#dominick carisi reader insert
motherofdogs1010 · 5 months
Laurel Sickness I (Sonny Carisi x Reader)
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Summary: Laurel Sickness was a case of extreme, obsessive love that has been used to describe the new phenomenon that is sweeping the globe with no explanation. Individual are becoming just as mad as Apollo once was when he first set his godly eyes on the virgin nymph, Daphne.
Warnings: 18+ only, dark!fic, toxic behavior, gaslighting, dystopian society, dark!Sonny Carisi, stalking, stalker!Sonny Carisi, the world's messed up in this story, age gap relationship, forced relationship, eventual non-con/dub-con, Stockholm Syndrome
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
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Sometimes, in the late night when she was holding herself up in her dorm, Y/N would lay there in her bed and contemplate what exactly she had done to gain the attention of her friend's uncle.
She remembered meeting Maddie Carisi at freshman orientation, the two girls having been in the same major (nursing to be exact) and having instantly clicked. She had known Maddie for exactly three years before she was invited over to the Carisi Easter Sunday Dinner, her own parents were back in her home state and unfortunately, Y/N couldn't afford to go back home at the time, but now... now, she wishes she had taken up her parents' offer of letting them buy her a ticket to visit them.
She remembers the way the whole family had been welcoming, a loud joking bunch of people who were still in the Sunday bests; Y/N having made sure to dress in a floral, pastel colored dress that was off the shoulder yet she made sure to put a cardigan on top as to not show too much cleavage since Maddie had told her that her grandmother was quite the conservative Catholic. Y/N had been enjoying herself, enjoying the conversation and activities the Carisi family had set up for the kids and cousins to do when she had bumped in Maddie's uncle.
"I'm so sorry", Y/N had said with a apologetic look on her face. "I didn't see you there."
She didn't think of anything when their eyes met, E/C meeting blue and seeing the appearance of his pupils dilate when they met. She didn't think the surge reports on the news could happen to her, how naive she had been.
"It's alright, no harm done", he had said with a tight smile.
"Uncle Sonny!" Maddie had cheerfully said, "you're here!"
"Well, luckily, I was able to take the afternoon off", he said, his accent thick. "I see you brought a friend along."
He was a handsome man, Y/N could recall; he had his hair gelled back, he had quite a bit of grey in his hair yet it had only added to how attractive she had thought he was. He was much older than them, Y/N figured he was in his late thirties or early forties and he seemed to be accompanied by a blonde haired woman who always looked like she was permanently scowling.
"Oh! This is Y/N!" Maddie said, introducing her. "Remember, I told you my friend and I both wanted to get our Masters to become NPs? This is her."
"Ah, Maddie talks a lot about you", he said, "big plans you two have, huh?"
Big plans, that's what she had. So many big plans and dreams before Sonny Carisi crossed paths with her...
"My Uncle rarely comes nowadays", Maddie had told her later. "He's the new ADA in Manhattan for the sex crimes unit."
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Amanda had been mad as of late, a cunt if Sonny was being honest because of his lack of wanting to have sex with her anymore. But how could Sonny betray his little doll face like that? How could he forsake the instant connection he had felt by having sex with another woman?
The minute their eyes had met at his family's get-together, he knew it was instantaneous, they were meant to be. Sonny didn't exactly understand at first the thoughts that were in his mind about the younger woman, the intense and sexual dreams about her until he was watching the news.
The dreams he had were not always sexual, no, sometimes he saw his life with her; her cooking at the stove with five or six little Carisis ran around their legs, she would laugh as they pestered her before she'd look back at him with a grin.
"Dominick, you're home", she'd said as the bundle of children ran towards him.
Another case of that new phenomenon, Laurel Sickness was in the news; a woman arrested after killing the boyfriend of the woman she had grown to become enamored with. Laurel Sickness was something that some were saying was global hysteria, people falling in love with a uninterested third party, chasing down their loves until they were able to obtain them.
"Our eyes met and I knew we were meant to be!" the afflicted woman sobbed as she was arrested. "She showed me our future together!"
Sonny's eyes had widen as he could hear Amanda calling him from the other room.
Damn all the time he had put into the relationship with Amanda, the arguments they had over making their relationship public or how attached her daughters were to him.
Sonny looked at the photo Maddie had posted to her instagram, a photo of her and... Y/N, oh, how did just thinking her name make his stomach clench and heat spread through him. The two girls were outside at a coffee shop, it was obvious they had been studying by the notebooks and textbooks, even their laptops around them on the table.
Y/N had her hair pulled away from her face, a happy but tired smile on her face.
"Sonny, we really need to talk about this", Amanda nagged from the other room.
Yeah, they were going to talk.
He just knew it was one that Amanda wasn't going to be happy about.
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the-wandering-wonder · 5 months
No Further Questions
Just a fun, angsty oneshot I threw together due to my current Raul Esparza obsession. Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader
Word Count: 1,211
Rating: T (angst, swearing)
Chapter: 1/1
Summary: You get called as a witness for the defense, and Rafael has to cross-examine you. And we all know how ruthless he can be, even to the SVU detectives. Hurt feelings and anger come out, and you don't quite know how to handle it.
“No further questions.”
Rafael Barba’s words echo in your ears as you step out of the witness box. You can’t bring yourself to look at him as you walk past the table, anger and humiliation flooding through you. You walk out of the courtroom, Carisi right on your heels. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Carisi calls, trying to keep up with your brisk pace. “That was rough…”
“You're telling me.” 
“I mean, I get that he had to do his job, but damn.”
You stop before reaching the elevator, Carisi nearly stumbling into you. You turn, pinching the bridge of your nose as you let out a sigh.
“I-” You shake your head. “Look, I’m just gonna get back to the station. I’ve got paperwork to finish.”
Carisi looks like he wants to say something, but just gives you a sad nod instead, watching as you get in the elevator. As the doors shut and you’re left alone, you feel your lungs tighten and you take in gulps of air that burn your chest. Your eyes begin to burn and you feel tears threatening to fall.
“Dammit!” You slam your fist against the elevator wall. You’d never cried in the courthouse before and you were not about to start now.
You knock back the shot of whiskey, feeling the burn in your throat and grateful to feel something besides the aching knot in your stomach. You’d left the squad at their table, preferring solitude at the bar. You fight back a tremble as you push your glass towards the edge of the bar.
“Another for the lady.”
Barba’s annoyingly smooth voice floats over the noise of the bar and you turn to see the A.D.A. sliding into the chair next to you. You feel your heart racing as memories of the day flood through you. The green of his eyes are almost swallowed in the dim light of the bar and you can’t help but remember the fire that had been in them as he ripped you apart on the witness stand. Or had that been hurt…?
“Look, about today-”
“Today?” You interrupt Barba, turning to glare at him. “Today fucking sucked.”
“I’ve got nothing more to say, counselor.”
You spit out the title, taking notice of the pinched look in his eyes at your vitriol. You’d begun to trust Barba, but maybe that had been a mistake. You zip up your jacket, shoving your hands in your pockets as you push away from the bar. Swinging by the table, you give the squad a nod.
“I’m gonna call it a night,” you say quickly. “I’ll see you guys in the morning.”
Barba turns to watch you stride out of the bar. Tossing back his drink, he moves to follow you, stopping when Carisi moves to block him.
“Hey, man,” he says, his hand resting on Barba's chest. “I don't think you-”
He glances over Barba's shoulder, letting his words die as he sees Olivia shake her head softly. He steps aside, letting Barba follow you out into the brisk city air.
“Detective, wait!” He calls, frowning as he watches you walking away.
You ignore him as you continue down the sidewalk, and you hear the scrape of shoes on pavement as he follows behind. You stop short as he calls you by name, his voice cracking. You stop, pausing for just a moment before turning to face Barba.
“I’m sorry about today,” he says briskly, placing his hand on your arm.
You jerk your arm away, not missing the hurt that flashes across Barba's face as his jaw tenses. You sigh, feeling your chest tighten as the corners of your eyes begin to burn. You open and close your mouth, unable to form words that won’t end with you crying in front of him.
“You have to know that I didn’t enjoy that,” he continues, “it’s just…it’s my job.”
“I know what your job is,” you reply. Your voice begins to shake and each swallow feels like broken glass lodging in your throat. You let out a shaky sigh before continuing, “and I know why you did it. But it fucking hurt me. It blindsided me.”
“If I could have given you a heads up, I would have.” Barba lowers his head. “But I couldn’t risk accusations of tampering.”
“I know,” you nod your head slightly. “I’m just gonna go home, watch the game, and try to pretend today never happened. Good night, counselor.”
You nurse your glass of wine, wrapped in your blanket as you watch the highlights from the game. Your team won, but you don’t feel your usual joy, instead sinking into the comforting embrace of numbness. You’re contemplating a second glass when there’s a soft knock at the door. You groan slightly as you disentangle yourself from the fabric and shuffle to the door.
You glance through the peephole, feeling a pang of surprise and irritation as you see Barba standing at your door, an almost shameful look on his face and a pizza box in his hand. You open the door, leaning against the doorframe as you look at him. He shifts his weight from one foot to another as he holds the pizza out towards you.
“I-uh, well, I know you like pizza when you watch a game,” he offers, his eyebrows knit as he searches your face for any sign of reaction.
“Game finished 30 minutes ago.”
Barba’s face falls at your words and despite wanting to hurt him earlier, it makes your heart ache slightly. You feel your anger and resolve slowly crumbling as you take in the man standing at your doorstep. He's in his usual fancy suit with a rich, brown overcoat, but his usual cocksure expression is long gone, replaced with a placating gaze and frown etched into his features. 
“I was about to put on a movie,” you continue, pushing off the door frame and walking back inside. “Wine or whiskey?”
“Whatever you have open,” Barba says quietly, taking a tentative step into your apartment.
“Wine it is, then.”
You grab a second glass, nodding at the door as you pour. He takes your meaning and closes it behind him, setting the pizza box on the counter once he reaches the kitchen. He sheds both overcoat and suit jacket, laying them on an empty chair. You hand him the glass and walk back over to the couch, settling into the comfort of the cushions and blanket. Barba stands by the counter, his gaze shifting from you to his glass and back again before he approaches the couch. Your name tumbles out of his lips with a sigh, his gaze filled with a plea for forgiveness.
Glancing up at Barba, you lift the blanket, scooting over to make room for the A.D.A. His eyes widen slightly and you see his posture soften ever-so-slightly before he lowers onto the couch, tentatively settling beside you.
“Today sucked, Raf.”
“I know.”
His arm slides around your shoulder and you instinctively curl into his side, his warmth radiating through your body as you feel his body sighing in relief, relaxing against you.
“It still hurts.”
Barba presses a gentle kiss against the top of your head before resting his chin there.
“I know…”
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thatlittlered · 6 years
Autumn Brings Change | Part One
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Sonny's hand reaches for his cellphone, silently cursing at the never-ending line of messages coming from his sister.
16:23 Twenty minutes and counting... Maybe we should order dinner instead?!
16:24 Jesus Christ Sonny, answer your phone!
16:26 You make me regret arranging this in the first place! 
16:30 10 more minutes and we're out of here...
His eyebrows furrow at the plural Gina uses but he doesn't pay too much attention and his eyes focus on the road instead. 
There's a lot of traffic, impossibly so, and he can't help but think this is all some well-planned scheme to ruin his evening. His phone rings again but he doesn't answer, instead, he types a quick response and lets it fall back on the passenger's seat. 
 Be there in 5.
The moment the car comes to a halt, he's grabbing his coat and hurrying outside like his freaking life depends on it. Maybe it does, Gina's waiting in there and she sure doesn't like being stood up.
His good shoes squeak while he runs to find the place. Autumn came around and brought the rain - puddles forming everywhere in New York. Sonny doesn't like it much.
Maybe it's because the seasons changing doesn't alter much within his life. All remains the same. Stressful, dull.
Another glance at his phone and he's here. The City Place.
It's a big place for sure, but he's not that fond of how many windows there are. Too much view of the crowds outside and all there is to be seen is anxious people running back and forth. It's too real.
The people of New York seem not to agree with him though considering the restaurant's full and she barely catches his eye where she's seated uncomfortably in the narrow corner.
Signature blonde hair and a towering height are the first things he notices but it's not long before their gazes meet and he can see those Carisi blues glaring at him. That's not good.
“How nice of you to join us!” her voice is sharp, almost venomous but he knows that's just Gina being mad.
“It ain't my fault, you know that. Got lost in paperwork again. And please don't talk so loudly, I haven't slept in two days.”
“Yeah, well, god forbid we ever find ourselves in some life emergency. We'll all be dead for two days before ya even bother to show up.”
Sonny scoffs while making work of his coat and takes a seat across his sister, failing to register the velvety coat that's lounging in the seat next to him. Or the huge sunglasses left on the table.
“You always have your fun with being overdramatic.”
“Whatever, Sonn, we can save the fight for when we're alone.”
An awkward cough follows and Sonny's confused because Gina's smiling at you behind him. 
“Hi.” his head whips around and you're just standing there, smiling. 
It's a bashful smile but it shows your teeth and good god, he hasn't seen that smile in a while. A long while.
He mutters a ‘hello’ or at least so he thinks, but in reality, no words escape his mouth and he's just gaping. At you, at your beautiful dress, at everything that's changed since the last time he saw you.
“Earth to Sonny!” Gina's voice calls him from behind and you swear you see his cheeks flush in embarrassment. 
“Right, sorry. I just-I didn't expect to see ya here.” his arms make quick work of hugging you -maybe a little too tight- but you're not one to mind it. It's actually nice after so many years.
“It's okay, I get it. I thought about calling you but Gina said it should be a surprise.”
You return to your seat and he follows soon after with the sheepiest of steps. He doesn't know why but this feels outlandish.
“It was.” he breathes out of laugh and watches as your smile grows. There is light in your eyes that he almost forgot about - but he didn't.
“Good surprise or bad surprise?”
“Definitely good.” you laugh and for a minute he's lost in the moment but the waiter that hovers above you is enough to snap him out of his daze.
A/N: Oops, I’m in love with Sonny Carisi. Please tell me you want a part two!
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misguidedswagger · 2 years
MisguidedSwagger’s Masterlist
Here is a masterlist of everything I’ve written! Most of this is moved over from my ao3/wattpad account of the same name!! 
Anything in red text is smut/spicy
Anything in pink text is fluff/comfort 
Anything in orange text is angst
Anything in green text is going to be teetering on the lines of, or will be very grim dark (adjacent to dead dove, if not already at the criteria)
Anything in italics is a WIP
Feel free to request anything or anyone, whether they’re on the list or not! The absolute worst I can do is say no❤️
Call of Duty Black Ops III
Crew HC’s 
Comforting You When Sad
Tank Dempsey
 Meeting Tank 
Nikolai Belinski
Takeo Masaki 
Edward Richtofen 
All Around Us 
Dear Evan Hansen
Connor Murphy
And There You Were
Boyfriend Headcannons
How You Met Headcannons
First Time Headcannons
Detroit Become Human
So Many Maybes, Yet No Answers~
How To Love
Porn Star Martini
Yours Truly, RK800 (Connor X Reader)
Captain Allen   
Hazbin Hotel
Law and Order: SVU
Dominick “Sonny” Carisi
Mike Faist
Safe Haven#
My Girl.#*
My Hero Academia
Shota Aizawa
Words Unsaid
Eijiro Kirishima
Katsuki Bakugo
Izuku Midoriya
Keigo Takami
Kai Chisaki
Mr. Compress
Tomura Shigaraki
Mirio Togata
Jack Kelly
Proud and Defiant 
Proud and Defiant p2
Davey Jacobs
Racetrack Higgins
Spot Conlon and Jojo de la Guerra backstories 
Panic (Amazon Prime Video)
Dodge Mason
Don’t Even Think About It
Try Me
Ryan Ross
Trust Masterlist 
West Side Story
Now, Sit Still
Strawberry Milkshake
It All Ends Where It Begins~
Baby Riff
Anthony Padilla
Ian Hecox
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littleoddwriter · 3 years
Hi can you do a headcanon for male reader and ADA Carisi, where the reader is the newest detective and he's shy and Carisi is flirting and teasing him?
ADA Dominick "Sonny" Carisi, Jr. x Male!Reader | Headcanons
Hiya there! Thanks so much for the request, I really hope you like these headcanons. :)
notes; Male!Reader; Shy!Reader; Reader is a Detective with the SVU; Flirting; Teasing; Blushing.
Reblogs > Likes. Thank you!
As soon as he gets to really talk to you for the first time, he feels an instant connection to you; and he just wants to be your friend, but hopefully more than that, too.
And as Sonny is known to do, he often brings you (extra) pastries when he comes down to the station, because there's no better way to somebody's heart than through their stomach.
He also stands closest to you at all times; and he even catches you shyly glancing at him every now and again, while he's so close to you, such as the light pink tint of your cheeks when you avert your gaze again.
That's what mostly gives him the idea that he might actually have a chance with you, which is why he then starts to get bolder as some time has started to pass and you two have gotten to the casual-friends-and-not-just-colleagues-stage already.
You're alone with him, in his office, working your current case when he sits a little closer to you than necessary; your knees and thighs are touching and your arms are brushing against one another whenever you turn over a page, open a book or file, or just move at all.
At some point, you're both frustrated by the seemingly endless dead-ends you hit with this particular case; and so he comments that you should probably take a break, "before your brilliant, pretty little head is gonna explode", which catches you completely off-guard.
You start to blush violently, laughing it off shyly, since you have no idea how else to react; especially when your brain has stopped working entirely in that moment, you're just rendered speechless by his compliment.
Sonny enjoys your reaction so much to his little comment that he starts to sprinkle such compliments in whenever he's talking to you (when only you can hear them, though, of course); it's incredibly intoxicating to make you blush like that and hear your shy little laugh in response.
Eventually, he feels like he's teased you long enough and actually asks you out to dinner at his place so he can cook for you; and unsurprisingly you say "yes" (but not without stumbling over your words for a bit, before mumbling out your final answer in shame).
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Blue Eyed Stallion
Welcome to the Sonnyside! This for written for my dear @beccabarba​ who requested this:
< Would you write something with Sonny x Reader for me, lovely? Waking up with him the morning after the first time you were intimate together. Both have a day off so no rushing to work! Idk if it should be fluff or smut or what, but I love the idea of waking up and looking into those blue eyes! 😊 >
Hope you enjoy this lovely and it hits the right spot, I know we are both crushing a bit at the moment x
Warnings: Fluff and Smut
WC: 1305
Enjoy x
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Being an SUV Detective never gave you much time for a personal life. Between cases, over time and the odd weekend off catching up with family, there wasn’t much else going on. Sonny had always been such a sweet person. He was your partner and someone you trusted your life with. You would often catch him looking over at you from the across your desk, his cheeks would turn bright red and you would smile to yourself at how cute he was. He was always the gentleman that would open your car door, give you his jacket if you were cold, made sure you got home safe if you guys had a night out or a drink with Barba and would pay for your lunch or coffee.
It had taken him a while to warm up to asking you out, he wasn’t sure if you felt the same, but when he asked you out, you all but jumping on him wrapping your arms around his neck kissing him all over his cheeks, he had his answer. When you opened your front door to Sonny in your white and black dot flowy mini skirt, white frilled sleeve top tucked in, strappy low block heels and your hair in lose wavy curls, he kicked himself for not having made a move sooner,
“Y/N do you always dress like this for a date or am I lucky” you saw his eyes wondering up and down your legs.
“I could say the same to you” you winked over at him taking him all in, in a white button down and black jeans. His buttons undone showing off his neck and being able to see the top of his under shirt. Sonny took you to a restaurant that made all their own pasta and pasta sauce in house. Then taking you to a small corner eat-in bakery near his apartment because he knew you loved their cannoli’s so much every time he brought them in.
“I had a really good night with you Sonny” you melted into him as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I had a great night with you. Do you want me to take you home?” Sonny lent down kissing you lightly on the lips, your hands on his chest.
“Do you want to take me home?” you looked up at him up through your eye lashes.
“To my home yeah” Sonny smiled, the crinkles coming beside his eyes.
The sun was leaking through the closed curtains and you could hear birds singing through the closed windows. You opened your eyes slowly so you could adjust them to the dim light of the room. You were laying on your back one arm bent above your head your other down beside you. You could see the trail of discarded cloths from the door to the side of the bed, you looked down at your chest, still in Sonny’s under shirt you slipped on before you fell asleep wrapped in his arms.  
You smiled to yourself rolling over to see Sonny fast asleep facing you, his hands under his cheek as if he was praying. He looked so handsome, almost angelic. Your eyes scanned his face, your tummy filling with butterflies, wondering how you got so lucky for Sonny to have finally ask you out and waking up in his bed next to him after the best first date you had ever had and some of the best sex to date. As your mind drifted back to the night before you smirked to yourself thinking about how he flipped you on all fours tugging your hair back slightly wondering where your good little catholic boy partner had disappeared to. Not that you were complaining, that side of Sonny excited you. Just then Sonny started to stir his eyes fluttering opened a few times before his crystal blues locked with yours, a massive smile coming to his face,
“So it wasn’t a dream- morning babe” He said gruffly still waking up.
Sonny shifted himself towards you, reaching down under the sheets to grab your right leg pulling it up over his hip, pushing his other arm between your neck and the pillow pulling you in closer.
“Morning babe” You lent over and kissed him on the lips. You had your right arm resting on his waist and your other resting on his neck between it and the pillow.
“Spend the day with me” Sonny kissed your nose “We can go for breakfast” he kissed your cheek “Go for a walk in central park” he kissed the other cheek “Have dinner- then I’ll take you home for dessert” Sonny raised his eyes brows at you with a smirk, running his hand from your knee stopping as his hand reached your naked ass cheek giving it a light squeeze. You nodded back at Sonny with a smile as he thrusted his hips running his hard cock along the edge of your core covering your body in goose bumps moaning. Sonny rolled back on his back slightly reaching into the half opened draw for a condom. He ripped the packet open reaching down between you both rolling it on. Sonny adjusted his hips so he could thrust upwards, sliding into you inch by inch. Your head dropped forward and you bit your bottom lip the way he stretched you so deliciously.
“You feel so good Sonny” you cooed.
Sonny lent forward his lips landing on yours for a deep kiss cupping your cheeks, yours resting on his shoulders. Sonny was rolling his hips up and you could feel yourself edging closer and closer, still being worked up from thinking about last night before he woke up. You started to thrust into Sonny your hands starting to squeeze Sonny’s shoulders harder,
“You close babe?” Sonny grunted out. You could only nod when you felt Sonny reach down between you finding your hardened pearl rubbing circles on it with the pad of his thumb,
“Oh Sonny” your head fell forward leaning your forehead on his.
“Your-so beautiful” Sonny kissed you deeply again swallowing down your moans.
With a hard thrust and a roll of your clit and you were squealing into Sonny’s mouth, your whole body on fire your heart beating hard, breaking the kiss as you tried to catch your breath as he rode you out of your high. Sonny feeling you tighten around him as you came was enough to push him over spilling his seed into the condom as Sonny moaned your name.
You dropped your leg down, the muscles stiff, before Sonny got out of bed to go and clean himself up. When he walked back in you were laying on your back still trying to settle your heart, both your hands above your head and his heart skipped a beat just looking at you. He walked over to the bed laying on top of you resting his elbows beside your head. You wrapped your arms around his back bringing them up through his underarms, rubbing both hands over his shoulder blades.
Sonny kissed along your jaw from one ear to the other, then up one cheek and kissed you lightly on the lips,
“How did I get so lucky?” Sonny kissed your nose again.
“How did I get so lucky?” you copied him, your hands running down to the small of his back.
“I’ am sorry it took me so long” Sonny sighed
“It’s ok, you just have a lot of time to make up for” you winked up at him, he chuckled back at you.
“That won’t be a problem” he smirked at you “I have liked you a lot Y/N, for a long time”
You reached up pecking him on the lips.
“I like you a lot too Sonny, I always have”
 Tags: @detective-giggles​ love you for starting my Sonny crash.
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svubabes · 4 years
Voices - Rafael Barba
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader
Summary: Barba realizes maybe getting under someone isn’t the way to get over someone else.
TAG LIST: https://onelovesr.tumblr.com/
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Everyone says heartache takes months, even years to get over, sometimes never. Some say to get over someone you have to get under someone else.
It had been two months since you and Rafael had called it quits, it was gut wrenching to throw away almost three years of a relationship, but it had to be done. Deep down, you knew when you both took your anger out on each other, spent more time wrapped up in a blanket than in each others arms, the quiet breakfast together and the blank stares at the office weren't personal. When you and Raf broke up, you both admitted what had went wrong and that maybe it was best to lay things to rest for a bit, maybe a few days or weeks or maybe forever.
You knew it was forever when a young, blonde, short skirt and high heels popped into SVU with Rafael. Of course everyman in the unit was drooling over this girl.
“And who is this Barba?” He smirked, and introduced her as Lillian Gomez, his new assistant of course he had to check to make sure you were paying attention to the scene. You just looked straight ahead at your computer, trying your best to focus on the work you had. Something in you just wanted to rip Barba apart, how could he? Three years and now he comes in drooling over his assistant for you to see? How cold is that?
Weeks had passed, you were slowly dying on the inside. Why did his assistant have to be everywhere? You sat in the courtroom ready to get this hearing over with and praying that this perp would be behind bars. Carisi made his way over to you.
“Hey! How are ya?” You looked at him, arms crossed and rolled your eyes.
“Sonny, I’m ready to flip my fuckin’ lid! Why does he have to bring here everywhere? I mean everywhere! I’m surprised when I go to the restroom she’s not fuckin standing there behind me!” You whispered, Sonny laughed.
“I know your hurt,” He put his arm around you, “Have you talked to him? At all?”
“Nope. He hasn’t talked to me.” Sonny rolled his eyes.
“Look you can’t be that way, what are ya in highschool?” You scoffed.
“No! Why would I beg him to talk to me?” Sonny rolled his eyes, once again. You looked up to see a harsh, cold stare from Barba. Once he noticed you he turned to take his seat.
“Did you see that? He just cut through me using his eyes.” Sonny laughed and grabbed your hand.
“Look, you can do one of two things. One, tell Barba how you feel! You guys broke up cause what? Work, stress all that good stuff? Okay, talk to each other like adults. Two, keep watching him with that random lady and probably a lot more random ladies and suffer.” He paused, looking like he was trying to think of something to add. “Oh! You do have a third option, get under someone!” You slapped him lightly, you chuckled but quickly became serious when the judge stepped in. 
The trial finally ended at 6:42PM. Guilty on all charges, 25 to life, no chance of parole. This was a tough case for SVU, and Barba. Fin of course had the idea of going out for drinks at the local bar. You sighed, getting ready to walk away but you were stopped by Sonny.
“Where are you going?” 
“Home.” You smiled, getting ready to turn again.
“No, you are going to come to this bar. You were a big part of why this sick bastard got convicted.” You smiled and blushed.
“Well, you do have a point. I’ll go on one condition. Don’t let me do anything stupid. Like don’t let me get drunk.” Sonny threw a thumbs up.
“I’m your guy! I got your back and you know it!” 
Well, after six shots Sonny should watch no one. He half way lived up to his promise, but you were on your third drink so who knows? You may catch up with him in a bit. You sighed deeply, checking the time on your cell phone, no texts, no calls, go figure. Rollins came over to you as you slowly stirred your drink, occasionally looking up to see Barba and Lillian. Rollins scooted close to you.
“You know, I can baby sit Carisi if you want to bounce.” You turned your head quickly.
“How do y-” She smiled, taking a sip of beer and then cut you off.
“I had to do the same thing you are once, Nick Amaro. I had to watch him drool over his ex wife, wife, baby mama whatever you wanna call her. Sucked the life out of me, it was a real low blow, especially when he knew how I felt. I can understand you not wanting to see that.” You looked back to Barba, his hand on Lillians leg. Amanda was right, you couldn’t take that. You thanked her and paid for your drinks. You darted out of the bar, past Barba and Lillian, slamming the door shut. You sat down on the hard sidewalk and decided you needed a cigarette. You lit up and leaned your head back onto the brick wall. No sooner than you did this, you heard the bar door open. You couldn’t bring yourself to look, you didn't want eye contact with anyone from work now. 
“Really? When did you start smoking again?” You heard Rafael say. You turned your head, blowing the smoke near him.
“When did you start to give a fuck? Mhm. Finally get your hands and mouth free for a minute instead of all over that woman!” You shouted, pissed off, hurt, all of it would be out tonight. You threw the butt on the ground and stomped on it to make sure it was out.
“You know what? I don’t give a shit. Go, go be with her! I can’t even think about another man, but you’re out here able to stick your tongue down the first girls throat! Did you really care? Did you really hurt when we broke up, or was that some kind of act?” Barba walked closer to you, grabbing your hands and holding them tightly.
“I can't listen to her talk without hearing your voice.” He whispered. You felt less tense.
“What?” You asked, hot tears flowing down your cheeks from anger.
“I can’t listen to her without hearing your voice. You’re all I think about, even when I’m with her, I think of you. I want you, I was happy with you. Right now I’m just here. With you I was living.” He grabbed you and embraced you tightly.
“I love you (Y/F/N). I want you back, I want us.” You smiled into his shoulder, trying not to cry on his suit.
“I love you Raf.” He kissed you softly on the lips.
“So, you’re my girlfriend again?” 
“Not that easy, you have to take me to my favorite restaurant, then we’ll talk.” He smirked, grabbing your hand tightly.
“Well what are we waiting for?”
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thranduilsperkybutt · 5 years
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Gif source: ((Unknown))
Imagine the squad finding out that you, Rafael Barba, and Sonny Carisi are in a poly relationship and are living together after someone in the squad suggests they go to your house after they all went out drinking and everyone tries to figure out how long the relationship has been going on. (Male!Reader requested)
---------  Request for anon  ---------
Rafael deposits the keys on the countertop as you lead your small party of remaining detectives into your home with a simple, “Make yourselves at home.”
Carisi takes off his coat before offering to take yours, and in your readiness to settle in, you almost miss the varying degrees of confusion and understanding flashing across your guests’ faces. Those who had decided to join you on this nightcap consisted of Rollins, Olivia, and Fin.
Rollins is the only one already tipsy enough and bold enough to flat out ask, “So, you all live here together?”
Carisi glances towards her, as you suddenly realize that you’d never disclosed that bit of information to the rest of your group, “Uh, yeah, actually.”
Fin and Olivia show a knowing look, before the older detective shoots an amused glance towards you, “Since when?”
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Halloween Headcanons
Rafael Barba
It takes a lot of persuading, but you eventually convince Rafael to go out with you in costume. You dress up as the main couple from the infamous movie Grease. Since his outfit was so simple- Just a leather jacket, jeans, and tennis shoes- he agreed to do it. And oh is he so thankful that he did. With you in the tight leather outfit showing off every curve on your body, the whole night it made him want to rip it off of you. The squad coos at how adorable you two are though while also congratulating you on your achievement at getting Rafael to do something fun for once. 
Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr.
He was more than happy to dress up with you. Sonny being the big goof ball he is, he had to choose the goofiest thing possible. Mermaid-Man and Barnacle Boy from SpongeBob SquarePants. Although he smeared his starfish make-up half way through the night eating candy, the two of you got tons of compliments on your costumes. Noah probably liked your costumes the most though, even having Olivia take pictures of Sonny and you with him. You knew this would be a Halloween the two of you wouldn’t forget, if Sonny ever got another Halloween off.
Mike Dodds
Mike is a simple man, but he also likes to make a good impression when possible. Where better to make an impression than at a Halloween party? Not wanting to be too over the top, you both came to the decision of being Jesse and Woody from Toy Story. Mike blushed through the whole night, but knowing he made you happy by being in costume made him happy. Fin even made a crack at the two of you by putting on line dancing music- which he was very not good at, but neither were you. Overall, Mike really did have a good night. And it even showed when you had to drive the two of you home while he passed out on the way.
Costumes: Rafael Barba Dominick “Sonny” Carisi Jr. Mike Dodds
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my best friend bugged me to write this for months, and i finally got around to it lol
Pairing: Sonny Carisi x reader
Word Count: 1162
Warnings: mention of pregnancy, none other than that
Oh good Lord, not again.
That was all you could think to yourself as you woke up for – gosh, what was it? – the third night in a row? Maybe the fourth? Fingers roaming over your extended, impregnated belly, you could think of only one thing that would put you to sleep.
You desperately wanted some spaghetti. It didn’t even matter what kind. You would take it out of a can, leftovers from last year – anything would do as long as it had noodles and tomato sauce. Here you were, lying next to a real Italian, the only person who could make you real deal spaghetti at three in the freaking morning, the one person in the world you’d feel awful about waking up.
Sonny Carisi – next to being your husband, the love of your life, the father of your children – was the best spaghetti-maker on the planet. But you would’ve felt terrible about waking him up. He hadn’t been sleeping as well since you got pregnant – a kind of sympathy pain, you supposed – and tonight was one of the only nights he had managed to get to sleep and stay that way. There was only one option: you’d have to make it yourself.
You managed to roll out of the bed and disentangle yourself without waking him, so you nudged your toes into your slippers and made your way out of the bedroom, carefully shutting the door behind you. Did you even have the ingredients for spaghetti? You wondered to yourself. Oh well, you guessed you were about to find out. It took you much longer than you would’ve anticipated to reach the kitchen; you kept forgetting that the extra weight slowed you down. You thought about what kind of sight you must have been, reaching up into the cabinets to look for noodles. You thought maybe you had found some when…oh God, no. Not this. Anything but this. You retracted your previous thought that anything would do.
You had found Ramen noodles and a can of Ragu that someone else left here a couple of months ago. It seemed that your and Sonny’s weekly grocery store trips had been neglected over the past weeks, and this was what you were down to. Now that you thought about it, you did seem to remember him saying something about taking you to the farmer’s market on Saturday. But you had thought it would just be an outing, not a result of the post-apocalyptic state of your cupboards. You sighed, resigned to not being disappointed until you tasted what was bound to be a disgusting amalgamation as you cut open the package of Ramen, setting it in the water and turning the burner up.
The water had been boiling for a few minutes now, so you retrieved a fork from a nearby drawer to test one of the noodles. They seemed to be done. You drained them as best you could, using the lid as a makeshift colander while you poured the water out, a noodle or two escaping. You opened the can of Ragu, wearily and anticipating how awful this would be, and poured a portion of the sauce into your pot. You twirled the fork in the noodles, doing your best to remain impartial, and lifted it to your mouth.
Oh, God. Please Lord no.
It was almost worse than you could’ve imagined, but that didn’t stop you. You lifted another bite to your mouth, and tears began to descend down your cheeks in a torrent of disappointment. All you had wanted was some freaking spaghetti, and this? This was a woeful excuse for raccoon food.
“Baby? What are you doing?” You turned your head, sniffling and unable to stop crying as you heard Sonny’s voice. “What happened?! Are you okay? Is the baby okay? Doll, please say something.” All you could do was cry harder. He took the pot of “pasta” from your hands and kneeled in front you, clasping your hands in his.
“Everything’s fine,” you said in your wet, broken voice. “We’re both okay.” You rubbed your stomach absentmindedly while you attempted to stop crying.
“Then, sweetheart, what’s going on? It’s three-thirty in the morning. And uh,” he paused, finally peering into your cooking pot, “what is this?” You withdrew your hands from his to wipe your face, but his question only made things worse, and you truly couldn’t stop crying.
“I just wanted some spaghetti,” you sniffled, “but all I could find was this stupid Ramen and that nasty can of pasta sauce, so I tried to make some spaghetti, but I couldn’t and now this is all just really stupid and I don’t know what I’m gonna do and I’m really craving some not ghetto, decent spaghetti,” you sputtered through tears and sniffs. He rose from the floor and sat in the chair across from you, pulling you into his lap and rubbing your back in an effort to soothe you.
“Shh, it’s not stupid,” he said, his voice low and gentle. “But we cannot tell my ma this happened in an apartment I live in. She’ll confiscate my Italian card.” You giggled despite yourself. “See, it’s okay. You’re okay. Why didn’t you just wake me up?” Your crying had dissipated to sniffling by the time he asked.
“You’ve been having trouble staying asleep, Dom. Didn’t wanna make matters worse,” you mumbled. He tsked at you.
“Don’t ever worry about waking me up, doll. I can handle it. What I can’t handle is waking up to find my pregnant wife not in our bed, crying uncontrollably in the kitchen over some terrible pasta she attempted to make.” You chuckled again and wiped your eyes.
“‘M sorry.” He shook his head and kissed your forehead.
“Nothing to be sorry for. Would it make you feel better if I made you some real spaghetti first thing in the morning?” You blushed a little, but nodded into his chest where he was still holding you.
“Yes, please.” Now it was his turn to chuckle.
“All righ’. Now, what do you say we head back to bed and get some sleep, hm?” You nodded again and stood up.
“That sounds great, Sonny.” He stood up, too, and stayed with you the whole way to the bedroom, even turning off the kitchen light in addition to slowing his pace so you could keep up with him. He pulled the comforter and sheet over you before sliding under them himself on his side of the bed, his lamp going off soon after. You heard him laughing quietly, though, and made a face into the dark. “What’s so funny, babe?”
“What would you do without me?” He wondered aloud. You kicked him lightly and cackled at his feigned injury.
“I guess I’d run around squalling about bad pasta.” You both laughed, but you tucked yourself into him and fell back asleep much more quickly than you had been able to in days.
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Imagine Stories:
Meeting Rafael Barba: Part 1
Meeting Rafael Barba: Part 2
Meeting Rafael Barba: Part 3
Meeting Rafael Barba: Part 4
Meeting Rafael Barba: Part 5
Meeting Rafael Barba; Part 6 - NSFW
Meeting Rafael Barbe: Part 7
Meeting Rafael Barba: Part 8
Rafael Barba Imagines:
Meeting Rafael for the first time
Rafael Being Jealous
Rafael Being A Widower With A Young Daughter
Rafael Helping You Through A Panic Attack
Kissing A Stranger At Midnight
Sugar Daddy - NSFW
Rafael Helping You To Testify After Being Attacked
Sonny Carisi Imagines:
Having a Miscarriage
The Look on Sonny’s Face when a Rookie Tries Flirting with You
Sonny Comforting You After Being Attacked
Sonny Protecting You
Sonny Comforting You After Surgery -  NSFW kinda
Telling Sonny You Love Him For The First Time
Kissing A Stranger At Midnight
Sonny As Your Secret Santa
Nick Amaro Imagines:
Nick having a hard and coming home to find you making dinner and singing
Being Nicks Girlfriend And Finding Out About Carissa
Kissing A Stranger At Midnight - NSFW
Nick Finding Out About Your Childhood
Elliot Stabler Imagines:
Elliot Gently Making Love To You - NSFW
Kissing A Stranger At Midnight - NSFW
Mike Dodds Imagines:
Kissing A Stranger At Midnight
Olivia Benson:
Kissing A Stranger At Midnight
Alex Cabot:
Kissing A Stranger At Midnight
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the-wandering-wonder · 5 months
Watch Party
It's hockey season, so of course I've been watching my team as much as possible (go, Avs!). And since I think Sonny would be a fun friend to watch hockey with, this little oneshot was born. But because Barba is...well, Barba, I gotta involve him. Enjoy!
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader
Word Count: 961
Rating: T (swearing)
Chapter: 1/1
Summary: You invite Barba to join you and Carisi for a hockey game watch party. That just so happens to be at your place. And has absolutely nothing to do with your slight crush on the A.D.A.
“See ya tonight?” You give Carisi a playful nudge.
“Wouldn't miss it,” he replies with a grin, “need me to bring anything?”
“Nope, I got drinks and the pizzas are pre-ordered.”
You notice Barba's green eyes filled with confusion and curiosity as you turn to face him fully.
“Rangers are in the playoffs tonight,” you begin. 
“That's a hockey team,” Carisi chides and you hold back a chuckle as Barba rolls his eyes.
“I do know that much, detective.”
“Sonny's TV is on the blink, so we're doing the watch party at my place. You should come.” You pause and do your best to put a serious look on your face. “Strict dress code though. Jerseys only.”
“I got an extra jersey for ya, counselor,” Carisi offers with a lopsided smirk, giving the A.D.A. a smack on the back. 
You see Barba's jaw tense ever so slightly and you place a hand on his arm, feeling a slight pang of guilt at the frown that flickers across Barba's face. You'd never known him to take an interest in sports before, but you feel the urge to include him regardless. Not that you'd ever admit it, but the thought of him coming over to your apartment gives you a slight case of butterflies.
“I'd love it if you came by,” you say softly, ignoring the cheeky smirk still on Carisi’s face. “I have pizza, beer, and whiskey.”
“Well, if there's whiskey…” Barba pretends to think for a moment before shrugging. “I'm in.”
“Aw, what the hell was that?” Carisi gestures wildly at the television as you spew profanities of your own.
You find yourself nestled between Barba, whose arm is lazily draped along the back of the couch, and Carisi, who alternates between leaning forward and leaning back against you. Plates are scattered on your coffee table, remnants of thin-crust pizza here and there. 
You knock back the last of your beer, getting to your feet as intermission begins. “More beer, Sonny?”
Carisi nods and raises his empty bottle in a mock salute. You glance at Barba, who leans forward and swirls his half-full glass of whiskey, looking out of place in a hockey jersey in lieu of his suit jacket. You chuckle quietly as you hear Carisi begin to ramble, throwing out stats and numbers that clearly mean nothing to Barba. You can't help but smile at the fact that he'd come over, letting yourself believe that he'd come just for you. After all, a little daydreaming never hurt anyone…right?
“Oh, now that's just bullshit,” you interrupt Carisi as he tries to convince Barba that his favourite player is superior.
You grab two beers and move back to the couch, Barba sitting back again as you and Carisi go back and forth, spouting names and phrases that the A.D.A. barely recognizes. Unbeknownst to you, Barba keeps his gaze focused on you, eyes twinkling with something akin to admiration. Once the 3rd period resumes, the argument between you and Carisi stills and you lean back again, nudging Barba with your hip and shooting him a smile, one he returns without a second thought.
You watch the clock ticking down as the 3rd period comes to an end, the score still tied. Your eyes follow the action as the puck is batted around, a sea of blue jerseys around the opposing net as the clock starts the final 10 second countdown. You feel your breathing stop for a split second as the puck slides past the scrambling goalie before the sound of the goal horn blares through the television. You and Carisi let out a yell as you both leap to your feet, his arms wrapping around you to swing you around.
When your feet hit the floor, you turn to see Barba getting to his feet, caught up in the celebration. You could swear you feel Carisi nudge you towards the A.D.A. and you leap into Barba, throwing your arms around his neck as his hands instinctively find your waist. A grin spreads across your face and you find yourself looking into his flashing green eyes, the spark you find there sending a tingle through your spine. Hearing the buzzer sound the end of the period, as well as the game, you're flooded with excitement again and you lean forward, your lips pressing against Barba's before you can catch yourself. His lips are soft, tasting slightly of whiskey as they mold to yours, warmth coursing through your body. A whoop from Carisi shocks you both back to reality and you pull apart, gazes meeting as your heart races.
“I think I'm beginning to like hockey,” Barba murmurs, low enough that only you can hear and you feel a blush creeping up your neck.
You try to mumble a response but Carisi whoops again and you pull away from Barba, suddenly self-conscious at your close proximity to the A.D.A. You turn and grin at your partner before being pulled into another bear hug, letting out a cheer to rival Carisi’s.
“What a game, eh, counselor?” Carisi grins at Barba, who merely smirks and nods in response.
Moments later, the three of you settle back onto the couch, you and Carisi watching intently as the post-game interviews begin, red faced players grinning into the camera as they announce their plans for the next round. After a minute, you glance over at Barba and find his gaze trained on you, a soft smile tugging at the curve of his lips. Warmth starts to spread through your body again as you focus back on the television, chewing on your bottom lip as you feel Barba’s eyes still on you.
What a fucking night this turned out to be…
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mrs0188-writes-blog · 6 years
Lessons in Grey-Sloan Memorial
Thanks as always to @moresvuheadcannons for editing for me/being there to hear all my ideas! Sidenote: my health really sucks lately and I need ALL this fluffy/comfort related, so I may continue these stories as part of the series; I don’t know yet…
You were one spoiled lady and you knew it. Following your appendectomy your mother cooked enough food for you to feed a small army, and Sonny had snagged a few days off of work in order to keep you off your feet. So, now the two of you laid in bed, and you were teaching him the finer intricacies of Grey’s Anatomy.
“Ok so… Sloan used to be with Torres, but now Torres is with Robbins- even though she’s having Sloane’s baby?” He quizzed himself.
“Bingo!” You replied, hissing as Otter nudged your incision.
“Easy. Be sweet.” Sonny chastised lightly as he herded her toward his side of the bed. “Told you having her up here wasn’t a good idea.”
“I’m fine. Just a little sore.” Sonny shook your pain medicine bottle at you in reply. “I’m fine thank you. It’s nothing a little rest can’t fix.” You maintained.
“Betsy Torres. If anyone loves and defends your can do attitude, it’s me. But Bets, c’mon… your appendix almost burst. That’s a big friggin’ deal. And I know you’re in pain… And it’s ok to be in pain.” He held out an outstretched palm with your medicine in it. “Just so you can rest comfortably…” he offered.
“Alright.” You conceited, taking the pill. Sonny immediately jumped back into Grey’s mode.
“McDreamy. That’s the one you like?”
“That’s the one everyone likes babe.” You clarified, with a grandiose sweep of your arm.
An hour later you were drifting in and out on Sonny’s shoulder. “Babe?” You asked.
“Thank you for loving me all weak like this.”
“Of course! Also you just had surgery; you’re doing incredible if you ask me.”
“Later in Grey’s, Meredith calls McDreamy the sun. YOU are the sun in my life… and not just from a pun… you keep everything upheld, and centered, and you make me feel all warm inside. My sonny, I love you… owwwww.”
“Love you too sweetness.” Sonny kissed the side of your head, carefully bringing you in closer to him. “Let’s get you feelin’ better.”
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thatlittlered · 6 years
Autumn Brings Change | Part Two
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Previously on ‘Autumn Brings Change’.
The next couple hours are spent chatting - endless, pointless rambling on each of your parts. Gina especially can't seem to shut her mouth but Sonny's attention is all on you and the way your face moves every time you swallow another bite of your pecan pie.
The ice cream on top has your mouth watering and he smiles at that.
His sister keeps talking as if she's making up for lost time, saying things that you already know considering you never lost touch with her. She speaks of the newest additions to his close-tied family and all that's happened in the last five years. 
Five whole years. Has it really been that long?
It doesn't feel like it, certainly. Not with you sitting across him and devouring pie like it's still the summer of 2012 and you're lounging in the back of the Carisi garden. 
“You shaved off the moustache.” 
“Yeah, I did." he nods and a smile is plastered on his face when he addresses you, "Figured it was time for a change.”
“I like it.” yours is a sweet smile, almost a grin. You're watching him closely, yet you find no shame in that.
There are greying bits at his temples, but he still looks the same. It’s both strange and comforting - like nothing has changed.
You're lost in each other for the longest time and Gina knows that. Her smile is knowing and the way she clears her voice makes you flush.
”So, thoughts on New York? It’s quite a change from Staten Island.”
Gina’s question catches you halfway through a bite of your pie and you can only guess how weird you look with your mouth full and your eyes wide at the sudden change of subject. Not exactly ladylike, if you’re being honest.
“It’s nice, I guess. Kinda scary though, I’m still getting used to the traffic.”
Sonny huffs, “Good luck with that.”
Gina’s quick to slap his arm, “Sonny! You can’t disparage your own city. Besides, traffic’s not all there is to New York. All these people, the fun you can have. We still haven’t introduced you to the nightlife.”
“First of all, it’s not my city. I just moved here ‘cause of work. Secondly, yes the traffic is what defines this city. But I gotta agree with you on the ‘fun’ part. That’s if you have time.” Sonny scoffs and the grimace on his face tells you he doesn’t.
He really doesn’t have time.
“Well, I got plenty time so I’m counting on you two to show me around.” 
“Pft, like Mr.Detective over there can show you anything. Maybe drive you around some precincts but that’s as far as Sonny’s knowledge of New York goes.”
“Wow, I’m feelin’ the love today, Gina. Thanks.” Sonny’s drawl is sarcastic but Gina grins wide with pride. 
You missed the teasing, all the remarks and scowls. You missed this.
“You’re welcome, sweet brother.” the blonde blows him a kiss and he chuckles.
There’s a phone ring and Sonny jumps, instinctively reaching for his own despite the tune that sounds nothing like the Beatles’ classic ‘Hey Jude’ that he’s had as a ringtone for a good seven years - perhaps more.
Gina sighs and grabs at her bag, nearly emptying its contents just to find her phone. “Hello?”
Muffled talk is all there is and Sonny’s attention is all on you. He wants to say you look beautiful but all words fail him so he just gives up. He won’t go down that road, not again.
You’re a childhood friend - that’s all there is to it.
“Your haircut looks nice.” Nice? You look gorgeous. It’s like time’s the artist and you’re a painting in progress still - each day more complete and beautiful.
You thank him quietly, for you’re lost in his eyes. They used to be ocean blue and clear skies but they’ve changed. The way the sky fills with fog in New York and waters cloud when it’s too cold.
He’s seen so much since he came here, you think. It makes your heart ache.
Sonny’s eyes are on you all the same but neither dares speak.
Gina saves you again by interrupting and a sigh of relief escapes you. Sonny hears.
“Shit, I gotta go. They called in from work and they need me. Bunch of interns messed up again and I gotta clean up their mess.”
“You think you’ll be done in time for tonight?” you watch as she picks up her stuff and throws on her coat in a hurry.
“Girl, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. ‘Wine Boulevard’, Eight o’clock, right?”
You nod and steal a kiss on your blond friend’s cheek. 
“I’ll try not to get lost.”
She laughs and turns to Sonny, “Eight o’clock. Be there.”
“I will.”
Her blue eyes narrow and meet his, her finger pointing at him rather accusingly, “Eight o’clock. Not a minute late.”
Sonny frowns but there’s a quirk of his lips that tells you he’s not quite that bothered by his sister’s antics.
“Fine, I’ll be right on time. Just go!”
With that, the blonde disappears outside and the door and soon she's one with the fading crowds buzzing outside the diner's windows. The two of you are in left in silence after that.
Due to what you can't tell, but perhaps it's pure awkwardness. Perhaps it's your nerves. Or perhaps it's just the fact that you don't know what to say anymore.
So you stare at your phone screen instead and Sonny's rather busy glancing anywhere but you. The restaurant is full as he looks around at the busy tables. An old couple eating side by side, one glass of wine each, studiously bent over their large meals. A group of young woman on his left are only now collecting their stuff to leave after one of them suggested coffee.
Oh yes, coffee. Coffee sounds good to him right now.
"Got anywhere to be for the next couple hours?" Sonny's question breaks the painful silence and you let out a breath of relief at that. 
You laugh and glance at the lack of incoming texts on your phone.
"I'm all yours."
A/N: Oh my gosh, you guys. I feel so blessed that you liked this ‘cause I wanted to continue the series so badly. Already working on part three. Woohoo! Also, let me know if you wanna be tagged (I suck at it, you have been warned.)
Part Two requested by these lovelies: 
@thehybridsqueen I want to see part 2 :)
@soldierwinterthe Of course I want it! I can't wait to read the second part :D
@padacockles-pie Fuxk yes, part two pls
@reidreader Fuck yeah part 2!
@object-of-my-desire Definitely need a part 2!
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misguidedswagger · 2 years
hello!!! i hope you’re doing well and relaxing now that exams are over ❤️ i was wondering if you’d write something for sonny carisi maybe finding out him and his girlfriend/wife are having twins? maybe he never said he was seeing anyone so now he has to explain a secret relationship and soon to be multiple children lol if you want ofc if not i get it, enjoy your time!!!
Hello, my love! Thank you so much, I hope the same for you! Thank you so much for the request! It's posted under the name "Whipped" (in my masterlist if you can't find it!) Feel free to leave any more requests!!
Edit: Read Whipped here!
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New lease on life
Disclaimer: I don’t own Law & Order: SVU
Title: New lease on life Rating: G Pairing: Carisi/You Warnings: Mentions of abuse Spoilers: None.
My first SVU story, I’ve been meaning to write it for a few weeks but I’ve been lazy. =X I have another one I want to start soon as well.
You took in the the the meager living quarters that you would be calling home for the time being. The bare walls were painted a light cream, which was slightly peeling due to the age of the building and lack of maintenance, the only decoration was the lone crucifix hanging above the bed. The only piece of furniture in the small room was a dresser with a lamp perched near the edge on the far side of the room.
“I know it isn’t much…”
You shook your head, rubbing your arms as you glanced back at the detective standing in the room with you. “It’s perfect,” you gave him a small sad smile. “Thank you for everything, Detective Carisi.” You hadn’t expected to get this much support when you reached out. You had heard stories of the police blowing off accusers, turning the other cheek despite seeing women littered in bruises. “How can I repay you?”
He took a step towards you, placing both hands on your shoulders. “No need to repay me,” he shook his head. He jerked a thumb towards the door, “Look, I have to get going. But,” he patted your shoulder, “I’m going to come back in a few days to check on you, ok?”
You nodded, “Alright.”
“You still have my card?” He watching you nod, “Good. If you need anything, and I mean anything, I want you to give me a call, ok?”
“Yes, Detective.”  You watched him leave before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. You felt terrified but excited to get a fresh start on the next chapter in your life.
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