#finally got back into drawing! ahha
echysketchy · 8 months
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Look at the goober we have here!
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Vacation Crashers: Ao3 Chapter 29 (Final Chapter)
“She's using psychological war fair!” Damian accused pointing at Jazz, who just called uno. “Now, Why would I do that?” Jazz admittedly having much more fun than she should have. She just laid down a red 7, changing the color from yellow to red. She had won the last three rounds, causing the whole group to try and “take her down”. “Same reason you +4 me last round! I had 20 cards!” Danny huffed as he continued to draw, having the worse luck. The second game was the only time he had uno, and it was taken from him by a stack of three +4s. “Sorry, little brother. Only card I had to play.” Jazz chuckling amused as Danny grumbling.
“Danny! Give me something good!” Jason called across the room. “I'm tryinggggg!!!”Danny whined as he kept drawing cards, his hand going from seven, the lowest he had since the second round, to double the amount and counting. “You're making alliances!” Damian hissed. “Yeah, to take down Jazz!” “Hey!” Jazz acted playfully offended. “Even if he did get something good it wouldn't help you.” Tim pointed out. “Make it blue! I got something good for blue!” “I don't have anything for blue.” “Tough luck for you, Dickie, this is a group effort.” “Whatever you have for blue still wouldn't work! Because Cass is after you!” Tim explained again. “Right. Want to trade?” Jason holding out his hand of cards to Cass to let her see what she wanted to trade. Cass leaning over picking out cards, thinking hard. “That's no fair!” Tim huffed, frustrated. He'll reverse them just to mess with them. Still bitter about Jason calling out Dick and Tim for cheating. >:T “Shhh! Its strategic winning!” Jason was really into it, all of them were. Cass picking out the cards and then offering a couple of hers in return. “How do you not have a seven or a wild by now?” Damian checking Danny's hand, believing he maybe lying. Plus he was impatient wanting to play his wild card, he had been keeping secretly up his sleeve this whole time. “Don't look at his hand.” “Its fine, I got nothing.” “..........You luck in this game is absolutely abysmal.” Damian sitting back down, almost feeling pity for Danny. Danny jolted, holding up card in his hand celebratory, after pulling half of the deck into his hand. “OH AHHA! Its not a wild or a +4-” Damian was relieved about the last one. “But it is blue!” “Good job glowbug!” Jason grinning as his “plan” was coming to motion as Danny laid down a blue 7. -It quickly came crashing down as soon Jazz laid down her blue 7 over Danny's, as they were playing with stack clause. “AH! WHOOHOO! I won!” Jazz buzzing with excitement at her fourth win in a row, loudly celebrating. Danny looked crushed with defeat as he flopped onto his back, his cards going every where with a dramatic groan. “I told you she was using mind tricks!” Damian slamming his cards down, pointing at Jazz. “Ugh! Who the fuck's idea was it to play stack?” Jason tossing his cards, grumbling. “Your's,” Tim groaned folding over his knees tossing his hand in the middle. He then pointed at Danny, “And Danny's.” “Guess the odds weren't stack in your favor-” Dick chuckled as Jason flicked the rest of the deck at him. Cass was also laying down in disbelief. “I owe my win to my precious little brother~” Jazz chuckled. Danny blew a razzberry in response. “Pllbbbbbrtttt...” “We need to keep real cards in here.” “Yes Jay, we'll stock the batplane with different card games.” Dick standing up with a stretch. “Not until you pick up the mess you made.” Batman's dad mode kicking in. “Fuck you.” Jason and the others picking it up anyways, more so Alfred doesn't get on to them. Dick stretched as he walked over to stand beside Bruce, seeing how far they were. He had a feeling it was close. Leaning on B's chair. “We'll be landing soon.” “We'll have to get the batmobile tomorrow, I left it at the other hideout.” Dick stated, though knowing it was obvious. “Nn.” Batman grunted with a nod.
“Hey. Danny, Jazz. We're flying over Gotham, now.” Dick turned back to the Fenton siblings. They both shoving at each other.. Mostly Danny shoving his sister away as he helped pick up cards. Jazz teasing him. They both paused looking up at Dick, who was pointing at the glass, gesturing for them to come near. Danny handed Jason the cards he picked up, as he and his sister walked over to the windows. “Ooo Its pretty dark for a big city, even with all the lights.” Jazz chime, barely leaning towards the glass. “That's because of the buildings, most of them have gothic architecture or are old. Which makes the tops of the buildings stay pretty dark. Really helpful for traveling at night.” Dick explained pointing out some buildings. “Man, can't wait to get a better view.” Danny was itching to go for a flight. “That'll have to wait until we make certain the GIW is out of the area. They're currently popping up every city trying to locate the ecto-batteries.” Batman stated. Danny frowned, shoulders slumped in disappointment, “I hate those guys.” “I say in about a week it be safe,” Dick ruffling Danny's head. “Even if not, one sneaky flight shouldn't hurt by then.. right B?” “nn.” “Oh, Danny. I think they have an observatory in the museum here.” Jazz pointing to the glass domed building. Danny peaking back out, eyes glowing a bright blue against the glass. “Ooo really? We have to go there.” Jazz nodded with a smile. “There's a good place for burgers near by it too.” Jason stated, propping an arm onto Danny's head. Deck of cards tucked in its box in his hand. “Cass and Steph like going to the shopping center for smoothies.” Tim stated, as Cass nodded with a thumbs up. She was craving one now. “There is a quite high number of swords available in the local pawn shops as well.” Damian stated. “Ooo, I would like a sword. Oh! Oh! Maybe I can ice one myself-” “Danny, I'd feel better if you did not. We have enough weapons in the house.” Jazz crossing her arms. “But we don't have a sword.” Danny pointed out. “............We have the ghost carving knife.” Jazz paused for a moment trying to re-categorize all the known weapons her parents had made or discarded into the vault. “Not the same-plus I gave it to Skulker.” “Why did you give Skulker, the ghost that wants to and I quote “Mount your pelt on my wall” a knife that CARVES ghost?!” Jazz swore her brother had a death wish sometimes. All the bats blinking, making sure they heard that right. Batman frowning, keeping a mental note of that. “That does sound rather idiotic.” Damian stated. “... I had to do something to make sure he doesn't attack Amity or us while we went on vacation!” “What other deals have you not told me about!?” “........Its best that you don't to know.” “Danny!” Jazz groaned in frustration. “I made loopholes! Well Tuck made loopholes..” Jazz massaged her temples trying not to let it get to her. That was something to deal with later. Future Jazz can give Danny a lecture of why giving an enemy a knife to cut you is a bad idea. The fact that she has to was astounding. “Well, hopefully we will be equipped to fight them so that we can be the loophole.” Dick winked. “Or I can just punch him.” “He's a ghost in a robotic suit.” Danny explained to Jason. “So hacking?” Tim hummed. “That can work, but its much easier just to get him to brag about his new weapon and knock off his head. Then stuff him in the thermos.” “That sounds simple enough.” Majority of the bats said in unison. Cassandra nodding. “Another ghost Vlad hires though. Vlad bribes him with upgrades.” Danny waved the information off. Glancing back to the window as they were leaving the city, as neighborhoods started to space out into a mass of trees. “We'll have to figure out a way to deal with him.” Batman stated, still planning on trying to find something he can get Vlad jailed for. “Good luck.” Danny sighed, having little hope of ever being free of Vlad. He started to see large fancy homes, making him furrow his brows. They were spaced out by the mass of trees. “Nn.” Batman grunted with a nod and then told everyone. “Now, everyone take a seat, we're preparing to land.” The batkids groaned as everyone piled into seats. “Seat belts too. That includes you, Jason.” Jason grumbling as he buckled Damian and Danny together. Much to Damian's aggravation. Jazz was buckled up with Cass, partially in each others laps. They had to be squished with the others to get enough seats with belts. They still needed to upgrade this plane to add more seating and belts. Another thing added to the list. The rest buckled up in their seats while Batman prepared for landing. He flicked a few switches and eased the plane into the opening of a secret hanger. Once the plane was parked, everyone hopped out of it. Damian was first with Danny joking behind him. “I knew my breath stunk, but I didn't think that bad.” “It smells a bit like death.” Jason joked, making Danny laugh. “I knew I was always rotten from the inside.” “Gravely, we need to put this convo to rest.” Dick grinned gesturing to the cave. “Welcome to the batcave.” “Gloomy.” Danny and Jazz said at the same time, after looking around as they were lead down into the cave. Batman frowned a little at how unimpressed Danny and Jazz were. He really need to look at the Fenton's lab. It couldn't be that interesting.. it was a basement lab. Dick chuckled as the others snickered at their reaction, mostly knowing B probably was deflated by it. “I mean its nice.. just why a-wait no a cave makes sense. Um. Is that a dinosaur?” Jazz pointed as they were able to see the other room. “I'm more interested in that giant penny. Like, why anyone want to make that? Is it real? Like real copper.”Danny pointed. “The dinosaur is part of our security system-” “Dami..” “I'm going to be sadly disappointed if that was a lie.” Danny frowned. “The dinosaur is not part of the security system.-” Batman began to explain. “Shame. It would have been pretty prehistoric!” Dick slapped a hand to his mouth laughing. Batman grunted, before continuing what he was saying. “And yes, the penny is made of copper. We polish it to keep it from oxidizing.” “Ah, that makes cents.” Danny grinned as Dick patted his shoulder. “Its really WORTH keeping around.” Dick grinned cheesily. “Great, there's two of them.” Damian and Jazz said in unison. “You should be happy about that, Demon Brat.” Jason teased flicking Damian's cheek. “If they keep making awful word play, then I will not.” Damian glared, smacking Jason away. “Aw, he's admitting that he is.” Tim joined, then jumped back as Damian threatened to pull out his sword. Cass chuckling as she put a hand over Damian's making him back down. “Bout time you guys showed up.” Steph chimed in her spoiler costume. Cass running down and jumping on her to give her a hug. “Traitor!”Steph called her, frowning, but as Cass looked at her in the face Steph smiled. “Aw, I can't stay mad at you~ Not like I was anyways.” Stephanie hugging Cass back, with a tight squeeze. Happy they made it back. She was getting worried when they all lost contact for a while. “Hey, No hug for me?” Duke asked arms open, before letting out an “oof!” as Cass hugged him. He chuckled giving her a firm hug back. “Oh looks like I spy some new kiddos~” Steph cooed looking directly at Danny and Jazz. Danny and Jazz awkwardly glanced at each other and back at Steph. Batman put a gentle hand on their shoulders, “They'll be staying with us for some time.” “Shocker.” Steph chuckled. “Where's Babs?” Dick asked as he and the others started to take off her masks. “She went to have dinner with her Dad, apparently some government agents wearing white suits have been hounding the police department for answers. Gordon hadn't been able to leave his office for over twelve hours.” Steph explained with a sigh, shaking her head. “You think they realize they're not going to get any information if the police can't leave to investigate.” Danny and Jazz frowned, as they gently took Bruce's hand off their shoulders. “He just now got them to leave the department, having to catch up on work. So Babs taking him some food Alfred made.” Duke continued, “She's planning on planting bugs.” “Excellent. I'll have to call Commissioner Gordon tomorrow,” Batman stated, as he took off his cowl. “I'll hack the security cameras across the city.” Tim stated, “At least one of them has to reveal something.” “I can see what information I can get from the small criminals. Little motivation will loosen someones tongue.” Jason cracked his knuckles. “What if they mistake you for a ghost?” Tim asked, “We already know you share similarities to ghost.” “Then I beat the shit out of them and blow up their base.” “Me and Baby bird can handle the criminals, besides Jay-bird, someone needs to watch the kiddos and B.” Dick nudged Jason who pushed him back. “I'm not babysitting Bruce.” “Me and Cass can do the east side.” Steph offered as Cass nodded with. Jazz and Danny felt a bit awkward watching them. Both feeling quite out of their element. Danny especially as this level of planning to stalk the GIW seemed ridiculous. “Why are you planning this hard just to spy on GIW?” Danny's tongue slipping. “They're an unknown government agency that has been harassing not only Gotham but other cities. Its imperative that we find all we can about them while they insist on staying.” Bruce explained. “Okaaayyy, And.. am I suppose to know.. who any of you are? Because I don't and its kind of rude not to introduce yourselves.” Danny pointed out to how all the members besides Damian had their masks off. Jazz's eyes widen as the rest of the batfamily go silent for a moment, making Danny feel very uncomfortable. Was he not suppose to ask that? Seem kind of weird- “OH SHIT! We forgot to tell him!” “Oh my god, Danny! I'm so sorry!” Jazz blurted, “I figured out their identities mid-mission and it just slipped my mi-” “Wait.. WHAT?! Wait.. THAT'S WHAT YOU FIGURED OUT?!” Danny glanced between them all. Each of the batfamily held a different expression, but all felt mortified. How did they forget. Except for Stephanie who burst out laughing. She couldn't believe.. they forgot. Duke was holding back a laugh that was contagious from Stephanie, but had a hand over his mouth, hiding a grin. Danny's mind was going a mile a second as it retraced every step and event that happen since the night began. He was still so confused until his eyes popped open, glancing at Bruce and then towards Dick. He narrowed his eyes then widened them again. “OH, OHHHHHHHH! That's why you said... Its THAT Dick?” Danny began to grin, and then bust out laughing, as his sister had a look of horror on her face. Dick feeling eyes of his siblings on him as he hated what this meant. “The same one you-” “NO! No it is not!” “IT IS!” Danny was stomping his foot as he laughed. “Danny, I swear if you say one word I'll... I'll-!” Jazz was struggling with her threat thinking quickly, face bright red. “Uh-huh. That you had a-” Danny paused as Jazz covered Danny's mouth with her hand and whispered into his ear. The bats only could read the word Halloween. Danny's eyes popped open, then his brows furrowed. “You wouldn't.” “As long as you don't mention that.. era of my life.” Jazz smiled falsely sweet. “Awwww come on Jazz! This is like the only time I've ever got something good on you!” “Poor you. Doth does sucketh to be the youngest.” Danny grumbled crossing his arms, as Jazz looked relieved. Jason snickering as he elbowed Dick, “At this rate the whole Dick Grayson Fan club will find out our identities.” Jazz's face dropped going red again, Tim just glancing away. Danny grinned, looking at Jazz, who was giving him a warning stare. After an awkward moment, Bruce cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. “Well, it seems introductions are in order. I am Bruce Wayne.” “Stephanie Brown, but call me Steph.” Stephanie said with a wave. “Cass.” Cassandra smiled at them. “Well, you know my name already,” Dick chuckled. “Tim Drake.” Tim held his hand up. “Duke Thomas. Nice to meet you.” Duke raising his hand up for a brief moment too. “Jason. Though I'm quit upset you knew Dick before me!” “Batman-Bruce? Didn't call me Jason.” Danny chuckled. “Damian Wayne.” Damian keeping a proper pose. “And I am Alfred Pennyworth, Butler of Wayne Manor. Its a pleasure to meet you, Miss Jasmine, and Mister Daniel.” An older gentleman stood near a staircase, smiling at them. His eyes scanned across the room over everyone. “Welcome home.” “Dinner is ready in the dining hall. I couldn't find any allergen listed, so I do hope you enjoy what I've prepared.” “As long as it doesn't attack me, I'm down for anything.” Danny chuckled as his stomach growled. He was starving. “Same.” Jazz couldn't wait to eat, shower, and sleep. “Well, I can assure you that our food is on the pacifist side.” Alfred smiled, though holding a concern look in his eye. “Follow me then. I have also prepared rooms for your stay. I can show you after dinner. I'm certain you two must be exhausted.” “Definitely, Thank you so much, Mr. Pennyworth.” Jasmine smiled as her and Danny eagerly followed the butler. The sound of food very alluring. “Yeah, thanks!”Danny echoed. --------->w<------------ “Soooo who won the bet?” Tim asked as they walked behind the siblings to the dining hall. “Because Danny has green eyes half of the time.” “I'm actually famished! Let's figure that out after … dinner.” Steph chuckled nervously. “She made some more bets while you guys were gone, and none of them came true.” Duke grinned. “You don't know that! The custody battle might still be a thing!” Stephanie huffed. “Ok, exclude all the bets made that can't be known today, who won.” Tim asked. Steph sighed, “I bet that the kids had black hair and blue eyes.” “Only one was true. So that's 20 points, but 40 in the pool.” Tim counted. “Also made a bet at least one of you would be punched by them. Which was 10.” “Yeah, that didn't happen so 50 pool.” Jason stated. “She also bet Damian would have brought a ghost animal home.” Duke stated. “I would have, if given the time. But Bullwinkle seemed quite adamant in staying.”Damian grumbled. “Yeah, I'm going to miss the big guy.” Jason mentioned. “How much she bet on that?” Tim asked. Stephanie slouched her shoulders, “...............50 and I do the winners chores.” “I bet 50 that he wouldn't.” Duke grinned. “And winners chores.” “Well, you said no way B would let him take it home.” “Yeah, but my bet was that he wouldn't.” “So Steph has 100 in the pool, plus winners chores. Only 20 points?” Tim made sure. “Yeah. Duke got 50, exempt from doing chores, because he was right. He also bet Danny was a meta, which Babs betrayed me and agreed. >:T So like, 70 points and 170 in the pool?” Steph calculated. “I bet 30 that one of them likes puns!” Dick grinned. “And 40 with your music rights they didn't have sad backstories.” Jason whispering last part. He was happy that Dick's music rights was taken away. At least for a week. “So Dickie got 30 points and 70 in the pool. Which makes it 240.” “Cass got a 100 points for betting they're self-taught and Jazz had red hair. So that brings it to 340.” Steph stated. “Highest.” Cass smiled. “I don't think anyone else got that high, Dami only bet 10 reluctantly.” Dick said. “And I think he was the most impressed out of us.” Tim smirked. “Certainly of Jazz.” “....They were not as inferior as I predicted. Daniel could use some work on sharpening the ice and Jasmine was louder than need be.” Damian huffed. Jason ruffled Damian's hair, as Damian tried to smack his hand off. “So pool up to 350. So what we do about Walking Advertisement's bet?” Tim frowned as Jason pointing at him. Dick scratched his head, “Well Danny's eyes do glow green, especially when in his second form. So maybe half points?” “Wouldn't that have made Steph's half points?” Tim asked. “Hmm, No because he had blue eyes before. So majority of his life they were blue.” Dick hummed. “But wouldn't that just suggest Tim's bet was wrong by them rules.” Steph asked... mostly just hoping to bring Tim down with her. They all hummed, trying to think. “This is dumb.” Damian frowned. “Why don't we give both Tim and Steph the full points then?” Duke asked. “That would give Tim 60 points and bring the pool to 410.” Dick stated. “No! That pull ahead of me! Ugh.” Jason huffed. “Oh right because you only got 50 that he can fight good.” Dick stated. “Yeah, because Danny and Jazz doesn't seem to hate Bruce so that puts 70 and a cooked meal into the pool, bringing it to 480.” Tim calculated, “That was everything right?” The others all nodded, as they recount to make check. “Oh Danny did bet 20 Vlad had master bedroom on the top floor.” Steph pointed out. “Hey! I didn't know I was being brought into this. I would have bet on something a lot cooler.” Danny hollered back. “Don't worry, we won't make you pay this time. Just a warning, we take bets very seriously~” Steph said playfully. “Yeah, I can tell.” “That means Cass won $480 dollars and steph has to do her chores, Jason has to cook her a meal-” “Eh, I don't mind cooking for Cass.” Jason sighed, but perked up as he continued what Tim stated, “Annnnd Dickie can't touch the radio.” Cass bounced, with a little dance as the others make disappointed sighs. Jazz and Danny glancing back at them then chuckled, this was certainly going to be an experience. Both feeling anxious, but the normalcy of it all was easing their nerves. Even if it was just slightly. This might be the strangest vacation they've ever been on.
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kyouxa · 3 years
Chaos Lineage: Game Prologue
This particular game is described as 'a painful vampire love story that takes place in a “what-if” parallel world.' Meanwhile, this game actually takes place between Dark Fate and Lost Eden. Enjoy!
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Place: Secret room — Interior lights
Karlheinz: Checkmate.
Socrates: … !? Why is it that you win again… ?
Karlheinz: I have triumphed once again.
Socrates: Kch...
Karlheinz: I truly enjoyed myself tonight. It was an intense match until the very end.
Socrates: Are you leaving now?
Karlheinz: I most certainly still have to carry my plan forward.
Socrates: So you are quitting while we are still ahead?
Karlheinz: I do wish to continue this game of ours.
But I know you are aware of me being unable to do so, my friend.
Socrates: Yes, I do know that. And that is why it makes me impatient.
Karlheinz: Do not say that, my friend. My long-cherished desire is to create a new life…
And in order for me to achieve this, Adam and Eve are necessary.
Socrates: I know…
You have been keeping your eyes on finding Eve for a very long time already. She might just be a normal girl, but she does carry a special heart inside her.
Her role was to fall in love with a demon, and she fulfilled it.
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Karlheinz: And after this, the vampire chosen and loved by Eve… will become Adam.
And this said moment is finally about to finally arrive.
I rewind time this many times and I have been trying all possible varieties…
And now success is finally before my eyes.
My friend, I knew having you as my conversation companion would not make me feel bored in the slightest.
Socrates: How reluctant…
Karlheinz: What, I am sure we will see each other in our next lives again.
Socrates: ...You are right. We will see each other in our next lives.
Karlheinz: I will now start arranging the final preparations… therefore, I will excuse myself.
*Karlheinz disappears*
Socrates: Karlheinz… we will no longer see each other in this life… hm?
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A vampire called Adam. And a human girl called Eve.
If the two of them unite in marriage and give birth to a new life, Karlheinz’ plan will, without a doubt, finally be fulfilled.
...But the price of fulfilling this, will be losing my friend.
After this, I will be awfully desolate. Yes, I will be very lonely indeed…
Suddenly, I turned my eyes back to the table.
On the chessboard, the white and black chess pieces were still aligned. Those are traces of the game I enjoyed with my friend just a moment ago.
Place: Secret room — Interior lights
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Socrates: My friend, I wonder if that man, who has been chosen as Adam, is certainly worthy of his role?
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There must have been a lot of candidates to be Adam. But was it truly inevitable to choose him?
If everyone knew Eve under equal conditions… would we not be able to deduce the true Adam in doing so?
...In the end, I am still not convinced that he should become Adam.
Therefore, I should experiment on my own, in order to convince myself.
Place: Secret room — Interior lights
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Socrates: This should become a fighting game, in order for them to get the piece called Eve. The chess board will then become their world, which I will create with my magic—
I will confine the candidates for Adam as the chess pieces with Eve together.
Adam might have been chosen already, but it is more than easy to alter their memories.
Their memories, abilities and positions — why do I not try and put them under equal circumstances as well?
An experiment to see which piece will end up truly obtaining Eve at the very end…
In this fabricated miniature garden, they shall fight until only one piece remains.
Now, let the game begin. Until they may reach a checkmate.
Or… until someone deviates from the rules of this game.
Until only one last piece remains standing, or until someone ends up breaking the rules…
There is no other way to get out of this experiment—
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I wonder where this place is? The only thing I know is that I’m laying in complete darkness.
It’s as if my mind is blank, even if I try to trace my memories, I can’t remember anything.
And then, all of the sudden, someone’s shadow appears in front of me. This person, who appears to be a beloved and nostalgic one, is watching me with tender eyes.
But I don’t know who they are. Just who are you?
And even more importantly, who am I?
As if responding to my question, a man’s voice resonates from nowhere—
Place: ???
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???: Good morning, Eve. Do you know who you are?
*enter MC’s name*
???: No, that is not your name, Eve. That is your real name.
Yui: Eve… so that’s my name…
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“Eve”… that name sounds somehow awfully familiar to me. As I moved my mouth, I repeated the name with each breath I took.
Place: ???
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Yui: Eve… Eve… Eve…
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As I repeated the name, which is supposed to be mine, it gradually ingrained itself in my mind.
Place: ???
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???: It is about time for you to wake up.
The story, you are taking place in, starts after the supreme ruler dies.
And soon, three different families will start a battle for you.
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Those prophetic words of wisdom he just said… I will cherish them as if they’re from the man I don’t remember the name of...
I will never doubt his words. After all, I still don’t know what this so-called “battle” will be about to begin with.
Which means, this said indestructible fiction has to eventually become true.
Place: ???
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???: Let there be light...
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The same moment he said that, a ray of light appeared above my head. It might’ve been a weak one, but it wasn’t an illusion.
I tried reaching for that light.
And when I did so, I heard the beginning of a new game.
Place: Church — Inside
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Yui: Nn...
(Ah, wait… where am I...?)
(There are huge statues lined up… they have the shapes of horses and towers, they actually look a lot chess pieces)
(And there are some beautiful stained glass windows in front of me too…)
(This building appears to be quite old, but it's not in bad conditions, it seems to be rather well maintained)
It gives off some kind of sacred atmosphere…
(If that’s so, could this place be… a church… ?)
(And if it is, was I sleeping on the… altar just now?)
But why am I even in this place to begin with… ?
*church bell rings*
Yui: Kyaaa!?
Was that the church bell… ? That really scared me…
???: It appears as if the seal has finally been broken. You made me wait quite a long time for your arrival.
Yui: Pardon… ?
Man with glasses: It was just as the folklore said, although your timing is quite inappropriate, but this does not matter.
As long as you were here in this church, there should be no mistake.
Yui: W-Who are you… ?
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Yui: (He has a good appearance and he acts very polite, but the sharp look in his eyes is really scary)
Man with glasses: I will be leaving my introductions for later. Unfortunately, there is no time for me to do so now. You will have to come with me to our mansion first.
Yui: What do you mean by “mansion”... ? No, where even is this place anyway? And for what reason am I here—
Man with glasses: I see, it appears… as if “you do not know anything”.
*Reiji comes closer*
Yui: Kyaa!? L-Let me go!
Man with glasses: For now, I am unaware of you either acting or you speaking the truth.
But no matter what it is, that does not change the fact that you will be coming with me.
Yui: (Is he kidnapping me!? If so, I have to run away! But, the strength of his arm is so strong that I can’t seem to escape… ngh)
???: I can’t believe you’d ever do something this cruel to a girl.
*throws dagger*
Man with glasses: — Ngh!?
Man with fedora: You ended up narrowly dodging it just now. As expected from you, Reiji.
Yui: (Did a dagger just fly past me!? And the person who threw it was him… ?)
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Reiji: Haa… as expected, there obviously are others who thought about the same thing as I did.
Not only did Laito, the messenger of the Violets, come here… but you also brought Kou along with you.
Kou: Ahha, so you did discover me. And here I thought I did a great job hiding my presence.
Yui: (Now there’s another person holding a dagger in front of me…)
(So the one currently holding my arm is called Reiji-san… and if I understood it correctly, those next to me are Laito-san and Kou-san?)
Kou: Say, can’t you simply give Eve to us? Carla-kun really wants her, you know.
Reiji: I refuse to do so. That is most certainly because I will be the next successor to become the supreme ruler.
Laito: Scarlet’s eldest son is really stingy, hm? Eve-chan’s surely thinking so too, right?
Yui: Eve…
(Oh, yeah, that’s my name… how come I forget that just now?)
(These people are the ones who are going to fight for Eve… for me, to be precise)
Reiji: If possible, I would have liked to finish this peacefully, but it cannot be helped if you are going to obstruct my way…
You should step back a little.
Yui: Ah…
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*Reiji draws swords*
Reiji: Then I will be your opponent.
Laito: Oh? Now, isn’t that something? You’re behaving like a knight wanting to protect the princess.
Kou: True, true. After all, it’s already been decided that Eve will come to our mansion.
Say, Eve. That’s correct, right?
Yui: E-Even if you tell me that, I still don’t know anything about you…
Kou: You could learn plenty of us if you’d come with us then. With us, to our mansion, what do you think?
Yui: (This can’t be real, just what did I get myself into…)
*someone grabs Yui*
Yui: Ouch… !?
(Did someone just pull my arm!?)
???: The only one you’re going with is Yours Truly himself. You’ve got no other option than that anyway.
I’ll promise to treat you tenderly if you come with me. At least until I get bored, of course.
Yui: (Now there’s another person I don’t know… !)
Laito: Eh, you’ve come here too, Ayato?
Reiji: The third son of the Orange family… so in the end, it appears as if all of you invited themselves here, hm?
Eve has merely awakened, and the three families have already come here.
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Yui: (Three families… ?)
Ayato: The seal of the church has been broken, so it’s obvious that I’d come to check out the situation.
And it was the right choice to come in here after all. It’s just exactly as the tradition says.
Yui: (Tradition, he says…)
Kou: “After the death of the supreme ruler, the seal of the church will be broken.”
“And if the sleeping Eve is woken up by a kiss, a new way will be open for a new supreme ruler”... isn’t that right?
Laito: It’s at least as the tradition of the sleeping princess says.
Yui: (A seal… tradition… and a supreme leader? I don’t understand, what are they talking about… ?)
Reiji: Apparently, you seem as if you do not understand any of what we are discussing indeed.
Kou: You’re acting as if you weren’t even aware of being Eve.
Ayato: Eh? Gimme a break already. Just how long do you think I’ve been waiting for you to come here!?
Laito: Well, she has been sleeping all this time, so it can’t be helped, right?
Seems as if we have to slowly fill you in with what’s necessary to know after this.
But in order for us to do that, we first of all have to get you out of this place.
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Yui: Nn... !
(Did the atmosphere between those four just change… ?)
(They’re glaring at each other, and it almost feels as if their eyes are glowing. It might just be my imagination, but I feel as if their eyes are shining bright red…)
(No, more importantly, don’t tell me that the weapons they’re holding are real…)
Reiji: Shall we begin then?
Ayato: Tch, you’re finally speaking my language.
Kou: I wonder who’ll be the one obtaining Eve?
Laito: I guess this is the beginning of our battle—
Yui: Battle… !? Don’t tell me you’re seriously going—
*swords clash*
Yui: (The four of them are really clashing their swords with each other… no, I’m wrong—)
(I can only see three people fighting. Which means, one of them is missing… !)
*someone grabs Yui*
Yui: Kyaa!? W-Who is it? Please… let me go!
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Before I even became aware of it, there was a shadow approaching me.
I tried my very best to resist, but “his” arm wouldn’t let go of me for even a second.
I knew I got herewith captured by somebody.
And the one who caught me was—
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yandere-mha-blog · 3 years
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Chapter 12: That’s new
How, hot, hot was all Tomura could think about, leaving the house in a black hoodie during the middle of the day and he was sweating, You on the other hand who was wearing just a T-shirt and shorts and Panchan just had a coat of fur, who you were caring at the moment, because he got so tired and wouldn't budge.
“Panchan you are going to have to go on a diet.” you said, “you are too heavy when did you get so fat?”
“Well it's true,” you said
“Maybe you should make him walk.” Tomura said
“I'd just be dragging him across the street.” you said, Tomura stopped and put his arms out
“Here I'll hold the fuzzball.” he said, you smiled and handed Panchan over
“Thanks, my arms are getting tired.” you said “how are you feeling?”
“Sweaty and miserable, can't believe you are making me walk outside.” He said
“Well you didn't have to leave today,” you said, since when did you grow a backbone, Finally arriving at the Game shop and standing in line, when a couple of teenage girls stopped and saw Panchan.
“AWW your dog is so cute, can we take a-sorry!’ one said and walked the other way, must have gotten a look at his glaring eyes, who just gets into someone's personal space like that. This dog was drawing too much attention.
“Want to set him down?” you asked, Tomura nodded and set your dog down as you held the leash and finally u two were up
“Sorry, no dogs allowed.” The man at the entrance said
“Oh my bad, here Panchan wait out here for a second.” you said tying his leash to a pole “be a good boy okay I'll be right back and sit.”
“Panchan sat and stayed, as the two of you went in and, Tomura finally got his hands on the game, you were walking out when you heard your dog barking for some reason, you walked out to see some random guy tugging and pulling his leash as Panchan was not having any of it and continuing to bark at him
“HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO MY DOG!” you yelled, the guy looked behind you and dropped the leash and ran, Panchan ran back to Tomura and stood in between his legs, and before you could think you booked it after the guy shoving people out of your way if there was one thing people didn't mess with when it came to you, it was your dog, you grabbed the guy by the back of his shirt and grabbed his wrist before flipping hi over your shoulder and him landing face-first on the ground, as you placed your knee right in between his shoulder blades making sure you were twisting his arm.
“Ah shit I left Tomura.” you thought as you saw Tomura running up holding Panchan leash, he was huffing but he caught up to you.
“Tomura, I'm so, so sorry I left you there, I was seeing red.” you said “Crap, I'm sorry.”
“Get off of me you bitch-” “YOU CAN SHUT THE HELL UP AND WAIT FOR THE POLICE TO GET HERE YOU DOG NAPPER!” You said pressing your leg further into his back.
“I-it's okay.” Tomura said, “Panchan was running after you so I had him tugging on me.” Before noticing all the eyes on him and the crowd.
“Hey Tomura, look at me, can you call the police for me?” you asked, snapping his attention away.
Seeing that guy smack his head on the back of the cop car was something to behold. You were talking to the officer as Tomrua was standing in the corner holding Panchans leash, and his game in the other. Once you were done giving them your statement, you walked back over to Tomura.
“Again I am so sorry I left you there.” You said
“Don’t be, if someone tried to steal my pet I would have done the same.” Tomura said handing you back the leash.
“Still, the fact that of all days this would happen, I'm sorry, really.” you said bowing your head
“Hey, no need to do that!” Tomura said “But question, where the hell did you learn to do that?”
“Do what?” you asked
“Tackle someone like that?”
“OH that, ahha kinda embarrassing for you to see me lose my temper like that, But in junior high, i was the three-year running Judo master of my school.” you said
“You didn't further it in highschool?” Tomura asked as the two of you walked back
“I would have, but during a match, A girl pulled a move that was not exactly judo and I suffered a head injury and a concussion, doctors said to lay off for a year at least, and well rest is history,” you said
“Well it was really cool to see, it looked like a move I would see in a fighting game.” Tomura said, only realizing how cringy that complement sounded
“Aww thanks.” you said “I'm just glad Panchan is okay.”
“Me too.” Tomura said
You left Tomura once you both got back to his apartment, and told him to at leash use eye drops if he was gonna play all night. Tomura placed the video game on his desk and started searching up key words
Three-time junior high school judo champion foul play.
Took him a bit to find but someone must have uploaded a video of it and labeled it as Epic fail, Junior highschool girl gets the crap punched out of here in Judo tournament, how original. He watched the video and saw the younger version of you, short choppy hair and a winning determined look in your eye, only for the other girl to do a right hook across your face when she was losing, and the referee coming in disqualifying her from the tournament, And you being taken away by a medic.
“What an embarrassment.” he said as he saw your so-called orpiment yelling when she was disqualified “she must have gotten the Judo torment mixed with the boxing tournament.”
He wondered what else you had hidden under that smile that came to greet him every day.
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little-lee-stories · 4 years
Liar, Liar: Face on Fire
(oh god guys I’m doing this it’s been sitting in my docs for like a week while I tried to get up more motivation because for some reason my brain decided my first tfic should actually be a series of tifics???
This is Patton’s part and I’m trying to get myself into the mood to write Roman’s part, but after that I have like zero ideas for Logan and Virgil but anyway here you go guys, my first terrible tfic aaaaaaaa)
tagging @oliviaischillin1204 because she’s my torture/inspiration
In addition to occasionally appearing to Thomas when he told a few white lies, Deceit had taken to popping up on the other sides when they told lies he thought were worth exposing. Even better – Thomas and the other sides wanted the truth? He would see to it that all of their truths were set free like birds from cages.
Starting with Patton and his penchant for lying about his feelings.
It started, as many things do with Patton, with cookies. Roman, deciding he deserved a sweet treat after all of his morning adventuring, went straight for the cookie jar while Patton made sandwiches with help (okay, he was basically only getting things from the fridge, but still) from Virgil. Before Logan, sitting at the table, could even begin to scold him for ruining his appetite, Roman had stuck his hand into the jar only for a look of confusion to pass over his face.
“What thievery is this? Wasn’t the jar at least half-full yesterday? Now it’s completely empty!” Roman exclaimed, pulling his cookie-less hand out of the jar and waving it in the air with his usual dramatics. Virgil shrugged, but Logan rose an eyebrow.
“Patton, have you been partaking in those “second cookies” again? Having that much sugar is unhealthy.” He stated, causing Patton to turn from his sandwich-making with a surprised expression.
“A second cookie is nice once in a while, Lo, but I haven’t had any recently. You guys are more than sweet enough for me.” Patton exclaimed happily.
“Liar.” Suddenly Deceit was standing just behind Patton, picking at some of the sandwich fillings as yet untouched, nonchalantly eyeing the peppy side with a smirk. Patton and Roman jumped, while Virgil practically threw himself across the room to get away from the suddenly close snake. He scowled at the new figure.
“What are you taking about, Deceit? No one needs you here –“ the purple side snarked. Deceit blinked at him with mock-innocence, before turning his attention toward Patton.
“Well, in light of deciding that lying isn’t good, I thought I’d show you just how prevalent lying is for us. Patton, care to share?” Patton got over his surprise and smiled.
“Share what? The sandwiches? I made them for everyone, silly, take your pick!” Patton moved closer to Deceit and the sandwiches, gesturing for the snake side to view them. Deceit placed a gloved hand on Patton’s shoulder, leaning around him to see Roman, about to speak when he realized Patton was scrunching his shoulders a bit. He squeezed Patton’s shoulder, making the other let out a kind of yipping noise, before pulling away with a hum.
“Well. I guess I am needed here, after all.” And with that, the well-dressed side was gone, and everyone else was left to wonder why he had even appeared…except for Patton, who was busy blushing at the noise he’d made and quickly stepped out.
The next time Deceit appeared, it was right behind Patton while the others were listening to Roman’s ideas for the new series for Thomas.
“That’s a great idea, kiddo, I love it” Patton responded to Roman’s idea to expand their one horror game video into a series of playthroughs for The Evil Within 2.
“Are you sure about that?” Deceit whispered in Patton’s ear, the air blowing into it quite tickly. Patton scrunched his neck and shoulders up with a squeal, startling the others and alerting them to Deceit’s presence. The snake side smirked at the others and disappeared as quickly as he came. Patton managed to reassure the others that he was fine, just surprised, and left it at that.
But it didn’t stop there. It seemed Deceit was always there every time Patton told the littlest untruth to the others. Just things to make sure he didn’t hurt their feelings, honest! Showing a little more interest in Logan’s schedule than he really had, trying to assuage Virgil’s fears, reassuring them when he wasn’t feeling his best…Deceit just kept showing up, and the things he was doing kept escalating.
“There’s nothing to worry about ki – eeeehee!” Spidering in between his shoulder blades.
“Huh? Oh, of course I heard, Lo – ooooh gohosh!” Fingers jabbing into his underarms.
“I’m fine. AhHA!” A few squeezes to his sides.
The others were getting concerned, but Deceit only smirked and Patton only blushed and avoided their questions. Until finally enough was enough.
Alone in his room, feeling down but not quite knowing why, Patton took a steadying breath.
“I’m feeling really good today!” This time Deceit merely appeared in front of him, an eyebrow raised.
“Really? That’s the best lie I’ve ever heard from you, Patton.” Patton chose not to reply, wringing his hands a bit and looking down so he couldn’t see Deceit’s face at his next words.
“Deceit…I want you stop doing that thing you’ve been doing recently. I don’t like it.” He said hesitantly, feeling nervous and a bit giddy. He peeked up at Deceit to see a glint in his eyes and a smile on his face, and felt his own lips twitch upwards a bit in response.
“What, you mean tickling you? Does it tickle too much?” Deceit asked, stepping closer.
“Ye – no! Uh…” Patton gasped, head lifting as he backed away. The little game of cat and mouse ending abruptly when Patton’s knees met the bed and his balance was thrown off. Deceit took advantage of the situation and pushed Patton to sit on the bed before crouching at his feet. Patton kicked his feet away slightly, giddiness overtaking any other emotion and a nervous, inexplainable smile taking over his face.
“Wh – what are you -? AH!” Patton gave a squeal as Deceit took hold of one of his ankles, wasting no time in removing his slipper and sock. Deceit grinned up at the fatherly side, wiggling the fingers of his free hand inches from his bare sole. Patton pulled at his trapped foot and scrunched his toes, tittering nervously with his hands in front of his mouth.
“You see, Patton, I think you’re lying to me. I think you’re not very ticklish. Let’s prove that theory, hmm?” The side smirked and let his fingers touch down on Patton’s arches, nails skittering over the wrinkles in his scrunched foot quickly but delicately.
“Ihihi’m noohohohot! Stopihihit!” Patton broke into giggles immediately, kicking his free leg and pulling at his trapped one. He shrieked as Deceit found a particularly sensitive spot on his arches just above his heel, pressing his arms against his stomach and falling backwards onto the bed, almost causing Deceit to lose his grip on the other’s foot.
“EEEEE! Plehehehehehehease!” Patton begged.
“Hm? Please tickle you more? Why Patton, I’d hate to.” Deceit said sweetly, letting his other sets of arms grow out to grab Patton’s other foot. He stripped that one of it’s slipper and sock as well, pulling back Patton’s toes and tickling underneath them while the other foot continued to have its sensitive arch played with.
“NOHOHOHOHOOOOO DEEEHEHEHEHEHE! IT TIHIHIHIHIHICKLEHEHEHES!!!” Patton rolled on the bed, squirming and trying to scrunch his toes and kick his legs while laughing uncontrollably. His face was red and he felt like he was on the verge of mirthful tears but…he felt better. It was far less embarrassing to be tickle attacked by Deceit in private, and let him actually feel what he had been too overwhelmed to before – joy. Letting himself go like this was, dare he say, nice. But it seemed almost as soon as he began enjoying the feeling, it stopped.
“Does it? That was all you had to say, my dear!” Deceit exclaimed, releasing his feet and drawing his extra arms back into himself. He came to lay next to Patton as he panted and wheezed the last of his giggles out. As he calmed, Patton turned his head toward Deceit and opened his eyes to see the other watching him nonchalantly, hands holding up his head.
“Consider that a little lesson in lying. Did you like it?” Deceit purred. Patton flushed again and before he could stop himself –
“No!” He exclaimed, hands going up to cover his red face. He didn’t see the grin spread on Deceit’s face, but he certainly felt the hands that shot under his exposed arms, making him pin his arms – and subsequently, Deceit’s hands – down with a shriek.
“Now now, what did we just discuss? I think another lesson is in order…” Deceit trailed off as his fingers gently wiggled in Patton’s trapped underarms, starting his laughter up anew.
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riskeith · 3 years
good morning love! (or afternoon for you hehe)
deku vs kacchan part 2 is my favorite ep of the entire series actually. i’ve watch that ep so many times as well it’s just perfect. i got into them when i watched that episode actually! the voice acting god..... literally shivers. now that i think about it it might even be my favorite anime ep of all time help. i just love how bakugou lets it all out and we get to see that side of him.. the insecure scared child he tries to hide. god i could ramble about it forever idk just love it. OH YOU WATCHED THE MOVE RIGHT AFTER? a scene with bakugou and todoroki is guaranteed a good time.. and they work so well together. haha that’s such a nice coincidence tho their dynamic is great in that movie even if it’s mostly kiribaku sjsksjk. what do you think about kiribaku btw?
RIGHT!!! at least we have a couple days to decide hihi.... paimon no longer emergency snack.. only seelie. 🥴 oooh? what kind of thing have you envisioned? (if you wanna share ofc!)
i’ve seen so many people mention that!! like one of the worst parts of the game is that in the higher level you get the less there are to do.. ssjksjdk at some point all you can do is grind domains and try to level up shdkdfhdj
LEVEL 40 INTO A LEVEL 70+ FIGHT ok that’s honestly hilariously brave doesn’t she like die right away 😔 oh yeah you’ll be leveling up Again soon *praying for you*... can’t believe they don’t keep the easy bosses anymore sjdkfh that’s so rude. this game is just grind grind grind. WE NEED A BENNY STORY SO BADLY. like imagine a story with him wanting to seek out diluc because he wants to learn how to fight from a master or something like that. i saw it in a comic and i can’t stop thinking about it 😭 all of them deserve stories!!! there’s so many ways they could make it happen pls mihoyo... chongyun x xingqiu story... <333
shfkjdskdjhf nope right now i’m playing with noelle as my main damage dealer, traveller, lisa and barbara actually. so i think i have a pretty good balance atm.. 2 long range 2 short range-ish. i usually trade out barbara for another character if i have to tho, hehe. that’s only combat though ^ benny is with me when we explore. mood is me having a 5 star and not even using her... i still need to think of ways qiqi could fit into the group yk. is your group still looking the same as before? ooooh if you could rank the elements what would your ranking look like?
172!!!!! that’s a bit short though when you said tall i thought like... 190 or something sjksjdxk. wait how tall are You?
oh i just meant like... people bashing others for spending too much money on the game vs those that bash people for not spending money and complaining that they don’t get 5 star etc? idk yt comments can be so ugly though so it’s a good thing that you don’t read them sjdjdjdkd
that’s super smart!!! you just follow along the plan and delete when you come to the part. must feel so satisfying too i imagine. haha, what little notes i have i put in the notes app and just check up on when i need to. sometimes i even forget they’re there shdkdhsks. my notes are filled with half-assed dialogue or random one words notes that don’t make any sense to me anymore.. nskdhddjdj
you’re right!! so you write at night? sometimes i just open docs on my phone and write a bit before i sleep and when i wake up it’s either a grammatical mess or just... super bad hskshd the brain is simply too tired to create anything shakespeareian
nooo i’ll def check these out and let you know what i think. i’ve seen halsey being in pretty much every klance playlist on spotify so i imagine she portrays their vibes pretty nicely. doesn’t she have a song she sings about being blue and red or something... shdjfhdj such a bad description but i see it being used in edits a lot. also now that i think of it melanie has a song called pacify her that i really like!! do you like it?
THATS SO CUTE YOU ARE A CRYBABY. 🥺 same here tbh i actually like crying sometimes... sjskdjdjd like you said it just feels nice to get it all out. i cry to almost movie or series or book i read i’m a super emotional person but i also think it adds to the experience? you feel more immersed in it that way.
RIGHT??? ITS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! and it’s our boys 😭 and they’re cuddling 😭 under the sun 😭 ssjdjdhdjdj 😭
can’t wait to hear from you again <3 yours, ma <3
good night! more like ahhah
:o!! that’s so legendary of them wow.. <33 and yeah honestly the voice acting is phenomenal.. and all the implications behind the fight too? bakugou finally opening up? midoriya understanding that what he needs is to fight him? ugh. kiribaku is fine! fhdsjfks my brain is so full of todobaku that any other ship is really just... in the background hfskjfs but i can appreciate the relationship they have! with kiri being the only one bakugou has really acknowledged and seeing as being on the same level, that iconic hand clasp when bakugou was being rescued... i have a kiribaku fic in my drafts but idk if i can ever get to it ahha. you like them a lot right?
ikkk also i didn’t know we had to wait until the very end to buy? i have more than enough to buy it rn but when i clicked it said ‘must explore area 14 first’ and i was just... bruh. AHAHAH. okay so in my mind it’s like.. chongyun at a funky angle we’re kinda looking up at him and his body is like bent down towards us fhsdkjs idk how to describe it but i can picture it very well but i also cannot put it to paper/screen. and then his clothes are just black instead of white! HAHAH. tho i kinda wanna see if i can draw a xiao first to offer up to the gacha gods hfsdjkfs (and if i can i’ll do a version w a dark outfit too for u hehe)
legitttt im literally just logging in and grinding the talent domains every day fhsdkjfhskfhjd there are some artifacts i want as well but the domain is literally SO difficult for me fuck.
i just go in and use her skill then heal a bit and switch right away fhsdkjfsd it going alright! and then i go ham with my other 3 charas and switch back to her to heal again fhskfjd. OMGGG that’s so cute please... i miss diluc too... come back!! i wish we had a way to replay the old quests even if we get nothing out of them like i just wanna experience it again ya know.
oooo! that’s pretty nice. hfskjd you could switch barbara out for qiqi! since she’s a healer as well. omg wait you have lumine right? so your combat team has no males? legendary 😩 we love fighting queens! ya! traveller, chongyun, xiangling, fischl. and then i switch depending on the domain/boss i’m gonna fight. hmm elements I think would go: anemo, cryo, electro, pyro, hydro, geo, dendro? LMAO i reckon if i had diluc tho pyro would be higher... i also almost forgot to add geo to that list lmaooooooo oops, hbu??
I JUST SAW THE LINK.... AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! the bestest boys look how cute they’re sjdkfjdjjdd i’m obsessed. the picture where benny has his back turned sjdudjdjddnd stop. 🥺 they’re so neat. 🥺 also NO ARE YOU SERIOUS? that’s so upsetting are you gonna try it out nonetheless or do you think it’s too risky?
they’re SO neat!!! and bennett facing the other way was so fhskjfd yeah cute <3333333 I KNOWWW IM SO SAD :((( and no...... im not gonna try 😭😭😭 i told my brother about it too and he asked how many rolls i was at and i said 70 and he was straight up ‘you can’t try then’ and i was like ‘i know 😔😔’. @ xiao... i am giving up xingqiu rate up for you 😤😤😤😤 ugh i hope i can still get xingqiu in xiao’s banner tho even tho the chances will be shit. are you gonna roll ganyu’s banner?
FHSKJFSD NOOOOOO don’t tell me 172 is average for you wtf... (apparently the average male height in japan is 160cm! for reference ahah) and i myself am. one hundred and. fifty something cm hfsdjfhskjdfhskdjfhw9uehdsifhwsdkjfhsdkfhsd 😔 big sighs lmaoooooooo. how tall are you? (im assuming much taller 😔😔😔😔😔)
ooh notes app? nice ahaha. fhdkjfhskfsk hdthat’s the mood tho! if i don’t have my laptop with me i’ll write out everything on notes first then transfer to my laptop~
AHAHAH yeahhh i think mostly i do? bc during school times i’ll only write after i’m done with my work which = night time. for a while Peak writing time for me was like 1am lmfao but i do that in a like half-asleep half-conscious state so when i come back the next day at a “normal” time i run into the same issue as you fshdfkjshfs
she does!!! it’s called colours 😩 but i think the one i related to voltron most is control! there was this really good shiro edit with that song i still remember it to this day <3 yeah i do!!! i like most of melanie’s songs actually ahahah. i think my favourite for a while was show and tell~
it totally does!! like it’s satisfying as well you know... like the characters have gone through so much and you experienced that with them so it’s natural to get emotional about it. that reminds me, what kind of books do/did you read? did you read all Those YA novels ahah talking about crying has reminded me how i cried reading those..
<333 i wanna be there with them 😩 actually no i want to BE them 😩😩😩
eager for your response <33 love, c.r.
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linsneedshugs · 4 years
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Although the last episodes of SU Future don’t come out til Sunday and April 5 for my region, I want to thank all the folks who worked on this show for giving me immense amounts of inspiration. I’m gonna talk a bit (cough cough understatement) about my experience with Steven Universe these past 7 years so feel free to read or not.
Like everyone in this wonderful community, I will miss SU so much and it will always be a series that will be cherished in my heart for years to come!
It really is over, isn’t it?
This is almost like a recap of when my life started haha. 2013 was an important year for me; like all preteens, I was going through so many changes. I found comfort in watching anime and cartoons. My earliest experiences with Steven Universe was watching the Season 1 episodes and laughing. But Cartoon Network kept replaying episodes and SU became background noise as I played games on the computer and I forgot about the show for a year (thanks Five Nights at Freddy’s 2014 ftw).
Fast forward to March 2015 (around the release of Jail Break but before Full Disclosure) I discovered that Garnet was a fusion the whole time and me, being unware of events since the slice-of-life first half of S1, forgot what a fusion was (ironically, Giant Woman was the episode that replayed the most). Who was Jasper? And who was this Peridot and was she gonna rap?!?! Confused but eager to learn about what I missed, I binged the episodes on YouTube (back when you could watch entire seasons of stuff on there haha). I was caught up and in love with the series again.
Season 2 contained some of my favourite episodes EVER and that was probably because of the gREAT AND LOVABLE PERIDOT! Yes, my blog became Peridot spam. 2016 was the year of Peridot. I loved all her episodes and her arc and I am proud to say my younger brother and I watched “Catch and Release” numerous times in a row until we basically memorized all the lines (I can’t remember anymore but I still love that ep). “YOU CLOD” became a go-to diss. The hiatuses were unbearable but the Stevenbombs made up for them. Oh wait I almost forgot about SARD YARD OH HO HO!
When Lapis came back in Season 3 ... I just fell in love with her. I secretly loved Lapidot a lot because of this vid of Peridot and Lapis singing to “What Is This Feeling?” from Wicked (this leads to more things but I’m focusing on SU ahha). I didn’t tag Lapidot stuff as Lapidot bc of ship discourse but I just fully embraced it at some point. Now, I love that Peridot is aro/ace and I love to think of Lapis and Peridot as platonic besties who goof around haha but will kill you if harm their friends (+Bismuth makes it way more fun). Back to Lapis, I think her Bob persona just got me. Hit the Diamond is another fave episode (I doodled her a lot after this ep). This season was filled with so MUCH... Bismuth, Jasper and some good Beach City folks eps. AND SMOKY QUARTZ AHHH! My favourite fusion design *chef’s kiss* got some development for Amethyst! MWAHHH!
Season 4 was crazy. I remember feeling like ... EHEH.. So Rose wasn’t as great as we thought she was. .. and then Blue Diamond and Yellow Diamond aHHH. And also Pink Diamond WHO?! Is Pink ROSEEE theories.. good times. ARE YOU MY DADDDD?!??? So much speculation about Pink and Rose. I think this season was an okay transition to more plot related episodes.
Season 5 oh gosh the hiatuses. Let’s see.. early/mid 2017, various points in 2018, and finally January 2019... dang. I think while waiting for the next episodes to come, I was busy getting into other series but kept SU somewhere in my head. I feel like I started to draw fanart less as my blog became a site for me to dump all my fandom stuff hehEH 00F. But this season was filled with some great episodes and memorable stuff. Lars big OOF, we learn about what truly happened to Pink, WEDDING TIME (I bought the DVD bc I LOVE), and all that Diamond stuff at the end.. super all over the place but I love it.
And then the movie happened and now HERE WE ARE IN THE FUTURE. (I didn’t talk about songs but know that I love them all haaaaa and even learned a few ukulele chords HAha).
Oh geez, I feel like I just relived some major moments in my life and now I feel woozy ahaa~ Nevertheless, I consider Steven Universe to be one of the important plot points in my life. It really helped me become more knowledgeable in the aspect of LGBT issues and representation and even my own identity. Despite some negative things in the fandom, there were still some positives to it. To all these amazing artists drawing fanart, super cool cosplayers, singers, and other talented folk who are a part of this beautiful fanbase, thank you. And thanks again to the Crewniverse and others who have worked on this show! Now I feel like crying ... and I’m smiling while I type this .. memories.. feels.. 
*Lapis voice* Okay. Bye.
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davidcarner · 6 years
Buy More High Ch 7, The Coup d’Etat
A/N: I've been working on some fics that you all haven't seen yet, and they've been a little heavy (well for me they are, for everyone else, eh). We went from tomfoolery, which I always enjoy, to maybe a touch of angst. You know I hate angst. So let's try and find a spot somewhere in the middle. Welcome to Ch 7, The Coup d'Etat
A/N 2: I've just struggled with this chapter for days. I'm not in love with it, but I'm posting it and moving on. I don't think it's the best, and I'm sorry, but I just don't know how to fix it.
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, but neither does Emmett.
Chuck woke up, opened his eyes, and stared up at the ceiling. He felt around him, and realized he was alone in bed. He heard sounds in the kitchen, thought for a second, and pulled the covers over his head. Today…today he refused. Today he just didn't care, and no one could make him go in. This was him adulting, and today he was going to take an F in adulting. His mother was back, causing more problems in his life. He knew it was a bad idea to say anything to her about the play, but it was the only way they could afford the rights. He groaned. Hee just wanted to stay in bed, but it was lonely, but what was going to be even lonelier, was after lunch when he was with Roan Montgomery, and Sarah was with Cole Barker. UGGGHHHHH! Cole. Barker. He was good looking, smooth, and had that British accent that made all the girls swoon. All the girls swoon? Was it the 70s? He bet Cole Barker never used the phrase, make all the girls swoon.
"Are you going to hide in bed all day?" he heard Sarah's voice ask. He loved hearing that voice, and he was going to miss it today. Today SUCKED! So hard. UGGGHHHHH!
"Yes," he said as poutily as humanly possible, burrowing further under the covers.
"Are you going to pout all day as well?" she asked, humor in her voice. Why was there humor in her voice? Didn't she realize today was going to SUCK? Didn't she care?
"Maybe," he huffed, a little irritated that she wasn't bothered by this at least as much as he was. Weren't girlfriends supposed to be sensitive when their boyfriend was feeling insecure about the British hunk?
"Charles Irving Bartowski," she said. Welp, she was done kidding around.
"Uggghhhh," he replied, throwing back the covers and seeing Sarah. He paused in mid-throwing of the blankets. Sarah was wearing a pink button up blouse, and a tan skirt. Chuck got a grin on his face. That wasn't Buy More attire. "Saarrrahhh," he said, sing-songy and grinning. Maybe his girlfriend was more sensitive to his needs than he realized.
"See something you like?" she asked, the smile on her face enough to light the room.
"Emmett is going to be so mad," Chuck said, laughing. How did he get so lucky to have this amazing woman in his life? He'd take having the worst mother in the world if the trade off was Sarah freaking Walker. He got an idea.
"What is he going to do?" she asked. Chuck smiled, hopped out of bed, and grabbed his shoes.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"I'm going to get my own clothes," he said gleefully. He bound out of the house, stopped, and then came back.
"Keys?" she asked, an amused and knowing smile on her face.
"Keys," he confirmed.
Sarah glanced at Chuck. His light lavender button up shirt and black slacks were a whole lot better looking than the nerd herd outfit he had been forced to wear since school started. She asked him if he was okay with her teaching with Cole, and he quickly said no, but that was his problem, not hers. She squeezed his hand and he grinned at her. They pulled up into the parking lot, and exited the car.
"We got this," Sarah said, winking at him. He gave her a quick hug and kiss and started toward the school when he felt her hand yank him back. She kissed him hard, and he forgot where he was for a moment. She released him and ran her thumb over the back of his neck. "We got this," she said again.
"Walker, Bartowski," Casey grunted walking by. He looked…pleased, which worried Chuck. They started toward the school and Sarah took his hand in hers. He looked at her, a little surprised, and she smiled at him, encouraging him. They heard footsteps behind them.
"Charles, Sarah, good to see you both," Roan said, a mysterious smile on his face, like he knew something they didn't.
"I'm sorry about yesterday, Roan," Chuck said. "I just needed sometime to adjust to some…personal conflicts." Roan waved his hand.
"Think nothing of it, my boy," Roan said. "Diane told me the entire situation."
"I guess I need to get caught up," Chuck said, a little worried about teaching history. Roan grinned.
"Yesterday we talked about bloodless coups," he said, a grin on his face. "We talked about leaders and the styles of leadership they use, and how a good leader can adapt. I think today we'll try a social experiment, we might all be in for a suprise." Chuck nodded, having no idea what he was talking about. Roan parted from them once they got inside. "Charles, Miss Walker," he said, nodding. They watched him walk off.
"Do you feel like that should have meant more than it did to me?" Chuck asked. Sarah shrugged and grinned.
"You better read up on your history, Mr. Bartowski," she said.
"I would but my mate keeps me busy most nights," he replied.
"Well, your mate should probably stop then so you can catch up," she said, looking at him, pointedly.
"Uhm, well, you see, I'd rather she didn't," he said. She nodded, an amused smile on her face.
"I thought so," she said.
"What are you two wearing?" they heard the voice of Emmett say. The two kept looking at each other.
"Do you think if we ignore him the bad man will go away?" he asked. The two started down the hall away from Emmett.
"I'm talking to you," Emmett said. "Beckman, tell them I'm talking to them." Beckman was walking down the hall toward them.
"If you two would join me in my office," she said. "Also, Emmett is talking to you."
"We're ignoring him," Chuck said. They walked into Beckman's office, and Diane locked the door. Emmett pounded on the door for a minute and then went away.
"I loathe that man," Beckman said. She turned to Chuck and Sarah. "We should hurry, I have a feeling he'll be back. I owe you two an apology for yesterday."
"I think I owe you one," Chuck replied, looking ashamed.
"No, Chuck, what we did to you yesterday was…inexcusable," Beckman said. "If I were you I'd be prepared for anything today." She looked at them for a moment. "I approve of the wardrobe."
"We felt there were no real consequences to not dressing the way we wanted," Sarah said. The door opened and Emmett had the keys. Beckman was fuming at the invasion into her office.
"What do you think you are doing?" Beckman yelled.
"Talking to these two for their inappropriate dress," Emmett replied. Beckman gave Chuck a look and nodded.
"I talked to Mrs. Vanderbeak yesterday," Chuck said to Beckman. "She wanted to thank you for the recommendation of the hotel."
"How is she?" Beckman asked.
"Excuse me," Emmet said.
"She seems to be doing wonderful," Chuck replied.
"Ahem, I need to talk to you two about your dress," Emmett said.
"She said she's finally getting the time to be the aunt she wanted to be," Chuck said.
"I'm talking!" Emmett bellowed. All three continued to ignore him and he stomped out.
"Quick, let's go out this side door," Beckman said, and they all hurried out. Emmett came back in holding a megaphone.
"EXCUSE ME!" he bellowed into the megaphone. It was then he noticed the office was empty. Chuck and Sarah found themselves in Chuck's classroom, laughing about the insanity of the situation.
"You know," Sarah said, walking into a hug, with Chuck sitting on the edge of his desk. "In a few minutes, this could be scandalous."
"Well, we wouldn't want to upset the students now would we?" Chuck asked.
"God forbid they see a couple in a respectful loving relationship," she said. She saw something in his eyes. "What?" Chuck shook his head, an amused smile on his face.
"Loving?" he asked. Sarah blushed, but stayed where she was and bounced a shoulder.
"Gotta problem with my terminology?" she asked.
"I do believe we have already established you are the linguist in this real-"
"Ahha! There you are!" Emmett exclaimed. "Now, I'm going to need you both to get into your proper uniform."
"I'm really getting tired of this tool interrupting us," Chuck said to Sarah, making her laugh.
"We are within the school dress code, Emmett," Sarah said.
"We had a deal," Emmett said, trying to draw himself up to look important.
"We did, and then you altered it," Sarah said, pulling away from Chuck and walking toward Emmett. He started backpedaling. "Pray I don't alter it further."
"I don't know if you could be any hotter," Chuck muttered. She turned to him and winked. Emmett fled the room before Sarah hurt him. She gave him a kiss on the lips with an emphatic smack and headed toward her room. For the next several hours the two of them taught their classes, and then the bell rang for what used to be their joint planning period. Sarah and Chuck had decided they would keep this period together until someone told them different. Chuck noticed very little traffic in the hallway as Sarah came in. He kept watching the halls, until it looked like a ghost town well before the bell rang.
"Something's going on," Sarah said. The two walked out of the room, and saw no one in any of the halls. No one was in the classrooms, no one was in the lunchroom, or in the gym. They walked to the front office where Emmett was fuming and Mary Bartwoski was watching him.
"This is your doing," he said, stomping toward Chuck and shoving his finger in Chuck's face.
"Would you like me to remove that for you, Chuck," Sarah said, venom dripping from her voice. Emmett pulled his finger back, quickly. "Now what are you talking about?"
"Those children," Emmett said. Chuck looked outside where all the teachers and students were.
"Some of those are teachers," Chuck replied. Emmett was stewing.
"Don't be smart," Mary said. Chuck turned towards her slowly.
"Chuck, she's not worth your time," Sarah said, putting her arm around him. Chuck looked at her, and the two walked outside, their arms around each other. The crowd cheered.
"What is going on?" Chuck asked.
"A coup, Charles," Roan answered. "A bloodless coup." Emmett came outside with his megaphone.
"If you are not back inside this school within one minute, all of you will be given failing grade," Emmett said. Students began to panic, and many started back inside, apologizing to Chuck and Sarah. They told them they understood, and not to worry about it. Chuck thought they would all go in, but they didn't. In a bit, only the teachers and the students that had Chuck and Sarah, or were in the play, were outside. "Seems your little stunt didn't work, Mr. Bartowski," Emmett said, gloating.
"He had nothing to do with, you pompous twit," Casey yelled out. "We just all hate you." Emmett's eyes were opened wide in shock.
"Students, you have been led astray," Emmett said into the megaphone. "I will give you one more minute to come inside or you will all be given failing grades."
"Why did you split up Miss Walker and Mr. Bartowski?" one of the students yelled.
"Because of their inappropriate behavior," Emmett said, with a tone in his voice that the student was stupid for asking.
"What inappropriate behavior?" a voice yelled. Chuck found the student. It was Luke Carter.
"They were making unprofessional sexual advances on each other," Emmett said.
"When?" Luke yelled back.
"At the football game," Emmett said, proud of himself.
"No they weren't," an adult female voice came from the same direction as Luke. He looked over and saw it was Luke's mother. "They were watching a football game, cuddled together, like any other couple out there. I saw the entire thing. They also saved my sons life at the dance. How is any of that unprofessional?"
"Well, it's not proper," Emmett said.
"I wish I had a boyfriend treat me the way Mr. Bartowski treats Miss Walker," a voice yelled. Chuck was pretty sure it was Olivia.
"I wish I had a girlfriend as hot as Miss Walker," some boy said.
"Hey, watch it," Chuck warned.
"See," Mrs. Carter said. "They are not unprofessional."
"It's out of my hands," Emmett said, proud of himself.
"Well, so is the check I wrote you," another male voice said. Emmett paled.
"What?" he squeaked.
"I'm going to move my son to a private school since he can't learn from those two, and I won't be making the rest of my donation," Dr. Carter said. Chuck thought Emmett might pass out.
"Now, wait just a minute," Emmett said. "We had a deal."
"It got altered," Chuck said. Sarah smiled at him and Emmett went pale.
"What do you want?" Emmett choked out.
"Everything back the way it was, plus whatever those two want," Dr. Carter said.
"I can't just go and fire Mrs. Bartowski," Emmett said.
"I didn't say you had to, but those two go back to teaching together, running the play, and whatever else, and if they don't, I don't pay the instalments that I planned on paying," Dr. Carter replied. Emmett looked defeated.
"But you said a lump sum," Emmett whined.
"He altered the deal, Emmett," Sarah said, shoulder bumping Chuck.
"I hate Star Trek," Emmett muttered. Chuck just shook his head.
"Why don't you use Mrs. Bartowski with curriculum, testing, and helping you run the school in an environment more suited for the students," Sarah offered. Chuck looked at her.
"That's a great idea," he said.
"You can live with it?" she asked. Chuck shrugged.
"She's good at what she's good at," he replied. "Another thing," he said out loud. "These stupid Buy More uniforms go." Emmett nodded.
"Mr. Bartowski, Miss Walker, I will check in with you before I release a check to him each month," Dr Carter said.
"Thank you, Sir," Sarah said. "You're helping these kids."
"You save child's life, I figured it was the least I could do," Dr. Carter said.
"Okay, if we're all good back to class," Beckman ordered. The students all turned to Chuck and Sarah.
"You heard them kids, back to class," Chuck said. Sarah gave him a hug. "Careful, we'll get separated," he joked.
"Give him a big kiss," one of the girls yelled out. Sarah laughed and they all went back inside.
They sat in their booth at the restaurant that night, Ellie and Awesome joining them. Chuck raised a glass.
"To my big sister, who still watches out for me, and saved me, yet again," he said.
"Here, here," Sarah said, as they made the toast. Ellie grinned.
"So I happened to know a guy who could help you out," Ellie said, shrugging. "You two literally did all the work. All I had to do was point out how bad things were going and he had the solution." She looked at Chuck and Sarah and Chuck thought she was going to explode.
"What, Ellie?" Chuck asked, a grin on his face.
"So, you two, how serious?" she said.
"We're mates," Chuck answered. Sarah rolled her eyes, wrapped her arms around him and looked at him.
"I can't speak for him, but it's as serious as I've ever been involved with someone else," Sarah replied. "Oh, boy." Chuck looked up and his mother was heading toward them.
"What is SHE doing here?" Ellie hissed. Sarah was taken back at how much venom there was in her voice.
"Eleanor, how are you?" Mary asked as she approached. Ellie just looked at her. "Charles, I need a word with you in private."
"No," Chuck said, sitting there, shaking his head.
"Charles," she said, in a voice that was used to being listened to. Chuck continued to sit there. He took a chip, dipped it in salsa, and ate it slowly. He then began to choke, because he dipped it in the hot salsa. Sarah rubbed his back as he coughed it up. "It's obvious I have made a terrible error in the past, and have not been a proper mother, that's why I'm here." Ellie and Chuck both looked at her. "You're going to have to refinance your home."
"Why would I do that?" Chuck asked.
"Because I co-signed for it," she said.
"What?" Chuck said. "How, you were never there!"
"You were going to be denied and the loan officer knew me and that I was your mother," she explained. "She went around your back, and did break some laws, but we did it for you. I will not be on that loan as long as you are seeing her."
"First, what the hell business of yours is it who I see?" Chuck asked. "Second, you two broke the law, not me."
"I will sue to have my name removed," Mary said.
"Fine," Chuck said, throwing up his hands. "I'll refinance it. Now go away." Mary didn't move.
"You will be denied," she said. Chuck turned toward her.
"Then I'll figure something out," he said. "You know what, I won't pay it, then it will screw with your credit too." He turned back to the chips, but felt the eyes of the other three on him.
"I will refinance it in my name and you will quit dating her," Mary said. "Every since you've begun this dalliance you have made terrible decisions." Chuck turned to Sarah.
"You're the linguist," he said.
"A casual romantic or sexual relationship," Sarah said.
"I wouldn't call it casual," Chuck replied. Sarah bit her bottom lip to try to control her smile. This wasn't the time. "Like you said, it's the most serious I've ever been."
"That means nothing," Mary said.
"Why don't you go away," Chuck replied. "Just go far away."
"You will not live there and be involved with her," Mary said.
"Sarah Walker is her name, and you will not tell me what to do," Chuck said, his voice rising. Sarah grabbed his hear arm.
"Hey, hey," she said, and he turned to her. "Not casual?" she asked with a grin. He nodded. "I know how to fix this."
"Girl, do not get involved," Mary said. Ellie slammed her hand down and stared at her mother.
"You will not disrespect Sarah one more time or I will throw you out of here myself, are we clear?" Ellie asked, daggers in her eyes. Mary stiffened, turned, and walked out. "I'm sorry," Ellie said looking back to the others, ashamed. Sarah reached across and grabbed her hands.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Sarah said, beaming. Ellie smiled at her.
"Welp, looks like she's back," Chuck said.
"This is my fault, I told you to talk to her," Sarah replied.
"No, that nut decided to act that way because," Chuck replied. "Now, what is your great idea that will fix this." She grinned and bounced a shoulder.
"Simple, you move in," she said. Chuck wasn't sure what to say.
A/N: David…are you seriously ending it there? Yep….til next time…hope you enjoyed it! Reviews and PMs are always welcomed!
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
Hey, sorry if this is a weird question but, do you have any tips on getting motivated to draw again? It's just at the moment I feel like nothing I'd draw would turn out well and I just haven't the motivation anymore. Again sorry If it's a weird question ahha- sparkly anon
it’s not a weird question ^^ it’s actually kind of like getting inspired to write again. However, I;; don’t draw;; so I’m not sure how much help I’ll be here, but I’ll try;;
Is there any one/thing that you’ve been really wanting to draw? you could always start by trying with that. It doesn’t matter if it’s really good or not, you got something done!
Go back to your comfort zone - whether its a certain character or even some doodles! take a piece of paper or open your program and doodle all over it!! 
find a really cool reference. maybe try a screencap or take one of your favorite artist’s pieces and get inspired by it! note: don’t copy it and definitely don’t trace it;; but maybe try drawing what they did in your own style!
practice on what you feel like you need to practice! and don’t give up!! that’s the key. it might take a while, but when you finally get that hand or that foot or even the other eye down, you’ll probably feel a lot better!! 
sorry;; if that didn’t help;;; but I hope you get your motivation back soon!! 
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comicteaparty · 5 years
March 4th-March 10th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from March 4th, 2019 to March 10th, 2019.  The chat focused on O Sarilho by shizamura.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on O Sarilho by shizamura~! (http://sarilho.net/en/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until March 10th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. What do you think happened to the ancient people who left their satellites and other lost technology behind? Will the people of the present be able to recover this technology as they strive to do? Alternatively, are they going to find out secrets better left forgotten?
Capitania do Azar
Howdy everyone! I'm Shizamura and I'm the creator of O Sarilho and I'm very excited
I love all the scenes with the augur
it's such a creepy concept but the way they all handle it as being totally mundane and normal is gr8
agreed ^
also, the initial scene with the alien waking up, as the eyes light up and then gradually focus before the thing starts moving-- chilling. I love it.
Capitania do Azar
Augur is just a regular job for these guys, he
March 5, 2019
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Who or what are Argon and Xenon, the gods in the comic’s world? What do you think their original purpose was? Why do you think only Augur’s can deal with them?
1) the scene where nikita realizes mikhail is, umm, not going to be joining him for anymore adventures. i liked this scene for two reasons. a-the framing was really great because it was fairly normal. like hes injured, of course hed be resting and of course nikita would have to shake him. no reason to suggest anything is off at first until it was all off. b- the pacing was also great. like everything was pretty speedy and then just wham, its like everything got halted for that beautiful moment of horrible realization. A+ adventure retirement scene. 2) I think the ancient people did what all dumb humans do: war against each other until they destroyed themselves. partly cause that be what humans do, partly cause the sense of war in the story seems very ancient and ingrained and i just get the feeling this has existed for longer than anyone can remember. i think eventually they will recover a lot of tech, but i also think theyre going to find out the true price that tech kind of comes at. and that the universe is more than their brains are ready to accept or comprehend.
3) Franquelim. I find him interesting and just in general I like his portrayal. Like you don't even need to know his job to take one look at him and go "this is the weird employee who doesnt fit in and is potentially hated by his superiors despite probably being good at his job." and to me, that makes him a lot of fun. i think he also adds some shenanigans to an otherwise serious and grounded group. and everyone needs some shenanigans in their life. 4) I want to assume Argon and Xenon are AI's that were created in order to advocate for the prosperity of humanity. Granted, probably damaged AIs or incomplete ones since they don't know everything there is to know. As for why only Augurs, I assume its as it was implied: only they can understand them. Which want to go on a limb and say maybe no because magic? It might just be Augurs got the right studying. Like they learned how to read C++ while everyone else only got taught Ruby.
Capitania do Azar
Ah @RebelVampire , these are all very interesting guesses!
....Franquelim is my favourite too LOL(edited)
Capitania do Azar
He's apparently a fan favourite I suppose it makes sense, he does have a strong personality!
he stands out in all the scenes he's in
Capitania do Azar
he loves the camera
stealing the show
I'm on team Franquelim as well
like he's just chillin
plus he's one of the few who (rationally) wanted to avoid getting ambushed by the lusitanians
daria is also a fav of mine too though
just, cuz... look at her. every scene she's in she's got the stage presence of someone who just tied a teammate's shoes together
yeah i have to agree part of the reason i like franquelim is despite his shenanigans, he also is kind of the most grounded in the way. the dude who is like "maybe we shouldnt get ambushed." the dude whos like "hey maybe we should call for backup given the circumstances." he is the beautiful voice of reason in a world gone mad.
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. How do you think Nikita came to be a “slave” of the Empire, and what else happened that makes him so sensitive about the topic of his past? Will Nikita be able to overcome this obstacle of his life?
5) http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/ch03p06 This page in its entirety. The contrast here is fantastic between the clean and normal art and the chaotic presence of the piece of god. It's also a fantastic demonstration of pushing the page and website capabilities to bring about a specific feeling, in this case uneasiness and horror. I also like this illustration because it's very well suited to the dialogue. Franquelim is trying to express his ardent belief they need help and this is beyond them. And this sort of illustration really helps connect you to his concerns because you can see with the imagery why he is freaked out. Thus, emotionally it connects you stronger with his emotional state in this moment and scream "YES YES GET THE HELP GET THE HELP." So all in all, I think this illustration has great contrast, pushes the envelope, and does what I think an illustration should do in a comic: make itself so both the story and illustration are needed together to create the full effect.
Capitania do Azar
Frank has had his share of battles and he's not keen to get into newer ones
Steffano knows that if they are caught (or bring an army in), war is bound to happen (again) and he's got his own selfish reasons for not wanting that. He's also not a particularly experienced leader and has trouble making these kind of decisions
The rest of the team kinda reflects what the empire thinks of itself, as Mikhail puts it "we're better trained, we have better resources and we're more talented". That attitude gotta interfere with decision-making as well
at least mikhail is "retired" now and can no longer preach that sort of thinking? XD
Capitania do Azar
They're army kids, it's not like they ever had any change of thinking in other terms
Doesn't change the fact that MISTAKES WERE MADE
6) Maybe some sort of empire betrayal? Like their dad got found guilty of a bad crime or something. As for his sensitivity, I honestly just think it stems from the fact he wants to move on and create his own path and life. And it doesn't help when everyone keeps reminding you and asking questions. That and if he doesnt talk about it, he doesnt have to face the reality himself. As for overcoming the obstacle, I don't feel it'll be solved in a tangible way? More I just feel like the bigger fish that need frying are going to dominant and more and more ppl will just stop caring. Cause again, bigger fish.
Capitania do Azar
ahha I guess people do remind him of that fact a LOT, I never really looked at it that way
what the other soldiers say about Nikita is right for the most part: he does keep a lot to himself and the part where he clearly can't control a lot of things in his life is a point of stress he'd rather ignore(edited)
(I hope I can bring up in the following chapter just how much he internalized his own social situation to the point that he almost forgets that other people can quit their jobs if they so desire)
QUESTION wapy can you do a corno/not-corno alignment chart with your cast?
Capitania do Azar
didn't I do that already rsrsr
did you????
Capitania do Azar
keep up mango https://twitter.com/Shizamura/status/1096141513514536960
capitania dos azares (@Shizamura)
Gahhhh, just finished reading, such a good comic! I really liked Shizuka, even though she stayed behind (which turned out to be a SUPER GOOD CALL BECAUSE HOLY DANG). She seems fun, though!
How the FUCK is Pimenta in the Corno area @Delphina SAME shizuka is good and also really relatable
Daria's scene around the car (http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/p032) is my favorite fun scene because I love her whole-hearted quest to torment Timoteo. My favorite serious scene is where Mikhail gets his arm shot off because it was such a shocking transition between "here's a squad of kids making jokes and bickering" to "oh shit oh shit oh shit they are in so much trouble for so many reasons" (http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/ch02p29)
Capitania do Azar
Daria takes self-assigned clown job very seriously!
5) my favorite illustrations in the comic so far have been this page: http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/oh-nao and the page following it. not necessarily because of the drawing quality itself (these are good, but there's a couple better), but because of how the emotions are conveyed through the pages literally falling apart.
the page was too strong and murdered my comp with lag XD
i really liked that page too tho
especially the angle
i think the angle really helps express like a sort of feeling of distance
like in the sense youre no longer connected with a person
Capitania do Azar
OMG maybe I should drop the resolution a bit hehe
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What do you think happened in Franquelim’s past that has him so terrified of being captured by the Lusitanians “again?” How might this affect his judgement in whatever situations are to come?
Gah I didn’t realize this had started already I only barely got past the prologue! Really nice art and lots of character profiles
The character profiles are SO HELPFUL, I also appreciate the role call at the end of the last two chapters.
Capitania do Azar
eheh I really like coming up with silly descriptions for characters, so figures it's a good idea to add them
I just made my first character profile sheet a couple days ago and it’s not as in-depth as this one
Capitania do Azar
It's not that hard! I make most of my characters by making up a number of random facts, which eventually become the text
The stats are mostly out of comparison like this character is more talented than this one, but also slower..and so on
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserve attention?
QUESTION 10. What is the strange entity that Nikita and company discover, and what do you think its purpose is? Also, is it really a piece of God somehow? What implications do you think that has for the story in general, especially given Lusitanian involvement?
7) Well I did enjoy seeing Nikita and Mikhail. I found their dynamic to be interesting due to the contrast. they were just both very different ppl who viewed themselves differently, viewed the empire sort of differently, viewed their place in the empire differently, etc. This kind of made their conversations really insightful into getting two diff perspectives on "the way things are." its too bad mikhail retired. 8) I assume torture at best, hardcore torture at worst. Though for him torture might have consisted of just keeping him eternally connected to god? cause thats be torturous info overload that probably wouldve hurt a lot. As for affecting his judgement, I def think he's the most likely to do something stupid based on it. Like do some drastic thing like set off a bomb just so he doesnt have to get caught again.
9) I want to say i really love the more rampant use of narrative boxes that specify the location in the most recent chapter. TBH, I really struggled to follow the second chapter because the transitions were hard to catch just cause matching uniforms. So in the third chapter this helped out immensely and i think its a detail that deserves to be appreciated. 10) If I stick with my Argon and Xenon are just AIs theory, then yeah, its probably a piece of god. A piece that got disconnected from the network but was original like some waypoint for vast interstellar communication. As for its purpose, I don't think it has one. I think it's gone bonkers cause being disconnected from teh core has made it unable to access primarydirective.exe. As for implications, I think it's going to spark a war at the rate things are devolving. even if nikita and then somehow disappear into the night, the lusitanians are clearly hiding something that cant stay hidden forever.
Capitania do Azar
Your theories are very interesting @RebelVampire!
Also I really appreciate that you enjoy Mikhail's and Nikita's relationship
Capitania do Azar
Mikhail's got a lot less pressure on him, so he gets to be more chill about some things (but not all the things, since he snapped at Dária anyways)
yeah i think you're spot on with the AI theory, rebel. if I may make a prediction - i'm thinking that once this specific incident is over, not only will a war break out, but nikita will be put into action against his will 'cause he never catches a break(edited)
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. What do you think the Lusitanian Eurico wants to talk to Nikita about (or is it a ruse to fight some more)? How might the subsequent events affect the mission further?
I think Eurico's goal is probably just to get this squad out of their lands. I expect some level of "you don't know what you're dealing with trying to interact with this God-level technology, so leave now or you're seriously going to get hurt" conversation.
Regarding strengths and unique points, O Sarilho's very good at establishing extremely human-feeling characters very quickly. I like the fact that I know Nikita likes astronomy. I like the fact that Daria, Pfeiffer, and Timoteo have a dynamic and history of teasing each other. I like that Franquelim relies on drugs and coffee because he's Seen Some Things. The details brings a lot of personal stakes and heart into what could otherwise be a very dry military post-apoc story, and that's hard to do with a cast this large. I'm looking forward to learning more about the characters! It feels like we're just at the tip of the iceberg for worldbuilding, but I can tell that a lot of thought and care has been put into how technology affects their lives through big things like religious views and small things like what kind of curse words they use. I'm also looking forward to learning about the power/class dynamics that are happening with the military and Houses like Steffano's and Daria's. The integration of web design and animation for impact is also extremely well-executed wherever it's used, but it's not overused to the point where the reader becomes used to it, which is important for giving those scenes emphasis.
For me, the strongest and most unique part of the comic is the visual aspect. Like, even putting the animated and panel-busting pages aside, the colors used are outstanding at conveying the proper emotions. Like even on this early page: http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/prologo-8 Franquelim's colors are brighter, they're bleeding off his body, and they give off this aesthetic that's the perfect mix of computer-y and mystical. Right off the bat something seems unusual about this comic's universe, yet the other characters barely glance at him. That's great visual conveyance.(edited)
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Given everything that’s happened, how do you feel Nikita’s team will deal with the mission’s outcome so far? Also, will what has occurred affect the peace treaty with the Lusitanians in a negative way? Lastly, are more people doomed to die?
Capitania do Azar
Guys... You're too kind
11) i agree with everyone else so far in that i think the comic's strengths are the usage of color and the use of animation and web design effects. every choice where these are concerned feels purposeful and really enhances the atmosphere of the moment. i feel they are what give a lot of the scenes their unique punch, as well as also add some visual context to characters' emotions where relevant. 12) Eurico just wants to have a tea party and needs to know if Nikita is game. But joke aside, he probably wants to tell Nikita some truths that Eurico thinks Nikita wasnt told. So that way maybe everyone can leave and nobody else has to die and no wars have to start. Which that last one is wishful thinking imo XD 13) I'm looking forward to more Franquelim doing his weirdo Augur things and everyone being like, "Sure my dude." But really, I just want to see more of that bundle of joy and fun. 14) I think the team is going to deal somewhat poorly. Cause not all of them seemed to take the mission all that serious and I think the hit of seriousness is gonna have some longterm PTSD affects. I mean I'm sure theyll play it off like theyre fine. But itll just be an army of Nikita's in that if they dont talk about it, they dont have to think or deal with it. XD As for the peace treaty, yes and no. I don't think Nikita and company will be responsible, but I think the piece of god might. And yes, yes more people are surely doomed to die. I'd even go so far as to say just assume everyone is gonna die by the end XD RIP
Capitania do Azar
ahaha oh no that is so bleak !!
I can't vouch that they won't die, but I hope they won't
If you assume everyone is going to die, you'll be pleasantly surprised when some of them don't!
Capitania do Azar
(btw thank you for pointing out the big GIF files, I have changed their resolution so hopefully they won't kill more computers with lag )
Pls dont kill Franq plz plz plz
Capitania do Azar
Capitania do Azar
your theories are adding years to my life
I gotta imagine the peace treaty is going to get affected, though. They're going to try to keep it quiet, but it's gonna get out somehow. Steffano's got a sinister aura around him, so maybe he'd spin the situation in a way that would benefit his political position.
(I could be wrong, but I adore it when people have ridiculously wrong theories about my comic so I'll just throw it out there.)
Also, was it Fausta that the "Foreigner" was trying to communicate through? I wonder if she's got some affinity for that and if she's going to be further used in that capacity
Capitania do Azar
Yes! Fausta is lusitanian-born, so she is naturally empathic and that's why the foreigner picked her out of the crew
it's interesting how the empath was affected rather than the augur. like, from my understanding, fausta's thing is reading people's emotions, while augurs can read the word of the gods/computers. so on the one hand, if the foreigner is communicating with fausta, does that mean the foreigner is human? but on the other hand, franq said that the foreigner's speech feels exactly like what connecting to the gods is like...
Capitania do Azar
I'm gonna throw ash into the fire and say that people tend to compare new things to things they already know ;D
It's past midnight for me, so I guess my time here is over!!
But thank you everyone who dropped by and had the care to read my comic and comment ;u; You make it all worthwhile
Thank you for making an awesome comic!
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about O Sarilho this week! Please also give a special thank you to shizamura for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked O Sarilho, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://sarilho.net/en/
shizamura’s Store: http://sarilho.net/en/loja
shizamura’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shizamura
0 notes
artloife · 7 years
For the prompt 'Smile'
A/N: This is part wish fulfillment, part my reaction to the frankly amazing recent chapters by Nakamura-Sensei. This is my own kind of headcanon that’s developed about these two characters and is rather heavily dependent on all the character development that has occurred since the Dark Moon Wrap Party until the most recent chapter. This is for the Skip Beat celebration of KyokoxRen week on tumblr. For the prompt ‘Smile’
Also, I use the Japanese honorifics as I’m most used to hearing that from learning conversational Japanese. Additionally, Nakamura-sensei utilizes the inner thoughts of her characters to great effect, so I’ve done that as well. It's denoted with ‘_’. 
This clocks in at around 9k so yeah.... Enjoy! 
Five Times Tsuruga Ren Slipped & Then Covered with a Smile
1. Of Momose-san & an Interview
The Dark Moon Wrap Party was well underway and Momose-san was currently enjoying answering the in-depth questions of her interviewer. She was so delighted by how insightful her reporter was that she perhaps let slip something she otherwise wouldn’t have. 
“Momose-san, I’m quite curious, with such a wonderfully talented cast and crew, what surprised you the most while being a part of those dynamics behind the scenes of this production?”
Momose-san perhaps could have mentioned the talented musicians they consulted with, as acknowledging more rarely-spoken of aspects of producing television was always appreciated, but what really had stuck with her most throughout shooting the show was the dichotomy of Mogami-san. So struck by how the younger actress acted during daily life, she instead replied:
“This might be silly to say, but Mogami-san, oh, who you all would know as Kyoko-san, when not in character, is astonishingly gentle and kind. And so funny! Her and Tsuruga-san were sometimes so silly together they appeared like a manzai duo! I am so glad Tsuruga-san vouched for her in the beginning, as the time we spent together not in front of the cameras, we had quite a bit of fun! And she’s just such a professional in general as well.”
Her interviewer, a little startled by her enthusiasm, nevertheless filed away that fascinating nugget of information. 
“Okay, next question, what was the scene most memorable to you?” …
As Yashiro-san would snark later, Ren could have very easily avoided this misstep. However, in his opinion, he believed he covered with remarkable aplomb and so all’s well that ends well. Ren, unexpectedly and unfortunately, relearned a particular lesson today that he really should have known better than to have had to relearn. That is, he draws attention he doesn’t even know he does at the most inopportune times. ‘Boss would get a kick out of this’, he mused to himself, exasperated and still irritated on some levels. 
To provide some context, a certain crew member, underling to a certain interviewer, had been struggling to find his boss’ next two interviewees after one Iizuka-san’s interview was finished. As his search met the ten minute mark, he finally spotted an odd event occurring next to an odd decoration. ‘Egyptian?? Why Egyptian?’ Then, ‘Tsuruga-san! Why are you embarrassing that nice looking lady?!’
He politely coughed to gain the couple’s attention, “Tsuruga-san, please follow me, we’re ready for you.”
The tall actor straightened up to gesture towards the interviewing space, “After you Mogami-san.” 
The crew member now recognized the glamorous young woman as Kyoko-san, who then promptly ducked her head and scurried towards the seating area. The crew member shook his head to divest himself of his surprise at how chameleon-like the young actress was. Then he hurried on ahead to whisper to his boss about what he just saw. She was not even gonna believe it but he totally saw it with his own two eyes; Tsuruga-san liked to tease. 
Ren, throughout the beginning of the interview, couldn’t help but kick himself for his behavior. ‘You’re getting sloppy Kuon. Tsuruga Ren is always a gentleman. What are you even doing? Mogami-san became so embarrassed that that crew member glared at me even as he felt embarrassed for her too! Get it together!’
“I know I’m a curious one, and I’m sure the fans are too, however did you think up your style for this evening? So glamorous!”
Ren suppressed a twitch at the interviewer’s question while Kyoko blushed brightly.
“Ahha, actually, it’s a bit of a funny story. Since I’m younger than everyone, and this was my first real event like this, I was a tad self-conscious about it. But actually Kijima-san was so nice, when I mentioned it, he introduced me to some stylists and they just kind of went wild. I was a bit surprised but he helped me out a lot with it.”
Ren again attempted to rein in his temper as the chatter continued in this vein for the next couple minutes. Really, his more physically-inclined urges to rearrange Kijima-san’s face and/or to outright speak ill of him was slightly hypocritical after all that had just happened. Nevertheless, Ren had to take a calming breath and bite his tongue. 
“You’re such an interesting topic of conversation tonight Mogami-san! First Momose-san, and now Kijima-san, and, from what I hear, even Tsuruga-san, they all really seem have great relationships with you in particular out of this cast. Tsuruga-san, I’m dying to know, has Mogami-san always captivated you, or have you two developed such a wonderful relationship for a different reason?”
For a half second, Ren stopped breathing and his eyes widened in shock. The miniscule reactions were his only tell, fortunately, and he smoothly transitioned into his trademark media smile. 
“Apologies, but I’m not quite sure I understand the question?” Ren’s voice came out as smoothly as ever, and he breathed a sigh of relief. God, where did this even come from??!
If the interviewer’s smile became more shark-like, Ren was positive he was imagining it. “Well Momose-san compared your behind-the-scenes antics to that of a manzai duo, I confess I am intrigued. You’ve never really been one for comedy such as that, as far as we the public know, so is it Kyoko-san’s influence, or are you two just that comfortable with each other?”
Ren attempted to control his urge to clench his fists in frustration but replied, “Ah, that’s a bit of humorous take from Momose-san, I’m sure. We’re just from the same company is all, so we know each other from meeting at the office on occasion.”
Kyoko was nodding along a bit too frantically, “Ah, yes! Tsuruga-san and I have just come across each other on occasion at the office. Other than working on Dark Moon together, we don’t have too much else in common.”
“Hmm, how surprising, and Momose-san mentioned that you had to vouch for Mogami-san here at the beginning of production, Tsuruga-san. Can you explain that a little more? What gave you that confidence?”
Ren suppressed his want to reach out to settle Kyoko’s slightly bouncing knee. This interviewer had definitely gotten off track some, perhaps he could manage to wrangle it back on course to soothe Kyoko’s nerves a little.
“It’s quite simple really. There were concerns Kyoko-san didn’t have enough experience for such a vital role. However, the director was positive she was right for the job, and I know our company president had vouched for this production, and what little I had known at the time of Kyoko-san’s professionalism were all enough for me to have that confidence.” He risked sending Kyoko a reassuring smile which did seem to settle the bouncing knee.
Kyoko smiled back up in return before turning her gaze back to the interviewer, “Really, it was only with all of my costars’ faith and help that I managed to create a Mio I was proud of.”
Promptly diverted by this part of the topic, the interviewer returned to the normal questioning about the production process. Ren let out a sigh of relief, Thank God. You need to cool it Kuon. Ren, with his temper now controlled, began to rebuild his character defenses but still felt the looming threat of Kuon’s fury.
After the interview Yashiro shot Ren an unimpressed look that got his hackles up. “What Yashiro-san?”
Yashiro sighed and shook his head, “Honestly Ren, all of this could very easily have been avoided. I know you know that. I’ve told you. The president’s told you. Be careful. This role you currently have is making you slip up. The rest of the people here might not have noticed how angry you were throughout that entire interview, but Kyoko-chan and I have noticed your temper all evening. I’m sure the president, were he here, would have as well.”
Ren’s jaw muscle jumped as he clenched his teeth before replying, “I can handle it. And besides, that interviewer just got some fluff about cast dynamics. It’ll be a hit. While I understand your concerns, my issues don’t ever interfere with my work. I don’t let them.”
(Ren will come to regret those words later.)
2. Guam; Tsuruga-san on the Day of Kyoko’s Departure
Ren was very quietly basking in how he and Kyoko were able to talk somewhat normally. She might have been scolding him about eating but after all that had occurred here in Guam, he could only feel relief that she was talking to him. That she was talking to him at all after the way he’d treated her throughout the past weeks was a miracle in his opinion. But, he had a niggling guilty feeling he didn’t think he could keep his silence about.
“Mogami-san,” Ren interrupted her mid-rant hesitantly, “I appreciate that you want to make sure I’m eating while I finish up here. But-”
He quieted for long enough that Kyoko cocked her head to the side, “Tsuruga-san?”
He raised his head to shoot her a faint smile, “I just really wanted to apologize.”
“Tsuruga-san? I’m not sure what you mean?”
Ren took a deep breath, “My behavior as Cain and BJ has been the cause of an inordinate amount of issues for you.”
Growing increasingly alarmed at this unexpected turn of events, Kyoko started to say, “Tsuruga-san, please don’t-!”
“Please let me finish. I have caused you a great deal of issues in the past weeks. I recognize that I have had difficulty with this task. I’ve been overly possessive, overly aggressive, and have broken character several times.” He paused for a second trying to control his embarrassment but then continued.
“I am but a man. I make mistakes. That you have had the patience and fortitude to put up with it is amazing and you have my everlasting gratitude.” To better accent this, Ren gave her a partial bow in the traditional style she preferred. Straightening back up, he caught sight of her very red face and the fingers she twisted nervously in her lap. ‘My God, but she’s so adorable she leaves me breathless’. 
“Please look at me Mogami-san.” She shyly started looking up but had to duck her eyes again as she saw his dazzling smile. 
“Please never forget how amazing you are Mogami-san. Of your own willpower and grace, you have made it through this very trying task of ours. I am not exaggerating when I acknowledge how wonderful you were at that.” 
“Tsuruga-san, please, I do appreciate this, really, but please stop talking.” Kyoko had to bury her face in her hands to calm down for a minute or two. Then, once she felt she could, she turned her gaze back to him. 
“I have only been able to do this because of your support. As a fellow actor, you constantly push me to be better. I had to do my best. I had to. Do you get it?”
Ren, now relieved he was able to apologize well enough, shot her another smile. “That is indeed quite the praise coming from you. Thank you again.”
(Once his door is shut after seeing her off a little while later, Ren will take a deep breath, straighten his backbone and swear to not disappoint her.)
3. Lory & the Box’R Incident
Ren let out a frustrated sigh in his Cain getup as he followed Ten-san into Lory’s office, “I thought we’d decided to not have me do promo work for Tragic Marker? For the mystery?” 
Lory, finishing up a phone call, just waved them further into the office, “Don’t worry about it Director-san, I’ll arrange transportation for her. Thanks for the notice, you can be at ease now.”
He finished up his goodbyes and then turned to Ren, “I know, I know, but things change. Don’t worry, it’s still all hush hush. The movie’s studio marketing team just wanted some stills just in case it became necessary. However I do need to come with you to hammer out details, so please follow me out.” Miss Woods waved them off as Lory and Ren strode out to a waiting car, attempting to be as unobtrusive as possible.
“The studio should be set up by the time we get there, no worries. I know you and Yashiro-san are on a tight schedule. I just happen to need to kill two birds with one stone.” Lory remarked cheerfully while on the way to the studio. Ren sighed and shook his head but kept his thoughts to himself as they reached their destination. 
They walked through the building, heading towards Tragic Marker’s marketing and publicity office, but Lory became distracted by a hallway marked off and labeled as “Box'R Shooting”. Ren shot Lory a suspicious glance but Lory ignored him and ducked into the hallway.
“Director Anna, what seems to be the hold up here?” The Box’R director whipped around in surprise as he saw Lory Takarada approach him on his set. Motioning for his Assistant Director to take over, the director met him halfway. 
“Takarada-sama! I’m so sorry to interrupt your day!” 
Lory put a finger to his mouth to motion for a quieter tone of voice. “I’m going for secrecy and the element of surprise today. I confess, once you had called me about about her needing a ride tonight, I’d been curious to see what my talent had been doing. She’s a bit of a pet project for me. This was a good excuse for me to check it out.”
As Lory settled into a chair next to him, the director leaned back in his own and happened to catch sight of an intimidating figure cloaked in ragged black clothing. He paused for a moment, and then decided not to ask. Company presidents such as these tended to be…eccentric to say the least. 
He turned his attention back to LME’s president. “Well, Kyoko-chan is doing decently at the moment. But in this scene I’m trying to capture a certain dynamic. Natsu’s supposed to be more possessive of Rumi-chan’s character here as Rumi-chan is trying to tell a boy she likes him, but maybe Kyoko-chan is unused to feeling possessive of toys because she’s not quite capturing that air.” The director paused a moment to eye the cloaked figure again as he could have sworn he heard a faint chuckle come from that direction. 
Lory spoke up, “Let me see if I follow, the boy there is who is being confessed to, and Natsu is supposed to come across the scene and then perhaps interrupt because she doesn’t want Rumi-chan’s character to pay attention to someone else? She’s used to always being able to play with her whenever she likes? That kind of thing?”
“Something like that. We’re working on different takes as most of of the blocking is improvised by Kyoko-chan so we get more natural reactions to her bullying by everyone else around her. It’s somewhat experimental on my end, for sure. But Natsu is the spark everyone else needs to react against. So, unfortunately for this scene in particular, until I get what I’m looking for in her, we’re not gonna get the right reaction from everyone else.”
Ren, situated behind Lory and leaning against the wall of the studio, was people watching. He wondered if anybody had some cigarettes and maybe a lighter. He could really use a smoke break. Yashiro-san has been so thoughtful to rearrange his schedule as this had come up and he had such a limited window of time before he had to return to the shooting in Guam. But now they were probably going to be late to his final dinner meeting because the president had yet again gotten distracted and dragged him along in his wake.
He sighed. At least he got to watch Kyoko work. He so very rarely got the chance to watch her in her element without a running commentary by Yashiro-san. It was quite a wonderful thing to experience. His gaze zeroed in on the young man and woman near Kyoko. ‘Her costars I imagine. But what’s that boy doing?’
He straightened up a little and looked closer. He might have been imagining it, but the boy kept touching Kyoko’s arm to get her attention. He frowned. But then it happened again. His frown deepened as Kyoko made more of an effort to step back out of the boy’s space and physically focus her attention more on what the crew was saying. The movement seemed almost unconsciously done. As if she’d had to do it before.
Ren was momentarily distracted by a tech crew member stepping off the set and patting his left jacket pocket. ‘Ah, bingo, some smokes’. He waited for the crew member to get a little closer to where he was at before he stepped towards him. ‘Discreet and quiet, yes I am paying attention to your instructions Boss, but also, I could use a smoke break’. 
“Hey, do you mind if I bum a light and cigarette off ya?” Ren made sure to speak in Cain’s deeper and huskier voice but with an effort to be polite and quiet. The crew member was startled to be approached by such a figure but soon relaxed and handed them over. Ren nodded in thanks and turned back to eye the contained chaos that was the set, making sure to keep track of where Kyoko was. 
Lory watched idly as crew and the cast members rearranged things for another run through, turning a few thoughts over in his head. Possessiveness huh…he mused and then smiled. “Director Anna, I may have an idea for you. Have you cleared people’s schedules this evening? Would I be imposing upon your schedule too much if you indulge me in this?”
“I would really appreciate it, actually. This may be out of my reach if I’m just not communicating well,” the director confessed. 
Lory turned a bit in his chair and gestured at Ren to come forward. Ren sighed mournfully but he put away the cigarette and lighter in his inner jacket pocket. 
Director Anna warily eyed the taller man and the President as he heard the English being spoken. 
“Cain, go greet your sister. She must be missing you.”
Ren froze and quietly began to panic. ‘Shit, what on earth is he thinking? Mogami-san was only comfortable because we were the Heels around people we didn’t know. How is she going to explain this?’
“Boss, I’m not sure… - “
“Please, indulge me.”
Ren sighed but straightened up and headed towards the set. ‘Maybe I should have been paying attention…’
He focused more on bringing Cain out and tuned Lory out, who was currently asking the director for the assistant director to make sure the cameras didn’t start rolling.
He faintly heard a, “It’s just a little secret project of mine after all. Can’t have anything leaked yet.” from Lory’s direction but by then he was already mostly Cain wanting to see his sister. 
Cain took a step closer to the set, trying to not grab too much attention as he tried to sneak a little closer to his sister. He was somewhat successful and got only a few odd looks before he made it close enough.
“Setsu.” His voice came out as a command. 
Kyoko stilled, heart in her throat as Natsu flew away from her by virtue of one simple word. In the next heartbeat she was Setsu. Setsu, who hadn’t seen her brother in what seemed like so long and desperately missed that voice. She started looking around, thoroughly distracting the people around her. 
Rumi-chan, having caught sight of Kyoko’s face changing, was rather surprised. This caught the attention of her co-star Aoki-kun. They both turned to follow where Kyoko was going. 
“Big brother?” Setsu’s brother suddenly seemed to appear in her line of vision. She quickly stepped off the set and headed towards him.
“Big brother! Aren’t you supposed to be working?” 
Cain shrugged, opening up his arms to get a hug, “I was lonely without you. Didn’t you miss me too?” His face started sliding into puppy-dog eyes the longer Setsu stood still. 
Kyoko wasn’t too terribly surprised as Cain often acted like this but at the same time she was attempting to corral Setsu’s feelings as they were in public. Ultimately, the puppy dog eyes won out. Kyoko blushed but stepped into his waiting arms. ‘So warm…’she sighed gratefully.
“Of course I missed you. Anytime I’m not with you is the worst time of my life.” Setsu murmured.
Cain patted her head and smiled gently, “Also, I’m missing my lighter. Did you take it with you?”
She stepped back, hands on her hips, “Why on earth wouldn’t you just buy another one?”
The puppy dog look was back, “But you picked that one out.”
Setsu stomped her foot in exasperation, “Fine, fine. But if I check that pocket, and it’s there, you’re never living this down.”
Rumi-chan, Aoki-kun and the onlookers were utterly flabbergasted at the behavior, the language, and the now apparent lack of respect for personal space of these two individuals.
“Um, Rumi-chan, who is that? Why are they speaking English?!” Aoki-kun whispered to Rumi.
“Rumi-chan has no idea…” And then she blushed as Kyoko started opening the other man’s jacket and appeared to be searching the pocket for something. ‘So forward! Why isn’t she intimidated by him? So amazing!’
“This is so rude! We’re in the middle of a job!” Aoki-kun was no longer whispering. A couple of crew members overheard but motioned to where the director was sitting and watching.
“I don’t think the director cares actually…” Aoki huffed at the crew member’s sidebar to him.
“Cain! Honestly, you’re never living this down! You have it right here!” Setsu shook her head at her brother as she produced the lighter and cigarette.
Cain just shrugged and smiled, “Wanna join me for a smoke?”
Setsu raised an eyebrow, “You never let me smoke with you, even though I’ve been doing it for ages. You don’t want your precious sister near that nasty stuff is what I believe you’ve said.”
Cain’s eyes flicked to something behind her as he moved in closer, “But I miss you. Don’t you want to spend time with me?” He placed a proprietary hand on her hip as he stepped nearer to her. Kyoko felt a thrill go up her spine as she felt his body heat.
“Well…, I haven’t had a break yet, so I don’t see why not.” She cast her gaze downward shyly as she tucked a couple fingers into his coat’s outer pocket.
At this point in time, Aoki had had about enough, “Hey! We’re kind of busy here! Why don’t you go wait til we’re done?”
The snarl that came across Cain’s face as he tucked Setsu closer to him frightened Aoki-kun out of his wits enough to stop speaking. Kyoko whipped her head around and shot him her murderous Setsu glare.
In Japanese, she snapped back angrily, “Don’t you dare be so rude to my nii-san! You’re not even worthy to breathe the same air as he, you trumped up toad!” Kyoko had to bite back other angry words but really, Aoki-kun’s lack of respect for personal space had irritated her one too many times today and she relished in indulging Setsu’s anger.
Aoki’s face turned bright red but he stormed away. Rumi-chan looked between his retreating back to the two scarier individuals in front of her. She timidly tried to speak up, “Um, Kyoko-san. I’m not sure what’s going on, but would you like to uh, introduce your nii-san to the rest of us?” 
In her ear she heard Cain mutter, “Ugh, just like the rodent.”
Setsu’s eyes blazed in remembered anger. Kyoko tried to control it but it came out anyway. She sneered back in response, “Certainly not! This is my nii-san! He only cares about me and I only care about him!”
She turned on her heel, grabbed Cain’s hand and tossed over her shoulder, “I’m taking a break!” The delighted smile Cain wore on his face as she did this very much disturbed the crowd of onlookers, who were making no secret of the fact that they were fascinated by these turn of events. Kyoko went to continue stomping out but then heard a deep voice ring out:
Cain promptly stopped their exit, dragging Setsu to a stop as well. Kyoko felt her blood slowly turn to ice in her veins as she recognized that voice. She was immediately horrified at her behavior. She swung around to face the president’s direction and bowed deeply.
“I am so sorry president! Director Anna! I meant no disrespect!”
She was astonished to hear a deep laugh, “No worries at all Kyoko-chan. Director Anna was just indulging in an idea of mine!” He faced the director, “Do you see?”
Director Anna was simply stunned into nodding dumbly. Lory clapped his hands enthusiastically, “Very well done, all around!” 
Ren shot Kyoko a small but reassuring smile. Kyoko sagged in relief. ‘Just another crazy bit of hijinx by the president. Thank the heavens’. She caught Ren’s eye again and tilted her head in question. In return, he held a finger to his lips and mouthed to her, “Talk later?” 
She smiled brightly and nodded her assurance. She hadn’t even thought she’d be able to see him so soon. Maybe talk to him on the phone, but not actually see him until he returned from Guam for good. Oh she could hardly contain her excitement.
Lory clapped a hand onto the director’s shoulder as he stood up, ‘Well Director-san, I believe I’m needed elsewhere, I hope this was helpful.”
The director continued to nod in a bit of a dazed fashion. Lory let out another laugh and gestured for Ren to follow him back out. Ren bowed to the Box’R cast and crew and smiled, then turned to follow Lory. 
He stopped once as he couldn’t resist the urge to ruffle Kyoko’s hair. After smiling at her once more and getting one in return, Ren continued on. Unfortunately, as he was exiting, he also caught sight of the young man from earlier. Ren allowed another snarl to cross his face. The boy seemed both infuriated and terrified. ‘Good, he deserves it. Disrespectful whelp’. Lory turned at the doorway of the studio to check if Ren was following him, but by then Ren’s trademark sunny smile was already back in place.
Lory rolled his eyes, “You ain’t foolin no one boy.”
“Yes Boss.”
(When Kyoko and Ren next talk on their ride home that evening, she will delightedly tell him about how she nailed her scene in the very next run through. He will smile and ruffle her hair.)
4. Morizumi-san & the Day of Kyoko’s Audition
Morizumi had been berating Kyoko for sometime in between breaks of this audition as other actresses went through the reaction test. Kyoko had just stepped out to get some air after the intensity of her own, but she was doomed to have the girl follow her out. Boy did spoiled brats grind her gears. She attempted to keep quiet and withstand this most recent, and bewildering behavior, in an effort to keep professional. 
Erika-san was depending on her to make it through. And Kyoko felt she had to so she could do this role justice. And naturally, she very badly wanted to act with Moko-san. Come on girl, this’ll be worth it later! Her half-hearted attempts at pepping herself up seemed weak in comparison to the rant of one Morizumi-san.
At the same time, Ren, having returned finally from Guam and the shooting of Tragic Marker, had had a little bird (Yashiro, it was Yashiro), tell him where he could find Kyoko. He may have been a little bit unreasonably excited to see her. But finally, he’d have the time to take her out for White Day now that TraMa was done shooting. He couldn’t wait to ask her.
He pulled onto the location set, hoping he could have Yashiro just bring her out so he could ask her without causing too much of a hassle for the other people on set. He pulled onto the ditch of the road, and parked his car offset and out of the way. Stepping out of the car, he meandered up to the nearest building but caught a voice coming around the other side of the building. 
He went unnoticed enough that he caught the tail end of some harsh words. He frowned and peeked around the corner. The surprise turned quickly to a softly simmering anger as he saw a woman berating Kyoko. He quickly disregarded the woman’s disdain and gently tried to catch Kyoko’s attention, “Mogami-san, how is everything going?”
Kyoko, utterly shocked at his appearance, was stopped from answering as Morizumi immediately recognized Ren. Completely distracted from her rant, she latched onto his arm excitedly, and reintroduced herself as a previous costar.
Ren threw a partially concealed smirk to Kyoko, who appeared slightly startled by it, and said as a sidebar to Morizumi’s inane chattering, in English, “Emmental?” 
Kyoko quickly hid a snicker. Morizumi looked between them, confused. But she knew she’d just been made fun of even if she couldn’t figure out how. 
She replied angrily in the same language, “Excuse me?!” She stepped back from Ren, frowned and added in Japanese, “I would never have expected such rudeness from you Tsuruga-san.”
Ren switched to his more gentlemanly manner and smile, not letting his anger show, (even as Kyoko’s grudge’s started peeking out and happily gazed at his look) and softly remarked, “Nor I you, Morizumi-san, what on earth could my kouhai have done to you to deserve such vitriol?”  
Morizumi, embarrassed at the call-out, stepped back and let go of his arm. She had no appropriate response and so turned and hurried back inside, with one parting shot, “Mogami-san, don’t expect to win this, I have it locked down.” 
Kyoko’s brow furrowed as she withstood the sense of irritation that flared up inside at that.
Ren stepped closer to her as he put a hand on his hip and sighed, “It is unfortunate, but sometimes nepotism gets people quite far in this industry. I’m sure this is tough for you Mogami-san, but please don’t give up. Your Momiji will be worth the trials it’ll take to make her a success.”
Kyoko smiled up at him, “I appreciate that very much Tsuruga-san, it seems you always know just what to say. You and Moko-san and Yashiro-san. You’re all rooting for me. I promise I won’t let you down!” 
Ren shot her an indulgent smile and ruffled her hair, “You definitely won’t, but also, I did come here for another reason besides this.”
Kyoko batted away his hand. “Tsuruga-san, you’re slipping into nii-san. Please be more careful.”
Ren smothered his frustration and tried again. “Mogaaaami-san. I’m back two whole days early and you haven’t even said ‘welcome back’ to me yet. Is that how you’re supposed to treat an honored sempai?”
“We-Welcome back!” Kyoko stuttered with a red face as she bowed in greeting. Suddenly, she popped back upright, “Tsuruga-san, why are you back early?”
“Oh things were completed quicker than expected. It’s actually just that boring of a thing. But, more importantly, I’ve had to wait until shooting has been completed due to time constraints to ask this. I wanted to treat you to dinner for your return gift. You were so considerate in my gift I’m obligated to return the favor. What do you say? When would you be free?” 
Kyoko was not quite recovered from her first bout with embarrassment and she struggled painfully with cramming all of her emotions into a mask of neutrality. 
“Ahhhh… that’s a good question. Yashiro-san would know my schedule better than I do I believe…”
Ren smiled and urged her with a hand on her waist to go ahead of him back into the building, “Let’s go find him then, shall we?”
Kyoko was attempting to survive her acute embarrassment at his courteousness as she searched for Yashiro once they entered. “So, shooting went well? No one, um, bothered you too much?”
Ren gazed down at her fondly, “No, nothing like that happened. Everyone made sure to keep their distance. I’m sure the director helped with that.”
Kyoko smiled weakly back up at him and was rather relieved to pick Yashiro out of the other people in the lobby in that next instant. She waved him over once she caught his eye while Ren tried to not stand out too much.
Yashiro hurried over, “Ren! We didn’t expect you back so soon!”
“Yes, it’s quite nice to finish ahead of schedule. Now then, I need to take up some of Mogami-san’s time. When is she next free?” 
Yashiro was a little startled at his forwardness but quickly opened up his planner, “Well, let’s see here, ah, perhaps tomorrow evening? She seems to be free after seven it looks like.”
“Excellent! Where shall I pick you up at Mogami-san?”
“Eh heh…ah, perhaps just LME? I think I’ll be coming from a meeting about a commercial?” Kyoko was now willing herself to make it through this encounter on straight politeness. ‘Really Tsuruga-san, you’ll give a girl ideas. That’s dangerous didn’t you know’.
“I quite appreciate you helping me out with this Mogami-san. I do so hope you wear your Princess Rosa. This is supposed to be fun after all. She should be there with you.”
Kyoko shot him a confused look at his enthusiasm and effusiveness, “I will make sure to do so Tsuruga-san.”
Ren stuffed his hands into his pockets to make them behave, “Well then I leave you two to it. I’m headed home for some much needed sleep.” He turned to walk away but did not get very far.
He tilted his head back to look at Kyoko, “Yes?”
“I expect to see videos tomorrow. Please don’t forget to eat tonight also.”
He shot her the smile that her grudges wailed about, “As you wish Mogami-san. As I’ve said, no matter how odd it sounds, if it’s from you, I will obey.” He bowed slightly and made it out the exit before she could respond.
(Kyoko in fact, will not be able to answer, as Yashiro will be squealing too loudly for her to hear herself think anything else other than, ‘damn that man and his playboy ways’.)
5. Of a Date that is Definitely not a Date but an Obligation
“Director Kurosaki!” Kyoko stopped short right in the doorway of the meeting room. 
“Kyoko-san. Nice to see you again. How have things been?” The director stood and offered a slight bow that Kyoko returned. 
“Oh, not bad. Busier now than they used to be.”
Kurosaki chuckled,”I’m sure, please, have a seat. The marketing execs for this company just pulled me in today and I decided to come along to the meeting to get a feel for everything. Also, I thought it might be a good idea to have someone in on this that’s rather familiar with how you work already.”
Kyoko bowed to the rest of people at the table and hurried into a seat so as not to keep them waiting. Kurosaki’s silence seemed to prompt an older gentleman to start speaking. 
“Thank you for meeting with us Kyoko-san. We’re very happy you’ve accepted our proposal. Our team first noticed you as Mio and we were eagerly looking forward to your next big role. When Box'R began airing, our dear assistant here immediately recognized you even with how different you looked. After that, we simply had to put this offer forward to you.”
Kyoko swept her gaze in the direction of said assistant and saw a shy looking young lady who peeked up at her, blushed, and then turned her gaze away again. Kyoko almost forgot her surprise at his words so amusing was the reaction. Kyoko spoke up. 
“I’m quite pleased my work is getting recognition. Thank you very much sir.”
“Please, you can call me Sakichi-san, everyone else does.” 
The last couple of people in the group then introduced themselves and they quickly delved into what they had planned out so far.
Sakichi-san folded his hands as he excitedly leaned forward, “So I really want you as part of our group of style models, so that’s what I’m planning long term for this company. The ultimate decision will be based on how well this commercial deal pans out. But, Saishi Style is quite interested in having this pan out long-term.”
Kyoko tried her best to calm down her rising excitement so she kept her professional air. This offer was sounding better and better by the minute. She nodded thoughtfully as Sakichi-san continued laying out his ideas while Kurosaki began jumping in with some of his own. 
So diverted did the small team become while discussing ideas of the style of commercial that they lost track of time. Which, on any other day, wouldn’t have been a problem. … Ren had had a full eight hours sleep for the first time since he couldn’t even remember when. He woke up the day after returning from Guam feeling refreshed, and a bit befuddled. Then he remembered the day before and what he had planned for that night. It was that thought that woke him all the way up in the middle of brushing his teeth. ‘Ah, shit, forgot to set up a quiet corner at Narisawa’s where we won’t be noticed’. 
He hurried to finish getting ready for the day so he could call up his current favorite restaurant to see if he couldn’t make reservations for that night. Once that was done he decided to relax until he had to pick up Kyoko and just flipped on the television to see what he’d had recorded. Box’R was on the list and he had to chuckle as remembered their escapade under Lory’s direction. Although, now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure he’d never gotten the full story of that disrespectful boy out of Kyoko. ‘Well, doesn’t matter at the moment’, he pushed that train of thought away as decided to turn the show on. He could always ask that evening. … Ren checked his watch again. It was pushing a quarter after seven. He very rarely knew Kyoko to be late. Unless she’d been held up somewhere. He straightened up from where he’d been leaning against the LME lobby wall and decided to go searching. They had a reservation after all. He knocked slightly against the door of Sawara’s office to get his attention once he got there. 
“Sawara-san, I apologize if I’m interrupting, but I’m looking for Mogami-san.”
Sawara’s eyebrows raised at that but he checked the time and when he saw how late it’d gotten he raised himself up from behind his desk.  
“You’re fine Tsuruga-san, it looks like the meeting is just running behind. I’ll go let them know.”
Ren waved him back down, “It’s alright, she’s expecting me as we had an appointment. I can go and get her. No need for us to further interrupt your work.”
Sawara smiled gratefully, he’d been almost done with the last ream of paperwork. 
“I appreciate that. She’s actually just down the hall, third door on the left.”
Ren nodded in thanks as he left. Attempting to not be too disruptive, he quietly knocked on the door in question. Typically, assistants were close enough to hear that and would peek out to see what was up. 
Indeed, Ren was in luck and the door opened slightly. The assistant’s eyes widened to see who knocked. 
“Tsuruga-san! Ho-how may we help you?” She stuttered. 
Ren gestured for her to come a little closer so he could be not too loud or distracting to the group inside. 
“Mogami-san and I have an appointment we need to keep” He spoke quietly, “Will you please let her know the time?”
The assistant nodded and closed the door again. She turned and swiftly walked to where Kyoko sat chatting with Director Kurosaki. She tapped on her shoulder and leaned down to whisper. 
“Tsuruga-san is outside Mogami-san. He says you have an appointment to keep?” 
Kurosaki and his assistant then had the privilege of witnessing a very red-faced Mogami-san make her apologies about needing to go at the same time as insisting that yes, she really needed to leave right then. Rather amused at the flustered behavior, Kurosaki watched the door shut behind her and swiftly stood up to peek outside to see what she’d had to leave for. 
He was not prepared to see the infamous Tsuruga-san, heartbreaker extraordinaire, smiling indulgently down at a very embarrassed-sounding Kyoko making heartfelt apologies.
“Mogami-san, you don’t have to keep apologizing. We’ll be able to leave in plenty of time to meet our reservation time. And besides, Narisawa isn’t the kind of place to blacklist you for something so silly.” Kurosaki was amazed to see Kyoko let him tuck a fly away bit of hair behind her ear. “Now then, we need to stop by Ten-san’s first. Please keep up.” Kurosaki, still dumbfounded by this behavior, watched as they walked away. 
He stirred when he felt his assistant at his elbow, “Kurosaki-san, are they dating?” 
“Maybe?” Kurosaki slipped his phone out his pocket and shot a text off to a buddy. ‘Hey, Shin-kun, Narisawa’s tonight. My treat.’ He had the sudden urge to satisfy his curiosity. …. “Why are we going to Ten-san’s? Kyoko asked as she hurried behind Ren’s larger stride. 
He laughed a little and then said, “She wanted to treat you in return for her gift, and we thought you’d like it after a hard day’s work.”
“Oh, well, thank you very much for thinking of me.” 
Ren pushed open Ten-san’s door as he replied, “Why wouldn’t we?”
“Ren-kun! Kyoko-chan! Wonderful to see you again!” Ten directed Kyoko to a closet further inside her work area. “Come along, and Ren, wait out here.”
Ren waited patiently, amused by the excited squealing of Kyoko inside as she got to watch Ten work. About fifteen minutes later Ten-san stepped back out and presented a much more refreshed looking and fashionable Kyoko. Ren watched fondly as she bowed her thanks several times over before coming back to Ren’s side so they could leave. 
Ren placed a hand at her waist to escort her back out to his car. “And do you feel fashionably beautiful now Mogami-san? Because you certainly look it.”
Kyoko ducked her head, embarrassed at the compliment, but quietly affirmed that yes she did. The sooner Tsuruga-san could get the compliment out of the way the less on guard she had to be about it. 
It was a mostly quiet car ride as Kyoko attempted to settle her nerves and shore up her defenses. Ren looked over at her a couple of times trying to gauge her mood but let her relax a little. He didn’t want her uncomfortable. It was supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable evening. 
By the time Ren was escorting her in with a hand on her waist into the restaurant, she was almost used to him doing so. The host, as soon as they walked in, made sure to swiftly seat them at an out of the way corner table. 
“The chef will be out shortly Tsuruga-san, we know you wanted to keep a low-profile so he will come to you. May I take a drink order?” The host asked as Ren and Kyoko seated themselves.  
“I’d like a bottle of moscato, whichever the chef thinks would be best.” Ren replied. 
Kyoko fidgeted a bit trying to decide but eventually just asked for a water. The host bowed and left them to it. They waited a little bit longer in silence before the host returned and then whisked himself away again. Confident that he had a little time before the chef could tear himself away, Ren decided to speak up. 
“How was your meeting?”
“Both exciting and rather simple. Exciting for the potential, but a simple scheduling and production planning meeting.” Kyoko sent him a small smile that he returned before he caught sight of the chef headed towards them. 
The chef introduced himself and Ren turned to Kyoko and said, “Do you trust me to order? This is one of my favorite places.”
The chef beamed to hear the compliment and Kyoko felt she shouldn’t say no after that, even as suspicious as she was about Ren having a favorite place to eat, and so nodded her assent. Once the order was placed Ren turned back to Kyoko and decided to lob the hard ball right off the bat. 
“Mogami-san, I’ve been meaning to ask, why do we not discuss things as we used to?”
Blinking rapidly, Kyoko responded hesitantly, “I’m sorry?” 
“I told you how I felt your last day in Guam. That I really, truly appreciate all you do for me. Why, when I ask to reciprocate that support, can I not get that same regard from you?”
Kyoko quietly began to panic, “Um Tsuruga-san, I surely could never impose on you like that. You’re my respected sempai who has already helped me so much on work matters. I couldn’t possibly impose further. It’d be disrespectful.”
Ren frowned as he drummed his fingers on the table. “I’m afraid we’re having a miscommunication here. I have asked you a few times in the past couple weeks to let me be able to return the support you have shown me. Is it not more disrespectful to continue to disregard my feelings on this? You’re leaving me in a state that takes advantage of your emotional support without me being able to do that in return.”
Kyoko was stunned into silence as she contemplated this. Ren continued.  
“I would not bring it up, however, this is a distinct change in attitude from how we used to be free to discuss things as we pleased. I’m not going to demand to be able to help you as you need, but I do demand the respect of you at least telling me why this has changed. Have I truly caused so many issues for you that you decided that this relationship wasn’t worth the emotional support we gained from being friends?”
Kyoko almost couldn’t believe her ears. Not only had her efforts to have a more walled off self been disrespectful, but she was actively hurting Ren’s feelings. This was the worst scenario possible. 
“Tsuruga-san, I do apologize. I had not realized how I had been behaving. I could not tell you how or where or why it began, but if you truly consider us friends, I will do my utmost to treasure you as not only a respected sempai but also as a friend.” 
Ren, having released some of his pent-up frustration, gently smiled at her downturned head. “Please look at me Mogami-san.” She shyly raised her gaze. “I consider you one of my best and truest friends. Please don’t forget that.”
Kyoko blushed at the compliment, (and she feared that she’d never really be not embarrassed around him by this point) but she smiled back at him, “I promise I won’t Tsuruga-san.”
“That’s all I ask for. Now, what have you been up to recently?” The conversation soon turned to lighter topics. (Kyoko had done quite well in school recently and was quite proud. Ren found it adorable.) But then they were soon distracted by being served their meal.
“This is so good Tsuruga-san, thank you!” Kyoko was delighted by the taste of her beef dish. 
“I’m glad I have your trust in this aspect of my eating habits at least,” he teased. Kyoko shot him a look and promptly held out her hand. 
“Speaking of, your phone please.”
“Yes ma'am.” He snickered and happily turned it over to her. As she watched his videos, he cast his eyes about the restaurant. He’d planned for it to be a later dinner as it was a weeknight and he thought it might be less busy. It seemed he was in luck again. He saw maybe a couple groups of diners near him so there would be few public witnesses to this. 
He rummaged in his coat pocket for the jewelry box he’d stashed in it. As he heard Kyoko finishing up the last video he pushed the long box across the table. Startled, she gazed down at it in disbelief. 
“Tsuruga-san, you didn’t.” He whistled innocently as outrage began to cross her face.
“Tusuruga-!“ He leaned forward and covered her mouth with his hand as her outrage made her voice start to get louder. 
“We can do this the hard way, or we can do it the easy, less public way. What do you say?” he had to grin at the fire that blazed in her eyes as she remembered where they were. ‘My God do I love a woman with a temper.’ Trying to tuck his urge to tease away, he continued, “This is truly what I got you as a gift. I just used the dinner as an excuse to get to spend time with you not discussing work.”
Kyoko’s eyes widened over his hand. She quickly slipped her hand over his to tug it off her mouth. “Tsuruga-san!”
“Words other than you calling my name please, Mogami-san.” The urge to tease was definitely winning. 
After a bit more huffing Kyoko finally ground out the words, “How do you possibly think I can accept this after everything else you’ve done for me today?”
“May I ask you instead, why do you feel unable to do so?”
Kyoko stared for a second, “Because you already did so much for me.”
Ren smiled, “Please, do you think you could list what specifically I did?”
“Well, you set this all up with the chef, and the restaurant. You and Ten-san made me look nice. You picked me up, when I was late, and drove me.”
“To elaborate, anyone can call this establishment and ask for that. That’s nothing special. Ten-san had been wanting to dress you up just for fun for a while. Because you treat her well and she wanted to return that regard. As I asked you a favor to meet with me tonight, I would naturally take care of the expenses and arranging to get you there and back. It’s only polite. Now what in this list of things have you deemed as something of so high value that you won’t let me give you your actual gift?”
Kyoko, throughout Ren’s speech, had wilted further and further into her chair. “You are cruel today Tsuruga-san.”
Ren eyebrows shot up in surprise. “I fail to see how refusing to allow your excessive inferiority complex affect actual social convention is cruel Mogami-san.”
“Was this all just an excuse for you to lambast me for my behavior?”
“Mogami-san, please, would you open your gift?”
“Answer me Tsuruga-san. I think I deserve that much.”
Ren groaned and rubbed at the crease this discussion was causing to appear between his eyebrows. “No Mogami-san, I did not, I apologize for giving you reason to believe that. But, as you may already be aware, I find myself not being able to control my tongue when you get me riled up”
He blew out a frustrated breath, and tried to soldier on, “To be perfectly frank, I do find your lack of acceptance of what I would to give you be it my attention, or help, or even gifts, frustrating. You seem to be able to accept these things from your other friends with little resistance. Can you see where I’m coming from?“
Kyoko picked at her food, shifted her gaze back to the box, and then back up to his worried face. He might have had a point there about that. He may have seen it as going back on her promise of considering him a friend. Friends had certain privileges, she knew that very well. She stuffed back her grumpiness and reached out to take the box. 
She was glad to see Ren’s face clear up at the action. She flipped open the lid and promptly dropped it back down on the table once she saw what was inside. 
With a voice heavy with irony, he leaned over the table and mimicked, “Mogami-san!”
Letting out a faint groan she let the back of her chair catch her exasperated self. Ren chuckled a bit to see such a dramatic thing come out of the typically reserved Mogami-san. He risked taking her hand and pulling it closer to him. She cracked open an eye just in time to see him flip the box open and take out the bracelet inside. The delicate gems were exactly like Princess Rosa in shade and depth of color but much tinier in size as they were spread out across the chain work of the bracelet.
Ren motioned between her wrist and the bracelet, “May I?“
Kyoko, grumbled unhappily but nodded her acquiescence. She struggled mightily with containing the words she wanted to say about playboy ways. ‘He’s already explained this. This is a gift because I was thoughtful in my gift. It’s fine. Everything’s fine.’
Ren promptly blew that out of the water as he finished clasping her bracelet on her wrist by giving her hand a brief kiss. He smiled up at her as she snatched her hand back, “For your perseverance Mogami-san. Any prince will be lucky to have you.”
Kyoko sniffed as she held her hand close to her, “You know I’m not interested in that Tsuruga-san. I’m focusing on my work so I can bet the best actress I can be. So I can be the number one actress in Japan!“
Ren sent her back a fond smile, “Regardless Mogami-san, you deserve to be treated well. Don’t let any man take advantage of your pragmatic attitude and have them say that you don’t deserve to be treated the best they can treat you. That, Mogami-san, is self-respect.”
Kyoko suddenly felt incredibly, incredibly dumb and felt every bit of the naivety of her seventeen years. 
“I am so deeply sorry Tsuruga-san. Have you been trying to make that point this entire time?”
He chuckled and held up a hand, his forefinger and thumb close together, “Just a little bit.”
Kyoko felt a truly content smile spread across her face and bowed slightly in her chair in thanks, “I truly do appreciate what seems to be your neverending wisdom and patience Tsuruga-san.”
“I’m glad to hear that but more importantly. How do you like it?”
She smiled at him brightly, “I love it! It’s the perfect matching set.” She continued in the vein for some time, babbling about beauty and grace and fairies galore. Ren could only smile at her indulgently behind his glass of wine.
Two tables ahead of them and to the right, Shingai-san, Kurosaki’s buddy and sempai from their college's motion picture program, turned away from the couple’s table and could only say to Kurosaki’s smug face, “Damn. I guess I owe you that thousand yen.”
(When Kyoko wakes up in the morning she will first see her bracelet and necklace. It will leave her with a smile for the rest of the day.)
A/N: Any feedback is welcome! Thank you everyone that participated in this week of KyokoxRen prompts. Your work inspired me throughout this week! It gave me the passion to get this completed, so thank you all. Regards, Artsy
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opepin · 7 years
june: week two
05: i wasn’t too tired when i woke up. i felt good. i wasn’t 100% when it came to doing cardio kickboxing but i got through it. i think the workouts yesterday made me sore too? LOL. i wasn’t expecting that. then i showered, ate my healthy banana and peanut butter whole grain english muffin, packed my lunch, and put the doughnuts in a plastic bag to cover them from the rain. i said goodbye to kevin and then went on my way to work. i dozed off during the ride and then walked over to the office. i wore my rothy’s today to test them again and they seem fine. i’m a bit closer to keeping them ahha. i wished cole a happy birthday with one of the doughnuts (he chose the one i thought he would choose haha). then i worked the rest of the morning and it felt good being productive. i walked to subways with the devs and then had lunch with them. i don’t think i’ve had lunch with them in a while. then i went back to work and did some internet errands until stand up. i finished working on video stuff and then hopped right into working on axure. mathew helped me get acclimated with layers and then i brainstormed on paper until the end of the day. i was surprised that all the doughnuts were gone by the end of the day :P they were good doughnuts. i waited for cole to finish his call and then we walked to the train station together. apparently, he read ready player one and loved it! huhuhuhu.
the train was packed and my neck was sandwiched between two people’s arms -__-” it didn’t last long so it was a meh train ride. then i snacked a bit and went right into exercise. then i watched the season finale of jane the virgin and the ending is wut. i don’t like where this is going. x__x; anyway, i showered when kevin got back and then i watched videos until kevin finished cooking dinner. it was a really late dinner LOL. we ate at like 10:15 pm? i stayed up digesting and reading my book of the month, ‘chemistry.’ i don’t think i like the short sentences...but i kept reading until 12 am and then i brushed my teeth and slept at like 12:30 am. zzz. i need to fix my sleep schedule.
06: my alarm didn’t ring...so i woke up at 7:45 am on my own and if i wanted to get my morning routine in, i would get into the office late so i wfh today even though i did want to go in. it was raining the entire day and we don’t have any umbrellas (the northwestern one got demolished by the wind last week) so i guess it was for the best? i exercised, showered, ate breakfast with kevin, and then read a bit before starting my work day. ‘chemistry’ is an interesting book. i do wish i got the other one for the month though. the writing is very choppy but the book is really insightful. anyway, i did some work, ate during all-hands, and then hopped on to stand up after. i did a bit of work but i felt so tired and unmotivated. i legit fell asleep at some point without realizing it. x__x it was so bad. then kevin got home early and we spent some time cuddling :3 we both ended up napping because this time, traveling kicked our asses. i think last week, i averaged 4-5 hours of sleep. we woke up, kevin started making dinner, i did my back workouts and some cardio, i showered, and then we ate dinner. kevin cleaned up and showered while i did some planning for his birthday. i was supposed to do more work because i didn’t do much today but i got super sidetracked and i was on a roll. i got to plan everything though! i hope it works out :) i let him know a bit but i’m excited for the rest of it, hehe. i did this until 11:30 pm, brushed my teeth, and then went to sleep.
07: i woke up feeling really sad and unmotivated. my vo2 max score on my fitbit dropped down by 1 :/ i haven’t been feeling really good ever since my trip back to chicago. sigh. i made it through my workout and then showered and left to go to work. it was gloomy in the morning but it got sunny during the day. i was really productive today at work though. i just put on some jack johnson and did a ton of design work. we had a quick meeting with frank and then i went back to wireframing and i also managed to talk my mid-day walk. i got a text from kevin saying that he has a fever and he took a sick day. so i left work at around 3 pm and got us dinner from hale & hearty. i got him chicken and rice soup and i got a spicy miso salad ;D i got back at around 3:45 pm and then made him eat the soup and drink ginger tea. kevin managed to pick up the rotofugi package -- i am in love with the shrine artwork we got. we are planning to order another one~ then i went back to work (because i left early) and then kevin napped. i finished working (was super productive) and then exercised. kevin slept through the entire day. i finished my salad for dinner and then i snacked on the asian snacks and felt terrible after. i got on the phone with hillary for the rest of the night while drawing poorly on the ipad LOL. i went to sleep at around 11:45 pm after washing the dishes, putting away the clean dishes, and then brushing my teeth and stuff.
08: lol kevin woke me up at 6 am because he wasn’t tired anymore and he wanted to make himself congee. i got up at my regular time after and did my workout, showered, and hopped on the train to work. i met with mathew and dave to talk about my project and then went to baja taco truck to get fish tacos with the dev team for lunch. after eating, i let dave and mathew know kevin got the stomach flu and i had to head back home to get him some food. i walked to the roche bros in downtown crossing and got bananas and apple sauce. did you know that they sell apple sauce in large containers now? haha. then i took the train home, got on stand up, and then got on a meeting with phil about moving me to a different project for now, which irked me for a bit. then i did some internet errands. kevin and i also purchased another piece of artwork from rotofugi’s current show :) i got myself back into the work grind and worked until 6:30 pm? then i snacked on life cereal with kevin. we chilled on the couch. i watched youtube videos while he read fanfic. then we ate congee and a bit after that, i did my leg workout. it was pretty intense and i loved it. kevin fell asleep at some point while i was working out and then i showered. he woke up and then went to bed to sleep at like 9 pm. i stayed up, watched the newest episode of reign, washed the dishes, and then brushed up and went to sleep at 11:30 pm. YES, SLEEP! :)
09: mmm it was nice getting 8 hours of sleep today. kevin woke up earlier than me and made himself congee. i did a new exercise video in the morning, showered, and then had some breakfast. then i went straight to work and was really productive for the day :) i’m so proud of myself. i was in a total slump in the beginning of the week :/ i got on stand up and then i stopped working for a bit to bake chicken with lemon pepper and garlic salt mmm.  i also put in some red peppers to bake at the halfway mark and washed the dishes. then i ate a late lunch at around 2:30 pm. kevin and i headed to roche bros at some point during the day to get kevin some bread to soak up all that stomach juice LOL. we got a multigrain baguette. mmm. we got rained on coming back home but it got sunny again when we got back...wth... i finished up my work day after coming back and doing another project. then i cleaned up a bit, watched youtube videos, ate dinner with kevin, and then i worked out. i washed up and we relaxed for the rest of the evening. lol i think kevin ticked me off at night for taking so long in the bathroom so i went to sleep kinda angry but forgave him when he got into bed.
10: i woke up at around 8:30 am and then did my 60 minute cardio kickboxing workout at 9 am. my feet started hurting a lot so i had to take it easy. x_x; then i showered, ate breakfast, and i had kind of a melt down. idk, i just feel so unhappy sometimes ever since my trip to chicago. i feel so unfulfilled in a way but i don’t know what way exactly. :/ kevin comforted me and then we got ready to go to our massage at 1 pm. the massage was definitely relaxing and what we both needed after the crazy amount of family time we had in these past few weeks. after our massage, we ate at kkatie’s burgers because it would be kevin’s first real meal other than bland foods LOL. he got a horseradish mushroom ... jalapeno? burger with truffle fries and i got the veggie black bean burger with curly fries. omg, their fries are so good. we also got their deep fried potstickers and those were nice too. my burger was delicious. i should get black bean patties more often! i finished half of my burger and all of my fries <3
we drove back home and then kevin gamed while i started reading ‘into the water.’ i’ve been holding it off but now i feel like i have to finish this book and also let’s not forget bravely default. kevin made dan dan noodles for dinner and they tasted odd at first bite but omg, they’re sooo good. the noodles we got are delicious and chewy. we both read for the rest of the evening. my feet were in pain at this point. my joints were swollen :/ so i didn’t walk much except when i really wanted to. i fell asleep reading in bed at about 12 am and kevin fell asleep at around 2 am?
11: i woke up at 9 am and then brushed and got back in bed to finish reading ‘into the water.’ kevin eventually woke up in that time and i ate breakfast and finished the book. he read fanfic and then i watched some videos while he got ready to go. we meal planned and then headed out to the mall so i could get my free sephora birthday gift -- i got he caudalie one. then kevin went to get us auntie anne’s pretzels and i went to dsw and tried on some dr. scholl’s shoes and happened upon a pair of adidas on sale?! lol i went in there initially to use my $5 birthday coupon for arch insoles. i took a good amount of time to think about whether or not to get them but i did anyway! with my coupon, they were only $47. they also didn’t have the arch support insoles i wanted so.. haha. we went to target and then we got butter, milk, yogurt, and some buns. then we went grocery shopping and ate lunch when we got back at like 2 pm. well, i ate lunch. kevin ate the new noosa yogurt flavors he got. i went straight to cleaning the kitchen and bathroom after that. man, acrylic tubs are so hard to maintain @_@; 
there was a fire evacuation thingy! we thought kevin set off the fire alarm but then we opened the door and realized it was ringing through the entire apartment complex. so we went out and then waited and walked to lowes and then walked back and everything was fine. then kevin and i ate dan dan noodles for dinner while watching ‘lucid dreams.’ it’s a korean thriller on netflix. then kevin cooked for the rest of the night (literally) and i tried getting in 30 minutes of walking on my painful feet. i think i overdid it because my calves were burning by the time i was done walking. i brushed up, kevin showered, and then we made the bed and i ko’d at like 11:45 pm.
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dashow06-blog · 7 years
M Sara was petite white girl fresh out of highschool into to college. She was very small coming in at about 5'3 90lbs. Very cute and very smart. She was also all about different cultures and learning about them. She didn’t want to be the white girl who was thought to be racist or racially insensitive. A very progressive thinker, so much soo that she opted to go to an Historically Black College. She had a 4.0 Gpa all through highschool and could of made it to any college she wanted but she talked it over with her mom and they both agreed it would be a great experience for her. Even if it was just for one year. Sara arrived on the campus to some mixed looked. Some of the student werent used to seeing a white girl on the yard. She looked around and noticed all the greek letter plaques and trees. Saw the lay of the campus and then she heard “Hey girl. Welcome to Young College. I’m Kiki and apart of the welcoming committee. You are gonna love it here” Sara: Thanks.. This is a really beautiful campus Kiki: I know right. Now lets get you moved in Just then the most beautiful black man Sara had ever see walked up to her. He was 6'10 of solid caramel color with tattoos on his arms. Muscle were popping out from his under armour shirt he had on. He had to be about 250 of just pure thickness. She was mesmerized by the swinging of his huge dick as walked up to her. Guy: Hey I’m Chase. Can I help you with moving your stuff in. Sara still in awe: I…i….i. Uhh I’m Sara and yes thank you so much. Chase grabbed her television and turned around to start walking towards the dorms. It was at the moment she notice something about Chase. HIS ASS WAS HUGEEEE!!! It was like one cheek was her whole body if she was to get in a ball. She couldn’t believe it.She knew black girls had phat asses but not guys. She watched as he walked each massive cheek moved and jiggled with each step. His ass was like something from a drawing. His tight shirt sat right on top of it. Sara thought she could just put another box on top of his ass to carry up too. She laughed to herself. She grabbed some of her bags and headed up to her dorm. Kiki: Hey Girl becareful of these boys alright. Your freshmeat and not like well us here so don’t get caught up ok Sara laughed: I will try to stay out of trouble. I’m here from work Kiki: Good keep it that way. Oh and just a heads up. There is a dorm that’s all boys dorm name Stanford Hall. I’ve seen a few girls go in there and when they come out they arent quite the same Sara: Stanford Hall..Ok…thank you ill remember that Chase: Hey I don’t know which room I’m going to He shouted Sara: OH right…here I come Sara and Chase walked in the dorm towards the elevator Sara looks at here paper of where she is staying: It says 807 Chase: Oh top floor huh. You must be smart that’s where they put all the smart girls. Sara: Well I’m ok … She said blushing at this gorgeous thick man. Sara: So..do you play sports or something Chase: Why cause I’m big and black I gotta plays sport is that what you saying Sara nervously: No no no that’s not what I’m Chase: Chill out girl im just playing. Yea I play football and basketball here. Sara laughs: haha. Oh ok Chase: You gotta loosen up girl. Sara: ahha I’ll work on that Elevator arrives finally. Her and Chase get in along with a lot of other people filling the elevator to capacity. A lot of shifting around until everybody is finally situated. Chase see’s one of his teammates enter and starts chatting it up with him. Sara cant see anything. Being 5'3 put her a disadvantage. She some how found herself in the back of the elevator corner behind Chase. Due to her height she was now face leve with his Giant Ass. Being this close to it she could now definitely tell the size of this thing was massive. She couldn’t even fathom how any body could get an ass so big. She wanted to ask him but she wasn’t so sure how he would take it. Maybe another time. Luckily for her his ass didn’t smell to bad. She was literally inches away from her face touch his ass. Chase was so big he completely blocked everything from her view by his body and ass. The elevator started to move causing Chase to scoot back. Bad new for Sara it was ass first right on her face in the corner. Sara sank deep into this giants phat ass booty. Chase didn’t even notice what happen. He was too busy talking to is teammate. And because Chase was so big people in the elevator didn’t even notice there was a person behind. Sara didn’t know what to do. Her face and part of her body was wedged almost to her ears in this ass. And that was WITH his shorts on. She didn’t want to panic and figured it was only an accident and he’d move soon. So she waited being squished in the corner buried by Chase huge booty. Luckily for her it was more soft then firm. Almost like two very large body pillows. She now started to smell the sweaty ass smell as her face was lost in his deep crack. Chase shifted back and forth while talkin to his friend moving Sara tiny face and body with each jiggle and wiggle of his cheeks. People Started getting off the elevator on each floor slowly but surely while Sara was still trapped in her ass ride up to the 8th floor. Sara thought how can he not feel a person stuck in his ass? Maybe I should scream or say something. She was starting to sweat in between his massive cheeks. Finally she heard everybody get off on the 7th floor. Chase looking around thinking “where is that white girl” Finally he walked forward to hit the closed door button and Sara’s face and body moved with him still stuck face deep in his ass. He looked back Chase: Oh Shit..You were behind me. He grabbed her head and pulled it out of his ass. Sara finally could see light and get fresh air Chase: Yo why didn’t you tap me or say something girl. My fault Sara getting back oriented: Its ….its Ok.. I was my fault Chase: You must be on some kinky shit huh hahaha. Sara kinda laughed embarrassingly Sara: I thought you’d of noticed or felt me. I didn’t wanna make a scene. That’s one way to welcome in the white girl huh ha ha Chase shaking his head: I do apologize. Sometimes this thing behind has a mind of its on. Kinda a family gift and curse. My sister and my twin brother have it. Only one who escaped was my little brother. We always say he’s adopted ahha Sara: I see They step out on the 8th floor and head to her room. He walks out first. Sara is once again in awe of his ass even more especially since she just had a personal encounter with it. Chase looks back and notices it and has a sly grin. Being that she got in on high Scholastic scholarship she got a room all to herself. Full Furnished (except the TV) They walk in he puts her tv and cords down and she puts her bags down Sara: Thank You so much. Chase flashes his smile that Sara almost just melts right there. Chase: No problem. Sorry again about my ass. Haha Sara: ha Its…its ok.. So you have a twin Chase: Yea he goes here too we room together. We are fraternal twins tho so you won’t confuse us. Well unless your behind us again haha. He’s same build as me only he dark brown. Sara: Yeah..i see.. Umm I hate to bring it up again but you honestly didn’t feel me behind you. Chase: haha sorry I didn’t . Must be the constant slaps to the ass when I play sports that has numbed it right haha. But seriously me and my bro hate this thing. Its hard to find pants. We usually wear shorts or cargos or joggers Sara: And it genetic huh.. Chase: Yea…I don’t even pay attention any more to all the looks and stares. Been with me all 21 years of my life so its whatever. Sara: oh ok. Well thaks again ..Chase Chase: Hey since your smart are you any good at Anatomy? Sara: Uh Yeah I am why. Chase: Well I suck at it. Ive have to repeat the course you think you wouldn’t mind helping me study. Sara didn’t know what to think. She had this beautiful black man in her room. With these green eyes and “to die for” smile .. she was damn near wet looking at him Chase: Sara?? Sara snaps out of it Sara: Oh yes..yea ..The least I could do since you brought my tv up. Chase: Cool. You can meet my brother too. Take my number I stay on the 5 floor of Stanford Hall. Sara took a pause: Standfor huh Chase: Yea.. He see the look on her face Chase: Oh you must of heard the rumors. Look its not what you think we just get a bad wrap because all the athletes live there. Matter of fact come see later tonight for yourself we are having small kickback. That way you can get it out your system that nothing is gonna happen to you…..that you don’t want haha just kidding Sara: Ok yea.. Yeaa ummm we’ll see. But I’ll definitely help you with your homework. Chase: Thanks..Ok hope to see you later Chase turns and Sara is once again presented with this mega booty as he walks out her room. She sits back and thinks “Wow what a way to get introduced to this school” She never had an ass fetish until she saw him and now there is two of them she didn’t know what to think. All she knew is she didn’t want to end stuck inbetween those cheeks again….or does she. She starts processing the whole ordeal again in her head as she unpacks. “He had to have felt me back there” she thinks. Maybe I’m just over thinking this…He is sooo fucking hot she smiles to herself hahaha. Few hours pass and she is bored in her rooms. Bzzz Bzzz she get a text from Chase. “Hope you can make it tonight 7pm” . She contemplates and figures it can’t be that bad. Chase was a nice guy. Maybe Kiki was just trying to scare the new white girl on campus. Plus it be good to meet some people. She looks down at the time its already 6:30. She figures out where she is going throws on some jeans that hug the little but she does have. She looks in the mirror at it “No where near Chase size” she laughs. And hoodie heads out. She walks across to the campus and looks around thinking about how historical this place is. She gets to Standford sooner then she thinks. She texts Chase “Hey im outside” and recieves a text “Ok I’m coming down” As she waits there are a couple of guys sitting outside Guy1: Hey white girl You know where you at? Sara tries to ignore him but he starts to come near her. Guy1: Hey I said do you know where you at? Sara mind races. She a litle nervous. She doesn’t want to seem like the white people who are scared of blacks. I mean why would she come here if this was the case Sara: Yea Im here to meet my friend here Guy1: Friend?!! Ok.. Look be careful in here. Things can get a little big frea Just as he was about to finish Chase come and smacks him on his ass with his huge hands almost knocking they guy down. Chase: Mack if you don’t get your little ass out of here stop messing with my new tutor. Sara notices that Chase don’t have a shirt on and apparently no underwear either under his bball shorts. His muscles are poppin out. He’s got tattoos all over his. chest and stomach. His short stop right at the top of his huge ass and come down infont to where the v starts on waist. Mack: Hey man stop hittin me on my ass. That shit hurts. I don’t play football. Imma Swimmer…we don’t do that shit. Chase: Yea swim up my ass . Mack: Its big enough hahahaha Chase looks kinda embarrassed by that joke. Normally he wouldn’t be but because Sara is there he’s slightly annoyed. Mack was about 5'10 but skinny black guy. Probably about 135 lbs Chase walks over to make “So you got jokes huh, Joke on this” Chase uses his huge grabs Mack by head turns and forces his face deep in his ass. Having no draws on Macks face and head disappeared. Sara watched in awe and slightly amused too as the other guy starts busting out laughing. From Sara point of view it looked like Chase ass swallowed this kids head. Only his neck and body were sticking out and his flailing arms trying to push Chase huge ass cheeks off him. Soon Chase lets out a huge fart. Mack starts flailing even harder. He keeps him there for a few moments before he pulls him out of his ass. Mack Falls on the ground coughing and choking for air. Chase laughs: I guess you can swim up my ass. Haha Sara you read to go? Sara laughs taken back by the whole moment Sara: Uhh Yea Mack: He fuck you Chase. You and your big ass Chase: Yea yea keep talking little shit you’ll see what happens Sara: So you use that thing for a weapon too huh Chase: hahha yeap.. So don’t you piss me of either. Im equal opportunist haha Sara: Oh trust I wont. I’ve already experienced that She says kinda flirty as she looks at his mega rump again. I mean she is face level with it anyway. Chase notices Chase: Hey our elevator is down we gotta take the stairs. Its only a few floors up. You are kinda early I was just getting out the shower. Sara: No Problem… I’ll just follow you Chase: You trynna get a peek at my ass again? Haha Sara blushes and just laughs shyly Chase: Im joking …lets goo Sara walks up the steps behind him trying to keep up with her tiny legs. All the while just watching his ass jiggle with no draws on.. Its almost like its bigger now. Maybe he had on compression underwear early keeping all the huge sexy caramel ass flesh contained. His ass was so large it was like it was built on his body. Like he got Nicki Minaj ass shots or something. She was stuck in the booty trance that she didn’t even notice him stop on the stairs and ran…you guessed it…face first into his crack of his big ass again. Chase: Ok see now your trying to sneak touches Sara: haha. I didn’t even notice you stopped. Im starting to think your doing this on purpose. Chase looked slyly: Not yet…haha Sara didn’t know what that meant but she just laughed it off and kept walking until they reached his floor. As she walked down the floor she notice all type of guys of different sizes and colors. Black and hispanic guys all in really good shape. Some bigger than others and all of them good looking. She thought how did I get so blessed to be around all these good looking guys. Most of them walking around shirtless. A few in just tiles. She also notice a few of them had mega asses like Chase. She figured they played on the football team. Wait..“why am I looking a guys asses all of a sudden"… She walked as Chase introduced her to people as his new tutor. All the guys seemed pretty cool to her. She didn’t know why Kiki told her to stay out of here. Then they get to Chase’s room. As they walk in Sara sees a guy bent over wrestling another kid who was considerably smaller than him. By the size the ass bent over Sara realized it must be Chase’s twin. Chase: Hey man..why are you always wrestling him. He never wins. Oh Sara that’s my twin Chance. Chance: He said he likes the challenge. Sara watches as the smaller opponent tries his hardest to to grapple with Chance. His small hands are trying to grab Chance massive thigh to left one of his legs. But it takes his whole reached to grab one thigh. This kids is about the same size as the swimmer that just up in Chase ass. Chance wasn’t doing anything but toying with the kid. Chase: They do this all the time and it’s the same result…. Just as Chase said that. Chance finally got tired of the match and just grabbed the kid by his waist. Flipped him upside down slammed him back first on the bed and then with one swift motion jumps in the air and last ass first on top of the kid sideways. His ass cheeks covered his head all the way down to his waist. Chase: Squashed …hahah good job bro Chance: I’m sorry. Im rude…Wassup. Was your name again Sara watched as the kids legs were kicking outside of Chance’s big phat ass. He was just sitting on him like he wasn’t even there. She thought is everything dealing with ass with these guys. Then she thought "well they have em might as well use em” and chalked up to boys just being boys. Sara: Im Sara.. She looked at Chance. And though they weren’t identical they were both definitely model material. Chance was the same height and build as Chase. He was just wasn’t caramel. Instead he was a dark almond type shade with goatee. He also had tattos as well. He didn’t have a shirt either and no undies as well.. She could by his ass jiggling when he was wrestling. Chance: Sorry about this. He always comes in here and tries to wrestle me. He says it’s making him tougher. Crazy water boy on the team. Sara watched in awe as the boy pretty much vanished into the cushion of the bed. You couldn’t see his body or head at all. Sara: Hey I get it .. I have younger brothers they wrestles their friends all the time. They just don’t have your..well..your size Chase: She means ass bro..hahaha she the one I told you about Chance: Oh you’re the one my brother almost killed with his ass.. Let me apologize to you for that Chase: Shut up man.. I already did Chance: I’m sure he told you. We are kinda trapped with this things. Good for us tho girls love it. Our skinny little bro however hates it ..he always ends up like this guy Chance tilts just one cheek up and letting him breathe some. Then sits back down and wiggles and laughs. Sara: Guys being guys.. I guess.. So am I early where are the people. Chase: Yea you’re a little early… have a seat on my bed…its only maybe one or two people coming nothing major. Chase says as he walks over and sits next to his brother ON TOP of the rest of the kids body that sticking out cover from where is his brothers ass left off all the way down to his feet which were now the only thing you could see of the kid. He had completely vanished under the two major bubble asses. Sara sit down watching the whole scene all she could was laugh Sara: Um you guys are gonna kill him haha Chase: Naw he’s ok Chance: Right Tommy? Chance lifts his one cheek up again to hear a muffled yea before he vanishes him once again with left round ass cheek. Chase: Do you drink? Sara: Yea. I mean kinda Chance there is vodka and juice on the bar help yourself Sara cautiously pours her a drink and sips…she is definitely a light weight so she loosens up real quick. Sara: haha I can’t believe you guys are just squashing that kid like that its too funny. I can’t even see him. You guys are blessed hah Chance and Chase look at eachother. Chase: You think.. I guess so…So how did you like it now you’ve been personal with my ass twice now Sara a little tipsy: I mean its not something I thought about but if I have to it wasn’t that bad haha She takes more to drink thinking that she might of gave herself too much. Chance: You tellin me you never thought about a guys booty? Like we think about girls booty. Sara: I live around a lot of white people besides of couple of baseball player I know . Not much boy booty to see Chase gets up off the kids legs which are now kicking like crazy. And walks over to where Sara is sitting on the bed. Chase: I bet none of had the ass like us huh He turns on some music and then turns around presenting his huge ass to her again. Sara being tipsy now is definitely stuck looking at his cheeks though his shorts. His one cheek drawfs her whole body and then both cheeks together are just insane. Chase starts to slowly back up to Sara face..Either out of some unknown instinct or just lack of inhibitions from the liquor Sara puts both her hands up and grabs Chase big ass. She rubs all over it.She literally has to stretch to rub his whole ass and even still there are part she didn’t touch. Chance just watches as he sit on the other kids face still giving him air one more as he adjust himself on the kids face. This time turning and sitting facing his feet and his ass now eating the lil guys face deep into his crack. He sits full weight against on his face with his back against the headboard and his huge leg and thighs stretched over the boys whole body once he vanishes. Its like he Chance is just laying on the bed watching his brother seduce the white girl. Chase smiles slyly again as he know feels the heat of her breath against his huge butt. Chase: Go head white girl.. You can hug if you can Sara without think stand up and attempts to wrap her arms around his mega phat ass. In the process it makes her face go up his deep crack but her arms arm are so short and his ass is sooo big that she doesn’t even reach the sides of his ass. Chase begins to wiggle and shake and Sara doesn’t know what she’s even doing. She thinks to herself what is this. How did I get her with my face stuck in a sexy ass black man humongous ass crack. She starts to second guess herself. Sara: Umm..(still face on his ass sideways like it’s a pillow) I don’t know if I should. Before she gets it out Chase bends over takes one hand opens his cheek and then take his big hand and aggressively stuffs her face in his ass. As deep as the shorts would allow her face to go in and then lets go of his cheek. He booty slaps close around Sara’s whole face and head. Her hair was the only thing barely seen stickin out of his ass. Then he stands back up. Her hands trying to push herself out. Chance: Damn bro..Don’t kill her on the first time. Chase : Haha. How bout you don’t kill the kid under you big ass bro Chance: OH yea let me give him some air Chance arches his back slightly leaving just a pocket of air in his crack for the kid under him to breathe and then lets out a hugeeee fart that made the kids whole face vibrate. Then he sits back down again Chase: You’re an ass. Hahah literrally Chance: Look who’s talking Sara start to panic. It was hot at first but now she starting to not be able to breathe. She can feel Chase moving to the music maker her head go back and forth inside of his asscheek. It became sweaty and even tho he just showered she could smell that musky ass smell. She tired to tap him his ass to say she wanted to stop now but he just grabbed her bent down slightly sliding her face up his huge crack some more grabber her hands between his mega thighs and pulled her in some more.. Now her chest was inside his crack and her who whole head. Sara didn’t know what to do she was literally trapped in an asscrack. She didn’t even thinks this would be possible. Chase started wiggling his giant caramel ass around more. Chance: YO…that looks crazy man your ass is eating her hahaha. Right as Sara was running out of breath Chance pulled her out. She was so hot and dizzy from the liquor and being swallowed by a black man’s booty she collapsed on the bed on her back with her feet dangling off of it. Chase turn and crawls beside her on the bed looking down at her. Chase : You Ok. He said ever so sexy and seductively. Sara was trying to gain her composure as her eyes came back into focus she was once again looking up at this sexy ass man. With that “I’ll do anything you ask” smile he has. Sara: That….that was intense. Chase: I didn’t know you were this kinky Sara: I…i.. didn’t either. Maybe I should go Chase: Or maybe we can take it up a notch Sara looked him and that smile was almost like a serum that makes you do whatever he ask you to do. Sara: uhh…like …like what Chase let me show. Chase turned and straddle Sara body facing her feet. His booty eclipsed all of her visison and he wasn’t even sitting yet. She looked up all she could see was the bottom of his ass and his huge thighs on either side of her body. One leg alone was her whole body. He scooted up some.. Is ass stretched from her below her waist to the top is head. Everything in Sara’s head was telling her to leave but she was soo curious..Did she really wan’t this. Was he about to really sit on her? Then she saw him grab his waist band and pull down his pants to expose his huge sexy round big asss caramel booty. All smooth. He struggled to get them off each cheek until finally they were under his ass. She could see had huge balls and part of his giant dick from her view but mostly all she could see was a booty that could possible kill her with only one cheek. He looked back over his shoulder and even he couldn’t see her face or body because of his ass. Chase: You ready Sara shaking with fear and excitement: yea Chase was just breaking her in so he slowly started sit. Sara watch as his ass got closer and still somehow seemed to get bigger. Usually when you sit your ass opens up. Not his…he had to reach with both hands and spread his ass slowly sitting on her face. Even with his as ass spread Sara couldn’t see his hole. His crack was that deep. She slow felt herself go in his ass. His cheeks met the bed and surrounded her face and head. Then he let go and the molded around her face leaving her feeling like she just entered another universe. Not only was her face in it but again her shoulders breast and now stomach too. Chase: Oh shit bro. I always forget how good this feels. Chance: Ha I know right. As he wiggles on the his seat as well Sara mean while didn’t know what to do she felt some of his weight on her but know it wasn’t all of it but his booty alone was heavy. He felt him start to grind on her face and wiggle and clinch his cheeks around her face and head. And body drawing it in even more. Sara couldnt barely breath in the ass pocked she was in. Chase: Damn she so small she not even near my hole yet. Chance: We’ll sit on her like a chair man get her in there deeper. Sara couldn’t hear anything they were saying. Her ears were blocked by ass cheeks. But she noticed the weight lift off her slightly. Her face slowly came out of his ass but not for long soon she felt a heavy weight on her chest. Almost unbearable being that she was only 90lbs. Chase had taken his legs from under him and was just sitting on her chest with his legs off the bed and feet on the floor like a chair. All his weight was now crushing her into the bed. Suddenly it went from being fun to being a little scary. He was sitting just far enough off her face that she could now see the top of his head from out under his ass. Her body was being sucked down deep in his crack now traping her arms inbetween his ass cheeks. Chase: Level 3… let’s do Just then Chase slid back on her face only this time full weight.Sara thought she was gonna be crushed by this huge ass and weight. She went soo deep in there that she was not by his whole. From his brothers view looked like he just sitting on a bed like normal and there wasn’t a white girl inside of his booty. Chance: There you go bro. I told you stop taking it easy on the bitches man. Chase: you right.. I just kinda like this one. Chance: Man you getting soft let me show how to use her. I'mm put this kid to sleep and then I’ll be over there Chance slipped his shorts off with some effort under his ass and sat on the kids face bare ass now too pushing him deep into his ass to smother the kid out. Chase leaned forward to allow Sara to get some air. Pulling her out of his ass for a minute. Sara: I wanna….I wanna stop now Chase: We are just getting started. If you wanna stop make sure this next time I feel something in there. Your smart you’ll figure it out if you wanna breathe again. Sara was now really scared…and some crazy part of her was turned on as well befor she knew he was back on her face deep in his crack again she went. She soon need to breathe. Chase was not getting a little more aggressive and started bouncing on his her face. She never licked a guys ass before but if it meant to save her life she would.. She stuck her tongue out and right his big hole it went. Which cause him to stop bouncing an just relax all that 250lbs on her face…She tongued as best as she could. She remember seeing porn where the girl rims a guys ass and she just mimicked it. Chase: OH shit bro… you def gotta hurry up and try this..This white girl is good ……fuckkk… too good man Chance: OK Chance spread his legs and watch as the kid under him legs flailed aggressively then slowly started to fade out and then stop completely. He sat for just a few more moments before he got up and had to pull his face out of his deep crack too Chase: You didn’t kill him did you? Chance checks his breathing and see his chest moving. Chance: Naw but he’ll be out for awhile while we use her. Let me try Chance now goes over and get his brother off Sara’s face. Sara feels the weight off her body as Chance helps pull her out of his brothers ass. She looks up now to see this dark brown mammoth booty descend onto her face. It was just like Chase only darker color. Chance sits down hard and doesn’t ease into at all. Boom Right on to her face and body. Sara yells out a in pain but its muffled and faint under him Chase: Bro don’t break her. You sent that last bitch to the hospital.. Chance: Chill out watch this Sara was not wedged body and face again in another phat ass and the weight was killing her. Chance then started to scoot around on the bed draggin her face and body that stuck in his ass. Bouncing hard and wiggling to get her face deep. Chase: Damn your ass is tossing her around like a rag doll haha Chance: haha I learned this from the last light skin bitch that was over. She a freakkkk Just then Chance felt Sara’s tongue go in his whole..she must of needed to breathe because she was tonguing like her life depended on it. Chance: Oh shit bro you right she is a good ass eater.. Ok I won’t break this one. But lets try something Chance gets up while she is still stuck between his cheeks and flips over on his stomach. His huge booty sticking up high in the air. Sara has to almost be on her knees while the rest of her body is trapped. But she can breathe now because now weight is on her even tho she is still trapped in the dark almost mega booty. Chance: Lift her up ..turn face up towards your then sit on my butt. Sara at this point was out of energy. She was just going with the flow. She wasn’t as scared anymore strangely but now she was… was she starting to like this?? Chase did what his brother said and laid her ontop of his ass then he sat down on her face with the back of her head going into his brothers ass crack. Chance started bouncing his ass up cause his brothers ass to bounce on her face and body. Sara felt like she was trapped between to 4 huge pillows. Out of nowhere she stuck her tounge out as this game of bounce ass continued. She wasn’t getting the whole but Chase could still feel that wet warm feeling as he bounced on his brothers ass with a human inbetween them. This went on for awhile as they switched positions then Chase: I gotta idea. Get on all fours Chance: Ok Sara was now just going with the flow.. She had broken to worship this black mega asses. Chase put her on her butt on the bed right infront of Chances huge ass on all fours. And then Chase got on all for behind her. Chase: Now back up bro They both started back up like some type of ass compressor pushing Sara’s body between their asses.. This time because he was bent over and the weight of Chase on the back of her head she was in deep enough again to tongue Chances whole. Man it was a sight to watch. It was like she was in ass heaven or hell ..They did that for awhile too switching between them. Little did they know the other kid had waken up. Chase saw him and winked. The kid just played like he was still passed out the whole time he was jacking to site of this girl being wedged into two giant ass cheeks. Chase: Ok I think we are done. Chance: Aww I didn’t get to bust one yet. Chase: Well your little seat did watching us…hahaa maybe you can use him The kid tried to hurry and get up but Chance was too fast and sure enough he was now back buried underneath Chance’’s naked huge ass. Chance: I don’t like guys licking my ass but imma make an exception so you better do it or ill smother so bad I don’t care what happens to you. Chase laughed he guessed the kid started doing it because Chance started jackin off his huge dick. He looks at Sara who was is not soo exhauasted and sweaty. She looks like she super drunk but in reality she just drained from all that ass she got today. Chase can’t let her just walk back like that plus it night time now. So he grabs his sweats and has Sara step into them. Then he steps in front of her and pulls his sweat pants up and ties them. Bringing Sara up with them sitting in the seat of his pants once again face first into his naked ass. Puts on a big hoody that almost cover his big ass. She to tired to even complain. Chance: Damn that’s a good idea. I'mma try that one next Chase: Yep: I’ll be back Chase walks out back down the stairs and to her dorm. The whole time Sara is face is wedged in his ass. She kill feel his cheeks jiggle around her face as he walks. He gets to do the dorm but is still loving the feeling of her face in his ass in these pants so he walks up the 8 floors to her room. He already took her keys so he goes in. He thinks damn bro was right I didn’t get to bust a nut. So he reaches inside his pants spreads his cheeks and sits on the bed and on her face again. Sara now on instinct just starts tonguing his whole deep. Chase sees a towel and begins jacking his huge 11’ dick. The whole time grinding and bouncing on her face. He gets soo lost in the feeling of that tongue. He jacks and rides her face until finally he blows his load into the towel then relaxes that big booty fullweight on her face and body again… Then he realizes she stopped moving so he grabs her out of his pants and lays her on her bed. She awakes graugily and only see blurred image of this sexy man. Chase: Good nite He sits on her face as joke for good measure this time and then walks out the room. Sara so tired she just falls right asleep The next day she woke up. It all felt like a dream. Did all that really happen to her. She thinks …that…maybe …she really like it.. She loved it actually. Soon she gets a text from Chase “Hey Thanks for coming by last time to help with my Anatomy. Hahah hope to see you soon” She thinks for a moment then text back “No problem next time come to my room..I can help some more” 24 notes Apr 12th, 2016
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