#deadly nadder
f-angy77 · 11 days
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Httyd dragons part 1
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howtodrawyourdragon · 3 months
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Ah yes, the blorbo of my shows!
Also my first attempt at Hookfang!
Please do not repost or misuse my art in anyway.
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shellysketches · 8 months
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One of my absolute favourite dragons!
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this is so self indulgent... I wanted to draw my ideal Nadder. the Nadder i would want. im obsessed with her
even more indulgent cringe:
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crypticpaw · 6 months
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Wanted to try a new style and make something cute! :3
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Roars And Rose Petals
Pairing: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!reader
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Graphic description of violence
Summary: After a mission involving sinking dragon hunter ships and freeing any trapped dragons on board goes wrong and one of the dragon riders is left injured, Hiccup tries to make sure (Y/N) gets the proper rest she deserves with much resistance on her part of course.
A/N: For the sake of this story your dragon is going to be female. The name or species is up to you though. I'm not sure how I feel about this one-shot overall. When I first started working on it I think I started it out strong but the further along it went the more I feel as if I lost sight of the one-shot. Hope you enjoy tho :)
(Y/N): Your name
(H/C): Hair colour
(D/N): Dragon's name
(D/S): Dragon species
*Gif does not belong to me
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(Y/N)'s hands tightened around the edge of (D/N)'s saddle. She lowered her chest to the point she was almost laying flat on (D/N)'s back as they began to dive through the rows of boats sitting on the water's edge. Jutting an arm out in front of her and (D/N)'s head, (Y/N) called out, "Come on girl, let's sink them before they sink us."
A gargled response was announced from below (Y/N) before a beam of flames was shot towards one of the boats. A chorus of strangled-out cries filled the air as (D/N)'s head turned and the flames they were emitting fell to another ship, tearing through the deck and leaving smouldering wood. A gentle pat hit the side of (D/N)'s neck, silent encouragement once the flames ceased.
"(Y/N), more help is needed on the other side of the armada," Astrid called out from Stormflys back, passing by (Y/N) and (D/N) on her own way over to meet Snotlout and Fishlegs. By the sound of it--or lack of it--Hiccup and the twins seemed to be doing just fine.
"On it!" (Y/N) called after the blonde, turning (D/N)'s so they could follow after the Deadlynadder. "Come on (D/N)," (Y/N) muttered, "Just a few more ships and then we can go home and relax for the rest of the week. I promise I won't let Hiccup rope us into any more missions or training exercises."
A pleased rumble left (D/N)'s chest at the same time as a bemused yell left Hiccup. "Hey!" He had called, grinning over at (Y/N) before diving out of the way of some dragon root-laced arrows. (Y/N) chuckled, shaking her head as she focused back on the task at hand, eyes locking on where Astrid and Stormfly had disappeared to.
Without warning, a metallic chain was shot their way. "Quickly (D/N), up. Up!" (Y/N) screeched at the sight of the hooked weapon.
(D/N) let out a bellowing screech as she tried to shoot up, wings snapping out. She wasn't quick enough however as the chain wrapped around (D/N)'s right wing, pulling the (D/S) wing taut with the hook digging into the underside of her wing. A cry escaped from (D/N)'s throat, shaking (Y/N) as their bodies jolted with the pull of the chain.
"Steady (D/N)," (Y/N) attempted to say, hands tightening once more on (D/N)'s saddle as her (H/C) whipped around her head, the wind picking up and throwing her hair around. (D/N) seemed immune to (Y/N)'s words as her left-wing rapidly shot up and down.
Growing more erratic with every passing second, (D/N) started to shake rapidly, trying to throw the chain off her. In her attempt to loosen the chain from her right wing, (D/N) also began to jostle (Y/N) from her back.
"(D/N), no!" (Y/N) shouted as she began to fall, slipping from the leather saddle as (D/N) began to crash down hard, being pulled in by the dragon hunter ship. "Someone? Anyone?" (Y/N) tried to call out as gusts of wind slapped against her face. When it became apparent that no one was coming, (Y/N)'s eyes squeezed shut, arms coming forward to cradle her head as she got ready for impact.
Before (Y/N) could hit the crashing sea's surface, a chain identical to the one that had trapped (D/N) wrapped around her waist, snagging one of her arms by her side because of the angle at which she was falling. The hook of the chain tore through (Y/N)'s shirt and dug itself into her side, making her wince as she got whipped through the air and came crashing into the side of the boat.
The tips of her boots scraped against the water's edge as she dangled against the side of the boat momentarily before being pulled up, the rattling of chains filling (Y/N)'s ears as she struggled to free her arms. When she reached the halfway point, she had managed to untangle her arm from her body and the dragon-proof chains. With a soft grunt, (Y/N) brought both hands to the hooked metal that was still lodged into her side. Taking a steadying breath, (Y/N) tried to relax before she abruptly pulled at the hook, ripping it from her skin. A startled cry tore through (Y/N)'s chest but she did her best to muffle the noise.
Keeping the remainder of the chain wrapped around herself, (Y/N) allows herself to be pulled up and over the side of the ship. Only then did she unravel the chain from her waist and fling the hooked edge at the dragon rider that shot and pulled her from the air. The hook hit the hunter with a strangled cry from him before he fell to the ground, weighed down by the heavy metal.
(Y/N) didn't stay put for long after that as she jumped forward onto the boat's deck. Picking up a stray bow from the fallen dragon hunter, she tore an arrow from the quiver still latched to the hip of the man. Aiming the bow and arrow, she didn't hesitate before releasing the arrow on one of the dragon hunters, tearing them from their focus as the arrow buried itself in their shoulder.
The wounded hunter's cry caught the attention of more hunters, pulling them away from the dragons in the sky and to the fallen rider on their ship. (Y/N) tried not to look put off by the many eyes on her. Instead, she readied herself for the onslaught of weapons that were bound to come her way. "Someone grab her!"
Getting another arrow from the hunter's toppled-over body, she aimed it at the nearest dragon hunter, getting ready to shoot it at the first sign of danger. "That's right, come and get me!"
None of the dragon hunters took a step forward and for a second, (Y/N) thought she had successfully warded them off. But when the padded thumps came from behind her and a soft growl began to emit, (Y/N) realised it was a certain dark-scaled dragon that had warned the hunters off. "No one is going to be getting anyone unless it involves getting you out of here."
A smile danced across (Y/N)'s face as Toothless began to stalk forward, his nose scrunched and teeth flashing in a warning. "If it isn't my knight in leather armour," (Y/N) cooed as she lowered her bow and arrow, discarding them to the floor as she stepped towards Hiccup and Toothless.
"Well, I wouldn't say-" Hiccup began to say, cutting himself off as he watched (Y/N) crouch in front of Toothless. "And she was talking to the dragon," He muttered grudgingly.
Trying to conceal a wince as she lowered herself to the ground, (Y/N) scratched the underside of Toothless's chin for a few seconds before raising again, angling herself so Hiccup could see her torn skin, a pool of blood starting to build and soak her shirt. "Don't worry, I didn't forget about you Hiccup," (Y/N) hummed as she lightly dragged her fingers against Hiccup's shoulder, placing herself behind him and on Toothless's back.
"Hold on," Hiccup warned, waiting only a moment as he felt (Y/N) wrap her arms around his waist before he adjusted Toothless's tail and the two of them shot up from the dragon hunters ship, Toothless shooting a plasma blast to the boat deck, both scattering the hunters and tearing through the wooden surface. "Are you ok? Toothless and I tried to get over here as fast as possible once we noticed you and (D/N) weren't in the air anymore."
"I'm fine," (Y/N) seethed through her teeth, trying to keep her voice level as she lied to Hiccup. A soft rumble came from Toothless as he looked back at (Y/N), sensing something Hiccup couldn't. "We need to get (D/N) though. She was taken down before I was."
"Astrid and Snotlout are already on it," Hiccup assured, chancing a glance back at (Y/N) to give her a reassuring smile. But when his gaze landed on her clouded-over eyes his smile instantly dropped. Turning his head back round and lowering himself forward to whisper into Toothless's ear, "Get us out of here bud."
At the increase in Toothless's speed, (Y/N)'s grip tightened around his waist. "No- wait- Hiccup! We can't leave yet. What about (D/N)?" (Y/N) chocked out in a panicked shout, head whipping around to face the ship both Astrid and Snotlout were hovering over a dragon hunters ship, one of (D/N)'s wings sticking straight up as the sound of shouts rung out from said boat.
"Like I said, Astrid and Snotlout will take care of it. Toothless and I are getting you back to the Edge," Hiccup stated, leaving no room for objection.
Against his hopes, however, (Y/N) still attempted to object to him. "I need to be there when (D/N) is retrieved. I'm not going to abandon her with a bunch of dragon hunters to be sold off."
"She won't be alone. Astrid and Snotlout are going to be with her every step of the way," Hiccup's voice took a gentle tilt, one of his hands reaching back to steady (Y/N) on Toothless's back. When his hand came in contact with (Y'N)'s side, a large hiss escaped her, forcing Hiccup to retract his hand quickly and look back at her with a worried glint in his eyes. "Are you sure your okay, (Y/N)? You don't sound too good."
"Hiccup I'm fine," (Y/N) murmured, head still turned so she could face the dragon hunters ship, Watching as Stormfly took out a few hunters with her spines and Hookfang lit himself on fire, a startled screech coming from Snotlout at the sudden heat. As Astrid and Stormfly dived towards the boat deck, (Y/N) turned her head back around before resting her chin on Hiccup's shoulder. "Let's just get back to the Edge."
"At least we're finally on the same page," Hiccup muttered, eyes flickering down to where (Y/N) lay. At the pale complexion of the (H/C) haired girl, he turned back to Toothless and muttered, "Get us out of here Toothless."
The black-scaled dragon let out a light roar before shooting forward, propelling himself as he raised himself further into the air, gliding at level with the clouds. Fishlegs and the twins were ahead of them, flying closer to the water's surface as they had a headstart on getting away from the destroyed fleet on hunting ships.
There was almost a sense of calmness in the skies. If it wasn't for the dreadful silence and the loosening grip of (Y/N) behind him, Hiccup could nearly say it was an enjoyable flight. "Just hang on a little longer (Y/N). It won't be long now."
"I don't know what you're on about, Hiccup," (Y/N) attempted to chuckle, raising her head so she could shake it before dropping her forehead to rest on his shoulder, eyes glancing down ar ger side where she could see her blood-stained shirt sticking to her skin, the red mellowing in with the dark tones of her shirts.
"That's alright," Hiccup said airly, focusing on the sky in front of them.
When Toothless's feet touched down, (Y/N) was instantly on her feet and making her way towards her hut, taking some staggering steps every once in a while as a flare of pain shot through her side. With every step she had to fight back a wince, trying to compose herself as she knew Hiccup's eyes were most likely watching her, sceptical of nothing but she needed to get away from Hiccup so she could fix the gash in her side.
She didn’t get far though before the clicking of Hiccup's metal leg was racing to catch up to her. “Are you sure your okay (Y/N)?” Hiccup asked once he was walking in step with (Y/N). “Ever since the dragon hunters ship there’s been something off about you.”
(Y/N) chanced Hiccup a glance from the corner of her eye, furrowing her brows at the implication. “I don’t know what you want to hear hiccup. I’m fine. I can say it again if that’ll help-“ (Y/N) was cut off as her knees gave out from below her.
Bracing herself for impact, she welcomes the crash that never comes. Instead, she is engulfed by two warm arms. One of Hiccups' hands landed on her gashed side, making (Y/N) jolt upwards in pain. “Oh my gods! I’m so sorry (Y/N),” Hiccup exclaimed as he lifted his hand from your side allowing you to sag in relief as the pain subsided. Hiccup could only feel dread however as he saw the red liquid coating his fingertips. He stopped breathing at the sight of it, the remaining arm wrapped around (Y/N) tightening.
“I promise it’s no big deal Hiccup,” (Y/N) began as she struggled to try and push herself up. “It’s just a small cut. Once I wrap it I’ll be as good as new.”
“Good as new?” Hiccup questioned outraged as all his breath came flooding back into him at the sound of (Y/N)’s voice. “You can barely walk and seem to be losing consciousness by the second. Sorry if I don’t think you'll be able to walk this off like every other mission gone wrong.”
“Have a little faith in me Hiccup,” (Y/N) muttered as Hiccup helped to right her up, both his arms still wrapped securely around her, careful of where his fingers splayed to not bring her any more harm than she had already endured.
"My faith will be restored once we get you patched up."
"I can live with that," (Y/N) agreed, nodding her head sluggishly as she spoke, maybe the blood loss had started to get to her. "Just drop me off at my house and I'll be able to take care of it."
"You've done more than enough to prove you can't be left alone," Hiccup stated, voice sharp as his worry for (Y/N) started to build. Turning his head back to Toothless who had been slowly trailing after them with his face turned into something of worry, Hiccup said to the dragon, "Keep an eye out for (D/N) and come and get us when the other dragon riders land. I'll be with (Y/N) helping patch up her wound."
"You don't need to help Hiccup, really," (Y/N) said with a shake of her head. "You've already done more than enough for me. All I need help with is getting back to my hut."
"It's fine (Y/N), I want to help you." The two of them began walking at a slow pace, Hiccup considerate of the breaks (Y/N) had to take every couple of meters to steady her breathing. "It's times like this where I wished we picked a better design for the Edge."
(Y/N) turned her head to face the taller boy with two furrowed brows. "I like the design we have," She said slowly.
"Yeah, but not in moments like this," His voice grew softer.
"My hut is a perfect distance from the stables that at night I don't have to hear the snores of Hookfang or any other dragon that might be staying there."
A soft chuckle left Hicuup's lips. "I think you were the only one who took that into account when deciding where your hut would be."
"At least I'm not like Fishlegs."
"Why's that?"
"I didn't decide to build my hut on the ground," (Y/N) states like it's obvious. "Sure my hut's a bit of a trek from the clubhouse but I think it's worth it now that it's actually built."
As (Y/N) stopped speaking, the two of them stopped outside of her hut. Hiccup left her side only momentarily to open the door for her, reaching out an arm to help her hobble inside. They only broke apart once more after Hiccup urged her to go and take a seat at her bed while he looked for something to wrap her side in.
"Tomorrow we should fly to Berk," Hiccup started as he began to walk back over to (Y/N). He hadn't been able to find any scraps to use so instead he had a worn-out green shirt that he hadn't seen (Y/N) wear in a while. "Gothi will have better supplies than we do."
"Nonsense." Hiccup began by tearing a strip of the fabric off before gesturing for (Y/N) to lift her shirt and expose where she had been cut. Hiccup tried to keep his voice level as he spoke, watching as the fresh and old blood became clearer. "We need to make sure one of our best dragon riders is in top shape."
A hiss disguised as a chuckle left (Y/N)'s lips at the first contact. After that, not many words were spoken between the two of them as Hiccup worked with delicate hands while (Y/N) was left to watch while keeping her shirt out of the way.
When Hiccup finished he stayed crouched in front of (Y/N), not letting his eyes stray afar from her covered skin. "Promise me you'll be more careful out there," Hiccup muttered lowly, throat sounding dry as he refused to meet (Y/N)'s eye.
(Y/N)'s forehead creased at the boy's words, and her eyes downturned as she tried to catch his eyes. "I never tried to put myself in danger. It's just they had (D/N) and things started to get a little rocky until you showed up."
"I should have been there quicker," He shook his head, a few small braids flying as his hair got tangled. "I don't know what I would do if you got hurt like this again."
A soft sigh escaped from (Y/N)'s lips as she spoke, a hand hesitating only briefly before she was reaching forward to rest it on Hiccup's cheek, guiding his head so he was facing her. "Today was a one-off. Normally it's me who's saving you and Toothless remember?"
"I know." A ghost of a smile appeared on Hiccup's face before it was disappearing just as quickly as it arrived. "I just can't bare to see you get hurt again."
"And I won't," (Y/N) hummed as she bent forward, resting both of their foreheads together. "What we do is dangerous Hiccup, but you got to trust me when I say I'll be fine. I wasn't paying attention today, that's why (D/N) and I went down. I'll forever have the memory of today to remind me to pay more attention, okay?"
"Okay," Hiccup sighed, his shoulders relaxing from their tensed position.
"Now," (Y/N) said as a smile stretched across her face. Standing up, she dragged Hiccup up by the hand as she began to carefully walk to the door of her hut with a staggering one-legged Viking behind her. "I've got a dragon shipment that should be coming in soon. Do you mind escorting me back?"
"Of course, m'lady," Hiccup grinned, offering (Y/N) his arm once he fell into step beside her. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to you on your way back to the stables." Hiccup said, elating a laugh out of (Y/N).
That was how the two of them ended up walking arm-in-arm back to the stables where an energetic (D/N) was waiting for them.
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styllwaters · 8 months
Deadly nadder
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@sorushing Here's a Nadder for you guys!
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They've always been so cool to me. I love Stormfly's blue and yellow colours and the spots on their wings, such a wicked character design. The character designers did actually take inspiration from tyrannosaurus rex! (Plus ostriches, parrots etc) which is pretty neat.
I went for a secretary bird approach. I wanted them to have that dinosaur look but still light-footed. This version is probably only capable of very short distance flight, but I imagine they have very light bones. I debated giving them feathers, but settled for quills and frills. The head crest, colours and wing shape most likely evolved for courtship display purposes. I mean, have you seen their mating dance?
The spines on the tail run along the side, and they whip out in a side-to-side motion like a whip. I gave them spurs too and decided that they've got some powerful legs that could really do some real damage with a good kick.
Original design below:
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(Also, here's a fun bit of trivia for you: according to the wiki, female Nadders have a curved nasal horn and an overbite, which males lack. Although considering this fact is not consistent in the shows, my headcanon is that the one on the right is a regional variant.)
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violet-moonstone · 8 months
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some dragon sketches
I love deadly nadders so much 😭
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I’m just curious but what dragon would you want (besides a night fury). I want a Monstrous Nightmare.
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vehemourn · 2 years
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i can see the stars in your scales....
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tailtwister · 1 year
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Dragons & their Riders (2/?)
Astrid & Stormfly
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shellysketches · 1 year
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Astrid and Stormfly
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mossycat · 4 months
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Sketch dump
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crypticpaw · 8 months
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Gaslight, gatekeep, girlbosses that we love!
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dragoneezz · 4 months
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colorwheel challenge + httyd characters!!
do not be alarmed by the different signature, dragoneezz / neezz is my other alias i use, esp when i draw dragons 😭🙏🏻
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saturnniidae · 5 days
Hiccup listening to Astrid infodump about the different weapons and tools that could be made from shed nadder spines while adoringly watching her stim with the end of her braid in between taking design notes in his sketchbook
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