#fiddle back
creature1959 · 7 months
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🎪💜 I Made myself a gym leader but I want to make my own Pokemon as an extra challenge. I might make a whole region based on Florida. 💜🎪
The first stage of the brown recluse Pokémon and sea Karit are on my team as well a branched evolution of a algae Pokémon my sea monster red tide Pokémon
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ylissebian · 5 months
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eachuisge-cc · 1 month
the skyrim horse has less than 5000 polygons.
an entire horse.
I just feel like that's an interesting fact that the sims community should know before they make or download a 40,000 poly pair of pants.
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hinamie · 4 days
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took 3 tries but i think i am finally free of korra plagiarism in yuuji's water tribe design
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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eveningrainstorm · 12 days
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you can take the family out of the psychics but you can't take the psychics out of the family
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fiddlstyx · 4 months
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based on this post, my favorite post ever
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paimonial-rage · 2 months
symbiosis - ayato
[random writing event] | requested by @andromeda-nova-writing
“My lord,” you began, “With all due respect, this is exactly why the new interns never last long.”
Ayato hummed in thought as he made his way down the halls of Tenshukaku. Upon his face was his usual smiling expression, a mask he learned early on in his career as Yashiro Commissioner. And there you were a few steps behind him as was proper for retainers.
“Is that so?” He replied with mock curiosity. “I can’t say I saw anything wrong with how the meeting went. Such is normal for the course of the commission, after all.”
He didn’t have to turn around to know you were shaking your head in exasperation.
“With all due respect, supporting you through seven financial meetings, four meetings with the branch families, thirteen inspections, and eight financial reports due by the end of the week would make even a competent worker cry.”
He nodded with a hand against his chin in thought.
“Yes, not even I expected they would break out into tears.”
“Excuse my forwardness, but any normal person would have learned to expect it by now. Perhaps it would be prudent to schedule a visit with the doctor to check your memory, my lord.”
He chuckled.
“The way you find such things to say is fascinating. Perhaps I should assign more work to devote more of your creative mind to.”
There was silence for a few seconds.
“My apologies, my lord. Unfortunately, my schedule is completely full. Perhaps another time.”
As he continued to his next engagement, Ayato couldn’t help but find it amusing the back and forth you both often had. You were a spy, after all, and not one of his. That being said, you were not anyone else’s either, much less one of his enemies’. You infiltrated the Yashiro Commission and worked your way up to his side based purely on personal motives.
Though it was well known he placed loyalty and trust above all else, you were a bit of a special case. A bit of research into you revealed you were from a fallen family subordinate to the Hiiragi clan. Through corruption and intimidation, your father was framed for bribery and theft and was thus executed by the Shogun herself. It would make sense that you, as the only child of the family, wanted revenge.
Thus, it was a smart move on your part to align yourself with the Yashiro Commission. As Ayato had connections and leads from all over Inazuma, as long as you remained by his side, you gained access to all the information you could ever need. As to why he didn’t expel you the moment he learned of your difference in loyalty? Your enemies were the same as his, but ones he couldn’t touch. It served him just as well that you would get rid of them.
Besides, he had to admit your company was much appreciated. You performed your duties effectively and efficiently without room for complaint. And though you had a tongue on you, it gave a reprieve from all the false smiles and niceties he had to endure on a daily basis. Dare he say it, he enjoyed being around you. It made him wonder…
“And once that time comes that you’re finally free, what will you do then?”
Would you leave, finally able to live your life for yourself?
He didn’t have to wait long for your response.
“I’ll devote my everything to you, my lord.”
He couldn’t stop the smile that came to his lips.
“Then I shall hold you to it.”
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Pac: Oh, and I have a lot of like, materials. If you want some materials Fit, and you wanna grab maybe like, from Chume Labs, you can pick it up, ok?
Fit: [Sincerely] Oh, thank you Pac. Thank you. You're too- you're too good to me Pac, you're too good to me.
Pac: Yeah, you're too good to me too, Fit.
Fit: You're so thoughtful, you're so thoughtful. So thoughtful.
Pac: [A bit bashful] Oh, thank you.
Fit: [Laughs]
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guirgaleo · 1 month
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final pass at an oc design
additional sketches I made as I was figuring this out
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wishingstarinajar · 9 months
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First Impressions comic, page 01 --- |*| next →
And so it begins. Another journey, another AU for Rewind to explore.
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starcurtain · 20 days
I have this small, deeply personal headcanon that after his grandmother's passing, Alhaitham's home was so unbearably quiet that he started--just barely, just one or two words--to speak out loud to her as if she was still there.
"I've been accepted to the Akademiya, Grandmother."
"I passed my promotion exams."
"I debated with Haravatat's sage."
Just that, and quiet again.
But one day, it's: "I met someone strange."
"He keeps showing up when I'm trying to study."
"We don't agree on anything. Still..."
"I made a friend."
"Today, Kaveh and I were researching--"
"It's already dark. I didn't realize we spent so long in Razan Garden. Kaveh wanted to hear about my article--"
"He's going to be furious when I tell him the whole point for his portion of the lecture is based on a false predicate--"
The house where his grandmother used to be gets a little louder again; the noise lasts a little longer.
Until one day, when there's no words at all.
One day, when there's just the sound of a single sob, and then a long, long silence.
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blenselche · 2 months
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ty for the idea @myqueenmarceline ~~~
one of my fav songs by one of my fav bands
(list of references: outfit from What was Missing, break up from Obsidian, PB and Guy during The Calm in Scream Queens issue 4 and Queen Marceline's empty throne from issue 34 of the main comic run) ref panels under the cut for people who never read the comics
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the implication that Marcy is dead owch yeowch owie
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schmweed · 10 months
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Succession | S02E01
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fiddlstyx · 10 days
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The vision
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meirimerens · 1 year
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can you come dance with me dude. are you man enough to fucking come dance with me. are you too much of a coward to hold my hand.
slow-danceable OST of my mind
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ourfag · 27 days
stede doing android ed the very intimate courtesy of gently cleaning some of the more fiddly bits of his guts by squirting puffs of air over his hardware to displace the dust. and then turning up the pressure on the nozzle to really get into the crevices while holding ed down (per request) to keep him from squirming (it tickles(?)) and all ed wants is for stede to put down the pump and do that thing he did one time before where he licked the supple pad of his human finger and stuck it in there and scrubbed
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