#and then you get possessed by an alien force who have a Destiny they need to enact
Sarah Sisko’s whole deal is so horrifying and messed up and DS9 just kinda. Glosses over it
#Imagine you are just a random Australian woman on Earth. Living your life minding your business#and then you get possessed by an alien force who have a Destiny they need to enact#And so controls you to go to New Orleans and hook up with a guy you’ve never met and you marry him and live with him for three years#And give birth to a son#And evidently that was what the alien wanted because once you have had a son the alien possession vacates your body#And you are in control of yourself again for the first time in three years#Married to a guy you didn’t seek out with a son you didn’t have a choice in#And the man is sweet and kind and in live with you! And thought you lived him! But you can’t bear it#So you leave him and leave the kid and hightail it back to Australia because what else can you do??#And eventually commit suicide because you can’t handle this. Your life was upended in an impossible horrifying way for three years#You disappeared from your life with no warning for three years and then showed up again to people who think you just left#It’s the Star Trek universe—‘I was mind controlled by an alien force’ is well known#But that’s not supposed to happen to you. You aren’t a starfleet adventurer you live on Earth. Why You?#I feel like. Sarah your life was so horrifying/tragic and it wasn’t even about you#And even DS9 just brings this up practically in passing and then never dwells on it ever#perpetual perpetual ladies night#Star Trek#Deep Space 9#ST:DS9
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bittrlys · 2 years
The thing about TDP is that it is a fundamentally broken narrative and this makes it hard to take their moralizing seriously. They also burden their heroes with cowardly + hypocritical writing choices that do them or the narrative no favours (Ezran wants to preserve life until he doesn't; Rayla lost her hand but don't worry actually it's back; Callum is the first human to really want magic and luckily that one time he tried Dark magic* it backfired so horribly he won't do that again!)
They open up with a narrative about humans being forcibly exiled from the lands, failing to mention how widespread a problem their magic use was (not that that justifies it, but the way they abruptly introduce this stuff in supplementary material makes it seem like they realized humans were too sympathetic and needed to be brought down a peg) and thoroughly enshrining dragons + elves as charming little ethnic cleansers:
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We don't see cackling Dark mages* fighting for conquest. We see normal people in tears as they're forcibly emigrated with what seems like only a small bag of their belongings. Charming! And interesting -- humans rarely take the position of the oppressed in fantasy.
You know how we watch alien movies and they always have aliens wanting to harvest out planet and it's OUR INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! so we strike back and throw off the yoke of potential oppression? That is about as close to humans-are-oppressed that we get in popular media, which otherwise enjoys humans as your relatable (white) protagonists, Average Joes who may not have super strength or magic or whatever, but possess a great spirit that allows them to hold their own, bringing about the "Age of Man", fulfilling our destiny as rightful inheritors and claimants of a world around us.
TDP said "Wow, check it out, humans are a conquered people who were forcibly exiled!" and you're like "Neat!" and then it slowly turns around and says "Isn't it crazy how humans represent an imperialist, white default and thus everything they do against the dragons + elves is the act of a colonizer?" And you go HUH?
What this show does is meta write. It establishes one thing in its lore, but then writes from an outside perspective that is influenced by our general understanding of humans-as-default that totally contradicts itself. It breaks its own narrative immediately and unless you interpret humans as colonizers and Xadians as innocent, nothing in this show makes sense.
Take my favourite bizarre, hypocritical parallel:
Dragon crosses border with ill intent. Does fly bys over a human town unrelated to the conflict to terrorize them. Someone fires what is effectively a warning shot (that would probably not seriously damage her in the first place.) Her response is to start incinerating people until she's forcibly stopped.
Viren crosses border with ill intent. Parks his army outside but walks in, alone and visibly not a threat, and they respond by grabbing him, stripping him, and trying to 'purify' him which may not leave all of him in tact. His (Aaravos's) response is to kill a few people, destroy the Sunforge, and leave.
The show's framing? Ezran rushes to the dragon's side, taking her side against evil humans that want to harvest/kill her. Her immediate 180 proves him right about "humans can fix this if they're just more accommodating." Returns later as an ally. Viren (+ Aaravos)? Evil Dark magic* while sympathetic characters look on in horror. Sunfire elves are forced out of their home tragically (imagine being forced out of your home!) and become allies to our heroes while Viren is our big bad. Even a half-hearted attempt to show the Sunfire elves as bigoted + aggressive (convenient for our black elves, but that's a whole other thing) is countered by the overall sympathetic treatment they receive.
So. Is crossing the border with ill intent an act of war worthy of being responded to with aggression or no? The only way this makes sense is if you think the response to Viren was justified and the response to the dragon was not, and that only makes sense if Viren is a colonizer who has no place in his people's ancestral lands. It's just bizarre!
Another example of the show writing based on our own preconceived notions that do not mesh with the actual narrative is how they rely on our feelings about environmentalism. Dragons/elves/Xadia = natural, good. Humans = industrial, unnatural, bad. Yet I know I'm not the only person wondering how many of these heroes are vegetarians (Rayla's people seem to be but other elves? Dragons?) and like, until they revealed (retconned) the Great Unicorn Massacre there was no indication that Dark magic* was non-sustainable. While obviously we shouldn't kill sentients the show cares less about sentience as they do about magical beings, and beyond that it hits us with classics like "Sure you can be veg and eat worms whatever who cares about gross ugly bugs" and "VIREN KILLED ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY :(" and Claudia kills a deer of all things and that's so tragic. Like? Hello? People eat meat? They kill animals for hide and fur? And this is not an industry because everything in this world is pre-industry!
At this point they need to establish all their heroes as vegetarians and show Viren enjoying a big, juicy steak. He deserves it.
(I mean good ol' Harrow had a hunting lodge with an animal head mounted in it but let's just ignore that. It was probably a birthday gift from Viren.)
Put it this way: If Dark mages* treated harvesting specimens as a small, controlled, industry, would that be okay? So long as they didn't hunt sentients and kept population levels stable, no biggie, right? Many reagents they want (feathers, snot, whatever) can be collected non-lethally or even traded for. Yet somehow I think the show would care to disagree, as it is obvious that Dark magic* is fundamentally evil, no matter how ethical your consumption may be.
I emphasize the show's preferential treatment for magical beings because every mistreatment the humans experience and the show ultimately expects us to agree with is because they are non-magical -- it wants us to think humans are naturally predisposed to evil the way other races are not. Sure they were mistreated for being non-magical and starved and suffered for it, but the unicorns were wrong to give them magic (as shown by how it backfires on them) and even with that humans preferred Dark magic* the hardest/easiest magic around. Trying to have magic they shouldn't is why Viren and Claudia are framed as villainous before they even do anything. Everything that makes them sympathetic is unrelated to their ambition.
The writers thus have to break their narrative in half to make Callum worthy of 'true' magic just because of what a nasty little corner they painted themselves into (assuming that this natural magical state will always be superior to anything a non-magical being can do) and so we understand that humans are second-class citizens who should not have ambition and accept their lot in life, and if they are good enough, fully submissive to the 'natural order' like Callum, then they may be granted true magic. As a treat. But that, frankly, does not uplift humans as a whole. Tying into what lazy, stupid worldbuilding it is for humans to not be capable of magic in the first place (are they aliens to this world or something??) if I were writing this show I would have it revealed that dragons did something to take magic from humans and it can be given back to them, which would entirely fit the lore, but never match the overall Xadia Good, Actually narrative they want us to believe in.
Ultimately, I will never get behind a narrative that wants me to root for Team Ethnic Cleansing and thinks that a race of people are inherently unworthy in some way. It's beyond twisted. But that's the problem with the show. Nothing in this series makes sense. Not its magic system, not its politics, and not its lore, and instead of trying to make something cohesive, they write from a biased perspective based on other narratives that are not their own and create never-ended dissonance in their story. It's bad writing, folks!
*I hate the term 'Dark magic' in basically everything and clearly even in this world there's an association of dark/black = evil. (And if you want to argue that the dark = evil association doesn't actually exist in this world and it's a neutral statement, then that's just the writers once again writing from our world's perspective that does not match their lore.) It's framing for the sake of framing and don't get me wrong, I get why people against it would use the term, but why TF do Viren and Claudia call it Dark magic anyways? 'Sacrificial magic' or 'human magic' or 'life magic' are all things that make sense and don't have the weirdly loaded connotations. "Jeez we were exiled from our homelands for practising this form of magic. It was called dark because it's so naturally evil. We do not consider ourselves evil, just doing what we can to empower ourselves + humanity. Obviously we will keep using the term Dark magic. Obviously." It's so lazy.
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hitbythunder · 3 years
Chandrilan Moons -3
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A Kylo Ren x Reader story with much angst, possessiveness and dark themes (warnings will be updated as the story progresses) –> Read also on AO3
Summary: Growing up under the loving care of your foster-mother, Leia Organa, there had been nothing for you and Rey to want for. Though not of kin, you loved Rey as your sister and spent a happy childhood with her on Chandrila. But when the boiling galactic politics demanded for Leia to take action, for the Resistance to rise and fight, the girls could no longer evade the cruelty of the world. Kylo Ren sought a map as a key to revenge, to freedom, and had no use for a force-unsensitive young girl like you. You were simply a means to an end. Until his darkness latched onto you, drawn in by your light as you were by the demon that is Kylo Ren - inevitably gravitating towards each other, bound to be one. Like the Chandrilan moons.
**** WARNING: description of violence, mentions of rape
3- A disturbance in the Force
+Takodana - neutral territory+
 Flying through space was amazing and although two experienced and trusted Resistance pilots had accompanied us girls on our mission, the glistening stars as far as one could see was worth it all. While Rey remained slightly pouting for most of the flight, I was glued to one of the side-windows of the ship. It was a small but bulky transport ship, for a star-fighter couldn't hold that many people and would have attracted too much attention once we landed on Takodana. Albeit its neutrality in the war, one should never act foolishly, especially since neutrality itself depended heavily on the benefits of a foregone alliance. But with Maz Kanata, the owner of the famous castle that granted sanctuary to everyone for one night, and proved friend of the Resistance, nothing could go wrong today and the whole mission seemed as good as done.
Leia had sent us there to retrieve the Jedi texts Maz had bought from a smuggler who had passed through weeks ago, hoping that they might help Rey's training in the Force. Or so I assumed as I curiously scanned the texts before Rey put the few scrolls and loose pages in a safety-box inside her back-pack.
 "There's one more thing." Maz rummaged in a small chest among the sheer endless heaps of stuff in the castle's vault, leaving me to wonder how she could possibly remain an overview of what was down here. But perhaps that was why it was such a good hiding-place for forbidden artifacts such as Jedi-texts - as well as the light-sabre Maz now held solemnly in her wrinkled hands.
"Oh my stars, Luke Skywalker's light-sabre!" Rey was beyond herself with joy, her hands trembling slightly as she took the legendary weapon and gingerly inspected it from all sides. Ever the technician, Rey simply had to understand how that thing worked exactly and probably would disassemble the sabre if it hadn't been Luke's.
While I shared my sister's excitement, I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as I watched Rey posing with the sabre. As so often, I found myself lacking as compared to my sister and Maz's talk about destiny and great deeds to be done with that sabre didn't make it any better. So I zoned out, sulking quietly in the background, until the three of us left the stuffy vault via seemingly endless stairs. We reemerged back into the dining hall of the castle's ground-floor where the canteen was, without drawing attention of the guests there. In one corner of the hall, a band played jolly tunes, which echoed off the thick castle walls and arched ceiling in a cacophony with the chatter of people. Because of many nooks and columns, the canteen could house many guests without seeming stuffed and a social-introvert like me could feel quite overwhelmed by all the noises, smells and visuals. I had never seen such variety of alien races, humans and droids gathered peacefully in one place.
 With our mission virtually accomplished, the Jedi texts secured, it was time for us to return to the base and thus I scanned the canteen for our two escorts. But fate had other plans, for suddenly three very familiar faces appeared at the entrance of the dingy dining hall.
"Han Solo!" Maz cried out, shifting everyone's attention to the smuggler and his companions Chewie, a startled guy in Poe's jacket and Poe himself, his loyal droid BB-8 at his heels.
 What in the galaxy are they doing here? I wondered while they approached us, an uneasy tingling overcoming my nerves. In hindsight, to give in and investigate this strange feeling more closely would have spared me so much trouble. But instead I pushed it down and greeted the guys as friendly as ever and soon later we found ourselves seated at the last available table. After getting us some food and beverages, Maz joined us at the round table, listening intently to the quiet conversation. We informed Han about our mission before he could get any wrong ideas (e.g. that we stole a ship and went against Leia's orders) and it felt nice that he cared about our well-being.
 "Kriff, that is amazing!" Rey nearly burst with excitement as Poe, with interruptions of Han and Fin (the new guy), told us about what had happened on his mission. To sum it up, Poe had been on Jakku to get a map leading to Luke Skywalker but had been caught by the First Order and tortured by Kylo Ren himself. I shuddered at that part, because everybody knew not to cross paths with this merciless demon. Ren's cruelty and thirst for blood-shed seemed endless, his hatred for the Resistance only fueling his powers, and I could not fathom to imagine what Ren had done to squeeze every ounce of information out of Poe.
Luckily, Poe had entrusted the map to BB-8, who had remained hidden on Jakku the whole time, until Poe had managed to escape by the help of Fin, a renegade stormtrooper. Well, and as if fate had decided to stir things up even more, they had bumped into Han and Chewie on the way - something concerning smugglers and gross aliens, I didn't listen too carefully then - and due to low fuel and necessary repairs they had to make a stop here on Takodana.
"Wow, what a ride..." I said with awe and respect for their courage and luck, which had at least Fin and Poe smile proudly.
"Yeah, didn't exactly go to plan-" Poe replied between sips of his beer, Han scoffing beside him and mumbling something to Chewie about the recklessness of youth. "-but here we are, map in hand."
 "And as soon as the Falcon's refueled we're leavin'!" Han declared as soon as Poe finished, his tone harsh but one could tell he only meant well for all of us. "Gonna make sure y'all get back in one piece." Obviously, Leia would have Han's head should anything happen to her girls, her best pilot and the map under his watch. And although I sensed his reluctance to face Leia, I was looking forward to the resemblance of a family. Hopefully they wouldn't quarrel from the start on.
 Somewhat lost in my fantasies of a happy family life, I hadn't registered the growing debate between Finn, Rey and Poe.
"... you don't know them as I do! There's no fighting the First Order because they'll slaughter us for even trying. I've seen enough of their horrors and I want nothing to do with them!" Finn declared heatedly and barely kept his voice low as Poe repeatedly urged him to, also keeping the renegade in his chair.
"But that's the point! You have so much detailed insider-information which we could use to fight them! Why would you waste that and cling to the illusion of outrunning them?" Rey retorted with unabashedly directness and not less heatedly, the spirit of the Resistance burning fiercely in her hazel eyes. "Fleeing like a coward."
Finn rose then, anger and shame written across his face, though he didn't come up with a response and after a few seconds gave in to Poe tucking at his sleeve, sat back down and glared into his cup. A tensed silence hung over the table, until Maz subtly changed the subject by engaging Han in a conversation about a mutual smuggler-friend of theirs. With a fuming Rey beside me, I shot Poe a questioning glance, but he looked as helpless beside Finn as I felt and began to talk some sense into Finn in a calm manner. That he should come with us to the base, at least for a little while.
 Next to Han, Chewie was eager to get out of here, groaning impatiently beside his friend and rubbing his bandaged arm.
"All right, Chewie, go on and check on our baby." Han said between Maz's babbling and quickly grabbed his beer before Chewie would knock it over as the giant jumped to his feet.
"I'm coming with you." on impulse I rose too, dismissing everyone's questioning looks as I added: "I need some air anyways."
 Let them cool their heads while I'm gone, I thought and jogged after Chewie.
   Since Maz's castle was built on a cliff surrounded by the ocean on one side and dense forest on the other, the landing-places were spread to a few clearings nearby. So we had to walk a little and although Chewie wasn't particularly chatty, I didn't mind either and enjoyed the beautiful landscape. At the bottom of the weathered castle's stairs, we turned right and followed a lovely path between lush grassy hills at the border of the forest, the rush of the nearby sea accompanying our steps. Suddenly Chewie halted, his hairy arm on my shoulder stopping me too, and pointed towards the thicket. There, half-hidden by the greenery, two humans were carrying a seemingly shut-down BB-8 further away from the castle.
 Hasn't BB-8 been with Poe and us the whole time? I wondered briefly. But then, BB-8 was a small droid and many people had squeezed themselves past our table in the brimming canteen. Perhaps we had all been too distracted by the heated conversation between Rey and Finn to notice BB-8's absence.
"I'll follow them and stop them from leaving. You go use that long legs of yours and get the others, Chewie! Rey'll find me through the Force!" I declared in a split-second-decision, already dashing away into the dense forest and leaving a groaning wookiee behind.
  Deeper and deeper I ventured in my pursuit, steadily closing the distance between myself and the thieves without alerting them of my presence. As children, Rey and I had often played hide and seek in the forests of Chandrila and I had to develop some pretty decent sneaking-skills to diminish her advantage with the Force. Rey had only once admitted that she wouldn't have won all those times if she hadn't used the Force to sense my approach. Thus, even if my sneaking skills should fail me I trusted that Rey would be able to find me. I just had to stall some time, delay those thugs from leaving, until Rey and the others would arrive. At one point, the two thieves halted to catch their breaths and looked around. I quickly ducked behind a tree, easing my nerves. Suddenly I noticed a bright red stroke on the otherwise blue sky above, far away yet ominous to watch. Though I had no clue what it was, I instantly had a bad feeling about it. But more pressing matters were at hand, and after another deep breath I dared to peek around the trunk. There was only one thief beside BB-8 then.
 Kriff, where did the other go?!
  Maybe Chewie should have chased them, not me, I admitted to myself as I was hauled by a pair of large hands and thrown very harshly on the forest floor next to the motionless droid.
"Look what followed us, mate!" said the gruff guy to his companion, who looked terribly scrawny in comparison. Both reeked of ale and whatnot, their ugly visages distorted by sinister smiles.
"A pretty thing like that will make a good price, I wager. Not as high as for the droid though." the scrawny one snickered as he mustered me, while the bear-like guy's eyes roamed over my body with a different kind of greed.
"How 'bout a taste..."
 "No!" I screamed as he grabbed me, trashing against his hold, and somehow I managed to draw my small combat-knife from its holster at my hips. I thrust without much consideration, nor proper aim, stabbing bear-guy right above the knee. The blade sunk hilt-deep into his thigh-muscle. He howled in pain and repaid me with a hearty slap across my face, sending me flying back against BB-8 and onto the mossy ground. The impact caused the droid to reawaken and a small safety compartment at its front jumped open, the object within landing a few feet ahead of me.
 The map! my dizzy mind concluded with horror.
 Ignoring the rising pain in my body, I crept on all fours and frantically scanned the forest floor with my hands in a panicked search for the map. Scrawny guy was still laughing at his companion. Knowing that the guys and Poe in particular, had risked their lives for this map and that finding Luke was vital for the future of the Resistance, I simply couldn't loose it nor let it be taken by those thugs. It was my chance to prove my value as part of the Resistance and failing wasn't an option.
 What would Leia think if I screw this up? Or Poe?
 Then, finally, my right palm touched a metallic longish object and instantly I closed my fingers tightly around it. The very moment I did so, a flash of energy shot through me, momentarily blinding all my senses in its immense light and suddenly the outline of a star-constellation appeared before my inner eye. Planets and stars twinkled in a blueish hue, in between a red dotted line that led to a particular oceanic planet. Though somehow familiar, I could not place this constellation and this strange vision lasted only a few seconds, before a sudden sharp pain in my hand brought me back to my present predicament.
  In front of Takodana castle, the fight between stormtroopers and Resistance had just begun by the time Kylo arrived there. His ship landed like a looming black bird among the First Order transports and agitation spread in his muscles upon the pending blood-shed, especially since he had sensed another force-user inside the castle. By far not as strong as him, but hopefully they would do for some entertainment compared to the other scum-bags that died like flies at his hand. Kylo was marching determinedly towards the building, when he felt it.
A disturbance in the Force within the forest to his right, faintly but clear as a lightning-bolt at distance and vanished just as quickly. Kylo paused, scanned the area with his powers and concluded that the other Force-user was up ahead at the bottom of the castle - not in the direction of the disturbance. Weighing his options, Kylo dismissed the distraction for being just that and walked on to find his opponent. The Force, however, tickled his senses again, rippling with distinct restlessly as if to tempt him and now it seemed foolish not to inquire further.
 "Find that droid at all costs! And take no prisoners!" Kylo barked towards a nearby officer, before he stormed off into the forest.
 The lightning-bolt had pinned down the exact location and the closer he got, the stronger the Force seemed to pull him there, becoming more insistent with each step. Faster, it seemed to whisper and spurned his steps beyond the capacity of men, neither rocks nor tree-stumps posing a real obstacle in his path. Kylo felt some human presence long before they came into view, two men beating and kicking a woman cowering at their feet. Judging by their appearance, they were either smugglers or Resistance-fighters and either was good enough reason to kill them.
Silent in his approach, Kylo descended upon them like a dark shadow from behind, the hiss of igniting his light-sabre the only foretelling sound of their demise. Effortlessly, the red crackling blade cut through cloth, flesh and bone, drenching the nearby greenery and earth with blood.
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monstersdownthepath · 4 years
Deity: Iai-Cophleal, the Scarred Diviner
Lawful Evil Outer God of Destiny, Agony, and Sacrifice
Domains: Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Void Subdomains: Velstrac, Education, Memory, Rites, Legislation, Dark Tapestry Favored Weapons: Scalpel (dagger) Symbol: An eye with three scars trailing down its surface; or hand with its fingers curled inwards towards an eye in its palm. Sacred Animals: None Sacred Colors: Purple, red
BIG WARNING: This deity deals a lot in the concepts of torture and self-harm. Do not read further if you are sensitive to either topic.
What would you give to know?
What price would you pay to understand?
What sacrifices would you make to achieve enlightenment?
How much are you willing to suffer to get what you want?
The core belief in the faith if the Scarred Diviner is that all progress requires sacrifice, that one can never gain without giving. The alien god holds fast to his belief that pain, fear, loss, and death are the greatest motivators for change and adaptation, and that many of the greatest creations or steps forward in mortal history have been achieved in the throes of deep and piercing agony. It is through this suffering that all have learned, and it is through yet more than he will teach.
He is the guardian of knowledge against the unworthy, those who’d sacrifice nothing, who’ve never known suffering, and those who’d never pay the price themselves. Such creatures will find themselves unwelcome in the Diviner’s flock, unable to hear anything but his barest whispers and scraps of knowing, because while they can torment as many helpless victims as they want in his name, it’s the victims themselves that gain the greatest insights into the truths of the cosmos and receive his greatest blessings. They are the ones paying, after all.
The Scarred Diviner can be called cruel, sadistic, or callous, but he is fair. Knowledge belongs to those who pay for it. And the more you give, the more you get.
The Scarred Diviner is something of an anomaly among Outer Gods, registering and interacting with mortal life on a scale even their comparatively diminutive minds can understand. He does not see them as insects to be exterminated or ignored; indeed, he does not view them as insignificant at all. Perhaps to the greatest among their kind--Yog-Sothoth, Azathoth, and Shub-Nishurath--mortal life is little more than dust, but to the Diviner, their capacity for change under pressure (Outer Gods rarely change or experience pressure) is an absolutely fascinating phenomena, one he has studied ever since there was life to study.
In a universe filled with suffering, going out of your way to inflict yet more upon yourself to gain strength through adversity is a blessed act to the Diviner, an act that must be rewarded. His faith is thus filled with people covered in ritualistic scars and bearing the signs of self-inflicted tortures and dismemberment, who perform excruciating experiments upon themselves and each other in an attempt to commune with and please their lord. The screaming of nerves, burning of muscles, creaking and cracking of bones, and tearing of flesh is sometimes referred to as “his voice” or “his song,” and those who ‘hear’ it long enough begin to receive flashes of divine inspiration and instruction, visions of the future or of steps they must undertake to reach their goals, answers to the questions that plague them or instructions on how to find them, or even the keys to obtaining divine magic.
As one discovers and surpasses the limits to the agonies they can feel, eventually their bodies will simply no longer respond to their self-inflicted tortures, and the Diviner’s song begins to fade from them. Most turn to restorative magic to fix their most grievous injuries and heal dead nerves, but the fact of the matter is that, eventually, they will reach a point where they feel pain, but no longer suffer. While many would consider such a state to be ‘perfect,’ believing that all the weakness has been carved from their bodies, those used to feeling the song coursing through them and those who still need answers may grow desperate to feel again. The former is difficult to satisfy, the supplicants often ending up destroying themselves in the search for more exotic means of self-torment, but the latter is thankfully rectified by the fact that the Diviner cares little who is paying his price, so long as someone is.
Within the faith, members who’ve scoured their bodies to the point of numbness often work through proxies. Initiates who long to hear the voice of the Diviner, practiced members who need to learn more, poor fools stolen from the streets or their beds, it matters not who suffers so long as there is suffering. The Diviner rewards the victim with the answers to questions they ask (or are forced to ask), the torturer-surgeon attending then extracting those answers via whatever means are at their disposal. With others in the faith, it can be as simple as asking. With stolen victims, their nerves unprepared and screaming in time with the song, are typically less likely to simply hand over what they’ve learned through their blessed suffering and may require some coercing. Of course, most will shout everything they’ve gained just to make it all stop. Alas, the intricacies of enlightenment through adversity can be lost on the uninitiated.
Rather understandably, this practice causes pockets of the Diviner’s faithful tend to veer into “sadistic torture cult” territory (and be justifiably viewed as such by polite society). He blesses those who pay his price, but the lazy and weak will often get others to pay the price for them--willingly or otherwise--and then extract the obtained knowledge from their victim without ever suffering a single papercut themselves. They go on their merry way to live a life free of suffering, never changing or facing adversity. He does not hold back when punishing those who would abuse his system; direct action is impossible for him as it is for any divine figure, but those true to his faith will quickly hunt down these “soft ones” and teach them to truly hear his song. In a similar vein, he dislikes those who torture their victims to death so that they cannot use the knowledge they’ve paid for, and will work to punish those who too often prevent the Diviner’s song from concluding properly.
Mortals have been suffering ever since the very first birth, all of their collective knowledge driven towards the goal of minimizing and eliminating that very suffering. Abundance and safety are anathema to the Diviner, who believes that safety will lead to stagnation, that a lack of danger or threat of agony will prevent mortals from continuing to adapt. Thus, he and his flock work to assure mortalkind will keep moving forward, quietly sabotaging events on both a short- and long-term scale to prevent or subvert anything that would otherwise birth utopias or civilizations free of worry.
The majority of the Diviner’s faith are masochistic mortals either attracted by the allure of knowledge or looking for a purpose to their penchant for mortification. While individual organized cults may be more restrictive (a dislike of Constructs is especially common), the Diviner himself accepts all kinds into his flock; those of any background or species are accepted, for all beings can suffer in one way or another. His faith is especially popular among trollkind, whose regenerative abilities allow for an endless cycle of self-destruction and who can perform one of the most powerful sacred acts of the faith: gutting ones self to divine the future through one’s own entrails. This action is obviously fatal without the assistance of healing magic or major medical intervention, but the trolls can do so with almost insulting regularity and ease... Which is why the Diviner regularly demands that they escalate even further, branding their bodies and their exposed organs with fire and acid.
Velstrac who dislike the madness of their Demagogues can find curious solace in the teachings of the Diviner, turning away from the practice of endlessly butchering others to graft the most appealing parts onto themselves and instead moving towards... the practice of endlessly butchering others for the sake of teaching them. Velstrac who serve the Diviner sometimes claim to have found some corrupted equivalent to self-sacrificing enlightenment, unable to hear the Diviner for themselves due to the ruination of their bodies but eager to help others listen to his song.
As Outer Gods do not possess a dedicated Prestige Class for accelerating the power of their faithful, one can only enter the actual Evangelist, Sentinel, and Exalted Prestige Classes to obtain Boons at a much faster pace. Otherwise, they are gained at levels 12, 16, and 20. One must have the Deific Obedience feat to enter into the mentioned Prestige Classes, and entering the classes as soon as possible allows one to obtain the Boons at levels 8, 11, and 14. 
Obedience: Ritualistically inflict painful wounds upon yourself or upon another living creature. These wounds are grievous and scarring, reducing the recipient’s HP maximum by 3 for the next 24 hours. The recipient must be able to survive the reduction for this ritual to succeed. Benefit: The recipient of the ritual torture selects two Knowledge skills. They gain a +4 profane bonus to checks with those skills, and are considered trained in those skills for 24 hours.
Boon 1: Sight And Suffering (Sp): Gain Anticipate Peril 3/day, Augury 2/day, or Inflict Pain 1/day.
Boon 2: Hear His Song (Sp): Through suffering, you shall receive the answers you seek. Once per day, you may inflict a gruesome, lengthy, and agonizing ritual upon yourself or another sapient creature that is willing or helpless. This ritual takes one hour to perform and inflicts 5 points of Constitution damage on the victim if they are a living creature. Undead take 5 points of Charisma damage; being reduced to 0 Charisma destroys them. The creature must be able to survive this affliction for the ritual to succeed. At the conclusion of this ritual, the victim asks the Diviner a single question and receives an answer to it as if they had used the spell Commune. Unlike most beings contacted with Commune, the Diviner is omniscient and is capable of answering any question that can be answered with yes, a no, or a five-word phrase. The damage from this ritual cannot be undone through any means for 24 hours. 
Boon 3: Apostle of Pain (Su): In the twisted, blood-soaked dungeons of the Diviner’s most horrid faithful, creatures of great power await the call of his greatest agents, eager to show off their talents. Once per day as a full-round action, you may call an Advanced Velstrac Interlocutor to your side, which will unquestionably obey your commands. In addition to its normal retinue of spells, this Interlocutor may use both Heal and Harm 1/day. It lingers for 1 minute per HD you possess, after which it politely departs, vanishing back to its home.
Boon 1: Careful Cuts (Sp): Gain Inflict Minor Wounds 3/day, Cure Moderate Wounds 2/day, or Fractions of Heal and Harm 1/day. 
Boon 2: Touch of a Surgeon (Ex/Sp): Helping your victims back on their feet (provided they still have feet) is an important step in the Diviner’s beliefs, as slaying your victims after every session is likely to anger him if it happens too often. You gain a profane bonus equal to half your HD to all Heal checks, and may treat creatures with Heal in half the normal time (a standard action is reduced to a swift action). You may treat a particular creature’s deadly wounds a number of times equal to their Constitution modifier (min 1) each day. In addition, mistakes happen; thus, you may also cast Breath of Life as a spell-like ability 1/day.
Boon 3: Tapestry of Scars (Ex): Your body bears countless terrible scars and wounds from your self-inflicted injuries, but you are not inconvenienced by them; quite the opposite, in fact. You’ve been cutting weakness and ignorance from your body for ages now, and the Diviner blesses these wounds, granting you a +2 profane bonus to your Armor Class, as well as to your Constitution score and one mental ability score of your choice.
Boon 1: Cruel Teacher (Sp): Gain Interrogation 3/day, Blood Armor 2/day, or Excruciating Deformation 1/day.
Boon 2: Mercy in Cruelty (Ex): You know exactly where to strike to cause lethal blows... And know even better how to render a victim unconscious through agony alone, so that you may use them further later. You gain +2d6 Sneak Attack damage, stacking with any Sneak Attack damage you may already have. You may use a dagger nonlethally without suffering a penalty, and doing so allows you to use your Sneak Attack nonlethally as well. When using a dagger to deal nonlethal damage, your bonus Sneak Attack damage from this ability is raised to +4d6.
Boon 3: Tortuous Chorus (Sp): The Diviner’s song reaches a terrifying volume within you each time you suffer enough damage, a volume you cannot possibly contain within your own body. Each time you take damage equal to or exceeding 25% of your total HP from a single action (such as an attack or a full attack, a spell or spell-like ability, or an environmental hazard), you may use an immediate action to shriek out in agony, afflicting a number of creatures equal to your Constitution modifier (min 1) of your choice that are within 60ft of you with Power Word Stun. This Power Word Stun is a pain effect, rather than a compulsion and mind-affecting effect. You may use this ability a number of times each day equal to your Constitution modifier (min 1).
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roborights · 4 years
RULES:  List five tropes applicable to your character, then tag others to do the same. (Tropes Wiki)  REPOST! DO NOT REBLOG.
Tagged by: shhhhhhh Tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
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RIDICULOUSLY HUMAN ROBOT - Robots in television — particularly comedic television — are usually human-like in ways that very few sane programmers would deem useful. It can be something as simple as being philosophical (wanting to understand human emotion, wondering if they have a soul, etc.), but can extend to such things as robot social cliques, robot food, robot entertainment, robot religion, and even robot sex. It doesn't matter if it makes no sense in the context of a mechanical servant, or even if it's truly undesirable, the designers have put it in there for some twisted reason. This will often take the form of having a robot that looks exactly like a human. The degree to which this is actually "ridiculous" varies depending on the setting. In some cases they get a free pass — it may be that an intelligence, artificial or not, needs to be vaguely human-like in its basic outlines, with emotions, interests, motivations, et cetera simply to be functional for certain tasks, such as those requiring a great deal of long-term autonomy. On the other hand, perhaps humans prefer Sexbots not to behave like automated teller machines. It may be, if human intelligence itself is merely an evolved set of functions held together in an evolved psychological architecture, that any society with sufficiently ubiquitous and flexible automation will necessarily have the means to produce something human-like, or it may simply be that emotions, desires, and curiosity are unavoidable side-effects of full sentience. Whatever serves the needs of the well-reasoned plot or setting. In these cases, Ridiculously Human Robots make sense. Also, a few illogical design choices are a small price to pay for keeping robotic characters out of the Uncanny Valley. However, it's rare that a series explicitly spells this out, and often, these human-like AIs are put right up next to similar, yet emotionless equivalents that function perfectly.
PEOPLE PUPPETS - Not Mind Control - body control! Some guys just feel the need to be in control... of everything. Including you. No, not with possession, not through manipulation; we mean literally controlling your body, forcing you to move as he wishes, and turning you into his personal People Puppets. Such a character, usually a villain, can control his victims' limbs as if they were marionettes on a set of strings. Sometimes he'll actually have a puppet-theme, and many a Demonic Dummy has powers like this to play on the irony of a person being puppet-ed by the puppets; but other times a character just happens to have this ability along with related Psychic Powers. In either case, those controlled will often move in Marionette Motion. Either way, he can manipulate others' bodies while they're still in 'em, much to his victims' dismay... as said victims are usually conscious, confused, and complaining (sometimes loudly, to inform allies — and the audience — that "I ...can't... control my... body!") Or maybe they Can Only Move the Eyes. Most times, they haven't been Brainwashed or anything, as they're protesting mightily — it's just that there's not much they can do about it. For some reason, many character's mouths seem to be immune to this, as they will often protest whatever it is that they're being made to do. This may be related to Voices Are Mental.
NEW POWERS AS THE PLOT DEMANDS - Some superhero comics authors seem to get bored of the same old powers. They add new ones to the same characters whenever they feel that a new power would open up a new story, or a new danger needs a new response, or what the hell, whenever they feel like it. Sometimes a retcon, a power upgrade or some bit of Phlebotinum is employed to explain the new power, but often the character just does something they've never done before and when their friends say, "I didn't know you could do that!", they come back with either "I've never needed to, till now," or worse, "Neither did I!" Generally speaking, this trope is far more forgivable earlier in the story — with a character who has only recently been empowered and is fully justified in not knowing what he can do. Likewise, "neither did I until now" in an experienced character can be reasonable, if it's happening in some circumstance or special condition that the character has never encountered before.However, this is sometimes employed as a form of Deus ex Machina — having written themselves into a corner with a villain or situation that's too overwhelming for our heroes to handle with the tools they've been given, the writer decides to have the hero instantaneously learn the one ability he needs to save the day or bring a character Back from the Dead. Frequently, without any form of Foreshadowing to suggest that he or she can do that. It gets worse if they conveniently forget this ability when it would come in handy in a later situation. This is often the case with a Mary Sue/Marty Stu.
HOPE BRINGER - We have two sides of a conflict - The Empire is opposed by La Résistance or just common folks they oppress, The Legions of Hell fight with Church Militants, the Galactic Conqueror is in a war with The Federation, the Multiversal Conqueror fights against the Guardian of the Multiverse, the Scary Dogmatic Aliens are opposed by The Men in Black and Space Marines. And one side has a giant advantage; they win on every front and it's only a matter of time before they utterly annihilate their enemies. This is the Darkest Hour for the weaker side, but fear not, because Hope Springs Eternal. Then in come these nobodies. Hope Bringers are living proof that one person can make a difference and even the odds. By their actions, they restore hope in the hearts of their allies and lead them into the fight and victory. They can be the Big Good, the Magnificent Bastards, The Chessmasters, The Ace, the Rebel Leader or the People Of Mass Destruction - whatever makes them so special, it works. They can make the two sides not only fight on equal ground again, but even reverse the situation and make the side they help repay the other one for everything they did. The Hope Bringers’ motives may vary. They can help the good guys because they believe in justice, love their fatherland, want revenge, tend to their flock, spread the Good News or just Because Destiny Says So. Often the Hope Bringer is the Chosen One. Note that this isn't always a good thing, since Hope Is Scary and sometimes leads to a Hope Spot. And occasionally the hope bringer is a Dark Messiah who’s willing to do anything to bring hope- regulations, brainwashing, manufactured reality, whatever.
HEROIC SACRIFICE - A character saves another/others from harm and is killed, crippled, or maimed as a result. A bad character who was once good can redeem themselves in the last act by Taking the Bullet that was meant for The Hero, thus expunging all their previous evil, avoiding forcing The Hero to arrest or confront him, and avoiding any real life penalties like disgrace and jail. This is like Redemption Equals Death. In this case, the death and redemption come in a single act. There are essentially three kinds of Heroic Sacrifice:
The one at the beginning of the story, which sets the tone for the rest of the tale.
The one in the middle of the story, wherein the Heroic Sacrifice leads to new heights of badassery, or new depths of depression, in the characters who are affected by it (depending on the story.) Sometimes both.
The one at the end of the story which serves as a Grand Finale, an example of "This character is Too Cool to Live", or the kernel of a Downer Ending or Bittersweet Ending. The "Too Cool to Live" Heroic Sacrifice is the most common type in American movies. Often, The Hero Dies in a heroic sacrifice at the end.
A Heroic Sacrifice usually requires that a character be Not Afraid to Die, even declaring It Has Been an Honor. If the Heroic Sacrifice was pre-planned, it's a Self-Sacrifice Scheme. Often preceded with a Sneaky Departure from the team, or a More Hero Than Thou dispute. A Friend in Need often requires it, and doing it proves your love for them. Contrast Villain's Dying Grace, when a dying villain decides to save a life. The Doomed Moral Victor fights a battle where the outcome is clear from the beginning. If the character has time to say some last words before dying, they often do so in an Obi-Wan Moment. Often a Dying Moment of Awesome. There's also the case where Someone Has to Die, which takes this Up to Eleven.
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megaguardain · 4 years
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Name: Harold ‘Hal’ Jordan
Nickname/Alias’: Green Lantern, Parallax, Spectre
Species: Human (formerly), Ghost (formerly)
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eye Color: Brown, White (when GL)
Hair Color: Brown (formerly), Brown with grey streaks in temples (currently)
Height: 5’ 6” (1950s), 5’ 11” (currently)
Weight: 180 lbs
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Birthday: February 20th, 1937
1937- Hal Jordan is born to Martin and Jessica Jordan
1955- Hal Jordan joins the US Air Force
1959- Abin Sur, attempting to figure the Blackest Night prophecy, takes Atrocitus to Earth. Atrocitus fatally injures Abin on entry and they crash. A dying Abin sends out his ring to find a replacement. It chooses Hal Jordan. First public sighting of Green Lantern II
1960- Hal Jordan teams up with other heroes in stopping the Appellaxians from invading Earth. He forms the Justice League with the other heroes.
1961- Hal Jordan discovers Thaal Sinestro, his mentor, abusing his status and power as a Green Lantern to rule as a dictator over his sector, in particular his homeworld of Korugar. He is able to bring Sinestro to justice before the Guardians.
1962- Hal Jordan battles Star Sapphire, who is Carol Ferris possessed by a Star Sapphire Gem.
1968- Hal Jordan discovers Guy Gardner, the other potential replacement for Abin Sur, and the two become fast friends.
1971- Hal Jordan meets John Stewart, his new backup after Guy is injured while rescuing one of his students.
1979- Hal Jordan discovers Guy Gardner is alive in the Phantom Zone, and rescues him with Superman. Guy Gardner is rendered comatose after being rescued.
1981- Hal Jordan meets Arisia Rrab. They develop a big brother/little sister dynamic.
1983- Hal Jordan travels with Oliver Queen across America.
1984- Hal Jordan quits the Green Lantern Corps, choosing Carol Ferris over the Corps.
1985- Hal Jordan is recruited back into the Corps after the Crisis.
1993- Returning from a mission in space, Hal Jordan finds Coast City has been destroyed.
1994- Hal Jordan is chastized by the Guardians of the Universe to attempting to revive Coast City. He goes mad with grief and slaughters his way to Oa. Hal Jordan kills Kilowag and Sinestro before absorbing the Central Power Battery. Hal Jordan dubs himself Parallax before leaving the ruined Oa. The Zero Hour Arrives. First public sighting of Parallax.
1996- Hal Jordan heals John Stewart’s paralysis. Hal Jordan gives his life to reignite the Sun.
1999- The Spectre bonds with the soul of Hal Jordan with the pretense of it being a punishment. Hal Jordan’s old friend, Tom Kalmaku, helps rebuild Oa.
2004- Kyle Rayner discovers Hal was influenced by the Emotional Entity known as Parallax, a being of Fear. He, Jon and Guy purge Parallax from Hal’s soul and he separates from the Spectre, passing into the afterlife.
2010- The Blackest Night falls from the sky.
Powers and Abilities
Aviation: Hal Jordan is a natural and highly skilled pilot, able to fly a wide variety of planes and jets due to his job as a test pilot for Ferris Air.
Amateur Martial Artist: Hal was trained in martial arts during his days in the Justice League. Though he isn’t particularly skilled, he can defend himself without using his ring.
Indomitable Will: Hal is incredibly willful, which made him a candidate to be a Green Lantern. He is highly resistant to mind manipulation and control, though he isn’t completely immune.
Spectre Enchantment (formerly): Hal was once possessed by the Spectre, God’s Vengeance. This gave Hal powerful abilities to strike vengeance on sinners. Although, Hal attempted to turn the power into acts of Redemption on sinners.
Immortality: The Spectre makes its host immortal, they cannot be killed by conventional means. Even most technology and magic cannot kill them.
Nigh-Omnipotence: The Spectre is one of the most powerful beings in the Universe. It has seemingly limitless power.
Reality Alteration: The Spectre can change reality itself on a whim, enabling it to punish people appropriately.
Nigh-Omniscience: The Spectre is always aware of what is transpiring in the Universe, enabling it to know if it is needed.
Divine Law: The Spectre is bound by the Laws set by God and Heaven. The Spectre is bound and limited by God if it needs to be. This can also extend to those who carry God’s Word.
Weakness to the Spear of Destiny: The Spectre is weak to the Spear of Destiny, due to it being used to kill Jesus, God’s Forgiveness.
Green Lantern Ring (Pre-Ion) (formerly): The User has the ability to overcome great fear. This has earned them a Green Lantern Ring:
Green Energy Constructs: Users of a Green Lantern Ring can create energy constructs by willing them into existence. The User’s constructs are influenced by the User’s personality and mental state, an artistic User will have more stylized constructs while a soldier would have more militaristic constructs. Constructs are limited by the willpower and imagination of the User. Constructs can be manipulated to allow certain people or objects to pass through them, become transparent or opaque, or radiate certain wavelengths like Kryptonite. 
Kryptonite Generation: Green Lanterns can have their constructs generate Kryptonite if they know the proper wavelength.
Force Field Generation: A Green Lantern Ring can generate a force field around the User to protect them from harmful environments.
Energy Blasts: A Green Lantern Ring can fire blasts of energy. The energy are typically lasers or plasma in nature. The Energy blasts can be attuned to different wavelengths.
Phasing: A User can phasing through objects they normally cannot pass through, this takes considerable effort and energy from the Ring’s battery.
Universal Translator: Green Lantern Rings will automatically translate spoken word into language the User can understand and translate the words of the User.
Energy Absorption: The Green Lantern Ring can absorb a variety of energies; from technological, magical and alien.
Scanning/Playback: The Green Lantern Ring can scan the environment in a variety of ways and playback recent events as energy constructs.
Wormhole Generation: The Green Lantern Ring can allow the User to enter hyperspace to travel great distances in little time, this takes concentration to maintain the wormhole and emerge unscathed. If multiple Users use the same wormhole it becomes easier to maintain.
Limited Cellular Regeneration: The Green Lantern Ring will automatically attempt to heal it’s User if they are damaged. However, it can only do so much.
Pocket Dimension: Green Lanterns can access a pocket dimension inside their rings to store items. Living beings cannot be stored here.
Yellow Impurity: Users of this Green Lantern Ring cannot affect the color yellow, save for dire circumstances where their will is strong enough.
Recharge Protocol: A requirement of this Green Lantern Ring is charging it every planetary rotation. On Earth, this means charging it once every 24 hours.
Earth-96 Story
Hal Jordan. He is considered by most to be THE Green Lantern. Mostly because whenever there’s a new Green Lantern thing, it’s more than likely Hal taking the lead role. Granted, it’s not farfetched. Hal is the one who introduced us to the Green Lantern Corps, he is the one who helped founded the Justice League with Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman and Black Canary (and maybe Batman and Superman too. Retcons are weird).
In MY OPINION, Hal is kinda oversaturated. And too cocky nowadays. At least for a main character. I will admit, him descending into madness and becoming a supervillain was a nice change of pace. Better than completely killing him off for a year and then reviving him. This is what I want to focus on for Earth-96. 
Rather than having the blame shifted from Hal because of a retcon saying Parallax possessed (which doesn’t really make sense if you think about it), Hal is definitely the one who came up with and attempted the Zero Hour. Now, this doesn’t mean he can’t have a redemption arc, that’s kinda what Final Night and him bonding with the Spectre was for. 
Now, you may be wondering, ‘why do you think Parallax possessing Hal doesn’t make sense?’ The reason I think that is because it’s not consistent with how we’ve seen the Emotional Entities use hosts. Yes, Parallax has possessed Kyle during the Sinestro Corps War and Ganthet in Green Lantern: Rebirth, but Sinestro was Parallax’s host for a time and still could control his actions. Why can’t Hal? It makes more sense if Parallax simply influenced Hal, whispered in his ear about what to do and how do things. Like remaking the Universe?
Parallax would remain bound to Hal even in death, having latched onto his very soul. This would forbid Hal from entering any afterlife, he would be stuck in Limbo until he is needed to be the Spectre’s new host. This would allow him for a redemption arc as the Spectre would attempt to purge Parallax from Hal’s soul. After Parallax is sealed back in the Green Lantern Central Power Battery on Oa, the Spectre’s job is done and he leaves. Hal would get a moment to say good-bye to his friends and loved ones before going to the afterlife, due to my ‘Characters Stay Dead, Mostly’ rule.
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msjr0119 · 4 years
WIP Wednesday
Thanks for the tag @annekebbphotography and @dangerouseggseagleartisan 😘😘😘
Since my hangover with Paige from the weekend I’ve been very quiet- but I have been working on a lot of things 🙌🏼
Tagging all combined tag lists- if you want to join in with the WIP Weds 🙌🏼
@annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty @dcbbw @qammh-blog @beardedoafdonutwagon @jared2612 @princess-geek @custaroonie @lauradowning29
Too drunk to function- One shot based on mine and Paige’s antics (this is so embarrassing)
Willow- Paige 🤣
Freya- Milissa 🤢
Willow escorted Freya over to the toilets. Freya wobbled towards the queue that was lingering outside the bathroom. Swaying over the place, she felt the urge to be sick- slightly regretting all the pre drinking prior to going to Rosie’s club. Placing her hand over her mouth- she attempted to hold the sick down at least until she got into the cubicle.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah yeah I’m fine.” As Freya responded sick slipped through her fingers. The woman in front of the girls turned around looking disgusted at the two drunks.
“Just run past them and be sick in the sink.” Willow suggested- in Freya’s mind this was the best suggestion her friend could have thought off. Rushing past the women in the queue in front, Freya threw her head over the sink- sick full of a fusion of alcohol splattered everywhere. Lifting her head up- she wiped her mouth with her hand, and walked out towards Willow who couldn’t stop laughing.
What took you so long? (Posting tomorrow morning)
In the rush Riley lost Drake, the guards escorted them outside- organising them into groups. Riley wanted to go back inside to find her fiancé. Sneaking away, some arms went around her- feeling relieved she hoped it was Drake. Covering her mouth the man escorted her abruptly into the palace grounds.
Love, Fate, Destiny (posting tomorrow)
Allowing the luke warm water to flow down her body, her thoughts remained on what her future would be. Drake had her initials tattooed on his wedding finger, he wore a fake wedding ring to prevent girls hitting on him. Could she go back to Cordonia, facing Kiara and Madeleine. Would Kiara always use the pregnancy card against Riley. When she first met Drake, he was in a relationship with her best friend- deep down she fantasied about him. When they became a couple, losing her virginity to him, the in between moments they shared made her believe in true love. When he abruptly left without a goodbye it broke her heart. Seeing him in the bar all those years later, she thought about their future again. Then she left, all because he lied to her to prevent hurt. They needed their heads banging together. It’s in the past. Look towards the future.
One Temptation (hopefully posting soon)
Drake and Maxwell got ready for their afternoon with Liam. The bachelor knocked on the door, both men looked sheepish as Liam broke down crying.
“Li, what’s up?”
“I’ve lost her for good haven’t I? She slept with you Drake. I’m not annoyed, I can’t blame you. It was all my fault. I need to tell you both something.”
“Liam I’m so sorry. It just happened. I won’t go near her again.”
“I have a daughter. Myself and Madeleine have a daughter. We conceived her the night I cheated on Riley.”
“And you’re telling us this now? How did you keep that a secret?”
“Money buys you things. A nanny. Drake do you like her?”
“I... I think she’s beautiful Liam, I can’t deny that. But I won’t go near her again. I promise.”
“Hang on, she’s single -you’re single. No offence, Liam.” Maxwell couldn’t believe that he would be playing piggy in the middle.
“I’m single too. I’m risking losing my daughter. But I’m winning her back. If you want to fight for her Drake we will.”
“You’re not fighting over her! She’s not some prized possession you can fling away when you get bored Liam.” Maxwell was getting frustrated with Liam- deep down he was thrilled that Riley had come back home, but in a way he wished she had stayed away.
“Liam she was yours. I’m not getting involved in hurting anyone’s feelings.”
“So fucking her, then not willing to fight for her - you’d be hurting her.”
“It was a one night stand Liam! I doubt she even likes me more than that! If she did, you should let her go.”
“I’m not losing her again! Money buys you happiness. And I’m getting my girl back.”
Hold my girl
The gang looked at each other , confusion written over each of their faces. Daniel continued.
“This is Grace and Paul. They were sadly taken away from us 8years ago. Myself and Freya used to come here all the time- but especially on one date. On that date, Freya would write a diary and explain everything that they are missing... myself and Freya came here before when she left you all this afternoon...”
As Daniel continues speaking, Liam and Drake bent down and looked at the grave closely.
“Grace and Paul Johnson.” Drake turned to Liam as he said it.
“Her parents..” They both said in unison as they looked concerned, they stood back up and continued to listen to Daniel.
“... anyway, she finally came here and updated her diary. I can’t believe what all of you have been through- it’s like you’re all staring in reality tv.” Daniel jokingly said to them all. The were like Aliens - not understanding exactly what reality tv was.
Daniel pointed to the diary and read it out to them all. Afterwards he pointed over to each of the photos.
“I hope y’all don’t mind but she put some pictures of her journey with you all and wrote something about each of you. Maybe if you all read them she... she cares for you all. And trust me, she is stubborn so for her to care about so many people is amazing.”
They each picked up their picture with the note attached, they read it out loud to the other friends. Liam began..
Marshgate Prison
Drake pushed his way through the crowd to Riley laying on the floor, her hands holding her stomach- her beautiful skin now painted in a red glossy liquid, her own blood.
“Someone get some help now!” Drake pleaded, the guards stood frozen explaining that help was on its way. Liam also injured due to the unexpected attack due to the riot.
“Riley you need to survive... open those beautiful eyes... please....” Cupping her cheeks, he couldn’t lose her- not now. He had found someone who understood him, someone who possibly could love him. Slowly fluttering her eyes open, he saw the tear creep out of the corner of her eye.
“D-Drake....” She barely said, using potentially her last breath to say his name.
“I’m here, I’m coming to hospital with you- whether they stop me or not. I’ll break out, just so I can be with you.”
“No.... you.... can’t.... Bartie...”
“Riley you mean so much to me as well as Bartie. Don’t you dare leave me.”
Using all the strength she had, she pulled him down- placing a longing kiss on his lips.
“Love you Walker.” The paramedics arrived, quickly rushing Riley and Liam out of the room. Drake forced the guards off him, falling to the floor- he was surrounded by tears he never thought he would ever shed.
Cordonian Wags (getting posted soon!)
“Mr Rhys, you have gone through all the suspects- with Madeleine as an extra one to the scenario. It was reported that there was another two suspects who had covered their identity up- did you have anybody else visit you during those times?”
Constantine thought back to the other two visitors who had visited him last. Knowing full well that Bastien was the person who had spiked his drink. Bastien who had been loyal to him throughout all the time they had known each other. He understood his reasoning behind it- he had a duty to look after the Brooks sisters, his goddaughters. But he would never trust him again.
Forgive me
“Liam, as much as I’m happy that you’re home... I need to tell you something....” Liam kissed the sensitive part of her neck, ignoring the seriousness in her tone of voice- selfishly just wanting her all to himself. He had missed her immensely- grateful that she was in his life.
“You can tell me after. Right now, I want you- all of you. I’ve missed you so much Riley.”
“Liam please!”
“Have you missed me?”
“Of course I have. But .... but.... please don’t kiss my neck and earlobe ... this is really important....”
“Go on....”
“We are all in danger. Leo was murdered- by Justin- our new press secretary.”
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ckret2 · 5 years
What are your alien headcanon for ghidorah?
I didn’t realize that i desperately wanted somebody to ask about Ghidorah’s alienness until you did so thank you very much for this opportunity, I won’t let you down. I’ve tried to roughly divide paragraphs by topics and this is obscenely long so most of it is under a cut.
All of these are specific to MonsterVerse.
I know I’ve mentioned this before but I’ve decided that for the purposes of my fics, Legendary!Ghidorah’s backstory is a mix of Invasion of Astro-Monster (he’s been mind-controlled by aliens for the purpose of destroying other planets) and Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (he was made out of three tiny adorable mildly telepathic dragon-cat things). So put together: some unknown alien species in the distant past took three sweet little household pets, frankensteined them together, threw in a mountainload of genetic modifications, and trained/mindcontrolled the resulting abomination to be a flying apocalypse to destroy planets they want to conquer. (to stick with the Invasion of Astro Monster parallels, i might go with the aliens being Xiliens. undecided.)
At some point, Ghidorah escaped his handlers, went rogue, and has been bopping around the galaxy razing planets every since.
So this is why he’s a planet-destroyer: because 1) he was specially designed as a weapon that’s so good at planet-destroying he starts passively wrecking the environment simply by flying, and 2) he’s an escaped domesticated pet that was strenuously trained to destroy planets, so he’s kept doing the one thing he was trained to do. it’s the only thing he’s ever known, except for a couple years of being three dragon-kittens before getting experimented on. He doesn’t think it’s his manifest destiny to conquer and rule a private world, he’s not particularly keen on being King; he just, like… has no other hobbies besides mass murder, and is scared to try new things. He’s uh, probably got some trauma to work through.
Yes: he did, in fact, wreck Venus’s atmosphere. There may or may not be extraterrestrial refugees from Venus on Earth. He may or may not also be responsible for Jupiter’s red spot.
And he actually can fly without creating hurricanes, even in hurricane-prone atmospheres like Earth’s; it’s just harder and a lot less comfortable. Like imagine if it rained every time you walked—but not on you, just somewhere else—unless you walked sideways with your hands on your head. like, you COULD, but it’d be annoying.
His heads are not actually related, although all three did know each other before getting mad scienced together.
Because his original species was Domesticated Pet, and because his modifications allowed him to actually understand his “owner” species and what they said to/about him, he thinks of himself and other species that are disinclined toward tool-using, structure-building, and complicated-society-forming as “creatures” rather than “people”—i.e., a naturally inferior state of being. He thinks of himself as a “creature,” which is sorta messed up, because like, he’s definitely a person. Three people? At least one person. (This is in contrast to most Earth titans, who think of titans as highly diverse “people” and, on the other hand, think of humans and their cities as rather like rabbits and their warrens or bees and their hives—that is, most  usually don’t think about them at all, and certainly don’t consider such small critters to be “people.” There are a few rare exceptions—like Mothra—who consider humans to also be people like titans.)
Because of his awareness of “people” that are often much smaller than him, he’s got a capacity for sadism toward humans that titans who don’t even notice humans, like Rodan, lack. When Rodan flies over streets, he’s accidentally blowing around some ants. When Ghidorah flies over streets, he’s slaughtering living sentient individuals, knows it, and enjoys it.
Also because of his awareness of “people,” he’s far warier of their contraptions than other titans. Like, Rodan thinks jets are crunchy birds; but Ghidorah knows. At a glance he understands the rough purpose and use of most human machines based on analogous inventions he’s seen on other planets—he understands jets, drones, missiles, bombs, telephones, cameras, TVs, speakers, street lights, power grids, satellites…
He considers humans a class of people he refers to as “machine makers,” because that’s their defining trait to him, He considers machine maker species the most dangerous type of alien because they’re the ones who might conceivably have the capacity of inventing things that can put him back under mind control.
He can basically flap on up to the moon any time he wants, and probably does from time to time to get away from King Skreeonk and his insufferable friends. Who’s gonna go get him on the moon? SpaceX?
Ghidorah’s original species was genetically modified to be lightly empathic—able to read other living beings’ emotions—to help the pets care for their dear beloved owners’ emotional states; members of the species can also freely telegraph their emotions to each other. Ghidorah retained the power after being frankensteined, but it atrophied greatly over time. Possibly due to trauma, possibly due to three-people-aren’t-supposed-to-share-one-spinal-cord brain damage, who knows. He can still use it, but it only really fully works when he’s deeply sleeping/hibernating (i.e., when he was frozen in Antarctica, or when he’s traveling from one solar system to another and needs to pass time). When he’s awake, he’s got to press his foreheads directly to someone else’s head to sense their emotions. He can also transmit emotions this way. (He doesn’t need the ability to telegraph emotions between heads, since they’ve got a sorta interconnected brain system already.)
As an offshoot of this empath power, one of his multitude of apocalyptic powers that may or may not have been intended by his original designers: Ghidorah is capable of mild mind control—which is actually how he managed to control a whole planet of titans—by “singing.” It’s not direct control so much as it is a forced emotional state; what the victim does in that emotional state is up to them, although he can offer gentle suggestions that line up with their state. (i.e., “you’re extremely angry now; perhaps punch someone?” would function; “you’re extremely angry now; perhaps tenderly kiss someone?” would fall apart.)
This ability works directly on the brains of his targets, and since every evolutionary tree builds its brains different ways, when he lands on a new planet he has to put significant effort into studying the minds on the planet before he can figure out how to compose a song that will affect them at all, much less tune it to the specific emotions that he wants to cause. For this reason, he usually doesn’t consider it worth the effort, and he usually wrecks a planet and moves on long before figuring out how to sing to their minds. He probably wouldn’t have figured out how to sing to Earth’s titans if his battles with Godzilla hadn’t slowed him down from destroying the planet & motivated him to find other ways to get an advantage.
His song didn’t work on humans because titan brains are just too different for the same tune to work on both. His song didn’t work on Mothra because she’s telepathic herself, and a stronger telepath than Ghidorah. His song didn’t work on Godzilla because he was legally braindead at the time; otherwise, it probably would have. His song’s effectiveness is a matter of brain biology, not “alpha” ranking.
He can learn to sing other emotions, but right now the only one for Earth he’s figured out is “PANICRAGE AND DESTROY THINGS!!” because that’s the only one he wanted to figure out.
And I refer to it as “singing” partially because siren song parallels and partially because, from Ghidorah’s perspective, it is like, just singing. He also enjoys totally normal non-mind-control singing, like, just for fun.
When Ghidorah escaped his home planet, there were other “Ghidorahs” that had been made for the same purpose. He occasionally glimpsed them while bopping around the galaxy, but crossing paths with them was usually his signal to Get The Hell Out Of This Solar System because homeworld handlers might be with them. It’s not safe to stick around long enough to figure out whether they’re escaped like him or not.
He hasn’t seen any other “Ghidorahs” in a long time. He doesn’t know if any are still alive, or even if his homeworld is still alive & out conquering. He’s not interested in checking.
When he’s in parts of the galaxy with more well-traveled spacefaring aliens who recognize him as a world-ending weapon gone rogue, he’s sometimes hired as a mercenary to ravage planets. And by “hired” as a “mercenary” I mean “they ask him to destroy a specific planet and he says yeah okay because he was going to destroy a planet anyway and doesn’t care which one, and he doesn’t really have any material needs or keep any possessions so payment would be wasted on him.”
This is how he met Gigan, who is also a gigantic living war machine gone rogue from his homeworld and now occasionally doing mercenary work. Unlike Ghidorah, Gigan actually requests payment for flattening a world; but like, he’s also willing to flatten it per the client’s specifications—i.e. “please STOP flattening it if they pay our ransom” or such—which at times makes him a better hire than Ghidorah even at the extra cost. Being somewhat cyborg, Gigan can download and speak languages that aren’t technically supposed to be compatible with his anatomy, so he was able to strike up a conversation with Ghidorah a lot faster than most aliens because he already knew how to speak Ghidorah’s homeworld owner species’s language.
Along with understanding his owner species’ spoken language, Ghidorah can also read their written language, and possibly the languages of some other aliens too; and he can recognize what The Written Word is when he sees it even if he doesn’t know the language. He can, potentially, write—slowly and badly, like, if he’s got a long enough beach and a big enough stick to hold in his teeth and drag in the sand. He’s really not anatomically designed for writing, or even typing, in any easy way, and he’s never felt the need to find a method that works for him.
If, somehow, Ghidorah managed to spawn offspring, they would be of his original species: extremely small dragon-cats.
Being a deliberately designed weapon with a specific purpose, he probably wasn’t designed to reproduce, or even to simply be able to perform the physical act of mating. His creators did not, however, bother to remove his urge to do so. This has been a source of lifelong frustration. (That said though, he might still be capable in some fashion—if, y’know, it seems narratively interesting enough to pursue. But if so, it WILL be difficult to manage, full of complications and frustrations, and most likely require some creativity and/or unexpected wild accidents on Ghidorah’s part to achieve.)
Despite the fact that he’s a giant murderous asshole, Ghidorah is, in his heart, still just three domesticated pets, and so thinks that being an indoor pet with a loving owner taking care of all your needs is in fact A Fine And Good Thing To Be. All three parts of him were quite happy to be owned and taken care of—up until they got frankensteined and forced into mind-controlled giant monster boot camp.
So if he did spawn a bunch of extremely small dragon-cats and humans, being humans, started snatching them up and taking them home to be quirky exotic pets, he’d be like, “hell yeah. go, my children. this is your destiny.”
Ghidorah doesn’t consider himself as having any name at all. In fic when I call the heads “First,” “Second,” and “Third,” it’s more for the convenience of readers; they themselves don’t bother to think of themselves or each other by any names, even just numbers, because they always know who they’re thinking about already. He’s always surprised when someone gives him a name to go by—surprised and a little bit uncomfortable, because he feels like a name threatens to psychologically anchor him down to a “normal” life amid “normal” people. Homeworld may or may not have given him a name, or at least a code name; might have just him a serial number, idk. In any case he doesn’t remember it. His component parts had individual names before they were frankensteined, which none of them consciously remember, but if someone were to ever call them by their original names they’d probably start bawling like babies.
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Destination Destiny
Gearshift, Smash Hit and Knight Light were in the middle of a journey through a barren wasteland. The robotic Trap Master was sitting next to the Supercharger in his enormous Thump Truck, which was excellent for such a terrain, while the angelic knight soared alongside them.
“We should reach our destination in approximately twelve minutes and thirty-two seconds.” Gearshift delivered her inhumanly precise calculations as usual.
“Wow, this really is like having a navigation system!” Smash Hit never interacted with the Tech Skylander before, yet he was pleasantly surprised by her behavior. “Gearshift, tell me how many fries I can fit in my mouth!”
“Zero. Because telling you the answer to such a nonsensical question is not part of the mission. Thus, I will not count a single potential fry.” Without the blink of an eye, Gearshift silenced the warsupial and left him disappointed.
Knight Light snickered as he spread his wings further to keep himself in the air. “She may be a highly advanced robot, but she has a mind of her own. She’s a Skylander after all.”
Smash Hit sighed. “Guess I’ll have to find out myself then.”
The trio soon arrived at Molekin Mountain. Ever since the Skylanders’ visit during the time when Kaos tried to claim the Fist of Arkus, the town has been quite peaceful. The friendly molekin greeted the Skylanders cheerfully as they entered the town.
“What’s the deal here? Everything seems fine to me.” Knight Light asked his companions since he, once again, simply tagged along and had no idea what the mission was about.
“A resident molekin can help us get to the all-knowing Oracle, which can tell us where the Golden Queen is located.” Gearshift carefully scanned the area looking for said molekin.
Smash Hit leaned his head past the tall robot to look the equally tall knight in the eyes, or mask in that case. “To keep it short – we ran out of ideas.”
“This hunt really seems to have no end.” The Light Skylander grumbled and wondered what he would do once they finally found the villainess. “Maybe it’s for the better.”
Keeping their eyes peeled and asking around, the Skylanders were looking everywhere for the molekin known as Barnsy. Unknowing to them, some dark forces nearby were lurking and waiting for the right moment to disturb the peace in the rocky town.
Meanwhile at the Academy, Spyro was conversing with Boom Bloom and Wild Storm, who told him about their latest mission and the horrific ambush they experienced. The leader nodded and dismissed the Senseis, before Star Strike floated up to him.
“Spyro, if I’m not bothering, could I talk to you for a second?” The alien has been passively concerned with the current problem that the Skylanders were facing and recently had an idea.
Spyro took a deep breath and tried to take his mind off the information he just received. “Please don’t tell me you saw more possessed people trying to kill you.”
“…No.” Star Strike said to Spyro’s relief. “About that though, I thought there might be a way how we could solve that problem more easily, or at least prevent worse things from happening. Same goes for the Golden Queen situation.”
“I’m listening.” Even though there was a lot to do, Spyro was willing to hear his fellow Magic Skylander’s suggestion.
“You already know about the Book of Destiny.” Star Strike began, which immediately sparked Spyro’s interest, as he’s always been very intrigued by the mystical artifact. “Even though we can’t access the Interdimensional Realm anymore, we came up with another way to get to the book.”
“We?” Spyro was confused since only Star Strike was present.
Out of nowhere, Enigma, Déjà Vu and Mysticat appeared next to cloaked being through magical entrances, making Spyro jump up in surprise.
“You seriously need to stop doing that!” The dragon breathed heavily while the mist and sparks the magicians created faded away.
As soon as Spyro was back on his feet, Enigma began to talk. “We may not be able to get to the book directly, and not in this moment.” He glared over to Déjà Vu who nodded confidently. “But we know where and when it was, and we can use our combined magic to get us to the exact place and the exact time when it was there.”
Spyro wasn’t quite sure if he understood everything. “You’re suggesting we travel through time and space?”
“Exactly.” Mysticat answered. “Enigma’s teleportation, Déjà Vu’s time manipulation and my illusions, we can project ourselves right in front of the book and read it.”
Spyro needed a moment to process everything and make sense of the sorcerers’ plan. “And where exactly was the book?”
Everyone looked over to Star Strike, whose head sunk after hearing the question. “My home.”
“We can only perform this spell for a very short time and in a limited space.” Mysticat explained further. “All we can do is look into the book.” The feline has heard of the alien’s wish to return home, but he made it clear that there was no way she could even see her old planet during this procedure.
“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s read that book!” Eager and full of new hope, Spyro dashed off. He didn’t even know where he had to go, but he assumed that it would have to be somewhere more private.
“Who knew that Spyro was such a bookworm?” Déjà Vu joked as they followed their leader.
Traversing through the long and dark tunnels the molekin have dug over the years, the Skylanders were on their way to the top of Molekin Mountain, looking for Barnsy. Smash Hit made a short stop at a store with rock candy, a specialty in the area. Little did the Earth Skylander know that those were actual rocks rather than candy.
“Did you know that molekin eat rocks?” Smash Hit was rubbing his left cheek to ease the pain after biting one of the minerals. “Whirlwind won’t be happy about my second visit this week.”
“How do you always manage to turn every excursion into a comedy show?” Knight Light giggled and looked down on his short ally who rolled his healthy eye.
“I just like to explore places. Discover new things, y’know? As a Skylander you barely have time for that stuff.” Smash Hit was happy with his job, yet at times he felt overwhelmed by the quick pace and stress of the missions. “If you asked me, we would never have to find the Golden Queen, I love travelling to all these places!”
“Yeah, I guess there’s a good side to all of this.” Knight Light on the other hand preferred when there was a strict schedule. Not only due to the current pressure from his former superiors, but he has always been the proactive type to get out there and fulfill his duty. “And this Oracle, it can tell us anything?”
“Everything.” Gearshift corrected the Trap Master. “The Oracle, also known as Octavius Cloptimus, is an all-knowing being. It will be able to answer all of our questions, which is exactly what we need in this time of uncertainty.”
The team was quiet and only the sound of their steps across the dry rock ground could be heard. “Do you think it can tell me how many fries I can fit in my mouth?”
Knight Light laughed as Gearshift stopped and turned around to look at her allies. She stared at Smash Hit, coldly, without moving an inch. The Skylanders thought there was a malfunction until she finally opened her mouth. “It can.”
When the robot turned back around, Smash Hit clenched his fist triumphantly and exclaimed a silent ‘Yes’.
The trio has reached the circular stone house of the molekin in question. Gearshift knocked on the small door before ducking down to the point where she was nearly on her knees and entering. Knight Light did the same but struggled with getting his wings through the entrance. Smash Hit on the other hand only had to bend his head down to enter. Inside the small building, the taller Skylanders cowered next to Smash Hit, looking at Barnsy, who was standing in front of a window with his back turned towards the heroes.
“Barnsy, we’re sorry to intrude into your home like this, but we have an urgent mission and require your help.” Knight Light spoke to the small creature who kept staring out the window. “If you could-”
Gearshift grabbed the angel’s arm to stop him. “Something is not right.” She fixed her eyes on the molekin and inspected him.
They all looked at Barnsy, waiting for him to show a reaction, until he finally turned his head to reveal a pair of lifeless black eyes.
The male Skylanders gasped while Gearshift proceeded to roll backwards and out of the house before making her Traptanium gear appear. While Smash Hit swiftly followed the Trap Master and Knight Light once again had to squeeze his wings through the door, the molekin unleashed terrifying screams. Looking across the town, the Skylanders spotted all of the molekin running in complete panic and fleeing from their homes. Before they could interfere, a gigantic figure landed right in front of them and blocked their path.
The team slowly moved their heads upwards as an enormous shadow covered them. “Oh boy.” Smash Hit gulped and hesitantly pulled out his chain and boulder, while Knight Light flipped his wrist to make his scimitar appear.
The undead dragon Malefor towered over the three who appeared like mere toys compared to him. The dragon grinned before opening his sharp mouth and spitting a spectral flame at them.
In the Magic Realm, the most mystical location nearby the Academy, Spyro, Star Strike, Enigma, Déjà Vu and Mysticat have gathered to perform the spell that would lead them to the Book of Destiny.
“And you’re sure this will work?” Spyro was still a bit skeptical. “There isn’t anything dangerous about this, right?”
“It can only become dangerous if we separate or someone interrupts the spell.” Enigma was observing his Traptanium sigil to make sure everything was in-tact. “We get there, take a look at the book and come back here.”
Star Strike was awfully quiet, she seemed to be lost in thoughts. The alien knew that she couldn’t get back home through the spell, yet she was hoping that there could be an exception. Just this once.
“Then we can begin.” Mysticat summoned his staff and prepared himself.
The three sorcerers formed a circle around Spyro and Star Strike. They all held their respective staffs and recited a spell in unison. The weapons began to glow and each of their powers combined created a magical pattern on the floor underneath them, which the two Magic Skylanders watched in awe. Suddenly they were engulfed by a purple fog which was spinning around them like a hurricane. Even though the wind was tearing at them mercilessly, the magicians stood strong without interrupting the spell. Spyro began to feel dizzy when he saw lights flashing all around him and he felt like he was rushing at lightning speed. It was a sensation he has never felt before and all of his senses were overstimulated. It felt like his head would explode any second. All of a sudden, it stopped. The Skylanders opened their eyes and found themselves in a small house with book shelves covering every wall. In the center was a podium. A pillar of light coming from above lit up the many golden accents of the giant brown book on top of it.
“This is it.” Spyro was about to step closer when he saw that the sorcerers were still holding their staffs tightly and focused on keeping the spell up. Star Strike was by his side, but that wasn’t enough. “Uh, guys? If you don’t mind, maybe one of you could take a look as well. You said there should always be multiple people looking into it to see more outcomes.”
“Right.” Enigma grunted and had to hold himself together to keep the spell up. “Can you two manage on your own?” He looked over to Mysticat and Déjà Vu who were just as tense as himself.
“I can freeze the spell for a moment, that will give us some time. But you’ll have to hurry.” With those words Déjà Vu lifted her hourglass above her head which emitted a blue surge of time energy. The timelord could move freely now and look inside the book as well, but Mysticat had to keep the illusion up. “Are you alright?”
“Don’t worry about me. Go ahead.” The feline reassured them of his ability to hold everything together for some more time.
“Alright, let’s do it.” Enigma joined Spyro’s side while Déjà Vu stood next to Star Strike.
The four Skylanders approached the book until they were standing in front of it, yet nothing happened. Before anyone could speak, the artifact swung itself open and the pages shot from one side to the other. They could see everything. Glimpses of the past, pictures of the present and visions of the future. The book was overwhelming for anyone, they had to focus to only see the future. Star Strike however looked up for a moment and lost the visions. Instead, she set her eyes on a window. A small, unimportant window that allowed her a look outside. Her home. It was right there, she could finally see it again after so many years. While the others were busy with the book and Mysticat closed his eyes to concentrate on the spell, the alien removed herself from the group to float towards the window. She was like hypnotized, she could not control her movements. She knew that they shouldn’t get separated, but she only wanted to take a small look. The Magic Skylander didn’t notice that the window was outside of the magical circle, so she would have to get out of it as well.
Meanwhile the Book of Destiny kept skimming its pages. The Skylanders were beginning to see a bigger picture. Golden Queen, Malefor, Kaos, all enemies they knew and that were still out there somewhere, trapped or not. It showed more figures, blurrier this time. Figures that seemed familiar, yet they couldn’t recognize them. And then the book stopped. All eyes were set on a page which was flooded with sentences and words. They couldn’t make out anything. They stared at it for a few seconds until the scribbles began to move. The letters shifted and fell into place and they could all make out a singular sentence.
“An alliance destined to destroy”
Mysticat briefly opened his eyes just to see Star Strike reaching out for the small window and nearly exiting the circle. “Star Strike, no!”
The Sensei interrupted the spell, and everyone was caught in a storm of magic before reappearing back in the Magic Realm.
Star Strike’s arm was still stretched out. Once again, she reached for nothing, it disappeared before her very eyes. She was disappointed but quickly realized what she did and turned around. She was expecting to see furious faces, but instead was met with confusion.
“An alliance destined to destroy…” Spyro repeated the only sentence he could see. “You all saw that, right?”
Enigma and Déjà Vu nodded. “What does it mean?” Enigma could only think about the mysterious message.
“That sounds like a riddle even I cannot solve.” Mysticat joined the discussion. “I’m assuming it’s a warning that our enemies will join forces.”
“We know the Golden Queen’s out there, and Malefor is free. Could it be…” Déjà Vu was afraid to think of what could happen if those two villains decided to team up.
“Then it’s better if we don’t find out.” Spyro was curious as well, but he wouldn’t wish for something like that in even his wildest dreams. “We have to take down every last villain, all of them.”
As the Skylanders were walking away, Star Strike kept staring at the spot where she saw the window moments ago. Her home was so close, yet so far. She started to wonder if she would ever be able to return.
In the midst of the battle at Molekin Mountain, another flurry of spectral flames was homing in on the Skylanders. Gearshift backflipped to avoid the incoming attack. She then split her gear in half and started kicking parts of it at the undead dragon as it was spiraling around her body. Malefor protected himself with his wing before violently flapping it to shoot the parts back. Smash Hit and Knight Light tried avoiding them, but got hit nevertheless.
“There’s no way we can defeat him, he has an answer to everything!” Knight Light attempted to rise back into the air after his wing took a hit but struggled to do so.
“We have to target his weak spot, he always protects his face and chest!” Smash Hit, who already figured it out, grabbed his chain and swung his mighty boulder at the dragon with full force. Malefor jumped up into the air before he could get hit and slammed back onto the ground, creating an earthquake.
“If we don’t get him out of the city, he will destroy everything!” Knight Light stressed the others and started looking for some way to lure Malefor away, but the dragon had no intention of changing locations.
“Foolish Skylanders, you think you can protect those puny molekin? You can’t even protect yourselves!” Malefor inhaled deeply before unleashing a dangerous trail of fire at the Skylanders.
Knight Light acted quickly and grabbed Gearshift and Smash Hit to fly them out of harm’s way. He couldn’t carry them for too long and crashed on an island nearby. “What are we supposed to do!?”
“We cannot terminate him, due to his resurrection powers. The only way to temporarily defeat him is by handicapping or trapping him.” Gearshift knew what had to be done, but even she didn’t know how.
“Hex already tried that and look what happened!” Knight Light became more frustrated with each passing moment, feeling like they would have to retreat and thus fail the mission.
Soon Malefor spotted the Skylanders and began attacking them again. Any counter seemed pointless so all they could do is evade his blasts and hope for nothing else to be destroyed.
Smash Hit grew tired of that strategy and decided to step up. “Hey, you big old raisin! Over here!”
The insult made Malefor give the warsupial a death glare and he headed towards him. That’s exactly what Smash Hit wanted. Before the dragon could attack, the Supercharger tossed his boulder right at his face and used his chain like a whip to bring him down. He jumped onto Malefor’s leg and furiously smashed the metal plates covering it, trying to do some damage. Malefor, not feeling a single attack from the small hero, simply flipped his wrist and tossed the Earth Skylander back on the ground before turning around to strike him with his tail. Smash Hit was thrown right against a rock, leaving some cracks upon impact. He let out weak moans of pain before falling onto his knees and finally laying on the ground. Malefor grabbed the boulder with the bare tips of his claws and dropped it right next to his owner.
“What are you supposed to be? A warsupial with a simple boulder and a chain? At least your friends have something to offer.” Malefor interrupted his speech to strike down an incoming Knight Light and keep Gearshift at bay with his fire breath. “You’re pathetic. Just like the dirt underneath you, you are nothing. Another worthless pawn of the Skylanders that will fall under my power.”
Smash Hit tried pushing himself back up but failed each time, and Malefor’s insults didn’t help. He felt weak, useless. His attacks had no effect, and he was taken out by a single hit. Meanwhile the two Trap Masters kept on fighting and couldn’t be shaken off as easily.
To the Skylanders’ surprise and relief, Malefor went into a more defensive state and didn’t attack them anymore. Underneath him, a bunch of mindless molekin with the same black eyes as Barnsy appeared and went after the Skylanders instead.
Knight Light was quite baffled to feel a small creature jump onto his back and tear him down. He grabbed the molekin and tossed it to the side, trying not to hurt it. “What’s going on? Why are they all like this?”
Gearshift had already reconnected her gear and instead of attacking, she simply created weak shockwaves that kept the corrupted molekin from getting close to her. “Undead magic is capable of turning any creature into an obedient monster that will follow their tormentor’s lead.” The Skylander’s eyes were turned to Malefor, who smiled upon seeing the angered heroes dealing with the horde of minions.
Then, when they least expected it, Smash Hit saw someone familiar in the distance. He had to squint his one working eye, which still had a blurred vision, to make sure it was who he thought it was. The other two Skylanders looked at him and then into the direction he was staring at and were shocked. “Hex?” the warsupial thought he was hallucinating.
The witch just finished turning another molekin into one of her monsters. Like always, she only transformed half of the town, while the other half had to hide and in the worst case kill or get killed by their corrupted friends. She looked over to the Skylanders, seeing faces of disbelief, as well as Gearshift’s ever so neutral expression. The wind in the area made her horns and dress wave, giving her a ghostly appearance.
The next thing they knew Malefor flew past Hex, making her disappear from the spot she was just in with his departure. The dragon was gone, and so was the sorceress, leaving nothing but a destroyed town, countless corrupted molekin and three speechless Skylanders behind.
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bubblegumholland · 5 years
Destiny (Peter Parker X Stark! Reader/Voicemail part 2)
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A/N Part 2 to Voicemail
Warnings: Angst, love, medical procedures (kinda), blood, IDK, profanity
Two weeks ago your step mother, Pepper, did as she said she would and signed Stark Industries over to you. As soon as you officially owned S.I you jumped right into your promise to your father. You began building your suit and testing your syndromes. You hadn’t told your aunt, but you were recreating your grandfather’s super soldier serum. You wanted to become the next Captain America AND Iron Man. And you believed you could, you knew you could. You had to be the hero Earth needed. Of course you would never test this unknown substance on anyone other than yourself. So you had to get this right, your life rested on it. Peter, your boyfriend, was a great help with your suit. But you never told him about the serum, knowing it was far more dangerous than the armor. Altering DNA was tricky, wrong even. You were smart, insanely smart, but you weren’t Tony Stark. But you can be damn sure you were gonna try to be. For him. For the world. 
Typing your discoveries into the new computer system you installed. J.A.R.V.I.S was its name. After your father’s first AI. 
“Hey J.A.R.V.I.S entry #148 no #149, It’s almost completed. The serum is almost perfect only one more thing left to do.” You grabbed a sharp screw driver you had nicked yourself on a few times during your project and brought it up to your thumb, applying pressure until the skin broke and blood trickled out. You held your bleeding hand above the small gallon sized container filled with the serum. 
“There” you whispered. You laughed breathlessly, “I-I did it!” 
“Did what?”
You spun around eyes wide staring at your boyfriend.
“P-Peter! When did you get here?” You rushed to wrap your wounded finger.
“Y/N? What are you hiding?” Peter asked tentatively and stepped closer to you. 
 “I need you help Peter.” You revealed but didn’t really answer. 
“Anything, what’s up?”
“I-ahh...I did it. I recreated the Super Soldier Serum from WW2... I need you to activate the machine to inject it in me.” You explained, playing with your hands. 
Peters hazel eyes widened in realization, “Y/N, are you crazy? That-this is so too dangerous.”
“Peter please,” you begged, stepping up to hold his face, “do you love me?”
His hands traveled to your waist, “of course I do, but-”
“Then please, please do this for me. I have to do this I owe it to my father, this is my destiny. I know it is.” 
Peter remained silent for a few moments before sighing. “Okay... I-if you think this is what you need to do, then I’m with you.” He stared into your eyes, “until the end of the line.” 
You smiled slightly and kiss him lovingly. 
It wasn’t lustful or sexual. It was loving and real, pouring all your love and gratitude into it. Peter held you closer and tighter, like he was about to lose you.
You pulled away beaming, “Let’s do this.” 
After you filled all the viles in the huge machine and changed into some sleep shorts and a sports bra, you gently laid down on the machine table. Peter came around a bound all your arms down to ensure your stability, leaning down to give you one more kiss, a tear hit your cheek. But it wasn’t yours. You looked up to see Peter crying softly while heading over to the machines control panel. 
“Peter, I’m going to be okay.” You promised.
He wiped his cheeks, “I know, Y/N, I know” as he pressed a button causing the walls and lid of the machine to move into place, to keep anything from escaping its cold, metal clutches. The machine moved to sit upright and you looked at Peter through the glass face hole. “I love you” you mouthed.
“I love you, too” he said and he pulled the lever. 
You screamed in pain, the needles were nothing, but the force of all your cells being torn apart, reshaped, then fused back together was mind altering. Peter panicked and moved to turn it off.
“NO!” you screamed, “I..I can do this!” You insisted and he stopped. The lights throughout the tower flickered, this taking up most of the power flow. With and loud shriek from you and a bright light it was completed.
Peter panicked more at the sudden silence from you and opened the machine, as the process was already completed. You gasped at the fresh air and glanced to Peter who rushed to free you from its confines. “Did it work?” he asked. You sat up and looked at your arms and legs, you didn’t look any different. “Damn it!” you exclaimed and slammed your fist against the metal, denting it. Wait, you dent it with your bare hands. Your e/c eyes met Peter’s and you smiled. “It worked!’ you grabbed his cheeks kissing him gratefully. “It actually worked!’ 
“-you know what to do” BEEP
“Hey dad, it’s me again.” you smiled lightly. 
“I did it, I’m Iron Maiden. Along with my suit and incredible intelligence I now possess super strength. I now it’s probably not what you would’ve wanted me to do but, I can do this. I can be the most powerful hero the world has ever seen. I will protect everyone from all the crazy psychos and aliens that try to take over the world. I’m going to make sure everything you did wasn’t in vain.”
You sighed deeply and wiped your hand under your eye, expecting tears but not finding any yet. 
“Even with these powers and abilities, I still don’t feel good enough. I want to be better but I fear making myself better would only kill me...” you trailed off not wanting to finish the thought. 
“I’m dating Peter now, he’s amazing I see why you kept him around. I...I really love him dad, I know you did too and I promise I won’t let anything happen to him. We’re gonna be okay dad, and I want you to know that this is my last phone call. You can rest now.”
You took a deep breath now finding tears on your cheeks. 
“I love you 3000. Goodbye daddy..”
A/N this was eh but I was inspired. 
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Excerpt | Thriving: Destiny, Chapter Fourteen (warning: mildly mature content)
tag list: @starlitesymphony @pleasehelpmestopwriting @timefire25 @madammuffins @nemowritesstuff @timetravelingpigeon @purpleshadows1989
     The impact caused a shockwave so powerful that it knocked them off their path by several feet, and Warren screwed his eyes shut to not have a full-blown panic attack. He couldn't feel anything when his eyes were closed; perhaps he'd stay that way while they drifted through space for the rest of eternity.      Another shockwave throbbed outward, catching them both off-guard, and Warren was wrenched from Thrive's grip, violently thrown into weightlessness. He bounced hard off the side of the Anchorage, tumbling up, flailing for something to keep him from flying away.      He spotted a ledge ahead and reached out for it, praying and straining to catch it in time.      Thrive zipped past again, hooked one arm around Warren's chest and gripped the ledge with the other. They settled onto the side of the ship, and Warren clung to Thrive’s tense frame, not daring to weaken his hold on pain of floating away again. He looked up at Thrive, who kept a determined eye on the airlock.      "We can make it," Thrive muttered.      "How many times are you gonna save my ass?" Warren gasped.      "As many times as I need to."      The two crashed ships forced out one last shockwave, and Thrive wasted no time hauling Warren as fast as physically possible to beat the tide to the airlock, which opened just as they reached the halfway point.      At the very last second, Thrive launched Warren out of his arms.      Warren rocketed alone, spinning uncontrollably into the open maw of the airlock. “No no no no, wait, wait…!”      Thrive caught up to him by the skin of his teeth; the final ripple barrelled through them seconds prior to the airlock slamming shut behind them. The pressure equalized and gravity returned as they were knocked away from one another, the entire vessel rocking to and fro along with the wave, fighting to stabilize.      "Glad to see you guys are okay," Sussa said through their suits. "Take it easy. We’re going to retrieve the L2 now."      They recalibrated their equilibriums, catching their breath as the ship righted itself again, and Thrive got to his feet. Warren ripped the oxygen mask off his face and out of the suit, pegging it onto the floor, and he leaned into the bulkhead. Another headache tore through him, clenching around him and squeezing, pulsing through his skull. He struggled to get to his feet and held onto the wall, his vision blurry.      Thrive was at his side in an instant, placing his hands on Warren’s head. After a moment, the pain began to fade, his vision sharpened again, and he exhaled.      He whipped around, his intent to chastise Thrive for being so reckless, but the hands on his head traveled to his face, and a single thumb brushed over his cheekbone. Warren's whole body instantly stilled.      He didn’t move for fear of ruining the moment, of ruining what must’ve been another hallucination. Warren could see the electric green flecks in Thrive’s eyes, alerting him to just how close in proximity they were to one another.      This was no hallucination.      He tried to relocate his thoughts, to prevent Thrive from being subjected to his unnecessary emotions, but he kept coming back to the face in front of him. Dragged from the thoughts of the expanse, from the memories of Alaska, to really focus on what was happening right then, to be hyper-aware of the fact that the only thing he could hear was unsteady breathing from whom he couldn’t discern the origin. Thrive kept him in the same headspace on purpose.      For the first time since leaving Earth again, trembling from the last ten minutes coupled with a sudden rush of nerves, Warren allowed himself to feel.      ...And that was when Thrive unexpectedly backed away. The door into the rest of the ship slid open for him and he walked out, his steps half-hearted and very hesitant. He stopped in the middle of the corridor, his vacant gaze boring into the floor.      Warren took automated steps after him. He watched as Thrive ran a palm over his own jaw, his rationale and emotion at war in his head and becoming quite visible on his face, in his eyes as they held each other's gazes. Steel determination about to fail. The walls he'd built about to collapse into dust.      Wordlessly, Warren withdrew into the airlock until his back hit the bulkhead. His heart drummed out of control in his ribcage and threatened to escape his chest when Thrive stalked in after him, steady gait leading him to halt mere inches away, his natural furnace like a wall slamming into Warren from the front.      And Thrive leaned in as if to close the already paper-thin gap but stopped himself short, swore under his breath, a familiar word he’d never said in Warren’s presence before, and whispered his name like he drew power from it, sent a shock of heat directly into Warren’s belly and a shiver through his frame.      So Warren, fatigued of the anticipation, grabbed Thrive by the back of the neck and crushed their mouths together. Thrive abruptly pinned him into the wall and kissed him deeply, holding his face, keeping him still with the length of his body. Warren’s hands sought purchase on his strong arms and back, convinced that he was experiencing a dream that would end in seconds if he didn’t hold on tight enough. He couldn't catch a moment of air but he would've suffocated even if he did.      He drowned himself in Thrive, letting the kindled embers grow into a blazing inferno in his gut. Warren let slip an embarrassing groan, shivered again at the release of passion he’d craved for so long, at the relief of feeling wholly safe for the first time in years. He wouldn't hurt him, couldn't. But this was agony in itself.      A strange and dizzying perception of power lurking under the surface, desperate to be unleashed, nearly floored him as Thrive tangled his fingers into his hair and angled his face up to meet his height and left Warren breathless and aching everywhere. A soul the likes of which the universe had never known prowling around inside of this alien, buzzing beneath his skin, transferring itself into Warren. With that kiss, he slowed time. He stopped it.      The chime of the ship’s intercom went off somewhere by their heads, but it went ignored.      Thrive entered Warren's mind as soon as he was given permission. He crawled inside, slithered around his psyche, a mental python, setting off an explosion of light behind his eyelids. Warren’s knees were as good as gelatin—like a gunshot he could feel Thrive’s unraveling desire within his head as if it were his own, and in a way it was, but it was also very much not, and somewhere along the way he lost track.      Somehow he had the presence to wonder just how much of it was actually organic, but the way Thrive curled his arm around the back of his head and gathered him away from the wall while also gripping his chin tighter than the clutches of a man in the throes of death imbued him with a certain degree of apathy about it that he never knew could be possible. Every wave of heat permeating from Thrive’s form melted Warren’s bones, every impossibly gentle pinch at his bottom lip between his teeth kept him from functioning, and he had never felt so right in his entire life, and he was becoming drunk, enraptured, ready to relinquish his own morals and the very foundation of himself as a person if it meant he could take this as far as it needed to go. Thrive sensed that and Warren knew he sensed it because he sensed him sensing it, Thrive was very ready to indulge him, and the fingers now digging into Warren’s hips also told him so. They devoured each other as if pulling away would permanently break an unknown spell; breathing would not be worth the risk. It was messy and desperate but also full of love, and anguish, and reckless abandon, and the overhanging knowledge that one of them would not be around to do this again.      But the chiming of the intercom was so repetitive, so damning in its noisiness that it did eventually disrupt their connection. With a definite grunt of irritation and a shock to Warren’s nervous system, Thrive tore away from him and struck the answer button with his palm.      “What is it?” he barked, flushed and frustrated, sending another bolt of electricity through Warren in the way he unconsciously passed his tongue over an already-fading bruise on his bottom lip.      “The eliyi have reached the Milky Way,” Sussa said.      Warren, stunned, ran the back of a shaky hand over his own tender mouth. His fingers tingled and he was impressed by the will he possessed to continue standing on two feet. He managed to keep himself decent in the form suit again, though his mind was already several steps ahead in his own bedroom and there was unmistakable evidence of that line of thinking on his person that he saw no point in trying to hide this time.      He really hated those form suits.      Professionalism bled back into Thrive’s demeanor. “When will they arrive?” he asked Sussa.      “My guess would be three days. Four, at most.”      Thrive let out a heavy sigh. “We have to be ahead of them.”      “I’ll contact the lenaya.”      “Why didn’t you just use our suits to tell us this?”      There was a pause. Sussa cleared her throat with a bit of pomposity. “Because you were broadcasting your thoughts into the whole of space and I’m pretty sure all of C’o could hear you from here.”      The intercom shut off and the airlock fell into dark silence.
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aftermathdb · 5 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Ben 10 vs Green Lantern
Two guardians of the universe, clad in green. Though, one will be going home in blood-red stained clothes.
So, apparently  the reason it’s not Ben 10 vs. Beast Boy is because Ben  just outclasses Beast Boy with his variety of aliens.
Ben 10′s Preview.
Benjamin Kirby Tennyson started out as just your average ten-year old kid. But on a strange day for his summer vacation, an alien device did what it did, and stuck itself on his wrist with secrets that it hid. Now he’s got super powers, he’s no ordinary kid, he’s Ben 10!
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Look, the theme song is catchy. It would be a crime not to reference it in some way.
Anyways, the alien device was the Omnitrix, a portable library that houses all sorts of alien DNA. It allows Ben to “Check out” an alien to transform into and use their superpowers.
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From aliens that can control water, ice, electricity, and fire, Ben’s got it all. And if he finds an alien that isn’t in the library, the Omnitrix will scan and replicate the DNA, allowing Ben to have another alien to use.
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(Ignore that timebar at the bottom. I thought I had cropped it out).
Though, the Omnitrix has numerous defenses to fight back against anyone who wants to take it from Ben’s wrist.
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With all those superpowers, Ben also has aliens for smarts as well. Including Brainstorm, an alien who has an I.Q of one nonillion. That’s a one, followed by…
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THAT many zeros. And still not enough to beat out EXE’s record of highest number ever recorded.
But if Ben wants to just suck, he can turn into Walkatrout… Who is a fish… with legs.
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It’s easily his worst alien. And that’s saying a lot, considering he has an alien literally named “The Worst.”
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Though, if Ben wants some refinement, he can turn into Molestache. Boomstick’s favorite alien, who does fisticuffs with his moustache.
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The Omnitirx is easily one of the most powerful tools ever created. And apparently… Boomstick has one?
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But if there’s ever a weakness of the Omnitrix, it would probably be the cooldown timer.
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… Which is thankfully negated with Master Control, giving Ben unlimited access to everything.
But, there is one alien that blows the rest of them out of the water. Alien X.
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Alien X is a Celestialsapien, a being that exists beyond the universe, and has control over all of reality. It even once survived the universe being destroyed by the Ahnialarg, and then recreated it. Hell! Alien X didn’t just survive the Universe being destroyed, he basically didn’t even notice!
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HA! now we beat EXE’s record! Alien X managed to survive an event worth 4x10^69 Joules of energy!
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Ben even managed to get past the “Needs to come to a unanimous decision“ thing later on, making Alien X the most powerful being in his universe.
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And as Alien X, Ben has managed to fly fast enough to create a black hole.
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If there was ever any real weakness that Ben himself has, it would be his immaturity. Sure, he’s pretty great at ingenuity and thinking on his feet, but for a long time, Ben was pretty immature, and has a bit of an ego.
But when lives are on the line, you can set your clocks. Because there would be only one time it could be.
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Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)′s Preview.
Hal Jordan was just your average devilishly handsome Military Test Pilot. Until the day that destiny fell from the sky (sound familiar?).
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Upon investigating an alien crash landing, HAl Jordan found Abin Sur, an alien being who had a powerful device known as a Green Lantern Ring. This device belonged to a group of protectors known as the Green Lantern Corps.
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The Lanterns are essentially like space cops, and the universe is divided into sectors. Hal’s sector is designated Sector 2814, and he was given the prestigious job of Green Lantern.
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The GL Power Ring is the ultimate weapon against those who worship evil’s might. It has a variety of tools to help with a fight.
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Think of the Power Ring as the ultimate Swiss-Army Knife. Now think of that thing on steroids. Now think of those steroids as also being on steroids. Now think of the Swiss-Army Knife as having special treatment so as it doesn’t die from those steroids, add some more steroids, then times a thousand.
It gives Hal a bunch of different powers. From time travel, to matter manipulation, to phasing through objects, to a powerful shield.
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It can also protect his mind.
And Hal can also reasonably scale to other Lanterns, like the time when Kilowog survived the Crisis on Infinite Earths event.
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With all this power, you gotta be wondering: What the hell does this thing run on? And the answer is willpower. Part of the emotional spectrum that makes up sentient life.
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Red is linked to rage, Orange to greed, Yellow to fear, Green to willpower, Blue to hope. Indigo to compassion, and Violet to love (This isn’t actually mentioned in the episode, but I thought I’d mention it here).
And Hal is definitely a powerful Green Lantern. Like…
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With all that power, that definitely solidifies Hal as being the most powerful Green Lantern. It also means that he can irrefutably scale to other Lanterns.
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Hal also could move from the center of the universe to a planet in moments.
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This puts Hal in the high-end of the spectrum.
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And being so fast that you nearly enter the Speed Force is all kinds of impressive for someone not connected to it.
And one time, Hal was without his ring. Meaning that he had to fly a ship moving faster than light on his own.
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That is to say that Hal managed to avoid stars, planets, without the ring helping him.
And as a being who defeated the physical embodiment of willpower with his own willpower, Hal can do things that other Green Lanterns can do.
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Green Lantern Kyle Rayner once survived the Big Bang, since Hal did that previous thing, it’s reasonable to say that Hal can do the same.
But the ring aren’t perfect. They do have a limited power source, and the constructs are limited to the user’s imagination and confidence in themselves. If they aren’t confident enough, they lose their will.
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But there’s also a really big elephant in the room. An elephant painted yellow.
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Thankfully, this was done because Paralax had corrupted the Green Battery, and is now a non-issue. Not that it compares to the weakness of Alan Scott, who had a weakness to wood.
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But Hal is one of the best. Be it brightest day, or blackest night, no evil will escape his sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, beware his power…
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(That’s not the end quote, so I figured that I’d put it here).
The Battle Itself.
Zack and Luis (Animation director) on animation, Ben will be voiced by Nicholas Andrew Louie and Green Lantern will be voiced Bradley Gareth. , Jerky on sprites, Therewolf on music (Emerald Warriors), and audio is led by Chris Kokkinos.
So, as we know from the preview, Hal tries to take in Ben for having a “Class A” Superweapon, and Ben fights back. Which immediately makes this one of the better stories around, as it fits both characters and their roles very well.
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… I’ll put the reason why some people were put off by the use of kid Ben sprites in the “Overall Impression” part. Meanwhile, let’s look at this hand-drawn animation of Ben going Fourarms!
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But, given that Hal has handled stronger blows before, he takes it in stride. Leaving Ben to go for Heatblast.
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And one explosion later, Ben boasts that he could possibly beat Hal with Grey Matter… Which he turns into. But he quickly recovers and goes big. Way Big.
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Hal, obviously not impressed, creates a meteor to smash Way Big with. So Ben brings out the big guns.
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Behold! Alien X!
The fight is taken to space, where Alien X opts to just erase Hal.
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But, as he possesses a device that lets him take a retcon to the face, Hal doesn’t break.
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So Ben goes for a swarm tactic and tries to break Hal’s shield.
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Hal recites his Lantern Oath to break free and summon a weapon to attack with.
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This attack works, but Alien X rewinds time to knock Hal back.
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He politely reminds Hal of a thing that he forgot about.
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Which means that finishing blow in 5…
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I wonder if that was a size ten sorrynotsorry.
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I can’t tell if Present!Hal is talking about the battle wounds that he has, or the one-liner he made, and I’m okay with that.
Verdict + Explanation.
So, right off the bat, one of Ben’s biggest advantages was his absurd versatility in his transformations and his ingenuity. But Hal outclassed him in many areas.
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Sure Ben has an absurd amount of versatility, but here’s the thing: He can only use one alien at a time. Whereas Hal has his whole package in his one little ring.
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Essentially, even with Master Control, Ben is always playing catch up. Fourarms and Way Big are strong, but not on the level of what Hal regularly faces. Diamondhead is tough, but not planet busting tough. XLR8 is fast, but- You get the picture, right?
Alien X was really Ben’s best shot at winning. But Hal has not only fought alongside allies with that kind of power (Like Dr. Fate), but he’s also fought against that (Like Darkseid).
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And even then, Alien X is still vulnerable to damage (albiet, it has to be super absurd). Ben’s own fight with the Galactic Gladiator proves that Celestialsapiens can still lose fights. And the fact that Alien X failed to stop the Anihilaarg was because Ben was busy arguing with the other two personalities about what to do. In other words, Alien X isn’t omnipotent.
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There’s also no real evidence to suggest that Alien X could resist anything that Hal could either. Ben’s versatility put up quite the fight, but it wasn’t enough to match Green Lantern’s speed, strength, durability, tools, and literal willpower.
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And don’t be green with envy. That pun was Ten out of Bens… Yes, these are all of Boomstick’s puns.
Overall impression.
Overall, the fight is impressive. There are great hand-drawn moments in it, though I do have to knock some points for using Kid Ben sprites. Not only does the voice sound more appropriate for a teenager, these guys went on about how if the had “trimmed down Ben to his original 10-15, then it would be more fair of a fight to put him up against Beast Boy.”- That’s stuff that would lead people to think “Oh. So they’re going to use teenage Ben sprites.” This isn’t like using younger sprites of Jotaro or Naruto. The big heads never said anything about how “If we had used pre-Kurama friendship Naruto, then pitting him against Luffy would be fair” they just went straight into the battle due to power levels.
In short: Had they not made a big deal about it, then this wouldn’t be a problem.
Also, I think there’s a valid criticism about them primarily pulling from the classic-era aliens and only having Alien X from the AF/UA be the only one not from that era. Like… would have using Humungousaur instead of Fourarms been too much?- What about Atomix from Omniverse?- He’s delightfully hammy.
But, I can’t blame them for using so few. It would be a pain to try and animate all those alien forms.
But the spritework is nice, the research is solid, and it has great moments and callbacks to each character’s respective series. So it gets points for that.
Next Time…
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Y’know, the last time a RWBY character fought, an entire hate group for them sprung up on Deviantart (I’m not kidding). So, this will be fun. Please excuse me for my lack of enthusiasm, but I have bad memories of that hate group and I am not looking forward to having to go through that again.
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
… Yeah, I got nothing.
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baroquespiral · 6 years
The secret plot of the Star Wars new trilogy
as others have noted, the current trend for the big studios is to begin with the structure of a standard narrative and then completely refashion the film with focus group testing and other modifications. The overall goal is marketing. In Jurassic World, for example, the narrative was originally about a bully who deliberately endangers his little brother in an effort to ‘toughen up him up’ (exactly the same motivation as Avengers 4 Thano, as it happens). This narrative was cut from the film because it made the kid ‘too unlikeable’. The result is a film where the plot is the same, but everything happens for no reason.
I’m pretty sure I’ve found the narrative that was cut from the new Star Wars trilogy, in which (even the parts of it I like) a lot of things happen for no reason. I like to imagine reams of production documents are now pockmarked with black bars where a single wildly unmarketable word was redacted: midi-chlorians. Since time immemorial, a species of sentient, psychic microbes has been capable of communing directly with the cosmic Force.  Humans encountered them and their amazing powers in some of their earliest off-planet ventures. Midi-chlorians taught - or at least, transmitted to - us the genuine spiritual core of the earliest Jedi teachings (interconnectedness and all that).  They also tried to teach us how to tap into the Force the same way they do.  But that was too hard, and kind of terrifying.  Instead, humans did what’s always come easiest to us: effectively enslaved midi-chlorians to use the Force for us. I don’t quite grasp the exact specifics of how this works, but the movies wouldn’t need you to either, that’s tie-in material.  Midi-chlorians don’t really have the stable personal ego humans evolved for our particular pack hunter reasons. They’re a kind of rhizomatic fractal hive-mind, and can experience others’ consciousness directly through the Force, and imprint mental states around them.  The basic Jedi teachings describe techniques of focus that prevent the midi-chlorians from distinguishing your subjectivity from their own while also issuing direct, undeniable commands in accordance with your (perfectly rational, of course) desires.  With the massive application of these techniques, their original hivemind was suppressed and they became symbiotic on humans.  The problem is they also imprint strong emotions really easily - without necessarily integrating them into the same web of context that constitutes a human ego.  So the Jedi paranoia of emotion is a precaution against turning your midi-chlorian-infested psyche into a giant echo chamber/feedback loop.
Absent a host they will float around looking for a sufficiently Force-sensitive human (they may even have devolved to the point of needing a human host to reproduce), and they’re now sufficiently dispersed to find pretty much all of them.  They’re also immortal - at least, in the same sense as any asexual microorganism; while their population was probably somewhat controlled under the Republic, the overall number of midi-chlorians in the galaxy is slowly increasing - and they pass from one human to another (often the original’s offspring) if their current host dies.  (Midi-chlorians are the reason Force “dynasties” like the Skywalkers exist.)  The Sith Rule of Two works because the remaining two Sith Lords deliberately gather the midi-chlorians accreting to others, and pass down these massive midi-chlorian swarms to their apprentices.  Darth Plagueis discovered the key to immortality through managing to imprint his full consciousness onto his midi-chlorians.  Sidious successfully suppressed his master’s consciousness when inheriting his midi-chlorians, but it was still there, and after his death, not only was Plagueis free - he imprinted & assimilated the remainder of the historic midi-chlorian bloom that Anakin Skywalker hadn’t passed on to Luke & Leia.  (Their birth, taking a substantial part of his midi-chlorians, is also the reason Darth Vader seems so much weaker than the Chosen One was set up to be.)   As a conscious midi-chlorian swarm, Plagueis spread himself around the universe, in two main concentrations: most of his original midi-chlorians, which he forced into a random occultist to use as a temporary body while he searched for an actually suitable host, mutating and disfiguring the individual who would become Snoke; and the legacy of Anakin Skywalker, which he sent to Luke’s new Jedi Academy.  The darkness Luke sensed was Plagueis/Anakin’s midi-chlorians.  He identified Ben Solo early on as the most capable of sustaining his full power, and slowly, slowly tempted him with the influence of small numbers of midi-chlorians, manifesting first as dreams and inexplicable feelings of identification towards Anakin Skywalker.  To be clear, in terms of moral implications this was little different from careful human-to-human psychological manipulation.  He didn’t possess or control Ben, which would have risked both rejection by Ben’s own midi-chlorians and immediately alerting Luke.  But as Ben became more consciously open to the Dark Side and obsessed with Anakin, he introduced more and more of Anakin’s midi-chlorians to his system - while also opening a line of Force communication with Snoke to divert suspicion if he was discovered.  Eventually Luke became aware of this.  But he was also under the influence of some of Plagueis/Anakin’s midi-chlorians - I like to think they activated Anakin’s own guilt at turning to the Dark Side, resonating with Luke’s conflicted feelings about his decision to show mercy to his father*, to nudge him into responding with violence instead of investigating further.  You know what happens next.
Now here’s Rey’s special Mary Sue deal: she doesn’t use midi-chlorians.  She discovered intuitively, possibly via Worm-esque traumatic ego-death experience at a young age, how to tap into the Force directly: that’s what “The Force Awakens” means.  This means her power isn’t limited by her midi-chlorian count, but requires a completely different methodology to harness - particularly, a different relationship to her own consciousness, characterized primarily by honestness with her own feelings, since she has the benefit - and risk - of a clear line of communication to the Force. All of this could still come out in the third movie, but if they were planning to they could have done the plot and thematization of the second a lot more effectively imo.  To wit: at the end, when Kylo realizes where Rey gets her power and they kill Snoke, instead of (as he had already been planning) assimilating all of Plagueis’ midi-chlorians, Kylo expels them from his body, choosing to take control of his own destiny.  As in TLJ, he’s still a fascist; he consciously chose to respond to Plagueis’ temptations, and even if he hadn’t, he doesn’t have some innocent “true personality” underlying Plagueis’ influence as if all those years never happened.  But he’s now more impressed by Rey (true self-directed übermensch) than Anakin (clueless dupe of Sidious, of Plagueis, of his own emotions alienated from him via his enormous midi-chlorian count).  With his own, newly awakened Force power, he beats Luke’s midi-chlorians fair and square.  Luke has accepted as much; after discovering Rey, he and Yoda’s midi-chlorians had finally chosen to burn the Ancient Jedi Texts that described the original midi-chlorian encounter, the basic mechanics of midi-chlorian assimilation, and the Jedi tradition based on it. Third movie setup: this is where the galaxy is really in dire straits.  Without any hosts capable of supporting his full power, Plagueis has become a literal plague, taking control of multitudes and assimilating all the midi-chlorians he can find.  The galaxy has surrendered unilaterally to martial law under the First Order as the only bulwark against the omnipresent threat of Force-zombies.  Some elements of the Resistance, including at least one main character (Finn?), has been offered amnesty in exchange for cooperation.  He’s reformed the First Order to be slightly less evil than it was under Snoke, and preferable to business-as-usual for many, but it’s still fascist.  Others are reduced to little more than nihilistic individual freebooters (Poe?).  But Rey is training a new order of Force-sensitives to awaken the Force within themselves directly and fight Plagueis by themselves, proving to the galaxy that there is another option.  (The only way you could conventionally resolve this scenario in a movie's runtime might also be thematically convenient - someone unlocks the dormant species-being of the swarm itself.  Although this would violate the rule that you can’t actually show post-capitalism onscreen.) Anyway, besides the fact that nobody wants to hear about “midi-chlorians” any more, I suspect there’s another reason they suppressed this plot: because it would have made the anti-capitalist message too obvious. Midi-chlorians aren’t just a reification of the Force as text, they’re reification in-universe. Using them alienates you from your own connection to the life-stream of the universe. (obviously informed by @bambamramfan‘s analysis)
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stargazerdaisy · 6 years
This is all Kylia's fault
Like seriously.  ALL HER FAULT.  She just had to tag me in this post and then my stupid brain spun off into another dimension and vomited up 1700 words over the course of the day.
So if you think this is just the stupidest thing you've ever read, blame @kyliafanfiction.  I had no control over this or at all.
Enjoy.  I hope.
Skye is digging through security code for the base, making sure everything is up to snuff.  When she starts noticing some weirdness in the code.  It catches her eye, and let’s face it, it’s new, which makes it interesting.  So she goes digging.  And digging.  And digging.  Because, Skye.  At first it’s just quirked eyebrows.  Then they start to pinch.  Then her brow gets positively furrowed.  By this time, there are mutters escaping intermittently.  Which then turn into sighs, and then, growls.  Finally, she shrieks, “FITZ! GET IN HERE!”
“What now?” he huffs, rolling his eyes at her dramatics.
“I think I found something that honestly, is just completely insane and I’m probably crazy, but I really don’t think I am.  I need you to check it and see if you can tell if it’s real or not.”  Skye steps back from the computer, head tilted, as if reading the code sideways will help it make more sense. 
Fitz slides around her to get a look at the screen, grumbling quietly to himself about how no one can ever do anything without him, and if he wasn’t here, the entire base would collapse under the weight of everyone’s expectations alone, and that’s before we even get to all the structural damage they keep causing.  But as he starts examining the screen, his murmurs slow down and eventually stop mid-sentence.  His mouth hangs open and he can’t even blink.
“No way.  This can’t be…”
“Right?!” Skye screeches.  “You see it too, don’t you?”
“But there’s no way that could be right.  That can’t actually be what’s happening.” Fitz pauses for a moment, then turns to look at his friend.  “Can it?”
“I’m not saying it makes sense, but the code is all there.  I can’t find a flaw with it,” she confirms. 
“Woooooow, I’m going to need to need a minute,” Fitz says, plopping into the chair Skye has just vacated. 
The silence stretches on as they each try to make sense of the information on the computer.  Finally, Skye breaks it.
“So,” she begins, “when and how do we tell them?”
“No, we can’t,” Fitz replies.
“I think we have to,” Skye says.  “Don’t they deserve to know?”
“But will it actually help them?  Will there actually be any value in telling them they have no control over their own lives?”
“Oh Fitz, are you on this again?” Simmons says as she breezes into the room, only having heard the last part of his thought.  “We are not cursed.  We are writing our own destiny, not the other way around.”
Skye and Fitz look at each other in alarm.  Do they set her straight or let her be with her mistaken assumption?
“I don’t know, Jemma,” Elena says, coming in behind her.  “We’ve seen an awful lot of stuff happen that is so crazy, it doesn’t seem like it could have happened without some external force directing it.”
“That doesn’t mean it was pre-destined,” Mack says following his girlfriend.  “If we don’t have power over our own choices, what’s the point?  I’m not about to surrender my agency.  We can change things.”
“But how you would know if you did or did not have agency?  It’s not like characters in a play know that they’re characters in a play.  They think they’re regular people just living their lives.”
“Fitz!” Skye hisses.  “Might that be a little too on the nose?”
Fitz merely shrugs.    
“You’re literally no help,” Skye scowls.  “You tell me we shouldn’t say anything and now we’re having some deep philosophical discussion about free will.”
“Tell us what?” Coulson asks, popping in at an absurdly convenient time, as if it was choreographed. 
“What did you do now?” May pipes in, stern expression as always.
“Oh my gosh, we didn’t do anything!” Skye says exasperatedly.  “I just found some weird stuff when I was going through the security code.”
“And what did you find?” Coulson prompts, when it is clear Skye wasn’t going to elaborate.
She exchanges another look with Fitz.  He shakes his head no, she mouths ‘Please!’ at him, he grimaces and starts gesturing more vehemently to keep quiet, while she gets more animated with her pleas, all the while not a single word is actually spoken. 
Finally, May loses her patience and demands, “Someone better explain what is going on right now.”
Skye swallows guiltily and shoots Fitz one last look.  He throws his hands up in defeat and turns away in frustration. 
“Okay, so, um, you might want to sit down for this,” she starts. 
“Get to the point,” May insists. 
“Fine.  But remember, you asked for it.”  One last deep breath and she launches into her explanation.  “So when I was looking through the code, trying to spot and fix any weak spots, I noticed some weird stuff.  I followed it and well, I’m not sure how to say this, but…  We’re characters in a TV show.”
Stunned silence follows her announcement.  Then, seemingly on cue, the entire group bursts into laughter. 
“Oh Skye, that’s hilarious,” Jemma says.  “As if any of us are interesting enough for a television show.”
Mack guffaws.  “If this was a TV show, people would constantly be making fun of it for how ridiculous it is.”
“Speak for yourself,” Coulson says.  “I am plenty interesting.  Anyone would love to know more about my robot hand and its gadgetry that would make Tony Stark jealous.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Phil,” May says flatly.  But seeing Skye’s irritated expression in response to all the laughter, she asks, “How can you tell, Skye?”
“I know it sounds crazy.  Trust me, I do.  I didn’t believe it either.  I made Fitz come check it with me,” Skye defends herself.  “Tell them Fitz!”
Fitz huffs, but replies.  “It doesn’t make sense.  But the code is there.  I saw what Skye is describing.  She knows code way better than I do, so If I saw and she can describe it, then it’s probably true.”
“So what, this is like the Framework?” Elena asks, her eyes flitting across everyone.  “We’re just simulations?”
“Sort of,” Skye says.  “What’s different is that it’s not running automatically.  In the Framework, Aida had just set up the parameters and algorithms and the program ran itself from there.  This is different.  There is someone, or several someones most likely, intentionally picking and choosing and directing what happens to us.  Like, everything.  For the past 5 or so years.”
The room is quiet once again, but the tension is palpable. 
“You mean someone chose to cut off my arms?” Elena asks angrily.
“Mine too?” Coulson adds, shocked.
“They sent me to space on purpose?! TWICE?!?!” Jemma shrieks.
“And gave me brain damage!” Fitz says.
“And shot me!” Skye cries. 
“And made me dance,” May exclaims, disdain and loathing dripping from every word. 
“So we aren’t real?” Mack says.  “This is making my brain hurt.”
“Like that’s hard, Turtle Man,” Elena snarks. 
“Who are these people that think they can just do this and we’ll have nothing to say?” Coulson demands.
Skye’s mouth twists into a scowl.  “Best I can tell, there are several people involved, but it mostly comes down to two people.  They make all the major decisions and even write a lot of it.  So they’re definitely the ones to blame.”
“Geez, it’s like they get off on torturing people as much as possible,” Simmons complains.  “What the hell is wrong with them?!”
Without warning, Kara, Ward, and Lincoln manifest in the room, as if pulled from beyond the grave.  “WHO DID WHAT NOW?!?!?!” they all scream in unison.
“Ummm…” stammers Skye. 
“Well, that is fucking bullshit,” Kara curses.
“Tell me about it,” Ward glowers.
“I got blown up in a spaceship, just because someone thought it would be entertainment? Are you kidding me?!” Lincoln hisses.
“Look at me!  I basically died three times!” Ward says.
“At least they liked you enough to keep bringing you back,” Lincoln points out. 
“At least they remember you.  They don’t even mention me ever again!” Kara cries.  “I was just a plot point to them, only useful when they needed me to prove something.  And they sucked at that too.”
“As opposed to having you possessed by an alien squid-slug-thing after you have your chest caved in?  -Thanks for that, by the way, Coulson – But, I don’t know.  I probably would have preferred getting forgotten all together.” 
Kara shrugs noncommittally.  Either option seems pretty crappy. 
“Well, this is freaking depressing,” Fitz says.  Everyone nods glumly in agreement.
After a moment, Coulson speaks.  “To think, all of this craziness: Hydra coming out of the shadows – thanks for that, Ward – to Skye’s crazy parents to the Inhumans to Radcliffe and Aida and now going to the future and coming back; none of it was happenstance.  It was all on purpose.  Just…..wow.”
“At least you got brought back to life,” Kara mutters under her breath.  The couple people closest to her, Lincoln and Skye snicker but try to hide it. 
The group lapses into quiet as they each contemplate what this information means for them.  Moments of enlightenment flicker across their faces one by one, as they remember some other event or instance where they had thought it was just luck – good or bad.  How those recognitions built up emotionally varies.  Bewilderment and confusion reign for some, others are angry and seething, more still are somewhere in between.  Fear is a significant factor for all of them.  If all of this had happened already, what will be coming next? 
“It’s even worse, you guys,” Fitz says, realization suddenly dawning on him.  Everyone turns to look at him.  “They kills dogs.”
It is so silent you could hear a pin drop.  No one dares to breathe.  Evocative of a school of fish, they all turn slowly, in perfect synchronization, towards a single point.  Almost like...they were looking at a camera.
“I’ll kill them,” May hisses.
“Not if I get there first!” Ward bellows.
And just like that, they all took off in a charge, scrambling to get to their tormentors and make them regret ever daring to mess with them. 
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Dim lights, the faint smell of beer, and the aura of rowdiness, welcome to one of The Ruined Nation’s taverns, where it is illegally managed by people who are likely to get arrested by The Queen for illegal business of alcohols. The dream follows on Crispin, a humanoid creature that is likely a girl, with a white crest-like head with black eyes and wearing a faded golden cloak on her body, while she enters the tavern in search of someone, someone who could be helpful in her quest.
The yellow lights of the tavern give little color of the tavern. There are also little people that will hang around the place, and they always involve with one of the bigger guys. Crispin has no time for burly men, as she is going to meet The Foretuneteller herself. Magic other than those that are officially acknowledged by The Queen is illegal and would be under the punishment of the law. Still, The Foretuneteller has words of concern and of the future that will shake the core of The Ruined Nation itself.
After giving a bribe to a youngling with a few silver coins, the youngling leads Crispin into a backroom, well hidden from the eyes of the public. Inside the room is The Foretuneteller, a large, elegantly dressed creature of purple, dull turquoise and gold, with golden beads strap around their body and brown antlers on their head. The overabundance and coverage of their colored silk robes and cloaks would make them look like a giant hunch figure sitting on the ground, except a silver of open area around the face, which shows nothing but a black void that no light can form any definitions to The Foretuneteller’s face, if it has one. Reading through its crystal orb with deep purple thin hands with sharp nails, the Foretuneteller turns its head to look at Crispin, whose black eyes look through the black void of the Foretuneteller.
“Welcome, little one.” The Foretuneteller greets politely, with a bow from their… antler-headed head. “Do you come here to seek the destiny of The Ruined Nation?”
“It is.” Crispin answered. “What do you know, O Seeker of the Future?”
The Foretuneteller begins to move their fingers around the orb, while magical mist swirls around the crystal orb. Images flashes inside the orb filled with magic mist, and The Foretuneteller uses its magic to decipher of the message that it sees through the orb.
“The end is near… Darkness will soon cover all of The Ruined Nation… Unless The Queen is notified, all of mankind will be doomed.”
So, uh, everyone of them is a human? But Crispin and The Foretuneteller do not possess human-like anatomy, so they are probably future descendants or some freaky magical aliens or mutants.
“Go forth, my child, for it is your task to save The Ruined Nation.”
Once the sight of the future that is yet to happen is delivered to Crispin, she politely bows and rushes off to a hidden door of the tavern, escaping through the alley and trying to go back to her mother, The Queen. Meanwhile, several soldiers of The Ruined Nation barge in the tavern, decked in silver armor with short spikes, spider limbs and sharp two-fingered gloves. They are now searching for The Foretuneteller, for the crime of using the artes of Future Vision that is declared illegal by The Queen and The Ruined Nation and will be punishable by imprisonment. However, The Foretuneteller has tricks on her sleeves, by secretly escaping from the tavern through a hidden hatch being built by the clever followers of “illegal magicians.”
The land is dry, barren and dark, almost everything is devoid of color. Only ruins are left in this landscape, one of which seems to be a church of a god whose name is long forgotten. The Queen passes by here, as the church ruins will lead her back to the castle further in The Ruined Nation.
Standing over 12 – 15 feet tall, The Queen is a bizarre entity that has the characteristics of a human and the insects of Hollow Knight. Its head is pure white, with black slanted eyes with thin black eyelashes on its “eyelids”, and the top of her head is shaped in a crescent moon. She has no mouth but can speak clearly and without the need of telepathy. The Queen wears a large, stiff, and elaborated robe in black, with a large, red stylized tear-drop shape in the center of the robe, which is surrounded by white accents that recent fitted commas. The robes are large and wide, giving an impression that The Queen is a large and powerful being, while the robes reaches down to her unseen feet, neither dirty nor stained. The robes are so stiff, The Queen’s movements are as if she is just floating on the ground.
She is unconcerned of the current affairs of the world. One more illegal magician in the bars and she will be dealing with boring politics once again in the court. The Queen silently pass by a portion of a wall ruin, and silently watches at the church ruins, to start of her day again.
Soon after, a familiar figure comes running to her, Crispin. The Queen ignores her, as she has no daughter in her care. Crispin, however, gets sick of The Queen ignoring her and starts to tap her to grab her attention, to tell her of The Ruined Nation’s escapable fate of destruction.
“What is it, you pest? I have no time for your petty games.” The Queen hiss, continuing to walk and ignoring Crispin.
However, the little human (?) girl refuses to accept The Queen’s callousness and headbutts her. The force of the headbutt causes The Queen to take a step back, surprised by the act, but is also angered as well.
The Queen continues to pass by Crispin, whose pent-up rage is spilled and gives another headbutt. This time, the force of the headbutt is strong enough that The Queen is sent down into the ground.
The attendants of The Queen are waiting inside the church ruins. Dressed in form-hiding robes in shades of red to dull orange, these young women are the loyal servants of The Queen and awaits for her arrival to safely escort her back to the castle.
The church doors are bust open and Crispin is seen running through it. The Queen soon follows by, angry of her disowned daughter for knocking her down to the dirt. Crispin had it enough and tries to block The Queen from passing through her, in which she succeeds but is greeted with hate-filled glares from The Queen.
“Queen! I have to tell you! The future…”
Crispin tries to convince The Queen to think for a moment. The Queen refuses and insists of trying to return to her normal routine. Whatever the outcome is, both of them are in a dilemma of their choices, to listen the one and to ignore the other.
It all changed when the end has arrived in torrents of oily black liquid.
The whole land is quickly covered by dangerous black liquid that drags anyone it can reach down to the depths unknown. Crispin and the attendants of The Queen are safe as they are in a higher ground of the church ruins, keeping them from the disaster. The Queen is not so lucky, as the wave catches on to her and she is slowly being dragged down to the darkness. She thrashes and screams, the air in her lungs escape from her non-existent lips as she panics of her slow descent down to the darkness below. After several seconds of her thrashing in the liquid, she surrenders and slowly sinks down to the endless bottom, never to be heard from again.
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waqasamjadme · 4 years
35 ‘I Love You’ Quotes and Poems for Him
 35 ‘I Love You’ Quotes and Poems for Him
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If you're on the lookout for candy and heartwarming phrases to bathe in your man, you’ve come to the appropriate place.
Listed below are some special “I really like you messages” and even poems you could bestow upon the candy man in your life to remind him simply how a lot he actually issues to you.
Whatever challenges in life could seem too tough for you, know that as your lady, I’m at all times there to encourage you and if want be act as your stronger half.
You're the most great man I ever met, and my sincerest hope is that your individual fantasies have been realized once you met me as nicely.
Within the brief time I’ve known you, you might have already change into the first focus of my life. That’s how powerful my love for you is.
You possess the grace of a butterfly, the power of a lion and the infinite attraction of a star filled evening.
Regardless of my humble background, I've to imagine that heaven perceives me as a queen because it granted me the best king on earth as a accomplice.
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Honey, your candy love places the sweet coating on my heart. I’m so in love with you and every little thing you do.
Each tomorrow has been higher than yesterday because you got here into my life. How on earth can I ever cease loving such an incredible man such as you?
A lovely day turns into twice as pretty when it's graced by your presence, my love.
I look ahead to in the future taking your hand in marriage, you being the daddy of my youngsters and us rising outdated collectively in perfect peace and concord. I really like you a lot.
The solar doesn’t shine for me till I see your face. The magnificence of your attraction has the facility to break by any darkish cloud that could be hovering over my life.
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Babe, I had given up on love till I met you. Thanks for granting me the chance to have a person worthy of dedicating my life to.
Once I ponder on how a lot I really like you, I really feel each pleasure and concern – enthusiasm for what the longer term might maintain for us, and anxiousness on the considered probably shedding you. Please don’t ever go away.
If I run the danger of alienating you by talking even casually to another man, then I’d moderately not discuss to any of them in any respect until I've to as a result of I deem this relationship too treasured to take chances with.
Thanks for giving my life stability, that means and objective. My life was like a ship floating adrift on the ocean of vacancy till it came across the shore of your love.
I don’t imagine in magic or likelihood. As an alternative I imagine that our hearts assembly and the deep love I developed consequently was preordained by the forces that rule the universe.
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There’s a analysis paper in my coronary heart written on you with the conclusion being “hope you're feeling the identical means too”!
My love, in you, I've all that I want in this universe. Not even God can take away this love I've for you.
Anytime chances are you'll stumble Don’t take these phrases as moot My love can be there to catch you Like a parachute.
I’m what you want And you're my excellent match So thank God that our palms are actually joined And can by no means be indifferent
I was a bitter individual However now that drawback has been solved As a result of life has change into rather more sweeter Since you bought concerned
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Regardless of how chilly it will get outdoors Or how a lot it might be storming My man makes me hotter Than world warming
I work for my employer However it’s you I actually serve Till I attain the objective of providing you with All that you just deserve
Regardless of the place life takes us Regardless of how far aside You'll at all times be related To the Wi-Fi of my coronary heart
I’ve at all times saved my coronary heart safe by all kinds of measures However now the guard has dropped Since being mesmerized together with your pleasures You’ll at all times be price greater than all of the world’s treasures
My associates say I let a person management me However then not less than I’m in a position to counterattack By saying I've the most well liked piece!
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If I have been to die in the present day Earlier than my spirit would depart I might be certain to say I really like you another time With the final breath I breathe
Once I noticed you I knew it was love certainly at first sight As a result of I fell so laborious for you want a meteorite The impact you’ve had on me has been like no different You turned my life from black and white into full shade
The world with out you is full with doom and gloom However the world with you is one the place solely roses bloom I hope you’ll in the future be my groom, and I your bride And that within the fortress of your coronary heart I’ll at all times have a room All I need on this life is to at all times be by your aspect
I wasn’t born royalty however destiny nonetheless deemed To bless my life with the hand of a king Once I’m with you there may be at all times a motive To let nature take its course and start mating season
I can bathe you with phrases of affection However that you just already know So as an alternative I'll say I hope our love at all times grows By means of the shining of your face, raindrops of affection Nurtured by my devotion, to carry this like to perfection
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You might be the person I dreamed of For numerous nights To partake of your love I might transcend any heights By means of days of toil And darkness with out slumber In hopes that we are going to bear youngsters Too many to be numbered
In the event you assume this relationship to date has been heaven despatched Wait till you get a gander of the principle occasion A hoop fabricated from gold And a lifetime of affection That may make our Father proud Who reigns up above
My coronary heart was sick Your love was the remedy Now the considered life with out you Is one thing I can’t endure
Life is the results of decisions I’ll admit that a lot is true However I felt like I discovered future Once I met you
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Possessing the fantastic thing about a rose The grace of a dove I’m satisfied you’re certainly an angel From up above
via Blogger https://ift.tt/35c7Waw
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