#aphobia is real
yagikidd57 · 4 months
I just love when people tell me Acephobia/Aphobia is not real and when I describe some of my acephobic experiences, they go “that happens to every queer person though”, literally acknowledging the discrimination against ace spec people is real🤣🤦🏽‍♀️, that is the literal definition of aphobia/acephobia. Also I don’t get this argument when it’s another queer person because if they know what it feels like to be discriminated against because of their queerness, why would they do it to another queer person?😒🤔
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convolutedblasphemy · 20 days
Saw a big ace positivity post on Twitter and there was one aphobe in the replies who was like "if mental health institutions existed you'd all be in there 🤷🏻‍♀️" and I rolled my eyes and was ready to scroll on and then I stopped like wait wdym if mental health institutions existed??? What in the conspiracy is this????
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golden-haired-native · 2 months
I know the debate died down a while ago, yet I still constantly hear the rhetoric that aros are inherently un-queer and non-lgbt.
Yes, it is slightly different from the other queer identities due to the lack of attraction that is integral to the identity. Nonetheless, I will defend aros with all my might.
Just because it is “different” doesn’t mean it doesn’t belong in the community. Yes, it may be different because of the lack of attraction inherent to the identity and the disconnect from sexuality. And, that doesn’t matter. Not one bit. It diverges from the heteronormative and amatonormative.
I’ve seen people try and justify its exclusion by stating it is not discriminated against. They’re wrong. They couldn’t be any more wrong.
It faces discrimination like many other queer identities, but in different ways. It faces aphobia and prejudice, amatonormativity, and ignorance.
But that is beside the point, discrimination shouldn’t qualify you for queerness, your queerness does. Thus, aromanticism is a queer identity.
To further clarify, I define the word ‘queer’ as an identity that diverges from the normalities in today’s society surrounding gender and sexuality. And I’d be dense if I said that didn’t include aromanticism!
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kaibascorpse · 1 month
Can you shut up about transmascs and PLEASE ask yourself why no one besides trans men claim that trans androphobia exists
very funny receiving this ask considering i’ve literally only made one post specifically about transmascs in the past several months, and apparently that’s still too much for anon here.
anyway, trans men are not the only people who believe transandrophobia exists (case in point being that I myself am not a trans man, I’m nonbinary), but even if that were true, I think the answer is pretty obvious? like, considering the way you and many other people want everyone to “shut up about transmascs” and sweep our issues under the rug by pretending they don’t exist, obviously trans men + mascs are going to feel the need to speak up and advocate for ourselves. you’re literally saying “ummm why are the victims of this specific form of oppression the only people talking about it??” and acting like that’s some kind of ‘gotcha’ when it’s actually very easy to understand.
here’s some questions for you anon: have you asked yourself why you take such personal offense to a marginalized group trying to name their struggles? have you bothered to actually listen to what transmascs are saying? have you bothered to try and understand what transandrophobia actually is before attacking people for using a word you don’t like?
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Since aphobes (or just the one aphobe idk) decided to go ham in my inbox today I didn’t choose peace either
Good thing those peeps are a minority in the community tbh (I think...? I hope...? From what I know...?)
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aroace-ventplace · 4 months
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hey heads up there’s another post getting traction that people are using as an excuse to be shitty about aspecs. good blocklist in the notes if you have the strength for that (and if you dont just block the post itself)
good god first that poll and now this. ​are we in fucking 2015 again? singling out individual aspecs with badly-worded opinions to pass jugdment on an ENTIRE sexuality?
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ihhfhonao3 · 3 months
Aros and aces I know that everyone has for some reason decided to make us public enemy #1 again so I must remind you that you are valid, your identity is valid, you are whole on your own, and it is in your god-given right to listen to funky music while mass-blocking aphobes. It’s written in the constitution that you should do that, actually
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skeleton-bat · 2 months
If you actually think an ace aro person asking politely if someone is still an aphobe is a 0/10 interaction and not the massive hate and slurs thrown at lgbtq+ get help and a better perspective
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Since Tumblr spat some ace discourse onto my dash like it's 2014...
"Cishet aroace" is an oxymoron. If someone is both asexual and aromantic, they cannot be cisHET because they are neither heterosexual nor heteroromantic. They're not het so they're not cishet. Simple as.
Cishet asexuals can exist because they can still be cisgender and heteroromantic. Cishet aromantics can exist because they can still be cisgender and heterosexual. Cishet aces and cishet aros are real and can be referred to as such.
But there are no "cishet aroaces" because they're not het. If they're both asexual and aromantic, then they aren't attracted to the opposite gender in any way. And that's literally what the "het" in "cishet" means. It's short for "hetero." So you can't exclude aroaces from the LGBTQ+ community solely on the basis that they're cishet. You need to use an argument that doesn't hinge on aroaces being straight, because they're not.
I'm not saying that cishet aces or cishet aros are part of the LGBTQ+ community. I don't really care. I've yet to even encounter one, which makes me wonder if this discourse was ever really about them. The problem here is that people try to use the same argument for people who literally cannot be cishet.
Seeing posts about "cishet aroaces" following that "cishet aro man" poll is giving me psychic damage. Where is the "het" part coming from? You people literally made up a cishet aro to get mad at and then decided that everyone who is aro must also be cishet, even if they're also ace and therefore don't fit half of what that word means.
I've had people in my ask box on my main blog calling me cishet even though I'm openly an ace lesbian dating another girl. Again, where is the "het" part coming from? Does being ace magically make my attraction to other women straight?
Use your brains. Words have meanings, and "cishet" means "cis and het," not "anyone who is aro or ace, regardless of their other identities." Tumblr discourse has misused that word so much, I don't know how to refer to actual cishets without going out of my way to make it clear I mean actual cishets. It's so fucking annoying. You're changing the meaning of important terminology to make it fit whoever you want to exclude. I love this hellsite but sometimes I worry.
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buttered-milky · 4 months
Something I think about a lot:
When I came out to my parents (I am asexual and aromantic) one of their first tactics to try to scare me back into heteronormativity was asking “well who’s gonna take care of you when you’re older?!”
That one question highlights so much of what is wrong with individualistic, primarily isolated nuclear familial structures in western society. First of all, yes. If you go by that structure who is taking care of you when you’re older would be an issue if you never married or had kids, formed some sort of traditional family basically. Second of all, you don’t have to go by that structure. And yet no one seems to think of this?
My parents were baffled to hear me answer “my friends.”
“Friends don’t do all of that”
??? They do. They can at least and mine would. Maybe some people’s don’t, but mine would. They know they’re basically my family in all but the way society perceives us.
I don’t understand why people can’t accept deep care and affection outside of a romantic/sexual context. I am not worried about being alone when I’m older because I do not plan on having one (1) friend who is also my spouse and whom I am also therefore quite wholly reliant on/intertwined with.
“Who’s gonna take care of you when you’re older”
My community. My friends. All of the people I’ve loved and who love me. Good lord man you don’t have to be stuck with one fucking guy and then also the people you concocted together.
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yagikidd57 · 2 years
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vulpinesaint · 4 months
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(post in question is a bugs bunny image that says “i wish all cishet aro men a very you belong”)
wow! what a normal thing to say! what a regular well adjusted thing to put in the comments of someone’s posts! sure glad we’re not being fucking FREAKS right now. my fucking GOD! genuinely what the fuck is wrong with you
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saaraofthesand · 1 year
Hate how fans use aroacespec identities as a headcanon cop out when a character is anti-social or not human or that fan just doesn’t ship them w anyone etc etc. Hate hate hate hate. As if that’s just how it works. As if no arospec or acespec people have ever been interested in long-term monogamous (and yes even sexual) relationships in the history of time. “Your headcanon of x character marrying y character is invalid because I personally headcanon x as aroace.” “How can z be x character’s child? X is ace!” Yeah? What if rip your stupid little headcanon out of your weakass grip, huh? What if I throw it on the ground and stomp on it? Spit on it too? How about that?
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spoonbendersanonymous · 7 months
This is a post about sex-repulsed aces.
Sex favorable aces exist and are just as ace as any other asexual. You can be ace and have the nastiest sex possible 25 times every week. People will then try to use that to invalidate these aces and tell them that they're not really ace or that aces as a whole don't exist or whatever, which is stupid and is objectively wrong. Attraction doesn't equal action. I'm clarifying this now to establish that sex positive aces are perfectly valid and this is absolutely not an attack on them.
In addition to positivity posts addressed specifically to sex positive aces, it would just also be cool to see more about sex-repulsed aces. It would be cool to also have messages aren't that aren't almost always 'See, aces fuck nasty like everyone else.' While a lot of aces do, not all of us do and it feels like some people are incredibly weird about it.
Not every ace is going to be up to handing out water bottles and orange slices at an orgy (ref: that one really popular ace positivity post) because not all of us are comfortable being around that. This doesn't mean we're sex negative or antisexual or want people to never ever have sex again because it's immoral or impure. It literally just means we're not comfortable being around something super explicitly sexual.
It also doesn't mean we'll burst into flames and die at the mention of one thing that's vaguely sexual, or that we're inhuman robots incapable of feeling anything, or that we're sick and need to be treated for something mentally or physiologically dysfunctional, or that we're innocent little children with no idea how anything in the world works, or that we're superhuman angels of purity that exist to make everyone who does like sex feel bad, or that we're inherently queerphobic bigots that think that queer sex is nasty and should never be depicted ever, or that we're inherently against people having kinks and think anything like that is perverted and deviant.
I've seen a lot of shit, a lot of it from inside the queer community, that's just blatant aphobia directed specifically at aces they don't like or understand. Aphobia of any kind towards any of us hurts all of us. I understand that a lot of the above beliefs are also often unconscious biases because of how society is built on the perception of sex as mandatory for everyone, but for the love of god PLEASE just recognize that sex repulsed aces are just people like everyone else. If you don't understand, ask legitimate questions in a respectful manner. If you're in a situation that involves sexual stuff and someone you're with is uncomfortable, let them have a way out of it like you should for literally everyone regardless of identity. My point is that we're people who want to be treated like people and it would be nice for sex-repulsed aces to also get some recognition sometimes.
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voids-cave · 13 days
"Shipping characters who've explicitly said they don't wan't a partner is aphobic"
"Well- I'm asexual and I ship-"
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lnkedmyheart · 7 months
Hi can we stop accusing people who ship their faves romantically of aphobia? Cause it's really silly and as an aroace bitch I get serious second hand embarrassment everytime someone whips out the aphobia card to drag people who like romantic shipping of characters.
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