasm to give her a good one instead. And his own grunts began to vibrate against her core when he began to rub against the bed, causing her arousal begin dripping down his chin. 
“You taste fucking amazing, darling,” he told her as he pushed a finger inside her with ease, quickly adding another one at the realisation of just how open and ready he’d got her dawned on him. 
Y/n mewled above him, her moans turning into louder groans as he pushed himself against her core again, flicking her clit with his tongue while pumping his fingers inside her at a fast pace. Her eyes fell shut as the knot in her belly began to move lower and lower, a pleasing and burning sensation coursing through her body, causing her to begin shaking. 
Her thighs instinctively closed shut around Klaus’ head, her hands pushing against his head to get away from him, making him increase his pace even more. 
“Klaus, please!” She cried out to him, begging for release while her back arched off the bed, her eyes flying open when Klaus detached his mouth from her, keeping his fingers at work regardless. 
“Look at me,” he breathed, her arousal smeared across his mouth, along with a couple strings connecting his mouth and her core.
And he went right back to messing with her now puffy clit once he had her eyes on him. Noises of his tongue licking her up and down began to fill the room along with the ones coming from him fingering her, and her hips stuttered to move just once more before she was crying out, trying with all her might to get away from his mouth as she grew more and more sensitive as he made her ride out her orgasm. 
Klaus finally stopped after a couple more kitten licks then, crawling back up to her to kiss her. And he had just cupped her jaw when she flipped them over, now straddling his naked hips as the towel remained lying near the foot of the bed. 
And she began lining his hardened cock against her pussy, slowly sinking down on him until he was fully inside her. She placed her hands on top of his which were situated on her waist and then she began moving up and down, increasing her pace with each jump. 
“Only because I’m forgiving you,” she lazily grinned at him, making him chuckle hoarsely.
Klaus’ hands slowly slithered up her torso then, and cupped her breasts as their bouncing in his face was going to make him reach his high embarrassingly fast. 
And when he noticed her pace slowing down, he placed his hold back on her waist to hold her in place while he thrusted up into her, fucking her well enough for her to lean forward and hover over him with her eyes clenched shut. 
“Fucking hell,” Klaus gritted as her breasts were now back in his face, bouncing so prettily that he couldn’t help but take one of her nipples in his mouth to tease her into another orgasm now. 
“Oh I’m gonna cum again,” she moaned close to his ears, and it was enough to make him slip his hand between their connected bodies and rub her clit, all while he felt himself growing closer and closer to tipping over the edge himself. 
“Give it to me darling – give it to your husband,” Klaus groaned as he felt her walls clench around him, her orgasm slipping past her entrance and onto the base of his cock, making him spill inside her with a loud moan.
Making a few more deep and hard thrusts, Klaus finally stopped, his head thrown back in pure ecstasy as Y/n laid on top of him, wrapping her arms around his torso. 
“I fear you’ll need another shower, Klaus,” Y/n giggled, laughing harder when he sped both of them into the bathroom, and turned on the shower, kissing her with a wide grin on his own mouth. 
“Please buy more dresses just for me to take them off, my love,” Klaus told her, his teasing grin turning into dropped jaw when her arse brushed against him, eliciting an even deeper moan from him when she pressed herself further into him and began peppering kisses across his chest, nipping at the skin every once in a while just to hear him hiss.
“For the entirety of eternity, yes?” She grinned, yelling in surprise when he pushed her against the wall and pressed his mouth on hers, mumbling a hoarse ‘yes’ as she wrapped her legs around his waist.   
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thewritersaddictions · 8 months
Day Twelve: Stefan Salvatore + Somnophilia
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You really tired to stay awake for Stefan, but he was taking to long, and the longer you waited the harder it was to stay awake. The hot summe air around you made sleeping in the hold Salvatore house hard sometimes. You tired to get cool, but the air wasn't moving much, and so you decided to strip down naked.
It wasn't like Stefan hadn't seen you naked before. It was unlike Stefan to stay out late, and not at least call you to you he'd be coming home soon.
Sleep took you quickly. The days efforts to help at the local bakery, and also do some paperwork. Left you feeling worn out, and tired. Sleep took you, and you dreamed of the cold spot next to you being filled with a handsome man. One that smelt of whiskey, and fresh pine. You dreamt of his hands in your hair, and his lips on your body.
Your dreams melted into real life. as your felt the wet feeling between your legs. You hummed as you felt a wet tongue lick a long, and slow strip up your dripping pussy.
Nothing felt better then that, but you still thouhgt you were dreaming. Hands gripping at your thighs, blunt nails leaving half cresents shapes in your skin. You moaned at the sensation.
"Oh fuck!" Your breathy moans fell from your lips, and right into the air. Harder pulls on your tighs as you tired to get away from the over stimulation of the feeling between your legs. "Stefan! FUCK please…" You begged in your sleep.
Until you heard the gruttle moan of Stefan between your legs. Your eyes shot open, "Stefan! What? OH fuck." You muttered as he contineud to tease your clit with his tongue, and sucked on it. Hands falling into his hair, and desperatly trying to pull his lip away from you.
"Nah, missy I wanna taste you." He whispered into your thighs. Kissing you getnly, before diving back in. "Please… I'ma…" You eyes rolled into the back of your head as Stefan added a finger into your dripping pussy. Thrusting slowly. Keeping you right on the edge. "What was that baby girl?" He said teasingly. "Please, Stefan no no teasing." You mumbled as he added another finger. Streching you out further.
Sloppy, wet nosies hitting your ear. Stefan's tongue lapping at your clit. Your hand falling to his hair once again. "Oh, fuck… Stefan don't, please don't stop." He continued to thurst his fingers, at a pace with no mercy. "Never would dream of it Y/n." He whispered into your thighs.
Your vision went white, and your voice became hoarse as you screamed his name out for all of Mystic falls to hear. Stefan helped you through your high. A soft hand rubbing circles into your skin.
He climbed up your body. Kissing at every spot of exposed skin. "I'm sorry I'm late." He mumured into your ear. "It's kay." Your said really unable to form words. He kissed you gently, and climbed next to you under the sheet.
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Completed on: 07/02/23
Posted on: 10/12/23
Kinktober 23- @lanad3lreyscokewhor3 @homelanderscumdump @hummusxx@chvnsdimple @vvitzvafflezvv @lokisivy @claud-blood0703 @iliketoreads-stuff @all-that-glitters-is-treasure@clearscissorsbonkgiant-blog @lxonix--ac @piecesofx @mortallyswimmingpainter @playwithfire99 @fucak @everythingneytiri @lovetheos @xxxxxoseungxoooo @durazopato @hotpead42069 @oddseabiscuit @capoda @witching-hour @viviwows @lover103 @alexlovesfiction @katiecat10 @electricfans @jianasmind @max-505 @powerbun21o @the-horny-simp @missy420-0 @jaq-dav @arescosplays
The Vampires Dairies // Kinktober '23
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venusbyline · 28 days
tvdu men + their favorite kinks
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⚠️: Smut headcanons, female reader, BDSM themes, CNC mentioned, blood and bites mentioned, slight dark content. Damon, Elijah, Jeremy, Kai, Klaus, Kol, Silas and Sfefan headcanons included.
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Damon Salvatore
• Blood kink. Damon loves blood. He likes hurting you during sex as many ways as possible, hitting you until blood comes out, marking you, biting you... Every way he can see you writhing and asking for more, or crying in pain/pleasure and begging him to stop (but without saying your safe word, because you actually DON'T WANT him to).
• Primal kink. If you're human, Damon likes acting as you're his prey. He hunts you on a deserted road, especially giving you a little time before he starts really hunting you, like hide and seek.
Elijah Mikaelson
• Master/slave. In my opinion, Elijah's one of the most canonically sadistic characters of the show, all of it just hidden in his fake perfection's mask . The master and slave dynamic it's perfect for him. You worship him, even when he tells you to rub your slutty pussy on his social shoes while you give him a head, making you cum just like that and then demanding you bend over and lick your own juices on his shoes. You also wear white lingerie and stay with your handcuffed hands behind your back for hours, willing to do whatever he tells you to do, thanks to your limits already pre-established well in advance.
Jeremy Gilbert
• Choking (before his Hunter's Mark). Jeremy was a real soft boyfriend, so switch but more on the sub side. He loved being choked, feeling your fingers squeezing his throat as you rode him fast, his hands holding your hips but without controlling your moves, just feeling the heat of your skin.
• Spanking (after his Hunter's Mark). This Jeremy's version it's much more dominant. He's so strong and hot... He loves to lay you down on his knee and spank your ass until it's burning red. Just like he also loves hiting you with his belt if you were being too bratty before.
Kai Parker
• CNC. Wow, Kai's a "human" red flag and that's why I love him. He has such dark desires, you couldn't help but be scared the first time he told you about his CNC/rapeplay kink. It took a while for you to convince yourself, but after you exposed your limits, you knew that it could happen at any moment and you always get excited waiting for it. Your whining while he hurts you and "forces" you to do these things it's a spur to both of you. The chase, the begging, the crying, the blood...
Klaus Mikaelson
• Choking. When he's fucking you, he doesn't miss the opportunity to grab your neck tightly, watching you gasp for air as his hand cuts off your breath, fucking you harder and hearing your strangled moans.
• Degradation. He loves to humiliate you (but only during sex). Calling you degrading pet names and making you feel worthless and pathetic. When it's the aftercare time, the first things he does it's lie down next to you, hugging you and fill you with so much soft words, proving tthat everything he said before wasn't true.
Kol Mikaelson
• Daddy kink. He's not that rough on relationships, we know that (isn't that right, Davina?). But he still likes being dominating you during sex, even if in a soft way. He likes you calling him daddy and acting like his submissive little girl. He punishes you as many times as you need but always spoils you if you're a good girl to him.
• Degradation & Edging. Silas's so... Silas. So hot and sarcastic. He loves degrading you sometimes, but he's more mocking than Klaus. I guess that's why I also picture him as someone with an Edging kink. He doesn't just degrades you and treats you as someone less than him, but he also shows that by denying your orgasms for HOURS, and after he's satisfied seeing your crying and pleading, he makes you cum until you squirt and say your safe word. Just like Klaus, the moment sex it's over he treats you like his goddess.
Stefan Salvatore
• Primal kink (as Ripper). Ripper Stefan's so cruel and dark... He loves Primal Roleplay. He's addicted to chasing you as if you were his prey, as if you were just one of the stupid humans he feeds on. You play this prey role very well, even allowing him to feed on you at these times.
• Pet play. Stefan in his (considerably) normal sane state isn't as so dominant and rough, but he's yet a little kinky. You're his bunny, he wants you to play this role very well during this roleplay tok. Wearing lingerie, plugs with tails, acting slightly like a bunny...
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halfmoonshines · 1 month
soft spot
damon salvatore x reader
summary; you're injured in a fight with a rogue vampire who breezed into town, and Damon is being weird about it
You tried to stay hidden in the shadows outside of the streetlight, but your rapid heartbeat probably would've given you away either way.
"Who the hell is this guy?" You heard Damon mutter from the spot he was tossed just a few feet away from you, dusting the dirt from the trash cans he'd squished like cardboard. His ice blue eyes spared you a quick glance but didn't say a word, trying not to draw any attention your way.
Damon intervened as Caroline was struggling to grapple with the stranger. In the span of a moment, she was on the ground groaning with a broken arm and he had launched the assailant to give them a chance to regroup - right toward you.
You couldn't help the little gasp that you emitted, no matter how much time you spent around these creatures this was a vampire. One in particular who would have no hang ups about snapping your neck.
Per their supernatural hearing, it didn't take long for the mans vicious senses to find you, and took half as long for him to have a bruising hand around your neck.
The sound of Damon yelling your name was distant in the background, you were focused on the threat literally snarling in your face.
"Don't you smell good?"
That was as far as the stranger managed to get before Damon had the broken handle of a broom protruding from his back. His grip slipped off your throat as his body slid sideways and you toppled to the ground, heading bouncing off the pavement hard enough for you to see stars.
Damon's voice was faint to you again, but you could hear him begging for your attention. Caroline was in the background too, in panicked discussion with someone over the phone. You couldn't get your eyes to focus though, hair becoming wet and warm.
The eldest Salvatore's touch on you was feather light, his mouth still moving with words he wanted you to latch onto but you had already lost the dance with consciousness.
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
The first thing you were aware of when you woke up in a bed was that it was decidedly not yours. The next thing you noticed was that you weren't in any pain, just a bit stiff when you went to sit up from the bed. Someone had definitely given you blood, which was against every rule her and her friends had discussed, but from the smell of the sheets behind you - Damon wouldn't have cared either way.
You made your way out of the room and down the stairs, vaguely knowing the layout of the boarding house from your handful of times actually coming inside. Over the last few months you had become dangerously intertwined in Elena's grapple with the supernatural, despite Bonnie's vehement advice to go as far as possible. You were emancipated, you could switch schools and move to Pennsylvania.
No, you couldn't. Once your conscious had been opened to everything around you, once you were aware of the dangers of the dark - you could never ignore that. Better the evil you know.
Speaking of.
You came upon Damon in his favorite spot, a tumbler of bourbon in his hand while he leaned up against the fireplace. The suit jacket he had been wearing earlier that night was discarded on the couch behind him, a small amount of blood on the collar of his shirt still.
"You always look so broody." Poking fun at him might not be in your best interest, but you figured you'd give it a go. Over the last few months, your and Damon's relationship had morphed into something you couldn't quite understand, but moments like these had seemed to become more comfortable between you.
"I believe you're confusing me with my much broodier younger brother." Damon's words were laced with sarcasm, but his tone didn't have a hint of amusement.
You felt suddenly awkward, in his space and home. Just because you had gotten kind of comfortable lately didn't mean he wanted to be around you.
"Well, thanks for the whole life saving thing." You began to babble nervously, a faint pink glow to your cheeks. "I'll get out of your hair. Sorry for taking your bed, I don't even know what time it is-" You had begun turning toward the door, making to just leave and find a way home. How you could this age and still flustered in front of attractive men, especially murderous ones was beyond you.
Damon appearing in front of you almost made your heart stop, hair stirring at his incredibly fast movements. He was barely a foot away, his piercing gaze holding your confused one. From this close you could smell just how much he had probably drank.
"Are you... okay, Damon?" Your voice wavered a bit under the heat of his stare and you saw the muscle in his jaw working overtime while he looked like he was debating whether or not he wanted to actually say anything to you.
"You don't have to thank me for saving you when you were in danger because of me." His eyes had drifted from your eyes to your neck, voice whisper quiet.
Vulnerability was the last thing you expected from the man standing over you. "What do you mean? It wasn't your fault. Just wrong place, wrong time and I so happen to be the weakest link." You hoped your voice conveyed even a bit of humor.
His eyes snapped back up to yours, head tilting slightly while he assessed you. Damon's hand rose to grab a lock of your hair, twirling it around his finger in thought. Your breath caught in your throat, feeling like you were on the precipice of something.
"My weakest link, maybe. Have I told you how much I like your hair?" His voice was still quiet, an innocent lilt.
Your mind was reeling, half drunk on his closeness and hazed by confusion. Where was this coming from? Had he drank a small liquor store and now he was confusing her for her much more appealing best friend?
"Damon, I'm not sure how much you've had to drink, but I'm happy to brew you a pot of coffee. Does that even work for vampires?"
You had started to pull away, making to turn toward the kitchen but Damon was infinitely faster than you. His drink was discarded, one hand going to your upper arm and the other to your waist, tugging you back into his vicinity.
"On the contrary, I don't think I've ever been so sure minded, sparrow. I'm sorry for not protecting you tonight." His voice was tight now, the warmth of his hands tingling down your body.
"It's not your fault, or job, Damon." Your voice had quieted to match his, all humor leaving. You didn't know where this guilt had come from, but it was misplaced. Since you'd met Damon he'd made some bad decisions, but you had also seen his sacrifice so much for the sake of the team. Even if others didn't acknowledge it, he didn't need to add anymore to his plate.
"I'd like it to be. My job." His reply was lightning quick, eyes pinning yours in place.
Were you dreaming?
Damon's signature smirk was visible for a split second, telling you that your confusion was written all over your face. "I think that I'm asking you, in the most coming of age movie way, if you'd like to go steady?"
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
send any fic requests here!! all comments/criticisms/requests welcome
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claraoswalds · 4 months
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#i think about this scene every day
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES S03E18 The Murder of One
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calummss · 9 months
Bleeding into Nightfall | Klaus Mikaelson
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summary: life is gloomy and you’re tired of repetitive days that don’t get better. you say goodbye to the world forgetting about once person in paticular—niklaus mikaelson
pairing: fem! reader x klaus mikaelson
words: 3k
a/n: story of my life with the love of my life
tw: heavy descriptions of depression, suicide!!!
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Waking up every day was like waking up from the calm and facing the storm. Days bleeding into nightfall. Day after day starting to warp into each other, each day as listless as the day before. Mystic falls’ grey gloomy clouds constantly above your head as you managed to get out of bed. You kind of found common ground with autumn mornings. You enjoyed them more than any other morning but enjoy is a strong word for someone like you. Autumn mornings are dark that make it look like it was three in the morning. A time where nobody in this world expects a single thing from you. Just you alone existing in this world.
You brush your teeth.
Comb your hair.
Put on an outfit.
Make yourself look presentable so that nobody would be able to tell just how empty you felt. How draining it was getting ready when you could easily wear the same pair of clothes day and night. Forget about your appearance as you just try to pass the day.
Leaving the house you took one last look in the mirror with the same face you wish you could rip off, but instead you put on your best genuine smile that didn’t make you look like a manic sociopath and closed the door to make your way to school.
13 hours and 30 minutes to go.
Out of 24 hours you only feel okay for a couple. And it’s not even that you feel good, you just feel okay. You just try to get through the day. It’s been like this for a while. Time wailing past you, time wailing before you that has you trapped. You wake up. Go to school. Eat and sleep. Sometimes you don’t even eat or sleep. The easiest tasks seem impossible to complete. Why do you have to waste such a long amount of time? You’d be perfectly fine with only living eighteen years instead of eighty. You don’t do anything all day but you’re exhausted each time you lay down in bed, ready to shut your eyes. Still, you drag yourself through the day like cattle; unable to break free from what's holding you back.
The walk to school isn’t too long. Rustling leaves on trees, crunching of dead leaves that were kicked up into the air with each step you took, the thought of simply being a leaf on your mind as you barely noticed the person ahead.
‘I’m so sorry— Caroline…hi. I’m sorry,’ you lifted your head from the ground to see Caroline’s smile. ‘I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings,’
‘Yeah, I could tell.’ She gleamed, hooking her arm into yours as you continued walking the last blocks.
It was an okay walk. Your ears picking up different sounds of your surroundings as the mixture of sounds seemed to be blocking out your thoughts. It's too hard to concentrate on them.
‘Do you have anything planned for your outfit on Saturday?’ Caroline broke you from the chattering of your mind, hearing her voice bringing you back to the present.
You stared at her. Your eyes on her, your face hanging from your head as you stayed quiet, pressing your lips against each other as her smile turned to a frown.
‘Y/n, come on,’ she moaned, the sparkles in her eyes duplicating as she stared back at you. Her personality reminding you of the warmth of a fireplace on a cold evening. ‘It’s the school dance! It’s so important that we make these memories to look back on them when we’re old and wrinkly,’
‘I think I have enough memories.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean I just don’t really feel like going, that's all…’
‘Why not?’ She came to a halt, taking her arm from you so she could stand perfectly square of you, her arms folded in front of her chest as the wind blew her hair from the back.
‘I don’t know,’ you shrugged, ‘I just don’t want to go.’
‘Not even to please Klaus? I mean no offence—‘ (Caroline’s favourite way to start being offensive) ‘But no one knows what he sees in you. I mean he’s this grumpy old maniac that terrifies the vampire species and you’re just…you. A human with a normal life. A nice girl that just, in comparison to him, lives a boring life.’
‘I don’t know, Caroline,’ you huffed, picking up pace again, readjusting your school bag. Feet sluggishly bringing you forth. ‘He’s nice to me and he makes me forget certain aspects of my life but even for him I wouldn’t go.’
‘What’s wrong with you, Y/n?’ Caroline held you back again, stopping once more. ‘Are you okay? I’ve noticed that you seem off for a while now and I didn’t want to pry but I cannot hold myself back any longer. What happened? What is it that’s making you so glum all the time?’
‘I’m okay, Caroline,’ you half smiled, ‘I think I’d just rather go home and watch a movie or something.’
Caroline opened her mouth but before she could say another word you cut her off, ‘And before you offer yourself as my sleepover company, I think I’d rather be alone.’ You started walking again, the school doors only a few minutes away. ‘Besides, I know you want to be a good friend by wanting to come over but you and I both know that deep down you hoped I would say no because you want to go to the dance, and that is fine. Make those memories, Caroline! Your life has so many blank pages left to fill and I don’t want to hold you back! Go and have fun.’
Caroline immediately pulled you into a hug. Her perfume hitting your nostrils as you placed your arms around her, a quick smile forming on your lips.
‘Come on now,’ you took hold of her arm, ‘We need to get there on time otherwise Rick will have us doing detention the rest of the week.’
‘Do you think he dislikes us?’
‘No, I actually think it’s his way of showing that he cares,’ you let out a giggle that infected Caroline as you walked onto the school premises just as the bell rang for first period.
School was the same every day. Go to class. Pay attention. Write down notes. Stare outside of the window, the teacher’s voice fading into silence as your mind powered through to absent you from life.
Everyone seems so content with life? Why can’t I? What is there to be happy about?
‘Miss Jacobs, the action is here. Not outside.’ Mrs. Clark said, snapping your head to the front of the class. ‘If my class is boring you’re welcome to go outside.’
‘I’m sorry,’ you cleared your throat, sitting up straight. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Now, where was I?’
10 hours to go.
When the school bell rang for the last time, you started to clear your table and cram all your stuff into your bag, people pushing past you as everyone tried to leave. Out in the hall you quickly waved Caroline, Elena and Bonnie goodbye, ready to go home and sit in silence.
Plugging in your headphones you slowly started to walk home, music blasting through your ears and you tried to block out any sound from the world.
Trees and cars passed you, barely anyone on the pavement. You kept walking when you noticed a person in the distance; dressed in dark colours, stance confident and a face you could recognise from a mile away.
‘Hi.’ You gave him your best smile, not too much, not too little.
‘I hear there’s a school dance this saturday,’ he accompanied you towards your home. ‘I was hoping that I could ask you to the dance.’
‘I’m actually not going.’
‘Don’t feel like going, that’s all.’ You shared a quick glance.
His pupils dilated, eyebrows drawn together, the skin between them wrinkled. ‘Are you okay, Y/n.’ He gently grabbed a hold of your upper arm, the frequent blinking of his eyes telling you that you made him worry.
‘I’m fine,’ you chuckled, your crooked smile paired with dull, sparkless eyes not in your favour.
‘Don’t give me that bullshit.’
‘Klaus, please. I’m not in a mood to argue right now.’
‘Arguing?’ His eyebrows drew his eyebrows even closer. ‘We’re just talking.’
‘Look, Klaus.’ You stopped in your tracks, allowing yourself to stare up at his face. Lips plush, eyes squinted as his focus was on you. ‘I see that you want to go to the dance with me and if I were up to it I would, but I would just rather go home. Watch a movie. Be alone. Get away from all this,’ you sighed.
‘Okay.’ You breathed, ‘See you around, okay?’ You got on your tiptoes to place a quick kiss on his cheek before walking home.
‘Yeah, see you around.’ Klaus mumbled as you were already out of earshot, leaving him confused as to what was happening to you.
6 hours to go.
When you arrived home you went straight upstairs. Throwing your bag into a corner of your room as you wasted no time to change into more comfortable clothes like your lounging outfit (a pyjama). Down the stairs you walked into the kitchen, taking a bag of doritos and a bar of chocolate from the cupboard, a glass of water to wash down the junk and placed them onto the coffee table. Snatching a blanket from the living room trunk, you made yourself comfortable and put on the TV, ready to watch the Big Bang Theory and waste your time.
‘Y/h honey,’ your mother’s heels sounded through the living room. ‘It’s date night so we’ll be home quite late.’
‘Make sure to get some healthy carbs and protein in you too, okay darling?’
‘Yeah, mom. Have fun.’ You said, your eyes haven’t left the screen.
‘See you later.’
The door closed. Silence swept the house. Your TV the only thing that sounded within the walls. Sighing, you took a row of chocolate and let out a half-sounded giggle as you continued watching TV.
1 hour left to go.
8:50pm; it was time to go upstairs. You put away the stuff you used, made sure the windows and doors were locked and the lights turned off. The floorboard creaked with every step you took. Going into your bedroom you halted in front of your dresser, picking up the framed family portrait that you took on a trip to the family cabin on christmas day.
Your lips started pressing together, your fingers on the back of the frame scraping against the wood as a blink of your eyes let the first two tears roll down your cheek. Your heart twisted, aching with every shaky breath you took, a sting of melancholy growing inside your throat.
4 minutes to go.
You placed it back on the dresser, taking another glance at your room before taking off to the bathroom where you closed the door and took a long look in the mirror: messed up hair, red puffy eyes that blinked uncontrollably, the face of a person you never got to know.
Wiping away your tears you opened the cabinet and grabbed the packet of razors you purchased just last week in preparation for tonight.
Taking a deep breath you climbed into the bathtub, letting your back fall against the wall, a new surge of emptiness growing as you realised that you were going to be utterly alone when you went.
The cold metal pierced into your soft skin like fresh butter. The warmth of your blood no longer flowing like it normally did but instead poured onto your skin. Quiet drips spilling into the bathtub, staining your clothes on the way. Once your blood started spilling you didn’t feel any great pain, it hurt, but it was manageable. You hoped it wouldn’t, however seeing all the blood that was streaming from your cut, made your heart start to beat at immense speed.
Then the sweating started to begin. Your body was damp, head to toe and toe to head. You thought back on the days you went running. Every time you finished you’d have the same, wet, and uncomfortable sweat sitting on your skin, soaking into your clothes. A deeply unpleasant feeling started to make itself noticeable, heart pounding in your chest, throbbing with pain, but there was nothing you could do. Neither did you want to. You wanted nothing more than to disappear from the earth’s surface. You didn’t need to be here. Trapped with nowhere to go. No one would miss you. You barely had anyone but yourself and that was all you needed. Even in death you felt comforted by your own thoughts. A very strong headache, accompanied by a loud, white noise ringing almost made you regret your decision. The room spun like crazy before your vision started fading out; the ringing got louder as darkness came for you…
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Klaus made his way to your house. He didn’t like the way you were acting before you left. Your behaviour hasn’t left his mind since you last spoke. He turned into your driveway and jogged up the stairs, ringing the bell to hope that you would open up to him. To let him make you feel better. To let you know that he would do anything to see you happy.
But you never answered.
‘Y/n, open the door.’ Klaus raised his voice, his fist hitting against the door.
No answer.
‘Y/n!’ He slammed the door again.
Still, nothing.
Klaus focused his hearing to see if you were home when he suddenly heard shallow breaths; breaths he knew belonged to you. Without wasting another second Klaus kicked down the door, his vampire speed taking him to the location of decreased breaths. Almost taking the bathroom door off its hinges, Klaus found you sitting in the tub; red staining your body, head hanging sideways.
‘Y/N!’ He bellowed, falling to his knees, his arms hooking under your lump torso, pulling you out of the tub. The lack of tension in your body making his heart fall into an empty pit.
‘No, no, no, no, no,’ Klaus’ hands grabbed the sides of your face, twisting and turning. Hoping that your eyes would flatter open and greet him with a smile. A smile he held dear to his heart. But they stayed closed, his eyes getting blurrier the longer he fought.
‘Don’t you die on me!’ Klaus bit into his wrists, placing it on your lips, letting the blood flow into your system, his shaking arm staining your lower half of your face red. ‘You do not get to die! Wake up! Wake up…’
You stayed still. Just as lifeless as before you weighed Klaus’ body to the ground, his tears falling to your chest, pulling you close as his heart ached greater than it ever had. His reason to be good went without saying goodbye, leaving him to be alone like he had been for hundreds of centuries.
Klaus has heard thousands of heartbeats stop. Seen thousands of bodies covered in blood. Thousands of dead people. He didn’t know why it was so hard to see you there when he had been through this a million times. He felt empty. Everything about you came crashing down, his hope for hearing you say his name draining into nothingness. Klaus’ breathing grew louder, his chest feeling like it was being filled with water, the same water that spilled from his lashes, staring down at someone he always put first; forever wishing he hadn’t let you go home by yourself that afternoon.
Suddenly your body jolted forwards, gasping for air. Eyes wide as you took a large gulp of air, your chest rising and falling.
‘Y/n?’ Klaus whispered, his hands back on your face. ‘Y/n, y/n, talk to me.’
You coughed in response, droopy eyes making it hard to see your surroundings, blurry vision fading into one big blob of colour.
‘Y/n, say something please…’
‘Klaus,’ you whispered so quietly, lips barely parting as you spoke.
‘Can you hear me?’
‘Yes, what— what happened?’
‘What happened, Y/n?’ Klaus’ voice increased in volume.’You almost died on me!’ His tone shook.
‘Am— Am I a vampire?’ You started to come back to your old self. Your vision clearing up, your ears no longer feeling like a tunnel.
‘No, my blood just healed you.’ He caressed your head, softly stroking your hair.
‘Why did you save me?’
‘Why?’ A frown painted his lip, ‘I care about you, Y/n! So much. You don’t deserve to die. How could you leave me without saying goodbye?’
‘I didn’t want to say goodbye to you Klaus because if I would’ve looked at your face and said those words, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. It would’ve made leaving so much harder.’
‘Look at me,’ his thumb swiped across your cheek, ‘this is the face of someone who will never let you die or get hurt,’
Your heart clenched as you looked at him, tears pooling at your lower lash line. ‘Klaus—‘
‘Please promise me to not leave without saying goodbye first,’
‘You have to promise, Y/n…’
‘What makes you think I don’t want to die anymore, Klaus?’
Klaus stared back at you; empty eyes, no thoughts to be said out loud.
‘Promise me to not kill yourself, seriously? What makes you think I won’t try to do this again? I love you Klaus, I do, but my love is not bigger than my will to live.’
‘Y/n, stop talking…’
‘Why? Because you thought I’d thank you for saving me? I didn’t want to be saved, Nik! I never wanted to. All I wanted was for all of this shit to go away and you brought me back to this shit.’
‘Y/n, please,’
‘I said leave!’
Tears started streaming down your face, ‘Fuck you, Nik.’ And you stood up to go to your room.
Klaus stayed over the next several days. Sleeping against your closed door as he tried to patch things back up. But it was your decision to make a change, and your decision to forgive him.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 6 months
Weekend Away-Klaus M.
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This wasn’t a request but I was feeling the need for something cute! I needed some warm and fuzzy Klaus in my life.
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‘Come on love, it’ll be fun…’ he tempted, knowing how badly I wanted to be able to spend time with him. Klaus and I had been hiding our relationship for a month now, the Scooby Gang still believing he is into Caroline but almost every night he had been climbing into my window in the Boarding House.
It wasn’t sex at first, in fact the first night he knocked on my window I told him to get lost, but Klaus Mikaelson was nothing if not persistent. He kept coming back, I would let him in and he would just lay in bed beside me while I watched whatever movie I had on that night. A week in I began bringing snacks to my room that he told me he liked one night, even sneaking one of Damon’s bottles of bourbon for him. It was that second week that he kissed me for the first time and it had spiraled out of my control.
‘I can’t. They’ll notice I’m gone Nik and then what? If I tell them I’m fucking you then I become a disloyal bitch-‘
‘If they’re really your friends then they’ll support who you want to be with, and you and I both know this is more than just fucking…tell me it’s more than just sex.’ The look on his face made me believe that he really did like me which is the only reason I gave in instead of either pretending this is all nothing for my own sanity or teasing him. The look on his face told me how much he cared for me and I knew in that moment that I couldn’t tease him and hurt his feelings. Anyone else would tell you that Klaus doesn’t have feelings but I know different. Klaus Mikaelson is one of the most sensitive men I’ve ever met in my life.
‘Okay. It’s more than sex, but that makes it worse Nik! That means I’m in love with the enemy-‘
‘You love me?’ I froze as I realized what I had said making me sigh heavily. ‘I knew it! They use you Y/n and you know that, you have to because my girl is not stupid. If they want to ditch you because you fell in love then they don’t care about you at all.’ I didn’t say anything, looking at him and unsurely waiting. ‘I love you too Princess. I love you very much, how could I not? You’re perfect! Now come with me, pack a small bag, you’ll be back on Monday and they can fuck themselves.’ I considered this, both his proposal and the fact that he had just admitted to loving me for the first time, I had known I loved him since that second week when he first kissed me but hearing that he reciprocated those feelings was the greatest feeling in the world. I grinned, jumping into his arms and pressing my lips to his excitedly and he lifted me by my butt, my thighs wrapping around his waist as he continued to kiss me. ‘Okay, pack! Let’s get going, I want to see you spread out in a hotel bed, tipsy on champagne with a strawberry between these perfect little lips.’ I couldn’t help my giggle at that, jumping down and grabbing an overnight bag, packing 2 pairs of clothes and my cutest underwear, knowing we probably wouldn’t be leaving the hotel room at all. He slapped my ass as I bent over to pull on my boots before grabbing my phone, him taking my bag and jumping out the window. ‘Come on then!’
‘You’ve lost it, no way-‘
‘You don’t trust me?’ I knew he was teasing me but his eyes looked at me like I would be betraying him if I answer anyway other than by jumping and I huffed a sigh, climbing through the window and falling very ungracefully into his arms. ‘There’s my girl. Now, let’s go get you naked and drunk in some silk sheets, hmm?’
‘I knew you only loved me for my body.’ He glared playfully at me before carrying me to his car. One of my favorite things about being with Nik is that he’s fun, when we’re together, just us, he smiles in a way that is completely contagious.
The drive to the hotel was fun, I made him listen to some of my music which I know he tolerates solely because I love it so much and an hour later we were checking into the fanciest hotel I had ever seen in my life. I felt like if I so much as touched something in here I would damage it with my poor people hands, half of the guests walking around looked like they belonged in Downton Abbey, even the staff looked richer than me.
‘Nik, is this really necessary? This place looks more like a castle than a hotel, I feel like everyone’s staring at me.’ He pulled me close by my waist and nuzzled into my neck, breathing me in which is something he often does to feel calm.
‘They’re not staring at you, when we get to the room it’ll be worth it, I promise. Only the best for my girl.’ He stepped up to the front desk and I toyed with his hair as he spoke to the clerk, getting the room key, the man’s voice changing from disinterest to excitement when Nik gave his name.
‘Ah yes, the Honeymoon suite. It’s been prepared to your specifications, if there’s anything I can do to make your stay here for the week more comfortable you just let me know.’
‘I will, thank you.’ I looked up at him as he pulled me away and towards the elevators.
‘The week? I��m here for a weekend! Who is joining you here after me, huh?’ He rolled his eyes, pulling me into the elevator and hitting our floor button.
‘Don’t be daft love, I was going to talk you into staying longer and once you sleep in the most comfortable bed you’ve ever laid on you’ll want to stay too, okay? Just give me a chance.’ He reasoned and I shrugged, going along with it as he led me to a door, unlocking it and watching as my jaw dropped. The door opened into a huge living room area, comfortable looking couches and a wall of windows looking out over the mountains that we were practically in the side of and it was gorgeous. ‘Come here.’ He led me to the door off to the side and the bedroom was bigger than the living room, another wall of all windows with a patio and a sliding door looking out over the trees. It took a second before I noticed the bed, bigger than a king size somehow and the white sheets were covered in rose petals, a huge heart spelling out “I love you” inside of it.
‘This is so cheesey and dumb and I love it so much!’ I could feel the tears escaping my eyes and I turned to pull Nik down to kiss me, him wiping the tears away with his thumbs gently. ‘Thank you…I love you so much.’ I kissed him again, pulling his jacket off, followed by mine.
‘Don’t you want to get some room service first? I thought-‘
‘Oh we will. It’s only 5, we can order dinner in a bit…though I do feel bad about fucking up the flowers…’ Nik growled, ripping my shirt over my head and my pants were gone before I could blink, him throwing me into a pile of rose petals which felt like silk on my skin.
‘You’re right, dinner can wait.’
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By the time we had gotten room service it was nearly 9pm and I realized how desperate this place is to keep Nik happy. I’m not sure whether it’s the rich as fuck thing or the honeymoon suite thing but either way I love it.
I talked him into coming down to the pool with me and though it was 11:30 at night the front desk opened it for us and promised us privacy.
‘This is awesome!’ I exclaimed, pulling off my top and shorts, leaving me in the forest green lingerie set that I had chosen while he ordered dinner, knowing it was his favorite set.
‘I would have told you to bring a bathing suit but I never thought you would want to go swimming.’ Nik teased, stripping to his boxers and hopping into the water.
‘No problem, I wouldn’t have if other people would have been here.’ I reached back to unclip my bra and his eyes widened. ‘Sorry, did you think I was going to ruin my panties and expensive bra by jumping into chlorine? Fuck no.’ I tossed it into the clothes pile before pulling my panties off and walking to the edge and jumping in. When I came back up I wiped my face and looked around, unable to find him, the dark room making it eerie and somehow also romantic.
His hand suddenly grabbed ahold of my ankle, pulling me under and as I opened my eyes I could see my boyfriend grinning excitedly at me. I pushed away from him, swimming backwards and seeing that he had also ditched his underwear, chasing after me until I had to breathe. ‘How is it that you’re even more gorgeous underwater?’ He teased, trying to pull me close.
‘My tits defy gravity?’ Klaus pulled me forward and pinned my tits to his chest, spinning us around playfully. ‘I’ve always wanted to go night swimming, this is amazing.’ His eyebrows went up, clearly shocked by that.
‘We’ll go to the beach and-‘
‘NO! Nopety nope nope. I meant a pool, sun up and down is when things like sharks start eating. I will not get in an ocean, pools though! I want a big pool with a waterfall and a grotto and all that, but fairy lights hanging all over above the pool as the only light, no neighbors to see me skinny dipping! I’ve always wanted to do this, it’s fun…I never thought you would join me though.’
‘You think I’m going to miss my Princess naked in a pool? You’re crazy!’ He laughed, leaning closer and pressing his lips to mine and wrapping his arms around my waist and prompting me to wrap my legs around his hips. ‘I’ll just have to get started on having a pool installed.’ At that moment he thrust his hips up and shoved himself straight up into me and I cried out, my voice echoing in the empty pool room making his eyes widen in excitement.
‘Klaus, no! No, people are going to hear and come in here to-Ahh!’ He used his grip on my waist to push and pull me on his cock, thrusting up hard which seemed to be extremely easy in the water. ‘Oh God! Fuck Nik! Don’t Stop! Please don’t stop-‘
‘Scream for me Princess! Let me hear you!’ He wrapped his arms around my body and held me almost painfully hard, shoving himself into me.
‘Yes! Oh-Ah! Fuck Klaus!’
‘That’s it Baby, scream for me! I can feel you squeezing my cock nice and tight, are you gonna cum for me? Cum all over my cock!’ As if his words were a magical trigger I felt that tightness in my belly, snap, and I cried out so loudly I worried about the glass walls shattering. ‘Gonna fill you up Baby, fill you so full it’ll stretch your insides, fuck-Fuck Ah!’ He growled, fangs pressed against my neck firmly and I held the back of his head, my fingers tangling in his wet hair before he bit into my neck. I could feel the pulls of my blood around his fangs but he was done quickly, not willing to hurt me by taking too much.
‘I didn’t see this being where our weekend went.’ I teased and he chuckled, pressing our lips together tenderly.
‘I love you.’
‘Hmm, I know. I love you too Nik.’ I told him, letting go of his hair and moving to pull away and get out but he didn’t let me go.
‘I love you so much Y/n.’ I looked back at him, curious why he’s talking like this.
‘I love you too. I know that the both of us haven’t always had love from people but I love you, do you hear me? I love you forever and that will never end! I’ll tell you every day if that’s what you need.’ He nodded slowly, as if admitting that he did, in fact, need that. ‘Good. Now let’s get back upstairs and you can pin me to a shower wall.’ I teased but he just held me firm.
‘I love you and I want you to be mine.’ I looked at him oddly.
‘I am yours you dumbass.’
He shook his head quickly. ‘Mine. All mine, in front of everyone with no reservations. I want to show you off, I want everyone to stop thinking I’m flirting with Caroline and I want men to stop thinking they can flirt with you while I can’t do anything about it…I want you.’
I had never in my life seen Klaus this open and vulnerable and I briefly wondered if anyone had. ‘Klaus, my friends-‘
‘Hate me and I’m fine with that. But if they won’t be okay with you being in love then they’re not your friends. I’m proud to show you off as mine, and I will never let any of my family say anything against you, despite how much Rebekah hates you…be mine Y/n, for real.’ I was stunned, never having expected this from him. He was the one who wanted to hide us in the first place and now here he is, wanting to tell everyone, I was just shocked. Apparently I hesitated too long because he sighed and pulled away but I grabbed ahold of him quickly, pulling him back to kiss me roughly.
‘All yours…for real. You’re gonna be the one taking me in when they kick me out of the Boarding House for fraternizing with the enemy.’ He snorted, his eyes shining in excitement. ‘You want them to kick me out, don’t you? You want me to move in with you and instead of asking you do this?’
‘Yup. You’re all mine love. Take this week to get used to waking up beside me in bed.’ I shoved his chest, making him laugh at my pathetic attempt at “hurting him” before I pulled myself up and grabbed my towel, running around the pool to the door and darting towards the elevators. I was barely covered as I pressed the button, watching the doors close just before he got to me. I giggled as I watched the numbers go up, exiting the elevator and moving to the room before arms encircled my waist, lifting me up and pinning me to the door. ‘You’re in for it now.’
‘I’m shaking, can’t you tell.’ I teased and he looked down, his face falling and looking worried as I said that.
‘You are shaking. What’s wrong?’ He worried, opening the door and whisking me inside.
‘I’m just cold from the water baby, I’m fine.’ I promised but all the joking was gone from his face and he locked the door, yanking my towel off and carrying me into the bathroom to start the warm water. ‘This is what you’re like as a boyfriend? A worry wart?’ His eyes were concerned as he rubbed my arms firmly and lifted me into the shower. ‘I could get used to it.’
‘Good. Because you’re all mine.’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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allycat004 · 2 months
Green with Envy (Completed Version) || Klaus Mikaelson
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❧ Warnings: Slight dirty talk, hair pulling, brief choking, p in v sex, smut 18+
❧ Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x Fem reader
❧ Summary: You are at a dinner party with a date and Klaus happens to be in attendance. The two of you have been hooking up and spending time together because Klaus wanted to keep things casual. After seeing you with someone else he gets jealous and begins to rethink his choice.
❧ Author's Note: Hi lovelies, the wait is finally over and the full version of this fic is here! I decided that instead of leaving you guys in the dark and having it be a fade to black I wrote the smut scene. It felt right for this fic. So, I hope you enjoy!
© Allycat004 2024, please don't steal, copy, repost, modify, or translate my work.
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After finally having enough of this bickering match with Klaus in front of my date, I excuse myself. I am regretting it as I’m walking away because I know he won’t play nice while I’m gone, but I needed a moment to myself to breathe. I walked into an empty room and sat in silence with my head in my hands. 
“ Who the fuck does he think he is? “ I groan.
“ Who do I think I am? Hmm… I think I am the only person who can actually please you, make you scream. “ I heard Klaus say and I snapped my head up to see him standing in front of the closed door. I didn’t even hear him open the door, let alone come in. 
“ Get out, leave me alone..  I don’t want to deal with you right now. “ I said sternly as I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest.
" Awe come on Love, I was just having some fun.. don't be like that. " He said as he took one step closer, but I put my hand up signaling that I would prefer it if he kept his distance from me.
" Fun, Are you serious?! .. That was embarrassing, you were making my date uncomfortable! " I slightly yelled while throwing my hands up in the air. I noticed that when I mentioned my date, he narrowed his eyes and clenched his jaw.
" He's not the one for you, let alone the one you should be here with Y/N. " Klaus said and I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
" Oh please, don't start. You were the one who wanted to keep what we have going on as a bit of fun. I get that you're envious, but green is not a good color on you. " I said as I walked past him to get to the door, but before I could even grab the handle he pulled me back by my hair and caused me to yelp.
" You better watch who you're talking to sweetheart. Klaus said as he pulled my hair more, caused my head to go back and he wrapped his other hand around my throat then slightly squeezed. " I will.. fuck you in this room right now to remind you who you really belong to. Make you moan as loud as possible for your date downstairs to hear so he gets the memo. " 
At the mention of that, my breath hitched and I couldn’t help but squeeze my thighs together. I could feel the smirk on his lips in the crook of my neck, however I was determined to not let him win. “ Dinner is being served in 20 minutes which you know considering this is your party, there’s not enough time. “ I said 
“ Is that a challenge, love? “ He asked as he started to lightly kiss my neck and run his fingers up my thighs gently, but it was enough to leave a path of goosebumps on my skin. “ You know better than to challenge me. “ 
“ Maybe.. “ I replied and at that exact moment is when I felt his hand slip under my dress. He started tracing light circles along my abdomen causing my breathing to become shallow. His fingers found their way beneath my underwear and he began to slowly rub at my clit which made me whimper. 
I could feel his smirk in the crook of my neck and he quickened his movements, causing my knees to buckle. He wrapped an arm around my waist to help me stand up right then slipped a finger into me. I let out a sharp gasp and rested my head back against his shoulder. Klaus chuckled and started kissing my neck, most definitely leaving hickies behind. It was that moment that all other thoughts escaped my mind. I only focused on him and what he was doing to my body. 
“ Klaus… please. “ I moaned quietly 
“ What is it, love? “ He asked 
“ I need you.. “ I said through a whimper 
“ Yeah? “ Klaus replied 
“ Yes.. “ I answered breathlessly 
He pulled his hand away and walked me over to a desk that was in the corner of the room. Before I knew it, I was bent over and my dress was pushed up over my hips. Klaus pulled my underwear down my legs and helped me step out of it. There was a moment of silence before his hand came down and hit my ass with a loud smack that echoed throughout the room. I yelped which caused him to chuckle and I rolled my eyes while being thankful that he couldn’t see my face as I did. 
It wasn’t long before I felt him lining himself up with my entrance. He thrusted into me roughly causing me to moan. Klaus’s pace was slow and rough at first but then it became faster and more aggressive.  He grabs my wrists and pins my arms behind my back, using my arms as handlebars. My moans and the sound of our skin slapping is echoing off the walls, which only encourages him to pick up the pace slightly more. I’m so loud to the point that I feel like everyone can hear me over the classical music that is being played downstairs, but I didn’t care. 
“ That’s it love, let them hear you. “ He said as he wrapped my hair around one of his hands and used it to pull my head back, making me gasp. His other hand is still keeping my arms pinned behind my back. 
“ You’re mine.“ He whispered into my ear
” I’m yours.“ I whimpered back 
“ Damn right you are. “ Klaus replied 
He continued his brutal pace and angled his hips in order to hit the spot that brings me maximum pleasure. Klaus lets go of my wrists just to use his now freehand to reach around me and down between my legs. He starts rubbing my clit in slow rough circles. I’m a moaning, whimpering mess at this point and I am on the brink of hitting my orgasm already. Klaus tugs at my hair harder this time and pulls my back up against his chest. He starts kissing my neck again then gently bites my earlobe. 
“ Come for me, love. “ He whispers in my ear and I do just that while crying out his name. Klaus continues his movements for a moment longer until he reaches his high. He lets go of me and pulls away from me which causes me to whimper. I stand up right and turn around to face him, he hands me back my underwear and I slip them back on then I fix my dress and flatten it out. I look up at him and before I can even get a word out he cups my face and kisses me. I kissed him back and this kiss was so much different compared to our others. It was sweet, soft, and filled with meaning. When we finally pulled away from each other he smiled at me then kissed my forehead. It was in that moment that I knew things were going to be different from now on. 
“ Considering the fact that I am certain your date is no longer here, will you be mine? “ He asked 
“ Yes. “ I replied with a smile 
“ Perfect.” Klaus said with a smile as he held his hand out and I took it then we walked out of the room together. 
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frost-queen · 2 months
Love doesn't expire (Reader x Elijah Mikaelson)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: Elijah and you get married in the 18th century. One day when you get hurt, your husband can't control himself, caving for blood. Rather fascinated by him, you aren't scared at all. Once your husband explains what he is, you ask him to turn you as well. Wanting to stay with him forever. Elijah does so, feeling guilty afterwards, making him leave you. In modern times you befriend Elena till one day you encounter your long lost husband once more. Demanding an explination from him. [ Happy birthday to you anon ask!]
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Elijah watched as girls were holding hands, dancing in a circle. Spring was arriving so there was a celebration for the season. Amongst them a girl with flowers in her hairs. Her smile so radiant it captured Elijah to the bone. Unable to keep his gaze away from her. From you. You let go of the girl’s hands, spinning around breathless. Your eyes fell upon him, smiling whilst catching your breath.
A girl bumped into you, making you stumble forwards. Elijah rushed over as you had just stumbled a bit forwards. You took a hold of his wrist, smiling mischievous. Before Elijah could react, you pulled him with you into the circle of dancers around the big rooted tree. Grabbing him, you joined him in the dance.
Hopping around the tree with a constant smile on your lips. Elijah felt a bit shy at first, knowing his siblings were watching from somewhere. But soon his shyness faded away when he only had eyes for you. The village girl with flowers in her hair.
You gasped soft when Elijah pressed you against the wall in some alleyway. Smiling before he kissed your lips tenderly. Then forcefully. It was as instant as spring came. The love you were feeling for Elijah and the love he had for you. Not a month later, he introduced you to his siblings. Shared with them that you were going to get married. Niklaus was at first opposed to it. Telling Elijah it was wrong to love you. Rebekah had always been supportive.
Seeing the love you had for each other. Despite Niklaus’s interference, Elijah and you got married.  It was a blissful day. You came to live with Elijah in the manor. His siblings lived in an estate nearby. Close, but not close enough to invade your private life. Life was good, life was wonderous with your husband. A husband who didn’t hold any secrets from you… or did he?
Elijah was working in the garden, unrooting a stomp. He paused for a moment, wiping some sweat of his forehead. From a distance he saw you, tending to the roses. He smiled seeing how gentle you were with them. You turned your head to look back at him. Raising your hand with a bubbly smile. Elijah blew you a kiss from afar. You pretended to catch it and pressing it close to your heart. Elijah returned to his work. Nearly having unrooted the stomp.
It stood in the way of the beautiful garden. Elijah grunted, easing in his strength to not draw suspicion to you. Then his eyes widened. The strong scent of blood filling his nostrils at it alerted his brain. He couldn’t help it, but the dark veins around his eyes started to show. Sharp fangs coming out, needing blood. It has been almost months since he last tasted human blood. Keeping his identity secret to you. He looked away, panting loud to supress his hunger.
Looking over his shoulder, he saw you were holding your finger. Most likely you had pricked yourself on one of the thorns. Elijah tore his gaze away, fighting the primal instinct inside of him. His head pounded with desperation for blood, making him press his hands against it.
Unable to control himself any longer, he went over to you. You looked up, noticing your husband suddenly close. – “Oh, Elijah.” – you said as he knelt down beside you, drawing your bleeding finger closer to him. – “It is but a small sting.” – you told him that it was truly nothing. He didn’t need to worry for a little prick. Elijah took in a deep breath, taking in the smell of your blood. – “Allow me.” – he responded bringing your finger closer to him. You smiled expecting him to wrap a handkerchief around it. Instead he brought your finger to his lips, sucking on the blood.
It made you furrow your brows, feeling his tongue brush over your finger. Elijah’s eyes darkened as he kept licking your bleeding finger. The blood wasn’t enough but it satisfied him. You reached out with your other hand to his cheek, touching the area just beneath his eyes. Fascinated by the dark veins. Your touch made Elijah pull away, suddenly aware of what he was doing.
He got up, rubbing his lips and strode off. – “Elijah?” – you said confused to why your husband was suddenly gone. Getting up, you went after him. You knew exactly where to find him. In the library. His hands firmly on the desk, his back turned towards the door. You knocked gently, entering.
“Elijah…” – you started not sure if he wanted you present. – “Go…go away Y/n.” – Elijah responded breathless. You ignored his warning, drawing nearer. Touching his shoulders, Elijah eased in. He slowly turned towards you, seeing those gentle eyes of yours. He couldn’t resist those eyes. He’d do anything for them.
You reached for his cheek again, seeing that the veins had disappeared. Elijah took your hand before it could touch him. – “Y/n please…” – he begged, not wanting you to saddle with his torment. – “Enlighten me.” – you asked. Elijah sighed not able to resist saying no to you.
He cupped your cheeks, explaining everything. Explaining to you that he was a vampire. Requiring blood. Once you understood, you offered him your wrist. Elijah stared confused at you. – “You need it to survive do you not?” – you asked as he nodded. – “I am offering it to you.”
Elijah gently took your wrist. You smiled with a soft nod, letting him know it was alright. You gazed wonderous at him when his fangs appeared. You quietly yelped when they bit through your flesh. The weird sensation it left on you, was unfamiliar and fascinating at once. Elijah grabbed you tighter to get his grip firmer on you. Seeing him feast on you was something that strangely didn’t bother you. Elijah let go, gasping loud. Blood dripping down your wrist as you stared at the wound on your wrist.
Elijah pulled out a handkerchief wrapping it around your wrist to stop the bleeding. – “Can… can you make me like you?” – you asked, catching Elijah by surprise. – “Why would you?” – he replied confused. – “Can we not be together forever than?” – you questioned. Elijah nodded. – “Don’t… don’t you love me enough for that? Am I just an insignificant small memory in your long life?” – you started to doubt yourself. Knowing he would love a dozen more girls after you.
Elijah held his other hand on the handkerchief around your wrist. – “You are not insignificant. Not even close.” – he answered with caring eyes. He kissed your knuckles, never taking his gaze off you. – “Then love me forever.” – you told him. Elijah let his knuckles brush against your cheek. He removed the handkerchief from your wrist, now stained with blood. Your wrist was still bleeding as Elijah took a bite in his own wrist.
He offered you his wrist. – “It will help it heal.” – he told you. You took his wrist, moving it to your mouth. It was strange tasting his blood in your mouth. You kept sucking it, drinking his blood till he pulled away. Looking down at your wrist, you saw the wound disappear. In wonder you stared at your healed wrist, letting your fingers brush over it. That night you prepared yourself for bed. Your words echoing in Elijah’s head. Then love me forever. He couldn’t shake them off. His love for you beyond describing. – “Elijah are you coming to bed?” – you called out from the other room.
Elijah closed his eyes before joining you in the bedroom. You paused, getting in bed. Sheet lifted up as one leg was already in. – “Is everything alright darling?” – you asked as he seemed a bit off. Distant. An impulsive thought crossed Elijah’s mind and he couldn’t shake it off. He rushed over to you, standing before you in a second. His hands around your neck as he turned it, snapping your neck in a split second.
Your body fell weightless as he caught your falling body before hitting the matrass. Looking down at your body, he came to a sense of what he had just done. Your colour fading. He carefully laid you down, hoping you would wake up again. Knowing he had to live with the consequences of his impulsive thoughts.
You awoke many hours later, feeling an emptiness in your stomach. Elijah knew what it was. The first hunger. He offered you his blood, before you could fully process what was happening. Knowing he had finalized the process of turning. The following weeks, Elijah had turned silent. Crawling back in his shell as he watched you. Watched you juggle your normal life with your new life. This wasn’t what he imagined. Not even close. One day after a decade, he vanished.
A car pulled over. You got out, slamming the door shut behind you. You had been touring the world for the past decades now and found yourself in a godforsaken town in need of gas. Mystic falls. Car broken down before you could reach a gas station, you had to walk. Taking out a flask from your trunk, you started the long walk in search for gas. For miles there was nothing but woods. Finally you reached a bit of town as it made you roll your eyes.
Great one of those towns that got stuck in the 1800’s. – “Now for gas, let’s hope you have it.” – you sighed out, doubting if a time stuck town like this even had a gas station. You neared a bar, deciding to head in and ask before you searched every corner of this town. The mystic grill. All heads turned when you entered. You ignored them, knowing they probably weren’t used to outsiders.
Heading straight for the bar. – “What can I get you?” – the boy behind the bar asked, cleaning his hands on a towel. You set the flask on the counter. – “I need gas, do you have a station around?” – you answered. – “Car broke down?” – he responded. It made you roll your eyes. – “Yes, now do you have gas?”
A girl came nearer as you noticed her. – “Not for a long drive. Where is your car at?” – she asked. You sighed soft. – “By the sign.” – you told her. She mouthed a wow. – “That was a long walk.” – she said making you hum in response. – “Well I can always give you a ride?” – she suggested. – “Elena.” – the bartender said with warning eyes. Elena ignored him. – “We’ll fill up there and I’ll bring you back to your car. How does that sound?” – she asked.
“Well that sounds awfully nice Elena.” – you responded. Elena got up taking her purse. – “I’m Y/n by the way.” – you told her. Elena led you to her car. You got in at the passengers seat. On the way to the gas station, Elena and you got talking. Sharing some interest as it felt nice to talk to someone. You had always been alone on your rides. It can be lonely from time to time with no one to talk to in the car.
Elena rode up to the gas station. You got out as you got your gas. Returning to her car, she drove to where your car was parked. You were filling up your car as Elena leaned against your car. – “Are you staying long or passing through?” – she asked. – “Passing through.” – you answered finishing.
“You know… it’s getting late… you should probably eat.” – Elena spoke making you quirk your eyebrow up. – “Is that an invitation to stay?” – you answered intrigued. – “Maybe.” – Elena responded shy. You laughed coming up to her. – “Are you cooking?” – you asked. – “Only for you.” – she chuckled in return. You got in your car, riding behind Elena to her house. A night, turned into a day, into three days, into almost a week now. A week now you got stuck at Mystic falls. Not leaving just yet. Elena and you had become great friends.
“I know this great place.” – Elena said pulling at your arm to get you to follow her. – “Let me guess another founding father thing?” – you teased her with. Elena shook her head. – “Something more modern.” – she laughed out. – “Now you are talking.” – you responded moving along with her. Elena had her arm locked around yours as you walked over the town square.
You saw a small café pulling Elena to a stop. – “Quick bathroom stop.” – you told her, running inside. Elena waited outside. – “Elena Gilbert.” – she suddenly heard. Elena’s eyes widened briefly till she narrowed them bothered. – “Elijah.” – she responded annoyed.
Elijah chuckled moving one hand in his pocket. – “Where’s your lousy brother?” – she asked looking around.  Elijah smiled. – “My brother isn’t here so no need for you to be so tense.” – Elijah responded, sensing how tense her muscles were. – “Then what do you want.” – she called out. – “Can’t a man just say hello?” – he answered innocently. – “It’s never that innocent with you originals.” – Elena fired back.
“Elena I’m ready.” – you said getting out of the café. Coming to a sudden stop at the sight of Elijah. Elijah’s eyes widened, removing his hand from his pocket. Elena looked confused between the two of you. – “Y/n…” – Elijah breathed out. The shock in your eyes turned to anger. You rushed over to Elijah, grabbing him firm by his throat. – “Where have you been love?” – you told him bitsy. Elijah choked under your grip. – “Tell me how many years have it been? Decades? A hundred years?” – you called out.
Puffing annoyed afterwards. – “Y/n.” – Elijah grunted trying to catch his breath. You squeezed harder. – “Didn’t think you would see me again when you left me for dead!” – you spitted out pushing him off. Elijah stumbled to the ground, rolling over. He coughed loud, touching his neck.
“You know him?” – Elena asked. – “You mean my dear husband who vanished!” – you replied angered, wanting to have another go at him. Elijah held his hand out, slowly getting up. – “Y/n… please…” – Elijah started. You puffed mockingly, crossing your arms. – “Where the hell were you!” – you shouted. – “I waited days, weeks, years for you to come back. Wondering why you left me. Wondering what I had done wrong to be left alone like this. Tell me husband what did I say for you to pull the earth from around me and make me fall into a dark pit!” – All those years of anger, bubbling back up.
Elijah rushed over to you, grabbing you firm by your shoulders. – “I… I…” – he started not coming out of his words. – “What!” – you snapped at him. – “I felt guilty!” – he yelled. – “I… I shouldn’t have turned you. I wanted you to live a normal life. I took that from you. I couldn’t bear the guilt. Constantly reminded of it when I saw you. It was eating me alive.” – he confessed.
He exhaled deep lowering his head a bit. – “I never stopped loving you Y/n. I just couldn’t stop blaming myself for what I did. I regretted leaving you for all those years. I came back to our house, but you weren’t there. It only made the guilt worse that I couldn’t find you anymore.”
You blinked softly, staring back at him with those gentle eyes he had missed for so long. It made Elijah exhale adoringly that he could see them again. You grabbed Elijah, pressing your lips onto him. Your anger vanished in a matter of seconds. Elena swallowed nervously, looking away at the heated kiss between Elijah and you. Lips desperately on one another.
Needing to fill that longing. Elena eventually cleared her throat as she thought you were going to eat each other with the way you were kissing each other. Elijah and you pulled away, panting. – “Plan on leaving me again in a decade?” – you asked teasingly. Elijah shook his head. – “You are stuck with me for always and forever.” – he responded.
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