#anti bat fanon stans
Man, I finally had time to scroll through content and of course I came across some wacky opinions!!! I saw someone complain about young justice the show, and they specifically said "why'd they have to put dick in Tim's costume-" Like Girl if you don't Stop right there. Like.... lmao I can never describe the fucking befuddlement I feel whenever I see things like this.... like girl who do you think made that costume??? Who do you think named that costume???? I don't give a shit if he's wearing pants or not, that costume will always be his! It's based on His Family!!! The Entitlement is Strong with bat stans! Especially bat fanon stans!
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shetheyshenanigans · 2 years
Bullying is okay if it’s Tim Drake
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devine-fem · 4 months
why don't you like jayjon? Genuinely asking btw and I'm neutral btw I don't really ship superheroes kids, so yeah
Alright, firstly I have always come across damijon shippers that ship them as kids because their purest connection peaked when they were young so you kind of permanently keep Jon and Damian as kid in your head because of what DC did to them.
We ship them in a ‘wholesome crush on your best friend, twisting inside you over time that you snub out till you reach your adulthood and have the maturity to deal with it’ type of way. The beauty of Damijon is not the fact that it’s Bat x Super. I honestly don’t care for this dynamic ergo not shipping superbat and not liking Timkon at all. The beauty of Damijon is that they could become something with a friendship to back it up, then continue to push each other’s characters forward while being in a relationship if the writer cared enough. It’s a plus that they care for each other so much and have the personalities to really balance each other out.
I enjoy ships like Daminika, Dami x Colin and other Jon ships as well. I just only post damijon and talk about them. It’s only Jonj*y I have issues with. It’s not about ‘getting in the way of my ship’ nothing can ever get in the way of me enjoying damijon and fandom is just gonna have to deal with that. We all come here for enjoyment because we should supposedly enjoy DC for DC and find community in that, enjoy our ideas and takes on it and one person is not going to perceive or enjoy something the same way but we are so damn MEAN to each other. Damijon gets a lot of heat, mostly because twitter damijon stans are annoying and horrible and damijon antis are just as bad.
So the problem I have with Jonj*y is just deep rooted.
Firstly, I hate the way it came about. The last thing Jon’s character needed was to be in a relationship period but then for it to be a queer relationship used as a tool to garner sales? There’s nothing in the world I dislike more than queer baiting. The last thing we needed from DC was to pull something like this and as a queer person it just really gets under my skin - as it should anyone, to be honest.
Even regardless of that Jonj*y is the relationship equivalent of stale bread. They have no chemistry, Jay has no character besides catoring to Jon’s sexuality, and even if they were to explore him there’s no point because objectively they’ve tarnished Jon Kent way too much to be wasting comic ink on Jay.
I don’t like aged up Jon Kent as a whole, it’s not like I want him to stay a kid forever - obviously not. The fun of a comic book character is their growth! Jon over time should have never been able to get to the age he is now when other comic book characters struggle to get near that age in decades. I MEAN HE’S NEARLY OLDER THAN KON RIGHT NOW. Bendis did what he did to Jon because he ain’t even like him.
There are real serious issues with Jon Kent’s age up than him getting with Damian. I know how to seperate my ship/fanon from canon. I can go on and on about the problems with it without mentioning Damian once.
I had to put “JonJ*y apologist DNI” in my bio because the stans kept coming to my page and spewing BS 24/7 so I thought it was my absolute right to make sure they knew this page was not for them.
If you enjoy the ship at all then you will not like me because I have almost every single active Jonj*y poster blocked because I have fought with them at least once because they wanted to be stupid and spew nonsense on Jon Kent when you can tell they haven’t read a damn comic besides SSOKE and it really shows.
If you enjoy it, just block me. It’s only a matter of time before we fight anyway, so don’t waste your breath because the whole time you could be trying to open your mouth, you could open a comic book instead, how about that?
Thanks for the asks though, LOL.
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itselriel · 2 months
i feel as though the Gwyn ordeal within the fandom is giving the same as how some people are anti anything to do with the IC or Feysand (Feyre and/or Rhys) because of an unhealthy alcoholic Nesta’s opinion in the beginning of ACOSF and hear me out, the overt sexualization/self insert these “fans” have with Gwyn is giving the same as people only loving unhealthy Nesta because she is a self insert for all of the hatred they have for the series because in their minds it’s now “canon” these characters are “evil”, as though they don’t understand what morally grey means and same with Elain, she threatens specific people’s self insert with Azriel (or the others she’s associated with) the same way the Nesta stans have hatred for Feysand and Cassian because it threatens their “canon” of what Nesta is
(by over sexualization i mean shoving an traumatic SA survivor into BDSM fan art and completely ignoring how closed of and sheltered she still is by the end of the book because of her trauma and being re traumatized especially when she was in my opinion, anything but sexual in the book and rightfully so. in another way it’s feeling the same as people romanticizing Tamlin when he was physically abusing Fae Feyre to the point it would’ve killed Mortal her, they take a canonically traumatic thing and just rip the page of canon text in half while going “haha no, that’s not it silly” and then handing you essentially a fanfic as “proof” for their “theories”/their canon because that’s what it is- ‘their canon’ not Sarah’s. i just mean they’re taking Gwyn’s trauma away to have a character that wasn’t written into the story to serve their own needs as a reader instead of reading a different series the same way they took Feyre’s trauma away to go “awwww poor baby Tam-Tam” thusly taking the abuse he inflicted on Feyre out of him as a character to romanticize him. i don’t know if this made any sense, or if it was a decent comparison, my apologies. i just don’t feel like things would’ve gotten this bad if it was what is was, a crackship and nothing more because maybe then they would’ve at least- maybe, hopefully, been even a little more respectful of Gwyn having been traumatized. coincidentally, all the characters the hate is over, not including the Archeron sisters, are canonically side characters and i don’t why that pisses people off so much.)
The Archeron sisters and bat boys are the main characters of the series. That is clear and is shown throughout the series.
If anyone wants to comment on this post with their opinions of how people treat Gwyn and how they view fanon Gwyn as canon Gwyn, please feel free. In my opinion, Gwynriels depictions of Gwyn are disturbing. They sexualize her and it’s honestly wrong. After what she has gone through, creating art and coming up with “theories” that involve Gwyn in a sexual way make me completely uncomfortable.
Regarding Nesta, she went through a lot and dealt with her emotions in a very unhealthy way. There is no other way to put it. She was harmful to herself and was going down a very bad path. Had Rhysand and Feyre not stopped her, she would have still been going down a bad path and never would have healed. Nesta has also been very mean and rude throughout the series. That’s just a fact. Was there a reason for it? Yes. But does that reason excuse her actions and the way she acted before she healed? No.
I don’t know what you mean regarding the Azriel and Elain part. People could easily read the books and imagine themselves as Elain if they wanted to. Maybe then they would see all the buildup she has with Azriel throughout four books and a bonus chapter. They just choose not to do that.
Again, if anyone has anything else to add to this please feel free in the commets.
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Your peacemaker post!! AGREED Chris has so much emotional anguish and feelings over his abusive father who as we already know haunts him even beyond death!!!! I really enjoy vigilmaker as a ship but so many fics don’t even care about Chris’ character and how much angst/comfort material there is for him- not to mention how so much of the fandom has woobified adrian in the oddest ways like they forget he’s a capable and gleeful murderer on top of everything else, and VERY competent at that
I was talking about this with my friends earlier today and i truly think the "uwu woobie softboy" fanon version of vigilante that's developing is doing a disservice to his character and his relationship with Chris
Several times in the show Vigilante is shown stepping up for Peacemaker when he needs it, most notably during the sniper scene at the Senator's house. Peacemaker starts having a panic attack, and Vigilante calmly steps in and takes the shots for him while humming a happy tune. Chris flinches with every shot. Vigilante openly admits to enjoying hurting people.
Fanon Vigilante is becoming a fragile punching bag who takes one hit and goes down and one mean word can send him spiraling. He would NOT be friends with a guy like Peacemaker if he couldn't handle being poked at. He is a very happy goofy comic relief character. Adrian is not only extremely capable, the only time we see him close to tears is when he thinks he's made things worse for Chris. While I do agree that Adrian is some kind of neurodivergent-coded, people are taking this and using it to infantilize him in the worst ways.
Meanwhile, canonically in the show, Peacemaker hates himself. He thinks he's a piece of shit, he thinks that everyone hates him and he deserves that hatred, and he knowingly acts like an asshole as a defense mechanism to keep people away. He is haunted and controlled by his abusive father, even after said father is dead. While I don't exactly agree with the internalized homophobia angle a lot of people seem to be taking with the ship, there is a LOT there to uncover. Fanon Peacemaker is becoming just the dudebro toxic masculinity asshole persona he puts on with nothing deeper underneath.
I also see a lot of vigilante stans becoming peacemaker antis, saying that chris is abusive and manipulative towards adrian who just wants to be his friend which... i have a lot of opinions about as well but that's for when i feel like swinging a baseball bat at a wasps nest
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barbiegirldream · 3 years
So some thoughts. I’ve talked with my family about this (against their will lol) and my friends who are also black.
And we think it’s very odd to leap from drugs to black people. We also understand that this is a micro agression and anyone who felt hurt is valid is absolutely justified. Microagressions are common and also sometimes unintentional. I have thick coarser hair and people want to touch it (I’m also white passing so people are probably curious by it and don’t see a problem) my brother has an Afro and people want to touch it. My brother has said he doesn’t think he’s being mocked or treated like lesser but people are curious and have a lack of boundaries. So to make a comment that some people found upsetting can happen but it was not done in malicious intent and that’s pretty fucking obvious. Regardless it did upset people.
But also it’s gone so so far. Dream deleted his tweet. He apologized. Okay and he wants to learn he wants to do better. This is the goal. We want people to get better at these things.
Dream did say there is no anti-blackness in his fandom which is blatantly false. Dream gets too defensive of his stans. I can see why. But it’s not great. He has a large platform. He should be aware there is of course assholes following him. I think this happens a lot with new content creators which Dream is very young and very new to this and many people right off the bat do get protective of their fans. Because as someone who’s seen a lot of YouTube careers come and go viewers do mean a lot to these people. It’s their livelihood and they feel like they’re really building a community. However as CCs get older and wiser they do usually take a step back from fanon and realize it can be pretty toxic.
Being more openly anti black is important. Extremely important. Dream is himself very open to learning and we know this. This is not something that should be discouraged. Okay like high school in Florida during the early 2000s was not going to be very liberal. Okay I went to a liberalish school in a blue state and still things are pretty pro USA all of the time.
Being online is really how people unlearn bad behaviors but to try and say no one can change or learn is very closed minded and very much false.
This is being blown so out of proportion as with every controversy and I’m just so genuinely confused as to why Dream is being targeted. There are arguably more problematic people in this area that could be called out.
I wonder if it’s the faceless part? Like people feel it’s okay to ruthlessly attack someone we can’t see?
But then this picture (who I don’t think is Dream but regardless) that’s being spread is like being used to fat shame. And people are being so fatphobic and using the justification that they hate Dream.
How we started off this morning with people being ableist over Dream expressing his own life to people taking a comment out of context and turning it into a massive Twitter thread that’s one of the most toxic I’ve seen to date is fucking wild.
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So what's your issue against Sansa since you like to reblog from antis who literally make up flaws about her and call her "evil" for literally being a CHILD in the first book. She made mistakes but one can't forget that she was young and naive and didn't understand what was going on with the Lannisters and what they were really like. But in later books she understands more and is growing and changing, but you guys still want to blame her from the first book and not give her a chance? really?
Right off the bat with the accusations.
With Sansa? Very little tbh. It's her stans. It's their blatant dishonesty that irks me.
I happen to like canon Sansa far more than her 'popular' fanon version. Canon Sansa is a complex, nuanced and interesting. Not the the most interesting but interesting.
I sympathize with her and her difficult circumstances.
But I didn't even say anything about Sansa as a character in the post that probably brought you here. But since you went through my blog and asked, let's roll with it.
I am afraid that I would need receipts and proofs of that bcoz I have never reblogged anything that made up Sansa 's flaws and called her 'evil'. I have neither personally done so nor my mutuals and the people I happen to follow. If you want a proof of anything I am saying, I would be glad to show you.
So are at least half of the characters in asoiaf. So are Dany, Arya, Jon and Bran.
But apparently only Sansa gets an excuse about being a child. Not Dany. Not Arya. I have heard what Sansa stans say about Dany and they don't seem to care that even Dany is very young and just 2 years older than Sansa. Arya is even 2 years younger than Sansa but nope.
Yes, she has made mistakes like the rest of the characters but her stans are the ones who try to whitewash everything so excuse me if I am mad about it as I rightly should be.
Sansa 's mistakes include bullying her younger sister. I am sorry but I condemn bullying even though I take her age into account. It also includes her general disregard for other people (Mycah, Arya, Jeyne, the Vale knight who died in the Hand 's tournament, Jeyne 's father, Jon) so excuse me that it bugs me. It should.
Betraying her family is there too. Not to forget, she's currently poisoning her cousin and a child- SweetRobin
Yes, she's growing and getting better but that doesn't miraculously vanish her past mistakes. This doesn't work like algebra for me. She is yet to acknowledge most of them.
Not knowing who the Lannisters were is on Sansa. Not just her age. Arya is younger and she knew. By the time Sansa betrayed Ned; the Trident incident had happened, Lady was killed on Cersei 's order, Joffrey swung a sword over her sister's head and Ned had been attacked by Jaime Lannister in the streets of King's Landing. Jaime killed three Northmen.
Even her father's arrest didn't break her bubble. They called her father, a traitor and she took their side. They killed her friend's father and she still believed them. If it took Joffrey killing Ned to break her bubble, she has no one but herself to blame for putting herself in that situation.
It's a fact that Sansa choose two people she hardly knew over her own father.
If there was anyone else at Sansa 's place, the fandom won't be so forgiving.
But tbh I have more of a problem with how this fandom doesn't want to acknowledge her mistakes and flaws rather than what Sansa did herself. It's very infuriating.
How do people expect her to grow if they don't even want to acknowledge her flaws and mistakes?
When apparently they're very capable of doing it, in case of Arya and Dany. To the point of exaggeration.
The double standards and hypocrisy of her stans is appalling.
A chance you say, Sansa had a chance for four more books now and I am yet to see her acknowledge her part in the downfall of her family. I understand her difficult circumstances and that's why I am not expecting something drastic from her in that situation. But a mere acknowledgement in her own mind would be deeply appreciated and that's the least of she can do.
As to why I or other people bring up the first book the most, it's for two reasons. 1) That's when she did her biggest mistakes and these are not something you can ignore. 2) that's also the book she has most agency in. When characters have agency is the time they're most judged for. People/ characters are judged more for what they do, than what they had to do.
The last thing I would say is this: understanding her flaws and actions, including her mistakes, is a wildly different concept from justifying them.
I hope this answer is enough. I might be up for further discussion if it's kept civil.
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let’s talk about lesbophobia in fandom
i don’t like to use the word “lesbophobia” unironically because of all the gross radfem terfy connotations, so i will clarify right off the bat that i am neither a terf nor an aphobe and that if you are i want you off my blog like, right now. unfortunately, the meaning of lesbophobia has been so warped by alt right lesbians that seeing it in an unironic context makes me, a lesbian, uncomfortable, which speaks volumes in itself. so to clarify, lesbophobia is essentially homophobia with a pinch of sexism thrown into the mix, and it’s running rampant in supposed safe spaces and, more relevantly, fandom. 
/i’d also like to clarify that i’m not only speaking on lesbophobia, but also the general disgust and disdain for all wlw in fandom, and am using it as a sort of umbrella term/
lesbophobia and disdain for wlw has been around forever, but whilst gay positivity, mlm and mlm ships have been steadily increasing in popularity within fandom over time, wlw and wlw ships have remained perpetual underdogs. why? because lesbophobia has become a fandom within itself. both in and outside of fandom, we see instances of casual lesbophobia every single day—from aggression towards wlw to something as simple and prevalent as the complete and utter lack of sapphic ships and characters in media. hatred of lesbians and wlw is practically a trend, and it’s seeping in through the cracks of fandoms who are already facing issues with minorities and marginalized groups (i.e. racism, ableism). if you honestly think that lesbophobia isn’t prevalent as hell in fandom right now, you’re either not a wlw, you’re not all that involved in fandom, or you’re dumb as shit. 
just look at ships. in almost every single fandom, the ratio of mlm ships to sapphic ships is ridiculously unbalanced. people are quick to ship male characters who so much as smile at each other (and i don’t condemn that) but would never do the same for two women—even on the rare occasion that the ship is actually canon. i once wrote a wlw fanfic for a [predominantly straight] fandom, and received messages like this gem:
Tumblr media
on the flip side of that, if there is a sapphic ship in canon or fanon, it is often fetishized and sexualised to a disturbing degree. there will be double the amount of nsfw art and fics, and ninety percent of it will be derogatory and fetishized as hell. having been actively involved in several fandoms over the past few years (and currently a content creator in one), i’ve seen instances of all this hundreds of times. people go crazy for mlm ships, but the second you say you ship/prefer a wlw ship, there’s always someone at the ready with, “i think all ships are great!” or “it’s not a contest” or “i prefer [insert m/m or m/f ship] actually” or “they’re my brotp!/why can’t you just let them be friends?”. not only do lesbians and wlw not get to have any rep in media, any rep that they try to create for themselves in fandom just gets attacked or ruined. this is so detrimental not only to all wlw, but especially to younger wlw who will end up being indoctrinated into this belief that their sexuality is something dirty, something that can never be tender and sweet but rather something that deserves to be preyed upon. 
building on that, let’s talk about engagement. i run an instagram account (where i have a significantly bigger following) as well as this blog for my fandom, where i post the content i create (mainly text posts). when i first started creating content, i made a lot for a relatively unpopular wlw ship, in which both girls are canonically romantically involved with a dude—though one of them is canonically pan. their canonical m/f ships are both very popular, and i noticed that my engagement was dropping every time i posted them, so i eventually just stopped. it wasn’t even a conscious decision; i merely resigned myself to the fact that the fandom didn’t want to see sapphic ships, and some people would even go as far as to condemn them. for reference, my instagram posts get an average of about 500 likes per post (popular ones usually exceeding 1k), but when i post this ship, my engagement drops to about 250 likes. similarly, my tumblr text posts have an average of about 140 notes per post (popular ones usually reaching up to 750), but my wlw content rarely surpasses 100. this just feeds the cycle of wlw never getting rep: if, like me, content creators become disincentivised by the lack of engagement with their sapphic content, they’re more likely to stop making/posting it, leading to further lack of rep—and when new content creators try to rectify that, they face the same problems. 
and then, of course, there’s the treatment of actual wlw in fandom. my best example of this is when my friend and i made an anti account on instagram (the first instagram anti account in that fandom), our bio saying something like “salty and bitter lesbians being salty and bitter”, and received an onslaught of lesbophobic insults and threats from angry stans within hours. (tw: r*pe) one commenter even went as far as to tell us that they wanted us to get r*ped. as well as this, i’ve seen so many instances of people using slurs against lesbians in arguments/in anons, often for no apparent reason other than they feel that they have the right. when i first mentioned i was a lesbian on instagram, my account only had about 200 followers, and within a day i lost 20. i also lose followers whenever i post f/f ships, not quite to that extent but enough for it to be noticeable, on top of the aforementioned engagement dips. in the face of all this adversity, i think a lot of wlw turn to mlm ships because they’re the closest thing we have to actual rep, but when we do we get accused of fetishizing them by the same people who fetishize us. there’s an endless list of double standards that non-wlw have been upholding for years, and i can firmly say that i’m really fucking sick of it. because of our sexuality, we will never be allowed to enjoy something without someone labelling it or us as dirty or otherwise problematic, when to them, the only problematic thing about us is that we aren’t pleasing men. 
as i mentioned before, the lack of rep for wlw in media is appallingly consistent, and part of that stems from tokenism. in a lot of modern mainstream media, you’ll have one, maybe two lgbt characters, and nine times out of ten those characters are white cis male gays. of course, there are exceptions to this, but generally, that’s it. script writers and authors (especially cishets) seem to have this mentality of, “oh, well, we gave them one, that’s sure to be enough!”, which means that on the off chance you do get your gay rep, the likelihood of also receiving wlw or any other kind of rep becomes practically non-existant. this belief that all marginalized groups are the same and that one represents all is what leads to misrepresentation on top of lack of rep, which is what makes tokenism so dangerous. if you treat your only gay character badly, you are essentially treating every single gay person badly in that universe. so not only is lesbophobia and disdain for wlw harmful to sapphic women via their exclusion in media, it’s also harming those minorities who do get rep. when people try to defend lesbophobic source material, that’s when fandom starts to get toxic. the need for critical thinking has never been more apparent and it has also never been less appeased—and wlw are getting hit hard by it, as always.
finally, a pretty big driving factor of lesbophobia is, ironically, lesbians. my lesbian friends and i often joke that though everyone seems to hate us, no one hates lesbians more than lesbians do. though i’d say it’s most prevalent on tumblr, i see traces of it all over the internet. the growth of alt right lesbian movements is not only reinforcing hatred for lesbians, but also reinforcing hatred for bi and pan women. here you have these terrible lesbians using their platforms to express their disgust for bi/pan women, for aces and aros, for trans women/nb lesbians, and people see them and say, “gosh, lesbians are just awful.” and just like that, all of us are evil. occasionally, lesbian blogs that i follow get put on terf blocklists for no other reason than the fact that they have “lesbian” in their bio. and the lesbians that actually deserve to be on those blocklists? they’re too busy spewing misinformation about trans women and bi women to care, boosted up by their alt right friends in an ever-expanding movement. i’ve found that this heavily influences fandom on tumblr, lesbians often getting branded as “biphobic” when they hc a female character as a lesbian rather than bi or pan. this criticism of both lesbians and wlw by lesbians and non-wlw alike only ever allows lesbophobia to grow, both in and out of fandom. that said, lesbians aren’t to blame for their own discrimination; rather, many of us have been conditioned into subconsciously endorsing it after spending our entire lives hearing heterosexual platitudes about lesbians and sapphic relationships. homophobic cishets are and always have been the nexus of this oppression—the only difference is that now they can hide behind alt right lesbians.
one thing has been made apparent to me throughout my time in fandom, and that thing is that no one likes to see men “underrepresented”. people hate sapphic ships and lesbians so much because there is no room for men, and men Do Not Like That. so, like the worms that they are, they slither their way in, be it through fetishization or condemnation of wlw characters and ships, and they ruin whatever good things we have going for us. the thing about worms, though, is that they’re easy enough to crush if you’re wearing the right shoes.
so to all my bi/pan gals and lesbian pals: put on your doc martens, because we’ve got ourselves some lesbophobes to stomp on. 
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