#death boss
uselessalexis165 · 7 months
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some things never change
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idontcarecarebear · 8 months
All the best girl boss friendships start off with a bitch you fucking hate and slowly start to care for.
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hefnerama · 4 months
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
My boss fired everyone but me so I had to work all week and I just straight up died on Wednesday to spite him.
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rosenkranz-isnt-dead · 5 months
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Moffat was so real for this
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its-ezraaa · 4 months
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some silly doodles to warm up to the art style
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dagmartoons · 9 months
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am i right in assuming this means blitz's mom died in that fire
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madnessandentropy · 6 months
"It's just a cartoon/movie/whatever" shouldn't apply to critcism it should apply to the batshit insane fans sending death threats over critcism of joke videos
Like that once bitch on Twitter sending the creator of that short TADC vid creator a death theat and then turning around to going "Oh I'm sorry I was just angry I didn't mean it ☹"
If you send death threats to people when you're angry you should get off the x app and see a damn psychiatrist
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timethehobo · 23 days
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Constant companions.
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shortbreadly · 1 year
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nuclearwasabireturns · 7 months
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The last designs from Inktober!
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dramamines · 7 months
people who don't obsess over a type of media and have it constantly in their head and feel the need to talk about it and engage in the fandom and make fanart or fics or headcanons and obsess over the characters and plot and pick apart every part of it and go down the rabbithole of that media confuse me greatly
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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stolasgoetia-alt · 21 days
Every time i rewatch Blitzo’s hallucination sequence in Truth Seekers i notice more.
Like, on a base level-
The steps to Stolas are difficult and slippery to climb at first, but the path clears as he climbs.
Stolas’s positioning and framing not only call out their significant class differences but also frame Stolas in a sort of heavenly position, at the top of an elegant marble stairway to heaven. Furthering a few things- it posits Stolas as something unattainable, something holy, something that might lead to good, but also something too good for him?
As he climbs the steps he is cleaned of the grime of his previous guilt and he regains himself (loses his clown outfit and appears how he usually does)- but in doing so he also becomes shackled in golden chains to stolas.
The chains being a reminder of what he fears about any relationship including with stolas- being ‘shackled’ (commitment-related issues) and then also, specifically, and importantly here- being seen as just a plaything to stolas.
Stolas is the most clear and realistically depicted of the characters in Blitzo’s hallucination. Closer than even Blitzo himself. Every other figure of his life that comes to taunt him is distorted. Not even Moxxie, who is in the room with him, comes close- even after his depiction shifts, he is in drag. What does this say? I think in part it furthers the fact that Stolas here seems to represent a kind of escape for Blitzo from the torment of everything else (but at what cost- i.e. the shackles).
AND something ELSE i noticed is that on his forehead for the majority of the hallucination Blitzo’s forehead mark is a clear broken heart. But on the steps to stolas it returns to its usual appearance. This is another way in which he regains his usual self, but also, this change specifically could speak to the potential of his heart healing?
Blitzo of course does not appear to be comfortable in the dynamic that hallucination-Stolas has brought him into, once he reaches Stolas, but even still, he snaps at Moxxie, which reads to me as that he wants to stay undisturbed in the moment. Maybe he thinks that that sort of power dynamic is the best that he would ever get or deserve.
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laststandx3 · 8 months
the swede is living his best life?? like his crew left him to deal with spanish jackie and she loves him? spanish jackie being turned on by betrayal (we knew, but is still sexy to have on screen confirmation) and her husbands have breakfasts together?? yes swede!! Living his best life with his wife and her husband and her husband and her husband and her
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veryintricaterituals · 3 months
What if I... hahahaha... but what if I hired you 🥺🥺 and you were my employee 📊📊 for years, and you discover you are a manager killer 🔪🔪🔪 by lineage and by birthright and you killed 😜😜 a bunch of high level people from other companies to protect ours 💼💼 .... so I promote you to bodyguard 🕴🏼🕴🏼and we end up fighting 💢💢 in my bedroom and you almost kill me, hahaha ... so I propose invite you on a business trip ✈️✈️ to my homeland 😳😳 and finally offer the promotion 😅😅 you've been waiting for by the end of it hahahha... but you stand me up 😡😡and go to London with one of my other coworker instead,😤😤... and by the time I come back you threaten to quit 🥺🥺 ... what if to stop you I make you my best man 👯👯 at the wedding I don't even have a bride for 👰🏽 lol.. and then turn my bride into a clone of your boyfriend💑 .... so you decide to betray me 😤😡🔪 by going to another company to become a half manager behind my back🤯🤯 ...and when I finally discover it I have to kill you😞😡😓 but end up meeting your mom💖💖 and forgiving you instead😤😓.... Then I give you the final push so you can get a full promotion🩸🩸, (and we can ✨be coworkers✨ even though I know you're not ready🙈🙈) ...and when you finally realize that you're not cutout for authority😭😭😭 I create a whole ritual so you can get demoted and kill the 🤢🤮🤢"""CEO"" 🤮🤢🤮 of the other company to make you happy🥰🥰.... what if we did that 😜😜... a hahahaha... 😂😂just kidding ... unless...👀👀👀??
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