fl00f-rawra · 1 year
I've been thinking about opening a raffle once every Friday. And one lucky winner will get an icon/headshot as their prize.
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starspray · 12 days
ahh hell yeah, it's summer reading season at the library
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omillionaireshop · 1 year
Join the Green Revolution with the Omillionaire Shop Green Certificate
With the Omillionaire Shop Green Certificate, you can be part of a green revolution. By purchasing the certificate, you support environmental conservation, gain entry to exciting draws, and receive exclusive eco-friendly gifts. 
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hermitprankwar · 9 months
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Covering the Perimeter (Season 9)
Prankster(s): Grian, GoodTimesWithScar, and Mumbo Jumbo; with assistance from Etho, FalseSymmetry, GeminiTay, ImpulseSV, Iskall85, Joe Hills, and Xisuma
Victim(s): DocM77
While Doc was on holiday, the Buttercups took on the enormous task of fully covering over his 500 by 500 block perimeter with solid land. After the prank idea was pitched at the weekly Hermitcraft meeting, many other Hermits joined in on the effort. The result was a huge expanse of fully terraformed plains, complete with scattered trees and flowers.
Free Glass (Season 7)
Prankster(s): Etho
Victim(s): Everyone
As part of his business venture Shade E-E's, Etho launched a raffle for a lifetime subscription service of free glass. However, the free glass came in the form of light gray stained glass panes, which are completely invisible in the normal inventory UI, spread across the empty slots of storage chests all over the server. Etho then launched an unsubscription service, where Hermits could pay to stop deliveries of free glass.
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annasmokingweed · 9 months
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Join me on onlyfans for some fun! ♥ - 0PPV - $10/month - Content Raffles - Fun tip games - weekly smoke seshes - 420 content! ClickMe!
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endermen-impasta · 4 months
March Drawing Comp Raffle!
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< Since next month is March, and our birthday month of course, I am going to start a drawing competition because why not? Birthday celebration of course! This drawing challenge is going to be inspiration one, mostly because March tends to inspire us! >
Important Information:
Rules and Prizes:
#1 )) It must be creative, don't just draw the object or scene, through people in there! Animals! Whatever works for you!
#2 )) Add COLOR
#3 )) If you win and want to give the prize away to someone else, you can! It doesn't matter.
#4 )) HAVE FUN!
→ Anyone is welcome to do this competition, you can use OC's, character from a show, your Sona, your friends, a random person you saw walking Tuesday night, the cute cockroach you saw on the ground, ANYONE! Doesn't matter!
(( First Place Prize ;; A piece of APPROPRIATE art of their choice ))
(( Second Place ;; Fan Art of OUR choosing ))
(( Third Place ;; A mention and love for the art you made :D ))
< Now the mentions so this post is actually seen by people :D (( pls repost and like so more artists can join! )): >
@karonkar @onejellyfishplease @justmesadlysry @driedbreadstixx @sillysimplysilky @nilovesconfused @captain-andi @the-lavender-clown @th3inb3tw33n
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harmonytre · 2 months
What to Expect Coming Up
I am still sick, but thought it’d be fun to mention all the projects I have going on and my sort of process.
I’ve gotten into the flow of 3 art -> animate an hour -> 3 art -> reference sheet; and repeat! Now the “3 art” doesn’t include warm-ups, which I’ll discuss in a moment. This usually varies but does have a pattern of priority to it.
Commissions (none atm, but one has discussed interest) -> Deadline art (contest entries, featured character, birthday gifts) -> “Required” art (raffle prizes [2 remain], Benrey project, 11 Bulbasaur gifts, 42 late Artfight attacks) -> Other stuff
When it comes to warm-ups, I’ve gone 32 times in a row of purely HLVRAI. It’ll still be thrown in the mix, but I’d like to add Pokemon and OCs as a chance too! Warm-ups include any requests I get, and those increase in chance the longer they’re there. Meanwhile there’s still the chance my random wheel will choose something like “Sunkist” three days in a row lol.
Now to discuss all the projects! First off, my next three art will be: raffle prize, a small special RTVS animation, and a doodle of my next hyperfixation which I’ll then open up for requests as well!
“Cabinet Man” Animatic: A more long-term project that’s fully storyboarded so far, but I plan on making rendered (or at least colored) illustrations for.
I have two parts in my Multi-Animator-Project! One part is Benrey and Gordon focused, while the other part is Tommy, Bubby, and Coomer focused, so I get to animate the whole Science Team and that excites me!! (One part still open by the way, hint hint.) The MAP itself is a third of the way complete let’s goooooo!
Other animation projects include: “Two Birds” Tommy and Benrey friendship animatic (fully written), “Eighth Wonder” Tommy animatic (just an idea, focusing on the others first), and occasional clips or mini animations.
Benrey Fanart (and then the other characters too!): I have 12 people left to reach out to, but I gotta do it slowly so my account doesn’t get shadowbanned again (that was scary ngl). But once I do, the sign-up post will be updated regularly as I work and I’ll DM everyone individually as I finish theirs!
@sweetvoicecafe ! I am very excited to get this up and running! I have 3 references remaining, and then I can work on the introductory comic. (I mayyyyyyyy call for voice actors.)
HLVRAI-based OCs: This is a more minor thing, but I want to finish 9 more designs before Artfight, as I’ve only finished Joshie.
It’ll be a while longer until it’s ready, but I’d like to restart my Shiny Living Dex Challenge. And it’ll no longer be discord only, I’ll extend it to tumblr as well! Especially since there’s art prizes involved.
I have 11 remaining Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur gifts to finish!
The occasional warmup, request, doodle, etc.
“Close Up Meme” Phanthop AU Animatic that I would love to polish and color.
“Never Love an Anchor” Hop and Leon animatic that I have indeed started (just an animatic this time, not polished)
I’ve started releasing collab (with @mr-web ) Art Podcasts on my youtube channel hint hint ;)
Streams: Over on my Twitch (same name): I stream weekly (maybe more, depending on my new work schedule, just finished moving after all). At the moment, I’m taking turns with Half Life (nearly done with game one) and Omori (collab with Doglord15). Soon it’ll (hopefully) include Pokemon, but I’d also like to try Undertale Yellow, Portal, Hollow Knight, and more! As well as a return to art streams, that’d be cool.
Artfight Prep: I am mostly done, but remaining I have: 3 SVC refs, 9 HLVRAI OC refs, and fully updating my spreadsheet, which will also be updated on tumblr! (I may do this today, as it’s something I can do while bed-ridden.) Plus the 42 leftover revenges.
Among Us “Bark Bark” Animatic: nearly 3 years in the works but it’s chugging . . . there were complications with the cameos involved that hurt my motivation and the progress, but it’s still in the works haha…
“Haunted House” Vent Animatic: This is 2/3s of the way complete! As it’s something personal, I worked on it quickly after a certain event, but I’d still like to finish it. <3
New Hyperfixation: Surprise reveal! It’s Wreck-It Ralph (and specifically Hero’s Cuties). It won’t be a huge thing, but I’d like to doodle here and there, open requests for it, and draw up three AU designs that have been in my mind for nearly 13 years.
@theairshipexperiment : Yes yes, I knowwwwwwwwwwwww y’all are mad at me. It’s been three years and I still get people upset that it hasn’t continued. It’s not completely canceled, just very very slowww. I’m nearly done writing chapter 3, but that means there’s 7 chapters to go. At least I’ve started giving myself completely random reminders for times to write haha. It’s my only writing project atm, but writing takes so much more effort from me than art, I’m sorry.
@absurdamongus : Very low on my list, but I still enjoy their designs and would one day like to continue finishing their refs and maybe reopen an ask blog. An animated series would still be cool, but it’d be a long way off if so.
So yeah, a lot of projects and a lot of excitement! I’m going at a fair pace (when I’m not sick) and art continues to be my passion! <3
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every time I think about how intertwined, how connected all our lives are in the smallest of ways I have to take a moment. i took a photo for a stranger the other day and I don't know their name, but who knows how many people will see that photo, people i'll never know but can see their smile because I pressed the button. i wrapped a present for the baby of a family I don't know, but when they unwrap it it'll be my handiwork, my life touching theirs. i rearranged the books at the library so the series was in order, and someone I don't know will see those books as they peruse the isles and we don't know each other but our fingers trace the same spines, in order now because of me even though they don't know it. i drew the winner of the weekly raffle for the reading program and someone got a call to pick up their prize because of my random drawing. i made a post about siblinghood and now there are siblings out there sharing their favorite colors not knowing why they were asked, but it was because their sibling saw my post and talked about them in the tags. i picked up trash in the park on a whim as I walked my dog and all the kids and their parents who'll visit later will have a cleaner space because of it even though we'll never meet and never know each other. and it's not just me. I walk sidewalks built by people I don't know, but I can use them because they were there, the echo of them remaining in the concrete. I buy used books owned by people I'll never know, the crease in a page such a small thing but it's there. something done by someone I'll never know is in my life. and the same for all the books I've given for my bookstore to sell as used. we don't know each other but i'm a ghost haunting a million different lives, and they're haunting me back. isn't that incredible??
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spnfanficpond · 3 months
Weekly Pond Newsletter
It's Daylight Saving Time again in the US! (It's coming for the rest of you soon enough.) Yes, it's that time of year when we lose an hour and all get cranky and have more heart attacks and car accidents. I wonder if we could Tulpa DST away, somehow? Like, if we all just thought about it hard enough all at the same time.... Of course, arranging the "at the same time" part of that would be a nightmare because of, you know, DST and time zones and such.
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Old Business:
Poll results - Last week, we asked you all if you would be interested in learning about typesetting or fanbinding, and the answer was an overwhelming YES! We will keep this in mind and work on making this happen!
Monthly Prompt - The monthly prompt post went up and it's all about Sky and Water! Tag us in anything this inspires you to create so we can signal boost it!
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Angel Fish Awards - The post for February went up, and the winner of the raffle was @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes!
SPN Rewatch: Fanfic Edition - We had another great chat, this time about the last two episodes in season 1! Check out the Archive masterlist for links to the docs for each episode to read all about it. Remember, if these ideas inspire you to write anything, let us know so we can signal boost it!
#TweetFicTues - Last week's prompts were:
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New Business:
Steve Carlson Stageit today - Later today, Steve Carlson will be doing an online concert on Stageit! Click here for more info and to get tickets!
Conventions - AHBL is happening right now in Melbourne, and Creation Burbank is next weekend! So much new content from our cast! If you're attending a con and want to meet up with other Pondies, we have channels in our Discord server for that. Check them out!
Fishing For Treasures - Next weekend is FFT weekend here at the Pond, and the theme for March is CROSSOVER FICS! Drop your links in either the FFT channel in the Discord server or our inbox here by Friday, Midnight, EDT!
Manta Ray chat - Admin Michelle will be spending some time in the Discord server next weekend. Keep an eye out for announcements with the day and time!
St Patrick's Day is next weekend! Give us your favorite leprechaun or otherwise Irish-related fics in the replies and reblogs so we all can celebrate!
POLL - Since so many folks are interested in typesetting and/or fanbinding, and these seem like topics that would require video, would you all be okay with Zoom as a platform for these tutorials?
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! Click here for a static view in Eastern US/Canada time (desktop only, no mobile app access, sadly), and click here to add our calendar to your own Google calendar! We try to keep it as up-to-date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester and @heavenssexiestangel!
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thehavster · 6 months
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Weekly art raffle dump from my commission discord server! it's a cool place to chill if you wanna join (plus free art raffle fridays)
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My proposed solution is that we stick all the billionaires in a prison-like building with a giant glass-sided trash compactor at the back of the main room. Every hour they are given the chance to donate $1m to a random person in poverty. If they agree, they get one entry in the bi-weekly"release day" raffle, and whoever gets drawn gets to go home. If they refuse, they get one entry in the bi-weekly "It's compacting time!" raffle, everyone who wasn't drawn for that one gets seated with a great view of the compactor and then... I don't think I need to explain what happens next.
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fl00f-rawra · 1 year
Checked up on the poll from earlier and seems like people are interested. I'll make a proper post tonight or tomorrow
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cecils-dragons · 11 days
I got into Furry Paws (the dog breeding website game) recently and I considered trying out Flight Rising too because I figured I’d enjoy a similar vibe but with dragons, but I am so wildly intimidated by the home page 😅 it all looks terrifyingly confusing, am I just a bit stupid or is there actually a beginner friendly way to approach FL?
Oh hey no problem, I'm always happy to help! Flight Rising is pretty casual so you can always take your time setting things up, so don't rush yourself into an overwhelmed state.
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The front page can be pretty daunting at first, but it's mainly for big updates(ones with images) and dev updates(side bar), you can play pretty easily with ignoring these as they don't update super frequently and usually don't interrupt game flow if you plan to play casually. There is a big anniversary update coming which will likely make waves, that will happen the 8th so keep an eye out for that.
Now onto more specifics. On the side bar you'll find all your personal stuff under Clan
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Dragon Lair is where you keep your dragons, Nesting Ground is where you can breed dragons, Gather Items let you gather a set amount of resources each day, Clan Profile is where you can see your clan information and edit your home page in a way, Bestiary is to keep track of all the familiars you collect, Messages is for your personal messages, and Achievements is where you can see and collect your cite wide achievements to turn in at the Grand Exchange.
These are the areas you'll uses most, but second most important is Shop.
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Here is where you can send you treasure and gems, as well as earn a few more in the Auction House and Trading Post. Purchase Gems and Merch are ways to use real life money so don't click on those much, and don't worry, the cite makes it pretty easy to get gems(premium currency) without spending money. The Marketplace is the main place to buy things for your dragons from apparel to battle items, it will restock every 15 min and will have flash sales indicated by a torch icon. Despite it's name, the Auction House is where users can sell their items and dragons for a set price(you can only bargain and auction by chatting). The Trading Post is where you can find NPCs who offer different ways to make cash daily or on an hourly basis as well as a weekly raffle and a trading cart. Crossroads is where you can set up trades with fellow players. Custom Skins is for making custom art pieces to overlay your dragons. And Grand Exchange has some unique NPC related shops that usually cycle with festivals or seasons, these usually take unique limited time currencies that will be found doing cite activities.
Next is Play, this is where you can get money and items via playing games or adventuring.
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Fairgrounds has multiple simple games to earn a maximum of 75,000 treasure each day. The games have a fairly low payout so if you're not trying to min max, don't worry about the cap. Coliseum tho, this is where you can level up and send your dragons out to fight. There are multiple venues which get harder as your dragons level up, each of the venues have different drops but you can find familiars, food, and items in all of them, including genes for your dragons. Dominance is a way for the players of the cite to "battle" for the weekly discounts for the Marketplace and lair expansions. This is done by exalting dragons, I'm not too keyed into this part of the cite so I cannot add too much information on how this works, sorry.
And finally Library, a kind of catch all for the rest.
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Forums is where you can chat with other players over many topics, you can also check guides here and ask for help(this is a generally nice community). Dev Tracker tracks anytime a dev posts, whether it be in the side bar or in the forums, it's just an easy way to check in on cite news. Which Waystone is for helping with daily tasks and for seeing what you can do on the cite at the time, you can toggle it on with a switch located in the upper right corner of their page, this will make a little waystone hang around your page as a quick hop back to the Which Waystone. Search allows you to search for other players as well as search for specific dragons. Scrying Workshop does three things, it can check a dragon's linage compared to another dragon to make sure they can breed, show possible offspring of two compatible dragons, and most importantly, scry dragons(aka play around with a dragon generator). Game Database is where you can look up any ingame item to see more information on it. Encyclopedia holds information on FAQs, cite lore, upcoming events, and logged retired events and items. Finally, support is how you an reach out to the FR team if you're having issues with the cite or other players beyond a forum post.
I hope this could help a little! I know it's a bit long and rambly, but I'm always open to more questions! Hope you enjoy these funky dragons
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omillionaireshop · 1 year
Join the Green Revolution with the Omillionaire Shop Green Certificate
Welcome to Omillionaire Shop, the online destination where you can make a difference and be part of the green revolution. We aim to promote sustainability and environmental conservation while offering you exciting opportunities to win incredible prizes. With our Green Certificate, you can actively contribute to a greener future and join a community with the same values. Let's explore how the Omillionaire Shop Green Certificate can revolutionize your shopping experience and help save the planet.
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The Power of the Green Certificate:
At Omillionaire Shop, we believe in the power of collective action. By purchasing our Green Certificate, you not only support eco-friendly initiatives but also gain access to exclusive benefits. The Green Certificate symbolises your commitment to sustainability and enables you to participate in our weekly Grand Draw and Raffle Draw. Imagine winning amazing prizes while actively contributing to environmental causes—it's a win-win situation!
Exciting Prizes and Eco-Friendly Gifts:
With the Green Certificate, you gain entry into our weekly Grand Draw, where you can win incredible prizes. From luxury vacations to eco-friendly products, our prizes are carefully curated to align with our sustainability and conscious living values. Moreover, as a Green Certificate holder, you also receive access to exclusive eco-friendly gifts. These gifts serve as a token of appreciation and encourage a more eco-conscious lifestyle.
Supporting Environmental Conservation:
When you purchase the Green Certificate, you become part of a more significant movement towards environmental conservation. A portion of every Omillionaire Shop Green Certificate sale proceeds directly to funding various eco-friendly initiatives. By supporting our shop, you contribute to reforestation projects, wildlife conservation efforts, and sustainable development programs. Together, we can make a tangible impact on the planet and create a sustainable future for future generations.
Join the Omillionaire Community:
By joining the Green Certificate program, you become a member of the Omillionaire community—an inclusive group of individuals who share a passion for sustainability and environmental stewardship. Connect with like-minded individuals, participate in discussions, and stay updated on the latest trends in eco-friendly living. Our community is dedicated to driving positive change and inspiring others to adopt a greener lifestyle.
With the Omillionaire Shop Green Certificate, you can be part of a green revolution. By purchasing the certificate, you support environmental conservation, gain entry to exciting draws, and receive exclusive eco-friendly gifts. Join our community of passionate individuals committed to positively impacting the planet. Together, let's shape a greener, more sustainable future. Visit our website at omillionaire.shop and start your journey towards a better tomorrow.
Our Added Blog :-
omillionaire online shop
e-gift cards
eco friendly gift
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bizarrequazar · 9 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — September 17-23
previous week || all posts || following week
This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
09-17 → MYFM hosted a video interview with one of the Zhang Zhehan impersonators. Addition 10-01: One of the jokes he told was directly copying one Gong Jun told in a livestream on 2022-11-05.
→ Hogan posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun announcing his attendance at Milan Fashion Week. They later posted four photos of Gong Jun in New York.
→ The scam concert in Kuala Lumpur was held. - In photos posted by fans attending, the venue looked to be less than half full at the time in started. Photos later released by the scam gang have the audience photoshopped to look larger than the venue even allowed for. - Zhang Sanjian wore a very cheap looking copy of the white Zhou Zishu robes Zhang Zhehan wore during the Word of Honor concert. (Also a reminder that the original robes were given away in a raffle after the WOH concert.) - [Here] is my post about the Bangkok concerts if you would like to revisit it, this one was much of the same.
→ Gong Jun posted 51 photos of himself getting to act like a tourist in New York. Caption: "Update world favourites." He also posted eight to his Instagram, caption: "Lost in New York" (originally in English) and sixteen to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: "Did you see it?? I'm in New York", with both of these latter posts including a couple photos not in his Weibo post. Fan Observations: - The IP on the both the Weibo and Xiao Hong Shu posts are Beijing. It was posted while Gong Jun was on his flight to Milan, so presumably they was posted by someone other than Gong Jun himself; if he was using in-flight wifi, there's no logical reason for the IP to be Beijing. Gong Jun has said before that he does not let staff manage his personal accounts. - The Weibo post was also made shortly after the KL concert started. Consider again the "Did you see it??" XHS caption: Gong Jun is in New York, someone he trusts is in Beijing. [record of timestamps] - (Because I'm a nerd,) the statues Gong Jun took pictures with at the Met are Andromeda and the Sea Monster, Sappho, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux at Work, and The Martyr.
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→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine more photos of him in New York. Caption: "Traveling through the city corners, every moment is a moment worth recording~ Collect the world with @ Gong Jun Simon🏙️"
→ The Instagram made two posts, the first with two photos from prepping for the concert, the second with ten of the concert itself. Zhang Sanjian's appearance in these photos is noticeably different from in fancams.
09-18 → Gong Jun reposted a post by CCTV in memory of the Mukden Incident. Added caption: "Don’t forget the shame of the past, we should strengthen ourselves!" His studio did the same, added caption: "Don’t forget history, the alarm bells are ringing!"
09-19 → Net-A-Porter posted a teaser for the commercial featuring Gong Jun that would be released the following day.
09-20 → Zhang Sanjian was filmed at Heathrow airport, because he always needs to fail horribly at trying to one-up Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a commercial he did for Net-A-Porter. The same was also posted by Net-A-Porter.
→ Net-A-Porter posted four photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted four photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Tissot posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun posted the four Net-A-Porter photo ads to his Instagram. Caption: "Happy birthday to NAP!"
→ Gong Jun posted a douyin of himself in New York. Caption: "A very new citywalk #fashionweek special plan" BGM is Poison by Zhou Xingxing.
→ Gong Jun attended a brand event for Hogan in Milan. Videos: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
→ Hogan posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun, filmed on the same day.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted three behind the scenes photos from the Net-A-Porter shoot. Caption: "The seasons change with just one click during work breaks! @ Gong Jun Simon’s good night letter is delivered~"
09-21 → The first trailer for Gong Jun's upcoming drama Fox Spirit Matchmaker was released.
→ Gong Jun posted the Fox Spirit trailer. Caption: "Coming from Tushan, carrying the idea of ​​equality for all living beings, has compassion for the world, and breaks the prejudice of different paths." His studio reposted this with the added caption, "A sincere voice and a thought of reincarnation. See Tushan resolve disputes and express love."
→ Hogan posted nine photos of Gong Jun attending their brand event in Milan. (1129 kadian)
→ Net-A-Porter posted a brand vlog of Gong Jun in New York. [subbed video]
→ GXG posted six photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a compilation video of him at the Hogan brand event in Milan. Caption: "@ Gong Jun Simon appeared at the Milan Fashion Week preview of the HOGAN 2024 Spring and Summer Collection, confidently showing his unrestrained frankness and his ultimate charm." BGM is Are You Ready for Me Baby by Funky Giraffe.
09-22 → Gong Jun posted sixty-four photos of Milan. Caption: "While on a business trip, take some time out from your busy schedule to continue updating your world favourites!" He later posted fourteen of these to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: "You'll never guess! I took a walk around Milan and want to go back to China to eat hotpot" and eight to his Instagram, caption: "Stroll in Milano" (originally in English)
→ Net-A-Porter posted a video of Gong Jun asking interview questions to the model Suzi de Givenchy.
→ GXG posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun.
→ 361° posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Hogan posted four photos of Gong Jun in Milan. (1129 kadian) They later posted another six. (1129 kadian)
→ Tissot posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Net-A-Porter posted nine photos of Gong Jun.
→ Rare posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin of him in Milan. Caption: "Your electronic travel friend @ Gong Jun Simon sent a diary of a lakeside town🏡" BGM is Legend has it that you are willing to be stranded for love (Remix) by 车哈哈.
→ 361° posted five photo ads featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted another ten photos of him in New York. Caption: "After wandering through the brilliant autumn colors, you can unlock Maillard at will. Taste the warm wind and dusk among the buildings with @ Gong Jun Simon~"
→ World Microphone posted a video interview with Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted seven street photos of "Zhang Zhehan" (notably not in London.)
09-23 → QuelleVous posted photos showing that Xiao Chu (aka Nada), the Word of Honor script writer, attended the Zhang Sanjian concert wearing multiple pieces of the scam gang's apparel. Xiao Chu's husband's company was recently sued 100k for her failure to deliver scripts, which definitely gives reason for them to be desperate for another source of income...
→ Hogan posted six photos of Gong Jun in Milan. (1129 kadian) They later posted another three.
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun, announcing a livestream with him later that day.
→ T Magazine released the cover of the new issue featuring Gong Jun. Caption: "The poet Margaret Avison said, "No one puts the world into your eyes. The visual heart must take risks." The subtext of this sentence is that even if we are just "watching", we are actively choosing. Seeing, experiencing, imagining, or "recreating" in a new way is an "adventure" that everyone can and should achieve. And the voice that belongs to life is awakened and activated in such adventures again and again. How do you watch @ Gong Jun Simon ? How does he reflect on himself? In this month’s Men’s Autumn and Winter Fashion Special, actor Gong Jun gives the answer visually." His studio reposted this with the added caption, "Filling time and space, collaging new ideas. @ Gong Jun Simon shows off his charming style casually."
Half an hour later, they posted the full photoshoot. Caption: "Suspending daily life in a theater-like space, with color, artificiality and decoration, @GongjunSimon steps in and finds the correct way to deal with viewing from props, lighting and modeling. And this is just a sampling test that he practiced repeatedly."
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a behind the scenes video from the T photoshoot. Caption: "Wander between graffiti and paintings to get fashion inspiration. @ Gong Jun Simon such as this moment, relives the hot moment" BGM is Year of the Dragon by Mosh.
→ Gong Jun posted the T photos to his Weibo. Caption: "The secret place of overflowing colors, without restraint or fear." He also posted them to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: "I can’t think of a caption[.] Don't think about it anymore, that's it" and his Instagram, caption: "New style, fun!"
→ Gong Jun posted a douyin from the T photoshoot. Caption: "I'm targeting you! #Check in with a new look" BGM is I Miss You by Jerry Lo. (flashing lights cw)
→ 361° posted four photos of Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun posted a video (flashing lights cw) of behind the scenes footage from his earlier photoshoot with Tissot, announcing a livestream with them on 09-26.
→ The photographer for the T shoot posted nine more photos and a video from it. Gong Jun commented on the photos, "Thank you Man-jie for trying something different, I like it!
→ 361° held a (pre-recorded) livestream with Gong Jun. [full recording]
→ Gong Jun's studio posted twenty-two more photos from the T shoot. Caption: "Mottled and whirling, fiery and profound. Capture @ Gong Jun Simon’s cozy moment."
Tumblr media
→ Yangyang posted two behind the scenes photos from the 361° livestream.
Additional Reading: → Gong Jun is reportedly going to Paris at the start of October.
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This post was last edited 2023-10-01.
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csvent-2 · 4 months
@anon looking to not spend money, honestly i think griffia is one of the top cs right now, yeah theres a crazy market for griffsnuff and sindonic designs but other than that you can kinda mind your business.
you get 3 free characters to start, myos are raffled weekly for free if you have a certain trial done, and if you want to just buy a myo ticket from another member theyre selling for around $20 right now
plus the abundance of activities and actual news with development is a plus, the entire ARPG is pretty automated at this point and they arent really restrictive about traits
and tel0din is leaving so its prime time to hop in lmao
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