#aryan invasion
meluhha · 1 year
Oraon claimed that they were settled in Gujurat, then they were expelled from there. Then they settled in Kalinjar, where they fought with Lowrik Sowrik of Palipiri and were defeated. Then they came to Rohtasgarh and were driven out by Muslims during the reign of Akbar. Then they settled in Chotanagpur. According to Dalton, Oraon were settled in Chotanagpur before the reign of Akbar and possibly some Oraon were in Rohtas hills when Rohtasgarh fort was constructed by Muslims. According to him the Oraon language is similar to Tamil, but some words spoken by Oraon are of Sanskrit origin due to their living with Sanskrit and Prakrit speaking people in the past
Kurukh/Oraon ppl of the eastern/central hills of India & of the Kol uprising
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metamatar · 8 months
here's some contextual reading on what the hindu right's recent fixations with history are by marxist historian irfan habib.
this is a layman's overview of the scientific discourses that hindutva seeks to discredit
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shut-up-rabert · 1 year
Do you think the Aryan Invasion Theory is true? I watching Mahabharata (star plus) and they kept using Aryavarta which reminded me of the Aryan race that Hilter used and so I did a little research and obviously he had no idea what he was talking about but what I found on the theory was a bit unsettling. I always believed that Hinduism/Sanskrit/Vedas originated in India (Indus Valley) but this theory seems to have genetic research to support it and it set off my whole belief system and gave me an identity crisis for some reason
Well, I am not really big on this theory because it has zilch proof to it as far as I have seen, only theories.
A simplified take on the same is the Indian Express article on Rakhigarhi excavation.
Other than that, there was this lengthy India Today article on the same excavation that gave me a headache because it won’t go to the fucking point, but I suppose it is in favour of the theory? I don’t know man, it’s fucking long and I did not read it all, just understood that IVC people from 4500 were native and that apparently we have outsider DNA.
There is no proof of any migration other than those based on change in genetic make up, a more plausible theory of which I explain later.
The interesting thing is, that the said Aryan invasion Theory first pinned us to be central asians from 1500BC and now we are Iranian farmers. It completely ignores the fact that Indians have little genes in common with Europeans who we supposedly come from moreso with South Indians (and I mean much more, we have almost the same gene combination except a few), and seems as if the India today article, based on the same premise of “Aryans had this one gene (r1 to be more specific) common with Iranians that Indus people did not have” fails to realise that people from the northwest of Indian subcontinent can have common genes with the bordering land for other reasons aswell because no shit sherlock, people fuck💀
I mean, how else do you explain the much higher genetic connection to south indians?
Another factor they use for the theory is the simultaneous developement of modern day Hinduism and Zorastrianism, but that too can be chalked upto influence rather than migration, given that Hinduism is actually older by a little margin (oldest living religion) and for the theory to be true, the migration should have gone westward instead.
Heck, the influence thing can easily exclude the theory altogther, because Iran is close to what are now the areas of IVC, and them slowly influencing the culture during or after IVC when they became more civil, (in 4000BC) or us doing the same, or even intermixing of the two will make more sense than AIT.
The migration of these Aryans cannot be proven otherwise aswell because there lies no proof for same. Literally none. The archeologist in the India today article and few others uphold it yet are unable to prove it beyond circumstantial evidence that makes more sense when turned against the theory rather than its favour, like the Iranian thing I mentioned. It might also very well be a migration to eastwards in Hind from the western part, because the Vedas were written before the supposed “Vedic Aryan invaders” happened and they are clearly neither Monotheistic nor Tribal, and align more with the Indic religions, so I digress they came from Central Asia or Iran.
Plus, the Vedas were written by the "aryans" on banks of saraswati, and the saraswati dried up centuries before they "destroyed IVC and took over". Another interesting thing is that Saraswati flew through the IVC sooooo.... yeah, maybe it all can be summed up to people fucking🫠
The thing is, we are locals, this culture was very much developed here on this land. Vedas, Sanskrit, Sanatan, there is a reason you do not see traces of them elsewhere, and I am certain this theory is BS because of the little I have read, because it has nothing to prove for itself.
But other than that, this particular subject was never of my interest because of how lengthy it was, and I fucking sucked at history, so may I suggest asking others who do think of this topic as often. I only know @tiananmen-square-orgy to be my nerdy mutual on this topic, and if finnie cannot help you I'll try geting you connected to a friend who is not on tumblr yet can help becuase of his extensive knowledge.
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gemsofindology · 4 months
Horse Rockart in Pandavahara Gumpha, Khurda, Odisha
Horse Rockart in Pandavahara Gumpha, Khurda, Odisha is a powerful testament against the fake Aryan Invasion Theory. Its survival now hinges on combating rampant mining activities. #Archaeology
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My Grimoire Research Library
this is a list of my major resource I've referenced/am currently referencing in my big grimoire project. For books I'll be linking the Goodreads page, for pdfs, websites and videos i'll link them directly.
There are plenty of generalised practitioner resources that can work for everyone but as I have Irish ancestry and worship Hellenic deities quite a few of my resources are centred around Celtic Ireland, ancient Greece and the Olympic mythos. If you follow other sects of paganism you are more than welcome to reblog with your own list of resources.
Parts of my grimoire discuss topics of new age spiritualism, dangerous conspiracy theories, and bigotry in witchcraft so some resources in this list focus on that.
Apollodorus - The Library of Greek Mythology
Astrea Taylor - Intuitive Witchcraft
Dee Dee Chainey & Willow Winsham - Treasury of Folklore: Woodlands and Forests
John Ferguson - Among The Gods: An Archaeological Exploration of Ancient Greek Religion
Katharine Briggs - The Fairies in Tradition and Literature
Kevin Danaher - The Year in Ireland: Irish Calendar Customs
Laura O'Brien - Fairy Faith in Ireland
Lindsey C. Watson - Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome
Nicholas Culpeper - Culpeper's Complete Herbal
Plutarch - The Rise and Fall of Athens: Nine Greek Lives
R.B. Parkinson - A Little Gay History: Desire and Diversity Around the World
Rachel Patterson - Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness
Raleigh Briggs - Make Your Place: Affordable & Sustainable Nesting Skills
Robin Wall Kimmerer - Braiding Sweetgrass
Ronald Hutton - The Witch: A History of Fear in Ancient Times
Rosemary Ellen Guiley - The Encyclopaedia of Witches and Witchcraft
Thomas N. Mitchell - Athens: A History of the World's First Democracy
Walter Stephens - Demon Lovers: Witchcraft S3x and the Crisis of Belief
Yvonne P. Chireau - Black Magic: Religion and The African American Conjuring Tradition
Anti Defamation League - Hate on Display: Hate Symbols Database
Brandy Williams - White Light, Black Magic: Racism in Esoteric Thought
Cambridge SU Women’s Campaign - How to Spot TERF Ideology 2.0.
Blogs and Websites
Anti Defamation League
B. Ricardo Brown - Until Darwin: Science and the Origins of Race
Dr. S. Deacon Ritterbush - Dr Beachcomb
Folklore Thursday
Freedom of Mind Resource Centre - Steven Hassan’s BITE Model of Authoritarian Control
Institute for Strategic Dialogue
Royal Horticultural Society
The Duchas Project -National Folklore Collection
Vivienne Mackie - Vivscelticconnections
YouTube Videos
ContraPoints - Gender Critical
Emma Thorne Videos - Christian Fundie Says Halloween is SATANIC!
Owen Morgan (Telltale) - The Source Of All Conspiracies: A 1902 Document Called "The Protocols"
The Belief it or Not Podcast - Ep. 40 Satanic Panic, Ep 92. Wicca
Wendigoon - The Conspiracy Theory Iceberg
Other videos I haven't referenced but you may still want to check out
Atun-Shei Films - Ancient Aryans: The History of Crackpot N@zi Archaeology
Belief It Or Not - Ep. 90 - Logical Fallacies
Dragon Talisman - Tarot Documentary (A re-upload of the 1997 documentary Strictly Supernatural: Tarot and Astrology)
Lindsay Ellis - Tracing the Roots of Pop Culture Transphobia
Overly Sarcastic Productions - Miscellaneous Myths Playlist
Owen Morgan (Telltale) - SATANIC PANIC! 90s Video Slanders Satanists | Pagan Invasion Saga | Part 1
ReignBot - How Ouija Boards Became "Evil" | Obscura Archive Ep. 2
Ryan Beard - Demi Lovato Promoted a R4cist Lizard Cult
Super Eyepatch Wolf - The Bizarre World of Fake Psychics, Faith Healers and Mediums
Weird Reads with Emily Louise -The Infamous Hoaxes Iceberg Playlist
Wendigoon - The True Stories of the Warren Hauntings: The Conjuring, Annabelle, Amityville, and Other Encounters
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mutant-distraction · 6 months
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3 thousands years old Figures from Marlik Civilization North of Iran Before the Invasion Of Aryan Ethnics
it is noticeable these Figures have 6 Fingers and Toes
Our telegram channel: https://t.me/iahaofficial
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fanonical · 5 months
okay, so here's the thing with the daleks.
the daleks are nazis. like, that's not subtext, that's not implication, it is literally text. in the fourth doctor serial genesis of the daleks, one of the major kaled bad guys wears a literal actual iron cross as part of his costume, and in their debut, the daleks, they are presented as being fascists determined to completely exterminate the thals from existing, seemingly just because they were thals. hell, the story makes note of the fact that the attractive blonde thals are seen as being hideous and mutated by both them and the daleks - deliberately subverting the nazi ideal of the 'perfect aryan' look.
terry nation, the creator of the daleks, had an fixation on nazis. he lived during world war two, and the idea keeps cropping up in his work. daleks want everyone to be like them, daleks think they are 'superior' and are the 'masters' of the universe. notably, the images of a deserted, abandoned london in the next dalek serial, dalek invasion of earth, are based on fears of a nazi occupation of london. this would have been clearer to adult viewers in the 1960s, who would themselves have been around for world war two, and would be familiar with the ideology and attitudes to it.
so we have this bad guy who wants to exterminate all other species because they are different to the daleks, and see themselves as superior. the trouble is that, while this can make them scary as villains, it does force writers into a corner where individual daleks cannot really have their own personalities. daleks are meant to all be the same, that's part of their thing. but that means that we can't have character exploration for any dalek characters, they are one-note evil bastards. they also don't have faces, so they will always be inherently inhuman to the viewer
enter davros. now we have a charismatic leader for the daleks, one who has a face and can emote, and one the audience can identify as a person. but that starts to take a little bit away from what makes the daleks scary. they're all the same, apart from this one guy, who is either superior to the superior race or is somehow meant to lead them. he's a person, he has frailties. he can be silly and campy
the thing with the daleks is that they sometimes fall over into being just generic movie monsters, rather than specifically fascists, and i think this evolution from being very clear metaphors to just another monster is interesting
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hindulivesmatter · 4 months
I used to think Hinduism could be reformed but seeing y’all sanatanis clownery has me convinced that only Periyar-style radical atheism can help this country. Y’all are the damn problem
We should shift to "Periyar-style radical atheism"..... Right....
E.V.Ramaswami (aka Periyar) was honestly what I'd call a Hinduphobic, perverted idiot. What he preached bordered on the verge of insanity to the point where Jawaharlal Nehru called him a lunatic. Former Tamil Nadu chief ministers late C.N.Annadurai and M.G.Ramachandran, who were once close supporters of Periyar, had parted company with him later because of his unjust and unethical policies and behaviour.
But, my apologies, his teachings are the only thing that can help this country, hmm?
Let's look at some fun facts about him, shall we?
Some things Ramaswami did:
Paraded naked idols of gods and goddesses.
Married his own daughter. His second wife was his adopted daughter. Wow.
Used every opportunity to condemn the Hindu Gods and ridicule Hindu customs and traditions, while keeping a steady silence on Islam and Christianity.
Organised a procession in Salem in Tamil Nadu with big cutouts of Ram, Sita and Hanuman garlanded with slippers.
Reportedly used to tell his followers that if they encountered Brahmin and a snake on the road, they should kill the Brahmin first.
Was very pro British. He wanted the British to rule India and didn’t join the independence moment
Was responsible for starting reverse casteism against the minority brahmin community in the Hindu fold
Was a firm believer of Aryan invasion theory
This is the man you want to follow. This man has absolutely no respect for the religion you wish to see "reformed".
And we're the clowns? Please. Literally all we have asked for is to stop the destruction of our temples and respect our history and culture, and you fuckers take that as a personal insult.
If us speaking of about history and all the crimes that have been committed us makes you uncomfortable, maybe you're the damn problem.
Take your Hinduphobic ass somewhere else, and let us live in peace, you dickhead.
[Exhibit 43]
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memories-of-ancients · 11 months
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The Non-German defenders of the Atlantic Wall,
In 1942 Germany began construction of the Atlantic Wall in order to defend its territorial conquests from a possible Allied amphibious invasion.  The wall consisted of various fortifications, mines, tank barriers, mortars, artillery pieces, machine gun nests, pillboxes, and bunkers, and was designed to fend off a beach landing. On June 6th, 1944 Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy and quickly overran these defenses.  Thousands of German soldiers were captured, but surprisingly many of those captured were not German at all.
At the very beginning of the war Germany upheld its Nazi belief in pure Aryanism, believing themselves to be the superior super race. However as the war dragged on, that sentiment gave way as casualties grew, manpower shortages worsened, and it was becoming clearer that Germany was losing to the Allies. Both the Wehrmacht and the SS began to accept foreign volunteers with many of these foreign troops being sent to garrison the defenses of the Atlantic Wall.  These soldiers came from all over Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.  
The reasons for volunteering were varied, some political, many as a necessity for survival.  By far the most numerous foreign volunteers were those from the Soviet Union. Some volunteered because they were disgruntled with Soviet rule, for example the Russian Liberation Army which joined the Wehrmacht to oppose communism in Russia. However most volunteered as an alternative to spending the rest of the war as a POW.  Soviet POWs were treated terribly during the war. Often the Germans dealt with Soviet POWs by erecting open air prisons in which thousands would be confined. Thousands would be forced into the prison, where they would be exposed to elements, given little food, and basically be left to die of starvation, disease, or exposure.
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During the war, around 3.5 million Soviets prisoners would die in these camps or in concentration camps. For many Soviet POWs, service with the German Army was the only way to avoid such a horrible fate. Typically, these troops were often not very reliable in combat as they were not very motivated to sacrifice life and limb for their conquerors. In some cases they proved to by a grave liability, such as the case of a battalion of soldiers from Georgia which manned the Atlantic Wall defenses on the Dutch island of Texel, who in 1945 openly revolted against the Germans.
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One notable extreme was the Indian Legion, also known as the Azad Regiment, which consisted of volunteers from India who believed that a German victory would secure India’s independence from the British Empire. 
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As well as many thousands of foreign volunteers, there were also many thousands of foreign conscripts who were forcibly made to serve in the German Army.
By far the most numerous conscripts were Polish.  Before World War I many parts of Poland had been a part of Prussia, and later the German Empire. When Germany re-conquered these territories they considered many of the people living there to be ethnic Germans.  As such, they were considered full citizens of the Reich and thus were subject to German draft laws.  Many still believed themselves to be German and thus were willing to fight for the German cause, however many spoke Polish, had adopted Polish customs, and identified themselves as Polish. Regardless, refusing to obey the draft laws could result in serious consequences, not only for the individual but his family as well. Around 500,000 Polish were conscripted into the Wehrmacht, with many serving on the Atlantic Wall. Like the Soviets, the Polish also were not the best soldiers for Germany as they were often unwilling to fight for their taskmasters. Around 85,000 would defect to the Free Polish Forces during the Normandy invasion and subsequent advance to Paris. In addition to Polish Troops, a number of Czechs considered ethnic Germans would be conscripted as well. In the 1998 film Saving Private Ryan this is demonstrated in a scene in which two "German" soldiers are surrendering to a pair of American soldiers. The Americans mock them before gunning them down. What many viewers may not relize is that they were not Germans, but Czechs, and were shouting in Czech that they were Czechs who didn't kill anyone, and just wanted to surrender.
By far the most interesting extreme in this instance were a group of Koreans who were captured by American forces during the D-Day invasion. For three decades Japan had occupied Korea, and the men were forcibly conscripted into the Japanese Imperial Army. In 1939 Japan attempted to invade the Soviet Union through Mongolia, but were badly beaten at the Battle of Khalkhin Gol. The Koreans were captured and sent to the gulags, but with the German invasion of the Soviet Union, were then forced to join the Red Army and fight on the Eastern Front.  They were then captured by the Germans, conscripted into the German Army, and forced to man the defenses of the Atlantic Wall at Normandy.
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Overall, one in six defenders of the Atlantic Wall were not German. Nothing demonstrates the diversity of these defenders more than the photo below of a group Wehrmacht soldiers captured during D-Day
Front Row (from left to right):  a Yugoslav; an Italian; a Turk; Polish
Back Row (from left to right): a German; a Czech; a Russian who was forced into the army when the Nazis occupied his town; and a Mongolian.
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meluhha · 1 year
Alexander Balwinder Iskander Jaswinder
ever wonder why Punjabi names end in -nder or rather, why that isn’t unique to Punjabi?
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scotianostra · 2 months
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2nd March 1938 saw the arrest by MI5 of Jessie Jordan, the Dundee hairdresser who would later be convicted as a spy for Nazi Germany.
It is thought Jessie allied with the Nazis in order to get her daughter officially recognised as being of true Aryan descent — something that hadn’t happened previously because of Jessie’s illegitimate birth. She had been married to a German and lived there for several years until they divorced in 1937 when she returned home.
She was a low-level agent, and in addition to handling mail from America, she compiled a map of coastal defences between Montrose and North Berwick, which she had planned to pass on to Germany.
However, one of her colleagues, who had grown suspicious of Jessie, discovered the map — and when Dundee police began investigating, they realised MI5 were already on her trail.
A letter forwarded to Hamburg by Jessie was marked with her address, which allowed the investigation to convict her and track down other Nazi agents in America.
A New York spy ring was rumbled by the FBI off the back of her mistakes — marking the first time the US and the UK had worked together on intelligence at a time when the two nations still actively spied on each other.
She was paid with £5 notes which at the time were still uncommon — it would be like one of our £100 notes today. The serial numbers on them allowed you to trace it through the system and so they were able to find the bank in the Netherlands where they had been withdrawn by the Germans.
She wasn’t much of a spy. She left a trail of evidence, but she only had around a week of training. She was very quickly found out in art by one of the women who worked in the hairdressers, Mary Curran.
The entire tale, encompassing Jessie’s arrest right up to the conviction of the New York spies, was dramatized in 1939 for the Warner Brothers’ film Confessions of a Nazi Spy. It was the first Hollywood film to strongly criticise Hitler’s regime and sparked a change in the way Americans perceived Germany prior to the Second World War.
She was found guilty of espionage and in May 1939 was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment. She was initially sent to Saughton Prison, during which time she became unwell and underwent an invasive operation that included a sub-total hysterectomy. When the Second World War started, she was transferred to Aberdeen Prison.
During her time in prison, Jordan was described by her Dundee solicitor J. R. Bond as “a model prisoner, who showed off her needlework and exhibited no interest in an appeal.” Bond further noted that “she is not in the least depressed.” As a result of this good behaviour, Jordan was granted early release in 1941, but was immediately arrested and interned as an enemy alien. She remained in this internment throughout the war, and after the war ended she was deported to Germany. Jordan died in Hamburg in 1954.
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"It's not how white men fight"
Bro, do you know how brutal the Indo-European invasions were? They wrote religious texts describing the Aryan invasion of India as a conflict between gods. The Scythians used to sacrifice captives to their nameless war God. The Celts drowned Roman soldiers in bogs. The Romans crucified people. You gotta get over this idea that war has rules of good conduct. Stop sympathizing with the enemy.
Remember what Brennus said: "Vae Victus! Woe to the vanquished!"
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metamatar · 7 months
Is Aryan migration historical fact? Yk even Ambedkar didn’t believe in racial theory of caste 😐
Yes it is, near verified by historical, linguistic, anthropological and a genetic record.
Neither do I, subscribing to Aryan migration does not mean race as caste in any way unless you you believe that migrations of any form result in racial violence and domination. It doesn't even follow that that such violence manifests as the caste system and maps to racial violence. There isn't even a need to believe in the coherence of Aryans as a racial group to accept that their were migrations of Indo European peoples bringing horses into the subcontinent. Ambedkar's reservations on the acceptance of Aryan Migration were founded in a time where the hypothesis was called Aryan Invasion, and deployed often as a defense of Aryan and Brahmin superiority over indigenous others. The Hindu right now refutes Aryan Migration because they want sole claim to Indian history.
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on the Aryan Invasion and the Emergence of the Caste System in India by Arvind Sharma at https://www.jstor.org/stable/4139922?seq=22
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h2-so-4 · 2 months
AIT or Aryan Invasion Theory (debunked): A superior "race" of white, horse-riding Aryans invaded the areas of the inferior and primitive Indus Valley population, which included the Dravidians (but actually no one said that the IVC was a pure, dark-skinned Dravidian civilization so idk where that idea came from), and civilized them.
AMT or Aryan Migration Theory: A group of usually horse and chariot-riding nomads and pastoralists usually called the Aryans migrated from the Indo-Iranian region to India and mingled PEACEFULLY with the population of the late Indus Valley population (who were already highly advanced, as we know), by which time the IVC was beginning to collapse, possibly due to change of climate and rain patterns (still not sure yet), and hence the people were abandoning these settlements spreading across the subcontinent. These Indo-Aryans on arriving mixed with this population and shared their genetics, art and culture with each other, which led to the introduction of Sanskrit and Vedic culture in India.
To any leftist who keep regurgitating the former busted myth, please stop. You look stupid. And to any rightist who keep using AMT as AIT to debunk it, they're not the same. These two theories have a sky-ground difference.
The previous one makes Aryans look evil. That they were some high-level royalty who invaded India. But, in fact, they were regular people, regular migrants, just how every migration used to happen 3000-4000 years ago. Like I said, most of them were nomadic settlers.
Sure, later on, the varna system came into existence and this was the beginning of a hierarchical structure in India for the first time (since during the IVC there wasn't any sort of social hierarchy according to current sources). But who's to say it was ONLY the Aryans? Remember. They're NOT a race. They're a particular group of people. And by the time the varna system was introduced already a hell lotta intermixing had happened. Hence it wasn't JUST the Aryans (history and especially anthropological and genetic history is not that black and white LMFAO), because it was a term for 'noble', not some kinda "righteous clan" or something. Idk why people keep thinking of it as a race lol. I thought that was already debunked with the AIT.
As for the indigeneity of the Aryans, technically no one is indigenous. Many of the adivasi and non-adivasi tribes came AFTER the Indus Valley Civilization. So the "who came first" logic doesn't really work at all. (There might've been many that came before as well, who knows. Point is, again, it's all a migration salad at the end of the day)
indigenous (adjective)
originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native:
This is the Google definition of indigenous. If we take THIS into account, there would be SEVERAL groups of people involved, instead of just one, like the IVC people, a few of the oldest nomadic tribes, mixed Indo-Aryans, etc. But I'm not gonna call ANYONE indigenous, or not indigenous. Because guess what, none of the humans are really indigenous to any place apart from the African continent. Also the Aryan migration led to the rise of a LOT of genetic subgroups, which was a key factor in leading to the most confusing anthropological history of the Indian subcontinent. It has a fuck ton of genetic markers and groups and subgroups, it's wildly confusing and historians are still trying to figure out every kind of intermixing that has happened. So STOP fighting over who is indigenous or not LMAO. Because guess what, we can never truly assert the indigeneity of a migrant species such as humans. (Yes we do call Native Americans the indigenous people of Americas, or the aboriginals the indigenous people of Australia and the Australasian archipelago, but they were also migrants at some point of time. Now before anyone says I'm disregarding the indigeneity of these groups, I'm not. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't CARE who's indigenous and who's not, because unlike the case of Americas and the Australasian islands, Aryans didn't INVADE India. They were simply another set of migrants, JUST like the IVC people, who also came from the middle-eastern region, and JUST like the adivasi tribes, who migrated from mostly the African and Australasian regions, probably, not sure again.)
I'll link the genetic studies done below because they explain it all way better than I can (and these research papers may also correct some of the incorrect statements I might've unnoticeably or ignorantly made in my own paragraphs so yeah):
Hence, at the end of the day, idk why we're banging our heads on the walls over ONE SIMPLE MIGRATION, which was NOTHING DIFFERENT THAN ANY OTHER MIGRATION. Migrations happen ALL THE TIME. Get over it, BOTH the sides of the political wings, and live in harmony lmao. The Aryans and Dravidians AREN'T RACES. They were just certain groups of REGULAR ass people jeez.
History is a complex subject, and the more evidence we find, the more we would know about our past. I have literally nothing against any of the political wings, but I do want to keep the current theories (which are NOT synonymous to hypotheses btw) and facts straight. I'm once again not saying these facts will never change, because that's not how history works. Maybe in the future, we might find out something completely different about India's past. But remember, whenever we talk about our country's past, we should keep it unbiased, unopinionated, and definitely factual and objective, without including our own views (both political and personal) into it. Interpretations? Sure. But they should remain at ONLY interpretations at best, and only the solid evidences should be claimed as facts.
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pigeonflavouredcake · 2 years
Atlantis's connections to Antisemitism
CW: ww2 n4z1s, antisemitism.
I'm at the point where i'm writing up my grimore section on the dangers of conspiracy theories, I just finished my page on starseeds and now i'm on to Atlantis. I originally wrote this as just a point in a previous post but I wanted to share my findings here with y'all.
Atlantis's Origins
So in my previous post i labelled the topic as Atlantis origins in antisemitism, that was incorrect. Atlantis was first told as a story by philosopher Plato in 360 B.C as an analogy for hubris and served as a comparison to Athens. in the story, the city was founded by demigods and formed a utopia taking advantage of the abundant resources on the Atlantean islands and became a great naval power. The city eventually grew too powerful and it's people too arrogant; it fell out of favour with the gods and was then destroyed and sunk into the Atlantic Ocean.
A Dangerous Snowball
The popularisation of the Atlantis story in our current times came from the n4z1 group the Ahnenerbe during ww2 (who also popularised many other modern conspiracy theories like ancient aliens and the ice wall) but that's not where the snowball started.
In the 18th century, french astronomer Jean-Slyvain Bailey centralized the Atlantis myth to the, also, mythical continent of Hyperborea a reoccurring location in ancient Greek stories.
Helena Blavatski a Russian-German Aristocrat, theosopher and Neo-Platonist was inspired by this idea and reshaped it to fit into her book The Secret Doctrine (a pseudo-scientific book that was popular among occultist and esoterics, that also included N4z1s. This book provided the n4z1 party with mythical precedent for their ideology and became the foundation of the Ahnenerbe, founded by Heinrich Himler, the man directly responsible for orchestrating the death of 11 million people.
Also overseen by Richard Walter Dava the man who coined the whyte nationalist phrase "blut und bogen" (blood and soil) and Herman Wirth, author of another pseudoscience book: The Rise of Mankind: An investigation into the religion, symbolism and writing of the Atlantic nordic race. This book was about the pre-history of the fictional Atlantis but this time populated by a race of hyperborean nordic superhumans.
The Devastating Effects
This book formulated the idea between the Ahnenerbe group that when Atlantis was mysteriously destroyed the survivors went on to populate the continent of Europe and the Mediterranean. Those people then went on to develop the cities and architecture of Greece and Rome and Egypt etc.
The job of the Ahnenerbe then was to go around the world looking for evidence of this ancient "Aryan Master race" (aka begging the question) in order to justify the invasion of those countries.
Thousands upon thousands of people lost their lives during this time and hundreds of cultures lost parts of their history to the Ahnenerbe some of which were completely destroyed in raids.
I think this information is important because Atlantis is such a popular tool in media we need to know what affect it had on our history.
Nobody is immune to antisemitism.
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hindulivesmatter · 4 months
I used to a staunch leftist tbh but your blog and other hindublr blogs that post about hindu related stuff, have honestly forced me to question my belief - where I am standing, who's voice I am echoing.
I'm still coming to terms with the whole casteism thing, then (now disproven) Aryan invasion theory, white-washing of history.
It makes you ask yourself, why was it done so? What was its purpose?
Welcome to the club! Once you open your eyes, you can never see things the same way ever again.
Hinduism as a religion, has been hurt and erased repeatedly by colonizers. There were two main invasions. The Mughal and British empire. Islam and Christianity. It was absolutely brutal. The erasure of our culture, our temples and libraries was heartbreaking. They slipped lies and fake facts about our religion to the rest of the world, and created unsavoury opinions.
All because we refused to worship one single god like theirs. Allah or Jesus. They hated us. We are called idolators, cow worshippers and backward. But we remain placid because Hinduism really is a religion of peace.
All this secularism bullshit is only seen in India, a country with a Hindu majority, because these days, we are really just people pleasers. I can bet you wouldn't see the remotest form of secularism, forget secularism, even tolerance isn't found in Muslim-majority countries.
When you start seeing the influence of Muslims in India, its shocking. Its insidious how many turn a blind eye to the pain we went through. How much they scream and rage when the mere fact is noticed that our temples were struck down and mosques were erected in their place. We are not allowed to mourn our past. How much disrespect Hindus have for their own religion, while Muslims base their whole life around their faith and any criticism equals death. But Hinduphobia is seen as deserved.
Always question what you read, because what we're being fed by the media is always poisoned.
[Exhibit 45]
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