#cs: friends
vacuously-true · 2 months
It is April which means it is time for my approximately annual
mathblr roll call!
Reblog/reply if you are a mathblr and/or mathblr adjacent. And tag the other (at least semi active) mathblrs & adjacents you know of!
"What counts as mathblr? Do I count?" If you want to! Math shitposters! Math academia aesthetic blogs! Math studyblrs! Unthemed blogs owned by people who happen to be math fans! I want them all! I'm happy to see CS, stats, physics, and other math-adjacent folks too if they like hanging out with the math crowd!
And while we're at it, here is the link once again to the mathblr discord server (LCM- Least Common Mathblr). It's a good time and all are welcome :)
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attex · 2 months
🕷 with moon. i'm kinda late but i mean she was filled with spiders pre-collapse
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she was filled with spiders but that doesn't mean she liked that fact (if she knew) nor does it mean she's able to withstand a spider being close to her puppet :( maybe she's squeamish about such things because she was filled with spiders and didn't like that... much to think about
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whewchilly · 1 year
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carlossainz55🔋 Recharging with Piñon!
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bonefall · 10 hours
I originally voted for StormCherry for Moonpaw, but I think I love the idea of Honeyfur for them instead - being named after her aunt is such a cute idea. Which led me to the next potential idea - Moonpaw as a FlipBay kitten (or PlumThrift), with any canonical siblings being for the other. Perhaps, just maybe, they end up with their kits at the same time - first time parents trying to figure out how to do everything, who end up relying on each other for advice for better or worse. If you do this, I'm not sure what kind of relationship they would have, but I imagine it would be fun to play with the dynamic of Moon and the other kit(s). Or like a sort of story of their parents struggles to be well... parents, told through the kit's perspectives of themselves/each other? I don't know if any of that made sense haha
It's a lovely idea, but I think I will try to avoid giving PlumThrift kittens unless it fits Moonpaw specifically the best. If I do end up doing it and Moonpaw comes with living siblings, I might go with the thought and give the extras to FlipBay though!
It would be useful genetically, for "futureproofing" the litter. PlumThrift can't have successful grandkids without tripping Rule 2, so if the writers grab a Moon sibling to have kits in the future I'd already be covered.
In a nutshell: PlumThrift Moonpaw, with siblings given to FlipBay.
That said, I'd love to explore the dynamic of "new parents helping each other out" with StormCherry and FlipBay instead, possibly with ShellFern in there if they have their litter around the same time. Then they'd be more like friends than family.
Plus, Stormcloud and Cherryfall are senior warriors while FlipBay and ShellFern are quite young in comparison. Something about that seems cute. Cherryfall would probably be stubbornly insisting she's got it all figured out and trying to pull rank, while Bayshine and Fernstripe conspire ways to get Stormcloud in the nursery more since he's obviously a better fit as a Mi.
Shellfur barges in whenever his love, Fernstripe, seems like she has a problem. Stormcloud takes any excuse to come and take care of everyone in there, probably becoming an assistant to Daisy for a while. Flipclaw has a surprising wave of maturity wash over him, finding out he's really good at weaving wicker bases for mossballs. Lots of little things like this.
I'll see what litters canon tosses at us in the next few books. I'm hoping Changing Skies opens up with a FernShell set to play with, or if we're REALLY lucky some kind of pregnancy announcement in the last book of ASC. Who knows. We might get a NightSun litter, which I'd IMMEDIATELY zap into SunFinch kittens.
If the nursery has less than 3 queens I'll deploy Leafshade and Honeyfur as StormCherry kits, who can grow up as Moonpaw's childhood friends.
(Provided Moonpaw doesn't become a StormCherry kitten herself, of course)
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the-ronan-cycle · 6 months
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Dark Heir Chapter 43
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fanaticsnail · 24 days
Just thought I'd remind you all of this beautiful fact. JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis were moots once.
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Be weird with your mutuals. Dedicate unhinged writings to them. Write for them, write for you. Create worlds you think they'll like, and indulge in being nothing other than yourself.
It makes the world a better place.
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slythereen · 26 days
lecfosi nation (or lhcult.. or oscar nation…) do we have a nice summary of carlos’s crimes somewhere or even just a starter explanation for why he sucks i swear there are some but now i can’t find them
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mia-nina-lilly · 22 days
James isn't Laurent, but they could be friends.
James St. Clair and Laurent d'Vere, besides being intentionally irritating and very handsome, have similar pasts in the sense that both have gone through traumatic experiences and have been shaped by them. James was betrayed and probably nearly killed by the Stewards, ending up in the hands of Sinclair and raised in an environment highly toxic to anyone, especially one who was desired by all for who he was in a distant past. Laurent lost his entire immediate family, and his uncle took over his upbringing, creating in Arles his own den of evil and decadence that made Laurent who he became.
Both were desired and courted, but while James was never touched in that sense and long for it – even being more respected than Laurent among his people – Laurent was severely abused by his own uncle and would have been repeatedly if not for Damen or some other stroke of luck in his life. Laurent was not respected at all, not even by those loyal to him. In another direction, James was taught that he would belong to someone at some point, whereas Laurent was taught the opposite – the speed with which his uncle discarded each of the boys who crossed his path probably taught him that he would never truly be desired except for his beauty and position, or even for the vanity of whoever was trying to win him over.
Here is a similarity stemming from these pasts: it only made both develop a similar mindset. Both James and Laurent seem to believe that they cannot truly be seen as protagonists in relationships that are romantic. James thinks his life will be devoted to someone, to a master. Laurent thinks he is secondary in any sexual relationship and that it will not go beyond that – because no one could truly love him for who he was.
However, while James is pure fire, Laurent can be classified as ice – although his anger sometimes makes him burn even more than James. James is more extroverted and open to new experiences, as evidenced by how easily he adopts Will's thinking. Laurent definitely is not, and if he is, it's out of sheer necessity or strong will, as when he decides to sleep with Damen. That's how he discovers things he likes, too – a moment that illustrates this clearly is the rooftop race in Nesson-Eloy. Furthermore, it is a fact that James would love to have someone by his side, while Laurent is reluctant to trust anyone, even the men most devoted to him.
So, if James were to discover Laurent, and if James knew about Laurent's past, he would probably go to our prince just as he went to Will, maybe even provoking him along the way until Laurent poured his raw fury over him and said something to keep him away as he did with Damen, Nicaise and Aimeric. However, if James persisted, and it's very much like him to insist given the developments in his relationship with Cyprien, trying to convince the empty-headed Steward of his point of view, Laurent would give in at some point, perhaps even in an unexpected way – with both gradually revealing each other's softer sides. It is a fact that, before that, there would be a lot of fights and disagreements. Who knows, perhaps even some sort of Force hanging of James towards Laurent, however, it could eventually work out.
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lady-stormbraver · 1 year
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web weave: dear one, this season is filled with purpose even when we cannot see it. we are still growing, even here. take heart— and listen.
where were you - ghost ship // till we have faces - cs lewis // the sower’s song - andrew peterson // isaiah 55:8-9 // the sower’s song - andrew peterson // isaiah 55:10-12
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Just like to let you know that 'one of the guys that's been in the basement with me for the past four hours' is an incredibly ominous thing to read in the tags without context. Thank you, brave basement dweller 😔
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adventuresyettobehad · 10 months
i’m not proud of how easily i’d forgive you
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I believe Theo not only can speak french, but is even MORE fluent in reading french than english. The Doctors may have talked to him in both languages but I bet most of their books and notes were in french and Theo got used to only reading in this language
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aurorawest · 4 months
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Bargain of Blood and Gold by Kristin Jacques - 3.75/5 stars
Reminiscent of Jordan L Hawk's Widdershins series, but with vampires and werewolves. Also takes place in Maine, which isn't a very common setting. Unwittingly, I bought the second book in the series months ago, and I realized as it got to the top of my TBR that I didn't have the first book! I had to scramble to order it and I was happy I enjoyed it since, obviously, I already have the second book.
Ander & Santi Were Here by Jonny Garza Villa - DNF at pg 2
Captive Prince by CS Pacat (reread) - 5/5 stars
Prince's Gambit by CS Pacat (reread) - 5/5 stars
Kings Rising by CS Pacat - 5/5 stars
I think I loved these books even more on my reread.
Gravity by Tal Bauer - 4.25/5 stars
Probably my favorite hockey romance that I've read.
The Modern Mythos Anomaly by Juniper Lake Fitzgerald - DNF at pg 132
I actually liked the story, the characters, and the writing in general, but this book just needed another few edits to slim it down a bit.
Lose You to Find Me by Erik J Brown - 4.5/5 stars
Leeward by Katie Daysh - 4.5/5 stars
The blurbs on this book are hilarious, because they're all like, tall ships people, and then Mackenzi Lee, hailing it as a lovely queer historical romance. This was a really lovely book and I'm excited for the sequel. Also hoping for more kissing in the sequel since this was a serious slow burn.
Riley Weaver Needs a Date to the Gaybutante Ball by Jason June - 3.75/5 stars
Starseer by Katya Hernández - 4/5 stars
Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala - 5/5 stars
I loved this book so much!! Oh my god. Super funny, very romantic. It revolves around cosplay which is of course a special interest of mine.
Northranger by Rey Terciero and Bre Indigo - 4.5/5 stars
Flying Without a Net by EM Ben Shaul - 2.75/5 stars
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley (reread) - 5/5 stars
Striking Distance by Sarah Rees Brennan - 4.75/5 stars
I didn't expect to like this as much as I did. The graphic novels were good but changing to a novel format allowed for much deeper characters. Surprisingly devastating and also really funny.
The Old Haunts by Allan Radcliffe - 4/5 stars
The Gay Best Friend by Nicholas DiDomizio - 5/5 stars
Main character is the best friend of both the bride and the groom, and everything surrounding the wedding becomes a train wreck beginning on the weekend of the bachelor party, when the bride asks the MC, Dom, to keep tabs on the groom for her. As someone who is extremely conflict avoidant with friends but not family and romantic partners, I heavily related to Dom. There's also a romance that I really loved.
Romance Languages by AJ Truman - 4.25/5 stars
I think this was my favorite of the South Rock series. It deals with some more difficult topics—Julian's self-loathing over his body image is heartbreaking (and relatable), and Seamus's guilt over the way his gambling addiction hurt his ex was very well done. I'm a sucker for stories where a character learns to ask for help, not to mention difficult parent-child relationships, and this had both. I also appreciated Julian's arc re: sex and virginity.
Darkhearts by James L Sutter - 5/5 stars
Another bandmates-in-love treasure, with a twist—the main character, David, left the band right before they got famous. He ends up falling for one of his ex-friends/bandmates after they reconnect. The author is a musician himself, and it definitely shows (in a good way). I'm really a sucker for The Burdens of Fame, which this book definitely had, but there's actually a really good arc for David and how he deals with his jealousy and resentment over being left behind. Plus he wants to be a carpenter rather than go to college, which was cool.
Brute by Kim Fielding - 4.25/5 stars
We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian - 5/5 stars
What can I say about this book? Why was it so lovely? Why did it make me feel so much? Why can I not rate things higher than 5 stars? It's a million stars in my heart. Aside from just being a gorgeous mid-century America m/m romance (my favorite), this one features an Italian-American main character. The stuff with Nick's family was spot-on. I just loved this book. I felt like I was wrapping myself in a big, comfy, historical gay romance blanket.
Drowned Country by Emily Tesh - 5/5 stars
The sequel to Silver in the Wood. Had a very mythic and sort of folk horror vibe. This one is from Henry Silver's POV instead of Tobias Finch's and takes place two years after Silver in the Wood, which is time that Henry has mostly spent sulking in Greenhollow Hall, sans Tobias. Really highly recommend this duology. Emily Tesh is a treasure.
The Alchemy of Moonlight by David Ferraro - DNF at pg 11
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exhaustedpirate · 2 months
competitive much?
welcome, friends, to my first attempt (of many?) at smut writing! let's all collectively thank @kmomof4 for making this as satisfying as possible for all of you to read!
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rated E | 5634 words
also on AO3
summary: Emma Swan had been pining for Killian Jones for years. Who knew that all she needed to take that next step was having to share a bed with him?
Of course there was only one bed. The universe truly hated Emma Swan. And now, Emma Swan was doomed to share a bed with Killian Jones - the man she’s been pining after for years.
He had been a gentleman about it because that’s who he was - offering to sleep on the floor or find another motel. But it was late, and they had been driving for hours with a few more still ahead of them before they reached their destination. So she had refused, telling him that they were adults and deserved a proper night's rest and she was sure they could keep their hands to themselves.
His smirk told her that he probably didn’t believe her but she ignored it, not wanting to let it slip that when around him she had plenty of experience containing herself. Even if he often made it hard on her, flaunting his chest with his barely buttoned shirts and his legs and backside with the impossibly tight trousers he liked to wear.
Bad train of thought, Emma. Don’t think about Killian’s bulge in tight trousers before you get into bed with him.
Share a bed with him.
She shook her head as she finished her nightly routine in the bathroom. He was likely doing the same in the room and nope, she wasn’t going to think about Killian Jones stripping a few feet away from her. Nope.
Emma cursed herself for her choice of pajama set. Not only was she sharing a bed with Killian Jones but she was doing it in a thin white tank top and sleep shorts. This was a recipe for disaster.
Maybe he’d like what he saw. Her hands ran over her hair, pulling sections over her shoulders and noticing the way goosebumps rose on her chest at the sensation. Would he notice that she wasn’t wearing a bra?
Bad Emma. Focus.
God, what was this man doing to her? They had known each other for years and she knew he was hot, and that his hands felt amazing on her skin and that he was warm when he hugged her and-
She took a deep breath and stopped herself from fluffing her hair by gathering it up and tying it with a hair tie instead. Emma walked out of the bathroom coming face to face with Killian’s bare chest. She held back a groan by making eye contact with him. Well, his eyes were several inches away from hers but she wasn’t going to complain at the way he blatantly looked over her body.  
“No shirt, Jones?” She was proud at how steady her voice sounded and she covered her chest with her arms, wanting to do everything she could to make this less awkward.
Her voice seemed to bring him out of his thoughts as he shook his head and finally looked at her, his cheeks reddening. “Apologies, Swan, I didn’t plan to ahh… share a bed with you tonight, so I didn’t bring a sleep shirt.”
“Yeah,” she sighed, nodding at his matching reasoning. “I’m sure it’ll be fine, we’ll just keep to our sides.” She gave a final nod before approaching the bed to pull the covers away.
He followed her to the bed and stood on the other side. “I’m not responsible for what might happen, should you invade my space.” A slow, sensuous smile stretched over his lips, a smile full of danger and promise on the face of a man who, she knew, wouldn’t touch her without her permission.
She smirked in response. “Right, like you could handle it.”
“Perhaps you’re the one who couldn’t handle it.”
Her eyes stared into his, at the desire telegraphed in his stare, at the way his tongue ran over his bottom lip. But no, she couldn’t. They couldn’t. Right?
They were coworkers and friends and she trusted him. What if it went wrong? Yeah, even that excuse was sounding weaker and weaker the longer she stood there staring at him.
But friends don’t share beds and she was sure that this was breaking any and all rules she forced herself to comply with. Truth was, she wanted him. More than wanted him. Had fallen for him years ago and she was… 90% sure he wanted her, too. 
He was waiting. 
Waiting for her.
Not the right time. 
He could plainly see her shut down as they faced each other, his understanding eyes and compliant sigh hurting her more than if he had simply walked away. 
Would he get tired of waiting? 
“Just stay on your side of the bed,” she huffed before she laid down on her side, her back to him, hands trapped under her pillow.
“As you wish.” 
The words echoed in her brain as the bed dipped and the covers fell more comfortably over her. The room fell into darkness when he turned off the lamp on the bedside table. Emma felt the bed dip and move as Killian got comfortable on the uncomfortable bed and waited, waited to hear his breathing even out. It seemed to take forever, but once it did, she laid on her back, watching his moon-lit face as he slept on his side. He looked younger in his sleep. The frown that had been on his face before they went to bed disappeared and his lips were parted, looking so tantalizing she wanted to run her finger across them.
In the silence of the room, she heard the door from the next room open and close followed by the sound of giggling. Of course they had to share a wall with a happy couple. A very happy couple if the loud sounds of kissing reaching their room were any clue.
The springs of the bed next door creaked as the couple likely fell together on it and she felt Killian’s breathing hitch and she closed her eyes worried he’d wake up to find her staring at him. But he didn’t and she waited as his breathing returned to normal. The hand not currently under his pillow lay flat on the space between their bodies, his fingers twitching minutely every now and then.
Emma’s chest was tight and she wanted.
She inched her hand towards his with the sounds of soft moans as background noise until she slithered it under his palm. They had held hands before but she knew this wouldn’t be like any of those other times, not when they were both in sleep clothes and sharing a bed. She inhaled sharply as his hand immediately covered hers, holding it as tight as a sleeping man could.
Their hands fit together like puzzle pieces and her thumb began to caress his skin. She heard him sigh at her touch, his eyes still closed. And she wanted more. Needed more. 
Letting the couples’ noises in the next room inspire her, she slowly moved her body close to his, turning over so that her back was facing him, then even more slowly wrapping the arm she still held around her waist. She sighed deeply as she fit against his warm body, especially when he pulled her closer to him and they occupied the same space on the bed.
His other arm moved from under the pillow to slither under the curve of her neck giving her a different type of pillow. His hand, his empty hand, in her eyesight looked lonely and she used her free, empty hand to hold it. This wouldn’t be manageable for long but she couldn’t bring herself to let go of him, not when she could feel his chest rise and fall against her back, his breath on her neck and the heat of his hands on both of hers.
Emma shut her eyes in contentment. She must have fallen asleep at least for a little while because, when she opened her eyes after a loud thump, she was holding his hand with her two hands, while his free arm was fully wrapped around her waist. His thumb was rubbing her torso in an absentminded manner and she wondered if he was awake.
As she became aware of her surroundings, she also noticed the progressively more passionate noises from the next room - their words of encouragement and moans electrifying every nerve ending in her body. The headboard began thumping on their shared wall making Emma’s imagination run wild. The woman screamed and she felt Killian’s hand grip her hip tightly. Were the same images running through his brain?
She pushed her hips back and barely contained her gasp at the feel of his erect cock against her ass. His grip on her hip faltered as a stuttered moan passed his lips, his obvious desire fighting against his good form that she knew governed his actions at all times. 
But she didn’t want good form. She wanted him.
Her hips moved in a slower rhythm to the thumping on the walls and his hand found her stomach. He clenched the hand she was still holding and she thought he might be asking her to stop, saying no but when she clenched back, she heard a relieved sigh behind her and felt his hand inching up until his fingers touched the underside of her breast. Her breathing hitched at the soft touch and she gripped the sheets with one of her hands, her hips losing their rhythm against his. A groan, louder than the others, his groan, sounded in her ear. The hand at her stomach moved up, cupping her whole breast. An impulsive moan escaped her lips as the rough thumb began to rub against her hardened nipple. 
Her hips stuttered again against him at the wrecked voice in her ear. A soft whimper fell from her lips as the hand at her breast pinched her nipple before melting into a sigh when his lips began whispering kisses to the skin of her neck.
The sounds coming from the next room grew louder, the thumping faster and Emma followed, a tightening in her lower belly at the unmistakable sounds of pleasure coupled with the ministrations on her body from the man she couldn’t stop thinking about. His lips grew greedier, switching between open mouth kisses and nibbles on her sensitive flesh.
The lovers in the next room climaxed and Emma hoped her moan of Killian’s name had been lost in their screams. But the sharp pinch of his fingers on her nipple and the insistent grind of his length against her told her it wasn’t. His responding moan had her tilt her neck back to give his lips more space.
“I want you, Emma.”
His whisper in her ear had goosebumps rise all over her flesh. Shivers ran down her body as his hand left her breast, slowly caressing her stomach on its way down. Her whole body itched, yearning for his touch. 
“May I touch you?”
She wanted to respond with sarcasm, wanted to tell him that he was already touching her but she knew what he was asking, especially as his pinky inched its way under the elastic of her sleep shorts. Her hips moved, greedy for his touch, but his hand remained unmoving, waiting. He would always wait for her.
“Please…” It was all she could say. She felt as though she would break if he didn’t touch her.
“Please, what?” His lips were on her ear, his teeth on the skin of her earlobe. “Do you want me to touch you?” 
Her nod was vigorous as his ring finger followed his pinky. He flexed his fingers, scratching her skin and fanning the flames consuming her body.
“I need to hear you say it.” 
Her mouth opened as he pulled her earlobe into his mouth, nibbling it and taking her breath away. He pulled her hips closer to his with the hand at her lower belly and she couldn’t think. Couldn’t think of anything else but him and the promises she knew he would fulfill.
“I want you to touch me, Killian. I need you to tou-” 
Her words were stolen from her mouth in a gasp as his hand covered her mound, his fingers running up and down her wet folds. His groan washed over her whole body as he used his other arm to pull her closer to him, their bodies flush from shoulders to hips. His hand found the breast he abandoned and her mouth opened in a low, drawn out moan, her head tilting into his shoulder.
“You’re so wet,” Killian whispered against her ear, his voice sounding completely wrecked, her hands gripping the sheets, wanting more and more but unable to ask for it. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to touch you like this, to feel you like this.”
Gathering the wetness between her folds, his fingers moved up to circle over her clit, her hands shaking in desperation, her breathing quickening at the ecstasy taking over her body.
“You feel so good, Emma. I knew you would,” he continued to whisper, his lips pressing soft kisses on her neck while his other hand played with her breast. His touches were soft, meant to bring her up slowly, to draw out her pleasure. “I’ve dreamed about this, about you, for so long.” His scruff scratched against her jawline as he began to whisper in her ear once more. “Dreamt about hearing you, kissing you, touching you.”
She gasped as his teeth nibbled her jawline, causing a quiet moan to slip out. Her brain was full of him, full of his touch, his words, his voice. But she wanted more. “I dreamt about you, too, Killian. I’ve wanted you to touch me for so long. I-”
Her babbling was interrupted by her loud moan when his fingers pinched her nipple and the fingers on his other hand sped up on her clit with tight circles. He didn’t stop even as she reached back to grab onto his hair or when she interlocked their fingers at her breast. He didn’t stop as she writhed against his hand or when her moans grew louder and louder as her orgasm crested and rippled over her from head to toe. He didn’t stop until she finally came down, breathing heavily against his chest, feeling her fast beating heart against their interlocked hands. She became aware of his lips kissing up and down her neck, keeping her body on edge and desperate for more. 
“You’re so beautiful when you come, Emma,” he whispered in her ear, her hand in his hair less harsh as she combed through the soft strands. “I’ll forever remember the way you moaned my name. May I hear it again?”
Her body shivered as his fingers continued to move slowly and carefully up and down her folds. She gasped each time his rough fingers touched her clit. 
“Killian…” she moaned, drawing it out almost obscenely when he put pressure on the area above her clit.
She’d never forget his responding growl as his lips latched onto her neck. She was sure that he was marking her skin, and her heart raced at the idea of having proof that this wasn’t another dream. But it wasn’t enough. 
She moved her hand to the back of his neck, pulling until he lifted his head from her neck. The grip she had on his other hand loosened as she moved to her back, looking up to find his eyes. She could clearly see fear, worry, and desire battling for dominance. He kept his hand over her mound, unmoving, waiting as he watched her, the desire finally winning out, overwhelming the other emotions in his eyes. The same desire she was sure he could see in her own.
She pulled his head down to join their lips in a slow, passionate kiss. A kiss that served to keep the fire between them simmering as they got acquainted with every corner of their mouths. His hand flexed on her back and Emma arched into him. She didn’t want him to hold back. She needed him not to hold back.
“I need you to touch me, Killian,” she repeated against his lips, her hand grabbing onto his bicep, nails digging into his skin.
She would have to add his responding moan to her memory files, never wanting to forget the desire in his voice. His wet fingers gripped her hip as his other arm wrapped around her body to bring her closer to him before he captured her mouth with his. She let him take the lead, using the hand on the back of her head to position her in the best way to deepen the kiss.
The hand at her hip slid over her ass and she moaned against his lips at the way he gripped it, her leg hooking over his hip in response. She could feel his hard length pressed right where she wanted him. With her leg hooked over his thigh, Emma moved her hips against him, moaning at how good he felt but also at the way he held her tighter against him, their bodies now touching from head to hips.
Kissing him brought with it its own kind of pleasure, the way his tongue caressed hers, the feel of his lips on hers. She wanted more, craved more. Would never be satisfied no matter how long he kept touching her, how long he kept kissing her. She needed more.
Her teeth caught his bottom lip and she pulled carefully, relishing the vibration of his moan against her lips. Her fingers slid into the strands of his hair keeping him in place while her hand found its way inside his pants. He pulled his lips away from her to prolong his moan, the sound washing through her body. 
“Say my name again,” she whispered, wrapping her fingers around his length and stroking him slowly. His eyes opened sharply to look into hers and her breathing hitched, the blue gone as the black promised everything she ever wanted and more.
His hand moved under her shorts once more, slipping under her underwear. “Emma,” he moaned and her hand moved in time with his as he slipped his fingers between her folds once more. “Emma, Emma, Emma,” he moaned between kisses to her neck, her collarbones, the tops of her breasts.
“I need you naked, Jones.” 
He groaned and she bit her lip at the lustful sound of it. She almost whimpered at the loss of his fingers, but she moaned instead as he licked his fingers clean, his eyes closing in pleasure.
“Gods, but you taste divine.” His nose rubbed against her neck and his lips followed, laying a kiss on the sensitive skin behind her ear. “I want to taste you.”
Her fingers clenched around his cock, imagining his dark head of hair buried between her thighs putting that talented tongue to work. But his hard length in her hand made her realize what she wanted first and foremost. 
“Next time.” She smirked as his head pulled up sharply to look into her eyes, scrunching in pleasure at the way she tightened her hold on him in response.
“Next time?” he whispered and she could hear the uncertainty in his tone behind the lust, the way he was still waiting for her, still following her lead.
He’d allow her to keep this dalliance as a one-time thing, let her hide from this, from him, in her fear. But she would miss his touch, his kiss, his warmth and the fear that threatened to overwhelm turned into yearning. Deep, burning yearning, stronger than before, now that she knew how it felt to be held in his arms.
“Next time.” She nodded and smiled softly at the awe on his face. She ran her index finger over his slit, gathering the precum there and bringing it to her mouth. She closed her lips over her finger, closing her eyes as well and humming in pleasure at the taste of him. “I want you inside me now.”
Emma bit her lip in anticipation as he grabbed her wrists and trapped her hands on either side of her head. Her thighs rubbed together under his piercing gaze and she tilted her chin to welcome his desperate kiss. Almost immediately, Killian slowed the kiss, surprising her, softening his lips, even as his hips pressed urgently against hers.
He broke the kiss and she opened her eyes to find him watching her, his lust pushed aside. “Are you sure, Emma?”
His thumbs rubbed against her wrists and she could clearly see the vulnerability in his eyes, not sure he could believe her promise of a next time. He needed more. And she wanted to give it to him.
“Yeah.” She nodded, her lips curving in a smile. “I’m sure, Killian.”
She barely finished saying his name before his lips took over hers once more, the slant possessive, branding her as his. He laced their fingers together, and Emma realized this was already far better than any other encounter she’d had before. She wondered if it had anything to do with her feelings towards Killian Jones.
Any contemplation was erased from her mind at the feel of his thigh rubbing against her where she needed him most. “Please, Killian…” she moaned, moving her hips against it.
“I need you naked, Swan.” The grin was clear in his voice even with her eyes closed and she laughed delightedly. 
She missed his hands on hers as soon as they were gone but she moved quickly to pull her top off. He watched her from where he sat back on his heels and an impatient growl burst from him as he pushed his sleep pants off. She did the same, just as impatient as he. She pulled her hair from the band slowly, running her fingers through it to loosen it.
His fingers replaced hers as soon as she finished, grabbing a fistful of her hair and pulling carefully but commandingly. She bit her lip then let it go with a moan as his lips connected with her exposed neck.
“Hmm, I love to hear you moan.” She can’t help but let out another one in response to his deep voice in her ear, her hands taking hold of his hips. “Do you like it when I pull your hair?”
“Yes.” A wave of lust gathered in her center at the clench of his fist, pulling her soft strands, the sting of pain bringing her more pleasure. “Do it again.”
His arm wound around her to pull her body against his, both of their breath hitching at the feel of their finally naked bodies against one another. Her hands found the skin of his back, digging her nails in when he pulled on her hair once more. She took hold of his perfect ass, giddy to finally being able to touch what he teased with every tight pair of trousers he wore. He pushed his hips forward, his length sliding against her wet folds, their matching gasps and sighs of pleasure loud in the otherwise quiet room.
The desire in his moan was overwhelming and she was sure hers matched his. Her hands ran up his back as he loosened his grip on her hair. She met his gaze and found an understanding and acceptance there that took her breath away.
“Next time?” 
“Next time.” 
They smiled in unison and this time, she initiated the kiss, melting in his arms as he maneuvered them into a lying position on the bed, his body covering hers. His hips ground against her as he kissed down her neck, his hand finding her breast, his fingers playing her like an instrument.
“Are you clean? I didn’t exactly pack condoms for a work trip,” Emma breathed, pulling on his hair when she didn't get an answer.
“Aye, sparkling.”
She rolled her eyes and laughed as he returned to her neck.
“Me, too.” She answered his unasked question and ground her hips against his length, an ecstatic moan pouring from her lips. “I also have an IUD, so…” He groaned at the implication in her words. “Don’t keep me waiting, Jones.”
“Wouldn’t dare.”
He took a deep breath, obviously aware of the monumental step they were about to take together. He met her gaze as his hand moved down to her most intimate place, his fingers running up and down her folds before two of his long fingers entered her at once. She bit her lip and began to ride them, but she wanted more. Just when she was about to ask, he added a third.
“Please, Killian, please.”
She was babbling, she knew it, and his chest was heaving above her. “Just wanted to make sure,” he mumbled.
Emma held her breath as he removed his fingers and stroked himself once, twice, three times, coating his cock with her wetness. She watched his hand for a moment longer before meeting his eyes. She nodded and he nodded back. 
He positioned his hips against hers, guiding his length through her folds again, with more pressure this time. He was going to drive her absolutely mad, her moans loud every time the head brushed against her clit. “Killian…”
Her hands shook where they rested on his chest when he finally entered her in one slow thrust, her long moan matching his as he dropped his head to her shoulder. He held still for a moment, allowing her to adjust to this new feeling, to his size inside her. Her muscles clenched around him when she was ready for him to move and his groans reverberated against her skin. “I don’t know how long I’ll last,” he whispered, utterly wrecked. “You feel amazing, love.”
“Amazing,” she repeated, barely aware of his words, focused only on the way he filled her up.
He pressed soft kisses to her shoulder as his hips began to move with slow deep thrusts inside her. Her ankles wrapped around his hips as her hands grabbed onto the back of his neck and his bicep. His hips stuttered at the sensation, his teeth rasping against her skin.
“More,” she moaned, nails digging into his skin. Killian gave one hard thrust causing them both to moan loudly. “Yes, just like that.”
He growled and pulled his knees to rest on either side of her hips, the new angle having Emma grab onto his arms tightly. He continued the hard rhythm, his hips grinding against her clit with each thrust, her body shaking each time he found that place deep inside her that made her see stars. It had never felt like this before. So good, so full, so perfect. His arms slithered under hers to grab onto her shoulders, his groan loud against the skin of her shoulder. Distantly, she heard him spouting babbling praise, the squeaks of the bedsprings under her body, and the thumping of the headboard against the wall but it meant nothing when she felt it. Felt the imminent orgasm taking over.
Her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders wanting to keep him as close as possible. It wasn’t enough. It’d never be enough. His fingers digging into her skin was the only warning she had before he spilled himself inside her, his orgasm triggering hers as she clenched around him. Her moans joined his in a decadent display of ultimate bliss. Time stood still and the world held its breath. 
“Fuck,” he sighed, softening inside her and loosening his grip on her shoulders. But she wasn’t ready to let him go, forcing her body to keep him there, keep him close. “Emma…”
She hummed at the sound of her name, digging her fingers in his hair, shivering at the feel of his lips on her neck. 
“Stay,” she murmured quietly. 
His lips curved up against her skin at her request and she would feel embarrassed at her desperation if he didn’t tighten his hold on her just a little bit more.
“I’m not going anywhere, love,” he promised in a whisper against her ear. “But we should move.”
She whimpered in reluctant agreement, drawing it out into a whine when he slipped out of her. He kissed her temple and she tilted her head up, hands on his neck. He chuckled against her lips. 
“I’ll be right back,” he whispered before pressing their lips together again in a quick kiss.
Emma wanted to protest but she could barely move. She only managed to turn her head and open her eyes to watch his bare ass as he walked to the bathroom. She was right, she thought with a smirk, better out of his tight jeans. She bit her lip as she watched him walk back, wet washcloth in his hand.
He grinned at her. “Don’t look at me like that, Swan.” He knelt on the bed, his eyes on hers while he carefully ran the warm cloth on her sensitive area, causing her to shiver and sigh.
“Come lay with me for a bit?” she asked, her hand running languidly up and down his arm.
“As you wish.” 
She let out an uncharacteristic giggle as he huffed in faux reluctance and laid down next to her. Emma sighed in contentment as he wrapped his arms around her, her head pillowed on his chest. She could hear his heart beating under her ear and she felt like she could stay in this moment forever.
“Me, too,” he sighed, making her realize she’d spoken out loud. He really did a number on her. “Never thought I’d have the opportunity, but I always imagined it’d feel like this.”
“Me, too.” She felt him tense underneath her and frowned in confusion. She set her chin on top of her crossed arms on his chest, and watched his wary expression. “What is it?”
His chest rose and fell in a deep breath. “I know we spoke about next time, but I don’t want us to just have this, love. I-” She waited for him to continue. It took a moment, but after a sigh, he spoke again. “I want more, I want everything with you. If you just want sex, I-I-”
She stopped him with her thumb on his bottom lip, unable to watch him worry, or despair, or to feel anything other than the happiness and pleasure they had found themselves in before. She replaced her finger with her lips, placing a soft chaste kiss there that had his arms wrapping tighter around her. 
“I want everything, too,” she confessed, forcing herself to look into his eyes. And when she did, she was rewarded by the pure happiness that lit them up. “I’ve wanted it for a long time but I was afraid.”
“You’re not anymore?”
“I never had to be,” she answered with a frustrated sigh. “I was hiding behind my walls but it made me so unhappy.”
“What made you change your mind?”
She shook her head and bit her lip. “I don’t know. I saw you laying there, so peaceful and your hand was just there, so empty.” She felt his hand clench her hip and sighed at how full it must look now. “I was just tired of pushing my desires aside.”
His smile was as bright as the sun and he took hold of her jaw to lay a hard kiss on her lips, making her moan. “I’m glad you did. I have been waiting for you.” 
She smiled back. “You always did.”
Her hands cupped his cheeks, bringing him up for a passionate kiss, designed to ignite her nerve endings, to bring back that telltale spark to her veins. She hummed against his lips as his other hand traveled down her back before stopping at her ass, his large hand cupping one cheek.
The thumping on the wall above their heads restarted causing both of them to break the kiss to look at it. Killian laughed before looking down at her, his hand squeezing her ass and causing her to wiggle against his touch. 
“What do you say, love?” His grin was dangerous again but now she knew the promises it held and oh, that knowledge made it even more dangerous. “Think you can handle another round?”
“Question is,” she smirked, her thigh rubbing against his soft member. “Can you?”
She felt the warmth inside returning at the glint in his eyes. His hand reached below her ass to run a finger over her wettening folds, before bringing it back up to his lips. 
“Maybe not now, but…” She shrieked in surprise when he quickly flipped them around, her back now against the mattress. “It’ll give me time to properly taste you.” 
She rubbed her thighs together at the darkening of his eyes but he stopped them by forcing a knee in between. Emma bit her lip to silence a moan when he rubbed against her clit, igniting that fire once more. His thumb pulled her bottom lip from her teeth.
“I want you to be loud, love. Can you do that for me?” She inadvertently obeyed when he put more pressure against her most sensitive spot. “Just like that, let’s show them how it’s done.”
Her laugh was interrupted by a moan when his fingers replaced his thigh. “Competitive much?” she panted.
His grin split his face in half as he winked. “Oh, absolutely.” 
Her breathy laughter followed his slow path down her body until all she could see was his dark hair between her thighs and all she felt was his mouth kissing her folds like he would her mouth. Any thoughts of competition flew out of her brain as she moaned and groaned and gripped and ground when he showed her just how talented his mouth really was. 
They won, though.
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grahamcarmen · 3 months
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the-ronan-cycle · 6 months
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What’s a little possession between friends?
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