goodieghosty · 1 year
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Sleepy buns for the new year (no I'm totally not late lol)
Consider supporting me on patreon!(link in pinned post)
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exsqueezememacaroni · 4 months
Oh you know, it just took me 3 months+ to be able to face the fact that I was there. Gonna listen out for two small people screaming from the front. (@seattlesfinest I'll listen for you too if there's a time you think I could hear ya!)
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UGK (Underground Kingz) - Int'l Players Anthem (I Choose You) (Director'...
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loganslowdown4 · 2 months
Remus: *pointing at Virgil* Look at the BUNS on that guy-
Virgil: *unconscious on the floor with burger & hotdog buns all over him*
Patton: *bursting through the door* This is the comedy police, this joke is too funny-
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emoprincey · 7 months
In my defence I was very tired last night but I just found this in my notes app and I'm inflicting it on the rest of you guys
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[Image description: A screenshot of the following text, "I looked in the mirror at my caramel orbs, then threw my hair into a messy bun and smudged some eyeliner around my eyes so I wouldn't look like a prep. Janus called me from downstairs, so I went downstairs and he was stood there with Patton, Logan and Roman. "What's going on?" I asked. "Virgil, I can't afford to pay my bills so I'm selling you to the light sides," Janus said. I stared at him. "What the fuck we don't pay bills we're imaginary"". The last sentence is partially cut off. / End image description.]
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muppetable · 1 year
my friends are being funny now so… incorrect quotes day featuring their bullshit!
Janus: *puts his hair up in a short ponytail*
Roman: You look like a Who from Whoville if it became a crack addict. It was a hard life for Cindy Lou Who after the Grinch left…
Patton: *skips weirdly*
Patton: I AM A CARTOON CHARACTER *walks into wall*
Virgil: Hey, are you okay?
Logan: Mmm.
Virgil: You said that with your head down, I didn’t hear you.
Logan: *lifts head, sighs* Yeah.
Patton and Roman: *for the duration of the entire conversation* Hakuna matata, what a wonderful phrase-
Roman: What’s in your bag?
Remus: Patton.
Roman: What!?
Remus: OH I thought you meant “What’s on your phone?” It’s actually a bomb.
*Logan, Patton, Roman, and Virgil find a random hamburger bun on the floor*
Virgil: *picks it up*
Logan: Please don’t eat that.
Patton: Please Virgil no.
Virgil: *throws it at Roman*
Janus: I’m not homophobic. I discriminate against everyone equally.
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rataticaisdreaming · 6 months
day 6 - flowers @intrualityweek
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small fic under the cut 😊💙💚
Summary: Patton braids Remus’ hair and gets a special request.
Pairing: Platonic Intruality (he/him for both)
Word Count: 237
Warnings: None
“Roman will be so jealous!”
Remus and Patton sat together in the imagination, a soft blanket under them. After finishing the sandwiches they brought for their picnic, Patton suggested braiding Remus’ long silver hair.
The duke got the idea of adding flowers to the braid, right as they saw a soft breeze carry some petals. They were in Roman’s side of the imagination, which meant it was filled with colorful flowers everywhere. They added some flowers to Patton’s twin buns and behind his ears, Remus even took a red flower with its whole stem so he could pass it through his earring hole. It was when Patton reminded him that the braid would look like Rapunzel’s that Remus went full twin mode. “He said the long hair would be a dumb idea, because it would get in the way of our duels, but now!” he said, raising his voice. “He will be so jealous of my braid, he will want to copy me!”
“Tangled is one of his favorite movies.” Patton pointed out.
“Mhm! Oh, I can just see it! The absolute shock on his face as he realizes how pretty I look.”
Patton giggled as he continued to hear the silly twin rivalry between Creativity. He was just glad Remus felt so happy. He was looking forward to Roman asking him to braid his hair later, so he could show his twin who “wore it better”.
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 3 months
Say the Word (I’m Already Here)
I have no interest in continuing Say The Word (And I’m There), but I figured I’d at least write the scene where they all meet
Word Count: 1774
Rating: Gen
Pairings: LAMP, Royalogicality
Warnings: a cliffhanger I currently have no intentions of resolving, allusions to crime(?)
Nothing about Remy’s cryptic message, nor the rather impressive house — mansion, Roman had insisted on correcting him, this is a freaking mansion, specs — he had asked them to meet him at had done anything to assuage Logan’s worries that his friend was involved in some sort of sketchy business.
After college, Remy had told Logan that one of their platonic soulmates had offered them a job, and that it would involve a lot of travel. Logan had been happy for his friend and naturally inquired as to what the job was. Remy told him it was a secret.
For nearly a year, Remy had traveled around the U.S., sending Logan a postcard from every city he went to, and FaceTiming him once a week. He never gave Logan any details of what the job entailed, nor whether or not he had any travel companions. They denied any insinuation that they were doing anything illegal with a laugh, and assured Logan every time that what they were doing — whatever it was — was not in any way sketchy, illegal, or at all immoral, but with no details provided to the contrary, Logan maintained his doubts.
The postcards had stopped several months ago, and Remy had been in the same location — what looked like a home office, decorated to Remy’s own style — for every subsequent FaceTime. A week ago, he’d sent Logan a text inviting him and his two soulmates to a ‘launch party’ at his boss’s house (mansion) along with the time and location. He had not answered any questions about exactly what was being launched other than that he thought Logan, Roman, and Patton would enjoy it.
“Are we just going to stare at the door?” Roman asked and Logan made no move to ring the doorbell. Remy had not left instructions for what they should do when they got to the house, though it seemed fairly obvious that they should ring the doorbell.
“I have become even less sure that Remy is not somehow mixed up in something dangerous,” Logan admitted quietly.
“Aww Logan,” Patton wrapped his arms around Logan’s middle comfortingly. “I don’t think they would have invited us to anything they thought might be dangerous!”
“Besides,” Roman continued. “Launch parties don’t usually have insidious purposes. They’re probably working for some tech giant or something — maybe we’re here to witness the launch of the next big social media platform!”
“…yes,” Logan finally replied. “That does sound like something Remy would do; and you are right, Patton, that Remy would not invite us if he thought it would be dangerous.” And with that, Logan rang the doorbell.
The chime from the doorbell lasted at least thirty seconds and followed a tune that seemed familiar to Logan, though he could not quite place it — likely a pop song but played on bells. Soon after the chime finally ended, an older woman with her hair in a tight bun opened the door.
“Can I help you?” She asked doubtfully.
“We are looking for Remington Sonno,” Logan said. “They sent us an invi–”
“LOGAN!” A familiar voice yelled from slightly further in the house.
“Please come in.” The woman nodded and walked away, leaving the door wide open behind her. Logan stepped inside, followed by Patton and Roman, and barely made it three steps before Remy was sliding down the polished hardwood hallway directly into him.
“Oof!” Logan stumbled slightly but managed to maintain his footing as Remy wrapped their arms tightly around him.
“Gurl, it has been too long!” Remy lamented.
“That is hardly my fault, Remy,” Logan stated, wrapping his arms around Remy in return.
“Fair,” Remy laughed. “I’ve been busy, but that’s why tonight is so exciting!”
“Tonight?” Logan asked.
“The party,” Remy clarified. “It’s good. I’m so proud–” Remy cut themself off with a shake of their head, a fond smile gracing their lips. “But that’s for later, I wanted you all to come early so I can spend time with you.”
“And yet he doesn’t deign to greet us,” Roman sniped playfully.
“My deepest apologies, your highness,” Remy pulled back from Logan so that he could bow deeply. “Roman Prince, it is an honor to be graced with your presence once more.”
“Thank you,” Roman bowed his head benignly.
“And Patton!” Remy smiled, opening his arms for a hug that Patton happily accepted. “Lemme give you guys a tour of the place!”
The mansion was expansive. Remy led them through a kitchen which was bustling with catering staff, then through the ballroom where workers were busy decorating for the party that would occur later in the evening, then up a grand staircase, and down a hall. They stopped every now and then to point out interesting pieces of art on the walls or if a door led to a specialized room. Eventually he led them back down a different staircase and out a pair of French doors onto a breezeway.
“So that was the main house — or most of it anyway, there’s more, but it’s Joan’s personal space so no tour of it,” Remy explained, gesturing back to the house they’d just left as they walked. “These are the gardens — we can explore them later if you want — but back here,” they gestured down the breezeway to a second, smaller — though still rather sizable — house, “is the guesthouse. That’s where I’ve been staying.”
“Your employer is very…” Logan trailed off, unable to think of an adjective that both properly expressed what he was feeling while also not potentially hurting Remy’s feelings of insulting their soulmate.
“They’re not as bad as they seem,” Remy shrugged nonchalantly. “I know this is all a little much, but they’re not as out of touch as this makes them seem.”
The four of them had just reached the door to the guesthouse when Remy’s phone went off, they checked it quickly before grimacing.
“Sorry, babes, my boss needs me for a bit, but feel free to make yourselves at home,” he opened the guesthouse door and gestured for them to go in. “You can explore if you want, or if you want to wait for me there’s a media room up the stairs, down the hall to the right, take a left, then third door on your left — I shouldn’t be too long, but we’ve got a bunch of video games or movies, whatever you want.”
“If you’re sure…” Logan trailed off uncertainly.
“Of course!” Remy laughed. “¡Mi casa es su casa!”
“Bye Remy!” Patton called as Remy rushed back down the breezeway to the main house.
The three soulmates entered the guesthouse and were immediately faced with a small problem: the stairs weren’t visible from the door.
“Well…” Patton frowned. “They can’t be that hard to find if Remy didn’t tell us where they were. I’m sure the answer is stairing us in the face!”
“And Remy did say we were free to explore,” Roman pointed out, opening the nearest door — it led to a coat closet.
There were three options for the three soulmates to choose from: straight, left, or right. None of the directions showed any obvious signs of house hidden staircases but figuring Remy had given them the directions slightly out of order, they chose the right hallway.
The hallway contained a few doors — all of which Roman opened, and all of which turned out to be a closet, a utility room, and a bathroom — before opening up into a kitchen. Tucked in the corner of the kitchen was a staircase, so they followed it up and went to the left.
The third door on the left was not a media room, but rather the office that Remy had been FaceTiming Logan from. The second and digest doors weren’t media rooms either; neither were the fourth or fifth door.
Having exhausted the doors to the left, they tried the right, then the right hall. The right hall led into more halls, so they continued that way, opening doors as they went, none led to media rooms. Eventually, having followed the confusing halls of the house as well as they could, they somehow ended up back at the top of the stairs to the kitchen.
“It’s been a while since a house has given me the runaround,” Roman shook his head in disbelief.
Logan was about to suggest waiting for Remy in the kitchen, when piano music began to drift up the stairs.
“Someone else appears to be here,” Logan commented.
“Maybe we can ask them for directions!” Patton suggested.
“Maybe they’re in the media room,” Roman added.
They followed the noise down the stairs and through a different doorway than the one they had entered the kitchen through. The doorway took them to a formal dining room, then into a moderately sized ballroom. As they walked through the ballroom the piano music solidified into Chopin.
Across the ballroom was a smaller room with shelves filled to the brim with folders and books. On one wall, there was a variety of musical instruments hanging from displays.
In the center of the room, there was a person with dyed purple hair and a patchwork hoodie playing a grand piano. The person’s back was to the door, and all three soulmates were too entranced by the music to make their presence known.
As the song came to a close, Roman saw his opportunity.
“Hey, excuse me?” He called, a little too loudly after the trance that all four of them had just been in.
The pianist startled, their hands slamming down a discordant cacophony of keys as they jumped a little too much. They ended up falling backwards out of their stool and sprawling out on the floor at the trio’s feet. Mismatched green and purple eyes blink up at the soulmates.
“Sorry, kiddo!” Patton yelps, concerned for the other person’s wellbeing. “We didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Shit!” The pianist gasped, scrambling up to their feet. “I mean fuck– um, no. Shit–” Logan’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he was certain Roman and Patton must be feeling it too. “Sorry, I just– uh, I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here this early. Sorry.” Their soulmate finished, somewhat lamely.
“Ah, it would appear that you are our final soulmate,” Logan said, his mouth working even as his brain tried to catch up — because not only was this their final soulmate, but it was also Virgil Knight! “My name is Logan.”
“I’m Patton!”
“And I am–”
Reality came crashing down on Roman. His soulmate was famous musician Virgil Knight, former bandmate of convicted murderer Remus Duke… Roman’s identical twin.
“No, I–I’m his brother, Roman.”
I know it’s rude to end on a cliffhanger that I don’t intend to resolve, but I just wanted to write them meeting, I didn’t really want to get into the feelingsy part of it. I just wanted to finish smth to break out of my mini slump
Also the party Remy invited them to was the launch party for Virgil’s first solo album. Joan hired Remy to be Virgil’s friend/bodyguard/driver when Virgil decided he wanted to explore the country and be a normal teen for a while
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling
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I got a prompt, not sure how good it is but:
Patton tries to distract himself from his stress/emotions via stress baking for the sides. This has dire unintended consequences when Patton realizes too late that his negative energy managed to seep in and poisoned his baked goods
Stressed Bakes
Patton channels a little too much stress into his baked goods, everyone feels the consequences.
| Ao3 |
Warnings: What could potentially be seen as unintentional emotional manipulation, a hefty amount of food mentions (this fic is entirely about baking)
Pairings: gen, no romantic pairings
Word count: 3164
Notes: Thank you anon for the prompt! Anyone please feel free to send prompts my way, they're a very good motivator!
I'll be honest this didn't turn out nearly as angsty as I intended when I started writing it, but I still have fun, I hope you enjoy!!
Tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @reptilianrapscallion420 @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess (if anyone wants to be added let me know1)
Patton loved to bake. Ask any of the others and they’d tell you the same thing. It was true! Patton loved making just about anything, cakes, cookies, macaroons, meringues, pastries and pies, sweet and savoury. He enjoyed making cinnamon swirls, belgium buns, and apple tarts. Just about anything, really, if you can name some baked goods, Patton’s probably made them and enjoyed the process.
Baking came to him almost like magic, it was easy as pie (haha, get it?) to whip up sweet treats and savoury snacks for everyone to enjoy. 
That was why, as well as one of his favourite hobbies, baking was Patton’s favourite coping mechanism too.
It was easy, but still took focus, it was time consuming but still enjoyable, it was fun and even resulted in an end product everyone could enjoy! It was a much better way to cope with the stresses he pretended not to deal with than other methods he’d seen, anyway.
Patton would never tell the others, not with them all already upset and stressed enough without everything he had going on being dumped onto their plates as well. The wedding had hit all of them hard, Patton knew. Knowing what he was doing wrong - and that he could fix it - had made things a little easier, but ultimately that fiasco hadn’t ended well for anyone.
Roman was still angry at himself and pushing himself too hard as a result. Logan was working overtime and barely leaving his room aside from mealtimes, Virgil was… well, upset didn’t cover half of it, Patton knew Virgil was angry at him for accepting Janus so quickly, not to mention anxious about what it would do to them. Janus himself… well Patton had no clue how he was feeling, he was just as good at hiding things as Patton himself had gotten, and Remus… Well. 
Remus still scared Patton out of his socks whenever the opportunity seemed to arise for him, it was driving Patton a little mad, with paranoia and then guilt at being paranoid and then worry about how his worry would effect Thomas whilst he also couldn’t help but worry about how Remus was faring despite his own hesitations. 
All in all, it was stressful, Patton was stressed and emotionally keyed up to maximum with worry and sadness and anxiety to the point he was genuinely surprised he hadn’t accidentally summoned Virgil by now.
So Patton turned to his one steadfast trick that was almost guaranteed to help him relieve some of the stress he had been feeling over the last few days. 
Patton baked, and baked and baked. All morning and well into the afternoon Patton was making sweets and cakes and other sugary treats and as he baked he slowly felt his negativity melt away.
His worries about the others, his fears that he couldn’t help them, his overwhelming guilt for the way he had so blatantly manipulated and hurt his famILY without even realising it. All the self doubt over what was right, all the self hatred and pily for not knowing the answer. The terrible feeling that had him wondering if he was even useful anymore, the worry that maybe he really had been doing everything on purpose, maybe he really was just evil, bad for Thomas. All the bad feelings, all the things he tried so hard to push down, down, down with a smile, all the stress he forced himself not to show. It all just… melted away as he baked. 
And when he finally felt like he was done, now that his feet were sore and his arms ached from kneading dough and stirring mixtures but all he felt was the light, happy feeling of pride at a job well done, Patton had a plethora (Logan would be proud of him for that word, he thought) of baked goods for everyone to share, too. 
Since he’d been thinking about Logan, Patton decided he’d be the first side Patton offered his treats to. He grabbed a selection he thought the logical side might like; some jam tarts, made using the various flavours of Crofters they kept in the cupboards, a blackberry and pomegranate mini-pie, an apple turnover cupcake, some sugarcookies that he had decorated in colours for each side (he grabbed the dark blue ones for Logan) and a couple bite-sized pieces of sugar dusted shortbread. 
“Hello, Patton,” Logan said when he answered Patton’s knock at his bedroom door, his face stony and emotionless as it always seemed to be lately, he hoped one of his treats might be able to bring a smile back onto his friend’s face, even for a short while, “Did you need something?”
“Nope!” Patton said, popping the ‘p’ happily, “I’ve been baking! I wondered if you wanted something?”
“Oh,” Logan said, standing up straighter, he looked rigid, like someone could snap him in half, the sight usually made Patton’s heart hurt, but now he couldn’t help but think positively! Was that a hint of a smile he saw? “What did you make?”
“I brought you a selection!” Patton said, grinning fully now as he offered the plate, “I made a lot, so I thought I’d let you choose.” 
The corner of Logan’s mouth twitched upwards as he took one of the jam tarts, thanking Patton before biting into it. Instead of the smile Patton expected to see in response to Logan’s favourite jam, though, his face twisted almost immediately into a frown whilst he looked mildly surprised.
“Is… something wrong?” Patton asked, entirely confused, he had made those tarts the same way he always had, and Logan had never frowned like that before.
“Nothing- wrong, per-se,” Logan said softly, “It’s just, strangely bitter, is all, I was surprised.”
“Oh?” Patton said, somehow even more confused, “Well that’s- odd- maybe I accidentally got some of the lemon into the jam by accident…”
“Could I take another? To check?” Logan asked, Patton modded immediately, offering the plate. Logan took another tart, one of the other flavours, this time Roman’s Royal Raspberry flavour, instead of his own. Again, he frowned and said that that one was bitter too. How strange, Patton thought, 
“Maybe those jars of Crofters were a bit off,” Patton chuckled, trying to hide his embarrassment, “You’re welcome to take the plate, if you’d like- I don’t know if the others will be ok, but these ones I made for you?”
“That is appreciated, Patton,” Logan said, taking the plate from him, his face briefly ticked into what might have been something happy, before smoothing out again, “Please be sure to check the use-by dates on products when baking in the future.”
“Will do! Enjoy the treats!” Patton called with a wave before Logan shut the door. Patton turned around, taking a deep breath. The Crofters must have just been a little out of date and he must’ve just not realised, that was fine, just a little mistake, nothing to worry about. Patton was sure the rest of his treats would be just as yummy as he expected. 
When Patton arrived back in the kitchen to grab the next side on his list a similarly plated up selection of snacks he found that Remus had beaten him to it and was currently stuffing his face with the mini French Fancies Patton had made a couple of batches of. 
“Hey bud,” Patton said, announcing his presence from the doorway, Remus jumped and turned to him, looking a little sheepish as he popped the final Fancy into his mouth. 
“Hey Pat!” Remus called through a mouthful of sponge and icing, waving a hand, “D’you bake all this?”
“Mhm,” Patton said, trying not to cringe at the way Remus was getting crumbs everywhere, “Did you like those Fancies?”
“Oh yeah, delicious,” Remus grinned, finishing his mouthful, “Jan never lets me eat any of his stress bakes, I didn’t know you did it too!”
“Janus stress bakes too?” Patton asked, curious despite himself, Remus took one of the chocolate chip cookies from the side and bit it clean in half, pausing a second before answering.
“Yeah, he usually throws everything he makes away though! I never get to have some,” Remus huffed, tilting his head a little.
“Well you’re always welcome to mine, kiddo,” Patton said, putting on a smile that he was sure was slightly awkward. If Janus stress baked too, why would he throw it all away? Wasn’t that a waste?
Remus gasped, “I get a kiddo? Must be my lucky day, cookies and a kiddo!”
Patton chuckled, “Well, you’re part of this famILY too now, aren’t you?”
It hurt, just a little, how astounded Remus looked by that statement, as if he thought Patton would still shun him after everything that’s happened now. After a moment of awkward silence, Patton realised he’d forgotten about his original mission, delivering sweet treats to the other sides, and set about making up another plate of the baked good left. 
“Where’re ya taking those?” Remus asked, hopping onto the counter when Patton picked up the plate. He swung his legs, kicking the cupboard beneath him with every swing. 
“These are for Roman, I’m gonna take some for Virgil and Janus too when I get back,” Patton explained. Remus frowned for a moment, before shrugging and going back to eating Patton’s sweets. That was odd, wasn’t it?
Once Patton had delivered his treats around to everyone in record time, he settled into the couch to work on a bit of crochet. A hobby he had had barely any time to dedicate to since all this mess had started. He made himself busy picking up a half finished project for almost half hour before he was interrupted by Virgil coming down the stairs in floods of tears.
Well, that wasn’t normal. Patton didn’t think he’d ever seen Virgil cry at all, let alone sobbing so hard he had to cling to the banister for support. Patton immediately dropped what he was holding and jumped up, rushing over to Virgil.
“Kiddo!” Patton cried, “What happened? What’s wrong- oh, are you alright with touch? Would you like a hug?”
“I- touch- touch is fine,” Virgil said, surprisingly lucid through the tears. Regardless, Patton reached for him and pulled him tightly into a hug. When they separated, Patton gently tugged Virgil over to the sofa, sitting him down and pressing their shoulders together. Virgil was still crying, attempting to wipe the tears that wouldn’t stop coming away from his eyes, though he seemed a little less distressed than before, at least. 
“Can you tell me what’s wrong, Virge?” Patton asked, rubbing circles between his shoulder blades. Virgil had hunched forwards a little, hands clenched into fists.
“I don’t- I don’t know-” Virgil choked out around the sobs, “I don’t- I don’t understand why I’m crying- it’s- I was fine ten minutes ago- not- not even panicking too bad or anything and- and now I can’t stop-,”
“Alright kiddo, I hear you,” Patton said softly, “Can you maybe talk me through what you’re feeling right now?”
“Confused,” Virgil said, “Really fucking confused.”
“Language,” Patton chided gently.
“Sorry,” Virgil muttered, “I just- I just feel this weird sense of… worthlessness, like, like I’m messing up everything, all the time, like I feel like I can’t make any good choices, or say the right things but- but they’re not my feelings, but- I don’t know how the heck to describe it, but it- it hurts, Pat, it’s painful and- and I haven’t been able to stop crying since it started it’s so awful-”
“Gee that does sound confusing,” Patton said shaking his head, “Well- well I’m here for you, if you want to talk it out, or we would just sit, if you’d like?”
“I think just- just sitting would be good,” Virgil said, wiping his eyes with his hoodie sleeve yet again, Patton summoned a box of tissues and silently passed them to him, “Thanks- I just- I feel so, so alone and empty it’s just- it’s just nice knowing you’re here, I guess, eugh, that’s gross.”
Patton chuckled, at least the Virgil he knew was in there beneath all the tears that had been brought on by who knows what, “Well I’ll always be here for you, kiddo, don’t you worry.”
“Thanks, Pat,” Virgil said, leaning his head on Patton’s shoulder. They sat in silence, every so often Virgil’s sobs would get worse and Patton would squeeze his shoulders, offering quiet murmurs of comfort and otherwise they sat there quietly. Patton didn’t pick up his crochet again, happy to dedicate all of his attention to Virgil for now. 
That was until, during a bout of calm in Virgil’s tears,  Roman came crashing down the stairs, rushing into the living room and collapsing to the ground in front of them and taking deep breaths. Virgil let himself slide off the sofa so that- despite his tears- he could guide Roman through the panic attack he seemed to be having. 
“Roman?” Patton asked, once Virgil had seemingly gotten him to a state of relative calm, “What’s wrong, kiddo?”
“I don’t-” Roman took a deep breath, “I was doing my own thing in the imagination when I was- was overcome with this sense of panic, about whether you were all alright, and I suppose I worked myself up over it until I was thinking what if one of you were hurt or upset and I wasn’t there to help and I just- well I ran here to try and find you, where’s Logan?”
“Logan is safe, kiddo,” Patton reassured, he knew how it felt, he always worried about the others too, he knew the feeling almost as if it was his own, “And me and Virgil are fine too, right kiddo?”
“But- but Virgil, you’re crying-?” Roman asked, seemingly only just noticing that fact, Patton had to hold back a giggle at Virgil’s startled expression as Roman swooped forward to cup his face with his hands, gently wiping away the tears.
“I’m fine Princey, you oaf, just- just something weird’s going on, I think,” Virgil said, batting at Roman’s hands halfheartedly. 
“How about you two come and sit with me up here,” Patton suggested, “Then I can hug you both, if you’d like me to.”
“I- I think I’d like that very much, padre,” Roman said, shifting to sit back up whilst Virgil sniffed and mumbled an agreement.
Only maybe five minutes later, Logan silently walked down the stairs, book under his arm and with a wary expression on his face, and sat down on the floor in front of them with his back to the sofa. He brought his knees to his chest and opened his book, beginning to read. A few minutes in, Logan reached over and placed a hand on Patton’s ankle. 
Patton couldn’t quite fathom what on earth had gotten all three of them so upset all at once, with Virgil’s quiet sniffles and choked off sobs every now and then buried in Patton’s cardigan. Roman’s hands that shook where they held onto one of Patton’s and the featherlight touch of Logan’s hand on his foot, grounding and safe. Patton was certain he’d head Logan’s breath hitch more than once too, but he wouldn’t bring it up. Logan hated showing emotion, after all, and if he was willing enough to seek comfort then Patton wouldn’t ruin it by pointing it out.
“Well isn’t this just a lovely pile of joy?” Said Janus, completely shattering their moment as he appeared around the side of the sofa.
“Hey- hey Jnaus,” Virgil mumbled, wiping away yet more tears, “What do you want?”
“Oh nothing at all really,” Janus said, waving a hand, “I just heard from my sources that someone was being irresponsible with his stress bakes.”
“What do you mean?” Patton asked, tilting his head in confusion, he had remembered to give Jnaus some of his bakes, hadn't he? “Did I forget to give me some?”
“No, you gave me some,” Janus confirmed, “Tell me Patton, have you ever stress baked in the same capacity as you did today before?”
Patton’s face scrunched up a little, eyebrows furrowing and nose wrinkling in confusion, “I- suppose not? Today was- today was pretty bad, I suppose…”
“Well I suppose that explains your complete ignorance as to what’s happening here,” Janus huffed. 
“Why’re you being so mean,” Roman snapped from his place leaning against Patton’s side, “Patton just wanted to share his sweets with us.”
Janus recoiled only slightly, before taking a deep breath and ignoring him, instead continuing to focus on Patton, “By channelling your emotions into your baking, Patton, with… the way we are… the emotions seeped into the goods, making them bitter and impacting everyone who ate them.”
“Wh-what?” Patton squeaked, leaning forward and startling Logan by accident, “Sorry, L, but Janus, what? Are you- are you saying I’ve- what- poisoned them? With- with my negativity?”
Virgil gripped tighter to his arm, whilst Janus sighed.
“That is entirely incorrect,” He said, swiftly walking over and offering a glass of water to Virgil, “I see you’ve already made progress by calming them down, but they’re feeling your feelings, the ones you wished away into your cookies, and it won’t go away until you confront them.”
“And there’s- there’s not gonna be a way around that, is there?” Patton asked, cringing a little. Already knowing the answer.
“I’m afraid not,” Janus said with a sad smile, “Luckily for you, I had only eaten one cookie before Remus informed me what was going on, so I’m definitely not in a mindspace to help you sort this out.”
“Alright,” Patton took a deep breath, “Are, um, are you guys ok with this- I suppose having to help me sort out… my own feelings.”
“It does not seem like we have much of a say in the matter,” Logan said, voice quiet and subdued.
“If it’ll stop this crying I’ll do literally anything,” Virgil groaned.
Roman just nodded, so Patton gently nudged him with his shoulder, hoping to comfort him at least a little.
“Alright,” Janus said, moving over to sit down, “It’s time for some group therapy.”
“Wait!” Patton cried, “Um, surely uh, surely we should get Remus here too? He definitely ate far more than his fair share of the cakes.”
“You are correct that Remus has been affected by this incident, as well,” Janus said, before waving him off, “But I would recommend that you deal with him individually, considering.”
“Considering… what?” Patton asked, wary.
“Remus has landed himself with all of your intrusive thoughts,” Janus explained, “As is his name, as well as the thoughts you try and push away about wishing you could let loose every now and again, he is… incredibly excited about it.”
“...ah.” Patton said softly, nodding, “Alright, I’ll find Remus later, group therapy with just us five for now.”
“Alright,” Janus sighed, sitting down in an armchair, “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”
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5am-the-foxing-hour · 2 years
Logan: Remus is in charge for making the halloween themed candy and snacks. Janus will supervise to make sure he use edible ingredients-
Virgil: WAIT! Logan! That is a terrible idea!
Logan: Wha- why? What do you- Elaborate.
Virgil: Janus can handle Remus's cooking and not get sick. So anything Remus make is Janus's definition of edible.
Logan: .... What?
Roman: You telling me if Remus gave Janus food... Janus wouldn't hesitate to eat it?
Virgil: Nope... I don't know if it is because Remus raised him since he formed or if he just got an iron stomach... Janus eats anything Remus cooks...
Logan: Patton?
Patton: I'm too weak to the puppy eyes... and if Remus is making halloween themed candy... I think I will faint... He's more graphic than Roman.
Logan: Oh right... the cinnamon bun intestine..
Patton *shudders*: It was tasty but it felt so wrong.
Virgil: And Janus gobbled it up no problem.
Logan: I see your point, I shall supervise in that case. I can also try to help tone down the "graphicness" of some of the snacks so you can eat them without moral qualms.
Virgil: Sounds like a plan
Logan: And while being in the kitchen I hypothesise I can ask Remus and Janus to elaborate on the food thing.
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reaperbabegaming · 1 year
When the Night Comes Game Review
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Reviews can contain a few spoilers. Heavy, in-depth spoilers will have a warning. All opinions are my own and I have not been paid to do this review.
Dev Team - Lunaris Games Romance Routes - 6 individual and 2 polyamorous routes Rating - M17 Available On - Windows, Linux, Mac Price - $12.99
Overall Rating 5/5
Summary (retrieved from Lunaris Games website)
When The Night Comes is a queer, narrative-driven, supernatural visual novel originally released for free over a year from October 2018 - November 2019. When The Night Comes: The ReVamp is set to release in late Spring 2021 and will be a definitive version of the original game with a number of improvements, including voice acting and updated UI and artwork. 
Play as a renowned Hunter; a creature slayer who has been called to the quiet, strange little town of Lunaris to assist the local Enforcers with an investigation into a series of unsettling and unexplained supernatural murders. Immerse yourself in the world of witches, vampires, demons and lycans as you slowly unravel the dark mystery that lies deep within the roots of the town.
The question is, are the creatures of the night the ones you should really be afraid of? 
A story of finding a home and a family in the most unlikely of places, and a lesson in learning to bare your teeth at your maker.
Reaper Review
When the Night Comes was a game that I had no intention on loving. I was dipping my toes into playing dating sims/otomes on stream and I really liked the art style so I decided to play it and it was the best decision of my life.
The city of Lunaris is cursed by an unknown creature, leaving its citizens living in fear whenever night falls, especially every few days when the beast habitually hunts. 
You play as a Hunter (fitting huh?), called in by the Lunaris Hunter team to help them put an end to the attacks. With customizable name and pronoun options, you’re slowly introduced to the main cast who are primarily all your romance options. 
CAST (in order of appearance):
Ezra (VA - Adam Faison) He/Him : The local witch with kind eyes and a heart to match.
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Finn (VA - Gideon Emery) He/Him : Vampire clan leader whose comments made me blush on more than one occasion.
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Augustus (VA - Jonah Scott) They/Them : Major General of the Hunters and one of my all time favorite romances.
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Piper (VA - Ione Butler) She/Her : Fellow Hunter with the cutest laugh and loyal to her comrades to a fault.
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Alkar (VA - Jalen K. Cassell) He/Him : Resident mischievous Lycan who honestly shouldn’t have as bad of a reputation as he does.
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Omen (VA - Chris Patton) He/Him : Cinnamon Bun of a demon who is too good for this world.
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Throughout the game you meet side characters, work with the main cast, and investigate as much as you can about the creature that stalks the town. While it is an otome, the level of mystery in the game about the investigation and deaths is quite high and I found myself falling deeper into the story that when the big reveal came I was overcome with emotion. You find out just as much about the MC as you do about your companions and the mystery of the town.
One thing I appreciated was that there is no split between romance and story either, but rather the romances add to it, showing in their own ways how they grow to care about you and your wellbeing as the MC. The characters also have moments with each other, not just in the polyamory routes but in friendships and when you learn about their intricate backstories with one another. The banter between them all is on another level and I’m especially fond of the end of the game when all of the main cast come together in one big plan to find the beast and destroy it for good. Nothing annoys me more than being engrossed in a story only to be then thrown into lovey-dovey mode (and don’t get me wrong I love lovey-dovey mode). 
Other things to note:
There is a festival scene which you can explore and spend time with your LI with a beautiful CG (a special full-screen static image) at the end of the moment that I just wanted to stay in forever.
Clear heart icon for dialogue options that are explicitly for romancing a character. So if you don’t want to romance anyone you can easily do it or on the other hand if you want to lock in a romance you don’t have to stress about what to say.
All of the best lines have voice acting however I’d say only about 75-80% of the game has voice acting. It’s a little annoying but only because I love the cast so much.
There are over 60 CGs and post-game mini stories (which I actually didn’t learn about the post-game stories until I was writing this…time to go play again!). 
Of course bad endings are possible…but to be totally honest I’m too scared to play that route!
Lastly, my favorite part of the game would have to be the spicy scenes with your LI, if you so choose to pursue them. Without being visually explicit, you get to enjoy some sweet sweet spicy time with your favorite characters and this is where the voice acting is present a majority of the time if not completely. Now I love me some spice, but sometimes CGs can put me off from it. I prefer to imagine what’s going on rather than be shown AND if you’re trying to play sneakily, CGs are just a huge announcement to what you’re doing. The script is so well done that in my opinion CGs aren’t necessary.
This game has all of my love and I’d recommend it to anyone and everyone, so if you’re looking for a story with mystery and well developed characters I would say you’ve found it.
Purchase the game HERE.
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monkeythefander · 8 months
Below are some of my Fem-Sides Headcannons
AN: Names of the sides
Logan: Logan
Virgil: Vigilia (Nickname: Vi)
Roman: Romy
Remus: Reem
Janus: Janna
Patton: Patli (Nickname: Pat)
Thomas: Tommi
• Logan used to only wear her hair in a ponytail. She wanted to keep it out of her face since she found it distracting when she worked. Romy constantly complained that Logan’s hair style was boring, and Logan got tired of the complaining. Logan goes to Patli’s room to ask for hair style advice since Pat is constantly putting her hair up in different styles. Pat introduced Logan to space buns and added little star hair clips. “Since you really like space, I thought this style would suit you” Patli said with a smile. Logan looked at herself in the mirror and quickly fell in love with the hairstyle. She has worn her hair like that ever since.
• Reem used to have really long hair but she didn’t really brush it and take care of it well. Janna got tired of having to help Reem brush out the knots when her hair got really tangled and suggested that Ree should cut her hair short. Reem immediately agreed and Jan helped with the hair cut.
• As kids, Romy and Reem would play dress up together. Romy would wear a Disney princess outfit and Reem would dress as a Disney villain.
• Back when Vi was a Darkside, she and the others would have horror movie nights and paint each others’ nails afterwards to calm down after the film. After being accepted by the light sides, Vi discovers Patli and Romy paint each others nails too. They offer to paint Vi’s nails for her, but the idea of anyone else doing this activity with her feels wrong.
• In terms of appearances, Romy and Reem both wear sparkly skirts with off the shoulder shirts. Romy’s emblem is on her shirt’s breast pocket and Reem’s is on the back of her skirt. Their skirts have pockets because everyone deserves pockets.
• Romy’s hair goes past her shoulders and is very soft. She puts it up into a messy bun whenever she goes on a quest in the imagination.
• Logan wears a polo shirt and pants. She wears her signature tie and glasses still and her emblem is still on her shirt.
• Patli wears a light blue dress with white shorts and a cardigan around her shoulders. She also wears white socks that have cat ears at the top of them. The light blue dress has little daisies on it. She wears her hair in pigtails or braids.
• Janna wears a black dress that goes a bit past her knees. She also has a yellow scarf she wears around her neck because she gets cold easily. Her hair goes up to her shoulders. She still wears her signature bowler hat.
• Vi wears a beanie, light purple t-shirt, ripped black jeans, a black patched up hoodie. Her hair is also short and she has side bangs to cover one of her eyes.
• Vi has a collection of fidget rings because Logan gets her a new one on her birthday each year. Vi’s grateful she’ll always have one to fidget with.
• Logan gets a new tie every birthday from Vi. Vi has Romy help her design and make the ties. When Reem discovers this gift tradition she decides to make Logan a bow tie. Reem puts little morning star images on the bow tie so Logan will be reminded of who made the bow tie every time she wears it.
If you’re interested in any more fem-sides headcannons let me know. I’ll probably post a second part for this list if I come up with any new ones.
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exsqueezememacaroni · 1 month
Milano anon again, sorry I just had a thought which I have to share with the Patton community:
Do you guys think Mike is braiding his own hair for the current tour, or can we contemplate the possibility of there being like an official Mr Bungle hair stylist? Because, if so, dream job, honestly - right?
...Apologies, I'll see myself out.
Oh! Actually! I think I know this one....he usually has a stylist/braids person for shows. It's been different folks on different legs of the tours, but as far as I know there's always someone, probably sort of localish. I know one of them posted her work with Mike and definitely said something like - she didn't know who he was, but he seems cool - and I imagine Mike's "people" probably do a bit of prescreen to make sure Mike can feel comfortable with them.
Lol, that was probably more of a serious answer than you were hoping for, but believe me - me and @perfectisaskinnedknee have talked about this at length because 1) she could probably do a better job than some of the folks they've gotten and 2)hell ya that's a dream job...can you even fucking imagine??????
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transfemlogan · 1 year
saw ur queer headcanons for the sides so i decided to drop some of my favorite labels to headcanon them as:
transfem bi turigirl logan, sometimes i make her pangender, other times bigender + xenogender, but me giving her she/him pronouns stays consistent
butch hesbian patton, hes too busy w being a Dad™ to care about conformity tbh, he might dabble in neopronouns as well, he usually use cutesy neos like bun/buns n pup/puppy
unlabeled no pronouns roman, roman Does Not Like the sound of most pronouns, even when roman tried out neos roman still felt uncomfortable so roman just defaulted to using roman's name in place of pronouns
ace aroflux remus, despite his constant sex jokes, remus does NOT enjoy sex as much as he leads on, he might have sex if he likes someone enough but thats v rare so he never does
UNLABELED NO PRNS ROMAN IS SO REAL!! Roman has 2 fight a dragon witch & save a prince, ok, roman has no time 4 prns or labels. /J
I use a set of prns where u Pause/say nothing instead of using a prn ("He went to the store. I went with him. He went home by himself" to "__ went to the store. I went with __. __ went home by __self.") & i think thats very roman core.
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loganslowdown4 · 4 months
Incorrect Quotes
January - April 2024
Balloon Volunteer
Terrible, Face-Wise (prinxiety)
Anxceit Bonding (platonic)
Truth or Dare: Logan’s Choice (loceit logince)
Cold Clammy Hands
Sides Play Monopoly
Patton Time Capsule
Patton’s Birthday
Sleep’s Birthday
Learning Good Manners
No Swearing
Tell Your Crush
Doing Me (Moceit)
Zero Stars (Logince Week ‘24 Day 1)
Revenge (Logince Week ‘24 Day 2)
Adventure & Romance (Logince Week ’24 Day 3
Writers Block (Logince Week ’24 Day 4)
Phone Genius (Logince Week ’24 Day 5)
Tell The Time (Logince Week ’24 Day 6)
I Was Really Proud (Logince Week ’24 Day 7)
I’m An Idiot
Amuse Douche
I’m Cute (Jan’s Birthday)
Roman’s Star (logince)
Go Outside
He Likes Mysterious Guys (logince)
What’s Your type (roceit)
Evil Self
Old Married Couple (prinxiety)
I’m Awake
Eat Food Off Each Other (logince)
Try Not To Laugh
Twin Mystery Agency
Please A Woman
Body Hug
Greatest Strength
Language Wish
Working Late (logince)
Pink Confetti (Intrulogical)
Red Ear Lies (prinxiety)
Pet Names (dukexiety)
Buns Joke
Garbage CAN
Adorably Mad
Crushed Emotion
Puzzle Club
Eating Emotions
No Judgements (Demus)
Can’t Make Me Scream
Do you…?
Friendship Ending Move
Social Experiment (Minutes In A Year)
Drug Sniffing Dog
Truth or Dare (analogical)
Fighting or Flirting (roceit)
Are You A Painting (Intrulogical)
In A Boat (Moceit)
I’m Thirsty (logince)
I’m Thirsty Comic
Life Is Hard
Sleep Ideas
After Me (moceit)
Triple Do The Thing
Get Undressed for Science
Desperate Sluts
How Do You Sleep At Night
Good & Okay (intruality)
Pinocchio Paradox
Hero Senses
Looking for Clothes (Intrulogical)
Just A Little Attention
Bad Remus
New Book
Easy MetaKnight
Get Me A Drink
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i know that patton's hair is shoulder length, thomas' is the same as his irlself but what about the others? -🕸
Virgil, Remy, and Roman's hair is the same style irl.
I can't decide if I want Remus's hair to be the same or a little longer and messier.
Logan's hair is waist-length and he either keeps it in a bun or a braid.
Janus's is sort enough to mostly be hidden under his hat and is somewhat similar to Thomas's. The rest I'll leave up to the imagination.
I didn't get very creative with the hair, but here ya go.
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