#gl anon!!!!
joestarkisser · 5 months
hi, sorry if this is weird or if im bothering you, i was just wondering if you have any advice. ive been having trouble connecting to real people for a long time and i feel like its partially due to mentally comparing with my f/o and concluding that no irl people could ever make me feel the way my f/o’s do so its just not worth it. but i also feel really lonely sometimes and im not sure what to do. i kind of wish i was interested in real people and felt like interacting with them was meaningful but a lot of the time it just feels like a chore and i dont like that. i also sometimes get really sad thinking about my f/o because of the fact they arent actually real and i can never actually be with them and would have to either settle for a real person or just be alone. do you ever deal with anything like that? sorry again im not involved with this community i just lurk and idk who to talk to about this you can just ignore this if you want
Hey anon! Sorry for answering this late!
Personally no, I don't deal with this myself. I'm pretty strictly ficto beyond friends and therefore don't worry about things like this often at all. But I can at least try and help a bit!
I think maybe it has to do with idealization. The hardest part is realizing no one is gonna be as perfect as your F/O is IRL, and having such standards can be tough to manage with reality. If you're looking to meet people with romantic intent, try to accept that no one will be 100% like your F/O, and instead approach IRL dating with a more open notebook so to speak. Think of it similar to when you were first getting into the media your F/O belongs to, while you were still learning about your F/O and falling in love with them. In a similar sense, you can learn about a new person and fall in love with them as well!
If you're not actively searching for a relationship, or just looking to make more friends, try not stressing it! I find personally that the best connections with people come from naturally building up to friendship with them via interactions in art sharing servers, on video games, etc! Just try doing something like playing a multiplayer game and the like, without intent to make friends, just to enjoy yourself.. and you may find yourself with connections faster than you think!
Also, it may also be neurodivergency or trauma or both at play here. If possible, try and discuss these feelings with a professional, and see if the cause of this is more clear and manageable for you!
Sorry if this didn't help much, anon. I'm not the best to go to for this, but I hope it helped a little! Good luck!
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kisses4choso · 8 months
hii!! I had a question: how did you start with your writing blog? and how did you eventually blow up and gain a follower base? ♡
hiiiii! hope you're doing well!!! i'm really happy to answer that for you, but it may be a long answer... so i'm sorry if i go over board!
i started off around quarantine, but my notes never really went above the 500 mark. i had maybe 100 followers then? all that stuff has been deleted bc i looked back and cringed 😭
anyway! i began to write things for characters i had a better understanding of or with prompts i was more comfortable with
(ex: writing exclusively for JJK or not writing nsfw)
TIP: it's a lot more comfortable for me to write on random blurbs of energy, and it may be that way for you too!
i still have no idea how my op post blew up??? i thought it was kinda ass when i posted it but so many people loved it so i'm really happy ><
there's not really a step by step plan that i can provide you, but it really comes down to quality over quantity i think! i used to spam post basically, but now that i sit down and put even a little more thought into what i post, it seems to get more positive feedback :)
all that to say, if you're thinking of starting your own blog, don't be afraid! post, delete, archive, and reblog to your heart's desire.
this is all really for fun, and i think you'll enjoy it more when you realize it's just a silly hobby instead of focusing on follower count, notes, second guessing your posts, etc.
ngl this was definitely a hard question bc i don't really consider my blog to be big or well-known (since i delete everything sorry)
and i sadly don't get many 1 on 1 interactions w followers :(
i got scared bc i replied to a really cute one piece post and the author replied sum like "OMG ITS YOU??? I LOVE UR WORK" and i was like howdotheyknowme????????? but it felt so nice ngl
n e way... thank u sm for your question, always feel free to dm me or leave another one if you have anything else on your mind. i hope u have lots of fun and good luck 🤞
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paradiseyuri · 3 months
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Created by : ☆奏☆ Respective credits to the creator ⓟⒶⓇⒶⒹⒾⓈⒺ♡ⓎⓊⓇⒾ
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princessranboo · 22 days
*Holds the tiny hero like hamburger*
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theyre not sure how to feel about that
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rosycheekies · 6 months
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I Love Amy by 언니
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imaimaxine · 11 months
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They're all very cute~!!
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the-npd-culture-is · 5 months
Questioning NPD culture is am i really a narcissist or just finding cheap execuses to my bad habits? Am i too nice to be a narcissist? Does my superiority comes from narcissism or i am just a really egocentrical person? Did i ever had a narc crash or narc high? Did my possible narcissism even affect my life or am attention seeking? Questions i'll never have the answer
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jinxed-galaxies · 4 months
Posting as a non-reblog because I think maybe it made it so the post doesn't show up in the tag 😭
J!Hetch kinda black box warrior coded so I made this
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Lyrics are pulled directly from the song
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 1 month
do you still have that guide (?) you made on how to draw sneeg ?
this ??
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daily-rgbtrio · 7 months
For day 100 maybe something with slimecicle’s 100 days video? Or revisit something from genloss? Idk, I think something you find fun or self indulgent is fine!
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day 135
been a minute since gen lossed on this account
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t4tails · 3 months
RWBY Crossed over with DC???????????????????????????
yeah. everyone got anime-fied and if what ive been told is correct it spends a lot of its time establishing rwby characters as more powerful lmfao
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deadeery · 7 months
Hopefully you don’t mind me asking! But I absolutely love how you do anatomy AAHWG!! DO YOU HAVE ANY TIPS ON DOING IT? :’)
oh boy i dont know how helpful i can be bc i genuinely didnt have a guide on how i do anatomy i just. observed lots and improved slowly BUT heres a free anatomy reference site i think is neat!
tons of photo refs and you can sort by age, gender, weight, race etc. plus additional refs for hands and objects/environments
hopefully this is helpful! otherwise my very minimal tips i can give is to practice shapes and proportions in your anatomy. gotta learn the rules before u can break them, if ur leaning for stylized
it can get boring doing studies constantly tho so i like to just draw my favs and oc as the references, makes it more fun ehe
screenshot redraws can help too!
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twstwonderlandstuff · 2 years
Can I please get period headcannons for Mallues? I’m on mine and it’s terrible :(
update: an anon reminded me that not only females can get periods, so! it's gender neutral reader tw: periods, blood I'm not sure if you're asking for platonic/romantic headcannons, so I'll make it platonic, nonnie! requests are closed!
🍉malleus draconia 🍉
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first and foremost, he will ask. he'll ask what you need, and deliver to the best of his abilities. this includes...
he'll ask for someone to give you a massage, as he worries he might be too harsh on you and make it worse, and he'll make damn sure that it's a good massage.
he's attentive. he'll ask about your day, what happened, so on and so forth. he, out of everyone, knows how it feels to be left out, so the TLC he gives you is a guaranteed 10/10.
space. he'll give you space if need be. perhaps entirely out of ramshackle, perhaps he'll be outside ramshackle, looking at gargoyles.
he'll ask for a heating pad, and make sure that the temperature's right.
overall, he's a good friend that will take care of you through the tough days.
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paradiseyuri · 3 months
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Created by : ☆ひらこ大将軍☆ Respective credits to the creator ⓟⒶⓇⒶⒹⒾⓈⒺ♡ⓎⓊⓇⒾ
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Pick up tiny pk by the scruff and gently deposit him in a garbage disposal then flip the switch.
thats a great way to break your garbage disposal
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katmaatui · 3 months
hal just says insane shit and we gotta pretend like it never happened bc writers hate us
Hal in the 90s is constantly saying shit like "I feel like I'm not a person. I feel like everyone who is supposed to be good in this world is working to hurt it. I can't trust people. I can't trust myself. I'm alone. I'm truly alone at my core. I'm not human. I'm not a person. I fake being one but I'm not really. I'm a god but I'm not" and then people act like he's perfectly fine during this era, it's insanity
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