#about elowen
the-raging-tempest · 7 months
👾 for elowen?
Hey Ama!!! Thank you! Glad to answer about my cleric Tehehe. This one was also hard to pick! But I landed on Faking My Own Death by Allison Ponthier.
In my mind this song is a bitter sweet song about letting go of the past. Of cycles of rebirth but also as a cycle of self destruction and isolation. Always remaking yourself instead of getting to know who you really are.
I just wanna say that I'm sorry in advance
Count on me like clockwork, it won't work
The only promise I can make is I'm changing all my plans
And you'll never see me again
Elowen never stays in one place for long. Never commits to anything for too long and tries to push everyone away from her. Because she knows she will one day be gone and she doesn’t actually want to hurt people. Seeing herself as the problem with no solution. All she can guarantee is that she won’t stick around.
I'm warning you it's over before it began
We're diving in headfirst, in reverse
You're swimming through my wake and I'm slipping through your hands
And you'll never see me again
She often finds herself doing the reverse of what’s ‘normal’ in relationships. Where she supports others and immediately wants a deep and meaningful connection. Only to find herself unhappy with the idea of that person knowing her weakness. The more she opens up the more likely you’ll never see her again. Disappearing in the night.
Typical, it's so cyclical
I got one foot out the door
But I don't fight it anymore
She’s used to leaving people. She’s used to ripping off that bandaid before they can really know her. Hurt her. Every relationship she has she knows it’s temporary. But she believes she can’t change this about herself.
Don't hold your breath, I'm faking my own death
I'll drop a burning match and burn the bridge that takes me back
Don’t wait for her, or you’ll end up waiting forever. She can’t bear to turn back. It’s painful and sometimes cruel but she burns all the bridges she makes. Because she doesn’t want to face who she was, who she still is. Sometimes she even does it with malice. Thinking if she’s mean the other person won’t follow her.
I'm putting it to rest, I'm faking my own death
Three years passes and I'm rising from the ashes
I'm rising from the ashes
Like a phoenix she was ‘born’ again when she almost died. Rising from the ashes of her old life. She’s going to let Vorn believe she’s dead. She was never after the money or the estate.
I'm stuck repeating history and I just can't help myself
It's almost like I'm always someone else
She’s stuck in the cycle of growing attached to people who she knows will hurt her. So she can justify leaving to herself. While burning bridges away from anything real and authentic. Never being herself.
There's nothing you could say to me in sickness or in health
I hate it just as well
She believes there is no relationship that would make her happy. Because if they were stable and loved her. She’d would want to escape because she’ll hurt them. ‘No don’t go’ would make her want to leave just as much as someone’s indifference would convince her to leave them behind. There is no comfort someone could offer her that she would believe was permanent.
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shierak-inavva · 5 months
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have not the sons of fëanor done you far more harm than i?
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ydteus · 1 year
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Fake screenshots of Nolia and Elowen.
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cynthrey · 6 months
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Good news: newly adopted daughter is just like papa
Bad news: Oh gods, newly adopted daughter is just like papa
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druidberries · 1 month
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our little pink goth in the making <3
previous // next
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mothacabra · 5 months
there is a very disappointing lack of last legacy merch and i have an issue with that
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aaapplepie · 11 months
so I was going through Elowen's introduction again for research purposes and also bc I love her and I noticed
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she specifically says she's been looking for Sage for three years. assuming she wasn't just like, hanging out for two years before she decided to go hunt him down, that suggests either a) no one was sure who killed Lucan and it took them a while to figure it out or b) she didn't hear about Lucan's death until two years after it happened.
(I'm leaning towards b because it's angstier because she recognizes signs of corruption in Sage but gets completely blindsided by Lucan's transformation, so it's possible she wasn't around to notice what was happening to him.)
it's just a theory but can you fucking imagine. her baby brother was dead for two years and she just didn't know, and she finally tracks down his killer but instead of finally getting justice she learns he was corrupted the whole time and she didn't know about that either!! I'm going insane. someone get her a blanket or something.
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healerelowen · 6 days
A small bit to a large piece of the puzzle of the Scrybes being autistic:
Notice how none of them use an overhead light?
P03 could easily use overhead lights for the factory, but no, blue LEDs up and down the halls. While researching though, the light overhanging the table in act 3 could be an overhead light, but let’s be honest, it’s so dim it’s really hard to tell. Grimora, in both acts 2 and 3, is depicted with candles with a green flame. She could use something brighter, install a lamp perhaps, but she chooses candles. It could be for aesthetic reasons, which is a likely possibility. But in context of this argument, it could be both.
Leshy does use lanterns as depicted in all three acts of the game, however, they are candle lit. This and the fact that Leshy is the only Scrybe that uses the Old Data to keep himself in the dark, so to speak. Although that can be argued to be just for “ambiance” and “mystery”, it could also factor with this too.
For Magnificus, there’s a bit of an odd bit with his final fight in act 3 with it being taken place in a literal white, glaring void. But in act 2, he uses both candles and natural light from windows. Also for act 3, he didn’t exactly choose to be there, and he definitely didn’t want to be in that place to begin with.
No overhead lights. They icky.
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shivunin · 7 months
14 / 38 / 48 for the Florence asks! ✨
Oooh, thank you so much! I will answer one here and do the other(s) in separate posts c: This gave me a push to finally finish fleshing out an idea that's been sitting for over a year, so double thank you for that! 💗
(Florence + the Machine Writing Prompts)
Hold Me Down
Summary: In the aftermath of Here Lies the Abyss, Cullen finds the Inquisitor alone at the edge of the camp.
(Elowen Lavellan/Cullen | 1,206 Words | CW: Blood, descriptions of shock/panic attack)
“Hold me down, I'm so tired now Aim your arrow at the sky Take me down, I'm too tired now Leave me where I lie.” —Florence + the Machine, “Sky Full of Song”
“—foremost priority should be seeking out and destroying any remaining demons who might have escaped the battle,” Cullen was saying to a scout as they walked, “take a group and scour the fortress for any signs, and then relay the information to Commander Rylen. He’s kept a troop in reserve for cleanup duty.”
“Yes, Commander,” the scout said, peeling off. Cullen paused as he saw an odd shape tucked between two tents and a stack of crates. 
He knew the shape of that staff. 
“Inquisitor?” he called, peering over the stack of crates. The shape shifted, turned slightly, and lifted its head. 
Behind the cowl, her face was still spattered with blood; it was almost enough to obscure the pale lines of her vallaslin entirely, and what the blood didn’t smear was peppered with ash and dust. Her hands were set on her lap, just as filthy as her face, half-curled and limp. And her eyes…
“Lavellan?” he said, and she blinked, blood-clogged eyelashes sticking for a moment to her cheek. Her eyes did not come into focus. 
Ah—he’d seen this before. 
Cullen sidestepped the crates and crouched several inches away, leaving her room on the other side to get away from him if necessary. 
“Can you hear me, Inquisitor?” he murmured quietly, and her bitten lips cracked open. 
“I am fine.”
“That isn’t what I asked,” he said quietly, glancing over his shoulder when he heard movement in the camp. Just a pair of sentries wandering past. He returned his attention to the Inquisitor, whose attention remained fixed somewhere over Cullen’s left shoulder. 
“Can you hear me?” he asked. “Do you know what I am saying?”
There was a long pause. He noted the rapid rise and fall of her chest, the way her blood-soaked hands trembled in her lap. 
“...yes,” she said at last, her voice faint and flat. 
“What do you hear?” 
A soft gasp and her hands twitched in her lap. 
“And what else?” 
She was still breathing too quickly. Cullen eased himself down until he was kneeling between her and the rest of the camp. If nothing else, he could shield her from their speculation. A meager enough offering, but it was one he would give her without hesitation.
“The…the tents in the wind.”
“Metal on stone. People talking.”
“Good. What do you see?”
A frown collected between her brows and she slowly glanced at him to frown. That was good, too. 
“Sand. Tents. The stars.”
“Answer the question.”
She sighed, but her breath had slowed slightly. 
“The crates. My…my hands,” her voice shook on the last word. “You.”
“Alright,” he paused, “Are you with me?”
“Yes, I…yes,” she moved to set her face in her hands and flinched when she saw them clearly. “I—it was…The Fade was…”
“We needn’t discuss it,” Cullen murmured, shifting onto his knees to tug the tail end of his cloak loose. “You don’t have to say anything now. May I see your hand?”
Lavellan extended one hand silently and Cullen pulled the cork from his waterskin to wet the crimson fabric of his cloak. He could not properly clean her skin here; he hadn’t carried soap with him, and the cloth of the cloak was not especially absorbent. Maker, he was covered in his fair share of grime after the battle. Even so, he could get the worst of the blood off. He knew all too well what it meant to have to deal with such aftereffects of a fight. 
To be confronted with the concrete proof of what had happened. 
Her hands shook in his grip, and they were cold even through the barrier of leather. Cullen pressed his lips together, trying to decide if he ought to offer his gloves. Would she take them from him? He could not guess either way. 
“Is that any better?” he asked when he was done. Lavellan took her hand from him and peered at it in the flickering torchlight of the camp, curling and uncurling her fingers. 
“Yes, I—thank you,” she said. She lifted the other hand slightly and froze with it there, hung halfway into the air. Cullen carefully reached out to take it, selecting a different section of fabric to clean the skin with. 
Someone ought to be helping her properly. Someone needed to make sure she found a bath, food, somewhere soft to lay her head. After all he had seen of her, all he knew she had done, Cullen knew better than to think she was fragile. Even so—it tugged at him, to see her so shattered now. 
“It had so many legs,” she whispered hoarsely after a moment. “Too many. I—I couldn’t—I should have—”
Her voice broke at the end, and when the Commander glanced at her he saw that tears had begun to clear some of the muck from her cheeks in clear, straight lines. They dripped from her cheeks black and red-brown, leaving tiny, damp circles on her coat. 
“You’re here now,” he told her, holding her hand for a moment longer than necessary once it was clean. “You aren’t there anymore. It is done.”
“I let him die,” she said quietly, searching his eyes. “I—I told him to stay behind. It’s my fault. And the Divine—it’s my fault, Commander. All of it is.”
Cullen waited for her to continue, but she didn’t go on. She bit her lip again, staring at him. Ah—but what could he say to her now? There was nothing to be done about one’s past mistakes. He knew better than most what it meant to live with regret at one’s back. What to say? All he had was the words he gave his own soldiers when they’d made a mistake, and the words seemed ill-fitting here.  
“Whatever has happened,” he told her, “I’ve no doubt that you made the best decision you could with the resources available to you.”
Lavellan withdrew her hand. Cullen let it go without protest. 
“I…” slowly, the Inquisitor pulled her cowl down and away from her face. She ran her hands over the relatively clean plait beneath. “Thank you.”
It was recognition, but a dismissal as well. Not “thank you for thinking so,” but “please go away.”
Cullen tucked the soiled end of the cloak away and stood, careful not to move too close. 
“If there is anything you need, Inquisitor,” he said softly. “Please—do not hesitate to ask.”
Lavellan inclined her head, but she’d turned away to stare out at the vastness of the dunes and stars beyond. Cullen exhaled slowly and moved to step around the crates. He halted when she spoke again. 
“Cullen?” Elowen said; not Commander, for once, but his name. He turned to look at her and found her eyes, full of tears but clear and focused on his. “Thank you. Really.”
 “Of course,” he said, and cleared his throat. “It was…my honor.” 
Her eyes slipped away again, but her hands were clasped softly in her lap. Cullen straightened, gathered himself, and strode back into the camp beyond.
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arcadekitten · 8 months
I'm happy you think so!! ♡
Another fun fact: She knows Reginald! They get along as acquaintances and like, customer/store runner.
(Reginald gets along with Felicity and Gertrude too, but is most acquainted with Elowen!)
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 10 months
Hi mollie *fall to the ground and babygurl pose to show that i'm not cringe i swear*
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So eu...euh... Yeah euhm....
Can i take you to Macdonald ahahaha... Kidding.... Unlesssssss... aha.....
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She’ll laugh but will definitely take you up on that
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fenharel · 9 months
tagged by @leviiackrman to use this uquiz for some otps, thank you 💜 tagging @shadowglens, @thefathersbride, @arlathen, @baldurians, @necroticpetals, @stephschoices, @solasan, @risingsh0t, @faerune, & you!
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YSABEL X ASTARION - the devil + the emperor
there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise. deck: the tarot of vampyres.
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ELOWEN X GALE - knight of pentacles + the magician
if there's something you want, you will GET IT. nothing escapes your fingertips. after all, you're the power couple. your pairing sparks pure cosmic energy. you're fiercely driven to your goals - whether that be status, fortune, or power. you're also fiercely protective of one another. with the knight's earthy energy, you both prefer to purposefully make your way towards your ambitions, rather than playing cards too early or acting too loosely. meanwhile, the magician's half makes gives you a little fire. if they get too close, onlookers and threats to your relationship may get burned. deck: modern witch tarot.
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LUCIEN X SHADOWHEART - ace of cups + ten of cups
your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. it starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. and from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfillment and devotion. neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did. deck: thelema tarot.
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shierak-inavva · 10 months
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if it's only time, then everything else can wait
let it stop a while, let me watch you smile
and stay right here in this place
i don't think i'll be able to draw thranduil this good ever again omg
during their courtship there was so much happening around them but thranduil and elowen always found time to just relax and enjoy one another's company 🥺💛
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dantes-divine · 2 months
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tav (friendlier than she looks)
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scorchedcandy · 2 years
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Day 20 - cringy shirt
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druidberries · 1 year
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Elowen didn't even realize she had hook-up calls on SimDa enabled until late one night when vlad asked her to come over. She's been pretty lonely lately and I mean, of course she was intrigued by Vlad.
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