#at least its not 40℃
zzoupz · 1 year
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augh augh augh augh augh augh augh (taking poison damage)
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candyje11yfish · 4 months
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i agree with Merg. clover shouldve gotten a horse
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crowsgrudge · 2 months
kayne: what kind of great old one calls himself fucking john
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dashing-through-ecto · 7 months
The difference one and a half years can make
My first comic
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My latest comic
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It's been absolutely staggering to see the differences even though these panels have the same vibes.
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dogtoling · 9 months
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i started making this for the ice cream splatfest and then just abandoned it for a month. but now i'm back. lesbians (and Engel) stay winning
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blueskittlesart · 22 days
crunchyroll when i catch you.
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wistfulwatcher · 1 year
misty quigley is a lesbian; a comphet reading of her deprivation tank "realization"
in rewatching misty's deprivation tank therapy, i'm more convinced than ever that misty is a lesbian suffering from compulsory heterosexuality. the entire scene, from start to finish, is about misty accepting that walter has feelings for her (not the other way around), and learning to push through her discomfort with that fact.
the deprivation tank scene begins by establishing that misty is afraid. we see quick transitions and hear bubbling water and see a terrifying fish coming at the camera with sharp teeth. followed by a slightly softer stream of images of walter, interspersed with memories of crystal, and of caligula. misty is thinking about three key relationships in this moment: walter, who is actively pursuing her; crystal, whom she loved and hurt and misses; and caligula, who is the only creature that both loves her, and she loves back.
love is the concept that ties these three together: walter is who she could love, crystal is who she did love, and caligula is who she does love.
and so the memories fade into her fantasy sequence, led by caligula, and he begins to soothe her. this creature that represents real (platonic, obviously) love to her (in that it is true and reciprocated, more than she feels it is with any human) tells her "shake off your blues/i'll set the mood for ya". caligula is acknowledging her fear and her loss, and telling her that he can fix it. that he has an answer that will make all of her problems go away.
which is when walter appears, looking like the leading man in a classic musical; an idealized romantic interest, one her fantasy has turned from a real man into a fictional character. and what does he do? performs for her. misty (per the directions of the song, to just "sit right down") sits and watches. she does not interact with him, because she (and her attraction) is not a part of this. one element of comphet is the inability to picture yourself in a fantasy with a man; misty does not put herself with walter, she does not join him.
and while he and caligula perform, three items float around the screen: the plane axe, a syringe, and the black box (which fluctuates between intact and exposed). these three items are such a fascinating choice, because they, 1) all relate to the actions she took in her need to be useful and appreciated, but 2) also represent some of the ugliest things she has done (at a time when she has recently been thinking about what kind of person these things make her). she is thinking about these moments (her behavior with ben, murdering jessica, and stranding the team/breaking crystal's trust) that cause her great discomfort, at the same time she is trying to convince herself that walter is what she needs. she is comparing the discomfort she has with walter's interest and the validation she would feel from a relationship, to the way she's felt about all of these other bad things she's felt compelled to do.
while these items float, caligula sings, "now sit right down/let your troubles melt away/and you'll be sitting pretty in the moonlight gaze". continuing to tell her to push through the discomfort; just let it go. and if you do? "moonlight gaze" is such an interesting choice, because the moon is most strongly symbolic of women. if she lets go and has this relationship with walter, the other women will think she's normal. (especially after just a few hours prior to this, natalie had said, "we're all like this, aren't we?" this is her chance to prove nat wrong, for misty's own sake and/or for nat's!) this is not the first time misty has displayed behavior suggesting that it's important to her that natalie (and other people in general) see her as desirable as a romantic/sexual prospect: telling natalie about her dates on the road trip to travis, "i bet he thinks we're hookers!" said with glee in the jail, "i have a secret boyfriend, too," whispered to natalie in '96. if she decides to accept walter's interest (a man who is so into her that he is literally fine with her being a serial killer!), then maybe the other girls will see how worthy misty is of affection and attention.
once the dance number is over, misty immediately goes to speak with caligula; again, in her fantasy about loving walter, she doesn't interact with walter. instead she seeks caligula out, because he is the one she feels a real connection to; he is the one who knows her and can reassure her - the one whose reassurance will mean something. (walter, a man she barely knows, has been nothing but a concept to her in this fantasy, and that doesn't change.) misty's conversation with caligula is emotional; she is clearly bothered by the idea that other people see her as a murderer. but caligula doesn't give her an emotional response or solution; instead, he tells her she's a "closer". he points out that, even when things are rough (i.e., even though she doesn't like how walter makes her feel), she can persevere and accomplish her goals. it is this reminder that causes misty to transition the scene to to the final piece.
and oh boy, is that final scene a goldmine. because it begins with a close-up on misty's childhood phone. the phone that becky called her on back in 1992, to tell her that she was disgusting. that no man would want her, and that she would never find "a victim" to sleep with. that moment was foundational for misty's issues, for her desire to be wanted and needed in '96, and her deep need to receive validation from men in '21. this scene is so crucial to understanding misty's relationship to comphet, because one of the key facets is wanting a man to see you as desirable, because that is a woman's value in a misogynistic society. this hits misty so especially hard because she's not just lacking interest and validation from men in school; she hasn't been getting recognition from anyone. (for her to break the black box after just a few hours of receiving positive attention? she was starving for it.)
and so walter calls her on the phone - their backs to each other, literal and emotional distance between them - and starts to tell her that he loves her. but he doesn't say the words. instead he uses morse code to send "uoyevoli": "i love you", backwards. a fascinating choice, because it could be argued that the morse code is representative of their shared love of puzzles as crime solvers. but why backwards? surely the symbolism of the puzzle connection has been satisfied by the morse code.
it's because misty doesn't want to hear "i love you." she wants the implication of walter's desire, she wants to know she has value, but she doesn't want the actual feelings. she wants him to say i love you in a way she can't feel. she wants him to call her and turn his back so she can do the same. she wants to "get the ball over the goal line" and to do that she needs this level of distance.
so this scene with walter? it isn't about walter; it's about recreating that brutal memory. it's about rewriting her past. in her fantasy, walter calls her to prove that becky was wrong, that he is choosing misty because she is desirable. that he does want her. and this is so key because this whole scene is about how walter feels. that walter wants her. in misty's "realization" that she wants to be with walter, it isn't about her feelings at all. the purple flowing line of love comes from walter, the words "i love you" - twisted as they may be - come from walter. misty's only role in her fantasy is to "sit right down" and accept her role; surrender to the fact that walter is the right choice.
and when she does, when she finally, finally comes to the end of this moment, she still doesn't interact with walter. the natural progression of a love confession is physical contact. a kiss, or a relieved embrace. misty seeks neither! in this fantasy of hers where she can have anything, she makes no effort to acknowledge walter at all. instead, she turns to caligula, representative of her real connections. and she celebrates her victory with him. misty can close this deal, can get through this decision she's made, by clinging to the people she does actually care about.
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pathetic-gamer · 3 months
this outfit is still so funny to me. who the fuck chooses to dress like this for a rainy day in Nightmare City? and he wears it in the writer's room too! like, baby there is no one there to see you, you could dress however you want and you chose a suit and tie???? of your own free will???????
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biillys · 10 months
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all that's left is a family the ones that wished you well all that's left of your legacy is the story that they'll tell
nick ward; funeral (feat. E^ST)
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citrusacidic · 4 months
td reboot s2 going so Not The Way I Desired that i might watch tdpi to decompress
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naquey · 4 months
man, DC comics gotta have concrete ages for these villains and heroes that are like over the age of 18 pls
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
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overtake · 2 months
If i see one more person spread “news” sourced to outlets like f1-insider… please actually pay attention to sources and use critical thought about where it came from. these accounts want their engagement numbers and will share information derived from a fucking reddit comment if they think it’ll earn them a few extra dollars. there’s always an off chance these bullshit tabloids are right, but they almost never are, and a legitimate source will come along if there’s any whisper of truth to it. i just beg of people to simply wait for sources with the slightest bit of credibility to their name before they start sharing information.
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leroibobo · 2 months
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the ibrahimi mosque in hebron, palestine is located inside the larger cave of the patriarchs complex. according to abrahamic religions, the biblical abraham, sarah, issac, and jacob are burried here, making the cave a holy site in judaism, christianity, and islam. (the prophet muhammad is also said to have made pilgrimage here.) the mosque was originally a christian basilica built during byzantine rule, and was converted into a mosque during umayyad rule in the 7th-8th centuries. the conquering of palestine by the crusaders in 1099 and saladin's retaking in 1187 saw the mosque turned into a church and back into a mosque again.
the minbar dates to the fatimid era. originally commissioned by vizier husayn ibn ali for a mosque in ascalon, it was relocated to hebron after saladin demolished the old city, fearing a crusader counterattack.
after the 1994 cave of the patriarchs massacre, the iof split the mosque into muslim and jewish sections. it's still flanked by soldiers and checkpoints today.
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astraltrickster · 4 months
Also I've made one of my older posts about AI stuff unrebloggable because it was starting to go around and while my final verdict opinion hasn't really changed - I still strongly consider it a really exciting tool that can be used for both good and evil and despise its use as a corporate cost-cutting gimmick or a new way for trolls and grifters to be giant cockholes but love seeing what people do with it for its OWN value as a tool and how making art out of ANYTHING is such a human thing to do-
digging even a few inches deeper has caused my reasons for arriving at that same conclusion to change a lot lmao
It's kind of my current ultimate example of
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ispyspookymansion · 7 months
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