#and think I did the coloring pretty dang good too
nmzuka · 1 month
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my humble offering
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meanbossart · 2 months
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Oh boy, VaM is kind of a trial and error experience LOL I couldn't really show you how to use the interface and stuff without a whole video or something, but it's not THAT difficult to get a hang of if you just give yourself a day or two to play around, not to mention the number of tutorials you find out there. Luckily, if you only want to use it as a reference software that makes the process far easier (to this day I have no idea how to animate on that thing, since that's not what I use it for)
As for how I use it, it's pretty self explanatory - if there's a complicated pose I want to draw but I'm either having trouble with it, or just want to double-check angles/anatomy, I will use it as a resource! I use for most of my "proper" pieces (y'know, the nicer looking ones) and every once in a while for my silly comics if I'm having trouble with a pose.
Lets use this drawing for example (the character on top of DU drow belongs to @namespara )
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I don't draw a lot of mud-wrestling (shocking, I know) but I had an idea of the kind of pose I wanted them to be in. So the very first thing I did was make a rough sketch of what I was envisioning:
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I often do a rough sketch first, even If I know I'm going to be pulling the program up because A) It's less tedious than adjusting the models over and over again until I pick a pose and B) because sometimes I'll decide I don't need the reference, after all, and so that's 30 minutes I'll have spared myself of playing around on the software.
Now, this is a pretty complicated pose! It's in a weird angle and the bodies are making contact in ways I'm not used to depicting, so I did choose to whip out VaM for this one. I went into the program and after some messing around, I flopped my little dolls together like this:
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Now something really cool about VaM is that you can completely customize your models, and if you have the patience, I would definitely encourage you to do so! Obviously, you don't have to make picture perfect replicas of every single character you have, but as you can see here I have made a DU drow "decoy" to help me better understand some of his features when I draw him: he has a strong brow, a short nose, a square jawline - these are all going to look a very specific way from certain angles, and I might not always be sure of how to draw it right! So it's useful to have models that bear SOME semblance to the character so you can better understand how different viewpoints will affect their bone structure and mass.
Also thank fucking god for the elf-ear slider. Figuring out how to draw those shits from certain angles was a huge pain in the ass when I started drawing DnD races.
So, with the reference in hand, I go over the sketch again:
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Now you may notice that I don't stick to the reference 100%. There's three reasons for this:
posing on VaM is tedious as hell. You can get something incredibly natural looking and picture-perfect to reference from if you wish, but it's going to take you hours to do. So, for the most part I just slap guys together until the results are "close enough" and use that.
In my opinion, you should always aim to ENHANCE your reference material, not replicate it exactly!
While VaM is a PRETTY DANG GOOD source of anatomical reference, it isn't perfect, I often supplement it with further reference from real life resources or make tweaks based on my own knowledge where I catch it falling short (and, antithetical to what I just said, I sometimes fuck the anatomy up further on purpose if I think it looks better that way LOL it's all jazz baby).
Then lines, color, yada yada. I don't have a tutorial on that and I don't think I could make one, because my process is chaotic as hell, but I do at times use Virt-a-mate as loose reference for lighting too when coloring - waaaaayyyy less so however, because that process is even more tedious and I feel like I often get better results by just winging it. It is a feature of the program though, and I'm sure it would be helpful for someone who has a difficult time visualizing lights and shadows. I only started using this program a few months ago, so I happened to already have a pretty good understanding of that kind of thing and just don't personally feel like I get much out of that particular mechanic.
Here's a few other examples of pieces that I made reference for (WARNING: Suggestive)
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Now, for the question many of you may want to ask:
"Can I trace this junk?"
And to that, I say: Buddy, you can do whatever the hell you want with the reference material you created.
If your goal is to learn and improve your art, and to recreate realistic proportions and anatomy from memory, tracing won't help you.
Developing your own style, your muscle memory, and personal technique will all be hindered by choosing to trace instead of drawing from observation, so I would encourage against it. Hell - even when tracing is employed as a technique, it's usually by high-skill realism & concept artists who are looking to either cut some corners, save time, or just double-check their own proportions in order to improve further - if you try tracing as a beginner, you will most definitely find the result to still look stiff and "off".
So trust me, there is so much more to be gained from drawing from observation. Make note of tangents, compare proportions, use all the elements of the picture to dictate where and how things should go - it will be a far more rewarding experience.
Hopefully this has been helpful! VaM is a really cheap program (you get it on the guys' patreon for I think 8 dollars, just google it!) and it's definitely been worth my money as an artist since I found it. Learning to use it can be a little intimidating at first glance, but as I said above you only really need a day plus one or two tutorials to get a hang of the interface.
A fair warning though, IT IS A SOFTWARE MADE FOR VIRTUAL SEX/ADULT ANIMATION So when looking it up expect to see a some spicy content.
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marlynnofmany · 1 year
What’s a Minor Heart Attack Between Friends?
It’s never a good look to be visibly startled by your coworker’s existence. Especially when you’re the only human on a spaceship, and you’ve surprised more than one shorter alien by turning a corner too quickly. I should have known better after tripping over Mur’s tentacles that one time; blind corners are risky. Anything could come around them. And the rest of that little courier ship’s crew ran the range of appearances. None of them should have given me much of a shock at that point.
But dang, Trrili looked scary. I couldn’t help flinching every time she appeared when I wasn’t expecting it.
Picture this: I was talking to Coals, the burly little Heatseeker with deep red scales and a quiet demeanor. We were outside the office-type room where some of the crew did translation work to bring us extra money. He was telling me about a random poem that someone had broadcast through space; I was thinking about whether his full name fit on paperwork; his name is Glowing Coals (Which Create the Heat We All Love) — that’s not important, but the point is, I didn’t expect Trrili to step out of the doorway, and I jumped.
Shiny black and red, bug eyes and mandibles, taller than me, pincher arms, and far more stealth than should honestly be allowed. Seriously, Zhee was the same species, and he clicked when he walked, but Trrili was a master of stepping silently. And while Zhee was colored in gaudy purples, Trrili just looked evil.
I did not say so out loud. I know better than that. But the flinching was an instinct, and there wasn’t much I could do about it.
Except laugh it off and apologize, of course.
“Woah, didn’t see you there!” I laughed awkwardly. “Sorry. Has anyone ever told you that you’re very quiet?”
“Yesss,” Trrili said with a completely unnecessary hiss. “It has been said.” I was still learning Mesmer facial expressions, but I was pretty sure that her antenna angle meant amusement. She was smirking at me.
“Don’t encourage her,” said Coals, pulling my attention back down to hip height. He was short for a Heatseeker, with stocky proportions that made him look like a lizard-turned-teddy-bear when standing next to the hulking terror that was just another person, dang it, no matter how creepy.
“Encourrrrage?” Trrili purred with an unsettling crackle to her voice, crouching to loom over Coal’s shoulder.
He didn’t bat an eye, still gazing placidly up at me. “Some of us take unseemly pleasure in predatory games.”
Trrili flexed a pincher ominously, sliding back into the shadows. “Sssssome of us are good at it.”
“Like I said,” Coals told me as she disappeared. “Don’t encourage her. She’s very proud of herself.”
“Well, isn’t that Mesmers in a nutshell?” I asked, trying for a smile. “Mesmerizing and magnificent and ready for everyone to acknowledge it?”
Whatever Coals was about to say was lost as Trrili sprang out to land with half her bug legs climbing the wall, filling the corridor with black-and-red nightmares, hissing.
I jerked in place. “Ngah!”
Trrili’s hissing laughter merged with a long-suffering sigh from Coals.
“Welcome to Trrili’s favorite game,” he said. “The captain made her promise to stop scaring Paint, after one too many breakable things got dropped.”
Trrili gathered her limbs into a more civilized configuration. “Paint is too easy to startle,” she said, without a trace of a hiss. (Ha! Knew she was doing that on purpose.) “Hardly a challenge.”
I tried to pretend that I wasn’t 50% adrenaline at the moment. “How many times have you gotten smacked in the face on reflex?”
Trrili spread her arms. “My trrrrack record is exssssellent.”
I didn’t point out the inconsistent hissing. “Anybody ever try to scare you back?”
“None successsssfully,” she said with a tilt to her head that I chose to interpret as arrogant.
I shifted my weight onto one food, aiming for casual as my heart rate calmed back to nearly normal. “And are you the type to snap somebody’s head off as a startle reflex, or would you take that well?”
Another hissing laugh. “We may never know!”
“She’d just flare at you,” Coals said. When I looked down at him, he raised his arms in a loose approximation of a Mesmer threat display. “‘Oh no, a scary thing! I’d better show it I’m scarier!’”
A frightening face appeared to glare at him from up close, but he ignored it with the ease of long practice.
“Good to know,” I said. “Well, I should get going, to do the things I was going to do. Some things. Right, check the supply list! It’s been nice talking to you!”
I waved and left, nerves still singing that I could get jumped at any moment. Thankfully only goodbyes followed me to a more populated part of the ship. I had a supply list to check, and now also a careful prank to consider.
I found Zhee in the supply room.
“Question for you,” I said by way of greeting. “Well, several. Do you and Trrili come from the same planet, or are there Mesmers everywhere? I don’t actually know.”
He stopped counting soup cans or whatever and quirked one purple antenna in a fair approximation of a raised eyebrow. “Several planets and three dozen moons have been graced with Mesmer populations,” he told me. “I have no idea which population center she hatched in. Somewhere fond of malicious cackling.”
“Ah,” I said. “Yup, she does seem to like that.” Since he was still looking at me (from a reasonable height, which was nice), I continued. “Are you familiar with snakes?”
“That’s an animal from your homeworld, isn’t it?” Zhee asked. “Something with scales?”
I nodded vigorously. “Picture a small Heatseeker without arms or legs, just a long body that wriggles across the ground.” I made vague gestures. “Like a head on top of a tail.”
“Why?” was his only answer.
I shrugged. “They eat little animals that live in holes in the dirt. Being long and narrow makes it easier for them to find prey.”
“Oh, well, obviously,” Zhee said with a wave of one pincher arm. “Can’t argue with that.”
I couldn’t tell if he was kidding or not. “Some of them are venomous, with a bite that can kill a much bigger animal.”
Zhee rested his pinchers on the box of soup cans, and rotated his head at an uncomfortable angle. “And why are you asking if I’m familiar with them?”
I went for honesty. “I want to startle her back.”
“Ah! Well, then.” Zhee turned away from the box, his many legs tapping quietly as he gave me his full attention. “That I would like to see. What is your plan?”
“Still rough at this point,” I admitted. “But there’s a classic prank where I’m from called a snake-in-a-can…”
* * *
In the end, I went a slightly different route, and had to wait until after our next supply run. That was a long wait. Trrili made two more surprise appearances, laughing at the way I twitched both times. At least I kept in my yelps of surprise. I found myself glad that she was so big, simply because it limited the dark corners she could jump out of.
Finally my chance came. It was a casual mealtime with most of the crew coming and going from the kitchen and lounge, enjoying their favorite foodstuffs after the recent restocking. I’d made a point of getting an over-hyped box of “Earth Foods For Humans,” and sat down at a table right next to the hallway.
Paint came over to eat with me, all splotchy orange scales and a sunny disposition. I showed her some of the many things in the box, just waiting for the inevitable.
A shadow fell over the table. Paint meeped quietly, her mouth full of fish.
I turned to find shiny black mandibles spread wide, mere inches from my face.
“Oh, hi Trrili.”
She closed up her face. “You arrrre becoming no fun,” she hissed.
“Nonsense, I’m lots of fun,” I said, digging through the box. “Hey, while you’re here, I’ve been meaning to ask Zhee: can you guys actually smell ripe fruit? Since you don’t eat it?” I pulled out a bruised orange and removed a chunk of peel, holding it up for her to sniff.
“It smells like a plant,” Trrili replied. “Somewhat sharp and unpleasant.”
“Huh. I guess that’s the citric acid,” I said, setting it down and digging some more. “You’re missing out; it smells delicious to me. Oh hey, look at this!” I pulled out the stiff paper envelope I’d hidden in the box earlier.
Both of them were watching. So was Zhee from the next table over, but he was doing a good job of pretending he wasn’t.
“These are such a delicacy,” I said, flipping the envelope over but not opening it. The front held a picture of a snake. I waved at Zhee. “Hey, remember those venomous animals I was talking about? The ones with the rattle on their tails? I got some of their eggs!”
“You are welcome to them,” Zhee said.
“I think you guys would probably like these,” I said with a glance up at Trrili. “They’re really pretty; they seem like the kind of thing a Mesmer would appreciate. Here, have a look.” I handed her the envelope while I made a show of digging around some more to see what else was in the jumble of potatoes, beef jerky, and triple-bagged stinky cheese.
Trrili took the envelope, gentle with those little wrist fingers that let her manipulate things with pincher arms. I deliberately didn’t watch, instead keeping my eyes on Paint, who was opening her mouth to ask a question.
When I heard the loud rattle, I whipped my head up in time to see Trrili toss the envelope away and flare her pinchers in a hissing threat display that was every bit as dramatic as I’d imagined.
Paint shrieked.
Zhee laughed the hardest I’d ever heard him.
“It’s okay,” I said, grinning to split my face as I picked up the envelope from the floor. Other people were asking questions, though Zhee’s obvious amusement kept them from getting too worried. “It’s not real.”
While Trrili hissed quietly, I upended the envelope over my hand. The contraption that fell out was the most low-tech of pranks: a bent wire, a rubber band, and a metal washer that had rattled against the paper when the envelope was opened, releasing pressure. I’d wound it up just before leaving my quarters. And it had worked beautifully.
“What is that?” Paint asked, still leaning away from the table.
“Karma,” I said, holding it up and spinning the washer, still grinning. “What do you think, Trrili? Mesmer approved?”
Trrili folded her arms tight against her body and angled her antennae into a fierce glare. She left without a word, stomping instead of moving silently.
Zhee was still chuckling. “Mesmer approved,” he declared. “That was excellent.”
“Oh good,” I said.
Paint settled gingerly back into her seat. “Where are the eggs?” she asked.
“There aren’t any,” I said, tucking the gadget away and picking up the orange again to resume peeling. “Rattlesnakes don’t even lay eggs; they have live birth.”
“Oh,” Paint said.
“But Trrili didn’t know that.” I separated a slice of orange and popped it into my mouth. “Think she’ll lay off the startling?”
“Hm. Probably not; she really likes it.”
“Then I may just have to come up with a few more surprises for her,” I said, smiling with all of my human teeth. “My people have an entire industry for things like this, and I have a childhood full of ideas.”
Further adventures in backstory for this book. More to come!
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ramzawrites · 1 year
I can see you staring - Rise!Donatello x Reader
Pairings: Donatello x Reader
Characters included: Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael
Warnings: swearing
Series: A request!
Summary: When Donnie cooped himself up in his lab for ages, his brothers use their last weapon to get him out. Y/N. Y/N is one of the only ones that is able to keep up with his witty remarks which means when they get Donnie out of the lab, Leo and Mikey become wittnesses to a very interesting argument between the two that reveals a bit too much.
Word count: 2918
Authors Note: I hope you guys enjoy this one!
Request: Ohhh I've got a great idea. Rise Donnie with a reader who is sarcastic and snarky just like him. They are not as mean but dang do those two seem like a match made in heavenIf you need more of a prompt, they get into friendly banter  and reader slips up and says something like "well maybe I wouldn't stare so much if you weren't that god damn handsome!" . Donnie teases the heck out of them and it ends up in a frustrated "I like you, okay?!? Now shut up >////<" and it's as sappy an ending as you can get with Don 
“Why do you guys need my help? You are his brothers. How can I do anything about this?” Y/N crossed their arms in front of their chest, one eyebrow raised at three desperate looking turtle mutants.
Leo slung his arm around Y/N’s shoulders, pulling them closer, almost as if he tried to silently exchange secrets “Listen. We tried, we really did but frankly Donnie has way too much blackmail material on all of us and this time he didn’t even hesitate to threaten us with it.”
Y/N let out an amused snort “Then don’t do things that let you get blackmailed, easy as that.”
Mikey stepped to their other side, his mouth turned down into a frown “Please? He hasn’t eaten properly in days, and I think he only has slept maybe like an hour here and there. Someone has to pull him out of his lab, and we tried!”
When Raph also asked them in his most sincere tone “Please?” Y/N caved in.
“Alright. I’ll try since you guys think he could be listening to me. But you owe me. He can be nasty when he is so deep in his projects.”
Leo immediately let go of Y/N and lightly pushed them into the direction of Donnie’s lab “Good luck!”
Somehow, they felt like a lamb sent to the slaughterhouse. Sucks to be Donnie then because this lamb knew how to fight back.
Y/N walked up to Donnie’s lab and loudly drummed against the door, already knowing that he must have locked it. When he didn’t react Y/N tried even louder and more obnoxiously, drumming some sort of melody on the door.
“Donatello Hamato open the damn door!”
The magic words had been spoken. The door opening to their demand.
“Ah, open sesame.” Y/N spoke happily after the fact.
Donnie was sitting on his chair that he rolled over next to the door. His finger still on the button that opened it. He looked absolutely exhausted and annoyed. Even beneath his tired half lidded eyes Y/N could spot a murderous glint but Y/N was more concentrating on the bags beneath his eyes that they swore held almost the same color as his purple stripes. Open to the world for everyone to see since he didn’t wear his bandana.
“Oh, yikes.”
His arm fell down next to his side “Lovely to see you too, Y/N.”
He immediately turned around and begun rolling over to his workbench, but Y/N reacted faster, grabbing on the back of his chair to stop him.
“Nope. You are either getting a bite to eat and then you are going to bed, or you are going to bed and then grabbing a bite to eat.”
Judging by the way he groaned in annoyance he must have finally clocked why Y/N was really there. This was not a social visit as it seemed.
“How about a secret third option: Work.”
He tried to move along again but Y/N made sure to hold on to his chair with an iron grip. Normally Donnie would have no problem fighting against Y/N’s grip since he, as a ninja mutant turtle, was pretty strong but in his exhausted state he was struggling.
“Donnie, I am this close to just straight up roll you down to your room. If you go yourself, you can save some of your dignity.”
He hated how this struck a chord within him.
“I bet I could find embarrassing school pictures of you in just a few clicks, I promise I won’t do it if you leave me alone. I’m so close to finishing this project!”
He was at this point looking over his shoulder for Y/N’s reaction. Expecting them to finally back off but Y/N just smirked.
“Oh, go ahead. I was cute as a kid. I don’t mind people seeing it.”
“I still have that video of you falling into trash.”
He referenced a day where both they and Donnie hung out on the fire escape of Y/N’s apartment building. Y/N was sitting on the railing even though Donnie warned them that this was dangerous and yet they didn’t care and after a huge laughing fit Y/N fell down right into a huge trash bin and of course the lid of the bin had to also crash down on their head.
Donnie being Donnie who recorded almost everything, of course made sure to have a cut version on his phone of this moment from that day forward.
“Oh please, you’ve shown this video to everybody like twenty times. It lost its effect. Now come on Bootyyyshaker9000, do your name proud and move your butt into the kitchen.”
He grumbled something but did indeed finally get off his chair.
“Language, Donnie!” Y/N tried to mimic Raph best they could with voice and posture.
“You… heard that?” He asked, genuinely surprised.
Y/N let out a chuckle “Oh, no. I just know you better than you think I do.”
Before Donnie could make any kind of response to this, Y/N moved to his back and began pushing against his Battleshell.
At this point the purple clad ninja had given up and just began walking towards the kitchen. The way Y/N continued to push against his shell and would sometimes pull on his shoulders, they were kind of puppeteering him towards the room. As if he would try to flee and get back into the lab. Which he would have done if he wasn’t so exhausted.
Okay so maybe he was tired but that was a small price to pay when it meant that he could finish a new prototype in a timely manner.
Mikey and Leo were both in the kitchen when the two arrived. The two turtles gave Y/N a quick appreciative nod before turning their attention on Donnie.
“He lives!” Leo exclaimed loudly and quite theatrically. Almost acting like he was the mad scientist of the family.
Y/N steered Donnie to a chair at the kitchen island and finally let him go. Annoyed with this whole situation Donnie just slumped over on the table. The cool surface was actually quite welcoming on his skin.
“Here you go!” Mikey said cheerily as a plate got placed in front of his face.
Groggily getting back up, Donnie stared at the plate of pancakes “Pancakes? It’s like-“ he looked at the screen on his wrist only to wince “Uh… early.”
“One: You can eat pancakes at all hours of the day. It’s not just breakfast, man.” Mikey chided his brother “Two: Yes, it is breakfast time. Three: I’m glad Y/N managed to get you out when you clearly, at this point, lost any sense of time.”
“But why are you over here if it’s so early?” Donnie ignored his brother’s scolding, grabbing the fork next to the plate.
Y/N sputtered out a laugh “Man, I slept over here the last like four nights.”
“What?! How did I not notice?!”
“I’m joking, Don. It’s been only one night.”
“Yeah. I knew that. I would have noticed it because of my security system.” Donnie tried to cover up, finally digging into the food. Mikey had a proud grin on his face as he saw how Donnie cracked a smile at the taste.
Y/N made a point to sit across to him at the table, their elbows on the surface while they rested their chin on their hands “Mhm, that is why you knew that I slept over here in the first place.”
Once again Donnie looked at the screen on his wrist, tapping around on it until he seemed to find what he was looking for. What he was looking for was proof that they did indeed get into the lair yesterday and not this morning.
“Well, I did catch it!” He didn’t catch it, his system did though. So, good enough.
Y/N rolled their eyes as if they were able to read his mind and knew exactly what was going on “Just eat your pancakes, Donnie. You can’t fumble around when your mouth is stuffed. Less fumbling means the less dignity you’ll lose.”
“Don’t talk to me about dignity. You wouldn’t know the first thing about it. Also, you don’t need to stay here and stare. I’m eating right now and I’m promising I’ll be sleeping a bit. So, move along.” He waved his hand in a dismissive manner, but Y/N shook their head.
“Nuh-uh. This might have worked the first time but now it’s been years. Your fault for not taking care of yourself, means you clearly need someone to babysit you.”
Donnie would have looked towards his brothers for help, but they wouldn’t do anything of the sorts. For starters he was sure that they set Y/N on this task in the first place and judging by the amused looks on their faces, they were happy to let this play out. That reminded him, where was Raph? He would have maybe intervened.
When Donnie just continued to scowl towards Y/N, said human began pouting “Come on, Don. Go eat your pancakes and I promise you I will read you a bedtime story.” They made sure to sound as patronizing as possible.
This made Leo finally snicker. Frankly the brothers loved watching Y/N and Donnie go at it. Just throwing one sarcastic comment after another against each other’s head. At first, they all were just excited to see that their new friend had no problem keeping up with the sarcastic turtle in the first place but over time it kind of turned into more of entertainment for them.
One time the two were just going at it while they were in a middle of a movie marathon, they didn’t even notice when Raph paused the movie. It was all mostly lighthearted though even if they liked to really get into it.
Donnie ate another piece of pancake, this time noticing how Y/N’s eyes followed his movements.
He raised his eyebrow “You are acting like you have never seen a mutant before.”
“No, just trying to count how many bags beneath your eyes you have and trying to figure out how old you are. You know like rings on a tree stump.”
This finally made Leo belt out a small laugh and Donnie couldn’t help but get annoyed with how proud Y/N seemed of that.
“That’s not-“ he sighed, biting back his urge to correct them when they clearly made a joke. “Man, you must be old then.”
“Oh, now I know you are lying because other than you I’m taking my beauty sleep. It’s obvious you skipped yours for a while. You are delusional, turtle.”
He grimaced “Wait, you’ve been taking beauty sleep already? Then what is this?” Donnie used his fork to gesture towards Y/N’s general direction.
“What would you know about beauty, Mister Turtle Mutant.”
Donnie laid his hand over his heart, putting his best shocked expression on “Gasp! I cannot believe! Not only are you just plain wrong but you are also a xenophobe!”
Y/N immediately shook their head “Only when it comes to you. I would lay waste to the earth for your brothers but you? No. Kinda stuck with you when I want to hang out with the cooler turtles.” They laid dramatically the back of their hand on their forehead “I can barely look at you.”
He smirked self-assuredly “And yet I keep seeing you stare at me when you think I’m not looking.” Perks of being a trained ninja.
“Psh. I am not. You are imagining things. Go finish your damn food so you can sleep your delusions off.”
“Ah-ah-ah. I know you are. I could probably even bring some footage up as proof. Besides do you really think you can steal glances at a trained ninja without him knowing?”
“I did not!”
“Yes, you are! I have literal proof!”
“You do not! And even if, is it weird to look at their friend now and again?”
At this point both Mikey and Leo just kept looking from Donnie over to Y/N and back to Donnie. Following the argument along. It wasn’t much of an argument really. It was clear both were just trying to tease each other but it was interesting, nonetheless.
Mikey leaned over to Leo “I can’t tell if the two are good for each other or if they are just bringing out the worst out of each other.”
Leo shrugged “Eh, they are still smiling. I don’t know what exactly it is, but I think the same exact thing is wrong with them, otherwise they wouldn’t enjoy this, and I guess that’s… good?”
“Why are you squirming so much then, Y/N? I can even count off a ton of times I remember you watching me. The last movie marathon! Last week when you did some work in my lab and I worked on my project! When we all went into the hidden city in that clothing store! Technically even right now! When we hung out in your apartment last, and we all helped you cook!” Donnie put the ankle of his foot on his knee, leaning back a bit as he stared Y/N smugly down.
Y/N jumped up, slamming their hands on the table “Alright! Alright! Maybe I wouldn’t be staring if you weren’t that god damn handsome!”
Their cheeks were ablaze.
The room was dead quiet.
Somehow as Donnie counted the times off something must have snapped in them for this outburst.
Y/N looked to the ground “… Is that what you wanted to hear? Happy now?” A weak attempt to save this situation on their part.
Mikey’s and Leo’s eyes were wide open as they just stared at the two. Waiting for any kind of reaction. Suddenly they felt like they understood the appeal of Splinter’s obsession with romcoms and soap operas.
But their expression couldn’t even get close to Donnie’s shocked expression. Eyes wide with shock. His open-mouthed expression slowly turning into a huge smile. He just looked like he won a Nobel prize.
“I didn’t quite hear that. Can you repeat that?” He sounded giddy.
“That little shit.” Y/N just thought as they clenched their eyes shut. Not willing to look at Donnie right now. Honestly at this point they totally forgot that Mikey and Leo were in the room to begin with.
Donnie leaned over the edge of the table, his hand next to where his ear would be if he were human “Please, Y/N, may you repeat yourself? I didn’t quite catch that. I just want to make sure I’m not delusional, like you said.”
“I said nothing. Nothing important.”
“Nothing, huh? You are blushing because of nothing?”
Y/N crossed their arms, gripping their arms “Donnie. Don’t do this.”
At this point Donnie was slicking back his non-existent hair “Ah but you forget! I record everything and I am pretty sure you said that I am handsome, and I have to agree. I am handsome. First correct thing I have heard out of your mouth in ages!”
Finally, Y/N opened their eyes, pouting playfully, trying to act as nonchalant as possible “Just please shut up and eat the rest of the pancakes so you can go to bed and leave me alone. I was just saying things to make you shut up, okay?”
“Ah but I can tell that this isn’t correct. You are blushing. You are embarrassed because we both know you meant it, but your ego is too big to admit that.”
It was then that it seemed like someone flipped a switch in his brain.
“Wait, you actually mean that?”
Y/N’s eyes met his as he seemed to properly realize what they just said. Getting through the euphoria of having won this argument only to understand the implications of this.
Sure, Donnie always relied on his bad boy persona and his ego when it came to all of this, but Y/N knew there was a part in him that was not as confident as he tried to act.
They sighed, gulping down the last of their ego along with a part of their embarrassment “Yeah, I meant it.” Their voice quiet and shaky as they forced these words out. “I like you, okay, Donnie?”
“Oh.” There was an actual blush on Donnie’s face as well.
“Now can we move on because this is awkward as hell.”
Donnie coughed as he tried to find his composure “Sure. Yeah. Well. I think I’m heading to bed.”
“Do that.”
“What!” This was Leo, reminding the two that they were in fact not alone. “You guys can’t just leave it at that!”
Donnie’s eyes traveled from Leo’s disappointed expression to Mikey’s happy one. His gaze returned back on Y/N whose eyes never left him. Old habits die hard after all.
“Wanna hang out in my room and play games until we pass out?”
“Thank god, yes.” Y/N sighed out, scrambling after Donnie towards his room.
Leo had his arms outstretched. Completely shocked with how this turned out. This was perfect and then they both just moved on like… that?
Mikey put his hand on Leo’s shoulder in a supportive manner “For Donnie this was probably the extent of how romantic he can get and lucky for him Y/N can work with that. Just concentrate on the fact we definitely saw the eighth world wonder.”
This didn’t calm Leo down in the slightest, gesturing wildly towards the space were Y/N and Donnie used to be “But… That?!”
“Come on. We have to tell Raph about this. He will want to hear this.”
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my-soupy-brain · 6 months
Fluffy idea w ted 🥰✨ painting your child’s nails and your own to match and ted walks in and asks to join the club + shows off his nails to the boys the next day
I love putting the Lasso baby in stories. Marie Lasso, as I've named her, is such a daddy's girl and he loves it! This would absolutely be a Lasso family thing. Let's gooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader x child
Warnings: All fluff
Marie wasn't quite four years old but she was taken with watching you apply your makeup and paint your nails.
"Momma, can I try?" she asked one day, pointing at your bottle of nail polish.
You smiled at her, her big, dark hazel eyes like her daddy's staring back at you.
"Sure sweet, come here, put your hands out like this..."
You lay Marie's hands on the table, splaying out her fingers.
"Now hold still, babycakes..."
You brush on the baby blue polish and she smiles wide, already feeling so pretty and special. You ask her about her favorite things. She rattles off a story she makes up as she goes, and you beam with pride. She got your creative streak.
"There's my girls," Ted says as he walks in the door from work, putting his bag down. "Whatcha up to?"
Before you can answer, Marie holds up her one finished hand: "Daddy, look! Momma painted my nails!"
Ted looks at her with a shocked face and a smile, making her giggle at how he shares her excitement.
"Look at that, my little princess is all grown up," he jokes. "Can you help me paint my nails too?"
Marie looks at her daddy, then at you. You nod. "You wanna paint daddy's nails?"
Marie beams brighter than the sun. Will it be a sloppy paint job? Probably, but she can't wait.
Some newspaper is laid down on the table and Ted puts one hand down for Marie to work on, and with her tongue between her lips and focused attention, her little fingers grasp the wand as she slowly and meticulously paints Ted's hand.
When he twitches, she presses down on the back of his hand with her little palm. "No wiggle."
"Yes ma'am," Ted replies, looking at you with a grin.
Marie continues her attentive work, painting Ted's fingernails on both hands the matching baby blue as you and Marie.
"All done!" she says, clapping her hands. Ted marvels at his fingers and wiggles them.
"Well, would ya look at that. Thank ya, pumpkin. They're beautiful! They look like your momma's eyes..."
Ted looks at you and winks as he gives Marie a big hug and a kiss.
The next day at work, Ted is unpacking his backpack for a hard day of drills and practice ahead. Beard whistles.
"Nice color. Man City blue, eh?" Beard jokes, crossing his arms.
"Wife's eyes, actually," Ted chuckles. "The girls had a nail polish party and they let me in on the action."
Beard smiles, happy to see his friend so smitten and in love with the new life he has.
When Ted raises his whistle and approaches the team on the pitch, Jamie lets out a chuckle.
"Coach, what's that?" he asks, pointing at Ted's hand, which he proudly holds up and shows the team.
"I'mma tell you boys this once: When you see the people you love most in your life having fun without ya, you'll want in on it. I think Marie did a dang good job!"
Jamie smiles and lets it go. The team smiles, knowing that Ted's family comes first and he'll do anything for them. For you.
Roy approaches Ted's right side.
"You let 'er paint yer nails Man City blue?" he gruffly replies, as if he's insulted.
"Naw, Roy-o. This ain't Man City blue. It's my wife's eyes and my baby girl's favorite color."
Roy smiles and slaps Ted's back.
"Just kiddin', mate. Looks good," he smiles before returning to a stern look and walking onto the pitch. "WHISTLE!"
This was fun and cute - I love these little stories. Ted would so be proud of Marie's handiwork. Thanks for this prompt, friend! Hope you enjoyed!
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flovoid · 4 months
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yes it has been 10 years for me with sims 4 and here I am recreating my four favorite sims that have put an impact on me ngl- I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THE FIRST OF JANUARY TO UPLOAD THEM :D
it’s funny because for me I have THOUSANDS of screenshots and nice memories of them that I never upload in social media, but to yall its new faces n new personalities you ran into, pretty wild.
from here imma go ramble a little about their characters and who they are:
KIM : he is pretty straightforward guy cuz he is LITERALLY the first sim I made in sims 4, he is goofball, bro, and an outgoing guy, he dreamed to be a joke star and I believe he did! its was sooo old, all I remember is that I used to do all the goofy insane stuff with him, he might sometimes dress as a gentleman but he is just a silly guy, he used to have a blonde wife that i dont remember n two kids that i didnt really cared about lmao
LEVI : the only reason I made him is to try out more male cc that I downloaded (that was literally when i started to download good male cc) AND ALSO when the vampire pack released I believe… yep he is a vampire! but he dies to the sun because i kept spamming the weakness thingy thinking it is a strength- he used to live in san my with his little toddler sister; he is a musician and omg he did have a beautiful voice i could never get tired of him… into guitar mostly and wrote so much songs! with him I was literally just trying so much new stuff since we bought some DLCs, also the toddlers update dropped, vampire, city..etc.
DANTE : he is literally the most sim that had an impact on me, not just to me! also my siblings they all know him n never forgot him, he used to be a sim in a save where I did play with a rich family who live in the city, dante was a loner guy live in a small apartment with his big bro who was literally the most extrovert sim alive- he is an athlete guy and really healthy! dante did pumped into the blonde women from the rich family, they both kinda fell for eachother and became endgame! the women is a future president and she did! miss her :( and dante is just a househusband dreaming to have a simple live BUT what’s funny to me is that he never had a normal live literally all the crazy stuff happen to him lmao, anyway he is into jazz so much- lord I remember spamming the jazz station ALOT while playing with him, he have a puppy & a cat they were iconic, and he lived a long life really, had four kids, had so many grandkids, had so many winter fests, celebrated so many NYEs, to the fact his eldest son died before him crazy… but he was indeed an icon.
THEO : yall this boy… he was literally the first sim that i had who went thro a trauma like i didnt even plan it technically a daddy issues, theo used to have the perfect family; mom, dad, and a baby boy, but his dad became a famous actor, and the more fame he got the more he became a narcissist, he legit didnt care about his love live n only cared about himself; he became arrogant too and in that point is were theo’s parents got divorced and everything got complicated, after the drama he got a new brother an adopted one! theo were close with his bro, but theo grew up getting rebellious, was cutting lots of his hair because it reminded him of his dad, he looked so much like him, when he became a teen the boy dyed his hair all black not kidding he stayed like that forever but in my remake version i wanted to show his real hair hehe, he was into metal genre and yep his favorite color is black too, likes wearing chokers n piercings, he used to be friends with max villareal (love him so much n him n theo were so dang similar) and he was a HARD CORE GAMER yall not kidding he used to play alot in tournaments n always win to the fact he started to become famous like his dad he hated that, theo was mean af he was brutal honest yall dont joke with him, and even tho he was acting like an asshole sometimes but love was his weakness… he become surprisingly quiet. he was like the protector with his loved ones.
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amigac0debasic13 · 4 months
hey guys. Do u even care about what I have to say. Thats right baby. It’s a mini rant. Young Garmadon edition and the horrors of white boy Star Wars core.
Okay so. Erm.? I don’t like garmadons child design in the show. This guy is way too twink coded as a young adult for me and that’s wrong. He’s a beast. And also))??? Lots of paragraphs on Wu depression. Thats the synopsis now look below for further horro r
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Hello??? Dang man tatooine is calling ???? IM. SORRY THAT WAS MEAN. I’ve always felt like the spinjitzu bro books did a better job with his design, but brunette just isn’t it. Black hair. Right now. Make it naturally white but also make him fucjing stupid so he dyes it with Ink because he doesn’t want whit4 hair cause he’s DUMB.
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Look alive. Make him wear a ponytail and give him the black dyed hair COWARDS.
Anyways that parts over. Now I’m going to talk about my issues with how people draw him in his human form a lot.
I feel like the twinkification is real. All human designs I’ve found of Garmadon that don’t use legos ambiguous yellow color are pasty white and this madness must STOP!!! I think if u wanna make him a cracker it’s ok. It’s fine. But it is a little boring seeing the same designs scatter my Garmadon picture wall(/J I DONT HABE THA)
‘And also while I’m at it, I’m gonna be real and say that any design for wu in the series is pretty good. Still mad he looks like a normal guy. TBH. Many fan designs give him more dragon like traits, and I think that’s so cool, but I’ve always had a specific idea I’ve never seen executed personally. I think Wu would chop his horns off if he had them permanently out.
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Wu clearly isn’t a fan of just showing off his dragon or Oni traits. He straight up doesn’t do it, even as a kid (he should honestly be shown with those traits cause he really doesn’t give a fuck as a child) and I believe that his tormented old man position (see the many drawings and tweets from the shows authors and writers) he wouldn’t exactly be drawn to having his traits on display. The completely reasonable solution? Scar himself permanently by wacking them off with a blade. Sounds like something he’d do in young adult hood. His horns being out insinuates he can’t just shapeshift to make them go away, so erm!! Pretty smart solution ngl!!!
‘’Now it’s time for Wu trauma oooooooo!!!!! Oh my god part of his soul is GONE????
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In one of the spinjitzu bro books Wus soul is forced into a little puppet. At the end of the book, the puppet is still alive and moving. When the ninja ask to see a puppet show before Wu recounts this, he has a physical reaction.
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so. Wu is having a great time. Also, in one of the comics (forgot the name and I can’t for the LIFE OF ME remember where I read this) he confronts. Basically the embodiment of his fears. Basically he doesn’t want to become like his SHIT father who is literally god. leave him ALONE.
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So. Uhm. In conclusion. Whirlwind (wus canon nickname) and Softie (Garmadons canon nickname) need to get their shit together <33333333
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itsgoghtime · 17 days
World in Color
Chapter X
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Words : 2587
CW : family life - so if ya don’t like kids in fics, this chapter ain’t for you - this is also technically an Epilogue, but it’s the very happy end. it makes me sad that we’re at the close or World In Color, but it’s been so special to write this story that’s been so close to my heart. 🫶
taglist : @valmare @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @horserad-ish
"Boys! Dinner!" Pumpkin called from the back porch, ringing the bell a few times.
It had been over five years since the MacPherson's had been married, and they were now well established in the ranching community in New Hope.
Will appeared out of the barn first, smiling as his eyes landed on his wife, her bump somehow more round than yesterday. It made his heart burst with pride.
A year and a half into their marriage, they had learned of her pregnancy - one that would result in fraternal twin boys. Will had practically been speechless at the first ultrasound.
"I didn't think I'd be nervous going in to see our baby. Maybe it's just because it's the first time." Pumpkin's fingers intertwined with Will's on her small bump as they waited to be called back.
"It's definitely a new experience. I don't envy you having to keep a full bladder though, that sounds uncomfortable."
"Oh, don't remind me. If I don't think about it too hard, I don't need to go as bad. But we've been waiting a while, and dang."
"MacPherson?" A tech appeared, and Pumpkin sighed in relief, standing from her chair gingerly.
"Sorry there was such a delay, we were running a bit behind." The young woman smiled, leading them down the hall.
"No worries, we don't mind waiting. Well, my bladder does, but the rest of me doesn't." She chuckled.
"That will make it so much easier to see everything! You are the best - that's part of the reason we were running behind, the last patient didn't have a full bladder and we had to do an alternate ultrasound route. Here we are." The tech opened the door for them to the ultrasound room.
It was dimly lit, but had a calm atmosphere about it.
"Well, my bladder is most definitely full." Pumpkin chuckled as she laid down on the table, lifting her shirt as the tech instructed.
"I'll make it as quick as I can - and it should go by fast, considering you followed the instructions. We should be able to find your baby in no time." The tech applied the gel, beginning to press down on Pumpkin's abdomen.
Will took his wife's hand in his, noticing her discomfort.
"When did you find out you were pregnant?" The tech asked.
"It's been four weeks since the positive test, and we're guessing she was about four weeks when she tested positive." Will responded.
The young woman nodded, moving her wand around. When she found what she was looking for, she smiled.
"Well, Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson, looks like you have two healthy babies."
"There's two?" Will's eyes widened.
"Yeah! Let me get some measurements while I'm in the right spot and then I'll show you the screen."
After a couple minutes, the nurse turned her screen to show the couple what she was talking about.
"We have twin A on the left, and twin B on the right. Both looking to be about the same size, which is a great sign in these early stages. We'll definitely want to keep a close eye on them as they develop though, so I'll add to your notes for your doctor that you'll want to come in for an ultrasound every other week, at least until we can see more. Twins can be high risk, so you'll just want to make sure you're taking extra good care of yourself to make sure they continue to grow."
After Pumpkin had wiped the gel off and the tech had handed them their pictures, the couple walked out into the hall in silence, taking in all the information they had just been given. Pumpkin went into the bathroom, and even their walk to the car once she was done was pretty quiet. Spooky finally seemed to wrap his mind around the fact that he not only had one baby on the way, but two, and turned to his wife with the widest smile.
"We're having twins. Two babies." He laughed, picking her up into his arms and spinning her, making her giggle. "We're having twins!!"
Despite their initial shock, they were elated that their family was growing by two. Nothing about those next seven months had been easy, and they'd had a couple scares - but even with everything they had to deal with, two healthy baby boys were delivered ten minutes apart and only had a NICU stay of twenty two days before they went home.
Raising their boys had been their pride and joy for the last four years, and Will was so proud of who they were becoming under their parent's guidance, even if they did get into mischief sometimes. They were his boys, he could expect nothing less.
"Wesley Miguel! Don't threaten the goat with the shovel. I know she head butted you, but you were chasing her. C'mere." Pumpkin chided, though somehow her tone was still filled with love - something Will adored about her parenting style.
"Theo!" She called, but as her second boy continued to giggle and chase one of the chickens, she chuckled. "Theodore William MacPherson, come here. It's time to get all the dirt off your hands and eat dinner."
"Come, boys. Let's get washed up." Will laughed, and both boys came running past them into the house, but not before taking their little work boots off at the door - just as their Mama had taught them.
"And as for you..." Pumpkin turned to Will, chuckling softly as he embraced her.
"Hey, beautiful." He whispered.
"Hey, handsome." She smiled as his thumb rubbed comforting circles on her belly. "How was working with the boys?"
"They've got a lot to learn, but they seem to understand most of it. Not that collecting eggs and shoveling dirt is very hard to understand." He nudged her nose with his. "How are my girls?"
"Good. She's been kicking away today, just letting me know she's there."
Just six months ago, they had discovered their third child was on the way.
Since the twins had turned two years old, Pumpkin had wanted another baby. The boys had come so easily, she was fairly confident that it wouldn't be too hard to have their third child. Will had plans for a house full of kids - and they weren't exactly getting any younger.
But time passed. Baby number three didn't come. Pumpkin miscarried twice, within the first few weeks each time. It broke Will's heart - not only to lose their babies, but that his sweet love had to endure such heartache each time she learned she had lost one.
After the second miscarriage, they had decided to take a break from actively trying, to take some time to focus on the boys. Their dream of the house full of children was still there, but Wesley and Theo kept them busy enough that they began to heal. Pumpkin made an extra effort to get her hormones balanced, to make sure she was doing everything she could to be able to have another baby.
One evening, after a long day teaching the boys how to manage their field crops, the dinner bell rang. He herded his tired twins towards the house, kissing Pumpkin softly before going into the kitchen to wash up. Spooky's smile grew as he caught the smell of her ravioli casserole - one of the family's favorites.
"How was your day, honey?" His tone was soft, carrying across the room to her as she set the table.
"It was good."
"Errands in town go well?"
"They did! I finally was able to get a hold of those melon seeds we've been waiting for. I want to see if we can get them planted within the next week or so, they'll be a little late but I think we'll be able to get some good profit off of them. The boys loved the melon jerky we freeze dried last year, maybe we could make some of that at the end of the season too."
After the last plate had been set, Will's arms came around her from behind, breathing in her scent.
"You're chipper today."
"Just have a lot of reasons to be happy, I guess." She chuckled. "And I picked up a surprise for you and the boys on my way out of town this afternoon."
"Mhmm. Wrapped it and everything."
As if on cue, Wesley and Theo discovered the wrapped box on their way out of their bathroom.
"Mama! Is this a present for us?" Theo asked.
"It isn't even anyone's birthday!" Wesley giggled.
"Come here, my little loves, and open it with Daddy. It's for the three of you." Pumpkin smiled, and the boys sat on either side of Will on the couch.
"Yeah, boys only!" Wesley chuckled.
"Won't you help us, Mama? I don't think it should be boys only." Theo said softly.
"Of course. we can each grab a corner and pull. Ready, set, pull." She said softly, and the wrapping paper came clean off the box, in several pieces. Will opened the box, pulling out two folded t-shirts, evidently for the boys because of their size.
It all happened so quick after that. Will reached the bottom of the box, eyes widening at the two items that were left for him. The boys opened their shirts, a little confused.
"It says 'Big Brother'?" Wesley's little brow furrowed.
"That's what mine says too." Theo asks.
Will discarded the box, standing as he held the little printed picture and the stick in his hands.
"You... are you serious?" Spooky's voice shook, full of emotion.
"Found out today." Her lips met his nose, tears already on her cheeks.
"We're gonna have a baby?"
"We're gonna have a baby. Twelve weeks, and looking completely healthy. Sweetest little heartbeat."
"Is Mama having a baby?" Theo asked.
"A baby! Oh goodness! Mama's going to have a baby!" Wesley giggled, hugging his parent's legs tightly, Theo following suit.
"My little Dot." Will smiled.
"Dot Erin MacPherson. I love her name already. And she seems to as well, she's been kicking when I've mentioned it..."
Since the baby had begun to grow, Will had hoped for a girl. His heart wanted nothing more than a little copy of Pumpkin running around, as both of his boys seemed to take after him in most of their features.
"Mama, when do we get to see the baby?"
"Is the baby a boy or a girl?"
"Boys, come here." Will scooped his sons into his arms. "We've just got to wait. We'll get to see baby soon."
"MacPherson?" The tech came through the door.
Will stood with the boys on his hips, and smiled at Pumpkin as she went into the room first. She was radiant, even though she was only halfway through her pregnancy.
"What do you boys think your little sibling is?" The tech asked as the boys stood next to her to watch what she was doing.
"I think it's going to be a girl." Theo responded.
"Me too. But it could also be a boy." Wesley stated.
"If they're bugging you, let us know and we can wrangle them." Pumpkin chuckled, the gel cool on her bump.
"They're alright, it's fun to have older siblings want to be involved."
"Will we get to see the baby on that screen up there?" Theo pointed at the blank monitor.
"Is that the camera you use?" Wesley asked as the tech moved the wand.
"Boys, come here. Let the technician do her job." Will held his arms out, and the boy's little feet soon had them cuddled into his sides.
The technician chuckled, looking on the screen to begin her search.
"I can't quite see gender yet, but looking at measurements so far, baby is looking great."
"Is the baby shy?" Wesley's little voice was soft.
"Yeah, baby is being a little shy. Can you cheer them on a little bit to see if they'll turn for us?"
Will's boys clapped their hands, giggling as they cheered on for their baby sibling. The technician moved the wand a bit, trying to get a different angle and move the baby a little bit.
For a split second, the baby turned and stretched their legs wide, and the technician caught a glimpse before the baby's legs scrunched back up.
"You did such a good job cheering, friends! Your little sister moved just enough so I could see!"
Everyone went quiet, the twin's eyes went wide.
"A little sister?"
"Yeah! Baby MacPherson is a girl." The technician smiled. "Congratulations."
Will's smile grew wide, his gaze moving to his wife. "I'm so proud. We've been needing another girl in the house."
"Where did she go... come on, Dot, say hello to daddy." Pumpkin took his hand, placing it at the bottom of her belly, where the baby began to kick. "There she is."
"Three months, and the boys will have a little sister." Spooky kissed his wife's forehead.
"Sister! Sisterrr!" Wesley bounded into the room, Theo right on his heels.
"Is she kicking, Mama? Did she miss us?" Theo asked, and both sets of the boy's hands landed gently on her stomach, pleased to feel her moving around.
"I am certain Dot missed you both, very much. Did you get your hands all washed?" Pumpkin asked, and the boys showed her their hands. "Perfect. Thank you so much. Now, can you please set the table for us?"
"Yes, Mama!" Theo led his brother into the kitchen, pulling plates from the lower cupboard and silverware from the drawer. If there was one thing the MacPherson boys loved, it was being helpful.
"Oh, and one last thing for you, Daddy. Because you're the only one who will really understand it." She smiled, waddling back into their bedroom to retrieve something. It was not long before her feet padded into the living room once more. "I had this made for you. For us."
Will took the item from her hands, shaking his head with a smile as tears pored over his cheeks once more.
It was a little sunflower frame made from wood, the latest picture they'd had taken of their family in the middle. The top read "Our world is in color when we're together" and the bottom line was "MacPhersons, est 2009".
"Pumpkin..." Spooky chuckled, her fingers soft on his cheeks as she wiped his tears. "It's beautiful. We'll have to get another picture when Dot is born."
"Most definitely."
"Mama! Does Dot like the casserole like we do?" Wesley asked.
"Does she like ice cream too? Because we could make her ice cream after dinner!" Theo chimed in.
"I'm sure she does, boys. And if you eat all your dinner and help with dishes, we can have ice cream later." Will answered his boys before kissing Pumpkin.
"I hope they'll let us have the raspberry sauce from our raspberry bushes again. That was the best part." Theo whispered as he went to the table.
"Me too." Wesley sighed softly, following his brother.
Will carefully set the sunflower frame on the fridge, making sure the magnet was strong enough, before his hand came to rest on his wife's lower back as she brought the hot casserole dish to the table.
Things would come, and things would go. Seasons would change. The house would fill with children, and they'd grow up and move away. But one thing was certain.
As long as they were together, Spooky and Pumpkin's world would always be in color.
♡ ♡ ♡
previous chapter ♡ the end ♡
series masterlist
biggest thank you’s to @valmare and @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 for supporting this since the beginning - it’s been you, my friends, that have kept me excited to continue sharing every installment. Couldn’t have done this without you and I am so happy I got to share this piece of me with you. My heart is so full! 🫶
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crying-fantasies · 7 months
Everything is going to be alright
It was a nice day, everyone was working together, all systems working, no sight of problems or any dangerous galaxy around, Rodimus was doing his job for once and was pretty much focused on it that he almost didn't notice Sunset entering the bridge if Ultra Magnus didn't say a word about it, because work is important, but it looked like the young bot had something to say (in reality Magnus knew about it, and he was giving Sunset his whole support).
"Yeah, Sunny?"
"We are going to Cybertron"
"That's right"
"I know that it's only to recharge on energon"
"Maybe we could stay there a little longer?"
"What for? We have to be ready to reach this-"
"Or maybe I can stay there longer?"
"No way, Sunset, you alone in there is not an option"
"I just want to do something there and then maybe-"
"What can be so good to stay in ol' New Cybertron when we can go to this new unexplored sector-?"
"I want to take the exam to be part of the Elite guard"
It was a nice day, until it wasn't.
A few hours later (wow, almost every bot in the ship talked in the same way humans once did) and Rodimus was still angry internally sobbing by the words and shouts that were exchanged.
Did Rodimus had to be so hard with his words?
"Sunset Eve!" Dang it, Rodimus didn't use his son's full name since his protoform days to encourage him to make something, "You are only a sparkling! Do you want to be at the back and call of diplomats that could literally kill you in every mess that they get into?!"
Did Sunset had to be say such hurtful words?
"Oh yeah?!" Sunset is young, maybe not as reckless as Rodimus once was, but way too hard headed when he wants something, "Well, I would get killed any way or any day if I stay here with a cursed ship like this or with a Capitan like YOU!"
As it happened in the bridge, and they weren't exactly silent with their conversation or anything that they did, almost every mech knew about it, being that their voices were loud enough to attract even more attention around, one bot telling the other what was happening was all that was needed to get almost everyone in tune to what was happening.
And almost every mech ex-vented, horrified, when Rodimus, finally processing what Sunset just said, said something even more hurtful.
"Oh yeah?! Then you can take your things and never come back to my ship again!"
Look, Rodimus is the one that is supposed to keep his cool, he has done quite a good job so far considering everything and anything that Primus has thrown at him, is that very same cool that keeps him sane and appear to be collected when everything else goes straight to scrap itself, thinking of the well being of his crew and also a way to get out of every misadventures in some kind of happy ending, but he is looking at his son, his only, dear and loved son, his son that has the idea of putting his spark in the field, the very same spark that he can feel while it radiates energy waves with every touch of his digit in the chest plate of his son, marking every one of his words and making them even more hard to take back.
You once told Rodimus that, sometimes, more times than not, he said things before giving a real second thought about what he was talking about or how others would respond to his words, at that time he said that it was good, because that was what got you to be his side and he would never take what he said then when you look at him with something he can only recognize as love even when you tell him that you are serious and call him a dork.
When Sunset was forged he kept his words, saying "Flag it, their optics have the same color of your eyes!" the moment that he formed his optics and getting a shush from your part while making him promise to think twice because you wanted Sunset to be at least 7 years old before saying a swear word.
Remembering that while looking at his son's optics, which Sunset returned to it's original and organic like color, makes his spark ache, for once, Rodimus hates the very same fact that Sunset did get your eyes color in his optics, because Sunset has a few tears of coolant in the borders of his optics that look so, so sad but his kid still keeps his whole strong demeanor and standing proud in front of him, cooling fans almost not registering in his audial receptors if it wasn't for it being the only sound in the entire ship till Sunset opens his intake again, always thinking what he is going to say first.
"That sounds fine for me"
And then, Sunset is gone, to his habsuit at least since New Cybertron is still not so near, but the ship keeps moving, and every click near the planet is a pain in Rodimus' spark.
He knows that Sunset is taking everything that he can from his habsuit, that strange abandoned office that he declared as his while saying that he was a grown bot and that he couldn't keep recharging with his parents, it broke his spark seeing Sunset, still a sparkling and barely reaching what you called his first rebellious phase, taking his blankets and toys in his little servos as he could and dragged everything in there, that very same night cycle he found his way back your shared berth with tearing optics and calling out for you with a trembling voice.
Now, you are long gone, Sunset will not come back and he will be here, alone.
"You should talk to him" is what others said, Drift and Megatron going as far as telling him "you will regret not doing something if this is really the last time" or even hearing in the communication lines how some bots try to stop Sunset from really leaving.
But this is something that only Rodimus can stop.
That doesn't mean he knows what the scrap he is going to do when, finally in New Cybertron, he is the last bot in the middle of Sunset's way to finally put a pede off the starship and go on with his life.
Sunset, for best or worst, looks like a bot with a whole aft detailed plan for the next decade or maybe two, using his big alt mode of a freaking dragon to move all his things down the ship, intake full of sharp teeth and ready to spit fire at him, and, being totally honest, Rodimus will take it, not because he is sure he can survive the flame tower that can be produced from there but because he knows that he needs to say something.
"Sun-" if there weren't bots around to see the disaster going on, now there are, some even shouting murder when the reptile-like-bird thing starts to put fire on Rodimus' face, but that doesn't stopped him before, it won't stop him now! "I know you're mad", again, "Sunset Eve, you are going to hear me now-!", and again, "Enough!"
Curious thing life is, even when Sunset has always been a dinobot die hard fan like many other bots, he could really go to Earth, and even when his T-cog didn't recognize any dinosaur or ancient reptile fossil and ended up with his spark broken, he could still be quite resistent to high degrees of temperature, something that he got from Rodimus and when he finally scanned an organic alien that could breath fire and looked similar to a dinosaur, after that, and since a very long time, Sunset was running to his father's side and hugged him while you smiled when Rodimus looked at you to realize that it was really happening.
And that was working for him now.
"I'm sorry, Sunset" his servos are heating up really fast, maybe the heated metal would bent over at some point, "I didn't mean anything of that, nothing of it!" Sunset is now trashing around, trying to get free from his grip but not been harsh enough to send him flying, "I'm just worried about you, you are way too young for this kind of decisions or to put your life in danger!"
At that, Sunset does sent him flying from a single movement of his head, finally transforming back.
"When you took the Lost Light you didn't hear anyone when they told you not to do it or how dangerous it was going to be", Sunset has been crying, it could be seen now and he can also see your disk hanging from his neck, "not Bumblebee or Prowl, not even Optimus Prime, you choose your shot and sailed to the space, by your own choice, so, why can't I do it?"
Good question, that's what he said when you asked him one day, and he said the very same answer, "Because I wanted to"
What he is going to do now, Rodimus is praying that this is the right choice, is something that he is going to see and accept, and he is ready to make it.
"And you can do it, you can" maybe is the way that Sunset looks at him, or the smile that is growing on his face plate even if he tries to stop it, but it gives him courage, it gives him faith that this is the right thing to do when Sunset hugs him again after decades and he tries to bask in the moment for as long as it can last, trying to keep the voice that tells him how he is loosing him.
It's the very first time Sunset is off the ship by his own, but Rodimus believes that he is going to be alright, he wants to believe so.
The next time that Rodimus returns to New Cybertron is to visit Sunset, show him these incredible long lost ancient artifacts they found and tell him every incredible detail that he missed, just to have some enforcer show his son's body covered in cosmic rust, contained in a separate and pressurized chamber, optics almost off, medics and scientists taking samples even when his son is flinching away in pain that he tries to cover by showing him a smile.
Rodimus was happy when Sunset was so, so excited about having his own group to command in missions, at first he was a little worried, of how other bots could react or if they could have any problems with his origin, just to know that every other mech in his squad were techno-organics, every single one of them was a Terraformer, all for the glory of Eminence Prime's own origin and the now open minded Senate that was searching to keep peace with many other races.
Not everyone is ready to forget the cybertronian civil war, and many are still resentful.
"You must be proud, it may have been weird in their creation, but you produced such good soldiers and citizens of Cybertron!" It's what the enforcer said to all the grieving and horrified bots and humans, showing them their kids, all infected by the cosmic rust disease, but still online, still hanging for dear life, while Rodimus looks at his son.
His dear, loved son.
"Everything is going to be alright" those were your last words in the communication lines when the Lost Light was boarded before the nightmare started.
Rodimus is trying so, so hard to keep your last words in his spark that is just so close to give up at the image in front of him.
"Just before you say anything!" Sunset is fast to notice his father a click away from punching the enforcer in the faceplate or from saying some shit, "Look at this in a positive light! Like, dad, we are healing! It'll take time but we are better than when we came back, a medic said we could produce antibodies for treatment!"
"...You were worse?"
"Dad, listen, we're going to be alright-"
"Sunset Eve, you have the cosmic rust, fragging.cosmic.rust"
"I mean, I understand you but-"
"Cosmic killed billions during the great war and highly deadly Rust Disease"
Does Rodimus have second thoughts about this? Definitely, the idea of dragging Sunset back to the Lost Light crossed his processor more than once, but Sunset looks happy, even when he is falling to pieces in some parts, he looks happy and alive.
And that's enough, but the whole ship is staying in New Cybertron till the moment Sunset is discharged.
"Why is your son doing this to me?!" He almost cries out loud to a photo of you the moment that Sunset is getting ready to be put in another mission in the middle of nowhere again, "My spark just can't with this and he took it from you!"
"Cut the scrap already, Primus damnit!"
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coulsonlives · 2 months
Finished all eight episodes and well, that was underwhelming. Here are my main impressions.
Clothing was too clean and looked like it came out of a cosplayer's closet instead of being actual, lived-in clothes (if there's one thing the failed movie did right, it was the clothes)
Zuko was decent
Sokka had an a+ personality but was missing some nuance
The Sokka and Suki meeting was boring and had typical teen romance cliches galore
Appa and Momo were cute
Not sure how I felt about them starting with 100 years ago, and the cut between that time and the present day was jarring, I feel like the title card should've been there instead to break it up. And just the title card, none of that weirdly glowly, oddly-colored narrative with the bending examples and stuff, it looked so odd
If Katara were a spice, she'd be flour, if she were a book, she'd be two books, where the heck was her fire and spunk and generally just. differentiating traits because I didn't see any and it was so boring to watch her
Like honestly! She didn't have her motherly/parental role thing going on, even in a toned-down way, and she was missing her passion, I just. What else is left
Bumi was scary af man
Lots of the compositing was blurry as shit and it was distracting, probably a lot of newbie, abused comp artists with pay cuts given dneg was working on it
Aang revealing himself all mystically with the intense music, then two seconds later the music stops and he slides down on the ice with a thump made me lol, and I don't think that was the intended reaction
They're in the arctic and you can't see anyone's breath, why is that, tell me
Suki removes her makeup in like 2.4 seconds without missing a single bit of it, teach me your ways gurll
Momo is actually cute and not a demon, praise raava
The fire nation armor is pretty brutal, the shoulder pads are like obvious cardboard that isn't even trying to look like metal (I still can't really tell if it's supposed to be metal? That's not a good thing fam)
Way too much exposition and 'telling, not showing', some of the convos dragged on for wayyy too long
The fox thing was unnecessary, but I liked Yue's added motivation to help Aang as well as her people
What the f did they do to Azula, the foundations of her character are totally different from the og show and she barely even feels like a villain. Some of her lines about being inadequate or 'not good enough' felt really contrived too
Lots of strange cuts and camera work, more than a few times there was a person talking and the camera was looking at their waist or something else for no reason lol, and there wasn't an establishing shot when there needed to be, so things were just disorientating a lot of the time
Lots of things happened but the show just. didn't give any time for them to marinate. Sokka telling Aang he abandoned his people, he knew it, blah blah in one of the early episodes? It's poignant but it lasts like five seconds before the scene totally changes, I got major whiplash, fam
The lion roaring sound effect every time someone firebent, please stop I beg
Azula being defiant was interesting and the lightning scene was cool but I still miss Daddy's Pet Azula
Sokka screaming on Appa was funny
My favourite scene was probably the dude going 'but we're the forty-first!' and Iroh telling them, 'and you're all alive because of his sacrifice'. Like dang that hit hard and I loved it. I liked how they added that
Avatar Roku was like ?? um. I know he and Sozin were goofballs but cmon man
The shots with Koh capturing Sokka and Katara were cheesy as shit especially with the sound effects lmao, it looked like horror movie jumpscares from a b-movie
Some of the acting was hammier than a ham sandwich. Even Zhao gave me that impression at times especially with the dang spirit fish scene
Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the third
I know they had to condense a crap ton of episodes, but it really felt like the show was just checking off boxes at times instead of (like I said earlier) letting anything marinate
The opening scene with the earthbending and firebending was cool, it's a shame the rest of the show didn't live up to that
The bending vfx looked good. The choreography did feel a bit disconnected though, and not as martial arty as I would've liked
I felt like I could blatantly see some of the reasons the og creators left the show
Grumps tbh I'd give it like 4/10.
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linhfoxmoive · 7 months
A seriously long unnecessary rant which is just me fangirling, but on my Tumblr page-
Basically this entire post is gonna be me ranting/simping/overanalyzing about a skin that’s about to be released in a game I play a lot, Brawlhalla, and it’s for the 9th anniversary! Also the skin I speak of is for Diana (WHO IS MY MAIN AND I LOVE HER <333). So, uh, you’ve been warned. Feel free to just ignore this post honestly :) (Also I can confirm I did rant about this in real life to @ducksarerealsoareyou for like 5 minutes straight hshsh)
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(TERRIBLE QUALITY IMAGE I KNOW, but this is the Diana skin I will be ranting about for context. Heads up, I will say "GAH" a lot in this rant of mine-)
ANYWAYS SO OH MY GOSH IS SHE SO PRETTY LIKE LITERALLY SHE IS POPPING OFF, the colors are literally so beautiful like dude the red being the main color is gorgeous especially that one shade of red is just absolutely lovely and with the gold as an accent to it just UGH TIES IT ALL IN SO WELL FOR HER DESIGN, like the colors red and gold together with white and black not only looks so clean but is so BEAUTIFUL like GAH I love it so much the color palette is flawless on this skin I swear! 💞💛🖤🤍 I DO NOT CARE IF I HAVE TO SPEND SIX DOLLARS OR MY OWN, or someone else's 🤭, LUNGS ON GETTING THIS SKIN. I WILL DO IT AND I WILLINGLY WILL INVEST MY LIFE SAVINGS INTO IT CAUSE GAH DANG SHE IS SO PRETTY AAAAAA (Also for legal reasons, the lung part was a joke. Trust me :))) ) Like bro, the gold roses/accents added on are so beautiful and the hat. LIKE PLEASE it is so beautiful. I am such a sucker for hats with feathers in them, I think it’s so fancy and the fact my babygirl Diana has that hat now is just AMAZING!!!! AND THE GOLD ROSE/ACCENTS WITH ON THE BOW TOO TO MATCH IT GAH IT JUST MATCHES SO WELL CAUSE LIKE, you see her outfit it’s cute it’s fancy we love it but the hat is like STEALING THE SHOW and I love the way the bow MATCHES with the hat in that mission, is literally so AMAZING!!! 😍😍 I AM ALSO A SUCKER FOR CHARACTERS WITH LIPSTICK, Diana without lipstick is hot but WITH lipstick she just got HOTTER WHICH I DIDN’T KNOW WAS POSSIBLE- Bro help I’m so gay, REALL!! And like the eyeliner she has is literally so bomb gah dang she is just MWAH <33
I love how the shirt matches with the gloves. UGH I love when designs do that, I know that’s a basic ”everyone” already usually does that when designing characters but for this, THIS, HER, DIANA. IT IS SO GOOD HELP. The shirt bro, the frills on the neck, I just OBSESS over characters who cover their necks with like something- LIKE A SCARF, TURTLE NECK, CHOKER, OR WHATEVER DIANA’S SHIRT IS I JUST LOVE IT HONESTLY HELP- ALSO GLOVES MAN, I LOVE GLOVED CHARACTERS ESPECIALLY IF IT'S THE LONG GLOVES GAH DANG. DIANA MY BELOVED!! 😭💞🥺💍�� BRO AND THE SIMPLE SPHERE RED EARRING IS LOVELY BY THE WAY, IT'S JUST SO SIMPLESTIC YET EFFECTIVE IN ESTABLISHING THE FANCINESS LEVELS SHE HAS!! TOP TIER MAX LEVEL FANCINESS GAH! <33 AND THE HAIR, so simple yet so effective I love wavy curly hair like Diana’s OG skin and this anniversary skin is just LOVELY!! She just, bro, she just I can’t even form WORDS AND I’M JUST TYPING THIS OUT THAT’S HOW MUCH I LOVE HER- She has that piece all curled prettily next to her face to frame it, like girlie knew what she was doing when styling that and she SLAYED y’all!! ✨💅👑
Like honestly I love curly short-ish hair, lipstick wearer, beautiful color palettes, something covering the neck, top hats with features, the color gold, and women DESIGNS. Like, if you even wanted to,  you can look at my persona’s design and see some of the things I mentioned I liked in his design. Like bro, the scarf around the neck? Lipstick wearer? Eyeliner? Believe it or not but slightly curly hair if he untied the ponytail? IN HIS ALT FORM HE HAS FEATHERS?? I AM JUST A SUCKER FOR THESE SORT OF THINGS AND THE FACT DIANA, MY MAIN, MY BABYGIRL, HAS THESE THINGS ON THIS ANNIVERSARY SKIN IS AMAZING!! APPARENTLY THE SKIN IS NAMED LIKE SWANKY DIANA OR SOMETHING, THAT IS LOVELY I LOVE IT!!
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(Yes I did this on a whim, to be fair this entire rant was done on a whim uh 💀. But nevertheless, here is a definition of the word, thanks to Google as I search it up real quick oof-) LIKE BRO I LOVE FANCY CHARACTERS AND THE FACT DIANA IS STYLISHLY LUXURIOUS AND EXPENSIVE, GAH!! AND THIS WORD SWANKY IS SO FUN TO SAY, SWANKY SWANKY SWANKY SWAN-
Literally I am ecstatic for when November comes and for whenever the anniversary update comes, cause bruh I WILL be buying this skin and I WILL be beating up my friends as Diana now with EVEN MORE STYLE THAN BEFORE!! Like before, I had a hard time picking a Diana skin to spend money on (Cause they are ALL amazing and great to me &lt;33333), so I never got my babygirl an epic skin yet which I know TERRIBLY EVIL OF ME HOW COULD I DO THIS TO MY GIRL DIANA- BUT NOW? OH BOY, NOW? I HAVE NO WORDS MAN, SAY LESS, THIS ANNIVERSARY SKIN FOR DIANA IS THE ONE I WILL SPEND MONEY ON FOR HER AND BUY!! FOR THIS IS PROBABLY ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE SKINS FOR MY MAIN-MAINS!! (Daomadan skin for Lin Fei being like, 1st place right now for my favorite Brawlhalla skins for my top mains. WHICH BY THE WAY I TOTALLY DON'T JUST PLAY LIN FEI CAUSE WE HAVE THE SAME NAME ALMOST HAHAHA TOTALLY!! 😅😳) BUT DIANA IS JUST GAH!!! 💕💞💕💞 Anyways, IF YOU READ ALL OF MY RANTING AND GOT THIS FAR, can I just say I appreciate you? Like you a real one man for tolerating me this much, lmao💚
But also like, please tell me I can’t be the only one raving and obsessing over this skin, right?? Uh, cause I will 1000% GUARANTEE I will be drawing fanart of this skin I swear, JUST YOU WAIT!! <33
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tokuvivor · 11 months
Duckverse June Week 2: Happy Birthday Day Daisy, Della, and Donald
Okay, now I think I kinda got the hang of this. Anyway, I give you…
Surprise and…Surprise Again!
“So, Mom, Uncle Donald, why exactly did you want us to have a super-exclusive family meeting on the houseboat with just the five of us?” Huey asked.
“I mean, I’m all for exclusivity, but what gives?” Louie questioned.
“I’m so glad you asked, boys,” Donald answered. “Well, Daisy’s birthday is in a few days, and we were thinking of putting together a surprise party for her.”
“There’s no way in he-I mean, heck we can pull it off on our own,” Della added. “So we figured we’d ask you three.”
“We’d love to!” Huey replied cheerfully.
“Between the five of us, I’m sure we could put together something great for Aunt Daisy,” Dewey added.
“Yeah, let’s get the ball rolling on it!” Louie finished.
“Okay, good,” Donald continued. “Thanks, boys. So, who should do what?”
“I’ll try and figure out what the party should be like,” Huey suggested. “I can write out a list of things Aunt Daisy likes, and then go from there.”
“I call music!” Dewey called out. “I can bring back DJ Daft Duck for this one!”
Huey and Louie grimaced, remembering the last time Dewey pulled out his DJ Daft Duck persona at a relative’s birthday party.
“Okay, fine,” Dewey groaned. “I can just as well put something together music-wise just as myself.”
“I’ll do decorations,” Louie added. “Because the party has to look worthy of a fashion designer’s tastes.”
“I’ll work on inviting people!” Della exclaimed. “My sister-in-law is going to have the best da-uh, dang birthday party ever!”
“Honestly, I don’t want it blown too out of proportion, though,” Donald commented. “Maybe just try for semi-immediate family?”
“Semi-immediate family. Got it,” Della reported back.
“Good. And I’ll work on the food and keep track of the gifts,” Donald finished.
“Uncle Donald, don’t you think Aunt Daisy would notice you cooking a lot in your kitchen?” Louie questioned.
“Phooey. Right. I’ll ask Mrs. B if I can use the kitchen here,” Donald reasoned.
“Alright, I think that’s everything,” said Huey, tapping his pen against his notebook. “Oh, this is going to be awesome! Aunt Daisy will love this!”
“Mom, what’s so important that we have to meet in your office to discuss it?” questioned May.
“Well, as you know,” Daisy began, addressing the three girls in front of her, “your dad and Aunt Della’s birthday is next week. So I figured it might be nice to do a surprise party for them.”
“Yes! Absolutely!” Webby burst out. “This is going to be so fun.”
“But how exactly will we pull it off in just a few days?” June wondered.
“We’ll definitely have to put our heads together on this,” reasoned Daisy. “Webby, do you have your notebook?”
“Of course!” Webby replied, rummaging around in her backpack and pulling the sparkly notebook out. “Gotta be ready for anything.” She turned to a blank page.
“Fantastic,” Daisy replied. “So, what can the three of you work on?”
“Ooh, I think I have a general idea of what the party should be like!“ volunteered Webby. “Considering I’ve been researching their family my whole life, I can probably come up with something good. That, and the fact that I’ve gotten to know them fairly well over the past few years.”
“Impressive,” Daisy glowed. “May, June, what about you?”
“I can figure out the decorations,” replied June. “I’m pretty good at making stuff on my own thanks to Junior Woodchucks, and for whatever I can’t do on my own, I can probably find stuff in colors that Dad and Aunt Della would both like.”
“I’ll figure out some of the logistics, like who to invite and where we should have the party,” May added.
“I can figure out what foods they would both want, and go from there,” Daisy finished.
“If you’re thinking some kind of seafood for Uncle Donald, you should probably keep it away from Aunt Della’s array of food,” noted Webby.
“Ooh! Right,” Daisy exclaimed. “May or may not have to end up as sort of a Venn diagram of food, when all is said and done.”
“We can figure it out, though,” May added.
“Oh, I can’t wait for this!” June squealed. “They’re going to love it.”
Huey, Dewey, and Louie were in the dining room, making preparations for Daisy’s surprise party, when Webby, May, and June bustled in.
“Uh, what are you three doing here?” Louie asked.
“What are you doing here?” May shot back.
“I asked you first.”
“Fine,” May grumbled. “We’re putting together a surprise party for Dad and Aunt Della.”
Huey’s face went blank. “Oh,” he said quietly. “Oh, phooey.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Webby asked.
“It’s just that, uh, we were actually working on a surprise party of our own,” Huey replied. “For Aunt Daisy.”
“Yeah, we kinda figured,” June put in.
“What?” Dewey gasped. “But how-“
“Aunt Della already invited us to your party for Mom,” June explained.
“Oh, no,” fretted Huey. “This is not good. If they know we’re having a party, and we know they’re having a party, that means…that means-“
“We could put the two together!” Webby finished.
“Right! Yeah, of course,” resigned Huey.
“Huey,” Webby continued, facing the red triplet directly, her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry. We can totally merge these two parties together. We’d just have to keep all three of them in the dark to an extent.”
“And we can pull that off,” May agreed. “Right?”
Louie shot a look at Dewey.
“If Dewey can, we all can,” he added.
“Oh, come on,” Dewey argued. “If it’s for the three of them, of course I’ll try and keep mum. With the six of us together, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.”
“Exactly,” agreed June, extending her hand out. “We’ve got this.”
The other five triplets piled their hands on top of hers. “Then let’s do this thing!” Louie exclaimed.
It was finally the day of the party. Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, May, and June had figured out a way to combine elements from each of their parties into one, bigger party for Daisy, Della, and Donald, all the while working with their designated guardians separately so none of the three would know something was up.
Each set of triplets would set up on their own, and then they would convene. Eventually, everyone began showing up. Uncle Scrooge, Beakley, Gladstone, Fethry, even a couple of Daisy’s relatives.
“Okay, I just texted Mom,” Huey whispered.
“And…there. I’ve texted Aunt Daisy, too,” Webby replied. “The three of them are due soon.”
Louie turned off the lights in the mansion. It got very quiet. Eventually, the front door opened, and they all heard the birthday people approaching.
“Okay, we’re here,” confirmed Della.
Daisy was confused. “What’s going on, anyway? Why are all the lights out?”
“Well, you see-“ Donald began.
All at once, the lights came on. Daisy, Della, and Donald were absolutely floored. The entire room was covered in pink and various shades of blue. All of their loved ones were there. There was a long table laid out with food, including a massive cake in the center. The left half was covered with pink frosting, while the right half was decorated with swirls of light and dark blue frosting.
“What in Selene’s name is this?!” Della exclaimed.
“Well, we actually planned a party for you and Uncle Donald, too,” Webby admitted.
“But then we realized our plans conflicted somewhat,” Huey added.
“So we decided to work together and plan a party for all three of you!” Dewey finished, throwing a bit of jazz hands in.
“What do you think?” May asked.
“I-I don’t even know where to start,” Daisy admitted.
“I’m amazed, kids,” Donald said to his niblings and daughters. “You did all this for us?”
“Of course,” June replied. “All three of you deserve this.”
“Shoot, I think this might be the greatest thing ever,” Della concluded.
Donald and Daisy kissed, and then Della squeezed them both into a hug.
“Happy birthday, you two,” Daisy sputtered out.
“Happy birthday, Daisy,” the twins said in unison.
The three adults went over to the kids and hugged them, too.
“Thank you,” said Donald. “Seriously, this might just be the best birthday ever.”
“You’re welcome, Uncle Donald,” replied Louie.
“Now what are we waiting for?” Dewey questioned. “Let’s get our party on!”
And so the celebration commenced. It made Donald and Della realize just how thankful they were that they were together again, so they didn’t have to celebrate their birthdays apart anymore. And it made Daisy realize just how glad she was to be a part of this big, crazy, loving family.
And the way the celebration wound up happening, the three of them wouldn’t trade it for the world.
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genshinfamdynamics · 3 months
Ramble post about this pic!!!: :D
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Okay okay so like everything else I do, I made this up as I went along, but I put a slightly unhealthy amount of thought into everything. This is basically just the part where I infodump random details that I’m proud of
Kaeya has stars in his hair, Albedo has a crescent moon on his belt, and Klee has sun emblems on her dress and in her hair ☀️🌙✨ I am obsessed with sun, moon, and star dynamics and it shows (Albedo also has stars on his boots but that’s just cause I couldn’t think of anything else to put there so shhhhh)
Klee’s signature color is red, and Kaeya’s is blue, so Albedo is wearing purple. I cried when I had the idea
Kaeya’s wearing a black shirt and light pants. Inversely, Albedo’s wearing a white shirt and black pants. Klee’s mimicking both of them with a light shirt and pants. (This was completely on accident and I only thought of it after I had colored everything)
They’re matching a little by all having braids in their hair. They had a little braid train and helped each other do their hair
Albedo also had a ridiculous amount of alternative outfits because I just could not decide what he should be wearing
This was the first one I tried, but it looked kind of Fontainian to me and I just wasn’t feeling it
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Somewhere along the way I drew him in an ao dai because his English VA is Vietnamese and I’ve been looking for excuses to draw ao dais since I used to wear them as a kid
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And then here’s a few of the many, many variations of his final outfit:
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I liked the idea of a cape, but I just couldn’t find one that felt exactly right, so I ended up leaving it out
For Kaeya, I scrolled through the desi Kaeya tag and looked at different arts of him (fellow Kaeya enthusiasts, if you haven’t done this yet then please go do it all these artists make him look so good) and searched up a few different fashions/traditional wear for inspiration. I tried to be respectful while also interpreting the outfit loosely but seriously someone please tell me if I did anything disrespectfully cause I really don’t want to do that
I do kind of feel like he’s lacking in details and color range, and I sort of wish I’d included some peacock feathers, but I was having trouble visualizing any intricate details for any of them. I think the most complex decals is either the stars in Kaeya’s hair or the sparkles on Klee’s skirt
Kaeya also went through a couple different hairstyles; I started with his normal hair, tried a bunch of random stuff, and eventually settled on my take on the braid from his Sailwind Shadow skin
Here’s a couple that I tried during the process:
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Hmmm okay now that I’m looking at these pictures I’m thinking I need to draw him with a high ponytail again sometime. And also the bun. And the chunky braid too. Dang it Kaeya, stop being so beautiful (I’m joking please don’t)
And as for Klee, she really didn’t change much from beginning to end. I had pretty much finished both Albedo and Kaeya by the time I even started on her, so I was both in the zone and losing steam, so I kinda just went with my first attempts at everything. Pretty much the only change was I tried drawing her with braids instead of pigtails for all of thirty seconds before I decided that the pigtails were just too iconic and couldn’t be left out
Anyway, that’s my ramble on this drawing! Thanks for reading! <3
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i-restuff · 1 year
a personal Mario movie review from yours truly.
ok, so, I'm very natural over Mario franchise. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either. so this review is mainly from someone who is there only for the animation (also for Jack Black ofc). cool? cool. alright.
spoilers below
I'm going to be super upfront with the "good stuff", and sorta detailed with the "meh stuff". mostly because the good stuff is very self-explanatory while for the negative ones I feel like at least I should give a little bit of reason why I feel that way.
good stuff
I love the world-building, everything is very well-detailed and the environment is insanely rich
character designs? love it. they look absolutely alive and expressive
the casting. I think they're all really good???? I personally think Chris Pratt is alright too ig? I mean I kinda don't care, I was distracted with everything else in the movie. but he's fine.
Jack Black. nuff said.
I love Toad. I love Peach. DK. BROWSER??? everyone's very likable damn.
I'm obsessed with the 3d models ngl. there are times when I was focused more on the models than I was on the story. It's really distracting in a good way.
Storywise, I think it's decent but also fun!
love love love the dynamic between Mario and Luigi. Peak dynamic, really.
Such a nostalgia trip. I for one who doesn't know much about Mario had such a blast listening to all the soundtracks and looking at the itsy bitsy references and such.
obsessed with Lumalee. let em die :(
the credit animation is super colorful I wish I could eat it.
^ I was watching this with a friend who is obsessed with Mario. there are times when he went absolutely insane and explained some stuff that I didn't know. which I think it's cool! it's crazy how there are literally easter eggs and fan service everywhere, it doesn't feel forced too. I really could see why people love it so much.
meh stuff
ok, imma be honest. I'm just gonna complained about the plot holes here,, It didn't really effect the story, but it did confuse me a bunch of times. again, this is coming from someone who doesn't know much about Mario. I might miss some stuff.
the transition when Mario/Luigi got teleported from Brooklyn to the Mushroom Kingdom. like, why? what's so special about that specific pipe?
also before that. why's Brooklyn drowning all of a sudden lmaoo. that part kinda felt forced just so Mario and Luigi had a reason to go below the sewer. it sorta makes sense I guess? but the pacing is pretty dang weird.
how does Peach know her own kind? "you're a human!". she was a literal baby when she first got to the Mushroom Kingdom
I love love love Toad character. I just don't understand his presence? I mean sure, he's bringing the comedy, but you could find the "comedy" elsewhere too. so his character is a bit useless despite him being the protector. long story short, the movie would be fine with or without him < this is how much his character matters imo.
the pacing after Mario agreed to fight with DK and then suddenly he's on the stage. tbf this isn't really a big deal? but the transition kinda bugged me.
I don't know what exactly they wanted to do with Mario and Peach relationship. do they like each other romantically? it doesn't feel like it despite being teased a few times.
my dude Luigi has to sit in the cage for how long now? kinda suck. I wanna know more about him, I wanna see him more in action.
that being said. I wish they did more with Luigi, give him something to develop on. because seeing him fighting Browser doesn't feel as rewarding as how we see Mario. all he did most of the time was get caught and sit in a cage while Mario had to go through all those bullshit. but I get it though. storytelling wise, Luigi is supposedly Mario's goal. to get him back and all that. I get that.
I can't feel sad for Mario for some reason??? (this has nothing to do with Cris Pratt btw). his supposedly "emotional" scenes didn't impact me at all. in fact, I felt awkward. I honestly don't know why though.
the final fight scene is also awkward? I mean it's cool, don't get me wrong. I think it has to do with where they're fighting? I guess imma blame Brooklyn for this.
the 80's pop songs felt out of place, but maybe that's just me.
personal rating? 7.
but I genuinely get why people love this movie.
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theromaboo · 7 months
tag someone you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @just-late-roman-republic-things (dang you got tagged by catilina. cool)
Favourite color: Red :)
Last Song I Listened To: Havana in Classical Latin. Oh my gosh, it's so good! The singer's pronunciation is phenominal. I think I listened to this song a hundred times this week. The way I enjoy songs is that I find one that I like a lot and play it on repeat until I find another I like :)
Favourite Movie: Hmmmmmm... This is a very hard question. I don't really watch movies. But, I did watch Mio Figlio Nerone more times than I'd like to admit so I guess that's my current favourite movie!
Currently Watching: Nothing right now, but the second I'm less busy, I'm rewatching Domina! It's my favourite show by far. No piece of media has ever made me feel things Domina has made me feel.
Currently Reading: A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome by Emma Southon. There are a few things I don't really like about it, but it's overall a fun book to read. And because this book is pretty much just a list of anecdotes about killings back in ancient Rome, it is definitely a good starting point for anyone who's interested in that. If you find an interesting anecdote, you can research more about it!
Currently Working On: 1) Art. Yesterday I suddenly got inspired to draw and I have been drawing a lot since then! Better draw as much as I can while it lasts! And 2) I'm currently trying to study more Latin and Italian. Those two are easily my favourite languages, but I'd have to say I prefer Latin over Italian (sorry Italian).
Current Obsession: I'm currently not in an obsession obsession, where I get so obsessed, I start getting worried about myself.
My ancient Rome interest was actually started by an obsession obsession. I got a bit interested in Claudius, then I got very interested in Claudius, then I got worryingly interested in Claudius, then I got interested in him to the point where the only thing I thought about from waking up to going to sleep was Claudius and I literally did nothing but think about Claudius and read books and watch videos about Claudius for like a week. A neat thing that happened is that I was unable to become bored from Claudius. My attention span is normally awful and I become bored very quickly, but this obsession managed to bypass that and so I was able to binge-read extremely long and dry and old history books about Claudius without ever getting tired at all. But then, when I eventually stopped being so obsessed with Claudius, I was already too far in and I had learned too much about Rome to ever go back. After that, I had a few other obsession obsessions, such as Britannicus, Caligula, Domina, Tiberius, but they were never as strong as the original Claudius one. I sometimes wonder what happened there, but I'm glad it happened.
However, right now, no obsession obsession.
But of course, I've had my early Roman Empire/late Roman Republic (but mostly early empire) special interest for quite some time now, and everyone I know would say that I am Obsessed with it. Recently I have been very very interested in the early years of Octavian (like everything Octavian did before 27 BC), which is honestly quite a bit earlier than I usually like. Nowadays I have been interested in earlier and earlier parts of Roman history! (aka going from really liking the late Julio-Claudian dynasty last year to really liking the early Julio-Claudian dynasty this year. It's a bit slow).
I'm tagging @germanicuscaesars and @athelstan-anglecyning and @scribl1ta and @a-passing-storm and @octavianiscougarbait and @alienmythologist.
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crappyyuki · 1 year
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Bryan with lava eyes :DDD
It’s been a while since I fully colored smth :,)
Here’s the Sketch and the one with a background!
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I attempted to make lava. I’m not sure if it went well lmao.
I also don’t know how to draw or render muscles but BUFF BRYAN SUPREMACY!
Honestly, I��m not sure if I can write this AU. With confidence I mean. I already got like a 15k word outline going on and it’s still going and it’s been like that for the past 3 years. Yeah. Pretty crazy. But if I can’t write this then I might resort into posting a bulleted list on what I should’ve written in the betterment of those 3 years instead of making a long ass outline to get it out into the world.
I love this AU, you have no idea, but it is so hard to write. So bear with me. I’ll give a bit of insight into it.
• This is a canon divergence of the canon timeline where instead of Bryan taking the hit, it’s Molten taking the hit. (My guy is not having a great time. Both of them.)
• This AU is canon defiant to the actual lore in Bryan’s series. A lot actually. This is a bit more canon compliant to the Fnaf storyline. Focusing more on spirits and souls than portals and portal magic. Soul juice produced from murdered children. All that good stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I love the series but I wish it focused on the souls of the kids and their stories if only a little.
• Let’s say there are a lot of hidden secrets in the old pizzeria that Bryan would carry to his grave. Most of them is guilt. The other is shame borderlining to self loathing.
• “No one would ever believe you.” :)
• This AU’s pov is also on the animatronics side. Mostly Freddy, Helpy (the old one), and maybe probably Foxy (the Rockstar one) I miss them, okay?
• Pat is around too. Watching over the animatronics while getting deathly afraid of them for a definite period of time before making friends with them because wow, those robots aren’t actually gonna force them into a Freddy Fazbear suit. Why did they listen to a pre-recorded message anyway?
• Jon is the one that stumbles onto the secret. But its not complete. He wonders where he should find the other pieces.
• You know OG Freddy? How he was repaired? Yeah. That part wasn’t the only thing that brought him back to life.
• And the monitor Lefty stole from the pizzeria? Maybe Egg Baby? Wonder whats that for?
• The book that Bryan gave to Twisted Bonnie also changed. Still has the blueprints of the animatronics but of different animatronics.
• “Hmmmm, I wonder what I can do for Baby’s birthday? How can I make it her happiest day of her shortlived li—wait, can I even say that?????”
• Also, does anyone know what happened to Twisted Freddy? Did he just become the wind or what? We’ll see.
• Since Lefty didn’t die, let’s say Shadow Freddy had other places to be. And Twisted Wolf? Honestly forgot about that guy hahaha I’ll think of something.
• Oh! EB (Evil Bryan) is there too! Like actually.
• It’s quite funny to have two short humans going on offense while literal monsters go on support and defense lmao. What a bunch of losers.
• “See you on the flipside!”
• Hey. What’s up with Bryan’s eyes?
That’s all for now. Maybe I’ll post another one or work on a chapter? Who knows…
I can’t promise anything. I can only promise that the next will take a whileeeeeeee, a post or a chapter.
I still have not named this AU and marked it as INSERT TITLE HERE.
And to those that recognize that title, I am so sorry. I literally redid the first 5 chapters, finished 4, then dropped it off at chapter 7-8. Chapter 1-4 are finished but 5-8 is a land mine. I don’t know how to keep it going lmao. No really, it’s a struggle writing this dang thing and I want it out of my head too. I can’t promise any chapters or that I’m working on it because I’m so busy but I did not forget it if thats what you’re thinking. It’s just hard to write. Like really hard. That’s why I focused a bit on oneshots.
One things for sure though. It’s either chapter 5, 6, or 7 BUT—
Minigames. Plus Springtrap.
ITH!Bryan: Oh joy.
Feel free to ask questions about this AU! I’d be happy to answer! (Most of them anyway. Can’t reveal everything.)
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