#carnival of clockwork
falsebooles123 · 4 months
Confessions of a Recovering Genrephobic 2/17/2024
Hey Whores,
Don't really have a lot to say about this week. Been getting some stuff done. Namely Taxes. Been spending some money investing in myself. And realizing that I really need to kick my ass in high gear and start applying for new jobs.
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Carnival of Clockwork (2015) - The Cog is Dead
Genre: Various, Steampunk Length: 47:14 (14 tracks)
I don't have a lot to say about this album. Mostly because i am a silly billy tired boy. Look do you like steampunk stuff with the storys and the cogs and the aestetics. Your'll like this.
I wasn't expecting the album to have such an eclectic sound to it but overall it has been a really nice time.
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Sorry For Party Rocking (2011) - LMFAO
Genre: Pop Rap, Electro Length: 37:15 (10 Tracks)
So we have all heard LMFAO right? Sorry for Party Rocking, Shots, Everyday I'm Shuffling. Right?
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(God I love Francine. This isn't even the specific scene I was trying to reference)
LMFAO is like the ultimate 2000s party music. It has a dub-step adjacent sound, the lyrics are fun and stupid. And its just hot and stupid and fun. Its like if Marshmellow and Lil John had like Gay sex while piss drunk on Johhny Walker and Lemon Drops and then had a child that somehow was the epitome of straight party bros but like in a nice wholesome way.
There is a surprisingly amount of variety in this album. Besides the more remembered singles there are tracks on here which are just explicetly EDM with sparse vocals and we love that for them.
5/5 (partialy for the nostaglia)
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Pink Friday 2 (2023) - Nikki Minaj
Genre: Hip Hop Length: 70:14 (22 Tracks)
OOOH GURL. We don't stan.
So first of off the real critics criticize this album for being overally long and yeah bitch this is 22 FUCKING SONGS. GIRL WHY DO I NEED TO HERE 22 SONGS IN A GODDaMN ROW> WHO IS SHE WHO SI THIS PERSON THAT SO MUCH OF A BARB THAT WE WANT TO HEAR 22 SONGS IN A ROW>
She ain't here girl all I'm saying. Not to belabor the point but I literally thought the album had ending and that I was listening to autoplay for the last 20 minutes.
There songs are fine? Its a lot of samples and vagualy etheral sounding production. It sounds like I'm listening to someone sample a "Now this what I call Music '83" while I'm Stuck in the bottom of a well. Nikki be spitting verse but I can't say that it has much of the same stopping power as like any of her other music.
This just wasn't for me and the length makes it harder for me to appreciate the individual tracks.
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Prelude to Ecstasy (2024) - The Last Dinner Party
Genre: Rock, Baroque Pop Length: 41:16 (12 Tracks)
ok this was just a lovely fucking time for a rainy day. Imagine a kinda 80s pop ballad band, mix it with light rock, and a florence-adjacent voculist and you got The Last Dinner Party. I'm gonna play one song for you and if this doesn't do anything for you then I'm sorry baby.
There non-singles are a lot more esoteric in the sound. They trade the catchy pop rock structure for something quite a bit more layered, baroque, and theatrical? orchestral? surreal? Baby girl, baby boy, baby zem you know I'm not good at discribing music.
Its like the perfect album for a rainy day. Meloncholic, evocative, and just almost purient in feeling. Its like wet chiffon against the skin in a summer rain.
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phaerlax · 5 months
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he puppy dog eyed the tailor into letting him keep a leg out
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thestupidbutterfly · 1 year
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cerealmonster15 · 10 months
The music in genshin impact is so good 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love the live symphony performances they do ‼️‼️‼️‼️ I’m listening to the Fontaine one and I just know that land is gonna make me go bonkers bananas with he hints of themes + the trailer + characters and outfits we’ve seen + the EVENT + music 🕺🕺🕺🕺🕺
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mirtapersonal · 1 year
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So this is where the carnival vehicles spend the rest of the year, while they wait for February.
The city Rijeka is famous for its carnival.
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maybankswhore · 1 year
mastermind , xavier thorpe.
pairings: xavier thorpe x reader
“what if i told you none of it was accidental and the first time you saw me , nothing was gonna stop me?”
“what if i told you i’m a mastermind? and now you’re all mine , it was all by design.”
summary: xavier knew he wanted you from the moment he saw you— and he always made sure to get the things he wanted.
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Xavier remembered the first time he saw you.
You were wearing your favorite outfit , one he had seen you wear plenty of times now , and you were clutching a stuffed animal in one arm and holding cotton candy in the other. With a bubbly smile on your face , you followed around your friends , soaking in the scenery of the carnival and grinning ear to ear. ( You really loved carnivals. )
He hadn’t seen you before. You didn’t go to Nevermore , and he wasn’t too fond of Normies. But there was something about you that seemed so different. It sounded cliche , but something clicked inside of him when he first saw you. You were beautiful , and you looked so sweet and innocent. He wanted to know you , who you were , what you liked. He wanted you to think he was just as attractive as he saw you. God , did he want you.
With his hands stuffed in his pockets , he huffed when you strolled on out of sight. The carnival was packed and he knew he’d look weird just watching around for you the entire time. He also knew , he didn’t want to approach you in front of your friends. He wasn’t particularly fond of them— just you.
He tried getting the image of you out of his head. It was just one girl , he kept telling themself. There’s more out there , don’t bother.
He played a couple games with Ajax , chatted with Wednesday , and still nothing turned his head the way you did. Nothing interested him enough to want to stop thinking about you.
“Bro you’re hot.” Ajax scoffed. Xavier bashfully admitted to him what his problem was after looking so irritated that past thirty minutes. “You make art come to life. Literally.”
“Okay and what if she’s like a super cunt who only dates guys like Tyler Galpin?” He borderline whined , hating that he cared so much.
“Then she’s a cunt so why would you wanna be with her still?” Ajax pointed out.
Xavier nodded , knowing Ajax was right. Maybe he was scared of finding that out— having the already made image of you tainted by a scornful tongue or an upturned nose.
“She seems to like Enid.” Ajax cut in , nodding over towards the blonde talking excitedly to you. You talked to her grinning , showing her the piece of jewelry Enid complimented you on.
Xavier watched the two of you closely , his eyes lightening up as Enid handed you her phone. He silently prayed you were exchanging socials instead of numbers , so he’d be able to find you later.
When you turned your phone around , showing Enid you had followed her , Xavier grinned excitedly.
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“what if i told you none of it was accidental and the first night that you saw me , i knew i wanted your body? i laid down the groundwork and just like clockwork the dominos cascaded down the line.”
That night Xavier laid in his bed and searched up Enid’s Instagram. Social media wasn’t really his ‘thing’ but he had an account just to be nosey every now and again— and luckily , it came in handy.
He wasted no time in searching through Enid’s followers until he found you. It took him about twenty different people , but then , finally , your profile picture was a photo of you in the woods. A huge smile on your face as you stood there with your arms wide open , eyes screwed shut.
Shamelessly , Xavier stalked you as far as your Instagram would go. He was in awe at your photos , how artistic some of them were compared to the pretty selfie’s you’d take. There wasn’t any sign of another significant other in your life , which made a proud smirk appear on his face.
He followed you , and turned his phone , ignoring the excitement bubbling in his stomach.
Then the next morning , as soon as he woke up , he saw you had followed him back. And he smiled.
The next time he saw Enid , he grabbed her arm and pulled her off to the side , stuffing his hands in his pocket nervously. “So. . .”
“You wanna know about Y/N.” Enid cut to the chase. “Ajax ratted you out to me last night! He said you couldn’t stop talking about her. Xavier that is so cute! You guys would be the perfect couple.”
Xavier made a mental note to tell Ajax about his blabber mouth as he flushed , rolling his eyes. “Calm down. I just wanna know if , you know , she’d—”
“She’s not like the rest of them , I promise.” Enid cut him off excitedly again. “In fact! She’s sneaking in me and Wednesday’s dorm tonight.” She smiled proudly , “you and Ajax should come by.”
Xavier smirked. “You know , I’m surprised at how little work I’ve had to do to score this.” He admitted , thinking he’d have to go on the wild hunt to find you somewhere’s in town.
“Maybe you’re not the one trying to score.”
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“you knew i was a mastermind and you’re mine , and all you did was smile. ’cause i’m a mastermind.”
Enid was finishing up your hair as you checked it subconsciously in the mirror. “And he asked me about you?” You already heard the story a million times , you just wanted to hear it again.
You were practically leaping with joy when Xavier had asked to follow you. You caught his attention. Finally. You wore your favorite outfit , ran around the entire carnival looking silly , just hoping he’d come up to you.
You were a bit disappointed when he didn’t , but when Enid texted you saying Xavier was asking her about you— you were ecstatic.
Wednesday rolled her eyes at the same question she’d been hearing for the past hour. “Do you suffer from short term memory loss?”
“I just don’t want to assume he’s into me but really I’m just being delusional.”
“Didn’t you say he followed you.” Enid tried easing your overthinking.
“Yeah but—”
“Which means he was looking for it because he didn’t know your name before!” Enid clapped excitedly. “I love love.”
“Love makes me want to operate on myself while I’m wide awake.”
Wednesday’s comment was left uncommented on because a knock on the door interrupted the conversation.
Your stomach was in knots and Enid gave you an encouraging smile as she went to open the door. You immediately felt shy , unsure of what to do or say.
“Y/N’s already here!” She almost squealed , moving away to let them walk in.
Xavier’s eyes immediately fell onto you. You sat on Enid’s bed , with your hands in your lap for comfort. The way you looked at him made him grin , nodding up at you. “Gonna introduce me , Enid?”
Enid giggled and you stood up , smoothing down your clothes and walking up to him.
“Don’t you know her already?” Wednesday’s monotonous voice spoke up. “You followed her Instagram.” She said simply , not looking up from her place on her own bed , reading.
Xavier’s cheeks went red with embarrassment as Enid giggled and Ajax laughed. You even chuckled a bit , finding his red cheeks and the way he scratched the back of his neck endearing.
“Well yeah but—”
“I’m Y/N.” You introduced.
“So it seems.” Xavier laughed. “In the flesh.”
You were two caught up in his big green eyes to answer. His face was definitely something to look at. Every feature just fit him perfectly , his voice and demeanor. You were smitten.
“I think me and Y/N are gonna go off on our own.” Xavier told the others without looking away from you , his heart beating so fast.
“Already?” Enid whined. “You just got here.”
Xavier looked at you questionably , cocking his head to the side with a smirk.
“Yeah–” you broke the stare to glance towards Enid briefly with a sympathetic smile. “We can all meet up later?”
“God , I hate teenagers.”
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harrysbelovedd · 2 months
carnival date [rafe cameron]
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pairing - rafe cameron x reader
summary - you get sick of rafe playing hard to get, so you decide to hit him where it hurts.
warnings - swearing, angst/fluff
Lights shone brightly below us, a large teddy bear sitting between us. As the ferris wheel begins to approach the boardwalk ground, I look over at JJ. I smile lovingly–hoping my acting is believable. 
“Is he looking?” I whisper through clenched teeth. 
JJ’s eyes peer down, spotting a furious Rafe standing on the ground, smoke practically fuming out of his ears. His strong arms cross over his broad chest, veins in his hands protruding out of anger as he clenches his fists.
“Oh he’s looking, and I think–correct me if I’m wrong–he is going to kill me and throw my body off the pier once we got off this fuckin’ thing.” He widens his eyes, nodding his head toward the man I’m really here for.
“Possibly,” I shrug, “Don’t worry I’ll put in a good word, you should lock your doors though.” I warn, playfully. Except just to be safe, JJ probably should triple check his locks tonight. Rafe’s jealousy is unexplainable. But that’s what he gets for thinking he can play hard to get with me.
Rafe and I have been playing this game for months, he shows his interest in me on a drunken night, then the next morning acts like I don’t exist. He knows that I know how he feels, and I’m sure he knows how I feel. Today, I grew sick and tired of him acting like a child. So, I decided to use the one sure-fire way I could get him to fess up.
I don’t hang out with the pogues much, but JJ Maybank happened to owe me a favor. A couple weeks ago he snuck into Midsummers trying to find some free booze. So, when security caught him, I covered for him and told him he owed me. So, here we are. Pretending to be on a date to make Rafe jealous.
Soon enough, the ferris wheel came to a stop. JJ stood up, grabbing my hand and the teddy bear as we hopped off the ride. Rafe now stands with Topper and Kelce, pretending to be part of their conversation. But really, his eyes are purely on JJ and I. 
“Kiss me, JJ.”
His eyes widen, “Woah I-”
“Please, it’ll set him off and he’ll come over here, trust me.” I beg.
He rolls his eyes, “Alright but we’re even after this.”
He leans in, his calloused palm holding my cheek, pulling me closer. My eyes flick down to his lips and before we even have the chance to actually kiss–
“Yo, Maybank!” 
My lips curl into a smirk at his voice. Just like clockwork.
We both turn to see the brooding man walking toward us. His gaze is lethal, every other person on the boardwalk making way for Rafe Cameron. His jaw clenches, his fists balling by his sides. 
When he reaches us, he chuckles menacingly, “This is cute. I don’t give you attention so you go for the fuckin’ pogue?”
I scoff, “No, JJ just has the emotional maturity of an adult who’s able to actually understand his feelings and act on them.”
I hear JJ chuckle next to me, probably never expecting to hear the words “emotional maturity” and “JJ” in the same sentence. 
“He’s gonna treat you like shit, y’know that right? He’ll use you for what he needs then he’ll toss you aside,” He argues, turning toward JJ. “And when that happens you better watch your fuckin’ back JJ. You hurt her, I’ll kill you.” He seethes. 
I push JJ back, hopefully sending him the signal to leave before Rafe does something stupid. “And you’d do any better?” I scoff, “I see the girls you bring to Tannyhill and never fucking speak to again. I stopped wasting my time the second I realized you’d do the same to me.”
His anger stops at my words, he steps closer to me. “Do you really believe that? They weren’t you! I’ve been so terrified of hurting you I’ve been trying to protect you from myself. They were nothing.”
“Why didn’t you just say that?” I whisper, my fingers tugging at the hem of my top.
“Because–” He hesitates, “I’m stupid. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. And I’m just stupid.”
“You are stupid,” I chuckle. 
He smiles, his head dipping down to meet my line of sight. His fingers push my hair behind my ear, “So can I kiss you now? Your date ditched.”
“Yeah, that wasn’t a real date,” I smirk.
“Oh you’re just as jealous and fucked up as me, huh baby?”
I grin as he pulls my face toward him in his palm, smashing his lips against mine.
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sas-soulwriter · 6 months
Dark ideas for your book
The Eclipsed City: In a dystopian future, a city is perpetually shrouded in darkness due to a rare cosmic event. Within its shadows, a mysterious cult thrives, promising salvation to those who embrace the eternal night.
Spectral Inheritance: A family cursed with the ability to see and communicate with ghosts is haunted by a malevolent spirit that seeks to manipulate them into committing unspeakable acts.
The Silence Plague: A mysterious illness sweeps across the world, causing those afflicted to lose the ability to speak. As society collapses, a group of survivors must navigate the eerie quietness and unravel the origins of the plague.
Cabinet of Wonders: An eccentric collector amasses a macabre assortment of cursed artifacts. When a group of thieves attempts to steal from the collection, they unwittingly unleash ancient evils upon the world.
The Labyrinthine Asylum: A renowned psychologist opens an asylum for the criminally insane, but as he delves into the minds of the patients, he discovers a shared, otherworldly experience that threatens to consume them all.
The Dollmaker's Obsession: A toymaker creates eerily lifelike dolls imbued with the souls of the deceased. As the dolls begin to exhibit disturbing behavior, the townspeople must confront the consequences of meddling with the afterlife.
The Whispering Woods: A forest is rumored to house a malevolent entity that preys on the deepest fears of those who enter. A group of friends camping in the woods must confront their inner demons as reality warps around them.
Mirror, Mirror: A cursed mirror reflects not the physical appearance but the innermost desires of those who gaze into it. As individuals succumb to their obsessions, the mirror's dark power grows stronger.
The Forgotten Carnival: A long-abandoned carnival mysteriously reopens, drawing in unsuspecting visitors. However, the attractions harbor supernatural secrets that force patrons to face their darkest fears.
Phantom Limbs: After a groundbreaking medical procedure, patients begin to experience the sensation of phantom limbs that seem to have a life of their own, leading to a series of grisly and unexplainable events.
The Clockwork Curse: A clockmaker crafts a series of intricate, cursed timepieces that manipulate the lives of their owners. As time unravels, the characters must race against the clock to break the curse.
The Wretched Symphony: In a haunted opera house, a composer unwittingly writes a masterpiece that channels the anguish of tormented spirits. The music's power transcends the stage, causing supernatural disturbances throughout the city.
The Soul Market: A hidden market emerges where people can buy and sell souls. Those who partake soon discover the horrifying consequences of trading away their essence.
Tunnels of Despair: A series of mysterious tunnels are discovered beneath a small town, leading to an ancient chamber that houses a malevolent force capable of manifesting the fears of anyone who enters.
The Crimson Masquerade: At a masquerade ball, attendees wearing cursed masks find themselves trapped in a surreal realm where their darkest secrets are revealed, leading to a night of intrigue, betrayal, and horror.
The Oracle's Prophecy: A gifted oracle foretells a series of apocalyptic events, and a group of unlikely heroes must decipher the cryptic messages to prevent the end of the world.
The Coven's Conspiracy: In a secluded village, a coven of witches enacts a dark ritual to unleash a powerful ancient entity. As the villagers begin to vanish, a lone investigator must confront the supernatural forces at play.
The Unseen Gallery: An artist creates paintings that come to life, each depicting a nightmarish realm. As the paintings multiply, they threaten to merge the real world with their grotesque dimensions.
The Haunting Melody: A cursed melody is passed down through generations, causing madness and death to those who hear it. A musician discovers the haunting tune and must find a way to break the curse before it claims more lives.
The Apothecary's Concoction: A mysterious apothecary brews elixirs that grant extraordinary abilities, but at a cost. As users become addicted to the potions, they spiral into madness, leading to a city on the brink of collapse.
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miasmaclockworks · 4 months
Inhale (killk me)
kinito pet au ideas (all mine now)
Pirate au, swap/opposite au, frenzy au, beach vally au, valentines au, broken computer virus (BCV) au, house care au, real virus au, mimic au, best friend au, candyland au, light's out au, time traveler au, steam punk au, ghost au, phasmophobia au, dragon barrier au, librarian au, magical forest au, fruit au, fruit au, furry au, sailor moon au, pride au, obsessed au, ice cream au, midnight starlight au, AHIT au, star collector au, broken heart au, rejected friend au, accepted friend au, Poppy Playtime au, Five Nights At Freddys au, Warrior cats au, Midnight driver, killer au, prince of the night au, pool swimmer, Magical boy au, Critical au, Escape room au, god au, AU god au, Au hunter AU, scream au, Mii au, plane crash au, pilot au, mc donalds worker au, driver au, smile tapes au, nightmare au, night gamer au, artist au, over eater au, roblox au, creator au, caseoh au, wii au, wand au, childhood friend au, possessed au, apple core au, string worm au, drunkie au, caretaker au, love maniac au, drier au, washing machine au, Im a pretty princess au, venting au, among us au, gentle man au, Youtuber au, Actual axolotl au, you are what you eat au, mince meat butcher au, butcher au, doxxed au, sally the witch au, autistic au, ADHD au, Autistic and ADHD au, Motherborn au, alien au, Mother Mother au, soul au, dragon born au, vampire au, vampire hunter au, it was all just a dream? au, sunshine au, digital circus au, clockwork au, gymnastics au, rainbow factory au, twisted and turned au, patchworks au, unseen au, joker au, minimum wage worker au, skinwalker au, kinito darling au, forever and ever, everlasting pain, story teller au, time teller au, zoo keeper au, smiling critter au, truth be told au, rizzler au, farmer au, anthro au, Digital pop up au, backfired au, chef au, cuphead au, BABQFTIM au, carnival au, internet explorer au, kidnapper au, robber au, parental figure au, parent au, father au, apple picker au, trans au, siren au, mermaid au, cloud critters, monster energy au, emo au, goth au, alt goth, prince au, princess au, priest au, reality au, Epic the musical au, bass voice au, prince of the sea au, stranger au, never used au, stranger things au, abandoned au, hazbin hotel au, lemon and lime au, softie au, grunge au, sugar crush au, rainbow friends au, block break friends au, sugar crush au, sweet tooth au, undertale au, heartless au, toxic au, waist au, epic au, error au, fresh au, reaper au, horror au, other sans aus, medical au, high school au, ruby and max au, little horrors au, planter au, plant au, crystal au, glass crystal au, rockstar au, ancient Greek au, mario au, shroomba au, sonic the hedgehog au, snowday au, cave monster au, dinosaur au, game show hoster au, lunar moon au, bloodmoon au, eclipse au, sundrop au, moondrop au, dignity au, angels gaurd au, demons gaurd au, king of hell, king of the sea au, mother nature au, king of the land, landlord au, your boyfriend au, planetary au, leopard gecko au, leopard au, train conductor au, mountain lion au, polar bear au, Mad Scientist au, don't die au, raindrops au, seraph au, always watching au, teacher au, birthday party au, husk au, royal au, gummy bear au, cannibal au, discord au, My little pony au, bumblebee au, cat au, animal au, sweet treat au, warzone au, warframe au, roblox au, unicorn au, factory worker au, you au, dihedra au, pee au, every au I forget, Deleted forever au (not really), sleep tight au, Fire borne, dragon au, mythical animals au, goodbye friend, rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles au, Replicate au, smartie pants au, femboy au, backrooms au, gurlie au, too silly au, silly au, TADC au, lovesick au, grand master au, crazy au, lab monster au, (insert every animal here) au, Monster under your bed au, sloozy au, nightmare monster au, aroace king au, your imagination au, salamander au, desktop pet au, ukagaka au, he knows what you are au, roller blades au, you can run but you can't hide au, poison rain au, dementia au, mr worldwide mr 305 au, anime au, welcome home au, Yume Nikki au, gacha life au, gacha club au, Battle blocks au,
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mooniemilkieway · 7 months
The Most Random Creepypasta Headcanons (HALLOWEEN SPECIAL POST RAHHH)
- Laughing Jack has done trad goth styled makeup because he has found fond of it whenever he sees his “victims” (teenagers…) started doing it around the 1970s and 80s. He also really loves trad goth bands such as “Flesh for Lulu” and “Exces Nocturne”
- Eyeless Jack has a blood kink….you can’t tell me he wouldn’t I know that motherfucker does
- BEN Drowned and Sonic.Exe have beef with each other and would constantly argue over a discord call about who’s the better video game mascot and franchise. Slender man would overhear BEN’s screaming and would tell him to shut up and to go to bed
- Nina the Killer’s room has a shit ton of Sanrio plushies and a wall of the Monster Energy Ultra Rosa cans and even made a gun using those cans and is hanging up on her wall
- I would like to think that Clockwork died of an infection because of her literally mutilating her mouth and replacing her eye with a clock but got resurrected by Slender Man because Ticci Toby knew her while they were in their talking stage.
- Jane the Killer lowkey had a Taylor Swift and a One Direction fan and snuck into a Harry Styles concert just to relieve her childhood.
- Sally Williams would possess a Teddy Bear and would chase around Jeff with a Knife because he would insult her stuff animals
- If the Slender Mansion was an actual thing and all the creepypastas lived there and it was a reality show it would either be like The Kardashians or Bad Girls Club
- Slender Man secretly watches Total Drama and would imagine himself being like Chris McLean hosting a deadly reality show with his proxies being contestants. His favorite season is World Tour and would hum some of the songs the characters sung
- Laughing Jack used to live in an abandoned carnival but one day and for some reason a bunch of rednecks set the carnival on fire while he was on a killing spree so for now he resides in the Slender Mansion
- Jeff the Killer is the equivalent of Eric Cartman
- If Jeff The Killer sees you with a Nirvana shirt, he would go up to you and ask you “name three songs from them”
- BEN Drowned is a SoundCloud rapper and has made multiple diss tracks on Sonic.Exe and his album covers are literally anime girls with vapor wave backgrounds because he thinks it’s “edgy.”
- Ticci Toby that kind of person to say that he’s a smoker but he only ever had one cigarette and had a coughing attack after one inhale
- Jane The Killer is a crystal girlie who has a crystal collection and cleanses them during the full moon and does witchcraft (she just like me)
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Kaminari Denki
2018 backlogs part 5. tbh i still think about this one often
You didn't always drag your best friend Denki to festivals or carnivals. Oh wait yes, yes you do. Every time there was one around you wanted to go you thought they were so fun and exciting you just didn't want to go alone. That's where your yellow haired best friend came in; he was always down to accompany you what you didn't know about was his huge crush on you.
There was a fair that had come to town and this was the first weekend of it and you couldn't wait to go. After class you went to your dorm room to get ready. After your shower you lounge around figuring out what to wear when you hear the familiar ringtone that tells you when Denki texts you.
Sparky: Hey are we still going to the fair today ;)?
You read the boys message adding a slight groan when you saw the emoji.
You: Yeah glad you remembered
Sparky: Looking forward to it. Meet you outside the dorms in 10
With a confirmation text you toss your phone onto your bed and turn to face your closet. You finally decide on a tank top and some jeans. After putting on your outfit you go into the bathroom brush your hair and brush your teeth. You opted to leave your hair down. With a final check in the mirror you give yourself a nod of approval. Grabbing your phone you head out the door slipping on your shoes on your way out.
Once you got outside you looked at your phone reading the time you sighed. You still had a few minutes to wait for him, hopefully he wasn't late you really wanted to go to the fair and play games and ride the rides and eat the amazing yet amazingly unhealthy food.
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't hear the door open behind you. The stupid grin on your face was quickly removed by a look of surprise, and slight terror, when a gentle jolt of electricity was sent up your spine to get your attention. With a startled shriek you turn only to see a laughing Denki.
"Ugh Denki you jerk!" You groaned at the yellow haired boy as you hit him playfully in the chest.
"Eh sorry sorry it was just too perfect!" He got out between laughs. You hated to admit it but he was right you had given him the perfect opportunity.
"Whatever let's get going Sparky." You said with a huge smiles as you two started walking towards the fair. The two of you walked and walked mostly in a comfortable silence just enjoying the scenery with a couple perfectly timed jokes here and there.
Once you get close enough Denki starts to be able to hear the low music. He knows what's going to happen once you do too it happens almost every time he accompanies you. Like clockwork he feels your excitedly grab hold of his arm and out of the corner of his eye he can see your ecstatic grin as your pace quickens. A skip in your step as your pull him along still holding onto his arm.
As you approached the fair the lines were somewhat long but you were too excited to care. The wait was about 20 minutes from the back of the line to the entrance luckil you had Denki there to keep you company and keep you entertained. Just as your took a step toward the booth about to pay for your entrance you felt a strong hand tenderly grip your wrist as Denki handed the man pq$20 and ushered you through the gates.
"Ehh Denki why'd you do that I was going to pay." You questioned him. He didn't answer until you two were out of the way of the rushing strangers
"You always pay I figured it was my turn." He said with his signature smile with a hint of flirtation coating his voice "So where to first?"
You both excitedly bounced from scary rollercoaster to scarier roller coaster the adrenaline coursing through your bodies as you laugh and play together feeling sort of like children. Denki was always good with helping you. After particularly scary roller coasters he'd praise you give you hugs and make sure you stay extra close to him until you calm back down.
The two of you had finished every roller coaster that seemed interesting in about an hour and a half so it was still pleasantly bright out. With the final roller coaster out of the way you were both laughing and shaking slightly as you made your way through the bustling crowd to figure out what to do next.
Neither of you were able to ask the others' opinion of what next before you smelt the food. You glance at him just as he does the same. Grumble Grumble. Your stomachs. You both nod in silent agreement and start your walk masterfully avoiding careless strangers and children.
After a quick deliberation you decide what to order and got your position in the line.
"What can I get for you two today?" The young food stall worker kindly asked as he shot you a smile and a wink. You hadn't noticed the flirtation but Denki did and he did not appreciate it. You felt him shift closer to you his hand on your shoulder.
"We'll have two sodas, a large fry, and some fried dough please." You smiled ordering the food obvious to the silent battle going on between the two males. As you're starting to pull out your money you see Kaminari is ahead of again and already handing the vendor the money. You smiled up at him thanking him as you two walked out of the line waiting for your food.
After your order was called out the two of you grabbed it and sat at a table for you slightly away from the line. You started eating slowly laughing and talking with your close friend and crush the fries were nice and crunchy.
"Eh Sparky I never asked-" you started "is the lightning bolt in your hair natural?" You'd been friends for a while you just never got around to asking but you really wanted to know. The question earned you a snort and a laugh.
"That's adorable it's natura. Just another awesome thing about me you know?" He replied with his usual dorky confident tone. Although you had to admit it was pretty cool. You guys kept talking and joking and most importantly eating for a while until you noticed something. Markings on your napkin.
Popping the rest of the french fry in your mouth you picked up the marked napkin uncovering it so you can see what it says. By now your quizzical look was noticed by Denki.
"What is it?" He asked
"Someone wrote on my napkin." You started and then you read it out loud;
Hey cutie call me sometime we can go out and have fun xo (followed by a phone number)
Your look of confusion was not matched by Denki's. He glanced back and saw the 'pretty boy' vendor not too subtly looking at you with a smirk plastered on his features. With a shrug you drop the napkin back on the tray bringing your attention back to a scowling Denki.
"Hey cheer up you look like Kaachan right now!" You joked unable to keep yourself from laughing. Soon your laughter was joined by him as the two of you finished eating. You grab a napkin to wipe your mouth and hands as your eyes scan for the trash can. Denki on the other hand grabs the napkin with the guys phone number that your discarded and wiped his mouth and hands with that as he stood up to help you take care of the trash. Putting his arm around your shoulders casually as you two talked making eye contact and smirking at the vendor.
He'd never be able to admit it to you but he likes you a lot. He could never ask you out as much as he wanted to; whenever he tried to ask any girl out it was always a no and sometimes it just gets too awkward. He doesn't want to ruin what he has with you. You unknowingly ripped him out of his thoughts when you gasped and squealed slightly pulling him over to a game stall.
You saw this cute Pikachu plushie that you just had to try to win. Handing the vendor the money for one round you threw ball after ball knowing over all but one pin. Sighing in defeat you shrug and turn to Denki to ask what to do next but before you get the chance the man behind the counter is exchanging his money for balls. You watch him as he concentrates each throw. He may not be the smartest but he is definitely determined. You watched him admiring not only that he was trying to so hard for you but also how gorgeous he was while doing it.
You watched as the final pin fell and you could feel a grin grow on your face. You beamed at Kaminari and he couldn't help but smile back as he gestured for you to pick out the prize. You quickly pointed at the Pikachu plushie. The nice older man handed you the soft plushie as you hugged it close to your chest before hugging and thanking Denki.
You two walked around until it started to get dark.
"Hey Denki can we go on the Ferris wheel please?" You begged him. The two of you stopped as you turned to him and gave him the pouty puppy dog eyes. Blushing he nods and stutters out a yeah as you two start walking there in a comfortable silence. You were still holding onto your tiny Pikachu the entire time you were waiting in line. After giving this vendor your tickets the two of you were escorted to your basket where Denki got on first to help you up.
The basket had moved twice letting people on when Denki's phone starts to ring. He looks at you asking if he could answer it you give a nod and stare out at the horizon hearing only one side of the conversation.
"Hey Kaachan! We are on the Ferris wheel why? You what!? Absolutely not! Are you crazy?! I don't care. No.-" This continued for a little while you couldn't help but be curious on what was being said.
*conversation*. ( Denki - Katsuki)
Hey Kaachan! Kaminari where are you two? We are on the Ferris wheel why? Good. I want you to fucking ask her out already You what!? Absolutely not! Are you crazy?! You fucking heard me! You like her and I'm sick of you fucking pining over her! I don't care. Fucking tell her Thunderhead it's annoying and stupid. No.
*Added cause I enjoyed my thought process* (end of convo that matters)
You weren't sure what was happening but as the conversation went on you could start feeling static as you realized what was happening. Denki was getting worked up. You were trying to get his attention but he was too distracted by his argument. You were just about at the top when the final no was heard and a huge shock wave was unintentionally sent out across the entire fair. Darkness and screams. He accidentally caused a blackout in frustration. Upon realizing this quickly hung up and stared in shock and utter embarrassment.
"Everyone please stay calm we are contacting the authorities those of you in immediate danger will be rescued but we have to ask those of you who are alright to wait until we get the power back on. Updates to come." You heard a loud voice say across the entire fair, must be their quirk.
Denki was silent for a minutes staring at the bottom of the basket between his feet. He couldn't believe he did this. How would you forgive him for ruining your favorite ride? He couldn't bring himself to look at you. You on the other hand were staring a him. You were worried to say the least.
You reached a hand over placing it tenderly on his back you felt his muscles tighten under your touch more than usual. You knew he was internally freaking out you could see it on his face; at least the parts that weren't hidden by his hair. You rubbed his back gently in an attempt to help him relax. It didn't seem to work. You sat there with him quietly keeping your hand on his back doing what you can to make him relax a little. He was so tense.
"Everyone is safe! I repeat everyone is safe it may be about an hour before power comes back please remain calm and stay where you are." You hear the booming say again. It must have been longer than you thought.
You started to shiver. You didn't think it would be this cold so you opted out of wearing a jacket and now you were feeling the consequences. You heard a zipper as he was about to take his jacket off. He must have felt your shivering.
"Denki no! You'll get cold and you could get sick." You said moving your hand so you could stop him from removing his jacket. He looked at you ever so slightly but it was enough to see his face. Enough for you to see the guilt in his eyes.
"(Y/N) I'm sorry-" he started "I know how much you love fairs and how much you love Ferris wheels. I'm sorry I ruined it for you." You were about to reply when he cut you off.
"I bet he wouldn't have done this." He said half jokingly noticing the sadness in your eyes as you looked at him. He was talking about the Pikachu plushie he had one for you.
"Denki you have nothing to apologize for. It was an accident I know that and look at the horizon it's gorgeous; and you never know he might have. You're still my favorite Pikachu though." You said a smile on your face. He looked at you like a puzzle. Trying to figure out if you were being honest. You were.
Suddenly you felt strong arms surround you as you were pulled into a muscular chest. His head on your shoulder as you moved your arms so they were between his body and his jacket the warmth warming you inside and out. He held you close as close as he could without crushing you the feeling of your body against his more welcoming than ever before. Now he knew how much you truly cared.
The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes just enjoying the closeness and the warmth before looking at each other.
"Denki-" "(Y/N)-" You both started at the same time causing you both to laugh before he took a deep breath.
"That conversation. The one that caused... this. It was Kaachan telling me to.. telling me to tell you that I-" he stopped dead in his tracks. The fear of saying it flooding back.
"Denki?" You questioned softly looking into his welcoming yellow eyes.
"He was telling me to that.. tell you how much I-" he stopped again. He couldn't tell you. He couldn't risk losing you. You weren't 100% sure what was going on but had made a decision. Hoping. Praying that said decision didn't ruin everything for you.
You leaned in kissing him softly. Shocking him to the core. He didn't kiss back immediately and you got worried so you pulled away sadly. Your eyes shifted so you could try to feel less embarrassed.
"I'm sorry.." you said quietly barely able a whisper. And then you felt a warm hand pull you back in. Your lips locking with his as he kissed you passionately you could feel his dorky grin through the kiss.
Slowly the two of pull away and just as you expected his adorkable goofy grin was plastered across his face.
"Yeah. That." He said feeling his heart rate slow down as he pulled you close keeping you warm and safe as the lights turned back on and the ride jolted slightly back to life.
"You know. We should get you one of those Pikachu costumes so we could be a family. I mean let's be honest I always knew you had a thing for me. What girl wouldn't?" He joked playfully. You knew EXACTLY which type he meant. You just rolled your eyes and enjoyed the warmth of your new boyfriend as the ride got down to the bottom letting you off.
The two of you made your way back hand in hand.
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thestupidbutterfly · 1 year
Tumblr media
Stab! Stab! Stab!
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bubblegumbeech · 5 months
Bee’s 2023 Fic Review
2021 2022
My AO3
Works: 8
Word Count:  154,635
Events: Invisobang | Phic Phight | EctoberHaunt (Mod Tucker)
Here’s my  fics! I didn't write nearly as much as I hoped but I did start a Masters Program so I am learning to write better hopefully! (I actually wrote a lot I didn't post that I am saving for when I am more caught up on my WIPs tbh >>)
Danny Phantom:
Pieces of Time (26,520 words) Subscriptions: 154 Hits: 3,390 Kudos: 267 Comment Threads: 45 Bookmarks: 118
Some questions don't have answers, some answers aren't worth having and some make you wonder where the truth is being hidden. Danny asks Clockwork a question, now, what about the answer?
We Interrupt Your Scheduled Programming (10,062 words) Subscriptions: 5 Hits: 486 Kudos: 70 Comment Threads: 7 Bookmarks: 20
Nocturne generally hates doing favors. He’d honestly rather be sleeping, or messing with someone’s head or … well anything really. But Clockwork got himself into a mess that even he wasn’t going to have an easy time digging himself out of. But hey, what are brothers for? Clockwork was going to owe him for this one though.
Pruning the Branches (30,289 words) Subscriptions: 3 Hits: 215 Kudos: 14 Comment Threads: 12 Bookmarks: 2
Flynn is finally headed back to his home in the Ghost Zone! But something happened in the short time he was away, something that put his family at risk. Struggling to once more find his footing now that everything seems to be falling apart around him, Flynn needs to get answers-even if that means running from his Mother and overprotective siblings and dodging a murderous ghost that's a little bit too murderous. Nothing is going to be the same after this.
Hyde Inside (7,847 words) Subscriptions: 11 Hits: 257 Kudos: 27 Comment Threads: 5 Bookmarks: 7
The only place for a murderer is a hangman's noose… but there is another place for a madman if Gabriel can make the argument. He could save his friend's life. Even if he'd never be forgiven for it. It might have even worked if it wasn't for the mysterious sharp-toothed woman outside Hyde's room, and the answers the good doctor seems reluctant to share.
Treasures and Tricks (1,518 words) Hits: 314 Kudos: 55 Comment Threads: 4 Bookmarks: 8
Hastur was an all powerful inhuman King. He did not spend his days thinking about Arthur Lester.
Not a Home but a Haunt (2,319 words) Hits: 77 Kudos: 13 Comment Threads: 3 Bookmarks: 2
Arthur Lester is adjusting just fine to his new 'situation' thank you. Being blind doesn't make him helpless, it's just a new fact of his life. He can still be a detective, if Parker would just let him prove it. Ignoring of course, the strange new voice that seems to come from no where, and Parker swearing that it's just the two of them alone in the apartment…
Grand Line Carnival (24,140 words) Subscriptions: 51 Hits: 3,909 Kudos: 268 Comment Threads: 45 Bookmarks: 81
Law doesn't want to go to a carnival ever again, but his crew doesn't know that and they insist that he has been spending far too much time in the hospital. So he's stuck, but at least he's with friends, now if only he could get that weird stranger off his mind. Or better yet, Stop running into him everywhere. Literally.
Beneath Different Stars (51,940 words) Subscriptions: 175 Hits: 7,784 Kudos: 520 Comment Threads: 125 Bookmarks: 116
A role-reversal that has Dynn Jaren, a stormtrooper with an attitude problem running away with a stolen asset. And Corin, a Mandalorian bounty hunter that’s supposed to be hunting him down for the good of his clan. Except, what happens when the “asset” isn’t what he thought it was? And the “stormtrooper” he was chasing packs a bit of a punch?
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familyparadox · 1 year
13’s life after season eleven is a plot organised by a Wartime Power
I mean in the first episode she meets Ada Lovelace mastermind of the Clockwork Ouroboros affair
At some point she meets and travels for a with with a former member of the the Faction after being embroiled in a plot to restart the Time War (interestingly not the War in Heaven however 13 mentions that the Faction vanished from time before the Last Great Time War? Did they vanish to fight in a higher war?) however no Stories beyond their meeting have been published what happened to her? (Retro annulled or infected with the Biodata virus)
In the The Haunting of Villa Diodati we meet Byron and the rest of the Shelly Cable who are know to be heavily aly affiliated with the Faction with Byron in fact being a member
We also meet the Lone Cyberman who feels very similar to Godparent Pinocchio, and we all know the Cybermen are a Faction plot of some kind as I have previously discussed.
The Timeless Child plot stinks like the Other. The Cybermasters? An expansion of the the Faction Schemes? And we all know the Master is the War King are the Faction playing him or is he playing the Faction?
Flux feels like one of the Latter Faction Paradox EDA’s (Shadows of Avalon, The Ancestor, Galifray Chronicles ect) we have temporal Paradox’s, the Anchoring of the Thread and ancient conspiracy stretching all the way back to the Dawn of History, the binding of the pre universe’s time is reminiscent of the Carnival Queen affair. And the Ravagers feel like an kind of mutated Mal’akh and with the skull like faces and great fashion sense perhaps the grandfather was inspired by them perhaps the dead bodies of the Ravages other than those we see became the amour the Faction mask themselves with. Of course the Faction would want to tear down time just to see what happens, of course this could all be an Enemy plot instead?
The Passengers feel very Type 103 form but a crude model? Or Perhaps the missing Babels sent back in time and where enslaved by the Ravager Mal’akh?
Of course we all know that the Grand Serpent is a Brax perhaps one of the many splinters of Brax all out playing the long game for the greater good. (Perhaps a Renegade Brax who has succumbed to Pandora?) and Brax was heavily involved on the fringes of the War.
And finally we come to the modus operandi Power of the Doctor. In this we realise that the War King (the Master) is Rasputin (a noted member of the Faction) who has been mind controlling the royal family of Russia and this must include a young Anastasia who famously defected from the Faction alongside Rasputin who we now know is the War King not to mention the Cybermasters, or I shall use and older name one in reference to the Quantum Archangel the Cyberlords, and the Daleks are being used in the Masters crusade against the Master.
The Cyberlords worked with the Time Lord’s during the the War in Heaven as did the Daleks, and all these where led by the War King against the Enemy.
May in propose this the Spy Master incarnation is the same incarnation as the War King, the Allies of the Great House amassed to fight the Doctor this is most definitely a field of the War. The Master claims to have killed the Time Lords but perhaps he has only just escaped from his old ship and awoken in the ruins of a Post War Homeworld and this this is the final skirmish of the War in Heaven. The Faction are in ruins (see the Wintertime Paradox) the Homeworld is shattered (Spyfall, Zagreus Et al) this is the last stand of the Great Houses against their Enemy and who are the allies of the Houses all fighting together in a great alliance?
The Doctor.
Weather this means anything or not well that’s up to you to decide
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insomniamamma · 2 years
Changes: Frankie Morales x F!reader
A/N: so this was written for @littleferal‘s Writer’s Iron Chef #8. The prompt was accidentally falling asleep together.  I feel like this might be the start of an interesting AU. I may have to do something else with these two. Reader has had to move back in with her parents after some unspecified setback. Reader is younger than Benny but otherwise not described.
Warnings: A little angst. Small town. Overbearing parents. Alcohol consumption. Food mentions. Oh no, we’re snuggling for warmth. One very soft kiss. Brief mention of spiders.
          Things change, but some things stay exactly the same. Coming home was like hitching a ride on a time machine, the shit-splat town you grew up in much the same as when you ran from it. The shitty little carnival still comes through town at the beginning of summer like clockwork, the train still rolls through what passes as a downtown several times a night.  The dog food factory still stinks. The house is much the same as you remember it, only older, your ma and pa older. We won't charge you room and board, says your pa, but we do expect you to help out with groceries and such. And if you are going to live in this house, we expect you to follow certain rules. Yes, sir, you say, falling into the old patterns.          They've set you up in your old room, still painted an eye-watering purple that 13 year old you had loved.          I talked to Jerry down to the store. He'll hire you on.          Yes sir.          It's good pay. You'll have to work for it though.          Yes sir.          You'll be just fine, says Ma, you'll get back on your feet soon enough.
         Things change, but some things stay exactly the same. The Millers still live next door, their back field and yours butting up, separated by a fringe of scraggly honeysuckles. Benny practically knocks you over, sweeping you up into a bear hug.          "Hey, Squirt! I missed you! How've you been?"          "Honestly, I've been better." Will's greeting is more subdued but just as warm, pulls you into his arms and squeezes you tight.          "You'll be okay." And somehow when Will says it you believe it.
         "Hey Squirt!"          "Arrrghh. I am a whole five minutes younger than you Benjamin Miller!" Benny throws up his hands in mock surrender.          "We're gonna have a fire tomorrow," he says, "Pope and Fish are gonna be there. You should come."
         Things change, but some things stay exactly the same. Will is telling embarrassing Benny stories, like the time he caught the curtains on fire using a lighter and hairspray to kill a spider that Will planted in his room. You've heard this story a million times but the man sitting next to you hasn't. The boys call him Fish but his name is Francisco. I'm Frankie, only my mom calls me Francisco. He has a brilliant smile that turns his eyes into crinkled crescents. Curls peek out form under his ball cap, you find yourself smiling at him, wanting to be near him.          Will's got a pie iron and is using it to make the campfire equivalent of Cinnabon rolls. Cinnamon raisin bread stuffed with marshmallows and toasted over the coals. You've had two of those and several beers and now the fire is low and red and the boys are trading stories. It's getting chilly and the five of you move gradually closer to the fire. Closer to each other. Which is how you end up nestled against Frankie. He curls an arm around you like its the most natural thing in the world.          "You ok?"          "yeah. I'm just cold."            "Hey Ben, can you get the extra blanket out of my truck? It's unlocked."          "Sure, Fish."          The night blurs and the fire grows dimmer. You're not sure how, but you end up draped across Frankie's lap. Your head pillowed on his thigh. Wrapped up in a blanket that smells a little like motor oil and a little like a basement. The boys tell their stories and laugh. At some point the conversation gets softer, regrets and lives lost, but all the while Frankie smooths his hand over the curve of your shoulder up and down, a mindless, soothing motion.
         "Hey." Someone is shaking you, "Hey."          "mmmnnn?"          "My leg's asleep."          “Oh Shit! Sorry." You sit up. The fire is nothing but dim winking embers. Pope and the Miller boys are nowhere to be seen. The sky above is awash in stars, like sugar spilled across black velvet. Frankie stands and does a little hopping dance, trying to get blood-flow back into his leg and you laugh.          "Sorry."          "There's nothing to be sorry for." Frankie offers his hand and pulls you up. "Can I walk you home?"          "It's just across the field." His hand is warm around yours.          "I know."
         You and Frankie stand in the ugly yellow porch light. Moths tick against the hot bulb. All the windows are dark. You've still got his blanket wrapped around yourself like a robe.          "I'd like to see you again," he says.          "You will. I'm not going anywhere. Not for a while anyway." He smiles, lovely and tired, and squeezes your hand, still folded in his. You lean in and kiss his stubbled cheek, right over his dimple.          "Thank you."          "For what?" He asks, his cheeks tinged red, and earlobes rapidly following suit.          "Keeping me warm."          "Any time, princesa."
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tourettesdog · 2 years
Danny Phantom x Series of Unfortunate Events crossover with Jazz, Danny, and Dani replacing the Baudelaire children and Vlad being in place of Count Olaf.
Skulker and other ghost rogues in place of the acting troupe
Circus Gothica in place of Caligari Carnival
The ghost hospital events but Heimlich Hospital
Casper High but it's the Austere Academy
The GIW in place of VFD
A ghost artifact in place of the sugar bowl
Clockwork in place of Lemony Snicket
I just woke up and this was the first thought in my head for some reason so I had to toss it out there. Feel free to add on to it
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