wow-its-me · 4 months
Go watch Fires of Pompeii, Waters of Mars, and the 50th Anniversary on repeat until you understand or go insane
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Whenever I think about how the Doctor and Donna causing the eruption in "Fires of Pompeii" narratively functions as a parallel/microcosm to the Doctor destroying Gallifrey in the Time War I go insane and have to lie down.
Because this time he isn't alone, Donna is with him and he says the words out loud "Push this lever and it's over. Twenty thousand people." and he is waiting for her reaction and she puts her hands on his and they pull the lever together. And this time he doesn't have to make the choice alone, so he subsequently doesn't have to carry the burden of guilt alone.
And maybe, just maybe, this can be seen as his first step into his healing journey regarding his Time War guilt. Donna Noble - a woman who he grows to love and admire and regard as his guiding light - made the same choice (yes on a much smaller scale, but functionally the same choice) he did when he destroyed Gallifrey. He will never ever forgive himself (at least during his time as Ten), but maybe when he realizes that he doesn't blame her and doesn't want her to feel guilty for what she did in Pompeii he starts to be a little kinder to himself. For Donna's sake.
I really believe that during season 4 both Donna and the Doctor are on a healing journey. They make each other better, they begin to heal the wounds of the other person. Donna's self-esteem grows and the Doctor's guilt complex gets a little less heavy. Just a little. Baby steps. But they are walking them together.
And then Journey's End happens, and their healing process gets interrupted and without Donna nothing makes sense and he almost turns into Time Lord Victorious (this arc is so insane)
Because why should he stick to the rules of a universe that took Donna from him?
But he gets stopped. Adelaide stops him and later he himself recognizes that he's lived too long.
And he turns from the man who regrets into the man who forgets.
And then day of the doctor happens. And Gallifrey falls no more. And yet, he still has to live with the memories of 4 incarnations (war, nine, ten, eleven) and hundreds of years during which he believed he killed his own people. But now he has an excuse not to face that.
Anyway, thesis statement: Donna helped the Doctor confront his Time War guilt complex in a way no companion before or after her did. (shoutout to Martha though for making him open up about Gallifrey!!!)
And neither the character of the Doctor in the show or the show itself narratively ever continued to truly confront the trauma of the Time War guilt or continued the healing process Donna started.
Until now.
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anarchywoofwoof · 6 months
so today i learned that there’s a piece of graffiti written on the wall of a brothel in Pompeii that reads, “Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!”
this lead me down a rabbit hole of Pompeii graffiti, in which i found the following:
From Herculaneum (a bar/inn joined to the maritime baths): "Two friends were here. While they were, they had bad service in every way from a guy named Epaphroditus. They threw him out and spent 105 and half sestertii most agreeably on whores."
From just outside the Vesuvius gate: "Defecator, may everything turn out okay so that you can leave this place."
From the peristyle of the Tavern of Verecundus: "Restitutus says: 'Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates.'"
From Herculaneum (a bar/inn joined to the maritime baths): "Apelles the chamberlain with Dexter, a slave of Caesar, ate here most agreeably and had a screw at the same time."
From the basilica: "O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin."
that lead me down a rabbit hole of obscene ancient Roman graffiti such as the following:
Floronius, privileged soldier of the 7th legion, was here. The women did not know of his presence. Only six women came to know, too few for such a stallion.
Chie, I hope your hemorrhoids rub together so much that they hurt worse than when they ever have before!
Theophilus, don’t perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog
Apollinaris, the doctor of the emperor Titus, defecated well here
Restituta, take off your tunic, please, and show us your hairy privates
I was fucking with the bartender
Secundus likes to screw boys
Phileros is a eunuch!
Cruel Lalagus, why do you not love me?
I made bread on April 19th
Gaius Sabinus says a fond hello to Statius. Traveler, you eat bread in Pompeii but you go to Nuceria to drink. At Nuceria, the drinking is better
Anyone who wants to defecate in this place is advised to move along. If you act contrary to this warning, you will have to pay a penalty. Children must pay [number missing] silver coins. Slaves will be beaten on their behinds.
Epaphra doesn’t play football well
You can ride your maid whenever you want. It’s your right
Pyrrhus to his colleague Chius: I grieve because I hear you have died; and so farewell
O walls, you have held up so much tedious graffiti that I am amazed that you have not already collapsed in ruin
My lusty son, with how many women have you had sexual relations?
If anyone sits here, let him read this first of all: if anyone wants a screw, he should look for Attice; she costs 4 sestertii.
Samius to Cornelius: go hang yourself!
If anyone does not believe in Venus, they should gaze at my girl friend
To the one defecating here. Beware of the curse. If you look down on this curse, may you have an angry Jupiter for an enemy
We have wet the bed, host. I confess we have done wrong. If you want to know why, there was no chamber pot
What a lot of tricks you use to deceive, innkeeper. You sell water but drink unmixed wine
The finance officer of the emperor Nero says the food here is poison
Gaius was here – the oldest graffiti, dated 78 BCE; found in Pompeii.
Vote for Isidorus for aedile, he licks cunts the best
i fucking love human beings.
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i-like-media · 4 months
I imagine Donna to still eventually ask what the doctor has been up to. Maybe she does so while they're stuck doing a chore together like the laundry or dishes. And the doctor will try to avoid it like he always does, but caves under Donna's stare. He'd still keep it vague, speaking more about the companions the toymaker spoke of and cautiously daring to honour their memory like that while keeping himself away from the hurtful bits. He even jokes a bit about who he ended up becoming. He'd admit he had an obsession with bowties and had sonic sunglasses once, and Donna would laugh and say she'd LOVE to see that.
Then, after a pause, Donna asks if he's ever stumbled upon her with a different face, and with a hushed breath he admits he hasn't.
She grows a bit silent, grieving a thought she wished were reality. And then the doctor pipes up again.
"This isn't actually the first familiar face I've gotten...-WELL not another one of my OWN faces, but certainly something familiar."
Intrigued, Donna stops what she's doing and listens to him explain further.
"When I first got it I couldn't place where I'd gotten it from. I just, knew it was familiar...... -I didn't linger on it as long as I should've and I moved on rather quickly."
"Why?" Donna asked, a bit bewildered at the thought of it.
"I was careless and angry and sort of... Scottish.-ANYways one day me and Clara were dragged to this viking village that had gotten itself into trouble, and we helped them. But this village girl had, uhm... Well she didn't make it. I was so angry -I remember that anger really well. And Clara kept on asking if there was something I could do..."
"Well, was there?" By now both of them weren't doing their chores anymore and all they could hear was the singing of a couple of starlings outside.
"...Yes, but it would've broken some rules."
Donna already knew what exactly he meant by that. She would figure that's the end of it, yet the doctor kept on talking.
"But then as I was rotting in my defeat, I remembered this important day I shouldn't ever have forgotten. The day we were in Pompeii... And only then did I realise that face, MY face, was a reminder of something very important you told me. To just, save someone."
"...So you mean, your face..." The doctor nodded, and Donna couldn't help but finally release the breath she'd been holding with a smile.
"I did save her and she ended up living a long, long, longlonglonglonglong life... But even after hundreds of years, when I doubted myself and needed it most, Donna Noble... Your impact on the world and my life, persisted."
And I imagine the doctor to give her a big, proud smile, before Donna pulls him in for a big hug he wasn't expecting to receive. Because maybe, just maybe, that was exactly what she needed to hear that day.
Then once they return to their chores, I imagine Donna to think about it a bit longer and make a comment. "Well you better never take on my face!" And the doctor would dissolve into a pouty ramble about how he has no control over it while also being a bit disappointed she's said no.
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boredintjqueen · 4 months
I have a theory:
Here's what we know:
Our Loki, TVA Loki, is a variant. Therefore variants can affect and be affected by the Sacred Timeline even if they're not from the Sacred Timeline.
A variant simply being in a different timeline cannot cause a branch- that's why in the Pompeii apocalypse Mobius suggests making 'bird noises'. If you don't cause enough of a disturbance you can get away with it.
Loki is canonically bisexual, genderfluid, and capable of shapeshifting.
The 'Centuries' Loki spent studying had to have been spent in the Sacred Timeline because any other branch would have disappeared too quickly.
Loki would have to leave before Don's nexus event.
Loki couldn't have spent centuries on the Sacred Timeline as himself because people would recognise him and he would risk encountering the Sacred variant.
Don's wife is 'long gone', he never says he's divorced.
Don's children, Sean and Kevin are very much like Thor and Loki (one likes snakes and the other likes chaos) while Don is nothing like Odin which leads me to this conclusion:
Loki timeslipped back to the Sacred Timeline as a woman to study whatever he needed to study and during the course of that time he married and had children with Don. He couldn't stay long enough because Don is mortal and Loki probably didn't want to watch him die, so he existed in a time-loop that amounted to centuries, a time-loop that ended at a point in time where Don assumed his wife simply up and left him. Loki probably used a different name which is why Don didn't know his name when Loki timeslips to him the first time but he did find him familiar enough to trust.
I wouldn't put it past the creatives behind the show to leave these breadcrumbs for us to draw this conclusion even if they would never admit it to the higher-ups. The higher-ups couldn't even let lokius happen, so no way they were aware of these breadcrumbs.
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i-cannot-spell-chaos · 10 months
Webs and Masks
(I don't own image)
(Yandere spider verse platonic and romantic x Villain! Spider man reader!)
(Sorry it took so long! warning cursing!Sorry if it's bad!)
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A comic was slapped on the table the cover showing You a spider man jumping away from a crime scene. SO let explain shall we? You had been Spider man for a year and a half. Getting bit by a radioactive spider on the ankle when rescuing a scientist who sadly passed due to radiation from an experiment called InSpid mutation where they would mutate spiders but the spiders got loose. You did die legally speaking having to claw your way out of your grave is not recommended. *You look at Uncle Ben spider man 'how the fuck'* So you decided since you were dead technically you would run the under streets of New York. You expected a hero however he never came your fate had changed. You found out through the discovery of the multi verse and time lines. The spider who was supposed to create your rival had been brought to another universe. Due to this your canon event didn't happen meaning you weren't a true spider man just a villain who is spider man?
SO to sum it up you were bit by a radioactive clone spider became villain spider man and is working on creating a way to go into different universes.
Other than that you like visiting your neighbor every Sunday for game night. This family was the Morales family your universe is the only universe you're alive in all the other universes you go missing or you're found dead by spider man. You hoped this peace will stay for as long as it can.
Until a portal opens in your lab or a spot? A man with a plain white face and a spot in the middle popped his head out looking around. Thoughts run in your head but the main one is how the hell is he doing that. The man looked at you before asking "Hey do you want to fuck up this Spider guy's introduction? He's kinda attacking my rival Miles Morales and I need someone to be in the inside" You look at him wide eyes grabbing his face. "He's attacking my buddy? I'm gonna crush that man with my thighs" You jumped through the portal getting sent to this spider verse HQ
"So it hasn't happened yet but Miles Morales will show up in two months sorry" The portal closes behind you.
You look around realizing how fucked you are in this situation. He sent you a month ahead?! You got caught in an hour after glitching and was brought to Miguel o Hara. After finding who you were and why you were there you were given a day watch to stop the glitching. Miguel was curious about you and your time line theory.
You spent hours explaining it and showing it through spider webs. The Spider can choose different webs Some Spiders don't even have webs but the things that make them all alike is what defines them. Every Spider man has choices that change in different universes that is their time line however if it changed the time line collapse on itself. Sometimes these webs are built and can change however if they are already prone to change. For example you can say anything to a person in pompeii before the volcanic explosion but that doesn't damage the time line since it was coming to an end.
Miguel loved this theory since it went with his until you went on with time loops and got stuck in a loop for an hour.
However the reason why you came creeped onto him before he knew it. You became friends with the children of the Spider verse MayDay,Hobie,Paviter, and Gwen. Spotting you multiple times from a window seeing you jump across buildings just to make sure they weren't injured when they came back. Wolf spider he figured due to your attachments to younger spider people. The other got quite attached to you being there. Since Miguel wouldn't allow you to leave for an odd reason.
The day it finally happened before you knew it. Miles Morales came to HQ after fighting the spot. He seemed to recognize you from his universe hugging you. At first you returned it until he didn't let go.
Miles had known the reason why you disapeared in his universe seeing it for him self. You were close to him like another dad before you went missing. Seeing you alive squeezed his heart his reaction was holding onto you.
You had to get help from Peter B and Gwen to get him off.
"Going to introduce yourself, kid?" you asked the boy patting his shoulder. "I'm Miles Morales Spider man in my universe" Miles smiled showing his teeth. "I'm Doctor (your name) the evil version of spider man in my universe bit of advice pretty sure Miguel has Rabies don't let him bite you and being spider is not all of the swing shift your weight when you jump to where you want to swing the jump matters." You smile showing off your fangs. Miles looked shocked at your fangs you really were different here.
Jess called the two of you over saying Miguel wanted to see us. Hobie groaned before you dragged him along happily. Walking in pocketing the final things for your watch. Miguel kept you here only with a day pass so you started making your own.
You plopped into a seat ignoring what was about to happen. Miles spoke to Miguel while you were finishing your watch. Everything was in place when suddenly Miguel threw a desk down at Miles scaring you. Quickly grabbing Miles away from it. You looked up at Miguel worried "The hell man! You can't just hit a kid!" You yelled at him "He's an anomly!" Miguel yelled at you glaring down at Miles.
Seeing you were backing down he looked at Miles "Let me explain...follow me" He led them to a room filled with holograms. "This is the spider verse in every universe there is cannon" Miguel went on with his lecture when he brought out cannon events. "These things happen in every universe this is what makes spider man" there was a pause a thing you dreaded with Miguel in the two months you had known him. Those pauses is when something bad will happen "That included when a chief is close to spider man they die every single time" Some thought ran through your head....you didn't know any police chief's Mile's dad never got through the police acedemy so he was a security guard in your universe..So are you really spider man you have spider man dna but are you truelly spider man haha butt oh speaking of butts why is miguel cheeked up on a tuesday afternoon? Where did he get all that ass?
Your thoughts were cut off when Miguel mentioned your name. "Huh" "(Your name)...Run!" Peter b yelled at you. Looking for the danger you saw an approaching Miguel and a running Miles. You booked it sliding easily through the halls knowing the place for weeks. Miles was right behind before jumping on your back. You stumbled in shock before continuing to run. "Don't listen to them (Your name) come back" Miguel called for you.
Now you don't know true fear unless you had been chased by Miguel. Mother fuckers growling behind you clawing at walls going through them. There was a crowd in front of you so you did the first thing that came to your head. "Evacuate the building Miguel o Hara from universe 2099 have is chasing after me and I was listening!" People usually only hear the first part so they move quickly. You passed through quickly holding Miles close before jumping. Looking down you saw Miguel's claw almost catching you. He desperate look for you brought actual fear in your bones. "Miles why is he after me" You asked Miles landing on a random building "Miguel was saying stuff about canon events when he said me saving my dad would cause my universe to collapse and the reason why your universe had no other spider man was because you were supposed to be in his!" Miles yelled catching his breath.
"I knew something was up with him but i got a plan for us. I think I finished the watch I might be able to bring you home I just need to scan you" You pressed a few button before scanning him showing his universe. Opening the portal you saw Miguel claw his was up the building. The portal was unstable but it was fully open you threw Miles through. You turn around to see Miguel right behind you breathing down your neck. "Miguel...hey bud" you say nervously backing away from him. "You weren't planning on leaving right?" Miguel asked you his hand grabbing your coat sleeve. "Close the portal Mi Vida I can take you home now" Miguel said leaning down to your neck. After spending some time with this man you knew something was up but this was to far. "Miguel let go.."You asked him breathing quickly anxiety almost pouring through your ears as you heart pounded in your chest. "Are you scared of me" Miguel asked taking off his mask showing you his face. "We all want you back. What about those spider kids will you really leave them? Your soft to soft for your own good Mi vida" Miguel whispered in your ear.
Instinct was the last thing that came out of your body. Kicking your legs using Miguel as a boost sending yourself through the portal behind you ripped you jacket with his claw. Miguel landed on his ass looking at you launching himself at the portal luckily it closed before he could get through.
You looked around seeing you were on a tall building's roof. In front of you was a wall spray painted memorial of two people on it. You and Miles's dad. "Well damn-" you were knocked out quickly.
You woke up on a couch blinking seeing yourself in a familiar place. Looking up you saw Miles tyed up to a bean bag talking to another...Miles? Oh were in the wrong universe!
"Miles!" You yelled out both boys looking at you. Miles 42 gasping seeing you awake going over to you quickly. "Careful Uncle (your name) we just didn't want you running off like before...it's really mean yelling at your family because they wanted to keep you safe and when you went missing and was pronounced dead we knew it was fake! I knew you wouldn't be killed that easily! You were just sleeping!"
...."Huh" was the only thing you could get out before passing out again.
(part 2 coming up next sorry!)
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familyabolisher · 5 months
i liked the new doctor who but one thing that did really frustrate me was the idea that donna would give all her lottery winnings away to charity as a subconscious desire to emulate the doctor -- specifically to be what she calls 'soft,' or kind, or to act on a desire to help others precisely because that's what he would have done. when s4 donna was compassionate on her own terms, even more so than the doctor, to such an extent that the narrative at multiple points positions her as a spokesperson for a sort of kindness against the doctor's ruthlessness and cynicism. the runaway bride's "doctor, you can stop now" sees her stopping him from going "too far" (and turn left shows us what would happen if she hadn't been there to do so!); the fires of pompeii, again, show her making the doctor "save someone," retain and understand the importance of individual human life even in the face of mass catastrophe, not lose sight of the fact that everyone who died was a fully realised individual. and i have my ideological critiques of all that, but, like, it seems very absurd to just ... forget about it?
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nat-20s · 4 months
God GOD okay okay okay okay okay I'm having thoughts I'm having FEELINGS im having a Moment SO
I waanna talk about Ten and Donna (shocker I know) but SPECIFCALLY I wanna talk about like. Them and being besties and soulmatism and red string of fates and what not. Also this post is long as rambly as hell so I'm putting it under a readmore for my non-tendonna girlies <3
So like. The Runaway Bride really does establish them as future besties so so well and some of it is the writing but I do think that some of it is that Catherine Tate and David Tennant, by all available accounts, ALSO immediately got on like a house on fire. Like genuinely i know Acting TM is a thing but I think them getting on is part of why their on screen chemistry is SO electric and dazzling to the point where Donna went from a one off one episode character to *checks notes* a character that came back TWICE and also fundamentally changed the structure and DNA of Doctor Who as a whole so. You know. Pretty impressive. Plus Donna gets to have her first adventure with The Doctor as their absolute worst: Ten is grieving from a FRESH wound of losing Rose, he's incredibly cruel and incredibly cold and straight up murders the Racknoss without a flinch or hint of remorse, and even before that he accidentally kidnaps her and then insults her as someone to dismiss. That's not to say that she doesn't also see The Doctor at their brightest: he ends up treating her with incredible kindness, and he's dazzling and brilliant and cares so much and shows her the creation of the earth itself to provide comfort. However it IS to say that because of the nature of his first interaction with Donna he CAN'T put up a facade she already knows the truth!! She is walking into their dynamic with completely open eyes and at first it fucking scares her! She doesn't dislike him in fact they already are friends after less than a day but
Then partners in crime happens. And she's realized okay no actually I CAN take the bad with the good and I WANT to participate in all of it and I DO want this friendship. The Red Strings of Fate (or maybe the TARDIS being like lmaoo you need this girlie <3) bring them back together and they are Officially Tethered from that point on which is so so so delicious. It's also so so so delicious that Ten's still at an incredibly low point and she's still going into this friendship without any ruses in place. Like oh shit yeah they are Bound together even if they did separate now they would almost certainly find each other again.
AND THEN AND THEN!!! We've already established The Doctor and Donna as fast best friends but holllllyyyy shit I think Fires of Pompeii is what establishes them as forever Soulmates. I meant canonically the ending of Fires of Pompeii where she has him save the family fundamentally changed The Doctor for the rest of their lives and gave them a guiding moral compass long after she wasn't there so yeah that's pretty fuckin soulmates of them. But I actually think them as a concept of two people sharing one soul (for the better!!) happens earlier in the episode. The exact moment in fact is THIS ONE:
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The Doctor has to make a choice. There are no good options: both are mass destruction and death. And it's SUCH a Doctor choice to have to make: actively destroy Pompeii and everyone in it, or allow the entire world to be destroyed. Not only that but it will likely kill both him and Donna as well. It's a mix of self sacrifice and other sacrifice to save the world and it's a horrific situation to be in.
It is a narrative that parallels the choice he made in the Time War. It is an archetypical Burden of the Doctor.
And then she looks into his eyes, sees his fear and hesitation and remorse and guilt, and wordlessly puts her hands on his. They push the lever to destroy Pompeii together. And it becomes the burden of the DoctorDonna.
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anastaaaaaaasia · 2 months
Tag, you're it
Modern!Aegon targaryen x reader
Warnings: NSWF, smut, abusive and toxic relationships, mention and use of drugs, mention and use of alcohol
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The party didn't go as planned and neither did your relationship. Two years is a long enough time to get to know a person, fall hopelessly in love and cry disappointedly into your pillow all night long, desperately trying to drown out your sobs. Your relationship with Aegon was the fucking wheel of Samsara, it lifted you to the peak of bliss and crashed you to the ground, harder with each turn.
The golden, no, platinum boy was born with a diamond spoon in his teeth and the same attitude towards everyone around him. “A first-rate jerk,” that’s how your best friend Margaery described him. “First class fuckbody,” you retorted. Admitting to others that your relationship was falling apart at the seams like buildings on the day of the fall of Pompeii meant admitting first of all to yourself that you had seriously screwed up. Hopeless and powerful.
Looking at me through your window Boy, you had your eye out for a little
Possessing the character of your parents, you did not allow anyone to wipe their feet on you. No one… except him. Every time you found out from acquaintances, friends and ,damn, even from his brother, that his dick had been in another girl, you tearfully swore to yourself that you would break up with him, throw his things to hell, tear up his magazines and throw him out the door of yours apartment, but every time you lied and couldn’t stand it, you lied and again deceived only yourself.
You didn't believe in gods. If you believed in them, then for all the promises you would not be allowed not only into heaven, but also into hell. You chuckled every time you thought about it.
Your friend Robb, sweet Robb, he sincerely tried to help you. Screaming in your face that your relationship with Aegon is toxic. He was the first one who brought you to a psychologist. A nice woman in her forties said from session to session that it was toxic. You knew it. But knowing does not mean being aware. But you still plunged into this sticky and enveloping relationship, time after time. Because somewhere deep down in your soul you knew you were just as toxic as Aegon. A couple created in hell and married by Satan himself.
"I'll cut you up and make you dinner You've reached the end, you are the winner"
Every time you met Aegon in the early morning when he returned to your apartment. The smell of other women's perfume almost suffocated you, and the hickeys all over his neck definitely did not belong to you. You bit, and bit so that marks remained. But you only bit him, and unfortunately he bit not only you.
Someone else's woman's lip gloss stuck to his cheeks like bees were swarming for honey. It didn't wash off his expensive shirts and designer T-shirts. You will forever remember how you sat in the bathroom with his fucking shirt. You cried for hours, drying yourself with the same clothes, crying and laughing. It was all so absurd.
Little bit of poison in me I can taste your skin in my teeth
Everyone was right, it's all toxic. That day you broke the mirror that was hanging on the wall, you could have sworn that you saw his damn reflection and grin there. But you stopped, you broke the decanter, the figurines, everything that your hands could reach. You didn’t care, he wasn’t there. You were ready to bet your soul that he was now in another bathroom at the club, driving into another girl’s pussy.
This made you laugh harder, until you realised that you were choking on tears. While cleaning the battlefield you created in the apartment, you took a fragment of a mirror. You hated what you witnessed. There were traces of mascara running from the eyes to the middle of the cheeks, lips were bitten, in blood. And your eyes. They were red, but your natural eye colour had never looked so vibrant to you. You hated it and loved your reflection at the same time. You hated the one who brought you to this state. But you loved the fact that even in such a miserable state you looked like a goddess.
That same evening you bought a ticket and flew to your home country. This was a quick flight. That same evening, having thrown your suitcase into the apartment your parents bought for you, you went to a club with friends from your former school. After six tequila shots, you told your whole story. Margaery tried to comfort you, Robb hugged you and promised to beat up your boyfriend. But it didn't help. Your other former classmates, Theon and Ramsay, helped. They said they knew how to relieve the pain. That day you tried molly for the second time in your life. The little pill gave you unforgettable emotions, you danced on the bar counter, men whistled and applauded in your direction. But you didn't care. There was nothing on your mind.
You understood that this was not a solution. And when the next morning you woke up with a severe headache and vomited for half the day, you felt killed, unsteady and wretched for the first time. Help came from where you weren't expecting. From your ex. Viserys fucking Targaryen. He was like your current boyfriend's cousin or something. He held you while you cried all evening, he helped you open a bottle of martini and mixed cocktails. He reassured you and said everything you had heard before. You have to break up with Aegon, but he was the first person to whom you admitted that you couldn’t. You allowed your ex to see you weak, broken.
"I love it when I hear you breathing I hope to God you're never leaving"
That evening when you first admitted this to someone besides yourself, it worked better than psychologists. And so now, when you are sitting in Aegon's car and he is driving you with you after the party, you wait, and wait, and pray. You pray that he will lose his temper and say something that will allow you to leave him. You provoked him, screamed how you hated the fact that he fucked other whores, you hated the constant parties. And it happened.
“Get out, get the fuck out of the car,” he screamed and slammed his hands on the steering wheel of his car. You were a little taken aback.
Running through the parking lot He chased me and he wouldn't stop
“Are you fucking high?” It was a question that did not require an answer. You were one hundred percent sure that he was high. And to be honest, you were afraid of this Aegon.
"I'm tired of you!" Aegon yelled, his face contorted in rage as he grabbed your wrist and yanked you out of your seat.
“Fucking asshole,” you muttered into space. You should have felt victory, but you couldn’t forgive such an attitude towards yourself.
Grabbed my hand, pushed me down Took the words right out my mouth
Aegon yanked you and pulled you out of the car. Your legs were unsteady. High heels and short clothes made you feel vulnerable in the darkness of the deserted street. Aegon grabbed the collar of your dress and leaned it against the stone wall of the building. “Do you have any idea how annoying you are?” he screamed.
“Oh please enlighten me,” you snapped.
Aegon's face twisted with rage. “I was with you for two years and all you did was complain, give me orders and ruin my parties. You're a pain in the ass." Aegon looked down on you, “I should have kicked you out months ago.”
“I’m sorry that I didn’t want my boyfriend to kiss other sluts and find ways to get into their panties,” you replied, you remembered all the times he neglected you
“Am I that annoying because I want to have a good time at a party?” he shouted: “You are boring. I need fun." he continued, “Everyone is jealous because I have the best parties, I have the best girls, I have the best life… And I don’t want my girlfriend to interfere. You're no fun. Parties are more fun without you." "You're a bad girlfriend" he shouted
Can anybody hear me? I'm hidden under ground Can anybody hear me? Am I talking to myself?
“Our entire relationship, all I’ve done is support you, and I’m sorry if just being faithful is a really high price to pay for you,” it was true. All the times when his family was against him, you held him tightly and let him cry on your chest. It was your Aegon, but the man who looked at you with dilated pupils was unfamiliar to you. Aegon continued to argue at a primary school level, sometimes you tried not to laugh.
He looked at you with contempt: “Your only idea is to stop me from getting drunk, to stop me from kissing other girls. You want to control me. You're a control freak." He looked up and down
“Do you know what I see when I look at you?”
"Tell me"
A laugh escaped Aegon’s thin lips: “I see a nag. A boring nag who doesn’t allow me to live the way I want.” He spat on the floor next to you. “You're always complaining, always asking me why I drink, why I flirt with other girls…” He laughed again.
“Well, because you’re my damn boyfriend, you know when people in relationships don’t cheat, that’s the reason people invented relationships,” you were angry and already at your breaking point.
Aegon laughed, but his eyes were cold and hard: “I know you would want me to be faithful and look only at you. I tried this first. But your nagging made me unhappy. To experience life, I want to have fun. I won't be sorry if you don't like it. You don't matter."
“Then it’s better to break up, I won’t let someone like you gaslight me.” You finally said it. That phrase I thought about, fantasised about and feared.
Aegon raised an eyebrow, "Really?" he chuckled. “Then do it. Break up with me. But you won't do it." He said, grinning. “Why? Because deep down I know that you are crazy about me. You can't get enough of me”.
Saying, "tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it" He's saying, "tag, you're it, tag, tag, you're it"
“You’re only wrong about one thing: I’m crazy about you. We’re breaking up,” you exclaimed with a smile. “It’s over, farewell Aegon,” you said and started to walk away. It felt like you had thrown off long-standing shackles, you were freed, you finally wanted to live.
Aegon grabbed your arm, stopping you. “You can't leave me. This is my job". He glared at you, “And how exactly are you going to walk home in that dress and those heels? And it's dark outside…"
“It’s not your problem, you’re not my boyfriend anymore.” Why did these words sound so sweet and melodious from your lips? You didn't know, but you were sure you would understand later.
He leaned towards your face, smelling of alcohol. "But I can't let you go into the dark."
"And why? I said dripping with sarcasm
He smirked, “Because I don’t want to risk anything happening to you. You are my responsibility,” he said, and deep down he thought: the longer I delay her coming home, the more she will miss me
“Not anymore,” you shouted and laughed for the first time from the lightness in your chest. This feeling inspired you. You continued on your way home, laughing periodically and raising your hands to the starry sky.
“Do you have any idea how dangerous it is there?” He said, looking at you. “What if you get lost? Or if something bad happens to you? What would I tell your father? I can't let you leave like this.” His tone became gentle as he added, “I care about you.”
“Well that sucks because I don’t care about you,” you gave him your middle finger and then licked it.
He stared at you, trying to keep his temper. His hands clenched into fists until his knuckles turned white. After a moment, he gave a sharp nod "Oh yeah? Well, do whatever you want." He said and turned away "You'll see, you little bitch, you'll come back".
You were indifferent to his words. You walked home with a smile from ear to ear, even the damn heels didn’t spoil your mood.You only heard the sharp slam of a car door and the sound of wheels that were taking your ex somewhere far away, somewhere where you wouldn’t care about him.
After 15 minutes of walking home, you were finally there. You kicked off your shoes and looked at yourself in the mirror. There stood a girl who was proud of herself. It was the only thing that mattered to you at the moment. Walking into the kitchen, you took out a bottle of whiskey. It has always been customary in your family to celebrate any victories, small or large. You uncorked the bottle and drank straight from your throat.
The idea immediately came to mind. You turned on your favourite playlist and turned the volume up to maximum. Dancing, you reached the bedroom and began to sort through things. You put all of his shirts, hoodies and other items of clothing into boxes when one box caught your attention. Lingerie from Victoria's Secrets. His gift for Valentine's Day. He always said that red suits you.
Your inner bitch woke up with new confidence and, tearing open the gift wrapping, you put on your underwear and took a selfie, which you posted on your Instagram. Compliments from friends poured in at breakneck speed, but you didn’t care. You danced drunkenly on the marble table in your living room, breaking away just to open the windows to ventilate the room.
Eenie meenie miny mo Get your lady by her toes
You didn’t even suspect that your ex’s car was parked under these very windows. Aegon gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles were as white as the first snow of winter. The notification of your new post brought him out of his trance. Your body, your lace lingerie, your smile. And all this without him. But you couldn’t really break up with him after two years, could you? Couldn't she? Right?
Something instantly switched in his head and he got out of the car. Anger, betrayal and adrenaline, all this was mixed in his head and that’s why he was now banging on your door.
You didn’t hear the knocks on the door, you didn’t hear him enter your apartment, and you definitely didn’t hear him sigh as he looked at you. You danced and moved your hips, laughed and drank even more from the already half-empty bottle.
“What the hell are you doing?” Aegon exclaimed after turning off the player.
“Shit,” you exclaimed in shock. With a careless movement of your hands, you spilled the remaining whiskey on yourself and the table. "What are you doing here?"
“Well, I came to make sure you were alright since you are my girlfriend.But I can see you are more than fine. You are better than ever” Aegon said sarcastically. He was angry and pitiful at the same time. "I guess you were just joking when you told me we broke up, weren't you?"
“No, I was extremely serious. Looks like the only one crying about the breakup is you,” you said mockingly. Alcohol gave you confidence and increased all your emotions significantly.
"I don't believe you for a second… You can't get over me, can you?" He leaned in to whisper into your ear "Be so honest for once and admit that you don't want to live without me" his hands lay on your hips, and his face was centimetres from your neck. No matter how wrong it was, you didn't pull away.
If she screams, don't let her go Eenie meenie miny mo
“I’m fucking living without you now Aegon, I can and I will,” you exclaimed. His hands squeezed you even tighter, in the mirror you could already see your reddened skin. You were sure that there would definitely be a couple of bruises.
"I don't believe you." He whispered, his breath on your neck. It had an effect on you that you didn't expect. You got goosebumps. This game can be played by two people. "You'll come crawling back. You'll beg forgiveness. That's what you always do."
“Then cry baby,” You whispered and bit his ear lightly, but with the confidence that the teeth marks would remain for a couple of days. “You fuck every girl at the university, that’s not what I wanted from a relationship,” you laughed.
That laugh triggered all his anger. "You know what? I think this breakup is permanent. You can have all your freedom. It's not like I really need you." He said, trying to sound nonchalant. But he was deeply upset, it showed in his voice and his eyes. He wanted you to run after him and confess your love for him.
“So this is the reason why you are squeezing my thighs? Because you don’t need me?” and after that you looked into his eyes. It was a mistake. Big and unforgivable. In a split second, you saw fire, hatred and desire in his eyes. There wasn't enough time for more.
His lips pressed against yours in a fiery kiss. The heat was dizzying, the moment he had been looking forward to for so long and the memory of the past two years came back at once. Your bodies were touching, and Aegon wanted more. The feelings of anger, insecurity, and jealousy were gone. His lips met yours again, and his hands were pulling your body close to him.
The next moment, your body was lying on the table where, minutes earlier, you had danced to celebrate the end of a toxic relationship. Your back felt sticky from the spilled whiskey, but that didn’t matter now. It looks like the wheel of samsara has begun another circle, but now you are at the peak of bliss. Looking at the chandelier, you thought that this couldn’t start again. It can't?
Aegon's mouth trailed down her neck, he kissed, nibbled, and sucked at your skin. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, a warm flood of sensations coursing through his body. He groaned as he took in your scent. He wanted to devour you… and you will gladly let him.
He knew all your bliss points. The neck was one of them. You flinched slightly as he bit your collarbone. And at that moment the brain lost control. You pressed your lips to his, biting his lips and gently licking the blood.
His mouth continued its journey down your body until it was close to your panties.
“Red suits you,” he said with a grin. You knew it and you hated yourself for it. He will always find his own way to you. The touch of the cold metal of his rings pulled you out of your thoughts and you realised that you were already lying naked in front of him on the table.
Your mother said to pick the very best girl And I am
As soon as Aegon saw your wet pussy glistening under the lights, he couldn't resist the urge to taste it. Drooling at the sight, he knelt down between your legs, positioning himself perfectly so that he could reach every inch of your pussy with his tongue. The sound of his eager slurping filled the room, mixed with the moans escaping your mouth as he lapped at your folds eagerly. At first you tried to bite your lip to hold back your moans, but you quickly realised that it was pointless.
"Ah… fuck…" He muttered under his breath, lost in the pleasure of tasting you. He pulled away momentarily to catch his breath before diving right back in, swirling his tongue around your entrance teasingly before pushing one finger inside of you slowly, testing your tightness.
Hearing your moan, Aegon's pace increased, his tongue working faster and harder as he savoured the taste of your juices flowing down his throat. He added another finger, pushing deeper into your wetness with each pass, feeling the tightness around his digits gradually giving way to accommodate his intrusion.
"There we go," he murmured, his voice rough and gravelly with desire. "Feel good, love?" He asked, looking up at you through half-lidded eyes as he continued to pleasure your pussy with his mouth.
With one last swift motion, he removed his fingers from your pussy and sucked your clit hard into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it vigorously while biting down lightly on the sensitive nub. But you wanted more, you needed more.
Aegon felt your hands start to work on his jeans, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through him as he watched you undoing them. He knew what this meant - you wanted him inside of you, and he couldn't wait any longer.
"I can't wait to be deep inside of you," he growled, standing up and pulling off his pants and boxers in one swift motion, revealing his fully erect cock standing proudly against his stomach.
In one swift movement, he kicked off his underwear and stepped out of them completely, leaving himself completely exposed for you to see. His cock throbbed with anticipation, ready to fill you up completely. "You want this big dick inside of you, don't you?"
Aegon grinned wickedly at your nod, knowing exactly what you wanted. He didn't waste any time, he immediately grabbed onto your hips and guided his throbbing member towards your waiting pussy. With one powerful thrust, he buried himself deep within your walls, filling you up completely. The sound of their entry echoed throughout the empty room, mixing with the sounds of their heavy breathing and the slap of flesh against flesh.
"Fuck" He groaned, his voice low and guttural as he began to fuck you roughly, driving himself into your depths over and over again. His hips moved in a relentless rhythm, pounding into you with force, his balls slapping against your thighs with each powerful stroke.
Aegon felt your pussy clinch around him tightly as you climaxed, his cock throbbing with each pulse of your orgasm. He loved seeing you come undone in front of him, knowing that he was the one who had brought you to such heights of pleasure. With a satisfied grunt, he increased the intensity of his thrusts, driving himself even deeper into you as he continued to pound away at your sensitive walls.
Feeling your release, Aegon's own climax began to build up in him, and with a final primal roar, he unloaded a hot stream of cum inside of you, filling your womb with his thick seed as he released wave after wave of pure ecstasy.
"Fuck, yes," he groaned, he gently pressed a kiss behind your ear and whispered, “Tag, you’re it.”
That night you came 4four times, he came three times. It was a small victory, but still a victory. you were right, the wheel of samsara has started spinning again and you just have to wait for a new blow. Aegon may have been the one who created this wheel, but now it is your turn to control it. you looked at his sleeping face on the pillow of your bed and carefully tucked a strand of his platinum hair behind his ear.
You whispered something that he will never know because it’s your time now, and you'll be ready to crush him with that wheel harder than he's ever done before.
“Tag, you’re it”
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She NEVER disappoints!! MAUREEN CALLAHAN: "I demanded doddery Biden get off his sun lounger and go to Hawaii. But after THAT shambolic visit, I take it all back... The people of Maui have suffered enough."
Biden interrupted his Lake Tahoe vacation on Monday to fly five (5) hours to the island, and insist that the federal government was there for the islanders, despite the announcement of the paltry sum of $700 compensation for each household. 
By Maureen Callahan 22 Aug 2023
We all called for the President last week. Where was he, days after the apocalyptic Maui wildfires?
Actually, we knew where he was: On the beach at his shore home in Delaware. Prepping for his next vacation in Lake Tahoe. Issuing a reptilian ‘no comment’ when asked about the thousand-plus people missing and the Pompeii-like damage and what his plan was.
When was he going to visit?
For what it’s worth, I wrote an impassioned column imploring the president to go.
Now I take it all back. The people of Maui have suffered enough.
Joe Biden finally saw fit to interrupt his second vacation since the wildfires, to don his well-worn mantle as Empathizer-in-Chief, put his feet on the ground in Hawaii and comfort the survivors, 13 days after the fires.
It did not go well.
‘F**k you!’ was the prevailing greeting to his motorcade. Residents held unwelcoming signs: ‘It’s too late’. ‘Actions speak louder than words’.
Right they are.
We all called for the President last week. Where was he, days after the apocalyptic Maui wildfires? I wrote an impassioned column imploring the president to go. Now I take it all back. The people of Maui have suffered enough.
Joe Biden finally saw fit to interrupt his second vacation since the wildfires, to don his well-worn mantle as Empathizer-in-Chief and comfort the survivors, 13 days after the fires. It did not go well. ‘F**k you!’ was the prevailing greeting to his motorcade.
Yet Joe Biden was not humbled. Joe Biden doesn’t know shame. Instead he gave a meandering speech invoking, yet again, his own tragedies, dosed as usual with a soupçon of exaggeration.
‘I don’t want to compare difficulties,’ he said. Spoiler alert: He compared difficulties.
Once upon a time, he and Jill had suffered a kitchen fire while he was off doing a glamorous TV spot on ‘Meet the Press’. He almost lost his classic Corvette! Parked at his waterfront house!
Would the people of Maui, living through the agonies of entire families burned to ashes in their homes, of a 14-year-old boy’s body discovered alone and clutching his dead dog, care to hear those details?
‘It was a sunny Sunday,’ Biden said — oh my God, is there no one in this White House who can keep this president on-message? — ‘and lightning struck at home on a little lake that’s outside of our home — not a lake, a big pond — and hit a wire and came up underneath our home into our heating ducts, the air conditioning ducts.
‘To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette, and my cat. But all kidding aside’ — there’s a joke in here? — ‘I watched the firefighters, the way they responded… they ran into flames to save my wife and save my family… sometimes smoke is so thick… it was that thick inside the home.’
Not so, said the firefighters who responded. The Biden kitchen fire, according to the Cranston Heights Fire Company, was ‘insignificant’ and put out in just 20 minutes.
But hey — Joe Biden never lets facts get in the way of a good story. And no one’s suffering can ever compare to his own.
His speech to the people of Maui was disgusting. It was all about him. Note this line: 'I give you my word, as a Biden.'
As a Biden? How about as President of the United States?
He had such a low bar to clear: Get on the ground, shake hands and offer hugs, look survivors in the eye and listen to their stories, and offer a clear plan of action.
All he had to do was deliver a brief, locked-and-loaded speech and cede the stage to local heroes — take a page from George W. Bush’s promise on the World Trade Center pile after 9/11.
But he can’t do it. Joe Biden is fundamentally, constitutionally incapable of allowing others their grief. He literally claimed that he had ‘a similar experience’ to the Maui survivors.
Protestors greet Biden with 'f**k you' as he arrives in Maui
He had such a low bar to clear: Get on the ground, shake hands, offer hugs - and a clear plan of action. But he can’t do it. Joe Biden is fundamentally, constitutionally incapable of allowing others their grief. (Pictured: Flames devastate Lahaina, Hawaii, earlier this month).
‘By the way,’ he continued, ‘for 36 years I was listed as the poorest man in Congress, so I didn’t get there based on my income.’
Can you believe that was part of his speech to the survivors? How is it germane? Remotely relevant? Does Biden really want to invoke his family’s suspicious riches?
To quote Barack Obama: ‘Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f**k things up.’
Biden went on to perseverate over the loss of his first wife and infant daughter in a car crash — a tragedy he blamed on the other driver, who Biden infamously falsely accused of being drunk.
‘So, I have a little bit of sense of what it’s like.’
No, Mr. President, you do not.
It was the same when he met with Gold Star families whose loved ones died in his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, repeatedly invoking his late son Beau, who he often claims died in Iraq. (Beau died of a brain tumor.)
It was the same when he was caught checking his watch every single time one of those 13 flag-draped caskets were loaded off military planes at Dover.
‘The most disrespectful thing I’ve ever seen,’ said Darin Hoover, father of fallen Marine Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover. ‘They would release the salute and he looked down at his watch on every last one. All 13, he looked down at his watch.’
So now I know: Joe Biden should have stayed away from Maui. He should have sent thoughts and prayers and far more than a $700 check to each surviving family. He should have begged Barack Obama or another esteemed Hawaiian to go.
The Rock would have done better. Jason Momoa. Hell, anyone but tone-deaf, crusty old Joe.
Looking at a canine rescue and recovery dog with protective paw gear, Biden ‘joked’ to the press: ‘You guys catch the boots out here? That’s some hot ground, man.’
Ugh, that ‘man’. Joe’s such a cool cat, don’t you know, just one of us. Amtrak Joe. Watch out: He might beat you up in the parking lot after fourth period. Remember ‘CornPop’? The gang leader with a razor blade at the community pool back in 1962? The 'bad dude' Joe Biden beat back with a 6ft-long chain?
Joe Biden, pathological fabulist, national embarrassment.
He should have stayed away from Maui. He should have sent thoughts and prayers and far more than a $700 check to each surviving family. He should have begged Barack Obama or another esteemed Hawaiian to go. The Rock would have done better. Hell, anyone but tone-deaf, crusty old Joe. (Pictured: Joe and Jill on the beach in Delaware earlier this month).
Those canines, by the way, have only been able to work in short shifts because the ground in Lahaina remains sizzling hot. That’s cause for alarm, not a comedy bit.
How about that climate crisis, Mr. President?
Speaking of — please, for the love of all that is sacred, stay away from Palm Springs and Los Angeles and any future disaster areas in general. The American people don’t need to see their doddering, likely demented president wandering away from a podium, mouth slack and eyes vacant, needing to be guided, as we witnessed on Monday.
This sad showing is a microcosm of the Biden presidency: No one’s at the wheel. The whole world can see it. Is this who the Dems really want to prop up in 2024?
And where’s Jill Biden in all of this? Most wives would gently take their husband by the hand and say: ‘Time’s up. You did your best, but it’s time to leave.’
Most wives would want to protect what’s left of their husband’s dignity. Legacy.
Not so for the Bidens, now safely ensconced in an $18 million vacation home, out of sight.
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Awkward moment gormless-looking Biden shuffles away from lectern as Hawaii Democrat tries to speak to him minutes after giving tone-deaf speech to victims of Maui's killer wildfires
Gormless-looking Biden shuffles away from lectern in Hawaii
By David AverreUpdated 07:30 EDT 22 Aug 2023
Biden had a cringeworthy moment with Democrat Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz
President Joe Biden compounded his disastrous trip to Hawaii in the wake of devastating wildfires with yet another gaffe, blatantly ignoring a Democrat senator before gormlessly shuffling off at the end of an uninspiring speech yesterday.
The 80-year-old had a particularly awkward moment with Democratic Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz when, at the conclusion of a press conference, Schatz offered him a sip of water.
Biden completely blanked the senator and turned his back on him. He then began shuffling off, mouth hanging open and gazing listlessly into the crowd, while his wife Jill and Hawaii Governor Josh Green ushered him away from the lectern.
Furious Hawaiians had already greeted the President with ire, shouting 'f*** you' at his motorcade and brandishing signs telling him to go home as the 80-year-old and his wife toured the island of Maui 13 days after the inferno broke out.
The awkward scene came shortly after Biden had delivered a meandering, tone-deaf speech in which he compared the wildfires - which have killed at least 114 people and left 850 missing - to his experience of a small kitchen fire.
Gormless-looking Biden shuffles away from lectern after speech
Biden had a particularly awkward moment with Democratic Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz when, a t the conclusion of a press conference, Schatz offered a sip of water to Biden and gestured beside the lectern at a bottle of water
The President completely blanked the senator and turned his back on him. He then began shuffling off
His wife Jill and Hawaii Governor Josh Green ushered him away from the lectern
President Biden told Maui the nation 'grieves with you' in his first visit to the island since wildfires ravaged the city of Lahaina and the surrounding community
Biden and first lady Jill Biden look at a burned car with Hawaii Gov. Josh Green and his wife Jaime Green as they visit areas devastated by the Maui wildfires
People watch as the motorcade carrying President Joe Biden to visit areas devastated by the Maui wildfires passes by. One local gives the president a thumbs down
Furious Maui residents slam Biden before tour of Lahaina
Biden rental at Tom Steyer's $18MILLION home may breach housing code
Biden is back in Lake Tahoe mansion after his awkward Hawaii visit
The President and his wife were not greeted warmly by residents of Hawaii yesterday.
As their motorcade drove through Maui, several people lined the streets waving Trump 2024 flags and shouting obscenities at the passing cars.
One person brandished a sign contrasting the money spent on Ukraine with the assistance sent to Hawaii - calculating that each Ukrainian has received over $1,700 since the war broke out in February 2022.
Meanwhile, the White House announced that each affected household in Hawaii will receive $700 - a sum many islanders considered insulting.
Locals' fury mounted on Sunday when Biden, who was asked about the fires as he relaxed on a Delaware beach, simply replied: 'No comment.' 🤡
And last week, he appeared to forget the name of Maui, repeatedly referring to fires blazing on 'the Big Island'.
Biden interrupted his Lake Tahoe vacation on Monday to fly five hours to the island, and insist that the federal government was there for the islanders, despite the announcement of the paltry sum of compensation for each household. 
Even Democrats were demanding to know why the federal aid had been slow to arrive and so meagre, joining their Republican colleagues in questioning Biden's delay in arriving in Maui.
The death toll in Maui has topped 114, with some 850 people still missing feared dead.
But Biden waited 13 days since the outbreak of the fires to visit the island. 
Biden embraced with Hawaii Gov. Josh Green
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supergnome-a · 1 year
i was bored so i decided to assign songs to different narrators and see what they think of them
For @missazura 's narrator
Ur goofy man is intimidating bro ♡
Next is @anotheroneofthegaysharks
Next is @blackkatdraws
next is @tsp-narrator-ask
Next is @marsalta 's narrator
Ugh i love ur narrator he looks so soft and i wanna smother him with love<3
Next is @vellichorom 's narrator
I love ur goofy narrator, beautiful salad man
next is @steampoweredwerehog 's narrator
I love your goofy floaty man, i just wanna skrunkle up his hair smh
last(for now) is @itsdefinitely 's narrator
I LOVE UR SCRUNKLY LITTLE MAN, i wanna hug him and his 4 bby arms<3
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desertfangs · 3 months
Valenfangs - Day 6 - Heart-Shaped Locket
💘 Just a short, silly little drabble today for the @valenfangs prompt "Heart-Shaped Locket" 💘
“You can’t give Pandora this,” Daniel said, looking at the contents of the shiny gold box on Marius’ dresser. Marius frowned from his chair where he was reading over some emails on his iPad. “What?” “This thing.” Daniel lifted the heart-shaped locket. “It’s too cheesy.” Marius stared at it for a long moment. “You don’t think it’s romantic?” Daniel put it back into the box. “Sure, I do, but I’m a sucker for those kinds of things. Pandora is going to think it’s silly. Maybe if it were shaped like anatomical heart…” “Shall I gift it to you then?” Marius smiled. Daniel laughed. “What about a bracelet? That seems more her style.” “You’re as bad as Armand, trying to play personal shopper for everyone else,” Marius said. “What did you get him anyway?” “A vase dug out of the ruins of Pompeii that’s been restored,” Daniel said. Marius’ face dropped a bit. “That is quite good.” He sighed and stood. “Fine, yes, let’s go shopping. I can fly us to Paris.”
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apoptoses · 28 days
Character building questions for Daniel please, if you're in the mood for answering
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Wow, I think there's such a progression for this one. Like the answer would change over time right?
I think Armand really nailed it with his description of Daniel in that basement: the violet eyes, the naive sort of beauty. The perennially young sort face where he could pass for a student even after thirty. I think that's part of what made him a good interviewer in the first place, looking pretty and gentle and young. People would look at that sort of face and trust him right off the bat.
But I think Daniel sees the changes in his body. The dark circles under his eyes first, the lines around his mouth from chainsmoking away the stress of the chase years. His hair starting to curl just behind his ears because he's been on the run for a while and fuck, who can bother with a haircut when they're not sure if they're going to be lectured or killed by the thing that's chasing them?
And it gets a little better after Pompeii. He's trying to develop a sleep schedule, he's catching up on rest. And the blood wipes away some of the exhaustion on his face. It gives his skin a flushed look when Armand lets him drink, keeps him from looking too pallid. Staying up all night has left him pale. His mom would be aghast seeing him like this, without any sun on his cheeks or tanlines on his upper arms.
But the blood gives and the blood takes away. It dries up his hunger, makes it hard to sleep. He looks in the mirror at their new Villa in Miami and notices his cheeks are getting hollow. He looks like one of those guys on speed, haunted but too awake at the same time.
And then there's aging. He's only 30, he's not old. But he finds a grey hair, notices the very beginning of crow's feet at the corner of his eye and panics at the reminder that if this goes on he will get old.
It hits rock bottom when the running starts and he's taking care of himself less. His stubble is becoming a beard. The alcohol has his skin looking like shit. He knows when people look at him they wonder what's wrong with him and when he looks in the mirror Daniel wonders what's wrong with himself.
So being turned- it's jarring, winding back the clock like that. He gets on the plane looking like a relic of himself and gets off as fresh faced as the boy who'd first interviewed Louis. Paler, sure, and with his nails looking like glass. But Daniel has filled back out like it all never happened and when he looks in the mirror he can't look away, because were those other raggedy guys he saw for years really him?
And people go back to looking at him the way they did before. Pretty, youthful, trustworthy. Just now if Daniel looks at them too intently they get lost in his violet eyes and look drugged by the sight of him, the way he felt lost in the sight of Louis once.
If the body deteriorated to the edge of death and then overnight returned to its 20-something splendor, is it really the same body at all? Is this a ship of Theseus problem? Daniel can never really decide.
(And maybe if Gabrielle wasn't so wretched he'd ask her, she'd be the only one who'd really understand what with how she was being consumed by illness and then brought back to splendor but fuck, she scares him)
So I think it's complicated for Daniel in his own way. The mirror reflected the outer effects of his inner turmoil and made it inescapable, and now it reflects his victory. But even that isn't cut and dry- sometimes it's surreal and he can't look for long.
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helphowdoiusethis · 9 months
No one asked for this I'm going to talk about what I think happened between Jedediah and Octavius in Pompeii:
So everyone is aware of their falling through the vents and Octavius asking Jed to "hold my hand!" And Octavius denial of this ever taking place, I would like to bring peoples focus back on the literal place of Pompeii for a brief period.
Pompeii as is well known a Roman city and that is evident to the duo when Octavius says that he can feel the familiar pull of history from the diorama.
Now my next point is going back to Octavius' "hold my hand" comment, in natm 3 it is often noted that Jed and Octavius bring up holding hands when the two are in near death situations however in a place quite literally filling with lava and no obvious way of stopping death no comment is made; it could be argued that the vent sequence is still to fresh in their minds but this brings me on to my next point.
Octavius reaction to Pompeii as a Roman. When talking about the Pompeii sequence, talking about Octavius reaction to the situation seems important. Being in Pompeii for Octavius would probably be scary due to the history of the site in retrospect to Romans, the fact that things are going down exactly how things did in Pompeii before is very big and him also being unaware wether Jed and he himself would get out of Pompeii alive, yet he does not ask for Jedediah's hand in that near death encounter; but it can still be argued that Jed's rejection in the vents is still in his mind.
Lastly on to Jed. Jedediah's actions I feel have always spoken louder than his words, and in the image below Jed's action of grasping onto Octavius chestplate shows how his growth of being comfortable with physical touch from Octavius evolves, going from confusion to wanting to protect Oct to needing physical touch as a anchor from Octavius.
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My second point about Jed in this scene is when the two are backing up from the lava
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In the first clip if we look at where Jedediah is compared to Octavius, Jed is stood slightly behind Oct but Jed checks behind them meaning that he definitely noticed that they couldn't get out but saw it as the best way to keep the two safe at least for a few seconds.
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But in this clip Octavius is slightly behind Jedediah, like Jed is protecting Octavius from the lava; Jed is definitely aware of Pompeii, his best friend/boyfriend is a Roman so he's probably more worried about Octavius than himself.
Is this me just wanting to talk about Jedtavius when they were in Pompeii? Yes.
Is their some movie evidence for what I've said? Yes.
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fairytoge · 2 months
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(some of) the jujutsu kaisen cast as bastille songs (from 'all this bad blood')
i love bastille sm so i thought, why not?? also there are spoilers of shibuya arc and most recent manga chapters!!!
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this could pretty much be any character icl, but i feel like it's mainly yuuji?? just cos its still such a weirdly positive song for how dark the lyrics actually are. that said, it could also be gojo,, mainly just because i feel like he would be able to see the parallels between megumi, yuuji, and nobara compared to his own high school friend group, and he seems reminiscent like 89% of the time.
things we lost in the fire
nanami. JOKING... kind of. but seriously, i feel like it fits yuuji again because poor boy is going through it especially in the whole of the shibuya arc??
bad blood
idk why but i just feel like megumi would listen to bad blood? and also cos of the semantics of the lyrics!! basically it's the breakdown of a relationship, and i think it could def be applied to him and his childhood. and it could also be applied to the whole thing he has with sukuna and everything that he's done while being possessed(?),, and the deterioration of his relationship with himself.
this song is sosososooo angsty like?? but yeah, it fits all three gojo and geto and shoko!! it probs most applies to gojo and his feelings/emotions towards geto after his departure and the mass murdering thing he did. def a song i would sob to icl
weight of living
this fits nanami and shoko scarily well, like you can't convince me otherwise. those two with their eyebags and stuff definitelyyyy have heavier emotional baggage than they let on about their friends and death and stuff. that's ignoring that they're canonically the heaviest drinkers or wtv!!!
oblivion is heavily implied to follow the story of a couple (whether platonic or romantic) where one is thinking about the other and the loss of them. it's vvv emotional and probs something that gojo would never listen to unless he was alone and properly in a sad mood, but it fits them scarily well imo.
get home
it fits nanami weirdly well? along with gojo (but, at this point, pretty much every song fits him lol), megumi, and yuuta i think? megumi mainly because of his lack of current ambition to continue living, and all that he's been through recently. and then yuuta fits this song in the period around rika dying?
I LOVE THIS SONG SM okay, so i think it fits yuuta!!! like the period of time just after jjk0 where he sees rika for the final time and accepts her death and all that came with it. but it's definitely a more positive song, and could also acknowledge his development as he gains friends and accepts his new version of life!
what would you do
the woman being described in this kind of reminds me of toji, but i don't know if thats me being delusional about him actually trying to be a good father. the speaker would probably represent gojo, but him as a teenager as it kind of seems like a more immature pov.
this song is literally depicting a couple as they stay together, even after death so it doesn't need to be said butttt, gojo and geto for sure!! along with nanami and haibara i think too!
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© fairytogeㅤ ꔫㅤ please do not copy, repost, translate, etc without my permission
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ghoulishtomato · 9 months
Secret of the Tomb Jedtavius brainrot creeping up...
I just 😭😭 Those two almost die like THREE TIMES in that movie
The first time, in those vents, and Octavius says, "HOLD MY HAND!" before very awkwardly acting like he never did such a thing even though Jed very clearly heard what Oct asked-
So do you think after that whole interaction, that means Jed became acutely aware of how- despite how much MORE DIRE and IMMINENT the whole Pompeii situation was- Octavius didn't say, "Hold my hand" as lava was cornering them this time? Sure, luckily Dexter came by and saved them in like the nick of time..
But then the THIRD damn life or death scenario came by??? I can't help but think that maybe Jedediah was feeling that, "aw shit this is it- like this is definitely it, we ain't getting saved this time-" (I mean Dexter and Teddy and Sac are literally fuckin lifeless a few feet away from them) so he just... at almost the last possible moment, Jed takes that chance to let Octavius know that he was waiting to take that hand since Octavius asked 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭...
"I'll take that hand now"...
Going insane. I am a firm believer that Jed was replaying the words "Hold my hand!" in his head every chance he got while they were in London and kept trying to find chances to take him up on his offer.
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