#as soon as Lyra showed up
caparrucia · 2 years
Me reading comments as people get to "Gramps":
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dias-writing-corner · 10 months
I keep thinking abt yandere ticci Toby that started off as childhood friends.
You meet him through his sister as the 2 of you were good friends long before you meet her brother. And sure you’ve heard Lyra mention how her brother is being bullied and about his  Tourette’s through the school grapevine but you’ve never actually met the kid or even really seen him outside of pics or from afar.
Anyways when you meet him he’s this shy and awkward kid who’s a year or so under you and Lyra. But you don’t judge him for his Tourette’s or anything, you’ve always been a kind person like that. As you hang out with the two of them he starts getting this silly little puppy crush on you and Lyra teases both of you - separately - about it. But you blow her off as you just see him as a little brother.
Soon Lyra gets into her accident and dies. Leaving a hole in both yours and Toby’s lives and hearts. You spend more time with each other trying to remember her, you bring him homework he missed from staying home after her death and start to notice he’s more erratic with his behavior. Prone to outbursts or even aggressive behavior towards you. You can’t stand his self harm - even if he doesn’t feel what he’s doing to his hands - and he snaps at you when you press the issue too much. After you leave each time he lashes out at you Toby feels bad and beats himself up, after all he’s lost his sister, he doesn’t want to lose you as well.
But he eventually becomes so overcome with grief and anger he goes through with the murder of his step dad and burning the house down. And Slenderman wipes his memory of everything before his moment of retribution.
You notice the flames on your way to give him the latest bit of homework. Pressing harder on the gas until you stop your car in front of the building house, leaving the car you run up to the caution tape set up by police and the fire department. Falling to your knees in grief as you sob and scream his name, one arm covering your face as the other holds onto your opposite shoulder in a desperate attempt to comfort yourself.
Years have passed yet you still hold onto the 2 Polaroids of your dearly departed friends. One was yours originally, the second was Lyra’s and the third that was Toby’s was assumed to have burned in the fire. The Polaroids were of a day you all went out and got ice cream and had fun like kids, one of the last times that happened before Lyra’s death.
Anyways you’d be well into college, perhaps junior or senior year? Focusing on studies has been hard for the past few months due to feeling like you’re being watched constantly. And quite honestly it’s starting to affect your grades. So you go out to the woods, to a part where the hiking path leads to a small clearing with one or two picnic tables. Settling down at one with your books and notes you try to let the sounds of the woods envelope you in peace and quiet to focus. Only for it to get a little too quiet and set off that feeling of being watched once more.
After a while you realize you’re not going to get much of anything done like this. You try to leave but as you get to the start of the path that leads home you find yourself stuck to a tree. Back digging into the harsh bark of the tree, a strange man with orange tinted goggles over the eyes and a strange mask covering the lower part of the face. You can hear the man breathe heavy, only one arm of his presses into you and holds you still.
Something in you tells you to keep quiet, an almost primal urge to make yourself as small as possible. You try to shrink into the tree behind you. Noticing the 2 deadly weapons fastened onto his hips, a small whimper escapes you as tears form in your eyes. He reaches down into his pocket and brings out a folded piece of film, unfolding it and showing you it. It’s crumpled around the edges and worn but you can still make out the smiling faces of a young Lyra Toby and you.
“H-how do you have that? It should’ve burned…” you ask in astonishment as tears threaten to fall from your eyes at the memories of your deceased friends.
The man’s neck twitches so hard you worry it’d snap, he doesn’t say anything and just points at young you in the picture. You nod your head and say “ye-yes that’s me..” assuming that’s what the man was asking. Using his free hand he tugs the goggles off his face and lets them rest in the messy brown hair atop his head.
Eyes crinkled in a sort of joy or maybe excitement as he finally speaks up. “F-f-found yo-ou”
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kanekoii · 7 months
luxiem + ren, doppi and kyo reacting to a new kouhai whos model is Arlecchino from GI but she just ends up being the softest, sweetest and most innocent girl ever
lyra's notes -> another reader gender change but ouggghh arle...once she comes out i might retire my dps qiqi...(i havent seen any leaks abt her kit but arle is hot so im sorry qiiq)
pairings -> luxiem + ren zotto, doppio dropscythe, kyo kaneko x gn! reader
genre -> scenario, fluffy, a tiny bit of crack
song -> sorry i got nothing for this one
warnings -> a tiny bit of pining
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he thinks it's so funny, like he laughed so hard when he heard your voice for the first time. and he thinks your voice is adorable too! from your model and channel's theme alone, one would assume you're the mean and intimidating type. but nope, you're a total sweetheart and vox adores that. you're pretty innocent too, so some of his pick up lines will go right over your head and it's ADORABLE when he sees you get confused about some of the things he says.
he tries his best not to laugh when you say especially sweet and innocent things. he really tries but it's adorable and hilarious. your model is so intimidating and a little scary looking, but as soon as you start talking, that facade melts and shows how much of a sweetheart you are! especially in collab streams before everyone knows you super well, it's adorable to hear your sweet voice in contrast to your intimidating model.
he’s supposed to be intimidating too, so the both of you together is plain adorable! people will draw your models together and it will look so scary but when you’re collabing together, it’s just a wholesome fest most of the time! we know he definitely will have a soft spot for you and collabs with you a lot because he just thinks you’re so cute and he can’t get enough of you!
what. bro is so confused by you sometimes. yes you’re adorable but sometimes he just gets so confused by your intimidating model contrasting your sweet and innocent nature. ike is somewhat put off by it at first, but he eventually starts to warm up to it and finds your personality just as cute as the others do! even if it’s hilarious to see your model’s sharp and scary eyes light up when you get excited about something.
he’s got a bit of an intimidating model too, so it’s more than funny to see your wholesome and sometimes flirty interactions. you’re both some of the softest and most wholesome in en, so it’s just heaven for you to be collabing with him. the first time he saw your model, he was really convinced you were going to be the scary type but your voice ruined that image. he is so smitten with your cute personality and voice too <3
essentially just like shu, except piochan is much more weird than wholesome. one would come to expect a certain level of silliness in him that he happens to bring out in you despite your soft and sweet personality. it’s strange really, the way you and him can communicate in a language only the two of you understand.
it’s becoming increasingly hard to make these unique but here we go. ren fits his model pretty well, so seeing you have such a misleading model that reveals your adorable and soft personality is just so funny to everyone including him. for more please infer back to ike’s part because i’m exhausted sorry.
he has the same sort of thing in a way, except he’s a cute model with an utterly unhinged personality. as soon as he befriends you, his streams become even funnier because he’ll often be by your side to disorient viewers who were expecting you to act like how your models portrayed you. nope. enjoy your vtuber fame tho you deserve it for being so cute :p
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necroromantics · 8 months
hello, this is only a suggestion about something you could write someday only if you like it. I'm really curious about this: imagine toby has a s/o before becoming a proxy, so how would he behave after his disappearance? do you think he would stalk them? maybe he would plan some kind of encounter or get caught stalking them (if so, how it would happen)? idk, i recently found your blog and I just love your Toby and I was wondering what your headcannons could be on this scenario.
🪓 — Ticci Toby + Old Friend
we’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when. but i know we’ll meet again some sunny day.
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AN: my bad if this kinda sucks, im not used to writing prompts like this also i wrote this in point form, but if you’d like a oneshot instead let me know 🙏
- i cant imagine toby having the emotional capacity or social skills for a proper relationship prior to becoming a proxy, though i can see him having something of an unspoken mutual love with a childhood friend
- but once he lost lyra, he isolated himself so heavily from everyone and everything, which ended up with him pushing away the only person who treated him like a human being
- a couple of years had passed until he saw them again, and when he did, he couldn’t catch his breath. it happened completely by chance. to be honest, dealing with everything he did, and with the effects of slender sickness, their existence completely slipped his mind until that fateful night.
- it was late, and dark, they were walking home from a particularly rough shift and toby caught a glimpse of them from his spot standing under the flickering streetlight.
- he almost yelled out after them when it processed in his brain where he recognized that face and stride from. once it clicked, toby took a moment before moving from his spot. he needed distance to be able to follow them home without being caught.
- when they approached their dimly lit condo, they fumbled with the key to the front door for a moment. taking the opportunity, toby quietly snuck up behind them and snaked his hands around their waist.
- “found you”
- their first reaction was to spin around and clock him in the face, and of course their fist bounced off like nothing. he didn’t flinch, he even chuckled a bit.
- when they saw his face, they gasped.
- “i thought you died in the fire???”
- “yeaah about that…”
- from that point on, toby would sneak into town just to visit them. he would rarely enter through the front door, he much preferred to enter through the bedroom window his old friend made a note to keep unlocked. it was what he was used to. he was a peculiar boy grown up to be an even more peculiar man.
- but they continued with each other as if there was no time apart. like a missing puzzle piece finally finding its way home. his lost friend would question him, but learned quickly it got absolutely nowhere. asking him was futile. they knew better.
- toby would come to them, they weren’t ever allowed to know where he was, or what he did when he was away.
- they were kept under lock and key. his secret. prized possession.
- on particularly bad days, he would show up to their place and just silently lay in bed with them, allowing his prize to run their fingers through his messy brown hair and let the chaos of the outside, and his job, slip away for a moment.
- the light in his otherwise dark and twisted world. a part of him was so scared of getting them hurt, or even worse hurting them himself.
- but he was still the same unstable, angry boy he always was. and though he tried, he wasn’t cut out for being a good partner to his long lost. there would be fights, threats, hatchet marks on the walls and doors.
- they would learn soon that he wasnt the same boy he was.
- toby could never really shake the feeling that his lover only looked at him with eyes that screamed ‘what have you done?’
- if they ran away, he would kill them. or keep them locked up in an abandoned cabin off somewhere in the forest for the rest of their miserable life.
- and if they chose to stay, they would have to spend all their time and energy being disrespected and drained. there was no fixing things. he wasnt a kid that meant well anymore, he wasnt a victim. whether they knew it or not, he was a cold blooded serial killer.
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melodramaticatheart · 27 days
We Have A Deal - Lyra x Gray
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word count: 1.2k
book: the grandest game series
ship: lyra kane x grayson hawthorne
requested by anon!
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I adjust my crimson dress, the silky fabric whispering against my skin as I glance at Grayson. "You clean up nicely, Mr. Hawthorne," I remark, a hint of a smirk playing on my lips. I’d seen him with a suit on before but never one like this. The color reminds me of stormy clouds, like his eyes. It suits his personality perfectly. I silently chuckle at the wordplay, watching as Grayson parks in front of a valet. The car ride was silent, thirty-five excruciating silent minutes to be exact, it was no wonder why I was going insane making jokes to myself. 
Hawthorne boy had decided to take me out to dinner to discuss the next part of our plan. He’d showed up at my apartment three weeks ago saying he knew who I was and that he wanted to help with my dad’s mysterious suicide, all I want is to go home and regret ever calling him in the first place.
“Ms. Kane, are you going to get out of the car or will I have to carry you out?” I look at my now-open car door and see Grayson extending a hand. I must’ve been lost in thought. “No need Grayson,” I say, staring him right in the eye. I get out of the car without taking his hand. 
The first thing I pick up on is the faint noise of live music. Jazz music. “You like jazz, correct?” I spin to where Grayson is standing, watching me I realize. He looks at me closer waiting for an answer. “Yes I do, I've just never had the pleasure of hearing it live.” I hear the way my voice softens at that last part. I hate how much he knows about me. I was supposed to have the upper hand in this. I quickly dismiss the recurring thought and walk into the club without waiting for him. Sadly he catches up to me in three long strides. I walk beside him silently as he leads me to a booth at the corner of the club. Couples are dancing to the music closer to the back of the club while others enjoy their drinks at the bar to the side. It’s the band that gets my attention most of all. I’ve always wanted to listen to jazz live, but I’d never gotten the opportunity. Vinyls were the closest thing I could get to it. In one word it was electric. “How did you know I liked jazz?” The words tumble out of my mouth before I can stop them. I turn to the blonde boy sitting in front of me looking for an answer. “The day I went to your apartment for the first time you were listening to the Time Out vinyl. I thought it would be better to bring you to an environment you could be comfortable in.” He’d picked up on that? I can barely remember what I had for breakfast yesterday, but he can remember what music I was listening to three weeks ago? I shift in the booth not knowing how to respond so instead I change the subject. “I’m going to get a drink, do you want anything?” I stand up running a hand through my dress. “An espresso martini,” Grayson says, looking at me. My eyebrows shoot up. “You drink?” “Rarely, but I think I’m going to need it if I have to deal with you all night” I scowl at his response, making my way to the bar. I order quickly, making my way to our table to continue our impending conversation. “Ok, Hawthorne boy, why did you bring me here?” I say shooting him a look. He takes a sip before hitting me with a question instead of an answer. “Are your classes starting soon, Lyra?” I straighten not expecting that. “They start in two months,” I respond watching as Grayson takes a sip of his espresso before setting it aside. “You want to know what my family has to do with your father's suicide, well it’s not that easy Ms. Kane.” “Nothing’s ever easy with you, Hawthorne boy.” I retort staring him in the eye. “But I’m assuming you didn’t drive me thirty-five minutes to tell me that” A sly smirk starts making its way to my lips.
Grayson’s eyes glint in the dim light of the club. “Maybe I just wanted to bring a pretty girl to a jazz club.” He tilts his head, looking every bit the white rich boy persona I imagine him to be. But I can’t dwell on the fact he just called me pretty because he’s pulling his phone out of his pocket to show me something. “I found this in my family’s home, I thought you’d find it interesting.” He holds out his phone to a picture of a file named Thomas Thomas. “This isn’t my dad,” I say flatly after scanning the page's content.  
“Are you sure?” 
Grayson shifts in his seat taking another sip of his espresso. It was clear he didn’t drink alcohol often with the way his eyes watered at the taste. “Your little riddle and this file are our only clues, at the moment.” He says trying to think of something to say.
I’m about to say something when he cuts me off making me shut my mouth once more. “I have a proposition for you. I’ve been debating it but I don’t see any other way I can help you.” He seems to pause a second before sharing with me his idea. “Every year my family hosts some sort of game this year it’s private. That means we can pick our contestants unlike last year-” “Grayson I know all this. What does that have to do with us?” I cut him off confused with where he’s taking this. He only stares at me. 
That’s when I realize I said ‘us’ as in me and him. A team. I sink back into the booth until he responds. “This year the game is a little different” I watch how he traces the outline of his cup “I want you to be in the games this year.” I can’t help it I burst out laughing, me on an island for two weeks, yeah right “I’m sorry I need a moment, I can’t take you seriously,” I look up to see Grayson’s straight face. The laughter bubbles up again. I wipe at the tears in my eyes before taking a sip of my wine. “No” “Why not? You’d be getting paid, you’d be comfortable, and we would be close so we could work together to figure out more. Plus I’d have more resources there with me.” I watch as he lists the reasons. Good reasons. “Grayson no, I can’t, look they are good reasons but I have a life, I have my mom who would go insane if I didn’t text for two weeks, it won’t work.” I can’t leave my life not when I have her depending on me. “I want to help Lyra I do, it’s been eating at me. And I won’t be able to rest until I’m sure you’re at peace.” He stares at me with those stupid pretty eyes of his. I look away trying to collect myself. 
“If I do this, you have to promise me I'll be able to contact my mom at least once a day.” 
“Ok then Hawthorne Boy, I guess I am one to play games after all.”
this is my longest one shot ever but idk i hate my writing 😭
taglist: @heqrtlcss, @reminiscentreader, @urbanflorals, @lyrakanefanatic, @mrswarnerxo
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adiraargent · 5 months
Stargazing - Regulus Black
wc: 1.1k warnings: fluff, established relationship Summary: Regulus takes your stargazing, showing off his knowledge
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The night sky stretched above you like a vast canvas, speckled with an array of twinkling stars. It was Saturday night and Regulus told you he wanted some alone time with just the two of you and had suggested stargazing. So you both found yourselves nestled in a secluded corner of the Hogwarts grounds, away from the castle's hustle and bustle.
As you lay on a soft blanket spread across the grass, wrapped up in both Regulus' jumper and his right arm, Regulus pointed out the constellations one by one, his voice carrying a gentle cadence that seemed to match the serene stillness of the night.
You were so focused on where he was pointing that you didn't even notice the small, love-filled glances that he kept shooting in your direction. He couldn't help it, you just looked so beautiful, your slightly tired face, the reflection of the stars in your eyes, and your own constellation of freckles that kissed your cheeks.
"That cluster of stars over there," he began, his finger tracing the shape in the sky, his eyes shooting back up to the sky, "that's Orion's Belt. According to ancient myths, Orion was a great hunter, and those three stars mark his belt."
You listened intently, captivated by Regulus's passion for the stars and the tales woven within them. His explanations were accompanied by an endearing enthusiasm, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight as he shared the stories passed down through generations.
He continued, pointing out Cassiopeia, Draco, and Ursa Major, his voice laced with knowledge and fascination. Each constellation held a story, and Regulus narrated them with such vividness that it felt as if the stars had come alive in the sky above you.
As the night deepened, you found yourself lost in the beauty of the celestial display, but it wasn't just the stars that enchanted you; it was Regulus's gentle presence and the way he spoke with such reverence for the night sky.
He looked at you, a small smile playing on his lips, his eyes reflecting the starlight. "See that constellation there? That's Lyra, the harp. It's said to represent the lyre played by the legendary musician Orpheus."
You marveled at how Regulus's eyes lit up as he spoke, his passion for astronomy making the night feel more magical. His words painted a vivid picture of the ancient tales behind each star cluster, and you couldn't help but be drawn deeper into his explanations.
The conversation shifted from constellations to more personal topics. Regulus spoke about his dreams, his aspirations, and his deepest thoughts, and you reciprocated, sharing your own hopes and fears under the vast canopy of stars.
Neither of you were 100% sure what you wanted to do when you graduated, but you both knew you wanted to move out from home as soon as possible... the two of you spoke of running off together and then maybe starting a career in Quidditch. Regulus smiled softly as he watched you go on a mini rant about how when you get your shared house, the two of you could get a bunch of pets.
Occasionally, the conversation would quiet down, and you both would just lie there, side by side, enveloped in the tranquility of the night. The peace was punctuated by soft whispers, the occasional laughter, and shared glances that spoke volumes.
Regulus turned on his side, now wrapping both his arms around you and pulling you into his chest, "Reg?"
You were confused by his sudden movement, he had went from looking at the stars to now having his face buried into your neck, his warm breathes tickling your skin.
"Jus' don' want ya to get co'" he mumbled into your neck, his voice muffled
"Mhmm," you grinned sarcastically, yet you still brought your hand up to his head, burying your fingers into his dark locks and massaging his scalp softly.
Time seemed to stand still in that moment, as if the stars themselves had aligned to create this perfect harmony between you and Regulus. It was as if the night had paused just for the two of you to exist within its tranquil embrace.
The two of you wished that it could be like this forever, both in your own little world wrapped in the arms of your love. A world where there was no war, no death eaters, no school and no parents who couldn't care less about you.
As the night deepened, the air grew cooler, and the soft touch of Regulus's lips on your forehead brought a warmth that transcended the night's chill. His tender gesture was a silent reassurance, a whisper of care that made your heart flutter.
With the stars as witnesses, you shifted closer to Regulus, the blanket now cocooning you both in a shared haven. His arm around you tightened ever so slightly, pulling you snug against his chest, a silent invitation to seek solace in his embrace.
In the midst of the cosmic spectacle above, your gazes locked in an unspoken understanding. The night's silence was interrupted only by the hushed exchanges between you both, the soft murmurs and shared confidences blending seamlessly with the gentle rustle of leaves.
In a moment of daring, your fingers found their way to Regulus's, intertwining with his in a tender clasp. It was a subtle gesture, but the electric current that surged between your intertwined hands spoke volumes, bridging the gap between you in a language that words couldn't convey.
Regulus's touch was a comfort, a magnetic pull that drew you closer with an unspoken promise of safety and belonging. His fingers traced delicate patterns on your skin, a gesture that sent tingles down your spine and stirred emotions you couldn't quite articulate.
Under the starlit sky, Regulus leaned in, his lips brushing against your temple in a tender kiss, his silent declaration of affection warming your entire being. It was a gentle caress, a whisper of adoration that resonated deeper than any spoken words.
Regulus turned to you, a soft smile gracing his features. "Thank you for tonight," he said, his voice carrying a warmth that mirrored the celestial glow above. "I haven't felt this at peace in a long time."
You met his gaze, feeling a connection that transcended words, a sense of kinship and understanding that lingered in the silent spaces between your shared gazes.
"I could stay here forever," you whispered, a sentiment that echoed the unspoken bond between you and Regulus, forged under the infinite expanse of the night sky.
As the hours waned, Regulus shifted closer, his arm encircling you in a gentle hold. His lips found yours in a tender yet passionate kiss, a silent promise of unwavering devotion that lingered in the fleeting moments shared beneath the star-studded sky.
The night eventually bid its farewell, but the memories etched in the fabric of that evening remained—an intimate constellation of shared gazes, gentle touches, and stolen kisses that made the night an unforgettable testament to the love you both shared.
Written by adiraargent
Do not steal, copy or repost on another platform
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delilahcalicocat · 1 month
Hi Delilah, could you do a Cody Rhodes x Reader x Jey Uso poly fic where reader reunites with her 2 boys at a WWE house show in the UK after being away from them doing Nxt and Smackdown.
Info-Reader is 1/2 of the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions along with Zelina Vega, and they get called in to do a a few house shows. So reader doesn't tell Cody and Jey that she's coming.
A/N: Of Course, But I think my little backstory here is that Y/N and Zelina were fighting Chelsea Green and Tegan Nox on Smackdown the Month prior and won le titles while the boys were busy, and Y/N surprised them on Jey's Birthday by appearing at the House Show!
{Rating: Fluff}
{Warnings: Swearing, Kissing, Hugging}
{Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader x Jey Uso}
You won the tag titles with Zelina a few months ago, so you and her were always on Smackdown or NXT. But Never RAW where your boys waited.
So while you were at the store, picking up things for your dinner that night. You'd gotten a call from HHH, asking if you were free to compete in a singles match against Lyra, the newest call up from the draft.
You were super excited, but decided not to tell Jey and Cody you'd be there for the show.
It was in London England, so you decided to get a head start because Cody and Jey were probably also on the road despite it being 8:30pm at night.
And the reason you and Zelina weren't fighting as a team is because Zelina was set to fight in a match against Elektra Lopez and Santos Escobar with Rey Mysterio
As soon as you sat down in your locker room, your eyes felt heavy.. you drove the entire night to make it to London. But you couldn't fall asleep now... it was literally 6:00am, you might have to make a appearance at the meet and greet.
But you still ended up falling asleep, you woke up to your 3:30pm alarm on your phone.
And you fixed your hair and ran towards the general area in the backstage.
Cody and Jey were nowhere to be seen. So you had sometime to sit and relax
Until you heard Cody's Voice. You scampered away back to your locker room not to ruin the surprise.
And you couldn't hide all day..
That was until... it was 6:51pm, you'd been hiding for 3 hours...
The show was about to start, and you had to come out from hiding.
"Man, I wish Y/N could've made it, what about you Cody?" Jey said
"Yeah, I hate being on RAW sometimes because I miss her." Cody Said
You suddenly jumped and grabbed their shoulders spooking them a bit
"Surprise!!' You smiled
"Y/N?! Ya made it!" Jey Smiled hugging you
"What's this about Y/N?" Cody Asked
"Couldn't let my Birthday Boy's day be ruined, and I got a match against Lyra" You said with a small smile
They both kissed you and after your matches of the night, you all group hugged
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kokomikitsune · 6 months
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A small drapple I made that I'm trying to do a comic for:
Reid stared at Lyra for what felt like several minutes, not listening to a single word she was saying before she realized he was looking at her with a soft gaze she could not see. Gently tugging on the collar of her armor, Lyra spoke up in a soft tone. "What is it, Guardsman?"
The soldier hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. His gravelly voice soon responded.
"Why do you -" he paused. "You don't see me as a number or just some random soldier meant to do his duty and die namless in the name of our god-emperor. Excuse me for asking, but why is that, Sister Lyra? Why do you show me such kindness?"
The woman was silent as she pondered his question. She put her hands down from prayer and cleared her throat. "Why do you not see me as some guardian angel like most of the team and treat me like that of what I am? Human?"
A question for a question that had the same answer. "You see me as your comrade, do you not? You treat me with respect, and I can respect that. But you treat me like a human like no one else does. Not some angel sent from the heavens or a saving grace. You know I have flaws just like anyone else. Why must I treat you any differently just because you're a Krieg soldier, regardless of the history? You are human, not a number. You're not just a body to be thrown at the enemy and die nameless. You're here fighting like the rest of us. Dare I say, harder than some of us. It's only my own nature that I show a bit of compassion to my fellow man. Especially one who fights so valiantly for the imperium.."
Silence fell once again as she explained herself to the guardsman. What was there to say to that? Thank you? Reid looked away in thought. It certainly wasn't the answer he had thought he would receive but a welcomed one nonetheless. He couldn't help but smile at the thought.
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bungalowbear · 3 months
Across the Stars X
Pairing: Hunter x Jedi!reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: It’s time for you and the children to flee Ibaar, but an unexpected and deadly adversary makes an appearance.
Warnings: action/fighting, mention of death and blood and a body being cut in half, major character death
A/N: It’s been almost a full year since I last updated this story. So sorry for the long wait! I struggled a lot with motivation for this series but the recent season has lit a fire under me. I’m excited to share this with you and what more I have in store. Let me know what you think, or come to my ask box to discuss the show! I’d love to hear from you :)
Series Masterlist
Staying on Ibaar for this long was always a risk. You knew this, and yet it turns out even you aren’t immune to the temptation of normalcy, a coveted comfort promising a respite from your troubles. And now, your weakness might prove to be your and the children’s doom.
You and Tara race across the dirt and back home. Ushering her in first, you look over your shoulder before the door slides closed with a swift thud. The others scramble away from the window and crowd around you.
“What’s happening?” Lyra questions, looking up at you with worry painted across her face.
“It’s the Empire,” Petro says. His expression is even, but you can see the panic in his youthful eyes. “How did they find us?”
“Yes, the Empire is here.” Speaking slowly, you look at each of them before you continue. “But not for us. We know they’ve occupied other planets, and unfortunately, Ibaar is next.”
Gungi chimes in, asking what happens now.
“We’re leaving.” All four voices protest as soon as the words pass your lips. They talk all at once, lamenting their established lives on this planet. It pains you to take this away. You shouldn’t have given it to them in the first place. You silence them with the clearing of your throat. “This isn’t up for discussion. We’ve been here too long, and staying any longer will only put us in unnecessary danger.”
“We can’t just leave these people to be taken over by the Empire,” Tara objects. “They’ll be pushed around and exploited just like on Saleucami.”
You frown, shaking your head. “We can’t help them, Tara.”
“You are a child.” The word forces itself out of you, stressed by her actions against the troopers. Tara’s eyes widen before she turns away from you. You sigh, addressing the other three as well. “You are children first, Jedi second. Do you understand?”
Petro, Gungi, and Lyra nod their heads solemnly. Tara still doesn’t face you, but the drop of her shoulders tells you she accepts your words.
“There is nothing of greater importance to me than making sure you all live long, long lives.” You open your arms and three bodies step into your embrace. Lyra tugs on Tara’s sleeve until she eventually joins. You stretch your arms as wide as they will go and hold the younglings close. “Yes, we help others when we can. But this is not one of those times. We’ll leave for the mountain just before first light.”
You tell the children to pack a bag and that you’ll check on them before it’s time to sleep. They’re quiet as they trudge toward their respective rooms, a few sniffles interrupting the silence.
After you tuck the children in one last time, you station yourself in the living room. Sleep doesn’t come for you, so instead you keep watch through the window. The house, the street, the whole town, is suffocated with a deadly tension. Once again, you sense the impending approach of an obscure force. Your mind’s cloudiness has improved, the shadow of the dark side slowly withdrawing from your psyche, but it’s still left you with a numbness you have yet to break out of. Your visions are not to be trusted yet. Not even worth considering. Not when the lives of four children hang in the balance.
Your heart aches for them. They are too young to have to endure what they have, but it’s also their very youth that helps you face another rising sun. Petro’s confidence, Gungi’s loyalty, Lyra’s gentleness, and Tara’s compassion remind you each day that there is still light and hope in this galaxy. 
No one knows how long this dangerous time will last for the Jedi, but you swear to yourself you will do all you can to protect their light. It doesn’t burn as radiantly as it did before, dimmed by the circumstances it finds itself in, but you’re glad you could foster it even if for a short time here on Ibaar. You cling to the hope that someday it can shine freely once again.
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The sun has yet to rise when you feel a shift. Someone very dangerous to the Jedi has landed on Ibaar. It’s dark and menacing. It’s searching. 
You wake the children and help them gather their things. You raise a finger to your mouth, pressing your hand to the panel beside the door to open it. You step outside and make sure the coast is clear. Then, you signal for the children to follow after you. Quiet, careful steps make their way across the dirt into a narrow alley. Your small group sticks closely together, only the rustle of your canvas knapsacks make noise as they gently brush against your cloaks.
When you reach the far end of the street you hear the commotion. It’s coming from behind, from the direction of your home, and you realize you’ve been found out. You don’t know how but it’s not what’s most important in this moment.
“Hurry,” you tell the children.
But your quickened pace is not enough to outrun what’s behind you.
A blaster shot whizzes past your head. Turning, you see a squadron of troopers approaching. You pull the children behind a pile of stacked crates and untuck the blaster from the holster strapped to the back of your trousers. You wait until several rounds of fire stop before reaching your arm around the crate and firing back.
The troopers pause their assault, finding their own cover as you continue to fire. You manage to hit a few of them, but there are still too many for you to flee safely. You pull back behind the metal crates and face four worried expressions. 
“I’m going to cover you while you run to that next pile.” You jerk your chin to the crates diagonal to where you’re crouched. “On my signal.”
Lyra places a hand on your arm. A frown pulls the corner of her lips downward.
“I’ll be right behind you,” you assure her.
You look between each of them as you count to three and then start shooting again. You step into the middle of the alley while the children dash toward the crates. You dodge a blaster shot. Taking out another three troopers, your feet move backward toward the children. Another blast just misses you as you roll onto the dirt and land at their feet safely behind the crates. 
Getting to your hands and knees, you peek around the corner of the barricade and count four troopers remaining. You start to think it won’t be as difficult to get out of this situation as you initially predicted. But then you see a dark figure emerge from the cloud of dirt.
He wears robes as black as a moonless night sky. His tall yet built figure halts to position himself behind the remaining troopers. He reaches beneath his robe and reveals a circular object, a large ring with a handle running through the middle that he holds onto. He lifts it and a beat passes before two red sabers burst from either end. Glowing crimson eyes meet yours and you can’t fight the shiver that runs down your spine.
“Okay,” you say as you retreat behind the barricade. “Here’s what we’re doing. You’re all going to go ahead and get the ship ready.”
“What?” Petro asks.
“Master, no!” Lyra shouts.
“You’re all going ahead,” you repeat firmly, looking at each of them. “Get the ship ready. If I’m not back before the sun touches the mountain, then you leave without me.”
Tara’s brow creases, her lips part to voice her own disagreement, but you speak again. 
“You must do this.” Four pairs of shoulders deflate. They must recall your words from the night before because they don’t argue further. “Stay together and don’t stop until you reach the mountain.”
You manage an encouraging smile before you count again. On three, the children jump to their feet and sprint toward the end of the alley. A few blaster shots fly past you and you turn your head to make sure they made it off safely. You catch sight of Lyra’s cloak as they disappear around the corner before turning back and advancing on the troopers. You take out the last of them, and now it’s just you and the mysterious figure left in the alley.
“You’re not what I expected,” he states inquisitively, voice altered by the modulator within his mask. It hides his true face and you’re not sure if that makes him more menacing or not.
“Sorry to disappoint,” you respond, dryly.
“Nevertheless, Lord Vader will be pleased with your capture. He’s been searching for you.”
“Vader?” You’ve never heard the name before. Must be some new Imperial tasked with capturing any remaining Jedi. But why would he be searching for you specifically? “I don’t know any Vader.”
“But he knows you.” The mysterious figure hums, a deep and unsettling sound. “And how do you think I’ll be rewarded when I return with not just one Jedi, but a batch of younglings?”
“Unfortunately for you,” you tuck your blaster into its holster, “you’ll never find out.”
You take a deep breath in as you take your stance. He wields a lightsaber, so you suspect he might also be a Force wielder. He won’t be easy to defeat like the troopers who lay scattered around you.
Wind blows through the alley, disrupting more of the dirt and clouding the battleground between you. He charges first, swinging his dual saber, but you quickly side step his attack. You crouch down to swing your leg and take him off his feet but he leaps high, higher than any regular life form should. He confirms your suspicions about being a Force wielder when he uses the Force to hurl you against the pile of crates. Your head smacks against the hard metal, and you barely have time to blink before he’s on you again. He towers above you and raises his weapon. He brings it down without hesitation, but you raise your hand before it can slice through your shoulder. It’s a battle of strength. The prize is your severed arm. The Force vibrates chaotically between you and your adversary. Drops of perspiration bead down from your temple as the heat of the saber inches closer. 
Your eyes flick down to his hand. In a quick movement, you grab the hilt of the saber where the horizontal handle meets one end of the ring above his hand, twisting up and in the opposite direction of his hold. When his grip on the hilt weakens, you push off your feet and take control of the saber. You continue the disarming movement so that the saber makes a fluid arc that slashes clean through his torso.
He grunts as realization dawns on him that it’s over. You won. His body drops to the floor in two halves. You wait until you see the life leave his eyes, then you power down the saber. It’s a strange design, one you’ve never seen before. Part of you is intrigued. But the longer you hold it the more darkness begins to bleed at the edges of your mind. You toss it to the ground unceremoniously and hurry toward the end of the alley, leaving the town behind and heading toward the mountain.
The sunlight is already touching the mountain but you’re confused when you reach the cave and the ship is still inside, surrounded by the haphazardly discarded large rocks that covered the entrance. Immediately, you feel something is very wrong, and it becomes even more apparent when Lyra comes running down the open ramp of the ship. She’s calling your name as she holds out her hands that are covered in blood.
You sprint inside with Lyra right behind you and find Tara lying on her back on the floor with her head in Gungi’s lap. He has a paw pressed to her torso to stop the bleeding, but Lyra takes over again when she drops by her friend’s side. 
”While we were running out of the alley Tara was hit by a ricochet.” Petro’s not looking at you as he speaks. He’s rummaging around frantically through the compartments for a med pack. “She’s lost a lot of blood.”
You sink to your knees beside Tara. Her breathing is slowing down. You can feel her fading away. Your left hand takes hers and you smooth the hair from her face with the other. She stares up at you with watery eyes. 
“I’m sorry, Master.” Her voice is weak. It’s a soft plea for forgiveness. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
“It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault,” you assure her gently. “You were very brave. You have such a good heart, Tara. I’m so proud of you.”
You hold back your tears and try to keep a comforting smile on your face. You don’t want her last moments to be filled with sorrow. You hold her hand until her grip loosens and she releases her final breath. 
Gungi lets out an anguished howl. 
Lyra begins to sob. 
Petro drops silently beside you.
Tara lays before you all, lifeless.
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grievedeeply · 2 years
could u write some dating týr headcanons....
this request has been sitting in my inbox ever since týr was announced to be in the game earlier this year. i'm finally getting around to it because i promised myself i would write it as soon as i knew more about his character. well... he's here. it's time. enjoy! i set this before he got locked away by odin, but if you're interested in a version of this post ragnarök just let me know :)
gn!reader | no tws
tags: @graciegizmo3184 @anzanishira @chocokaylarobin @uncoveredsun @caelestis-lyrae @prio-motu @bluehorizon987 @freyrees @ieatmarbles @rohansregret @konigd1cks0ck @smilesdarling @multifand0m-gal0re @huan-chan @rustypotatospork @onlydeas @luna-charlie @orangeflavouredwitch @molerat-anon | join my taglist!
dating týr headcanons
you've heard of týr!! everyone has, right? he's the god of war, yet a man who strives for peace. it's inspiring to hear his tales
he's a beloved god, treasured by everyone in all the realms. it isn't a surprise when he visits your home, surrounded by people who adore him. he makes trips to all of the realms, and he's been through a few times, but people never get tired of his company
for a god, he doesn't have an ego. you expected all gods to be the same, thinking themselves better than everyone else around them solely because of their godhood— but týr proved that to be untrue
you met him during one of those trips he made to your village. you ran right into him, your face being met with his chest. you apologized profusely, but all he did was assure you that it was okay
he asked for you to show him around, and a friendship quickly blossomed from that. he finds your culture and home captivating as he does everywhere else, and he finds himself wanting to return as soon as possible after he leaves
he likes you right from the beginning. you're kind to him, you don't treat him any differently than you would anyone else, and you become one of his favorite people in the blink of an eye
týr develops feelings first, and he'd be lying if he said it wasn't a bit scary
he hasn't felt this strongly about anyone else before you, and he doesn't want to tell you out of fear he'll ruin his friendship with you. he prioritizes that more than anything else
you end up reciprocating those feelings, but you don't tell him. after all.. he is a god. what kind of god would love a mortal like you?
though, you being a mortal is something that made him nervous about liking you as much as he did. he knows your time is limited, and it scares him. he wants as much time with you as possible so he spends it with you happily
he doesn't want to confess to you because he doesn't want to stress you out, either. he knows he's a god. he knows it would be scary to hear that a god has feelings for you. so he keeps quiet
until he can't anymore
he wasn't thinking when he said it. you were talking about.. something— he can't remember— but he blurts out, "i like you" and you fall silent
"oh, well. i like you too."
he swallows. "you misunderstand." he regrets it as he looks at your face, eyebrows furrowed with a confused gaze. "romantically. that's.. how i like you."
his tone is so soft... and your heart pounds against your ribcage. all you can do is laugh, take his huge hand in yours and smile. ".. i like you too. romantically."
týr thought his heart was going to explode and all he could do was stare at you, at your smile as you held onto his hand. he laughs, until he realizes you're being serious
he freezes up, eyebrows raised in a shocked expression. a dazed smile on his lips, and he asks if you'll go on a date with him sometime soon. his treat, of course
he has no idea where to take you or what to do. he wants it to be fancy, but not over the top. so.. he takes you out to his favorite restaurant. it isn't too classy, but he hopes you'll enjoy his company no matter the scenery
you have a great time, and he regrets not asking you out sooner if he knew this was going to be the outcome. no matter. he knows you like him now, and he wasn't going to let that go
he asks you to be his partner properly after a few days. he takes you somewhere beautiful in your favorite realm to pop the question. he knows not to worry too much about surroundings, but he wanted it to be special
of course.. you say yes! he's so giddy, happier than he'd been in a long time
onto actual relationship thoughts!
týr is a very giving person, so much so that his main love language is gift giving. he goes to plenty of places, other pantheons, everywhere you can think of, he's probably been
he returns with gifts for you, sometimes they were intended to him and others he bought thinking that they were something you would like. it's very sweet
you have a lot of space taken up in your room from things he's brought back to you. not like you're complaining, though. it does make you feel loved and appreciated, knowing that he thought about you in those moments
he regularly participates in ALL of the love languages, to be honest
quality time is a big thing for him. he's often busy, but when he gets to be with you he cherishes it. he clears his schedule to spend more time with you
acts of service! he'll take care of you if you're feeling sick, or upset, or if there's something you just don't feel like doing. týr is always going to be there for you and he shows it by helping you out with anything
as a diplomat, he has a special way of words. he tells you verbally how much he cares about you often, complimenting you even if you don't believe his words to be true
he loves holding you in his arms, too. týr's 8'5" (256cm) and he is MUCH bigger than you. it's very easy for him to dwarf you in size and it's something he thinks is really adorable
he picks you up pretty often, unless you express that you don't like it. he'll just lift you up to where your eyes meet his and seeing your feet dangling off of the ground never fails to make him laugh
he loves hugging you. you make him feel safe. he knows he's the god of war, he knows he's powerful, and he knows that he can protect himself and you if it comes around to it. but whenever your arms wrap around his waist to hug him.. it makes him feel so protected
he makes you feel safe, too. he'll tell you all the time about how he'd do anything for you, going the extra mile to prove it by actually doing anything and everything you ask him to do for you
týr's height is something you actually really love about him. seeing him duck down to fit into the doorway of your home always makes you laugh. he loves seeing you happy :")
he's the one who said i love you first
it just happened. the two of you were sitting together, casually talking about your days apart when he tells you he loves you through his soft laughter
you take a moment, and you smile, telling him you love him too
he doesn't even realize he said it until you fall silent, but his heart explodes when he hears you say it back. he's glad he told you, so now he can say it without worry whenever he so pleases <3
he would love to take you with him to other pantheons, but he knows he would worry for your safety so he doesn't bring you with him
and... he loves the reunions you have whenever he comes home. it's so cute to him to see your face light up whenever you see him on your doorstep <3
his kisses.. filled with so much love, respect and adoration
he would hold your face in his hands, trying really hard not to smile against your lips as he kisses you. his hands are nearly as big as your head, he can't help it
how he kisses can depend on his mood. usually, they're slow and passionate, but on days where he's frustrated or annoyed, they can be fast— rough
no matter what, he's gentle with you
he's gentle with your heart, your body, mind and soul. he cherishes you and wants nothing more than to keep you safe for as long as he can
he loves you. he'll love you for as long as he lives, and after he dies— he'll love you <3
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Req for a fic of Grayson and Lyras first date pls 🙏
BUT OFC!! 💗💗
Lyra fixed her hair one last time in the mirror, before spraying on a bit of perfume and making sure everything was okay appearance wise. Grayson and her had just started officially dating, once all that pining was over with, and now they were having their first date. Her stomach twisted just thinking about how he’ll be arriving soon. It was new and unexpected, hers and Gray’s relationship, but it was something she wanted to try. Something that she really wanted to work out. She flattened her jacket with a huff at how cold it was, when she heard a knock on her door. Her heart did jumping jacks in her chest as she put on a touch of lip gloss and scurried towards the door. Lyra wasn’t one to be this nervous around a guy, but Grayson wasn’t just a guy to her. He had proven that she could truly love him, and being around him just felt right. Although she wouldn’t tell him she loved him, that’d be far too soon. Putting her hand on the front door knob, she twisted and pulled it open. The sight that was in front of her was Grayson Hawthorne, with a sunset behind him, holding a bouquet of calla lilies and dressed in a less fancy suit that was the colour of his eyes and a black thick coat. All of it made Lyra’s stomach twist with nervousness. Playing it cool, she smiled slyly and stepped out, wrapping a scarf around her neck.
“You’re really going to get me flowers that have such a horrific backstory, Hawthorne?” She said, taking them from his hands and smelling them. She sighed from the floral smell and looked up at him. He had smiled back, matching her sly smile from before.
“Who said they were for you? I was just walking around and saw a lovely bouquet shop, one with these beautiful flowers. I think they’re called, caterpillar lilies?” Grayson says, staring at them in her hands as if they were a species from another planet. Lyra snorted and smacked his chest lightly, before walking off. Although Grayson acted stoic and emotionless with everybody else, Lyra knew she could always get a smile and quick remark out of him. While walking past him, her hand brushed his, and he suddenly took her hand. Lyra was taken by surprise for the slightest second, before she smiled and laced her fingers with his. Walking off hand in hand with him, she met his eyes and raised a brow.
“So, what have you got planned for us, Davenport?” She asked him. He smiled back, one of those rarer smiles with his teeth that made Lyra’s heart beat quicken. A dimple showed, and she thought she might never breathe again.
“I can’t ruin the surprise, can I? Besides, the only thing I have planned is to charm you enough so that by the end of the date you’ll eventually call me by my first name.” He replied, a dig at her refusal to use his first name so far. She rolled her eyes.
“Haha.” She said in deadpan. “Now walk a little faster, I’m getting hungry.” She tugged on his hand as her steps quickened, and Grayson shook his head with a smile.
Their first stop was a nice restaurant, which was utterly beautiful. It was decorated beautifully for Christmas, with stockings hung left and right and an overall cozy atmosphere. It was truly magical, and being there with an even more magical boy, well, Lyra was over the moon. She took the last sip of her coffee, her conversation finally fizzling to an end with Grayson. But still, the look on his face made Lyra raise a brow. There was no way this dinner was it.
“I would be stupid to believe that you don’t have something else planned for us, so instead I’m just going to ask, what should I be expecting?” Lyra asked him, a smile on her face. He had kept his eyes on hers the entire date, but good god it was starting to make her nervous now. And she never got nervous when it came to eye contact! Lyra looked away suddenly, while still waiting for his response, and Grayson, who must have figured out just by the look on her face why she broke eye contact, laughed. Still, he carried on without bringing it up.
“Well, it does have something to do with the winter season. How well are you on ice?” He asked her. Lyra’s eyebrows raised, and she sighed.
“Horrific! You better know how to skate, Grayson, because I’m terrible at it. It’s not like Texas gets very cold anyway, so I barely ever skate.” She said with a huff, crossing her arms. Grayson raised a brow at her.
“When I knocked on your door, you answered wearing gloves, a jacket, and a scarf. You can’t even try and tell me it’s not cold.” He retorted. Lyra’s eyes narrowed to slits. Curse her and her cold blood.
“Alright, fine. I will skate this one time.” Lyra says, looking him dead in the eye again with a haughty expression. Grayson stared at her back, smiling. Then, he leaned over the tiny table and gently took her chin in his hand.
“Could I….?” He asked her, trailing off. With her heart jackrabbiting in her chest, she gives a slight nod, and he kisses her. It was their first kiss throughout the date, and it made her heart ignite and light on fire with love. The kiss didn’t last very long, as they were in a restaurant, and they were about to separate, when they heard a quiet clearing of the throat. Lyra leapt off his lips, pushing her back into the booth chair, and staring a waitress dead in the eye. As soon as her and Lyra made eye contact though, she immediately looked away, and Lyra noticed that her cheeks were pink and she was younger than they were. She also noticed, with an internal groan, a “new employee” sticker on her shirt. Oh no. Did they scare a poor, young waitress on her first day?
“Your bill.” She practically murmured, sliding it across the table and looking away quickly. Lyra glanced at Grayson who also seemed a bit caught off guard, yet was looking someplace else, and followed his gaze. He was staring right at a couple with their phones out, recording, and once the tables around them saw who they were recording, they took their phones out too. Lyra sighed. Looks like there were downsides to being with a billionaire.
“Thank you so much.” Grayson said, sliding a 100 dollar bill across the table. The waitress put the cash in her little pouch, and was about to give him his money back when he put a hand out.
“No need.” He said with a smile. Then, he took 6 other hundred dollar bills and slid them across the table as well, with a clearing of his throat. “And these too, if you could please tell those families to delete the videos they took.” The waitress’ jaw dropped as she stared at all the money on the table, and Lyra’s jaw was dropped too. She knew he was a billionaire, but c’mon, 600 dollars as a tip? It was insane!
“T-thank you so much.” The waitress stammered. Grayson smiled back with a nod, and took Lyra’s hand in his as they walked out of the restaurant. She could just hear photos snapping as they left, and a snort left her mouth.
“You really know how to make an exit, huh?” She asked him. He laughed back and lifted a shoulder.
“I guess I do. Or maybe the entire restaurant just saw a beautiful girl and couldn’t stop taking photos.” He replied, kissing her temple. She smiled, before rolling her eyes.
“Or maybe it’s because I’m with a billionaire who is voted as the “most handsome Hawthorne”.” Lyra said with a laugh. Grayson laughed back. “Now c’mon, before I change my mind about the ice skating.”
Lyra and Grayson stepped off the ice finally, and Lyra sighed with relief at finally being on stable ground.
“I think I would have bruised my tailbone if you hadn’t caught me all of those times.” She said, taking her ice skates off and putting on her normal shoes. She had never been more thankful for shoes than right now. Grayson was staring at her instead of taking off his own skates, but with a look from Lyra, he smiled and started to take them off.
“How exhausted are you on a scale from 1-10?” He asked her. Lyra groaned.
“10! I think my legs are about to collapse.” She said. Graysons smile grew before he spoke.
“So, you’re too tired to go inside that bookstore over there and pick out as many books as you want?” He asked her. Lyra stopped putting on her shoes for a moment to side glance at Grayson, and the bookstore he was pointing at. She narrowed her eyes at it, before narrowing her eyes at Grayson. She held his gaze for 6 seconds before sighing and shutting her eyes.
“Fine. But I’m paying for the books, since you payed for lunch.” Lyra said, getting up and putting her ice skates back in the rental station. Glancing at the sky again, Lyra just now realized that it was getting dark. Grayson raised a brow at her.
“Sure you are.” He said, shaking his head with a smile, and taking her hand. She furrowed her brows and gave him a look.
“I am, Grayson.” She said, staring at him with a look on her face. He returned the look but didn’t reply, and Lyra just knew that he was going to put up a fight at the cash register.
Lyra had picked out an arrangement of books with a grin on her face: Classics, romances, mysteries, fantasies, anything that she thought would be interesting or that she heard was interesting from Max. There were about 7-8 books in Grayson’s arms, as he was holding them for her, and he put them down on the counter. Lyra smiled at the cashier who made small talk with her, and all was well until another employee came up to her. The other employee whispered something in her ear, and she sighed before turning to the two of them.
“There’s an issue with the storage room, so I’m just going to check that out very quickly. I’ll be just a moment.” She said patiently. “In the meantime, just tap or swipe the card reader for me there.” She walked off, leaving Grayson and Lyra at the counter. Lyra turned to him, already knowing by the look on his face what he was up to.
“I’m paying Grayson.” She said, giving him a look. Grayson gave a subtle half shrug, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“I know. I was just looking at you because I think you’re beautiful,” He said, taking her hand in his. “And every moment spent with you is too.” Lyra’s mouth was in an “o” shape, and she held in a breath as Grayson lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. Lyra was stuck, her heart thumping in her chest like a drum, when a sudden beeping sound brings her back to the present. She glances at the card reader, and sees Grayson’s free hand reached out towards it, as well as his platinum black card on it. Now she was really gasping. Slipping her hand out of his grasp, she brought them to her hips.
“Wow.” Was all she said, furrowing her brows at him but not being able to hide her smile. She turned around so he wouldn’t have to see, but Grayson held her waist and spun her back around. He was about to speak when the employee comes back.
“Alrighty guys! Sorry about that wait, would you like a receipt?” She asked, clearly not being able to tell what had happened between the two or really just not caring. Lyra blushed before nodding her head, not trusting herself to be able to speak. Grayson blew out a laugh, before saying thank you to the employee, taking the receipt, and walking out the door with Lyra’s hand in his. They walk out, laughing and chatting, and although she was laughing too hard to tell, Lyra thought her heart felt 10 times lighter.
Grayson went back home after dropping Lyra off at her house, a ghost of a smile still on his face, when he sees Jameson, Xander, and Nash waiting for him by the foyer. He raised a brow, and saw that Nash and Jamie were smirking. He was about to ask them why, when Jameson beat him to his own question.
“How was your date?” He asked. Grayson paused, before making a face at Jameson.
“I didn’t tell you I was on a date, why do you think that?” He said, his smile growing the slightest bit. Xander grinned.
“My detective skills! You’re not dressed too fancy, which means that you were with Lyra because she likes it when you dress toned down, and you’re smiling!” He said, as if that were a once in a lifetime occurrence. Grayson rolled his eyes at him, before he remembered something. Then, he raised a brow.
“You saw the video of me and Lyra kissing didn’t you?” He asked in deadpan. Jameson burst out laughing, and even Nash couldn’t keep a snort from leaving his mouth.
“Yes!” Jameson said, he pulled out his phone, and showed a low quality video of Grayson pulling Lyra by her chin and kissing her. “This is you kissing Lyra without any filters, and this is you kissing Lyra with filters!” He was wearing an evil grin, and Grayson was a bit scared when he looked at his phone and started tapping the screen. He brought it up a second later to show Grayson.
“This is you and Lyra kissing with the dog emoji on, this is you and Lyra kissing with sombrero hats,” He kept swiping, pausing for a second only to laugh before continuing to monologue the filters. Grayson internally groaned. “This is you and Lyra kissing with frog heads, this is you and Lyra kissing underwater, this is-“
“I think he gets it, Jamie.” Nash drawled, cutting in with a smirk. He gave Grayson a look that said “you’re welcome”, and Grayson had never been more thankful for him in his entire life. Grayson quickly thought up an escape.
“Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go to my room. It’s getting late.” Grayson said. Jameson and Xander snickered, whereas Nash just smiled.
“Nighty night Gray!” Jameson called out as he turned and walked off. “Try not to dream about Lyra’s lips!” A sudden explosion of laughter goes off behind him, and Grayson shook his head with a smile. Putting his hand in his coat pocket, he feels the paper receipt from the book store. He smoothed it out with one hand, smiling to himself as he remembered how flustered Lyra got when he kissed her hand. It gave him a feeling that he couldn’t quite place, one that he hadn’t felt in years. One that made him feel like maybe, this time, he really did belong. He belonged with her, and Grayson just knew that he was going to feel that way for a long time.
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whateverurmomwants · 7 months
No cuz do you ever just realize how powerful lucy is?
She was able to conjure ALL of her celestial spirits, 3 or 4 of them being fricking ZODIACS, all at once and being powerful enough to be recognized by the celestial spirit king? And all in the first season? Where she hasn’t even had her star dresses and other abilities she has learned?
Not to mention this theory about her being a descendent of the goddess Anna, the best Celestial Spirit user.
And im rewatching it rn, and ive already encountered a moment where if she didnt interfere, natsu would have died. The arc with phantom lord where natsu is battling gajeel? Gajeel had eaten iron but there was no fire for natsu to eat, and so Lucy gave him that fire by using Sagittarius. Without that fire, natsu definitely wouldnt have finished that fight.
People are always saying ‘oh well that may be so, but if she hadn’t joined the guild-‘ Phantom lord would have most definitely attacked them for another reason. They wanted to remain the best guild in Fiore. Fairytail challenged that, so it was just a matter of time before they fought.
“Well, she always gets in their way-“ Yeah, considering the fact that she grew up in a household where her fathers only concern was the family line, she wouldn’t exactly have time to practice her magic. The only spirit she really had was Aquarius, and we can infer that she only brought her out on very few occasions. And she also wouldn’t have been able to build up any target practice or any muscle building, since Jude would say, in the stupid old fashioned way, ‘women don’t need muscles. All you need to do is make yourself look presentable to find a husband.’ He definitely wouldn’t have wanted her practicing her magic.
Meanwhile, all the others grew up in an environment where they could practice their magic freely with other wizards. They had teachers and activities that enhanced their magic and physical builds, she didn’t. So of course she wouldn’t be able to be on their level so soon.
Also, the amount of magic it takes to summon a silver spirit is a lot, but even MORE so for a Zodiac. Mashima explained that it pretty much is on a scale from 1-100. Plu being the easiest to summon at one, and her highest silver key being Lyra at 18. Her golden keys on the other hand, has Aquarius at 100 and the lowest being Cancer at 52. Others talk about the spirits only being able to use as much magical power as Lucy uses to summon them, but i doubt that theory/statement.
And its also amazing even then because she can keep those gates open for a tremendous amount of time, and multiple on some occasions. I don’t know if this part is true, but i believe that the mage has to have at-least some level of concentration on the gate for it to keep open, so if that’s correct, then it makes it even more astounding that she is able to focus on the bond at all times while fighting. And i only say this because her spirits go back to the spirit realm when she is knocked out.
Also during the E.N.D arc, (haven’t gotten there yet, seen bits and pieces) she literally REWRITES the E.N.D book that Zeref HIMSELF wrote. She literally rewrote his fate. And yes, i know that Gray was there to help her out, but at the same time, most people would have still not have been able to handle the mental and physical strain that causes.
And im just guessing on this part, but didnt she learn an entirely new part of her magic by someone in blue pegasus and learned how to preform the spell in like a week? Month? Some other very short time span?
Anyways i just love lucy and i would litterally rather show everyone my ao3 library before letting her get hurt/bashed. Lmao
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deadbydangit · 2 months
Hi, how are you? Could you do one of how they would react when we bring a pet with us? With Vittorio, Gabriel and Renato
Sure. I'm going to switch it to the reader bringing a pet home if that's alright. Please enjoy. Also, for the Renato one, the scientific name for iguana is actually iguana iguana.
With a reader who brings up at home: Vittorio, Gabriel, Renato
Renato Lyra
You're barely through the door.
"Hey, is that an iguana?"
"No way!"
"Did you know the scientific name for an iguana is iguana iguana?"
And he'll go off.
The man's like a walking encyclopedia.
Yes, he may be a bit socially awkward.
But he loves animals.
Loves them.
It's a miracle he hasn't brought an animal home himself already.
He'll actually confess that he has tried in the past but was too afraid of your reaction to go through with it.
So he's got a whole collection of pet care items that he's been saving for just such an occasion.
So you won't have to worry about going to find things for your new pet, he's already got them.
Renato isn't great at making friends.
So this animal may be his ticket to learning to talk to people.
For, at least giving him the confidence to.
He'll walk around the survivor campfire with the iguana on his shoulder.
"What? He's a great conversation starter."
And, to be fair, Ronaldo is absolutely correct.
With his new pet, he has gained the confidence to talk to other survivors and make friends.
It's going to end up more of his pet than yours.
Iguanas have a tendency to bond to just a few people.
And it has absolutely bonded to Renato.
More so than you.
But, seeing your boyfriend so happy with his new pet and new friends?
It's worth it.
Vittorio Toscano
A pet?
"You want to... Keep it?"
"Like... In the house?"
Vittorio grew up in a time where pets weren't really a thing.
You had farm animals, that's it.
And they weren't considered pets.
Much less family members.
So it's going to take him time to get used to the concept of having an animal live and sleep with you.
But if this giant dog makes you so happy, who is he to tell you otherwise?
He'll be observing you playing, feeding, and walking your dog.
To him, it's very strange.
But, seeing as it makes you so happy, he wants to know what the hype is about.
So he'll observe you like it's some sort of science experiment.
Don't take it as him being condescending or rude.
He's genuinely trying to figure out what makes owning a pet so appealing.
However, his observations don't really get the same feel as actually playing or just being with a dog.
So, handsome the leash and tell him what to do.
At first, he'll be very rigid and pull the dog a lot.
But, after you show him what to do, he'll start to get the feel of things.
In just a few short weeks he went from confused and bewildered to a loving doting dog dad.
And, just like any pet parrot, he's always talking about his dog.
It's like the same skeptical person that existed just a few weeks prior never existed.
"It's because I didn't know the joys of owning a dog."
Soon, he'll probably know even more than you.
Until completely take over the care of the dog.
Seeing him so carefree and happy is such a rewarding feeling that you can't help but Wonder what he would do if you suggested getting another dog.
Don't be surprised if your house turns into more of a zoo than an actual home in the future.
Gabriel Soma
Another one who had never owned a pet.
Except, for him, it's because he's not exactly a normal human.
He's a clone that was made for a specific job.
Almost like a robot.
You wouldn't give a robot a pet.
So, naturally, he doesn't really understand the concept.
But the moment this little kitten crawls into his lap, he knows.
It's like something inside him suddenly clicks.
"I can't move... The cat is sleeping on me."
And if you suggest moving it?
"That would be rude."
"They look so comfortable, I don't want to ruin that."
And a billion other excuses as to why you shouldn't remove the cat from his lap.
He's also very into training your cat.
He'll find and read countless books about training cats and what you can do with it.
"Well, like humans, animals require mental stimulation."
Gabriel could almost recite the entire book to you.
He's that into it.
Soon, you'll have a cat that can do basic tricks and is target trained.
It's something that keeps the both of them busy.
Gabriel is used to working non-stop, so resting is difficult for him.
This is a great way to use his free time doing something productive.
Occasionally, when Gabriel feels like relaxing, you'll find the two of them snuggled up together on the couch or the bed.
It's so amazing to believe that your ever busy boyfriend could be calmed with just a little cat.
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writeious-hand · 1 year
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Holding Out for a Hero: Part 1
"Fine, I'll do it myself"
After watching the D&D movie yesterday, I have had *brain rot* for Xenk Yendar. And no fic has been posted. I want romance. And you know what they say - If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Probably will be multiple parts if the writing bug bites again.
Please be kind, I haven't published fanfic in years, and never on Tumblr.
After defeating Sofina and saving Neverwinter from the Wizards of Thay, the Thieves did try to lead a normal life.
However, it wasn't a surprise when on more than one occasion, Thay assassins showed up to try and kill them. So often in fact, that they had to constantly travel in order to stay ahead of their hunters, who would reanimate within hours of being killed, no matter how bloody Holga or Doric made the scene. They had made an enemy of Szass Tam after all, and he was not the forgiving sort.
Finding a letter on the corpse of their last assassin (they had taken to "liberating" all of their would-be killers' belongings before they were able to revive, as it really delayed the next time they would meet) showed that the tide of undead assassins would not be slowing any time soon. By order of Szass Tam, they were to be killed in the most painful ways imaginable with a mighty prize to whoever was successful.
So Edgin and the troop once again tracked down the illustrious Xenk Yendar to find a way to put the assassins in the ground, permanently. You couldn't always count on an overfed dragon to do the job for you.
"What do you mean, a cleric? Clerics are healers!"
Xenk turned to face Edgin. "Clerics are the holy warriors of the gods. They can use the light to perform miracles, yes, but they also can harness the gifts they have been given against the undead in ways unparalleled by even the mightiest warrior or wizard."
"For the record," Simon spoke up from behind Edgin, "I also thought they just stayed in their temples healing people. So do we just stay at one until they catch up with us again?"
While it would offer the party safety, as temples are normally built or given hallowed ground and no undead can step foot there, it was decided (mainly by Edgin) that they would have to set a trap if they wanted these assassins gone for good. And they would need a cleric. The only connection they had to a holy order was the Emerald Enclave, who supposedly had dealings in the past with a traveling cleric.
There had been a small faction of the Church of Eternal Winter which had frozen a swath of land in their forest. This cleric had come through and removed the taint of Auril and in return was given a seedling of their largest oak tree and a promise of a place to rest whenever they passed through the area. According to Doric, the cleric was an elf, though she didn't know which god she was in service to. The last time they had passed through was before Doric was born.
Their journey brought them to Loudwater, the city of grottos. In searching and questioning in the section of the city populated by elves, they did not receive a warm welcome. Asking around at the many temples of Lathander and other woodland gods, there were no clerics who traveled or were willing to leave on such a dangerous quest. The party upon exiting was stopped by an orcish man.
"Sounds like Lyra. Why are you looking for her anyway?" He looked the party up and down with suspicion. "She hasn't done anything wrong."
Edgin served his role as face of the party. "No, of course not, it's just that-"
"We heard she can kill our enemies."
After the misunderstanding was cleared, the orc who introduced himself as Zedroar Brittlebone brought them out to the Forestview Gate and into the town of tents and other less permanent structures where the orcs who labored in the fields had lived for a long time.
"Lyra's been here for a while now, keeps saying she'll leave soon but always finds a reason to stay. Says there are stories left to be told but I think she'll just miss us."
As they passed through the camp they could see the relaxed atmosphere of the community that had been built. Ahead on the path, there was a whole crowd of children orcish, human, and a few mixed in of other races and combinations. They were all sitting around on blankets or each other, listening to a woman tell a story.
"And the mighty warrior let out a fierce roar, saying You'll never get her, fiend!" The children squealed with excitement and laughed at her attempt at a deep heroic voice. She was elven, most likely a sun-elf with her golden complexion. At the sight of her, Xenk began slowly backtracking but was caught by Edgin.
"What are you doing?"
"I never should have come here." His eyes never left her.
"What are you talking about? Do you know her?"
Xenk was able to pull his eyes away, and look into Edgin's soul. "If she sees me with you, she will never agree to help."
"Now wait just a minute."
"It is high time for me to return to Mornbyrn's Shield"
"You are afraid of her." Edgin knew he was right, when Xenk stopped struggling to get away.
"i am not afraid," Now Xenk wouldn't look him in the eye, "I just don't wish to reopen old wounds."
"Come on, man. We need both of you if this is going to work. Take it from someone who has had to deal with their past catching up to them almost constantly for the past few years. The only way to get closure, for whatever happened, is to face it head-on." Edgin reached a hand to where Xenk had taken cover behind one of the wooden buildings. "I'm sure she's probably forgotten about it, since you both have been around for a long time."
Approaching the group, their other companions turned to face them.
"Where were you guys?" Holga looked them both up and down suspiciously.
"Good news," Simon smiled, "Lyra agreed to help us, right?"
The elven woman turned around from gathering her things and saying goodbye to some of the children. The casual smile on her face fell as she locked eyes with the paladin.
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taneysha-pictures · 6 months
I adore bards...
Haarlep x named tiefling Tav (Lyra) SFW except for a couple of rude words. A few warnings: English is not my native language so be prepared. Haarlep is he/him here. (If you can accept that for a short time, then enjoy reading)
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Here it is – another deal with Raphael. It's hard to call Lyra satisfied, but Zariel was a common enemy they would have to fight in the future. It was surprising Raphael wanted to deal with the young tiefling again. She was absolutely sure that during their joint adventure he had a few gray hairs on his head. Apparently his mood was greatly lifted from the moment he received the crown of Karsus. Long conversations with Raphael in his House of Hope didn't lead to anything, but only caused a headache. She hoped the discomfort would go away on its own. But now for the second hour the pain does not subside. The heat of Avernus takes her breath away, which doesn't help at all. Leaving Raphael, she went to the healing spring.
After washing her face, she felt pleasant relief. It would be great to always have access to this fountain.
A quiet giggle was heard from the direction of the bed.
“Here she is. A little nimble mouse who escaped the tenacious claws.” Lying on the silk sheets of the elaborate bed was a devil that looked incredibly similar to the one she had just left in the main hall. “I was so hoping to meet you in person.” The devil lay in an imposing pose, which with all his appearance showed who was in control of the situation here. The smile did not leave his lips, and his tail slowly waved in an inviting gesture. It took her a few seconds to organize her thoughts. “Oh yeah, you're that devil who can't keep track of his things.” The tiefling's emotions were as feigned as possible.
“The little thing robbed me.” Raphael's copy was no less pretentious. “How did this happen?”
"Potion of Invisibility." She concluded calmly. “Cheater.” The creature literally spat out these words. The tiefling had already turned to leave when the feignedly seductive voice was heard again. “The more contracts you sign, the more impossible to stop, right, little mouse?” "Wrong!" "Is this so? Remind me what are you doing right now?” He changed his position to a more comfortable one, leaning back on the pillow.
“This is a different case.” The young woman answered too quickly, which showed her anxiety. “Sure...” He drawled the sounds so that the word began to resemble the hiss of a snake that was about to bite. “Let me introduce myself: I am Haarlep, Raphael's personal incubus, glamoured and transfigured to look like him.” His speech became more animated. His monologue made no impression. However, many things have become clearer than before. Lyra didn't understand what this whole performance was for, and only raised one eyebrow. “So, all standards of decency have been met. Since you’re here, does that mean there’s a new doll for us to play with?” It was difficult to define from the incubus what he was thinking about now, but the guest themselves hoped that Haarlep was feeling irritated at this moment. “Deliver me from yourself. I'm untouchable" “It’s funny to hear that from a small creature who gives himself up to Raphael’s amusement over and over again.” The incubus smiled, showing off his sharp, snow-white fangs. “You are changing concepts, incubus. Don’t confuse business cooperation with carnal corruption.” To her surprise, she remained very calm, although the situation screamed that she needed to leave as soon as possible. She didn't hear this reasonable voice. Perhaps she liked to admire the picture presented, but didn’t admit it to herself. “Everything starts small, little one. Ultimately, you’ll give all of yourself to the Devil without a trace, it’s a matter of time.The only thing that depends on you is the amount of time. Cheap whore of Baldur’s Gate.”
It all seemed like a challenge that the tiefling couldn't let past her pointy ears. In anticipation of battle, she took out her lyre. The incubus looked surprised, but only for a second. Immediately after, he let out a booming laugh, which, it was assumed, was heard outside the boudoir. It seems he even cried. "Oh no! What are you going to do? Will you strum me to death?” He continues to chuckle. “Do not underestimate bards and the power of their musical instrument.” Her face remained serious despite the fact that she was openly mocked. “Mmm…” The incubus’s expression became even more pleased. “Bards are my favorite. They are so unconventional. Such inventors. So delicious.” Haarlep moved his groin just a little, which already seemed to Lyra to be an action that went beyond all boundaries of decency. She looked away, hoping the incubus wouldn't notice. But he did. “Let me see.” Haarlep took a deep breath, as if tasting the air, savoring every note of the smell. “Enchantment spells? Oh my dear little mouse, I am already enchanted.” With every word the incubus seemed to become even more seductive. How is this possible? The young woman gathered all her will into a fist. “I'm not interested in incubi. So you can stop trying.” It's time to leave before it's too late. “Hmmm...Then maybe a cambion would be more to your liking?” Too many emotions washed over the tiefling at once. Outrage, shame, anger, denial. She took a deep breath, keeping her emotions under control. It was clear the incubus was just having fun. So let's have fun together. She giggled quietly. “To my regret, the cambion’s slut position has already been taken, Haarlep.” Lyra deliberately emphasized his name. They looked into each other's eyes, giving the opponent killer smiles. The tiefling walked away under the gaze of a pair of eyes filled with hellfire. “I adore bards...”
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kanekoii · 7 months
so y’know how like every nijigirls off collab they kiss?
could i get selen, elira, pomu, meloco, and millie kissing their crush for the first time at an off collab?
p.s. hi 🧁!
pairings -> elira pendora, pomu rainpuff, selen tatsuki, millie parfait, meloco kyoran + bonus secret nijigirl x gn! reader
genre -> scenario
song -> rumor - aruvn
warnings -> not established relationship
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it was a joke she swears up and down but as soon as your lips meet hers, she knows she’s just as smitten with you as everyone figured. elira knows it was done as a joke, but christ, it really hit her how big her crush on you was. seeing as it was during an off-collab, having the both of you in the same room was already bound to make her blush as the more confident persona started to melt away around you. at that point, it didn’t really even matter that she was streaming, the only thing that mattered was your lips on hers and how she wanted nothing more than to experience that again.
she’s so silly about it and makes it so you don’t realize how serious she actually is about it until the girl is laying awake at night and thinking about that kiss, those few seconds playing over and over in her head as she longed for you again. it was a cooking stream, so she just kissed you on the cheek while continuing a joke that had been running the whole stream that you and her were secretly a married couple. pomu couldn’t deny that doing such simple domestic things with you made her heart flutter, especially when you jokingly kiss her right on the lips when she compliments your cooking.
horror game off-collab. (based off her original bendy stream cuz i was highkey obsessed when i was younger and have a pair of bendy pajama pants that have fit since i was 10…damn i really haven’t grown…anyways) she’ll kiss you to keep you from screaming if you’re scared easily. if not, it’s a reward at the end for not getting scared. she knows about the rumors going around, so why not feed into them a little bit and give the people something to freak out over. something about the way selen was so romantic about it made your heart want to beat right out of your chest, face flushed with embarrassment upon realizing she was still streaming and thousands of people just saw that.
she is such a menace. irl plate up stream with you, petra, schubert, and millie herself. and by irl plate up, i mean everyone except millie are on a call with you and giving you directions to make a meal in very vague and cryptic ways in a game show-type stream. millie would be the one judging your dish, so it had to be perfect. it was extremely obvious to any viewer that she had a huge crush on you, so she’d probably just give you the win by default, but this time she gave you the win because you genuinely did a good job and your reward was her tackle hugging you and kissing you <3
she was so flirty from the start that you knew something was up. she wasn’t like this with anyone else, so it was essentially a huge sign that screamed HEY MELO HAS A CRUSH ON YOU!! when she kissed you, even if it was as a joke, she couldn’t have been happier that it had happened at all. something about the passion she expressed in that moment made you blush and get so embarrassed, and christ it was adorable to her.
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