#and NTs will invalidate both
rtaotvision · 26 days
how many autistics out there developed narcissistic traits or NPD due to their constant invalidation, trauma, abuse etc. from being autistic? the number is sadly but not surprisingly high.
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nika6q · 2 months
Tech and Phee
So, I just read a bunch of arguments against this ship. And I don't really want to try to persuade anyone to feel either way. I just have some thoughts.
First off, I don't think Wanda Sykes works in this part. Personally I like to picture Sharon Duncan-Brewster. Also, I don't disagree that she comes off as a bit abrasive when we first meet her. But so did the Bad Batch, like waaaaay worse. It would be weird if she was some demure uwu girl.
There's actually a lot of parallels between them. They both make I'm seldom wrong, I'm always right comments. They have similar disregard for danger. They both have an intense (to the point of endangering themselves) love of knowledge and investigation.
They have both made communication blunders. I'm referring to the dreaded "it's called a conversation" incident. It's not fair to always expect women characters to be perfect so that the male character can work through their shit. This was still less hurtful than Tech's blunder with Omega. It's okay to make blunders. It happens to both men and women, and NT and ND people. We autistics can't expect NTs to immediately understand how to perfectly interact with us anymore that they can expect the same from us. It's not going to be perfect from the start. But they both have the patience and focus to get through that.
The build up. Ok, before the Pabu, I didn't see it. I don't think he did either. He clearly blue screened during the "head to these coordinates" shoulder touch. I think this is the "holy shit she is flirting" blue screen realization. I think after that it clicked for him, like ooooooh that's why she acts like that, okay. Suddenly, we see him smiling at her and interacting in a different way. Especially the "hold on scene". We've seen Tech carry Echo by him holding around his neck. We see Wrecker in this episode carry the old man the same way. It would have been very appropriate to carry her that way too. But no. He grabbed that lady around the waist without hesitation.
The goodbye. Again, this is just my read on the scene, but why was he hanging outside the ship? I think he wanted to say goodbye but didn't know how. Phee comes over (as he probably expected which is why he was out) and he just shutdown. This isn't a situation he's been in, it's not easy, he doesn't know how to function here. I don't think he was staring at his screen because he wanted to ignore her, it's because he fucking shutdown. I've addressed the "it's called a conversation" above, but I'll add that she didn't get pissed or shitty. She finally sees that he's not willing or able to have this conversation and she ends it with a goodbye and a kind smile. As she leaves, his look isn't a "thank God that shit's over" look. It's a longing look. Maybe he still has to work out his feelings. But there is something there.
This is as much build up as a show this short can fit in. There is literally not enough time for more. Considering the amount of storytelling they have to get to, it's actually quite a lot (IMO).
Again, these are just my thoughts. I'm not trying to invalidate if other people read it differently and don't ship it.
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enbycrip · 1 year
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I’m adding this to both acknowledge how true and how important it is, and how bloody *difficult* it is.
Some of that is directly *and* indirectly due to actions of the owner/capitalist class. Everything from the direct legislation that’s put in place to prevent strikes and protests to media demonisation of community and workplace organisers.
The workday and other working conditions make organising nightmarishly difficult through sheer fatigue. This is multiplied if you are multiply-marginalised - disabled, a single parent, very poor, more than one of these things.
Some of it is due to other kinds of marginalisation too. It is incredibly difficult to organise when one is multiply-marginalised; you encounter more privileged folks who will resist any attempt to do anything with you, even when it is in both your interests, because of both bigotry *and* because they fear being in solidarity with you will lead to them being marginalised in the way you are. You will encounter enormous amounts of trauma and invalidation from people you are working to *help* (racism, misogyny, transphobia, disableism etc). And if you are visibly marginalised you are likely to be in greater danger from the police and to face harsher sanctions in the workplace, including for perfectly legal and professionally-acceptable actions, than more privileged people.
There are a *lot* of neurodivergent folks and otherwise disabled folks who are marginalised. Protests are sensory hell and terrifying for a lot of us, esp autistic folks like me, and a lot of workplace and community organising with NT folks is often *outstandingly* difficult. A lot of union meetings are physically or sensorily inaccessible.
None of this is to say “don’t organise”. Community and workplace organising are the most powerful tools we have. What I wanted to address is how they are often presented as if they are easy, when there are a lot of barriers to them.
I was in a meeting with other disabled folks discussing community organising recently and ended up really frustrated because another person attending who had excellent ideas kept vocally blaming other disabled people for not organising more. And that person wasn’t chronically ill or physically disabled. They did not seem to be acknowledging the difficulty in this when just doing the basic tasks required to live is so exhausting you end up weeping on your bed in exhaustion from, say, bathing, or making food makes you literally too exhausted to eat it. I didn’t say anything to them because I think they were letting off steam and expressing their own frustration so I didn’t think it would be helpful, but the experience has stuck with me. There’s a lot of blame about “apathy”, “laziness” and worse in community and workplace organising that often conceals unwillingness to see, acknowledge and remove barriers to participation, and all that does is block the people who are in most need from organising.
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yanaequa · 2 years
what are your thoughts on kwon minwoo? do you think he's a person you'd encounter in real life and is he redeemable to you?
Ah, Minwoo. I hated his action shown in ep 5. How rude to behave in such way. How he deliberately take advantage in every single way to just to be shown better in his workplace. How he prioritizes his own stuggles while overlooking Young-Woo's struggle. I really hope I don't encounter one who acts in such way to me.
However, if you were to ask if I hate him as person, I don't. There are too many people in society who thinks their struggle is inherently greater than other's. In fact, don't we all do that from time to time? I am sure that I overlooked one's struggle when I was in distress. I really try not to do it as much as I can, but there are limitations; not because I am autistic, but because a person cannot know how others exactly feel. As long as we are aware of such things, and try to rectify such misunderstandings as we realize it, yes, I think everyone is redeemable, so is Minwoo. I didn't watch later episode yet, but moment of revelation may happen in really anticlimactic way, and he might not change his thought entirely; he might just end up making small exception for someone who care. I think that is fair enough, though.
Although I have not met encountered someone whose malice is directed at me, I did meet one behaving as such(in fact, worse, in a way) to someone else. So, it was when I was a moderator in small online Neurodiverse community, then someone joined and introduced themselves with wiki document they wrote about ableism, and continuously ranted how NTs in society is so toxic and obnoxious. While the members of community agreed with their struggle, we found their words uncomfortable to read. We did tell them that their words makes member nervous, but did not kick them out, because since it's ND community, we did not want to hurt someone by repelling them based on their behavior. their words started to get more extreme as day passed, and eventually started talking that NDs are superior than NTs therefore should rule over them & all NTs are ableist sh*t and should be eradicated & this does not count as hate because NT is majority. At that moment, I had enough of it so had a round of debate before I kicked them out. I remember telling them that while my autistic self is definitely essential part of me, it is not ALL of myself (I mean, I identify myself with many other things, like my sexuality, ethnicity, experience, knowledge, hobby, preference, etc... whatever makes who I am); they were talking like they are nothing without autism. I also remember that we should think about other's intent rather than judge them by their action, and that applies to everyone, not only to ND. Then member of community started agreeing with me, then they started shouting that we are cyberbullying them & ableist collaborator, then went out on their own.
Does it feel kinda unrelated? I personally found it relatable, in a ways that they were both invalidating other people over their own struggles.
It felt like they were almost screaming with their pain. I really hoped I could help them, and felt bad when I failed to do so. I still hope they found their peace. and I hope the same for Minwoo, too.
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aura-dragonfly · 2 years
All systems are valid!
This blogger believes in median systems and endos too. We(i) are/am not going to judge what your brain does to help you cope. We all have to cope somehow. Like we(i) cope with being neurodivergent in an NT world, with sensory issues which is actually pretty rough to live with when ones own nervous system is against them, and with having a chronic illness (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). Wei all hate this!
Facet is the term usually used by median systems (although I prefer the term personas but I'll talk about that in another post). Facets are like different distinct aspects of the same person. They become more separate than what a singlet is but less separate than a full alter. They are the person and the person is them. Some names theirs and some don't. Wei name muir. Sometimes I fluctuate between we and I. Lately I've discovered words that is useful when wanting to use both. Credit goes to:
Median is such a stuck in between type feeling. We median systems are valid. You cannot invalidate what many of us experience! I am tired of having my feelings invalidated! If you're going to do that do not comment or interact with muir posts, thank you very much! Good day. :)
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my-darling-boy · 3 years
Hi, I have a question regarding Apple Sauce's rant on autistic voices being silenced or downplayed on social media ..
does that feeling also aply when people with other neurodivergences relate ? I personally have ADD and experience RSD so I am panicked about overstepping when i relate and share my experiences on ADHD and/or Autism spectrum focussed posts.
I know you can't give a generalized answer but .. idk i just feel like i am not supposed to relate to the rant because it isn't about me and i feel like i am part of the others that are complained about
.. also, what are apple sauce's pronouns ? i used he/him when typing this bc i associate them with you but .. idk ?
I think a few people are kind of misinterpreting the message of the comic. Autistic people hold solidarity with other neurodivergent people and vice versa, but I was just wanting there to be a character who navigates the world being neurogivergent that was from the perspective of an autistic person, because I primarily only ever saw ADHD posts talking about neurodivergency, and so for years I’d see them and go “Oh, there’s something kind of relatable, that’s not Exactly Me, but I experience [insert ADHD/Autistic trait overlap]”. It’s awesome we’re seeing more ADHD or other neurodivergeny representation online! What I noticed however was a severe lack of neurodivergency posts from autistic creators. I thought “Wouldn’t that be cool if we could make this representation even better where there were also autistic voices talking about the same stuff? And autistic comics and posts about neurodivergency through this autistic lens I could see on my feed just as much as I do from other neurodivergent people?”
Just like I was half relating to posts about ADHD for years—knowing full well I’m autistic instead but that there are trait overlaps and we’re both neurodivergent—of course it’s fine for other neurodivergent people to relate to the autistic comics I draw :P I even noticed some people saying “I’m not neurodivergent but this is relatable” on some of my Apple Sauce comics. If you find yourself always saying “Same” or “mood” to posts about autism or ADHD or any other neurodivergent experience..... it doesn’t have to mean a neurotypical person is wrongfully relating.... because have you ever considered you might be neurodivergent as well? Some people are so shocked to find out when they finally gain a perception of autism that hasn’t been skewed by stereotypes that they think, “No... that can’t possibly be me.... right?” Our content is often the gateway for people to discover things about themselves.
So if you REALLY want a real example of what type of thing this comic is addressing....
After posting my latest one, I got a few nt people who messaged me asking if they could repost THIS part of the comic to use as a general public reaction photo for a Meme Status Image (meaning a reaction to ANY post, ANY subject):
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This is EXACTLY the sort of problem my comic draws awareness to. Can you tell what my original comic is about by those 3 panels alone? Nope? Well neither can I! And that’s the irony of this whole situation!
Imagine if people started taking this image from me and using it as a common meme reaction photo all over Instagram or Twitter. In a completely IRONIC twist, the comic this image is a part of talks about how neurotypical people take autistic content out of context—the context of which is autism—in order to fit it to a broader category of experiences which have nothing to do with autism or neurodivergency at all, because they don’t like it/find it inconvenient that something they find “relatable” or “funny” or “cool” has autism attached to it. A comic that is MEANT to be about making sure you boost autistic voices and not simply bulldoze us over by invalidation or taking mention of autism out of the picture gets lost. In complete irony, my message as an autistic creator on an important issue gets lost to the exact thing I tried to point out in the comic it was taken from.
TLDR; I thought I’d give a thorough explanation for non-autistic people worrying if it was wrong to relate to my autistic drawings. The answer is: no. Relating to other neurodivergent experiences as a neurodivergent person is common, and if you don’t think yourself neurodivergent, but my comics heavily resonate in you, you might want to consider if you’re neurodivergent too!
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
Steve x reader x Bucky x Peggy
Your relationship with Bucky, Steve and Peggy was the worst kept secret of the war.
Everyone knew, even though you all believed them to be clueless to your love.
It was not difficult for people to find out. Many had witnessed the softer moments of your relationship. They walked in on innocent embraces, passionate kisses, and moments of weakness they only saw when the four of you were together. 
Though, it was not to be said some people had not walked in on much more private, intimate, moments.
In 1945 those around Peggy, Bucky, and Steve watched the three retreat into their relationship after Y/N L/N fell from a train. Peggy herself had not been on the mission, but she had to watch her boys suffer in their grief. Bucky and Steve, unfortunately, had been on the operation, and they blamed themselves for Y/N plummeting from the train. 
It was less than two months later when Steve and Bucky crashed the Valkyrie into the ocean.
Peggy threw herself into her work. She was a strong woman. Peggy refused to allow herself to give in to her grief.
It was not even a month later before Howard approached Peggy with a proposition. He offered to inject Peggy with the same serum he'd used on Bucky and Steve.
Peggy said yes, not giving it a second thought.
It turns out being injected with the serum came with consequences. It was 2012, and Peggy had not aged since 1945.
There were many positives to Peggy's immortality. Peggy had helped build S.H.I.E.LD. up and had become godmother to Howard and Maria's son.
Peggy had also been alive when Howard and Maria were murdered, leaving her godson orphaned. 
In 2012 Peggy felt the wear of being alive for so long begin to take its toll. She was in charge of SHIELD and trying to ensure her godson did not do anything too stupid. 
She had been alone for so long, never having anyone to truly confide in as she had with her three lovers.
Until 2012. When Peggy learned that they found Steve and Bucky. And not their corpses, but their living, breathing, bodies. She had two out of her three lovers back.
The three were happy. Steve, Bucky, and Peggy been reunited after so many years, given a second chance, but they were still mourning for the loss of Y/N. Peggy had years to mourn the deaths of all her lovers, yet she never moved on. Steve and Bucky had been frozen only two months into their grieving process.
In 2014, it was suddenly revealed to the public, as well as the three, Y/N L/N was not dead. And had never been.
It had been a torturous process, finding Y/N and breaking her out of her brainwashing. It felt like years since they started the process of helping her regain her memories and who she once was.
There were many days that it almost hurt too much to watch Y/N suffer as they attempted to help her. But, knowing she was suffering worse than they were was enough for them to stay. To help Y/N become who she really was.
And they did. The four did it together because that's all these individuals really had. The four had each other. The four were finally openly together, and everything seemed perfect. Everything was perfect except for the guilt they all carried.
Steve felt the most out of the four of you. When he was smaller, during the war and after, he felt more. He felt more strongly than all of you. 
When you had fallen off the train, Steve took the blame. Though Bucky had been on the train with you both, Steve was the one to lose grip on your hand. He was the one who was not able to pull you back up, he was the one who failed to save you.
And not just from death. He was unable to save you from the trauma you were forced to live through for seven decades.
You knew how Steve felt. You loved him too much to not notice he was drowning in his guilt every time he looked at you.
And you were not the only one to notice. Bucky had, so had Peggy.
It had been a year since you fought your way out of your head and HYDRA's brainwashing, you felt you were stronger for it, but Steve still treated you as if you were a porcelain doll.
"Here, doll," Steve said, handing you a cup of tea. 
"What's this for?" You smiled, kissing his cheek in thanks.
"Just 'cos." He shrugged. "Do you need me to do anything for you?" He asked you, taking a seat next to you on the bed.
"No, Stevie. I'm fine." You smiled, curling into his side. 
"Are you sure? You don't want me to grab you anything? Make something to eat?" 
"Steve, I'm not an invalid." You said, pointedly. Your mechanic arm had malfunctioned last week, and as a result, you'd had to send it back to Shuri for repairs. She wasn't sure why it acted out as it did, she wanted to be sure nothing would happen again.
So, for the foreseeable future, you would be working with one arm. You were managing very well and living life as you usually would, but Steve had been especially attentive. Especially suffocating.
You and Steve were watching a movie while Peg and Bucky were out for the day. It was when you moved to place your cup on the bedside you let out a hiss.
"Y/N? Are you okay, doll?" Steve questioned you rapidly.
"I'm okay, Steve." You assured him, rubbing your shoulder. "My shoulder is just really sore." You said, groaning as you moved wrongly.
"Take your shirt off," Steve told you, shifting on the bed. Not saying a word you did as he asked, well demanded, and pulled your shirt off. Steve gently pushed you onto your front and straddled your lower back.
Steve gently began to massage the area, causing you to let out a breathy sigh.
"I'm sorry." Steve breathed after several minutes. "I'm so sorry."
"What for, Stevie?" You questioned him, quite confused.
"I'm the reason you fell. If I had just held on, you wouldn't have been tortured for all those years. You would still have both your arms." He said, hands stilling as he spoke.
"Steve, I don't blame you for any of that." You told him, crawling out from under him.
"You should," Steve muttered, not meeting your eyes.
"I don't." You said firmly. "The train was not your fault. I fell, anyone could have. And you can't blame yourself for anything HYDRA did to me." 
"But I could have saved you," Steve said, looking at you sadly.
"It's not your job." You assured him. "And I don't want you torturing yourself over things you couldn't control. You're not allowed to feel guilty for this. I won't let you."
"I don't think you can just tell me what to feel." Steve managed a laugh.
"Watch me." You smiled, taking his hand. "Steve, I'm fine. I'm okay, and I'm going to be okay for a long time. Okay?"
"Okay." He finally smiled.
Non-reader POV
Peggy did not feel as much as Steve did. Steve felt every emotion and let them take control of his entire being. But Peggy rarely allowed her feelings to take control of herself. Especially the negative ones.
During the seventy years Peggy had been alone, Peggy had spent her time building SHIELD up into the organization it was today. Peggy had focused her grief into attempting to destroy HYDRA.  It was because of HYDRA she had lost the three people she loved. 
After finding out the three of you were still alive, Peggy backed away from SHIELD to watch over the three of you. She entrusted SHIELD into Fury and his team's hands. 
And then SHIELD fell. It fell into HYDRA's disgusting hands.
Everything Peggy had worked for, for seventy years, had all been for naught. With the fall of SHIELD, any real SHIELD agents had to run. Identities were changed, safe houses were at maximum capacity, and lives were broken.
Peggy, Steve, Y/N, and Bucky had all had to run. HYDRA was coming, and Peggy refused to allow them to touch anything else she held dear. Again.
The four had a home of their own that could not be traced back to any of them. They had kept the place clean, furnished, stocked with enough food, and drink to survive the end of the world, but they rarely had time to stay.
It had been a week since the four had arrived at their home. Peggy had enjoyed their slip into domesticity, they all had, but she was still punishing herself.
"Who's winning?" Bucky asked, appearing behind Peggy. Peggy was standing at the window watching as Steve, and Y/N playfully spared in the fro\nt yard. 
"Neither. Y/N's pulling her punches, and Steve's trying to let Y/N win." Peggy hummed as Bucky wrapped his arms around her waist. 
"What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" Bucky questioned Peggy, punctuating the question with a kiss to her temple. "What are you thinking about?"
"SHIELD." Peggy sighed, not willing to lie to the man.
"Doll." Bucky sighed.
"I know, I know, I shouldn't make myself sick over this, but I can't help it," Peggy said, leaning back in his hold.
"Peg, what happened to SHIELD was not your fault," Bucky told her. "SHIELD was my responsibility. For seventy years, I was in charge, I leave for a couple years, and the whole thing falls apart. If I had been around, I could have prevented everything." Peggy argued.
"Peg, I don't know if you want to hear this, but SHIELD's been rotting for a long time. You couldn't notice because HYDRA are sneaky bastards, and it's their job." Bucky reasoned with the woman.
"I should have known," Peggy complained. "I dedicated seventy years to SHIELD, how did I not see it was crumbling right under my feet?"
"Because HYDRA is good at that," Bucky told her. "We know better than anyone what they're capable of. We know what they do, and we know how good they are at it."
"I keep thinking if maybe I hadn't backed so far off, if maybe I had kept an eye on SHIELD, I could have seen what was coming and stopped it."
"So, you're saying if you could go back to when you made the decision to back away, you'd stay?" Bucky asked her.
"No. No, I wouldn't be able to do that." Peggy shook her head. "I love you three too much to distance myself from you."
"You can't go back, Peg. What's happened has happened. The only way to go now is forward." 
"Maybe you should start writing Steve's speeches." Peggy giggled, causing the man to also laugh.
"Better?" Bucky asked her.
"Much." Peggy smiled, leaning up to kiss the man. "Let's bring those two in." She suggested.
Bucky had a firm grip on his emotions. Always had. Back in the forties, Buck was the one always looking after everyone. He took care of Steve, who was forever sick, made Peggy take a day off every now and then, and he would always be the one to comfort Y/N after dealing with her mother.
Bucky was a caretaker. He didn't focus on his own emotions as much as he did with those around them.
"New phones for all." Tony declared, passing out a box filled with new Stark phones.
"Very nice, Stark." Y/N commented, taking one of the phones and passing the box down.
"I aim to please." Tony smiled, making himself a drink. "It's top of the line, not available to the public, and only for this team. It's got all the best features, and even better, it's got a holographic projector."
"Why do you need a projector?" Bucky asked, fiddling with the phone.
"No-one needs a projector. It's just a perk." Tony shrugged. 
Hours later, Bucky was seated in the bedroom the four of you shared when staying at the tower. He was sat on the bed, staring at Stark's new phone.
The once glimmering, brand new item now had several deep cracks, and he couldn't get it to turn on anymore.
Bucky attempted to press the button one more time, and when it didn't turn on again, he threw the phone at a wall just as Steve entered.
"Buck! It's just me!" Steve yelped, jumping away from the shattered phone.
"Shit. I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming in." Bucky sighed, resting his head in his hands.
"Buck, you just got this a couple hours ago," Steve said, examining the remains of the phone.
"Yeah, and it was fucking broken or something." The brunette grumbled.
"Did you tell Tony?" Steve asked, picking up the pieces and putting them on the bedside.
"No, I didn't. The phone was broken when I got it, I swear." Bucky said, looking up. "It's okay, I'll just use my old one. I know how to use that one, at least."
"Tony's phone isn't that hard to use. He had to show me how to use the projector feature, but it's pretty simple to use otherwise." Steve shrugged
"Of course, it's fucking simple for you." Bucky snapped. "Everything's always so simple for you and everyone around me."
"Buck, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm sorry." Steve said, going to leave the room.
"Wait, no, Steve, I'm so sorry." Bucky apologized, jumping to his feet. "I didn't mean that. I didn't mean to say that."
"Want to tell me where that came from?" Steve questioned him, turning around and folding his arms across his chest. "How long have you been bottling that up?"
"Too long." Bucky sighed, sitting back on the bed.
"What's going on, Buck? None of us have seen you in hours, and you've been in a mood since Tony gave you the phone." Steve said, taking a seat next to the man.
"I can't catch up. You and Y/N and Peg, you're all catching up so quickly. I get Peg, she was able to evolve with it. Hell, I even understand how Y/N can keep up. But I just get so jealous when I can't keep up, and you can." Bucky admitted, cheeks burning red as he refused to look at him. "I feel like I'm still stuck in the forties, Steve."
"Oh, Buck." Steve cooed, shifting closer to the man and grasping his hand tightly. 
"I'm sorry, Steve. I'm sorry I'm acting like this." Bucky apologized. "I shouldn't be jealous that everyone's acclimating, but I am, and I hate it."
"Buck, it's nothing to be ashamed about. We lost seventy years of our lives, and we never spoke to anyone. We never addressed it. You're allowed to be slow with modern advances, and it's nothing for you to feel bad about." Steve soothed, pushing hair from Bucky's face.
"Are you sure?" Bucky asked meekly.
"Positive." Steve smiled. "And I promise I'm going to help you. It'll be discreet, and no one will have to know if that's what you want."
"I'd like that Stevie." Bucky leaned over to kiss the man. "Thank you."
"Of course, James." Steve smiled. "But there is one thing you're going to have to do on your own."
"What's that?"
"You're going to have to tell Tony you broke your phone."
Reader POV
In the forties, you had been the most carefree. Never really caring what anyone said, apart from the comments your mother spewed, you didn't care what people thought. 
You wore pants before it was accepted, proudly held hands with any of your partners, and you gladly got into fistfights in alleys with Steve.
You never felt bad when people would complain about how unladylike you were. You would never feel guilty when your mother would cry about how you would never give her grandchildren because you weren't going to attract any men if you wore pants. 
You liked who you were, and each of your partners enjoyed how carefree you were.
After breaking free from your mind control, this was no longer the case. You weren't as carefree as you once were. Emotions ruled you, especially guilt. 
Guilt over everything you'd ever been forced to do while under HYDRA's control.
Therapy had been a help. The therapist Tony recommended had helped you see it wasn't your fault what had happened. The therapy had brought back some of your carefreeness, and you were starting to remember who you used to be.
You had been warned from the beginning that it wouldn’t just be good days. There would always be bad days, it was just the therapists hope that they would soon lessen.
She was right, they did lessen. The time periods between the bad days grew and could be months apart from each other, but they still came back.
Today was a bad day.
As soon as you awoke, you knew it wasn’t going to be easy today. Everything felt heavy. Everything hurt. Even though it was a warm summer day, you found yourself donning a long sleeve shirt and usual glove.
You couldn’t stand the sight of your arm that day.
“Darling, you’re going to give yourself heatstroke. At least take the gloves off.” Peggy said.
“No, it’s okay. I’m not that hot.” You denied, pulling your sleeves further down as you grabbed a Coke.
“Darling you’re sweating.” Peggy pointed out. “Y/N, do we need to call Yasmin? Do you need another session?”
“No. I don’t need another session.” You said quickly. “I’m fine, Peg.”
“I thought we agreed you weren’t going to lie about the bad days, Y/N.” Peggy said, moving behind you. “We’re here to help you.”
“Well you shouldn't be.” You snapped, spinning around. “You’re all wasting your time on me when you could all be doing better things.”
“Y/N, darling, that’s simply not true.” Peggy said, moving closer. “We’re not wasting time on you. We love you.”
“You love a murderer. A disgrace of a human being.” You scoffed, eyes stinging as you looked away.
“You did not kill anyone. HYDRA is responsible for those deaths, not you.” Peggy forcefully told you. “Y/N, we are not wasting time. We love you. We have loved you for seventy years and no matter what has happened to you, we are not running. We���re in this ‘til the end of the line.” Peggy said, stepping forward and grabbing your hands in hers.
“I’ve killed people, Peggy.” You whimpered. “I’ve killed a lot of people.”
“It wasn’t you, darling.” Peggy shushed you, squeezing your flesh hand as she took off the glove on your metal hand. “And we’re not scared of you. You don’t need to carry all this on your own anymore.”
Peggy took another step forward and pulled you into her arms. As her arms wrapped around your body, your knees gave out and you had to hold onto the Brit for strength. 
“Do you want me to call Yasmin?” She asked you again.
“No.” You shook your head. “I just want you and our boys.”
“Okay.” Peggy whispered, pressing a kiss to your crown. “How about you head back to bed, think about changing, and I’ll get them from the training room?”
“Okay.” You nodded. “I love you, Peg.” You murmured, quickly kissing her cheek before walking back to the bedroom.
Guilt was an easy emotion. Everyone felt it, but not everyone got over it. It was a good thing the four of you had each other.
The four of you were the worst kept secret of the war, Avengers, family and each others. And only one of those titles really mattered.
@rvgrsbrns @smilexcaptainx @hopingforbarnes @starlingelliot @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @jelly-fishy-babie @skeletoresinthebasement @agent-barnes40 @reann-loves-sebstan @skadikh @summergeezburr
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ablednt · 4 years
Ok but yk what? Get rid of the stigma surrounding misdiagnosis (both with self diagnosis and professional diagnosis)
People who (were) misdiagnose(d) aren't responsible for ableist misconceptions or ignorance that NT and non mentally ill people create
People who (were) misdiagnose(d) aren't "fakers" or ableist or trying to harm the people with the disorders they thought they had
People who (were) misdiagnose(d) deserve unconditional support and to be validated not to be torn down
Self dxers who misdiagnosed due to not having the right resources or improper judgement (especially if they're young) deserve patience and a non-judgemental environment to find better resources and find what better fits their experience not to be judged and treated as cringy and ableist because they dared to try and get control over their lives and health.
Our communities are stronger when we embrace each other and stand in solidarity not when we pick each other apart and drive out anyone who makes one (1) mistake with a very complicated thing such as mental health.
Stop using people who (were) misdiagnose(d) as a scapegoat for your anger at the ableism and oppression that you face, stop being a coward and stand up for our community to the people actually trying to hurt it for once or shut up because we don't have time for you.
[Ok to rb but don't try to start an argument or debate in the comments or invalidate this post or so help me]
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Don't you just fucking love it when people somehow manage to
Claim they don't invalidate anyone's mental health issues
Reduce Stiles' adhd to "an improvised joke posey came up with"
Don't see the ableism in that (read: only NTs abuse Adderall/personality traits = symptoms/side effects)
And completely ignore Stiles telling both Scott and Melissa that he's taking Adderall and 5 ½ seasons of canon adhd behavior
Claim that the Stiles fans reduce Scott's issues
All in one post and don't see the irony in it
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elizabethan-memes · 4 years
Can you elaborate on Erusamus and the reformation please, or at least point me toward sources? Politics make more sense than philosophy to me, so I see the reformation through the lense of Henry VIII, or the Duke of Prussia who dissolved the teutonic order, or France siding with the protestants during the 30 Years War because Protestants > Hapsburgs
So sorry to take so long!
If you needed this answer for academic reasons, given that summer term is pretty much done I’m probably too late to help, but I hate to leave an ask unanswered.
Certainly religion has been politicised, you need look no further than all the medieval kings having squabbles with the pope. Medieval kings were not as devastated by the prospect of excommunication as you’d expect they’d be in a super-devout world, it was kinda more of a nuisance (like, idk, the pope blocking you on tumblr)  than the “I’m damned forever! NOOOOOOO!” thing you’d expect. I’m not saying excommunication wasn’t a big deal, but certainly for Elizabeth I she was less bothered than the pope excommunicating her than the fact that he absolved her Catholic subjects of allegiance to her and promised paradise to her assassin (essentially declaring open season on her).
I think, however, in our secular world we forget that religion was important for its own sake. Historians since Gibbon have kind of looked down on religion as its own force, seeing it as more a catalyst for economic change (Weber) or a tool of the powerful. If all history is the history of class struggle, then religion becomes a weapon in class warfare rather than its own force with its own momentum. For example, historians have puzzled over conversion narratives, and why Protestantism became popular among artisans in particular. Protestantism can’t compete with Catholicism in terms of aesthetics or community rituals, it’s a much more interior kind of spirituality, and it involves complex theological ideas like predestination that can sound rather drastic, so why did certain people find it appealing?
(although OTOH transubstantiation is a more complex theological concept than the Protestant idea of “the bread and wine is just bread and wine, it’s a commemoration of the Last Supper not a re-enactment, it aint that deep fam”).
I’ve just finished an old but interesting article by Terrence M. Reynolds in Concordia Theological Quarterly vol. 41 no. 4 pp.18-35 “Was Erasmus responsible for Luther?” Erasmus in his lifetime was accused of being a closet Protestant, or “laying the egg that Luther hatched”. Erasmus replied to this by saying he might have laid the egg, but Luther hatched a different bird entirely. Erasmus did look rather proto Protestant because he was very interested in reforming the Church. He wanted more people to read the Bible, he had a rather idyllic dream of “ploughmen singing psalms as they ploughed their fields”. He criticised indulgences, the commercialisation of relics and pilgrimages and the fact that the Papacy was a political faction getting involved in wars. He was worried that the rituals of Catholicism meant that people were more mechanical in their religion than spiritual: they were memorising the words, doing the actions, paying the Church, blindly believing anything a poorly educated priest regurgitated to them. They were confessing their sins, doing their penances like chores and then going right back to their sins. They were connecting with the visuals, but not understanding and spiritually connecting with the spirit of Jesus’ message and his ideals of peace and love and charity and connecting with God. Erasmus translated the NT but being a Renaissance humanist, he went ad fontes (‘to the source’) and used Greek manuscripts, printing the Greek side by side with the Latin so that readers could compare and see the translation choices he made. His NT had a lot of self-admitted errors in it, but it was very popular with Prots as well as Caths. Caths like Thomas More were cool with him doing it, but it was also admired by Prots like Thomases and Cromwell and Cranmer and Tyndale himself. When coming across Greek words like presbyteros, Erasmus actually chose to leave it as a Greek word with its own meaning than use a Latin word that didn’t *quite* fit the meaning of the original.
However, he did disagree with Protestants on fundamental issues, especially the question of free will. For Luther, the essence was sole fide: salvation through faith alone. He took this from Paul’s letter to the Romans, where it says that through faith alone are we justified. Ie, humans are so fallen (because of the whole Eve, apple, original sin debacle) and so flawed and tainted by sin, and God is so perfect, that we ourselves will never be good enough. All the good works in the world will never reach God’s level of perfection and therefore we all deserve Hell, but we won’t go to hell because God and Jesus will save us from the Hell we so rightly deserve, by grace and by having faith in Jesus’ sacrifice, who will alone redeem us.  The opposite end of the free will/sola fide spectrum is something called Pelagianism, named after the guy who believed it, Pelagius, who lived centuries and centuries before the Ref, it’s the belief that humans can earn their salvation by themselves, by good works. Both Caths and Prots considered Pelagius a heretic. Caths like Erasmus believed in a half-way house: God reaches out his hand to save you through Jesus’ example and sacrifice, giving you grace, and you receive his grace, which makes you want to be a good person and do good works (good works being things like confession of sins, penances, the eucharist, charity, fasting, pilgrimages) and then doing the good works means you get more grace and you are finally saved, or at least you will go to purgatory after death AND THEN be saved and go to heaven, rather than going straight to Hell, which is what happens if you reject Jesus and do no good works and never repent your sins. If you don’t receive his grace and do good works, you won’t make the grade for ultimate salvation.
(This is why it’s important to look at the Ref as a theological as well as a political movement because if you only look at the political debates, Erasmus looks more Protestant than he actually was.)
There are several debates happening in the Reformation: the role of the priest (which is easily politicised) free will vs predestination, transubstantiation or no transubstantiation (is or isn’t the bread and wine transformed into the body and blood of Jesus by God acting through the priest serving communion) and the role of scripture. A key doctrine of Protestantism is sola scriptura. Basically: if it’s in the Bible, it’s the rules. If it’s not in the Bible, it’s not in the rules. No pope in the bible? No pope! No rosaries in the bible? No using rosaries! (prayer beads)
However, both Caths and Prots considered scripture v.v. important. Still, given that the Bible contains internal contradictions (being a collection of different books written in different languages at different times by different people) there was a hierarchy of authority when it came to scripture. As a general rule of thumb, both put the New T above the Old T in terms of authority. (This is partly why Jews and Muslims have customs like circumcision and no-eating-pig-derived-meats that Christians don’t have, even though the order of ‘birth’ as it were goes Judaism-Christianity-Islam. All 3 Abrahammic faiths use the OT, but only Christians use the NT.)
1.       The words of Jesus. Jesus said you gotta do it, you gotta do it. Jesus said monogamy, you gotta do monogamy. Jesus said no divorce, you gotta do no divorcing (annulment =/= divorce). Jesus said no moneylending with interest (usury), you gotta do no moneylending with interest (which is partly why European Jews did a lot of the banking. Unfortunately, disputes over money+religious hatred is a volatile combination, resulting in accusations of conspiracy and sedition, leading to hate-fuelled violence and oppression.) The trouble with the words of Jesus is that you can debate or retranslate what Jesus meant, especially  easily as Jesus often spoke in parables and with metaphors. When Jesus said “this is my body…this is my blood” at the Last Supper, is that or is that not support for transubstantiation? When Jesus called Peter the rock on which he would build the church, was that or was that not support for the apostolic succession that means Popes are the successor to St Peter, with Peter being first Pope? When the gospel writers said Jesus ‘did more things and said more things than are contained in this book’, does that or does that not invalidate the idea of sola scriptura?
2.       The other New Testament writers, especially St. Paul and the Relevation of St John the Divine. (Divine meaning like seer, divination, not a god or divinity). These are particularly relevant when it comes to discussing the role of priests and priesthood, only-male ordination, and whether women can preach and teach religion.
3.       The Old Testament, especially Genesis.
4.       The apocryphal or deuterocanonical works. These books are considered holy, but there’s question marks about their validity, so they’re not as authoritative as the testaments. I include this because the deuterocanonical book 2 Maccabees was used as scriptural justification for the Catholic doctrine of purgatory, but 2 Maccabees is the closest scipture really gets to mentioning any kind of purgatory. Protestants did not consider 2 Maccabees to be strong enough evidence to validate purgatory.
5.       The Church Fathers, eg. Origen, Augustine of Hippo. Arguably their authority often comes above apocryphal scripture. It’s from the Church Fathers that the concept of the Trinity (one god in 3 equal persons, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) is developed because it’s not actually spelled out explicitly in the NT. Early modern Catholics and Protestants both adhered to the Trinity and considered Arianism’s interpretation of the NT (no trinity, God the Father is superior to Jesus as God the Son) to be heresy. Church Fathers were important to both Catholics and Protestants: Catholics because Catholics did not see scripture as the sole source of religious truth, so additions made by holy people are okay so long as they don’t *contradict* scripture, and so long as they are stamped with the church council seal of approval, Protestants because they believed that the recent medieval theologians and the papacy had corrupted and altered the original purity of Christianity. If they could show that Church Fathers from late antiquity like Augustine agreed with them, that therefore proved their point about Christianity being corrupted from its holy early days.
Eamon Duffy’s book Stripping of the Altars is useful because it questions the assumptions that the Reformation and Break with Rome was inevitable, or that the Roman Catholic Church was a corrupt relic of the past that had to be swept aside for Progress, or that most people even wanted the Ref in England to happen. Good history essays need to discuss different historians’ opinions and Duffy can be relied upon to have a different opinion than Protestant historians. Diarmaid MacCulloch’s works are good at explaining theological concepts, he is a big authority on church history and he’s won a whole bunch of prizes. He was actually ordained a deacon in the Church of England in the 1980s but stopped being a minister because he was angry with the institution for not tolerating the fact he had a boyfriend. The ODNB is a good source to access through your university if you want to read a quick biography on a particular theologian or philosopher, but it only covers British individuals. Except Erasmus, who has a page on ODNB despite being not British because he’s just that awesome and because his influence on English scholarship and culture was colossal. Peter Marshall also v good, esp on conversion. Euan Cameron wrote a mahoosive book called the European Reformation.“More versus Tyndale: a study of controversial technique” by Rainer Pineas is good for the key differences in translation of essential concepts between catholic and protestant thinkers. The Sixteenth Century Journal is a good source of essays as well.
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belizastans · 4 years
Hi! I completely respect your opinion and you are fully entitled to it. That said, I honestly doubt that the accusations that were made are false. I'm not saying this to attack anyone, but as an abusive and sexual assault survivor. The incidents Arryn described are far too familiar to what I and others have experienced and I ask you kindly not to invalidate them by just assuming they're not true. I agree that this should not be handled via social media, however, coming forward at all is.. (1/2)
(2/2) an extremely hard thing to do and people who are lucky enough to never experience anything like this should strive to lift up survivors who come forward and not put them down. I have supported both Bob & Eliza for years and it broke my heart to read those accusations but we should not try to speak for Arryn, but rather listen to her. Love and light to you, I hope you don't take this the wrong way
I'm not saying, what she said was all just a lie. I'm just saying that some things about what she said didn't match up with what she did. I do believe, that their relationship wasn't doing anything good for both of them and I'm glad that they got out of it. She kept a few things in the dark and the way she spoke about him and called him a c*nt is just as bad as the abuse. It was not my intention to put down every victim of such bad things and I'm sorry if I did. But I do believe there's more to it than she said and I'm gonna fight for it. Again, I'm sorry if I offended any victim of verbal or physical abuse. I don't support that.
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Copa América Matches so far
Congrats to Brazil, it was an ok-ish debut, I know it was for a special occasion, but seeing the brazilian NT in white is super weird...
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also our first Copa América with VAR technology and they went on a personal vendetta against Peru, huh? 2 goals invalidated...
First round of Group A was... interesting... and don’t get me started on Argentina’s debut... oof...
tune in later today for Paraguay and Uruguay’s NT debut, hopefully both win
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bbygirldahyun · 4 years
It is a label that’s kind of the point. It’s classifying. That’s it. Not an insult. The NTs don’t understand excuse is weak and is used again and again to justify the mindset that disability is less than. We’re not disabled in each other’s company is a slap in the face to people that fit your idea of what disabled is.
i can understand both sides in their very basic arguments, because autism is a spectrum and people have different experiences and i don’t want to invalidate anyone’s feelings about their own experience. but the word personally doesn’t bug me at all especially because it is the classification for the disorder. being disabled doesn’t make anyone less than, as you said. i think some people just have different experiences with that word and i don’t want anyone to feel attacked yknow?
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illyria-and-her-pet · 5 years
My Browser Extensions & Userscripts
The browsers I’ve used are Opera (& Opera GX), Firefox, Brave, Google Chrome, Ungoogled Chromium, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi, and Waterfox. These are the extensions I use on them. For any extensions that have to do with downloading videos, see my Video Downloaders post that includes not just extensions, but also download managers, websites, and more. 
Notes for Opera, Brave, Vivaldi, Waterfox, and Ungoogled Chromium:
Opera has it’s own add-on store along with the capability to download Chrome extensions. To download Chrome extensions all you have to do is download this extension.
Brave and Vivaldi don’t have their own add-on stores, but you can download any extensions in the Chrome store like you would in Chrome without having to do anything beforehand. 
Waterfox is a fork of FIrefox that works with legacy add-ons and most current Firefox add-ons in the Firefox store. To get legacy add-ons, download the classic archive XPI from GitHub.The legacy add-ons that I use that aren’t usable in Firefox are Simple Add-On Manager (it lets you enable/disable extensions, themes, and plug-ins easily), Chrome Store Foxifed (converts Chrome CRX extensions into Firefox XPI extensions), and BarTab Plus (automatically unloads inactive tabs). For any current Firefox extensions that say they aren’t compatible, you can just got to see version history of the the add-ons in the Firefox store and download an latest older version that is compatible and if none are compatible, check the classic add-ons.
For ungoogled chromium, you have to change chrome://flags/#extension-mime-request-handling to Always Prompt for Install and get the .crx files from sites like crx4chrome or crxextractor.
AdBlocker (ESSENTIAL TO HAVE ONE... Also don’t use AdBlock or AdBlock Plus... Please choose EITHER AdGuard or uBlock Origin)
AdGuard (Available for Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi/Yandex, Opera, Firefox, Edge, & Safari on computer + they also have a free app for Android & iOS [Safari on iPhone & iPad])
AdGuard is my favorite adblocking browser extension. I used to use uBlock Origin + Nano Defender, which are also excellent, but then I discovered AdGuard, which I liked even better and uninstalled those since you shouldn’t use more than one adblocker in your browser. The reason I love AdGuard is because it works while still enabled on sites where you would have to disable uBlock Origin to get the site to work (ie. stream.nbcsports.com, youku.com).
The default settings of AdGuard are already great (just AdGuard base filter enabled), but you can enable even more filter lists and settings for the best browser experience. The ones I enable to block the most ads/annoyances/get the best privacy, while also not breaking sites I use are: AdGuard Base Filter, Peter Lowe’s List, AdGuard Tracking Protection Filter, Easy Privacy, AdGuard Social Media Filter, AdGuard Annoyances Filter, Adblock Warning Removal List, Malware Domains, Spam404, NoCoin Filter List, and Filter unblocking search ads and self-promotion. I also have Phishing & Malware Protection and Stealth Mode (Self Destructing 3rd party cookies with 2880 lifetime, Hide Referrer from third-parties, Hide your search queries, Send Do-Not-Track header, Remove Tracking Parameters) enabled.
Social Media/Enhancers
Good Twitter (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi), Firefox/Waterfox)
Light extensions that change your user agent to Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 9.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) on only twitter.com to give you the previous twitter desktop layout back. 
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If you have Firefox or Waterfox, you can also change your twitter back without an extension by going to about:config, find the general.useragent.site_specific_overrides setting, right click, choose new string, enter general.useragent.override.twitter.com as the preference name, and Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 9.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) as the string value.
New XKit (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox, Safari) 
Note: For Firefox there is a version in the Firefox add-ons store, but it is only version 7.8.2 instead of the latest 7.9.0, so I’m linking the github xpi instead. You can just click on the xpi and Firefox should display continue to extension from github, click continue, and then the normal add add-on pop that you get for any extensions should show up and just click add/confirm your installation. If that doesn’t work, you can save the xpi to your computer, go to your Firefox add-ons page, click “install add-on from file”, choose the xpi, and then the normal add-on pop up will appear and you can click add/confirm your installation. 
An amazing extension that makes using Tumblr 1000x better and allows you to add Tumblr enhancement extensions to tumblr.com. XInbox, One-Click Postage, One-Click Reply, Tweaks, and XCloud are already installed by default. The other extensions I have installed are Go-To-Dash, Don’t Stretch Photosets, Timestamps, Soft Refresh, Search Likes, Mutual Checker, Find Inactives, Outbox, Post Archiver, Post Limit Checker, Show Picture Size, Activity+, Anti-Capitalism, Drafts+, Mass+, Read More Now, Quick Tags, Reply Viewer, TagViewer, and View on Dash. 
Chrome IG Story (Opera/Ungoogled Chromium)
Note: This was originally an extension for Chrome, but got removed from the Chrome web store. I already had it installed from the web store on Chrome and it continued to work even after it was removed. However, you can’t install it for Chrome or Brave or Vivaldi anymore even with the CRX file because it will give you  a “CRX Header Invalid” error. From the site I linked, you can still install it for Opera though by simply clicking "Download from Google CDN” or “Download from Crx4Chrome.” You can also install it on Ungoogled Chromium, if you have chrome://flags/#extension-mime-request-handling set to Always Prompt for Install like I mentioned in the note at the beginning of my post.
An extension that lets you view, download, and get direct URLs for instagram stories and live videos on the web version.
Reddit Enhancement Suite (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox, Waterfox (use version 5.12.8), Edge)
Reddit Enhancement Suite is a suite of tools to enhance your Reddit browsing experience. It includes features such as: - Never Ending Reddit - never click "next page" again! - Inline Image Viewer - adds buttons to view images without leaving the page, including support for imgur albums and more - Keyboard Navigation - browse reddit more efficiently than ever before with keyboard shortcuts for most functionality - Uppers and Downers - see the hidden vote totals that Reddit provides behind the scenes - Account Switcher - switch accounts easily and quickly - User Tagger - keep track of users you run across frequently, complete with color coded tags, etc.
An extension that makes your reddit experience way better. It works best when you use the old reddit (you can opt out of new reddit design in your account or you can just go to old.reddit.com) aka the superior reddit.
Enhancer for YouTube (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox, Edge)
Tons of features to improve your user experience on YouTube™: 
 ✔ Control volume level and playback speed with the mouse wheel   ✔ Remove ads from videos (automatically or on-demand)   ✔ Whitelist channels to not automatically remove their ads   ✔ Remove annotations (automatically or on-demand)   ✔ Automatically play videos in 4K, HD, or any other preferred format   ✔ Loop videos (in part or in whole)   ✔ Use custom themes   ✔ Use a larger video player   ✔ Pin the video player   ✔ Execute your own actions using JavaScript ✔ Disable next video autoplay
Social Fixer (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox, Safari, Userscript) 
Social Fixer for Facebook fixes annoyances, adds features, and enhances existing functionality to make FB more fun and efficient. Filter the news feed, hide sponsored posts and political posts, hide parts of the page you don't want to see, and more!
Thread Reader (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
This adds an “Unroll in Thread Reader” option under the arrow with the more options in a tweet, which directly takes you the unrolled thread, making it easier to read twitter threads without having to tweet at the thread reader bot or manually enter URLs on their website. 
You can use userscripts by downloading the userscript manager extensions: Tampermonkey (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox, Edge, Safari) or Violentmonkey (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox). 
On Chromium browsers, Waterfox, and  Edge I use Tampermonkey because the AdGuard Popup Blocker only works with Tampermonkey for me and VK Media Downloader still works with it. On Firefox, I use Violentmonkey because VK Media Downloader stopped working for me with Tampermonkey on Firefox on both my Windows 10 and Linux computer. AdGuard Popup Blocker doesn’t work with Violentmonkey for me (or on my Windows 10 computer even with Tampermonkey, though AdGuard Popup Blocker does work with Firefox/Tampermonkey for me on Linux), so I also use Popup Blocker (strict) (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox, Edge) on Firefox.
The userscripts I use are:
AntiAdware- Remove forced download accelerators, managers, and adware on supported websites
AdGuard Popup Blocker- Blocks popups on all websites
Resize Image On “Open Image In New Tab”- Super useful userscript that automatically opens images in their original/largest size (especially useful for tumblr images from text posts that get cut down to like 500 width, but with this they go back to their original size like 540 or 1280)
AdsByPasser- Skips countdown ads or continue pages or shortened links
Local YouTube Downloader- Shows all direct YouTube googlevideo URLs under each YouTube video 
VK Media Downloader- Adds a download button to VK videos and allows you to view or download direct VK video URLs
KissAnime Anti-Adblock Blocker- Removes the cruft, obtrusive advertising and their Anti-Adblock nuisance screen
KissAnime Complete captcha removal- After installing this script you'll probably forget about captchas in Kissanime for good, because it jumps directly to the video without passing by the captcha's page. The only catch is that you'll be using Rapidvideo server as long as this script is activated. (In case you choose a different server you'll have to manually answer the captcha)
Extensity (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi)
A LIFESAVER and MUST HAVE extension for anyone who uses a Chromium based browser. It allows you to quickly enable or disable any extensions (so you don’t have to go to your browser extension page and manually enable and disable there), turn on and off all your extensions at once, and create different profiles for which extensions will be enabled or disabled in them. If you’re someone who uses a lot of extensions like me, it’s absolutely essential, especially since some extensions may break some sites and this lets you easily turn them off if they do. 
Google Translate (Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox) or Translator for Microsoft Edge
These give you the ability to translate entire pages in the same tab/page just like Google Chrome’s built in feature
PageZipper (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
A super useful extension that makes it so pages like photo galleries, articles/slide shows with “next”, forum posts, search page results, comment pages, basically anything with multiple pages, etc. loads all on the same page when you scroll. It’s so convenient to not have to constantly click next and spend time loading new pages. All you have to do to enable the extension is click on the icon in your toolbar (you can tell when it’s on when the icon turns green).  
The Great Suspender (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi) or Auto Tab Discard (Firefox)
Extensions that automatically suspend tabs you aren’t using, so they don’t use CPU or memory while they’re open
AutoplayStopper (Chrome/Opera/Vivaldi, also works in Waterfox using Chrome Store Foxified)
Note: Not necessary in Firefox or Brave. In Firefox, you can change media.autoplay.allow-muted and media.autoplay.enabled.user-gestures-needed to false in about:config settings to stop autoplay. As of Firefox 69, Firefox automatically blocks autoplay of both audio and video by default without having to change anything in the about:config settings! :D Brave automatically stops autoplay by default. Both allow you to whitelist sites where blocking autoplay makes videos fail to play. In Waterfox, you can set media.autoplay.enabled to false, but there isn’t a whitelist option and this can break sites, so I prefer to use AutoplayStopper since you can choose to allow autoplay on sites with the extension.
An extension that stops autoplay of HTML 5 and flash videos (you can also allow autoplay if it breaks any sites like rabb.it for example)
Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox)
Buster is a browser extension which helps you to solve difficult captchas by completing reCAPTCHA audio challenges using speech recognition. Challenges are solved by clicking on the extension button at the bottom of the reCAPTCHA widget. 
f*ck overlays (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi) or ffCk Overlays (Firefox)
Right click on any element or overlay in a page and choose “fuck it” to get rid of it
Peek (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox) 
An amazing extension that lets you view downloadable media without having to download it! It works for me to watch mediafire videos without downloading them for example.
Page Cache Archiver (Firefox, Waterfox [use version 1.7.0]) or Wayback Machine (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi)
Page Cache Archiver is the best of the page archiving extensions because it lets you save current pages and get previous archived pages using basically all the archiving sites. It does have a Chromium version, but it’s not nearly as good as the Firefox version, so I only recommend it for Firefox. On Firefox, you see all the options when you right click the extension icon on the toolbar. On Chromium browsers... you can’t see any of the options and when you try to change the action on click it automatically goes back to default settings, so all clicking does is save current pages to archive.is. 
Wayback Machine is my preferred archiver extension for Chrome/Brave/Opera. It only uses Wayback Machine, but it allows you to save and get previous archived pages for any site. And if a site has a 404 not found error, it will automatically ask you if you want to find archived versions. You can also choose between the first archived version or the most recent one.
Volume Master (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi)
An extension that lets you adjust the volume for each tab and lets you increase the volume up to 600%. Super useful for any videos with really quiet audio. 
User-Agent Switcher and Manager (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox)
This extension allows you to reliably spoof your browser "User-Agent" string to a custom one. The extension provides a list of all well-known "User-Agent" strings for different browsers and operating systems as follows:
Supported operating systems: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Chromium OS, Ubuntu, Debian, Android, iOS, AmigaOS, OpenBSD, BeOS, Haiku, Solaris, NetBSD, FreeBSD, Slackware, SUSE, gentoo, Fedora, Gentoo, Mageia, CentOS, Mint, DragonFly, Kubuntu, Mandriva, Zenwalk, Unix, GNU, OS/2, AIX, QNX, BEOS, RISC OS, Symbian, Nintendo, OpenSolaris, Kubuntu
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Edge, WebKit, Avant, Maxthon, Arora, Mozilla, Epiphany, Camino, Chimera, Chromium, Dragon, conkeror, Conkeror, Dillo, Links, Firebird, Swiftfox, Netscape, Flock, iCab, Iceape, icecat, IceCat, IceWeasel, Iron, Meleon, Konqueror, Lunascape, Lynx, MAXTHON, midori, Midori, KHTML, Mosaic, NetSurf, OmniWeb, Tablet, Mini, Phoenix, RockMelt, Safari, Browser, SeaMonkey, Slim, Webkit, w3m
Super useful, especially for Opera. For me, DisneyNow can’t be played on Opera because it will say my browser doesn’t support HLS Streaming, but I just change my user-agent to Chrome with this and then it works perfectly!
Picture-in-Picture (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi)
Note: Not necessary for Opera or Firefox. Opera already has video pop out enabled by default and Firefox picture in picture can be enabled in about:config settings by changing media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.enabled, media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.video-toggle.enabled, and media.videocontrols.picture-in-picture.video-toggle.flyout-enabled to true.
For some video sites in Chrome/Brave (the well known ones like YouTube for example), you can just right click and see picture in picture built in. However, the extension is much better for working on nearly every site. The extension works on rabb.it and DisneyNOW for example, while the built in right click doesn’t. For the extension you just have to click on the icon in your toolbar. 
OpenVideo - ad-free streaming (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
You can... ...watch every video on the internet without ads or popups (even on sites which block adblockers) ...download every video ...watch every video in theatre mode (useful for annoyingly bright websites with too small video players) ...watch videos over a proxy for more anonymity and to surpass geo-blocking (eg. Indonesia) ...add subtitles easily from url or hard drive ...watch videos again over the library (starts video where you left) How it works: ► when OpenVideo detects a video on your current site, the number of detected videos will be shown on the OpenVideo extension icon ► click the icon to watch these videos without ads or popups The OpenVideo player is automatically used on the following streaming hosts: ► OpenLoad ► FrutStreams (Streamango / Streamcherry / ...) ► RapidVideo ► MyCloud ► Mp4Upload ► Vidoza ► StreamCloud ► Vivo ► VidTo ► SpeedVid ► FlashX ► TheVideo
The Camelizer (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Shows price history while viewing items on Amazon
Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Gets right click and copy and paste to work on sites that disabled it. For any site that blocks right click and/or copy, just click on this extension and enable copy mode and absolute mode. Unnecessary on Chrome/Brave/Opera if you have the feature to block websites copy and right click protections in Browser Plugs Fingerprint Privacy Wall.
Privacy and Security
Privacy Badger (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox)
Privacy Badger automatically learns to block invisible trackers. Instead of keeping lists of what to block, Privacy Badger learns by watching which domains appear to be tracking you as you browse the Web. Privacy Badger sends the Do Not Track signal with your browsing. If trackers ignore your wishes, your Badger will learn to block them. Privacy Badger starts blocking once it sees the same tracker on three different websites. Besides automatic tracker blocking, Privacy Badger removes outgoing link click tracking on Facebook, Google and Twitter, with more privacy protections on the way.
Privacy Badger is an awesome extension that blocks trackers. For the most part, it doesn’t break sites, but if it does, you can easily just disable it for the site, if you’re not tech savvy. My favorite thing for those that are tech savvy though is you can adjust each individual tracker, so you can enable the one needed to unbreak the site, while still blocking the rest of the trackers. 
Decentraleyes (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Protects you against tracking through "free", centralized, content delivery. It prevents a lot of requests from reaching networks like Google Hosted Libraries, and serves local files to keep sites from breaking. Complements regular content blockers.
Excellent privacy extension that has never broken any sites for me
HTTPS Everywhere (Chrome/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox, Waterfox [use version 2019.6.4])
Encrypt the Web! Automatically use HTTPS security on many sites. HTTPS Everywhere is an extension created by EFF and the Tor Project which automatically switches thousands of sites from insecure "http" to secure "https". It will protect you against many forms of surveillance and account hijacking, and some forms of censorship.
NOTE: Unnecessary if you use Brave, since HTTPS Everywhere is already built into Brave’s Shield. Also, for Opera most extensions download fine directly from the Chrome store, but for some reason this one is super buggy and doesn’t work for me a lot. But downloading from CRX4Chrome or CRX Extractor works fine for me.
Another privacy extension that has never broken any sites for me :)
Cookie AutoDelete (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox, Waterfox [use version 2.2.0])
Automatically deletes cookies from closed tabs or windows and lets you whitelist sites to keep cookies on, so you don’t have to constantly log back in and out
NoScript (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox, Waterfox [use version through Classic Add-Ons Archive])
Note: You should only use this if you’re willing for a lot of websites to break because it disables javascript on all sites by default. You have to enable the scripts on a page to get the pages working yourself. I love this because it allows me to have only the scripts necessary for the website to work running, while all the other scripts get blocked. 
I don’t care about cookies (Chrome/Brave/Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox/Waterfox)
Allows only cookies necessary for the page to work and gets rid of annoying cookie notices on websites
CanvasBlocker (Firefox/Waterfox) or Canvas Fingerprint Defender (Chrome/Opera/Vivaldi)
Note: Unnecessary on Brave, since Brave Shield has the option to block 3rd party fingerprinting or all fingerprinting. In Brave, you can also change the settings per site in the shield to all device recognition allowed, if it breaks a specific site.
Fakes canvas fingerprint value to protect you from sites trying to fingerprint you
Browser Plugs Fingerprint Privacy Wall (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi)
Privacy extension that blocks font fingerprinting, webGL fingerprinting, can remove right click or copy restrictions, etc. There’s also a white list, if any sites get broken (for me I had to add youku, discord, and dailymotion to the white list to unbreak them). 
minerBlock (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Blocks cryptominers, which is very useful when visiting torrent sites 
CSS Exfill Protection (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Guard your browser against CSS Exfil attacks! CSS Exfil is a method attackers can use to steal data from web pages using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). This plugin sanitizes and blocks any CSS rules which may be designed to steal data.
ClearURLs (Chrome/Brave/Opera/Vivaldi, Firefox/Waterfox)
Removes tracking and other extra unnecessary parameters from URLs using around 130 rules
Don’t touch my tabs (rel=noopener) [Firefox/Waterfox]
Prevent tabs opened by a hyperlink from hijacking the previous tab by adding the rel=noopener attribute to all hyperlinks (excluding same-domain hyperlinks).
Privacy Oriented Origin Policy (Firefox, Waterfox [use version 0.3.0]) 
Prevent Firefox from sending Origin headers when they are least likely to be necessary, to protect your privacy.
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Ok this post might not be very coherent because I'm sick but not enough people (especially nt people but plenty of autistic or otherwise nd people too) don't seem to understand that the existence of "child prodigy autistics" and high support autistics ... doesn't justify using functioning labels?
I'm autistic. I'm academically gifted and rarely have meltdowns. I'm never nonverbal. My sensory issues are discomfort-inducing but not meltdown-inducing. I will likely be able to live on my own once I'm an adult.
My brother is autistic. He's intellectually disabled and has meltdowns often. He's completely nonverbal and unable to use AAC or sign language, and can only communicate through his behaviour. He has severe sensory issues and requires help with many basic tasks.
I am not "high functioning". He is not "low functioning".
Yes, some autistics need more support than others. No, that doesn't mean that you should ever use functioning labels to describe someone, and it doesn't mean all autistic people are either high support or child prodigies.
Let's use colour metaphors here, since it's autism "spectrum". Some shades are very obviously green and some are very obviously blue, but there's also colours like turquoise and teal that blur the lines between colours.
Black and white are both colours, and they're perfectly valid colours. But don't use black and white as tools to invalidate all the shades of red, or yellow, or grey, or all the other colours!
It's called autism "spectrum" disorder not autism "clearly defined linear categories" disorder.
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