#beginner gym workout routines
fitnesflag · 27 days
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medicalisland · 9 months
Unlock Your Fitness Potential: The Ultimate Beginner Workout Gym Plan to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey
Are you ready to take charge of your fitness journey? Look no further because we have the ultimate beginner workout gym plan to kickstart your path towards a healthier and fitter you. Whether you’re new to the gym or just starting out on your fitness journey, this comprehensive plan will help you unlock your fitness potential. Continue reading Untitled
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walkworkouts · 2 months
Constant Slim Down with 30-Minute Standing Cardio Walking Routine
This is the exercise to do if you want to up the intensity of your workout! Follow this exercise routine, which consists solely of standing and hopping, to burn fat and lose weight! In addition to strengthening and testing your muscles' resistance, it burns a lot of calories. Also, keep a watch on what you eat. Avoid grains like bread, pasta and sugary products like chocolates, doughnuts, etc. Do this each day to ensure outcomes! Let us begin, and best of luck!💪❤️
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2x-nutrition · 3 months
Embark on your fitness journey with our Beginner's Guide to Killer Abs at the gym. Learn effective exercises, workout routines, and expert tips to sculpt and strengthen your core. Get ready for impressive results!
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your-healthy-life53 · 4 months
"Empower Your Fitness Journey with Gym Girl Magic! 💪✨ | Trending Workouts & Wellness Tips
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fitnessninefit · 6 months
5 Best Kettlebell Exercises to Include in Your Workout For Beginners
Kettlebells are an adaptable exercise tool that may help you develop your ideal body type by increasing strength and endurance. Here are the top kettlebells to use for at-home training!
Choosing the ideal exercise equipment for your home gym may be very difficult. However, we're here to simplify your life by selecting the top kettlebells for at-home training. If you're unfamiliar with kettlebells, you should be aware that they are made of cast steel or iron balls with a handle fastened to the top! It gets its unusual name because it looks like a kettle.
Why are kettlebells the answer, you ask? Well, for starters, Kettlebells full body workout helps like no other. Read more to know five more kettlebells workout. From swinging to snatching, these cannonball like weights can do it all.
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happywhispersdream · 7 months
How to Start and Stick to an Exercise Routine: The Complete Beginner’s Guide
Tips for Starting and Stick to an Exercise Routine including choosing activities you enjoy, setting goals, scheduling workouts, overcoming barriers like lack of motivation, and maintaining fitness habits long-term. Read More
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fitnessmantram · 11 months
Gym Workout Routine | Workout Routine at Gym | Best Gym Workout Routine ...
Strengthening your muscles and increasing your endurance through regular exercise can be beneficial. Exercise improves the efficiency of your cardiovascular system by delivering oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. secondly, when your heart and lungs are in better shape, you will have more energy to complete daily tasks.
Read More: The Top 10 Myths about Weight Loss
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yuvaapofficial · 2 years
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How to Workout in Gym for Beginners
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daphnedauphinoise · 26 days
Weightlifting and Correct Forms
Pre-workout dynamic strecthing
Warm-up and mobility routine
Beginner's guide to weightlifting
Proper forms and common mistakes
Weightlifting for beginners women [fixed weights]
Learn how to deadlift
Lifting for beginners [bar squats]
Using proper technique for lifting weights
20 common lifting mistakes to avoid
Most common exercises done wrong [home edition]
Proper form for RDL
Proper form for Bulgarian split squat
Proper form for dumbbell lateral raise
Proper form for dumbbell row
Pure Gym's full exercise demonstration playlist
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fitnesflag · 1 month
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bigboysdrinkmilk · 5 months
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📌 Pinned Post 📌
Welcome to Bigboysdrinkmilk’s Tumblr, where I post gym progress pics and shitposts. That’s it.
Want to donate to my growth? Gains are expensive:
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Feel free to send asks, anon or not, or DM with messages! I’m friendly but generally slow to respond. Mobile users, find commonly used tags in the tags in this post.
About Me/FAQ:
Name: Roman
Age: 31
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Sexuality: Gay/Queer/Poly
Location: Seattle, Washington
“Will you give me gym advice?”: I’m happy to share my experiences or opinions, but I am not a certified personal trainer and what I do or what works for me may not work for you.
“Want some nudes?”: My DMs are always open but I have a very active and fulfilling sex life out in the real world and don’t necessarily have the energy to be horny on here all that often.
“Why aren’t you answering my ask?”: This could be for a variety of reasons, including: you asked personal information or medical advice, the ask was in response to something that was too distant time wise, you were insulting or negging or otherwise being strange, I’ve already answered the question recently, I missed it, or it was really sweet and I’m keeping it in my inbox to hold on to. Feel free to ask again, but certain things don’t get responses.
“I don’t like what you’re posting.”: Cool. No need to announce your departure. I tag clumps of posts that may clog up people’s dash, usually with something like #ask or #tumblrgames. If that solves your issue, great! If not, the unfollow button is right over there.
“Have you ever committed a felony? Do you intend to commit a felony? Are you committing a felony right now?”: Babygirl, we don’t know each other that way. And what are you, a cop?
“What’s your workout routine?”: I rotate through sets of three day splits in a six days on one day off pattern so that different muscle group combos are hit in various arrangements with each group being hit twice a week. It’s overly complicated and not what I’d say other people should do. If you’re asking what I recommend to other people, Push-Pull-Legs is great for beginners and intermediate lifters, alike.
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ashleyloob · 11 months
From someone who is disorganized and discouraged, I would love advice on weight-lifting/building muscle. Would you share your understanding of building muscle and the breakdown of diet?
If possible, could you share how you apply what you know to yourself? If you use any tools to help you?
Struggled with working out, gaining weight, and eating my whole life. Thanks!
prefacing this with some important info for fellow disorganized scatterbrains!!!!
the main reason why ppl have trouble sticking to a lifestyle change is because they try to make very drastic changes too quick, and you get overwhelmed and it becomes unsustainable. this is especially an issue for neurodivergent folks, and since it's Tumblr I assume a good chunk of y'all are (me too dw)
DON'T immediately overhaul ur diet and hit the gym 5x a week from day 1!!! hitting tiny goals consistently is also more rewarding than working towards one very large arbitrary goal that you might not reach, esp when it comes to working out. start veeery small if u need to, such as only 10 bodyweight squats per day like i did and go from there. you wanna program ur brain into feeling accomplished to keep you motivated. patience is key!!!!
ok!! now onto the more detailed info below
Disclaimer: I'm still a newbie myself!! only consistently lifting heavy for about 3 months as of this post. I did a good deal of excessive info diving on lifting using the power of Sheer Autism, and my main gym buddy is very experienced & taught me a good chunk of this shit so shout-out to my pal for making all this possible xoxo
so good news!! "building muscle" is very easy for beginners starting from zero. newbie gainz are absolutely real. at this stage you can do just about anything at the gym and get stronger bc u can only go up. BUT!! if you structure it, you can make the process enjoyable and much more efficient. if you're goal oriented (lookin at u ADHD menaces), you'll love the concept progressive overload.
wikipedia defines progressive overload as: a method of strength training and hypertrophy training that advocates for the gradual increase of the stress placed upon the musculoskeletal and nervous system. in layman's terms, it just means gradually adding more weight as you work out to increase the difficulty as you get stronger. progress is VERY easy to track because of this, and you'll be hitting PRs pretty much every week for the first couple of months and that shit feels fantastic because you physically feel yourself getting stronger so rapidly. I use the app Strong to track my workouts. so, how do we structure progressive overload? that's through sets/reps. A rep is a single execution of an exercise. 1 squat is one rep. 2 squat is 2 reps. and so on. A set is a collection of reps. The format is Sets x Reps, for example: 3x5 means 3 sets of 5 reps. You will rest between sets, and it's typically anywhere from 1 minute all the way up to 5 minutes depending on the level of exertion/type of training you are doing. Heavier weights mean longer rest periods and vice versa.
For those interested in barbell training: the r/fitness beginner routine is pretty good! I also recommend 5x5 stronglifts. both are very straightforward, but also note the typical olympic barbell is 45lbs. If this is a weight you struggle with, you can begin with bodyweight exercises, dumbbells, or machines at the gym which are all very BEGINNER beginner friendly. especially when it comes to legs you're probably much stronger than you think. Most people can squat 45lbs first try. don't be afraid -- you're standing on those things all day, they can support hella weight. Like I mentioned earlier, don't be afraid to start veeeery small and work your way up from there. I started at home with doing only bodyweight squats without the barbell, then added on benching with light 7lb dumbbells after a week, then impulse signed up for a gym membership a month later and began to go there to use equipment and now i'm deadlifting over 100lbs as a tiny girl that previously was too weak to even lift a 40lb dog. it snowballs quicker than you think once you gain confidence in your own body and its abilities!
If you can, i highly recommend getting a personal trainer to assist you, or tag along with a gymrat pal to show you the ropes. This page is also a good resource to learn specific lifts. otherwise, youtube is your best friend. you can record your sets and compare your form to form tutorials on youtube, and actively take notes on what to change the next time you work out. Be an active learner!!! be aware of what muscles are engaged when you lift and how your body feels. almost NOBODY gets it right the first time, esp with barbells. we've all made fools out of ourselves at the gym as beginners it's chill. i find people at the gym are very nice and willing to help you out if you're struggling, and people don't judge at all-- it's very easy to get in your own head in these spaces but most humans there are supportive and want you to succeed, especially since it's a hobby they are also passionate about. the more you do it, the less anxious you get. exposure therapy is very effective!! Also, almost all the barbell exercises can be replaced with smaller dumbbells, and you can do them at home if you get your own set + a workout bench (pretty cheap if u get secondhand, check facebook marketplace/craigslist). i got mad social anxiety myself so i understand sometimes you just can't, and this is an option for those that find public spaces overwhelming.
I personally don't think specialized diets/precise macro tracking is super duper important for newbies/casuals, only moderately important (spicy take for some but whatever). but you probably naturally will take an interest in diet once you realize it'll help you perform significantly better in the gym. the only macro i track is protein. You can use a TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) calculator to roughly estimate the amount of protein you need for maximum gainz. it's usually around .7-1g of protein for every pound of lean body mass (weight that isn't fat mass). Imma be real it's pretty hard for me to hit the recommended protein goal and most days I don't because my appetite just can't kick in for the amount it demands, and protein is super filling. I found that if i decreased the amount of carbs i eat, i am able to consume more protein bc i guess there's more room in my stomach lol. i eat a fuck ton of greek yogurt, chicken, fish, and tofu. when i started working out, i begin cooking a lot more and found i naturally craved less processed junk foods and snacks because the protein was keeping me full all day which is a plus! Even when im not regularly hitting my protein goal my gym progress is still going well and I think it's simply because my diet is A LOT better than what it used to be in my gremlin days. I also eat a lot more now that i've gained a bit of muscle, so do be prepared for food costs to go up as your metabolism increases and demands more energy to upkeep your gainz.
a whileeee. over a year, probably, unless if you're on anabolic steroids (dont ever do that u will quite literally die). and physique is mostly from diet since it's dependent on your body fat percentage, the saying "abs are made in the kitchen" is true. its why you see hyper skinny terminally indoors gamer dudes with abs, even if they'd snap in half if you farted in their general direction. those mfs barely eat they too busy being gamers i am no longer interested in lifting for aesthetics personally since i get more joy from hitting PRs and i'm pretty content with my body image, but ik physique is the reason why most people get into lifting so i'll touch on it. Weightlifting on its own will not make you lose weight or fat. Again, it needs to be supplemented with a healthy sustainable diet (DO NOT DO CRASH DIETS THAT SHIT IS GARBAGE) and a form of cardio. I actually gained 8lbs since I began lifting from water retention & new muscle mass (muscle is more dense than fat, your body retains water when repairing muscle after a gym sesh) but my measurements and pants size have remained the same. I'm short, so something as small as a 5lb increase usually bumped me up a pants size but it didn't this time bc im gettin swole :') if you want to track physique changes, measuring your waistline & progress pics is a better way to do so than the scale. If you want bigger muscles, look into hypertrophy training. it's a tad different from strength training, mainly because you do higher reps at a lower weight.
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ribb0ngirl · 3 months
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𝑚𝑦 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑡 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑒 ᧔♡᧓
So as seen on my last post I have had a really rough couple of days (weeks), so bad that I'm not going to school tomorrow. So I'm taking this as an opportunity to reset and seriously get it together.
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Wake up at 9:30 - I'm setting an alarm since I don't think I should stay in bed too long due to having have been in bed almost all day today and this isn't too early or too late either
Meditate - I'm going to be following Lavandaire´s 5 Minute Guided Morning Meditation for Positive Energy
Stretch - I'm going to do OppServe's 5min Stretch for a Fit Body, Nice Posture, Body reShaping: A Beginner Routine. WARM UP/ COOL DOWN
Eat a nutrious breakfast
𝑔𝑦𝑚 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒
I'll be going to the gym and be there for around 1h and 30mins since that's what I usually do. I have a very clear routine that's been helping me recently that involves body machines (idk how to say it in english 😭 the machines with weight and stuff), cardio and a simple youtube workout
𝑠𝚑𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒
I'm going to take a body shower and then do some intense skincare since I have a slight breakout
After I will also paint my nails and read the book I'm currently reading (Girl Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen)
Have a nutritious lunch
Catch up on school work
Journal - I haven't journaled in a long time so I'm excited for that, I have lots of inspo on Pinterest
Check emails
I'll go to Starbucks and try their new matcha latte with strawberry cream - I'm doing this to go out more, walk, interact at a more relaxing environment that isn't as inclosed and loud as the gym
Revise one more time if I need to catch up on school
meditate - I'll be doing Lavendaire´s Guided Meditation for Self Love
Have a nutritious dinner
Read some more
Go to bed at around 10:30-11:00PM
I will do a social media detox
Saying affirmations and practicing manifestation
Read the victim document which can be found in jordynbreeloa777 blog
Read self care, LOA and self improvement articles
Reprogramming my mind with affirmations
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wolfsclothing6 · 1 year
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He saw you working out at the gym most days. You were struggling to start a beginner weigh lifting program, to put some muscle on your lean body. You spent most mornings watching the intro fitness videos on your phone, building up your form, and of course staring at him. He was a huge beefy bear, with big thick muscle gut, massive quads, chest hair spilling out his very tight tank top, and the biggest beard you ever saw. He was very much your type, but you were way too nervous to ever do much more than stare and ogle him from a distance. You looked at him hungrily when he was benching one morning, always surprised at the weight the stocky man was able to lift. Mostly you drooled whenever he walked by you, imagining what it would be like to be as masculine and strong as the bearish man.
In addition to his beefy good looks, he had the most amazing and manly scent about him whenever he would lift. His tank top, he always wore rather tight tank tops to show off his muscle gut, was soaked in minutes of his lifting routine. He was always red faced, sweating and grunting, and it was even more amplified when he was doing dead lifts like today. His musk always caused you to tent up in your shorts, and you would always enjoy a fast and furious wank in the gym showers after your workout when you got to watch him lift. However, today was the day he finally noticed your bulge in your shorts, and instead of getting in your face for perving out on him, he smiled. Instead of saying anything, he walked right next to you after you finished your barbell curls. He waited until no one else was looking, and took the two calloused fingers of his right hand and wiped up all the sweat from his left hairy pit, getting the fingers nice and slick. Then he stuck them in your mouth before you could say anything, your eyes going wide at the lewd and raunchy act. You screwed your eyes shut in pleasure and begins sucking on his outstretched index and middle finger. You moaned audibly, loving the strong earthy taste of his pit sweat, giving in to your natural oral submissive tendencies, and before you knew it , your cock was blowing its load in your pants. You didn't care though, the daddy bear musk was too good. You were on cloud nine, even with the spreading dark stain on your baggy basketball shorts.
He smiled at you upon seeing you shoot and started leading you back to the locker room. He moved past the lockers and showers and approached the sauna. There was no one in there, and he fiddled with the door and locked it before putting it out of order sign on the inside glass window. He sat down on the bench and helped position your zonked out body to kneel in front of him. Slowly, almost lazily, he pulled out his heavy cock and thick daddy bear balls from inside his jockstrap and gym shorts. The cock was about five inches long, with a fat mushroom head and covered in dark purple veins. You had never seen such a hairy cock, and it was covered with curly dark fur halfway up the shaft. You opened your mouth, expecting to begin servicing him, but he shook his head. Instead, he just pressed your face into his sweaty nutsack. You quivering with anticipation, eager to begin pleasuring him, but instead he began massaging your shoulders and you simply begin to breathe in and out.
You took in lungful after lungful of that wonderful smell of his, including his musk, the dribble of precum that was slowly sliding down his thick uncut dick, and the faintest aroma of dried piss. He began growling approvingly as he felt your body start to swell under his massaging fingers. Your gut begin poking out a bit, but muscle began blossoming underneath. Hair begin spreading all over your body, and you felt your arms and legs get thicker with muscle. You felt your jaw and upper lip begin to bristle, and a thick beard grew in. Your hair itched, and it retracted into your skull, leaving the top and side of your head buzzed short. You moaned a little bit as your ass filled out, becoming the perfect cub for this daddy bear. Your pits felt prickly for a moment, and shortly after the sensation faded you had a veritable forest of dense, matted, sweaty hair under your arms. You felt it start to get nice and wet, and knew you would be emitting a strong musk of your own. Not as strong as the sexy bear you knelt before, but a potent musk none the less.
You kept getting thicker and thicker, but after a few minutes he pushed you away. Your faculties had come back to you a little bit and you smiled. You flexed for him, showing off your new beefy body, and the bear nodded approvingly. Then you stripped out of your gym clothes, got on hands and knees, and shoved your hairy, sweaty ass up in the air before him. He wasted no time in spitting on your hole and shoving his leaking cock into you. He was dribbling so much precum that it acted as lube, and he buried his short, musky cock in you to the root on his first try. He rutted hard and fast, saying nothing, but was growling and panting and grunting as his massive balls slapped against your fuzzy rump.
It didn’t take him long before he grabbed your hips and buried himself as deep as he would go, letting out a deep and reverberating growl that shook the floorboards. His fat nutsack pulled up, and he unloaded what felt like a quarter cup of bear jizz into you, pumping his load deep in your hole. The pleasure of his orgasm caused you to cum again, and your seed splattered all of the wooden floor of the sauna. He stood up, panting, and smiled at him. He raised his pit, and let you lick it clean. You growled at each other once more before getting dressed and exiting the sauna, tossing the out-of-order sign away. You got dressed, still looking disheveled, but feeling proud and confident, and left the gym.
You got in your car and rolled the windows up and turned the A.C. off. Before long, the car filled with your manly smell, exacerbated by the fact that your dick was hard and leaking already. You kept pawing at it through your shorts, sniffing your pits at stop signs, and working yourself into a horny craze on your ten minute drive home. As you parked, you grabbed your far heftier sack and squeezed, and soon were shooting for the third time in an hour, right into your briefs once again. You smiled as you panted in the humid, musky car as your wet spot grew even more. You couldn't wait to get back to the gym tomorrow and teach more men the pleasures of hot, sweaty bear sex.
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tamamita · 9 months
Sal I'm gonna start to scout some gyms this week so that I can start working out. Most of the ones near my area are pretty lenient in terms of routines and will let you pace yourself however you like, although they also have trainers to guide you and craft a routine for you. Beyond that, do you have any tips for someone that hasn't done any work out since 2013 besides chopping firewood in winter? Even if my goals and yours might be different I respect your opinion as someone more involved than me.
That's quite a long time, but a general principle for beginners is to first let your muscles adjust itself to the new environment. You ARE going to suffers first few weeks as muscle soreness/DOMS (haha) are inevitable, but do not fret, muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. If you keep working out regularly, the pain that follows will decrease, until it's completely bareable. I just wanna get that out of the way, because DOMS is one of the primary reasons why people drop out.
Now while I can't provide a routine for you, what I can do is to provide a method of training called progressive overload. Now these are divided into two areas: hypertrophy & strength. All of these are a result of adaptive training, that is to say that your brain adapts itself. The goal of hypertrophy training... is well... increase in muscle mass, the promotion of myofibril division, while strength training is to increase your muscle strength and ability to produce force.
Muscle hypertrophy requires no specific exercise as any workout can stimulate the muscles under stress and provide muscle growth. However, muscle strength requires muscle and neural adaptation depending on the exercise you perform, therefore you need to find a way to adjust your muscles using proper forms and techniques. As for volume, lesser reps x greater load.
Muscle hypertrophy can be achieved through a larger quantity of reps with the specific task of reaching close to failure (the last rep where you muscles experience fatigue), while muscle growth can be achieved as you carry heavier loads, however, as neural and muscle adaptation increases, you can carry heavier loads. So for now, it all depends on what your aim is. The secondary benefit of hypertrophy training is that your muscle strength will increase, but in a slower rate and vice verse. For such a reason, it's important that you consult with your PT and decide how you want to build up a consistent routine that you feel benefits YOU.
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