#am i overthinking it? probably
eclaire-went-bam · 2 months
sometimes i think of how people will often criticise public apologies because "it's clear they don't actually feel bad" and sometimes i wonder if the same would apply to me if i got into an interpersonal dispute
would my apology still be invalid if i don't feel bad, but still make an effort to change? would they believe i'm making an effort to change, if i don't feel bad about it at all? in a space of the internet that stresses empathy for others, while also advocating for action over words, i wonder where that would stand
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itbeleeeee · 1 year
Out of the whole ‘Riz gets to talk to his dad’ in ep 16, the line that got me was “Tell me all the least important stuff” and man did that hurt but in the best way. Like as a kid you talk to your parents about anything you like and they nod along and pretend to listen, and as you get older you understand that it was more placating and an annoyance to them rather than a fun moment talking to your parents to you, and to find out you annoyed them is kinda heartbreaking y’know. Which is a big contributor (at least in my case) to you as a person not talking to your parents about stuff, even when they are some of the people in the world that should suck it up and actively engage with their child because that’s what being a parent is.
So to see Pok Gukgak---who clearly cared very deeply for his family and for Riz and wanted the best for him in his life, even if he wasn’t around---wanting to learn every bit of his son’s life because it’s just as important to Riz to be able to tell his dad about things going on as it is to him, just really hits that sweet spot. Am I looking into things a little too much? Maybe. Did Brennan intend for that single line to have that deep a meaning? Probably not, but to see that commonality of ‘unengaged parent who is around for that child’s life’ flipped to ‘parent who unfortunately couldn’t be around because of circumstance actively participates in child’s life’ is really sweet. 
I just really liked this interaction okay. Pok Gukgak officially apart of Best Dad Club.
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myloish · 6 days
would it be uncouth to wear a critical role shirt to the dndads show? i love my caddy shirt and don't really have anything that's cute, but i'm worried it'll be like wearing U of M colors while visiting ohio state lol
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crueclown22 · 9 days
am I overthinking it or is my dashboard changing its color weird
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animaymay · 3 months
SxF 96 Analysis: Some Small Details About the Reveal
Ok, hear me out. I haven't even read the manga for Spy x Family (yet); I've only watched seasons 1 and 2 of the anime, but I've somehow stumbled upon spoilers for the last two chapters (ch. 95 and ch. 96), and other small bits here and there.
And since I am not totally caught up on the story, I hesitate to call this a proper analysis since I'm mostly going off of what I know from the anime at this point. But!
I've been following the chatter and excitement following chapter 96 and I just wanted to throw this quick analysis out there, since I haven't seen some of these details mentioned yet.
So, I'm going to focus on this particular moment, just for what it is. Down the line, after catching up and having all of the character and story details, I might revisit this scene again with additional insight.
Of course, I'm sure we've all seen this panel at this point.
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At first glance, this panel is beautifully drawn. You can tell that it was drawn with a lot of care and attention to detail. Typically, such manga panels are used to emphasize the fact that this is an important moment for these characters and/or the story.
There are even bits of confetti(?) flying around them, reminiscent of cherry blossom petals; this is another known technique used in manga to indicate the emotional importance of a scene for the characters featured.
That all feels pretty obvious, I'm sure. But I also wanted to point out other small details given here, which could potentially add another layer to this scene for folks.
I've seen a lot of discussion around how Anya's admission here is a big deal (and it is). But I haven't seen anyone mention the small detail here that she whispers, "I can read people's minds."
I believe that is also why we see that speech bubble transparently -- to visually show us the softness of her voice in that moment (in addition to representing Anya's willingness to be transparent about herself).
However, let's consider the conversation up until this moment. Right before, Damian had jokingly asked her, "How did you know about my dog and the pond, anyway? What, did you read my mind or something?!"
Of course, he was not expecting Anya to say, "Yes". But it's not the fact that Anya said, "Yes" that makes this scene impactful. Anya could have easily said the exact same words, at normal volume, with a smirk on her face, and nobody would think twice about it. Damian would have immediately understood that she was teasing him. And anyone overhearing their conversation would have thought the exact same thing.
But that isn't what happened. Because Anya was serious in that moment. With a genuine expression on her face, she says, "Yes" and then she whispers her secret to him.
And that is what shocks Damian. That is what causes him to freeze.
In that moment, he's able to sense her sincerity and hear the truth in her words.
His gut reaction is to believe her, whether it's because it's Anya or because of how she said it. It isn't until he has a second to think and his brain kicks into gear that he starts to notice the disparity between what he knows to be true and what Anya is telling him. In a split second, he questions this, and then ultimately rejects the notion that she could be telling the truth.
The obvious answer would be that what she's told him does not line up with what he knows to be true of reality. The rational and logical part of his brain overrides his heart and his gut, ultimately recognizing this disparity and forcing him to reject Anya's claims.
However, they are at a young enough age that it wouldn't be uncommon to easily believe in "impossible" things like magic or superpowers. So, there's also a chance that it goes a bit deeper than this.
Perhaps this sudden display of sincerity and truth from Anya didn't line up with her typical behavior with him. He's not used to seeing that side of her, and as a result, his mind resorts to him thinking that she's lying to him. He thinks that she's just teasing him. Not only because that's what he expects from her, but also because the only other alternative would be for him to admit that they've just shared a true moment of openness and transparency between them.
Anya's whisper implies, "this is only for you to know." As a defense mechanism, Damian's brain decided that it was more likely that Anya was teasing him than it was that she was being vulnerable with him in that way.
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Another detail from this moment stems from the fact that this reveal takes place while they are dancing together. Partner dancing is an activity that requires cooperation and teamwork. At first, we see Damian and Anya struggle with getting the hang of it, but eventually they start working together.
That, in itself, seems to be a fairly good representation of their relationship with each other. However, even more so, it follows the flow of their conversation in this moment. It isn't until they start cooperating that they start to open up to one another.
And the pinnacle of the conversation -- the reveal -- happens at the exact moment when Damian dips her. Not only does this make for a picturesque panel, but it is also a symbolic visual of what's happening.
Dipping your dance partner inherently requires a level of trust. The person being dipped has to literally put themselves in their partner's hands. Depending on the dip, they are giving up varying levels of control and safety over to their partner. They have to trust that their partner won't drop them, or bring them too close to the floor; they have to give up their balance and trust that their partner can hold the weight that they're giving up. And their partner takes on the responsibility and burden of that person's trust (as well as trusting that the person that they're dipping does not throw themselves around carelessly).
And here, in this scene, despite the bickering we see Anya and Damian do, we see that there is at least that small amount of trust between them. Anya trusts Damian to dip her, and Damian trusts Anya to be dipped.
But underneath the surface level, the fact that Anya whispers her secret to Damian while he's dipping her reinforces the idea that she trusts him with that knowledge. In that moment, she gave up some of her own control and safety, and placed it in Damian's hands. Only his. Her whisper implies, "this is only for you to know." And he's been given the responsibility and burden of deciding whether to hold it, or drop it.
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quinn-pop · 9 months
let’s do some autistic meta knight headcanons!! over explaining my interpretation of meta knight yet again wooooo
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this orb has NO idea how to talk to people!!! outside of work anyway. a lot of this is partially due to upbringing (suppressing his emotions all the time) but he does not know how to express emotions, like…at all.
this goes into a few things
1. yeah talking is hard. even after figuring out what he wants to communicate he will struggle. conversation can be so overwhelming, especially under pressure. he will need time lol
2. because of that, forming connections is hard. i really don’t think meta is much for shallow relationships, and certainly not early in the timeline. which also means he has very little experience with friendship. so a lot of the relationships he did have went kinda neglected, and issues that probably could’ve been worked on by talking became…*cough romk* escalated.
3. honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if meta convinced himself he couldn’t feel emotion (anymore) until like. katam-ish. he tried very hard lol
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vulnerability is terrifying. (though this gesture here is also just comforting, like his little cape cocoon thing he does.)
unmasking—yeah im taking the mask thing very literally here—is a big deal and a very slow process for mk. i’m sure he has a lot of feelings on that lol. it served as a way to ensure no one could ever, y’know, see him.
i can’t say i think he’d ever fully ditch it—there’s always gonna be some days that are more stressful than others and if having it could help him get through it, it just makes sense. mainly when working.
it really is about vulnerability. granted, i don’t think he has the most expressive face (in my head every astral just tends to stare at things) but i doubt he has much control over it. can’t fake a smile but also can’t hide it. probably blushes easy because yeah, astrals; just look at kirby’s face.
just the idea that someone might be able to read his expression and know what he’s feeling before he’s ready for them to (or even understands it himself…) yeah he doesn’t want that
but emotional turmoil aside, i think his mask also hides a lot of his stims
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remember that whole “suppressing your feelings” thing? yeah turns out that ignoring half your instincts isn’t a good idea. so in true meta knight style, he tries to stim as subtly as possible
1. he has the least control over his wings, so they will flick and twitch on their own. they’re usually a good indicator of how he’s feeling, not unlike the body language usually seen in cat ears and tails lol. flapping is also an extension of this of course, though he probably suppresses it more.
2. this also effects when he takes his wings out. pretty much every time he’s excited or nervous it just happens. kinda makes me wonder if his wing cape ordeal might also go into the suppression thing… (i’d say yes, but using a cape is also very comforting so it’s not necessarily a bad thing)
3. going back to the mask thing; he stims a lot underneath it. think like biting or pursing your lips. he bites his tongue and clicks his mouth. that sort of thing. his mask also makes it harder to notice that he is constantly sighing, humming, grumbling…all that
one nice thing about the mask though is that it helps a little bit with lights!!! woo
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(look at him and his magically floating glasses)
sensory stuff—i think he’s mostly bothered by light and sound. maybe a bit of texture. he’s pretty sensory avoidant and perfectly happy standing off to the side not touching anything.
the one exception to this is physical affection, which is, despite all of this, most of how he shows affection. it’s a lot easier to hug someone than to try to explain your feelings for them, after all.
i think he would like pressure though. so that’s probably part of it. and i’m pretty sure there’s some connection in here to fighting (dang, is that the only way he knows how to get his energy out?)
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anyway, pretty much all of this is in contrast to kirby, who i would gladly nominate as the champion of Doing Whatever He Wants. he might pick up a few bad habits, but he will never mask the way meta knight does. he might not understand how he feels, but he’s in tune enough to express it…usually.
this is a very good thing for meta because it helps him to do the same thing. kirby’s so energetic, it’s hard to not want to stim with him. it reminds meta to be kinder to himself and explore his own emotions. he can also help kirby understand themselves, so this connection is very important.
yeah, at the end of the day, everything kinda just boils down to kirby and mk as parallels
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this is the conclusion i promise
to me, meta’s arc is about growing stronger by growing kinder, and this is mostly by learning to be kind to himself. letting himself be a person again, loving and understanding other people, and eventually, letting go of all the expectations placed on him and doing the things he’s always wanted to do…
autism headcanons are fun for me because it’s cathartic to write, but at the same time, it just makes sense in this sort of narrative. meta is, to me, inseparable from these things. and so is kirby! that’s a dynamic that’s a lot of fun to play with, and it’s at the heart of my kirby interpretation.
if you actually read all this WOW thank you
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lemonflavoreddishsoap · 8 months
Can I request La Squadra x S/O who's taller than them? Thank you.
yes you caaaaaan! Sorry if these are, ironically, shorter HCs.
jsyk i write this with the opinion that Risotto is by far the tallest
------------------------------------------------- La Squadra with an S/O who's taller than them!
"Well yea, it's easy to be taller than me, heh" *insert shrinking...noises?*
The taller the S/O, the more inclined he feels to shrink himself and ride on your shoulder. Get used to it.
Bro gets on his tippy toes to kiss you. he doesn't even have to but he still does. It's kind of cute?
"No you're not."
Unless you're taller than him by like. A foot or some shit. He is adamant you two are at least the same height.
He doesn't bring it up unless you do but...he subtly tries to make himself seem taller. It's so fucking petty, you decide if it's annoying or charming :/
"Alright, and?"
He probably cares the least about your height. Sure, you're taller than him. So what? Unless his head is at like. boob level 24/7 or something somehow, he doesn't care.
Unless you bring it up, or poke fun at him being shorter. You better think his glares are sexy 'cause....
If you're tall enough for it to matter, he'll do the "pulling you by the collar into a kiss" thing
"Being near you...feels so secure...."
He loves it!!!! When you hug him it feels like you're completely surrounding him...like, not literally, but the idea is so comforting!
I was going to say you should rest your chin on top of his head but...um...how sturdy is his hair?
If you're happy with your height, he'll bring it up a lot when he compliments you.
"Is your whole family like that?"
Excited to know if it's something that runs strong in your genetics. No particular reason. Trust me.
Like Pesci, he doesn't have any issues with having a taller s/o. It's just another lovely aspect about you <3
"Okay fine, I get it! For fucks sake!"
This poor guy. To be honest, he really doesn't care that you're taller than him, he thinks its fine. But people won't leave him alone about it
Yeah he's an "angry little gremlin thing" but they gotta stop dragging his s/o into it...it kind of sours the height difference a little.
But like I said, he really doesn't have any issues with it. If you can get past how much the comments annoy him, you can probably see how much he likes your chin on top of his head, or how you look so slightly down on him when your faces are so close....gah sorry what was i doing-
"Be nice. They're are not scary."
yes you are. my lactose intolerant ass envies you. what the actual fuck.
I guess that's a pro about him being with someone taller than him, that he can't intimidate his s/o with his height? That's not to imply that he's intimidated by you though!!
Unless people are causing a fuss about it though, Risotto doesn't mind your height. I don't think physical appearance means much when it comes to partners to him? Just my personal feeling.
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stopthatfool · 6 months
Currently trying to understand and pinpoint Ron "Slider" Kerner. Who are you Slider... what are your motivations... what are your goals... what is your favourite colour... why are you in the navy...
if anyone has any concrete thoughts about slider... please share them with me... who is this man... do you think he listens to nickelback? or does he think Metallica is the greatest band of all time?
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pippin-katz · 8 months
Okay I noticed something during the Red Room scene after watching RWRB for the "who knows how many"-th time.
When they hit the wall, Alex puts his right hand on it:
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But then they cut and it’s not there anymore:
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Now, I’m not pointing this out as an "oh look an editing error" or anything because that’s something that happens in pretty much every movie ever made. Somebody’s hand or leg is in one position, they cut to another angle, and it’s in a slightly different position. It’s what happens when you’re editing together several different takes of the same scene.
Hell, quick and fun tangent, feel free to skip ahead to where the text changes back to the normal color, but there’s a sequence in Clue, the movie, where Wadsworth, the butler, is retelling the events of the evening in very specific detail and reenacting it. This is a fantastic example of a moment where a very attentive viewer can see into the behind the scenes, and remember that when filming movies, they always do multiple takes of a scene, even if nothing went wrong; there’s only very unique circumstances where they film a scene and the entirety of the very first take is used.
Earlier, Mrs. Peacock freaks out because they think there might have been poison in the drink, and Mr. Green slaps her in the throat to stop her from screaming:
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GIF from here.
After he hits her, he says this:
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GIF from here.
When Wadsworth reenacts it later, he says the same line:
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GIF from here.
Notice that he’s accurately in character as Mr. Green, but he makes the gesture to push his “glasses” back up, which Mr. Green didn’t do. Tim Curry went through great lengths for this very long sequence to get all the little details right. The only reason he would do that would be if he did push his glasses up, but it was in a different take. That take wasn’t used in the final cut of film, but they had to have filmed a version of the scene where Mr. Green pushed his glasses back up, and Tim Curry copied it because he wouldn’t have been able to predict which version of the scene they would use, and that’s a specific detail he wouldn’t want to miss if they used that take.
In the easiest and perfect scenario, they pick the best take of each shot and splice them together, but sometimes they use multiple takes of one of the shots and use different pieces of them. Maybe the delivery of one line was better in one take, but another line was better in the other. If there's going to be a cut between those lines, they can cut out the line delivery they liked the best and splice into whatever take they're using the most of.
This is common knowledge, but I'm covering it just in case someone is completely unfamiliar with how films are made.
When the camera angle changes during a sequence, it doesn’t mean that they filmed up until that point, stopped and repositioned the cameras and the actors, and then continued. They set up a camera for one of the shots, they run through the scene start-to-finish, and once they have several good takes to choose from, they move the camera position to the next angle, and shoot the scene start-to-finish again. Sometimes they can knock out more than one angle at once if the cameras won’t get each other in the shot.
For example, scenes like Alex and Henry talking on the couch, in the cafe, on the phone on the bed, basically almost any scene where they’re looking directly at each other, has to be shot from at least two angles separately, at least if they want to show us both of their faces throughout the scene. If they filmed both of them at once, you would see the other camera in the background behind the actors.
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In the case of the kissing in the Red Room, there's three cuts, until the end when Amy walks in. I'm talking specifically about from Alex grabbing him up to the shot right before Amy walks in.
So starting there, we have the first shot:
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Then the first cut:
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Then the second cut:
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Then the third cut:
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Then Amy walks in:
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Now, cameras do move and/or zoom during most shots, even if it's a barely noticeable. For example, there is no cut while Alex crosses the room; the camera moves with him. It also rotates/pans a bit once they start backing towards the wall to keep that shot connected up until the first cut.
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Based on the angle, the framing, and their positions, I'm pretty sure these two are from the same shot/camera position, possibly the same take, with the close-up spliced in:
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Even if they aren't from the same take, I'm fairly sure, like I said before, that they ran through the scene start-to-finish with this camera blocking, and that these are both from that blocking, even if the second one seems slightly different. It's really hard to be 100% sure, but when I watch them side-by-side, their positions seem to line up. If you map out their starting point and ending point, and the gap of time where the close-up is, it feels like enough time and movement for them to get from A to B in one shot had the camera not cut.
But the camera does cut, which leads me back to here:
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The camera angle alone is a big indicator that they cut together multiple takes. I can't be positive, but I'm pretty sure that they couldn't have filmed this angle at the same time as the main shot.
I think about these sorts of things while watching movies; it's something I can't turn off in my brain. I'm hyperaware of the cinematography. I notice it, and thoughts/questions just bounce around in the back of my head.
Like if I was watching this for the first time, excluding all the internal screaming that would've been occurring, I would have probably thought: "Oh hey, that was a big camera change! They probably filmed this separately!"
But it's so brief and subconscious that I would've had the thought without those words actually forming in my head, does that make sense? It's like there's a little version of me chilling in my brain with a clipboard that writes interesting things down while the rest of me is screaming. He's just chilling, taking notes, and I can feel when he writes something down, even if I can't process it in the moment. Does that make any sense?? Whatever, it doesn't actually matter lmfao
What I'm saying is, while the camera change suggests the use of multiple takes being edited together, Alex's hand on the wall 100% confirms it, since it's not in the same position when they cut between the angles.
Which FINALLY brings me to my POINT!
Everything I went over essentially just proves that this shot:
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-is from it's own, separate take than the other shots.
And as I explained, they typically run a scene start-to-finish several times from each angle, which is why there's this variation. With choreography like this that's meant to be spontaneous and aggressive is impossible to perfectly recreate each time. It happens too fast, and their characters are so wrapped up in the moment that they're just grabbing and touching each other however they can, so there is going to be variation between the takes in what they do with their hands or exactly how they kiss.
It is very possible that there's a version/take of this sequence of events from the other angle where Alex's hand is on the wall, and he is half pinning Henry against the wall for this interaction.
His hand is in the classic "hands on either side of their partner's head while kissing against a wall" position that basically traps them against the wall and the person they're with.
So there's possibly a version of this shot:
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-with Alex's hand pinning Henry against the fucking wall, before he lifts him onto the table.
And I want to fucking see it.
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navykim · 1 month
I'm so insane over Dragon Age rn for example
"Sera: Think I could find some Sentinel breeches?
Solas: Do I want to ask what for?
Sera: So I could wear history. On my butt. Butt history. (Laughs.)"
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kang-yo-han · 4 months
Thinking about Yo-han during the jenga game saying “This is why you need to understand structural mechanics” and how that connects to the blueprints shown in ep. 16 that laid out where the bombs needed to be to bring down the supreme court. I love this show.
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zipperuser103 · 2 months
That Andrew and Neil named one of their cats “King”, means so much more now that we can see how often Riko was referred to by it in TSC…
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hajihiko · 2 years
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you know when a cat falls asleep on you so you're not allowed to move and might as well just take a nap yourself? That's right. This was a calculated plan. Diabolical, even.
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So, I've been thinking SO MUCH about this expression.
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Now, I'm shit at reading expressions, but to me this reads as confusion. Of "that's not how it happened...was it?" and if it's not, completely disregard the rest of this.
I'm pretty sure Macaque tends to stir on things. From the fact he tended to quiet about his concerns when others didn't take them seriously to his anger in his debut, and the fact that he has twice now recalled lines nearly to the word ("Good to see ya, bud." and "You always were the most cowardly of the bunch."), I feel like there's a good chance he has stirred on these lines. Stayed up at night with them running around his head type thing.
And that kinda stuff tends to warp memories and perceptions, and we've already established that Macaque's an unreliable narrator (whether he means to be or not) because his perception of events is warped by emotions.
I was just using this as a headcanon, but then I noticed it's not the first time we'd be shown memories of events changing from one person to another (even subtly). And here's where I'm probably overthinking (if I wasn't already).
After the Samadhi Fire ritual, in Demon Bull King's retelling, he drops the ring when he runs for Red Son.
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But in (what I assume to be Wukong's) memory of events, he holds onto it.
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If this was a deviation between memories and not just an inaccuracy, I don't think I'm reaching too terribly far to say that Macaque's memory of the argument could've been warped over time.
Buuuut I'm probably just overthinking stuff. Fun to do though!
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ghostlyheart · 11 months
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All of Nadja's outfits in the WWDITS premiere (5.1 + 5.2)
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meimeikyu · 2 months
was trying to word about the distortions being my fav guys to a friend who doesnt know tma and like. i came up with wording it as one/two/three of my fav guys bcs like??? ok helen n michael are not the same but they are both the distorion so you could count them all as the distortion (one), or helen distorion n michael distortion are seperate characters n entities despite both being based from the distortion, they are seperate enough to be different things (two), or,, helen distortion n michael distorion r ofc seperate things but the distortion as a concept without a person attatched too is a seperate thing that should be counted as such (three)
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