fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
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[Image description: A tumblr text-post, edited blackout-poetry style to read, "transpeople were always a part of Pride, transpeople always participated in Pride and were a part of it, the original pride trans pride screech it from every corner that 'trans rights' true, need trans pride."]
transpeople were always a part of Pride
Submitted by @angelasglasses
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gleesongtournament · 9 months
(homosandhomies) it’s honestly so awesome to me that rose’s turn and cough syrup are the top 2 because of how powerful they are separately. rose’s turn is about a depressed gay teen who wants to form a connection with his father because he feels like he’ll never be enough. cough syrup is about ANOTHER depressed gay teen who is attempting suicide.
both of these numbers handle such intense subjects delicately and perfectly, which just goes to show how impactful glee has been. glee had its flop moments, but these 2 storylines represent the best parts of that show. isn’t that incredible?
Yeah I really am so happy about this finale. Both songs mean a lot to me and I know they mean a lot to a ton of other people as well. And I mean I can't really act surprised that people think I somehow rigged the polls, no matter how crazy the idea is alkjfdlks, bc this is literally the dream finale for me. My two favorite characters singing possibly my two favorite solos of theirs (they both have so many incredible numbers it's hard to narrow it down to just one tbh) going head to head and still getting so much love on both sides. It's beautiful lol
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4 for the q thing
do you smile at strangers? YES I literally have to or I'll die. one time when I was like four I was in the car as we were stopped at a red light and the guy driving the car next to us looked over and smiled at me and I made some dumb mean frowny face back and his face FELL right as the light turned and we drove away 😭😭 it literally haunts me lmfao
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jewishfoodshowdown · 1 year
i just submitted a bunch of foods to the google form!! i’m so excited for this competition 🤩🇮🇱
Awww thank you! I'm also very excited to see what everyone's submitted (hopefully bagels win but I might be biased)
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xuargent · 2 years
when i first saw your blog it just said "tao and imogen hater" i was filled with so much gay fear 😭
afsgdgsg oh nooo that's like the opposite of what i want to convey 😭😭
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based-and-rinpilled · 2 years
(homosandhomies) sloane for the character bingo!
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Favorite sparrow, she better return in s4. that being said, i wish we got to know more about her (but the same can be said for most of the sparrows)
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kuiinncedes · 3 months
(homosandhomies) tbh i’ve been really into miley cyrus lately. stream pablow the blowfish if you need to laugh and cry at the same time 🙏
ooh sounds good :00 tbh probably won't as i said in my post LOL am incredibly lazy when it comes to listening to new music but tysm for the rec anyway will keep in mind 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
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backslashdelta · 6 months
37, 79, and 87
Thank you!! 37 I just answered here, and here are the others:
79: Superpower by Adam Lambert
87: Can't Fight This Feeling by Glee Cast
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munamania · 2 years
(homosandhomies) will byers for character bingo!
omg angelasglasses/homosandhomies hi!!
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when nobody care him… I care him… s4 vol 2 pissed me off so bad i wanted to break him out of there and play i know a place by muna… at least he got to sing a little this season <3
please send me character bingos (encourage me to pack!!)
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maya-hawke · 2 years
how do you find the scripts for your gifsets? (the one with the hug, the first kiss)
hi! i found them in the new physical copy of heartstopper volume 1 (the one with kit and joe on the cover). at the end of the book, there are script excerpts for a few scenes from the first 3 episodes :)
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su-angelvicioso · 3 years
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Lería being cute fanart pt. 2 🧡💜✨
This is fanart of an adorable headcanon post about Lería made by @angelasglasses. The idea was so cute to me and I was inspired to bring it to life in a way. Thank you for inspiration!✨
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 years
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[Image description: A tumblr text-post, edited blackout-poetry style to read, "TERF sure af is a cult-like group."]
TERF sure af is a cult-like group
Submitted by @angelasglasses
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
im normally all about respecting people’s differences but some voters’ opinions are just WRONG 😭
i knoooow. likeee for the most part i understand that the song i prefer wont be the one that the masses prefer but that was the first poll that just had me STUNNED lmao and i was like "well its still early so dont worry, my man will sweep before the poll is over" WELP guess not
also sometimes i vote for songs that i think wont get any votes like big girls dont cry vs you are the sunshine of my life in this round. i thought bgdc wouldnt get any votes so i voted it and now they're almost tied asklfjsdlkfs
the problem is i follow all of like 12 people whose opinions i know and respect and these polls are getting up to like 200 responses sometimes. i just dont know these folx and clearly their ways of thinking are beyond me lmaooo
but hey that's just all part of the game!! i say as i punch my pillow before crying myself to sleep bc my man lost AGAIN
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19 for the new year asks!
angelasglasses dot tumblr dotcom I'm so sorry I feel like every time I notice a new message from you it's referencing an ask meme that I already completely forgot about 😭😭 you deserve better queen
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tthankstoyou · 3 years
AHHHH THANK YOU SUMMER OMGGG!!!! i’m gonna have that on repeat for the next few days 🗽
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