#ed déjà vu
I could say something profound and make an observation but I’m just gonna say that y’all are on Olivia Rodrigo too much.
No matter how successful she is, she’s still SO YOUNG!
If you sit and listen to her music to only pick out “omg she yelled in this bridge just like *insert artist* yelled in one of their bridges!!!!”
Anyone who is constantly up an artist’s butthole for sounding even VAGUELY SIMILAR to another has NO IDEA what the artistic process is like.
It’s like saying to a visual artist that they’re not a real artist if they use references…. and we’ve already had that conversation a million times.
Especially since a certain someone fans who’s all about feminism and equality are the ones constantly on Olivia.
I’m not even a massive fan or anything it’s just annoying that Olivia is genuinely talented but y’all don’t actually want her to be successful because apparently there’s only room for one woman in this industry and she’s white and a polluter and somehow always the victim.
The same people who wanna yell about women being put against each other and that their fav is constantly a victim of misogyny find it really easy to do it to someone else.
This is no hate to the woman that the fandom attacking Olivia is for, but dang.
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stevesbipanic · 1 year
Inspired by this post by @liightsnow
Steve had always been quick to open his home to his friends.
It began of course with allowing Tommy to throw big parties at his house since Steve’s parents were away, later he would open his home to the kids to have a safe place to just be kids. Steve enjoyed having his friends around and it helped fill the silence of his usually empty house. So it was no surprise that when Eddie needed a new location for Hellfire, Steve was the first to volunteer.
He and Eddie had gotten close as Eddie recovered in hospital, he was fun to be around, loud and bright in a way that pushed away the thoughts as to how Eddie ended up in the bed in the first place. Wayne was appreciative of Steve keeping his nephew company while he was at work and Steve always reassured him that it was no trouble, most of the time Steve stayed even when Wayne was there.
There was one issue with hosting Hellfire however, the Hellfire boys. Jeff, Gareth and Grant had visited Eddie a few times after school, all their parents keeping them at home when they could after the “earthquake”, Steve always excused himself allowing Eddie to have time with his friends. Steve couldn’t blame the wary looks that they’d send him, he knew who he was in high school, even Eddie had assumed the same.
This lead Steve to now as he opened the door to the three boys, who were last to arrive. They all nodded politely at Steve before heading straight to where Eddie was calling them in the dining room. At first Steve tried to make himself seem friendly and approachable to them, demonstrating that he had changed since his years of being King of Hawkins High. He set out snacks and got people drinks, even remembering which drinks Eddie had told them were their favourites, but all he got were polite smiles and glances towards Eddie. After receiving similar treatment when he brought them lunch, Steve gave up his attempts and retreated to his bedroom to wait out the rest of the game.
Steve curled into a ball on his bed, knees tucked tightly under his chin as he wrapped his arms around is legs. He got an eerie sense of déjà vu to when he was a child and his mother would send him up to his room once he’d been “showed off” to the guests. His purpose complete and he was no longer needed, Hellfire had what they needed to finish their game without them.
Steve heard joyous cries downstairs and wished for a moment he would’ve been able to stay and watch. Everyone always sounded so happy when the game concluded, and he knew Eddie told the best stories. He knew he couldn’t though, he didn’t want to ruin it for anyone, especially Eddie’s friends.
He was getting ready to go downstairs and clean up, another thing similar to his mother’s parties, when there was a knock at his door.
“Stevie? You ok in there?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, Eds, I’m fine, game finished then?” Steve replied as Eddie entered the room.
“Yeah, it was great, you should’ve stayed to watch Gareth made the best final attack, you have a headache or something, why are you hiding up here?”
“Oh, um,” Steve looked down at his hands, “Thought I’d just be in the way down there, didn’t want to spoil the fun.”
Eddie made a face at this, “Spoil the fun? Sweetheart, everyone would’ve loved you to stay and watch, might get Dustin off your back about playing.”
Steve shook his head, “Your friends don’t really like me much, which I get, it’s fine, glad you guys had a place to play though.”
“Steve why did you offer up your place if you didn’t want to watch? And the guys think you’re fine what’re you talking about, did one of them say something?”
“You guys needed a place to play and I have an empty house, need to be useful someway now that there’s no monsters to fight and my parents cut me off, and no, no one said anything but they always act weird around me.”
“Fuck Stevie, you’re more than just someone useful you know that right? I’d want you around just because I like you around, sweetheart, you don’t have to earn that by offering your house.”
“You sure?”
“Very sure, wasn’t getting better in Casa Harrington, was I? Got better cause I had my favourite jock beside me.” Steve blushed at that. “And as for my friends, I think I know the reason they’re acting weird around you,” Eddie said guiltily.
“Might’ve told them not to embarrass me in front of you,” Eddie said sheepishly.
“Why wouldn’t you want them to- oh,” Steve smiled softly, “Eddie Munson did you want to look cool in front of me because you like me?”
“Would it be bad to say yes?”
Steve lent over and kissed Eddie’s cheek softly, “Not at all.”
When the boys returned downstairs holding hands to find the others cleaning up, Jeff let out a sigh of relief, “Thank fuck you got your shit together Eddie, Harrington can you make those sandwiches again next time, I don’t know what you put in them but Gare ate like 5.”
“Hey, you would’ve eaten just as many if there were any left!”
Steve laughed, “Sure, will make them a Hellfire staple every week.”
The following week Steve was met by wide grins when he opened the door, and celebrated with the party when they defeated Eddie’s villain. Sitting on Eddie’s lap to watch the campaign was a good new perk too.
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augustjustice · 6 months
Second in Line (aka Blake Harrington fic), 2/?
AO3 Link
Part 1
The telltale sound of footsteps echo again from inside the apartment, approaching the door.
“Eds? What is it?”
The voice rings out before Blake can see him, and a second later, he’s sliding into the doorway beside ‘Eds’ despite the tight space, one shoulder on the frame and his hip pressed firmly up against the other man’s.
Blake feels his heart speed up in his chest. 
The man now standing before him has on a red Chicago Bulls sweatshirt, so faded it looks almost pink. Despite the cold outside, he’s wearing light wash, cutoff jean shorts at a length that would earn a dirty look from Blake’s father, and thick white baseball socks that are pulled up over his calves. His hair is floppy, not as long as Eds’ but curling over his ears and brushing the back of his neck–unkempt, Blake can practically hear the derision in his mother’s voice–and a shade or two lighter than Blake’s own, sun-kissed blonde highlights shimmering in it. 
He squints down at Blake through thick-rimmed glasses, his brow furrowing in obvious confusion and…
…There they are. His mother’s honey-coated brown eyes peer back at him.
“Who’s this?” he asks.
When the man turns his head to look at ‘Eds,’ Blake catches a flash of white, so small and subtle he almost missed it entirely.
His brother’s got a single pearl earring, shining in the lobe of his right ear.
Eds gives a shrug of one shoulder, the twitch of his lip seeming to hint he’s repressing an amused smile. His eyes swivel between the pair of them, from Steve to Blake then back again, taking it all in.
"Sweetheart, why don't you ask the little dude his name?" 
When Steve turns to him again, Blake feels an uncanny sense of déjà vu, like he’s looking into a mirror, or being reintroduced to a family friend he met when he was too small to remember. 
“What’s your name, buddy?” Steve asks dutifully. 
“Blake,” Blake stutters out nervously, having lost all of the decorum he managed to hold onto when introducing himself to Eds, “–Harrington.”
Eds and Steve’s heads turn towards each other in unison, perfectly in sync. Blake feels an inexplicable stab of jealousy at that, the way the pair of them move in tandem. It speaks to a familiarity that runs bone-deep.
“...Holy shit,” Steve murmurs, running a hand up through his hair.
Eds nods in agreement. 
“Yeah, babe. What can I tell you? This one’s a doozy.” 
Then he opens the door a bit wider, all while Steve continues to stare into the middle distance of the hallway.
“You’ll have to forgive Stevie here–he’s usually more of the Suzy Homemaker type than me, but, uh…you’re gonna have to give him a second, on this one, I think.” Hooking his arm easily into Steve’s own, Eds tugs the pair of them backwards, then gives a flourishing bow. “So come into our humble abode, young traveler. Sit a spell, and spin your tale for us.”
The two men back away from the doorway completely, then, giving Blake room to cross the threshold. 
He does.
And it’s a small thing, really, but it feels big. Because, for the first time in his life, he’s stepping out of his parents’ wealthy, polished world…and into his long lost brother’s.
Quick tag list below the cut:
@zerokrox-blog, @just-super-fucking-gay, @justanother-anon, @aphrobites
I did my best to tag people who expressed interest in being on the tag list when I wrote the first part of this. However, I recognize that was back in December, so if you're on this tag list and would like to be removed, please feel free to let me know! I understand it's been a while and people have moved fandoms, etc. My apologies also if I missed anyone, and if you would like to be added, tell me and I'll be happy to tag you going forward!
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homomenhommes · 2 months
Dans la semaine qui a suivit, Jimmy a fait la connaissance de nos autres clients. Le père de Pierre (lundi) a bien apprécié le changement et surtout la souplesse de notre ami. Il a même réussi à lui faire faire une auto fellation (et pourtant il est monté petit, Jimmy !) pendant qu'il l'enculait en chandelle. Ok, il ne s'est pas bouffé la tige jusqu'aux couilles mais a pu se téter le gland facilement. Et quand il a jouit, je lui ai dit de tout boire et il a bien aimé (comme il aime aussi mon sperme et celui de Marc).
Le mardi, il a trouvé très drôle que je me fasse le valet pendant qu'il se faisait démonter le cul par le maître (25 x 7,5). C'était la première fois qu'il voyait un lit à baldaquin. Il a surtout vu à quoi pouvait servir les mats placés à chaque coin du lit. Il s'est trouvé, comme Jean avant lui, attaché et écartelé, tenu en suspension par des chaînes accrochées en haut des mats.
Avec le valet, nous avons pris notre pieds avant eux afin d'être prêts, moi à récupérer ma pute et lui à servir son maître. Au retour, Jimmy m'a demandé si c'était ce genre de place que j'envisageais pour lui. Je lui confirmais que ce pouvait être ce genre de service. Mais que je lui trouverais un boss plus souple quand à le laisser libre de baiser où il voudra quand il n'aura plus l'age (surtout le physique) et que sexuellement il ne servira plus son patron.
Vendredi, le grand et gros black l'a impressionné. Ses 2m et ses 27,6 x 6,5 chapeauté d'un gros gland violet sont effectivement balaises par rapport aux 1,65m et les 14 x 3,8 de Jimmy ! Mais comme je m'y attendais, l'anus de Jimmy s'est adapté aux nouvelles conditions. Il a vaillamment pris la teub dan son cul (beaucoup plus facilement que dans sa gorge) et s'est fait secouer comme un prunier par son propriétaire. Ce black est le plus brutal de mes clients réguliers. Je note qu'il faudra que je fasse bien attention quand je lui amènerai Ed, lui est nettement plus fragile que Jimmy. Par contre sa peau pâle devrait contraster un maximum avec le noir intense de celle du client.
Le mercredi et Jeudi, je lui ai donné du taf pour qu'il se mette à niveau en français. Autant commencer par le plus visible. Lecture, écriture, rédaction. En discutant avec Jimmy je me suis aperçu qu'il a quitté l'école dès ses 18 ans et que 3 ans plus tôt il avait déjà décroché. Ça plus l'accent banlieue et le look, il fait racaille. Si je garde le style pour les clients qui n'en n'ont jamais approché à moins de 1 Km et qui ont ainsi l'impression de prendre un risque, je voudrais le faire évoluer pour qu'il puisse se faire un taf sympa après l'épisode " pute ".
Mercredi j'ai amené Ed à André (le père de Ric). Ed est plus nerveux que Jimmy. Il me questionne pour savoir quel type de mec c'est, ce qu'il devra faire... Je le rassure en lui disant qu'André est un ami, certes TBM mais qui fera attention à lui. Il doit être avec lui comme il l'a été avec Xavier la semaine passée, ouvert et volontaire. Quand je sonne à la porte, nous avons la surprise d'être invité à entrer par Ric. Je lui demande ce qu'il fait là. il nous dit que comme son père l'avait prévenu, il n'avait pu s'empêcher de venir voir le petit nouveau, et qu'il n'était pas contre une partie à 4. André arrive et me dit juste après nous avoir salués qu'il en avait tenu compte pour le montant du chèque.
Nous allons au salon. Ric en shorty et T-shirt moulant se charge de mettre Ed à poil. André et moi assistons au spectacle. Il met environ 1/4 d'heure et nous avons devant nous deux jeunes mecs à poil (façon de dire puisque Ric est lui totalement épilé et qu'Ed est dans le même état). Ils s'approchent de nous. Je me lève avec André et ils nous déshabillent. Ric s'occupant de moi. Nus et bandants une poussée sur le haut de la tête et nos deux ptits mecs se sont agenouillés bien sagement, comme pour une prière, mais non pas à Dieu mais à nos bites. Dès le premier pompage, Ric m'a avalé entier. Pour Ed, ça été plus dur. Les 7cm de long de plus que moi ont du mal à passer. C'était déjà le cas des 6cm de plus de Xavier ! Ric qui le mate du coin de l'oeil, lui explique comment faire pour que ce soit plus facile. Il prend le temps de lui montrer lui même comment faire. C'est toujours un beau spectacle de voir une bite de 27 x 7 disparaître entre les lèvres d'un jeune mec. En changeant Ed de position, André réussit à la lui enfiler en entier, brièvement mais sûrement. Ric qui pense déjà à ce qui va se passer après, laisse ma bite pour aller bouffer le cul d'Ed. A grand coups de langue, il lui détend l'anneau, lui ouvrant pour la lui glisser dedans. Ed tortille du cul tellement il apprécie. Je regarde le tableau quelques instants avant de retourner dans la mêlée et d'enculer Ric. Je rentre facile. Cela m'étonne connaissant mon Ric. Mais une fois entré, il serre et je me retrouve incapable de bouger. Il se retourne juste pour me sourire et me dire " je t'ai bien eu ! ". Il maîtrise complètement son sphincter et arrive maintenant à le détendre (ça je savais car il prend régulièrement son père et les doubles sodo que je lui ai organisé me l'avait montré) mais il resserre comme il le veut allant jusqu'à être capable d'empêcher tout mouvement dans son cul. En attendant il reprend son travail de dilatation sur l'anneau d'Ed et me laisse le limer. J'apprécie les variations de pression que son cul me transmet. Je lui dis que malgré sa préparation il faudra doser Ed en Poppers pour qu'il puisse prendre son père. Quand Ric arrive à lui mettre 3 doigts à fond, il le déclare prêt pour l'enculage. Je trouve qu'il aurait pu aller jusqu'à 4 doigts ! Nous plaçons Ed dos sur la table basse. Ric le surplombe en 69, en prenant ses jambes sous ses bras (ce qui lui relève le cul à Ed). André derrière Ed et moi de l'autre coté de l'assemblage, nous posons nos glands sur les rondelles. Je me penche pour doser Ed en poppers. Il chauffe, André me dit qu'il voit la rondelle palpiter. Je lui dis alors que c'est bon qu'on peut y aller. Simultanément, nous nous enfonçons dans les culs. Je demande à André comment il trouve. Il me répond que c'est vraiment bon un nouveau cul. Que ça faisait longtemps que cela ne lui était arrivé. Il prend soin dès la première enculade de s'enfoncer à fond. Ed gémis étouffé par la bite de Ric. De mon coté, mes mains accrochées à ses épaules, j'encule Ric, lui faisant profiter de tous mes 20cm. Il a la gentillesse de trouver cela bon (alors qu'il est habitué aux dimensions de son paternel !). André nous dit de nous désassembler, il veut profiter seul du petit nouveau. Ric se redresse et nous nous installons plus loin. André soulève le poids plume et tout en le maintenant enfoncé sur sa queue, part s'assoir dans un fauteuil. Il installe les jambes d'Ed sur les accoudoirs et lui demande de faire lui-même les va et vient. Ed n'est pas des plus musclé, il arrive en serrant les cuisses à se soulever et alors à n'être plus rempli que par le gland d'André mais il ne tient pas la position haute et redescend brutalement poser ses fesses sur ses cuisses. Là il prend tout les 27cm rapidement. Ça le fait souffler grave, mais il à l'air d'aimer car il recommence tout de suite après.
Rassuré, je me tourne vers Ric et nous décidons de nous finir en 69. Tout en le suçant, je le caresse, sa peau épilée, est douce et je passe ma main sur ses tétons et les tord au passage. Il réagit bien. C'est vrai qu'il a toujours gardé un coté maso de l'éducation de sa mère. Je lui prends alors la tête et la maintient plaquée contre mes couilles mon gland au plus profond de sa gorge. Il aime ! Je relâche et m'occupe des deux tétons à la fois. Il monte en pression et bientôt sans que j'aie à le toucher plus, il jouit. Il me pompe plus voracement et c'est moi qui cède, traçant les lignes de Cuzco sur son torse. Assis cote à cote, nous regardons son paternel achever Ed. Il lui à pris les jambes et les a placées sur ses épaules. Ed ne peut plus de lui-même retirer la bite qu'il a dans le cul. André se lève et va jusqu'à la table de la salle à manger pour le poser sur le plateau. Là, il reprend son enculade et rempli la kpote calé au fond d'Ed alors que ce dernier jute quelques millilitres sur son ventre.
Pendant que Ric emmène Ed se laver et lui masser sa rondelle endolorie, André me donne mon enveloppe et il me questionne sur ma soirée d'escort-boy. Je le remercie de ses bonnes informations. Il me dit que c'est normal, un client (de sa banque) a droit à tous ses services. Je brosse le tableau vite fait, lui racontant la remise en place de notre hôte et comment je m'étais fait remarquer par les deux plus grosses pointures de la soirée. Là, il me félicite me disant comme Marc et Bruno, qu'ils n'avaient pas la réputation des facilement impressionnables. Lassés d'attendre, nous virons les deux jeunes de la salle de bain pour nous même nous laver. Quand nous les rejoignons au salon, Ric est en train de discuter avec Ed de son statut de remplaçant de Jean, lui causant des autres clients. Je ne savais pas que Jean avait bavassé comme ça sur son taf. Je remmène Ed chez lui après avoir changé de véhicule à la maison. Evidemment nous tombons sur son jeune frère qui veut savoir ce qu'on à fait tout l'après midi tout en remarquant qu'Ed sent le savon. Ed s'en débarrasse en lui disant que nous avons fait du sport (on peut appeler cela comme ça aussi !), d'où une douche avant de rentrer. Le ptit frère insiste en disant qu'il n'avait pas emmené d'affaire. Je sauve Ed en disant que nous avons été à la piscine et que je lui ai prêté un maillot, ricanement du ptit frère qui dit à Ed qu'il a du flotter dedans.
Je me sauve.
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aloneinthehellfire · 1 year
Chapter 11: Déjà Vu
Season One | Season Two | Season Three | Season Four
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Raining Hellfire: Season Four
Word Count: 3810 words
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, blood, violence/ attacked, traumatic flashbacks, knife
[A/N: i felt like reader deserved a moment to show just how badass she is. also yes the majority of the word count is just flashback sequences... i may have cheated]
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Déjà Vu
You woke up to clash of red lightning, body aching like you had been dropped to the ground from a height.
Which, to your realisation, is exactly what happened.
On the ground next to you lay the bodies of three dead bats. Demobats, Dustin would probably call them. Up close, you saw the razor-sharp teeth, the scaly skin that made your own crawl. The pain in your abdomen was a memory of what just happened. The demobats eating away at you and Steve.
“Steve.” You gasp, sitting up too quickly and feeling the repercussions in the form of a sharp sting to your stomach. With a groan you clutch down on the wound, attempting to stand.
There’s a flutter above you and you almost start running on instinct. But something in you told you not to be afraid. And, as you look up, your breath hitches.
A swarm of black particles hovered above you and, with chill down your spine, you realised what had happened. The dead creatures, the tingling of power through your veins. Even unconscious, the dust had sensed your anger and you had somehow used that to your advantage. It explained the black blood dripping from your nose. You had promised not to use your power, to yourself and to your best friend. That didn’t work out as well as you hoped.
Stumbling away from the scene, you watch as the particles seem to disappear, trailing away to somewhere you’d rather not follow. You struggle to move properly, body still aching from the drop. Pulling your hand away from your stomach, blood stained your skin and you felt faint. But you couldn’t stop here. Wherever here was.
A quick look around and you recognised the woods, almost instantly. In fact, your small and uneasy steps led you straight to a place you thought you’d never see again.
The bench in the middle of the woods was covered in vines. Considering earlier events, you knew not to touch them. You just hoped they wouldn’t spring to life and drag you away. If another happy memory was tarnished by the Upside Down, you might scream.
He didn’t turn, your headphones blocking you out.
“Eds!” You placed your hand on his shoulder and he almost jumped out of his skin. He sprung up and got into a karate stance, his arms held out in front of him. The sight made you double over with laughter.
“Y/n.” He breathed, removing the headphones and letting them rest around his neck. “Hey, it’s not funny. I could have-”
“Karate-chopped me straight to hell?” You laughed. His eyes brightened as he smiled at you.
“You never know.” He ran his hand through his hair and you calmed down, taking a seat.
He pretended to shake off his reaction, walking to the other side of the bench when he looked up and stopped. He just stared at you.
“What?” You say, your hand raising to your face, “Is there something on me? I swear if it’s a spider I’ll-”
“No! No. You just-”
“What?” Your inner panic was showing. Alternate dimensions with human-eating creatures you could probably handle. A spider in your hair? That was the ultimate fear.
“You look different.” He said, sitting.
“Different good?” You asked, looking down at yourself.
“Yeah! Not that you didn’t look good before. I just mean that you look… different. From usual, I mean.”
“Thank you?” You said. Deep down, you were blushing.
“Uh, so…” He clasped his hands together. “Not that I’m not happy to see you or anything but… what brings you to the middle of the woods all dressed up like that?”
He smiled again. You could barely concentrate when he smiled.
“Funeral.” You managed to say. His smile faded and you snapped back into reality, clearing your throat. “Uh… Will Byers. It’s his funeral.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” He said sincerely.
“Yeah…” You replied quietly.
“Can I… help at all? I don’t know what I can do but-”
“Oh you don’t have to. I’m okay. I mean… it’s upsetting, of course it is but…” You struggled to find words that didn’t suggest you thought he was still alive, “I’ve had time to mourn.”
“Then why do you look so sad?” He smiled softly, seeing through you.
“I-” You took a breath. “I don’t like funerals. Not that anyone does, it’s a shitty occasion. I’ve just been to more than I like to admit.”
You looked up and he was agreeing with your words.
“I get it.”
For a few seconds, you just sat in silence before you took in the scene.
“Wait. Is this the famous bench I’ve heard so much about?” You changed the subject, your eyes widening with your smile.
“Thank you for noticing.” He smiled back, sweeping his arm out to display the bench in question. “This baby has gotten me through five whole years of self-reflection. You see, I’m working on myself.”
He held his hand to his heart, sarcasm marking his words.
“So it’s a spiritual bench. I feel honoured to be sat here.”
You smile at the recollection before it turns sour, sadness creeping in. This place held value to you; your first kiss with Eddie, in particular. Your relationship with him had only just begun and you had already been blurting out lies.
You just hoped he knew that your feelings for him were true.
A distant screech caught your attention as you stared back up at the sky through the layers of leaves. The trees provided good protection from the demobats, but that didn’t mean there weren’t other creatures lurking around.
The pain from your wound was worsening with each step you took and you search yourself for some kind of bandage. Your hands fumble across the material wrapped around your waist and it wasn’t until you focused that you remembered the yellow jumper.
Steve’s yellow jumper.
Fear flooded in. You had left him there, demobats tearing into his skin with no chance of escape from their claws. Swallowing the guilt, you tie the jumper tightly around your abdomen, wincing when it adds the pressure you need to your wound. Steve could be dead. You could be stuck in the Upside Down forever. And your only reminder of him was now soaking up your blood.
You didn’t know which way to go, your memory faltering at the flipped version of your home. You desperately wanted to go back for Steve, to find him regardless of if his heart was beating. But you didn’t know the direction you came from. All you knew was the path to the graveyard. So, with a heavy heart, you knew that was the path to take.
With every turn, you had convinced yourself you were going the wrong way. These trees looked similar yet so different to how you last remembered them, and the darkness didn’t help you navigate your way. You wondered if this place even had a daytime.
It was a relief to see the gravestones line the grass, as morbidly wrong as that was. But you knew your way home from here. Even if it wasn’t really your home.
You throw quick glances at the stones, mentally saying the names in order to focus and calm your nerves. You were alone in a monster-infested land, covered in blood. You had every reason to be nervous. You pass a familiar patch of land, images of your floating sister burned into your brain. You stopped when you realised that Billy’s headstone wasn’t there.
“What the...” You mutter under your breath, double-checking you had the right spot. That was impossible.
If the Upside Down truly was a flipped version of Hawkins, then the stone should be there. In fact, as you look around once more, there were many missing from the land. Every theory ran through your mind as you stand motionless.
Dr Mornt, a man that had died at the age of 60, had a headstone placed for him, marking the year he died; 1984. Although you hadn’t known him, you had walked past that grave so many times, always remembering the name. And it definitely wasn’t there.
Your eyes widened. That meant that the Upside Down hadn’t aged since-
A loud roar echoed through the graveyard, making your hair stand on end as you immediately duck for cover, hiding behind a statue of an angel, careful to avoid the covering vines. Your breathing was heavy, a sick feeling in your stomach.
You knew the roar all too well.
You heard a gasp and turned your head, seeing Nancy run behind a tree with the creature stalking behind it. That was just you a few minutes ago.
Y/n! Nancy! Follow my voice!
You noticed light shining through the bottom of the tree just next to the one Nancy currently used as a shield. If she moved, it would definitely catch her. She turned her head when she noticed you, her eyes wide. You glanced between her and the creature. You took a deep breath and slowly raised your bat, nodding at her.
She shook her head aggressively, figuring out your plan. You only pointed to the gate. When she went to argue again, you let out a scream.
“Hey!” You yelled, its attention snapping towards you. Your mouth went dry.
The creature roared, its face opening like a flower that held dozens of rows of teeth, blood still dripping from its earlier meal.
You risk a peek over the marble, immediately ducking your head once you saw the grey, faceless figure. Your hands start to shake, chest tightening while tears formed in your eyes. You needed to control your breathing, not make any loud noises.
Not if you wanted to escape the Demogorgon.
Silent tears rolled down your cheeks as you heard its heavy breaths, body slowly making its way through the graveyard. You look down at yourself, the blood smeared across your body. It would be able to smell you. And if it got any closer, it would find you.
Just as the creature swiped at you with its claw, you ducked, swinging your bat to hit it squarely in the legs and it toppled over, rolling in the leaves. You hid behind a tree and you heard it roar again. The gate was so close in front of you. You could still see the light coming through.
But Nancy was still trying to make her way through. The light was dim. It was starting to close. You had a limited time frame to get both Nancy and yourself through before it closed for good.
You grabbed a clump of twigs from the ground and launched them in the opposite direction from the gate. The action caused the creature to lunge away from you and you ran to Nancy, pushing her through.
A distraction. That’s how you had managed to run last time. The Demogorgon never reacted to sight, the lack of eyes proving your theory. But sound and smell were heightened senses. You just needed something to act as a decoy.
Your eyes immediately drift to the yellow jumper around your waist, but part of you couldn’t use it. You couldn’t. So, instead, you quietly take off your own jacket, slipping it off your arms with small tugs against the material.
The next step was easier, smearing it with the blood currently covering your stomach. You tried not to wince at the cold touch of your hand.
A twig snaps not so far from you and you realise you’re running out of time. Bundling up the jacket, you figure out where you need to run to and realise you needed to throw it behind you if you wanted a head start at escaping. Mentally hyping yourself up, you slowly unfold into a stand, the statue still acting as a barrier and shielding your body.
You slightly side step around it, away from the noises from the creature stalking the graveyard. Once you are at the side, you raise your arm ready and silently turn to the direction you needed.
And the Demogorgon stared directly back, barely a breath away from you.
It lunged at you and you barely managed to launch yourself away from the attack, landing on the cold grass and struggling to scramble away, still clutching onto your blood soaked jacket. The Demogorgon didn’t take long to pounce on you again.
It manages to pin you down, trying to swipe at you with its giant claws and it only just missed your face as you lean your head to the side. Instead, it tore at the skin just below your shoulder, scratching above the heart. Your breaths were quick and painful, a scream building up in your throat.
It was happening again.
It was all happening again.
With one swift motion, its claws wrapped around your neck and threw you to the ground. The bat tumbled out of your hand as your head hit the hard floorboards. Its grip on you was tight, restricting your screams to mere whimpers. In the background, you could hear Nancy’s cries.
You struggled beneath the weight, trying anything to escape. It brought its head closer to you and slowly opened its giant mouth, rancid breath blowing onto your face. Each row of teeth brought terror to your mind. You didn’t want to die. It was true that you were willing to sacrifice yourself if it meant that your friends were safe. But seeing what would be your end… you weren’t ready.
Tears escaped your eyes as Nancy fired the gun at it, yelling. But the monster didn’t move.
A dark voice echoed through your mind as the Demogorgon’s mouth continued to widen. You recognised the voice from the Upside Down, its deep nature once made you shudder. Without knowing why, it soothed you.
You stopped struggling and just laid there, accepting your fate.
Air was restricted, the claws tightening. But you didn’t panic. The light began to fade as you were falling to a fatal sleep.
A choked sob escapes your lips as you struggle beneath it, knowing that Steve wasn’t here this time to save you. No one was here to save you.
But this time, you had everything to lose.
You had promised Max you’d come back to her.
As the Demogorgon lowers its head towards you, you knew exactly what to do. You slide the jacket in your hand to lay below your neck, your other hand reaching to tug at the material so both hands held it tightly across your chest. And then, just before the creature can open its horrifying mouth, you use all your strength to wrap the jacket around its head.
The muffled screeches caused it to lash out at you as you pressed the thick jacket harder against it. Once it raised its body slightly, you kicked your legs out with enough force to push it away.
With all its heavy breathing, the jacket was now suffocating the Demogorgon, clung like film to its mouth. You watched as it struggled against the material, attempting to tear it off before your brain kicked into gear and you scramble to your feet and sprint as fast as you could out of the graveyard.
You ran all the way through town, following the roads. Even when your legs ached, you powered through it, desperately applying pressure on top of the yellow jumper. Your mouth felt dry, fatigue threatening to strike you at any moment. But you couldn’t stop. The glances you had thrown over your shoulder never recollected any signs of the Demogorgon following you, but you weren’t ready to risk that possibility.
Even reaching the familiar road didn’t soothe your anxiety. Instead, you had a whole new reason to be afraid.
The house looked like it had the day you arrived in Hawkins, chipped away paint and all. The vines were new, but not unexpected. The house was a little darker, its homely feel stripped right down to its terrifying core. It felt fitting, considering all that had happened.
An empty house for a girl left all on her own.
Jack had worked hard on restoring his home once he sobered up, returning it to its original shining glory that had made your aunt beg him to buy after their engagement. He would tell you that story over and over, how she refused to hire anyone to paint her new house. Your aunt was a fiery woman with a kind soul, always wanting to grasp the opportunities to make happy memories, even long before she became sick. You only met her a few times, when you were much younger.
And now they were both gone. But you knew that, if there really was one, they were reunited once again in the afterlife.
Unsure of where to go now, you shiver as the adrenaline slowly dissipated from your body. You needed to find a way to communicate with the others and try to find Steve. You didn’t know how long it had been since you were dragged away, but you prayed he was still alive.
A flash of light catches your eye and you freeze, staring directly at the window of the house next door. The Wheeler house.
There’s another shadow of movement and your breath hitches. Something was in that house.
You loved horror movies; you always found a way to make them funnier in your head, always laughing at the idiotic decisions the main characters made. Like, for one, hearing a noise and calling out as if the murderer would just let themselves up and apologise for attempting to kill them.
Or following the noise instead of running away from it. Which, to your horrible realisation, is what you always did.
You weren’t any better than the protagonist of a scary movie. And your feet were already at the window now, eyes peering in.
You barely see anything, nor hear. Shaking your head, you step away and turn around. You were just attacked by a Demogorgon, of course you were going to be on edge.
You turn immediately, your heart skipping a beat. That voice. Steve.
“Can you hear me? Dustin!”
You’re quickly moving to the front door, happiness setting in. He was alive. And he was here. You didn’t have to be alone-
You stop. Paranoia attacked the back of your mind. What if this was a trick? What if Vecna had created him to lure you inside?
But the sheer confidence and confusion in his voice was pure Steve Harrington. It had to be him.
Rather than use the front door, you slip around the back of the house, hoping that if it was a trick, you’d be able to see it before Vecna got his claws on you.
The back door was tricky to open, a vine wrapping right around the door knob. Not to mention that this door had always been creaky. The amount of times you and Nancy had almost been caught sneaking out after curfew had been the best kind of anxiety.
Now, you were afraid that one little noise could risk your life.
You do your best, barely any noise sounding from the old hinges, your fingers only just avoiding the vine. With a silent breath of relief, you step into the kitchen area, mind already fighting against your eyes as you try and remind yourself that you’re in the Wheeler house.
“Does anyone know Morse Code?”
Nancy’s voice was the last you expected to hear right now. With a gulp, you slowly walk towards the noise, more voices echoing into play. You can just make out Steve and Robin’s muffled responses before another voice surprises you.
“Wait, does SOS count?” Eddie says and everything doesn’t feel right.
Why were the others here? You had left them on the boat.
That same pit of anxiety tells you that it’s Vecna. He found you and now he’s playing with your mind, trying to lure you into a false sense of security.
Well, you weren’t going to let him win.
You grab a knife from the rack on the counter, trying not to react from the cool touch of it. Gripping it tightly, you make your way into the living room and see four shadows stood beneath a glittering chandelier. Eddie, if that even was him, was placing his hand back and forth in the light over and over in a rhythmic sequence. SOS.
“Do you guys think this will work?” Robin whispers out.
“We better hope so. I don’t think Vecna likes visitors.” Steve gestured to his body while Nancy breathes out.
“So… what now?” Eddie steps back, eyes set on the lights.
“We-” Nancy starts before another step creaks the floorboards beneath you and you mentally curse.
They all turn to the noise, jumping back before focusing their eyes.
“Y/n?” Nancy’s eyes widen and she steps towards you.
You hold the knife out and she immediately stops, holding her hands out.
“Woah, woah, woah.” Steve shakes his head, eyebrows scrunched in confusion and surely fear, moving closer, “Y/n, it’s us.”
“Right.” You grit your teeth, hand shaking slightly as that voice in the back of your mind tells you not to trust them.
“Seriously.” Robin nods profusely, not moving, “We swear that it’s really us. Okay? We-we dived in after you and Steve but we didn’t find you when we got to him and it’s been a mess ever since.”
“We tried to find you.” Eddie added and your eyes shift to his, heart beating faster.
“Y/n.” Nancy takes another step, slowly. “Vecna isn’t here.”
Everyone’s breath hitches once they understand why you’re acting this way. You had been affected by his curse for so long, you were beginning to doubt your own instincts.
“I…” You shuffle backwards, knife still held in your hand. “I can’t trust that.”
“Queen of the Demogorgons.” Eddie suddenly blurts and everyone looks to him, confused. He makes sure he’s in your line of vision before continuing. “That’s the name I gave you when you stopped that fight with Tommy. You… You called me King of the Freaks. Would Vecna even care enough to know that?”
You stand there for a moment, pondering the thought. Vecna only ever latched onto your bad memories, bringing up the trauma of your past rather than the joyous moments you cherished. It couldn’t be him.
Lowering your knife, you let it clatter to the floor and they all breathe sighs of relief.
“You okay?” Nancy asks tentatively, now by your side with her hand on your arm. You wipe away the tear that had threatened to fall, letting out a shaky breath.
“Um… actually…” You try before you feel faint, head spinning.
You heard your name being called to you as you stumbled to the floor, eyes fluttering shut.
Chapter 12: Riding To Freedom ->
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taglist: @gnnnne / @beepisbeep / @paintballkid711 / @eddiesbirdie / @livasaurasrex / @darktimelegends / @jackierose902109 / @mvrylee / @chervbs / @eternallyvenus / @nervouscatsuit / @f1nn-wolfhard / @hereiamhereigo / @ladybug0095 / @fangirling-4-ever / @astrolockley / @mothmanatemycat / @sheisjoeschateau / @champagnejoker / @umidktbh / @fallinginlovewithqueue / @ilovetaylorswift132006
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
Hey! I absolute love your writing it literally gives me life!!! Okay so basically my request is like the straw hats doing one of those WIRED autocomplete interviews but the last question asking is you or zoro are dating and the whole crew cannot keep straight faces so it’s obvious you are and seeing the poor man flustered while you laugh 😭🙌 I hope you like my idea i’ve just been watching too many do them interviews and they are so freakin funny!!
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Warnings : this is a sort of AU in which the internet and cameras exist in the One Piece world, a few curses I think, one sexual innuendo, a hint of Frobin (but you can interpret this as platonic if you like), this is not proofread, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff and crack (I love them)
Word count : 1.5K words
Additional notes : Aaaaa you’re really too sweet to me holy shit😭 I absolutely ADORE these interviews btw, so this was so fun to write. It was more lighthearted than I’m used to, which made it the perfect way to unwind after hectic days at uni! Let me know what you think of this💗
Requests : Are open! Check the rules over here.
Want to support me financially? Here’s my CashApp.
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“Okay, final batch!” Nami called out, taking the cardboard and setting it on her lap. Luffy let out a huff of relief at that.
“Luffy, you can’t just say that to the camera,” Chopper cried out from beside him, “People will think you’re not happy to be here.”
“It’s just that I’m hungry…” he moaned out, rubbing his stomach exaggeratedly.
Rolling her eyes, Nami grumbled, “Fine, fine, I’ll hurry up. Quit whining, you big baby.” To her left, Usopp ripped the paper off the first question, leaving it for her to read. “Are… both Sanji’s eyebrows swirly?”
The blond stiffly smiled from the couch, “Suppose there’s no use hiding it any longer.” He pushed his bangs upwards, exposing both curled ends. His crewmates “ooh”ed and “aah”ed in fascination, and Zoro rolled his eyes at that.
“Bastard probably did it knowing it would be all over the internet,” he mumbled under his breath, earning a glare from Sanji.
“Next question,” Usopp hurried, removing the paper on the question before a fight would break out. “Are… Franky’s modifications on every body part?” Grimacing, he glanced at Chopper. “Should we… should we really be answering this now and here?”
Chopper had a tired look on his face. “There isn’t much I haven’t seen at this point.”
With a shrug, Franky said, “Your call. I’m answering it anyways,” and leaning in conspirationally towards the camera, he grinned wide. “Yep, every body part. The adjustments guarantee a super time, if you catch my drift.”
“Franky, I think you should shut up. Permanently,” Robin sharply said, with an admonishing glare. The cyborg only winked at her, but did remain quiet afterwards.
“This feels like a déjà vu, doesn’t it?” Nami sighed as she ripped off another question. “Are… Brook’s signature moves inspired by other musicians?”
“Of course,” he answered with a benevolent smile, “I always pay homage to legendary dead artists whom I respect—though I myself am dead as well! Yo ho ho ho ho!”
“You’ll wear out that sense of humor one of these days.” Jinbei shook his head, though he looked at the musician fondly as he said it.
Luffy laughed, stretching his arms and wrapping them around Brook, slinging himself over to hug him. “I don’t care, he’s still a funny skeleton to me.”
Everyone looked at their captain with apparent affection in their eyes. “Onto the next question, let’s go,” Usopp enthused, his turn to rip next. “Are… Usopp’s curls natural?” A smug look made its way on his face. “Absolutely, one hundred percent. I have thirty handmaids to wash my hair, and ten servants to help style it perfectly every morning. After all, the great Usopp—“
“When did I turn into thirty handmaids?” came a snort from his left, and he turned his glare on them. Smirking at the camera, they jutted a thumb in the sniper’s direction. “This man right here comes crying to me every time on wash day because he’s too tired to do it himself.”
“Well, at least—“
“Settle down, ladies,” Nami interrupted coolly, before reading the next question out loud, “Are… Nami and Robin that beautiful in real life?” She blinked, glancing at her friend who was chuckling to herself. “I don’t know if I should be flattered that they think we’re beautiful, or offended that they think it’s all makeup and editing.”
“Oh dear,” Robin said, “Considering just how pretty you are right now, Nami, I’d take it as an honor.”
“You’re the best, I swear,” the navigator sighed happily, and everyone could almost see hearts in her eyes. She absolutely worshipped the older woman. “All compliments are ten times better when they come from someone as beautiful as you.”
“Ah, the most stunning flowers in the world—!“
“Are… Jinbei’s hugs as nice as they seem?” Usopp quickly butted in the middle of Sanji waxing poetic. After reading the question, every single one of the Strawhats grinned, answering in unison, “Yes!”
Their newest crewmate glanced at the fishman with a soft smile. “I was the last to join, but his gentle heart was enough encouragement for me to.”
With a sheepish smile on his face, Jinbei relented to the weight of Luffy tumbling from Brook onto him. He patted his back, and his captain only grinned wider.
“How sweet,” Nami cooed at the sight, before turning to rip the next question, “Are… Luffy’s attacks pre-planned?”
“No,” he bluntly replied from Jinbei’s hug, shrugging, “I do what feels right to me. I know my own strength well enough to know what to do.”
“Luffy’s much smarter than he looks,” Franky nodded, “His attacks are super deadly for a reason.”
Usopp hummed, “Alright, final two questions. This one says,” he paused, “Are… Chopper’s medical texts updated?”
“Of course. I have to have the latest discoveries and researches published in my books,” smiling as he spoke of his passion, he added, “Medicine evolves every day, so I can’t slack off as the ship’s doctor.”
“And the best doctor of all,” Brook gently patted his head, causing the reindeer’s face to quite literally glow.
“Asshole! That doesn’t make me happy at all.”
“And the final question,” Nami paused dramatically, before removing the paper, “Are… the two of them dating… Zoro and…” she leaned over trying to read the name furthest from her side, “Oh, it’s you!” she turned to her friend on Usopp’s left.
Silence fell in the room, everyone awkwardly glancing away from each other. Nami picked at her perfectly manicured nails, Robin found it awfully fascinating to card her fingers through Franky’s freshly-cut hair right now, and Usopp was too busy fussing with Chopper’s hat that was suddenly somehow completely askew.
Luffy’s (very obviously lying) face gave everything away when he said, “No… they’re not. Aren’t they, Jinbei?”
“Why would you ask me that?” he replied, dismay on his face as he was thrust into the spotlight he didn’t want one bit.
Brook deflected before they could even turn to him as the usual gossipmonger, “Don’t you like talking about love and romance, Sanji?”
The thunderous expression on the cook’s face was more than enough for him to choke on his words and turn away from him quickly. Much to their exasperation, that murderous look only served to affirm the public’s suspicions; his pure jealousy wasn’t so easy to conceal.
All the while, the rumored couple in question did their absolute best to avoid even glancing at each other.
Zoro’s stony expression would’ve been enough to deter even the bravest soul from asking any questions, but what completely contradicted it was the terribly endearing flush that climbed up down his cheeks to the nape of his neck. Though his eyes were guarded, his gritted teeth weren’t out of anger but embarrassment. It was laughable, really; how flustered the mere notion of being brought up as a couple made him.
And laugh they did, after having finally given in and spared the swordsman a glance from their place beside Usopp. Their knees knocked into his, and they could feel all along their body where they were touching just how tense he was. Simply unable to keep up the unreadable front, they wheezed with laughter at just how red their boyfriend currently was.
“You’re unbelievable,” they chortled, placing a hand on his shoulder for support as they bent over laughing.
Zoro glared at them, his blush only intensifying. “Shut up,” he hissed out, which only made them laugh harder, knowing that there was absolutely no venom behind these words. He truly was horrible at dealing with affection in a forthright manner.
Shaking their head at his antics, they only turned to the camera with a cheeky grin. “We’ll leave it up to the people to interpret it.”
“And cut!”
As soon as the words were yelled out by the director and the blinking of the camera turned off, Zoro swiveled in his seat to openly glare at them, his face still warm. “The hell was that about?”
“Your blushing gave it away, you musclehead idiot,” they rolled their eyes at him, “We’ll leave it up to PR. They’ll let us know what course of action we’ll take.”
“Why’s everyone so interested in us anyways,” he mumbled under his breath, and Sanji gave him his most disgusted look.
“Maybe it’s because your eyes are constantly defiling them, you shitty mossheaded bull—“
“You know there’s something about a pot and a kettle,” Nami scoffed, “Come on, Sanji. Let’s leave the two lovebirds.” Indeed, all the others had already packed their things and walked out (the first of them being a famished Luffy, of course).
“My sweet Nami-san! Of course I shall do whatever my goddess asks of me…”
Once they were alone, they carefully asked him. “Did… the question bother you?”
“Why would it?” Zoro looked confused.
“Just checking in with you,” they shook their head, a gentle smile on their face as they leaned in and kissed his cheek, “We’ll deal with whatever comes next together.”
He hummed, large hand reaching up to pat their head affectionately. Really, he couldn’t help but feel something melting inside his chest whenever they did things like that—even though he still remained a little flushed up till the tips of his ears.
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go. By the time we make it back to the ship, Luffy will have had both our shares of lunch.”
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Taglist: @stories-that-shaped-me @wifeofkyojuro
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I’ve been watching The Borgias (2011, Showtime) recently, and you can see that I have already GIF-ed a few scenes on my blog. I have perused the show tags on Tumblr, and one question caught my attention - how is Cesare’s love for Ursula different from his love for Lucrezia. In the earlier episodes, I camped with those who said that Ursula was his first “serious” love, while what he felt for Lucrezia was infatuation and possessiveness rooted in their blood connection. Cesare, from the beginning, is shown to be a young, hot-blooded lad who cannot keep his emotions in check around his sister. But when Ursula enters the picture, coinciding with Lucrezia getting married and physically separating from Cesare for the first time, he does what he knows best - becomes Ursula’s saviour (not before he saves his sister one last time from the  grips of her vicious new husband). So, Cesare and Ursula go around town, not being able to keep their hands off each other, hearts racing every time they meet, and then he sleeps with her, following which, she decides to spend the rest of her life serving God. This leaves Cesare heartbroken, as much he conveys to Lucrezia when she visits for the first time after her wedding. So, we know that he was in love with Ursula briefly. It was a whirlwind romance for him, ONE THAT WAS DIFFERENT FROM WHAT HE FELT for Lucrezia.
These theories become apparent in the season 1 finale episode, when both the women come face-to-face, with Cesare in the picture. Cesare leaves Lucrezia with Ursula, now going by the name sister Martha, to help hide Lucrezia’s illegitimate pregnancy (as per her wishes). The conversation goes like:
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He is focused on Ursula thus far, having met her after a long time (presumably). But when Lucrezia says this, he looks at her momentarily:
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appreciating the fact that she understands the tribulations Ursula must have gone through to make this choice for herself, just like he did a few episodes earlier. THEY ARE ON THE SAME PAGE REGARDING URSULA.
Ursula then replies:
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To this, Cesare’s gaze again flits from lady love to sister:
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The gaze he gives to Ursula says that he is listening closely, weighing her words and interpreting her intentions all at once, but the moment she pulls in Lucrezia into the equation, his gaze softens, like as though saying “I know right, I’ve been distracted by [her beauty] for so darn long”!
Then Ursula takes Lucrezia’s hand and leads her to her room, giving her friendly advice along the way. As she does this, Cesare stops her and warns her that he will be visiting them often. They have a bit of a tensed back and forth, where he teases Ursula with his passive aggressive words and expressions (L bearing witness):
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As an aside here, it is pretty interesting to see that Cesare addresses Ursula as ‘SIster’ instead of the usual ‘Sister Martha’ (even for formality sake in front of another individual), almost like there seems to be an intentional ambiguity as to whom he is relaying the message. He’s looking at Ursula, his tone is provocative, but his phrasing and the message in itself is tame, something he’d want to tell Lucrezia in private (as is evident from the jubilant smile she gives in reciprocation). It may well be that the message is for Lucrezia, and Cesare uses morose humour to indulge Ursula in the process. But I digress.
Back to the scene, he then turns to Lucrezia. Immediately, his expressions soften once again, a heavy burden descends in his heart as he realises the gravity of his sister’s condition and not knowing when he’ll see her next. Much like what he felt at the time of her wedding, a sense of déjà vu swarms over him, of his vulnerability, that led him to meet Ursula in the first place. The camera work in this moment also reinforces what truly matters to Cesare: it pans away from Ursula and lumps the siblings up together, the movement is so smooth and exquisite that we as viewers can see Cesare GRAVITATE towards Lucrezia and her receiving him whole-heartedly. This moment cements the fact that Ursula is all but a passing phase in Cesare’s life, one that he can control, while Lucrezia is... his basic instinct.
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In a crowded room, Cesare and Lucrezia will somehow ALWAYS find each other and come together. They ditch all public etiquette and become IMMERSED in one another, acutely sensing what the other needs and giving/receiving without the fear of social stigmas attached to their actions. Everything is INVOLUNTARY when it comes to this duo.
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The energy at this point also turns much more serious and beguiling, almost seductive (as with all their scenes), when compared to the passive aggressive banter Cesare has with Ursula moments ago. How his demeanour and expressions change between Ursula and Lucrezia is very telling of the fact that Ursula was a fleeting love, while Lucrezia is a permanent impression on his soul, like the crucifix on Jesus Christ. He loves(d) Ursula with his heart, while he loves Lucrezia with his soul.
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Got You: Cyrus Lupo x Reader
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Tagging: @darqchilddaydreamz @words-and-seeds @infinity-mars @malindacath @tkappi @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets  @kmc1989 @oureternalbond 
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Cyrus doesn’t expect to see you waiting for him at JFK, the same airport the two of you said goodbye in four years ago. It gives him a sense of déjà vu, because you were wearing the same expression back then too. A mix of sadness and propriety. You don’t like to wear your emotions on your sleeve, he knows that he’s to blame for that.
“Hey.” He says quietly before his eyes flicker to Detective Green who stands alongside of you.
He doesn’t know what you’ve told your partner, so he hangs back because things like this have the tendency to get awkward and he doesn’t want that for you. He’s done enough damage over the years.
It doesn’t matter that he wants to embrace you, that he wants to bury his face in the curve of your throat and take comfort in your presence. He lost the right to that when he took up his posting with the Intelligence Division.
You let Green take the lead while you buy the three of you coffee. The truth is you don’t know what to say because the Tommy that you knew wouldn’t have gotten involved with hookers and dope, he was a family man through and through. You see the blow land, the disbelief in his features. Cyrus looks to you for confirmation, and you incline your head just enough for him to read it as a nod.
“That’s not my brother.” He reiterates, shaking his head. “He wouldn’t cheat on his wife; he wasn’t a weak person. He beat cancer five years ago.”
“When was the last time you talked to him?” You ask him, your fingertips toying with a sachet of sugar. You don’t take it, but you need something to do with your hands because this situation feels like it’s devolving. The more information you give, the more you can see Cyrus withdrawing into himself.
“I don’t know.” He hesitates before taking a sip from his coffee. “He called me a few weeks ago but I was seeing to a situation, I couldn’t ring back.”
There’s guilt there, you can sense it under the surface. He looks at you and then looks away, swallowing hard. You suspect that he did the same thing to Tommy that he did to you four years ago. One phone call when he got to Morocco and then it was like he disappeared off the face of the earth.
“If it wasn’t a paid date or a girlfriend who else would have wanted your brother dead?” Ed asks him and Cyrus purses his lips together into a grim line. You can see the cogs turning in his brain, that steely glint in his eyes as the mood starts to shift.
“Hey.” You say tapping the back of his hand with your fingertip to draw his attention to you. He tilts his head; his jaw clenching and you fix him with a fierce look of your own. “Do not even think about it. They won’t let you work on this case Cyrus.”
He says nothing, he simply picks up his cup of coffee stares straight ahead. You already know that your words have fallen on deaf ears. Nothing is going to stop Cyrus Lupo finding out what happened to his brother.
Cyrus causes problems from the outset. It starts with using Green’s name at the M.E’s office to confirm his theory regarding Tommy’s cancer and continues to him challenging Van Buren regarding the classification of the death. He practically begs the Lieutenant to work the case.
When you hear the details of what he’s been up to abroad, you feel your heart stutter in your chest because you can see his self-destructive tendencies playing out in an international arena.
Lupo broke some big cases in some unfriendly parts of the world, and he did it with no back up, no warrants, no weapon, Van Buren tells you. Your gaze strays to your ex-lover on the other side of the glass and part of you wants to strangle him. The police officer in you wants to commend him. He’s still managing to cause conflict in you, even after all this time.
His persistence and stubbornness pays off. With the additional death it’s decided he’ll work that part of the case alongside the two of you. Green resents it and you pinch the bridge of your nose because already you’re getting a migraine from the potential ramifications of having Cyrus back in your life.
When the videos show up, you see the moment that he starts to fall apart. The bullpen is empty, there’s just the two of you seated at the same desk watching Driscol’s suicide as Nolan interviews him. When the cursor hovers over the next file, you place your hand on his arm to stop him. He looks at you, and you already know that no matter what you say, he’s going to watch Tommy’s video.
You watch it with him. Tommy as he sits there, hooked up to the machine, the moment he presses the button, the second the light dies in his eyes. You tilt your head towards Cyrus as the devastation hits him, his shoulders start to quake, and he sucks in deep shaky breath and then another trying to compose himself.
“Come here.” You say softly and he complies burying his face into the hollow of your shoulder as he clutches onto you like a lifeline.
The first sob vibrates through your entire body, you can feel his anguish as his hands grip your shirt the emotion forcing it’s way through his system. There’s no protocol for grief, it’s violent and gut wrenching, it tears at your insides, eviscerating you and leaves your guts spilling out all over the floor. Your fingertips run through his curls, a soothing motion from a time he used to wake up beside in the throes of a nightmare, tears staining his cheeks and his heart pounding in his chest.
“I’ve got you.” You whisper as you cradle him close. “It’s alright, I’ve got you.”
Love Lupo? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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izosdualpistols · 1 year
KidLaw Playlist . . .
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— Inspired by @ devircy 's Kidlaw playlist post
LOTS of Arctic Monkeys, Glass Animals, etc...
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Muse - Supermassive Black Hole
: ``I thought I was a fool for no one. Oh baby, I'm a fool for you.``
Mother Mother - Arms Tonite
: ``I died in your arms tonight. I slipped through into the afterlife, it was nice.``
Glass Animals - Pork Soda
: ``Maybe you're fucking scum. Don't you go psycho chum. I want you for the world. I want you all the time.``
SIAMÉS - "The Wolf"
: ``Out of my head, of my heart and my mind. 'Cause I can feel how your flesh now is crying out for more.``
Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine?
: ``And satisfaction feels like a distant memory. And I can't help myself all I ever wanna say is, "Are you mine?"``
Glass Animals - Toes
: ``I'm a man, I'm a twisted fool - And all I ever want is just a little love.``
5SOS - Teeth
: ``Don't know if you love me or you want me dead. - Fight so dirty but you love so sweet. Talk so pretty but your heart got teeth.``
Arctic Monkeys - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?
: ``And you're startin' to bore me, baby, why'd you only call me when you're high?``
Glass Animals - Your Love (Déjà Vu)
``Too far from over you. - I can feel your love, your temporary touch, it's a hit and run.``
Måneskin - Beggin'
``So, any time I bleed, you let me go. - I'm beggin', beggin' you, and put your loving hand out, darling.``
Arctic Monkeys - Arabella
: ``Just might have tapped into your mind and soul. - Asking if I can have one of those organic cigarettes that she smokes.``
Ed Sheeran - Bad Habits
: ``Swearin' this will be the last, but it probably won't. - And I know I'll lose control of the things that I say. Yeah, I was lookin' for a way out, now I can't escape. - My bad habits lead to you.``
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Got a flat ass from sitting on my chair for too long making myself this playlist because it's 10x more difficult finding songs without Spotify (it's not free in Korea and art cram school is sucking ny wallet dry <3).
In all seriousness, I feel like Kidlaw's relationship revolves around the hatefuck, drug/sex (?) addict, one night stands, unrequited love, guns, crime, illegal shit area a lot.
Normally, I wouldn't say I'm into it but between Kidlaw fans - I'm into it. I blame Las because their doujins were what made me fall into the Kidlaw trap.
Honestly,, admitting Kidlaw has good chemistry + is hot was like signing a contract with the devil but the devil was Eustass Kid... Now I hate Kid in an affectionate way.
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fetgoals · 1 year
hi, i'm bun! i'm an afab genderqueer/genderfluid kinky pansexual 19 y/o switch <3
she/her are my default, but any other pronouns such as they/he and neos are more than welcome!
DNI if:
you're transphobic, misogynistic, racist, bigoted, homophobic, ableist, anti-sex work, etc.
you're under 18 (i will block you immediately)
you have no age posted in your display name, bio, or pinned post (i will block you immediately)
you engage with underage or ageless nsft/nsfw blogs
you have/post on any sort of ED blog. instant block (feedees/feeders are excluded from this, as well as inflation and stuff along those lines)
this should go without saying, but if you have something like "dm me for my age!" in your bio i will block you on sight. i don't care what number you put in your user/bio/pinned post. that means you are likely under the age of 18 and that is very much against my boundaries
other things to be said
i love being sent asks and messages! i'm likely to respond and engage to a dm within 5 business days, and asks are always appreciated!
my blog focuses on potentially triggering subjects, so if you need to block me feel free :]
i will not send pics of myself for free.
i spam like! this is so i know what i've seen already. i have memory problems so this really helps prevent false déjà vu. thank you for understanding <3
i occasionally post about weird dysphoria things that don't fit into the gender binary, nor the traditional understanding of dysphoria that may come with being trans.
#bun answered - asks, whether anonymous or not, that i've answered!
#bun rants about wanting a dick - what it says on the tin
#bun txt - my original text posts and reblogged posts i've added a comment on
#bun irl - my irl experiences :]
#bun psa - reblogged stuff that's important to me (typically non-sexual in nature)
things i'm into (in no particular order):
petplay (cow, bunny, and puppy)
md/lg, dd/lg, md/lb (all cg/l, both sfw and non)
mutual masturbation
consensual non-consent
the titles "mommy" or "daddy"
inc3st rp, but i will do my best to tag it
and more! i will add them as they come to me :]
most importantly
almost everything stated here is fantasy and should not be carried over into real life unless it is safe, legal, moral/ethical, and consensual.
i in no way condone any sexual act without informed and enthusiastic consent.
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xylodemon · 1 year
ofmd prompt ficlet: Jealousy (Jack/Izzy)
Jack/Izzy | adult | ~900 words
(trans Izzy, jealousy, possessive behavior, dirty(ish) talk, semi-public sex, vaguely dubious consent,
For thesoulundone, who gave me a song prompt: Déjà Vu—Something for Kate. Originally posted here.
Jack drains his rum and slams the tankard on the bar. He snarls under his breath as he waits for the barkeep to come over and glances at Izzy and Ed. They're right where he left them—Izzy leaning against Ed's shoulder, Ed's arm hanging off the back of Izzy's chair. They've got their heads together like they're in on some kind of big secret.
Ed's calling himself Blackbeard these days. At least, that's what Jack's heard. He hadn't figured on running into him tonight—not this far south, at any rate.
The barkeep sneers at Jack—this'll be his fourth—but he slops more rum into the tankard. The tavern noise lulls as Jack brings it to his mouth.
"…could still come sail with me…"
"…Ed, that's…"
"…just a thought, mate. If you…"
Anger flares in Jack's gut; he glances over again. Ed's never bothered touching Izzy before, and now the bastard's got his hand on the back of Izzy's neck. The look on Izzy's face is—fuck. Jack turns back around. He heads to the back door and walks outside, where he won't have to watch Ed take Izzy upstairs.
He's not stupid, despite what people like to think. He knows he was Izzy's second choice. He knows that Izzy only left Hornigold's ship with him because Ed didn't love him—because settling seemed better than sailing with Ed but never getting what he wanted. But he'd thought… he'd hoped—
"Jack?" Izzy asks. Tavern noise rushes outside as door swings shut behind him. "What are you doing out here?"
"Could ask you the same thing."
"Ed was asking about you."
"I'll just bet," Jack grunts. Izzy's collar looks a bit loose—like Ed touched his throat, or maybe kissed it. The thought of someone else's hands on Izzy sends him into such a rage that he slams his empty tankard against the wall. "Fuck."
"Jack? What are—oh." Izzy scoffs. "You're drunk."
Jack gets his hand on Izzy's throat and backs him into the wall. He digs his thumb in as he asks, "You come out here to say goodbye before you shove off with Eddie?"
"You dumb fuck," Izzy snaps, face flushing. He squirms against the wall and jabs his knuckles into Jack's side. "Do you actually think I'd leave you?"
Jack says, "I think," and uses his other hand to paw at the front of Izzy's pants. "I think you're wet just from him whispering in your ear." He yanks Izzy's pants open and gets his hand on Izzy's cunt, teasing his fingers over Izzy's hole, right where he's warm and slick. "He doesn't want you. He just doesn't want anyone else having you."
Izzy snarls at that, lips curling like he's about to spit in Jack's face, but then Jack drags his fingers up and slides them along either side of Izzy's cock. Izzy makes a choked noise and rolls his hips, pushing into Jack's hand. He clutches at Jack's vest and hisses Jack's name.
"Yeah, me," Jack mutters. "Mine." He strokes Izzy's cock a few more times, then dips his fingers back down and pushes them inside—one, two. "You're mine, Hands. If Eddie tries to take you from me—"
"He's not," Izzy insists, shaking his head. His cunt is fucking soaked. "He doesn't—"
"I'll kill him." Jack works a third finger in and rubs his thumb over Izzy's cock. "He comes anywhere near this cunt and I'll gut him like a fucking pig."
"Don't," Izzy says, but he's trembling now, breathing high and hard, showing teeth. "You—"
"Should fuck you like this," Jack says, rocking his fingers deeper. "Should pin you on my cock right here, so anyone who comes outside will know who you belong to."
Izzy whines and tips his head back. His throat flexes under Jack's hand.
"Should get Eddie out here, yeah? Let him see you dripping all over me." That hooks another noise out of Izzy's throat. Jack rubs and rubs at Izzy's cock and fucks his fingers in and in and in. He says, "Yeah, c'mon," with his mouth against Izzy's temple. "Come for me, sweetheart. Come right on my hand."
Izzy gasps into it, shaking, his eyes fluttering closed and his mouth dropping open as his cunt squeezes around Jack's fingers. His knees wobble, and he sags against Jack's chest. He digs his nails into Jack's arms and sucks in huge lungfuls of the humid, night air.
When he can breathe again, he rears back and slaps Jack across the face.
"That's for thinking I'd leave you."
"Sorry," Jack mutters, "I just… thinking about you with someone else makes me crazy."
"Fancy talk from a guy who won't commit."
That—fuck. It's been four years since the mutiny: four years of them sailing together and sharing a cabin, sharing a life. But Jack hasn't brought matelotage up because he assumed Izzy would say no, that he wouldn't want to splice himself to a guy who drinks too much and has so much pain left over from the fire that he can't get out of bed some days.
"Would you want that? If I…"
Izzy almost smiles. "Ask me again when you're sober. And when you're not in a strop about fucking Ed."
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dixongrimestrash · 2 years
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True Colors; Eddie x female reader
Summary: When Eddie’s girlfriend gets captured by Vecna, he has to play her favorite song to save her.
We were ready. We had the perfect plan and we were gonna win. We were gonna defeat Vecna and prove Eddie innocent.
Something went wrong. You couldn’t see anything, it was like you were in a dark hallway. But you were just in Eddie’s trailer. Your chest felt heavy and you knew this was bad. Very, very, bad.
“Eddie!” You yelled your boyfriends name. You were scared and Eddie always did his best to protect you.
“Nancy! Steve! Robin!!”
“Anyone help, me can you hear me?!” You screamed, almost frozen in place, unable to move.
“They cannot save you Y/N.”
A voice behind you growled. Suddenly you were back at the Creel house. But it wasn’t the house. It looked like the woods, with parts of the creel house floating. It was all red.
You were back in the upside down. You tried to run away. You were tied, branches tied around your ankles and hands restricting your movement.
“No, no!” You yelled fighting against the restraints. You were turned around and met him face to face. He tilted his head as you started to recognize him.
“You.” You spit in his face, which did not even faze him. It’s not like he had much of a face. He was very burnt, like Freddy Kruger. He was the monster that have been living inside other Hawkins kids head. He tried to take Max. And now he was trying to take you. “You son of a bitch.”
“You think you can take me huh?” You screamed trying to break free. “I’m not afraid of you.”
“You will be.” Vecna growled. He took a step closer and brought his hand toward your face.
“You will die. And your friends will watch.”
“Get those talons away from me!” You screamed. “My friends are going to find me. Eleven is gonna come here and kick your fried ass back to hell!”
Vecna blinked, and curled his hand making you start to suffocate. The vines around you getting tighter and tighter cutting off your oxygen.
“Hurry up!” Dustin yelled rummaging through Eddie’s desk for any sort of music you may know enough to be brought out of this trance.
Dustin, Erica, Max, and Lucas were in Eddie’s room looking for a tape to play. Robin and Nancy were in the kitchen looking as well. “Shit, shit. Wake her up hurry!” Steve yelled pacing.
“Come on y/n snap out of it please sweetheart.” Eddie was shaking your shoulders violently. This felt like déjà vu for Eddie. Same spot. Same feeling. Only this time, you were the love of his life and he couldn’t lose you.
“Why is this happening? Jesus H Christ not her, not y/n.” Eddie was starting to become hysterical. He saw Chrissy die right in front of him and he couldn’t let this happen again.
“Harrington! Watch my girl, if she starts to float grab red’s Walkman. I know what will help.” Eddie stepped away from you and looked to the group of people in his trailer. Steve nodded and Max took off her headphones for the first time since the incident.
Eddie ran out to his van, clinging the door open. He opened the glove box and pulled out the tape that had your favorite song on it. Eddie ran back inside and everyone was standing around you. Max put her headphones on you and took out her Kate Bush tape, replacing it with Cyndi Lauper.
“You with the sad eyes, don’t be discouraged.”
The vines around you got tighter making each breath harder then the next. “Ed-.”
Tears started rolling down your cheeks. You loved Eddie so much. He was the brightest light in your life.
“Oh I realize it’s hard to take courage.”
“Kinda like a date? What do ya say? And if you say no then I’ll just have to fall off the face of the earth to avoid the embarrassment of seeing your pretty face everyday. So no pressure or anything.” Eddie was obviously nervous, you could tell by the way he hid his blushing cheeks and smile by chewing on his long wavy hair.
“Eddie of course I wanna go on a date. I’ve been crazy for you since like the third grade when you gave me your juice box because the mean girls took mine. Weird buzz cut and all.”
Eddie fisted pumped the air and ran over to you, giving you the biggest hug. You laughed and squeezed his torso.
Memories flashed in your mind. With Eddie and your first date. To stealing kisses and touches in the hallway and lunch room. Hanging out with him and the kids during Hellfire. Hanging out at the movie store with Steve and Robin. Learning how to skate with Max. Having sleepovers with Nancy. Staying together to fight Vecna and finally feeling like you had won.
Tears were streaming down your face. You tried with all the muscles in your body to look Vecna in his cold, dead eyes. “Y-you.. won’t w-win.” You choked out. You could see a small opening just over Vecna’s shoulder. It looked to be Eddie’s trailer. And there was Eddie, trying to shake you out of this horrible trance.
“Come on y/n fight! You have to fight, you are so strong sweetheart. Stronger then any of us. You can’t leave not yet.” Eddie was fighting for you. He knew you would hear him.
Your vision started to blur and it was hard to make out your friends from a distance. All that mattered was Eddie stayed. And he hadn’t ran away. And he was fighting for you.
“In a world full of people.”
Eddie was playing your favorite song. He kept a tape of it in his van and he always said he hated it. But he kept it, and he was trying to save you.
“You can lose sight of it all.”
“It’s over y/n. Don’t worry it’ll be over soon.” Vecna a growled again and you could see yourself start to ascend in Eddie’s trailer.
“Shit shit shit.” Dustin panicked.
“Oh my god.” Nancy gasped.
“Y/n! Y/n come on wake up!” Max, Lucas and Erica yelled.
“It’s not working she’s floating!” Robin yelled trying to grad your ankle and bring you back down.
“No shit, this is bad! Y/n come on!” Steve screamed as the lights started to flicker in Eddie’s trailer.
“No, no you can’t take her you son of a bitch! Come out and fight us you coward!” Eddie yelled as he flipped the kitchen table out of the way.
“Y/n come back to me!” Eddie yelled cupping his hands around his mouth.
“And the darkness inside you, can make you seem so small.”
“But I see your true colors shining through.”
You saw a glimpse of your boyfriend and friends trying to bring you down. You looked down at Vecna who’s eyes were rolled back toward his skull.
“Not today.” You gasped and took a thorn from the vine that was around your waist and stabbed Vecna in the chest. He stumbled back and the vines released you.
“I see your true colors, and that’s why I love you.”
“So don’t be afraid to show your true colors.”
You tan toward the gap where your friends were. You could feel Vecna’s presence close behind so you had to keep going. No looking back.
You suddenly opened your eyes and fell to the ground. Eddie bracing your fall. “Oh my god, oh my god.” Eddie breathed once you were in his arms.
You screamed and flailed your arms as you were still getting used to your surroundings.
“Y/n it’s okay your back you are safe.” Nancy said bending down to touch your knee. You looked around and saw your friends gathered in front of you. All with looks of concern and relief etched on their faces.
“True colors, are beautiful like a rainbow.”
You took the headphones off and turned to face Eddie who had tears in his eyes.
“I’m okay.”
“You’re okay.” Eddie confirmed and pressed a kiss to your temple.
“True colors. You played it. Thank you.” You gasped turning toward him wrapping your arms around his neck and settling in his lap.
“Are you kidding? We aren’t listening to anything else ever again. Call me Cyndi Lauper’s biggest fan.” Eddie teased rubbing circles on your back.
Tears welled in your eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too sweetheart.”
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lovesongbracket · 1 year
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Tainted Love
Written By: Ed Cobb
Artist: Soft Cell
Released: 1981
Originally recorded by: Gloria Jones, 1965
Soft Cell’s 1981 synth-pop hit “Tainted Love” is a remake of a 1964 Gloria Jones song. Jones’ song was a B-side to “My Bad Boy’s Comin’ Home,” a Motown single that flopped. Jones’ “Tainted Love” blew up in the UK’s Northern soul scene in the ’70s after British club DJ Richard Searling bought a used copy on a trip to the US. After “Tainted Love” got a boost from the Northern soul scene, Gloria Jones recorded a new version in 1974, but it failed to chart. When Soft Cell decided to give the song a go in 1981, they changed the key and slowed the tempo. They worked with producer Mike Thorne to create the electronic arrangement for the song. Thorne told Sound on Sound: “You could smell the coke on that second, Northern soul version, it was really so over-ramped and so frantic. It was good for the dance floor, but I didn’t like the record…when Soft Cell performed the song I heard a very novel sound and a very nice voice, so off we went.”
[Intro] [Verse 1] Sometimes I feel I've got to Run away I've got to Get away From the pain you drive into the heart of me The love we share Seems to go nowhere And I've lost my light For I toss and turn I can't sleep at night [Chorus] Once I ran to you (I ran) Now, I'll run from you This tainted love you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly all Oh, tainted love Tainted love [Verse 2] Now, I know I've got to Run away, I've got to Get away You don't really want any more from me To make things right You need someone to hold you tight And you think love is to pray But I'm sorry, I don't pray that way [Chorus] Once I ran to you (I ran) Now, I'll run from you This tainted love you've given I give you all a boy could give you Take my tears and that's not nearly all Oh, tainted love Tainted love [Bridge] Don't touch me please I cannot stand the way you tease I love you, though you hurt me so Now, I'm gonna pack my things and go [Chorus] Tainted love, oh, tainted love, oh Tainted love, oh, tainted love, oh [Outro] Touch me, baby, tainted love Touch me, baby, tainted love Tainted love, oh Tainted love, oh Tainted love
Our House
Written By: Graham Nash
Artist: Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
Released: 1970
Cover included: The Head and the Heart, 2021
“Our House” is a song written by British singer-songwriter Graham Nash and recorded by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young on their album Déjà Vu. At the time Graham Nash & Joni Mitchell were dating and the time the two spent that particular day after purchasing a vase on Ventura Boulevard inspired this song. Nash has stated that he wrote this song in a hour. In October 2013, in an interview with Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air, Nash elaborated: “Well, it’s an ordinary moment. What happened is that Joni [Mitchell] and I – I don’t know whether you know anything about Los Angeles, but on Ventura Boulevard in the Valley, there’s a very famous deli called Art’s Deli. And we’d been to breakfast there. We’re going to get into Joan’s car, and we pass an antique store. And we’re looking in the window, and she saw a very beautiful vase that she wanted to buy … I persuaded her to buy this vase. It wasn’t very expensive, and we took it home. It was a very grey, kind of sleety, drizzly L.A. morning. And we got to the house in Laurel Canyon, and I said – got through the front door and I said, you know what? I’ll light a fire. Why don’t you put some flowers in that vase that you just bought? Well, she was in the garden getting flowers. That meant she was not at her piano, but I was … And an hour later ‘Our House’ was born, out of an incredibly ordinary moment that many, many people have experienced.”
[Verse 1] I'll light the fire You place the flowers in the vase That you bought today [Verse 2] Staring at the fire For hours and hours while I listen to you Play your love songs all night long For me, only for me [Verse 3] Come to me now And rest your head for just five minutes Everything is done [Verse 4] Such a cozy room The windows are illuminated by the evening Sunshine through them, fiery gems For you, only for you [Chorus] Our house is a very, very, very fine house With two cats in the yard Life used to be so hard Now everything is easy cause of you And our [Interlude] La-la, la-la-la la la… [Chorus] Our house is a very, very, very fine house (fine house) With two cats in the yard Life used to be so hard Now everything is easy cause of you And our [Verse 1] I'll light the fire While you place the flowers in the vase That you bought today
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homomenhommes · 2 months
Après un jogging et une bonne douche, je pars chercher Charles- Edouard.
Tout le trajet en moto je lui cherche un diminutif, son prénom est trop long !! Charly, bof, je pense plutôt l'appeler Ed. C'est court et suffisant.
Je sonne à la porte, le petit frère ouvre, Ed en plus jeune. Il me salut très poliment et appelle son frère. Ce dernier dévale l'escalier et passe la porte en prévenant le ptit frère qu'il ne rentrera que ce soir. Je lui tend un casque. Il le pose sur sa tête. Je lui demande si il est déjà monté en passager moto. A sa réponse négative, je lui explique les règles de base. Bien s'accrocher au pilote, en cas de freinage, poser ses mains sur le réservoir et appuyer dessus pour éviter d'écraser le pilote (vu son poids, même avec l'effet freinage, il ne risque pas de me pousser jusqu'à ce que je m'écrase les couilles sur le réservoir !), se pencher dans le même sens que moi, autrement c'est le tout droit assuré !
La selle passager de ma Ducat est toute petite et il doit s'accrocher fortement à moi. Une fois ses bras autour de ma taille, je lui prends les mains pour les placer sur mon paquet. Il comprend vite et s'accroche fermement. Je bande, ça lui facilite l'ancrage !
Nous retournons à la maison. Je ne peux m'empêcher de frimer un peu et sur quelques passages pousse ma machine dans les tours.
A l'arrivée, après l'enthousiasme de la balade, il devient tout timide à l'entrée de la maison. Je le pousse dans le dos et nous franchissons le seuil. Du salon nous parviennent les voix de Marc et Eric. Je quitte ma combi et reste en shorty + Tshirt, Ed défait son blouson. Je lui demande si il et toujours partant pour de la baise hors normes. Il me répond d'un petit " oui ".
Nous pénétrons dans le salon. Marc et Eric sont encore en peignoirs dans les canapés (ils viennent de remonter d'une séance de muscu). Je présente Ed. Deux paires d'yeux le déshabillent. Il n'en mène pas large et quand Marc lui demande de se tourner, il obéit sans sourciller. Marc me demande alors de le préparer. Je sais ce qu'il sous entend par là, douche, épilation, lavement... Nous descendons au sous sol. Comme pour tous, la salle de muscu l'impressionne tout comme les sanitaires façon salle de sport. Je me mets nu et lui demande de se déshabiller. Je l'aide un peu. Il est imberbe naturellement et les seuls poils en trop sont sous ses aisselles, autour de sa bite et un peu sur les mollets. je le préviens que nous allons retirer tout ça. Crème épilatoire partout et 10mn plus tard l'eau de la douche se charge de la lui retirer. Je vérifie en passant ma main, il est lisse comme un bébé.
J'approche la canule en inox et lui explique le principe : remplissage, vidange, remplissage, vidange jusqu'à ce que l'eau sorte propre. Un peu de gel sur son anus et j'enfile la canule. Eau tiède, petit débit. Il me demande d'arrêter et cours sur le siège des wc. Au troisième lavage, il est tout propre, intérieur comme extérieur. Je lui fait mettre un jock strap (j'en ai fait acheté une bonne douzaine de taille S sur Internet). En noir, ça souligne l'extrême blancheur de sa peau et encadre ses petites fesses de façon très suggestive. Je le remonte aux mâles. Il a la courtoisie de rougir quand je le pousse devant les yeux des deux Hommes, ça lui va bien ce rose aux joues. Marc demande à ce qu'il se plante devant eux et tourne doucement. Quand il leur présente le dos, Marc demande à ce qu'il se penche en avant et qu'il écarte les fesses avec ses mains. Ed jette un regard vers moi, de la tête je lui fais signe d'obéir. Il se penche donc et dévoile son petit trou. Marc passe sa main et vérifie l'absence de poil. L'anneau frémit sous sa caresse. Marc me dit que j'ai l'air d'avoir trouvé une deuxième salope. En attendant, j'observe que deux mats sont en train de soulever le tissus éponge des peignoirs. Je demande à Ed de se retourner. Comme moi il remarque la chose. Je lui dis d'y aller.
Timidement, il s'approche de Marc et s'agenouille, écartant ses cuisses. Le mouvement ouvre le peignoir et découvre le manche de mon mec. Ed me jette un regard, d'un coup de menton, je l'engage à continuer. Il se penche doucement et pose ses lèvres sur le gland. Très très lentement, il ouvre la bouche et descend sur le pieu. Il ne le sait pas mais sa façon de faire est extrêmement excitante. Il en avale 12/13cm avant que ça butte contre sa glotte. Il commence alors un va et vient. Je surveille, je devine sa langue tourner autour du gland aux mouvements qui agitent ;ses joues, il salive bien et Marc me dit que la pipe est bonne à défaut d'être profonde. Il va falloir lui apprendre rapidement. Eric réclame son attention. Quand il a sous les yeux la " bête ", il s'effraye je le rassure et il commence avec appréhension par sucer le gland. C'est vrai que déjà il à presque la bouche pleine ! Eric pose ses mains sur la tête blonde et pousse régulièrement et un peu plus chaque fois. Ed émet quelques sons, protestations ? Appréciation ? Pas facile à dire car ils nous parviennent très déformés par le gland violet qu'Eric lui maintient dans la bouche. Quand Eric relâche la pression, Ed se dégage pour nous dire combien c'est bon. Ouf !
Il ré attaque la queue de Marc. Avec plus de facilité cette fois, il en avale beaucoup plus sans s'étrangler. Je me place derrière lui et le fait passer à 4 pattes pour pouvoir lui bouffer le cul. C'est la première fois pour lui et ça lui fait de l'effet. Il se tortille au bout de ma langue. Je sens doucement s'ouvrir son oeillet sous l'effet de mon léchage. Je change alors de braquet et pointe la langue pour la faire pénétrer. Elle se faufile et j'arrive à lui saliver dedans. Comme je suis le premier à l'avoir enculé et que la seule fois où il à fait l'amour c'était avec la mère de Jean et sous kpote, je décide de l'enculer à cru. Une bonne couche de gel et progressivement 3 doigts dans le cul pour l'étaler et le préparer. Je m'enfonce dans son cul de presque puceau. Pour entrer les derniers cm, je suis encore obligé de lui faire sniffer du poppers. Comme la première fois l'effet est immédiat. Reculant de lui même pour s'enculer plus fermement sur ma bite, avalant plus profondément, jusqu'à poser son menton sur les couilles de Marc, il se déchaîne. Après quelques 10 minutes, Marc me demande de le lui donner. Je décule, le fait pivoter et lui dis de s'asseoir sur les genoux de Marc. Il m'obéi sans protestation. La bite de Marc et ses 22cm entre sans problème dans le trou que j'ai bien graissé et préparé. Alors qu'Ed saute sur les genoux de Marc, je m'occupe d'Eric dont la bite n'a pas molli. Il me défonce la bouche jusqu'à ce que je me couche le dos sur la table basse pour pouvoir la prendre dans ma gorge. Ed n'en revient pas, il ne pensait pas possible d'avaler totalement un monstre pareil. J'entends Eric lui dire que tout à l'heure ce sera son tour. Moi , je profite bien, je dois avoir un peu de Maso en moi car la sensation d'étouffement me fait bander encore plus.
Marc se dégage avant d'avoir jouit, il veut garder des forces pour plus tard ! Nous couchons Ed à ma place et je lui place la tête comme il faut. Marc lui replonge sa bite dans la gorge et est rapidement remplacé par Eric. A l'oreille d'Ed, je lui glisse quelques conseil pour avaler plus efficacement la bite d'Eric. Il peine quand même et plusieurs haut le coeur ponctuent les tentative d'Eric. Ce n'est que deux fois que ce dernier arrive à faire pénétrer entièrement sa queue. Je lui demande de tempérer, il faut y aller progressivement si je veux qu'il me dure un peu ce ptit blond !
Comme son cul a l ;"air plus souple que sa gorge, Eric décide de s'y essayer. Je le kpote et re-graisse le trou d'Ed passant 4 doigts dans son fondement.
Eric lui relève les jambes sur son torse et pose son gland sur la rondelle préparée. Je lui demande d'attendre et à 4 pattes ma tête au dessus de celle d'Ed, je demande à Marc de me sauter. Marc et Eric nous pénètrent en même temps. Marc en moi c'est une promenade, même si je fais en sorte qu'il sente bien mon anneau. Pour Ed, c'est une autre histoire. Bien que correctement préparé, il sent passer la bite de cheval d'Eric. Je n'hésite pas à le doser de nouveau en poppers tout en lui disant de se détendre. Des conseils ou des vapeurs aphrodisiaques, je ne sais ce qui à été le plus efficace mais il finit par apprécier les 26x7 qui lui envahissent le trou. Nous nous roulons des pelles et ce n'est pas le dernier à faire tourner sa langue ! il apprécie cette baise un peu hard, ça devrait passer avec mes clients, à condition de ne pas commencer par les plus brutaux.
Il finit par se juter dessus une bonne quantité de " crème " blanche. Eric le suit remplissant sa kpote. Quand je sens Marc m'inonder le cul, je jute dans ma main. Je demande à Ed d'ouvrir la bouche et lui fait couler mon jus dedans. Surpris au début, il avale. Après avoir léché ma main, je lui roule une pelle. Ce vicieux me tête la langue pour y extraire mes dernières gouttes de sperme, ça promet !!
Après une bonne douche à quatre où nous avons pris soin de son corps peu habitué à une telle gymnastique, j'ai téléphoné à l'appart pour que Samir nous amène Jimmy.
Samir a bien compris pourquoi et il nous l'apporte juste vêtu d'un jock strap blanc. Intrigués, mes deux nouveaux poulains se regardent, se détaillent, s'examinent. Ils tournent l'un autour de l'autre. C'est amusant à voir, il sont physiquement très semblables hormis la couleur de peau et de cheveux. On dirait deux jeunes chiots qui font connaissance, c'est tout juste si ils ne sentent pas la peau.
Marc et Eric sortent pour me laisser seul gérer la situation. Je les fais asseoir cote à cote et leur explique ce que j'attends vraiment d'eux, le type de mecs qu'ils vont rencontrer et les trips sexuels auxquels ils vont participer. Ils m'écoutent gravement. A la fin de mon petit discourt, je leur demande si ils sont toujours d'accord (bien que je connaisse la réponse). C'est un oui franc de Jimmy et un autre plus discret d'Ed.
Je précise que Jimmy commencera dans 8 jours alors qu'Ed à encore besoin de formation. Il a beau se récrier, c'est un fait qu'il prend moins facilement la bite que Jimmy. Je lui dis que la semaine à venir, il passera son mercredi après midi et tout le WE (à lui de trouver une excuse pour ses parents) en formation accélérée.
Quand je le ramène chez lui, son ptit frère est tout seul. Il me demande si lui aussi il pourrait venir faire un tour en moto. Je lui souris et lui dit plus tard peu être.
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rayondelun3 · 4 months
Ma chambre est parfaitement rangée finalement. J'ai pris mes cachets un peu tôt... Quoique, il est 23:00. Il faut absolument que je fasse la carte de M pour lui donner demain. J'avais oublié que j'avais déjà créé celle de T.
S ne viendra pas, elle est fatiguée et toujours malade, avec de la fièvre. Il faut que je passe la voir dans la semaine. Elle a peut-être besoin qu'on fasse du ménage et qu'on s'occupe d'elle. La savoir malade, toute seule, ne me plait pas. Après tout c'est ma sisi*. Je lui apporterai du chocolat chaud et je l'obligerai à me laisser faire du ménage pendant qu'elle se repose. Et puis je passerai du temps avec elle. J'espère qu'elle ne trouvera pas bizarre que je garde mon masque. Si je suis en forme, je lui ferai un tirage, je suis sûre que ça lui fera plaisir. D'ailleurs, elle m'a proposé qu'on passe le Nouvel An toutes les deux. C'est vraiment mimi.
T a prévu qu'on aille à la fête foraine demain et qu'on se saoule après. Pour ma part je vais éviter de trop boire pour la raccompagner et puis je crois que ce n'est pas bon pour tous mes soucis cardiaques etc. Ça fait longtemps que je ne l'ai pas vu et je ne sais rien lui refuser. C'est ma sisi elle aussi.
Demain je ne prendrai que mon sac à main pour ne pas être encombrée à la fête foraine. J'aurais bien aimé ramener l'appareil photo mais ce qui m'a servi de mère le garde précieusement sans l'utiliser bien sûr car c'est une vraie garce. Je vais finir par la détester. Foutue mère. Idiote de mère.
Heureusement que j'ai déjà fait une ébauche de carte et que j'ai déjà le format, le texte de prêts pour la carte de M.
Je suis tellement fatiguée. Pourtant j'ai dormi presque toute la journée aujourd'hui.
Je devrais voir El et Ed, ainsi que J. Je suis fatiguée il faut que je me lève mais je suis si fatiguée...
Aller courage.
*sisi est un surnom affectueux que j'ai inventé pour mes sœurs de cœur. C'est " sister " mais en plus court et plus doux.
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penguinwriter24 · 1 year
Chapitre 2: Memory [ Fr ]
TW : aucun, je crois.
Le deuxième mois.
Jour Trente-trois
Edmund sortit de son lit quand les premiers rayons de soleil pénétrèrent dans sa petite chambre. Il s’habilla puis il descendit doucement les escaliers pour ne pas réveiller les autres habitants de la maison. Il commença à se faire à manger, il avait faim. Son appétit revenait petit à petit alors il en profitait pour manger et reprendre des forces.
Tante Alberta entra dans la cuisine quand Edmund allait se mettre à table. Tante Alberta s’arrêta de marcher quand elle le vit. Elle ne s’était pas attendu à voir Edmund.
-Bonjour, Ed.
-Bonjour, tante Alberta.
Edmund fit glisser son assiette à l’autre bout de la table pour la donner à sa tante avant de se lever et de refaire à manger.
-Merci. Comment tu te sens, aujourd’hui?
-Mieux. Et toi?
-Je vais bien.
Tante Alberta commença à parler de tout et de rien à Edmund, il ne répondait pas toujours, mais ça n’avait aucune importance pour tante Alberta, elle était juste heureuse que son neveu allait mieux. C’était tout ce qu’elle avait demandé. 
Ils mangèrent leur petit-déjeuner en paix. Enfin, jusqu’à ce que Lucy se lève à son tour et elle poussa un cri de joie avant de se jeter littéralement au cou de son frère quand elle l’avait vu assis dans la cuisine.
Durant tout le petit-déjeuner, Lucy n’avait pas quitté son frère des yeux et son sourire n’avait pas disparu non plus. Si elle n’avait eu de cesse de le regarder, c’était parce qu’elle avait eu peur que ce soit son imagination qui lui jouait un tour, elle avait peur que si elle détournait le regard ne serait-ce qu’une seule seconde alors Edmund disparaîtrait.
-Tu peux arrêter de me regarder comme ça, Lu?
Lucy détourna le regard à contre-cœur, mais elle le regarda tout de même du coin de l'œil. 
Personne ne l’avait vu - sauf Lucy - mais Edmund souriait et c’était une petite victoire pour elle.
Edmund n'était pas sorti de la maison ce jour-là, mais au moins il n’était pas retourné s'enfermer dans sa chambre. Il avait aidé tante Alberta dans les tâches ménagères.
Jour Quarante.
Edmund et Eustace faisaient une partie d’échec. C’était que le début de la partie, mais Edmund était déjà en train de gagner. Il le savait. Il savait aussi qu’Eustace le laissait gagner.
-Comment est-ce que tu l’as rencontrée?
-Qui ça?
En entendant son prénom être prononcé à haute voix, Edmund eut à nouveau envie de pleurer. Il but une gorgée de son verre d’eau. Il bougea l’un de ses cavaliers sur l'échiquier et il prit le pion d’Eustace. Et il lui raconta l’histoire.
Se rendant compte que Peter et Lucy n’étaient plus là, Susan et Edmund se levèrent en vitesse et partirent à leur recherche. Ils n’eurent pas de mal à les retrouver, il leur avait suffi de suivre les bruits d'agitation pour savoir où ils étaient. Susan avait son arc et une flèche dans les mains et Edmund tenait son épée fermement. Quand ils regardèrent tout autour d’eux, ils virent des Narniens et un garçon se tenait devant Peter. Mais Edmund n’avait d’yeux que pour la jeune fille qui se trouvait près du Minotaure.
Edmund était tellement émerveillé par sa beauté qu’il lui avait fallu de longues et embarrassantes minutes avant qu’il puisse détourner le regard. Et, il était certain que son teint était devenu aussi rouge que les armoiries de Narnia quand elle lui avait sourit.
En réalité, elle n’avait rien d'exceptionnel. Elle avait les cheveux longs, ils étaient bruns ou peut-être noirs, une couleur répandue, mais pourtant chez elle la couleur prenait une toute nouvelle dimension. Elle avait les yeux verts avec une toute petite pointe de brun dedans. Elle semblait petite - bien que ce fut difficile à savoir à cet instant, tout le monde paraissait petit à côté des Minotors. Il pensait voir aussi des tâches de rousseurs, mais il était trop loin pour réellement les voir. Il se moqua intérieurement de l’ironie de la chose, de là où il était, il pouvait voir qu’elle avait un peu de bruns dans ses yeux mais il ne voyait pas si elle avait des tâches de rousseurs.
Les battements de son cœur résonnaient dans ses oreilles à tel point qu’il n’entendit pas la conversation entre son grand frère et le garçon - il découvrit plus tard, sur le chemin qu’il s'agissait du Prince Caspian.
Le Prince Caspian emmena les quatre enfants Pevensie à l’endroit où ils se cachaient tous. Edmund marchait derrière ses sœurs, il avait la tête baissée pour voir où il mettait les pieds, il ne remarqua tout de suite qu’il fut rejoint par la jeune fille dont il ignorait encore le nom.
-Votre majesté ? sa voix était si douce et à peine plus forte qu’un murmure.
-Oui ?  Pardon ? Edmund tourna la tête vers elle et il tomba par terre quand elle lui sourit une nouvelle fois.
Elle avait rigolé juste avant de l’aider à se relever et elle l’aida à retirer les feuilles et les brindilles d’herbes qu’il avait dans les cheveux. Edmund avait à nouveau rougi, mais cette fois il ne pouvait dire si c’était à cause de la honte ou parce qu’elle l’avait touché. 
Dû à leur proximité, il pouvait enfin affirmer qu’elle avait bel et bien des tâches de rousseur et il ne savait pas que ça pouvait être aussi joli.
-Tu es vraiment tombé par terre? rigola Eustace.
-Je me suis étalé de tout mon long, rigola Edmund face à ce souvenir.
-Tu parles d’une première impression, se moqua gentiment Eustace.
-Ouais…c’est à ton tour de jouer.
Jour Cinquante.
Edmund était dans la pièce à vivre, il était assis près de la fenêtre un livre ouvert sur ses genoux bien qu’il regardait plus ce qui se passait dehors qu’il ne lisait son livre. Il ne savait même pas quelle histoire il racontait. Son oncle et sa tante n’étaient pas là. Seuls Lucy et Eustace étaient à la maison avec lui.
-Dahlia ?
Edmund se redressa rapidement quand il crut avoir aperçu Dahlia. Il se leva, laissant le livre tomber par terre et il se dirigea vers la porte, il l’ouvrit et il cria une fois encore le prénom de la jeune femme. Il l’avait imaginé. Dahlia n’était pas là. 
Edmund referma la porte à contre-coeur. 
Alertés par les cris d’Edmund, Lucy et Eustace descendirent les escaliers à toute vitesse pour le rejoindre.
-Qu’est-ce qu’il se passe? demanda Lucy, paniquée.
-Rien. Rien du tout. J’ai cru voir Dahlia.
Lucy fit un sourire triste à son frère qui retourna s’asseoir après avoir ramassé son livre. Lucy alla s’asseoir en face de son frère et Eustace s’assit sur l’accoudoir du fauteuil de son père.
Edmund regarda attentivement la couverture du livre qui était à présent fermé sur ses genoux. Il ne voulait pas affronter leur regard parce qu’il savait ce qu’il y trouverait. De la pitié. Ils ne le regardaient plus que comme ça depuis un mois et demi.
-J’ai vraiment cru qu’elle était là…ça avait l’air si réel, Lu.
-Je sais…c’est comme quand moi je croyais voir Aslan alors qu’il n’était pas là.
-Sauf qu’avec Aslan, à la fin, tu avais toujours raison. Tu l’apercevais vraiment. Là, je sais qu’elle n’était pas là.
-Je suis vraiment désolée, Ed…
Edmund haussa juste les épaules, ce n'était pas de sa faute après tout. C’était son cerveau à lui qui avait décidé de lui jouer un mauvais tour.
-C'est pas grave. Comme tu l'as dis, Lu, je vais m'en remettre.
Jour Cinquante-Cinq
Lucy revenait du marché avec tante Alberta, elles étaient allées acheter les fruits et les légumes pour la semaine. Lucy se dirigea vers son grand frère, sa main gauche était cachée derrière son dos et elle lui souriait tendrement, comme quand elle était petite et qu’elle voulait l’attendrir pour qu’il fasse ce qu’elle voulait.
-J’ai un petit cadeau pour toi, Edmund.
Edmund arqua son sourcil, il était intrigué mais il ne dit rien, il attendait que Lucy lui donne son cadeau.
Lucy tendit la fleur à Edmund qui la prit. Ce n’était pas la première fois que Lucy lui offrait des fleurs ou une fleur.
-Merci, Lu.
-Tu sais quelle espèce de fleur c’est? demanda-t-elle peu sûre d’elle.
Lucy voulait être sûre que son frère comprenne quel genre de fleur c’était et pourquoi elle avait une si grande valeur.
-Les pompoms que maman avait dans le jardin avant la guerre? Edmund répondit au hasard.
-Non, c’est une Dahlia.
Les yeux d’Edmund se mirent à briller par les larmes qui menaçaient de couler mais il les ravala rapidement avant de se lever, d’embrasser sa soeur sur la joue pour la remercier encore une fois et il alla la mettre dans un vase avant d’aller la déposer dans sa chambre.
Jour Soixante.
Edmund ignorait quelle heure il était, la lune était déjà haute dans le ciel, la nuit devait être déjà bien entamée. Les étoiles décoraient le ciel sombre. Il essaya de retrouver les constellations qu'il avait vues à Narnia, mais en vain. Le ciel étoilé anglais ne surpassait pas celui de Narnia.
Il repensa à toutes les nuits blanches qu'ils avaient passé dehors à contempler le ciel nocturne avec Dahlia. Et à la façon dont la Lune se reflétait divinement dans ses yeux.
Edmund et Dahlia étaient assis sur les ruines dans lesquelles ils se cachaient depuis déjà plusieurs jours.
-Comment c'est là où vous vivez, votre altesse? demanda Dahlia.
-Appelez-moi Edmund. Techniquement, je ne suis plus Roi…
-Très bien, Edmund.
C'était la première fois qu'il l'entendait dire son  prénom et la façon dont elle l'avait prononcé fit accélérer les battements du cœur d'Edmund. Il avait presque envie de lui demander de le dire encore et encore, jusqu'à ce que son prénom ne devienne plus qu'un mot qui ne veut plus rien dire.
 -L'Angleterre est…différente d'ici. L'air est pollué, les gens sont méchants entre eux et le fait qu'on soit en pleine guerre depuis maintenant trois ans ne fait rien pour arranger les tensions.
-Est-ce que vous pouvez aider dans cette guerre?
-Non. Je suis trop jeune dans mon monde pour pouvoir me battre.
Edmund lui parla ensuite de toutes les avancées technologiques de son monde. Il lui parla des téléphones, des trains et des voitures. Il lui parla aussi de l’école et de ses bonnes notes - il tentait de l’impressionner comme si cela avait un sens pour elle.
Dahlia le regardait avec émerveillement. Elle buvait chacune des paroles de Edmund comme si elles étaient des paroles divines. Le monde duquel il venait l’intriguait et elle aurait voulu y aller pour le voir de ses propres yeux.
-Et, est-ce que vous possédez l’une de ces choses…une voiture?
-Non. Je suis trop jeune pour ça aussi.
-Votre monde à l’air moins marrant pour les jeunes personnes.
-Il l’est.
Edmund fit l’erreur de tourner la tête vers elle. La Lune se reflétait sur son visage, lui donnant un air angélique, les étoiles embellissaient encore plus ses yeux. Edmund était tombé un peu plus sous son charme.
Comme c’était la veille de la bataille, ça faisait vraiment du bien à Edmund de passer une dernière soirée l’esprit libre. Il ne voulait pas penser à ce qui se passerait le lendemain et aux nombreuses vies qu’ils pourraient potentiellement perdre.
-Vous avez peur pour demain? demanda Dahlia.
-Oui, admit-il. On a déjà perdu tellement de monde quand on a attaqué le château de Miraz, j’ai pas envie de voir le sang des narniens couler encore plus.
Dahlia posa une main rassurante sur l’avant-bras d’Edmund et elle lui sourit.
-Nous serons victorieux demain. Je le sais.
-Tu seras prudente, n’est-ce pas?
-J’essaierai de l’être, je vous le promets.
Edmund hocha la tête avant qu’ils ne portent encore une fois leur attention sur le ciel étoilé.
Edmund finit par s’allonger. Il fit face à sa table de nuit où un fin vase était posé et dedans - avec une abondance d’eau qui n’était sûrement pas très bonne pour une fleur - se trouvait sa fleur, une Dahlia.
Edmund soupira avant de fermer les yeux et de finalement trouver le sommeil. Il n’arrivait pas à croire que ça faisait déjà deux mois.
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