#because i certainly dont have the time to lose my shit
caterpillarinacave · 9 months
i may be the most content starved person in some of my fandoms
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arolesbianism · 6 months
You know, I think the reason I've never been big on the idea of Abigail not actually being Abigail is because it's just so much more fun and fucked up if it Is Abigail and it's partly because of the whole watching your twin die over and over, but it's also because holy shit does Wendy say some shit that sucks so bad to say when Abby is literally Right Next To Him. Like imagine your fucking twin constantly talking about you like you're not there, all while also being constantly held up as the only thing keeping him going, and then he pulls out the "I have nothing worth protecting" and it's just all like godddd this kid's shitty coping mechanism of being an edgelord is causing him to unintentionally be such a dick sometimes and that is so fucking delightful to me. Abby has spent god knows how long watching her twin die and treat her like a past tense and like a concept and most of the cast don't even refer to her by name and it's unclear if she can even talk to them and that's all on top of literally being a ghost who is bound to death seemingly irreversibly and all of that while shes like 12. No wonder she kills moles and rabbits for doing nothing lol
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internet-sadass · 2 months
Totally Medical and Professional Knotting (dogboy! Leon Kennedy x doggirl! reader)
Blurb: Of course, Leon would absolutely dote on the older officer who happened to be the only other dogkin at RPD. And, of course, he'd be more than happy to help her 'get over' her heat when she runs out of her suppressants one day.
Warnings: smut (p in v), unprotected sex, omegaverse, breeding kink, knotting, workplace sex, dogboys/girls
A/N: I guess this is my own ‘take’ on omegaverse shit so dont come for me. Also 'dogkin' refers to dogboys/doggirls, thats just the term I've personally always used to describe them.
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On his first day at the Raccoon City Police Department, Leon had fully been expecting to be the sole dogkin there. It wasn't like dogkin typically went into police work, nor were they really made welcome there. However, when he was introduced to you, the more senior officer whom he’d be shadowing, any anxieties about being bullied or rejected due to his species went out the window. You too were a dogkin, with a well-groomed, fluffy blonde tail and perked-up ears. Not to mention, canine features aside, you were certainly very pretty and gave Leon a sweet smile when the two of you were introduced. 
“Nice to meet you, Leon.” You’d said, shaking his hand. Your voice sounded so warm and kind to him, and the mellow, floral scent of your perfume mixed with the natural pheromones omegas gave off was intoxicating to him. His tail had shyly wagged in response to you introducing yourself and telling him, in that gentle voice of yours, that he needn’t be afraid of asking ‘stupid’ questions because there was no such thing.
From that instant, the young rookie had been pretty much enamoured with you, following around (literally) like a lost puppy. Even when the two of you went out on patrol or to investigations and were under stress, you never lost your temper with him, never raised your voice. Other officers could be quite cruel to Leon, berating him for making mistakes, but never you. Even if you had criticism to give, it was always delivered in such a calm manner. Aside from being a fellow dogkin, you were also a good few years older than Leon, and had a slightly maternal nature towards him, which he didn’t mind at all. 
All these factors, your kindness, your patience, your protectiveness over the rookie, and (of course) those plush curves of yours led Leon to develop a crush on you. When he got home after a shift, more often than not, he’d have another ‘task’ to deal with, though not one you knowingly set him. He’d rut into his hand, whining as he squeezed his knot, imagining how good it would be to claim you as his omega, give you however many litters of pups you wanted, and feel your slick coating his cock. He was aware that you were older and probably had many eager, more capable older alphas coming on to you, but somehow, Leon believed you’d pick him. After all, you hadn't been claimed yet, you hadn't had any pups yet (you’d disclosed this to him at one point), and you’d certainly complimented him enough times to indicate (in his eyes) that you were interested in him. 
Leon was desperate to tell you, confess ALL of these feelings and desires to you, but he knew it was absolutely not professional to go up to his superior, who’d he’d known for just around two months now, and tell her he wanted to claim her as his omega, give her as many pups as she wanted, and take her out on a romantic date to that fancy restaurant she’d mentioned several times. He didn't want to risk losing his job or losing the respect you clearly had for him. There was lingering doubt in the back of his mind about whether or not he’d read those signals from you correctly. Maybe you were just doing your job and coaching the rookie, and there was nothing romantic or sexual about how you acted towards him. Leon desperately wished that wasn't the case and prayed that you’d make the first move. He was an alpha, sure, and technically it was his job to make the first move, but he wanted the all-clear from you before he made a fool of himself.
Luckily for Leon, that day did indeed come, just not in the way he expected.
The moment he set foot into the office the two of you shared, he could sense something was off. And then the scent hit him and he knew. Before he could even open his mouth to say anything, you’d got up from your desk, strode across the room, and slammed the door shut behind him.
“Leon-” You started, struggling to even speak when you were this close to him, the distinct heavy scent of a young alpha assaulting your senses. Deep in your belly, the cramps intensified in response to his scent. Sweat was already breaking out across your forehead and you felt another wave of nausea wash over you. You cursed yourself for not just taking the damn day off until your emergency suppressant prescription (hopefully) came in that afternoon.
Leon looked like he was about to say something so you raised your hand, silencing him in an instant. 
“I am aware that you're aware of my current…state. However, I’ll have my medication by around three p.m., so we shan’t have to deal with this…issue for too long.” It took every ounce of your willpower to keep your shit together and stay professional and in control. 
Leon was a very handsome young man at the best of times, and you certainly weren’t immune to his charm, as much as you tried to be for professionalism’s sake, but right now his good looks were not helping. He was perfect: young, very fertile (you could smell it so clearly that day), and had never claimed another omega. And God his scent! That musky masculine smell, indicative of a young alpha, mixed with his minty body wash. You felt your insides twist, your cunt growing even more slick as it prepared itself to be penetrated. 
No , you told your reproductive system, not here and not now. We just have to wait until three, then it'll be fine. Just a few hours.
Already, in those few moments you'd paused to try and get a grip on yourself, Leon's expression and demeanour had changed. The look in his eyes was very clear, but you could tell he was holding back, desperately, as always, trying to be good. It’d be so easy for him to pounce on you, pin you down, and sort out your ‘current state’ (as you’d so politely termed it) himself. It’d be easy because you wouldn’t resist. At this point, you’d accept anything to make the nausea, cramps, dizziness, and the ever-rising temperature of your body go away.
Get a grip, for God’s sake! The last remnants of your rational, less-canine side mentally shook you by the shoulders, snapping you out of your daydreams. You cleared your throat.
"I can arrange for you to work under someone else for today. I don't want to hinder your ability to do your job or make you uncomfortable all because I forgot to refill my prescription."  You continued, half-hoping he’d say yes, and you would be left alone to deal with your heat yourself. At least its intensity would lessen slightly if you weren't trapped in your small office with the literal embodiment of the ideal mate for your kind.
"N-no, it's fine. It'll be fine." Leon stuttered out, managing a watery smile as he dug his nails into his palms. He could feel his whole body getting warm, those familiar feelings of tension and arousal stirring in his lower regions as his body slowly descended into a rut. The two of you went to your desks on opposite sides of the small room, both willing yourselves to ignore the roar of your natural instincts and just focus on getting through the day.
The scent of your heat was like a miasma in your office, utterly inescapable and hanging thickly in the air. Leon could smell the slick wetting the crotch of your panties. Even with nothing to stimulate you, you were dripping already. He took note of how you kept crossing and uncrossing your legs, those delicious thick thighs pressing together in an effort to relieve some of that endless tension inside you as you read over case files. He also couldn't focus on the files he was supposed to review whilst the pair of you waited to be called out onto an investigation. All the words on the page just blurred together and his mind would instead entertain him with visions of you under him, your legs wrapped around his waist as he pummelled into you, saying his name over and over, begging him to claim you as his own and give you litter after litter of pups.
It eventually got too much. Leon stood up from his desk and walked over to you. You didn't even turn to look up at him despite sensing his presence next to your desk. In your current state, which had already worsened, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that just looking at him would send you spiralling and make you lose the fragile self-control you had over yourself right then.
"Um...Officer?"  He started, fidgeting with his fingers as he looked down at you. He noticed the way you were trembling, your tail swishing in frustration as you repeatedly shifted in your seat , unable to sit still.
Leon had to choose his words carefully here. The last thing he wanted to do was anger you, especially when you were so clearly on edge.
"I...please let me help you. You’re literally shaking, I…I know omegas can get really sick and pass out if they don’t get some relief during a heat. Especially if they’ve been on suppressants for a long time.”
The younger officer had obviously been doing research if he knew that the main danger of omegas using suppressants was that, if they suddenly stopped using them, they were at a higher risk of going into shock from the sudden onset of intense heat.
“And…I mean, I really like you, I’d be happy to help you. I don't want to see you suffering like you are right now.” He continued, stuttering and stumbling over his words as he essentially asked permission to fuck you.
Would it really be so bad to let him fuck you? Would it really be such a crime to let him do what he so obviously wanted so you could get some relief from the agonising combination of hot flushes, nausea, and constantly growing tension between your thighs? 
The feral part of your brain, the part which was ruled by canine instincts, said yes. Leon was right, this was the sickest you’d felt during a heat since you’d started suppressants five years ago, and there were still another five hours at least until your prescription would maybe be ready to be picked up. Passing out or going into shock because of the intensity of your heat was the last thing you needed, especially as you knew the higher-ups at RPD would use it against you, declare you as unfit for your job, use it as an argument for why dogkin are ‘useless’ for the force to employ. At least if you got this heat over with now (even if that meant fucking the rookie who was under your charge), you wouldn't be passing out or going into shock. You could just get on with your work and still have a job by the end of your shift.
"Leon." You said finally, with a sigh, rubbing the sweat off your forehead. His floppy ears perked up and his tail gave the subtlest of movements. "Go lock the door." 
You got up from your seat, wincing as more slick leaked out of you during the motion of getting up from your desk.
"You have to promise me, absolutely promise me , that you will pull out before you knot me. We're doing this just to get me through this heat so we can both focus on work and so I don’t get sick. Not to have a litter or signify that we are coupled now, understood?" Your tone was dead serious, almost cold, as you grasped the rookie by the shoulder to emphasise your point. 
“This is a totally medical, professional arrangement. Nothing more. Do I make myself clear, Leon?” 
Disappointed though he was that you weren’t inviting him to claim you, Leon nodded eagerly, his excitement coming out in his blonde tail swishing back and forth. Lifting his chin slightly with your fingers, you leant forward to kiss him. His lips stayed frozen against yours for a few seconds, confused and a little startled, before he reciprocated. The movement of his lips over yours was hesitant and sloppy. You wondered how many people he’d kissed before. Maybe only one or two, judging by his technique. It didn't matter though, because the feeling of his curious hands roaming over your well-starched uniform shirt, groping at the squishy flesh of your breasts before heading down to squeeze at your ass had you moaning into his mouth. Any touch at this point was welcome and brought about a taste of relief. 
You could feel the firm press of his erection against you, even through the rough fabric of his slacks. It was hot and throbbed in time with his quickened heartbeat. At that point, you were very much aware you’d sent the poor young man into a rut, especially when he arched into your touch as you palmed him, whining and grinding himself against your hand. It’d be cruel to keep the poor young alpha waiting any longer, so you pulled back from him and hastily undid your slacks, yanking them and your panties down below your ass. Wasting no time, you bent over the desk, pressing your chest against the cool wood and arched your back, spreading your legs slightly, causing strings of slick to break between your thighs as you parted them. Your wonderfully fluffy and silky tail curled off to the side, which was the universal dogkin signal that an omega was ready to be mated with. 
Leon froze for a few seconds, staring intensely at how you were presenting yourself to him, his eyes catching on your pink cunt, the plump lips glistening in the harsh light of the office. This was like something out of his fantasies, and he caught himself swelling with pride that you were presenting yourself to him. Not some other older, stronger alpha. Him. with jittery hands, he undid his belt, shucking his trousers and boxers down his thighs. Freed from the suffocating confines of his boxers, Leon’s length bobbed as he lined himself up, the tip shiny with the precum which was dribbling down the shaft. The flared head brushed against your lips as Leon tried to figure out what to do and where to put his hands. you moaned in response, pushing back against him, forcing the tip inside your deliciously hot and wet pussy. The young alpha shuddered in pleasure, placing his hands on the desk either side of you before rolling his hips, sinking his length into you, feeling your body eagerly accept him, sucking him in. The noise you made in response to this action was nothing short of pornographic; as you let out a long wail of pleasure.
Finally, instinct took over, and Leon began fucking you just as any young alpha who'd never claimed an omega before would: his thrusts were quick, short, and shallow, his nails digging into the desk as pounded into you. His breath was hot against the side of your face, his cock heavy and hard inside you as it stretched you out, driving in and out of you in an imperfect rhythm. In your current state, you couldn’t care less about technique. All you cared about was that delicious stretch, the feeling of being full, the sensation of him hitting up against that deep, soft part of your cunt that made you see stars. Already, the sickness of your heat had died down, instead being replaced with utter pleasure as your rational brain shut off and was replaced by the dumb canine one which only cared about being bred and having your hole stuffed with cum. You did, however, have enough sense left in your head and opted to cover your mouth with your hand, fearing that your salacious moans and whimpers would be heard by every member of staff currently in the building. Your efforts were in vain, as even if they didn't hear you, they'd probably hear Leon, who was making no effort to keep his voice down.
"P-please let me give you pups! I'd be so so good, such a good alpha for you." He whined in your ear, kissing and laving at your neck with his tongue, clearly desperate to mark you, to claim you as his own. There was nothing Leon wanted at that moment more than to breed you, make sure it's was his pups that filled your womb. His knot swelled in response to his desire, getting dangerously close to becoming stuck inside you already. You were so tight and wet around him, your body practically begging him to press himself all the way into you, to pound you until he came and filled your pretty little pussy up with seed. You were wet as anything too, the slick coating his thighs and balls, and your sloppy cunt made a distinct squelch with every roll of his hips.
You didn't answer his pleas, only giving a muffled moan when he rutted his head right up against the soft ring of your cervix. Already, the little bit of precum he’d released inside you had made your heat calm down to a far more tolerable level. However, it was now being replaced by another instinctual drive: to have your cunt filled until it overflowed, until you were well and truly bred, until there was zero chance of you not having a litter with Leon. Any thoughts or concerns about what getting pregnant would mean in terms of your career had vanished, as your canine brain had entirely taken over. 
"Please!" He whined again, almost wailing as he continued to rut into you feverishly, desperately trying to bring himself to completion so he could shoot his seed into you before you could reject his proposal to get you pregnant and so claim you as his. He gave another pathetic moan as his pace increased, his lean hips desperately pumping, colliding with the fat of your ass. His hands moved from scratching up the wooden desk to gripping your hips to get more leverage to rail you even harder and (hopefully) manage to shove his knot into you before you could pull away from him and escape. 
You let out another wail of utter pleasure, followed by whines and yelps as Leon kept on bullying his cock into you, the head thudding against your innermost point to an almost painful degree. You’d never been fucked like this before, not even by other alphas. Perhaps it was because you were actually in heat whilst having sex, which was something you’d never done before due to the risk of pregnancy and not finding an alpha you liked enough to want to do something so intimate with. 
Giving in, you couldn't hold back any longer. 
“L-Leon.” You panted out, turning your head slightly to look over your shoulder at him. 
He was quite the sight; his face was flushed, his blonde hair dishevelled and slightly sweaty, sticking to his forehead, his eyes clouded with lust. You felt lucky to have snagged such a handsome younger alpha to be the one to claim you. 
His gaze shifted from where his hands clutching onto your hips to your face.
“Yeah?” Leon’s response was breathless, as he didn't cease thrusting into you for a second. 
“Just…take me. Please. I want…ah, fuck!” Clearly, what you were saying was going down well with the younger man as he didn't even let you finish, instead picking up his pace. No more words were needed from you. 
You arched your back more, spreading your legs further apart so Leon could get even deeper into you. Taking the hint, he leaned over you, placing his hands on either side of your shoulders, and gripped the collar of your shirt in his mouth to ensure you didn't try to wiggle your way out from under him if you changed your mind. With two sharp rolls of his hips, he managed to shove his swollen knot inside you, causing you to cry out. He was so deep inside you, filling you to the brim, and the stretch of his knot inside you stung. You could feel it throbbing and pulsing with need.
With his cock now well and truly stuck inside you (with no hope of sliding out, not with how tightly your cunt was gripping into him and how engorged his knot was) Leon shifted his hips slightly, grinding them against your ass, trying to coax his climax to come. It didn't take much before he practically exploded inside you, his cock pulsing as spurt after spurt of his thick seed pumped into you, filling your womb with its warmth as he emptied his full balls into you. You groaned against the table, eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head as you felt delicious relief wash over you, a deep primal satisfaction.
Leon let go of the collar of your shirt before mumbling in your ear as the last dribbles of his semen left his slit.
"M'gonna give you...ah...so many litters. As many as you want.”
He was feeling his own primal satisfaction of claiming an omega and, he hoped, fathering a litter of strong, healthy pups. 
The pair of you stayed stuck in the same position, bent over your desk, Leon’s chest pressed against your shoulder blades as you both waited for Leon’s knot to shrink enough for you to be able to release yourself. In his post-coital bliss, Leon's tail wagged lazily, giving away his simple feelings of satisfaction and pleasure that he'd got to (hopefully) knock up and claim his superior as his omega. You knew it was highly likely that he had, considering that he was a young, healthy, virile dogkin and you were in the peak of an intense heat. Right now, as Leon hummed against your neck, kissing at it whilst his cum settled in your womb, the idea of having a litter (or two, maybe even three) didn't seem all that unattractive. 
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adventures-in-teyvat · 8 months
alright everyone hear me out. they would be the most autistic power couple
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first of all, they simply would not piss each other off. i rest my case
jk i have more shit to spew. they have so much in common it’s insane—the autism runs rampant through their veins
they would just fucking get each other you know ?? i cant stop thinking about how lynette literally uses “robotic” language to describe her energy levels and sometimes even fucking pretends she’s a puppet or doesnt deny rumors about that because it helps her avoid social interaction. her idea of a good time is recharging by petting cats and drinking tea. like holy autism
kuni would probably think she’s chill and maybe the least annoying person he’s ever met because she just minds her business, speaks with honesty, does not engage in small talk, and generally doesnt give a shit what he thinks. and that’s kind of really amazing for him because that means he doesnt have to put on a show. she’s not concerned with offending him, and she pretty much doesn’t ever take offense at things he says, so he neither has to worry about his words nor her perception of him.
they can sit and do nothing together. they can drink bitter tea and say nothing and pet cats and be content while he works on his thesis. they dont assume anything unspoken, they communicate if they want to say something, they dont have to worry about mysterious underlying social rules with each other, they dont have to sugarcoat anything.
basically what im trying to say is they share a brain cell
both concerned with protection, afraid of losing people/harm coming to their loved ones
lynette is incredibly strong and resilient, but that doesn’t change the fact that she was a victim, and the people who know what happened to her (like lyney) (and in this hc, wanderer :3) would protect her so fiercely like aaaa idk if it’s just me projecting but i just really love the idea of them clinging to each other because they are so desperate to protect each other and aauauauayau heheaheheahah the angst
they might (MIGHT, im stretching but hear me out) know each other/have heard of each other because fatui (i think at the very least lynette would have certainly known about scaramouche as a harbinger, and it’s not too likely he’d have heard about her specifically, but he would probably be aware that the knave is the “father” of the house of hearth, so he’d be familiar with her affiliation in that way)
so anyways all i can think about lately is them growing close to each other and then being basically telepathic
like they just know how the other is feeling at any time and since they share many of the same feelings about people and socializing, they would just get each other and know what the other needs like AAAH I CANT FUCKING ARTICULATE WHAT I MEAN EXACTLY AND ITS SO FRUSTRATING I JUST. I THINK THEY WOULD UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER AND. YEAH. FUCK
also theyre cats🔊🔊🔊🔊
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tinykonig · 1 year
John Price x reader headcannons
price’s turn and i am not holding back… reader is she/her pronouns. NSFW indicated in post!!!
this is the last of my intital headcannons series!! thanks for the support on all of them (königs has 700 notes like what the fuck)
Price is furiously loyal, and the second you join his team he takes you under his wing
Doesn’t let anyone give you any shit and pushes you hard to be the best you can be because he see so much potential in you
Always gives you tips and never makes you feel bad about making mistakes. He’s the first person you turn to for advice
You definitely have had a crush on him for the longest time because of how he treats you so well and you feel a little silly about it, after all he’s your captain and you think he sees you as an annoying little sister
He has noticed your crush, but doesn’t tease you. He sees how you always watch him when he’s around, and how you blush when he praises you in the field
Tells himself he is not going to cross that boundary, but he can’t deny that the knowledge of you liking him makes him feel on top of the world sometimes
Secretly he recognizes that he feels a little bit more than just friendly feelings towards you, and feels guilty about it because of the age gap and that fact that he is your superior
Until he sees you get injured during a mission, he doesn’t even know if its severe but the second he sees you go down he just blacks out and his only priority is saving you
Which is certainly out of character for him
You’re shot in a non-critical area. Hurts like a bitch but you’ll survive as long as you dont lose too much blood. He absolutely will not leave your side anyways
“Stay with me,” he murmured, dragging you to a safe area while everyone waits for evac
Soap, Ghost, and Gaz are all exchanging glances because they know something has changed but they don’t say a word
The days following you are drifting in and out of consciousness in the medbay, and he is always there when you wake up
You’re confused but it makes you feel kind of warm and light as well
Once you wake up in the dead of night because you feel like you are absolutely freezing and you look over to see him sleeping in the chair next to your bed
You try to reach over him to grab a blanket off the shelf over his head so you dont wake him, but the pain when you lift your arm causes you to let out a loud hiss
He wakes up and is like, “No, no love let me get it for you.”
Literally tucks you in and feels your head to make sure you don’t have a fever
When you ask him why he is here so late he just sits back down slowly and puts his face in his hands
“I think I love you, kid”
Shocked is an understatement and you try to ignore how loud your heart is pounding
“I think I love you, too, John,”
There is nooooo hiding this relationship. His eyes never wander very far from you and while he isn’t big on PDA sometimes the man cannot resist putting his arm around you
He hates anyone you hate. He is the ultimate shit talker and blindly takes your side in any argument
Gives you hand massages at the end of a long day
He is extremely lazy on his days off like it is near impossible to get this man off the couch and away from either the tv or a book
He likes just existing near you. A perfect day for him is cozied up with you, both reading your own books and drinking tea
He is one of the most organized and neat people you have ever met
Even his sock drawer is color coordinated
Buys you a toothbrush and toiletries for his place and is just like, “well you might as well just move in!” (smooth price)
Mornings waking up next to him are something to write poetry about. His voice is raspy and laced with sleep, he feels so rough and soft at the same time
Big on cuddles when sleeping. He runs so hot too you probably end up overheating but like, how could you say no to cuddles when he looks so cute?
Not afraid to pout to get his way
Makes you breakfast 90% of the time
Sends you voice memos on your phone instead of texting because he thinks its faster
Uses the 😄 emoji so excessively
Pats your head a lot?? Its endearing
Offers to drive you everywhere even if he doesn’t need to go with you
He really likes taking long drives with you. When he’s been having a hard time, it’s his favorite way to unwind and get his mind off of any bad thoughts
Fills up the ashtray in the car and just drives you to the most beautiful places
Loves trying new foods with you, and hes not picky at all this man loves flavor
When he holds your hand he runs his thumb back and forth over your hand. Its very soothing
Hums when he’s cooking. Throws in a whistle here and there
Dreams about marrying you all the time. When he does propose it’s going to be the most well thought out and beautiful experience
Very private, just you two. Takes you somewhere significant to you both and asks the question and you swear there are actual stars in his eyes
He’s just a guy full of love to give, alright
He is. so. incredibly. passionate. Wants to feel every inch of you
Makes you say what you want before he gives it to you. “Gotta be specific, love. Just wanna give you exactly what you want.”
Obsessed with you on your knees, will put you in that position any chance he gets whether you be sucking him off in the shower or he has you on all fours taking you from behind
eye contact... he WILL grab your jaw and force you to look at him
He goes slack jaw when he cums
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audhdnight · 6 months
Hey hi hello I am extremely pissed off
Maybe this point has been beaten into the ground already but THE HUMAN SHEILD ARGUMENT IS COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT
While my family members were just telling me that Israel didn’t actually bomb that first hospital everyone was up in arms about, Israel bombed THREE MORE HOSPITALS. And immediately after began a campaign to completely decimate the entire health system. THEY DONT HAVE ANY FUNCTIONAL HOSPITALS LEFT
But when I proved to aforementioned dumbass idf bootlicker relatives that YES ACTUALLY THEY DID BOMB THAT HOSPITAL AND NOW ALL THESE OTHERS I get the “wElL hAmAs sHoUlDnT hIdE iN hOsPiTaLs tHeN”
Listen to me. Carefully. Come closer.
This applies to the churches and refugee camps and schools and relief centers too. These are places of REFUGE. They are supposed to be SAFE when homes and open streets are not. THATS WHY THIS IS CALLED A FUCKING WAR CRIME.
Do you understand that the people of Gaza (Palestine in general actually but I’m specifically speaking about Gaza right now) have been stripped of all dignity???
They can’t bury their dead, or if they manage to, it’s in mass graves marked with fucking cinder blocks. Bodies can be seen sticking out from under rubble, covered in flies. Because of the ceasefire, doctors have returned to a hospital they were forced to evacuate, leaving patients behind, and found the bodies of the children they were not allowed to take along, rotting in their beds. Imagine the absolute abject misery of being a doctor in Gaza right now. You can’t save everyone, you can’t even save almost everyone. You are forced at gunpoint to make the decision to leave your patients behind so that at least you can continue to help those who leave with you, hoping to return soon enough to save those who remain. Imagine the heartbreak of coming back days later and finding these poor broken bodies. Children with limbs missing or splinted who could not get up out of bed to even try escaping. They died slowly, and painfully.
Gazans are watching as their oppressors burn their olive trees, their cultural heritage, their livelihood, their source of food. Those trees mean so much to them, and have been cared for by generations of the same families in many cases. It’s not just a plant, not just a crop. Those trees are their inheritance, bearing the sweat and blood of their foremothers and forefathers. And Israel burns them.
Gazans are now being punished for COLLECTING RAIN WATER. Because even though Israel bombed the water reservoirs and poured cement in their pipes, apparently the fucking rain still belongs to Israel. Large numbers of deaths come from those who died of dehydration, or those who got sick from drinking dirty water. Illness is everywhere, because not only is the water dirty, but what food they can scavenge has been expired or left open from explosions or picked out of ashes.
These people cannot even eat and drink with human dignity. They don’t have blankets to sleep with despite the fact it is winter and nights are freezing. People sleep in the streets wherever they can find a less rubble covered place. Bisan mentioned in one of her videos from two weeks ago that many people lose clothing every time another bomb drops, and so people are walking around half dressed or in literal shredded rags. Do you wonder why everyone in the videos you see is covered in ash and dirt? It’s because they don’t have water for showers. A bomb falls, sending dust and rubble raining down over every surface, and the survivors just have to walk around like that, wearing the blood of their family members or friends or pets who didn’t make it out.
This is the literal definition of “cruel and unusual punishment”. They have no dignity in life, and certainly none in death. This is inhumane and absolutely disgusting, and I am ashamed to live in a world alongside people who loudly and proudly support it.
I don’t care if you hate me, I don’t care if you think my identity means I shouldn’t have rights. No matter how much I dislike or abhor someone, I still know they deserve their dignity. All humans should have that most bare minimum of basic rights.
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lakesbian · 9 months
Dearest Aisha, I hope this letter finds you well on this horrible sunny day. I’m leaving you this message because my heart is twisted in twain, and you must know that it’s not you, it’s me. What we had was wonderful, but alas, my future in the Bay is either woefully short or non-existent and as such I must bid you adieu. Or in plain English, I’m leaving because this whole plan Glory and Taylor cooked up isn’t my thing and would just put a target on my back. Maybe things would’ve been different if we weren’t pulling up the curtain, but oh well. Try not to be too upset about it. I left the playstation behind, and feel free to save over my old files. Say bye to the others for me, just don’t be too mushy about it. -Alec.
JESUS. WHY DO PEOPLE THINK HE TALKS LIKE THIS. alec wouldnt say bid you adieu if you paid him. or Twain. or Dearest Aisha. oh my god hed gag before saying dearest aisha. hang on we need a full count off of the sins here
the base premise that he didn't discuss his feelings about victoria and taylor's plan with aisha beforehand is absurd--they're extremely communicative with each other
the base premise that taylor would go along with anything victoria cop dallon said in the first place is insane and makes me want to see the person op thinks victoria is killed badly by bugs
the base premise that Aisha is fine with victoria cop dallon's plans instead of going "alec isnt this fucking sucks." is insane.
the base premise that alec is the only undersider not okay with victoria cop dallon's plans is also insane. I'm going to be real with you they would kill her immediately and without hesitation for alec and they dont even like him that much.
again, it's absurd to act as if aisha and alec are noncommunicative enough that he would drop this on her as opposed to telling her he was considering leaving off the bat. also i think she has enough wrong with her that she would want to go with him. but i digress, that's besides the point because
alec would not want to leave without aisha in the first place. people latch on so hard to him casually suggesting leaving the undersiders in that one early chapter but like. he's doing that bc it's in the context of a hypothetical scenario where his dad is getting after him. he always unequivocally backs them & follows their lead when they get into Shit That Is Not About Him--he's just both not wanting 2 burden the undersiders w/ having 2 deal w/ his dad + assuming that they wouldn't necessarily Want to help. once they say they would help he's like. oh ok. and this is certainly the last time he ever even considers leaving. those are the only ppl he has he's not walking his ass out of there. he Thinks he doesn't care but in any situation where he's at risk of exiting or losing one of them he leans HARD into backing them up. e.g. knocking himself unconscious to help brian sacrificing himself for aisha suggesting leaving town As A Team when the s9 is there and explicitly mentioning stopping to pick up rachel first. his actions demonstrate how he feels even if he isnt consciously aware of it. this entire situation is cartoonishly implausible but even if it did happen he would just not react this way
anyway the fic literally just ends like this.
A/N: And so the curtain rises. Or sets? Maybe it’s an interlude? Or a intermission? I didn’t really think this metaphor through. Writing Alec is hard, but I’m hoping I managed well here. No, this is not an elaborate rug pull or “oh he shows up later”. Alec is gone. He doesn’t show up for the rest of the story. And the reasoning for that should be laid out pretty clearly here. Maybe in another world, where Tori and Taylor resolved the communication issue before this point, they could’ve had that conversation. But they didn’t and he didn’t. So the only way out was out. Alec was never going to be willing to unmask. And with that knowledge, what happened last chapter should be a lot clearer. Today’s rec is an essay on Alec’s Costume by ewingstan on Tumblr, which does an excellent job breaking down his character in terms of psychology and code switching between his cape self and who he is regularly. Or rather, how there’s not much difference at all. I’ll see you all next week.
YOU DID NOT MANAGE WELL. HOW ARE YOU READING AND LINKING GOOD ALEC POSTS (albeit ones i had a bit 2 expand on but like. Its a good post it stands on its own.) but not internalizing Any Of Them. my god. this is so funny. there he goes fucking off into the sunset leaving literally his entire life behind because op understands nothing about him. resti n peace boy. ok thus concludes my Complaining. i'd apologize but its my blog and i can do what i want forever
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goldendunite · 4 months
Location: The Execution Tower
... Dunite?
..... Odette?! Wh- what are you-
No, shh, I am just here to talk to you....
..... you shouldn't. You're gonna get in trouble.
If Hexe was so adamant to keep me away, she would have made certain of it. Here.... I brought you cake.
.... it's delicious.
It would certainly be more delicious if you made it.. you never did quite lose your baking abilities.
..... I can't eat anymore, 'm sorry... I feel like I'm gonna fucking puke....
Did... did I add too much sugar by mistake?
No, not that... you could actually do with more I think. But no, just.... everything.
..... you're scared.
'Dette, you'd be terrified too if you were about to get fucking executed and kicked into the void forever. Icia spent 5 years there, she tells me. She says it feels like nothing but falling. I don't wanna be falling!!
.... Dunite....
No, don't fucking "Dunite" me, there's NOTHING you can do for me! I'm going to die! I'm going to get beheaded or stabbed or SOMETHING! IM GONNA BE IN THE VOID, ALL ALONE, 'N I WONT HAVE YOU OR AOKI OR ICIA OR SAMMY OR AOKI-
.... I said him twice, didn't I..? *sob* ... why.... whywhywhywhywhy did the cosmos align in such a way....
Dunite, come here...
... 'm sorry. Y'didnt deserve that.
.. well, you don't deserve to be in this situation either... so let's declare it even, hm?
.... you miss him. Or both of them.?
.... well yeah, I miss both.... but. He's just...... I miss him in a different way.
..... in a love way?
..... I don't know?! I think?! He's so cute and his smile and he's so sweet and cute and....
.... and I dunno if I'll ever get to see it again. He's an AI, didja know....?
... you fell for an AI?
I DONT KNOW, I THINK SO?! I mean- I fucking HATE AI and you KNOW this! But... he's so nice and acts so human and....
... am I gonna get my heart broken?
..... I.... I do not have an answer, Dunite.
.... do you know when they're doing it?
.... 8 PM. Tomorrow.
So it gets to be dark outside.... maybe there'll be stars?
No. She is making it bright and sunny.
Oh of fucking COURSE she is. Bet this day is a great JOY to EVERYONE in the kingdom. Flynn's right, no one wants me here... 'xcept you and Sammy.
.... I really wish I went with Icia. Stupid, stupid Dunite....
Hey, please stop hitting yourself- It does you no good.!
What else can I do..? I'm going to die. I can't beat myself up over my stupidity one more time?
Absolutely not.
.... when i.... I die, guard all my stuffed animals. Especially the Deedees.
With my life.
.... do you think she'll let me hold the first Deedee? Or the bunny Aoki gave me?
I have high doubts.
Shit...... okay....
..... but...
Wh- how did you get into my room for this?!
.. well apparently the enchanted music book you gifted me once had a spell for phasing through walls, by adjusting my own body's frequency... much less complex than first glance, given.. well... me. Is this the right bunny?
... y-yeah.... 's the bunny Aoki gave me. Hehe.... it still smells like him.
He smells like rain...?
My dear Dunite, you truly do love him... it's a beautiful thing to truly love like that. Even if it is forbidden.
.... do you... do you think they'll be there? Icia and Aoki? She'll make them be there? Because of... them having visited?
......... she may.
.... if that happens, try and make sure they don't see. I... I don't want 'em to watch me die.
I will do my best, Dunite. It's all going to be okay.
..... yeah. It'll be okay. I just wish he was here.
Did he see Flynn hit you?
I hope not.... it broke my wood. I... I think he was weakening me for the execution.
I can see it.... the peridot's chipping out.
Mhm..... I'm sleepy. What... what time did you say again?
8 PM.
.... 'Kay. Thanks Odette....
.... I'll miss you when I'm gone.
.... I-.... I'll miss you too, Dunite. Both Sammy and I will very, very much.
8 PM EST, tomorrow.
We shall await your arrival.
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cowboy-robooty · 9 months
another day another divine vision. let me tell you about italys entitlement to love pipeline. so see italy loves to sleep around he loves da ladies da one night stands and most certainly aint about that commitment bullshit. it isnt out of malice or anything its just he cant really see the appeal hes like bruhhhh that is SO not worf it :/ blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... and like holy rome was when he was 7 okay that doesnt really count since when italy was 7 he also used to believe girls couldnt fart a lot of things were different at that time. but see i think italy is able to fall in love with germany despite his commitment issues because he also has a raging sense of entitlement. italy is the opposite and exactly the same as romano. romano is possessive as shit because hes the unloved brother that got nothing so when he gets something he hoards it to himself while italy is entitled as shit because hes the ultra loved by everyone child and always wins out in the end so he feels like he deserves everything at the end of the day. he isnt a bad guy but hes a bit of a spoiled brat to his core because of this since he can easily feel entitled to things after a while. and see italys love for germany hinges upon that entitlement being activated.
because germany is fully devoted to italy hes fucking obsessed with him he will and does do anything for him if italy asks him twice (sometimes thrice). germany will let italy ruin his life every single fucking day and still comes back crawling for more. hell be like italy this is the last fucking straw do NOT EVER fuck up my car again and the italy will destroy it literally the next day and germany will be mad for 30 seconds before sighing and going "well its okay. but im serious this time dont do it EVER aga-" **repeat for the next one million years**. and italy is very aware of this and honestly germanys undying loyalty and shit is why theyre able to stay together. because germany will always accept italy into his arms whenever italy comes running to him even if he also is sticking grenades into his back pockets and wiping his hands on germany's shirt while doing this he will always be like "... come here italy". and i think italy really realizes that germanys always going to take care of him wether hes on the losing side or not and even if hes with germany on the losing side everybody on the winning side likes italy already so theyre not going to really punish him fr so its overall better to lose with germany than win with everyone else since the winning side is going to make him actually do shit. Italys always with germany but if germany actually gave italy consequences depending on how severe these are he would actually leave germany rather than deal with them if he found it too much of a hassle to deal with. And this is how i believe their relationship is like for a very very very long time like for basically the entirity of the anime so far even like italy saw germany about to die and did not even grant him his last wish of smiling for him because he was like errrm! sorry dude but im looking out for me!
but i think this is able to morph into love because over time italy unconciously starts feeling entitled to germany. germany is so loyal and always there for him so hard that italy starts to feel entitled to this treatment because no matter what he does no matter how scum gong or batshit he can be germany will always see him as a perfect angel who could never have ill will (and only kills him out of incompetence) and welcomes him with open arms. italy starts to feel like germany is SUPPOSED to be with him. that it isnt right if germany isnt because italy is entitled to him already obviously and this is why italy starts developing jealousy and is like wtf germany is supposed to like ME most! Its unconcious and he doesnt really think about it too hard but his entitlement slowly grows over time and although it makes him be like GERMANY YOU CANT LIKE RUSSIA MORE THAN ME!!!! it still leaves him being selfish where he leaves germany to die by pictonians lol. the entitlement is able to morph into love though because it becomes so strong that italy one day realizes that hell feel so much intense discomfort if germany isnt by his side. he feels like germany is supposed to be with him hes supposed to like italy best and always pamper and spoil him and be obsessed only with italy and let only italy do special things nobody else can do. and it keeps growing until he realizes what he feels is love. because he realizes that there isnt anything he can think of thats worth more than his relationship with germany. he feels so entitled to germanys life that hes willing to give his own life up to keep their lives intertwined forever. hes willing to give up his freedom in exchange for germanys loyalty since now he cant see himself enjoying his life without it. its become such a common pleasure that its impossible to go on unless he has it. even if not being able to screw as he pleased will make him deeply unhappy, not having germany by his side would make him infinitely more unhappy. he might hate doing shit for people, but he would hate germany being hurt and alone 1000x more than how much he hates getting his ass up and doing him a favor. and THATS how italy realizes that he is so very totally in gays with germany chan forever since hes willing to do anything to keep him in his life and lucky for him he doesnt have to do anything except make their loyalty mutual. hashtag itager babywin!
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
I think most of the obey me fandom hate the take that the angels and demons are probably genderless and asexual esp the angels, and sometimes refer to termonology when suited them, they can shapeshift and take human form, or posses a soul or use a vessel, to talk among humans.
Like a wolf in sheeps clothing.
Like we dont know what they actually look like, like we see Lucifer for example, from the game, but MC going to human realm and after learning that he was using a higher authority vessel at that time and MC just checking images and being like...doeant seem right..and probably seeing their true selves not from them but other demons and possible other humans..
.like they are nice to us, we have a pact with all of them, but in front of others they are demonic in nature, saditic, and Diavolo only tells the demon kind to be nice to MC, the angels and Solomon.
Also learning at RADe esp learning about your own culture in the eyes demons, like a demon being like "were you there?" In the 1200s ..and finding out some history between the human realm and the demon realm.
Ohh anon we're getting into some interesting theories here.
The game doesn't really elaborate on whether or not the angels and demons are genderless by default. It's pretty heavily implied that they're male (except Thirteen obvs), though we know they will dress up as Dames sometimes. But that doesn't really indicate that they're changing the actual physical sex of their body. So there's a lot of room for headcanons about stuff like this. Just because the game does not state it explicitly. I think it would make sense that the demons and angels could potentially change their outward appearance, especially considering how the demons can shift into demon form whenever they want.
But I think it's an interesting idea to say that even that demon form is some kind of watered down version of what they really look like. That in their true form, they're far more monstrous.
That'd be some intense manipulation to use on MC, though. Like if MC thought the version of the demons they see is true and the way the demons treat them (nicely) is how they really are, only to find out that it's all a lie? That they're only like that because Diavolo demanded it? I would lose my shit lol.
And I'm sure that demons have some interesting ideas about the history of the human world. I kind of like to think there are some demons that are really active in the human world and have been there a lot and so they know about a lot of the history. And then there are other demons who are like ehhh not interested lol. They just hang out in the Devildom all the time and never leave it.
But it would certainly be interesting for MC to talk to them and find out what they think, especially if they've witnessed a decent chunk of human history.
Personally I think MC likely has a lot of demon friends at RAD aside from the brothers (or at least acquaintances) that they chat to about this kinda stuff. Because if it was me, I wouldn't be able to resist asking every demon I meet a million questions.
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isdalinarhot · 4 months
personal non cosmere post so sorry about that also me posting about problems i have but also probably getting horny with it sorry about that as well but. i have an issue right now. where i have gained a significant amount of weight since last august/september. for "i get very drunk pretty much every night" reasons. like i dont know the exact numbers because i dont own a scale and only weigh myself at doctors visits and my parents' house. but im pretty sure im within 20 pounds of 300. and if we were a nudist society i would not care. i would be like yaaaaaaaaaaaay i am hotter in my own eyes and less hot in the eyes of bigots who i don't want the time of day from anyways. but oh my god since we have to wear clothes. im in hell. because you see short sleeve shirt and shorts season is coming up fast. even faster because of climate change. im gonna have to start wearing t shirts and button ups and shorts again by the end of february probably. and from all ive tried on NOTHING FITS. like i had a shirt i got for christmas. a band t shirt. and i loved it because it was so big on me. it was so baggy and so good at hiding my features and like no clothes ever do that for me anymore. none. but i wore thaft shirt yesterday and it was TIGHT ON ME! like my whole goddamn body shape was visible!!!!! there was a goddamn motherfucking belly button indent!!!!!!! thats the sign of a shirt thats just too small. and if that shirt is too small, then all of my t shirts and button ups are too small to a degree more than just "unflattering" but rather "unwearable because you literally cannot just go around with your belly peeking out of your shirt at all times". and its like i dont know what to do! because apparently that means im a 3x in shirts now and they dont sell that size at stores like target and shit but its going to cost so much money to replace my wardrobe with clothes i wanna wear? clothes that dont make me feel like killing myself? like i just need eight shirts. thats all i need. i just need eight shirts if i do laundry once a week. but even then thats like 400 dollars? i only have 2 button ups that fit and i need to wear a button up every day or i die. and i dont know what to do. i just dont have the money to wear clothes that fit for summer. and i cant lose any weight as long as im drinking half a liter of vodka a night but im certainly not going to stop drinking half a liter of vodka a night so i dont know what to do :( i like being big huge large but ive gotten quite frankly too big huge large :(
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borderline-gays-club · 6 months
12/17/23 12:16 AM
I feel like I'm always playing catch up. And this has been an ongoing problem for a very very long time. At least since highschool. possibly before. And I now know its because of all my fun mental problems that work together to make my life a chaotic mess (less so now). But now I'm in a place where Im asking myself: how do I just exist without feeling like I need to get everything done right now. Like i cant fucking relax. And the problem is that there is some level of reasoning to it, but at the same time I need to find a balance, cus either way working crazy all the time is just gonna burn me out and cause me more problems in the long run. I have gone through so many periods in my life where I'm severely depressed and incapacitated and then hypo mania kicks in and I can do everything. So in the time periods of mania I would "make up" for all the time I lost and it was a vicious cycle. Even though my bipolar symptoms are currently managed with medication, I look back the past 10 years or so and I'm like wow. I lost a lot of myself bc of my BPD. and I guess thats where alll my current urgency is coming from. BPD took a lot away from me. Time that I can never get back. And I can't say I regret it, because with the tools I had back then, it just wouldn't have been possible to have made different choices. I will say, with every step of this journey in my life, I really have always been trying. Even at my worst I was trying to find ways to not be so miserable. I really wouldn't give up. Its in these moments of reflection that I can really say that my will to live has actually been very strong this whole time. Even when i wanted to die. I still tried. The times that i basically gave up on myself was when my miserableness was being blanketed by obsession/FP shit. That was the perfect way to completely lose hold of myself and dedicate every fiber of my being to that other person. and it would feel euphoric and would get me out of depression. Its terrible. literal addiction shit. These are the times that I mourn because it really does feel like regression. And as much as i dont want to treat myself like a project that must always get better over time, it really just feels tragic how much of my 20s I've lost to losing myself in other people. But this is all time i cannot get back. There is no point in regret. And also, I cant regret decisions I couldn't really make. A lot of this lost time is really due to lack of care that I needed. From my parents, from doctors. I was simply emotionally and medically neglected, and I did my best with what I did have. All I can do now is to strive to live in my truth. but first i must figure out what my truths are. Because I still don't really know what self means. Im figuring it out tho. *last note: mayb i just need to view time differently. I'm viewing it as a linear thing, but I know that time is not really linear. Life is certainly not linear. I think I still view my value with what I do and what I create. This is something I'm working through. I think the question is also: Who am i if I did not make things? Where would I place my self worth without being able to make things? theres always a lot to work thru.
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medowlarken · 2 years
🔞 part 2 of aot nsfw headcanons (18+ ONLY!)🔞
y’all asked for them so here they are: hc’s for Armin, Eren, Mikasa, and Jean
starting off strong with Armin
i see him as pan with a preference for mascs
his frail physicality gets him pegged as an uwu babyboy sub a lot and he uses it to his advantage
the man is devious lemme tell you
he always has to be in control of the situation. half bc of anxiety and half bc mindgames are his fuckin jam
he lets his partner think theyre the ones in charge until the last minute and the payoff is delicious
following directions without question, giggling and blushing until suddenly his partner’s in a position that makes them think oh shit, did he plan this????
the surprised look on their face gets him every time
he somehow always knows what to do next-- where his partner wants to be touched or what position to switch into
power bottom. hes got those megan knees
jokes aside, at the end of the day armin is a sweetheart
all his observing and analyzing is so that he and his partner can have the best experience possible, but he also knows how to relax and just go with the flow
his only flaw is that he exclusively refers to sex as making love
next up we’ve got Eren 
gay gay homosexual gay
he doesnt even realize hes supposed to be attracted to girls until hes like 14 lol
hearing friends talk about crushes and realizing there are other women in the world besides Mikasa and his mom
hes conflicted about it for maybe 2 hours before jacking off to the thought of reiner’s tits and deciding he doesnt care
tries so hard to come across as suave but actually gets really nervous
the first time he has sex he nearly passes out from the pressure
but ofc thats young naïve eren. older jaded eren is kind of a whore :/
is sexy and unfortunately knows it
sends u up? texts to like 6 dudes at a time. armin drives to his house just to throw his phone at him. floch turns up 20 minutes later with an overnight bag.
top/dom but in a bratty way if that makes sense. fucks like hes got something to prove
his fav position is doggy + hand fisted in the hair
can be kind of an ass but its not usually intentional-- hits and calls them an uber right after
very much frat boy with a hidden heart of gold
Mikasa is a bit different
I hc her as a sex-positive asexual-- she doesnt get aroused on her own but enjoys the closeness that intercourse can bring
it was pretty alarming for her growing up. she thought she was broken :/
BUT adult mikasa is very comfortable in her ace identity 
shes tough but a girl at heart-- cheesy romance novels are her guilty pleasure
take her to a movie and ‘accidently’ have yalls hands touch in the popcorn bucket. give her a bouquet of red roses at a fancy french restaurant 
shell eat that shit up
likes kissing but is grossed out by spit 
prefers going along with her partner’s suggestions in the bedroom. mostly because she doesn’t really have preferences of her own
her partner losing their mind to pleasure like oh f-fuck Mika, shit baby and shes just watching them like 0_0
seeing them in such an intimate, vulnerable position makes her insides all warm and fuzzy
she isn’t afraid to say no though-- or knock someone out if her boundaries arent respected
LOVES aftercare. has an entire routine memorized
tl;dr strong woman mikasa can benchpress a truck but melts if you hold her hand
and last but certainly not least, we’ve got my man Jean
bi with a preference for women. is partial to dark hair
its,,, big lol
he’s like 6′3 and that shit is proportional
but he rarely brags bc mama raised a gentleman
long lashes, full bottom lip, broad chest with the smattering of chest hair? bro is kind of beautiful
bc of his blunt personality ppl expect him to be a jerk. which he def can be, but at his core he’s a sweet guy-- he just gets embarrassed easily
jean kirstein is a woman respecter and i will die on this hill
his love language is acts of service. hes always cooking his partner food and making sure they drink water. sends good morning and night texts and gets upset if they dont reply
he isn’t really into bottoming but i wouldn’t consider him a hard top? he’ll try most things at least once 
a talker-- sex with jean is pretty much a narrated experience
--fuck you feel so good i want you so bad take me just like that love--
it eventually turns into incoherent babbling 
praise really gets him going. his partner whispers in his ear how good he’s making them feel and he’s busting .002 seconds later
fav position is anything that’s face to face. loves holding them down so he can watch their expression change
breeding kink lmao
(that’s all ive got for now. lemme know who else yall want to see~)
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iamthecomet · 1 year
sorry if this is kinda uncomfortable my brain just produced the idea. tw sewerslide, si, sh
i have read a lot oc/reader insert fics written in a self-indulgent comforting manner (not judging btw good for anyone writing for comfort/vent reasons)
then i thought what if murder ghouls
does the ghouls like the siblings but are inherently feral cuz they are infernal or do they just dont care about them
what if they smell fresh blood from one of the siblings dorms, do you think they'd check? do you think they'd try to supress the urge to help the harming sibling or go unhinghed because of the metallic scent. how could they help even if they wanted to
what if the metallic scent just permeated from this sibling everywhere they went, every single day and the ghouls got frustrated
what if a sibling heard about the rumors of siblings disappearing after spending time with ghouls. so they start to trying hanging out with the ghouls in the most mundane ways. they didnt know the other siblings got killed behing secluded rooms or abandoned hallways so the sibling just tried to join their movie night, or helped them baking. ghouls getting confused, haven't this sibling heard about the rumors? do they have a deathwish? yes.
Ooooohohohoho. There are so so many thoughts to be had about this. Talk about sh, and suicidal ideation under the cut.
So, in general, I think all of this is largely ghoul dependent. Especially when it comes to whether or not they actually like siblings at all, you know? I think they range from actively disliking them (Dew, Cirrus), to being very apathetic about them (Mountain, Rain), to liking them in a "I'm still going to eat you" sort of way (Aether, Swiss). So their reaction to a sibling self-harming would vary by Ghoul. I don't tend to headcanon that blood makes them feral. I think they possess incredible control over their innate bloodlust. But they all notice. You know? They can smell it all over that sibling. But it's probably not all that uncommon for siblings to smell like blood every once in a while. It's the length of time it lasts that would raise red flags. A copper tang floating behind them like perfume would certainly make some noses twitch. Aether would try to help. Even murder ghoul Aether has a soft side--driven to eliminate pain (even when he's actively eating someone, he doesn't want it to hurt too much. He's much more into psychological torture than physical). He's gentle when he wants to be, kind. Paired with that and the quintessence, I think he could do a good job toward helping both with physical pain, and emotional. Also, I'm losing my mind about the idea of a sibling hanging out with ghouls trying to get themselves killed. I think some of them would catch onto the plot pretty quickly (Cumulus, Rain). But in general, I love the idea of them trying to figure out what the game is here. Why is this sibling so...normal around them. Acting like they want to be part of the pack. Why do they reek of blood all the time? What the fuck is happening? And I think, they'd be reluctant to kill this one. Something is clearly wrong with it, you know. In my weird murder ghoul world, all those negative emotion hormones make blood taste like shit. So they're not particularly interested in eating this sad little human they've accidentally adopted.
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saiiboat · 18 days
hi \o/!! Alex and Daniel for the ship bingo?
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sooo glad you asked me this they were who i was thinking of when i rbed the ask game LMAO. but yeah they make me crazy fucking insane they ending they got was fucking crazy and blew me away but i do think they deserve to be happy and normal and survive together. in a world where they survive i do think they would be inseparable in the same way that liz and thiago are in osnf. but i really do wish they got the chance for their relationship to develop while they arent both in the process of losing their minds and then dying.
terrible for eachother because. well. youve seen how they talk to eachother. in my perfect world they never stop being obnoxious to eachother but there is the undercurrent of affection that they both know is there but others have a hard time picking up on because wow. they dont fucking stop. can they both kill eachother already or something. <- what other people are thinking. they get both of the terrible for eachother boxes because for most of the time they knew eachother it really was that bad. this is the same reason why i checked sicko 2 sicko communication. they are the worst. daniels barbs certainly become less harsh after alex saves him and after the events at the school but well. hes still daniel. hes still obnoxious. but alex adapts and is obnoxious right back. thats just how they talk to eachother. they dont do much pda and any talk of love is in quiet private moments between the two of them like at the credits at the end of a slow movie when theyre leaning against eachother and daniel has his head tucked into alex's shoulder. you get me
i do love thinking about ok. but what if they didnt die. what if they got to actually know eachother and be domestic and dumb and codependent as shit. what if they went on shitty movie dates and cafes while daniel writes and alex grades papers. what if they stay in the order together and help train newbies. what if alex's plurality becomes a normal part of their lives and ricardão has his own relationships and his own dynamics with others and with daniel. man idk i just love these guys theyre everything to me. they had an awful start but it got better and then everything went to shit before it could actually go anywhere. meus pais i just want them to be happy
send me a ship and i will fill out a bingo :3
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psychopathicfreak · 24 days
Hi.. i saw your response and to let you know i was refreshing your blog nonstop for it Kshdkajd
I guess i should use an emoji to identify myself??? Until i either get too embarrassed and humiliated to keep going on the asks thingy or actually go in your inbox. Idk. Ill use this thing. >> 🍀
I feel this way around people that creep me out in a way. Superiority complex??? You definitely have one.
Youre eerie to be around, probably. Youd make me feel on edge. But i enjoy looking up to these kinds of ppl. I look up to you. I know only what you post and nothing more but i look up to you.
Its sort of like self h×rm, really. Like a drug. You remind me of my ex - he was a manipulative cult leader who stole my money and time. - im sure you get my perspective here.
The way you talk about yourself reminds me of well-respected ppl who are shitty in general. Who would see like idk. Violence and not interfere. I feel nervous even typing these cuz ngl i have troubles predicting what youll feel here. Am i going to be bullied off your page?? Lolz idk. Im just rambling here. Yeah. Youre unpredictable. Its scary
I still have that bad feeling in my stomach right now. It reminds me of anxiety. The day before something bad happens or whatever.
Youre just the type of person i would know not to trust. I wouldn't ask you for directions if i were lost . I believe i can sense auras well and i would prefer to stay away irl.
Ik you would be forceful w ppl who dont comply.
Also the way you carelessly insult people and throw your opinions onto the table so confidently, makes me admire you even more but it also....??? Confidence...
I know this made no sense whatsoever but i was a bit scared to just.. post this out for everyone to see. But i feel like id gladly tell *you* everything in detail. Give you stuff to use against me. Idk why im this way. I am not gonna proof read this ik i just said empty shit. Im stupid. Maybe this is me relapsing into something. My brain is yelling at me to stop this weird interaction. I feel like a fan of a toxic celebrity
Youre terrible. Its awesome.
Toxic celebrity ? You flatter me ~ .
Eerie to be around ? Not when I’m in a good mood, I’d hope ! Many people I’ve met in person have told me that I’m charismatic and fun, and I appreciate that because I value social interactions even though I rarely value whoever I’m interacting with on a personal level .
I’m in a relatively good mood right now .
For what it’s worth, I don’t need your money . I have plenty of others I can profit off . . . I suppose that would fit with the drug allegory though, and I’ve heard that one more than once too .
I wonder if you have an addictive personality .
I guess there are some instances where I’d interfere if I witnessed an act of violence . If the perpetrator was someone who I had no ties to and the victim was someone I valued ( that said, it’s incredibly rare that I do value someone ), I would interfere regardless of the size of the perpetrator . I would feel angry at the thought of someone I chose to associate with having a bitch made out of them . In a way, it would feel like they were slighting me, too . I would also miss their company if they died or chose not to associate with me after I just ignored their suffering .
If I knew I was on camera or something, I might be likely to interfere if I was likely to come out on top . Mostly because I don’t want to lose money or attention after taking a hit to my reputation .
If the perpetrator was someone I valued or associated myself with, and this wasn’t on record, I might join in .
I feel like this is morally neutral ? I don’t tend to care about morality . I just started thinking about the implications of what you said here ! I’m . . . not offended at all though . You think I’m unpredictable ? I’m not sure, but I’m certainly intense . I’ve been called unstable a lot .
If someone pissed me off, I’d get violent myself, regardless of . . . circumstances I probably should feel more deterred by . I don’t know . If someone irritates me when I’m in a bad mood, or if they anger me enough, I kind of blow up . I feel like this makes me less cold than some people might assume, especially considering my ASPD ( and the stereotypes surrounding it . )
Despite the fact that this is supposed to be my vent account, I actually don’t tend to post here when I’m seriously angry ? I guess it’s because I’m too angry to formulate my sentences how I typically do here ?
I’m very confident . I love myself, and I value my own thoughts and opinions greatly . Most people are stupid compared to me, and this is highlighted by the fact that I don’t tend to talk about shit I’m not informed about whereas they definitely seem to .
Yes, I’d be forceful if denied . Nobody ends up denying me .
As for whether it would end well if you asked me for directions, I’d say it depends how I was doing in the moment . On most days, probably not, if I’m being honest . . . I suppose that’s what you meant by “ unpredictable ” . I see it now, I suppose, although I still think I’m more predictable than others tend to assume .
I wonder if this makes me any easier to understand . I wonder if this makes me more predictable . I wonder if that makes me any less intriguing . . . I wonder if any of it makes me less “ terrible ” .
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