#diy dog denim
21stc3nturyd1gitalb0y · 5 months
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i started another pair of patch pants
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coveredinredpaint · 8 months
Im an aspiring punk here ive wanting to start making my own stuff maby start a batle jacket or patch pants or somthing but those projects sound a bit intimidating. Do you have any recmondations on a good place to start?
hey ey!
to begin sorry for the late reply, i got a lot going on currently
to begin id advise collecting inspo for what kinda jackets/pants you want first. i use pinterest, tumblr and etsy to find inspo for my diy stuff. i like to sketch out different designs for my projects before making them, so i can try out what fits and what doesnt.
to practice id say starting by making patches and sewing them (use dental floss, its cheap and incredibly strong and durable) on for example a bag is the simplest way to introduce urself to patchmaking and sewing. i advise using the whip stitch to sew them on. when youre a bit more confident in ur skill level one of the easiest projects to start is a battlevest, since its mostly flat and straight fabric its easy to sew on and modify. most people find denim more difficult to sew on cause of its sturdiness but i prefer it for exactly that quality, it prevents the fabric from moving/stretching too much
you dont need expensive supplies, even stuff that might be seen as trash is very useful for punk diys, some old cloths and acrylic/fabric paint will already be enough for patches. i got a tutorial on my blog for stenciling them (let me know if you want me to link it). soda tabs can be used to make buttons/pins, chainmail, chains, and so much more. bottlecaps can also be made into different types of buttons/pins and chains (and more stuff i cant think of rn). you can get chains for cheap from hardware stores, id also keep an eye out for those chain dog collars in yardsales and such, theyre often very good quality (i got 3 all secondhand).
on that note, where can you find ur stuff for projects?? i get almost all my stuff secondhand. ive got at least 4 thriftstores nearby, and there are often fleamarkets around my area, which i always try to go to when i have the chance. fleamarkets are often announced in local newspapers or on posters around town. you might also find em by googling ur towns name and then "fleamarket" or "yardsale". if you live in a remote area where these things just dont exist i advise asking family/friends if they got old stuff they wanna get rid off. or to use online secondhand stores like vinted or depop (altho depop sellers often overprice, keep an eye out for cheap deals) for stuff you really cant get secondhand like spikes etc. i advise etsy. also if youre US based studsandspikes.com has tons of different spikes for cheap.
an important thing to remember is that your stuff wont and doesnt have to look perfect. your stuff will be messy and sometimes a project totally doesnt end up how you want and thats okay. fuck around and find out!
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lakesbian · 1 year
carefully reshaping my mental image of biter to be a really cool he/him butch lesbian in a denim vest and everything before i read rachel's epilogue so that i can interpret it through the lens of her getting mad laid by both her dog (cassie) and her butch henchguy. giving him a buzzcut in my head rn. adding some lesbian and trans diy patches to the vest. etc.
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Wait it’s pride month do you think you could do like modern hcs of the boys at a pride parade?
The gang at a pride parade
A/N: i normally don’t like writing modern boys idk but i tried my best here!
Tags: modern!gang, pride parade
Warnings: homophobia is mentioned but is far from a main point
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he would be like the mom that’s so supportive it’s annoying yk? he’d 100% bring like a backpack that’s just full of chocolate, water and fruit and let anyone take what they need
Darry’s just a big mama bear in general imo so he would also just beat any homophobes heads in.
Will hand you a list of secret codes that mean something different. for example if you call him and say idk- “broccoli pizza” that could mean “i need to get out of here” so he’d come get you and the two of you would go for coffee to calm down and then see if you wanted to go back or just go home.
To be frankly honest i don’t think pride parades would be his thing? it’s very loud and lots of people which i think would make him a little nervous.
just hold his hand while you’re there ok? he’s doing his best even being there and having you beside him all the time will just make him feel slightly more at ease.
He will make sure you have fun even though it’s not really his thing and who knows maybe he’ll warm up to it by the end? i think he likes the idea of it, just not all the people there.
This boy is in his element! he’s probably in some crazy outfit and asked you to give him the most sparkly makeup look ever and he is definitely in the parade.
He’s his normal hyper self, but 10 times worse. he’s running around the place, like a dog that has the zoomies type shit. nobody give him sugar under any circumstances..
Soda is going to make like 17 friends and then invite them all back to the house for another party so be ready for that. also, remind him to hydrate because he will forget.
He won’t be in a cool outfit he’ll in his leather jacket and jeans, but maybe you can get him to wear a pin.
He will be kinda uninterested tbh but he will let you drag him around all day. and hey, maybe it’ll grow on him over time you never know.
The only time that he’ll leave your side is if he spots some homophobes, then he’ll start a fight as we know Dallas does so just, keep an eye on him. or don’t and join the fight, whatever works for you 🤷‍♂️
He’s “there for the drink and only the drink.” is what he tells you but he still gets you to help him pick a nice outfit and paint his nails for him. once you get there the drink becomes his second priority.
Two actually really enjoys himself in the end but he has a habit of wandering off so be careful. He will be flirting with everyone he sees unless you tell him you’re not comfy with that then he’ll stop
He probably brought a disposable camera with him so a few days later he’ll have a picture of all the people he spoke with and all the memories you made
Was probably dragged along by soda. If you want him to wear something for the occasion you should sneak into his room the night before and decorate one of his sleeveless denim jackets. he gives me the vibe that he’d rather DIY his outfit rather than buy it.
Same as soda he will be 10 times more hyper and he would be showing off his gymnastics talent doing flips off cars and stuff.
He would be similar to dallas though since as soon as he spotted a homophobe he would right there to beat them up. nobody ruins this day for him.
I don’t think it’s Johnnys thing to go to a parade so he’d either go but be slightly terrified of everyone or he would let you go with your other friends and stay behind.
if he stayed behind though he’d love to hear everything about your day once you got home. then you two would go to the cinema together.
If you did go together then he’d be a little like Darry, very prepared for anything that could happen and he would make some code word that means “time to go”
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mlmxreader · 9 months
Just The Sunshine | Bob Saginowski x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Bob Saginowski Hiya! Hope all is good 🖤. May I please request something using the following prompts for Bob Saginowski X non-binary, male, or gn!Reader: "Get closer, I want to remember the colour of your eyes" Thank you 🖤🖤! 🐍anon
summary: things get a little heated between you and Bob when he spends the day in the garden.
tws: suggestive content, swearing
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Bob was all too aware of your gaze on his back, burning into him so harshly and so hot that it made a cool sweat drip down his exposed skin; it had been a hot day, and it was only natural that he had taken his shirt off.
Exposing his tattoos and his stomach that hung over the edge of his jeans. Exposing his thick arms and his soft back. Flesh your hands and lips had graced a thousand times over, yet now you looked at him as if you had never seen his skin before; your gaze soon turned to hunger when he turned around slightly, giving you a show of his stomach and his chest.
The trail of hair that ran from his navel down, dipping beneath the denim curtain so horribly. You swallowed thickly, bringing your drink loaded with ice to your lips and taking a long, drawn out gulp of it; it clung to the skin above your upper lip as you lost focus, staring at Bob.
Rocco was happy, playing in the garden with his ball on a rope; he tossed it in the air and caught it, chasing it around.
But Bob was busy, chopping back the grass and digging holes for the native flowers that you had picked out together. His hands were rough and dirty, calluses highlighted by the dark mud. Oh, and how the sweat dripped down his body. His skin glistened beneath the thin sheet, the salt of his sweat upon his brow and his hair flat from the dampness.
You squirmed in your seat, suddenly feeling something hot coursing through your veins. Something that wasn't caused by the day's heat. You clenched your jaw, taking in a sharp breath as you let your drink rest on the table, reaching to grab your cigarettes in hope that one would calm you down.
Bob sat on the grass by the table, right in the perfect lighting. The bastard. He took one look at you, and furrowed his wet brows. "You okay?"
You nodded, breath shaky and heart pounding as you did your best to muster the ability to speak. "Yeah, just… just really hot."
"We'll get an umbrella," he shrugged, squinting as he looked at the sky. Sweat on his neck, running down the soft skin. "It's not gonna cool off until later in the week."
You sighed, hoping that your feelings for your boyfriend would fade when it cooled off. But he looked so tempting. The wetness of his skin, glittering. His tattoos all on show and every curve and every bit of chub more than visible. Nothing to the imagination.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you fought back the urge to jump on him then and there. Fuck. Bob could be so tempting even when you didn't want him to be. You cleared your throat, trying to cure the shakiness and the thundering of your own heart.
"Yeah, an umbrella might be a good idea."
Bob pulled his phone out from his pocket, but you were too busy staring at his arms and his chest to even think about it when he opened up the website to a DIY shop and began talking about the prices and sizes of outdoor umbrellas; he had no idea what he was doing to you. He had no idea how tempting he looked.
You knew that most people in the neighbourhood had a crush on him, and that some envied the fact that he was with you and not them, but as you looked at him, you knew that you would feel the same. Bob was everything; charming, sweet, gentle, handsome, and kind. He only ever raised his voice at the dog when he ran off too far and Bob wouldn't be heard otherwise. Bob was great.
You had to admit, you loved him more than anything else in the world… except maybe the way he always made coffee the exact way you liked it. But you couldn't stop yourself, looking him up and down shamelessly.
"What?" He grinned when he noticed you staring, tilting his head to the side innocently. "Something in my teeth?"
You shook your head, licking your lips and internally kicking yourself for being so fucking obvious. "No, just… get closer, I want to remember the colour of your eyes."
Bob didn't question it, dragging himself over so that he could kneel between your legs, a fond smile on his lips. He could be so violent and so cruel, and yet when he was with you, he was peaceful and so gentle. He leaned into the touch when you ran your hand through his damp hair, daring to get up, planting his hands on the arms of your chair. Trapping you and pretending like he didn't notice your hand resting on his chest. He looked at your lips for a moment.
"You're really warm," he said quietly, placing his hand on your cheek. "Anything you wanna tell me?"
You shook your head, swallowing thickly and hoping it wasn't audible when he grabbed your chin between his thumb and forefinger. Your heart skipped a beat as you fought back the urge to whimper. "Bob…"
"Maybe we should go inside," he murmured. "Get you cooled down a little."
You shook your head. "It's just the sun got to me a little bit. I need another drink, that's all."
He nodded slowly, although something told you that he didn't entirely believe that you had just been a little bit dehydrated from the weather; not by the way you were staring at him at least.
"Stay here," he gently kissed your forehead. "I'll get you one."
You nodded, wishing he didn't pull away but still leaning over in your chair to watch him walk away when you were sure he wouldn't notice; you had to fan yourself a little when you leaned back. Fuck, it was great to watch him walk away.
Bob smiled to himself. Even after so long together, you still checked him out and ogled him like it was the first date.
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petwhispererworld · 2 months
Exploring Unique Dog Toys: Unconventional Options for Playtime Fun
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Dog toys are an essential part of a pet's life, providing not only entertainment but also mental stimulation and physical exercise. While traditional toys like balls and ropes are popular choices, exploring unique and unconventional options can add a new dimension to your furry friend's playtime experience. From interactive puzzles to unexpected materials, there's a world of innovative dog toys waiting to be discovered.
Interactive Puzzle Toys
Interactive puzzle toys engage a dog's problem-solving skills, keeping them mentally stimulated while providing hours of entertainment. These toys typically involve hiding treats or kibble within compartments that the dog must figure out how to access. One popular example is the "Kong Wobbler," a durable toy that dispenses treats as the dog knocks it around. Similarly, the "Outward Hound Hide-A-Squirrel Puzzle Toy" challenges dogs to extract plush squirrels from a plush tree trunk.
Chewable Alternatives
For dogs who love to chew, providing safe and durable chew toys is essential for their dental health and overall well-being. While traditional rubber chew toys are widely available, exploring unconventional materials can offer unique sensory experiences. Natural options like antler chews or Himalayan yak cheese chews provide long-lasting entertainment while satisfying a dog's urge to gnaw.
Sensory-Stimulating Toys
Dogs experience the world through their senses, and toys that engage their senses can be particularly enriching. Scented toys, such as those infused with the aroma of bacon or peanut butter, can entice dogs to play and explore. Additionally, toys with different textures, like crinkly fabrics or bumpy surfaces, provide tactile stimulation during playtime.
Tech-Savvy Toys
Innovations in technology have led to the development of high-tech toys that can entertain and interact with dogs in surprising ways. Automatic ball launchers, for example, allow dogs to play fetch even when their human companions are busy. Some toys are equipped with sensors that respond to a dog's movements, triggering sounds or lights for added excitement.
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DIY Creations
For pet owners who enjoy getting crafty, DIY dog toys offer endless possibilities for customization and creativity. Repurpose old household items like socks or denim scraps into tug-of-war toys, or weave strips of fleece into a homemade rope toy. DIY toys not only save money but also allow pet owners to tailor the toy to their dog's preferences and play style.
Environmentally Friendly Options
As awareness of environmental issues grows, many pet owners are seeking out eco-friendly dog toys made from sustainable materials. Toys crafted from recycled rubber or organic cotton offer peace of mind, knowing that they have a minimal impact on the planet. Additionally, toys designed for durability and longevity help reduce waste by lasting through many play sessions.
Safety Considerations
While exploring unconventional dog toys can add excitement to playtime, it's crucial to prioritize safety. Always supervise your dog when introducing a new toy, especially if it contains small parts that could be swallowed. Choose toys appropriate for your dog's size and chewing habits to prevent choking hazards or dental damage. Regularly inspect toys for signs of wear and tear, and replace them as needed to ensure continued safety during play.
From interactive puzzles to eco-friendly options, the world of dog toys offers a diverse array of choices to suit every pet's preferences and personality. By exploring unconventional options, pet owners can enrich their furry friend's playtime experiences while providing essential mental and physical stimulation. Whether it's a high-tech gadget or a DIY creation, the key is to prioritize safety and select toys that cater to your dog's individual needs. So, the next time you're shopping for dog toys, consider stepping outside the box and introducing your canine companion to something new and exciting.
Read more : - Wing It Right: Crafting the Perfect Bird Treats at Home
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paroliro · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🎁 Patches [4] French Poodle Purple Brown Patches
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glorygathered · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: American Eagle Artist DIY Cut and Cropped Denim Short 2S.
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infomatize · 1 year
DIY Pet Projects 2023: A Comprehensive DIY Guide To Homemade Toy and Grooming Supply Ideas for Your Furry Friend
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If you're looking for DIY pet projects, there are plenty of options available to you! From homemade toys to grooming supplies, you can find ideas for a variety of projects online. Here are some examples of DIY pet projects to get you started: - Homemade Bottle Toy for Dogs: This simple toy requires only an empty plastic bottle and a sock, and can provide hours of entertainment for your furry friend. Simply put the bottle inside the sock, tie a knot at the end, and let your dog play! - Soda Bottle Treat Dispenser: This interactive toy made from a chicken nesting box and two 2-litre soda bottles is a brain teaser for your dog. It's a fun way to keep your pup occupied while rewarding them with treats. - DIY Snuffle Ball: This soft and safe toy is easy to make using the odds and ends of fabric. It's perfect for dogs of all ages and provides a fun snuffling experience. - Adorable DIY Cat Scratch Cactus: This creative DIY project allows you to make your own cat scratch pole using affordable materials like cardboard and sisal rope. It's a great way to keep your feline friend entertained and healthy. - Water and Food Bowl DIY Pet Ideas: This list of DIY pet projects includes ideas for creating a modern pet bowl stand using wooden dowels and glue, as well as a drawer storage unit for pet bowls. You can also create a chalkboard dog bowl using ceramic bowls and chalkboard spray paint. - Make Dog Toys Using Old Clothes: Reuse old clothes like t-shirts, sweatpants, and towels to make braided or knotted dog toys that are affordable and eco-friendly. - Upcycled Pet Toys: This list includes ideas for upcycling materials like t-shirts and tennis balls into fun and safe toys for your pet. You can also make a no-sew heart stuffie or a muffin tin treat game for your furry friend. - Pet ID Tags: Every dog needs a pet ID tag on its collar, and this craft is easy to make. You can also make stamped metal ID tags if you enjoy jewellery making or metalworking. These DIY pet craft ideas are a fun way to make money while having fun. - Clothing, Collars, and Leashes: This list includes ideas for creating adjustable dog collars, bandanas, frill dresses, and collars with bow ties. You can also personalize your creations by adding a name or message to the collar. - Easy DIY Dog Crafts to Make and Sell: This list includes 15 ideas for creating dog crafts that you can sell, including personalized dog collars, dog beds, and dog bandanas. These projects are easy to make and can provide a fun way to earn some extra cash.
DIY Pet Toys
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If you're looking to create your own toys for your beloved pets, there are plenty of DIY options available. From simple chew toys to intricate puzzle games, here are some ideas to get you started. - Sweet Potato Dog Toy: Made with strong rope and dried sweet potatoes, this toy is great for dogs that love to chew. The knotted rope makes it difficult for even strong chewers to completely destroy it instantly. - Foxtail Toy: Upcycle one of your old t-shirts to create a simple foxtail toy for your dog. Simply cut the shirt straight across just below the sleeves, discard the neck and sleeves, cut the remaining fabric into strips, gather three of the strips together, and tie a knot at one end. - Denim Dog Toy: This no-sew toy is easy to make and perfect for heavy chewers. All you need is an empty 20-oz. plastic bottle, a sock that is at least 5 inches longer than the bottle, and a knot tied at the end of the sock that is open. - Chew Toy from Socks: If you're looking for a simple chew toy for your dog, try this option. Simply braid a few old socks together, tie the ends together, and you have a new chew toy for your furry friend. - Ring Toy: Use coloured basic 4-strand crown knots to create this simple, super-strong ring toy for your pet. Adjust the rope length and ring size according to the size of your dog. - Towel Braid Toy: Cut three strips of the towel, about 4 inches wide and at least 12 inches long, tie them off at one end with a small towel strip (1 inch wide and 6 inches long), braid them, and use another strip to tie off the end. - Pet Mat Toy: Cut fabric into 1" x 7" strips, push one end through a hole in the mat, take the other end and push it through the hole next to it, double knot the fabric, and push each end of a fabric strip through adjacent holes that are horizontal. There are many other DIY pet toy ideas out there, so get creative and have fun making toys that your pets will love. Happy crafting! DIY Catnip Toys: How to Make Your Cat's Favorite Toy Cats love catnip toys, and making them at home can be a fun and easy way to keep your feline friend entertained. Here are some DIY catnip toy ideas and instructions: - Sock catnip toy: Fill a sock with catnip and tie a knot at the end. You can also add some stuffing to make it more plump . - Felt catnip toy: Cut two identical shapes out of felt, like a fish or a mouse, and sew them together, leaving a small hole for stuffing. Fill the toy with catnip and stuffing, then sew the hole shut . - Catnip kicker toy: Cut two strips of fabric about 8 inches by 2 inches. Fold each strip in half and sew the two long sides together. Stuff the fabric tube with catnip and stuffing, then sew the ends shut. This will create a long, cylindrical shape that your cat can hold and kick with its back legs . - Pom-pom catnip toy: Make a small pom-pom out of yarn and attach a string to it. Dip the pom-pom in catnip and let it dry. Once the catnip has dried, give the toy to your cat to play with . Remember that catnip toys should be given to your cat in moderation, as too much catnip can make them hyperactive or anxious. It's also important to supervise your cat while they play with toys, as they may accidentally ingest small parts or strings. Homemade Chew Toys: Safe and Affordable Options for Your Dog Making your own chew toys for your dog is a great way to provide them with safe and affordable entertainment. Here are some ideas based on the various sources: - T-Shirt Ball Tug Toy: You can create a tug toy for your dog using an old t-shirt, a tennis ball, and scissors. Cut the shirt in three strategic places and wrap the ball inside two of the pieces, using the smallest piece to cinch the toy together. - Frozen Towel Chew: Soak a hand towel or washcloth in water or a mix of water and salt-free bouillon, wring it out thoroughly, and twist it into a long sausage shape. Freeze the towel until it's solid, then give it to your pup to chew. - No Chew Heart Toy: This chew toy is made by braiding three strands of fleece and forming them into a heart shape. It's a great way to keep your dog's teeth clean and healthy while satisfying their chewing needs. - Dried Sweet Potato Chews: Slice sweet potatoes into half-inch strips and bake them for four hours, flipping them over every two hours. When they're done, let them cool and then freeze them for a chewy, tasty treat. - Cinnamon and Coconut Oil Chews: Cut sweet potatoes into thin slices and top them with melted coconut oil or raw honey, and sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake for several hours until they're dry and chewy. Remember to supervise your dog while they play with homemade chew toys, and always make sure that the toys are safe and appropriate for your dog's size and chewing habits. With a little creativity, you can provide your dog with fun, safe, and affordable toys that they'll love to chew on. DIY Bird Toys: Fun and Simple Ideas for Your Feathered Friend If you are looking for some fun and simple DIY bird toys to keep your feathered friend entertained, here are some ideas to consider: - Dishwasher foraging basket: A dishwasher foraging basket is a great way to keep birds entertained for hours. You can use the Munchkin High Capacity Dishwasher Basket to create a safe and affordable foraging toy for your birds. - Paper bird toy: This easy DIY bird toy project only requires raffia string, scissors, beads, paper straws, and cupcake liners. Cut the paper straws and drill holes in the centre to string them together with beads. Attach the cupcake liners to create the bird's feet. - Wooden dowel perch: You can create a simple wooden dowel perch for your bird to sit and watch the world go by. Cut the dowel to size, drill a hole in each end, and attach a rope for hanging. - Paper straw toy: Create a toy using paper straws and a hanger. Cut the paper straws into pieces and drill holes in the centre. String them onto a hanger to create a fun and colourful toy for your bird. - Cupcake liner toy: Use mini cupcake liners to create a toy for your bird. String them onto a rope and tie knots in between each liner to create a fun and interactive toy. These DIY bird toy ideas are affordable, easy to make, and will provide your feathered friend with hours of entertainment. Remember to always supervise your bird when playing with toys and make sure they are safe and non-toxic
Homemade Pet Grooming Supplies
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Homemade pet grooming supplies can be an affordable and effective way to keep your furry friend clean and healthy. Creating your own grooming kit will depend on your pet's coat type, breed, and size . A basic grooming kit should include a brush, comb, nail clippers, and shampoo. If you want to make your own shampoo, there are several natural recipes available, including an oatmeal shampoo that can be effective for dogs with dry skin or allergies . However, some grooming activities like haircuts, anal gland expression, and ear cleanings are best left to professionals . If you are looking for professional-grade grooming supplies, there are many online pet grooming stores available that carry the best pet grooming products, including brushes, combs, clippers, and shampoos . When it comes to choosing grooming supplies for your dog, it's important to consider their specific needs. For example, for dogs with thick, curly hair, corded clippers are recommended for consistent torque and cutting power . Additionally, many pet stores offer grooming packages that can include a variety of services such as hair rejuvenation, paw revitalization, skin treatments, nail grinding, and teeth brushing . Overall, creating homemade pet grooming supplies can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. However, it's important to remember that certain grooming activities are best left to professionals and to always consider your pet's individual needs when selecting grooming supplies. DIY Dog Shampoo: Safe and Effective Recipes for Your Pup Dog owners who are looking for a natural and affordable way to keep their furry friends clean and healthy might want to try making their own dog shampoo at home. Here are some safe and effective recipes for DIY dog shampoo: - Oatmeal Dog Shampoo : Oatmeal is a soothing ingredient that can help relieve itching and dry skin in dogs. To make this shampoo, grind a cup of oatmeal until it's a fine powder, mix it with baking soda and a quart of water in a bowl, and stir until the ingredients are completely blended. - Vinegar and Dish Soap Dog Shampoo : This recipe uses white vinegar and dish soap to create a gentle but effective cleaning solution. Mix two cups of warm water, 1/4 cup of nontoxic dish soap, and 1/2 cup of white vinegar in a spray bottle, shake to mix, and wet your dog's coat with warm water before applying the shampoo. - Essential Oil Dog Shampoo : Essential oils can provide a variety of benefits for dogs, such as repelling insects and moisturizing the skin. Some safe options to try in your DIY dog shampoo include lemongrass, lavender, rosemary, and chamomile. - Flea-Repellent Dog Shampoo : To keep fleas and ticks at bay, try this simple recipe that only requires three ingredients. Mix 10 ounces of warm water, 1 tablespoon of Castile soap, and 2 ounces of aloe vera gel in a bottle, shake to mix, and apply to your dog's coat. - Oatmeal and Baking Soda Dog Shampoo : Similar to the oatmeal shampoo recipe above, this one adds baking soda for extra cleaning power. Grind one cup of uncooked oatmeal in a food processor until it's a powder, mix it with 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1 quart of warm water, and stir until well combined. It's important to note that not all dogs will react the same way to every ingredient, so it's recommended to test a small area of your dog's skin before using any new shampoo recipe. Additionally, be cautious when using essential oils and consult with a veterinarian before using them on puppies, pregnant dogs, or dogs with certain health conditions. Homemade Cat Litter: Eco-Friendly and Affordable Options If you're looking for an eco-friendly and affordable alternative to store-bought cat litter, there are several options you can consider. One popular option is cornmeal, which clumps when it comes into contact with cat urine or faeces and is biodegradable . Wood shavings or sawdust are another popular option that clumps and is also inexpensive, made of cedar, spruce, or fir, and good for odour control . You can also make homemade cat litter out of recycled paper, by shredding newspaper or other paper products, soaking them in a solution of warm water and dish soap, and draining the paper by pressing it against a screen or colander . Some recipes recommend adding baking soda for natural odour control . Ultimately, the best option will depend on your preferences and your cat's needs. DIY Pet Wipes: Quick and Easy Grooming Solution for Your Furry Friend If you're looking for a quick and easy way to groom your furry friend, DIY pet wipes may be the solution for you. Here are some steps on how to make them: - Choose your ingredients: DIY pet wipes typically include a mixture of water, an oil (such as coconut oil), and essential oils (such as lavender or frankincense) . - Mix your ingredients: Combine your chosen ingredients in a bowl, mixing them together thoroughly . - Choose your wipes: You can either use paper towels or reusable cloth rags as your wipes . - Add mixture to the container: Gently pour your mixture into your wipes container, making sure to give the wipes time to absorb the moisture . - Use your wipes: When you need to use a wipe, simply pull it out of the container and use it to groom your pet. If you're using reusable cloth rags, make sure to wash them after each use . Overall, DIY pet wipes are a quick and easy grooming solution for your furry friend. They can be made using simple ingredients that you may already have on hand, and they can be used with either disposable or reusable wipes. Just make sure to follow the instructions carefully and use the wipes as needed to keep your pet looking and feeling their best.
Pet Bed and Furniture Projects
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If you're looking for ideas for pet bed and furniture projects, there are many resources available online to help you get started. From DIY tutorials to buying guides, you can find inspiration for projects of all skill levels and budgets. One popular trend in pet bed furniture is using dark and light colours, such as navy blue, neutral grey, light-coloured oak, mahogany, and pastels in beige and blue. There is also a wide selection of styles available, including boxy creations that look as if a contemporary architect designed them . If you're interested in making your own pet bed, there are plenty of DIY projects available online. For example, you can make a bolster pet bed, an adaptable bed for picky cats, a raised dog bed with steps, or a no-sew fleece pet bed design . For those who are more experienced with DIY projects, there are more advanced tutorials available. One tutorial shows how to make a heavy-duty dog bed that can hold up to a 160-pound American Mastiff, using woven nylon strapping stapled to a square wooden frame and finished with upholstery tacks. Colourful turned furniture legs give the bed a fun vibe . For those with multiple pets, bunk beds can be a great option. You can make your own wooden dog bunk beds for about $100 or purchase pre-made ones . If you're looking for a pet bed that also doubles as furniture, you can consider options such as an end table with a soft foam cushion or a compact dog furniture bed with highly rounded sides and tapered, angled wood legs . Finally, pet furniture is an expression of love from architects and designers, and can include not just pet beds but also cat trees, scratching posts, and more. You can find inspiration for unique pet furniture ideas online . Overall, whether you're looking to make your own pet bed or purchase one that also serves as furniture, there are many options available to suit your style and budget. DIY Pet Bed: Cozy and Comfortable Sleeping Space for Your Furry Friend If you're looking to create a cosy and comfortable sleeping space for your furry friend, there are plenty of DIY pet bed options available. Here are some of the top search results: - Country Living offers a tutorial on how to create a simple and cute dog bed that is both cosy and comfortable. The bed is made using fleece fabric and stuffing and can be customized to fit your pet's size . - Hill's Pet provides instructions on how to create four different DIY cat beds that won't break the bank. These include a vintage suitcase bed, a no-sew cat tent, a cosy cat cave, and a cat hammock . - Apartment Therapy offers a tutorial on how to create an industrial-style dog bed using wood and metal pipes. This bed has a rugged, minimalist feel and can be customized to match your decor . - Homesthetics provides instructions for creating a rustic pallet dog bed, using simple wood (potentially salvaged pallet wood) and including your pet's name tag . - Hepper provides 20 DIY dog bed plans, ranging from simple and easy to advanced. These include a wine barrel dog bed, a denim dog bed, and a PVC pipe dog cot . With these options, you can create a comfortable and stylish sleeping space for your furry friend that fits your personal style and budget. Homemade Cat Tree: Create a Fun and Stimulating Space for Your Cat If you want to provide your feline friend with a fun and stimulating space, building a homemade cat tree can be a great idea. Here are some resources to help you get started: - Show Cats Online offers a free cat tree plan that includes a top platform, a small home, a bed, and a tube, all of which are fully carpeted. The plan shows you everything you need for putting this together, including the list of materials, all the basic tools required, and 15 steps. - Excited Cats has a cat tree plan that cleverly upcycles an A-frame bookshelf to create a stylish cat tree with multiple platforms as well as cozy spots for your cat to sleep in. The majority of the construction is already made for you, so you can concentrate on painting and adding cute accessories. This plan is perfect for beginners. Read the full article
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championsyedm · 1 year
Digital Sewing Machine This machine has a reverse button
Brother CS5055 vs CP60X Tension settings are never one-size-fits-all. And you don't get automatic tensioning at this price. Only by testing it on bits of fabric before sewing on your project will you know what works. If the machine is not threaded correctly or the bobbin is in the wrong position, you will have problems that will not be solved by resetting the tension. Learn how to thread these new Brothers appropriately or you'll have issues and the tension may appear to be off. The machine is normally set at 4, which is for medium weight cotton fabrics. From there, you must understand how to create tension. Yes, with the proper settings, it can sew denim. I haven't stitched velvet yet, but it has several options for sewing thicker stuff. I'm now sewing outdoor cushions with it, and it's doing a great job with the fabric. I've also sewed vinyl and it performed admirably. Digital Sewing Machine This machine has a reverse button, a clear LCD screen, and a work area lighted by extremely bright LEDs. Seven excellent sewing feet are also provided to aid you in completing a variety of stitching techniques. The CP60X will have you making DIY items and clothing in no time thanks to its sophisticated needle threading mechanism that makes threading simple, Quick-Set bobbin, and extremely bright LED work area lighting. NEW AND IMPROVED NEEDLE THREADER: The automatic 2-step needle threader reliably puts the thread through the needle and is now simpler to operate than ever. ACCESSORIES INCLUDED: The CP60X has 7 sewing feet, among other features. Any other usage or sale of this device nullifies the warranty because it is only designed for sale in the US at 120 volts. Durable metal frame construction: Your machine can handle any project, from thick denim to heavy quilts, thanks to its sturdy metal frame and high-quality construction. A fixed needle bar keeps the needle in place while you work, enabling neater stitching and straighter lines.The CP60X computerized sewing machine offers a broad range of capabilities in a small yet sturdy package. The CP60X has 60 built-in stitches, including seven different types of one-step auto-size buttonholes. With the simple stitch picker and clear LCD screen, choosing your stitch is as simple as pressing a button. With the outstanding feed mechanism and fixed needle bar, stitching denim, tweed, and other thick fabrics is practically straightforward. Use drop feed dogs, experiment with free-motion sewing, or use the free arm feature to make stitching narrow jeans, cuffs, and sleeves simple. Fixed needle bar and metal frame: Your machine can handle any job because of the sturdy metal frame structure, and the needle is held in place as you work for cleaner stitching and even lines. The CS5055 computerised sewing machine is the ideal package for both novice and experienced sewers. Choose from a variety of 60 built-in decorative stitches, including 7 varieties of auto-size buttonholes, using an LCD display screen to add adorned, unique touches to your clothing. With the outstanding feed system, stitching denim, tweed, and other thick fabrics is practically straightforward. For cleaner finishing, a fixed needle bar minimises movement during stitching, and a sophisticated needle threading system makes threading simple.
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tonkijewel · 2 years
Minion costume diy
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For more costume inspiration from other movie characters, check out the Moana costume and DIY Frozen costumes.
To get you into the holiday spirit, we rounded up a mix of DIY costume ideas, plus a few store-bought options to help you flaunt your Minion pride this Halloween-and even outfit your dog when you take him or her trick-or-treating with the group! They can't be left out of the Minion fun. Or, if you're feeling creative (and have a little more time), you can whip up something much more elaborate, like an adorable yellow skirt made of tulle. Create your getup from simple materials you likely already own, like overalls and a yellow shirt. A new movie, Minions: The Rise of Gru, is scheduled for a July 2022 release, so the interest in Minions isn't going away any time soon! Not only are the tiny yellow troublemakers adorable and fun to watch on the big screen, but they're also a great option if you're looking for a fun homemade Halloween costume idea that can work for the whole family.Ī DIY Minion costume can be very budget-friendly too and can even work as a quick last-minute Halloween costume. Minions have been a favorite of kids and adults alike ever since the 2010 release of the hit movie Despicable Me, and became a household staple after the release of the 2015 Minions movie. A black zip-up shirt is ideal, but any black shirt will do for a simple Gru costume DIY.Minion Halloween Costumes the Whole Family (Even Your Dog!) Can Wear
Black and gray striped scarf (got this one from Amazon).
Bald cap (purchased from our local Halloween costume pop-up store).
Here is how the costume came together (without the wig): Lipstick taser! This is a key component of a Lucy Wilde Despicable Me costume. We are League of Legends biggest custom skin and modding community.You will regularly find new free content here to enjoy and enhance your League of. Turquoise trench coat (the one I got is no longer available, but this adorable one from Amazon would be perfect for a Lucy Wilde Despicable Me costume).Turquoise sunglasses (I got this pair from Amazon).Pink and white polka dot scarf (I got this one from Amazon).Red wig with bangs ( this one on Amazon is perfect for a Lucy Wilde costume).How to make a Despicable Me Lucy Wilde costume:
Look how cute the boys (oops, I mean minions) look for their costume trial run: Lucy Wilde Despicable Me costume You can easily fine the Gru symbol on Google images. Gru symbol, printed on iron-on photo sheets and ironed on.Blue denim overalls (the ones we got are sold out, but here is a similar pair for toddlers).Black shoes or boots (I found them at our local Wal-Mart).Black gloves (can get these just about anywhere, but I got these ones from Amazon).Yellow hoodies (got mine from Kohls, but any yellow hoodie will do, like this one from Amazon) with pipe cleaners on top for hair.How to make a DIY Despicable Me 2 Minion Costume: This does not cost you anything additional, and helps me to keep the rest of my content free, so thank you! DIY Despicable Me costume: Minion Don’t forget to share and pin, and comment if you have any questions!ĭisclosure: This post contains some affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links and make a purchase, I may receive a commission. These costumes were pretty easy to DIY, so DIY I did! Here are the components for each of our DIY Despicable Me costumes. The kids will be minions (naturally), my husband will be in a Gru costume, and I will have an Anti-Villain League agent Lucy Wilde costume. The little ones voted that our family would be characters from Despicable Me 2 for Halloween this year, and I’m sharing how we made a DIY Despicable Me costume for each member of our family. This year, the kids are all about Despicable Me. It has gotten even more fun since having children, as (at least at this age) they are all about it! We have had fun the last few years doing themed costumes as a family (pirates two years ago and Avengers characters last year). Halloween has always been my favorite holiday.
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wastelesscrafts · 3 years
DIY dog bed:
Got some spare denim left in your stash? Turn it into a pet bed with this DIY dog bed tutorial by Better Homes & Gardens.
If your pet's as destructive as mine are, make sure to only use stuffing that's safe for them.
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idaljemislimnatebe · 4 years
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! my photo !
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tyzelenyy · 6 years
Neyse ki kafayı yediğimi belli ettirmeyecek kadar kontrol edebiliyorum kendimi
Twitter ve instagram: _silaytac_
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doitwithdaisy · 3 years
My New Denim Jacket
I'll be honest… when Mama first wrapped that old pair of jeans around me, I was not excited about whatever she was putting on me. It looked like a big , complicated mess, and I didn't think I'd ever understand it. I let out a yawn, and Mama apologized and pulled the fabric off my fur. But each time she called me over to get treats and try it on, it was less and less noticable what she was doing, and by the time she was finished, it was so comfortable, I just happily munched away and practiced my sit and down behaviors while Mama fussed over me.
I am so exited when Mama puts my jacket on, now! It has lots of pockets but also is comfortable and doesn't stop my legs when they are trying to run or wriggle around, and it doesn't get tangled all around me when I do roll-overs. Now, Mama can bring so many more snacks on our adventures, and she always brings special treats just for me, too!
Now that i can help carry stuff, Mama and I can adventure all day long and maybe, one day, Kira will want to come too. Mama says I have to learn to stop chasing her if I want her to go on walks with us, though, and it's so hard not to chase her, especially when she flicks her tail at me or waves it around or scratches her scratching post… she's just so chasable! I guess I'll have to wait until I'm older and she's more boring for that.
Even without Kira, my new jacket sure does make our adventures a lot more fun! If you want to make one for your puppy, dog or pet, Mama put some instructions on her Paw Blog and made a video to help you make one of your own.
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