dilebe06 · 2 years
Tra drop, colpi di scena, rallentamenti e mafia...
Con l'arrivo dell'estate, del caldo e del richiamo del mare, la mia concentrazione nel vedere serie tv cala drasticamente. Il tempo è bello, fa caldo, ci sono esami da preparare...io non c'ho voglia di impegnare il cervello su " seguire trame" preferendo video random su YouTube.
Soprattutto quando vorresti disperatamente vederti - tra le nuove uscite - KinnPorsche o Tomorrow ma hai giurato che no! aspetterai che venga tutto tradotto!
Perciò da settimane, sono ferma sulle stesse due serie: Please Classmate e From Now, Showtime. Ma considero di finirli entrambi la prossima settimana.
EDIT: e così è stato.
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Tuttavia i giorni passati settimane passate non sono stati tutti da buttare.
Roba di cui parlare c'è:
ad esempio che oggi inizia la terza stagione di Umbrella Academy, l'unica serie occidentale che seguo. E @ili91-efp se non l'hai vista...recuperala perché merita assolutamente. Garantiamo io e la @veronica-nardi.
Oppure dell'ipotesi di una serie tv spin off di GOT su Jon Snow. Qualcosa su cui non sentivo minimamente la mancanza. Ora, potrei parlare per ore e ore su quanto l'idea di una serie tv dove Jon Snow - quello della serie tv poi - ci mostra quanto è bello vivere oltre la barriera mi attiri quanto l'immagine di un cane che urina nel deserto.
Io a Jon voglio bene. Seriamente. La serie tv ha massacrato il suo personaggio ma in fin dei conti gli sono affezionata parecchio. Ma con tutte le storyline lasciate aperte, con tutti i personaggi misteriosi abbandonati dalla serie, tra tutti i finali alla mentula canis che D&D hanno lasciato aperti... vogliono fare uno spin off su quella che per me è la storyline più noiosa e meno interessante di tutte. Che cosa esattamente c'è da vedere su Jon Oltre la barriera?
Ma uno spin off su Arya che viaggia per il mondo e magari arriva a Valyria? Un excursus su Dorne dopo la fine dei Martell? Un approfondimento su quel "terribile" consiglio ristretto presieduto da Bran? Cosa è successo alle città libere dopo la morte di Dany?
No. Jon Snow che costruisce igloo nella neve.
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Guarda, piuttosto come dice @veronica-nardi avrei preferito uno spin off su Bronn ed il suo castello. Ma comunque, l'unica cosa che potrebbe risvegliare il mio interesse su questo probabile spin off è se Jon torna a sud della Barriera.
Poi c'è il sogno della @veronica-nardi di un Jon che prende le armi e si ripiglia il trono di spade facendo valere la R+L ... ma quello è un sogno a occhi aperti.
Ah, la R+L ... lo senti il cuore che si sfracella sì?!
Approfitto del carattere allegro e gioviale di Jon Snow per parlare poi di Amensalism, drama taiwanese che io e Vero abbiamo droppato senza nessuna pietà.
Il collegamento tra quel musone di Jon Snow e questo drama non è causale, visto che il lead è interpretato dallo stesso attore di Attention, Love!
Prince Chiu - che Dio lo abbia in gloria - è strepitoso nel non avere espressioni e reagire alle vicende che gli capitano a tiro sempre con la stessa faccia impassibile. Raga' ci vuole abilità per questo!
Ovviamente interpreta sempre lo stesso personaggio psicopatico e sull'orlo della depressione...ma sono sicuramente le sue scarse doti attoriali a farne uno dei miei personaggi preferiti: vederlo in scena mi fa rivalutare tanti altri attori che ho forse accusato troppo frettolosamente di non saper recitare. Io lo vedo e mi piego dalle risate.
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Amensalism però ha l'aggravante di aver pure la protagonista non propriamente convincente. Idem i comprimari: con il risultato che il cast pare composto da cani che non aiuta ad immedesimarti nella storia.
Ma la storia appunto, come è?
Non è che si sia capito molto ma da quello che ho intuito, Amensalism parla di un bambino che muore e sulla strada per l'aldilà, Dio o chi per lui, gli propone di salvargli la vita in cambio di una persona a sua scelta. Il bambino fa il nome di una sua compagna di scuola - rea di averlo accusato ingiustamente di furto - che si rivelerà essere la lead. A quel punto, il bambino viene avvolto da fiori rossi che gli comprimono il cuore e che glielo stringeranno fino a fargli venire ictus ogni volta che è nelle vicinanze di qualcuno che muore. #nientedomandeplease
Stacco. Siamo nel presente e il bambino è diventato PrincePsyco, bodyguard dal superpotere di poter prevedere la morte delle persone. Ci viene detto che durante la crescita ha tentato di salvare vite usando il suo potere ma che ha sempre fallito.
Nel mentre la bambina maledetta dal mini lead è diventata un avvocato (senza arte). Seriamente, uno degli avvocati peggiori che io abbia mai visto. Ed ecco che incontra il lead in un bar. Prince Psyco riconosce subito la ragazza come quella che lui ha maledetto ed a metà della quarta puntata è già mezzo innamorato di lei. #ilperchérimarràunmistero
I due lead si conosceranno e faranno amicizia, fino al punto che uniranno le forze per salvare i morti che Prince Psyco prevede. E potrei essere una cagacazzi nel ricordare come quando Prince rivela alla protagonista i suoi poteri,quella, anziché portarlo in una clinica psichiatrica, gli crede immediatamente e proponga la collab in virtù di essere gli eroi dei poveri e salvare vite. Manco la tensione sanno fare.
Solo che c'è un problema: i due lead riescono a salvare la vita ad una persona di cui il lead aveva previsto la morte...ma si scopre che per par condicio si fa male la protagonista. Insomma, se salvano la vita ad una persona qualcun 'altro si farà male al posto suo. Non solo. Viene fuori - non ricordo assolutamente come - che per via della maledizione scagliata da piccoli, più Prince Psyco vive, meno vivrà la lead. #zanzanzaaaaaaaaaan
Il tutto questo bordello altre due cose: un serial killer che miete vittime perché sì e l'incidente che ha causato la morte dei genitori della lead e su cui la protagonista sta investigando.
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Lo so, detta così sta serie sembra una gran figata. Un super fantasy con una storia d'amore e morte travagliata e con un pizzico di investigazione.
Ma tenendo a mente le incredibili doti attoriali del cast, ho trovato la serie davvero difficile da gestire: una marea di cose che succedono senza motivo e sopratutto senza il mio minimo interesse. Ma poi troppe cose: serial killer, ictus, investigazioni, misteri... non sono riuscita a stargli dietro.
Oltre a questo, non è che i due lead fossero tutta sta attrattiva. La protagonista - forse per fare il paio con Prince Psyco - pareva bipolare. Mentre Prince, forse memore del suo ruolo in Attention, love! , ritirava fuori quel " vorrei stare con te. Ma non posso. E allora ti sto dietro ma non troppo." Roba da prenderlo a badilate nei denti.
Io e la vero abbiamo resistito per un pò...ma poi è stato più forte di noi e siamo state costrette a dropparlo per preservare la nostra sanità mentale: io di vedere Prince Psyco che angsta - male tra l'altro - perché non può stare con la lead, non me lo merito.
Ed è così che siamo sbarcate tra le rassicuranti braccia di Vincenzo. Big Boss per gli amici.
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Vincenzo è stata una boccata d'aria fresca: non solo perché rispetto ad Amentalist il cast è decisamente più preparato ma anche perché la sceneggiatura, scrittura, narrativa e TUTTO il resto, è decisamente meglio del drama taiwanese di cui sopra.
Senza andare troppo per lo specifico su questo drama e cercando di essere sbrigativa, le cose che mi hanno colpito sono:
L'Italia. Poiché Vincenzo è mezzo italiano, l'italia viene buttata nel mezzo della serie ogni tre per due...ed io ho adorato questa cosa. Il Bel Paese viene rappresentato sì stereotipato, ma in modo bello. Quasi celebrativo. Devo dire che mi sono sentita onorata di essere italiana.
Big Boss. Attore bravissimo e convincente, il buon Big Boss mi ha fatto tornare la fede nella professione attoriale dopo quella brutta prova di Prince Chiu e lo amerò sempre per questo. Egli riesce a dare espressione e caratterizzazione al suo personaggio passando da spietato mafioso a personaggio comico in mezza puntata. Stupendo.
La Lead. Questa protagonista è davvero interessante, divertente, tosta e stronza tutto nello stesso momento. Lei si allontana decisamente dalle solite lead tutte acqua e sapone pronte per la Santità salendo direttamente sul carro di Satana, come una Regina. Esattamente come Vincenzo - ma un pò meno - la lead è un personaggio grigio e sfaccettato e per questo diecimila volte più bella di qualsiasi altra lead.
I condomini. Una gabbia di matti che alla fine amera. Dal ex gangster ora dirigente di un agenzia di viaggi su mongolfiera per criminali che vogliono lasciare il paese, ad ex lottatori olimpici di sport da combattimento. Da agenti segreti in incognito ad hacker super inquietanti... i personaggi che ruotano attorno al condominio sono uno più caricatura dell'altro, ma proprio per questo l'ho trovati adorabili. Sono ovviamente caricaturali ma poiché tutta la serie è impregnata di sottile caricatorialità, i condomini sono la rappresentazione perfetta di tutto ciò.
Il genere. Vincenzo è un genere Commedia con Crime e Law ma credo che si sia mischiato il tutto in un modo esemplare. La serie fa ridere, tanto. Ma allo stesso tempo ha momenti di criminalità e botte e scene dove la legge la fa da padrone. Ed il tutto è mixato così perfettamente che non mi sono mai annoiata in 20 episodi da un ora a botta. Complimenti. Inoltre è tutto volutamente esagerato e comico cosicché sembra che la stessa serie si prenda per il culo da sola.
Qui per ricordare quando Vincenzo venne salvato dalla morte da un piccione e dai suoi amici.
Le azioni di Vincenzo. Vincenzo è uno stereotipo su gambe. Lui è un fenomeno: spara, combatte, intriga. E' bello, affascinante, astuto, ricco, saggio, ha il caz...o di un metro.[cit] E' sempre un passo avanti a tutti. Sa sempre tutto e risolve ogni cosa senza nessun problema. Questa caratterizzazione potrebbe essere fastidiosa poiché troppo perfetto, ma siccome è resa in modo divertente e allo stesso tempo volutamente epico, non mi ha dato fastidio ma anzi mi sono divertita parecchio.
Cosa che poi ho amato particolarmente è il modus operandi da mafioso di Vincenzo. Nel giro di 20 episodi avrà ammazzato almeno una decina di persone. Forse di più. E ho amato che le abbia uccise torturandole. Ora, non dico questo perché amo la tortura. Anzi. Ma se mi fai una serie con protagonista un mafioso che ammazza senza starci troppo a pensare, così mi deve rimanere. Perché ragazzi...è un attimo che a questi lead prendano la strada della santità e diventino dei Buoni Samaritani, tutti pace amore e buoni sentimenti.
6) Il burattino. Lo ammetto: quando è morto ho pianto. Il povero fratello di Babu era l'unico personaggio vagamente realistico della serie e quello più umano di tutti. Ed io l'ho amato per questo. Tantissimo. La sua bromance con Vincenzo - che certe volte, da certi sguardi pareva un BL - era così carina e commovente che ho davvero tifato per lui. Soprattutto mi piaceva la sua indecisione nell'uccidere suo fratello: forse non sarà stato il personaggio più intelligente della storia ma sicuramente è stato il migliore.
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Ma quindi è tutto oro?
No, manco per il caz..o.
Prima di tutto, non mi è piaciuta la storyline della mamma di Vincenzo. A me di questa donna - di cui non mi sconfinferava manco la caratterizzazione troppo remissiva - non mi è mai fregato nulla e quando è morta non ho provato niente se non un sentimento di liberazione perché finalmente si chiudeva la sua storyline. Io non so quale sia stato il mio problema con lei: la caratterizzazione? il fatto che c'erano personaggi più interessanti di lei? l'eccessiva storia drammatica che sfiorava il pietismo?
Altro dramma negativo sono stati i villain della storia. A parte la procuratrice - unico vero nemico con del cervello - Babu è stata una mezza delusione. Pareva un fenomeno tale da impegnare Vincenzo ma alla fine è risultato solo uno psicopatico violento senza un guizzo di astuzia. Vincenzo l'ha fregato in tutti i modi possibili e lui si è ritrovato a fare da pedina nel piano del suo nemico senza nemmeno rendersene conto.
Perché chiariamoci: uccidere la madre di Vincenzo è stata una stronzata. Se l'obbiettivo era eliminare Vincenzo o farlo tornare in Italia, l'assassino della madre come avrebbe potuto aiutare a raggiungere questo risultato? L'hanno ammazzata solo per farlo incazzare. Ma ai fini dei loro piani... si sono solo dati la zappa nei piedi da soli.
Concludendo Vincenzo è un drama da vedere. Perfetto per farsi intrattenere, offre una storia intrigante e carina con personaggi ben caratterizzati e volutamente caricati per strappare la risata e alleggerire il tutto. Super consigliato.
Voto: 8.3
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sciencesolutions · 1 year
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tetha1950 · 1 month
Palabras de despedida: Ámense unos a otros
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Llevar a otros s Cristo comienza por preocuparnos por ellos de la misma manera que Él lo hace.
Juan 13.34, 35
¿Qué significa amar a Dios y seguir a Jesucristo? Cientos de voces a nuestro alrededor lanzan respuestas muy diferentes a estas preguntas. ¡Crea esto! ¡Haga eso! ¡Síganme a mí! Eso puede resultar confuso, incluso aterrador, para alguien que, de verdad, anhela conocer a Dios.
Pero en el pasaje de hoy, aprendemos cómo Cristo quiere que los creyentes vivamos nuestra fe: durante su última comida con los discípulos, simplemente los animó a “amarse unos a los otros”. Así, dice el Señor, es como el mundo sabrá que somos sus seguidores (Jn 13.34, 35). El amor será el fruto, la señal, la prueba.
¿Cómo luce este amor? Esa es una buena pregunta, y el Señor también tiene la respuesta: “Que os améis unos a otros; como yo os he amado, que también os améis unos a otros” (Jn 13.34). Volviéndose compasivamente hacia los hambrientos, los enfermos, los temerosos y los vulnerables, el Señor pasó su vida dejando de lado su estatus para servir. Confrontó a los codiciosos y a quienes utilizaban el nombre de Dios para acumular. En un sorprendente acto de humilde servicio, se arrodilló para lavar los pies de sus seguidores. Y poco después, fue a la cruz como la evidencia de amor más impactante de la historia.
(Ps. Charles Stanley).
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planjota · 11 months
me gustas :c
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companionwolf · 1 month
on one hand I'm very vindicated by the lack of ability to remember the therapy sessions. on the other I am v annoyed.
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symmetricalscar · 4 months
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Omnerod - The Amensal Rise
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gbhbl · 1 year
Album Review: Omnerod – The Amensal Rise (Self Released)
Intriguingly progressive, monumentally heavy, and atmospherically unbound, Omnerod showcase a developed and advanced sound on their new album.
Omnerod are a progressive metal band based in Belgium who will release their third full-length album ‘The Amensal Rise’ on May 12th, 2023. Intriguingly progressive, monumentally heavy, and atmospherically unbound, Omnerod showcase a developed and advanced sound on their new album. Beginning with the intense grandeur of Sunday Heat; the first half sees instruments take on a doomy form as the…
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aethon-recs · 13 days
Themed Rec List | Tomarrymort Recs by Horcrux ⚡👑🏆🔒💍
I wanted to put together a rec list of Harry/Tom fics with a core focus on horcruxes outside of Diary Tom (the most popular horcrux) and Voldemort himself. Please enjoy these 22 fics that feature one of Tom's horcruxes and their special relationship with Harry.
There’s a ton of interesting variation that can be explored within a Harry and horcrux Tom ship — from where the horcruxes are located and when Harry can conceivably meet them in canon (for example, the Cup horcrux is harder to access than the others); to what age they were made by Voldemort and how that would shape their personalities and interactions with Harry; to the different magical properties that they might embody, depending on the vessel that was chosen.
Finally, it looks like Scarcrux and Locket are the most popular choices (after Diary Tom), and we absolutely need more Cup horcrux fics!
⚡ Scarcrux
Amensalism by @cindle-writes (E, 6k, complete)
Scarcrux becomes sentient after the encounter in the Ministry in Harry's 5th year and takes Harry for an adventure.
Bolide by @vdoshu (T, 3k, complete)
On October 31, 1981, a tiny piece of soul attaches himself to Harry Potter in order to survive. This is his story.
Creatures of the Dark we are by @hikarimeroperiddle (M, 28k, complete)
Banished to his cupboard at age 4, Harry learns to listen only to the Voice in his head. Its teachings warp all Harry could have become until no more than dark magic and devotion remains. Visions of a wraith with red eyes complicate matters, especially when Harry and the Voice follow it to Hogwarts so Master can get his hands on the Philosopher’s stone.
Eulogy by @meles-merrivale (E, 6k, complete)
You run through the things you have to do for the day. It is, admittedly, a very short list. Wake up. Be clean. Be ready. An empty life, some might call it. You don’t. It is the life He has given you, and so it is what you deserve.
last rites by @cindle-writes (E, 5k, complete)
Harry has an hour before he walks to his death in the Forbidden Forest. The horcrux in Harry’s scar decides to take matters into its own hands.
Look at me. by @crowcrowcrowthing (M, 1k, complete)
A dark night of the soul.
Pitch Black by @kagariasuha (E, 2k, complete)
The proximity of Horcruxes can influence anyone - especially Harry.
sandpaper kisses, paper cut bliss by @xodahafez (E, 27k, WIP)
Harry Potter survives the Killing Curse, but so does the horcrux within him. And this horcrux has been dangerously infatuated with Harry for seventeen years.
saw you in a dream by @duplicitywrites (E, 2k, complete)
Harry has had this dream before.
👑 Diadem
A peculiar way of fitting together by @being-luminous (T, 2k, complete)
“Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m wearing a diadem?”
Dance Me On and On by @duplicitywrites (E, 19k, complete)
In his first year at Hogwarts, Harry overhears Quirrell interrogating Binns about an artifact from over a thousand years ago. Five years later, Harry uncovers Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem in the Room of Requirement and finds himself pulled into a kingdom in the throes of a mysterious masquerade ball.
In Just a Moment, You’ll Be Mine by @dividawrites (E, 34k, WIP)
Tom has been stuck inside the Ravenclaw's Diadem for decades, alone, with nothing but his slowly fading memories. One day he feels a pull towards someone and gets interested. And then he gets obsessed.
Death is not an Escape by @whitepinkdandelions (T, 2k, complete)
The Lost Diadem of Ravenclaw is full of endless wisdom, so it only makes sense that it gets its hooks into Harry much faster than the rest of them.
🏆 Cup
Thirst by @obsidianpen (E, 27k, complete)
Things go awry when the trio beaks into Gringotts. Harry finds himself trapped, locked in the Lestrange vault, wandless and alone... With a horcrux.
🔒 Locket
Arson by @rudehellion (M, 8k, complete)
The hunt for Voldemort's Horcruxes is going poorly. In need of some space to think, Harry offers to take the first watch over camp and slips out into the snowy night. Unable to shake his dark thoughts, Harry finds himself drifting and he begins to dream. What he sees changes everything.
knock it off (part 1) / crave gets slaked (part 2) by @theonceandfuturequeenoftarts (E, 6k, complete)
At some point during Harry's time with the Dursleys, pain got crossed with affection. A kick from Dudley or having his arm yanked by Uncle Vernon at least means they’re acknowledging his existence. It’s not love, but it’s something. Too bad for Harry he carries that through to his less dysfunctional relationships.
The Cost by Blood_Stained_Fingers (M, 8k, complete)
The cost of making a horcrux was steep and when Voldemort manages to kill Harry, destroying the horcrux within, Harry finds out the exact price of losing a piece of your soul. It made a cruel joke that if Voldemort loved his horcruxes, Harry should love them too.
The Dead of Night by @cybrid (E, 6k, complete)
An empty house. A glint of gold. A dream. Or: running away from Privet Drive goes terribly for Harry.
The Ties That Bind by @mosiva (E, 8k, complete)
Harry finds the locket at Grimmauld Place, but it has a curse laid on it. When Harry triggers it, he finds himself trapped with the locket version of Tom Riddle, both of them stuck within the enchantment until they can find the way out. Or so Harry thinks.
Whole by Emriel (E, 20k, complete)
The horcrux hunt goes wrong and Harry fails to destroy the locket horcrux. Tom Riddle hands him over to the Dark Lord as a present for they know he holds part of their soul. In their care, Harry learns that feelings, no matter how toxic, are hard to get rid off.
💍 Ring
Personal Assistant by @phantomato (E, 10k, complete)
“And that’s it? I call ‘Tom’ and you show up?” “Yes,” Tom answers.
shelter from the storm by @cindle-writes, @duplicitywrites (E, 7k, complete)
After being left behind by the Dursleys, Harry stumbles upon an empty shack in the middle of nowhere, where he finds a mysterious ring underneath the loose floorboards.
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acediaedeus · 14 days
this does contain them sweet
what I find really upsetting about Ichigo’s dynamic with his friends/family/mentors is how they treat the fact that he’s part-Hollow. especially when it comes to the Visored and Orihime.
bc yeah, the Visored did struggle with their Hollows, bc they already lived hundreds of years without that aspect. they were comfortable with their shinigami existence, but then this hollowfication bullshit drops on their heads and suddenly they’re not only barely in control of themselves, constantly in a fight with an inner “demon”, but also there’s no one to support them AND they’re getting fucking exiled and then they exist as this tightly knit community of eight for a fucking century with no one to understand them but each other. I’d hate the Hollow in me too, probably.
BUT, then there’s this fresh guy, that hasn’t accepted the fact that he’s now an amalgamation of a million different things, including something that he has been told he has to fight and exterminate, that they have to teach to manage the hollowfication bullshit™️ so what do we do? correct, scare the shit out of him and present existing with a Hollow as amensalism (one is harmed, one is unaffected) or parasitism (one benefits, one is harmed) when it’s more like commensalism (one benefits, one is unaffected), in which the shinigami is clearly the one who’s benefiting from this.
(although we could argue that for the Visored this is a symbiotic relationship in which both are getting harmed, but even then the shinigami still gains benefit and the Hollow gets nothing but hatred, so like, fuck them, lol (I’m advocating for inner-Hollow rights 💀🙏🏻)).
biology lesson out of the way, they essentially do not teach Ichigo anything that would bring long-term benefits (we see this when Ichigo is unable to complete his training with Squad 0, bc he has no fucking idea who Zangetsu (or he himself) actually is (this is, of course, in part his quincy power’s doing, but I wouldn’t say his supposed “mentors” helped much).
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in conclusion what does Ichigo get out of this? self-hatred and the habit to suppress what is, whichever way you look at it, a big part of his being, thus blocking himself and Zangetsu from reaching their full potential.
but I guess you can’t teach lessons you haven’t learnt yourself, so there is that with the Visored.
now onto my dear Orihime, who I love dearly (this is a disclaimer). for someone who, supposedly, loves Ichigo more than anything and who we have to take seriously as not only just a potential love-interest, but the actual, one-and-only lover, she is a little bit too scared of Ichigo.
this, of course, for me, begs the question of how am I supposed to accept a love-interest who is consistently terrified of the mc? not a single battle with Orihime present (and Ichigo using the mask) without her shaking in fear and having to be reminded by others (who have known him for much less time than she has), that not only is it still Ichigo in front of her, but he’s also fighting and pulling out the mask he himself doesn’t like much, in order to protect her.
it’s plain and simple upsetting how there’s absolutely no one to accept and embrace the essence of Kurosaki Ichigo. everyone around him wants the shinigami and human in him, no one is interested in the Hollow (except for *ahem* Grimmjow *ahem*), all they do is reject and cower and isn’t that fucking hypocritical after hiding behind his back and begging him to save them?
everyone around Ichigo just really pisses me off with their constant whining. I feel like the only ones who love and cherish Ichigo for the absolute gem of a person he is are Chad and the fucking Arrancars 💀🙏🏻
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as I mentioned in the ALT to the last photo in this parade of idiocy: trying to separate and think of Hollow Ichigo and Ichigo as two different entities is crazy and delusional behaviour, bc we have been told countless times, that a person’s inner Hollow is a manifestation of all repressed emotions and traits that they view as unsavoury. which for Ichigo happened to be aggression, cruelty, being merciless and thirst for bloody battles.
let me remind everyone that you cannot truly love a person w/o accepting and acknowledging all their flaws (including yourself).
this is not me trying to say Orihime doesn’t love Ichigo, it’s not really about the characters, more so the writing. I am actively trying to square up with Tite Kubo. for many reasons, but this is one of the ones I pay most attention to.
Ichigo is someone who is in perfect control of himself, who protects no matter what, bc even when he turned into the vasto lorde (after getting his heart ripped out of his chest) it was all his Hollow, yet it still carried out the mission of protection seamlessly, that’s how strong his will is. Kurosaki Ichigo deserves ppl who actually love him around, thank you.
thanks for coming to this ted talk, love y’all!
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dilebe06 · 2 years
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... piacere. O_O
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amensalism is so fucked up.
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systemtermz · 2 months
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Flag is meant to be redesigned and if desired
An alter who’s role is to identify and/or be in a mutual/mutualism relationship with other headmates/systems/people.
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An alter who’s role is to identify and/or be in a commensalism relationship with other headmates/systems/people. Can be in the role of either the benefited or the neutral.
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An alter who’s role is to identify and/or be in amensalism relationships with other headmates/systems/people. Can be in the role of neutral or harmed.
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An alter who’s job is to identify and/or be in parasitic relationships with other headmates/systems/people. Can be in the role of benefited or harmed. Can be some kind of hostile/malignant or a self-harming alter.
(This Blog was created to repost terms for the convenience and comfort of others. If you remake a reclaimed flag please tag me.)
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absolutebl · 2 years
October 2022 BL Forthcoming
Oct 3 
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To Sir With Love 
AKA Khun Chai - Thai (Trailer) 10 eps 40 min ea 
A Thai HISTORICAL gay romance came outta nowhere (probubly not BL, more cray cray family drama). Does not look like it’s gonna end happy, but I’m still excited.
One31HD, no idea on international, possibly WeTV 
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Kabe Koji 
AKA Kabesaa AKA Kabesaa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shounin Yokkyuu wo Kojirasete iru* - Japan 10 eps 20 min ea 
Gossip here. A manga artist wants nothing more than to see his yaoi on shelves and be recognized by readers. Then one day he meets a childhood friend he once had a crush on who is now an idol. From Minamoto Kazuki's manga Kabe Sa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shouninyokkyuu wo Kojiraseteiru, stars Matsuoka Koudai (the mangaka - I know him from Five) and Nakao Masaki (the idol - Kakafukaka, Bow Then Kiss - he’s a BIG DEAL ya’ll). 
Oct 5 
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Ghost Host, Ghost House 
Thai (Trailer) 5 eps 30 min? ea
My ghost bf trope. Kawin (Love Area), a live streamer who hopes to see ghosts once, and Pluem, a young man who fills in his missing feelings. Could be sad. 
YouTube for reruns 
Oct 8 
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Big Dragon 
Thai (Trailer) 8 ep 40 min ea 
Star Hunter’s back and bringing on the chaos as per usual. Based on the y- novel, มังกรกินใหญ่ by Aiden N Vivienne (reputed to be plotless smut), features Mangkorn (Dragon) & Yai (Big) in a high angst blackmail plot plus a secret piece on the side. 2022 is the year BL glorifies cheaters, apparently. 
OneTV reruns on Star Hunter’s YT
Oct 9 
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Remember Me 
AKA Remember the series - Thai (Trailer) 8 ep 40 min ea 
JaFirst + plus same cast (and production company, Ultimate Troop) as The Yearbook. Also has Title (LBCs+) and Mean (LBC2) in possibly one of BLs worst ever wigs (and that is saying a lot).
Thailand! Put down the wigs and the acoustic guitar. I am losing patience here. 
Oct 10 
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2 Moons: The Ambassador 
AKA 2 Moons 3 Thai (Trailer) 10 eps 40 min ea 
From Motive Village for Amarin TV. I predict a shit show. But it is supposed to finally finish out the plot of 2M2 with added 2 more couples. Because why not? 
Who tf cares? 
Oct 13 
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Circumstances of Pungdeok Villa Room 304 
AKA Roommates of Poongduck 304 Korea 8 eps 20 ea
From Idol Romance, A happy-go-lucky third-generation chaebol receives an ultimatum from daddy to: 1. Leave the house penniless and survive for 2 years; and 2. Achieve results as team leader in a new business venture. The owner of the villa he lands in ignores and disregards him. However, it turns out they work in the same company. Let the cohabitation office drama commence. 
Stars Kim Ji Woong & Yoon Seo Bin of Kissable Lips - Korea’s first example of a co branded repeat pair. Also will feature Singer-actor Holland (Ocean Likes Me) and Actor Kang Woo Jung (Once Again). I liked them all A LOT and am very excited about this show.
Viki (not sure on this air date) 
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A young artist (musician? NO!)  mysteriously loses his reflection and sees a strange boy in the mirror instead, PNR and/or horror. Stars fresh faces, directed by Too (Triage) and NutSor (screenwriter of Dew). Could be sad. 
Oct 14 
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My Tooth Your Love 
Taiwan (Trailer) 12 eps 30 min ea
From Result Entertainment (producers of We Best Love) a story about a dentist and his patient, also a bar owner and a rebellious young man (who takes the initiative even with a 12 year age gap). Stars Andy Wu (Amensalism), and Alex Chou (composer/musician and the bartender in WBL). Script by Lin Pei who loves VERY traditional yaoi tropes (HIStory1: Obsessed, HIStory2: Right or Wrong, HIStory2: Crossing the Line, HIStory3: Trapped, WBL, & See You After Quarantine?) 
Gaga & Viki 
Oct 15 
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Hard Love Mission 
Thai (Trailer) 
Thai pulp about a journalist sent to interview a celebrity on an island who then ends up his manager.
WeTV & iQiyi? 
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Wish Me Luck
About a boss and his temporary employee in an advertising company, based on Bittersweet's y-novel of the same name สุดที่รักษ์. Starring my boy Fiat (Grean Fictions, SOTUS S, My Gear and Your Gown, Triage) who I’ve been waiting to lead a BL for a decade (it feels like) and Na Naphat (KinnPorsche, UWMA). 
Oct 20 
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Eternal Yesterday 
AKA Eien no Kino Japan 8 eps 25 ea
Japan takes on ghost boyfriends now? Is no country safe from this damn trope? Taking over Takara-kun and Amagi-kun's time slot in the home country this is a school romance between two boys. After one of them is run over, other friends gradually forget about his existence. 
Distribution unknown. 
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Oct 28
Grand Guignol 
movie (Trailer) 
Japan’s school horror BL movie グランギニョール starring Rio Komiya (Eternal Yesterday) and Ryosuke Sota (Mr Unlucky) among others. 
Oct 29 
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Till The World Ends 
Boys, trapped somewhere, end of world, yadda yadda. Art’s (What the Duck) comeback, so that’s interesting. 
Distribution unknown. 
Oct ? 
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Choco Milk Shake 
Korea (Teaser) 8 eps 15 ea
Strongberry bringing us a full length romcom that looks bonkers. Childhood pets reincarnated as humans find their former owner and flirt with him, I guess. In Strongberry we trust but this premise is testing me. 
Distribution unknown. 
My Roommate 
Thai (Trailer) 
I couldn’t even watch the trailer, the sound and filming was that awful. 
YouTube I think. 
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
How do you think that fiendish and celestial ecosystems work? Fiendish and celestial animals explicitly still need to eat, drink, sleep, and breathe - how do they do that, and interact with the outsiders that don't need to do those things? Do they still follow the same ecological principles as in a typical setting, or is there some sort of quota for virtue or evil that they need to fill?
A few thoughts:
Since fiendish/celestial/etc animals only exist (in a Doylist sense) in order to make the summon monster spells more consistent and balanced (ha-ha), maybe these entities don't exist unless summoned. Like, a summoning spell is about tapping into the quintessence of an Outer Plane and shaping it into a form that can fight on your behalf. Low amounts of magic power, low level spells, get you unimpressive creatures like dogs and ponies. Large amounts get you megafauna and dinosaurs.
But that's rejecting the premise a bit, so let's Yes And this idea. In Pathfinder at least, animals with an alignment template do not become sapient. They're just infused with their alignment, little bits of quintessence collecting in them like bioaccumulated toxins. Which means that, if a mortal eats a lot of celestial animals, they might accumulate some goodness via their diet. This could change their alignment, make their descendants more likely to be celestial-blooded sorcerers or aasimars, or just make them ping on detect alignment spells, depending on how you wanted to play with it.
So I imagine that ecosystems of alignment templated organisms would function at least similarly to natural ecosystems, but there might be some variations depending on the alignment. To whit:
Celestial/Good Alignment: In a celestial ecosystem, predators still hunt, and prey is still hunted. No "T. rex uses its giant teeth to crack coconuts" nonsense, thank you. But predatory animals intentionally go after the sick, weak and elderly as a matter of instinctive mercy, not mere opportunism. Good herbivores eat what they need to and nothing more, and take care not to damage plants they do not consume (elephants don't knock over trees in Heaven). Animals are more cooperative with each other in general, and mutualistic associations are found between species that don't do so in the Material Plane.
Fiendish/Evil Alignment: Fiendish animals are the opposite. They intentionally kill more than they need to and waste food. They focus on hunting the strongest opponents in order to impose their might on others. Parasitism is (even more) common in a fiendish ecosystem, as are amensal interactions--one where an organism injures another with no cost or benefit to itself. The competitive exclusion principle plays out violently, with species constantly being wiped out from a region by battling their neighbors to the death.
Resolute/Lawful Alignment: In a lawful ecosystem, things work the way ecologists model it on paper, not the way things do in real life. Species have nice precise logistic growth, and then stop reproducing on their own once they reach carrying capacity. Nocturnal animals wake up exactly when darkness begins and go to sleep exactly when daylight begins, and diurnal animals the opposite. Herbivores only ever eat plants, carnivores only ever eat meat, and omnivores split their diets by measured and consistent proportions.
Entropic/Chaotic Alignment: Nothing works the way it's supposed to. Population sizes zigzag wildly without rhyme or reason. The amount of energy that passes through levels on a food chain changes with time and doesn't obey thermodynamic laws, creating bizarre ecosystems where carnivores are more common than herbivores. Come to think of it, this might explain why there are so many man-eating monsters in RPGs. Organisms change dietary, climatic and other requirements by sheer chance. Evolution actually works like Lamarck thought it did, with organisms willing themselves to have traits they want to use for a particular reason (again, might explain how RPG ecosystems actually work...).
So what I'm getting at is that I would play around a little with how an extraplanar ecosystem works, to help the plane feel alien. And I'm starting to suspect that evolution and ecology only work the way they do in Golarion, Aber-Toril, etc, is because the Material Plane is secretly chaotic.
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theladygia · 1 year
The Tear-Taste-Test Fest: Anon Masterlist
The posting period for The Tear-Taste-Test Fest has officially come to a close!
We had 10 incredible works posted to the collection, and our writers have done their best to obscure any indicators of their writing/tagging styles . . . or have they?
Regardless of whichever strategy the writers have chosen, we have now moved onto the reading period in which everyone will do their best to correctly match the participating writers to the story they contributed to the collection. The reading period ends on March 14th, after which finals guesses will be submitted and I'll post the author reveals!
Please go check out these fantastic fics and show them some love! Feel free to guess the author in the comments of any/all of the following currently-anonymous fics. We'd love to see any guesses and why you think you're onto something!
As a reminder, most if not all works for this fest are nsfw and potentially disturbing. Read at your own pleasure but please mind the tags as you do!
Readers are also welcome to submit their guesses here. Anyone who manages to match all 10 fics to their respective writers will get a shoutout in the revealed masterlist post!
Lastly, an extra thank you and shoutout to @cindle-writes for creating the image banners for the fest fics! Appreciate you!
The Tear-Taste-Test Fest Anonymous Masterlist
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A Lesson Learned Well
Mature | 1.9k | Content Tags: Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Canonical Character Death, Cannibalism, Captivity, Parselmouths & Parseltongue, Mental Disintegration, Master/Pet
Despite Voldemort’s numerous and single-minded past attempts on his life, now that he had Harry contained within his reach, the monster that used to haunt his every step seemed content to simply ignore Harry’s continued existence.
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Explicit | 6k | Content Tags: Canon Divergence - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Rape/Non-con Elements, Extremely Dubious Consent, Loss of Bodily Autonomy, Choking, Tentacle Sex, Cannibalism, Soft Vore, Monsterfucking
When Harry glances up, gleaming red eyes are staring at him out of a ghostly white, snake-like skull with jagged rows of razor-sharp teeth. It chuckles at Harry, high and cruel, then bumps its head against the shield charm and pops the Protego. “What the hell are you?” Harry demands.“I am Voldemort,” the pale monstrous face hisses out, a nasty smile stretching across its face. “And you are mine.”
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Explicit | 2.7k | Content Tags: Under the Influence of Horcruxes, Soul Bond, Choking, Resurrection, Possessive Behavior
When he risked another look, billowing green plumes bubbled over the lip of the cauldron, snaking into the grass. And then Voldemort rose, tall, unnaturally thin, with hips pulling translucent skin taut and ribs ridged like fragile fingers. He looked like he’d collapse at a slight breeze.
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Explicit | 5.5k | Content Tags: Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins, Emotional Manipulation, Mental Health Issues, Blood and Gore, Pseudo-Incest, Dubious Consent, Established Relationship, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
You run through the things you have to do for the day. It is, admittedly, a very short list. Wake up. Be clean. Be ready. An empty life, some might call it. You don’t. It is the life He has given you, and so it is what you deserve.
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Explicit | 3.4k | Content Tags: Imprisonment, Sexual Trauma, Impotence, Rape/Non-con Elements, Master/Pet, Temperature Play, Genital Torture, Humiliation
In which one of Voldemort's Horcruxes is broken and needs to be fixed.
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Mature | 4.8k | Content Tags: Horror, Memory Alteration, Memory Loss, Loss of Identity
“I am Lord Voldemort and I have not kidnapped you.” “That's . . . I should have known that.” Because Voldemort's words ring true, deep in Harry's heart. Harry tries to remember, but the thoughts won't come to him. The more he forces it, the more obvious the gaps in his memories become. “Why didn't I know that?”
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Mature | 2.4k | Content Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Character Death, Rape/Non-con Elements
He staggers out into the hall, then down the stairs. What he finds at the bottom makes him stop, swaying in place. Static rushes over his head, threatens to drag him under, to send him to his knees. Black spots cloud his vision. Still, the image lingers. His mum in a heap on the floor, hair dark with blood, with sweat, splayed out across the floor. Her chest barely moves as she breathes. In the cradle of her throat, her pulse beats weakly against near translucent skin. Blood seeps slowly from a wound where her neck meets her shoulder. Saliva fills his mouth. He swallows.
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Explicit | 3.7k | Content Tags: Polyjuice Potion (Harry Potter). Ambiguous/Open Ending, Foot Kink, Humiliation, Breathplay, Forced Voyeurism
Harry expects to have time to poke around Malfoy Manor when he arrives, at least until dinner when he’ll presumably be required to put in face time with Narcissa. But before he even has the opportunity to find his way to Draco Malfoy’s bedroom, he is instead frozen in place by the words that emanate from beyond an open door at the end of the hall. “Narcissa,” calls a familiar, high-pitched voice. “Bring the boy.”
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Research and Development
Explicit | 5.5k | Content Tags: Laboratory Logs, Human Experimentation, Captivity, Imprisonment, Medical Horror, Body Horror
Subject acquired. Primary Objective: Establish with certainty that Subject IS or IS NOT a living Horcrux. Secondary Objective: If Subject is a living Horcrux, determine whether the soul fragment can be extracted intact and transferred to a different vessel, allowing Subject to be terminated thereafter. Cell captured audio sample: You can’t keep me in here forever, Voldemort! Why don’t you come in here and face me, you COWARD! I’m not scared of you! Dumbledore will find me and—
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Tearing me apart (like a new emotion)
Explicit | 1.7k | Content Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Non-Consensual Bondage, Dacryphilia, Forced Marriage
Sex is such a petty entertainment compared to the thrill of watching Harry Potter break apart.
List of Participating Writers:
Ao3 profiles linked and blogs in parentheses.
asterismal (@being-luminous)
cannibalinc (@cannibalinc)
doshu (@vdoshu)
eleven_eaves (@cindle-writes)
merrivale (@meles-merrivale)
MrVillain (@mrviran)
Pengress (@ellionne)
RudeHellion (@rudehellion)
wolf antlers (@wolfantlersinspace)
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