#also as an autistic person kindly fuck off
I like Strange New Worlds but boy is their Spock behavior strange.
"taking out" the Vulcan in Spock should make his body feel off but ffs he's still Spock. I don't think they intended it this way but the way they wrote this whole scenario is like having an AfroLatina character "lose" their Latina side and suddenly not be able to make a tortilla or speak their native spanish. I mean. What?
Their whole narrative on him being human and Vulcan and showing "human" as like the fun/passionate side he's denying himself is starting to feel very anti-Vulcan, which in its own way feels super white centrist. We can go all in on the bacon scene but I'm not Jewish so more knowledgable Jewish people about the cultural *disaster* that choice was can cover the mess that is but... Yikes.
They've even done mixed race struggles better with other characters. B'Elanna in Voyager has a great arc reconciling her Klingon and human sides throughout multiple episodes and none of them imply weird shit like this. They all encourage her to accept herself where's she's at, no matter how much Klingon or human "percentage" that means. It just means both.
And in all fairness, B'Elanna's portrayal is in no way perfect but its better than *this*.
Someone on Twitter said this would've been a much more impactful episode if Spock spent all of it fearing he'd lose all connection to his Vulcan side, only to realize that (like his human adopted sister!!) He is still a child of Vulcan regardless of his geneology/biological makeup. But nah. This. *Bacon*.
After such a strong story about hope, augments, refugees, and prejudice a few episodes ago we get this? Shenanigans.
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autisticlancemcclain · 3 months
fic rec friday 61
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Autistic Lance (Voltron) [series] by dontthinkiwont
"Look, okay, I get it, I like peanut butter, you like sharks. It's a thing, whatever. But seriously, dude - what the fuck?" - Or, Lance has Autism Spectrum Disorder and this can cause him to fixate on some things. Like, maybe, for instance, great white sharks. For example.
yes i like this series for projection reasons. whatever. it was also one of the first autistic lance fics out there!! and its v heavy in platonic relationships yall are gonna love it
2. Revelations and Reactions by @azapofinspiration
Keith couldn't believe it. He was part Galra. That was hard enough to deal with... But then he realized that he would have to tell the rest of the team. He couldn't help but fear how they would react. In which Keith reveals that he's part Galra after facing the Blade of Marmora's trials.
azap truly never misses. they KNOWWWW how to do found family like a CHAMP and i will never get tired of reading canon corrections where keith is like. loved and accepted lol
3. A Memory Like a Snapshot by MemeKonVLD
Pidge is still close —closer than is entirely comfortable if he has to be honest— giving him an evaluating glance. Lance doesn’t really know where to look, other than up her nose— but that grows old pretty fast. So he looks at himself in the reflection of her glasses. And squints. He touches his own face for the first time since waking up— and feels the roughness of his chin. “I have stubble,” he says, and the words are as alarmed as they can be even though they still sound slightly slurred, slightly off. Pidge blinks a couple of times at him, and finally retracts into a more comfortable distance. “Well, yeah,” she says. “You are like, what? 22? 23 in a couple of months?” “I’m feeling— I’m feeling a little queasy,” he says then, with bright spots of color dancing in front of his eyes as he thinks 22. Suddenly, a bucket gets shoved against his face. He takes hold of it with clammy fingers and he leans on his side so he can... use it. Thoroughly. “I’m having Garrison flashbacks,” he hears Pidge say.   (Or: Lance is stung by an alien bug, loses his memories temporarily and makes assumptions about his and Keith's relationship. Also, Pidge cheats at Uno.)
losing your memories. and waking up. and someone treats you so kindly and lovingly that you know, immediately, in the bones of you, that they love you. and the feeling in your chest even if your brain doesnt remember of love for them tells you clearly that this person is your soulmate. i am going to LOSE IT
4. Love in the Times of (Intergalactic) War by MemeKonVLD
Lance: Oh, man. [I see him grow visibly excited here, leaning forward and putting his hands up— he’s big on gesticulating, as anyone who’s watched the pilots of Voltron host SNL a couple of months ago knows.] Space is vast. I know that’s not groundbreaking knowledge there, and everyone’s somewhat aware of it, but— being up there? traveling around space for years, and knowing we never even— we never even came near to touching upon a tenth of what’s out there? That’s cool, weird and scary all in one.
WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT 2016 FICS. HUH. ICONIQUE?? AMAZING??? SHOWSTOPPING?? INCREDIBLE??? bc pov outsider is the BEST and watching how much lance SHINES to anyone who looks at him...yeah
5. Skin by MemeKonVLD
He’s aware of Lance talking to him, but he’s still too asleep to try to decipher whatever it is he’s blabbering about. He only starts paying attention when one of Lance’s hands goes to the drawstring of his pajama pants. “Whoa, what are you doing?” He asks, slapping Lance’s hand away, cheeks warm. “You,” Lance starts, pointing at him (and Keith notices that for all he’s made fun of him for the last forever for them, he’s wearing his fingerless gloves), “are not screwing up my skin care routine, man.” (AKA: the one where Keith and Lance switch bodies.)
suave keith and flustered lance my BELOVED. swapped bodies truly has to be one of the top ten tropes of all time. love watching them be in love and also stupid
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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autistic-sidon · 2 years
I want the mile long Prince Sidon Analysis on why you think he's autistic because I'm totally neurotypical and I love him a completely normal amount 👍👍👍
Prince Sidon is autistic and here's why
The most noticable symptoms I have observed in Sidon as an autistic person are observed in his relationships, body language, routine, and interactions with Link.
Let's start with relationships. Sidon is without a doubt an extrovert, but I have a maybe painful, maybe controversial observation to make here. Other than Link, Sidon doesn't have any observable friends. A common misconception about autistic people is that we are all introverts, but this is not the case. Often we want to make friends, but struggle with social cues to where we are alienated in conversation. In Sidon's case, he struggles with social ques, either implying something he does not mean, or misunderstanding a figure of speech. For, "Implying something he does not mean" a certain hylian serves as evidence for this, Douma.
Remember how Sidon introduced himself to Link? Well, not everyone took kindly to it. Douma can be found hiding before you meet Sidon at Inogo bridge. To paraphrase her, she says Sidon is "A freak (or creep? I can't remember which one)" and that he said he was, "watching her." Yeah, Sidon did say that to Link as well, but as the players we know that he did not have any stalker like implications, however as a lone traveler, it's not insane of Douma to assume that. This exemplifies the fact that Sidon, like many other autistic people, will give off unintentional implications due to wording. Sidon mistakenly came off as a stalker to Douma, and likely did not understand why she hid, as he says the same thing to Link after. I bold that because autistic people often do not understand neurotypical's social rules, we will not know why we have upset something 90% of the time.
Next is body language. I'm sure most already know but i will clarify anyway because I want to: a common trait in autistic people is stimming! This is a method of emotional regulation where we will move a part of our bodies in a repeated motion/action, or repeat words and phrases. Sidon's trademarked pose is very likely a stim! He does it when he is excited, whether it be from encouraging others or good news. This stim gives a lot of enjoyment and is very charming (plus he has done it since he was a child!) So he does this a lot due to positive reactions from others. This is not Sidon's only stim, as he noticeably bounces a lot when he talks. A more subtle stim can be observed in Age of Calamity, where he bounces his head a lot while talking! (My personal favorite, it's fucking adorable.)
Next is routine. This is a more simple observation, and more dismissible due to video game logic, but I thought to include it anyway. Sidon has a routine of: Staring at Mipha's statue by night, staring at Vah Ruta by day. Autistic people are known to have strict routines to follow, and Sidon's routine centers around Mipha. We also may be found getting upset when routine is disrupted, as Sidon does when Link overhears his grieving at night.
Last and most definitely not least, we have his interactions with Link. My personal favorite is at Inogo bridge. When Sidon asks you if you are going to help with Vah Ruta, one of the response options is, "I'll think on it." Sidon's response is, "You'll think on it? ... ... ... ... ... Was that sufficient time to think? Surely, let's go!" Holy FUCK I love this dialogue. Sidon does not catch what the implications of, "I'll think on it" are. Normally one would use this dismissively, (as it kinda serves as a no option...) But luckily Sidon has autism immunity! He couldn't read the social que that was being conveyed, one being dismissive, and instead gives Link maybe 10 seconds to "think on it." As a whole, when Sidon talks to Link his mannerisms are definitely different from the other Zora. He has is own way of wording things, for example, "Have I mentioned how incredible you are? And how thankful I am? Because you are, and I am!" Also... speaking of this line of dialogue, the first part is written in a larger font because our boy here is yelling. Like many other autistic people, Sidon seems to occasionally lack control with the volume of his voice. Other zora are not often found yelling as often as Sidon, and many of his behaviors are specific to him.
Another interaction I like is an alternative cutscene. Instead of meeting Sidon at Inogo bridge, you can pass him, and meet him at the throne room instead. Here you will see Sidon's more... bitchy side, which I love. Though Sidon did have some bitchy intent in this conversation, I doubt it was truly malicious. However, his tone definitely comes off very rude. I am unsure if this was intentional, because he apologizes immediately after. Another instance of Sidon's bluntness (autistic people are also known to be very blunt) is when he tried to recruit the Goron Reagah, who hangs out in the general store. Sidon says to Reagah, "I simply cannot carry you!" Which I really don't think he had any malicious intent behind, however Reagah feels it was rude of Sidon. I think this was an instance of Sidon showing that classic bluntness of autistic people (a bluntness that he apologizes for!!!) And, in his blunt honesty, he came off as offensive towards the Goron.
As a final note, Sidon constant apologizing gives off a subtle internalized ableism, and low self esteem. But these mile long paragraphs are my main reasons for headcanoning him as autistic. I addition, I think he may have ADHD as well, many symptoms of the two are shared, but they are also present together frequently. Here is a venn diagram I found where I highlighted symptoms Sidon shows.
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I wasn't sure about some, so I'll explain why.
Short attention span: This is something I quite frankly don't know how to catch in Sidon. He does tend to switch between subjects sometimes in conversation, but I am not confident enough to be sure if that indicates a short attention span.
Emotional dysregulation: Sidon has a few responses that don't seem traditional, most indicative in the alternative throne room cutscene and his interaction with Reagah. However I again do not have enough evidence to confidently identify it.
Rejection sensitive: I an actually pretty sure Sidon is rejection sensitive, as I feel his self esteem is dependent on how others perceive him. Then again, this may be an interpretation specific to me so it's debatable.
Anxiety from routine change: Sidon does have routines, but we simply don't get enough info to tell if he gets anxiety from change. He was anxious when Link heard his grieving, but that's all we have. Not enough to make a sure conclusion.
Not understanding social rules: This plays into social ques. Sidon didn't seem to understand why someone would think, "I've been watching you" sounds weird, so that indicates he doesn't understand social rules. I leave this up for debate because honestly I think I'm reading into things too much.
The ones that are fully highlighted should have been explained to some degree already. I would have provided screenshots instead of paraphrasing, but that required me to play through the entire beginning again just to get them, or get a YouTube video. My memory is fairly reliable when it comes to Zoras, especially Sidon, so I hope my explanation is enough. Again, thank you so kuch for asking this, I have wanted to yell about Autistic Sidon for so long.
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trans-androgyne · 8 months
I would appreciate if people read the relevant parts of this before sending an ask or following me:
Hi, I am a disabled transmasculine non-binary lesbian of color & mostly use they/them but he is fine. I don’t identify fully as a man or woman but am fine with boy/other masc terms. I first & foremost identify as an androgyne.
About the blog: This is a sideblog dedicated to discussing trans issues & the trans community, especially regarding transandrophobia & exorsexism. I will mostly be reblogging & venting, but am also willing to engage in good faith discussion. || I hate the infighting within the trans community & love all my trans siblings. || Do not argue about the semantics of transandrophobia to me; if a better term is adopted I will use it but the term itself is not what’s important here. || I believe misandry/androphobia are real in a literal sense but not systems comparable to misogyny; I am willing to discuss this topic further. I don’t use “misandry” though bc of how MRAs use it to mean women aren’t oppressed.
Interacting with me here: Do not call me pet names, especially feminine ones. I do not care what they mean to you or whether they are considered gender neutral where you’re from. || I’m autistic & use tone tags sometimes. Say anything ableist at all or support cringe culture & you’re gone. || Please don’t talk religion on my page unless it’s about advocating for marginalized religious groups (ex: Jewish folks).
“DNI”: Obviously this space is TERF exclusive; that also applies to any radfems, & aphobes, biphobes, etc. basically if you’re shitty to queer & trans people for their queer & trans identities I hate your guts please kindly fuck off. Zero tolerance for general bigotry & shittiness (all the usual stuff + things like intersexism, bioessentialism, & honestly just being a dick in general. not here for it).
Accessibility: I do my best to tag triggering topics & provide all images with image descriptions; if I ever have something with audio I will be sure it has captions. I put the underwater filter on posts to differentiate them from my words, but try to provide alt text. Please let me know if I miss anything or if you want to request an accessibility feature I’m not aware of! Thank you <3
My personal blog: @corezy
The transandrophobia discord server can be found on r/transandrophobia or by DMing me. Thanks!
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broodsys · 6 months
ive been thinking about this a lot lately and kinda just wanna say it somewhere.
that said, feel free to just scroll on by bc this is heavy. also super long? i just- needed to get it off my chest, kinda.
cw: sexual assault, alcohol and drug use
so, in highschool there were these two guys who were in my friend group but i wasn't rly friends with, we'll just say L and N. L had an obvious crush on me and kept trying to get me to date him even tho i had a boyfriend and he knew my boyfriend - once i ended up going on a date with him bc my autistic ass thought he was just trying to hang out, lmao. anyway, it was awkward, esp once my friends told me uhhh no that was a date? u just described a date.
N was a lot more chill but also kinda... he was nice and all, genuinely nice, but he was also one of those no no i'm not sexist i'm an equal-opportunity hater haha! guys. so i wasn't rly close with either of them
but when i went to college they were the only two ppl i already knew and i was rly overwhelmed about being all alone on campus at first, so i ended up spending quite a bit more time with both of them, in and out of school. and it was fun when it was the three of us! they were amusingly raunchy and we talked a lot about related subjects and went on walks together and idk, it was nice. this was before i realized i was trans but i think it fulfilled a Just One Of The Guys need i had at that time
got p close with both of them, esp L. ended up at his house by myself quite frequently. and, well, we drank - this being before i realized i had a unrelated liver disease. and by this point i was out as trans and my family was AWFUL about using the right pronouns and i had no in-person connections who used the right pronouns and i was... p desperate for validation. while also using both alcohol and weed quite heavily to cope
so, yknow... hang out with someone who calls me 'he', talk about gender shit, sigh and go along with the eight million dumb YT videos he wanted to show me, but whatever, i got free liquor and it was smth to do, right? i was even able to lean into being a system around him! that was super validating.
so, surprise surprise, we ended up becoming kinda fuckbuddies. and i was okay with that - p open that i wasn't interested in a relationship but like, sure, we can fuck around. so we did. usually drunk. usually quite drunk. but that was okay because there was still consent going on
but i had one very clear, very explicit boundary. and once he started to cross it - i called him out on it and he pushed back and i had to tell him to stop several times. it wasn't like... aggressive? just very, very coercive. took me a long time to accept that it was still a form of rape. hell, i still struggle to type that out, i want to add caveats to it. but it just was. and that was the big change for me, when i realized he wasn't actually going to respect my boundaries. still hung out with him for a while after that and we had sex a few more times while i was processing my feelings about everything and trying to accept that he was in the wrong and i had a right to be upset
but after that, i just started feeling rly shitty on the walk home whenever i left him. there were subspace/subdrop issues at play, too, which was another brand-new discovery for me, and no aftercare ever, but it was... yeah. it was bad.
still, took me a while to break off the relationship. i was actually at a conference for a school thing when i did it, because being around ppl who saw me as a man, who respected me, who treated me kindly... it totally changed how i saw interpersonal dynamics. like, that whole experience was a MASSIVE wake-up call for me. so that was when i cut him out of my life
now, oddly, this story isn't about L. it's about N.
afaik, N had no idea about any of this. but a while ago, idk probably over a year now, he sent me a nice text mentioning that he didn't know why we'd fallen out of touch. and i usually delete texts after a while but i still have that one. sometimes i want to reply - not telling him the details, just like 'yeah so me and L had smth weird and i didn't want to put u in a position where u had to choose' but also just- memories, yknow? i associate them together very strongly bc the three of us spent sm time together
but i still feel kinda bad. kinda miss N. i saw him become a better person while i saw L kinda become a worse person. i just feel... idk. torn? ultimately i gotta take care of me because no one else can, but i think about him quite often, and about that text i've never replied to. and i also spent time with N alone, and it was just chill. he never tried to fuck me. when i slept over he let me have his bed and made sure there were fresh sheets and everything. he watched me play videogames at his house and let me spend forever on character customization and made sure i had vegetarian food to eat. he was nice, without any strings attached. and we talked about, shit, everything. once we walked for hours and hours - p much the entire night - just talking. he rly opened up to me a lot, and i opened up to him - not about everything and not about anything with L, but about a lot of other stuff. it was an important friendship.
and i just... i regret losing that a lot. i've been thinking about both of them a lot recently. part of it is just coming head to head with things i was using weed to repress now that i've been sober for a while, granted. bc i've been thinking about a lot of things in my past recently.
relationships are messy. but i regret that a good friendship got stained by a bad one.
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saintchaser · 1 year
JK Rowling is right about everything and I love that everyone except troons and other gender specials support her ♥️
You're so obviously a young woman who unfortunately suffer from being chronically online. Go outside and get some fresh air and step away from your computer. You are not male, you never will be. Nothing you do can ever change that. And I hope you know that the only ones who play along with your little fantasy are other gender specials and those who want to avoid the famous troon meltdowns. No one actually believes that you're male 😂 You're just an embarrasment to your family and I know they can't wait for you to grow up and grow out of your "hurr durr I am a boy 🤪🤪" phase.
okay so initially i wasn't going to answer this ask and i think you were the other terf anon that sent me the new book ask, but i caved in, because you (and the other one, if that person wasn't you) are just plain fucking stupid. your takes (when you have them, that is) are shit. moreover, the only thing you can say to defend that woman is going around and misgendering people 😭 what a loser move
first off, i wanted to ask you: do you follow me? are you this interested in my content? because this might just be the second time you're sending me this kind of asks, and i think i've clearly stated in my pinned post that i do not want any terfs and jkr supporters following me, so, kindly, piss off
second of all, i wanted to say that people on the genderqueer spectrum are not the only people that hate her, because they are not the only group of people that r*wling has said something against.
other kinds of queer people hate her, autistic people hate her, poc people hate her, jewish people hate her, disabled people hate her, and so on. she has actively fought against some of the aforementioned communities (indeed, the best-known being trans people, and she's had some real problems with trans women), gave into stereotypes and put said communities in a bad light. (for example, read more on the aids metaphor for lychantropy.)
gender diverse people have been targeted by jkr continuously. she has funded multiple anti-trans bills in the uk, and her twitter is a hellfire, to say the least. she's notoriously followed transphobes and, when one of the writers she liked reposted a tweet that she had tweeted about him with "trans women and women" she unfollowed and blocked him
this idol of yours has also used the robert galbraith pseudo. robert galbraith heath has been a huge fan of conversation therapy in the 70s, which is, to say the least... yeah.
also, by the way you referred to me as a "young woman", i assume that you are an adult woman / an adult man. imagine taking your precious time in which you could do something productive, like working or taking a bath or reading a book or something, to squabble with a teenager on the internet
and the fact that you're hiding behind clicking the anonymous on button shows what kind of person you are.
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hunter-sylvester · 11 months
Intro post [OLD]
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I have an about me but I know some people are mobile-only so here we are 🤘
This is sort of a personal blog combined with multifandom? I guess? This is also my main blog. Side-blogs are listed below.
The basics: My name is Hunter, I’m a gen z adult. I’m a gay trans guy & I use he/him pronouns. I play guitar, just not well. I’m a metalhead, some of my favorite sub-genres include: DSBM, Black Metal, Thrash, Death, Doom, Death-Doom, Black/Thrash. I live with my boyfriend and English is not my native language but it is the one I use the most. I’m European with a weird sleep schedule so my active hours are kind of all over the place. I’m autistic and have ADHD as well as (social) anxiety. Depression sort of comes and goes. Head’s a mess a lot of the time but I manage. My social battery can be pretty limited but I do enjoy interacting with people when my head will let me ^-^
Tumblr’s direct messaging system sucks so if anyone wants to add me on discord, just ask (mutuals especially) (obviously I won’t add minors on discord)
My main interests currently are:
Metal Lords 2022 [Special Interest]
Steddie/Stranger Things
Metal music
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Queer stuff
Heartstopper (pretty much all of that goes on @softsylvester​)
My creative outlets are whatever the fuck my head will allow at the time. But I mostly post writing, video-edits, and gifs. And I use the following tags for them: #hunterwriteswords #huntermakesedits #huntermakesgifs
I don’t go out of my way to make all of my creative output sad and ‘dark’ but it just sort of turns out that way sometimes. I try to tag as accurately as I can. Please use your own judgement accordingly. Especially with my writing on Ao3 (Due to AI scraping of Ao3, all my stuff is locked to registered users only for the time being. Everything is still up, nothing is deleted, but you need an account to view it.)
Sideblogs: @metal-lords​ (Just Metal Lords posts, mostly reblogs.) @key-to-everything​ (music blog) @metalsylvester​ (random stuff I didn’t wanna reblog here for whatever reason, occasional og posts, some venting) @softsylvester​ (cute and wholesome stuff, cute animal spam sometimes, occasional og posts)
If I haven’t responded: I take a little longer to know what to say sometimes. Blame social anxiety. I may also just not know have known what to say all together or missed that I was supposed to respond and just left it, if you want me to respond, give me a nudge. An ask or a dm usually works (there is also always a chance that tumblr ate the notification/ask/dm, it does that sometimes.)
DNI? I’m not fussed on having a whole DNI list but if ED blogs could kindly fuck all the way off that would be great. I know you’re hurting but I can’t have that shit around me.
On chain asks: They’re very sweet and I understand the sentiment behind them. I don’t mind getting them but I am weird about chain mail so I don’t really feel comfortable sending them forward.
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highropoios · 10 months
Χαίρετε :) 👋🏻:) :) My name is Zenobia (aka @olympianbutch). I’m 21 & my pronouns are she + he (or elle + il ;P I’m learning French, lol). I’m in community college! I was a mortuary science major, but I dropped out of mortuary school💀💀 Now I’m an anthropology student! I will be transferring to university once I finish my associate’s :) I’m hoping to get my bachelor’s in classics. I’m a Hellenic polytheist of ~5 years. I’m also autistic & ancient Greek religion is my special interest (coincidence?🤨 no, lmao). Zeus & Hermes are the principal gods of my practice! Zeus is to me what Jesus is to gym bros on TikTok 🤲🏻🤲🏻🙏🏻 (joke, I promise). And Hermes oversees my work (I’m a package handler). 💪🏻📦 If my practice was a polis, Hera, Athena, Apollo, Aphrodite, Demeter, Persephone, and Haides would also have temples on my Akropolis, y’know? :) (because the Akropolis of Athens hosts the city’s main religious buildings) I’m a butch on testosterone! :P Don’t like it? Don’t bug me about it, lol! 😊 I’ll always entertain good-faith questions (genuine), but I’m an adult. I will not argue with you over my personally held identity. I’m a proud transsexual & a proud dyke! TERFs fuck off 🗣️🗣️💢 It should go without saying I don’t take kindly to fascists, racists, ableists, misogynists, queerphobes, etc., or their associated dreck. That includes smooth-brains who exclude other polytheists from worshipping ““European”” gods on the basis of ethnicity and/or skin color. Double fuck off, + I pray the gods spurn your prayers forever.
On my platform (@olympianbutch pretty much everywhere), I act as a public educator in online Hellenic polytheist spaces. :) My approach is as follows: I thoroughly research key ancient Greek religious concepts using a variety of different sources (all academic, all of which I do my best to cite). I then convert that material into easily understandable blog posts and videos, making the information public & friendly to non-scholars! This blog (@highropoios) is intended to be personal, NOT professional. I don’t doubt that I’ll eventually make educational posts here; I try to be very thorough when I’m answering questions, I will absolutely drop think pieces if I’m inspired to, and I try to make a habit of reinforcing my references to the ancient past with evidence. That said, I’ll be posting weed-induced ramblings here mostly! My ideas will be unrefined, have their share of anachronisms, and will appear spontaneously! W.I.P.
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callioclops · 4 months
Woah, a pinned post
Figured I may as well start using Tumblr as an actual blog rather than a promotional tool for streaming that I no longer do and letting it just sit here and occasionally reblog something funny from my friends, so I'm making a introduction post.
Hi, I'm Calliope or Callie for short. I'm an autistic trans woman and I use she/her. My primary interests include structural analysis of TV and anime, and getting way too deep into the mechanics of various video games inevitably resulting in an attempt to flawlessly optimise whatever it is I'm meant to be doing. As you can imagine this draws me to roguelikes a lot, but also fighting games, RPGs, etc.
If you fall under any of these groups kindly fuck off: Homophobes, TERFs and other transphobes, and honestly just as a general catch-all if you harbour a hatred for any group of people for no reason besides their appearance or the way they refer to themselves.
Quick pre-emptive Q&A:
Why do you have anon asks turned off? - Simple answer is that I don't want anon hate. I think if you want to be mean to someone online you can at least have the courage to stand by what you said without hiding behind a circle with sunglasses. If you want to send an ask but don't want it to be public that it's you, put "[/p]" somewhere in the ask. If you aren't being hateful I'll respect your want to be anonymous. Obviously I'll still know but that's the best I can give.
What TV shows/anime do you usually talk about? - That's very dependant on what I'm watching at any given time. I'll try to keep this up to date (no promises) with what I'm currently interested in. At the time of writing (23/12/23) the two main ones are Rick & Morty and My Hero Academia. These two specifically I have heard are a turn off for a lot of people due to the fandoms, personally I don't really interact in that space.
What posts can I expect? - Probably not that many in all honesty. I'm writing this at 11pm and it's entirely possible that I'll just forget about this for weeks on end. But if I am to post it will likely be short rants about any of the above mentioned media. Either talks about specific episodes of a show or mechanical intricacies of video games. I like to imagine that it will be educational in a way that is completely incomprehensible in an academic capacity.
Why a cyclops? - Initially, I was attempting to 'transition' my online persona at the same time as I was transitioning in real life and wanted a pun or portmanteau based on my new name. Callioclops was the only one I could think of and I stuck with it. Over time though it really grew on me, I had design ideas for an icon (Thanks to @caeruluspirit for the profile image), I really just became engrossed in cyclopes and monocular creatures in general. I think part of this fascination also stems from an irl friend who has depth perception issues and once tried to explain it to me by saying "The sky is in front of the trees." I've been thining about that every so often ever since.
So yeah, I'm going to try and be a bit more active on here. Share a piece of my autism with a wider audience. If that interests you stick around, if not then by all means keep on moving.
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All the stranger things characters are queer.
I don’t care that it’s not canon they’re all queer.
And most of them are neurodivergent in some capacity
Here are my personal headcanons (as a queer, Nonbinary, neurodivergent indivdual) :
Robin Buckley - Lesbian, Gender Diverse in some capacity (Probably a Demi-girl or something similar and uses She/They), Autistic and possibly also ADHD
Steve Harrington - Bisexual/Pansexual, Cis Dude(He/Him) Probably has ADHD (would explain a few things you have to admit)
Eddie Munson - Gay, Trans Masculine (He/They) (And this definitely is linked to why he doesn’t live with his parents, there’s just something about him that makes me so sure he’s trans) Autistic and ADHD
Max Mayfield - Bisexual (I mean did you see the way she looked at El?), Genderfluid and uses all pronouns (I don’t know there’s just a vibe you know), maybe ADHD but I’m not totally sure
Lucas Sinclair - Thought he was very much straight till Max came out, now identifies as Pansexual, Cis guy (He/Him), one of the very few neurotypical characters on the show
Eleven (Jane) Hopper - Pansexual (She also looked at Max like that, and she’s clearly in love with Mike), Probably Asexual, until recently I thought she was cis but I’ve seen a lot of people hcing them as non-binary. They grew up in a lab that from the snippets we’ve seen was very gender neutral and I don’t think El would have had a firm grasp of gender. She did really like the concept of femininity though so I’m going to say She/They, probably something along the lines of a Demi girl, similar to Robin. I think she’s Autistic but I don’t know for sure whether it’s that, the lab altering her social development or both, probably both though.
Nancy Wheeler - Sapphic in some capacity, Cis girl (She/Her) and neurotypical
Jonathan Byers - Pansexual (S4 Jonathan just doesn’t give a fuck, earlier Jonathan probably ID’d as straight), Trans man (He/Him, maybe He/They) (I mean have you seen the boy, I mean the slouch, the outfits!), Autistic, definitely Autistic
Mike Wheeler - Achillean in some capacity (Byler forever), Cis guy (he/him), I think neurotypical but honestly I have no idea when it comes to Mike
Will Byers - Gay, Very, Very Gay, Cis man (He/Him), Autistic (which by the way is genetic so makes perfect sense for both him and Jonathan to be Autistic)
Dustin Henderson -AroAce (I know he’s with Suzie right now but he’s still figuring it out), maybe trans masc I haven’t entirely decided regardless he/him, also definitely Autistic.
So yeah. I’m open to discussing these respectfully. As you can see some of these I’m still on the fence about and I’d love to hear peoples opinions. And I’m aware it’s the 80’s and therefore this ‘isn’t accurate to the show’ they’re headcanons if that’s your thought process you can kindly fuck off.
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deviantartdramahub · 8 months
So, DADramaNow, you're not just attacking Club purely out of ableism? Lol okay, lemme show you in more depth detail why we know that isn't true.
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Here they're making fun of Club bc he doesn't always understand sarcasm or humor. One of the most well known things about autism is that it makes you struggle to understand tones or social cues. That of course will be an especial problem on the internet, unless you use tone tags. This makes it clear they're making fun of one of his struggles he has due to autism. They're making fun of something pretty much all autistic people struggle with at least a few times in their life. In fact, it might happen to you even if you don't have autism, it's a simple, small, innocent mistake. The fact that they're making fun of Club for this is just malicious.
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You do know not all autistic people are "high-functioning", right?? It's called a spectrum for a reason. NO autistic person deserves to be made fun of for their ability, no matter how high or low it is. Even if Eduard's just a fictional character, it's messed up that you say this and not take into consideration he's not able to.
 1 note <- Here they say "psycho" is an ableist term...
0 notes <- But here you had no trouble calling Tri a "psychopath"??
Not only is it hypocrisy, but also looking pretty damn ableist.
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Here's them downplaying ableism just bc there's more than one oppressed group. Seriously?? Trust me, as a bi person AND an autistic person, I want both groups to be accepted. But trying to silence and downplay disabled people won't help with SHIT.
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Maybe you should consider the fact he focuses on autism and incontinence is bc those are the things he has experience with?? He himself has autism and has an incontinent step-brother. Even then, he still attempted to include others bc he does truly want to be inclusive, I remember a post he made where he asked people what other disabilities they wanted to see included. I requested for him to introduce a dyslexic character, bc my sister has dyslexia. And guess what? HE DID. Because he truly does care. He just mainly does autistic and incontinent characters bc that's WHAT HE HAS EXPERIENCE WITH! YOU are the ableists for thinking autistic and incontinent people shouldn't be represented!
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Don't be so judge-mental on the poor kid just because he has incontinence and mind your own damn business, jfc...
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Club is NOTHING like that sicko you're talking about, they sound disgusting and I know Club would NEVER do something like that. (Unless those things you said are lies and Nightflight's just another innocent victim of yours, but idk. -_-
But anyways, saying all autistic people are automatically bad bc of that person is completely stupid.
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Here they seem to be talking about disabled children like they're burdens.
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Another example of the 5th link.
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They literally use "mister autistic" as an insult against him. They also full on say the r-slur without censoring it whatsoever.
Anyways, I'm sure, in fact 100% sure, there's more in depth proof their hatred of Club is purely ableism, but once again, DADramaNow does a shit job at running their group, and this is what Club's tag links to:
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So looking for proof was difficult, though I think I've gathered up enough, at least for now.
Anyways, pedophilia is a harmful stereotype pf autistic people, and DADramaNow is projecting this stereotype onto Club, bc they're very fucked up and bigoted people. There's no denying it now,Mod S and co.
Their unfortunate dismissal of disability hits even harder knowing many of them in their group identify as having autism. They don’t come off as it and don’t treat others with it kindly, which makes me lose incentive to acknowledge they may have it. It’s as if everything to them is a matter of identity.
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chuthulhu-reads · 10 months
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[ID: The Josh Kirby cover of Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. It depicts Brutha, a naked monk with a tonsure haircut and a loincloth, strapped to the back of a large metal turtle with a concerned expression. Smoke is billowing from around the turtle, which is being heated by a brazier underneath. This is being looked over by Vorbis, a tall, bald man in a brown robe with a hooked nose, clawed fingernails and pitch-blank eyes. Several other monks in hooked brown robes are gathered around, including a member of the Quisition in a face-concealing, pointed red hood. Above them, an eagle is swooping down with a tortoise held in its claws. A large hand is reaching across the sky in the background and appears to be producing bolts of lightning. It's a Josh Kidby cover, so it's extremely chaotic and there are probably details I'm missing. End ID.]
Holiday reads! I decided to re-read Small Gods because I haven't read it in years and it's one of the first Discworld books I can remember feeling rewiring my brain as I read it. It involves the Great God Om, regularly referenced in other Discworld books, finding himself trapped in the form of a small one-eyed tortoise because, in all the great and vast and strict nation of Omnia, there's only one person who actually believes in Om rather than just believing in (or rather, being terrified of) the institution of Omnism. That last actual believer, Brutha, has just become a tool of the powerful and devout bishop Vorbis in a plot regarding their neighbouring nation of Ephebe, and has to navigate the edges of a war while figuring out how to get people to actually believe in Om again.
And it all meant this: that there are hardly any excesses of the most crazed psychopath that cannot easily be duplicated by a normal, kindly family man who just comes in to work every day and has a job to do.
Like when I first read this, I was in my early-teens, annoying-militant-athiest, Richard-Dawkins-quoting, taking-out-personal-Christian-based-trauma-and-frustration-by-calling-religious-people-sheep stage, and this definitely redirected me. A lot of the book spends time going: religion can be part of a community and a culture, it can inspire and motivate and support people, but your major and dangerous problems start when a) folk are more devoted to the institution than the religion itself and b) folk figure out how to use religion, and the institutions around them, as tools of self-gain and self-deification. Also, gods need believers arguably more than believers need their gods, and a god that does nothing for their believers is worthless. And there's good eating on a tortoise.
He thought: the worst thing about Vorbis isn't that he's evil, but that he makes good people do evil. He turns people into things like himself.
Every time I reread a Discworld book, I notice something new, whether it's a pun I missed before or an entire new concept. For one, I straight-up never realized that Brutha being strapped to the metal turtle to be roasted to death is meant to evoke Big J on the Cross; it only really clicked for me this time when the local Dibbler mentioned that he'd been planning to sell necklaces with a little turtle pendent on them, but he'd probably have to take the little dying dude off of them first. Definitely lends a whole new meaning to Simony arguing that they should leave Brutha to die so that he can be a martyr, a symbol of Omnian tyranny, and Urn's response being essentially "what the actual fuck is wrong with you". The other thing that clicked in my brain is that Brutha is very autistic and that's how he revives his god, heals his nation, and averts a hundred years of war, thank you and goodnight.
Fear is a strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground.
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soryualeksi · 1 year
Time to inflict my headcanons on everyone again, so.
I just had this lovely conversation in my own head where I was trying to articulate how I’m lying. (Without outing myself as autistic because it’s none of anyone’s business. But basically, I give people disclaimers if something comes up how I’m likely going to go about dealing with it so they won’t be too surpised.)
And after a long long fictional conversation to try and find the right words, my brain kindly spat out the line, “If I’m making a story up whole-cloth there’s just too many details I need to keep track of. It’s far easier and more efficient to tell a PART of the truth and then keep in mind WHICH part of the truth I’m telling.”
Aaand in the next moment my brain added the very helpful “lmao yuan”.
Is he ever telling outright FALSEHOOD to the party? (As starkly opposed to SO MANY OTHER CHARACTERS WHO GET A PASS!!!) The things he IS telling are correct and honest. You get like 90% of your exposition from him, he just DUMPS it all on you like “okay look I made a handy flowchart here’s how Yggdrasill runs the world and here’s the underlying mechanics and here’s how we’re in the grand scheme and by the way I’m a double agent for Cruxis while I’m actually running the resistance no harm from telling that to just any rando btw what you need is that sword at the Tower of Salvation but only half-elves can wield it so that’s a problem bye”.
Yuan is being hmmm not-entirely-truthful (lmao) by not telling PART of the whole truth and frankly? The parts he DOESN’T tell? Are actually mostly personal business. “I’m taking you hostage, Lloyd, to further my goals. WHY is none of your business. I’m trying to get Martel off the machines that keep her body alive. WHY is none of your business. Lloyd, you look JUST like someone I know. WHO is none of your --- for fuck’s sake, Kratos, you WILL tell your own damn kid that you’re his damn bio dad OR I WILL and also, Kratos, I’m 100% planning to kill you for Origin’s Seal and I told you so 2 billion times already AND I’M GOING THROUGH WITH IT ANY MINUTE NOW KRATOS!!!!!”
YUAN isn’t the one who boldly LIES into the party’s face, he doesn’t even really stretch the truth, he just WITHHOLDS parts that uhmmmmm couuuld maybe be worth knowing but ehhh (unbiased lmao).
Anyway, enough rambling. Neurodivergent!Yuan. The character that gets the reputation of being “shifty”, “weird”, “a liar”, “untrustworthy” and whose social mannerisms everyone keeps making fun of (me included tbh because he’s my nerrrd) despite lying FAR LESS than like every other character in the damn game. ;___;
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drizzileiscool · 7 months
pinned post
(nsfw accounts as well but I'm not as angry at you. but if you post drizzile nsfw then get the fuck away from me)
edit: this post is outdated and will be replaced by an in-character post soon!!
yo! welcome to drizzileiscool, one of the only drizzile propaganda accounts to exist (that is currently still active at the time of writing this)
here you will see me post and reblog things related to drizziles, the best emo middle stage water starter from galar!
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occasionally I will also post some things related to my personal life (as well as things that aren't drizziles due to this being my only blog and I want to interact with more people), but if you're only here for the funny persona 3 lizard, you can filter out #not drizzile
this blog is mainly sfw but I will occasionally post some mentions of suggestive stuff as well as a small amount of nsfw jokes (if they're funny enough to warrant me rb'ing them)
blog owner is a minor, please do not talk to me about anything nsfw unless it is related to the conversation
About the blog owner: I am non binary, use any pronouns, and im also bisexual and autistic. I mainly go by either drizzile or sig, but drizzile is preferred if you don't know me from twitter
i will also occasionally be a drizzile if it's funny
if you want to see more(?) of me not posting drizziles however, you can also follow my twitter at sigpuyopuyo
read my carrd btw
tags under the cut
not drizzile - personal stuff, as well as things that, y'know, aren't drizziles. reblogs of other people will not be tagged because I'm too lazy
ideas of drizzile - interesting ideas for different things I want to be real (but aren't)
drizzile is liveblogging - liveblogging things like games, shows, anime, and movies. will definitely clog up your dash so feel free to blacklist this
drizzileposting - pretending to be a drizzile or just interacting with pkmn irl blogs while I'm in character (this tag is no longer being used)
tw suggestive - mentions of suggestive stuff, as well as suggestive/nsfw jokes and memes (posts will probably be deleted if I feel like people don't want to see them, but I will gladly delete them if asked to!)
drizzile tagging tag - me creating tags (ironically this tag wasn't actually made by me lol. it was created by thatoneguy031) (too shy to actually tag you but if you see this congrats you made this tag)
hey future drizzile you should draw this - ideas of things I want to draw but couldn't draw at the time of posting
a Drizzile's Diary - the thing I wrote, originally just a small backstory thing for the (now gone) pkmn irl side of this blog. a human hears about a rumor at school that you can no-clip into the mystery dungeon universe, does exactly that, and wakes up as a drizzile with no memories and only the diary they were holding when they no-clipped. this is no longer canon to the pkmn irl side of this account
important - things that I consider important to this blog, such as announcements
tw politics - references to politics
vent - me being pissed off and depressed
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faz-tastic · 9 months
Rules and guidelines
Mun is very new to the fandom and still learning all the lore, please be patient with me. If I seem behind on something important or new, please try find an audio learning aid for me as I do not do well with reading.
Mun is also very slow to respond, in part due to my issues with reading and in part to my issues with Tumblr in general, it tends to break very often on me and I only use mobile because it breaks less often than desktop, which I know many will disagree with but it doesn't matter because every device and every person is different so don't even try to get me to change my device, it's not happening, and nothing you can say can convince me.
If you cannot be respectful, you will be blocked, I've heard tales of the toxic behavior some fans exhibit and I will not put up with it, I've been on this hellsite since I turned 13 you can't scare me off of it.
I don't care what this site or the games say they're rated for, we are keeping it pg 13 here, and if you don't know what that means you shouldn't be on the internet to begin with. Gratuitous violence will be faded to black the exact same as adult fun times, I don't care if they're different I'm not writing the gore and I'm not reading the gore, robots and weird remnant infused zombies are one thing but the murder of children is another entirely.
If you don't like any of these, kindly fuck right off, I'm not here to please you I'm here to have fun and if I'm too busy trying not to puke cuz you decided to get graphic that's not fun that's torture, watch a slasher to get that kind of entertainment don't ask me to write one for you.
If you send a bunch of questions following the same vien and they get ignored one of two things is happening: I've gone on hiatus without warning or I'm purposely ignoring you and you've filled up my inbox. If I'm purposely ignoring you, there's a high likelihood you didn't read all of this post thoroughly enough, go back to the top and start again.
If I have to add something because of someone specific I will tag them, this does not mean you should go harassing them it means I want them especially to see the new rule they caused so they can't say they didn't know if they do it again.
Cussing is allowed, but slurs and personal insults are not. There's a difference between calling a character an asshole and calling the person playing the character one. If you genuinely feel I am being an asshole and it is not something I've covered in these rules, please dm me and speak to me respectfully about it, if a solution cannot be reached then we may come back to it later after thinking about it a bit, but if you're not being respectful then there will be no coming back to it and I will drop your ass like a hot potato.
Using disabilities as insults are grounds for instant banning, I do not tolerate that shit as someone who has a high rate of disability in my family and is autistic with ADHD and barely passed highschool for a lack of help and accomodations. If you want to insult me, you're better off actually pointing out things you've noticed about me, like the fact I can't spell, it's also not effective but at least it's honest.
I am a very sarcastic and dark humored individual, but even I have lines I will not cross. If you don't like my sarcasm and dark humor or if you cross the lines it will be best for you to just leave.
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