#give us season 4 you cowards
holistichufflepuff · 2 years
I’ve finished the show and now have nothing to do with my life
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viola-halogen · 2 years
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Me getting attached to a character who will probably never even exist in a fictional universe:
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Bet On Me (one-shot)
Synopsis: There's a few bets going around: Y/N bets everything on the fact that Eddie is innocent, Eddie still thinks that he's a coward, and the kids want to know when Eddie will finally ask Y/N out. And Steve... Steve is just over it.
This is sort of an AU! because I refuse the ending we got. ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Cheerleader!Reader
Genre: a lot of fluuuuufff, some angst
Warnings: SPOLIERS FOR SEASON 4!, a lot of pining, cursing, mentions of blood and injuries and death, Eddie feeling very low and guilty of himself (someone give my poor boy a hug). I can't think of anything else, but please let me know if there is something I should add here.
Word count: 3773
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The second the doorbell of Family Video rang at 12:34 PM during the Friday shift, Steve let out the most resigned sigh he could muster, because he knew who it was and what was gonna happen. The sound of the chains, of the stomping steps and the incessant tapping of palms against thighs in some indiscernible rhythm didn’t give Steve any other illusions history was going to repeat itself. All over again.
“Heyo, Stevo,” Eddie dragged out the name, plopping his elbows down on the till counter with a flourish. “So. Any new movies?”
But Steve was absolutely done this time.
“Stop.” He waved his hand in front of Eddie, not even deigning to answer the question. “Stop. Just stop this whole thing. You’re not here for the movies, you’re here because in just a couple more minutes, Y/N Y/L/N will walk through those doors to give back her previous week’s rentals, and it will give you your opportunity to just gawk at her, even though you actually want to ask her out. So just stop with this lame excuse, man up and ask that girl out on a damned fucking date already. You've been doing this for weeks, man, weeks. I know trauma brings people together and shit, and I cannot believe I’m saying this, but I do consider us friends, but even that has, limits because if I have to hear one more time any sort of groaning and moaning from you about Y/N, and still you’ve done nothing to change the situation, I will personally find a way to open the Upside Down back again and throw you through it, because God damn it, Munson, you will deserve it.”
Eddie, for once in his life, was truly and utterly speechless, watching as Steve’s chest heaved after the rant.
“Shit, Harrington, tell me how you really feel,” he mumbled looking at the countertop, drumming his fingers against it.
“Look.” Steve took in a deep breath and let it out, calming down a bit. “I get that you’re scared, okay? I do. Before I asked Nancy out, I thought I was gonna shit bricks, but the worst thing that could have happened is she could have said no.”
“No,” Eddie countered, pointing at him. “The worst that could happen is Y/N could start laughing in my face, tell the basketball team the freak of town asked her out, and sic those psychos on me again because there’s a difference between you and Nancy and Y/N and me – first we run in different social circles. You and Nancy were the King and Queen of Hawkins before even getting together; you were equals. Y/N... she’s a cheerleader, for Christ’s sake… while I’m the banished nerd, and second… you were never accused of murdering Nancy’s best friend, and still have those rumours fly around even after being vindicated.” That last bit was whispered, and to that, Steve had nothing to reply.
Y/N and Chrissy had been thick as thieves before everything went wrong with the Upside Down, but even Y/N hadn’t known she was struggling despite Chrissy looking up at her as her big sister just about to graduate her senior year. They seemingly had told each other everything, and yet she hadn’t known Chrissy was in such a bad place, she was willing to try drugs to ease the pain.
Even so, even after her body was found in the Munson trailer, not for a second Y/N had believed Eddie had had anything to do with her best friend’s death. For fuck’s sake, Chrissy’s eyes had imploded! How would someone who spent their evenings writing out a character sheet for a fantasy game be able to do that?But despite knowing that, Steve couldn’t deny how people still avoided Eddie like he was the actual plague.
“She tried to stop Jason from coming after you, you know,” Steve piped up, which made Eddie look at him. “Tried to talk some sense into the rest of the team to not come after you, countered whatever he said at the town meeting the night people decided to hunt you down. Y/N never believed you hurt Chrissy, would never, as you said, sic anyone on you. I’m pretty sure she’d fight tooth and nail against that. That has to count for something.”
Eddie’s heart clenched at Harrington’s words. Knowing she’d stood up for him was one thing. Knowing she’d done it in front of the whole town while they were ready to lynch him was another. But still… doubt was like one of the demobats, lurking around the corner before striking with fangs and claws.
When he’d been pulled from the Upside Down, bleeding from every possible crevice of his body, Eddie didn’t think he’d make it, and in some masochistic way, thought he shouldn’t make it. He still blamed himself for what’d happened to the sweet cheerleader he’d left mangled in his trailer. Maybe if Chrissy hadn’t gone to him, maybe if he’d told her he wouldn't sell drugs to her, maybe if he’d gone to literally anyone else and informed them about what she wanted, Chrissy could have been saved. So maybe he didn’t deserve saving either, but the rest of the gang had other plans. 
Steve and Nancy had made a sling from the sheet he'd cut, tying Eddie’s barely conscious body to the other man’s back, and Robin and Nancy boosting them through the gate, before helping a limping Dustin as well. Then it was a race against time to get Eddie the help he needed.
Their group was a hurricane as they borrowed, or more like stole, Max’s mom’s car and rushed to the hospital, Dustin screaming at Eddie to stay awake while Robin kept yelling for Steve to push on the gas with Nancy attempting to staunch the bleeding by putting tourniquets where she could or simply pressing down on the wounds where she couldn’t.
It wasn’t much better when they finally reached the place, all of them screaming for someone to help Eddie, only to start giving directions to the ER team once they arrived as if they were medical staff themselves.
“I’m 0 negative,” Nancy breathed, pulling at her sleeve and rolling it up as far as she could as nurses called for a doctor and the rest helped place, Eddie, on a gurney, Steve also instructing for someone to check on Dustin’s bad ankle, who just diverted them back to Eddie. “A universal donor. He’ll need blood. He – he – he’s lost a lot of blood, he’ll need it.”
“Miss, you need to be checked as well.” A nurse tried to guide her to a different bed, but she ripped out from her grip. “Why don’t we do that before –,”
“I said I’m 0 negative.” Nancy’s tone had turned into a sneer as she stared the nurse down. “Either you take the blood, or I can do it myself.” The nurse had taken a step back from her, the determination in the young woman’s eyes didn’t leave room for arguing, so she just nodded and escorted her to a quieter place.
It took Eddie about two days and four blood transfusions to regain consciousness, despite his wounds being shallow, he'd lost a lot of blood, but his newly found friends were all there for him. 
Steve took care of the food, Nancy made sure someone always remained by Eddie’s side as she set up rotations, while Robin had informed Eddie’s uncle about the situation, but it wasn’t just them. 
Dustin with his bad leg, Lucas with his beaten-up face and even Mike who’d arrived back in Hawkins with El, Will Jonathan and Argyle in tow – all of them were there for Eddie, even going after the police as they’d handcuffed their Dungeon Master to the bed seeing as he was still the prime suspect of the murder of the Queen of Hawkins High. Max had even almost taken one of her crutches and smashed in an officer’s face, but Joyce and Hopper had busted in before that could happen, and despite everything, Eddie had smiled harder than ever. He’d never felt so loved in his life than in that moment.
However, once the presumed-dead ex-chief of police took the reins with a government agent who'd brought them to Hawkins, they were somewhat able to spin Chrissy’s death as Jason’s fault, especially because the other teen had died during the earthquake that’d hit as the aftermath of the gang having beaten Vecna, the Upside Down slowly crumbling in on itself, while the Creel house fell apart, Jason’s body never to be recovered.
The story they settled on was this – the basketball player had seen his girlfriend meet up with Eddie in the woods, and then he’d followed her later on in the evening to where they converged in Eddie’s trailer. Jason confronted the two, his jealousy being a known issue, and that’s when Eddie had left, leaving the couple to resolve their issues on their own, only to return a while later to find Chrissy dead, which prompted him to run in fear of his own life. Max Mayfield was set to be the prime witness to vouch for him, which she did no questions asked.
With the agent's help, they made sure it was a story the whole town, hell the state of Indiana was aware of as well. Of course, some was sceptical, some outright refused to believe anything of the sort, yet the police could do nothing but release Eddie from any charges and drop the case. But that didn’t minimize Eddie’s nightmares, nor did it erase the new scars littering his body courtesy of the Upside Down, and neither did it ease the guilt for leaving Chrissy, so hearing Y/N defend him, believing the lie they’d spun about how her best friend met her end, made his stomach churn. 
She deserved to know. If anyone deserved to be aware of the truth, it was Y/N, which should probably be at the top of his confession list, but his spiral was interrupted when Steve cleared his throat, eyes trained on something over Eddie’s shoulder.
“Umm, you two okay?” A voice from behind him startled the boy, making Eddie whizz around only to be greeted by a smiling Y/N. “I’m here to bring the movies back?” The girl waved the VHSs in her hands looking at Steve. “That is if you still want them.”
Steve sighed nodding in her direction and she took it as her confirmation to step next to Eddie by the counter. “Yes, please. Don’t need three more deducted from my pay-check this month.”
Tentatively Y/N looked at Eddie and gave him a soft ‘hi’, before turning back to Steve, leaving Eddie to his gawking. “What got snatched?”
“Jaws 3-D,” Steve grumbled.
“Shit.” Y/N chuckled. “And not even the good one.” 
He scoffed, hitting the till and giving Y/N the receipt. “Tell me about it.”
“You – uh,” Eddie cleared his throat, eyes shifting from his clasped and wrung hands to Y/N’s eyes. “You’ve seen Jaws?”
“Uh, yeah.” She nodded, smiling softly. “I really like horror and thriller, actually. Well, maybe not anymore.” Her smile turned into a painful grimace. “Don’t think I can stomach anything like that after everything that’s happened. At least not for a while.”
“That’s fair.” Eddie nodded along to her words. “Yeah, no, completely understandable.”
“Mhm,” she hummed, nodding along as well as an awkward silence settled. 
Eddie looked up hoping for Harrington to interrupt them, but Steve was nowhere to be seen, having left the two to talk on their own. The once super senior cursed him for it, giving him no other choice but to continue on with the conversation, but then again – maybe Steve was right. And Eddie wouldn’t say that lightly.
He thought of himself as a coward. He’d run the second danger appeared and only stopped when Dustin, someone he really truly cared about, was in grave danger, but Y/N hadn’t. Not for a second, despite the fact she had everything to lose, despite the fact that Hawkins could turn on her, making her become the new town pariah, she’d stood by Eddie’s side without ever really knowing him. She’d bet on his innocence and won, even though she really didn’t know it was true. So maybe, he could be as brave as she was.
“Hey,” Eddie started and had to avert his gaze when Y/N’s Y/E/C eyes bore into his. “Would you – and I mean you can definitely say no, like no pressure whatsoever – but like, would you want to go out… with… me?”
Y/N raised her brow, a gentle smile playing on her face. “Like on a date?”
“It doesn’t have to be!” he immediately said and cursed himself for backtracking. “We can just be two people who just so happened to go to the same place to do the same thing at the same time… with one another.”
Y/N sucked in the air through her teeth, and that motion alone made Eddie’s heart drop. “I mean that does sound like a date, which I totally would go for, but I gotta say no right now.” 
Of course, she’d say no. 
“If you ask me in like…” Her gaze drifted to a calendar hanging over by the wall, mouth moving as she counted. “Six days, I’ll say yes.”
Eddie was prepared for rejection, but not that sort of a rejection, leaving him dumbfounded. “Umm… okay? Can I – can I ask why?”
Y/N chuckled. “Robin told me your little Hellfire minions and Max have a bet going on when you’ll muster up the courage to ask me out.” The smile on her face turned mischievous. “I sort of want Max to win. She was the only one who said you’d do it before the end of the month. And I want the boys to suffer with how close they got. So, I’d say two birds, or I guess three birds with one stone – we get to go out on a date, Max puts the guys in their place, and they learn not to mess with you.”
“You – you knew I wanted to ask you out?”
Y/N shrugged, fiddling with a bracelet on her wrist. It was her turn to become bashful and nervous. “I mean, I hoped it wasn’t them just making things up.” Uncertainty flashed in her eyes as she shuffled on the spot. “And now I’m sort of hoping you’re not in on this bet, and this isn’t gonna blow up in my face.”
“Yeah – I mean no!” Eddie grabbed onto her shoulders as he fumbled with his words. “This – I had no idea those shitheads had bet on whether or not I’d ask you on a date, but – but they’re right… I uh… the only reason I’m actually ever here is to uh, see you, and well, maybe get the courage to ask you out.” Eddie’s laugh was both out of astonishment and excitement. “Can’t believe those little gremlins bet against me after everything though.”
Y/N mimicked his laugh and bit her lip. “Okay then… I’ll uh, I’ll see you in a few days then? Hopefully it won't take you as long to ask me this time.”
Eddie’s ‘yeah’ was a breathless response, but nevertheless, a confirmation, as he stared at Y/N like she was a Sindarin elf straight from Lord of the Rings while she pointed at Steve who’d now magically appeared back at his station with a satisfied smirk on his mouth, startling Eddie so much he jumped back. “You tell this to Dustin, you’re dead meat much like your paycheck. I still have Sixteen Candles and Nightmare on Elm Street as hostages.”
“Come on, Y/N” he groaned, throwing his head back. “They’re my children! They’ll know I’ll be lying!”
“Then they’ll be the ones carrying your casket, so choose wisely.” 
With that Y/N gave Eddie one final glimmering smile and skipped to her car. If Eddie still had one after everything, he’d be skipping to it too.
But when six days later, he was disturbed by a knock at the door, as Y/N had called him the day before to set it up in a way the kids could witness their talk, he wanted to bury himself six feet below and in that casket, Y/N mentioned to Steve. 
Filled with nerves and jitters, he went over and pushed the doors open only to be greeted by a beaming Y/N as she glanced over her shoulder where he spotted Max ducking back inside her trailer while he noted a bunch of tiny heads watching from below the kitchen window curtain.
God, he was gonna throw up, he couldn’t believe what he was about to say to his dream girl.
“So...” She turned back to look at him. “Ready to ask me something?”
In all honesty, he was sort of glad, that she said he could ask her out only six days later, it gave him more time to mull over those thoughts in his head, and come to the conclusion that yes, he could do it and help out Max by winning the bet, but he’d never subject Y/N to the kind of scrutiny this town would put her through if they so much as had a whiff she’d been in the ten-mile radius around him, no matter her previous stance during the hunt.
“Look...” Eddie sighed, stepping down to be level with her. “You really don’t have to do this. We can go over, say I did it, and then Max can win, but we don’t have to go out on that date. I – I can’t make you go through that.”
As he said those words, he noted how Y/N’s smile slowly dropped, and if there was something Eddie hated more than the Upside Down, it was that.
“Eddie, I’m not here just because of the stupid bet the kids have going on. Honestly...” She crossed her arms and let out a deep breath as if steadying herself. “When Robin told me you wanted to ask me out, I didn’t believe her. Thought it had to be some stupid prank on your part with the rest of Hellfire, and when she said about the bet, that even confirmed it more. I mean what would a guy like you want to do with a girl like me, right? You hate cheerleaders, hate anyone that has to do with conformity and shit, so you had to have something Carrie-Esque planned for me.”
Eddie was just about to interject, especially at the notion he could ever humiliate her in that way, but Y/N kept on talking. “But then she said how you’ve been going to Family Video, how you’ve been bugging Steve and how Steve wouldn’t stop complaining about you to her, and so I took the chance that maybe, just maybe, it’s not a prank, but that you actually like me… so when I heard that rant you went on the other day, I knew it was real for you.”
He had to take an actual step back at her words. “You heard?”
“Yeah, I did. And I want you to know I never believed that you could ever even think about hurting Chrissy. Not once. You’re too good for that, too kind to ever hurt someone like that.”
Eddie’s eyes softened at her words. “You think I’m kind?”
“You put on this tough, metal-head act,” Y/N smiled at him and shrugged. “But… you literally took those kids under your wing, because you knew what it was like to be bullied, and didn’t want that happening to them too, taking on the brunt of whatever Jason and his goons threw your way. You’re not just kind – you’re brave too. You’ve stood up against a town that was ready to hang you. That’s bravery on a level I could never have.”
“You’re brave too.” Eddie instantly interjected, ready to reach for Y/N’s hands, but stopped himself, rubbing the back of his neck instead, fearing he might overstep a boundary. “You – I mean, you literally heard Steve tell me how you told the town to piss off my back about Chrissy when literally you had no evidence, I hadn’t hurt her. I was the prime suspect, yet you – you went against Jason and everyone else for someone who didn’t deserve it.”
“Yes, you did. I might not have been there, nor do I have any physical evidence, but I know, I know in my heart you didn’t lay a single finger on her.” Y/N stepped closer to him, putting her palms on Eddie’s face and rubbing her thumbs underneath his eyes. He hadn’t even noticed he’d started crying. 
Eddie's words were nothing but a whimper. “But I left her there.”
“No one knew Jason was gonna do such a thing.” Y/N shook her head, brushing her fingers along his cheekbones. “And I don’t blame you. It was Jason’s fault… and as horrible as it might sound, I’d rather you be alive than have had the same thing that happened to Chrissy happen to you. That asshole got what he deserved. So, Eddie, let me say this again, and however many times you need me to – you. Are. Good. You are not a coward. And you deserve all the love in the world.”
A teary chuckle escaped him, as he leaned into Y/N’s touch. “Well, then would you give me the biggest honour in the world and please go out on a date with me?”
“Yeah,” Y/N said, beaming at him, a stray tear slipping down her own cheek, which Eddie carefully wiped away. “I’d really love to. And I know who’ll be paying for it.”
Eddie chuckled, pressing his forehead against hers, and her grin widened as he slowly reached for her hands and intertwined their fingers. “You really gonna bully Max for the bet money?”
Y/N scoffed squeezing his palms, thumbs rubbing over his rings. “I’m not heartless. I’m gonna bully the rest of the kids for not having enough faith in you. Seems fair enough.”
“Can I – can I kiss you?” Eddie’s voice trembled, but it shouldn’t, as Y/N leaned up herself and pressed their lips together in a sweet and slow kiss.
The collective ‘NO’ from the boys and a female cackling from Max’s trailer just added to the joy of the situation. Some bets were lost, some bets were won, but ultimately Eddie felt like the true winner. The girl of his dreams had taken a chance on him despite everything. 
And now he was gonna be brave.
He was gonna love her until the very end.          
Tags (crossed out wouldn't take):
Everything tags: @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​@thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​ @m-a-t-91​ @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​ @tvwhoresblog​ @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​ @strangersstranger​
A/N: I know I haven't written in AGES, but so many things just got in the way, I didn't have the time to but I have already like 4 other Eddie fics in the works.
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elodieunderglass · 8 months
Referring to you "anxieties of the culture" horror tropes post, I just watched the 1990 adaptation of IT and this comes less than a month after watching both Kolchak movies & starting the TV show. What do you think it was about the late-70s/early-80s that led to "the killer is a monster that hibernates for a set number of years before returning to perform the killings again, as a grim echo of the past, and it's up to the heroes to stop it now before it rears its ugly head again"? There's gotta be some "pass-the-buck" crisis that PEAKED in that time period, something that was a long time coming before that and may or may not have continued since. I don't think it's climate change, that wasn't really at Critical Mass yet until the HFC hairspray crisis of the mid-80s. Your thoughts?
(In reference to this post: https://www.tumblr.com/elodieunderglass/729604545735458816)
Oh that is SO interesting! I also like the Horrors of the Past that Re-Emerge. You get them in fantasy too. To some extent they’re quite nice, because they displace responsibility, allowing the heroes to grapple with something distanced. necromantically resurrected Zombie Nazis will always be a more appealing enemy, for a broad market, than your present-day actual real life QAnon uncle. You can blow up an Ancient Horror as much as you like, can’t you? You don’t need to worry about the tricky present-day political circumstances that birthed the serial killer if it’s actually an ancient time-travelling monster. Monsters are often articulated and described and used because they are “safe” in this way: a displaced thing that can be used. Separate from us in species, appearance, home planet, history of origin, motives, spacetime - the farther they are from us and our shared background, the more justifiable it is to nuke them from orbit, to make a splashy movie.
HOWEVER. As I said in that post - “horror reflects social anxieties” is a SUPER well-described piece of media study and you can read proper writing about that anywhere. I encourage you to seek it out! They say it much better than I do.
I also said in that post that I, myself, don’t watch horror/movies/film. It isn’t due to contempt for the genre, or fear of the content - I just can’t get into it or get immersed, which defeats the point of an immersive genre meant to provoke response. (For example, despite being explicitly told that I would love Stranger Things Season 4 and that I was required to write fic about it for a friend, I gave out at the beginning of season 2; despite being really fond of Welcome to Night Vale at a formative time of my life, I dropped out before StrexCorp. And those are things I generally liked, wanted to consume, and knew I would enjoy! It’s a me problem, and I’m not bothered by it. I am TOO BUSY.)
That’s just to say that I could spitball some thoughts, but I’d be out of my depth.
But here’s an idea. A very small minority of people in the notes took offence to me having meta thoughts about horror when I don’t consume the genre - and worse, saying them out loud, while also openly admitting that I’m out of my depth and would prefer an expert to say it better. “YOU are a COWARD,” they say. “The audacity of commenting on a trend in a genre that you don’t even watch.” “You complain so much but don’t even watch these films” “imagine writing all this with such a bad attitude about horror.” etc.
I think those people have effectively volunteered to write you an essay. They clearly have the horror-consuming chops! Perhaps not the reading comprehension … or analysis skills… but they definitely watch a lot more horror media than I do, so why not give them a crack at it? (This is jokes, don’t bother them.)
Alternatively - there are a lot of clever and savvy people with good takes around here, so they’re welcome to spin out some answers on this post.
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This has been a worse than average endgame (to say the least), but I want to acknowledge the highlights of bb25. I’ve been watching since bb16 (been a feedster since bb17), and this has truly been the most invested I’ve been. Despite how frustrated I’ve been with production this year, I really think this season has some really stellar stuff in it (especially pre-jury). So here is a (lengthy) list of how I’ll remember this season:
Cirie motherfucking Fields showing up!!
Izzy immediately clocking that Jared was Cirie’s son before the live premiere even ended
Izzy immediately clocking that Cameron gives serial killer vibes
Felicia destroying four mics by the end of the first week
Felicia falling into the hot tub
“Clean that shit up a bit”
Cameron thinking Felicia was related to Denzel Washington
“Izzy Fields” and the beautiful friendship between her and Cirie
Hisam’s villain arc
Cory in Blue’s pink outfit (and later Americas jumpsuit)
(Honestly just Cory being a genuinely good dude who would call out things that crossed a line and fought against toxic masculinity)
The target flipping every other hour for like the first six weeks of the game
Every time Zach Wurtenburger tweeted about BB
The nickname “fucking Bowie Jane” which was then just shortened to fbj
The still of Cory’s mouth wide open while he was saying “what the fuck” when they were thinking of keeping Hisam
Meme’s storage room rants
“If I’m a have not next week, I’ll self-evict” “I’ll be a have not with you” *america leaves* “(to self) Cory, are you the most pathetic person? They were right about you — you’re a pick me”
Felicia yelling at Jag while he was in a chicken suit
Felicia and “Mr. B” (smooches!)
The slow burn Americory showmance (I could write a thesis on how much I love it but I’ll spare you)
The fact they brought the pressure cooker back
Izzy crying about how much she hates being in the same room as Cameron
“Fuck jag and I said that shit” -America Week 4, a prophet
When Matt used the power on jag and even live feeders were shook because we had no idea
The fact that Cameron’s 14 hours in the pressure cooker didn’t matter because jag was just brought back into the game
Blue sucking up to Felicia bc she thought she was Jared’s mom for a solid 24 hours
Felicia’s sleep screaming/singing
The dramatic and out of no where red/Cameron break up
“Cam thinks he’s like a father to me, but really he’s like an absentee father who wants to sleep with my girlfriend”
Blue volunteering jag to go up as a “pawn” during Jared’s hoh
Cam winning hoh after being blindsided by the red vote (hate him but the absolute silence and his thumbs up is so funny)
“Okay Jasmine” “*crying* who’s jasmine?” “*singing* a whole new world”
Cam not telling anyone including production who he was putting up
Matt winning the prize swap veto but choosing the punishment bc he thought he’d get to hang out with the real Josh Duhamel
The Josh Duhamel punishment in general
Izzy’s kick jump during the piggy pals punishment
Jared destroying his game because Cirie was stuck in a kayak with Felicia for 48 hours
(The fact the izzy flip happened bc she told Cory that he couldn’t sleep in the same bed as America anymore lol)
The Cory/Jared humiliverse fight
“To all my friends and family, trust I know that they are all liars and snakes… and cowards!”
“See you soon, pig!”
The Cirie/Felicia fight post-Jared’s eviction
Peak Unreliables when Jag fought for Cory’s LIFE against cams plan to backdoor him
People retweeting Meme’s tweets from over ten years ago that were weirdly relevant to the season
America lifting Cory after it was confirmed that they made jury
The musical that Cory got for his zing
The one time all the different stans came together was to celebrate Cams eviction
The “exquisite” bit
America causing Jag to want to shit his pants after telling him to “literally fuck off”
“Literally in this world, I am your biggest fan” 😭😭😭
Felicia being Cirie’s best friend and worst enemy (aka when she shaved her foot on her bed)
Americory saying “I love you” on Cory’s way out the door
Americas shrine to Cory/transforming into him
Cirie’s DR of her flipping off Jag, Matt, and Bowie
Izzy/Paige going as Americory for Halloween
The Americory “cradle robber” Halloween costume
“I’d be more impressed if [the wins] weren’t against two senior citizens, an airhead, and an idiot”
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
if we got a second season of tfatws what would you want to be in it 👀
Oh my gosh, such a good question to ask! 😆 A very hard one too Cassie, lemme think on this 🤔
Okay, a few things that would be a must would be:
A "Meanwhile, on the boat..." moment, or perhaps a montage of moments where things are happening throughout the MCU movies that happened post-TFATWS and Sam and Bucky are just 😂 on the boat, hearing about the events after the fact. I keep thinking about the scene in season 7 of Supernatural where they montage Dean commenting on what Castiel does with his new godlike powers while Dean fixes his car, but it doesn't have to be like that (3:16-3:46 here for reference lol).
Sam needs to save Bucky from falling. Sam had someone he couldn't save in the air. Bucky didn't have anyone to save him when he fell. Sam and Bucky both need that catharsis and it's wild that didn't happen in the first season.
Sam flying around as Bucky snipes at things 😂 Again - how did that not happen in the first season?
Sam and Bucky must either be already roommates or looking for an apartment which will be the place they will live in together.
Sarah, AJ, and Cass must be in it as well as other people we've seen like Carlos, Tommy, Isaiah, and Eli.
Another song by Curtis Harding must close the show's next sunset ending (it MUST be a good ending where they look into the sunset again, I'm sorry, I don't make the rules). Perhaps Can't Hide It by Curtis Harding?
Joaquín! There must be more Jay, I refuse to believe there wouldn't be so much more Jay in a season two.
FLASHBACKS. WHERE. WERE. THE. FLASHBACKS. Gimme Sam and Riley flashbacks, flashbacks of Sam with his family, gimme more info on Sam.
Can we???? Get more info on Sarah too???? Like was she married before??? Who are Cass and AJ's dad or dads??? How does she feel about Sam disappearing for a huge chunk of years??? I just want to know more about her.
Acknowledgment that Sam found Bucky in Europe but kept Bucky's secret and visited Bucky. Also that Sam visited Bucky during his time as a goatherder in Wakanda, possibly with a reference to the costco tub of lube 😂
Things I can live without but I think would be a waste if they aren't in a hypothetical season two:
A huge and exciting action sequence during a New Orleans Mardi Gras Parade with Sam being the King of that parade.
There's a team of villainous jugglers in the Marvel comics called the Death-Throws. I really want them as secondary comedic villains who may or may not be kind of good people a la Jessie, James, and Meowth from Team Rocket in Pokemon movies. Just let Sam and Bucky have some comedy villains in the background doing their thing, Marvel.
Visiting Steve on the Moon. I just think Sam and Bucky deserve space shenanigans. I will also take a Facetime, if that's too out of budget, though.
Misty Knight cameo where Sam and Misty either imply or outright talk about being exes. Probably amicable, though, it would be funny if Sam's a bit awkward about it, but Misty's chill with him.
Karli resurrection. She deserved more of a redemption arc than Walker. Bring her back to life, Disney, I dare you.
Bucky and Falcon!Redwing don't get along. More because Bucky is jealous than anything else.
A VISIT TO WAKANDA! Do they go to Birnin Zana? Do they visit the town Bucky was living in as a goatherder? Do they go to Ayo and Aneka's home for dinner? Maybe they possibly only let Sam into the country while Ayo is like "I told you to lie low for a while, White Wolf" to Bucky 😂
Baron Zemo can have a cameo, if only because Anthony Mackie was bummed that Daniel Brühl isn't a part of Cap 4.
Wildest Options I Don't Think Would Happen But I Would Love:
SamBucky wedding. It all takes place the days leading up to their wedding. Or, if I'm being more realistic, a wedding. Like, if, say Sarah and Rhodey were getting married or Carol and Valkyrie or perhaps Ayo and Aneka.
SamBucky kiss? Though, again, highly doubt that and I'm really okay with SamBucky not being canon.
Fourth wall break where Feige himself walks into a room, sits down, and apologizes about how he treated Sam Wilson's character in the MCU and promises to do better. He pulls out an entire slide show and the episode is just him talking about how he will be integrating Sam more thoroughly into the MCU. I'm talking how specifically Sam will cameo, where he will cameo, pitches for other projects Sam will be heavily tied to, the works.
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raisedbythetv89 · 7 months
Kristen is literally describing how she used to make peanut butter, whipped cream, blueberry bowls and the way Jason is looking at her while she does is making me psychotic
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Veronica Mars should be bordering camp at all times you made the new sheriff DAN LAMB aka Don Lamb’s “evil brother” that is RIDICULOUS and Weevil says to Chardo “You’re out. Out of the club…. out of my life” the most cartoonish line you could ever have a gang member utter 😭
Basically just start season 5 with Veronica waking up from the bad dream that was season 4 and try again and stick to season 1 vibes please and thank you because I need them all back together and I need Jason and us to have Logan back 😭
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animentality · 2 months
As someone who recently had a family member start The Boys, and this was after my mom said she started it and then quit because she thought it was dumb, I'd like to thank you for breaking it down in a much more eloquent way than I ever could. I've just been sitting here bitching
I was tempted to make this anon so you wouldn't have to deal with nothing but cowards who can't say their opinion with their chest, but then I thought 'nah, let's give them another target if they're so dead set on defending something'
That's the nicest consideration I've ever received on Tumblr, but don't you worry.
I'm a hater at heart, I know how to deal with other haters, they're my people.
Glad that you agree though.
I was just sitting there after seeing an annoying TikTok about how deep The Boys was...
And like, listen I haven't seen the entire thing.
hilariously I forgot to mention.
it's not like I watched a single episode or anything.
I watched 4.
I watched half of the first season.
but as far as I could see, and from the discourse and clips I've seen, it's just so dependent on other media to succeed and to me, that's not good world building.
like the actors might be amazing, and the story passable, but the idea of super hero sponsorships and corporatism by itself is not an entirely unexplored genre.
it doesn't stand alone when you have to know the Justice League and marvel movies to understand the dark jokes they're making.
also the way it presents its violence and its sex, is just pushing boundaries for the sake of it.
it's also such a grim story that takes itself so seriously- but super heroes have never been that serious.
you being grimdark is like a 13 year old emo kid who hates the establishment just because he's 13 and hormonal, disregarding the fact that he's a middle class white boy who benefits the most from the establishment.
what are they satirizing and taking a serious look at?
people say super heroes... but since when have super heroes been some kind of important social phenomenon?
they're escapism and wish fulfillment, but they're also just pure entertainment.
they're not fucking real.
so is the boys criticizing something deeper? corporations? capitalism? corruption?
but most people only really care about how it "humanizes" heroes...
by making them sex offenders and murderers and psychopaths.
how "human."
so you have no meaningful social commentary and you have no meaningful characters for us to root for.
you think you're making something deep, but it's shallow and malicious, it's jabbing at other people's fictional tastes, and inviting you to laugh too.
but it's a joke itself.
and it doesn't realize that it is.
South Park ass show.
so "self aware" without having the self awareness to see that its as shallow as the stories it condemns.
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circle-with-me · 4 months
'tis the damn season - part 4
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Pairing: Will Ramos x OFC (Gen/Viv/Vivvy)
Content Warning/tags: 18+ MDNI!, vaginal fingering, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected vaginal sex, body worship, hurt w/ comfort, fluff
Word Count: 4.6k
Tag list: @concretenoah @deathblacksmoke @midnight-eternals @bngurngheart @malice-ov-mercy @witchyweeb34 @lyschko666 @cookiesupplier @lilrubles @meekahy @lacktoesandtoddlerants, @sammyjoeee
If you would like to be added to my tag list for this series or my other works, please sign up here.
Author’s Note: This part took longer than I had anticipated due to some personal issues, but hopefully this was worth the wait! I'm certainly proud of this part. Thank you to @deathblacksmoke for editing this and helping me rewrite parts that I was unsure about. Thank you to @concretenoah for helping me brainstorm and letting me bounce ideas off of you. Love you both sm 🤍.
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A loud knock at the front door scares Gen awake. She sits up abruptly, holding onto her head as the pounding begins. She looks over at the coffee table and eyes the empty whiskey bottle, remembering the night before. Once Will left she downed the rest of the bottle to numb the pain and anger. Soon after, she passed out on the couch, whispering his name over and over. 
She groans when she hears another loud knock, scooting off the couch and heading towards the door. The knocks become louder and more frequent the closer she gets. 
“I’m coming. I’m coming!” she grumbles, flinging the door open. She immediately holds her hand up over her eyes as the sun blinds her, her head now pounding even harder. A tall figure steps in the ray of light currently burning her retinas, blocking it from her view. She silently thanks them.
Once Gen’s vision returns to normal, she recognizes the tall figure as Mr. Shaw. He was dressed much more casually from their initial encounter — a thick black sweater, jeans, and sneakers. He surveys Gen’s appearance and she’s suddenly very self conscious as she realizes she probably looks like a complete mess.
“Good Morning, Ms. Taylor.” He flashes his thousand watt smile at her. She smiles back.
“Good Morning, Mr. Shaw. Would you like to come in?” 
He shakes his head. “I’m afraid I can’t. I just came to make sure the rental company dropped this dumpster off.” He turns and points to a gigantic blue dumpster sitting at the curb. “I figured it would make cleanup easier.” 
“That’s very kind. You didn’t have to do that though.” 
Mr. Shaw waves her off. “Don’t get too excited. I used money from your inheritance to pay for it.” 
Gen raises her eyebrows in amusement, and he laughs at her. “You steal my money and you don’t even stick around to help me out.” Gen teases. “You really are a great lawyer!”
He laughs louder this time. “What can I say? I’m good at what I do.”
She laughs with him and leans against the doorway. “Jokes aside, thank you for all your help.” 
“It’s not a problem. If you need anything else, give me a call.” He walks to his car and leaves. 
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Gen falls back on the couch and huffs. After a half gallon of water, some greasy food from the gas station and a few tylenol she decided to take on the house. Six hours later she has barely made a dent in all of the clutter. The entire kitchen is clean at least so she accepts the small victory. 
She has spent all day staying busy to keep him out of her head but as soon as she sits down and is alone with her thoughts, he is there. The way his face contorted at her words, his lips on hers, the final words he spoke to her as he slammed the door. All of it comes back in a flash and suddenly her head is pounding again. She pushes her palms into her eyes and curses loudly.
Gen eyes her phone. You can’t call him. You don’t know his number. She thinks to herself. Is she really going to be that much of a coward and apologize over the phone? She wanted to avoid this situation all together but her heart was beating her brain into submission. What did everyone always call her? Bullheaded? Obstinate? 
She snatches her phone and dials the only number she remembers. It rings a few times and a woman speaking a language she doesn't understand answers. Gen hangs up quickly and drops her phone in her lap. Well that idea didn’t work. 
With no idea how to get in touch with him and no way of knowing where he lives now, Gen was out of options. Her phone pings in her lap and she looks down. An Instagram notification from Natalie sits on her home screen and Gen mentally chides herself. The solution is obvious. Stalk him on social media like a normal person.
Will’s Instagram is easy enough to find. He was verified now and had amassed a lot of followers. As she scrolls through his account, It doesn’t take long for her to find a photo of him with a woman hanging off of him. She scrolls past quickly, ignoring the way her heart sinks. The rest of his account is full of photos with his band, his car, and his cats. And a few more women. 
“You can’t expect him to be alone for the rest of his life just because you plan to be.” She whispers to herself tauntingly. She immediately groans at her own words. Could she be more insufferable? 
A video he posted two days ago catches her eye and she clicks on it. Will is standing outside in the snow. She’s so focused on his face she doesn’t even pay attention to what he’s saying. He flips the camera around to show his cats standing behind a familiar glass patio door and her mouth drops open. 
No fucking way.
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The apartment building looks mostly the same as it did when Gen left, save for a fresh coat of paint and a few repairs to the outside. She stares at the door. Will’s car was right next to hers so she knows he’s home. That knowledge makes her nerves even worse.
She lays her head on the steering wheel and howls in frustration. Her head makes light repeated contact with the steering wheel as she hopes for some form of higher power to smite her now so she didn’t have to do this. 
Once again, her heart beats her brain into submission. She sighs and gets out of the car. As she approaches the front door, Gen reaches for the knob but pulls her hand back quickly because the door is already opening. She hears laughter, Will’s and someone she doesn’t recognize. A female appears and almost runs into her. 
“Oh!” The woman exclaims. “I’m so sorry I didn’t see you.” She laughs nervously and adjusts the bag on her shoulder. She’s pretty. Blonde, slender, and slightly shorter than Gen. Her bright blue eyes are accentuated by her long eyelashes. She has plugs and multiple facial piercings. There were no visible tattoos from Gen’s quick once over but winter isn’t exactly the best time to show them off. 
Gen holds her hands up. “No need to be sorry. I was the one just standing here.” 
“Viv? What are you doing here?” Will steps into view behind the blonde. His voice is honeyed for the sake of company, but his expression gives away his annoyance. 
As they both stare at Gen her mind goes blank. What is she doing here? She isn’t going to say it in front of this woman. It isn’t any of her business. Besides, Gen doesn’t even know who she is. She could be his girlfriend for all she knew. Gen ignores the queasy feeling in her stomach at the thought. 
“I- um…” She starts. Will cocks an eyebrow in anticipation and his friend gives her an awkward smile. Gen flounders for a few more seconds but luckily the woman has mercy on her. 
“Ya know, I was just leaving! I will leave you both to it. See you later, Will?”
Will stares at Gen for a moment longer then clears his throat. “Yeah, see you.” He gives her a soft smile and waves goodbye. 
He returns his gaze back to Gen, this time it’s a little softer. He steps out of the doorway and silently invites her in. She holds her breath as she walks past him but it’s forced out of her quickly once she’s inside. Everything was almost exactly the same as it was when she left. 
Gen feels something rub against her leg and a soft meow follows. She looks down to see a tan and black cat with white socks staring up at her, circling between her legs. She squats downs to pet it, cooing as it meows back at her. 
“This is Bobbi.” Will says crouching down next to her. 
“Hi Bobbi.” Gen says, planting a kiss on the top of the cat’s head. She looks back at Will and he smiles softly. He looks around for a moment before his eyes land on something and he rolls them. “And that loaf,” he points to her left, “would be Dusti.” 
Lying in a basket attached to the window sill is a black cat completely unfazed by the new guest in the home. Gen walks over and scratches Dusti’s head, chuckling as he rolls over and bats at her hand playfully. 
“What are you doing here, Vivvy?” Will asks. He’s leaning against the back of the couch now, fidgeting with his hands. His curls were out of his face for once, secured in a bun with a spiral hair tie. The look he gives her, likely without even meaning to, gives her goosebumps and causes her cheeks to heat. 
“I need to apologize about last night.”
He takes a deep breath and considers her for a moment. Gen can see he’s chewing on the inside of his lip. He looks down at his hands and adjusts the bracelet on his wrist. 
“No, you don’t.” He looks up, eyes boring into hers. “It’s me who needs to apologize.” Gen stares at him in disbelief. She had said such horrible things to him and he’s apologizing instead?
“I don’t understand. What do you mean?” She questions.
“I’ve been a dick since you got here, Viv. All I’ve done is complain about you leaving and throw it in your face when I’m the reason you left in the first place. You’ve made this wonderful life for yourself. You made your dreams come true. I’m so fucking proud of you, Vivvy. You were right. If you had stayed you would have fucking suffocated here with me.” 
“Will, I-“ Gen starts but he puts a hand up to stop her.
“If I had been a better boyfriend… If I had just been honest with you in the first place then none of this would have happened. Maybe we would still be together and… L.A. would be our home.”
“What are you talking about?” Gen says as she walks closer to him. Will sighs and runs his hands over his face. 
“When you first told me that you wanted to go to New York, I was really excited for you,” Will starts, fidgeting with the skin of his fingers. “I knew how badly you wanted to get out of here, and how much you loved your job. I would have gone anywhere for you,” he admits. Surprised by the confession, Gen watches as tears begin to well up in his eyes. “I told my friends because I thought they would be excited too, but they all said how it was a terrible idea,” Will continues, face twisting uneasily at the memories. “They said you would be working with these big artists and producers, and you’d get so caught up in the music industry that you’d forget about me,” Gen’s heart sinks, she wouldn’t have, but she can’t exactly blame him, either. “I couldn’t let that happen, so I freaked out and refused to let you go. I should have talked to you,” The shame is clear, gnawing at him. He’s been sitting with this, alone, for so long. “I was selfish and thought I could keep you here with me, but I lost you anyway.”
Gen is left speechless at his confession. The more it sunk in, the more it made sense. He would never give her a straight answer even when she begged him to tell her why he wouldn’t go. This whole time he was scared she would leave him for someone else?
“If you were so afraid of me leaving you then why did you just let me go? Why didn’t you tell me the truth then?”
Gen watches as he shifts uncomfortably. A tear rolls down his cheek and he’s quick to wipe it away. 
“You made it clear you were going with or without me. I was heartbroken and angry.” Will closes his eyes, the memory becoming too much to bear. “When you left and never came back it just confirmed my fear. You forgot about me.”
His words punch her in the stomach, forcing all of the air out of her lungs. They’ve known each other since they were kids. They started dating at thirteen. He was her first boyfriend, her first kiss, her first everything. They made plans to spend the rest of their lives together. How could he possibly think that she could forget him?
It dawns on her that for him, the situation was reversed. All of this time she had spent thinking he didn’t care, that he had forgotten about her. When in reality, he thought the exact same thing. She was his first for everything too. How could she think he could forget about her? 
Suddenly, the photos of all of the women on his instagram and the woman at the door crosses her mind. Her heart starts to race and jealousy crashes into her. She knew it was irrational. He had every right to pursue other relationships but did he really have the audacity to be upset with her and accuse her of forgetting about him when he so clearly had no problem replacing her?
“I forgot about you?” Gen challenges, scoffing. “From the looks of things you had no problem forgetting about me. It seems I was easily replaceable.”
Will’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What on earth are you talking about?”
“I’ve seen your instagram. You haven’t been shy about posting your girlfriends.” Gen watches as he leans forward, like he’s making sure he’s hearing her correctly. “You haven’t posted the pretty blonde that just left yet, though. Is she brand new or just not special enough?” 
Will remains silent for a moment. He watches her, his jaw clenched, lips pressed into a straight line. “The blonde you are referring to is Austin’s girlfriend. He’s the drummer for Lorna.” Gen’s stomach drops as she realizes her mistake. “She came by to pick up some stuff he left here on her way home from work. So, no, I’m not fucking her.”
He takes a deep breath and stands up, walking towards her. Peering down at her, he speaks calmly. 
“Even if I was, I don’t owe you an explanation for how I choose to cope with losing you. It took me over a year to even look at someone else.” Gen begins to feel sick, overwhelmed. She backs up, but he follows her. “When I finally touched another woman it damn near killed me but I wasn’t going to put my life on hold knowing you had moved on with your life.” 
“Will, You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about.” Gen snarls, shoving her finger into his chest. “When we broke up every shred of belief I had in true love dissolved into thin air. I’ve spent the last eight years alone or having meaningless sex because what was the fucking point if it wasn’t you?” 
Will’s face falls, the shame evident. He reaches for her but she recoils and turns away. She sits in the chair by the window and wraps her arms around her legs. Will wrings his hands and sits down. He fucked up again. How does he keep doing this? 
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They sit on opposite sides of the room in silence for what seems like hours. Gen focuses on the snow falling outside, crying silently. Will sits on the edge of the couch with his head in his hands. The guilt and grief in the room is so palpable they can’t even look at each other. Will decides he can’t take the silence anymore. He sits up straight and looks at her.
Gen folds in on herself as soon as she hears her name. He sees the sobs wracking her body and his heart aches. He was sick of the fights, the hurt. All he wants now is to fix things for good this time.
“Viv.” He repeats softly. “Will you come here to me, please?” 
Her sobs continue and his instinct is to walk over and take her in his arms, but he doesn’t. From her body language alone she was on the verge of a meltdown and he knew better than to touch her without her permission. Despite this, he couldn’t let her sit there all alone. Besides, he would be lying if he said he couldn’t use some comfort of his own.
“Vivvy…please?” Will begs, his voice cracking. “I need you.” Gen stiffens, her sobs turn to quiet sniffles. She shifts and for a moment he thinks she’s going to get up but instead she just repositions herself. Will sighs dejectedly and places his head back in his hands. 
A few moments later, he hears soft footsteps followed by the feeling of a warm hand resting in the juncture between his neck and shoulders. Will looks up to see her standing in front of him, her face flush from crying. 
She studies him, her other hand coming to rest on his opposite shoulder. Her fingers absentmindedly dip underneath the collar of his shirt. She rubs circles into the muscles of his back, a calming tactic she picked up years ago. Will exhales and drops his head forward. He begins to reach for her but stops.
“Can I touch you?” He requests. He tries his best to keep it from sounding like he’s begging. Gen nods but he isn’t satisfied. “You know I need your words, honey.” Tears brim in her eyes and as soon as the soft “yes” passes her lips he wraps his arms around her waist, burying his head in her stomach. 
Gen wraps her arms around his neck, and Will opens his legs to allow her to step in between them pulling her even closer. She feels his body shake as he weeps and she gently shushes him and scratches his scalp.
“I’m so sorry, Will.” She utters. “For everything.”
Will shakes his head. “No, I’m sorry. This is all my fault and I’ve been treating you like it’s yours. If it wasn’t for me, none of this would have happened.” He places a single kiss on her clothed stomach right above her belly button and looks up at her. She runs her hand along the side of his face. “I guess we both made some mistakes, huh?” 
Will agrees and swallows harshly. He plays with the hem of her shirt, his fingers lightly caress her bare skin. “Let me make it up to you?” Gen’s heart pounds in her chest at his words, her own proving to be difficult. An “okay” is all she can manage but that’s good enough for him.
Will takes both hands and places them under her shirt, pushing it up slightly. He peppers the soft flesh of her stomach with soft kisses, his thumb lightly rubbing against her hip bone. He dips his thumb in the waistband of her jeans and looks up. She nods and he pops the button open, sliding them down her legs and helping her out of them. 
Will places his hands on either side of her thighs and squeezes. He takes in the sight of her, the plush hips and thighs that he loved worshiping. The dark spot that forms on the red lace panties she wears makes him lick his lips. Will pulls her closer to him and kisses her hips, the top of her thighs, her clothed pussy, anywhere he could reach. He inhales her scent and his cock twitches in his jeans.
He grabs her leg and hikes it up over his shoulder, making sure she holds onto his other shoulder for purchase. He pushes her panties to the side and runs a finger through her folds. They both gasp at the same time, Gen from the feeling and Will from how wet she was already. He gently presses a finger inside her and watches as her head falls back, moaning quietly. 
Will continues to watch her savoring the moment until she squeezes his shoulder and whines. “What do you need, baby?” He coos. “M-more.” She stutters, rolling her hips into his finger. Will smiles and kisses her thigh. He slides another finger in and she keens. 
He continues to kiss up and down her thigh, leaving soft nibbles as he goes. This was all about her but the way her slick was running down his hands made his eyes darken. It had been so long since he tasted her. He stares at her pussy as he fingers her, attaching his mouth to her thigh and sucking on the flesh as he’d suck on her clit.
Gen looks down at Will, his eyes rolling back into his head, and she nearly cums just from watching him. She grabs him by the hair and gently pulls him away from her thigh. “If you want to taste me, just ask.” 
“Can I?” Will pants. “Please?” Gen nods and he lunges forward, licking through her folds. He closes his lips around her clit and sucks. She shudders and grips his hair tighter, grinding against his face. Will moans into her, bucking his hips. He desperately wants to free himself from his jeans but his hands currently have a more important purpose.
Will is ravenous as he devours her, his fingers digging into flesh of her thigh. He feels her clench around his fingers and the arm he was using to hold her steady wraps around her waist, pulling her tight against his face. Legs shaking as she cums, Gen cries out Will’s name. Her release gushes over his face and down his arms. 
He doesn’t waste a single drop. 
Will barely gives Gen a moment to breathe before he’s picking her up and toting her to his bedroom. He lays her on the bed and makes quick work of removing his clothes. When he turns his attention back to her, the way she looks makes him stop in his tracks. 
She’s fully naked now, propped against his pillows. One hand is playing with her hair while the other draws lazy patterns on her stomach. He follows the curve of her breasts and he swears there has never been a woman more perfect than her. Their eyes meet and something akin to embarrassment settles in them as she attempts to cover her body. 
Will frowns and crawls next to her. “Hey.” He says, placing his hand over hers. Gen peers at him from the corner of her eyes, then down at their hands. “Please don’t hide from me.”
“I don’t look the same as I did before.” She laments. Will removes his hand from hers and cups her cheek. “No, baby.” He kisses her temple gently. When she leans into his touch he continues, leaving a trail down her face and along her jaw. “You’re even more beautiful now. Let me show you.” 
Gen lets him move her hands away. Will hovers over her and leaves soft kisses on her neck. He palms her breasts, drawing her nipple into his mouth. When his tongue swirls around and he bites down, she gasps and arches into his touch. 
“You’re perfect.” Will whispers as he leaves open mouthed kisses between her breasts. “You’re soft. And warm.” He punctuates each compliment with a kiss to her belly. He kisses and nibbles his way back to her lips.  “And you’re even more beautiful than the day I met you.” 
Their mouths meet in a deep, heated kiss. Will swipes his tongue on her bottom lip and her lips part inviting him in. Gen feels his hard cock press against her core and she squirms beneath him, desperate for friction. Will moans into her mouth and hooks his arm under her leg, using the other to push himself up on his knees. 
Will strokes his cock and places the tip against her slit, rubbing it against her and collecting her slick. He lines himself up with her entrance but looks up first. “Is this okay?” He breathes. She nods. “Mhmm.” He pushes in slowly. His head falls back, eyes squeezing shut at how good she feels.
The feeling of him stretching her out makes Gen dizzy. She grabs ahold of his shoulder and he turns his head to kiss her hand, continuing to slowly pump inside her. As he bottoms out she takes a deep breath and rolls her hips into his, a silent plea for more. Will groans as he begins to thrust into her harder. 
Every single inch of him consumes her. Will grips her hips tight, biting his lip. His eyes focus on where they’re connected and he slams into her even harder. She cries out, clinging to him and scratching his arms. He dips his head down to kiss her and she wraps her arms around his neck to pull him closer. The kiss is messy and desperate. 
“Fuck, I’ve missed you.” Will moans against her lips. Tears form in her eyes. She isn’t sure if it’s from Will’s admission or because he feels so god damn good. All she knows is that she hasn’t allowed herself to feel like this, to feel satisfied, in ages. She has punished herself for years and she decided she was done. It was time to surrender and take everything this man was willing to give.
“I’ve missed you, too.” Will doesn’t miss the crack in her voice as she says it. He kisses her fervently and sneaks his hands between them, massaging her clit with the pads of his fingers. “Want you— fuck,” He pants. “..need you to cum for me, Vivvy.”
The moans and cries that flow from Gen’s mouth as she climaxes are music to Will’s ears. He watches her face twist in pleasure and rubs his hands up and down her thighs as they shake. Her pussy clenches around him and he knows he’s not far behind. 
Will takes both of her hands and places them above her head. Instinctively, Gen wraps her legs around him and pushes him in deeper. He grinds into her and pulls all the way out, then slams back in. He repeats this a few more times and picks up his pace. Both of their moans fill the room. Will buries his face in Gen’s neck, sucking on the flesh as his orgasm approaches quickly. 
Gen can feel his thrusts get sloppy and by his whining pants in her ear, she knows he’s about to cum. The barrier breaks as she raises her hips to meet his. He cries out and sinks his teeth into the flesh of her neck, grunting and groaning as he stills inside her. She can feel the muscles of his stomach tense as he collapses on top of her. 
Will releases her hands and she scratches her nails up and down his back. He brings his hand to the top of her head and plays with her hair, the other caressing her cheek. She smiles and strains her neck to look at him, kissing the vein on the side of his head. 
“Are you just going to stay there forever?” She questions, poking him in the side. 
“Hmm.. don’t tempt me.” He mumbles into her neck and she laughs. She pokes him again and he squirms but doesn’t budge. “Willllll!” Gen whines playfully. “You’re suffocating me and I have to pee.” 
Will pops up suddenly. “Fine! I will let you up. On one condition.” 
Gen narrows her eyes at him and smiles. “And what is that?” 
“Will you stay here with me tonight?” 
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part five
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sadlybeans · 1 month
No More Batman AU Part 4: The Prodigal Son
AO3 Link || Part 1, 2 & 3
Dick could pretend all he wanted and play at being a strong, reliable hero, but he wasn’t.
Nightwing had become a beacon of what any new member of the Justice League could aspire to be, standing next to the founding members after winning his own place and not as a replacement to Batman after his retirement. He had worked hard to be the person everyone could rely on, and in turn he had won many wonderful friends that would undoubtedly give everything for him if he just asked— But Dick Grayson? Dick Grayson was a coward.
Dick Grayson was scared to death every day when he didn’t have his siblings in sight, anxiety building up on his chest until he could call or visit to see them, make sure they were safe, they were home, they were alive. He had lost every drop of courage the day he returned home only to be told his little brother had been killed. There wasn’t a single day since those news that he didn’t feel fear, even if he knew his little siblings were strong and capable on their own.
But… well. He wasn’t sure if he was afraid for Damian, or of what he could do.
Dick had started his vigilante career as a child of all of nine years old when his rage was too much to contain and Bruce had lost every battle to keep him home. He had trained with and against many people and he had grown so much that it was said he had long ago surpassed Batman, and yet— yet he felt that Damian was almost, just almost, as good as him.
Damian, the fifteen year old child that had just been dropped on their doorstep a couple months ago. Damian, who refused to acknowledge their presence most days, who swore in expletives that scandalised even Alfred, and who was a trained and seasoned assassin. Damian, who could heal inhumanely fast, who could see in the dark and move without sound, and who had broken Tim’s arm in three with two strikes too fast for any of them to stop.
He was just a kid who shouldn’t have been in their business -much like none of Dick’s siblings should be- yet he was proficient in many of Bruce’s and Dick’s techniques, and he was unfairly fast in learning amidst a fight… Dick had tried setting him up against Cass, and had thought it worked for a moment… until he learnt to use her own moves and set them equally until they were both exhausted. He had mopped the floors with Tim and Steph, and then almost defeated Dick all in a row.
When Tim had asked sarcastically if that was all he had, Damian had frowned as he opened and closed his fist.
“I’m still adjusting to fight without weapons”
A frightening phrase that had made them all fall silent, and then he had to ask cautiously if he’d like to spar with wooden swords. He could’ve sworn Damian almost brightened to that suggestion, but it was such a quick expression he couldn’t be sure. He then picked a katana and won. Against everyone.
And so, after an entire week of testing, they sat in the batcave and Bruce took a deep breath as he stared at all his children, and Dick for once didn’t know how to feel knowing that there was absolutely no excuse to not let Damian out onto the field.
“It’s… clear that your mother trained you well” he started.
“She didn’t” Damian interrupted immediately “Mother had tutors for me, but baba made me better“
Dick mentally filed another tick for concern on his thoughts about Damian’s mysterious baba.
“Right” B cleared his throat “your baba trained you well, I admit that you’re strong enough— But!” the boy scowled and he continued “Things here are not like you’re used to and….”
“I’ve been told on your family’s stand on killing. It’s stupid, but I’m willing to play along” he grunted reluctantly.
Bruce stared at him, and so did Tim and Dick, but there was no trace of deceit in him. For all his intensity and temper, he wasn’t really the type to lie as they had learnt, so Dick was inclined to believe him this time.
“… Very well. You can’t be Robin”
“You have said that already” Damian rolled his eyes “I’ll take another name”
That is certainly not the point, and none of them were comfortable with him being out there when they didn’t even know why he wanted to.
Things in Gotham had gone downhill when Jason died, and when Batman was put into the case that stood next to Robin, it was up to everyone else to keep the order in the city. They’d done a good job of keeping up the illusion, of pretending Batman still existed, but those who knew him well knew the truth… Joker hadn’t escaped in ten years, not since a week after Jay died and Nightwing beat him half to death before tossing him in Arkham. But now the asylum was on high alert, and a certain clown was said to be in a good mood after those photos of Robin were leaked.
The news had exploded and the topic was trending online, hence why Damian was actually needed despite their reluctance; he was the only one that fit the build and size, and who could also perfectly replicate Jason’s body language as terrifyingly confirmed by the photos and footage. They didn’t look that much alike and Damian’s skin was darker, but the pictures were taken at night and from far off, nobody could spot the difference unless he was close enough and standing still.
“Can you promise that you’ll be careful and follow Dick’s rules?”
The boy frowned.
“I’m not a child, I know what to do”
“We already discussed this, it’s my way or nothing”
“… Fine, I promise” he said in a grunt, crossing his arms across his chest. “Any other ridiculous demands?”
“You never patrol alone, ever” Bruce held up a hand before he could protest “that’s a rule all of them follow, not only you”
He didn’t look any more happy but nodded.
“And one last thing… you’re going to need to learn the ropes of how this works, and Dick can’t supervise you all the time. For obvious reasons, I don’t believe anybody else is qualified to supervise you, so after talking it through with Clark… Superboy is going to be your partner whenever Nightwing is not available”
Damian didn’t say anything, no immediate explosion of anger, nothing. They all waited with baited breath as he just stared at Bruce.
“He’s a child” he finally replied, with actual bafflement in his voice.
“Jon is thirteen, yes, but he’s been in the business for longer than you, and he’s kryptonian. It’s safer”
“So I don’t kill him”
“Safer for both of you”
“No, you really just want to prevent me from killing him because I don’t have access to kryptonite at the moment”
“I… Like to believe you would not attempt to kill a child”
Damian shook his head in disbelief and Tim pushed past Dick.
“Are you serious, B!? Jon’s way too good for him, it’s not safe! Why not— hell, if you want him to be supervised by a kryptonian then Kon might be able to!”
Bruce sighed deeply.
“Supernova is as busy as you are, son. And there is an undeniable advantage on Damian being around a boy his own age, it will raise less suspicion”
“B, this is madness!”
“I don’t think this is a good idea….”
Slowly they all started to argue and Bruce tried to appease Steph, Tim and Duke, with Cass staying silently frowning in the background and Dick letting himself fall seated on the chair next to the computer, exhausted both physically and mentally. Damian didn’t look too upset but he was definitely over the whole conversation and completely tuned it out, moving through a couple sword forms with his wooden katana. God… when had things fallen apart this bad?
A phone rang in the silence and Damian turned his head towards the computer, where his burner phone rested. Dick’s eyes widened and slowly the discussion died down as the teen crossed the room and picked it up, looking down at the screen for a second before he answered it.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, you ungrateful little brat!?”
Dick fully winced at the furious voice that hollered at the other side, audible in the sudden dead silence of the cave. Damian looked wholly unimpressed, and he wasn’t sure if to think that was stupid or brave.
“I’m fitting in, like you said I should. Wayne has agreed to let me patrol with them”
Damian please, don’t you have any self preservation instincts? Why are you talking to your father like this? Damian, I beg you—
“If you so much as step a single foot out on the streets on patrol I WILL DRAG YOU BACK kicking and screaming if I have to!”
“You have no idea of—! … What?”
Damian’s lips turned into a smug smirk and Dick gaped at him.
“I said ok. You can come drag me back inside the house”
Oh, this sneaky little brat… It was such a simple trap but it worked. This mysterious “baba” of his obviously wanted nothing to do with the bats -so far their leading theory was that he didn’t want to risk getting arrested-, which was why he couldn’t check on Damian personally, but if the boy did something so reckless that he wouldn’t approve of, something he knew only he would be able to stop… then he had no choice but to come to Gotham and set him straight.
“Damian Al-Ghul, you know exactly why I don’t want you out playing superhero” the man hissed in a low dangerous tone.
“I know” the teen agreed calmly “and it’s not going to stop me. I didn’t want you to go either and you didn’t listen to me”
“I’m the adult in this relationship you little shit, you don’t get to make demands”
“Well you gave me away so it’s not up to you anymore!” And he hung up. He turned off the phone and turned away to stare directly at Bruce. “When can I go out, then?”
Fuck…. Dick seriously needed a drink.
Robbing a store in Gotham was frighteningly easy, as long as you didn’t run across a very pissed off owner or a vigilante. But hey, Mark was very sure that none of the Bats patrolled that area at that hour, giving him a window of time to act and leave silently without anybody being disturbed.
After emptying the safe and putting a few semi valuable items in his backpack he sighed and turned around towards the door, and nearly had a heart attack right there and then, a strangled yelp coming out of his mouth. There was… god, that was a new one!
The figure was perched atop a car at the other side of the narrow street, crouched and staring directly into him through the soulless white eyes. They wore a black hood that obscured most of their face, but the bat cowl they wore was still visible and the ears poked out of it, easily making them identifiable. The rest of the suit was mostly black and red, with a somewhat childish touch on it that gave it a creepy vibe; the chunky boots of a bright red that matched the knee and elbow pads, the crimson palms of the black gloves, and the bright bat on their chest. Something about this miniature Batman reminded Mark of… of Robin, whose pictures had been supposedly taken not long ago.
Fuck, no, it couldn’t be him! Robin had died ten years ago, this was impossible—
The figure stood from his crouch and jumped down to the pavement to start making his way over, and Mark screamed in terror.
New Vigilante in Gotham! Could This Be Robin!?
Dick folded the newspaper and sighed, looking up to the many screens of the computer again. The media had been in a frenzy the entire week, and the internet was blowing up even more. Hardcore fans had dug up every single video and photo they had of Robin from ten years ago and were comparing them side to side with little Batman, and incredibly… they were thoroughly convinced that they were one and the same, which had sparked an avalanche of theories as to how had he come back from the dead, and why so late. If any of them had been skeptical about Damian’s ability to imitate Jason, then their doubts had been eliminated— hell, he could do it so well that he had added details not even Dick or Bruce could remember until they rewatched old footage to compare.
In just his first night the new Batman had turned the city upside down, and so far after a week of continuous work, he seemed to be doing just fine… which was why now, Bruce wanted them to focus on finding that mysterious ‘baba’.
Damian was still not aware of their active investigation, but either way they had found absolutely nothing, not even Babs had managed to dug up any evidence or record, and it didn’t help that the info they had was severely limited to little facts the youngest Wayne dropped here and there.
“I don’t think we’ll find shit” Tim declared next to him, grumpily staring at the nth file they had on the League of Assassins. “We don’t even know what this man looks like”
Dick let out a long sigh and leaned back on his chair as another article popped up on screen, one mentioning the date of Robin’s death, and a vague memory popped up in his head.
“Hey Timmy, do you remember I told you about that kid I ran into at the faire?” he asked quietly as he straightened back up.
“Yeah, the rude little shit that didn’t even say thank you”
“…. I think that was Damian”
Tim finally looked up and frowned.
Dick nodded as he turned to look at him with wide eyes, now remembering clearly.
“He was wearing sunglasses so I didn’t see his eyes, but the skintone and face shape is the same, and he was wearing his black hoodie that day, I’m a hundred percent positive it was him”
And come on, the way he talked was a dead giveaway too.
“Dick, why is this relevant?” his poor little brother asked in annoyance.
“Because I saw his dad too!” he declared triumphantly at last, grinning like a mad man, before he turned to the computer and started typing frantically “I couldn’t see his face either, he wore sunglasses and a mask, but he was tall— hell, I think he’s taller and broader than Bruce. And he— he had white hair, I remember I saw white hair beneath his hood”
Tim scrunched up his nose.
“He’s old….? But that can’t be, his voice sounds way too young… dyed hair?”
“Possibly. It would make sense if he doesn’t want to be recognised”
It was a small trail, but a trail nonetheless. With those small identifiers they could check across the security feed of thousands of cameras in Gotham, and narrow the search to big tall men with white hair that had been spotted around the time Damian arrived and right before it. If they clocked a single glampse on him from one of those, they could follow the lead until it brought them to his doorstep. The man was good at hiding, they had to admit, but they weren’t the world’s greatest detectives for nothing.
Before they could truly start digging on the new lead properly, one of the screens was overaken by Babs.
“Sorry to crash your party boys, but I think you should clock in early today— I just got an alert on East End for way too many gunshots. Mini Batman is requesting to go out”
“I’m not a mini anything, Gordon” Damian called from the stairs, where he was walking down followed by a silent Cass.
Babs completely ignored him and Dick frowned.
“I don’t think it’s wise to bring you to a possible gang war, Damian”
The fifteen year old raised an eyebrow at him.
“Should I remind you that of anybody in this room, I have performed best the entire week?” he replied dryly.
Dick frowned but Cass surprised them by raising her hand to interrupt.
“We need all the help. Batman will play nice”
They glanced at Damian, who rolled his eyes but nodded in accordance to their sister. Well then… time to work.
What they found in East End was not a gang war in fact, but clowns… Joker’s thugs. While Joker himself hadn’t stepped out of Arkham since Dick last tossed him in ten years ago, his clowns usually came back every few months to remind Gotham they still existed, that Joker could come back every time… It didn’t seem like he had escaped, not yet at least; when and if he did, he would definitely try to make it memorable for ‘little Robin’. At the very least, it meant there was no rogue running rampant and the cleanup was dealt with almost completely smoothly—
That is, until Damian was snatched mid air by the tall and imposing figure of a man, grabbed by the collar of his cape like a kitten as he kicked to struggle to get free.
Dick -or well, Nightwing- turned to attack and then stopped in his tracks. That man was big, definitely bigger than Bruce was now, with a shock of white hair amidst black and his face covered by both a domino and a red metallic mask over his nose and mouth. None of them heard him move near them, despite the fact he was not a few steps away… he had managed to sneak up on all the bats, he could’ve done anything before they even relised he was present.
“I warned you, and you didn’t listen” the robotic voice came from the mask and its modulator “You’re fucking grounded, you little piece of shit”
Damian twisted to kick him in the chest despite being held up in the air, although the man didn’t even react or move at being hit. The boy wasn’t upset though, grinning as if he’d just won their little spat, which in a way he had.
“Hi, baba” he said innocently “you look really nice tonight”
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xx-blueboy-xx · 20 days
Oooooh Gabriel’s guide to Sam Winchester I must know 🥺
WIP Ask Game!
The title is a reference to "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" - and there is a reason for it!
Here is a little synopsis of the fic I have:
Gabriel, in a last ditch effort to save his life - goes careening through space and time. Searching for his one and only: Sam Winchester.
He really should have told the hunter about his feelings, before he went off and nearly died. Now, he is stuck jumping through universes and alternate-timelines, until he manages to discover the soul his own was anchored too.
So: basically, the plot is season-13 divergent where as Gabriel is being stabbed by Alt!Michael he tries and does his "fake death" trick but due to a lack of grace (and Alt!Michael's doing) something goes awry. Anddd, so, instead of ending back with OG!Sam in the bunker in the OG!Supernaturalverse he crash lands himself straight into an AU!
The fic follows him hopping between universes as he attempts to track down his Sam - meeting a bunch of AU!Sams along the way! And each chapter is titled realted to something he knows about Sam/learns what is different about the AU!Sams he meets! (and are numbered like a list)
I was planning on finishing it for GBB but, life happened and I didn't get around to it + had to drop out due to a lack of time. It is currently sitting at about 23k words with 4 complete chapters!!
Which are, because i genuinely love this fic and I will finish it someday (there is 2-3 more chapters I have planned and a lit of editing)
1. Sam Winchester is Not A Coward
- which is taking place in the world where Dean visted during his jinn dream! Lawyer!Sam who because of OG!Dean's visit entire timeline was set astray... (so the supernatural still exist in this world he just didn't know about it obv - because all the ppl they saved died)
2. Sam Would Die For Dean
- this is also taking place with Lawyer!Sam
3. Sam Likes Two Spoonful of Sugar in his Coffee
- in this one Gabriel meets a coffee-shop no real monsters Sam! Who is a huge fan of the books "Supernatural" (but they feature the Ghostfacers as the two brothers)
4. Sam Winchester is Warm
- Still with coffee-shop Sam! And it features Gabriel meeting his own alternative (who is basically just Richard Slieght)
5. Sam Winchester is Not An Evil Son of A Bitch
- the unstarted chapter but !! It's BoyKing!Sam :) and Gabriel meets his own alternative from this world too!
6. Sam Is Perfectly & Beautifully Human
- Gabe ends up in a Reverse!verse and meets angel!sam and hunter!gabe (unstarted only plotted)
7. Sam Is A Survivor
- Sam is dead. That's it. That's the world. (plotted only)
8. Sam Is Everything
- Gabe finally makes it home!!! 🎉 To his Sam!
I am like spoiling the whole thing but it has veen a while since I touched it so, jt's nice to explore it again/think about it once more. Life just got soooo busy when I was working on it.
Anyways! Have an excerpt because, well, I have a lack of self control!!
(From Chapter 4, the last few hundred words of the WIP)
“I don't owe a traitor anything. All you need to know, dearest little brother: is that you are never getting home. And that I am tired of being nice. I tried my best to give you a happy ending. But, perhaps, I should show you one of the bad endings, hm? Maybe that will make you appreciate my gifts more.”
“Bastard! You know over the millennia, you would think someone would have managed to remove that stick from your ass!” he screams at nothing hearing his own voice echo off the walls, and spiral down the staircase: his true voice is leaking through a bit as well. Ever since Asmodnoues he hasn’t had such good control over it as he used to. Having spent hundreds of years in a vessel had made him a master of control. He doesn’t receive an answer to his quip, feeling the world tilt before it swirls. Melting around him, the walls and ceiling dripping. Feeling as if he is being thrown by an invisible hand he finds himself stumbling into an entirely new environment. His vision swims and he feels his grace flare out around him defensively only for it to be - locked. Not gone. But locked inside of his body. He feels shackles around his wrists and his blazing golden eyes snap to them. There are Enochian runes carved into strange flickering-smokey bracelets. They vanish, but their effect is as strong as ever.
He has been bound. To what, or who, well that’s to be seen. Gabriel flares his wings out feeling them stir the air around him from their incorporeal state. He doesn’t fly. His shoulders slump in defeat and he finally starts to take in where he is. In some kind of grand throne room.. It looks nicer than it had in a long time, there is a strange familiar touch to the layout. Every ruler of Hell loved to reshape the place. Large black-marble columns, very Greek in style around him lining the long-hall. Beneath his feet a plush red carpet was rolled all the way to the base of a massive throne, carved from bone. Human skulls line the top of the throne, placed delicately upon spikes, hollow eye sockets glaring with small red-burning fires in them.
The archangel feels like he has lost the ability to process as his gaze first finds the shining black-dress shoes upon the man sitting in the throne. Gabriel’s eyes reveal the long-blue tail whipping behind him, deep-red spikes lining it, and he can see carefully folded leathery-wings behind his back, the spiked tips blood red while the wings themselves fade from black into a navy blue. Two long-horns protrude from the man’s head of wavy-brown locks spiraling straight up in spires. On earth, these kinds of things would be unseen on the vessel. But not in Hell. Blazing yellow eyes glow as they take in the sight of the archangel, who finally processes the face that bares the sharp-toothed grin being sent his way.
“Well, well. Look what the cat dragged in?”
The Boy King, steps down from the throne of Hell.
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ravenadottir · 11 months
i started playing season 6, and i've got shit to say for the half of dozen people that are still following me in this cobweb infested blog (i apologize, i'll be explaining what's happening on a different post)
i'm only on day 2 of the season, right when it's announced that roberto is coming (which is so disappointing to me that he isn't brazilian but portuguese, like... WHEN ARE WE GETTING A GOOD BRAZILIAN CHARACTER????)
anyway, here are my thoughts:
i actually didn't see much of a problem with it so far. it feels on par with similar conversations we had in the past, except this time we're getting to know them a little deeper than, say, season 3.
knowing bella's family situation or roberto's is kind of refreshing because we barely learned bobby had a sister on a throwaway scene on s2, so... yeah, it's ok.
i like how they express themselves because as an litg player, i'm used to some eloquence, but as someone who sometimes watches the show i HAVE to suspend my disbelief since i know islanders from the show are just... NOT GOOD AT EXPRESSING THEMSELVES, to say the least.
i like the conversations we had so far, it felt fluid and fun, but then again i've only coupled up with jamal, because obviousoly i did, who would i go for, fucking ryan? WAKE UP.
the challenges piled up but because of how many dialogues we had in this little time i think it worked pretty well.
grace - girl, it's been a day and ozzy is not even that hot. HAVE YOU SEEN YOURSELF? he's punching, not you. chill. (and i hate they're giving the intensity they gave hope here, feels bitterly familiar and they better fucking knock it off).
bella - FINALLY a girl i like who's available and slutty (affectionate) since the beginning. i absolutely think bella might be right there with talia when it comes to arc as an LI, but we'll see. if anyone dares stealing her or if fusebox even make the slight suggestion of a slowburn i'm burning their HQ idc
ivy - alright i see you bootleg marisol, but i don't give a shit, you're annoying, die in a hole.
amelia - i think she's putting a front and deflecting the negative attention to ivy but that's just me. also, the twist of the public choosing who she should couple up with before she could tell us is extremely dumb and unnecessary, but also a reason for her to say a different name later, maintaining her image of good sister. i don't trust her, i WILL step on her head to the finale, die in a pit you're also annoying.
jamal - i like the attention but everything with moderation gives me way more tingles than a crybaby that can't stop talking about how he wants to be with me again. we were coupled up for a few hours and only had one conversation, chill bitch. it's giving ted mosby and every himym fan knows how bad that is. i'm not sure if every guy that the public chooses to be with amelia on night 1 acts the same, but i'm slightly turned off. it's too much boy, calm down, i'm here to be a slut, calm down.
ryan - get a haircut or let it grow because looking twelve and the coolest lesbian at the same time is not the look for you. its giving hipster with a chemistry kit at the local café.. also, either you're the douchey musician or a bad poet, you can't be both, PICK A STRUGGLE.
lewie - the impersonation of being stuck in traffic. i don't care for you, die in the same hole as ivy and amelia.
ozzy - fucking pulling the noah, man. i've seen this before and i'm not interested. stop being such a coward and tell grace how you feel. i know for a fact you're gonna be drama and it's because you refuse to be honest. it's so embarrassing, bestie.
roberto - HOT. i only saw the preview but i'm excited.
it's great. i think it was kind of weird how fast and furious it was with some previous seasons (remember the last season i played was 3 and half of 4 {it was soooo tedious i gave up half way through}) but i think so far it's ok. it definitely has better cliffhangers than other times when they thought they tried their darnedest.
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there's no fucking way they thought these were worth diamonds. and 22 diamonds for that frufru purple shit??? it looks like something who doesn't sew would put together with a hot glue gun, stop.
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ivy i might kill you like they kill one of those vampires at the end of the twilight saga, by opening your mouth so wide it cracks off your skull. SHUT - UP.
and amelia... you're irrelevant, get out.
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BUDDY, YOU'RE THE MOUTHPIECE OF THE GROUP NOW, HOLY SHIT. grace has me on my knees, i can't.-
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bitch, we did! i kissed you in the challenge. EXCUSE YOUR BEAUTIFUL SELF! (also, for the breasts appreciators, i feel you, boobs are great, really! but like, those... two... lines... coming out of the bikini???? yeah, that is actually what gets me. you didn't need to know but i told you anyway, because i'm happy bella is hot and cool and i don't know how to shut up when i'm love, leave me alone!) whoever designed her knew EXACTLY what they were doing.
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i'll give ryan some cool points because 1, he burned ivy in front of everyone, and 2, he admitted and owned up to it. good for you, bestie, good luck when you take a trip to the hair salon and get rid of that... hair. also, STOP SKIPPING LEG DAY BUDDY. from the waist up it's giving "abs, hot, i go to the gym", from the waist down is giving "i'm twelve and there's a reason i go to the beach in pants".
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bella and grace looking naked and glamorous but feeling threatened by this ugly ass dress is the funniest joke in the writing so far. truly. i've had mermaid costumes at 4 years of age less embarrassing than this atrocity. stop lying, bella and grace, YOU'RE BOTH NAKED AND PERFECT.
and that's what i have to say so far. i'll continue playing this season until they inevitably fuck up. i'm not being pessimistic, i'm just... well, i guess i am. but i have no reason to believe otherwise.
also, i keep forgetting ozzy is here even though it's been a day. idk why.
anyways, i'll come back with more litg brain rot in a bit.
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Yeah so I'm an Amber apologist until the day I die.
I do think there's potentially a minor writing hiccup but I'm gonna set things out as best I can from my understanding.
What a lot of people don't pick up on, and what the show tries to convey in episode 5, is that Mark has been a phenomenally shitty boyfriend to Amber. We only see a few brief snippets of him cancelling some dinner plans, but this has been a constant, unfaltering issue for 3 months. 'He's late, he doesn't show, and he always has some shitty excuse.' From Amber's point of view, it wouldn't be unreasonable for her to think she means nothing to him.
But she recognises that the situation is complex, and she cares about him, and she sees that he IS trying, if not enough. So she gives him second chance after second chance. Honestly far longer than she should have done.
But yeah, their relationship is on the ROCKS for a LONG time. But since we see Mark superheroing throughout most of that, we can't put ourselves in her shoes.
So then, flash forward to Upstate U and the reveal. My controversial theory, but the one I think most makes sense in terms of writing, is that Amber didn't know Mark was Invincible until he tells her.
Amber is visibly startled when she sees Mark flying in her room. Granted she would be even if she knew, but it leans more to her not knowing than the contrary.
Amber does not know who Invincible is at Upstate U, and she never refers to him by name in the confrontation: 'I know you're a superhero', 'fly away, flyboy'. If she had known 'weeks beforehand' a cursory google would have been likely. She would be more likely to refer to him by name.
Amber is very intelligent, she's quick-witted, she's an expert at putting up walls as a defence mechanism and she hates being lied to. She would be capable of concealing her surprise, and wouldn't want to lose control in the conversation, but honestly she doesn't have to. Because her reaction seems genuine, even if its less premeditated than she puts on.
Amber goes into that interaction thinking Mark is a liar, a coward, a flake and an asshole. That interaction recontextualises him as a liar, a flake and an asshole. In different ways sure, but the end result is the same. Amber's whole issue is that she doesn't feel valued by Mark, and she's just been told that he was hiding an entire secret life from her because he didn't trust her. Also, Mark is not 'trusting her now': he's using Invincible as a retroactive get out of jail free card for being an asshole for 3-4 months. He frames it in a way that, even if its unintentional on his part, makes her out to be small, and petty, and irrational: 'because im out saving lives or protecting the planet.' It sounds like he's blaming her for being mad at him, and he's SO SURE she'll forgive him everything in that moment. She doesn't want to let him off the hook for being shitty, and Mark's behaviour isn't helping. This is supposed to convey that the way he treated her isn't ok even if he was a superhero, and he shouldn't expect it to be.
And she isn't happy about being angry with him! The scene ends with her looking pensive, conflicted, because the walls she put up in that scene do not reflect her character! She goes back to Mark to make sure he's alright, because she sees his actions in a different light, and bear in mind, at this point, Mark is still viewed by the public as someone who played a pretty substantial role in killing around 50,000 people at a guess. She's not going back to him because he's a hero now. He's public enemy number 2. That is an INCREDIBLE amount of integrity and dedication, traits she's displayed repeatedly throughout the season through her grassroots support of local communities.
William literally says in his pep talk to Mark:
'But you were a shitty boyfriend to Amber and you got what you deserved'. This is Mark's number 1 fan. Laying it out in front of us.
And last, but of course, not least,
Guys she's fucking seventeen cut her some slack jesus christ she's not a calculator
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Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 4 Initial Reactions
At last I am done and I can live in peace!
He brought a plant for her to enjoy indoors! This is the way to introduce a partner to your interests!
No Portia do not meddle leave the poor people alone.
Lady Arnold really said boy I do not need you to be cute I need you in bed bahahah
They're training a cute Pomeranian tricks!
"With much practice anything is possible" has the same energy as "Through incredible amounts of violence anything is possible"
OMG the caller isnt the Lord Samadani but best boy John!! Not Eloise hiding!
Francesca looks ready to eat him up!!
He is an Earl y'all! He's above a Viscount but below a Marquess! Like damn!
This scene is giving "woman on first date feels like she could spend whole life in uncomfortable silence with this man".
All these yappers are so confused about how happy they are/ Let them simply vibe within their auras!
John you're so good mannered! Best boy right here.
Penelope's dress looks like a princess dress it has a purple mist of fabric 10/10.
Portia stop perpetuating these ideas. No wonder your kids didn't know how to have sex!
You cannot make me feel bad for Cressida, nooo, stop
Okay Debling is such a green flag he doesn't belittle her interests and makes them equal to his own!
Ooh flirting by proxy!
Colin being so confused and horny that he goes back to have sex about it rather than discuss it. What a healthy strategy.
The Kilmarten's being reserved sounds just like the right place for "I don't like attention" Fran
Fran really expressing herself here!
"No I am not interested in him" bb girl your skirts are on fire
This Eloise- Cressida meeting is giving forbidden lesbian romance.
Lord Cowper can leave out of a window.
Not the 19th century frat boy speak -.-
Colin doesn't kiss and tell, good boy.
Portia stop thinking of yourself for once!
I know Portia is self-centered but she is right that Security is very important. This is an era where upper class ladies are kept from even learning how to cook and do basic house chores so without husbands this is a hard life to have.
Colin Angst!
Violet having an honest discussion about Colin's people pleasing nature is A+ parenting.
Violet you minx telling him about Penelope's potential engagement. She said I want a ginger daughter in law.
Queen Charlotte's wig! Girly you are wearing litcheral art!
Violet is nervous for the drama!
Flirting with Lady Danbury's brother and getting the lore!
The widowers moment was so emotional and beautiful I’m glad she has someone to chat with.
Lady Danbury what past life is haunting you??
Omg the lighting, the location, the framing, the outfits. This Eloise-Cressida scene looks like a romantic scene. Give me a lesbian love story you cowards!!
Give us a rebellious Romeo-Juliet story here. It would be a nice reward.
RIP Cressida you are about to be infodumped.
They speak in silence swoon.
John! I told y'all he is best boy he got her gift engaged with Fran’s special interest.
Fran said I have found my husband why waste time here any longer byees.
"She is not drinking the lemonade" was delivered with so much concern lol.
These two are actually a fun seeming couple,  more of the Featherington couples!
Bad SexEd strikes again!
Colin: out of my way gay boys I'm about to get it!
He cut into the dance! The way everyone is watching this!
Debling is asking all of the right questions! He is speaking in fax I am so sorry Pen but marrying a man while pining for another is not right missy.
This was the politest break up.
Francesca looks so happy.
Carriage scene
I did not write much as the scene was quite captivating but damn' this was such a long episode how was it 2 hours long?
Also Local man finger fucks long time friend in carriage and decides they must be married at once.
Okay finally done editing these! Hope you enjoyed! I feel I must now re-read romancing Mr. Bridgerton while waiting for part II.
Nicola really gave such an amazing performance in the carriage scene because I could feel her apprehension, shock, fear, worry, excitement, and desperation the entire time. It was chefs kiss. Same to Luke hats off to him for giving some of the most memorable moments.
I think this episode tried to fix the Bridgerton issue where they have too many speaking scenes on after another like in the Season 2 finale so I am liking the pacing and such! I hope y'all have fun.
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vennyvenadito · 1 year
I would say it
What they did to Chloe is not justice or karma
What the writers did to her is cruel and disgusting
Sure, she is a bully and a spoiled brat, what she did need to face consequences for that
But this…is just…I don’t have the words to say it
The fact that Andre don’t face any consequences for his actions and also as a reward he now has a new kid to raise its piss me off
That man is not innocent, he did not deserve this pathetic excuse of redemption arc
It also make me sick how people are celebrating this, even saying she deserves this and how they were right all this time about her been an “irredimible monster” and even saying Andre was a caring father to her
Caring father my ass, he is pathetic, an hypocrite, a man child and an coward
Are you telling me the man who raised that child to be an spoiled and mean person is now the victim???
“B-But his dreams to be a movie director where crushed because he become a mayor to impress Audrey and then Chloe came and and-“
Please….SHUT UP!!!
This is NOT Chloe’s fault, no child should be blamed for the parents decisions and actions
And despide her attitude and her actions, you liked or not, she is still an abused child
I’m sick of this “if you are an abused child but you behavior is awful then your as bad and even worst than your abusers”
What is this “perfect victim” thing going on in this show???
“But Mylene was abandoned by her mom and she is not-“
Shut up
“But Zoe-“
I said shut up
No every person reacts to trauma the same way, everyone reacts different
So please, stop doin that
Stop blaming the kid for being abused and not behave as the “poor and perfect victim 🥺”
And also
Can you guys stop blaming Adrien for not telling Mari that he was gonna live Paris??!!
May I remind you he is son of Gabriel Friking Agreste!!!!???
And also stop blaming him for not standing up, this is not his fault, he is a kid under his father’s control
And sadly I really can’t see any moment he would do it because the show want him to be just a trophy for Mari
Just a damsel in distress for our protagonist because this show forget the title of the series “Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and CHAT NOIR”
And Miss Bustier, Damocles and every fucking adult of this show….all you guys sucks!
How the heck you let a child to be the mayor in the first place!!??You guys should know better!
No one did shit to help Chloe, all you did is just “am Chloe please don’t be mean, you have to be nice uwu”
You really tough this was gonna work??
No even you Marinette, you just told her to vibe with her shitty mom because they are both “mean”, no shit why didn’t she change for the better
But you know what, I’m not goin to blame Mari on this, because this is not her job, she is a kid as well, is the grow ass adults job
What this show built up in season 2 was pointless, because why give us a redemption arc for Chloe, why give her deep, why make her sympathetic, why make her the Bee holder if this wasn’t going anywhere??
I hate season 5, I take it back what I say about season 3 and 4, this is by far the worst season of the series in my opinion
That’s all folks
Deer out 🦌
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magnoliabutters · 1 year
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pairing: eddie munson x steve harrington
summary: the munson-harrington friendship gets a tad bit more complicated.
warnings: 18+ content, mdni, adult language; st spoilers; ptsd-related nightmares, first kiss, fluffy fluff, smutty smutty, oral, etc.
word count: ~5.7k
support your writer: reblogs for the steddie boys 🤤
note: my dear staffi, your 1k is 1k% well deserved. i could think of nothing better than to honor @seidenbros with a steddie smut fic. this is inspired by my homie @steveshairychest post and miss staffi's thoughts, as well as the nightmares mentioned in her beautiful steddie post. this story is set in a cannon divergent universe post season 4’s events. i hope you like it! also i will say there’s a lot of back and forth so i hope it’s not too too confusing 🥹 there’s also a narrator type of feel in there, idk my adhd brain’s like mad scattered so good luck?
prompts included: (1) scars tell the story of where we’ve been, they are a part of us, and you show that to your loved one with kissing all of their scars, (2) “you taste like heaven, and I can’t get enough,” & (3) “will you stop talking, or do I have to make you shut up?”
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He will never forget that red thundering sky.
The sounds crash above him. His instinct is to look up, but he keeps his eyes focused as the demobats spiral around him. His grip tightens onto his shield. He knows he is going to die. He knew that when he decided against going through the portal in his living room. When he walked away from Dustin’s screaming pleas. He wanted to be a coward no more. He would need to die to ensure the party’s safety - his safety. He is fine with this. He honestly could not think of a better way to go. He just prays it will be quick.
He watches as the bats seem to alter their flying at the sound of each clap of thunder. His mind begins reeling. What can he do to use this information against them? He feels the fear bubble up through his chest. He yells out to give himself the bravery he desperately clings onto. He thrusts his spear into the tornado of bats just to be met with their attack. He holds as much as he can back with his shield but they overwhelm him. He falls.
Once recognizing the floor pressed against his back, he knew it was time. It was his time. He uses the shield to cover as much of his body as possible. He feels hot strikes of pain through his shins and thighs. He cannot help but scream as he grips tighter onto his shield’s handle. They are killing him and it is not quick. He feels every single bite. Each bite plays on repeat in his head.
One wraps it’s tail around his throat. He cannot breathe. He quickly digs his nails against his own skin, struggling to put distance between his neck and the tail. Panic hits him like a train. His entire body is in this confusing mixed state of stillness and desperation. He is moving in slow motion, perpetually stuck in death.
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Steve wakes to a thumping sound. His eyes open widely. His body is startled, but swiftly ready for action. Was it happening again? Was Vecna coming? Or was it the demodogs this time? Did they come back? He raises from his bed and continues to listen. He keeps his eyes on his closet, knowing he has a shotgun waiting for him. A gun he purchased back when he found out the truth about Barbara - how close death was. How was he never meant to feel safe in his home again.
He hears a voice. Eddie’s voice. The mental grog from waking up blurs his mind, but Eddie’s voice pulls him through. He remembers that he invited Eddie to stay with him while they both heal and particularly while he is technically still on the lam. As much as his voice calms him, an interesting reaction he notes, it sounds a bit troubled now. He quietly stands from the bed and walks towards his parents’ room - where Eddie was sleeping.
Steve feels worry as he tip-toes down the hallway. He does not want to scare Eddie, but something is wrong. The altruistic side of him would never be able to ignore that, let alone fall back asleep. He hears mumbling again and suddenly a scream. He bursts in the through the door, quickly scanning the room for any threats. He stands above Eddie who wriggles in his sheets. His brows pressing in and out as he mumbles in his sleep.
Part of Steve is clearly concerned. The other part could not help noticing the sleeping beauty below him. His lips supple. His hair thick and incredible. His shirt cut at the shoulders. His biceps on full display. From far, Munson looks scrawny but from where Steve stands, the boy has muscle. Quickly, he pushes those thoughts from his head. His face scrunches as he struggles to ignore the light hearted feeling of letting in that type of thinking.
Steve has only felt this way towards two people in his life, despite the trail of people he has left behind in his high school career. The feeling of his heart being drawn out of his chest. He felt it with Nancy. He feels it again with Eddie. It caught him off guard. Nothing prepares you for a sudden longing of a guy, especially when you pride yourself as a ladies’ man.
Steve felt a brief attraction to Billy Hargrove when he so aggressively beat him in basketball. It definitely had nothing to do with his personality - how could it? But how he pushed against him, with that sweat-filled bare chest. There was a moment where anger and annoyance subsided, and Steve did not mind being pushed around by Hargrove’s strength. Of course, this thought was pushed down deeper than the pits of hell. Especially after he heard what Billy had done to Max and Lucas.
Once Dustin began high school, Eddie became a prominent person in Steve’s life - whether he liked it or not. Dustin loved this guy, compared this guy to Steve. Anger and jealousy fueled his mind anytime “Eddie Munson” was discussed. Yet, when he finally met the man, he felt a spark. Eddie jumped out of nowhere and pressed Steve against the shack’s wall, hard. A hand on his collarbone and a broken bottle dangerously close to his juggler.
Steve initially thought the spark was the fear and adrenaline pushing through his body. He rose his hands to show he wasn’t a threat. Once Dustin started talking, Eddie began to let his guard down, placing space between them. It gave Steve the opportunity to look into those gentle chocolate eyes and see the genuine sincerity and beauty within them. He knew in that moment that every incredible thing Dustin said about Eddie was true. He had to know more. The spark, he now recognizes, turned into a red hot flush to his cheeks…
As another disturbed mumble falls from Eddie’s lips, Steve is pulled from his thoughts and lightly pats Eddie’s shoulder. “Eddie,” he whispers. “Eddie, it’s just a dream.” He continues to mumble, his movements more jagged. “Eddie,” he says louder. He shakes his shoulder and sits on the edge of the bed. He begins to stress, wanting to remove him from this scary state. He shakes a bit harder.
Eddie’s eyes shoot open. His breathing heavies as he grips onto Steve’s shoulder. “Eddie, it’s okay. It’s okay,” Steve soothes. “Where’s Dustin?” he mumbles on as his brows pull together. Eddie struggles to grip onto reality, but he recognizes the mattress and sheets below him. He realizes it is not the upside down’s floor plastered against his back. He pulls his eyes towards Steve’s. “Steve?” he asks out of breath and still panicked.
“Hey, yeah. I think you had a bad dream,” Steve answers as he places his hand upon Eddie’s chest. “You’re safe.” Eddie watches with confused eyes. He feels comfort from Steve’s warmth but still lost in bouncing thoughts between what is real and what is not. His eyes travel towards Steve’s hairy chest and green pajama pants hanging by a draw string. He immediately pulls away and places all his energy on not staring. Steve’s eyes are focused upon his hand. He’s both shocked and overjoyed with his hand’s placement. Ambiguous thoughts flood his mind.
Where Steve has hidden his attraction, even from himself, Eddie has always been straight forward with those he’s closest to. At first, Eddie was not the biggest fan of Steve. He even told him so. Dustin spoke of him at length. Each conversation that surrounded Harrington just reminded him of every conversation he had in school. Everyone spoke of him and his gorgeous hair.
Yet, when Eddie finally had the opportunity to interact with Steve, all that changed. Through the danger, gore, and fear within the weeks filled of Vecna, Eddie felt a burning inside of him. He recognized immediately that Steve was someone special and that he wanted more. He had no care in the world and openly flirted with him any chance he got. He particularly enjoyed the confused looks of the members of his party. Not to mention a shirtless Steve wearing his denim vest? Eddie was done for. So when all that shit was finally done and Steve asked if he wanted to stay at his house, Eddie did not hesitate.
“Thanks,” Eddie says with a shaken tone as he lifts himself from the bed, resting back on his palms. Steve lightly pulls away as his focus has shifted back to concern. He remembers the last time he saw Eddie like this. It was a horrifying sight. He walked up on Dustin cradling Eddie in the darkness of the upside down. Henderson’s tears falling upon Eddie’s lifeless face as blood pooled at the edge of his mouth. They thought he was going to die. But Steve was going to work his damned hardest to make sure that didn’t happen - especially not in front of Dustin.
As gently as he could, Steve flung Eddie over his shoulder and ran into the trailer. He heard a grumble and a wince. Both sounds that burst energy through his body. He was alive. He and Dustin worked together to hoist Eddie through the portal. Nancy and Robin were shortly behind. They both quickly jumped into the roles of doctor as they treated his wounds with bandages and disinfectant. Steve can still hear his screams when they dowsed his injuries with alcohol. Steve wanted nothing more than to run to him in that moment. To comfort him - hold him. Instead, he watched from the corner of the room, gripping tightly onto his chin as he bit his trembling lip.
Eddie’s eyes flick towards Steve. He observes the shift in his face’s expression. His first instinct is to raise his hand to his face, pull him back from whatever thoughts clouded him. He strongly stops the urge, clearing his throat. “Steve,” he says softly. Quickly Steve’s eyes look back into his. “Sorry,” he laughs and pushes his hand through his hair. “It’s okay,” Eddie says softly. “Get lost in your thoughts?” Eddie asks. Steve turns to look at him with a smile. “Something like that,” he replies innocently. “Yeah, that happens to me too,” Eddie nods as he looks down at his hands on his lap.
Steve took that moment to realize that he may have overstayed his welcome. He stands and gestures a goodbye. “Well, I’ll let you get back to bed,” he says as he turns towards the door. Panic rushes through Eddie. He isn’t ready for Steve to leave. “Wait,” he says loudly. “You can stay if you want,” he coyly murmurs.
Steve reaches the door handle and turns back to Eddie. “Are you sure?” he asks. “I’m sure, Harrington,” Eddie reassures with a smile. The devilish smile that Steve has been waiting for. It quickly eases his worry and melts his heart, all at the same time. Most of all, it pulls a big grin upon his face. Eddie has the best smile, whether you would like to admit it or not. And Steve will admit it.
With a failed attempt to not be awkward, Steve sits at the foot of the bed. He rests only a few inches away from Eddie's feet. Eddie stifles a laugh as he watches. "You can sit up here," he chuckles as he pats the bed beside him. Steve laughs at himself. "I wasn't sure what would be weirder," he mutters under his breath. "Hm, I think the sitting at the edge of the bed is weirder," Eddie says with a bit of flare.
Steve shrugs, amused, as he stands and walks over to the other side. Surprisingly, he lays back onto the pillow comfortably and without hesitation. His feet cross in front of him. He intertwines his fingers as they rest upon his stomach. Without looking at him, he gently asks, "Did you wanna talk about it?" Eddie turns towards him and smiles as Steve's eyes remain down. "It's nothing too bad," Eddie tries to downplay. "Just some nightmares after everything that went down."
That was enough to pull Steve's eyes towards Eddie's face. Eddie watched as his sweet honey hazel irises peer into his soul. They were so full of anguish and worry. "But it's okay. It's not that bad, remember?" he tries to reassure. Steve's brows continue to furrow as he watches in sadness. There is a certain twinkle to his eye that Eddie doesn't recognize.
Steve pulls his eyes from Eddie once more. "When I first got dragged into all this, I had nightmares every night for at least 2 months straight," Steve says solemnly. Eddie listens intently, now his turn to worry. "I had a few months of life going back to normal, which - I knew wouldn't last. But then the demodogs showed up-" he shares. "Demodogs?" Eddie asks. His mind immediately screams at him for interrupting. Steve turns back towards him with a small smile. "Yeah, they're like smaller versions of Demogorgens," he answers. "You know about Demogorgens?" Eddie scoffs. "It's what the kids call it - I don't know," he laughs. "Just talk to Henderson. He'll give you the whole run down."
Eddie smiles as his eyes fall upon Steve's. "I'm sorry I interrupted," he murmurs. "What were you saying?" Steve could swear his heart stopped beating for a second. Those sweet eyes give him all the pleasure and all the comfort he could ever want. "After Vecna, the nightmares came back for good. I haven't had a good night sleep since," he weakly laughs. "I wake up to the slightest of sounds and if I manage to get to sleep, I dream about those bats choking the life out of me." Eddie's heart races as he hears Steve's account. He almost forgot that Steve was attacked by the bats too. That he shares the same wounds - physically and mentally.
"I've been dreaming about them too," Eddie sighs as he plays with the blankets. With a deep breath, he plasters a brave smile on his face. "I'm just happy I made it out alive." He places a hesitant hand upon Steve's. "Thanks to you," he whispers under his breath. Steve could not help but blush. He pulls his eyes from Eddie's touch, as if not to bring attention to it. "You would've done it for me," Steve says. Eddie laughs, "I'm not sure I would've been able to do that." Steve joins him in a nervous chuckle. "What do you mean? You wouldn't have come back for me?"
Eddie pats his hand on Steve before holding it against his own laughing abdomen. "I don't think I'd be able to carry you, dude," he tries to say through bursts of laughter. Steve chuckles as he pulls his head back onto the headboard. He smirks and playfully punches Eddie's bicep. "You wouldn't be able to carry me with these muscles?" he scoffs with an eyebrow raised. Eddie smiles at his touch, but quickly wiggles it away. "Maybe I could," Eddie mumbles under his breath with a shrug. Steve grins as he looks back at those gorgeous eyes of his.
"I would have never left you there. No matter what," Steve murmurs with a shake of his head. Eddie pulls the side of his mouth and nods. "I would do the same for you," he whispers. Steve recognizes the sincerity in Eddie's eyes. Eddie enjoys the warmth in Steve's smile. They sit there for a few seconds, which feels like hours. But for the two of them, hours are not enough.
Steve's heart races. He can feel his pulse in his ears. Nerves rush through his extremities. Happiness fills his chest. Eddie feels a pit in his stomach. His muscles tighten as he struggles to remain calm. He is caught off guard by this reaction. He usually only feels this when he's nervous before a show. Luckily for him, the usual adrenaline that follows shortly rides throughout his body. Without a second thought, Eddie slowly leans closer towards Steve. His eyes focus on his supple lips, hoping that this isn't a mistake. Before Steve could even think, he places his hands on Eddie's cheeks and pulls him into a kiss.
Now, this is not your typical first kiss. There is no sweet peck and pulling away to look into each other’s eyes. No. There is a huge fire burning deep within Steve and Eddie. It’s been building for months. And it finally has a way out.
Steve’s hand travels towards Eddie’s ear. He intertwines his fingers within his brunette curls. Eddie bites into the kiss. His neck extended as his body slowly follows. He notes that Steve’s lips are supple and sweet - sweeter than expected. His ringed hand feels cool against Steve’s cheek. The painful longing they both felt now turned into an aggressive match of love.
Eddie’s fingers grasp harshly against Steve’s skin. Steve’s body scoots closer to his, eventually toppling over him. The ends of his soft hair tickling Eddie’s face. The two struggle to gasp for breaths as they crash their tongues against each other. Eddie spreads his legs as Steve leans between them. Steve’s hand rests upon his waist as Eddie ruts his hips up. Steve could feel that bulge against his crotch. He wants nothing more than to…
Steve pulls away with a gasping breath. His eyes dragged from Eddie’s as he slowly begins to lean up from the embrace. Eddie rests frozen in place, completely confused. “I’m sorry,” Steve mutters as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand. He crashes back onto his side of the bed. His head leaning onto the headboard as he tracks his hands down his face. “It’s alright,” Eddie says as he watches Steve out of his peripherals.
“I haven’t done anything like this before,” Steve says as he places his hands on his legs out in front of him. His body language screaming “uncomfortable.” “We don’t have to do anything-” Eddie starts. “But I want to, Eddie, that’s the thing,” Steve says with distress, finally turning to look at the chocolate eyed boy. Eddie sighs as the sides of his mouth curl into a smile.
Steve puts his hands to his own face. “Have you done this before?” he asks, peering out curiously from behind his fingers. Eddie softly laughs at the sight. “Yeah, once or twice,” he murmurs. “Oh god,” Steve says as he drags his hands down his face. “Harrington, it’s okay,” Eddie soothes. “Let’s just take this slow.” Steve sighs in relief as he shakes his head. “I can do slow,” he whispers. “Yeah,” Eddie says as he places a hand to his shoulder. “That way we’ll have a better story to tell our grandkids.”
Steve’s head shoots up, “Hey! That’s not slow!” Eddie bursts into laughter. To the point where his knees are at his chest. His hand at his stomach. Steve can’t help but chuckle alongside him. “I’m kidding, Harrington,” he manages to mumble between laughs. “You are too easy.” Steve smiles as he rolls his eyes.
“Eddie?” Steve asks with a softened tone. Eddie smiles as he directs his attention torwards the god of beauty in front of him. “Do you mind if I sleep here, with you, tonight?” he asks. A tightness balls in his chest. Eddie can’t help but smile larger at his request. “Yes,” he says. Steve immediately beams. “But only if I get one more kiss,” he adds.
Steve bites his lip as he leans in towards Eddie. They both close their eyes as their lips meet in a gentler embrace. Steve pulls back and whispers onto Eddie’s lips. “Good night, Munson.” He turns over and gets under the blankets. The two begin their sleep with their backs to each other. Only to wake up to Eddie resting his head upon Steve’s chest, and Steve’s arm caressing Eddie’s back - pulling him closer.
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Not much has changed for the Harrington-Munson friendship. One month later and a handful of heavy make out sessions to show for it. The biggest change was that neither of them slept alone anymore. Since that first night, they have slept in the same bed. They have slept better than they ever have. They both had no intention of sleeping without each other again.
After a long night of Eddie trying to teach Steve how to play dungeons and dragons, Steve finally was able to suggest saying goodbye to the group. “I’m not at all surprised that you chose a Paladin,” Dustin says with a sheepish laugh as he packs up the dnd game. Eddie smirks from across the table. “Yeah, I still have no idea what that means,” Steve says as he grabs another chip from the designated snack bowl.
“I would’ve thought he’d been a Cleric,” Will shares with a shrug of his shoulders. “Big boy’s got the energy for both. Don’tcha, Harrington?” Eddie says with a tilt of his head. Steve watches his taunting smile with hunger in his eyes. “Still got nothing,” Steve says with his hands thrown up. “We’ll be back next week,” Mike says as he waves for Lucas to stand up. They clearly have somewhere to be.
“Wait, wait, wait,” Steve says as the boys rush to the front door. “Next week?” His face full of confusion. His face squished together in worry. “I thought this was a one time thing?” Eddie smiles, biting on one of his rings, as he softly laughs. He adores the man. “Yeah, we made our characters and next week we play,” Lucas says dumbfounded. “What did you think we were doing here, Steve?” Dustin asks with a chuckle. “I thought we were just making characters. Isn’t that what you guys do?” Steve asks, pushing a hand through his hair and raising his other hand. “Yeah, and then we bring our characters into battle,” Will says sarcastically as he shares an annoyed glance with Mike.
“Okay, okay. Whatever next week,” Steve says, shooing the gang away. Eddie immediately stands and begins to clap his hands. “Let’s go boys,” he yells. “We were just leaving-” Mike whines. “Up-up-up,” Eddie interrupts. Steve smiles as he watches him from the side of his eye. “That doesn’t sound like leaving, Wheeler.” Will laughs and quickly grabs his die. “Quick feet, Beyers. Let’s go!” Eddie claps closely at Will’s back, enough to make him hop and skip to the door.
With confused faces and devilish laughter, Eddie got the boys out without much of a hassle. He closes the Harrington’s front door and flicks the lock. He turns with his arms held high and bows before Steve. Steve watches amused but with teetering brows. "You're welcome," he says with that demon smile. "Thank you," Steve scoffs as he crosses his arms against his chest. Eddie walks over to the couch and flings back with dramatic intent. “Alright, Harrington. Come ravish me,” he says with a deep breath and closing his eyes. Steve laughs as he walks to the other end of the couch. He picks up Eddie’s crossed legs and places them onto his lap as he sits upon the cushion.
“Or … I could ravish you,” Eddie says as he raises his torso closer to Steve’s. His hand is placed against Steve’s chin, pulling his eyes towards him. “Ravish me?” Steve laughs. Eddie leans in with a bit lip. Steve’s lips meet him half way for a short, simple kiss. He pulls back with a sweet grin. “We wouldn’t be doing anything you haven’t done before, Harrington,” Eddie says as his finger travels down his chin to his adam’s apple and to his collarbone. Steve’s eyes light up. “This has all been pretty new, Munson,” he scoffs.
“Oh what, you think because it’s two guys it’s different?” Eddie says with a smirk as his finger tracks down his chest. “It’s still just two people who enjoy each other’s company and making each other feel good.” Steve chuckles as his finger twirls a curl in Eddie’s brunette locks. “That’s one way to simplify it,” he says under his breath.
Eddie plays with Steve’s happy trail and finally hooks his finger beneath his waistline. Steve’s eyes are pulled quickly towards him. The two have spoken of moving forward before but no one has initiated, until now. Nerves send shock waves out to Steve’s body. His touch hesitant and thought out. Eddie smiles as he crawls onto the living room floor and plants himself between Steve’s legs.
Steve watches as Eddie looks up at him with those “fuck me” eyes. God, did Steve want to but he is so nervous. He is more nervous now than his first time with Lacy Pickett. Eddie slowly spreads his legs as his hands smooth out the denim of his inner thighs’ jeans. Sharp breaths leave Steve’s nostrils as his chest tightens and he feels the blood leave his head.
“You can always tell me to stop, Steve,” Eddie says as he licks his bottom lip. “I promise it will be okay. We can try again another day.” He squeezes his hands against his inner thigh, massaging as he playfully taunts his groin. “I-I don’t want to wait another day,” Steve mutters softly. He could feel how hard he was for Eddie. He would not be able to leave without releasing some form of pressure. Eddie blushes as he bites his lip. “We’ll go slow,” he says with a nod.
Steve returns the nod as he reaches for his shirt, pulling it off rapidly. He then gently reaches for Eddie’s, but is met with hesitation. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he says as his worried eyes make another appearance. Eddie takes a deep breath as he sits back onto his knees. “I just-,” he laughs, trying to brush off his feelings. “I just haven’t gotten used to the scars yet.” Steve slightly smiles as he completely understands.
“I love your scars,” Steve says as he holds Eddie’s hand. Eddie scoffs as he keeps his eyes down. “They show how strong you are. How much you’ve been through. They are a part of you now,” he murmurs. “They’re disgusting,” Eddie adds with a sheepish smile. Steve shakes his head. “Not to me. To me, they scream bravery and strength. You saved us, you saved me. I love them, Eddie,” he says with all sincerity.
Eddie’s eyes finally make their way back to his. Steve slowly raises Eddie’s shirt, watching him for any sign of discomfort. Bites rest on the sides of his torso. One broke through his spider tattoo. Steve joins Eddie on the ground. He places a kiss onto each scar softly. Eddie jumps at ticklish spots, making them both laugh. “I love them,” he says as he places a kiss on Eddie’s lips. “I love yours,” Eddie adds.
Steve smirks. “So what the hell is a Paladin?” he asks. Eddie quickly shakes his finger no as he returns back on his knees. “No seriously. Can we go over that part again because-” “Will you stop talking, or do I have to make you shut up?” Eddie asks with a daring look. Steve scoffs as a grin sprawls across his face. “You might need to make me,” he jokes. Eddie smirks. “Shut up, and get your ass back on the couch,” he instructs with his finger pointed. Steve laughs with his hands up. He stands and follows Eddie’s demands. “Yes, sir,” he mutters. He sits with his legs spread and a growing mass at his groin. He leans back into the couch in excitement.
Eddie carefully unbuckles Steve’s belt. He lightly pulls it around his waist. Their eyes remain on each other. He then unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down. Steve lifts himself up so that his pants could pile at his ankles. Eddie glances at the thickly lined cock hidden under Steve’s boxers. Eddie could feel himself hardening at the thought of it. His tongue presses against the roof of his mouth as excitement hits him like a wave.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this,” Eddie mutters under his breath as he tugs onto his boxers. Steve quickly leans forward to place a sweet hand to Eddie’s cheek. “I’ve wanted to kiss you since we met in that shack,” he says with all sincerity. Eddie is speechless, completely frozen in shock. Not once did he imagine Steve returning the level of attraction and affection that Eddie had for him.
Without any more words being said, the two knew in that moment that they are not just a fling. They are not a curious experiment. They are not a frivolous mistake. There is something real between them. Something special, something they have never had before.
Eddie’s smile grows as he pulls down Steve’s waist line. Steve’s hand now behind his curled locks as his eyes remain on Eddie’s. A small gasp escapes Eddie’s mouth as he catches a full glance at the thick, girthy cock in front of him. The blood rushes quickly down to his groin, but he tries his best to stay on task.
Eddie lightly wraps his hand around its staff as Steve lets out shaky breaths. Eddie slowly makes his way up and rubs his thumb against the bead of pre-cum falling from its slit. He uses it as lube as he begins to strengthen his grasp. His eyes flick up towards Steve, just to see Steve struggling to maintain his slow breaths.
As he quickens his strokes, Eddie’s tongue dances against the back of his front teeth. He struggles to keep it in. Steve’s eyes begin to close as he rests his head back. Eddie can feel Steve's hips grinding against his forearms. He could feel the slight thrusts into his grasp. Eddie’s other hand lays flat and tight against Steve’s upper thigh.
Steve lets out slow, low-toned moans as he wriggles under Eddie. “Oh fuck,” he mumbles under his breath. His grip behind Eddie’s head becomes tighter. “Steve,” Eddie says, breaking Steve’s concentration. “Hold my hair up,” he demands. Steve quickly raises to gather as much of his thick hair as he could.
Eddie lowers his mouth onto the tip of his cock. Steve’s mouth opens widely and quickly shuts with a bit lip at the sight and sensation. Eddie’s tongue wraps around the head as his grasp tightens at its bottom. He lets out a sweet moan as he takes another inch in. Steve’s grasp of Eddie's hair tightens even harder as he watches Eddie take more of him in. “Shit, shit,” he whines as he begins to slowly thrust into his sweet mouth.
“Eddie, fuck,” Steve moans as his hips wiggle. Eddie takes in more as he squeezes Steve’s thigh. He grinds his own cock against the couch’s side. Eddie loves feeling Steve's thick cock in his mouth. It’s grooves and veins excite him, making him salivate. He rubs against it as it lightly rides down the center of his tongue. “C-can you take it all?” Steve softly blurts out, struggling to keep his breath. Eddie smiles at the request and takes in a deep breath from his nostrils. He takes as much as he can, with Steve’s hand guiding him down.
Steve releases a moan that Eddie will remember for the rest of his life. It was sweet, yet dominant. He loves it. He wants to hear it again and again. He lifts off Steve’s cock with drool seeping from the side of his mouth. Steve is still breathing heavily, now with a hand in his hair. Eddie goes back in taking a little bit more. “Shit, Eddie. Oh my god,” he says as he thrusts further into his mouth. Eddie lightly gags but fights to stay enthralled with Steve. He could feel his curls at the tip of his nose.
With a gentle movement, Eddie begins to play with Steve’s balls. Steve quickly and instinctually pulls back as to not overstimulate himself. Eddie begins to circle his tongue around his head once again. His thumb plays with the thick vein underneath his shaft.
Steve feels a familiar pit in his stomach. Without thinking, he begins to thrust into Eddie’s mouth lightly. Eddie encourages him by quickening his movements and licks. Steve thrusts quicker, harder into Eddie’s throat. His mind reeling as he feels his muscles tighten. “Oh fuck, Eddie. Oh god,” he moans breathlessly. Eddie can’t help but smile at the beautiful sounds. He knows he must be close.
The pit in Steve's stomach is growing in size. His toes tighten and straighten out. He feels tingles at the top of his head. “I’m cumming, Eddie. I-I’m cumming,” he yells. Eddie begins to feel the shots of salt within his mouth. The taste that brings an incredible rush of happiness through his body. Steve’s muscles tense and relax as he thrusts into Eddie’s mouth. He releases more than he would have expected.
With a final groan, Steve goes limp. His chest heaving. Sweat building at his collarbones. Eddie swallows and wipes off the drool from his chin. He slowly rises with a smile and sits next to Steve with his arm resting behind his head. “That was different,” Steve murmurs with his eyes slightly opening. Eddie’s brow peaks in curiosity. “It was better,” he adds with a light laugh. Eddie rolls his eyes and playfully bumps against his shoulder.
“Come here and kiss me,” Steve says, barely able to move. “Let me brush my teeth first,” Eddie answers with a smile as he attempts to stand. Steve quickly grabs his pants to pull him back down. “No, kiss me,” he whispers. Eddie’s smile pulls to its side. He gently pushes back strands of hair from Steve’s sweaty face. He places a soft kiss upon his lips. “You taste like heaven, and I can’t get enough,” Steve whispers between kisses. Eddie smiles until his cheeks hurt.
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note: i think my perspective has slowly shifted to eddie the pansexual god and steve the bisexual hoe. and i love that. please let me know what you think! shall there be more? who knows. i hope you like it staffi! check her out @seidenbros (you won't regret it)
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