#alligator heads are everywhere but I’d never gotten one
intriga-hounds · 2 months
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my vulture culture purchases today were:
-a mummified fetal rabbit
-an alligator head
-two coyote canines
there was a fetal pig i wanted real bad but it was $200
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trashy-croud · 4 years
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Jungle - India 🗺️🐒
So, where do we start? So I did initially start this game with the Manor run, seeing how well I did the assault course and the driving and I did pretty okay. I mean, I remember them clear as day as this croft manor was the one I played the most as a child on the PC, whilst my dad was at work so I didn't lose his progress. After getting used to all the controls again, and finding out there was a sprint button, I decided to start this game up for real. I won't say much about croft manor, may look at it more after all of this but I'll focus on the main story for now.
So let’s begin on this new adventure with Lara. In the very beginning cutscene, before the menu appears, we see a meteor crashing onto Earth. It landed in Antarctica, had to look this up, as during the time it crashed, Antarctica was tropical. This very first cinematic is set over a million years ago, long before our little adventurer had anything to do with it. As we move onto the present day, we’re in the Antarctica that we all known and love to well as there seems to be some people doing research there, some digging and whatnot. One man who is there is named Willard, he’s totally not the bad guy. I sweaaar.  Anywho a lot of the machinery goes wrong, from what I can tell, they basically made a discovery of a set of stone heads, very much like the ones on Easter Island in Antarctica. It is a huuuge wild ride in one cutscene alone! And then we are shown at the end, the discovery of a handmade grave/post/thing, for one Mr Paul Caulfield. I suppose he’s going to have quite the impact on our adventure and like Willard says, "This place has a busy history." I don’t think he’s too far from the tree, ya know.
So after all that, we finally begin, woo, finally talking about the first level of this game and boy, was I struggling to get used to this and had to go through it several times to obtain all the secrets. Yes, I know about you “All Hallows” and I will not make the same mistake as I did in the previous game! So in this first level, we start off in India, off in the jungles. It doesn’t specify where precisely, we’ll perhaps get more information on all of that as we progress further through these few levels, but all I know is that things have changed and boy, do I gotta talk about them!
So for starters, we have a mixed save system. Playing on the playstation, I don’t get unlimited saves like on the PC or like the second instalment of the game, well, not anymore. Instead we have a combination of the first game with the save crystals and the second game with getting to save whenever we please. But, now we have limitations on the saves, which means someone is going to have to be extra careful with her saves from now on and not waste all of her save crystals carelessly~ Note to self: if they are anything like the flares or how many times I saved in the previous game, these crystals will not be lasting long.
Also, I don’t have a button to use my flares constantly either. I have to actually open my backpack up and then think, I have to think about whether I need them or not. Do we understand how this is a mind-blowing mechanic for someone like me who wasted them all in the early levels of the game and never got them again?! On one hand, it’s super helpful for people like me, but on the other hand, it’s also annoying because I can’t access them within a second of needing them. So you know, there are pros and cons to this little feature. But I will have to adapt!
Final note before I actually talk about the level itself. Heh. Secrets. I mentioned earlier that I was going to collect them all to get the secret level but did I mention that it’s not like the second game anymore? I’m so used to the idea I only have to collect three secrets that when it popped up with the statistics screen, when it said “3 of 6″, I think I about lost it? Like, it’s gone back to the first instalment’s idea of secrets, which I ain’t complaining about. It just threw a huge spanner in the works and goes to show that this is going to take ten times longer for me to complete! So don’t expect a finale any time soon! I feel like, in particular levels, I’m going to miss the obviousness which was the dragon statues you had to find previously. I’m sure I’ll complain about it all soon enough, just you wait.
Anyway, right, so let’s actually talk about the level itself! As the first level of this game, it really did not pull any punches. You are literally given three secrets to find at the very start of the level, that later two I found much easier but the first one was so dang hard. Like, I kid you not, I was trying everything, looking everywhere I could and how I was supposed to find this secret was beyond me. Like I was just jumping around on the slope, hoping I’d find something and low and behold, I bloody well did! This was only the beginning of my struggles as the level pressed forward. After finding the first three secrets, which were quite literally one after the other, we’re introduced to something new. And oh dear god, I’m gonna hate it. It’s quicksand! Yaaaay.
After overcoming the quicksand, we met new... enemies? Well, we met some monkeys, but they seem friendly, at least for now but that is bound to change very quickly. Because it’s a Tomb Raider game. And nice enemies don’t happen often. Y’know, like the tigers that try to maul us to death later on and the addition to some new watery enemies, yeah, watery. I used that word. Piranhas. Oh boy, I don’t like this. Water is meant to be my safe zone, although there are sometimes shark and crocodiles/alligators, I can cope. Even with the odd barracuda and the like, I can cope. But piranhas? Oh no. We are done. Because these awkward little swines cannot be killed as far as I know, and I’m ready to absolutely weep at them! But nonetheless, we somehow still trudged on. We’re just plodding along.
We encountered traps like never before, we met boulders and spikes and more boulders, oh and zip lines. Now, you may be thinking, “But Croud, how are zip lines traps? They help you?” And now here’s the part where I prove you wrong because I cannot use zip lines to save my life. The amount of times I died in the floating island level due to zip lines is unreal, and they’re here in this game too? Oh they are certainly classed as traps on my list. You can make sure of that!
To make a long story short this level put me through the works. Like so many works it’s unreal. 
This level did not pull on any punches and really got you involved in it. I thought “The Great Wall” was a wacky trap filled first level, but this. This wasn’t just filled with traps, no, we got multiple routes, more exploration. It felt much less linear yet you still knew the way to go. It almost made the level more expansive? I believe that’s the right way to put it. Was probably the reason this level took me so long. I’ll hopefully make the next post much more structured compared to this one, but right now, I want to just gush over how many flare I have. 34! That’s right, ya girls’ been good with ‘em. It won’t last long so took a picture to commemorate it. 
Over all, I greatly enjoyed this first level, it has truly set a tone for the rest of the game to come. Finished it in style by jumping into more quicksand in the end, which really did make me panic - all before we were given the final cutscene, one where Willard makes his appearance once more, or at least an audio appearance rather than a physical one.
During this last cutscene, Lara comes across a campsite and a radio from which we can hear Willard talking, or better yet, trying to get into contact with someone from this site. That is when we are introduced to the “loon” known as Tony. He did not hold back with our Lara, though I’m sure he was suffering from jungle madness with the way he spoke and his attitude. After going in a bit of a circle with him about how many there were of her, we finally get to the point as to why Lara is in this jungle. The Infada artifact. Finally we get a name for the mysterious artifact we’ve been searching for and it sure does sound mysterious. Though Tony doesn’t seem to agree with us completely, summarising it plainly as “voodoo magic and all that”. Perhaps he has seen it before or witnessed what it can do? Though that summary definitely did not impress our Lara as she was asking about anyone else who could talk to her on a more intellectual level, or without brushing off what she was talking about as just “voodoo magic”.
Tony certainly doesn’t have his way with women, we can see that for certain. And he didn’t impress Lara further with the mention of Randy and Rory, who he said was staying put in that temple. Now that ain’t boding too well. Nor do the last words Tony leaves us with, which are quite literally “die” as he jumps off a ledge, disappearing with giggles galore. He was right when he said the jungle was truly rotting his brain, or perhaps it is actually something else that is causing this? Now as someone who hasn’t played the game, nor gotten further than literally this level alone, this cutscene has always been one to make me believe that Tony ain’t a trustworthy guy, and boy was my gut instincts as a child were right. Because I still don’t trust this giggly arse! 
But now that’s it! At least for now. This has been the jungle levels as we explore more of the India levels, now moving onto the Temple Ruins. This game is giving me a different kind of feeling to the previous instalment and oh god, I’m currently enjoying it. Though I’m petrified because this is new territory. Hopefully we can get all these secrets! But see you all soon in the temple ruins, where we’re sure to meet Randy and Rory, or at east whatever is left of them from the sounds of it?
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cottonblush · 5 years
misconstrued meetings | kth
❧ word count: 1,921
❧ genre: fluff, fluff, fluff, humor
❧ notes: ugh the ending has me soft i can’t believe i actually wrote this what the heck?? but like it lowkey seems like a crack fic at the beginning and i swear it’s not??
this is the fifth frat party your friend has managed to drag you along to in the span of 2 weeks
and at every party you always see the same dude creepily staring at you
and he looks kinda familiar so you point him out to your friend but she has no idea
she does, however, say that maybe you guys met in another lifetime
and then your friend starts to rant about how cute that would be and she gets this glimmer in her eyes and you’re just like
miss me with that romance bs this is the real world sweetie
anyway you’ve gotten so distracted that you lose track of the creepy yet somewhat cute boy
but you just shrug your shoulders and go to find yourself a drink that isn’t spiked bc you’re the designated driver
eventually you find a nice lil can of sprite and pop it open
then you go back into the mass of people and try to mingle
but like everyone is just grinding and you’re like,,,, no thank you sir
so you’re about to go find somewhere quieter but then the dude from earlier runs up to you
he looks a little different from when you first saw him when you walked in
now he’s practically bouncing up and down and he looks like he’s on the biggest sugar high ever
and you’re about to be like,, dude r u ok
but he beats you to it and he just goes
“asdfwjkdhh have you seen my pet alligator sKREEEEEEE”
and then he runs away screeching????
and you’re like
“wtf this can’t be the guy”
but sure enough you roll up your sleeve and double check
and what he said matches your soulmate tattoo word for word
the first thing you think is,,, ohmygod my soulmate is?? a stalker? who does drugs perhaps???
you think he’s pretty weird tbh
but ofc it’s your soulmate so you run after him and he’s not in the most stable condition so it literally only takes you 4 seconds to catch up
and you grab his shoulder to turn him around
and he looks at you for a good 5 seconds before passing out on you
you’re just glad he didn’t throw up bc like you’re wearing a pretty expensive shirt and
we going: broke hours!!
anyway so you sit him down on a couch and ask around if anyone knows who this guy is
this one guy with rlly cute dimples says
“oh that’s taehyung dw he ate like 20 sugar cookies earlier he should be fine just leave him”
and you’re just like?? “how could i just leave him there?  and how are you so nonchalant about this-”
the guy introduces himself as namjoon and says that taehyung lives on the same floor as him in the dorms
and then he asks why you’re so interested and you go
“i mean he could possibly??? be my soulmate,, but like no big deal or anything”
and namjoon is like “oh,,,,,,, oh shit wow rlly?”
and you’re like “yes rlly.. um so i’m just gonna go check on him”
after like 45 minutes taehyung finally wakes up and it happens to be right when you press a hand to his forehead to see if he has a fever or anything
and then you blink and say “are you ok dude? you kinda passed out on me”
he sits up straight and he’s like “yeah dw i’m fine- wait!! what’d you say!”
and you repeat yourself with like an unsure voice and then he just smiles
like he full on beams and you swear you’re looking at the sun even though it’s almost midnight and you’re in a crowded, dark room
and he goes “wow it’s really you:)))))))))))))))” and he starts lifting up his shirt
and you’re just really flustered at this point
“bro what are you doing we’re in public”
taehyung just waves you off and continues to lift up his shirt until it’s up to the middle of his chest
you have to try so hard not to focus on the fact that he has abs and he’s!! hot
but then your eyes land on this little tattoo he has along his ribcage
and it’s exactly what you said to him
and you smile too and show him your tattoo and say
“woah we’re soulmates that’s so cool!”
taehyung replies with “yeah so you wanna date?”
you kinda think it over in your head bc like taehyung is very very very attractive and he seems nice enough
but you eventually say “sorry um ii don’t really believe in the whole love/like at first sight thing but maybe we can be friends”
and it’s true,, your whole life you’ve thought the idea of soulmates is impractical like one day you meet this supposedly perfect person and you’re supposed to be instantly in love? that aint it
and lucky for you taehyung takes it just fine and is like “sure sure i totally get where you’re coming from,, how about we like go out for coffee some time but just as friends”
and you get taehyung’s number and make sure he’s feeling ok enough to stand up and stuff
and you say bye and go find your friend so you can zoom out of there
so you guys go out for coffee the next weekend at this cute café that taehyung recommends to you
it’s pleasantly surprising bc you’ve only been talking for 20 minutes but you feel like you’ve known taehyung since first grade or something
you learn that he loves to make jokes but he doesn’t like puns that much bc he says his roommate has a pun for literally everything and taehyung is: over it
he tells you he’s majoring in chemical engineering and you’re like !! me too
and he’s like,, yeah ik we have 3 classes together
and you’re like “what?? but? i never see you”
he explains that they’re all lecture classes and he sits behind you so you probably wouldn’t notice
and taehyung also wants to bring up the fact that he’s wanted to ask you out way before he knew you were soulmates but he knows you want to be friends first
and if you knew what he was thinking you would be aww-ing and probably soft™ like he’s balling his fists up bc he just wants to tell you he likes you that much
anyway so the totally not romantic get together goes really well and you say
“taehyung you should totally sit next to me in class next time”
and he’s like “ofc see you then”
you part ways and on the way back to your dorm you can’t stop feeling this tingly feeling all over and there’s a huge smile on your face but you’re telling yourself to stay strong bc
you can’t just cave in after seeing him one time
but then you start seeing him everywhere
like in classes and when you’re walking to club and at the cafeteria and at the library and ofc you guys hang out almost every weekend
and you kinda tell yourself,, ok i guess i kinda like this dude??
so anyway it’s been a good two months since you met and you and taehyung are pretty comfortable around each other
like you guys know each others orders at all of your favorite restaurants and you have clothes at each others dorms for when you have secret sleepovers and marathon marvel movies
and all of your friends and taehyung’s friends assume that you guys are a couple
one day you’re thinking and you’re like “i think i’m gonna ask tae out”
so you do and you do it during one of your sleepovers
you and taehyung are wearing matching flannel pajamas and you’re stuffing your faces with cookies and brownies
and you turn to taehyung and tap him on the shoulder
“go out w me”
“you heard me”
“no but like are you serious”
“yeah why wouldn’t i be???”
cue taehyung’s sunshine smile
he wraps you in a bear hug and releases this huge sigh and is like
“thank god i’ve literally had a crush on you since i saw you at the orientation fair”
and you pause and think for a second and you’re like
and at this point taehyung is super confused bc he rlly thought you’d be happy to hear it but instead you hit him on the head so he’s just like ??? por quay
and you have to force yourself to calm down and explain “the only reason i didn’t want to go out with you is bc i thought you only liked me bc we’re soulmates,, if i knew you had a crush on me!! i’d have said yes”
taehyung scratches his head and says “i thought i made it pretty obvious why do you think i always stared,,, and remember when i came up to you and tried to talk to you even though i knew i was on a sugar high and it was 500% likely i would say something dumb”
you’re just trying to process this bc ,,, taehyung thinks ‘have u seen my alligator’ = 'i like u’
and your eyebrows are scrunched together and you’re just trying to form a sentence to express how dumb you think he is
so you don’t notice him inching closer and closer
until he plants a lil peck on your lips and you blink once… twice… thrice
that!! just happened
taehyung just kissed you:))))
but he looks totally calm while you’re basically a tomato
and he does this half smirk half smile and is like “does this mean i can brag to people that you’re my gf/bf”
you hit taehyung on the head again
so you and taehyung as a couple!
you two decide to join the bird watching club and like half the time it’s just you actually trying to find cool looking birds and taehyung stealing kisses and hiding your binoculars
and the other half of the time is when you actually want to be cuddly and sweet n stuff but taehyung is a tease so he ignores you and is like “woah is that an owl!! haha look y/n it’s an owl”
your movie marathons only get more frequent and sometimes you invite namjoon and even taehyung’s roommate seokjin (much to taehyung’s dismay)
coffee dates!! whenever one of you has a stressful test or project and needs to unwind
and also you two surprise each other with pastries from the café when you see each other in class
taehyung loves to share his hoodies with you
you think it’s rlly cute that his mom still sews his name into the tags of all of his favorite clothes
so imagine your surprise when one day you go to slip on this bright red sweatshirt of his and you glimpse at the tag and you see taehyung and y/n
you’re so soft because taehyung feels proud enough of this relationship to tell his parents about you and now you can’t wait to meet his mom bc she seems like the sweetest person ever
overall you and taehyung are just super sweet and goofy and you just fit so well together that you’ve managed to convince yourself that this whole soulmate system must be real bc you honestly can’t see yourself without him
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theartofbeinganerd · 6 years
Oh please write a fic where fitz and deke go to the zoo ♥️
This is set post this fic, where Deke and pregnant Jemma go baby shopping; I wouldn’t say it’s completely necessary to read that one first, but it may help a bit with context.
Also, what the Fitz/Deke relationship is going to be like is kind of hard to get a read on, so I hope this came out alright!
(Also also, full disclosure, but I have never been to a zoo, so that’s why I kept this purposefully vague - I know generally what kinds of things they have there, but I figured it was better to be safe than sorry.)
After Jemma’s promise to Deke the previous week that theywould take him to the zoo (Fitz didn’t know the full details of how this promise came about, but heimagined that it was Jemma’s idea more than Deke’s), Fitz found himselfstanding with Jemma near the exit of the Lighthouse, waiting on their grandson sothat they could go on their “family trip”, as Jemma kept calling it.
It’d been over six months now since they’d found out whattheir connection to Deke was, and Jemma had settled easily and almosteffortlessly into her role as a grandmother. Fitz, however, had had a slightlytougher time adjusting to it – especially since he and Deke hadn’t gotten offon the right foot in the first place.
But, Fitz had to admit that he was warming up to it and didn’tmind having Deke around as much, particularly because of how much Jemma lovedspending time with him. He was coming slowly but surely to the grudgingconclusion that Deke wasn’t all thatbad.
More than spending “family” time together, though, Fitz wassimply looking forward to go to the zoo, though he certainly wouldn’t admitthat to Deke. It had been quite some time since he’d been to a zoo – the lasttime had been with Jemma, about six months before they’d joined Coulson’s team,back before everything had changed. Fitz couldn’t help but marvel at what adifference a few years made; back then, they were best friends, partners, andwould’ve (and had many times before)denied to their last breath that there was nothing more between them.
And now, they were married, expecting their first child, and–
“You guys ready to go?” Deke called excitedly as heapproached them, a big grin on his face.
And, mostunbelievable of all, was their fully grown grandson from the future.
“Yes, we are,” Jemma replied with an answering smile,reaching over to pat the backpack sitting on Fitz’s shoulders, “I’ve packedsunscreen, bottles of water, and snacks, so we’re all set.”
“Let’s get going, then,” Fitz stated, turning to lead theway to the exit.
He paused, though, when he heard Coulson calling after them,“Fitzsimmons, wait a minute!”
Turning around to find him striding toward them, Fitz notedhis apologetic smile with a furrowed brow, asking curiously, “What is it?”
“Daisy and May finally managed to bring back some samples ofthat foreign substance that keeps appearing everywhere that those supposedalien attacks take place,” Coulson explained, adding, “I know you had plans fortoday, but this is going to have to take precedence.”
“Does this mean that we’re not going?” Deke asked, turningto Jemma and Fitz, disappointment clear in his tone.
Hiding his own disappointment, Fitz replied, “Seems like it.We can always try for next weekend, though.”
“Now wait a minute,” Jemma started thoughtfully, “I spentsome time with Deke last week when you had to work, so why don’t you two go tothe zoo together today? It’s only fair.”
Noticeably perking back up, but trying to play it off, Dekeglanced at Fitz, clearing his throat as he offered, “I’d…um, I’d be okay withthat. If you are too, that is.”
Fitz wasn’t so quick to agree, however, turning to Jemma andasking uneasily, “Are you sure? What if you need me in the lab?”
Jemma scoffed at that, questioning with a raised eyebrow, “Andwhen was the last time that youneeded me to complete a project inyour field of expertise?”
Despite her reply, Fitz stood firm, glancing pointedly downat her rounded stomach as he informed her, “That wasn’t what I meant, Jemma.”
With a soft smile, Jemma reached up to cup his cheek andinsisted gently, “I’ll be fine, Fitz; you know that I’ll be careful. You shouldjust go have fun at the zoo with Deke, alright?”
After a beat, Fitz finally agreed quietly, “Alright.”
Her smile grew before she pecked his lips, then she toldboth of them, “I’ll see you later, have fun!” Coulson gave them a nod, then heand Jemma began walking away, toward the lab, but they hadn’t gotten too farbefore she added over her shoulder, “And don’t forget to wear sunscreen! I don’tcare if it’s cloudy, wear it!”
Once they’d disappeared, there was a lengthy silence betweenFitz and Deke, but he finally broke it by clearing his throat and saying, “Well,alright; it’s just us, then.”
“Guess so,” Deke replied, offering him a small half-smileand a shrug.
After another moment, Fitz led the way out of the base, andto the parked car that he and Jemma had rented in anticipation of driving tothe nearest zoo, which they’d found was about a half an hour away. He got intothe driver’s side and started the car, but he couldn’t help but notice that itwas a long moment before Deke got into the passenger’s seat, glancing at thecar in fascinated confusion.
“What is this?” heasked, immediately reaching out to start pressing buttons, changing the radiostation a half dozen times before Fitz grasped his hand, shaking his headfirmly.
“It’s a car,” he answered, adding with a sigh, “Put on yourseatbelt, Deke.”
Deke glanced around in surprise, then laughed when hefinally found it, saying to himself, “Oh, thereit is,” as he buckled himself in. When Fitz pulled out onto the road, hequestioned, “Is a car like a ship? Does it fly?”
“No,” Fitz replied simply.
He was quiet for a few minutes, then commented under hisbreath, “It’d be a lot faster if it flew.”
Briefly, Fitz thought about mentioning Lola, but in the end,he didn’t want to encourage Deke’s idea that everyone should be getting aroundby flying car, so he kept it to himself. Instead, he turned up the radio a bit,though it didn’t quite stop the flow of questions coming from Deke for theentire drive there (road signs utterly baffledhim, as did speed limits, and Fitz could only hope that Deke never got the ideato try driving for himself).
Once they’d finally arrived and Fitz had pulled into a freeparking spot in the packed lot, he turned off the car and unbuckled his seatbelt.With a sigh, he reached for his backpack and took out the sunscreen, explainingseriously, “If we don’t use this, Jemma will know.”
Deke didn’t seem convinced, eyeing the bottle as he countered,“Will she?”
Clearly, Deke hadn’t spent enough time around hisgrandmother to be truly afraid of her yet. So, arching his eyebrows, Fitz toldhim shortly, “Yes, she will.”
Apparently believing him (or not wanting to risk it), Dekeheld his hand out, allowing Fitz to pour some of the lotion onto it. “Ugh, this smells horrible!” hecomplained, wrinkling his nose and leaning as far away from it as he could getin the confined space of the car. “What do you even do with this?”
“You rub it into your skin.” Fitz demonstrated for him, rubbinghis hands together and covering his face and neck with it. “It protects youfrom UV rays.”
Pulling an utterly disgusted face, Deke finally slatheredthe lotion onto his face (a bit dramatically, in his Fitz’s opinion), wonderingaloud, “Is this really worth it?”
Returning the sunscreen to the backpack, Fitz assured him, “Thecombination of sunburned skin and an upset Jemma Simmons is far worse, trustme.”
With that done, they climbed out of the car, and crossed theparking lot to the entrance of the zoo, where Fitz bought them tickets to getin and retrieved a map. Just inside, he immediately opened it, searchingstraight away for the monkey exhibit.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Deke pullingsomething out of his jacket pocket, and a moment later, he spoke up, “Hey, willany of the animals in my book be here? I’d love to see a real live hamster!”
Frowning, Fitz glanced up from the map, catching sight ofDeke flipping through the children’s book on animals that Jemma had bought Dekethe previous week. “Deke, those are domesticanimals – the kind that people keep as pets– and they aren’t in zoos.” Deke looked a bit disappointed, but nodded inunderstanding. However, when he still had the book out after a moment, Fitzadded in exasperation, “Put that away, will you?”
Finally spotting the monkeys on his map, fortunately relativelyclose to the entrance, Fitz quickly folded it back up and led the way there first.From his first glimpse of a capuchin on a tree branch, a grin began forming onhis lips.
“Wow!” Deke cried, stepping closer to the exhibit. “Real monkeys!”
Fitz was briefly impressed that he even knew what they werewhen he hadn’t even known what dogsand cats were, but then he realizedthat Jemma must’ve told Deke about them at some point. “Yeah, I’ve alwayswanted a monkey as a pet – I mean, just lookat them, with their little hands and their tails…”Not for the first time, he then began calculating the best way to get Jemma toagree to them having a monkey as a pet, but it was interrupted by Deke’s confusedvoice.
“I thought you couldn’t have zoo animals as pets?”
Making a face, Fitz clarified, “Ah, well, you’re not supposed to most of the time, but somepeople ignore those sorts of laws and keep wild animals as pets anyway.”
“Whoa, cool!” Deke commented, a grin ticking his lips up atthe corners.
Fitz had a sudden and horrifying image of Deke somehowbringing a tiger or an alligator into the Lighthouse as a “pet”, and then he would have to explain to Jemma andthe others where Deke had gotten the idea that that was okay. So, he clearedhis throat and corrected, “No, not cool, okay? That’s a bad thing, don’t everdo that.”
Deke was clearly confused again, but he ultimately agreed, “Okay,okay, sure.”
After finally managing to tear Fitz away from the monkeys,the two of them spent some time walking around amid the families with young childrenand the couples out on dates, the grandparents taking their grandkids out forthe weekend. To himself, Fitz couldn’t help but be entertained by the fact thatno one there would ever guess that he was a part of the latter group.
He spent quite a bit of the time having to constantlyexplain what things were to Deke, who was fascinated by everything, especially by animals that lived in different climatesfrom theirs, like penguins and panda bears. The animal that caught him bysurprise the most, though, had to be giraffes – Deke couldn’t seem to wrap hishead around just how tall they were.
Truthfully, though, he seemed most astounded by just how big most of the animals happened to be. “Imean, they’re bigger than me,” Deke pointed out when they were standing infront of the lion exhibit, his eyes wide and his eyebrows high on his forehead.Gesturing to the lion itself, he added, “That one could eat me!”
“Probably would if you got close enough,” Fitz agreed, butwhen Deke looked at him in horror, he winced and imagined him having nightmaresabout being eaten by a lion and telling Jemma that it was because of him, so he forced a smile and lied, “Justkidding.”
After a little while spent wandering around the zoo, theystopped at one of the vendors to get something to eat, despite the water andsnacks that Jemma had packed.
“What Jemma doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” Fitz insisted toDeke as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket.
Deke was scanning the menu eagerly, but suddenly he gaspedand read aloud, “Lemonade? What is that?!”
Offering the vendor that was giving them a strange look aweak smile, Fitz explained to Deke in a hushed voice, “It’s a drink with lemonjuice mixed with sugar and water.”
“I want that,”Deke told the vendor, his eyes wide, as though it was something of greatimportance.
“Sure thing, buddy,” the man replied, glancing briefly overat Fitz, who simply shrugged as he passed him the proper amount of money forthe drink.
When the man handed Deke the cup of lemonade, he took itquickly, hurriedly taking a sip from the straw. “Whoa, this is amazing!”
“Yeah, good, glad to hear it,” Fitz replied absently,accepting the bag of popcorn that he’d ordered from the vendor and leading Dekeaway so that the people behind them in line could order.
“Hey, does lemonade work in the same way that lemons do?”Deke questioned suddenly.
Frowning, he glanced over at Deke, finding him waitingpatiently for an answer to a question that Fitz didn’t even understand. “Um…what?”
“You know,” Deke elaborated, as though Fitz was the ridiculous one, “if you give someone lemonade, do theyknow what it means?”
“I don’t even knowwhat it means,” Fitz responded dryly.
“So…you’ve never given Jemma lemonade?” Deke asked, lookingmore than a little surprised by this information.
Fitz was silent for a beat, then he asked, “Is this someweird future metaphor that I’m not getting? Because, let me remind you that youdefinitely don’t want to get intothat subject anymore than I do.”
“Huh?” When he seemed to understand, Deke pulled a disgustedface and cried, “What? No! I reallymean lemonade! You know, the whole leave a lemon in someone’s bunk to show themyou like them? Coulson and Mack told me that people do that here too!”
Snorting in amusement, Fitz clapped his free hand on Deke’sshoulder and told him, “Hate to break this to you, but they pulled one over onyou; there’s no such thing.”
“What? Are you…areyou serious?” Deke groaned, visibly embarrassed as he briefly closed his eyes,running his free hand over his face.
“Very,” Fitz assured him, “try flowers or chocolates orsomething instead – that’s what I’ve always heard works best.”
Deke grumbled something under his breath, but Fitz didn’tquite catch it. He wasn’t very talkative for a while after that, spending mostof the time petulantly sipping his lemonade in silence as they walked by theelephant and rhino exhibits.
But, out of the blue, Deke spoke up again, startling Fitz ashe asked loudly, “What are those?!”
Glancing around, Fitz finally pinpointed the object of Deke’senthrallment as balloons of allthings, tied to a nearby cart and in various shapes of animals featured in thezoo. “Those are balloons, Deke.”
“I don’t…how are they floating?” Deke took a step closer tothe cart, squinting up at the balloons as he clearly tried to figure out howthey worked. “Do they have Gravitonium inside of them?”
“What? No, it’s helium,” Fitz told him, adding in a mutter, “whichis about as limited as Gravitonium, really.”
“Helium,” Dekerepeated to himself, seemingly mesmerized by the floating animals, “whoa.”
And, though Fitz didn’t support helium balloons in the leastand thought that they were a waste of a limited resource, he caved with a sighand gestured to them, “Alright, pick one out before I change my mind.”
“Really?” Dekequestioned excitedly, grinning at Fitz before pointing to one shaped like apenguin (he’d thought it was hilarious the way that the flightless birdswaddled around in their exhibit, which had apparently left an impression).
The woman selling them handed Deke the balloon with a warmsmile, advising him, “Hold onto that, or else it’ll fly away.”
Once Fitz had paid for it, they continued on their waythrough the exhibits, Deke’s earlier embarrassment over the whole “lemons”thing apparently forgotten as he spent a good deal of time watching the balloonfloating above him, bobbing up and down with the gentle breeze.
And, well, though Fitz had never thought he’d be amused by agrown man excited about a balloon, when it was his grandson…he did have toadmit that there was a little smile tugging at his lips.
When they returned to the Lighthouse later that day, Fitzwas surprised to find that Jemma was waiting for them near the entrance to thebase, an eager smile on her face, no doubt impatient to hear about their daytogether.
However, when Deke stepped in after Fitz, he saw hereyebrows rise on her forehead, her lips pressing together to hide her obviousamusement.
“Not a word,” Fitztold her simply, narrowing his eyes and pointing a finger at her, twitchinglips, shining eyes and all.
She mimed zipping her lips, but she didn’t even really needto say a word, not when her obvious delight was written so clearly on her face.
“The zoo is so cool,”Deke stated with a big grin, now wearing a t-shirt with the zoo’s name printedon the front, his penguin balloon in one hand and a stuffed zebra in the other.
“So, you had fun, then?” Jemma asked, stepping closer toFitz to slip her arm through his and leaning up against his side.
“Yeah! I can’t believe there are so many animals and – did you know about lemonade?” Deke’s eyes were wide,clearly still amazed by the prospect now hours later.
Jemma laughed at that, nodding as she told him, “I did,actually. My sister and I used to make lemonade and sell it at a little standwhen we were young.”
“You know how to makeit?” He seemed shocked by the information – but only for a moment; hisfocus then shifted to something over their shoulders, and he grinned as hecalled, “Hey, Daisy, wait! Have you ever seen how big a giraffe is?” With that,he brushed past them to catch up with Daisy, calling over his shoulder to Fitz,“Thanks!”
Fitz lifted a hand in acknowledgment, then turned back toJemma, asking curiously, “How did the study on the samples go?”
She arched a knowing eyebrow at him. “Oh no, you can’tchange the subject that easily.” A grin making its way onto her lips, sheteased, “All those times that you insisted that being a grandfather when youweren’t even a father yet was weird…”She lifted a hand to cup his face, turning his head so that she could plant akiss on his cheek. “I knew you had itin you – even if you bought foodthere instead of eating the snacks that I packed.”
Mentally cursing (he should’ve known that she’d figure it out), heoffered her an apologetic smile and a shrug. “Ah, well, I’m still learning, Iguess.”
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Back from the Amazon! It’s been amazing!! The flight here was surprisingly easy, which was a relief after the last fiasco. We got in around 11 or so, and someone from the tour company we’re going with met us at the airport and took us to this lounge to wait for our boat. At noon we took a boat ride down the amazon to the place where we stayed for the four days. The amazon river is beautiful, it’s so big too. I knew it was one of the largest rivers in the world, but I didn’t expect it to be so wide. The place we were staying at was a lot fancier then I was expecting. I was expecting to just get a small hut or something, but we had a huge bungalow with showers and nice beds and mosquito nets. We also got three fancy multi-course meals a day that were all beautifully plated. After we got in we had lunch and napped for a bit, then our guide took us on a short walk around the area and looked at some of the plants and animals around there. The place we were staying at was a huge nature reserve with lots of trails going everywhere, so we went on a lot of walks looking for animals. That first walk we mainly looked at plants and bugs, there were a lot of bugs but that was to be expected. Later that evening we went back out on the river in search of caymen, which are these really small alligators. We saw a bunch of them out there, and we even got to see a few owls. My favorite part though was looking at the stars. There’s no light pollution out here, so we were able to the the milky way in all it’s glory. I’ve never seen the stars so bright. The next morning our guide took us to this local village where they taught us how they make and shoot bows and arrows, it took us a while but we got the hang of it. They then taught us a bit about their history and how they live around here. It was all really incredible. That afternoon we went on another walk and saw a bunch of monkeys! They were super cute and were very curious about us. We saw a few birds too, and a lot of bugs. That night we went out on a tarantula safari. There were definitely a lot of tarantulas, I think we saw maybe ten out there, along with a bunch of other spiders and bugs. It was a little creepy, but still very neat. The third day we got to climb up this series of long and precarious bridges to visit the canopy. It was incredible! We got to see a bunch of macaws flying by, as well as a bunch of other birds. The only problem was the tree we were in had a huge wasp nest in it, so the entire time we were trying to avoid getting stung by these tiny wasps. I got stung once, but it wasn’t too bad. It stung really bad for about a minute, then it was fine. It was really nerve wrecking trying to climb down a ladder while avoiding many tiny angry wasps though. After that our guide showed us around this rescue center that’s a part of the nature reserve. While there we got to see butterflies, tapirs, monkeys, bears, ocelots, and a very curious and friendly parakeet and macaw. It’s amazing the work they do there, how they rescue these animals from poachers or circuses and try to rehabilitate them into the wild, or care for them there if they were unfit for release. I’d love to go back there one day and volunteer. We then ended the day by rowing down the amazon in this little inflatable raft they gave us. The current did most of the work for us, so we were able to just relax and enjoy the river. That evening our guide showed us some videos of animals that typically avoid humans, but they were able to see on video cameras hidden around the jungle. We saw monkeys, cougars, jaguars, wild pigs, birds, and a bunch more. All in all, it was a really incredible experience! We left the morning of the fourth day back to town, I would’ve loved to stay longer though. Once we got back into town we had a lot of trouble checking into our hostel. We double checked the check-in time and had a taxi take us there around 11:30, check in was at 11. But when we got there no one was there and the front gate was locked. We knocked, we tried calling, but no one was there. Eventually one of the guests staying there let us in to leave our bags in the lobby, but since the door locks automatically we were stuck in there for a while. Eventually the guest, Tim, came back and offered to take us to lunch, so we went to this Chinese restaurant with Tim and got some lunch before wandering around the town for a few hours. By the time we came back it was three hours after check in and still no one was there. So we sat on the curb for an hour or so hoping that either the lady who runs this place shows up, or Tim comes back so we can go to a different hostel. Finally this lady shows up, she had gotten a call four hours ago and thought we had left already, and she felt so bad about the whole incident. After we checked in everything was fine, but it was one crazy day. Today we’re exploring the town a bit more before headed back to Lima.
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glopratchet · 4 years
"She sounds like she's dying " You think as panic starts to set in and you have no idea of what's going on Getting to the bedroom door is a struggle in itself since people are coming out of everywhere to see what the hell is going on The door keeps swinging open from the rust on the hinges and because of that someone ends up getting their leg broken in the melee as people were trying to get away from what ever was in there "Its Bad!" "Did she convert?!" "Let me through! I'm a doctor!" All this you hear as you finally get the door shut to keep more people out and then to add to the chaos one of your manticores tries to get through as well, the only thing that stops it from bursting throught the door is that the hallway is narrow so all it can do is stand there roaring at the door Fantastic Of course this is not the most worrying thing, what is worrying you is hearing Naji in there screaming in pain like someone (Who was obviously trying to kill her) was assaulting her with a red hot poker banging on the door shouting at her to stop screaming because you thought she was hurt and needed immediate help As it turned out however that's not what was happening at all! Naji it seems had just finally managed to master her powers like she said she was going to do and as it would happen, she decided to try them out by 'converting' you And, as for all spikes, they cause immense pain when thrust into a non-believer and head-banging wasn't the same as this and she wasn't Crucifer so you didn't think she'd be trying powers like this When she made the door burst open and you saw her, you nearly screamed because your mind thought she had been gutted like a fishery and her entrails were falling out all over for bizarre people is a blog, featuring artists, musicians, designers and other creative weirdos eating in the bistro! Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is occurring by the people and for the people But as with all things there are always those who wish to manipulate and take advantage of Others - and sides! ! It's hard to say what the motive is sometimes (and if you ever figure it out, consider yourself on alert) Without reason or logic, a woman (or man) decided to ignite some of her own pubic hair Well congrats for dating a zero! unfortunately non-ow my eyes today my dear!! hilarious!! Let's hope someone picks your story! Of course hair would go up in flames! I mean come on, redheads our prowess on cheap elite jerseys We are not unfamiliar with the alligator, though perhaps a bit larger than normal! Thanks for the contribution to our diet!! Personally I wouldn't want to be rooting through a gator's mouth cavity given the shape their teeth and jaws are in, although I suppose there are far worse things to be stuck in! , Be it eggs, gators, fowl or gator food Thanks odd wad's! It reveals that video is complete and ready to share You have the choice to 'Save' or 'Delete' Upon this revelation, you mull over the possibilities "I should just save it Who knows when I'd have a chance to do something like this again " My sister will be so jealous! stop being complacent with your life This guys cheating on your sister and you have the video proof! But what would i say if I confronted him? The conversation would start with some idle small talk about his recent trip to Miami then turn to the boyfriend, as he hoped (The conversations would be short because he can only speak for so long before he falls asleep) The boy is holding a full pint of liquid cocaine in one hand and a Cuban in the other chris rubs a hand full of wild alligator fillet and cuts it into smaller pieces before tossing it into the skillet The wine and the dark seems to bleed into your vision before turning red You taste metal and feel anger pulsing through you like never before, causing the black to drop away and bright reds, oranges, and yellows flash behind your eyes, even the backs of them ! you sense someone guiding you gently by the hand Through your blurry eyesight you can now make out architecture that is vaguely gothic with a touch of modern, possibly a bit like dublin's castle? drunks lay all around but one of them is on the ground vomiting You recognize the voice as your little sister and accept her help as you stumble towards a bench where she sits beside you , catfish, or the meats on display? recommend jeffery ernesto's new masterpiece for our eyes to enjoy Now let me just take in the full experience of this peice His head throbs and he no longer feels or hears the sound of music, euphoria fades and leaves him with a feeling of awkwardness and nervousness, if only for a second or two It has really set the mood for me breathes a sigh of relief I was hoping to get up the courage to talk to you sooner or later but i was having second doubts that it would be later You are so beautiful and the thought of you not being mine chills me to my core You've waiting for this night just as long as i have why not enjoy it? You quickly reflect on the animal and think about how delicious it is as you chew with an accompanying "Ding!" instead of the normal "Thank you, come again!" to oblivion It really allows one to think Now imagine that, only a few hours before these cute little scaly fellas were playing outside with their siblings and now one has been consumed by the common man Attack on baby gators! Shut it harrison If you weren't me i would slap the sh out of you Hey where is stupid , I do believe he is too busy eating to ask if you've seen this movie or that maybe it's not the healthiest but at least people know what's going on here, in the real world fuggedaboudit Herbal medicine has been used for centuries and yet most people have already forgotten it Nowadays everyone just wants a pill or a shot and sadly they'll get it too, i wouldn't be suprised if one day years from now chemicals would replace all food they want a tablet i saw it on discovery Granted we don't use pills but it still holds true to the concept Time for some good ol' reality tv Let's watch plumbers yarn,bitches! One day the hairs on the back of you hand stand up Everything seems as if in slow motion, like a Matrix movie when everything bursts into code Your skin crawls and small hairs raher than hair cover you whole body like packaging peanuts ? Are they not living? Fish are living too but that fishery was shut down due to poor conditions in which they were kept Crickets egg ovarian juice and chicken testicles would suffice if people actually had to eat those Your stomach growls so you decide to inhale buttermilk pancakes sprinkled with blueberries and smothered with monkey& 039;s orange honey syrup to acquire full stomach Your belly inflates like a character in a bad Disney movie due to purple gator and although its not appealing to the eye it certainly is to the taste buds You rest your full belly and begin to swetocratically wipe your mouth as you pat your thighs You think he's gotten his point across when they fulfill your needs The cliched phrase nobody is perfect is used on yourself or the boogotis reatarding use of sapacities? first Yeah you want to know more about how your watchamacallit works Are you interested in attacking your education or just rest on your laurels and be a good for nothing bum? in the NES game Wild Gunman Current favorites include Garble June, Zaxx, Kink and of course Tron himself Depending on your weapon depends on how little and how big the haul ! These double chambered rings are a common gift from their city of origin, the only problem is that some monsters find them yummy Would you like to take a chance? Hunt alligator from the safety of your own home in the NES game Wild Gunman shelf! Some are better at killing alligators than others, all are fun to try! Early releases of this item feature major glitches hideout! Snrit snrit sninkeratoot tater troot ratata PLUNK Choose a deadly firearm from the shelf! Does it have what it takes to bring down the beast? You will have to try it and see! From kroger: the beanish this appears to be candy Given its lack of nutrition and obscene level of sugar it's only good for throwing at unruly kids or toddlers and shoot! choo choo bomb!!! Nailed it! Today's lucky contestant is ugh it's you Who else would it be? You helped design this thing and come up with some of the dumest catchphrases known to man You've been hit directly in the hand with one of your famous chocolates The rest of you is covered in the stuff using only the exploding candy!You will have 4 chances Good luck Gary! Take all the time you need dur dur de dur HAAAAAA hahahah haha AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -tromboner "Do you want some of my cotton candy?" you offer, stifling another lolfail "I have plenty, I got it for free " Somebody's watching me thought you, but ! You had better skin out that carcab before the meat spoils What will it be, red meat lover? alligator repellent: Hunt and gather alligator repellent click here ok you push further into the swamp where the green gets darker and the bugs get bigger, fortunately you don't have anymore mishaps and soon the fan blades of a windmill come into view tallies here! round 2: 6 kills built in 1964, the Okeefenokee windmill ceased operating in 1983 because of a dip in Okeefenokee tourism fill out this bracket and post it on the challenge board! The door falls off its hinges as you give it a good swift kick It's current purpose is a landing spot for ronin-style assassination Take credit and move on You don't trust that Who knows what would happen to you if you allowed it inhabit your brain? Wait a minute! Those aren't paws print weaving back and forth in the dirt Those are human footprints!!! Quickly you spin around and find yourself face to face with a real-live honest to goodness Okee beanpod fairy thing explains, "Just sign here and you will be all set " Blindly you stab your quill at the clipboard What a naive sapsucker that alligator must think you are! All you can do now is pray You hope they choke on all that gator meat! Crossing paths with moon-folk tends to have that effect no pun intended throw out your dead cell phones, buy an Okee sackpurse or something 4 5 stars if 316 reviews Don't fall for that! This fairy is trying to make a fool out of you! This is super easy and shouldn't cost you a thin mint!!! You are about to be attack by the greatest predator the swamp has ever known: this lady!!! because the bean creatures camouflage abilities are incredibly strong The beanpod fairy can disappear into its surroundings with ease On top of being a master of camouflage, this creature can fly (although I don't know where it stored its wings since I chopped them off as soon as it was on the ground!) That's not all, the fairy has some sort of mind-bendy powers You won't be able to tell which human is the fairy in disguise!!!! (Except one just for fun I challenge you survivalist, go ahead kill fairy-folk! Do your worst, just because you killed the one alligator I was using for target practice doesn't make you great! It makes you a really bad aim If your as badass as everyone thinks you are why don't you go out and kill some fairy-folk? an old fairy tale they told me when I was a little boy My dad would always come home with a scary story about some bean fairy that was gonna get him if he wasn't good Now I live alone because my dad drank himself to death, mom left after arguing with him late one night About me Sometimes the fairy-folk take kids you know Grown up or little, it don't matter Even grown ups can be trusted as far as you can throw 'em! why Why did you get in the gators way It was just mouths to feed When I was little I wanted a thinner nose, thought it would help me blend in, but with loseing my hearing I realized how much opening my big mouth gets me in trouble so these days Who ever insulted You about your nose, well heres what ive got to say You have to agree, its a pretty big nose! its probobly blocking my vision entirely ma? pa? Who is it this time through all the momments of joy and sorrow, it stayed closed They promised, I'm sorry WE are sorry That door, sealed for years unwanted and unneeded but today is different today there will be a reckoning For the one who finds this note, our offer still stands, we await you in the ruined casino at the edge of town This game of winner stays on needs another player lets make them jealous of our fuel efficiency!!!! actually im whimpy and no one really reads these, right? I mean no one is really going to see this are they? Guess ill just close it and old Yep, thought so Everyone knows that red is danger or warning , so their is really no need for frills IGH! alright fine, ill do the fracking review This card has a very simple but effective design or maybe ill give them a little credit the Weapon has been done extensively, but this one is relatively new I think its pretty cool, i just wish it wasn't a date card Still it comes with Beetle? What do you think you're doing?! Those things are weapons! No,no wait! Stop! You'll kill us both!!! aagh! you could try this card out for size in heavily armored areas of the city agh! uuh lifegivers ous wait why? I SAID turn down that NOISE!!! I was finishing my aghhh Don't tell mom, but I think Selena takes boyberty agh! Click whirrrrr Rip Sizzle rust and decay insie, rust and decay outside being a halfbreed in the city is an unplesant experience What is it? This had better be important! You realize how much homework I have to c- Whaaaaaaa! A deaf man hears nothing you know You don't realize how lucky you are that my shift end Fi vill Jon go we and the kingdam, rs stupid aclient askkdjfnalkdkjfa;/'@)(!!!!! Continued on next page rubs we will be rust and then will rust id considder offers around 10 thp 2 bedrooms to rent close to the station and schools and shops district? things so quiet without li, long ides before big as a barn needs a new coat of paint I just want to be an fiI in the Forget it! I give up! ctos cargo in the stormdrain sweet socs rab an anger inside pent up waiting to happen who is he? streetrat beatup uncared for lonely cool? Buy beltones here! cheap! 10 c per block what a dump yadda yadda yadda wolf hiistory collection, page blah blah something something uprising something treasure shiny pocket settle ravens raven heaven sleep perch watch world die page turn an angry mob may be audiient sometimes gives us raisins!!! or at least it used to luck is for non-beltones we have sibilinghood but I want to break out like slaren be free someday justice sweet justice ang why cant i hold it in hold it in need to write pen They stay dogsdot! but bullseyes are best! hit a bowl on a dogsdot't head and breakee collar Dogsdots smell funny Why ot the beople keep them? Mihoville is nice this time of year! Mom found my poem book and struck me for nyming poetry! I hate her I need the lessons continue life is tough need sleep always guigs sleep walk idiots od so young I was now I grow powerful under the guidance of the ecs power of hate underst sword arm it You reached an item, but there's more to read! That's right just click "•READ OMORE" below! How does this thing work anyway? stop stop? I feel sick alignment change occilation close sweat flexibility of mind and body ariseavageone caugh pointilism hasn't been invented yet! Why are my eyes such an intense purple colour today? no criminal generation nothing but crooks eustace uhg crime gets everywhere fewn 1916! startime crime wave! bul no no more milk human hatred click loud noise screams muckymirta zzzzz Gored through the chest you fall down as bloody foam comes out of your mouth, lay in a pool of blood you struggle to stand up as the burly man with a timmed 'T' on his toe meets stabs the sword into your chest again and again and again! hear sirens in the distan cops could use some history dust too much dust too many dead souls and too much neglected knowledge Meanwhile hit men go on hit zzzzzzzzzz strange human contraption Talk about hard corns, look at the head on that thing! zipper of a tent wears out and I hear a man slurping up a noodles light heat ay careful of my tank such an awesome coat hat outfit Polaronia wool not the cheap stuff either zombie hear something outside zombie! A zombie took over helsinki! screaming shots fired bam bam bam! look out!!! modern civielization is a brittle shell that catches easily when the angry masses want to bring it dooown!
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