#and dare I say it..... gender!!! liking him in a gay AND a trans way ✌️
bibastibootz · 11 months
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he is everything, actually 😌💕
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memory-and-sky · 6 months
hobie x male reader """""""""dating"""""""" hcs?
okay this is something i can work on and get done relatively quickly. THANK YOU FOR THIS ANON! to everyone who’s sent in asks for fics, they are being worked on, i swear🙏 hope you like this though!
word count: i dunno, it’s a good chunk of headcanons
containing: explicit mention of homophobia, brief description of injury via fighting, small small small sexual reference, hobie brown x m!reader, could be cis or trans but i wrote this with cis males in mind
the rest of the headcanons are under the cut!
“dating” headcanons
hobie brown x male!reader
since Hobie lives in the 70s in Britain, gay rights weren’t really…. y’know, the best.
for your safety and his, the most he’d do in public is holding your hand. and even that was a big sign of rebellion. holding hands with a person of the same sex? how scandalous!
anyway, while holding your hand, he’d love to put both your hands in his pocket, especially if you run cold (like me :P).
he’d totally be the type to rub his thumb slowly on your palm, too.
Hobie knows a lot of people, especially in the queer and punk scenes. he gets invited to a lot of house parties, and feels safer to put your relationship on display more then, but he’s definitely not over the top with it.
a simple arm over the shoulder, around your waist, or a hand in the back pocket of your jeans, though he doesn’t need PDA to show your relationship off.
“Have ya seen this new patch on the ol’ battle jacket? Or this pin? Yeah, my lovely boyfriend made ‘em fo’ me. Gorgeous, innit?” [speaking to a random friend]
“Have ya had the pleasure of meetin’ my boyfriend yet?”
“I thought you said you hated labels…?”
“Mmh, (y/n)’s influential like tha’. Clearly ya haven’t met ‘em.” He’d say, undoubtedly with a smirk plastered on his face.
i really don’t think Hobie would get particularly jealous over you.
of course he loves you with all his little gay heart, but he doesn’t feel insecure or get upset at you or anything if you talk (or flirt) with another guy (as long as you communicate). if anyone is flirting with you and you seem really disinterested, he’ll totally intervene.
maybe hold you in a way that makes it clear you’re together, or explicitly tell the dude that you’re not interested.
but he doesn’t like treating you like an object he ‘owns’ at all, it’s why he’s pretty hesitant to slap the ‘boyfriend’ label down on your relationship right away.
and the 70s were a sexual revolution! revolting against gender norms and relationship norms, stuff like that.
if anybody ever dared ask you two ‘so who’s the man and the woman in the relationship?’ or ‘who’s the top and who’s the bottom?’ Hobie would be dreadfully disgusted and educate them immediately.
speaking of sexual revolution and whatnot, Hobie would be down for polyamory if you were.
you two have a very good line of communication, and if you wanted to open your relationship and communicated that to him, he’d be fine with it.
you’re so great, he gets how other guys might fall in love with you, too.
Hobie would give the best gifts, try and change my mind. whether it’s for your anniversary, birthday, or just a random gift, they’re always handmade.
maybe he’ll make you a piece of clothing like a shirt, hand-pick a bouquet for you, or even customizing/fixing one of your old clothing pieces with a bit of added Hobie flair.
Even small things, like a charm, pin, or patch have so much love put into them because he loves you!
touching on my first point again, homophobia was very present outside of the queer/punk scene, even in some aspects of the punk community he didn’t feel welcome at all.
usually, he’d tell people where to shove their opinion, but sometimes he’d feel completely unsafe to be himself around anyone.
yeah, he’s spider-man, but he’s also a very young adult. he could fight people, and he definitely used to, but he hated coming home to you being worried sick about all the horrible bruises, cuts, and scrapes on him.
back to the lighthearted stuff, he’s definitely the type of guy to cook for you.
doesn’t matter what meal it is, he’s gonna make it for you if he has the chance to. and he actually makes good food, despite living in Britain his whole life.
if you’ve got issues with trying new foods, his place will always be stocked full with your safe foods no matter what.
you’ll eat together, and he’ll gaze dreamily at you, wondering how he ever got so lucky to land such a stellar guy like you.
this man loves coming home after a long day, popping in a VCR for a movie of some sort (TV could be in your bedroom or living room, doesn’t matter), and just cuddling with you.
he doesn’t mind being either the big spoon or little spoon, but tends to like being big spoon cause he likes holding you close to him so much.
he’s very scrawny, but doesn’t mean he won’t love you all the same, and hold you tight.
one more thing, Hobie loves you above all else. he’ll protect you and fight for you anytime you need. when it comes to his partners, he does not play around!!
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tirfpikachu · 4 months
seeing feminist events and protests etc being ruined breaks my fucking heart :( like what do they think they're even accomplishing? even if they hate radfems there should be alternatives to just thrashing every feminist good deed radfems do for women in their often impoverished communities
if AT LEAST they had been working hard replacing it with their own trans-positive feminist version or whatever in the area that would've been one thing. but often they just destroy and just go aha! job well done, that'll teach those bitches. when women in those communities actually really truly need these things and all they do is ruin those resources for others and losing the movement activists that the movement badly needs. if they only knew that other activist movements that they respectfully bow down to ARE ALSO FULL OF WOMEN WHO HOLD RADFEM BELIEFS!!! and if every woman who thought that sex mattered, which is especially common with woc from outside the west or with family outside the west since they know first-hand how horrifyingly bad oppression can get for afab people, if they all had gotten called out cancelled banished from the spaces etc the movements would've failed before they even began and that would've led to SO MUCH more marginalized suffering!!!!
i truly believe that these kinds of extreme trans activists tend to be more on the privileged side outside of being afab, and use that activism as a way to prove they're not bigots like their white middle-class parents were nope they're radical and they fight the cistem and are cooler than those freaky bigoted genitals-obsessed gays and transsexuals... the same ones that fought hard for decades to earn them all the rights they currently enjoy and were oppressed on the basis of being same-sex attracted and are now being thrown out of pride events
it's also interesting with different cultures, bc for example with french instances of trans activists going batshit, the french world is much newer to the concept of gender identity than english folks, like there's SOOO many stolen english words that young french qweer activists are trying to awkwardly make a Thing in french spaces and they have the intense righteousness of trans english tumblr but the people around them are just like huh ????? bc the words and the concept of gender identity just aren't as widespread in french spaces, esp since our language is so sex-based. it makes them feel even more like martyrs and seeing the entire french world as bigoted. it makes for some wild shit in france like sex-based feminist events being trashed and cis feminists being assaulted and only english radfems hear of it and call it out, bc english trans activists don't care about news like these, it makes them all look bad and they assume it's all just elaborate fox news type shit or cis women are being dramatic again
i just think that the way trans activists are treating the feminism vs gender identity divide is really unproductive, surprisingly violent, very dangerous, and negatively impacts the afab women who need feminist events and protests etc the most. especially woc, disabled women, senior women, and other women w few resources. i'm seeing women being turned away from SHELTERS and other life-saving resources for using the words man/woman in a sex-based way or wanting only people with vaginas in trauma victim spaces for safety and healing reasons. would a homeless dude spouting the same language be turned away from a shelter or lead to activists rallying and protesting outside the shelter for daring to home him bc he's unsafe for transmasc people??? would a trans activist say nope we shouldn't give him a safe home we shouldn't give him a space in a shelter we should record him and post a video of him and shame him and laugh at him???? I REALLY DON'T THINK SO
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crunchchute · 5 months
im torn between headcanoning william being bi or just outright gay but hiding it and going as far as to have a wife and kids.. (i like that more but i also like to think he did love his wife at some point) i also like him nonbinary in the way it applies today but back then he wouldnt know. i just love the whole nonbinary/feminine springbonnie idea (like a girl counterpart to fredbear, or basically a similar situation with the rabbit from Well, Just You Wait, where some people believed the bunny is a girl, even if theres many hints its a guy, but he ends up looking very nonbinary/gnc) and that by wearing the suit he can like explore himself more. and the whole deal with him being so obsessed with the suit and becoming one with it and later dare i say loving it? at least using it to his advantage and claiming a new persona as springtrap its to me like.. its very gender to me okay (in the way that when i was a teen figuring out im trans but couldnt show it, fursuiting and cosplaying as male characters saved me. let me explore this stuff in small bits)
im not a good worldbuilder so im having trouble deciding how similar is the fnaf universe to ours. if their tech and robotics are so much more advanced so early on, what are their views on lgbt people. or is it just, they have good robots, but are still homophobic. i wonder. it doesnt correlate but you know. world kinda changes when tech changes
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sailor-rowling · 2 months
No, JK Rowling is not a Holocaust denier
The LGBT lobby has found yet another sickening way to attack JK Rowling. Trans-activist bullies, who so often delight in sending death and rape threats to the Harry Potter author, are now suggesting she is a Holocaust denier. It should go without saying that this is an absurd and defamatory slur. It is also one that’s being increasingly employed against anyone who dares to question the trans lobby’s latest attempt to rewrite history.
Rowling was accused of Holocaust denial last week, after she wrote a post on X that doubted claims that the Nazis made trans people a specific target for genocide. This argument is part of a wider attempt by activists to place trans people at the centre of the Holocaust. But the truth is that they weren’t. At least, not in any meaningful sense.
Digging into these claims, I soon discovered that activist historians have been sewing together a patchwork story of an alleged trans ‘genocide’ that is breathtakingly misleading. In fact, their entire narrative is built on only a handful of trans victims. Crucially, most of these victims were also Jewish or homosexual.
In response to Rowling’s comments, Pink News published an article claiming that ‘the persecution of trans people by the Nazis was devastating’. The proof for this? The names of five trans victims. What Pink News fails to disclose is that three of these people actually survived the war and fortunately lived to a ripe old age. One victim – Liddy Bacroff, who was arrested as a male prostitute – did sadly die in a concentration camp. Another, Gerd R, took his own life.
Take the case of Gerd R, one of the victims mentioned by Pink News. Gerd was a married, heterosexual man who had a history of crossdressing. He was arrested multiple times for public indecency after his neighbours grew tired of finding him hiding naked in their communal bins. He was later rescued from a concentration camp by the intervention of his doctor, who pointed out that he was heterosexual. This action saved his life and he was moved to a mental institution. There, Gerd took his own life.
Gerd’s fate was tragic. But it is almost certain that he would have ended up in an asylum for this behaviour anywhere across Europe at that time. The idea that a non-Jewish, heterosexual man like Eddie Izzard would without question have been murdered when Gerd R was not is fanciful, self-serving nonsense.
Another victim, Gerd Kubbe, a woman who identified as a man, had a very close brush with the authorities. In 1938, she was arrested for wearing men’s clothes and sent to a concentration camp. But a few months later, she was released and permitted to dress as she liked and to adopt the gender-neutral name of Gerd. One ‘queer’ historian admits that ‘police at first reacted harshly but later showed surprising leniency’. Even gay transvestite Fritz Kitzing, who was repeatedly arrested for soliciting, was sent to join the army rather than killed in a concentration camp. Kitzing survived the war and ran an antique shop until the 1990s.
So far, the mixed fortunes of the handful of named trans victims suggest that it was entirely possible to be ‘trans’ and elude persecution. If you were heterosexual, considered ‘Aryan’, followed the rules on public crossdressing and avoided prostitution or public indecency, you at least had a chance of surviving the brutal regime. No such leniency was afforded to the Nazis’ key targets, like Jews or disabled people, who were ruthlessly sought out for elimination.
When trans activists describe this truth-telling as ‘Holocaust denial’, they do a disservice to all Holocaust victims – including the few trans victims who really did suffer at the hands of an evil regime for their other characteristics. We must resist this blatant rewriting of history and the trans appropriation of the Holocaust.
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cocogrrrl · 10 months
Hi! Can you do a TransMale!reader and Kyle fic where reader feels really dysphoric and upset while the two are in public because of stares 😭
And then Kyle corrects someone when they misgender reader 😭
It would cure my dysphoria 🥺/j
real men
you arent feeling the best, and when you get purposefully misgendered, you only feel worse
kyle broflovski x transmale!reader cw: transphobia, gender dysphoria wc: 1050
an: as an enby person i feel like this was more self indulgent than anything, i hope this captures what you're looking for anon 😭
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Somehow, something hits you at the worst of times, and then you feel like every single wave within you is crashing, and there is no way you can stop it. The particular stare of some people, the way you overhear how others talk about you, how they refer to you. It’s a reminder that you’ll never be who you want to be.
To many people, you just escaped the person you were. You weren’t actually trying to reshape yourself into the person you’re meant to be—you were just destroying yourself. You were stupid in their eyes.
In a way, sometimes you felt like they were right.
Were the new clothes, new name, and new identity all worth it? Because at the end of the day, one wrong move and people will know or be reminded of who you once were. Sometimes you believed that it’s no use—the changes you made—because all you want is people to accept who you were, which they didn’t.
“YN? Are you okay?” Kyle’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts, waving a hand in front of your face.
You two were spending time together in the back of the school during your break, and you hadn’t realized that you completely spaced out.
“Oh, yeah. I’m fine, just a little tired.” You laughed, brushing your thoughts off. You didn’t want to worry Kyle at this moment. He doesn’t deserve to hear you wallowing. He’s worth more than that.
“Are you sure?” He said, raising a brow at you. You think he knows what’s going on, but you can’t tell.
You really didn’t want to bother Kyle or your feelings in fear of opening a dam, so you did your best to swat both away. “Yeah.”
“Did you get enough sleep last night?”
“Eh, I couldn’t sleep. I think it was 3 AM, and I was still wide awake” That was true, at least. You had trouble sleeping, and Kyle knew that very well. A double dose of sleeping pills could barely get you through the night.
“How much time do you have left before your next period?”
“Uh, 20 minutes.” You said, looking at the time on your phone.
“You wanna sleep first?” He offered, patting his shoulder.
“I had coffee a while ago, so I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep.” You smiled, shaking your head but still resting your body on Kyle’s side. What can you say? You’re a clingy person.
As you heard people making their way through the school grounds, getting to their next class, Kyle scrolled on his phone as you relaxed your mind and your body. Your thoughts eventually settled, and you felt a little lighter. You hadn’t realized that you were feeling better.
Until one person showed up.
“And here, you can see the covetous jew with his gay ass girlfriend,” Cartman said, waving his arm at you two from a distance like he’s some tour guide and you two are attractions at a zoo. He was showing and befriending the freshmen around since no one in his grade wanted to hang out with him.
“Dude, can you shut the fuck up?” Kyle rolled his eyes as he placed his phone down. “He’s my boyfriend, by the way.”
“I don’t get what you mean, Kyle. YN’s is so obviously a chick! She’s got tits and everything.” He spat, motioning to your parts.
“First of all, he’s a boy regardless of what you say.” He let out a frustrated sigh, closing his eyes tight as he relieved his annoyed feeling. He knew better than to start a fight right now. It’s not what any of you needed. ”Second of all, didn’t you identify as a trans woman when we were younger?”
He scoffed in reply as his jaw hung so low it was almost comical like it was saying ‘How dare you bring that up?!’ “No, I so fucking didn’t!”
“There was one time you dressed up as Britney Spears once and danced with a cardboard cutout of Justin Timberlake. Butters still has the video.”
“No, he doesn’t.” He mumbled, sounding defeated.
“Yes, he does, and I will call him if you don’t quit it.”
“Whatever, the video’s edited anyway.” He grumbled, motioning the group of freshmen to follow him as he would go on to find his next victim. 
Kyle let out a deep breath once more, the tenseness in his shoulders dropping once Cartman had left the scene. “Are you alright?” He looked at you sympathetically, putting a hand on your back.
“I don’t know…” You replied, your gaze now directed on the ground.
Your thoughts of earlier had swarmed back. They couldn’t just be swatted away. There’s always something that’ll rock the hive.
You just hated how he was just spreading that fact. It means that you wouldn’t even have a chance of appearing like a boy to others now. It feels like you were always destined to be a girl because of shit like this.
“I’m sorry he did that.” You could sense a hint of frustration still lying under his voice.
“It’s out of your control. I think it’s inevitable.”
“Don’t think that way. You aren’t worth his time or his bigotry.”
“I just wish people saw me as a guy.” You exhaled, bringing your legs up to your chest as you balled your body up.
“A lot of people do. It’s because you are one.”
“Yeah? That doesn’t stop shits like Cartman telling others that I’m not a real man.”
“Real man, this real man that. Who’s to define what makes a man anyways? Definitely not him.” He laughed, hoping to ease a little bit of your stress. 
“YN, you are a boy, okay? Just because you don’t fit into the construct that the fuck built in his idea of gender, it doesn’t mean that you are any less of a man. It’s his fault that he can’t seem to recognize the man you really are.”
You turned your head from buried in your lap to his view. You felt a smile creep on your lips. Even if people like Cartman would always be around, at least you had your boyfriend to be by your side despite everything. “Thanks, Kyle.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” He hummed, bringing you into a hug.
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femalefern · 1 year
After well over a decade on tumblr I guess it was time to make a terf sideblog, lol
I am a lesbian who was involved in the queer/trans community in my city for about a decade and entered into a serious (unfulfilling, primarily but not entirely sexless) long-term relationship with a trans woman (fully and blindly accepting that trans women are women, fully denying my own desires out of a need for love and acceptance). Years later, I am dealing with shame and regret now that I realize how much I let myself get brainwashed and robbed of my own sexuality. The person I dated wasn’t this evil manipulator, no one was forcing me to be there, but I still feel violated, still feel like I was deeply manipulated by a lot of the queer/trans stuff in my 20s that led me into this situation that I thankfully got myself out of. Even before I got out, I was growing skeptical of the cult-like way the queer groups ran my city (a fairly small but very liberal university town). I dared to speak up against a community organizer and was severely cancelled in 2014 before canceling was really a thing. My ex and I were both anti “sex work” and we ended up being harassed in the streets and had our apartment vandalized for helping someone avoid resorting to entering the industry. My relationship thankfully ended with Covid, but not before I had what I can only describe as a mental breakdown complete with my first manic episode that lost me my job, stability, and a lot of friends, and earned me several diagnoses. Luckily with Covid, I got away from any opportunity for in person social events and rediscovered fandom and non-queer lesbians online, which really saved me. Getting into the queer/trans community in my city was a mistake, there’s no other way to put it. As a teenager I didn’t have any great confusion about being a lesbian once I had my big realization, but a severe confusion developed as an adult. It was easy as a kid to figure out and somewhat easy to accept that I only liked women, and came out to various people when I was around 16. And then from like age 18 until Covid, I guess you could say I slowly but surely completely indoctrinated myself, completely and thoroughly went all in, with a lot of help from other people. 
This started I guess with the university lesbians around me telling me they’re queer because gender isn’t binary, which in 2010 was a pretty foreign concept to me, and the underlying message was that queerness was the morally and intellectually superior sexuality to lesbianism (so of course I fairly quickly called myself queer too because if not it was clear I was dumb and didn’t Get It.)
Next came my attraction to and dating a (now identifying) trans man, who began testosterone at the end of the relationship and insisted that being attracted to him meant I wasn’t a lesbian at all, but that I had to be bi/pan, which I did accept with some passive agreement.
Finally, there was a trans woman, who knew and validated I was really a lesbian (as long as I returned that validation), and pursued me (somewhat aggressively) in a way no one had before. But I was seeking any sort of validation and acceptance by this point, since I dealt with a lot of rejection and abandonment, both friend and relationship wise in my 20s. Out of so much detachment and confusion and now deep depression, (I think I also considered myself asexual for a time, as well as nonbinary of course), I went with it. It was serious, we planned on having kids together some day, I was miserable by the end. But I was so comfortable in my misery that I wanted it to continue, afraid of change, until my mental breakdown blew everything up and this person had the sense to end it for me, and I am thankful for that. 
It didn’t help that of all the lgbt people I know, I barely knew a single lesbian. Ultimately, bi people, gay men, and trans people will always greatly outnumber us. Not to mention I spent a huge amount of time studying this shit in grad school. A wasted education, lol (I am happily self employed now though, so it all works out.)
Today, for the first time in my almost 30 years, I am dating an actual lesbian, and it’s only with that and some distance from my past and all my processing that I can really understand how unhappy my life was and how detached I was from my sexuality. 
Despite coming out as a teenager, I find myself resonating more with late bloomer lesbians who only find their happiness after years of denying themselves and focusing on men. I wish I could find people who went through the same experience as me because I am still processing my mistakes years later. I don't want judgement or sympathy but I wish I could talk about this with someone who gets it. Please feel free to reach out if any of these resonated with you. 
tl;dr: lesbians DO get coerced into dating trans women, the queer/trans community fucked me up a bit (a lot), but i’m happier now 
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kanmom51 · 2 years
This FVcking tkkers dmed the model with whom Tae took a photo at after party and asked him to clarify about Tae’’s sexuality isjeuejdududj idiots fVcking idiots. What can we do to stop embarrassing the whole army fandom?…
What the hell?
Do people have no boundaries?
Well, I ask that when I know the answer to that, which is NO.
This after party has sent the fandom into a hissy fit.
Tae is a grown ass man and will be with whomever he damn wants to, spend time with whomever he damn wants to and take photos with whomever he damn feels like, even god forbid gender ambiguous models.
It's about time the fandom grow up and understand that these 7 men are grown ups with lives of their own, likes of their own, and yes, they might even not be straight, gasp...blasfemy.
Not saying that Tae spending time with anyone that is not straight themselves or might be trans or gender ambiguous means Tae is queer himself, but you know, what if he is, eh? What if Tae of BTS isn't only into women? End of the world?
Oh, but wait, TKKs think he's in a queer relationship with JK, no?
Ahm yes, but Tae is only allowed to be "gay for JK"(*), right?
*Disclaimer: Not me saying in any shape way or form that I know JK's sexuality.
So, Tae dares spend his free time in the company of other men, men that may be gender ambiguous, and take photos with them in kind of interesting poses?
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These fans NEED to KNOW if anything 'bad' happened there, right?
Because it's their given right. They are owed this. By any and every means possible. So what if they harass this person. He NEEDS to answer to them.
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This model had to finally post this, after being harassed and hated on:
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I have an idea for these fans. Fans that claim to love Tae:
Leave him the fuck alone.
Leave anyone that has any kind of interaction with him alone.
Leave JK and JM alone too.
If you love him, like you claim to, you will accept him for who he is, not who you want him to be.
And who he is, what his sexuality is, who he wants to spend his time with, who he wants to be in a relationship with or who he wants to have sex with (yes, he has sex), he doesn't have to share any of that with you.
He owes the fandom zero, apart from maybe making good music and giving good performances. We should be thankful he shares what he does with us (any of them for that matter), and we should enjoy it instead of passing judgement or thinking we have a right to tell hem (him/them - yep I invented an whole new word) what to do.
I'm kind of sick having to say this time and time again.
And this isn't only a shipper problem, although many in the fandom would like to make it that, because this entitlement fans have, it's not exclusive to TKKs.
Don't get me started on the waves of homophobia and transphobia that came flowing over the fandom following this after party.
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we-the-human · 4 months
I’m sure that you’re getting just an insane amount of hate for daring to be gender critical in a fandom space but I got to say it’s just lovely to see. It’s crazy the amount of hate appears when you even attempt to acknowledge some of mental gymnastics involved in trans cycles.
Tlt actually manages to do gender really well in my opinion: most of the time it doesn’t actually matter. Gender roles seem to have almost been completely eliminated from the culture of the houses, which is actually what most gender critical people want.
But of course people aren’t going to acknowledge that 99% of the stuff spread around Tumblr about ‘terfs’ is complete bullshit. They’re too busy saying JK Rowling is calling for the death of every trans woman.
Any way I hope you don’t let the hate get to you!
Thank you for the comments. I don’t let these people get to me. It honestly all just looks really bad on them.
I say it over and over; they do not seem to understand that in the real world, their views are the minority. They would know this if they actually talked to people…in REAL LIFE, and in a way that doesn’t automatically make people want to hide their actual thoughts and beliefs from them when they sense a red flag. Nobody wants to talk to these people honestly because they’re fucking snitches lol.
I’m a GNC, Butch, gay woman. But I’m not a fucking lunatic and so I can have discussions with people not in the LGBT community that are honest because I’m not going to jump down their throats for understanding that if you chop off a man’s dick, that doesn’t make him a woman. Add on top of that marketers who grab on to any new, hot thing without actually understanding it for the sake of pandering for profits, and you have a recipe for some very misinformed people.
So, they become very disillusioned about who actually agrees with them and who doesn’t.
I think the books do a great job of eliminating gender. Some other user seemed to be convinced that some of the characters are literally trans - which they aren’t - and seems very confused that I am capable of reading this book and saying “I understand how you can view Paul and Pyrrha as metaphors or allegories for trans identities.” And still enjoy it. Like, it’s an analysis. What is there to be mad about lol?
The irony is they’re trying to make a (fandom)space exclusive by attempting to remove me…because I advocate for spaces exclusive to women. Of course engaging in fandom is much less invasive than being in a change-room with a man. But, don’t expect them to see that kind of obvious logic.
Either way, it’s kinda funny.
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echo-stimmingrose · 1 year
Slight rant/ted talk
Trans People are People Too
So this person on tik tok responded to one of my comments, saying "they/them pronouns wtf y'all are still on that?"
One thing to note: I did not mention my pronouns in my comment nor are they in my name. This person had to have gone onto my profile, saw my pronouns and then decided that they needed to make a comment about it.
A ton of people responded to their comment defending me and other gender non-conforming people.
This person then went on to make a comment about what gentiles I have. 1, they have no way of knowing. 2, that's super fucking creepy especially considering i am a minor.
Many people called them creepy and they said, "it's not creepy, every woman has one" which is just incredibly false. Also how tf would they know what genitalia I have?
They continued to respond to other people under my comment while actively ignoring all of my comments, especially the one where I stated that I was a minor and it doesn't really matter whats in my pants.
The worst part of this though was their most recent comments. They said that "people like her make all the gays look bad"
They then revealed that they are gay/a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
To be honest I wasn't upset at first. I'm used to cis het people being ignorant bigots towards minorities. Especially when they have the cover of the internet to shield them. But a member of my own community? Not gonna lie that hurt a little bit.
I know it's just a stranger on the internet but if our own community can't stick together what hope do we have?
I live in the US and frankly it's scary right now. All of these bills and people in power who would rather focus on getting rid of the gays then helping the kids being shot I'm schools. It's so sad.
And to all the people telling people like me who aren't happy with our country "just move then" it is not as easy as you are making it sound. People can't just up and move across seas or across the continent.
I know they would like that though. If everyone who dares to be different would just leave and stop complaining about our rights being stripped from us.
I'm being told by my grandfather that it's not actually that bad. Maybe not for him, he's a cis het white man who only watches Fox News. I commented on one of his bigoted transphobic posts on Facebook and he blocked me and refused to respond to any of my messages. He then called my mom a bitch when she got pissed at him.
We're back on good terms now thankfully. He still has some effed up opinions on LGBTQ+ people, which is hard not just for me but my little sibling as well.
This is the same man who used to tell me to stand up for my country and the things that I believe in. I guess that only applies to things he agrees with.
Our community is being told to stop being so loud about our rights and maybe people would like us more. Imagine if we talked to women in the 1920s and informed them that we are still fighting for equal rights even 100 years later.
I don't care if things are "better now." Better doesn't mean good or safe. People are still being killed for this. We are moving backwards instead of forward. Don't they know history is doomed to repeat itself? Especially if they refuse to make changes.
I informed my uncle of the new bill in Florida about how trans kids are being ripped away from their families just because their families support them. He said "yeah that'll get fought. It won't stay for long."
But he also said that this bill would never get passed. I love my uncle and he means we'll but he still has a lot more faith in our country than I do. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. But it's also leaving him ignorant to a lot of the things that are going on.
Even if that bill doesn't stay "for long" as he says it's still a problem now. People are fleeing Florida and parents have already lost kids to this fucked up system. That's going to cause irreversible trauma on not just the parents but kids as well.
My uncle also says the biggest problem with our country right now is our economy. When I informed him I frankly didn't care about the economy as much as other problems, he laughed. "You're gonna care when you can't pay for anything to live"
The way things are going, by the time I am paying on my own to live I won't have the rights to do so.
Since before I came out I have always wanted to attend a pride parade as I've never been to one. Several months ago my mom and I talked about attending one during pride month. But now I don't want to, the thought honestly scares me.
I live in a small town in a red state. I hate going out in public because of the people in this town. I ate the way they look at me and my friends as if we don't belong.
My heart goes out to my LGBTQ+ siblings. Things are fucking scary right now. Please don't discriminate against your own community or else we don't have any hope of going anywhere.
Happy Pride Month I Guess
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piqued-curiosity · 1 year
F1NNST3R is a Twitch streamer who dared his subs to give him enough to money to do "girl month".
He boxed up his "boy" clothes, bought new "girl" clothes, and even went so far as to learn how to do his makeup and grow his hair out so he could look more feminine.
A lot of people misunderstand him as being trans, but he's just a guy having fun with gender. He's just a guy dressing up.
I'm curious what kind of homophobia you see in trans circles, because I don't really see any. And...sex isn't really a thing that exists, in the first place. Like, sure, there's sexual characteristics but it's been shown through various studies and anecdotes that a person will differ from other members of their "sex". For example, F1NNST3R passes really well as a woman (minus his voice), and it pisses off transphobes because they can't tell at a glance what he really is. He has a very feminine body, for what he is.
The same goes in reverse, too. Cis women (those assigned Female at birth and who continue to identify as female into adulthood) are more than capable of being big, burly, and "manly" with the right genetics. Not to mention intersex people...exist? In more ways than just genital oddities, and in ways that aren't readily apparent.
Sex means...nothing, really. There's no noticeable difference in physical or mental capacity based solely on sex, it's moreso related to social conditioning and upbringing (imagine the toy aisles at a supermarket - where do you find the dollhouses, where do you find the science kits?).
There's no reason to assume a "man" in women's sports would fare any better compared to "his" competitors - unless he has outside factors like better training equipment, better personal trainers, and better conditioning. All else being equal, "his" sex makes no true difference.
To say otherwise is to ignore true, proven science. I don't know why you insist on being like this. It's not sexist to call you a cis woman. It isn't tacking anything onto you, and it isn't defining anything about you except that you are the opposite to a trans woman - that is, you are the opposite of a woman who had to transition to be taken seriously as a woman. It's fine if you personally don't like the term, but you can say "Please don't call me that" without making false equivalence.
The patriarchy hurts everyone. Until men can be open about their feelings and stop feeling judged for having emotions besides lust and anger, until they can wear makeup and dresses and long hair without being ridiculed or made fun of, until they can freely choose how to express themselves, they will never not be as much a victim of the patriarchy as you are.
Equal, but different.
I’m curious why you think a man wearing makeup, having long hair, and wearing societally deemed “feminine” clothes is “playing with gender”, and not just a man wearing makeup, having long hair, and wearing certain clothes. As a gender abolitionist I seek to remove gendered standards from everything, not enforce them. I want to see a world where nobody blinks twice at a man doing these things, and where nobody sees it as “feminine” or related to gender in any way.
I’m also curious about how you see no homophobia in trans circles. It’s so abundant it’s ridiculous. For starters, the idea that heterosexuals can become gay. That’s appropriating homosexuality and forcing homosexuals to open our spaces and community to heterosexuals. A big one is “genital preference” discourse, which is progressive conversion therapy that shames homosexuality for being same sex attracted. I, and many other lesbians, have been told we’re transphobic for lacking attraction to the male sex and only being attracted to the female sex. How is that any different than a religious leader telling us we’re sinners for the same? There’s also the “cotton/boxer ceiling” thing, where heterosexual trans people whine about how gay men and lesbians don’t want to sleep with them, and treating our sexuality and sexual boundaries as a problem/barrier/“ceiling” that needs to be overcome. There’s also the fact that many gnc children are being told they’re trans…despite it being a known fact that gender non conformity can be a sign of homosexuality. Or, at least, that’s a stereotype that homophobic parents notice, and then transition their child as a form of conversion therapy. I’ve heard “transition acceptance” stories that are literally just parents saying they’d rather have a trans kid than a gay kid…I assume it’s because with a trans kid, they can pretend their kid is straight. I could honestly go on. Talk to any homosexual in the gender critical sphere, and you’ll find we all have a lot to say about homophobia in trans circles. For most of us, it’s why we left.
Just because somebody can pass as the opposite sex doesn’t mean that sex isn’t real. I can dress a parrot in a convincing rat costume and teach it to squeak and trick everyone into thinking it’s a rat…that doesn’t mean parrots and rats are fake. I can buy a fake bouquet of flowers and convincingly pass them off as real, that doesn’t mean flowers aren’t real.
Your definition of “cis women” is exactly why we don’t want to be called that. I do not “identify” as female. That implies I’m comfortable with the societal roles placed upon me for being female, especially because those who believe in gender associate womanhood with those roles. I am not comfortable with those roles, I did not identify into being female. I just am female. It’s the same thing for sexuality, I hate when people say “identifies as gay”. I don’t identify as gay, I am gay.
Intersex people have repeatedly asked to not be used as pawns in this argument. They have a medical condition (which is dependent on sex. Some conditions are only found in males, some only in females), they aren’t a magical third sex. Claiming they are is like saying “actually, some humans are born as conjoined twins, so we can’t actually say humans are a species with one head, and two arms and legs because some people are born with more”.
You underestimate how important sex is and how much the two differ. I agree that socialisation plays some part, in that a girl might be less likely than a boy to go become a scientist because she was told from a young age that it’s a “man’s job”. But males and females are indeed different, both have strengths and weaknesses that are sex based. I can’t list them all off the top of my head and as I’m currently sick I don’t feel like looking up sources and such, but off the top of my head an example is male and female gymnastics. There are tricks (is that the right word? I’m nowhere near being a gymnast) that men can do that women can’t, and some that women can do that men can’t. I remember seeing videos of men trying women’s gymnastics and vice versa, and despite clearly being skilled gymnasts they couldn’t even figure out how to do the tricks tailored to the other sex’s physical strengths. Because male and female bodies are different and are capable of doing different things.
Search up Lia Thomas. He was ranked very lowly in men’s swimming, somewhere in the triple digits. After joining the women’s team, he shot up to first. Why? It’s not because he magically became a better swimmer overnight. It was because he’s a man, and men are on average stronger and faster than women. If he was really on an equal playing field, he’d have ranked the same on the women’s as he did in the men’s.
That’s the thing about the term cis, though. As a woman, I do not want to be defined in relation to sexist men who think they can transition into being a woman. I do not want to be defined in a way that, to most who believe in gender, means I “identify” as a woman and the roles pushed onto women. Many women have voiced this and we continue to be ignored, because ultimately the trans community is insanely sexist and does not care about what we have to say about anything. They care more about men’s feelings and men’s opinions on womanhood.
I’m not even going to entertain that last bit about men being victims of the patriarchy just as much as women are because they can’t express their feelings or partake in traditional femininity. That’s absolutely delusional and ridiculous. I and every other women wish that was all we had to deal with, because it’s not even a fraction of the pain inflicted on women. To think it’s equal, is to show how ignorant you are on how women are treated in this world. Even if it was equal—which is most certainly is not—,it’s not my problem. Men created the problem, they can fix it if they’re so inclined.
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royalberryriku · 8 months
Unfortunately, I am thinking again and am reminded again how heterosexual TERF women continually steal shit from lesbians and try to erase butches because they hate them so goddamn much. ESPECIALLY he/him butches and queer women and non binary dykes. Hell, even bisexual women, non binary people and he/him folks who are dykes in some way or another.
In fact, as a bisexual bigender trans man dyke, this'd be me. For real, we were here before you all decided to be offended by lesbians who dare to even use a strap because that scares you! Or call themselves men! And no not "because of safety reasons" but because we've always done it and still do it regardless. Because it's part of who some of us are. We have loved tits, pussy, straps (plastic or bio) way before you all decided to use lesbian to mean "we hate men". It's the "we fucking love women and wanna kiss women" club. It's not hard, lesbian means we kissy kissy women in a way the hettys don't like.
Because they think only gender roles abiding men can kiss gender roles abiding women and anything that's different is a sin or yucky, that's what offends them! That's why when lesbians are a femme that looks very feminine and womanly and such OR a butch that looks like a man people get pissed. That's why a woman with a beard makes people pissed. That's why a man who has breasts who kisses women makes people pissed. Because it denies all the gender roles that are defied here. It doesn't matter if a woman has a pussy or a dick, because it's already against the damn rules if she kisses girls and no one's gonna care when they call her a sinner like the rest of us.
They don't care that I'm a dude who looks cis, because I act too feminine, yet dress masculine and androgynous, and I have breasts and a pussy and like people with breast and a pussy as well to boot plus I like men and that's all against the bloody rules so I'm a freak of nature them who they want to legislate against. Hell, even in the community (esp among people who refuse to learn what older queers have lived through or anything about our history) being non binary to the point you aren't able to fit cleanly in any single clean label makes you really easy to hate. It doesn't matter that my love of women and my love of men makes me hated as a man who loves men and a woman-like person who likes women, because god forbid I call myself a dyke because my gender relates deeply to being a he/him butch. And the thing is, we've always been around since always but people get pissed when things aren't neat, tidy and easy to digest for their convenience and personal ease. When our existence is actually broad and vague, that makes people puzzled and scared, despite us all being fluid as people. It's our species whole thing to not be consistent or always the same or easy to understand. We're complex. But I digress...
There's just so much to this I could delve into but the biggest thing here is that regardless of what TERFs think, so much of it is borrowed from queers. So much is just stolen shit they rebranded and repurposed but made for hets. So much of feminism was built from queers, hell, from gay men. So much of feminism was built from lesbians and bisexuals and trans people. So much of the terms that TERFs use and the rights they have were built off our backs and now we're the fucking enemy? Lmao okay. Who do you think helped you all fight against abusive cis men? Not cis men saying you all need to join up with their anti trans groups that for sure. It was the gay men who look down on and lesbians you all call predatory and the drag queens who pushed to normalise the idea that femininity isn't just for women but men and, for you all, that it doesn't define a woman. Who stood by you all this entire time? And now we're all expendable, us queers.
And hey, we don't want you in feminist circles either since you've all proven yourselves to be sexist as hell. But I'm still pissed that so much of queer culture and our efforts have been used, borrowed, taken for granted and repeated as if it came from you all when a lot of it came from us. Like, sweetie, no. You all really think heterosexual women built feminism without us? You all think when you say "all men are gross perverts to women" you're not realising you're forgetting the gay men who aren't fucking attracted to women and have been treated like shit for being attracted to men? You think banning drag queens are some sort of thanks to all the times they've pushed against the idea that dresses must only be worn by women and pants can only be worn by men? Are you all fucking kidding me?
Everything about TERFs are borrowed and stolen, but hey, can't be surprised. It's the same for all bigots, they're never original aren't they?
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orionsangel86 · 11 months
Interesting analysis. I love Niel Gaiman but I am not a fan of his choices regarding Morpheus and sex, he definitely let his own bias get into it.
Can I ask what choices exactly it is that you aren't a fan of? Is it just the limited cishet-ness of it all? What would be your preference?
I think we all tend to let our own biases slip into our character interpretations. I'm bisexual, but otherwise allo and cis and I usually prefer to headcanon characters to be like me if there isn't any strong basis for other interpretations (example: Castiel in SPN is imo gay and demisexual, not bisexual, and not sex repulsed asexual either, and I think canon supports these views more than any other interpretations (though others are valid) even though I sometimes would prefer to view Cas as bi leaning just for fun with a stronger appetite for sexual attraction and sexual gratification than perhaps canon would support - but thats why we have fanfics!).
For me, I headcanon Morpheus as pan (in that gender is irrelevant compared to bisexual where gender is relevant and I am attracted to pretty much all of em) but other than that he's most comfortable in male form, with male genitalia, and does not fall on the asexual scale.
I recognise in my own headcanon, that I am possibly projecting onto him a bit, as there really isn't anything in canon to indicate he is attracted to beings with male presenting forms (other than maaaybe Lucifer if you squint). Its far easier to project onto Hob Gadling - who can easily be intepreted as bi/pan who was canonically married to a trans man.
Thats not to say that ace headcanons of Morpheus arent valid of course. Perhaps thats the issue? Again I wonder if perhaps I am stepping into some worrying discourse in fandom that I have missed involving aphobia? Just because the dude has sex in canon doesn't mean he CAN'T be ace after all? If ace people wanna view him that way thats fine.
I'm not gonna ramble too much more on this point. Everyone is gonna have their own interpretations, and at the end of the day, the rule I always stress is that so long as you arent inflicting and enforcing your interpretations and headcanons onto everyone else, and policing fandom for daring to interpret things differently, you can interpret things however you like and play with characters like the dolls in the dollhouse. Fandom is a sandbox. So play.
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caffeineandsociety · 2 years
If there is such a thing as a universal AFAB experience, it is being told constantly - even in queer spaces - that it's not your turn to have your issues heard. It is being told constantly that your problems aren't serious, or aren't real, or aren't what you say they are. It's being told over and over and over again that you're overreacting, and that other people have bigger problems so you need to sit down and wait. It is having violence against you downplayed with "but did you die?" in some hat or another.
Scared at the loss of abortion rights? Well, just stop having so much sex then, slut! It's not a REAL problem! Frustrated that you're being obsessively micromanaged by dress codes while your male classmates or coworkers aren't? Ugh, first world problems, don't you know that there are countries where women are still treated like property? You ARE being treated like property? Well why don't you just leave him or call the cops, you hysterical clown? You clearly just want something to complain about! Assaulted because some guy wouldn't take "I'm a lesbian" for an answer? Well you must have been very rude!
No problem you ever face is REAL and SERIOUS to anyone but you. To the rest of the world you're just a child LARPing at having problems for attention, trying to take away from people with REAL struggles. Even if one of these problems is acknowledged as systemic, "well, did it happen to YOU personally? It did? Well you clearly didn't get the worst of it, you're alive, stop complaining!"
And if you transition? Suddenly it starts coming from "feminists" too. If you're a trans man? Well, if you go stealth you might get paid almost as much as a cis man, so corrective rape and medical gatekeeping are part of a privilege, they're not real violence. If you're nonbinary? Cool cool we'll play along with your little game acknowledge you but we need to know your REAL gender what you were assigned at birth so we can tell whether you're a scary predatory man or an annoying frivolous baby girl looking for attention by stealing a narrative from real oppressed people properly assess your privileges!
There's a subset of "trans-inclusive" "feminists" absolutely frothing at the mouth for someone to treat the same way cis men treat them - but if you call them out on it, they turn on the fucking crocodile tears and start crying about how DARE you accuse them of being sexists they're FEMINISTS and you're not a WOMAN so YOU'RE just a misogynist and they will PROVE they're better and more progressive people than you by violently ripping away every piece of support you have.
They're so thorough, in fact, that simply by mentioning how they treat trans men, some of you are probably assuming I mean to imply that they treat trans women any better. I do not. I am well aware that these are the very same people who uplift trans women as flawless powerful queens and goddesses until they set one toe out of line and suddenly they're predators - no, no, it's not because they're trans women, it's because they openly indulge in a children's cartoon on the same blogs where they make sex jokes, so OBVIOUSLY they're PEDOPHILES.
But I'm tired of only being able to discuss my problems under that framework. I'm tired of not being allowed to discuss my problems in isolation. Other marginalized people are allowed to, but me? Hell, AFAB queer people in general? Lesbian issues, if not framed in terms of how the same issues affect gay men, get treated as divisive and seen as a likely sign of radfem nonsense - not because they inherently are, but because those vile communities are damned near the only ones that allow it. Discussing transmasc issues, and not framing them as lesser collateral damage to transmisogyny, is seen as denying that transmisogyny exists.
I'm tired of discussions of my own struggles having to come with disclaimers that I Know My Place, because you all still think of me as a caricature of a woman - a screeching harpy whining about non-issues, a permanent baby with a massive victim complex, too weak to protect myself from mild discomfort so I must spin it as the end of the world for attention - and blend that with the Born This Way narrative and blame it on me being an entitled man.
Unity should not mean "you must frame your issues in terms of how they affect us, while we barely pay you lip service in discussing ours."
So, when will it be our turn?
When will you admit that you're just as prone to bioessentialist misogyny as anyone else?
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LGBT (2) Masterlist
Links Last Checked: February 11th, 2024
part one
Bedroom Activities (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) michael/calum T, 2k asexual!michael
Summary: Michael thinks that Calum’s bed is his favorite location in the entire house.
Or: Michael comes out to Calum.
Chrysalis (ao3) - jbhmalum michael/calum T, 49k asexual!calum, trans!michael
Summary: When Michael breaks up with him without an explanation, Calum is left confused as he tries to pick up the pieces. He just doesn’t realise they’re not meant to be put back together the same way.
Comment, Like, Subscribe My Heart (ao3) - thesoulsailor michael/luke N/R, 54k nonbinary!luke, cis!michael
Summary: Youtube!AU in which Luke is a non-binary beauty guru, Michael is the lead singer of Ashton’s cover band and Calum thinks gender roles are overrated anyways.
drag the lake and bring me home again (ao3) - younggod michael/luke T, 2k nonbinary!luke, cis!michael
Summary: the one where michael is dating luke and luke is nonbinary and wants to feel safe and michael thinks he can help him with that
For a Good Time, Call (ao3) - xdistorted_cliffordx michael/calum M, 40k gay!michael
Summary: Michael was looking for a good time, not a relationship.
i'd still choose you (ao3) - IWillNotBeSilenced michael/luke T, 541 bisexual!luke
Summary: 'I think I'm bisexual.' 'Okay. That's okay, Luke.'
In which Luke comes out, and his feelings are more important than Michael's Playstation.
I’m Back in My Body (ao3) - FayeHunter luke/ashton M, 3k nonbinary!luke
Summary: Luke has a conversation with KayKay that pushes him to re-consider his own gender identity.
Not Just a Stupid Game (ao3) - coffeemuke michael/luke E, 2k bisexual!luke, bisexual!michael
Summary: A game of truth or dare leads to Michael following through on a dare.
Outlast the Ignorance (ao3) - not_just_dreamers ot4 M, 8k trans!luke, nonbinary!calum, agender!michael, genderqueer!ashton
Summary: ' Eventually, the girl left, and Ashton's roommate turned around, dragging his suitcase into the room. The first thing Ashton noticed was that the boy was pretty. Not handsome, definitely pretty. Plump pink lips and long eyelashes- Ashton soon realised the boy was wearing makeup.
The boy’s eyes met his own, as if daring Ashton to comment, and Ashton looked at the floor.
"Hi. I'm- I'm Ashton," he cursed the way his voice gave away his nerves, and he quickly glanced up to meet the other boy's eyes again. He looked kind, but wary.
"I'm Calum. I'm gonna say this right away: I'm non-binary, and I use they/them pronouns. If you have an issue with that, you can talk to the RA."
Ashton's brows furrowed in confusion, "non-binary? What's that?" '
Parade (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton N/R, 1k pansexual!ashton
Summary: It was June 26, marked on the calendars as the day same-sex marriage was legal nationwide in America. Everyone went out to celebrate, and as a proud pansexual Ashton went too. He surely wasn’t expecting to get lost and meet a cute blond along the way.
Partner Steps (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) michael/ashton T, 18k asexual!ashton
Summary: Ashton Irwin wants to release his second album. He hires Michael Clifford to choreograph the video for the lead single.
Stars in your eyes - @vasattope (vasattope (rachelsheart)) luke/ashton M, 5k bisexual!luke
Summary: Or, Luke figures out his sexuality and makes Ashton doubt everything he thought he knew about himself in the process.
the One About the Pride Parade (ao3) - twinkylukey luke/ashton N/R, 3k pansexual!calum
Summary: basically, ashton and luke meet at pride and fuck.
tie me to your fingertip (don't let me float away) (ao3) - diets0dasociety michael/calum, luke/ashton T, 21k pansexual!calum, pansexual!ashton
Summary: Soulmate.
The world alone is enough to make Calum wretch. It’s a fine enough idea, sure – that somewhere out there is a person, just as oblivious as you, who’s destined to waltz into your life and make you happy forever – but it’s just an idea. A theory. Nobody knows how it works; nobody understands the tattoos. It’s just fate.
And, well, fate and Calum Hood aren’t exactly on good terms.
or, the malum soulmate fic nobody was waiting for in which Calum and Ashton are sort of brothers and Luke and Michael keep popping up.
up to your mouth, feeling it out (ao3) - orphan_account michael/luke, luke/ashton E, 9k bisexual!michael
Summary: Ashton’s the one who suggested it; after all, he would know how well Luke would do in the industry, since he spent most Friday nights with his best friend’s lips around his cock. Luke, on the other hand, didn’t know he would end up fluffing for a record-breaking pornstar who is like, really really hot, and definitely his type.
or, Luke is broke and has a talented mouth (and a tongue piercing).
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years
Homies I just saw the funniest take. It was really long, but it basically boils down to “actually, Vanya coming out as trans is homophobic, because it implies that because she’s attracted to a woman, she’s a man, thus erasing the fact that she is in fact a lesbian”. Never mind the fact that THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT ELLIOT EXPERIECED IRL. Like for the longest time he lived as a lesbian, before coming out as a trans man. Author also adresses the fact that Sissy is canonically gay, and continues to be gay after Viktor leaves, and is just... Bewildered by it? Like, “why does cannon refute this point that the authors never intended to make?” I can’t, this is just so funny.
The author of the piece also takes umbrage with the fact that being with Sissy made Viktor realize he’s trans, and claims this is because Sissy was a woman and because Viktor had sex with her, then he obviously must be a man... Never mind that Sissy’s bravery in admitting her queerness to both herself and others might’ve inspired Viktor to question his identity in ways that he never dared before. Never mind that Viktor’s relationship with Sissy was the healthiest and most emotionally honest that he’s had, maybe ever. I mean, we saw enough of Hargreeves household and Viktor’s life in it. He also didn’t seem to have any friends, and his only relationship outside of his family that we saw was his romance with Harold Jenkins, which lasted like a week and ended with Viktor so unhinged he destroyed the fucking world. Which is to say, not exactly a healthy environment for self-exploration.
The author is then bewildered that everyone in the family is so supportive of his transition, and why is none of the siblings like “no, you’re a lesbian, actually”, which... The projection here is just too funny not to mention. Like I don’t know, these people are from 2019 USA, maybe, just maybe, they think being trans is OK and not a big deal? Maybe they want to support their little bro now that their family kinda works as a unit?! Author also claims that noone ever shows this amount of support towards Viktor on any other occasion, which... No?! ALLISON continues to hate Viktor, but never deadnames or misgenders him (which is a bit weird, but honestly what is your point here, that Allison isn’t enough of an asshole in season 3?!). Everyone else tries to have a normal sibling relationship with him!
(The author also calls Luthor’s sexual assault “non-consensual PDA”, which... I AM SORRY WHAT)
The only point I will give the author is that Viktor’s transition was extremely rushed and not foreshadowed at all, which is a bit disappointing, but under the circumstances understandable. Yes, I would love to have it foreshadowed more, especially in season 2. But I get that the showrunners didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, to contribute to the culture of “being trans is OK and totally normal, actually”. It’s very tricky to handle this kind of thing well, especially with the bajillion other plot points to get to.
There are three things that shed a whole new, somewhat tragic light on this post. a) author is very clearly a TERF, like, this very post has a hashtag “terf safe” *surprised pikachu face* b) author supposedly battles gender dysphoria, calls themself a “lesbian” (that, is they are AFAB) c) author is a big fan of Elliot, whom they still call Ellen, and clearly considered him a role model back when he presented as a woman and lesbian
YEAAAH... So turns out there is a kinda sad story burried under the mountain of bad takes and TERF shennenigans? Which is why I am not going to reblog or @ this person. Maybe they will find my post and realize it’s about them, but I’d rather they don’t. This post really has nothing to offer them, really. If they ever realize the grass is greener for people like them on the other side (not saying everyone with dysphoria MUST be trans, but I am pretty sure it warrants at least an exploration of one’s gender identity, and her TERF friends sure as hell aren’t going to let them have that), it sure as hell won’t be trough a post roasting their bad Umbrella Academy takes.
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