#but it’s not gonna fit in the space I have
cherryredstars · 14 hours
Hi cherry!
I've been trying to send you this and overthinking about it for a while because I'm very shy to ask, and the thought of you ignoring it eats me up..
Could you please write about dadbod Miguel in his wedding night with fem reader; trying to fit his fat dick in her, but it just won't, and she's very shy about it?
You can end it however you like bc I don't have any idea tbh
Thanks! ♥︎
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Fingering, Penetrative Sex
A/N: Here you are, love!
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The silk and lace are long forgotten.
It’s a layered pile of pure white, an obscure amount of money reduced to pesky fabric on a hotel floor. It’s vastly unimportant in the face of Miguel’s flaming touch on your skin, engulfing every inch of exposed flesh.
Your body arches, soft gasps spilling from your lips as he trails kisses along your neck, his hands finding the wetness between your thighs. He fits perfectly against you: his head resting comfortably in the space where your neck and shoulder meet, the pudge of his stomach resting against your own, his fingers just thick enough to press over your clit entirely and stretch your entrance, his hand holding yours and causing your matching rings to clink together.
The only thing that won’t fit is his dick.
You whimper as he continues to stretch you out, fighting through the past few orgasms. But no matter how wet you are or how many fingers he squeezes into your warm heat, he finds that it’s not nearly enough. Every attempt he makes at slipping into you, he’s met with a persistent resistance that refuses to give before he can fit himself fully inside.
“M-Miggy,” you hiccup, squeezing his hand tight, “It’s not gonna-”
Miguel grunts, trying to thrust forward, only to apologize hurriedly when you sob at the pain. Your walls clamp sharply around him, warning that there is no where else to go. It causes him to hiss, eyes closing in bliss before he pulls back slightly and back in. You let out a watery moan, your other hand coming to his back.
“It’s okay, mi vida,” Miguel murmurs into your skin, leaning down to kiss at the tears running down your flaming cheeks. “I promise I’ll still make it feel good.”
You choke on your next hiccup as he slowly thrusts into you as far as he can go, stretching you wide and adjusting your position to be flush with the rest of his body.
“Not gonna stop me from showing how much I love m’wife.”
At the reassurance and the pleasurable thrusting, you find all your worries start to disappear. Everything begins to fade, and you’re reminded of why you married this man. You love him. You love him, you love him, you love him.
And you fit together in all the ways that matter.
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donnieisaprettyboy · 2 days
2014 - realized I liked girls but began desperately trying to “pray the gay away”
2016 - stopped believing in Christianity as I began to better accept my sexuality
2020 - publicly came out as bisexual, and shortly after my gender crisis began
2021 - nonbinary ? we’ll run with it, I’m experimenting! I’m playing with it! I’ve been in college for a year so now I have the room to try some things out!
2023 - my first pride parade! and the gender crisis continues on…. I would really love more masculine features… a deeper voice is my dream… I see men with flat chests and I get so envious. maybe I’m trans?
2024 - FINALLY allowing myself to use multiple labels that feel right! nonbinary, transmasc, genderfluid, genderqueer, they all feel like ME! planning on starting HRT after I get married and get onto my fiancé’s health insurance. plan on getting married in a wedding dress because THAT’S WHAT I WANT! because gender is not a strict binary and I am allowed to play with it however I want! my gender is not for the pleasure or comfort of anyone else! I got to experience my SECOND pride finally feeling content with myself and my identity! I’m happy! I’m so happy :)
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johnslittlespoon · 18 hours
🌈 MOTA Writers (+ Readers) Discord Server!
Do you write queer/shippy things for Masters of the Air? Or are you a reader who wants to contribute brainrot/ideas too?
Cool! You're invited to join the Writers of the Air server, wowie! Did I pull all of this out of my ass in the past 24 hours? Absolutely. Do I know what I'm doing? No, I have created one server in my life. Will we have a good ol' time? Yeah, baby!
✨ How to join: 1. Be an adult (sorry buds– there are gonna be channels for nsfw writing things!) 2. Send me a message here with your Discord ID, or ask for an invite link, if you don't have public invites turned on! :-) If messages aren't working for some reason, just reply to this post and lmk, I'll try to send you one instead. <3
That's all! I don't want to post a public invite link so we can avoid possible trolls/weirdos and can keep this a friendly, comfy space. 💗
This feels so formal lmao but really it's just gonna be a fun, chill server for writing–related things. Maybe occasional events/challenges for anyone who wants to participate, but mostly just a creative hangout space for authors and readers. :-)
My sleep's all over the place, so please be patient with me if I don't see your message asap! And also bear with me if there are any issues with bots/permissions because I'm winging all of this lol but I'm open to suggestions and will fix any issues as soon as I can. ✨
P.S. The reason this is specifically a writing server for authors who write fruity ship content is bc I've seen quite a few servers already for rp, oc/x reader, etc, so I wanted to create a more niche space for mostly queer content! It's not intended to be exclusive at all, as all fic is wonderful and lovely. <3 Just thought for pride month it would be fitting to make something purposefully curated towards queer creations. 🌈
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ethanjhake · 1 day
So I deleted my instagram btw,
I already had trouble trying to use the app. I couldn't figure out how to post reels or stories, and I couldn't even tell what the difference was? One thing I could not get over though was how your artwork has to be a 1 to 1 ratio, or at least very close to that. Art should never be constrained to a certain canvas shape like that, and I have multiple drawings that don't fit those dimensions. It forced me to either crop my art, or not post it at all.
But even worse is the fact that Meta is now using creators art posted on instagram to train AI software—and you can't opt out. Or I should say, you're not allowed to opt out. You have the option to send a form requesting that they don't use your art, but apparently they can just reply back and say "no". If you can't prove that your art has been used to train AI software, they won't let you opt out. That's a big no no for me.
So yeah. I'm done with instagram. I never even wanted to post there anyway, I just thought I wouldn't be able to reach a broad enough audience if I only posted on tumblr. But I don't want to use an app I don't like just to get more exposure, and if that app is gonna steal my work, the work that I am trying to make a living off of, I'm not gonna put myself in that space anymore.
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Strawberries and Cream
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 5.2k
Notes: I’ve said it once I’ll say it again, I’m Autistic, your guess is as good as mine as for whatever is happening in chapter 8
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Episode 7: I can hear the bells
And now for the moment we’ve all been waiting for
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Eddie stands in front of Buck's door, flowers in hand. He smooths out his suit and gulps quietly, before knocking. 
It’s odd that anyone knocks on Buck’s door and doesn’t just shout for him to open it 
“You’re acting weird,” you tell Buck and he shrugs feigning innocence 
“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about. What? A guy can’t want to do his cousin's hair? Especially me??”
“Yeah, I suppose that does sound like you when you put it that way…” 
Buck had woken up that day in a very older brotherly mood. He made you breakfast and even made you get in the shower afterwards while he cleaned up. 
“Here I got you this. I ran out of razors for you to steal” 
He’d tossed you a can of magic shave powder and you narrowed your eyes at him. He was being oddly… nice today. 
You open the door and your mouth drops open, Eddie is standing there, and he looks fine as hell. You’d never seen him in nicer clothes than this. That suit is tailored to the gods. It fits every dip and curve of his body perfectly. It’s the deepest shade of black you think you’ve ever seen with a red tie and a gold tie pin right in the center, in the shape of a star. Even his shoes are nice and shiny 
“I picked today when you’re staying at Buck’s so that way we would have space after, you know.” He sounds a little nervous as he stands in front of you, his heart on his sleeve 
“After…what?” You ask as he hands you the beautiful flowers and a pretty pink box 
“After our first date”
Good thing you stopped being suspicious and used the damn powder. 
“Our- our first” you stutter and he smirks, that little nervousness gone for the time being because the way you’re short-circuiting is priceless 
“Mhmm… do me a favor and go change? I knew I was springing this on you so Buck and Maddie helped me pick an outfit for you” he taps the box and you look dumbly at it 
“I think you broke her” Buck comes over and takes the flowers to put in a vase for you before he grabs your shoulders, pulling you inside as Eddie follows. He gives you a little shove towards the stairs and you walk slowly up them, occasionally turning around to glare at Buck and Eddie suspiciously. 
“Would you hurry up!” Buck yells at you and you scurry up the stairs. Eddie snorts and shakes his head following Buck over to the kitchen 
“You look so damn good I told you I knew what I was doing” Buck compliments him smugly and Eddie rolls his eyes, watching him trim the stems 
“Yeah-yeah you were right…Thank you, honestly Buck” 
“Hey, anything for the two of you. And don’t worry,” he wiggles his eyebrows “I called Angelo’s and got you my special table” 
“I told you not to do that!” He groans and slaps his hand over his face 
“Hey! I did not wait this long to not give you my make-out table. God you know the strings I had to pull to get that!” 
“You just called Emery and reminded him of your one-night stand,” Eddie says plainly and Buck’s mouth drops open 
“Or you called Alyssa” He adds and Buck whacks him with a rose 
“I’ll have you know it was Vanny. Asshole! You know my friend?! The owner's daughter?!” 
Eddie looks at him skeptically and he gasps loudly, before pulling out his phone. He shoves the recent calls in Eddie’s face 
“What are you idiots fighting about now?” 
“Bucks stupid make-out…table…” 
The end of his sentence is whispered as you come down the stairs carefully. Buck and Maddie took their time choosing an outfit for you because if he was finally gonna do this you were gonna look good. 
It’s a relatively simple dress, it flows behind you as you walk down the stairs carefully in your gold heels. The dress is red and silky, with spaghetti straps and a slit up to your thigh. You’ve got a small gold necklace on and your hair is put up with fancy gold pins in it. One is shaped like the moon and the other is shaped like a shooting star 
You stand in front of them, doing a little spin and Eddie feels exactly like he did all over again when he’d first met you. 
“H-hi,” He says and you blush, giving him a little wave with your fingers 
“Hi… d-do I look okay?” You ask shyly and he nods slowly, coming around the counter to take your hands in his 
“You look gorgeous, Y/N.” He says softly and you roll your eyes playfully 
“Oh, you’re just saying that!” 
He cups your face in his hands carefully and kisses your lips, tasting that sweet strawberry glitter gloss. His touch is soft and tender, the way he looks at you, his gaze so full of warmth and adoration. 
“No, you’re beautiful… I-I’ve been waiting a long time for this night… and it doesn’t matter how it goes anymore, because I got to see you like this” 
Your heart melts over his words and you look up at him, biting your lip gently. He leans in again, kissing your forehead 
“Be a little more sappy, I haven’t thrown up yet” Buck snaps his fingers and you and Eddie look over, he’s got at least three cameras on you guys 
“What?” You say under your breath and Buck chuckles gleefully 
“This one’s got everyone on FaceTime” He points to the open laptop he’d spun around when Eddie had walked over 
“I’m taking pictures with this” He waves his phone 
“And this is recording the whole thing” He points to his iPad 
“You FaceTimed everyone?” You groan as you let your head fall against Eddie’s chest completely embarrassed. And sure enough, the entire time is on FaceTime cheering and whistling for the two of you 
“We did not wait this long not to see this moment,” Athena says from the laptop and you shake Eddie who snorts and pulls you away from him 
“Look how pretty she looks” He holds you in front of him and you cover your face with your hands 
“Really!!” You hiss and they all ooh and aah over you. You yank Eddie in front of you now and he stumbled forward 
“Oh yeah! Well he looks even better” 
“Do prom poses” Chimney says and Eddie turns around, grabbing your waist and picking you up to make you face them again 
“Oh I was totally already gonna make them do it,” Buck says and comes around the counter 
“Alright come on, you know what we want”
“Oh my god” you mutter and Eddie just giggles, putting his arms around your waist and pulling you flush against his body. He doesn’t care about how embarrassing any of this is, and it is embarrassing as hell don’t get him wrong. But how could he care, when he gets to go on a date with you, a real date? 
Buck makes you guys do a few more ridiculous poses while you all talk, but eventually, Eddie manages to drag you out the front door and to the car so you’re not late to your reservations. He opens the door for you, kissing your hand as he helps you in and you blush, collecting your dress so he can shut the door 
“As much as I hate all of their guts right now that was super cute” You giggle as he gets in and buckles himself in
“Oh I totally agree, we’re gonna get all of them back for that. God, I can’t believe they all actually called to see this” 
“Well it’s been a long time coming” you smirk “Two friends going on a date” 
“And who knows if they’re even gonna get together” Eddie snickers before taking your hand in his as he backs out of the driveway 
“Maybe you’ll end up dumping spaghetti in my lap or something,” you say and he scoffs 
“First of all, I’m not ruining that dress. Second of all, I’m not ordering spaghetti” 
“I don’t believe you now. Should you even be driving?” You ask as you hold his hand in both of yours and he shrugs when he gets to the stop sign 
“Do you know where we’re going?” 
“So how are you supposed to drive us?” He raises an eyebrow and you roll your eyes 
“There’s this weird little thing our phones have called GPS! Oh, and you know this other odd phenomenon, where humans? Yeah they can give directions” you sass him and he bites his lip, holding back a laugh 
“You wanna drive that badly, Princess? Because I’ll let you. But I like the way you look in the passenger seat” 
Your cheeks flush as you watch him driving, he looks over at you occasionally and you frown, because he’s making you all shy and mushy inside and you know he’s enjoying every second 
“I’m just worried about your shoulder that’s all,” you say, all calm and proper and he smiles widely, squeezing your hand 
“Thanks for worrying about me cutie” 
“Thanks for worrying about me cutie” You mimic him and he chuckles, pulling his hand away and swatting your thigh 
“So full of sass tonight huh?” You reach for his hand again and he pulls it away from you
“Nuh huh bad girls don’t get what they want” 
Your mouth falls open and he looks over at you for a second, eying you up and down 
“Something wrong Sugar Cube?” 
“You give me your hand back right now!” 
“Gotta beg for it, sweet girl”
“Eddieee” You whine and he swats your leg again 
“Aren’t you lucky I can’t reach your ass right now… you want it back? you beg for it sweet thing or you’re just gonna have to sit by yourself and pout about it” 
You cross your arms over your chest, huffing as you stare out the window. He smirks as he watches the road in front of him, watching you through the corner of his eye. You peek over at him a couple of times, watching the way he flexes his fingers on the wheel. You sigh quietly and lean your head on the window
“Please can I have your hand back” you mumble and he leans over 
“Huh? I don’t think I heard you. Gotta speak louder Sugar Cube” 
You grit your teeth, narrowing your eyes for a second before turning to him 
“Please, can I please, please, have your hand back… I n-need you”
The little wobble in your voice gets him and his eyes roll back as he sets his hand back in your lap, locking his fingers with your”
“Good girl” 
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Eddie opens the door for you and helps you out, making sure you bunch up the bottom of your dress a bit so it doesn’t get dirty. You take his arm and walk in, this place is nice. You know, oddly too nice to be called Angelo’s. But the fancy sign on the front kind of makes up for it 
Vanny comes over immediately, hugging Eddie and cooing over how beautiful you look. She says that Buck talks about you all the time and you blush as you shake her hand warmly. She leads you both back to a quieter table, there’s not many people around and it can’t be seen from all sides 
Yeah okay make out table makes sense.
There’s a bucket of ice, chilling a fancy champagne bottle, and little candles on the table. Red rose petals decorate the table and spill slightly onto the floor around it. 
“Oh this is beautiful,” You say quietly, and Vanny winks at Eddie. They really did have this all planned out. 
You scoot into one side of the small booth and Eddie sits on the other, his arm coming up to rest behind you, you blush as you look at him, and he boops your nose 
“Aaron will be over soon to take your orders and there will be minimal interruptions. Everything is already taken care of, so please order whatever you’d like! You two enjoy your night!”
Vanny walks away and you scoot closer to Eddie, toying with his tie 
“Can’t wait to light myself on fire! This is really romantic you know, who knew you had it in ya!” You poke at him and he scoffs 
“I’ve been like top-tier romantic like sixty times okay” He tilts your chin up and places a soft kiss on your lips 
“Yeah okay” you say softly, batting your eyelashes “What kind is it?” 
Eddie fixes his sleeves to avoid getting them wet and grabs the bottle, drying it off a little 
“Uhhh strawberry” He chuckles, popping the top “Kind of our thing” He pours you a glass, handing it to you, and then pours his own, he also blows out a couple of the little candles and pushes them away from you. Because you joke… but he can just see you burning the whole place down 
“What should we toast to?” You ask watching him and he puts his arm back behind your shoulders 
“Whatever you want Sugar cube,” He says, and the way he looks at you, with those deep brown eyes just melts you to your core, you sigh softly, tilting your head to the side and he bites his lip, chuckling a little 
“Is it cheesy to say “to us” because that feels cheesy” you giggle and he smiles, nuzzling his nose against yours 
“How about the tiger who bonded us with tiger PTSD” 
You snort and laugh into his chest, nearly spilling your champagne in your lap, he holds your glass steady as you hide your laughs 
“Or to that night you were a total nerd and took me to the car to warm me up before kissing me on the beach” 
Eddie groans loudly and you laugh more 
“Please god don’t remind me about that, I’ve thought about that way too much” 
You pull away from him, wiping away little tears as your giggles die out 
“You’ve thought about that?” 
“Are you kidding me? I think about that night constantly… That was one of the best nights of my life. Which you know would have been ten times better had I not waited to kiss you like a dumbass”
You laugh through your nose and he rolls his eyes clinking your glasses together and you both sip
“If it helps… that was one of the best nights of my life too” you blush as you hide behind your champagne glass, taking a longer sip than necessary
“Really?” He’s blushing just as much 
“Of course! I kinda felt like I was really yours you know? And like I was a part of the family…” 
Eddie sips his champagne again, wondering  which one of you is gonna win drinking all of their alcohol first just to try and hide the blushing 
“Just gonna drop that on me? In public? Where I can’t roll around and kick?” 
You swat his chest and cover your mouth, he’s making you laugh way too much. But he likes the sound of your laugh, he likes the way it makes him feel. 
“We should probably actually look at the menu” You tease as you grab yours, he doesn’t bother with his own, just stays close to you, laying his head on top of yours 
“What sounds good to you Sugar cube?”
You look over the menu, humming softly “You know what we completely forgot to talk about?” 
You feel Eddie’s finger running slowly up and down your arm 
“She said everything was taken care of? What the heck does that mean” 
“That means Buck did a lot more than just get his make-out table” He sighs, pulling out his phone and calling him. You lean into him, enjoying his cologne that he put on a little heavier this time 
“Did something happen??? Are you guys okay??” Buck answers immediately and you smile a little 
“Yeah we’re fine,” Eddie says “Look, Vanny said everything was taken care of?” 
“You’re calling me in the middle of your first date to tell me what I told her to tell you?” 
He deadpans it and you snort 
“We just wanted to tell you not to freaking do that,” You say and Buck curses under his breath 
“My cousin, who is practically my sister, gets with my best friend in the entire world who is practically my brother - wait that's weird”
Eddie laughs
“Anyway. And you think for one damn second I’m not gonna pull strings for the both of you???” 
“You really didn’t-“ Eddie starts and Buck cuts him off 
“I did have to Eddie. Because I love you two more than anything in this entire world. Now shut the fuck up, hang the fuck up, and order the entire damn menu I don’t care. Just don’t call me again unless it’s an emergency”
You both hear the click of him hanging up and Eddie rolls his eyes
“Your brother is annoying”
“So is yours” 
You both chuckle and go back to looking through the menu, you decide on chicken Alfredo, which Eddie teases you and says you always get and he decides on chicken Parmesan and you tease him back, saying he always gets that in a high-pitched voice and he scoffs 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”
He makes you both order different drinks so you guys can stop downing the champagne. They weren’t kidding when the bottle said it was high-quality stuff. 
Aaron comes by and takes your orders, promising he won’t be back until it’s ready and you blush, he even adds it’ll probably be around 20 minutes and winks 
“I’m not gonna lie this is a little embarrassing,” you say as soon as Aaron leaves and Eddie nods, putting his hand on your hip and pulling you into him 
“Oh no it’s totally embarrassing” 
He nuzzles his nose against yours before kissing you softly, he tastes good, like the strawberry champagne you’re both drinking, and a little minty from the toothpaste he used. You smile against his lips and he cups your cheek, deepening the kiss 
“But we’re gonna do this anyway right?” You mumble against his lips, pulling him in closer by his lapels 
“Oh hell yes” 
You spend the majority of the 20 minutes halfway in his lap with his hand caressing and teasing the soft inside of your thigh, always inching closer but never where you want it. Your hand stays steadily over his crotch, and every time you lean in more he groans as you put more pressure on it. You can feel how hard he is through his perfectly tailored pants 
“Quit it, you little tease” He growls against your lips and you giggle into his mouth as you attack him, wrapping your tongue around his. He whines and pulls you fully into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist. You feel him shoving your dress up as high as he can without exposing you too much and your breath hitches as it bunches around your waist. He’s using the slit in your dress to his advantage, he’s so happy you were okay with such a high one too. 
“Eddie Diaz!” You hiss, but it’s cut off by a soft moan as his hands knead your flesh 
“Yes, baby?” his voice is sultry and teasing as he slides his hands under your dress, feeling over your bare hips. 
Maybe this table wasn’t the best idea. 
He’s busy kissing down your neck, and sliding your spaghetti straps down when someone clears their throat. You whimper when he pulls away, both of you panting harshly. You have just enough time to fix yourselves up when Aaron comes back with his serving tray, clearly walking slowly towards your table and setting it down on the table behind him. He hands you both your plates, and you thank him, a deep blush on your cheeks from totally being caught, while Eddie completely enjoys this. 
Aaron sets a breadstick basket down which is full of a stupid amount of them and Eddie raises an eyebrow 
They say it at the same time and you grin, taking one “Oh he knows us so well” 
Dinner is utterly delicious and you and Eddie both share, he starts a breadstick fight and it’s funny until half of his goes flying across the room, your mouths drop wide open as you watch it sail through the air, and that puts an end to the fight very quickly. Not to mention he bites yours in half when you’re not looking and smiles widely with his cheeks full when you ask where the heck it went 
Eddie holds your strawberry lemonade for you as you sip it, watching the way your lips wrap around the straw 
“So when are you gonna do that to me?” He asks suddenly and you choke on your lemonade, nearly spitting it out at him and literally through your nose. He throws your napkin at you, setting the glass back down so he doesn’t drop it with how hard he’s shaking from laughter as you cough up a lung and a half 
“I’m going to kill you!” You wheeze and grab his water to clear your throat 
“Not if I kill you first apparently” 
You punch him in the stomach and he wheezes, bending over dramatically. He pretends to fall over but nearly topples out of the booth anyway You grab his arm, yanking him back towards you and he crashes into your chest 
“I think we need to chill with the champagne” you giggle uncontrollably as Eddie keeps his head on your chest, nuzzling his face against your soft breasts and effectively getting glitter on his face. He sighs contentedly as your cheeks flush deeply
“I thought we already did”
“You’re literally buried in my boobs” You gesture down to him and he looks up at you 
“Oh this is just because I can” 
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You both eat way too many of the breadsticks after that, just to sober up some. Or else neither of you will be driving home tonight, which Eddie teases would be just fine with him because that would mean he could get you in the backseat. 
The lights around you have been dimmed and bit and neither of you is really sure what time it is, but you’ve been promised they’ll stay all night if you’d like. Aaron whispers something in Eddie’s ear and he smirks, looking you over before nodding to him
Eddie has no idea what the hell kind of connections Buck has but he’s loving them. 
Dinner plates have been taken away and you’re given a dessert menu 
“I’m pretty sure I’m way too stuffed for dessert,” you say, patting your tummy and he chuckles, nodding his head 
“Maybe we can just take it home… or, maybe we could dance it off?” 
Literally on cue, a man walks over as Aaron puts a computer down, bowing politely before putting a violin to his chin. Your mouth drops open as Eddie scoots out from the booth and holds his hand out 
“Can I have this dance, Sugar Cube?”
You start giggling as you get out of the booth “That was the smoothest thing ever” 
Eddie gets so giddy as you take his hand, wiggling a little “Oh my god I know right that was so hot. Like I don’t mean to toot my own horn but damn we were on time” He puts his hand up and the man high-fives it before going back to playing for the two of you with his accompaniment 
Eddie holds you close to his chest, just where he likes you to always be. You dance together smoothly, swaying back and forth for a bit before he makes you do a little spin and you giggle 
“Okay wait is this Wildest Dreams??” You ask and Eddie smirks as you come back to his chest
“Yeah, you like Bridgerton right? I thought you’d like this” 
Your mouth drops and he grins widely 
“Oh we’re officially getting married someday” You joke and he shrugs
“I thought that was already established but okay”
Your mouth drops open as you freeze in place, staring at him. “Y-you want-??”
He looks down at you “More than-“ He can’t bring himself to finish the sentence as he stares into your eyes, watching the way they sparkle just for him. Because neither of you could handle that right now, you’re not even “daTiNG” yet. You haven’t even said that you- you haven’t even said those three little words that are constantly on the tip of his tongue in everything he does with you, every day he spends with you. 
But how could he say that to you? He’s not even sure you could say that to him. It’s… god it’s not that he doesn’t want to either, he’s just- afraid not ready. What if he isn’t good enough for you? What if he hurts you? What if he has another PTSD attack and you decide you can’t deal with that? That you can’t love him if he’s like that. 
Neither of you can even breathe in this moment, you know for sure you’re not. Because you want to say it. But you can’t bring yourself to, because what if he doesn’t say it back? You know Eddie by now, you know he lets his insecurities get in the way of living sometimes and this just feels like one of those things he can’t do unless he’s ready.
But you’d sure as hell spend a lot of time helping him work through them because he’s worth it. No matter how much reassurance it took, no matter how many hours you spent learning to help someone with PTSD so you could help him. You’d take the time to do it. 
So you’ll wait, you’ll wait for him to say it first. Because you know what you feel, you know you’ll never feel this way for anyone else for as long as you live. So you just give him a little smile, a little smile that you know he’s gonna know exactly what it means. You watch the way he relaxes, you see the little tears in the corner of his eyes that he blinks away and just puts your head down against his chest. 
He wants you to hear his heart beating solely for you, because without a doubt, both of you know what you’re saying at that point. 
I see you, I hear you. I-
“Patience, Sugar Cube. First, we have to stop pretending to be friends”
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“Why did this kind of feel like all our other hangouts? Just fancier” You ask Eddie as you lean against the front door, you dig through your bag to find your keys 
“Aha!” You pull them out and look up and he’s staring down at you with that look in his eyes. Your hand falls to your sides slowly as you reach up for him, pulling him down to your height and kissing him. It feels different now, you’re not really sure why… it feels… like the start of something 
“I don’t think this was our first date baby girl” He says against your lips, settling his hands on your waist 
“I think I’ve been an idiot calling you a friend this entire time…Because let’s be honest… you’re my girl” 
“But we’re not gonna tell them that right?” You ask softly, feeling his emotions through the way he kisses you and he smiles, nodding 
“So…” you pull away a little, looking at him, the moon and the stars shine behind him and they don’t hold a candle to the way he looks right now. 
“Will you please, finally be my girlfriend?” He asks softly, nuzzling your nose a little with his “I refuse to go one more day not calling you mine” 
It’s funny, the way your heart beats out of your chest when he asks that. Because really… haven’t you been his girlfriend this entire time? But that little label that both of you denied for so long, the reasons you denied it all seems stupid now 
“Okay. Eddie’s girl kinda has a nice ring to it anyway”
Eddie scoops you up in his arms, spinning you around as you squeal and giggle. Your lips find his and he moans into your mouth, making sure you wrap your legs securely around his waist. 
Your back hits the front door and you gasp, as he grinds against you, your cunt already starting to drip into your panties 
“Eddie!! Buck is home!” You hiss and he scoffs. 
“We’re outside… you didn’t seem to mind when he was down the stairs”
Your mouth drops open and he snickers, setting you on your feet gently and kissing you, his tongue sliding into your mouth and wrapping around yours immediately. The way he teases you laps at your tongue like he’s ready to devour you… maybe you’re gonna have to kick Buck out. 
Eddie reaches down for your keys now, taking his time finding the right one as you two kiss. He’s just about to stick it into the lock when the door whooshes open. 
“Jes- Buck?!” Eddie curses and you squeak, jumping and nearly falling backward into the house. Eddie grabs your arms, yanking you against his chest.
“Why!??” Eddie pinches the bridge of his nose and Buck just stands there, smiling like the sweet little adorable angel he is 
“Oh! I just thought you were ready to go” 
“Ready to go where?” He asks and you giggle, leaning your head against his chest 
“Duh back to your place”
“You’re coming back to my place? Since when??” 
“Since my best friend had his first date with the girl of his dreams and me and Chim set it up??” He scoffs like that’s common knowledge and takes your keys from Eddie’s hand, placing them nicely in yours 
“Come on they’re waiting” he walks right between you two and Eddie throws his hands in the air, exasperated 
“Who’s waiting?” He gives you a quick kiss and you laugh, leaning against the door frame and watching him follow after Buck 
“Chim and a uh…friend of mine! Y/N, Maddie, and Hen are inside! Have a good night!!” He runs back and kisses you on the cheek, giving you a tight squeeze as Eddie gets into the passenger side of his own car, he knows Buck isn’t gonna let him drive 
“Don’t worry, Maddie is gonna text me everything and I swear I’ll keep it a secret!!” He ruffles your hair and you push his hand away, swatting at him 
“Alright, okay!! Go!!” 
Eddie stares at you from the window and you give him a little wave, blowing him a kiss. He smiles and shakes his head and you know he’s blushing. He actually catches it and kisses his hand and you giggle, rolling your eyes at how cute he is 
What a way to end your first date
“Oh come on! One date and I have to suffer through this now!!” Buck stomps his way to the car and gets in, flipping you both off as he drives away
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robobee · 5 months
if trc was a visual medium and I was a tiktoker i would go insane talking about quiet luxury and how Declan and Adam both fall into this position of people with OBJECTIVELY less money compared to their peers and how both of them are trying to replicate luxury (ie: clothing=persona/identity) to varying levels of success. adam wears old gifts from the ganseys and declan is very clearly called out by other characters to be overcompensating. neither are fully seamless and even though thats not an overt plot point it is DEFINITELY very significant since plenty of their story beats echo each other down to their relationship with ronan, who is a different fashion debate (eg. how punk can you get off of a bank account you dont need to look at and a shaved head which needs to be constantly maintained and a BMW you stole w no repurcussion). again I DO think stief implies fascinating plot points that she doesn't focus on but her display of class and economic variation is very very cool & obviously people w more context of specific USAmerican culture can have this debate better than I can
editing to link the video that finally helped me put this thought into words
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becca-e-barnes · 10 months
'Jesus Christ, behave.'
That's an instruction you were always going to ignore but it's even easier to ignore over text.
You follow up with another picture of yourself, your ass this time, barely hidden behind thin lilac lace.
'No. We can do anything you want, whenever you want to this week. Nothing is off limits.' It's thrilling texting him like this, knowing he's just across the room. His poker face is a hell of a lot better than yours but you're not sure it'll last the full week that he's staying with you. 'Just don't get caught.'
No one in this room full of people would ever suspect he's texting you, or that you're sending him some photos you'd taken just before the guests arrived.
'Really? I thought you'd enjoy putting on a show.' He texts back quickly, not looking up from his phone after the message is delivered.
You hadn't really thought about it until now and perhaps it isn't the very worst suggestion you've ever heard.
'Is that what you want? You want other people to watch me cum for you?'
'Fuck no.' You expected that answer but it still makes you laugh to yourself. 'Come upstairs in 5.'
You do as you're told, practically counting down the seconds until it's time for you to follow him up to the bathroom.
"Do you mean it? Anything I want?" Hearing him repeat your own filthy thoughts back to you makes it all feel very real.
The sound of his voice and the way he's looking at you has you uncomfortably aroused but there's nothing new there.
"Anything." You confirm, taking a deep breath when you feel his hand snake its way up your inner thigh, under your skirt. You know what he'll find at the apex of your thighs. You're warm and slick and needy already and you notice how he raises an eyebrow at you when his fingertips slip past the soaked lilac lace of your panties.
"You mean..." He taps your clit with his index finger and it almost feels like he's sending a shock around your entire body. "I can slide two fingers into you whenever I want?"
You look back up at him and nod, desperate for him to do just that.
"How about three?" He sounds so calm and you can't help but shudder. Three of his long fingers stuffed inside you sounds fucking magical.
"Yes." You pant, grinding yourself against his hand, hoping he'll be tempted to slip those fingers inside you.
"Or I could bend you over this sink? I'll make you watch your own pretty face in the mirror while I flood your tight little cunt with my cum. I know you'll take it like a good girl too. You promised me you would." His head is running away with him and that's exactly what you want. He comes up with the most wonderful suggestions sometimes.
"I'll be so proud of you, you know that?" One of his thick fingers slips into you, then another, curling against the front wall of your cunt and you can hear just how wet you are.
"Mhm, please." You groan, your forehead falling forward onto his chest. You need this more than you want tell him but his movements are measured so they only tease you.
"Soon, sweetheart. Later. Be a good girl and go back downstairs."
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apllsauc · 5 months
I made another one :]
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zombie edition!
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keeps-ache · 3 months
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blood of the covenant
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worm-in-a-trenchcoat · 2 months
I’m deep cleaning my room and decided to finally reorganize my doll shelf!
Gen1 on top, Gen3 on the second shelf and I thought it would be cute to have some of the sea creature dolls beside my betta fish tank lol.
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Can you guess who my favorite character is lmao 💀
(The doll on the right is Willa from Zombies 2, but she looks like Clawdeen to me so she’s there too lol)
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marinecorvid · 1 year
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risingsunresistance · 4 months
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my bag may not be as ✨aesthetic✨ as some people's but IDC IM HAVING SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! all my little things on display yayyyyy
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wouldnt be complete without my "nether star" on the side :3c
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prussianbluevelvet · 7 months
navigating lesbian spaces as a lesbian man on testosterone is NOT fun lmaooo help… ‘men dni, only lesbians interact 🥰’ girl i got bad news for you. some of us are both. did you forget about nonbinary people orrrrr are we just too complicated for y’all to cope with lmao. ‘i love weird queer freaks 🥰’ no u don’t y’all can’t even handle nonbinary people with sexualities that don’t fit into your normative tiny little boxes. go away with your performative nonsense.
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gigifujijifu · 5 months
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Anyone else remember the little 88x31 buttons from older internet days? I've been remembering them a lot lately.
I make ffxiv ones in msp when I'm in queue or my bf is flying me around between quests.
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fortyfive-forty · 4 months
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spaciebabie · 2 years
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look at my oc now
2nd pic is one of her performance outfits b/c if any of u remember from a post i made previously she is a famous singer
im gonna draw smthn cool w/her later
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