ja-gul-writes · 21 days
The woes of wanting a very specific sub-niche of a niche kink that doesn't seem to be super popular.
Likes giant/human, does not like human so small they're like a bug
Likes giant/human, does not like the 'giant crushing humans under their very well-drawn and detailed feet' type of art (no shade to those who do like it, it just does nothing for me personally)
Likes giant/human, much prefers the 'kind and gentle giant doting over a human' type of trope rather than a giant that treats the human like an object or pest
Likes GAY giant/human content and most of what I find is usually straight
(this resulted in the Thanos moment of 'fine, I'll do it myself' and now I have 3 out of 4 books published about a giant and a human falling in love... and fucking each other senseless)
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wasabi-gumdrop · 2 months
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local ladies man’s signature move totally useless against autistic monster enthusiast. more on Kabru’s fumble era at 6
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sticksandsharks · 7 days
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I'm part of the ShortBox Comic Fair again, and this year I'm writing a story about a woman who marries a bird(??)
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critterbitter · 6 months
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Get in losers, we’re going climbing.
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I like to imagine Lady Sneasler is chatty with Ingo, and while the two can’t understand the nuance of each others words they can certainly understand the vibes.
Masterlist for my submas stuff!
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kartoffelstern · 11 months
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sometimes I have to remind myself how tall they all are
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b-for-my-name · 3 months
they might be based
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tabooiart · 6 months
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this hot pink bitch was named breakfast!!!
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ferntern · 21 days
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Bugs when you lift up a rock
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puppetmaster13u · 17 days
Prompt 310
Shadow core Danny? Shadow core Danny with Hazmat AU? Indeed, with a hint of a twist. 
See that hazmat helmet beneath the hood? Yeah that’s erm, that might be his actual face now. It might be able to split open into a proper maw, as he found out during one of the early fights. He thinks it might be a shadow-core thing though, because Fright Knight has something similar, along with the Keeper. Who's apparently a ghost that keeps track of other shadow-ghosts, which, cool. Cool library covered in flesh, nothing spooky there. 
He mentions this? Because apparently even if all ghosts partially feed on emotions, shadow cores need Fear the most. Which, thankfully shadow cores are apparently more rare than he’d expect, so he’s not going to go into a territorial frenzy or something on a bad day, yay! 
But uh, he might… count as a ghostling since he’s only a year dead- in fact he’ll continue to be as such until he’s at least 100 years dead, since he didn’t die as an adult. Which in turn… means he needs even more fear, at least until he’s old enough to generate it on his own. 
So what’s a ghostling to do? Take a trip to one of the most fear-soaked cities in the world, y’know, just a little weekend trip every month. Gotham isn’t that bad, and he can stay invisible- mostly! What’s going to happen, he run into a vigilante? Ha… oh no.
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prokopetz · 1 year
One of the most common questions I get about my games is "can I play as this? can I play as that?", and I'll level with you: basically every game I write is about a narrowly focused experience, so if you're the sort of player who's afflicted with the contrarian urge to insist on playing a character who's the exact opposite of whatever type of character a game is notionally about, regardless of what type of character that is, you're probably not gonna have a good time.
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wasyago · 10 months
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something incredibly self indulgent
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ja-gul-writes · 24 days
A little about me
I'm mixed-race and First Nations, so I'm always on the lookout for stuff, especially queer content and/or smut, that has First Nations characters.
I was never very involved in 'shipping wars', but either way I'd rather not interact with anti-shippers, mostly because y'all don't have a steady parameter of what counts as 'problematic' or not and I enjoy monster smut along with the more 'normal' gay smut.
Since I'm Canadian all my books will have Canadian main characters and might be based in Canada, as long as it's not a fictional country. I also spell things like centre, metre, litre. No, it's not a typo (I've had people tell me my stuff has typos and then highlight 'centre').
I make my own book covers, which was difficult as the style of art I normally do does not lend itself to smutty romance book covers, so I had to step waaaaaaaaay out of my comfort zone for them.
My book series that's about a human and giant has one book left for me to write. I actually had it 1/3 completed, but realized the vibes were way off so I'm restarting that.
My book series that's about two regular dudes (Jude and Cael) getting together is my current focus because of the above restarting of the final book for the giant/human series.
If anyone wants to comment or DM a question or use the anonymous ask feature, go right ahead!
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ozzgin · 2 months
I like the idea of the yokai squad with a darling who's already shorter than average with their peers, so they're just miniscule next to Suma and Kiritsubo. They're all traveling and come across a fruit tree and Suma is ready to pick them but reader is like WAIT. I got this. And climbs him like a jungle gym until they're standing on his shoulders, now high enough to pick fruit
The way you described it immediately made me think of this.
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littlewinnow · 2 months
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Perfect excuse to draw bunny drarrys this easter holiday 😂 (prank gone wrong perhaps?)
Bonus drarry dads & Scorpius egg hunt!
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oobbbear · 4 months
The fact that horse hoof is just one giant thumb haunts me everyday
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sunstormbudgie · 7 months
the name "colossal squid" is so funny to me because it's like "ok, so there's this really big squid, so we'll call it a giant squid. easy. wait, what's this? there's another, even bigger squid? uh..."
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