#creation française
4nuttyaddict · 2 months
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Robe d'été en coton noire pour fille (taille 6/8ans). Le vêtement se règle à l'aide d'une ceinture. Lien boutique: https://www.ungrandmarche.fr/boutiques/p/vetements-filles/robe-oceane-ceinture-reglable-enfant/4621785
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smartway2000 · 2 years
Les antonymes - les mots contraires en français - Contraire des mots
Leçon : Les mots contraires en français.
Antonyme définition : Un antonyme est un mot ayant le sens contraire d'un autre, par exemple petit et grand, jour et nuit, synonyme et antonyme.
Dans cette vidéo tu vas tester tes connaissances en langue française à travers ce jeu éducatif des mots contraires, ce qui va te permettre d'enrichir ton vocabulaire par la liste des mots en français et améliorer ton niveau linguistique de façon générale.
La vidéo est sous forme d'un exercice de 20 mots dont il faudra trouver le contraire des mots dans un délai de 10 secondes.
Clique ici pour voir la vidéo
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Shocking! The surreal worlds of Elsa Schiaparelli (Shocking! Les Mondes Surréalistes d’Elsa Schiaparelli)
Shocking! Les Mondes Surréalistes d’Elsa Schiaparelli
(Shocking! The surreal worlds of Elsa Schiaparelli)
In twenty-five years, Elsa Schiaparelli has made fashion a natural breath of the avant-garde, a playground in which to reinvent both woman and femininity, allure as well as spirit, in a work that remains unique. striking news. It embodies a vision of a dazzling and vibrant Paris, curious about everything, having fun with each novelty.
It is this incredible freedom of creation that the exhibition wishes to offer visitors, freedom to surprise, freedom to dialogue, freedom to be oneself, through models, designs and jewellery, many of which, thousands for the drawings in particular were donated in 1973 by Elsa Schiaparelli to the Union française des Arts du costume, of which the Musée des Arts Décoratifs holds the funds. As a last modern gesture, that of preserving his artistic heritage to transmit it and thus allow history to continue, timeless, that of having lived his art as the fruitful place of the most unexpected and the most fertile crossings.
Images: ‘Shocking! The Surrealist World of Elsa Schiaparelli’, exhibition views
Image 1 © Les Arts Décoratifs / Christophe Dellière.
Image 2 photograph courtesy of Amy de la Haye.
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jlbilu · 1 year
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Voici le personnage qui a inspiré le mien. Nous ne partons jamais de zéro.
Edit by LauryRow
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lamarseillasie · 5 months
What did Marat think of the CPS members?
Hi, anon! 👋
First of all, I'd like to apologize for taking so long to answer your question. I was very busy with various things involving my end-of-year studies and could only reply now. I hope you weren't upset or disinterested!
Secondly, I didn't quite understand whether your question meant to ask what Marat thought of the CSP in general or what he thought of each of the members individually. So I decided to answer both questions!
It is important to note that, in my research, I have not been able to find much information about Marat's concrete views on the committee itself, nor have I been able to find his views on all the members. This is probably due to the fact that the CSP was created in April 1793, an extremely turbulent year for the Revolution in general and somewhat turbulent in Marat's political life, who, although he never stopped publishing his newspaper, didn't have much time to write. But it's possible that I'll find something more on this subject in the future, so I'll update this post whenever possible.
It can be said that, initially, Marat was committed to the creation of the CSP and was, in a way, in favor of it. Despite this, he never stopped criticizing and imposing his opinions on the organization of its functions and members. In issue no. 163 of his newspaper, Le Publiciste de La Republique Française, published the day after the official creation of the Committee of Public Safety, he points out some "ridiculous defects" in the draft of the Committee of General Defense presented by Isnard for the creation of the CSP. It's a rather poor quality document, which made my translation difficult, so bear in mind that it is subject to errors.
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"This was the plan Isnard presented to the General Defense Committee. In vain did I search this plan for the men responsible for providing the means to repel enemies from without and within. I saw in it nothing more than a simple surveillance of the operations of the Minister of War and the Navy and an unlimited search for suspicious citizens, under the pretext of pursuing the schemers. This omission of the most important care and this accumulation of the very different functions of two committees into just one revolted me: I showed that this obviously tended to undermine tyranny, without fulfilling the main objective, which is the defense of the state. My reasons were heard, and the Committee of Public Safety was able to restrict itself to putting ministerial agents into action, in charge of carrying out means of general defense, with the simple power to request the assistance of the Committee of Security for the arrest of evildoers or suspicious persons."
In addition to this excerpt, there are a few other issues of Le Publiciste de La Republique Française in which Marat criticizes the poor functioning of the Committee of General Security. You can find his complaints mainly in the issues from April to July 1793. Despite these harsh criticisms, Marat seemed to believe that the creation of the CSP could bring benefits, or at least he defended the creation of a committee made up of "capable and politically enlightened patriots to put the state on the defensive". This thinking, however, changed dramatically just a few months later. This could be seen in the last issue of the LPRF, which was published the day after Marat's death, on July 14.
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"What should we think of the Committee of Public Safety, or rather its leaders, given that most of its members are so careless that they attend committee meetings for only two hours out of twenty-four, ignore almost everything that is done there and perhaps have no knowledge of this room. They are very guilty, no doubt, for taking on a task they don't want to do: but the leaders are very criminal for carrying out their duties in such an unworthy manner."
It is possible to conjecture, especially from this excerpt, that Marat was very dissatisfied with the CSP - which, at the time, still didn't have very consolidated power - and one of the main reasons for this was its members, the vast majority of whom Marat despised. In the following excerpt, he talks about Bertrand Barère, calling him the "most dangerous enemy of the fatherland".
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"Among them is one whom the mountain has just renamed in a very reckless manner and whom I consider to be the country's most dangerous enemy. This was Barére, who Sainte-Foi pointed out to the monarch as one of the constitutionalists with whom he could work best. As for me, I am convinced that he is swimming between two waters to see which party will win the day; it is he who has paralyzed all the measures of force and who is tying us up like this to let them cut our throats. I invite him to give me a reminder by finally making a statement so that he is no longer seen as a monarchist in disguise."
Barère is also mentioned by Marat in an interesting pamphlet he made in 1792, when the elections for deputies to the National Convention were taking place. The pamphlet is called Marat, l'Ami du Peuple, aux amis de la patrie and is available to read here (p. 310). In it, Marat comments on some of the candidates for deputies and shares his opinions about them with his readers, making a list of his nominations and also of those who, according to him, should be avoided at all costs. Barère was on the list "of unworthy people proposed by the author of La Sentinelle, with the aim of serving the faction of the enemies of liberty".
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"Barère de Vieuzac, a useless man, without virtue or character".
Following the same pamphlet, Marat mentions other future members of the CSP: Billaud-Varenne, Tallien and Robespierre. They are included in the "list of men who have most deserved the patriciate".
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Robespierre & Billaud: "All you have to do is name them, they are the true apostles of freedom; woe betide you if they are not the first objects of your vows."
Tallien: "Excellent patriots, who'll always be narrating with the intrepid defenders of the fatherland."
To say the least, we can consider that this list has aged a little badly. I haven't found any further mention or statements by Marat about those mentioned above (with the exception of Robespierre and Barère), so it's possible that his opinion changed from 1792 to 1793, although we don't have any proof of this in principle.
With regard to other members, such as Hérault, Carnot and Couthon: their names only appeared a few times in L'Ami du Peuple, and it's not very easy to identify exactly what Marat thought of each of them. In issue no. 614, Marat refers to Couthon as a "patriot", which I think is a good thing. Hérault, however, doesn't seem to be held in Marat's esteem, especially according to this excerpt from issue no. 510, in which he puts him on the same level as people like Bouillé and Necker, whom, to say the least, Marat didn't like very much.
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As for Robespierre, Marat always supported him. In a way, they both always supported each other; Marat did so until his death. The two were never friends as such - in fact, little is known about the personal aspect of their relationship. Throughout the Revolution, they often shared very similar opinions about various situations, such as the case of the Nancy garrison, Simmoneau's death and especially the opposition to the revolutionary war, when both were politically isolated. Because of this, they were able to count on each other's support. Although it's not quite true to say that they were friends or that they had any affection for each other that wasn't entirely political. I plan to write a more complete post about these two in the future!
Apparently, Marat also had a positive opinion of Saint-Just. He appreciates his conduct in a discussion in issue no. 240 of LPRF, and there is also the fact that Saint-Just seemed to be favorable to Marat, which can be seen in some of his writings and speeches at the Convention. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any writings by Marat about other CSP members such as Lindet, Prieur and the others.
From all this, it can be concluded that Marat's opinion of the CSP members is somewhat fragmented, since he has different thoughts about each of them. In any case, it is certain that, at least before his death, Marat was against the committee and had a strong distrust of it. Let me know if you have any questions or corrections about any of the information I've included in this post, anon, and I hope I've helped you. :)
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nesiacha · 1 month
Propaganda mediatic around Tallien and french revolution
I fully understand that certain figures of the French Revolution are preferred over others who are less liked. It's a matter of preference. I myself have a very cultured friend who is a fan of certain royalists from this period like Olympe de Gouges, although I also admire the character in a certain way and deplore the sexism of that era which excluded her (such as the fact that she totally defends Louis XVI), but I've always enjoyed debating with this person, who is so respectful of others' opinions, very knowledgeable, and well-versed in the subject. Of course, the difficulty lies in not trying to defend the golden legend or the black legend.
It's another thing entirely to invent completely grotesque or even false facts to glorify one figure of the French Revolution and destroy another. In the grotesque episode of "Les Femmes de la Révolution Française" from "Secret d'Histoire," which was actually sexist (I" love" the fact that in this show, which claims to want to glorify women, they talked about the term "demi-mondaine" for women, when will there be an equivalent term for men, or the way paternalistic that someone call Olympe de Gouges the "little" Gouges ), there were also very serious errors or lies, take your pick.
To insinuate that Marat was a dictator when he was simply a deputy who was elected by universal suffrage, a journalist whose recommendations were not heeded, and who was arrested and brought before the Revolutionary Tribunal though acquitted according to the rules, what a funny dictator, I've never seen anything like that from a dictator before.
Furthermore, under what conditions would he have pulled off his coup d'état? The story continues in the next episode, I suppose, even though so far no historian has found any trace of Marat's coup d'état. I imagine the show will clarify that (or not). Under these conditions, I will address Tallien. They try to present him as heroic in the face of Thermidor when in reality everything was prepared for the theater of Thermidor, which was actually more anti-democratic than they let on and not out of the courage of this individual. They say it was Theresia's letter that motivated him to enact Thermidor when in reality it's because Fouché and his gang, of which he was a part, committed the worst atrocities during the French Revolution, and he wanted to escape the punishment that would rightly fall upon him and his friends and try to regain political "purity" by pinning everything on those who were to be executed (he later demanded the head of Billaud Varennes to further absolve himself). There are other motives regarding Thermidor that have nothing to do with the Convention wanting to get rid of a tyrant (Robespierre has faults but not those of a dictator or tyrant) or that they were fed up with the guillotine (the guillotine continued to function after Thermidor and the Convention had voted overwhelmingly for the creation of the Revolutionary Tribunal, arrests, the Law of Suspects). One day I'll write a more detailed piece on what I think because it's very complex, but you can watch "Robespierre: la Terreur et la Vertu" with English subtitles, it gives a better understanding of these events.
Tallien engaged in lucrative business, arresting the richest in Bordeaux so they would hand over all their money to him for personal use. Clearly not an upright man, but very serious. His lucrative business leads me to see two possibilities. Either he plundered honest people in difficult times under the pretext that they were rich and risked ending up with nothing for his personal profit, all while abusing his position, which is generalized extortion. Or he knowingly let suspicious individuals escape in exchange for money (should we recall that some suspicious Frenchmen betrayed France by handing it over to Toulon or Dumouriez), and imposed dechristianization not out of anger like Momoro, for example, but for his political career and to flatter himself, which is worse (sorry for comparing a man like Momoro to an individual like Tallien, they are truly incomparable). Later, he joined the muscadins, among other merry groups.
In any case, it's very serious, and whatever one might say about Robespierre, he had every right to be angry. Tallien is a political turncoat and bloody as Barras (I hate Ridley Scott's Napoleon for destroying the French Revolution and glorifying Barras, among others). The difference between Tallien, Barras, and Fouché is that Tallien completely failed, and an unpopular opinion perhaps, but I'm glad to see he suffered so much; it's well-deserved karma for all the wrong he did.
P.S: I love that the show "Secret d'Histoire" shows Thermidor as a great day for prisoners, as if they don't care about arbitrary arrests after this event (including the arrests of Albertine Marat, Simone Evard, Thuillier found mysteriously hanged, the fact that some political prisoners had to wait a few months after Thermidor to be released).
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fruitchouli · 1 year
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Isabelle Adjani on Perfume
Her first emotional experience
"I am certainly not the only one to be bewitched by the famous N°5 by Chanel, which must have marked a whole generation of girls. It has such a strength that it has made me aware of scents for life, and it is certainly thanks to it that I can't go a day without wearing perfume. It is also and especially the perfume of my mother... The one who wears it becomes a little bit my mother, that is to say! As a little girl, I was forbidden to touch it, and before I dared to wear it myself, I got drunk on Cristalle and N°19, such pretty young girl perfumes! Now I sometimes wear N°5 when I miss my mother... "
Her memory box
"Like Marilyn's beloved elixir, Guerlain's L'Heure Bleue is another magical fragrance. I was 17 years old and making my theater debut at the Comédie-Française. I liked fine boutiques, so with my first money I went to Guerlain, at 68, avenue des Champs-Elysées, their mythical address. I remember first trying Vol de Nuit and Mitsouko, then Après l'Ondée (of which I kept a bottle) to adopt L'Heure Bleue. I wore it to play a few years later in L'histoire d'Adèle H. by François Truffaut. It followed me, it is a sensor of "moments" and a source of memories. It symbolizes my roles in the theater and is essential for my films in costume. It is a perfume that I rediscover all the time, I fall in love with it each time, without any feeling of use or wear, it is an absolute for me.
Her adrenaline triggers
"Between the ages of 25 and 30, I discovered Passion and Heure Exquise by Annick Goutal. By always wearing them together, without separating them, a crazy alchemy occurs, it is the love equation par excellence. Each time, it's amazing and ecstatic, as if I hadn't been looking for them but they had found me. It's amazing that fragrances like this exist and overwhelm me every time."
Her other self
"Aromatics Elixir by Clinique: I smelled it one day on a friend and it was a shock, something crazy, intimate and irrational. I like it when it's strong, it doesn't scare me. A bit like Tom Ford's Jardin Noir collection, right now it's Café Rose, a singular statement to the Damask rose, captured in its black-clad bottle. I wear them when I want to surprise myself, to have that feeling of an unusual other self. It's as powerful for me as changing my haircut."
Her eternal obsession
"Since I was a teenager, I have been fascinated by Eau Sauvage by Dior, my father's perfume. Although it is impossible for me to wear it, I have several secret weapons that bring me back to him, such as Escale à Portofino, still by Dior, Eaux 1, 2 and 3 by Sisley, and the very successful Jardins du Sud by Fouquet's. Some smells act on me like spells and confuse me without me being able to explain it. Whoever wears Dior Homme, for example, is bound to be irresistible!"
Her troublemakers
"I love layering scents. There was a time when I would stop by Comptoir Sud Pacifique and mix currant and vanilla, cocoa and grapefruit... I think I contributed to their inspiration! For the same reason, I have a thing for Jo Malone who has reinvented the art of combination. I am a fan of Blue Agava & Cacao and Jasmine & Mint. I love that incongruous side of the mix, I love that people are a little confused about how I perfume myself and wonder what I'm wearing."
Her mystical trips
"I had a long period of Angel by Thierry Mugler, an incredible fragrance where sugar was treated in a new way, and another under the seal of Serge Lutens, especially for his Daim Blond and his Rahät Loukoum, a concentrate of sweetness. His creations intoxicated me, they are like mystical ointments that come from afar. I often go to Jovoy, a store where everything makes me dream, and I found Misiones de Fueguia 1833. Beyond the incense scent that I look for everywhere, there is the refined bottle, the wooden box... A pleasure found for more than ten years at Frédéric Malle, I have a soft spot for his Lipstick Rose, a delicious interpretation of the powdery smell of a lipstick.
Her recent conquests
"I wear my perfumes in cycles but I keep them all in very strong cases where nothing breaks, I don't throw anything away. Always on the lookout for a new olfactory coup de foudre, I'm like a little girl in the luxury boutiques. In the duty free shops, I try absolutely everything I don't know on my skin and when I get on the plane, it's all over! I read all the articles on perfumes and I do some scouting. I recognize myself in the world of Terry de Gunzburg and particularly in his Ombre Mercure, but also in Diptyque's Eau Duelle which echoes my preferences. I don't understand women who don't wear perfume, it's impossible for me and it depresses me for them!"
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chic-a-gigot · 7 months
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Le Petit écho de la mode, no. 40, vol. 18, 4 octobre 1896, Paris. Jaquette Salomé à 22 fr. Toque Tite à 5 fr. 95. Cravate écossaise de l'Oural à 20 fr. 95. Manchon assorti à 41 fr. 95. Vêtement Samson à 19 fr. 95. Canotier en feutre à 8 fr. 95. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Nous offrons en prime à nos charmantes lectrices deux vêtements qui, par leurs prix très avantageux, vont faire leurs délices.
We are offering as a bonus to our charming readers two items of clothing which, with their very advantageous prices, will delight them.
(1.) Jaquette Salomè dernière création, en drap anglais très chaud et très souple au prix de 22 fr. 95 non doublée et 28 fr 95 doublée, polonaise de couleur ou noire. Cette magnifique jaquette se fait en tabac, gris clair et gris ardoise.
(1.) Salomè jacket, the latest creation, in very warm and very soft English cloth at the price of 22 fr. 95 unlined and 28 fr 95 lined, colored or black polonaise. This magnificent dust jacket is made in tobacco, light gray and slate gray.
(2.) Collet Samson, façon tailleur en drap cuir, qualité supérieure, orné de baguettes piquées, au prix de 19 fr 95 non doublé, à 23 fr. 95 doublé polonaise de couleur ou noire. Ce collet se fait en noir et marine. Peur accompagner ces vêtements nous donnons: 1. Une gentille toque Tite en feutre orné de choux de velours en biais. Sur le côté gauche est posé un mignon petit oiseau noir. Les formes se font en noir, marine, tabac, beige et gris. Le velours est noir, marine, grenat, tabac, héliotrope, crème, rubis, vert d’eau, vert foncé et émeraude au choix. Prix: 5 fr. 95. — 2. Canotier en feutre, orné sur le côté d’un gros chou en beau ruban de satin soie et plumes couteaux. La calotte, entourée d’un biais de satin crème ou assorti au ruban, est bordée de velours noir en haut et en bas. Le ruban est, au choix, noir, marine, grenat, tabac, gris clair, héliotrope, vert foncé et crème. Les plumes sont assorties aux formes. Prix 8 fr. 95.
(2.) Samson cape, tailor-style in leather cloth, superior quality, decorated with stitched baguettes, priced at 19 fr 95 unlined, at 23 fr. 95 lined polonaise colored or black. This cape is done in black and navy. To accompany this item we give: 1. A nice felt Tite hat decorated with velvet puffs on the bias. On the left side is a cute little black bird. The shapes are in black, navy, tobacco, beige and gray. The velvet is black, navy, garnet, tobacco, heliotrope, cream, ruby, sea green, dark green and emerald to choose from. Price: 5 fr. 95. — 2. Felt boater, decorated on the side with a large cabbage in beautiful silk satin ribbon and knife feathers. The crown, surrounded by a bias of cream satin or matching the ribbon, is lined with black velvet at the top and bottom. The ribbon is available in black, navy, garnet, tobacco, light gray, heliotrope, dark green and cream. The feathers match the shapes. Price 8 fr. 95.
(3.) Magnifique cravate écossaise en martre de l'Oural avec tête et flot formé par 5 queues. Prix 20 fr. 95. Manchon assorti 41 fr. 95.
(3.) Magnificent Scottish tie in Ural marten with head and flow formed by 5 tails. Price 20 fr. 95. Matching sleeve 41 fr. 95.
Aucun envoi n’est fait contre remboursement; adresser mandat-poste à M. Orsoni, 3, rue de la Sablière, Paris. Les frais d’envoi en gare française sont compris dans les prix désignés ci-dessus. Pour la différence de frais de port, ajouter 0 fr. 50 pouf la Corse, l’Algérie, la Tunisie, la Suisse, la Belgique et l’Allemagne, 1 franc pour l’Espagne, le Portugal, la Hollande, l’Autriche et l’Angleterre, 1 fr. 50 pour la Roumanie et l’Egypte. Un délai de huit jours nous est nécessaire pour la bonne exécution des commandes de chapeaux et douze jours pour les vêtements. Mesures à donner: Pour la jaquette, 1. largeur du dos; 2. longueur du dos, prise du pied du col à la taille; 3. largeur du devant; 4. contour sous les bras, pris au plus fort) de la poitrine; 5. contour des hanches; 6. épaule; 7. tour de taille. Pour le collet: 1. encolure sur le col de la robe; 2. contour de poitrine en passant par dessus les bras.
No shipment is made against reimbursement; send money order to Mr. Orsoni, 3, rue de la Sablière, Paris. Shipping costs to French stations are included in the prices designated above. For the difference in shipping costs, add 0 fr. 50 pouf Corsica, Algeria, Tunisia, Switzerland, Belgium and Germany, 1 franc for Spain, Portugal, Holland, Austria and England, 1 fr. 50 for Romania and Egypt. We need eight days for the proper execution of orders for hats and twelve days for clothing. Measurements to be given: For the jacket, 1. width of the spine; 2. back length, foot take from collar to waist; 3. front width; 4. contour under the arms, taken at the fullest) of the chest; 5. hip contour; 6. shoulder; 7. waistline. For the cape: 1. neckline on the dress collar; 2. chest contour going over the arms.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
The franc CFA (originally denoting Colonies françaises d’Afrique) is the official currency of Senegal and most other former French colonies in Africa, from before national independence through the present-day. This monetary system and its history are the subjects of a new book by Fanny Pigeaud and Ndongo Samba Sylla, Africa’s Last Colonial Currency (2021), translated by Thomas Fazi from a 2018 French edition. The book brings to the attention of Anglophone readers the peculiar institutions through which the French Republic continues to exercise colonial rule over nominally independent African states. France’s recent “counterterrorism” operations across the Sahel region (supported and rivaled in scope by the United States’ Africa Command, AFRICOM) represent only one phase in what the Black Alliance for Peace (2020) has called France’s “active and aggressive military presence in Africa for years.” Aggression has often had monetary motivations, and control has often exceeded aggression. One of Pigeaud and Sylla’s commitments and achievements is to show how “French ‘soft’ monetary power is inseparable from its ‘hard’ military power” (2021: 99). In their telling, the CFA franc has for decades been France’s secret weapon in “Françafrique,” the zone in Africa where France, its representatives, and its monetary system have never really left. [...]
The franc CFA was born in Paris on the 25th of December, 1945 [...]. The embattled empire was compelled to “loosen its grip” in Africa [...]. Consequently, argue Pigeaud and Sylla, the creation of the CFA franc was “actually designed to allow France to regain control of its colonies” (13). What Minister Pleven called generosity might better be called a swindle. [...] French goods-for-export, now priced in a devalued currency (made cheaper), would find easy markets in the colonies [...]. African goods - especially important raw materials, from uranium to cocoa, priced too expensively for domestic consumption [...] -- would find buyers more exclusively in France [...]. In effect, the new CFA monetary policies re-consolidated France’s imperial economy even as the monopoly regime of the colonial pact could be formally retired in recognition of demands for change from colonial subjects. [...] [T]he egalitarian parlance of community and cooperation modernized French colonial authority, making it more invisible rather than marking its end. [...]
Most importantly, France has held up a guarantee of unlimited convertibility between CFA francs and French currency [...]. CFA francs can only ever be converted into France’s currency [...] before being exchanged for other currencies [...]. In 1994, in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund and against the wishes of most African leaders, French authorities adjusted the franc zone exchange rate for the first time, devaluing the CFA franc by half. This blanket devaluation was the shock through which structural adjustment was forced upon Françafrique [...]. And the devaluation proved, to Pigeaud and Sylla, that France’s “‘guarantee of unlimited convertibility’ was an intellectual and political fraud” (74). Nevertheless, French authorities have continually held up - that is, brandished and exploited - this guarantee, without honoring it. [...] Pigeaud and Sylla do not mince words: “France uses its presumed role of ‘guarantor’ as a pretext and as a tool to blackmail its former colonies in order to keep them in its orbit, both economically and politically” (38). [...] In that respect, the CFA franc system has ensured [...] the stabilization of raw material exportation and goods importation, hierarchy and indirect rule, [...] accumulation and mass impoverishment, in short, the colonial order.
And all along, France has found - or compelled, coerced, and more-or-less directly put in place - useful political partners in Françafrique. [...]
The CFA franc has been central to the French strategy of decolonization-in-name-only. [...]
When and where demands for self-determination and changes to the monetary system (usually more minor than exit or abolition) have been strongest, from charismatic leaders or from below, they have been met with a retaliatory response from France and its African partners, frequently going so far as “destabilisation campaigns and even assassinations and coups d’état” (40). [...]
The first case is exemplary. In 1958, Ahmed Sékou Touré helped lead Guinea to independence [...]. Guinea was alone in voting down De Gaulle’s “Community” proposal [...], and [...] the new state established its own national currency and central bank by 1960. [...] [T]he decision was ultimately made to make Guinea a cautionary tale for the rest of Françafrique. French counter-intelligence officials plotted and hired out a series of mercenary attacks (“with the aim of creating a climate of insecurity and, if possible, overthrowing Sékou Touré,” recalled one such operative), in conjunction with “Operation Persil,” a scheme to flood the Guinean economy with false Guinean bills, successfully bringing about a devastating crash (43). [...] Yet, Sékou Touré was never removed, only ostracized - unlike Sylvanus Olympio in Togo or Modiba Keita in Mali, others whose (initially minor) desired changes to the CFA status quo were refused and rebuffed and who were then deposed in French-linked coups. [...]
So too the Cameroonian economist Joseph Tchundjang Pouemi, an even more overlooked figure since his death at the age of 47 in 1984. Pouemi’s experience working at the IMF [International Monetary Fund] in the 1970s led him to recognize that the leaders of the international monetary system would “repress any government that tries to offer their country a minimum of wellbeing” (60) and could do so especially easily in Françafrique because of the CFA franc.
Text by: Matt Schneider. “Africa’s Last Colonial Currency Review.” Society and Space [Book Reviews section of the online Magazine format]. 29 November 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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4nuttyaddict · 3 months
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Commande client: Transformation d'un corset en serre taille steampunk. Lien facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100032848166805&locale=lv_LV
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smartway2000 · 2 years
Les alphabets en français | Les mots qui commencent par la lettre U
Nouvelle vidéo en cours de création sur ma chaîne YouTube qui va s'ajouter à la playlist : Jeu éducatif avec les lettres d'alphabet en français.
Dans cette playlist, tu vas découvrir plusieurs vidéos qui vont enrichir ton vocabulaire français à travers une liste de mots qui commencent par une lettre d'alphabet.
Clique ici pour accéder à la playlist
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francepittoresque · 5 months
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5 décembre 1360 : création du « franc à cheval » ou « franc d’or » ➽ http://bit.ly/Creation-Franc Premier franc de l’histoire monétaire française, le « franc à cheval » est créé. Cette pièce d’or valant une livre tournois est frappée pendant la guerre de Cent Ans, au moment de la libération du roi Jean le Bon, qui avait été capturé par les Anglais en 1356 à la bataille de Poitiers
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Pierre, Minister of the Interior: The recent events have pacified the demonstrations in Francesim. There were about 400 arrests on the national territory, half of which led to the creation of a criminal record. There was a lot of destruction during those days.
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Napoléon V: Prime Minister gave me the profile of the rioters. Have we identified those who blew up the Emperor's car? Pierre: No, Your Majesty, we have a dozen suspects but we cannot prove who really initiated this action.
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Napoléon V: How are we going to proceed with the trial? Will the Paris court summon these people together to court for the same reason of regicide? Jeanne: The investigation by the prosecutor, Monsieur Ernest de Tour, is proceeding for the moment, Your Majesty. He is working under pressure.
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Jeanne: The Prime Minister didn't wish to introduce you to Monsieur de Tour during the Great Mourning.
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Pierre: We are doing everything in our power to bring justice as quickly as possible to His Majesty and the French people. If we wish to speed up the proceedings, we could charge one of the suspected protesters more specifically and…
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Napoléon V: No, justice will be done properly. We will wait as long as it takes. I don't want to throw innocent people in prison to satisfy one party or another. Jeanne: I agree with His Majesty.
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Pierre: We are also awaiting the testimony of Madame Mère.
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Napoléon V: Is it necessary? This night has made her suffer enormously and she was fainting.
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Jeanne: Minister, be more indulgent, the imperial family is still suffering from the latest events.
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Pierre: The longer we wait, the more the investigation will be mishandled, the evidence destroyed, the testimony blurred. Time is of the essence for the forces of law and order.
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Jeanne: That's not the point. We all want the same thing.
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Pierre: For the safety of the State, Your Majesty, we must conduct the investigation quickly and efficiently. Napoléon V: Monsieur le Procureur Général must receive all the funding he wants, Minister. I'm entrusting the investigation entirely to you. I will talk to the Prime Minister about this when we next meet.
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Palais des Tuileries, 2 Floréal An 230
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
⚜ Traduction française
Pierre, ministre de l'Intérieur : Les récents événements ont pacifié les manifestations en Francesim. Il y a eu environ 400 interpellations sur le territoire national, dont la moitié ont amené à la création d'un casier judiciaire. Il y a eu beaucoup de destructions ces jours-là.
Napoléon V : Le premier ministre m'a indiqué le profil des casseurs. A-t-on identifié qui a fait exploser la voiture de l'Empereur ? Pierre : Non Votre Majesté, nous avons une dizaine de suspects mais nous ne pouvons prouver qui a réellement initié cette action.
Napoléon V : Comment allons nous procéder pour le jugement ? Le tribunal de Paris va-t-il convoquer ces personnes ensemble à la cour pour le même motif de régicide ? Jeanne : L'enquête du procureur, M. Ernest de Tour, suit son cours pour le moment, Votre Majesté. Il travaille sous pression.
Jeanne : Monsieur le Premier Ministre n'a pas souhaité vous présenter M. de Tour durant le Grand Deuil.
Pierre : Nous faisons tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour rendre justice au plus vite auprès de Sa Majesté et du peuple français. Si nous souhaitons accélérer les procédures, nous pourrions inculper plus spécifiquement l'un des manifestants soupçonnés et...
Napoléon V : Non, la justice sera rendue correctement. Nous attendrons autant de temps qu'il le faudra. Je ne veux pas jeter en prison des innocents pour satisfaire un parti ou un autre. Jeanne : Je suis d'accord avec Sa Majesté.
Pierre : Nous attendons par ailleurs le témoignage de Madame Mère
Napoléon V : Est-il nécessaire ? Cette nuit l'a énormément fait souffrir et elle était évanouie.
Jeanne : M. le ministre, soyez plus indulgent, la famille impériale souffre encore des derniers événements.
Pierre : Plus nous attendrons plus l'enquête sera malmenée, les preuves détruites, les témoignages flous. Le temps compte pour les forces de l'ordre.
Jeanne : Ce n'est pas la question. Nous voulons tous la même chose.
Pierre : Pour la sûreté de l'Etat, Votre Majesté, nous devons mener l'enquête rapidement et efficacement. Napoléon V : M. le Procureur Général doit recevoir tout le financement qu'il souhaite, Mme la Ministre. Je vous confie l'enquête entièrement. J'en parlerai au Premier Ministre lors de notre prochaine rencontre.
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scotisfr · 2 months
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04/30 days of New Year Momentum Challenge 🐎 [14 / 02 / 24]
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I'm reading the Silmarillon both for myself (it's only the second time, but the first time I had read it really fast to be able to fill a plotholes in my fanfic) and for the challenge. I love the way Tolkien fill his universe and made a whole world creation lore, but ohmycat is it not a fun things to read back to back. One chapter a day make it manageable, at the least.
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Blackwater is a fun reading I have on the side, I don't read it fast because I read a lot of fanfiction on the side, but I love the way things move fast and we can follow how the town evolve. There's so much racism at time that make it hard to not stop to read at time, thought.
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✅ +1 17/30 Days of Langue des Signes Françaises Learning challenge ✅ +2 7/30 Silmarillon reading ⬜ 0/30 Anki nerdy cards about the Silmarillon ⬜ Have one (1) perfect day on my tracking goals calendar
Side-goals : ✗ Finish the font for my art atelier ✗ Finish my tea fanzine ✗ Find a more satisfactory rhythm for my days *New* ✓ +2 2/4 Write articles for my main blog (scotis.fr)
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sailorshany · 9 months
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Hello simblr ! 🦝
My name is shany and I am a french girl who loves playing the sims since 2003. After many years in the shadows, I want to become a part of the sims community ! I will share with you my creations, screenshots and my little stories.  🌠  I'm just a beginner here, and I'm not really familiar with the community. I am watching some content creator on youtube like lilsimsie or plumbella. My main inspirations in my everyday game is @oshinsimss and @ploufzizi. I like to play with npcs and with my own sims sometimes, but it bored me very quickly. My favorite npcs are Cassandra Goth and Lux Demarco. I am really noooooot an expert on media creations and things like that but I am also here to learn. Gosh it's so awkward to write all these things, it's so unusual for me (hello introverts). Eh, nevermind, so today I'm introducing my simself. 💀  She does not really want to becole a werewolf, but she's crazy over supernaturals creatures and she wants to learn everything about them. You know, the typicall cringy girl who thinks about Cardan Greenbriar all day long and who really wants to live in Forks, Washington. Anyway, stay tuned ! 💖 
Coucou simblr ! 🦝 Je m'appelle shany et je suis une meuf française qui kiffe jouer aux Sims depuis 2003 (Les Sims Abracadabra, c'était quelque chose quand même). 🌠 Après plusieurs années à jouer dans l'ombre, j'ai envie de faire un peu plus partie de la communauté Sims. Je vous partagerai mes créations, mes screens et mes petites histoires. Alors sachez que je suis vraiment débutante en TOUT ce qui concerne la création de contenu et la communauté, mais je suis là pour apprendre. Je suis quelque créatrices comme lilsimsie ou plumbella. Mes inspirations premières quand je joue sont oshin et plouf. J'aime jouer avec les PNJ et avec mes propres persos parfois, mais ces derniers m'ennuient assez rapidement aujourd'hui. Mes préférées sont Cassandra Gothik et Lux Demarco. C'est un peu gênant pour moi d'écrire tout ça (team introvertis), mais let's go, je vous présente ma simself. 💀  Elle a pas vraiment envie de devenir louve-garou, mais elle est passionnée par les créatures fantastiques et elle veut tout savoir à leur propos. Juste la meuf typique qui pense toute la journée à Cardan Greenbriar et qui veut vivre à Forks. Bref, à toute ! 💖 
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julovesgames · 9 months
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JuLovesGames on CurseForge !
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You can now download my mods on Curseforge! 
Links :
🎮 Freelance game developer
⚡ Never dazed reward trait 
👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 Add/Remove a University Degree (Cheat Code) 
🧚‍♀️🇫🇷 French translation Fairies VS Witches Mod 
🤖 Robot Master /Mistress Aspiration
Thank you for your support, and subscribe so you don't miss my next creations!
See you soon! ❤️
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Vous pouvez désormais télécharger mes mods sur Curseforge ! 
Liens :
🎮 Développeur(se) indépendant de jeux vidéos 
⚡ Trait de récompense jamais hébété(e) 
👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 Ajouter/Enlever un diplôme universitaire (cheat code) 
🧚‍♀️🇫🇷 Traduction française Mod Fairies VS Witches 
🤖 Aspiration Maître / Maîtresse des robots
Merci de votre soutien et abonnez-vous pour ne pas manquer mes prochaines créations !
A bientôt! ❤️
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