#god. uh. what's even the word for this. humiliation??? whatever i'm
schrodingersschlong · 7 months
whaaat no I totally didn't get hard as a rock just from blowing you that's crazyyy you totally shouldn't be mean to me about it or make fun of me that would be terribleee
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hellsslibrary · 7 days
Hellooooo!! i just saw your post asking for requests and stuff, so uh
here i aaaaam :3
i was wondering if you can do sub! lucifer or barbatos :p
you can do like literally whatever but i am STARVED for sub composed men that eventually are not-so-composed (i wanna see grown men cry)
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"Shh... Don't think that water will save us from others."
#a.n. : I'M SO FERAL ABOUT THIS ONE SHOWER CARD OMG.... So shower sex with Luci where you drive him crazy lol.
!!Warnings: Top!Dom!Male!Reader, Sub!Bottom!Lucifer, fingering, finger sucking, shower sex obviously, praise, teasing, a little crying, overstimulation (this is not mentioned but implied), no penetration, Reader is MC, this all take place after the events of the card with skateboards, open final.
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The sound of groans and slight squelching sounds was heard in the bathroom. But everything is easily hidden from others outside this room by the sounds of water and a spell cast on the walls.
Your fingers have been moving inside Lucifer for God knows how long, and you made no attempt to stop. Not that Lucifer minded; the stamina of demons is much higher than that of humans, but damn, this was getting too good.
How many times did he cum? He doesn’t remember anymore, and you didn’t count either. Just the fact that you finally managed to convince him to take a break after he worked so wonderfully on creating the best skateboard is already a miracle. But Lucifer himself understood that he deserved it... And how could he disagree when you were so sensitive to making sure he took breaks while working earlier?
"M-MC...Are you ever going to stop?" He asks, still being able to somehow spit out a complete sentence without almost stumbling over the letters.
"Mmm... No, I guess. You're not even at your limit yet, why should I stop?" A rhetorical question comes from your lips, which makes Lucifer’s legs tremble with excitement.
He is clearly not at the limit of his strength, far from it. But you will spend a very long time here if you want to bring him to this line, which is what you actually wanted. You just wanted him to break, in the nicest sense of the word.
Your fingers slid so perfectly inside his already soaking wet walls, each time pressing on a tiny spot that made him moan with pleasure. His dick was constantly rubbing against the shower wall, smearing his cum from several orgasms all over the wall. Lucifer’s palms lay lazily on the wall, and he rested his forehead on them to hide his red little face, which of course you didn’t want, but you didn’t really mind.
"Are you already brought to a complete state of bliss, if you understand what I'm hinting at, Luci?" The only answer to your question was a shake of the head.
But little did you know that it was a lie.
Lucifer felt like he was ready to dissolve, turn into a puddle from the movement of your fingers in him. He felt his entire being being torn apart in the most pleasant sense of the word. He felt like his whole brain was ceasing to function, because he had not been aware of it for a long time.
He's not even sure he can control his own body. A rare moment of vulnerability for him.
Lucifer realizes that his mask will soon crack. It will break like a crack in glass that will break it sooner or later. His self-control will burst.
Or rather, it has already done it.
“Are you crying, precious? Very good, relax, no one will hurt you here...” You whisper when you see tears running down the part of his downward-leaning face that you can see.
He groans when he realizes your fingers are playing with his tongue, making him whine. Such a humiliating sound for him, the Avatar of Pride himself. He shouldn't make sounds like that, but honestly? Fuck it all.
His head leans back, resting on your shoulder. His back collides with your torso. His hips try to match the movement and rhythm of your fingers, moving with them. And his mouth sucks your fingers, as if his life depended on it... Although he will obviously remember this for a long time later.
“Come on, let go,” You whisper in his ear, kissing his cheek, feeling the salty taste of his tears and looking down, slightly surprised that he came at that very second, but absolutely satisfied.
Lucifer hums around your fingers in mock displeasure when you don't slow down your movements even for a moment. He understands that he will regret this.
But it feels so fucking good.
“MC... You... will break me...” He whispers, muffled by your fingers, barely able to form a simple sentence as he feels your fingers deliberately aiming specifically for his prostate.
“Hush, baby,” You coo, he wants to drown in your voice, he realizes that he can’t even hear the sound of water. "Just relax, I won't eat you, you're so fucking good."
He nods. The movement is convulsive, clearly not smooth, and so unusual for Lucifer. You just smirk at this, kissing his neck, making him whimper, wiping away his tears.
After all... Maybe he won't regret this experience as much as he thought.
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You Suck (So Passionately)
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Komaeda and Reserve Course!Reader can't stay away and can't stand each other, so he gives you something to think of him by when you leave. Everybody wins and loses in this game of cat-and-mouse.
Or, in which the idea of hate-sex with Komaeda is rotting the author's brain.
Word Count: 4.5k
Content Warnings: Hate Sex, Power Dynamics, Under-Negotiated Kink, Dom/Sub Dynamics, Heavy Themes of BDSM, Degradation, Insults, Humiliation, Slightly Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationship, Use of Vibrators in Public, Semi-Public Sex, She/Her Pronouns for Reader When Applicable, Female Reader
General Tags/Themes: Brat!Reader, Brat Tamer!Komaeda, Reserve Course!Reader, Masochism, Sadism, Classroom Sex, Seriously He's Mean in This One, Orgasm Delay/Denial
A/N: I have.... two other wips of Reserve Course Reader and Komaeda... I'm trying to fit them into a Reserve Course Cinematic Universe, so I may add more chapters to this but it works as a stand alone, but I'll update it if they see the light of day <3
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“Listen, uh, can we like… speed this thing up?”
Nagito paused mid-thrust.
“What?” He fixed you with the look he gave you every time you did something as stupid as he thought you were.
“It’s just that I have-” You interrupted yourself with a yawn. You really had no idea why you let him drag you out of bed so early in the morning when he demanded you come back to his room again basically every afternoon anyways.  “I have class in twenty, and I can’t-” He just laughed like you made a joke, then continued to fuck you at the same pace. Perhaps even slower, actually, and deep enough to elicit a squeak from your mouth at the sudden feeling.
“Are you seriously asking me for something for your pathetic excuse for classes?” He scoffed. “What does it matter if you miss ten minutes? Or thirty for that matter? What separates any of you from useless, normal, high school dropouts but the pity this school takes on you?” He purred the words like dirty talk, and if you didn’t find that so alluring, you certainly wouldn’t have been doing this- whatever this was between you and Nagito- for as long as you had.
“I hate your fucking guh- ah-” His teeth sunk into you, sending your nails into the skin of his back. You could feel his sharp smirk curled around your collarbone.
“What was that? I couldn’t quite make it out.”
“God, you’d fuck so much better if you stopped talking.” You growled. The smirk tensed just a bit into a sneer. Unfortunately for you, instead of making him speed up like you’d hoped, he only slowed more. You groaned in disappointment, both from your worry about the clock, and the loss of sensation.
“You won’t be able to trick me. Nothing scum like you could come up with could fool me. I’ll take my time with you how I’d like, just how I always do.” The slow drag of him, in and out, was like torture. You could do nothing but wrap your legs around him tighter, fruitlessly, and look up into his stupid, smug face. “In fact, I think you might actually be more useful as an Ultimate’s toy instead of sitting in your play-pretend classes.” He practically giggled. You couldn’t help but moan at the title, which he more than noticed. “See, doll? I think you agree.” He continued his pace, picking apart the threads keeping you together with each movement of his hips.
By the time you had both finished, you already knew you were going to be late for class. You let yourself take the smallest breather before stumbling up and pulling on your clothes. He’d thrown them around the room like he was trying to make it difficult for you. He simply watched you, drumming his fingers over the spot on the bed where you had just been, that infuriating look on his face you knew meant he had something planned. You pretended not to notice as you moved towards the door.
“Okay, later-”
“Wait.” He ordered. Your hand was on the doorknob. You grit your teeth. You knew he had waited for the very last minute just to fuck with you.
“What, Komaeda?” You turned around, glaring openly at him. “I need to go-”
“I know.” He sat up and began casually looking through his bedside drawer. It wouldn’t have surprised you if he’d begun to hum a tune to himself. Right as you opened your mouth, he pulled something out. It was a small, pink device made of silicone-
“No.” You said at once, shaking your head fervently. “No, no, no, no, no-”
“Put it on.” He said simply, holding it out for you to take. His tone was so serious that you almost obliged.
“Why? I would just leave it off anyways.”
“Do you ever feel ashamed about the questions you ask?” He cocked his head. For a split second, you almost thought it wasn’t a rhetorical question, only embarrassing you further. “Obviously I can control it. I’m not giving you something just because I think you’ll miss me. Now go on.” You glared at him, unmoving. He met your eye, as calm as ever. As always, this was a battle of wills. 
As always, Nagito won.
“(L/N)-san, this is the second time this week you are more than fifteen minutes late to class.” Everybody in the room had their eyes on you. ‘God he should have just taped a ‘kick me’ sign to me. It would have been less fucking embarassing.’ “I’m afraid you know the policy. That’s detention tonight.” Your homeroom teacher frowned at you. You took the detention slip she wrote you without a word and took your seat with your eyes pointed towards the ground. As you sat there, book cracked open and immediately zoning out, you felt your anger grow towards Nagito instead of inwards.
‘That fucking freak. Getting me detention just to stick this thing in my panties.’ You felt much warmer than usual. In your panties was the small vibrator he had eventually coaxed on you in your effort to minimize your tardiness. ‘There’s no way he’d actually do it, right? It wouldn’t be fun to mess with me if he can’t even see it.’
Despite that, you could still feel it pressing against your most sensitive spots the entire day, shifting when you fidgeted, moving as you walked. You felt as though everybody must have been able to see how hard you were blushing, but not even your friends said anything. Besides that, you waited all day with baited breath and a hand ready to shoot up and loudly announce you had to go to the bathroom. You thought of at least six different excuses, each worst than the last, just to cover the potentially loud buzz of the device. By mid-day, you knew you had soaked through your panties, and you were terrified it was going to slip right out and onto the floor with how wet you were. But the clip held up, only to torment you some more.
When the last bell rung, you were the first out the door.
‘Just detention left, just detention left, just detention left and then I can go to the restroom, mop up, and go home.’ As you hurried over, your phone buzzed. It was a text from Nagito, as curt and demanding as it always was.
‘My room. 30.’
You snorted as you tapped out a response.
‘Yeah, no. Some asshole caused me to be late again today, which means I’ve got detention. Nice work, idiot. By the way, I think your stupid toy is broken. I didn’t feel anything all day. You’ll have to find another way to mess with me.’ 
‘What makes you think that I’d turned it on yet?’
“Cell-phone in the bin, please, ma’am.” A sunny, orange-hair woman who barely looked old enough to be out of the Academy herself said. It snapped you out of the slight sense of dread and shame as you read the text. You shook your head and obliged. You didn’t recognize her, or know what she was doing here. Usually, your homeroom teacher was the one who ran detention. As if she were reading your mind, she said, “I’m filling in for the usual teacher. I’m Yukizome-sensei. Please, take your seat and sit quietly or do some work.” You glanced around. A couple of other kids were already there too, most of them with their heads down. You weren’t usually allowed to sleep through detention. You decided this was a stroke of luck. You gave her a polite smile and gave her your slip, watching as she checked you off of a list. You sat down, glancing at the clock.
In your haste and smugness, you didn’t even think about removing the vibrator before you left, so it sat there as a firm reminder of the temper you’d surely be met with when you responded to Nagito. For the moment, however, you took off your blazer and arranged it into a sort of pillow, getting comfortable when-
“Ah, hello, Yukizome-sensei!”
‘No fucking way.’
“Komaeda-kun! Good afternoon, what are you doing here? Did you manage to get yourself detention somehow?” She seemed to be jokingly scolding him, but you knew it was only kind of a joke. The sweet smile on Nagito’s face was foreign to you. He floated in like he didn’t have a care in the world. You noticed that his hand was bandaged, and that it hadn’t been this morning. ‘Serves him right. What the fuck is he doing here?’
“Oh, no, I simply saw you as I was passing by on my way out. I didn’t know you ran detention.” He took the opportunity to glance out across the classroom. Nobody else seemed to care about what was happening up front. He met your eye for just a second too long, inscruitable, before turning right back to her. You did your best to act normal, knowing full well he was merely there to taunt you.
“Not usually- I’m filling in for another teacher. If you’re just here to chat Komaeda-kun, why don’t you come see me before class tomorrow-”
“Well, actually, I went to your classroom to see if you could help me out with some work I got today, but you weren’t there. I seem to have lucked in and caught you here! Would it be alright if we go over it for just a few minutes?” His smile was angelic, wholly innocent. You almost couldn’t believe that the sadistic man who’d once made you grovel and kiss his shoes just for kicks. Not that you hadn’t enjoyed that. You wondered what that smile would have looked like from that lowly angle-
“Of course! That’s no problem at all.” Yukizome said, making the pit of nerves in your stomach knot further. You didn’t know what Nagito had planned, but he always had something planned. You knew trying to sleep was a waste. You huffed a defeated sigh and pulled out one of your textbooks to begin working, doing your best to tune out the voice you could pick out of a crowd talking about algebra like he would anywhere else.
As you’d finally become a bit successful in your offer, your panties began to buzz.
At first, you were more alarmed than aroused. It was a strange sensation, and you almost couldn’t stop yourself from looking around to see if anyone had noticed, but you were rows away in every direction from the nearest person, and they were sleeping. You drummed your fingers on the desk. 
‘Okay. Okay. If I just… just shift this way, I can’t feel it as much-’ Right as you adjusted yourself, trying to move it away from your clit, but you jumped as the vibration increased and it backfired. You let out a small squeak, causing Yukizome’s eyes to drift over to you for just a second. Next to hers, a pair of cold, green, grey eyes lingered on you. You couldn’t tell if you imagined his smile being more predatory than before. 
‘This is fine, this is fine, I can just- I can just-’ But no matter how you moved, it was simply too much. Your insides twisted with the fear of your peers noticing, yes, but knowing that Nagito was here to watch you front and center was nerve-wracking. ‘That fucking sicko! He planned this all! He fucking knew! I’m gonna gut that twink like a god damn fish hnngahh-’ All of your thoughts short circuited as Nagito began a different pattern. You looked up, you had to know how he was doing this. In his hand was a small, pink remote. In the other, he pointed at something at the page and asked Yukizome a question.
And the truth was, you wanted him to watch you keep your composure. You hoped it would spite him. You grit your teeth together and tried even harder to focus on your work. You could tell by the way he simply kept clicking the speed up and up. You eventually had to bite down on your book, giving up on the pretense of work and now simply trying not to let your eyes roll up and into the back of your head.
The feeling was building and building, and truly nobody but you and Nagito seemed any the wiser. You were at the back of the room, and you’d kept pretty quiet so far. You began to consider letting yourself cum from this, and it only became more and more appealing of an idea as he toyed with you.
It seemed like he could tell exactly when you wanted to let your dignity falter and considered letting him win. He raised and lowered the speeds accordingly, keeping you on the brink, frustrating as always. But part of you didn’t even mind. You knew you could keep up the silence like this for the rest of the period, as exhausting as it would be. What you didn’t know was if you could when you came.
Still, every time you approached the brink, you got closer and closer to teetering off the edge, and soon you were barely even considering the consequences. Per usual, Nagito took cat and mouse to a whole new level. He batted you around until you were limp, helpless in his hands, though he always found the fight you put up entertaining. You could almost hear the annoying monologue he would surely give you if he ever heard you thinking like that.
‘And just like in the metaphor, the cat is simply stronger than the mouse. Everyone knows it will win in the end. And frankly, it’s almost sad it would struggle in the first place-’
“(L/N)-san? Um, are you feeling alright, dear?” Yukizome-sensei was looking right at you. You realized you’d been practically panting, red-faced and almost sweating. You couldn’t even imagine the picture you must have made. You couldn’t even look at Nagito.
“Ye- Yeah, I’m-” You croaked, your mouth dry.
“You look feverish. Come here, let me feel your forehead.” She waved you up. You felt your eyes widen in fear before you could cover it. Nagito did absolutely nothing about the vibrations. You shook your way to your feet and miraculously began to walk towards her. “Oh dear, does your stomach hurt?” Yukizome was clearly fretting now. She looked down at your hands, which were clutched over your stomach. It was completely subconscious, but hey, whatever you could work.
“Yeah.” You nodded quickly. You leaned over her desk to let her feel your forehead. Nagito’s eyes were boring into you, as palpable as Yukizome’s cool hand, but you completely ignored her.
“You’re really warm.” She confirmed. The laugh that escaped Nagito made you want to melt into a puddle, and your lower half seemed to have caught the memo. “Why don’t you go to the nurse’s office?”
“What?” Nagito scoffed at once. He gave you a quick once over. “She’s clearly just another Reserve Course making a pathetic attempt to fake her way out of detention.”
“Komaeda-kun!” Yukizome scolded. “Your Reserve Course peers are just as much a part of the school as you are.”
“Just as much a part of the school’s budget, perhaps.” He muttered quietly.
“Alright then, why don’t you escort her to the Nurse’s Office and make sure she makes it there?” Nagito opened his mouth. In that brief instance, your eyes met. A silent conversation was had. Your stomach twisted and turned into knots just looking at him, but maybe that was the toy too.
“Yes, Yukizome-sensei. Thank you for all your help.” He finally relented. He began to pack his work up slowly, and with a dramatic sigh. “Come on then.” He nodded towards the door. You stumbled out after him.
He said nothing as you walked into the hallway. You felt both more and less worried about being too obvious here next to him. He didn’t adjust the speed. However, he was walking slowly as you neared the end of the hallway, letting you catch up.
As soon as you turned the corner, however, he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you away. You stifled a groan as he practically hauled you into the nearest empty classroom. He locked the door behind him.
“Woah, Ultimate classrooms lock?” You couldn’t help but look around in awe. He laughed, like he always did. It’d slipped out before you thought about it.
“This is a lab. Of course it locks.” He rolled his eyes. “God, you worms really don’t know anything about what it’s like not to crawl.” Even if you’d known nothing about him, the way he licked his lips with that glint in his eyes would have given away his perverted enjoyment. He wasted no more time, taking quick, sure strides to you and pressing you into the desk behind you so hard your back bent as you tilt yourself to meet his lips. The moans you’d been holding back came out in an embarrassing, guttural noise.You wrapped your legs around his waist, sliding back and sitting on the table.
His hands roamed over your body, groping you forcefully. His tongue found its way into your mouth with no hesitance. You couldn’t help but give into him. It seemed as though he was so sure that you were simply his, and he always had been.
“Turn around.” He ordered, like he wasn’t already moving your hips into the position that suited him best. You let him flip you over and push you onto the desk, hissing in pain. His hands quickly found their way under your skirt and under your panties. Things always moved quickly between the two of you, and today seemed to be the most rushed of all. Nagito finally, finally turned the vibrator off, pulling it from your panties with a wet noise. 
“Look at this-” He laughed, breathless as he held it up between his fingers right in front of your face. It shone in the sunset pouring through the windows. It would have been oddly beautiful if it weren’t just a luridly pink way for Nagito to fuck with you. You turned your head away, blatantly and needlessly disobeying him. He seemed less than impressed. He took your cheeks with the hand not holding the toy and angled your face towards him. It was a strain on your neck, but he just smiled at you. You hated that you had long since been able to determine what most of Nagito’s smiles meant. “If you don’t want this, then I suppose I could take it and leave.” 
“...then I guess you can stay.” Your words didn’t come out with nearly as much force as you wanted them to. His expression didn’t change. He simply made a soft noise of agreement, put the toy down on the desk carelessly on the desk, and plunged two fingers within you all at once. You practically shrieked, clutching onto the edges of the table with your nails.
“Ahaha… you’re dripping. I can feel it all the way down your thighs.” He purred. “I honestly didn’t even expect you to keep it in for a class, much less through the entire day.” He began to fuck his fingers in and out of you at a lazy, uncaring pace. You could barely focus on what he said. You’d covered up all day, and you simply didn’t have the energy to anymore. You could feel just how deep you needed him at the moment, and it had long since gotten uncomfortable. You shamelessly rocked your hips against his long fingers, hoping you could do it yourself if he wouldn’t. “Look at you! You’re even more desperate than usual. I’m sure you could have thrown yourself at any of those boys in your class.” He sneered, his pace quickening, as if it was your fault his imagination had angered him. Regardless, it was a welcome side effect. “I’ve seen the way they leer at women- at you- and you were so wet I think I could smell it-” 
“Shut up.” You whined, pressing your hips even more insistently against him. “God, you say such embarrassing shit!” You hissed, and if you weren’t already flushed, you likely would have gone red from just the way Nagito had phrased it.
“Shut up?” He repeated, tone even. His fingers completely stilled, just an inch of their tips still inside of you. You squeezed around them, bemoaning the loss. “Alright then, speak.” He grabbed ahold of your hair and pulled you up by the painful grip so his mouth was right by your ear. “I know you’re not above fucking in bathrooms and classrooms and even outside- so why not take one of them?”
You knew what he wanted. That was the only thing that made this violate, almost hateful thing between the two of you work. You always knew what he wanted, and he knew the same for you. You’d gravitated towards each other like the first look was a shared, whispered confession.
“I’m not interested in any of them.” You denied it to him. His grip on your hair tightened. The noise from your throat was frustrated, pained, and deeply aroused.
“Ah, no one from the class of rejects was interesting enough for you? Shocking.” His laughter was cold and mocking, the outburst of sound almost loud enough to be painful right by your ear. “But you don’t exactly show a propensity for interesting conversation, yourself.” He taunted. His hand slipped out of you, but around immediately to roughly grope one of your breasts. After only a moment, he slid it under your shirt and pulled down your bra. His fingers circled your nipples gently at first, which still threatened to cause your knees to give out on your over-stimulated body, but that only lasted a moment, too. He pinched and tugged, making you gasp and press your chest further into his hand. In that moment, he sank his teeth into the new bit of neck you’d just exposed as if he knew exactly how you’d react.
“You’ll leave marks-”
“What does it matter?” He cooed. “No one you’re interested in, right?” He licked the whole way up your neck and ear with the flat of his tongue, a warm, slimy feeling accompanying the filthy action. Despite that, you couldn’t help but want to get even closer to him, to feel that tongue over any inch of your body you could get it-
“Komaeda,” You grabbed at any piece of clothing you could reach behind you. “Komaeda.” You pleaded.
“I- I-” You knew exactly what he wanted to hear. You knew what he wanted. Always. “I don’t want them, I don’t want any Reserve Course guy-”
“Of course you don’t, who would?”
“No, no, I- I don’t want any Ultimate either.” The two of you had begun grinding against each other. You could feel his hard-on through all of your clothes. He was panting and moaning softly in your ear as you spoke. “Fuck, I- I want you, nobody else can- god, I want the way you fucking wreck me-”
There was a split second of unfastening and tugging and then-
“FUCK!” You shouted, making Nagito immediately clap a hand around your mouth at the reaction to his first brutal, perfect thrust. But even if he had had the capacity to scold you, you certainly didn’t have it to listen. Instead, you moaned unabashedly, though muffled by him, and spread your legs even wider. You wrapped your foot around the back of one of his calves and he set a pace that began to rock the desk with each thrust. You could do nothing but hold on as he gave as much as he got.
“Yes, yes, yes, my perfect, reprehensible pet,” Nagito babbled to his captive audience. His blazer had long since begun to slip off of his shoulders, and now he let it fall onto the floor. The sound of his hips hitting yours is almost louder than his voice. “You’re mine, you’re mine-” Even as you were connected intimately, he grabbed and squeezed whatever his wandering hands fell upon. “Mine to use, mine to make beg- they’re going to see your marks and know you belong to someone and not know who- like,” His crazed giggling broke his words apart. “Like some sort of stray with a collar!” He was laughing at you once more, but it felt only like another one of the overwhelming sensations about to make you cum. He grabbed your leg and put it on the desk as well, only going deeper within you. On the most lovely side of painful, he took you apart. Your mind blanked save for the feeling of his hands, his breath, his warmth against you-
With you tensing around him, he followed shortly after, his own moan unfettered by anything. The first thing you took note of was when you snapped out of your daze was the feeling of his cum inside of you. You were still too far gone to do much but moan, however, and slump onto the desk completely. Neither of you said anything when Nagito did the same, pressed up against and inside of you.
Deep cutting insults, praise that had been twisted and perverted, even the necessary intimacy for sex were easy for the two of you. The conversation that followed never was. More often than not, you gave up on it, letting the ringing in your ears speak for itself as you fixed yourselves to go back out to the world.
“Hey, um, where should…” You trailed off, holding up the toy. Nagito took it and stowed it away in his pocket. 
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
Silence lingered on, and so did the two of you. You’d never admit it, but you always put on your clothes slower than usual when it was time for you to leave Nagito. To say you enjoyed his company was still a bit of a stretch, but right after you parted, the space around you always seemed so much more… empty. For a split second, your mind conjured an image of walking out holding hands, of going to grab dinner together-
“See you.” You said instead, shrugging your backpack over your shoulder, composed as you could while dismissing the man whose cum was still inside of you. He barely acknowledged you, a small nod and a twitch of the hand. You slipped out from the classroom, refusing to look back as you hurried your way down the dark, empty hallway.
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yurironin · 1 year
Despaircest prompt for you: Junko gives Mukuro her birthday/Christmas gift. She gets one day of her choice of total role reversal between her and Junko. Mukuro isn’t gonna not use it, that would insult Junko, but Mukuro trying to be dominant for a day.
mukuro gazes at junko inquisitively. "what do you want me to... do?"
"can't you just imagine it?" junko's pupils widen as she leans forward, flashing a toothy grin. mukuro can her her sister breaths pick up at just the thought. "after all these years, you get to treat me like the lowly dog i've always treated you... making me beg, cry, suffer... oh god the humiliation, the DESPAIR! you could do absolutely anything you wanted to your wretched and cruel younger sister, getting your revenge for being treated SO poorly..."
mukuro can easily see that junko is getting wet at the mere thought of mukuro dominating her, taking control for just one day. in truth, mukuro wasn't quite sure how to take charge.
when mukuro dominated junko, it tended to come over her like a wave; crashing down upon her and drowning her in her own desires before she can even fight it. it wasn't something she did... manually. purposely. it wasn't something that came naturally to her as it did for junko. her heart was set on pleasing her younger sister, bending and breaking herself just for a chance to taste those sweet lips. mukuro wasn't the type to treat her sister like trash. she simply loved junko too much to disparage her on purpose in such a manner. maybe she could be possessive, controlling... but not close to the way junko treated her.
"uh.. okay." mukuro begins. she can see those wild eyes of junko's just waiting, eager to be slapped, to be bruised, to be loved in one of the most painful fashions there is.
"kneel for me, you worthless slut." mukuro manages to muster a semi-decent insult to hurl at junko. it invokes nothing but boredom from her. she doesn't even try to feign interest, frowning deeply at mukuro.
"what? i'm sorry, i just can't... pretend that you're ugly or stupid or whatever. you're genuinely perfect in every way to me, you're--"
"yeah whatever." junko cuts her off, looking away and folding her arms. "obviously you don't love me enough. let's just stop." she tries to hide the hurt in her eyes but mukuro can see it as clear as day.
as junko got up to leave the room, mukuro felt a surge of emotion. her sister deserved so much better than this, she deserved to be treated like a queen, a god... her passion suddenly overtook her. taking a step forward, mukuro swung her fist through the air and hit junko's face with a resounding 'CRACK'.
junko hadn't expected this. mukuro was typically so predictable. and yet, here she was, making junko feel helpless and filling her with despair; grabbing the base of junko's hair and yanking it upwards with all of her strength.
mukuro could only utter one word.
junko looked up at her older sister, now towering over her with a cold look in her eyes-- the sadistic expression of a killer, the soldier who took lives as a mercy for fenrir. the blonde gasped, her breath shaky.
mukuro is a woman of very few words. "take it back."
"what?" junko smirks, still composing herself. her voice wavers, obviously excited. "that you're a loser who doesn't love her sister enough t--"
CRACK. junko is on the floor now, her face bruised, her lip bleeding and busted open. she reveled in the taste of her own blood for a few moments before mukuro pressed her boot down on the back of junko's head and forced her into submission.
"don't test me." mukuro remains cold and steadfast, not fully realizing what she's doing its all instinct, and it's driving her off the deep end.
junko laughs, her venomous voice echoing through the house. "you think you can just hit me and call it a day? how pathe--"
"QUIET." mukuro shouts, stamping her boot down harder before giving her sister a good kick and knocking her across the floor. "apologize. now. nobody loves you more than i do. to even insinuate otherwise is just... just..."
her passion overtook her once again. mukuro shouted, releasing her rage by punching a hole in the wall directly above junko's head. knowing that she could have been demolished right there and then turns junko on. now she was getting what she wanted.
"i'm- i'm so sorry dear sister, i don't know what i was thinking..." junko begins, in the most disingenuously pathetic voice possible. "please, have mercy on me... i'm completely devoted to you, i'll do anything if it will get you to stop being angry with me~"
"tch." a slight smile crawls across mukuro's face. "worship me, slave."
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austajunk · 9 months
Mayhaps we could get 10 + 35 (Specifically Slutty Clothing) for Fubuki/Shinigami? Also would you do the prompts for individual characters?
Gotcha. Let's have some ClockGami action in the Mystery Labyrinth. Fubuki gets on Shinigami's last nerve while they're investigating and Shinigami simply has to punish her. Fufufu.
But I'm not sure what you mean by doing the prompts for individual characters??
Nevertheless the fic is below the cut.
Triggers: Humiliation, forced clothswearing, slutty clothing, and exposure
Inside the ever shifting halls of the Mystery Labyrinth, Fubuki Clockford and her clumsiness had created too many errors at the expense of Yuma and Shinigami. At least, that was how Shinigami viewed it. After the two women had separated from Yuma while investigating, the God of death couldn't help but to let her eyes run down Fubuki's voluptuous figure and let a few sordid ideas fill her mind.
This resulted in a long velvety curtain falling around the two women and locking Yuma away from them completely. Yuma gasped and immediately tried to find some opening in the curtains, but it was to no avail. He could see the feminine shadows of the women beyond the curtain and called to them.
"Hey! Shinigami! Bring Fubuki back!" He commanded, digging his fingers in the curtain fabric to try and rip it open. The red drapes held firm like they were a solid door.
"Uh-uh! Sorry, Master!" Shinigami sang back to her Master's demands. "This sheltered skank has got to learn some humility! And I'm gonna teach it to her! Courtesy of Shinigami's Skank Punishment Curriculum!"
"Oh my…" Fubuki cupped her mouth, completely stunned by the change of surroundings. And worse, she was locked in the curtain with the one person who kept insulting her. That blasted demon! "I told you! I can accept 'skank', but if you have the nerve to call me 'sheltered' one more time-!" Forgetting about being cut off from Yuma, she marched right up to Shinigami and jabbed her forefinger into her chest.
Shinigami raised an eyebrow, a devilish smile curling at her lips. "Oh… wanna try me?"
From outside the massive, drawn curtain, Yuma could hear nothing but the scuffle between the two women. Fubuki was trying to say something in retort to Shinigami's challenge, but her voice was suddenly cut off. Afterwards he could only make out the sounds of grunts and groans rather than actual words. He swallowed nervously and tried pressing his ear closer to the curtain.
"Shinigami! Whatever you're doing in there, I already know it's too far! Let Fubuki go!"
"Oh, quiet down, Master! I'm almost done!" Shinigami shouted back before applying the finishing touches to her little obscured project before her.
The rookie detective paused. Would Shinigami actually hurt Fubuki? He knew she could be possessive and especially cruel when she didn't get her way, but…
"Shinigami, open the curtain!" He tried again.
"Okay, geez! We're all done anyway!" Shinigami's voice said as the curtain slid open.
Yuma's face relaxed. "Thank goodness… you two shouldn't just…ah…"
He couldn't even finish his sentence as soon as the red drapes pulled back. Before his very eyes, Fubuki was presented to him but not in the clothes that she had entered the curtains in. Quite the opposite. Her coat and leggings were traded for a tight, black corset that only rose up under her bare chest. With every breath of air, her breasts went an inch higher thanks to the support of the new corset on her body. Beneath it, however, was only a garter belt that hung across her waist and a long pair of thigh high boots that raised her bubble-shaped ass into the air. Yuma felt his face go insanely hot and red at the patch of blue curls just above her pink slit. Her body quivered in the cool air and the noises she tried to make upon being exposed to him were blocked by a thick, ball-shaped gag shoved between her lips. Lastly, her arms were secured behind her, bound through several loops in her corset.
"F…Fubuki?!" Yuma fell back, clutching his chest. Shinigami smirked down at her work while she was in the middle of removing Fubuki's braid and straightening out her hair.
After she finished, the God of death kicked back and made a rectangular frame with her hands, placing Fubuki between it like she was going to snap a photo. "Whaddya think, Master? Huhhhh? I got this skank some appropriate attire! Isn't this the best?" She gave Fubuki's crotch a playful slap. Fubuki snapped her eyes shut and squealed, nearly stumbling over. "Geez… she's actually cute like this!"
The heiress sniffled and tried to turn away from Yuma, not realizing that doing so only flashed him her rear. In turn, Yuma tried to divert his attention to the sky, the crime scene that he was investigating, or the buildings around him. Anywhere but being caught staring down a practically naked woman in this Labyrinth!
"O-Okay, Shinigami," stammered Yuma, covering his face. "That's e-enough. Give Fubuki back her clothes!"
"Aw, what?" Shinigami whined. She put her arms out to guide Fubuki back over to them. "Look, Master! Her pussy's totally twitching. She's into it…girls can be total perverts too!"
"Wah!" Yuma shut his eyes and threw his hands up. No matter how much of a pulse he felt between his legs, he couldn't just exploit his fellow colleague like this. "Stop it!"
A pout crossed Shinigami's face and she shook her head, her long, lilac pigtails sailing in the wind behind her. If only her Master understood what was truly in a girl's heart…
"Oh, well!" She said brightly. "More for me then." She slipped behind Fubuki and cupped her chest. Each breast filled her hand as she rolled the pink nipples between her thumbs.
Fubuki groaned, her breathing sharp and fast through her nose. She wriggled in Shinigami's grasp, her face completely red from the humiliation. She didn't know how she could ever live this down, whether it was from being exposed in such a shameful outfit or being on display for someone like Yuma. The state she was in was too atrocious for words and yet, the tweaks to her nipples from Shinigami had her arching her back and offering herself up. Her mind spun in circles. It shouldn't feel so good to be demeaned by this horrid demon woman, should it?
She continued to writhe to the playful tweaks and plucks at her nipples until Shinigami's nails slid down her bare stomach. "Mhnnn…" Fubuki blinked and her breath hitched in her throat. Even she could see where Shinigami was heading, somewhere that made her eyes widen.
One finger slid up her folds and teased her clip with a light touch. "Hn!" Fubuki squealed, bucking her hips. It wasn't so much the pressure the death God was using. If anything, Shinigami was merely toying with her. Never once had Fubuki been touched like this, but the devilish woman made her feel like the heroine trapped in the clutches of the evil ruler on her quest. Was the corrupting evil force supposed to feel this good? Two fingers rubbed her clit together, drawing slow, needy moans from Fubuki's lips that couldn't be blocked by her gag. When she opened her eyes, she saw Yuma peeking from behind his hands.
Yuma was watching her? Fubuki was too transfixed with Shinigami's fingers inside of her to care. Her hips bucked on those digits and the groans spilled from her lips. One finger, then another slipped into Fubuki and before she could cry out, Shinigami caught her lips and kissed her over her gag. They connected with Shinigami holding the heiress steady in her arms, driving her fingers deeper into her slick pussy.
Watching the scene unfold before him, Yuma still managed to ignore the urges boiling within him and wondered if he should stop this before it went to the point of no return. Then, dumbly, he reminded himself that fingering was probably indeed past the point of no return! He was about to interject when Shinigami had kissed Fubuki and the heiress had leaned into it, closing her eyes. Sure, her arms were restrained, but Yuma could swear that she was… falling for Shinigami for a moment.
His eyes lowered to catch Fubuki using her unrestrained knee to brush the death God between her thighs. Shinigami smirked, leaving Fubuki's lips with a longing nip that dragged. Fubuki blinked and flushed, turning her face away.
"Oh, don't even, you total skank!" Shinigami hissed to her, giving the blue-haired heiress a loving nuzzle. "You know you wanna squirt all over my fingers. You're lucky I'm so nice… but I'm still not gonna take your attitude lightly from here on out…"
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hilacopter · 2 years
Guys new oneshot pog moment
The lights turn off in courtroom number 2. The judge, the defense, the prosecution, all of them had left. There was no one in the courtroom… or so they thought. Under a desk in the courtroom sits Franziska von Karma at the humiliating height of 3 inches. She had sat there for a couple hours now. Attempting to avoid being seen and trying to push out her feelings, but to no avail. And it seems like she had hid for too long. She can hear the courtroom doors closing. It's only a matter of seconds before she's locked in.
"Wait! I forgot my keys in there!" Phoenix says as he begs the bailiff to give him a few more minutes.
"Mr. Wright, this is the second time now. Are you sure they're not in your pocket?"
"Uh-huh! I triple checked!"
"Fine. You have five minutes to find your keys."
"Thank you!" Phoenix cheers.
Phoenix entered the dark, dimly lit courtroom. How could he be so forgetful?! It's gonna take him an hour to find his keys now! He begins searching, trying to remember where he last left them. But he can't help but hear something. It sounded like… sobbing. Very quiet sobbing. He tries following the source of the sound, only to be greeted by a sight which is, to him, horrifying.
"Oh god, Franziska?! What happened? Are you hurt? Who did this?!" He panicks, truly worried for his friend's safety.
"Leave me alone, you foolish fool! You're only ruining things!" She tries to sound intimidating, but her words come out watery and choked.
Phoenix knows Franziska should be left alone if she so desires, but this is a special case. He can't just leave her here to get locked, especially not in this state.
"Franziska, just let me get you out of there, then I promise I'll leave you alone, ok?" He offers her his hand, faced down flat for her to step on. But she won't oblige. She backs away from him, like his hand is made of lava. Like she needs to avoid it at all cost. Phoenix sighs, it seems like he has no choice now. He begins slowly moving his hand towards her, attempting to gently grab her, only to be interrupted by a bone-chilling scream.
Phoenix immediately pulls his hand away. It seems whatever she's gone through today has really fucked her up. She's crying at the mere thought of human contact, going as far as to lock herself up in the courtroom.
"Franziska, I- I'm so sorry…"
"Don't touch me, asshole! I know you just want to hurt me! I know you just want to do the things he did! I know you just…"
She can't even finish her sentence before collapsing to the floor. Phoenix can't tell if it was from dehydration or exhaustion, but it hardly matters. All that matters is getting Franziska and his keys, and getting out of the courtroom. "Poor, sweet Franziska…" he murmurs as he gently scoops her, tucking her in his pocket. He keeps his hand tucked in alongside her, brushing his thumb against her icy-blue hair.
"You find the keys?" The bailiff asks.
"Yes. Thanks for letting me in." Phoenix attempts to seem somewhat happy.
"Is something the matter, Mr. Wright?"
"Oh, it's nothing. Just worried about a friend."
Phoenix goes to sit at a nearby bench. No one is around right now, so it seems safe to bring her out. He can't help but smile once he sees her, all curled up into the palm of his hand. He can only hope whatever she's dreaming about is more pleasant than the current situation, or her current life. As he looks at the sleeping teen in his hands, he thinks about how much this poor girl has to carry on her tiny shoulders. The burden of having to be perfect, left on her by a father who didn't love her. Having to hide herself from the world, never letting out her feelings. She deserves a better life than this, and he, Edgeworth and Maya are going to do everything in their power to give her that life.
He feels something stir in his palm. He looks down, eye to eye with the tiny girl in his hands.
"I'm glad to see you're awake."
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
I'm curious, what do you think of Blue diamond making her human pet a peak specifically so that they fall in love with one another and then she orders them to have a child/the peal give up her gem for said child? To make a Steven? (But severely underpowered, a diamond vs a peal hybrid? Easier to control)
And then the humans heartbreak over loosing the one good thing they really had at the time? For another one of blues whims?
Oooh anon, you go darker than I do 🤯 Thank you so much for indulging my kidnapped reader wip, I could talk hours upon hours about that fic haha. The timeline I picked for the fic is pre-canon (so Era 2), so Blue wouldn't know much about gem hybrids - nothing at all, actually haha. I never thought about anything like that, but that sure is grim, damn. 😭💕 But you know, with the Zoo and the humans there - let's entertain that thought (don't forget something like that could absolutely be an accident, imagine hiding that from Blue. Uh oh.) It's a really interesting concept! I think she'd have to keep something like that under wraps- We've seen how much Yellow worries about her and subsequently administers tough love, she'd think Blue has completely lost her mind. We also can't forget White - while she doesn't leave her head much (and Homeworld at all) in Era 2, if something like that came to light she'd immediately step in. You'd be killed and your pearl ground to dust- not to mention what would happen to Blue... I can see this happening either at the Zoo (because they'd be able to monitor the whole process over there, with the knowledge to match), or on one of Blue's colonies. One of her own colonies would probably be a little smarter lest Yellow catches even the tiniest whiff of this and follows her.
But why? As much as Blue mourns Pink, she also has her cold, angry moments. Maybe she wants to see just what fascinated Pink so much about humans, maybe you're nothing but a diversion to her (you absolutely are, gem hybrids or not, you're a living ornament), maybe the Zoo keeps her curious? Whatever it is- it's humiliating and inhumane. There's probably no one who knows that your pearl would have to give up her gem for the child (how did Rose know? Maybe it's intuition? I don't quite remember, please correct me if I'm wrong), not that Blue would care. Pearl is pretty much the only one who is your friend, your only comfort... I can't imagine those nine months and how agonizing they must be. How dark and desperate. To know you'll lose the most important person to something you didn't even want in the first place, to something you were forced to make. That makes me so sad, goodness. How you'd be broken all over again after she's gone. How much you'd probably hate that innocent child (at least at first) for simply existing. That's so evil, you poor thing. Words can't describe just how fucked up that would be, oh my god. As an aside: Because I ship reader and Pearl HARD, I did plan on writing a mini-epilogue with Pearl coping with reader's death in Era 3, just some angsty, depressing goodness. Their story is super tragic and their dynamic is so weird. Not like Pearlrose (because technically, you have so little power - even if that pearl is 'yours'), more like two unfortunate souls finding some meager joy in each other... But Pearl is 100% obsessed with you, she's yours after all. She won't take your inevitable death well, because being yours is her entire existence. (Couple that with some other stuff I don't want to spoil- I'm basically just whumping that poor thing with zero comforts. But she'll learn how to live with that grief and she'll be okay eventually 😭💔)
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SCREAM QUEEN Book 1: Conventional Final Girl
Okay so basically let’s just cut to the chase, the main character “(y/n)” is Sidney Prescott’s little step sister, yeah? Well what happens when she takes Sid’s place as the final girl? A whole lot.
Disclaimer: this follows the movie very closely with little change other than the reader insert portions, so like I’m not trying to be like “Oh yeah this is all me” bc it’s not (RIP Wes Craven 😔🙏🏻🕊⚰️)
Chapter 3
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
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Once we got off the bus a few people said bye to  Sid and I. "Can you check the mail?" Sid asked, I can see why she wouldn't want to. "Mhm," I said as she walked ahead. It was as empty as Michael Myers' soul. I instantly zipped upstairs and to the bathroom, "Calling dibs on the shower!" Nothing followed, wow not even a small 'Whatever!'.
  Once I was out I pulled my hair up into the towel and wrapped another one around me before heading to my room. Maybe I was just a bit too paranoid after today but I thought I heard something coming from the living room. "Hello?" I asked, no answer. "God if this were a horror movie I would be so dead..." I trailed my words just like I trailed the weird noise, quickly snatching up a vase from the hallway. I crept down the stairs and to the living room when I heard a crash. I jumped out ready to hit the culprit! Only to find Sidney picking up the phone. "What the hell are you doing?!" She exclaimed, obviously shocked to see her usually collected sister wielding a vase above her head. "I thought you were the killer!" I shouted, trying to keep the laughter of this humiliating moment at bay. Both Sid and I busted out laughing before she said, "I'm going to call Tatum now, why don't you go get dressed and make some snacks?" Of course I was going to do what she said, she was doing me a favor for many things.
  In the kitchen I still felt a little uneasy, like someone was just lurking around the corner ready to stab me from behind. "I've been watching too many horror movies..." Then I stopped to think for a minute. "Well actually the last movie I watched was Psycho with Stu and Billy when they invited Sid and I." I know I'm just talking to myself as I make peanut butter sandwiches but who doesn't? "Ya' know honestly if I could've I probably would've kissed Stu, right in the scene where Norman is cleaning the hotel room but he's completely oblivious to the newspaper carrying all the money. Much like Stu is completely oblivious on how to go about things correctly..."
  My little monologue must've sucked me in a little too much considering I didn't hear Sid laughing on the couch. "Oh my god, don't do that! You scared me!" I shouted in total shock just holding up the kitchen knife, bread crust crumbs still covering the blade. "Are you all packed for tonight?" She asked me as she put her things together. "Uh good question," I said as I put down the plate of PB&J's on the coffee table. Sidney turned on the tv and started skimming through the channels as I ran up the stairs. Every channel she landed on was talking about the murders.
  Coming back down the stairs I ran to the living room where Sid placed her things, not even noticing her in the other room until I went down the hallway. "Hey Sid-" Oh, she's asleep, seems like she just fell asleep too. I quickly grabbed a blanket for her and laid it over her as she snored a little. I take this time to go to the living room and catch up on some sleep of my own. The past few nights have just been feeling weird and off so I've been staying up late.
  When a loud ringing from the other room blairs through the house I jolted up, ready for action! That was until Sid picked up the phone.
"Hello?" She groggily asked.
"Who is it?" I whispered as I peaked out from the wall.
Completely ignoring me, Sid takes hold of the small clock on the side table and says, "It's past seven."
"Ugh oh that's comforting," She said to the person on the other line. At this point I'm pretty sure it's Tatum.
I sit down on the couch swinging Sid's legs onto my lap.
"Whatever, just hurry, okay?" Sid said, stifling a laugh before hitting the end call button and placing the phone back on it's base.
I looked over to her and asked, "So what was that about?"
"Hmm? Oh i-" Before she could even get a real word out the phone rang again.
When Sid picks up the phone she immediately says, "Tatum just get in the car-"
Now that I'm closer to her I can hear the other line and that definitely doesn't sound like Tatum.
"Hello Sindey," A familiar oddly pitched raspy voice called to her. This made me roll my eyes, the boys again.
"Uh hi, who is this?" She asked, moving her legs and sitting upright.
"You tell me," He says in a nonchalant tone.
"Well I have no idea?" Sid said, her voice starting to quake a little. I'm tempted to just take the phone from her and yell at the person on the other end.
"Scary night isn't it? With the murders and all it's like right out of a horror movie," His words slither out, creepy and cold like ice.
Sidney's expression lightened as she said, "Randy you gave yourself away, are you calling from work cause Tatum's on her way over."
Walking around her I go turn on the lamp when I hear, "Do you even like scary movies, Sidney?" That's the worst question to ask Sid of all people.
"I like that thing you're doing with your voice Randy, it's sexy." Sid says, her own voice going a little deeper.
Now this made me laugh a little, "Randy and the word sexy in the same sentence, now that's weird," I said just above a whisper.
"What's your favorite scary movie?" He asked, this made me roll my eyes since he asked me the same question last night.
"Oh come on Randy, you know I don't watch that shit." She said, fidgeting around in her stance now.
I myself felt offended and shot her a look, this made her throw up her one free hand.
"Oh why not, too scared?" 'Randy' asked.
"No no, it's just- what's the point, they're all the same," She said as she threw her arm outward, "Just some stupid killer stalking some big breasted girl who can't act. Whose running up the stairs when she should be running out the front door, it's insulting."
They're not all like that, I think to myself
"Are you alone in the house?" 'Randy's' question made me stand up straight and look over at Sid.
"Randy that's so unoriginal, I'm disappointed in you," She said looking over at me as she faced the window at the back of the couch.
"Maybe that's because I'm not Randy." He said, I could feel my heart beat pick up... this is getting a little too close for comfort.
Sid gets up from the couch placing her hand on her hip and asks, "So who are you?"
"The question isn't who am I, the question is where am I?" The caller said, okay now this isn't good.
Snatching the phone out of Sid's hands I aggressively asked, "So where are you?"
"Your front porch," The caller said as if he were still talking to the same person.
Staying in the same spot but keeping an eye on Sidney who was no doubt going to the porch I asked, "Why would you be calling from our front porch?"
"That's the original part," he says.
"Oh yeah? Nice fucking try." I said as Sidney opened the door, "Calling your bluff."
"So where are you?" I asked, feeling the wind from the cold night already telling me Sid was outside.
"Right here." The caller said, startled, I spin around only to be met with empty space.
Walking to the porch myself I asked the caller, "Can you see Sidney right now?"
"Uh-huh," he says in confirmation.
"What is she doing then? Hmm? Tell me," I said. If it weren't such a serious situation I would've gotten the camera at the sight of Sidney picking her nose.
"HELLOOO" My big sister called out.
"Nice try Randy, tell Tatum to hurry up. Bye now" I chimed to the other line with a giggle escaping my throat. Sid linked arms with me.
"If you hang up on me you'll die, just like Sidney's mother!" The caller shouts, loud enough for Sidney to hear right next to me.
We both freeze in our tracks equally scared and appalled by the words that just left his mouth.
"Do you want to die, (y/n) , her mother sure didn't?" They asked me. Sid's grip on my arm tightened.
"Fuck you, you creep!" I ragefully whispered into the phone. I rushed both Sidney and I into the house before locking the door. That wasn't enough though since the supposed caller jumped out of our closet. Sid and I ducked but not before he landed a blow on her. Not on my sister you don't! I hit him on the back of the head but this caused him to turn around and shove me back, making me hit my head and everything started getting dizzy. The killer was on top of Sidney before she kicked him off. As fast as she could she grabbed me as I was trying to open the door, not realising it was latched.
  Running up the stairs with the killer on our tail Sid flung me into her room first before she did the same to herself and closed her door. The great thing about Sidney's room is that her bedroom door and closet door were right next to each other so if the closet door was open the bedroom door couldn't. The killer did his best by swinging his arm trying to attack Sidney and I. Doing the smartest thing I could right now I picked up the phone and dialed 911 while Sid failed at shutting her window. To no avail though, the phone line was dead. Sid pushed me aside and went to her computer inputting the numbers 9-1-1. Then it stopped, the killer was gone.
  A loud thud at Sidney's window sill startled us before we realized who it was. "Billy!" Sid exclaimed, relieved to see her boyfriend. I just stood there with my guard still up..
"The door was locked, I heard screaming, You alright?" He asked Sid as he looked over at me.
"The killer's here, he's in the house." She said as she hugged Billy tight, sobs just releasing from her mouth left and right.
"He's gone, he's gone." Billy cooed into her ear as she hugged him. The expression on his face gave me goosebumps.
All was fine until Billy dropped something... a small black compact cell phone. Oh shit.
In a mad frenzy I rush towards Sidney tearing her away from Billy's grasp and run out of the room with her hand in mine.
"Wait, Sid, no! Wait wait wait! (Y/n)!" We heard Billy shout as we reached the front door.
Sydney opens the front door in a hurried panic and we're met with that same white ghostly mask again! We both shriek out in pure terror! And so does... Dewey. Nevermind the day is saved...
  It felt so surreal to be sitting here on the tail of the ambulance with Sid while Billy is getting forced into the back of a cop car. They just got done checking me and Sid for any bruises or contusions. Billy wailed for Sidney much like the car sirens wailed to alert danger. Walking up to us the sheriff said, "Well, we're seeing a lot of you today." Then Dewey spoke up asking, "You girls going to be able to come down to the station and answer a few questions?"
"Oh shit, Sydney, (y/n)!" Tatum's voice made me pop my head up. Happy to see a face we can comfortably trust.
"God I'm so sorry I showed up late," Tatum continued, holding Sid's hands and cupping my face.
"Tatum you can't be here it's an official crime scene." Dewey said as he grabbed hold of his sister to escort her away.
"No!" I shouted, everyone looked in my direction before Sid said, "It's okay."
"Their parents are out of town, alright? They're staying with us tonight." Tatum said as she scoffed at her older brother.
"Does mom know?" Dewey asked, for what reason? I'm not sure.
"Yes dufus," Tatum said, pretty sure she just wanted to get us out of there at this point.
I could see the Sheriff holding the costume the killer wore as Sid and I got into the back of the car. This has officially become the most terrifying night of my life. I grabbed onto Sidney's arm for comfort as she petted my hair on the way to the station. As we were about to pull away from our house a news van came rolling in. Out hopped none other than the devil herself, Gale Weathers. We could hear her call out for Sid as we drove away.
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Clothing Is Custom, No Labels
“No matches on prints, DNA, dental. Clothing is custom, no labels. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. No name, no other alias.”
Summary: You’re one of the last bespoke tailors in town, making suits and custom clothing for Gotham’s elite. Business men and women, well known lawyers, the Wayne family, and… the Joker?
Genre: Self-insert, porn with plot, longfic
Pairing: Ledger!Joker x fem reader
Warnings: angst!, threats, intimidation
Word count: 4,334
Author’s note: Oh my god, ok, I was stricken with a particularly persistent case of writer's block but I'm finally back! Here we are with part thirteen!! It took me SO long, as you can see 🙈, but I'm super excited for this chapter (even though I say that about every chapter, it's true!) and I'm sorry it isn't a bit longer! But we've got loads of plot development and dialogue, I hope you enjoy it! This one's smut free for now, but don't worry, it'll be back very soon 🔥
Please read the warning above and do not interact with this story if you are a minor! Comments and reblogs always appreciated ❤️
Musical Inspiration: Something In The Way by Nirvana
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- Part Thirteen -
Sleep should have been the last thing on your mind as you followed Joker out into the warehouse, but your fatigue was starting to grow stronger than your anxiety by now. You actually had no idea what time it was, but it was late enough that exhaustion was beginning to set in behind your eyes. Or was that just from the wild range of emotions you’d experienced in only one day?
You worked on taking steady breaths while you carefully stepped behind him and watched the bottom of his coat sway around his calves to keep yourself from looking at the handful of men standing nearby. Because they were looking at you, you didn’t need to lift your gaze to know that.
Embarrassment heated your cheeks when you arrived at a table with a few folding chairs around it and looked across the table to lock eyes with the man who’d guarded the office door earlier. He stared back for only a second before averting his eyes and rounding the table to pull a chair out for you, making your face burn even hotter. It almost felt as though you were being treated like one of those posh wives that often accompanied many of your wealthy clients, so superior and self-important. The contrast was ironic, funny really. Instead of a ritzy downtown Gotham restaurant, you were in an abandoned warehouse covered in graffiti. And in place of an affluent husband dressed in a pristine suit, you sat next to the Joker, his distinctive purple coat falling open across his lap as he leaned back in his chair, showing where he’d missed a button on his green vest.
The comparison made your throat go dry and you almost choked when you swallowed against it. You had to get out of your own head if you wanted to get through whatever was about to happen without humiliating yourself further.
“Let’s get started then, shall we?”
Joker’s voice snapped you to attention and not a moment after his statement, a man with black hair slicked back against his head and a pointed nose was lead into the room. Your stomach dropped when you noticed what he was wearing. Black tie, white shirt, navy jacket with silver buttons and a shiny police badge over the left pocket.
The heat drained from your face and all of a sudden you felt compelled to run but you couldn’t move. Instead, you stayed firmly planted in your seat, failing to hide the terror in your face while they sat the man down in a chair across from Joker.
He sighed and licked his lips, lacing his fingers together to rest across his stomach before finally speaking. “What kept you so long, Thomas?”
You noticed the man was trembling slightly and starting to sweat, raising the feeling of dread into your throat before he answered, “I-I got news, boss.”
The cold sinking feeling that had fallen over you suddenly dissolved. You were preparing yourself for what he was about to do to this unfortunate police officer, but it seemed that things were more than they appeared, as you’d learned they often are with him.
“Do you? Well then, do tell,” Joker replied in a mocking tone, looking down at the knife from his pocket he’d begun to toy with.
The man, whose name was apparently Thomas, fought hard to swallow before speaking again. “Dent saw the name a-and started askin’ questions. He was gonna shoot me but the Batman-”
Joker’s eyes flashed up from the knife and Thomas froze in place. His mention of Batman instantly raised the tension level in the room, and you found yourself gripping the seat of your chair.
Keeping the knife in his hand, he leaned over the table and growled, “But the Batman wha-t?”
Thomas forced shaky breaths in and out through his nose, keeping his eyes on Joker’s with his jaw clenched tightly. “He… he stopped ‘im,” he managed to utter without his teeth chattering.
“My hero,” Joker answered derisively before leaning back into his seat.
You let the breath you’d been holding out from between your lips while the man in uniform, his forehead now beaded with sweat, blinked and tried to catch his own breath. Joker must enjoy the power he held over people. Inducing so much fear and anxiety by just looking at them. Your heart fluttered when you thought about the thrill it gave you. It was like you’d had been trained to feel more than fear. He stirred up such a complex arousal within you that was hard to explain, even to yourself. Was it because he made you tremble with pleasure and not with pain?
Then your thoughts were interrupted when Joker spoke again, “Now is there more to this little story of yours, Schiff, or have you wasted my very precious time?”
He kept his dull gaze on Thomas, blinking at him, seemingly bored by the whole situation while the man struggled to speak again, his pursed lips quivering. After his tongue slipped out of this mouth to lick the forked scar on his lip, Joker shifted to stand up and Thomas flinched before blurting out, “He’s turnin’ himself in!”
Joker whipped his head back around to stare at the now visibly shaking man with a new fire in his eyes and you stiffened in your chair. There was that thrill again. Your stomach churned a little as a new thought entered your mind. Yes, he enjoyed the power he held over people, and so did you. The way people would freeze, and their eyes widened. The menace that surrounded him came from so much more than a purple suit and smeared greasepaint. He was becoming some obscure figure or representation of fear. His name had been uttered by almost every citizen in Gotham, spoken with an undertone like it left a bitter taste on their tongues, and it wasn’t even his real name. But to the city of Gotham, it was his real name.
“T-…Tomorrow,” Thomas managed to stammer as Joker’s shadow cast over his face.
He approached him and leaned in close, his towering frame hunched forward at his waist. “Wanted to save the, uh, head-line for last, did ya?”
Thomas’s face grew paler, and he vigorously shook his head as Joker licked his lips with a loud smack before continuing, “My time is precious, Schiff, and it’s a terrible thing to waste.”
You took quick breaths in and out through your nose, the air almost burning the back of your throat, like gasoline. It was him. His scent reached your mind and turned your thoughts to how it felt to have him close, as if the smell of him was enough to absorb you. The shirt. Your eyes glanced down at the blue diamond patterned button-up that covered your body and goosebumps suddenly tickled your skin.
“Now. Before any more of it slips away, why don’t you go with these nice gentlemen so they can collect some de-tails from ya, hm?” he said with faux repose before patting Schiff on the cheek.
Two men that you hadn’t noticed approach made you flinch when they appeared behind the man before each took hold of one of his arms to stand him up from the chair. His gaze finally broke away from Joker’s face to scan over the men, making a soft sound, like a whimper, as they silently escorted him out through the side door.
It slammed and you felt like you’d just been dropped into your chair from where you’d been floating somewhere above it, blinking your eyes as if to clear fog from your vision. The warmth of arousal swiftly faded and the uneasy feeling of eyes on you began to crawl up your back. The room was eerily quiet now and you couldn’t seem to dare yourself to move, you just stared ahead into the darkness on the other end of the warehouse.
Then you nearly jumped out of your chair and gasped when you felt hands rest on your shoulders. “What’s the matter, doll face? Afraid of cops, hm?”
So much for getting out of your own head. Your face heated up once again and you fought against the cascade of nervous impulses trying to take you over before turning your head to see Joker’s gloved hand on your shoulder. Your heart fluttered relentlessly, as if trying to flee from your chest every time you saw him.
“Mm well, no need to worry. Thomasover there works for me.”
It was strange, the contrast between the way he spoke to that man and how he spoke to you. It was hard not to read into it. Part of you knew it was because he wanted something from you, but you couldn’t stop the little rising feeling that maybe you meant something to him. Why would you want that from a man like him? Had you been corrupted that much? The whole thing was enough to make your head spin all over again. But you took a deep breath before your thoughts could consume you and finally lifted your gaze to look at him.
He gazed back at you with heavy eyelids and your heart rose up into your throat, your lips parting as you blinked at him. This was all on purpose. Giving them a show, bringing you out here wearing one of his shirts, making sure they could see you. It should have made you upset, the way he paraded you around, but it made you feel something else. Tingles traveled up your neck and through your burning cheeks as a sense of gratification bloomed in your chest. You were his and he wanted them to know that. Maybe you wanted them to know it too. You wanted them to know that you were his… that you’d slept with Gotham’s most dangerous man.
A small smile appeared on your face, the air carrying the smell of greasepaint and burnt matches as the corner of his mouth stretched into a smirk. Still no sign of the bottom of this rabbit hole.
The deep darkness of a dreamless sleep lifted as your eyes slowly opened, blinking at the unfamiliar surroundings where you found yourself waking. This wasn’t your bedroom. Your mind, still somewhat shrouded by sleep, tried to make sense of where you might be instead before jolting you awake, and it all came back to you. It’d only been one night, but it felt like so many more.
You weren’t sure exactly when you’d fallen asleep. But you remembered following him back to his office, there were some passing remarks to the men in the room, you thought maybe then you sat down on the bed, but your exhaustion obscured any more details. What time was it?
Raising your arms over your head, you stretched beneath the blanket that had been placed over top of you and took a deep breath of the cool air. After rubbing your eyes, you heard a small sound coming from the little bathroom in the back of the office. Your breath caught in your throat and a flutter of anxiety came over you when you realized you weren’t alone. Holding still, you listened carefully and heard the sound of water running. It must be him, who else would it be? That maddening flutter grew stronger along with the familiar rise of heat in your face. Was that ever going to stop?
Swallowing against the tightness in your throat, you quietly pulled the blanket away and swung your legs over the side of the mattress, your bare feet making contact with the concrete floor. Once your weight settled onto your tip-toes, you carefully took silent steps toward the bathroom. As you approached the doorway, the sound of running water was accompanied by a metallic clink and a low hum.
You cursed your nerves for being so on edge, it was becoming embarrassing at this point. So, in an attempt to boldly ignore your meek apprehension, you took a breath and stepped into the doorway.
The warmth in your cheeks increased ten-fold as your eyes scanned the sight in front of you. Leaning over the sink while a steamy flow of water ran from the tap, Joker’s reflection in the mirror glanced at you without turning around. He was bringing a straight razor to his face, carefully gliding it along his jawline before rinsing it under the tap and bringing it back to take another row of shaving cream. He was wearing the same thin thank top with only traces of greasepaint left around his ears.
“Mmm well, there she is. A regular sleeping beauty, aren’tcha, doll?” he said, his eyes returning to his own face in the mirror.
Make that twenty-fold. You huffed a breath as you tried to come up with a response, too stunned by something so seemingly ordinary. Sure, you’d seen men shave before, but this was different. It was strange to see him move with such precision, so careful with his hands, running the sharp blade around the rough edges of his scars with ease. His penchant for chaos came with a certain finesse, an accuracy that he made appear so effortless. Perhaps you’d been staring too long.
“Now that you’ve rejoined the, uh, land of the living, we have some work to do.”
You blinked and tore your gaze away from the mirror, trying to look anywhere else before it finally landed on the tile floor. “Um… what kind of work?”
He chuckled and you could feel him looking at you in the mirror again when he answered, “The kind that requires some subtlety, a little nuance that no one else here can measure up to.”
Your eyes lifted from the floor after you thought for a moment about what he said and you asked, “No one else but me?”
“You catch on quick, baby doll,” he replied, clicking his tongue as he swiped away the last bit of shaving cream from his face. Then he set the razor on the edge of the sink and turned around, looking you up and down as he closed the gap between you. “It’s your time to shineonce again.”
That feeling had begun to fill your chest. That strange sense of pride tangled up with your willingness to do more, your desire to please. You didn’t seem to be in control of it, that was something you gave up days ago, but you could see it blurring the line between what was right and what was wrong even further. Soon you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.
He stopped in front of you, keeping your gaze locked with his as you felt the ghost of his breath on your skin. The more he looked at you like that, the stronger that feeling was becoming. He knew it too, didn’t he? He knew that you belonged to him by now and you had no wish to put a stop to it, even after everything you’d seen.
“What do you want me to do?”
A small smirk appeared on his face and he answered in a low voice, “That’s what I like to hear, doll.”
The heat that had been rising in your body came to a sudden halt when he then turned to pass you through the doorway, leaving you taking slow breaths to regain what little composure you could manage.
“This one’s simple,” he called over his shoulder from his desk. “All you gotta do is blend in. Be a fly on the wall, so to speak.”
Were you ever going to be able to keep your mind out of the gutter whenever he got close? Probably not. But you could try to hide it. After letting out one more breath, you turned to follow him into the office where he’d sat at his desk with the small hand held mirror you’d seen before, dipping his fingers into a jar of white paint before starting to smear it across his face.
“Blend in where?”
He chuckled, scooping more paint out cover his jaw line. Then without looking up from the mirror he answered, “Check the suitcase by the bed.”
A tattered leather suitcase beside the bed quickly caught your eye. You weren’t sure if he’d ever answered any of your questions directly before and it seemed that was unlikely to change soon, so you tentatively followed his instruction. It wasn’t heavy when you picked it up to place it on the bed. Then after clicking the latches open, you shifted your gaze toward the desk. He’d moved on to smudging black around his eyes, still not turning to look at you. Those insidious butterflies in your stomach made themselves known and in an attempt to shoo them away, you hurriedly lifted the lid on the leather case.
Not sure what you were expecting to see in the first place, you blinked for a moment at the articles of clothing folded neatly inside before reaching in to pick them up. On top was a black pencil skirt, just the right length for the hem to lay above your knees, and beneath it was a deep purple cardigan with opalescent buttons down the front. The purple knit fabric matched that of his coat almost exactly. Heat returned to your cheeks then your eye caught sight of a pair of black heels in the bottom of the case.
“Can’t have you going out in that, hm?”
Your heart leapt into its familiar place in your throat as you looked down at his shirt you were still wearing, goosebumps crawling up your back before you turned around and nearly ran into him. He’d finished with the bright smear of red on his mouth and was now standing over you, the look in his eyes drawing even more warmth to the surface of your skin.
His fingers slid down your wrist before he took your hand in his, turning your palm upwards as his eyes remained locked with yours, your breath now a shallow huff. After reaching into his pocket, you felt him place something in your hand.
Holding back the excitement climbing up behind your tongue, you forced your eyes down. It was some kind of ID card. In bold letters along the bottom, it read “PRESS” and in the corner, you saw an image of yourself. Your eyes widened when you recognized it as the photo from your driver’s license.
Your eyes darting back up to his face, you asked, “What’s this?”
He raised an eyebrow and replied, “What does it look like?”
“How did you get my license photo?”
A chuckle vibrated in his throat and he turned away from you to go back to his desk where he took something from one of the drawers.
“Always so many questions, doll. But never the right ones.”
It was hard to keep yourself from fidgeting with the hem of the skirt. It was actually very well made and fit you like a glove, but your nerves were getting the best of you once again. You sat in the backseat of an SUV with tinted windows where Joker had just slid in next to you moments ago.
The brightness of the morning sun was only partially lessened by the darkened glass, it’s beams still nearly blinding where it peeked out from between buildings. Lifting your hand to shield your eyes, the other clutching the ID card, you squinted out the window to try to discern where you here headed. He’d left you to get cleaned up and dressed then took you straight to this car outside where a driver was waiting, not a word exchanged between anyone. He said this would be simple, but you couldn’t keep your stomach from tying into a tense knot while you worried over what you were expected to do.
“Ok, doll. Like I said, this one’s simple.”
His timing couldn’t have been better. You turned away from the window to see him reach into his coat pocket, retrieving something small that he held between his fingertips.
“With this, you can be my eyes and ears,” he said, holding it out.
It was a little black earpiece, small enough to fit comfortably in your ear. When you lifted your eyes, about to ask what it was for, you stopped before the words could exit your lips. He’d shifted closer to you and reached out to tuck some of your hair behind your ear. The leather of his glove brushed against your cheek, rendering it scorching as he placed the small device in your ear.
“You are now an esteemed member of the press and today you’ve scored the opportunity to report on the biggest story sweeping the city…” he grinned, taking the ID from your hand and clipping it to your sweater. “The Batman is turning himself in.”
Next thing you knew, the car pulled up to the curb then the man sitting in the front seat reached behind him and pushed your door open. The cool air rushed over your face and you whipped back around, mouth open but no questions left to ask.
“Your time to shine, baby girl.”
Your feet carried you toward the tall building in front of you, its ground floor lined with windows while your chest shuddered against the quick breaths you forced in and out of it. You hadn’t been given much instruction, but you knew standing around on the sidewalk looking confused wasn’t what you should be doing. Scanning the entrance in search of where you should be going, you noticed a small crowd entering the door on the far end of the building and turned toward it.
“Bingo. You’re gettin’ good at this, doll.”
His voice suddenly rumbling in your ear sent a rush down your back and you almost stopped in your tracks, but you pressed forward as warmth filled your face, trying to keep your expression calm and unassuming. You had to resist looking behind you to look for the car you knew he must be watching you from.
After taking a quick glance around you to make sure you were still alone, you swallowed and asked quietly, “Can you hear me?”
He answered with a low chuckle and said, “Mm loud and clear, sweetheart.”
Great, how were you supposed to stay composed when it felt like he was following right behind you? But the door was getting closer, and you didn’t have much time to ask questions. Now you could see inside where news cameras were all pointed in the same direction.
“Are you gonna tell me what to do?”
“Eyes and ears, doll. Your big story awaits.”
He probably heard the frustrated sigh you couldn’t hold back as you pulled the glass door open to follow the crowd, his giggle tickling in your ear.
The large conference room was packed with people sitting in rows in front of a small stage where a podium was set up, more standing along the walls and backed all the way up to the door. You quietly squeezed behind the group just inside the entrance and made your way toward the last spot against the wall, eyeing the handful of police officers to your right. As if your nerves weren’t weighing heavy enough on you, now there were cops here?
You looked down at the press badge clipped to your sweater and tried to relax. Just blend in, they weren’t there for you. Staring at the podium rigged with a handful of microphones across the room, his words echoed in your head, the Batman is tuning himself in.
Then the crowd gradually fell silent when flashes and the clicking of cameras followed a man with a head of sandy blonde hair as he stepped up to the podium. You recognized his face from his campaign ads right away.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. I’ve called this press conference for two reasons. Firstly, to ensure the citizens of Gotham that everything that can be done over the Joker killings is being done.” Harvey Dent continued to speak over contentions from the crowd and said, “Secondly, because the Batman has offered to turn himself in. But first, let’s consider the situation. Should we give in to this terrorist’s demands?”
You couldn’t understand the rest over Joker’s burst of laughter in your ear. You quickly covered it with your hand to smother the sound before he held his giggles back and said, “Me? A Terrorist? Oh Harvey, you’re gonna make me blush.”
The crowd continued the argue against him until Harvey made a promise. “The Batman will have to answer to the laws he’s broken but to us, not to this mad man.”
A mad man. You supposed that wasn’t untrue. You’d seen enough to know that. But it still somehow didn’t feel true to you. Like it was what people said because they felt threatened by him. They were frightened and faced with a particular unease, unable to explain what it was. It gripped them and wouldn’t let them look away. You felt it too. But it didn’t scare you away, it only drew you closer, didn’t it?
Before you fell further into your thoughts, agitated demands for the Batman to turn himself in echoed through the room as Dent’s speech failed to bring any sense of righteousness to the crowd of cops and reporters.
“So be it. Take the Batman into custody.”
Everyone fell silent, waiting for the vigilante to step forward. Was that really about to happen? But Harvey waited only a moment before he stated to the crowd, “I am the Batman.”
Disbelief settled over the room, everyone watching as a few officers approached him to put him in handcuffs and swiftly lead him off of the stage. Then the hairs on the back of your neck stood up as a deep chuckle resounded in your ear.
“Ahhh, well there you have it. Now Harvey wants to play.”
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Taglist: @amethystmoonprincess @call-me-harley-quinn @liz-rdwitch @germansarechill @thesadvampire @tsukiakarinobara @heavymetalnarwhal @neverputsaltinyoureyes @apocalypticwafflekitten @astheworlddturns @komatheterrible @jokersqueenofchaos @killingjokee @into-crazy @youmaycallmebrian @jslittlebirdie @vipervixxen
74 notes · View notes
vogueinnie · 3 years
The Favor
       ━ WARNINGS ;  changbin x fem reader, dom!changbin, college party, smut, a looooot of teasing, mention of alcohol and drugs, finger sucking, fingering (f. receiving), voyeurism, degradation, dry humping, light choking      ━ WORD COUNT ; 1.8k      ━ NOTE ; note : here is my first “real” work, please be kind !! this is so cliché lmao, but who doesn’t like cliché? keep in mind that english isn’t my first language soooo there will surely be some mistakes. if so, tell me !!
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Every minds present were dizzy, just like the smoky room they were in. The grey smoke was like a cloud above everyone. We couldn't see anything except the dancing bodies that were stuck together to the defeaning music who had taken possession of the place. Even the most shy and discreet ones were totally unrecognizable. It was unbearable for anyone who wasn't in the delirious atmosphere of this friday night.
Whoever once thought that youth was decadent had been right, and they were the proof of it. No more exams, no more stress, no more angry teachers, no more homeworks. This night, they all needed to act like the young adults they were ; partying like there is no tomorrow.
Everything was made for everyone to be at ease. Indeed, Christopher Bang, the night's host, was well known for his crazy parties. His student apartment had soon turned into a nightclub, hopefully his neighbors were the same age and they probably were here, enjoying this moment. Even the open windows weren't enough to let out the smoke of all the illicit substances. Everyone was in their own world, laughing, smiling, screaming, jumping with a glass in hand, and it would be bold to assume it was water. They were free minded, for one night at least.
You were in the middle of all these excited people, in the same state, mocking the ridiculous dances moves of your bestfriend, Jihyo. She had one goal and it was to seduce the " beautiful dark haired boy over there, oh my god he's so freaking hot ! " also named as Seungmin. Jihyo burst out of laugh and without knowing why you just did the same, way to tipsy to understand whatever she was saying. You were both looking stupid but who did really care, after all ? You were here to have fun.
The mood changed drastically as the electronic bass music changed in seconds to something much smoother, much slower, much more sensual. The couples present were not shy to stick body-to-body, swaying their hips without shame.
" Wait for me I'm going to see the man of my dream ! I'll be back soon ! Well I hope no, but... Yeah... I mean... You understand what I mean ! " Jihyo said.
You didn't fully understand what she said so you laugh, nodding your head. Without controlling your body, your hips starts to move to the sound that were playing. Your movements were slow, almost erotic as you roll your head back, exposing your neck to everyone that was looking at you. Your free hand were in your hair and you unconsciously bit your lip with a little smile when you start to feel all the curious eyes on you. Thanks to the alcohol you've drinked, you didn't feel ridiculous dancing alone.
The special attention that the predators around you, men and women, were giving you, only increase the urge to reveal more obscenity.
Apparently Jihyo seized the opportunity to talk with Seungmin and you couldn't stop smiling at the view. Finally, she was not letting her shyness took the lead. But your smile fades away the second your eyes meets two dark orbs.
Seo Changbin.
You didn't know why but you both never get along together. You didn't know each other, but you weren't compatible. Everyone knew that. Changbin was naturally sarcastic, raw and must of the time he speaks without thinking twice. And you were the exact opposite ; sweet, easy going and always ready to meet new people. The funniest part between the two of you were probably the fact that you were always craving for each others attention, a little nothing could make you argue, sometimes rudely, sometimes more in a teasing way. You were stuck in a cat-dog relationship, and anyone around you could sense the tension from Changbin and you.
The black haired boy was sitting on the sofa, right in the living room’s center. And he wasn’t alone, a girl was sitting on his thighs. Even if you couldn’t see her face you could already tell that she was pretty and totally his style, long light pink hair and a body to die for. But even the goddess on him couldn't make him take his eyes off you. And there we go for a battle of gaze.
« Dude I’m so high…» Felix next to him giggled, whispering these few words in a completely derailed deep voice.
Changbin took the drug stick his bestfriend gave him and he lets the substance slide down his throat in a relaxing way. His originally brown pupils were dilated in a deep black tone, and without taking his eyes off you he spats out the smoke with controlled slowness, gripping the female’s ass on him. But he gradually lost interest in her, thanks to the show he had in front of him.
You now understand why all the girls were head over heels for him. He was hot, indeed.
You felt your heart race so fast, the adrenaline running in your blood, thanks to the alcohol you’ve drinked. Why were you hanging like that in his eyes while moving your body, giving him a hot show of your own despair ? His attention was all you ever wanted right now. Boldly you slowly put your hand around your throat, almost wishing it was Changbin’s fingers wrapped around you, you give no pressure but you can see his thigh twich at the view.
The music changed again to go back to something more happy, and the bodies around you start to jump again. But you were standing here, like an idiot almost choking yourself just for your not-so-ennemy pleasure. The man in front of you seemed to be in the same state as you, glued to your eyes without even giving the pretty girl on him some attention.
With a courage you didn’t not know you have, you walked with an almost feline step to the sofa. What would have taken a few seconds if you were sober turned out to be more difficult with alcohol in your veins. 
However, you finally stand behind the one who you recognized to be Sana. She was, indeed, one of the most beautiful girls, but it wasn't her who caught his eyes. It was you. Sana probably felt that Changbin wasn’t responding to her neck kisses, so she sits up slightly to face a surprising sight. You, staring down at your new prey. 
The boy raised his eyebrows with a certain provocation in his eyes, silently asking you by this gesture what do you wanted. But you didn’t blink a moment, and the young woman felt too much in this intense exchange.
« You could have tell that you didn’t want me, for real. » She mumbles, standing up.
«  Me ! I want you Sana, c’mooooon ! »
«  Felix… she sighs, you’re not even straight. »
« Ah, yeah… I’ve almost forgot that detail… » He shrugs his shoulders, not bothered at all, and he tooks a sip of his drink while standing up too to follow Sana.
Even Sana and Felix couldn’t distract you.
You were too far away to correctly think, your brain were so fuzzy and you didn’t even understand why you get on your knees in front of him, but youd did. With a cocky smile, he spreads his legs apart, you were offering him such a delightful view. One of  his hands reached your face to slowly brush your cheek, almost lovingly. His index gives your naturally swollen lips some caresses and you immediately took it in your mouth, gripping on his wrist like your life depends on it.
He couldn’t help but broke the contact between your eyes to fix it on your lips sucking on his index, adding his major within. You rub your thighs together, and the thought that anyone could see you in this position, in front of Changbin, makes you unbelievably excited. But people were too busy having fun to care about you. His free hand goes around your neck, like youd did few minutes ago, and you let out a little gasp, keeping his two fingers deep down your throat.
« I’ve always known that you were so desperate. But that desperate… » He tooks his wet fingers back, wiping them on your cheek.
It was almost humiliating and you gulps silently when you felt your dripping core under your dress, your wetness stucking unpleasantly on your pantie. What was wrong with you, really ? You see in his eyes that he wanted to play. So you’re gonna give him something to play with. Your body moved closer to one of his legs, still on your knees, rubbing against it almost like a puppy waiting for some much-deserved reward.
« You want everyone to see how much of a whore you are, hm ? He pats his thigh with a mocking grin, come here. »
Without any hesitation, you straddle one of his thigh with your legs and he catches your waist between his two hands so he can trapped you against his body. His fucking hot body. Thanks to his black shirt you have a perfect view on his arms, and you can feel yourself wetter if that’s possible.
Slowly you started to move against him, you wanted to feel some friction, just a little something, the bare minimum. One of his hand slowly slide under your dress and he pushes your lace underwear aside to fully have acces to your heatness.
« So pitiful. Who would want to touch you ? You still move against him, letting his fingers slip between your wet and hot folds. Right in front of anyone, they’re all looking at you. You’re burning inside even though you know people are having fun. They see how much of a slut you are just for my fingers. »
« S-shut up… You whines, your head burried in the crock of his neck. More, I want more… »
« Can’t you be fucking polite for once, uh ? Or you can’t properly talk ? »
Changbin didn’t wait for your answer and you can feel two fingers deep inside you. You were so wet that it wasn’t unpleasant at all. Hell no, it was a relief. As if his digits were made for you, not too long, a little chubby, just the ideal length to meet your most sensitive spot. He starts kissing your jaw, his thumb were added to give your red bud some rubs. You were a mess in his arms, practically crying cause you were overhelmed by your pleasure and after a few pump inside you, you were cumming hard on his fingers, gripping his shoulder to keep your mind on earth.
« You owe me a favor now, looser. »
You now understand why you didn’t like him.
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beanzykin · 3 years
Request: @mr-walkingrainbow
Hello! How are you today? Is there where I can ask for a prompt? If not please tell me where I can!!! (I’m just gonna say the prompt). So for 1, it’s Breznick. (Or Clairgan, whatever floats your boat) and basically, Morgan just has a closeted fear of thunder and then a super big storm hits and Claire soon realizes what’s wrong and rather than let Alex tease her or something she finds them somewhere private and just helps her through it! Very fluffy. (I checked the no-no list and I think that’s ok)
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A/N: I'm sorry, I kinda made it angsty, I got carried away 😅 anyway, I hope you like it, sorry it took a while too
It was raining that morning, and, according to Shaun, it was expected. Unfortunately, no one else was prepared and claimed whatever site they got their weather updates from said it would be sunny. Which only resulted in Shaun saying they need to get better at knowing what's coming and what's not. 
Great way to start the day off.
After a difficult surgery, –removing a tumour that was wrapped around a crucial nerve– Claire, Shaun and Alex were in need of a hot cup of coffee. Well, at least Alex and Claire were.
Overall, it's just been a really crappy day; and, of course, to top it all off, whatever asshole that controls the weather decided to make it rain. Again.
Going in to work soaked and coming out in the same fashion. At least now they were sorta prepared…
Claire walked into the locker room to get out of her subs for the night. She had put in a special request to end her day short, sure, Claire has dealt with way worse, but this just wasn't a day she could hold up. 
Once she was finished getting changed, she heard a loud sound from outside reminding her that it was still storming. Just worse. 
Heavily sighing, she made her way back to the stairwell to see if she could grab one of the hospital's spare umbrellas. 
She closed the door behind her and heard a small sound. Someone else was in here, and it sounded like… crying? 
Hearing the door close, Morgan softly swore under her breath. She was not going to look vulnerable in front of anyone today. Especially over something so stupid like a storm.
"Hey, anyone in here?" Claire's soft voice rang out through the stairwell. Morgan abruptly froze, if it was bad before, it was worse now. The last person she needs to see her crying is Claire Browne.
The saint Claire Browne. 
Another rumble of thunder from outside made Morgan jump, forgetting about Claire. A small whimper escaped her lips as more tears fell from her eyes. 
Dr. Browne's soft footsteps echoed throughout the empty hall like Morgan's cries. 
"Morgan?" The white coat and blond hair was all that Claire needed to figure out who was in there. Though, she was alarmed, what was Morgan doing… More importantly, why was she crying?
From behind, Claire could see Morgan's back slump down farther, still stiff in shock. Walking over, Claire gently sat down next to the taller blond. 
She looked to Morgan, then to the vacant, stale wall that mocked every doctor to come here. Morgan took in a deep breath of humiliation, her trembling hands running over her face, making their way to rub the tears from her now puffy eyes. 
Claire tapped her foot with Morgan's, giving her a little reassurance that whenever Morgan was ready, she could talk to her.
She wasn't sure what it was that set Morgan off. Possibly a case that hit too close to home, maybe the problems with her career, or perhaps Morgan just isn't in the best mental state. Whatever it was, Claire wanted her to know that she wasn't alone.
She could hear the left-over sniffles from Morgan's small breakdown.
Claire dusted the tears off of Morgan's cheeks with her knuckle, being very gentle not to startle her anymore than she already is.
Finally getting a good look at her face, she could tell Morgan's been down there for a while. All alone. 
Seeing the girl she lo- likes a lot break down over something she couldn't figure out how to fix, or even know the cause of for that matter, just broke Claire's heart. 
The poor woman was alone in the stairwell for God knows how long, sobbing her eyes out.
Claire let her hand down to rest on Morgan's cheek, caressing her jawline softly. She could feel Morgan gently lean into the touch.
Another clap of thunder made Morgan spring from her previously calm stance. 
"Uh," She stammered, voice groggy and embarrassed, wanting to avoid any further conversation that would sprout between the two. But of course, Claire just had to look at her like that. Like she cared.
Thankfully, Morgan was now being paged out of the awkward situation. Well, not so thankful for the patient who had summoned a code blue. 
Swearing under her breath for the second time today, Morgan jumped from the concrete steps, Claire's hand falling back to her side. Morgan sprinted back up to where Claire came from, wanting nothing but to avoid confrontation about what just went on. And, I guess, help her patient in the process. 
To Claire's dismay, Morgan went the rest of her shift avoiding her. 
Claire stirred gently in her sleep, coaxing herself to wake up. She let her senses relax for a moment until she noticed her alarm wasn't going off. 
She lifted her head from the pillow and squinted her eyes around the room in search of the red numbers. 
It was nearly midnight, what was she doing up this early? Her question was soon answered by the loud rain pouring from outside. It was still storming out.
A flash of lightning lit up her room, followed by the loud thunder. The only thing she could think of was Morgan jumping at the sound in the stairwell.
It was simple, Morgan was afraid of the storm. 
Without thinking, Claire sobered up and jumped out of bed, put on a proper shirt and checked her phone for Morgan's address. 
There was no way she was going to leave Morgan alone again. 
So, that's how Claire found herself standing outside Morgan's door at midnight. 
It was only now, after she had gotten kinda dressed and drove all the way out here, that she started to rationalize what she was actually doing.
But one more flash of lightning and her finger was pushing the doorbell. God, she only hoped that the ringing that echoed throughout Morgan's house didn't startle the woman any more than she already was. 
Claire felt her heart race as she saw the doorknob slowly start to turn. The door soon opened, revealing a red eyed Morgan in some comfy clothes. 
Morgan's hand flew up to her eyes, subconsciously wiping them clean of tears for the millionth time today. Suddenly, she felt very insecure about her appearance. But Morgan's messy hair was the cutest thing in Claire's eyes. 
"Um… Claire?" Morgan's soft voice broke at the sight of Claire awkwardly swaying there. "I- I didn't want you to be alone," The words that came out of her mouth sounded small, like how Morgan felt.
That night Morgan fell asleep with her body cradled by Claire's and her head buried in the brunette's chest. Soft, safe and warm. 
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angloie · 3 years
Dark Skies
"Its cold. Just take my jacket, will you?"
in which two people definitely hate each other. even though they feel something between them- something other than plain dislike- Percy refuses to admit it. Nuh uh.
Add in a rainy day, a umbrella-less Annabeth, and a grumbling Percy to the mix.
warnings: swearing, thunder/rain storm.
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The weather seemed to reflect Annabeth's mood.
As she sniffed under the tree, her tears became more rapid sliding down her flushed cheeks. Cold, leaving her shivering in the slightest.
Stupid classmates, being total jerks. When she had one of the older students ask her out- and when she rejected him, lightly- he had the audacity to insult her when he didn't get what he wanted.
"I-It was just a dare, anyways!" The boy had stammered before. "Not like anyone would actually want to date you, ugly."
Wow. What a way to handle a rejection. Even if it were a dare, was the insult really necessary?
If Annabeth knew this was awaiting her at the end of the day, then maybe she wouldn't have gone to school. Even after a rough day like that.
Rain. More rain, and even more. The local forecast didn't say anything about the horrible weather, (the forecast was always messed up, somehow, that was probably her mistake,) so why was she here; finding refuge under a branchy tree? It was just so peachy that she didn't bring her umbrella.
It was cold. Too cold for Annabeth's liking.
She wrings her hair in her hands, squeezing out every droplet she can manage. They run down her arms, hands, fingers, only adding to her shivering. Yup- her hair would be one frizzy mess later. And a pain to comb.
Her bag was soaked, along with her notebook. Oh, and her sweater was damp at the edges, sleeves a dark color from the once light grey. If Annabeth wasn't sick now, she definitely would be later.
"Oh? What're you doing here?"
Annabeth sighed and leaned on the somewhat dry trunk. Her phone wasn't doing much in the situation. Well; it was dead. So that wasn't very fun.
Was she being too sensitive? The insult hurt, no matter if it a as said in spite. I mean, if Annabeth wanted to get insulted in her appearance, she would've just gone back ho-
"What do you want, Percy?" Wiping her tears on her sleeve, Annabeth turns around to face the one and only. Even through the grayish blur she could manage his figure.
As if things couldn't get any worse.
Why him?
Percy Jackson.
"I couldn't help but notice you," Her smirks tauntingly. "Looking all down in the dumps, crying like that. What, not a fan of rain?"
Her number enemy number one. Both academic and athletic rival. The bane of her very existence. Her cocky and sarcastic rival ever since-
"I seriously despise you." Annabeth grumbles. "For your information, im dealing with something right now!"
"And what's that supposed to mean?" If she knew any better, Annabeth would've thought there was a little concern in his words. But concern? And Percy? Not two words meant to be paired together.
"J-just," She wipes her eyes clear now. By the way hes looking at her, mascara must be running down her eyes by now, and her skin must be red and puffy. How humiliating.
"Go away. Please. " Her voice cracks.
And how pathetic.
"No, I don't think I will."
"Just fuck off, then!"
"Oh shit."
There was thunder now?
"Shit indeed." Percy eyes Annabeth.
"You don't have an umbrella." He says, as if noticing only recently.
"And theres one heck of a storm we're in."
"Uh huh."
"If only you had someone to walk you home," He taunts, waving his dark blue umbrella in the blondes face. "How sad."
Annabeth knows that trees are a target of lighting strikes. She also knows that standing under one during a storm is, well, dangerous. So if Percy doesn't get to the point fast, she might have to do a full on sprint to her house.
"I get it, geez. Don't rub it in."
He stays silent for a second as he watches the droplets land on his shoes. They slide off painfully slow.
"Oh, fine. C'mere." Percy ushers her over, over to under his-
Under his umbrella?
"What?" Annabeth mouth slightly parts in surprise.
"Do you have a death wish or something?" He rolls his eyes. "I might hate you, but im not an asshole. Let me walk you home."
"Why should I?" She crosses her arms, frowning and turning away because head.
Another strike of lightning.
"You know what?” She pauses, staring at the charred peice of ground a few meters away. “Fine."
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Its quiet as they walk.
Well, as quiet as you can get when there's a while thunderstorm going on. Percy nearly trips over Annabeth's feet as they speed walk through it all. Annabeth almost slips when they go downhill.
And, God, as she looked at a puddle, her appearance wasn't something to be proud of. All Annabeth is willing to disclose is a few words consisting of Mascara, a mess of hair, and red eyes.
Why Percy offered her to walk home? She didn't know. Maybe to torment her further. Or maybe to tease her.
"Im sorry." He says randomly.
Annabeth side eyes him. "For what?"
"I saw that douche back there," Percy sighs and shakes his head, "He's just insecure about himself. Don't let him get to you." After a beat of silence, he speaks up again. "Im sorry for not saying something. I should have. So I'm sorry."
"A-ah. Thanks, I guess." The corner of her lips twitch upwards.
"I dont.." He takes a sharp inhale. "I-I don't think you're ugly."
Is that...
pink on his face?
Is the Percy Jackson blushing?
Holy crap- he is. He totally is.
"Where's this all coming from?" Annabeth guffaws, fully grinning now. "You? Not being a total ass? What is it, is today doomsday or someth-"
"Shut up! I just don't want to see you crying again!" Percy falters as he hold the umbrella up.
"Aww, you're worried about me!"
"...You're impossible, you know that?"
"Bleh. Whatever."
Annabeth misses way Percy looks at her as she turns away. Tender, as she snickers to herself, its something straight out of a cheesy romance rom-com.
But she'll get to see it another day, anyways. For now Percy can settle with a soft smile.
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lackingspace · 4 years
Lucent (Ghostface x Reader)
Word Count: 12k (yeah, you read that right. A book. I didn’t feel like spliting it.)
Warnings: Depictions of injuries, descriptions of blood and gore (this is the slasher place after all), suggestive language and themes, explicit dirty talk, humiliation, degradation, thigh riding, oral, cum play, cum eating, it kinda nasty, Danny “Jed Olsen” Johnson is his own warning,
Author Note: I hope y’all enjoy this MEAL. It nasty. I’m not sorry.
Part 4 of Homecoming series✧・゚: *✧・゚
Previous ch: Torrid
Next ch: debased
AO3 Link: Lucent
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Dying, well, it really wasn’t significant at all. Didn’t really feel any different than curling up and slowly slipping into an easy slumber.
In truth, it was a surprisingly forgettable experience. You’d thought it would have left more of a mark on you, some kind of trauma on your psyche. Cause a shift in your world views or something significant— but you were...fine. Just fine.
It wasn’t like you forgot. No, uh uh, not at all, you remember everything clearly. You knew you’d died. Could even still feel the ghost of the entity's pincers. You remembered peering into the deep black abyss. Remembered the way the hook was impaled into you. How the tendrils had reorganized your insides. And you especially remembered Ghost Face. God, you couldn’t forget that if you tried. Not that you’d want to. That had been the best you’ve felt in a long time.
Clearly remembered the last thump of your heart…
It could be shock. That quiet voice inside you whispered it wasn’t. But you felt like this was something you should have kind of a problem with. Like, you shouldn’t feel so blasé with this...right? But you could hear that place in you telling you it was fine. That you weren’t basic like most people.
But you still tried to rationalize— it was always a thing in books or movies. The whole ‘death experience’ was a big thing for a person to come to terms with, right? There was always that profound opinion on the experience of dying and suddenly waking up to realize that there was nothing waiting for you there but darkness….somehow, you just felt content with it. Didn’t mind it at all.
Although, seeing where you came from...maybe it did make sense. Still, you wondered what those other survivors' reactions to death were like. Did they have a hard time coming to terms at first? You were curious about what it was supposed to feel like. 
You’d never cared to know what was considered ‘normal’ anyway. And thinking of your upbringing, different was your normal. 
Not really sure what that says about me, but oh well, whatever. Can't help it, I guess… With a shrug, you put it out of your mind. Wallowing in self-contemplation wouldn’t get you anywhere, so you got up off of the dirt for a second time, Geez, I'm really making a habit of this. 
Honestly though, dying might have been the best thing that's happened to you since all this began...a quick flash of a mask in your mind's eye had you rethinking that. Ok, second best thing because you felt way better than before. Almost like you weren’t fucked up and stuck in some version of reality. Just a little sore.
Physically there were still aches, small jolts of pain with strained movement here and there, but overall nothing too intense. And Emotionally? You felt solid there too. 
When you looked yourself over the entity must have taken pity on you or heard your earlier plea because although the sling was still there, your arm felt significantly better. Peering in revealed the break looked like it had been set correctly if not fixed.
It still felt achy, stiff, but definitely not broken, dislocated if you wanted to really be dramatic. When moving it there wasn’t any jarring pain— a good sign, just achiness. The sling was probably unnecessary, but being paranoid you decided to keep it on. Maybe the entity would decide to take back it's magical healing, who knows how this place worked.
Cosmetic injuries like cuts and bruises were still scattered on you. The massive gash running the length of your leg was still there too, but like your arm, it miraculously felt better. It looked scabbed, deeper bruising, and maybe an infection starting? but it really looked way worse than it felt. Didn’t feel fresh anymore.
If everything else was healed you hazard a guess that the cut running across your eye probably didn’t need the gauze covering it anymore. So after a moment's hesitation, you reached up, gently prodded and peeled it away. Slowly with baited breath, you poked around the area. 
There was pain, surprisingly more than you felt in your arm, but it wasn’t anything to write home about either. Blinking slowly and then rapidly, your vision in the eye finally came into focus. Blinking did cause some irritation to the scabby slice ran over your eyelid, but that paled in comparison to actually having depth perception again. 
Alright, I’m sold, magical healing kicks ass. Checking your hip, it wasn’t as healed as everything else— didn’t have fresh clots of blood though so that was a plus, the bruising around it was still extensive. That’d be easy to deal with though— you had bruising pretty much everywhere. Out of sight, out of mind.
Looking around the area you noticed the landscape was trees, tall grasses, shrubs, and the occasional log. With nothing better to do, you walked aimlessly for a bit until you caught a muffled conversation in the distance. The words were unclear, but it sounded like someone wasn’t very happy. 
You decided there wasn’t any harm in trudging your way towards it. After a few moments, the voices or one voice, in particular, became clear. Someone was angry, yelling, and also very English. Guess the entity doesn’t discriminate against continents. Good to know, but damn, they don't care about who can hear them? People are weird.
“Where the fuck is the bloody wanker?!” there was a muffled response but you still weren’t close enough to grasp it.
Mr. drama queen rang out again, “What’d ya mean you ain’t know where the prick is?!” This time you’d walked close enough to catch the answer of a softer feminine voice, “we’re….well, she hasn’t come to the camp yet…” 
There was a beat of silence before the loud man barked, “Are you takin’ the piss? What the fuck does that mean?!” His voice growled, “Where the fuck else would she be?”
Finally pushing through some tall grass you stood silently at the edge of a clearing. The glow of a campfire cut through the fog, a few logs surrounding it, and a variety of people with it.
They were all scattered around— some in pairs sitting on the logs, others scattered just outside the log ring messing with a variety of odd items, there was even a woman sitting at a log riffling around inside a first-aid kit with a boy on the ground and his arm in her lap. He had a few gashes on his tricep. 
The culprit of the shouting had to be the man in a muscle shirt, pants, with wrapped knuckles. Dude has to be some kind of fighter. No wonder he's so angry. He was standing next to a petite woman, she must have been who he was arguing with.
You recognized her as one of the people who’d been in the trial with you. She wasn’t the one you watched get mutilated, but the other one you’d only gotten a glimpse of. She had a deep complexion and a gentle-looking countenance. 
“We left the trial a while ago, but she hasn’t shown up yet. Either the entity put her in another immediately or well, we’re not sure….” She answered the lumbering man and added with what sounded like pity, “You should have seen her, she wasn’t in good shape. The poor girl could be lost in the woods somewhere...But” 
The man scoffed, “Yer Wot?! We always pop back up right ‘ere.” After a second he must have finally processed what she’d said, “What’d you mean, ‘not good’ shape? That’s just our normal innit?” The woman shook her head, “She looked worse than us.” She continued before he could ask, “I didn’t get a great look, but she was banged up really bad. Covered in bandages. Our trial was with Ghost Face, and you know how that creep is. He could be drawing it out with a chase or something.” 
The man chuffed out annoyance in a swift exhale, “Oi, don't even get me started on that knob head.” The woman cut him off before he could continue on that train of thought, “Why do you want to know where she's at though?”
She shouldn’t have asked because the annoyance that had simmered down was back with a flair, “What is it, right, there was a fuckin’ trash new killer.” The woman gave him a look of pity. New killers were always the worst, “This new bloke is proper fucked. Big, scarier than my ma— and that's saying something.” He made a snort of exasperation, “Just bloody brutal.” 
A new woman walked up to the two, she’d been knelt down next to the fire. She had a slim build with a stylish fitted jacket, scarf, and what looked like some kind of recorder on her hip, “David’s right, Claudette, the new killer,” she made a grimace and shivered, “He...it’s something else.” Confusion was written all over Claudettes face, “That bad? Wait...It?”
David, cut in, “It's a guy mate, but tosser had a mad metal thing over ‘is ‘ead!” Claudette looked confused and concerned now. The other woman clarified, “Yeah, I’m not really sure. It was some kind of metal cage thing. Didn’t seem like a mask— was just a triangle-shaped cage thing for his head.” a frown overtook her features, “He's a literal giant too— was a good 9 to 10 feet tall if not more and uses a sword just as big.” she shuddered “and there were these giant beetle things. Don’t know if they're a new entity edition or his, but god were they really nasty.” she closed her eyes and shook her head, “It wasn’t a good trial for us.” 
You knew how much it sucked to try and hide from pyramid head, but you didn’t feel that bad to be honest. You might have been able to choose the fucker that cut your hip, but no thanks, you were choosing for you and it’d be pyramid head every time. Imagine if you’d chosen that weird creepy mannequin monster. That made you shudder. 
Pyramid head was just big...at least he was slow— they wouldn’t get any sympathy from you. Besides, you knew how to deal with him well enough, so you’d be fine as long as he didn’t see you. He’d probably skin you alive if he got his grubby hands on you. 
Another man, well, just barely a man, late teens maybe? Walked over with his hands on his hips, “Ha, bad trial?! That's an understatement. I swore the Demogorgon would be the weirdest thing I’d ever see, but that guy really tried to take the cake.” He scratched the back of his head, “Where the hell does a guy like that even come from?!”
The unnamed woman shook her head, “Thanks for the input, Steve.” The boy jutted out a hip while gesturing with a hand, “Hey, I know you’re dying to know what pit he crawled out of too, Zarina!” 
She made a face that said he wasn’t wrong, but David cut back in, “Ye, I want to ask the new survivor what kinda prick she is to have that come in with ‘er.” 
Claudette sighed, “David that's not...I doubt that was her choice. You know how it is…”
David huffed in aggravation, but didn’t argue, “Anyways, like I said, she was so messed up...Dwight told me he thought she was a new killer, but he and Meg just mistook all her injuries…”
Steve cut in, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, someone showed up in a trial already injured?” Claudette nodded and he continued, “Ok, how bad are we talking? Like, fresh off a hook bad or I fell down a flight of stairs trying to get away bad?”
Everyone gave him an incredulous look, one he returned with exasperation, “What?” Zarina spoke up, “Falling down stairs? That's just you, Steve.” you silently laughed, That sounds like me the most though. 
The woman you recognized as the one who’d been mutilated in front of you— what had Claudette call her, Meg? Stood up from the man she sat next to and came over to the little huddle, “Think I saw her the most out of all of us, and yeah, it was pretty bad. Honestly looked like the entity snatched her out of a crappy hospital.” she seemed to think a moment before recounting your state, “She looked like she belonged in one anyways. Literally everywhere was covered with bandages. Eye, arms, legs, lots of cuts, bruising— she looked as miserable as I felt.”
Zarina brought a hand up to her chin in thought, “Maybe the killer we saw had injured her before they were brought here. I don't think any of us had accidents before being brought here, so maybe it's possible to keep the injuries if you’ve already sustained them.” 
Steve was nodding, “Alright, I’m following.” Claudette worried her hands together, “Poor girl must be so confused. Having us run from her and the Ghost Face as her first killer? I feel so bad. I’d rather have someone like the Oni who’d just get the job done than deal with Ghost Face’s attitude.” They all collectively acknowledged their agreement with either a nod or grunt. Well, he did say he was known as a bastard. Guess they really don't like him...Can't relate.
You’d stood there watching their whole interaction. None of the group had noticed you and looking around the clearing it didn’t seem like anyone else had either. Were these people all blind? They obviously didn’t care about conversation volume, but were they not alert either? Sure, you were pretty light-footed, but you’d definitely made some noise when pushing through the weeds. 
If they were in a place where they were regularly hunted by murderers you’d think they’d be on edge and alert constantly. They were pretty unobservant, how many times had they been spied on and never noticed before? This is good though, won't have to try very hard to cover up whatever's happening with Ghost Face.
Your thoughts moved over to thinking that maybe these people wouldn’t be the greatest teammates if you could slip in without anyone noticing. Of course, right then your eyes locked with the boy getting patched up by the girl with the medkit. Maybe there's some hope still. He wore a beanie, had a jacket that he’d have pulled half off. His most standout feature though was the deep bags under his eyes. 
He looked like around the age of Steve, probably late teens. God that must have sucked getting sucked up while still in puberty. No chance to experience life outside teen drama. That's gotta suck majorly. 
He had a curious expression as you sized him up. But it was nicer than the distrust that Meg had started you down with in the trial. His was open— welcoming even, almost warm. 
You figured the best thing to do was give him a slight smile, just a quick flicker of your lips up and a tilt of the head. He mirrored your expression while you turned your gaze back to the group as Zarina spoke up, "I wonder if the entity would have healed any of her previous injuries after the trail though." Claudette nodded, “Well, I hope it does...I can’t imagine walking around like she was.”
Meg nodded, "yeah, same, but you know it sometimes leaves us with injuries if we do bad. None of us told her what to do, so…." She left that sentence unfinished, but everyone knew what she was implying. 
David piped back up with a question, "Right, any of you lot want to give a look round for her?" Steve agreed and added, "Yeah, if you think she's still messed up I don't like the idea of her just wandering around lost. She could bump into a rando killer if ones lurking around." 
"I don't like the idea either, I’ll go too.'' Claudette fretted in a pensive tone, "But how are we supposed to know where she would have been dropped? If she's even out of the trial that is..." 
They were trying to come up with a plan when the boy who you’d just had your exchange with spoke up.
"Guys." Or he tried to, but they ignored him, "Hey, guys." Maybe he was just soft-spoken. Either way, they hadn’t heard him, so he tried again, "Guys, hey, Claudette? Steve?" 
Again they were talking amongst themselves— not paying attention and he looked bummed.
"Hey, you guys shut up! Quentin has something to say!" The girl with the medkit yelled out at the group. He looked up to her, “Thanks, Feng.” she looked down at him, “You’re welcome, Quenie.”
"Wow, rude Feng." Came from a disgruntled Steve, but they all listened, quieted, and turned to look at Quentin. He just raised a hand and pointed to you. Their gazes followed through and all eyes landed on you.
Looking between them all— even the few others who hadn't taken part in the conversation, you slowly raised a hand up and gave a small wave.
"Well, Zarina. You were right, she looks way better than before. Must have been healed a bit." It was Meg that broke the silence. “Doesn’t have the gauze on her eye and her leg doesn’t look like she kicked the oni’s knife anymore.”
"That's better?!" That was an exasperated Steve.
"Steve! That's rude!" Followed by an appalled Claudette.
"Oi! Where the fuck ya come from with that mingin ass killer?" And a disgruntled David.
You didn’t really have an answer or one that you wanted to give, so instead, you just blinked and said, "Uh, hi, I guess".
Claudette spoke up before anyone else could, “David! Don’t ask that!” She quickly made her way over to you, “Hi I’m Claudette and I’m sure you're really confused about what happened and where you are.”
You weren’t, thanks to Ghost Face, but telling them that wasn’t an option so you just went along with it and looked confused and nodded. 
“Oh, you poor girl. Come sit by the fire, I’m sure you’re in pain.” Again, you weren’t— at least none that really bothered you, but you didn’t need them asking questions. So you just sniffled, gave her a watery smile, and nodded. 
You followed her towards the logs meanwhile everyone's eyes followed you. She brought you over to where the boy Quentin was and sat you down, “Feng, are there any more bandages left in there?”
Feng handed the kit over to Claudette, “A few.” Quentin still sat on the ground, looking up to you, “ I’m Quentin, what's your name?” You gave it to him, meanwhile, Steve plopped down next to you. “Cool, nice to meet you, I’m Steve.” 
You looked at him and he opened and closed his mouth then cleared his throat before, “Ah, well I don't mean to be rude, but how’d you get to be like that?” he gestured from head to toe. A shout of, “Steven!” came from a young-looking girl across the fire. 
He groaned, “Nance you know we all were thinking it, and besides, I said ‘not to be rude’ which makes it totally ok, right?” Quentin reached over and knocked a balled fist against Steve's shin. Claudette shook her head as she pulled a few new bandage rolls from the kit and apologized, “Excuse him, he sometimes doesn’t think before he speaks.”
You looked around at them and let out a huff of laughter— more air than anything. You kind of liked the kid, he reminded you of, well, yourself a little. So you’d cut him some slack with a half-truth as Claudette started cleaning up and bandaging your leg, “From what I remember, I was jumped by some random wacko and beat up. Kinda sucked.” 
A couple shocked faces, a few angry, and a few pitying ones. All their sympathy did was make you feel caged. Steve had a look of indignation, “Jesus Christ, what happened to common decency. I guess people are just creeps everywhere.” 
You shook your head, “It’s fine...well, it's not fine, but I do feel better after…” You stopped from finishing that sentence because no way could you say ‘having the hottest finger bang of my life and then dying.’ So, instead, you chose to play up the confusion and then settle on a grimace.
“Yeah, it's called a trial and no it doesn’t get any easier,” Quentin spoke up when you didn’t finish. Feng spoke up to correct him, “Hey now, it does get a little easier because we're prepared and know what to expect...The psychological stuff is what stays the same.” 
Zarina agreed, “She's right, knowing what you’re up against helps. Being sacrificed or moried still sucks every time though. I always need a few to sort it out in my head, so don't feel bad if it's in on replay constantly right now.” You could see everyone had a look of agreement on their face. 
Alright, so everyone just had to collectively confirm my priorities are kinda different. Sweet. After a second you processed what she’d said, “Moried?” 
Meg answered your question, “It's a killer thing”. At your confused look she just said, “We’ll explain it all don't worry.” 
And that's how the conversation carried on for the next half hour. They asked a few questions, especially David asking if you knew anything about the new killer. You gave some answers— some half-truths, some lies, saying you didn’t know anything about the new killer, but that he sounded terrifying. They explained what Ghost Face had already told you and a lot of things he hadn’t. 
It was a ton of information to take in, so you knew you hadn’t absorbed everything, but it was good to at least have a clearer picture of what was going on here. From their perspective too. Even if you still thought they were kind of overbearing.
A few people stepped out of some thick fog at the edge of the camp and a few that were sitting stood up and shared a look, checked themselves over before fog appeared and swallowed them. The newcomers to the circle introduced themselves, you did the same, and it was Steve that explained what just happened. 
“They got called to a trial, you’ll know when you feel it. Hope they all get out and stick it to the killer.” You absentmindedly nodded in agreement. That happened a few more times, people suddenly standing with a knowing look and then disappearing. 
Who went seemed totally random and when you asked Quentin had shrugged and said they didn’t know if there was a pattern so they went with random. It’d been a good while since you’d come here, maybe an hour? What was time anymore though? Staring into the forest surrounding the camp you swore you’d seen a few shadows passing here and there. 
Did killers roam around? It was probably a thing. You’d walked around out there before coming here, so why shouldn’t they? Maybe they could spawn in there too before going to wherever they usually were. 
Restlessness had started to take root in you. Wanting to move you got up and paced a bit. Steve and Quentin had been called to a trial a little ago, so Feng was the only one left sitting with you. 
“Hey...would it...is it fine if I go walk around in the woods over there a bit? I’m antsy and I just need…” When you didn’t finish she raised a brow, but a look of sympathy was written on her face. She thankfully supplied, “Need to process everything alone?” 
You gave her a grateful smile that she interpreted as understanding. You were just glad she gave you an excuse. The urge to walk around and stretch your legs was there, so you weren’t exactly lying to her— and you did want to be alone too, just not to process like she thought….
There was a gnawing in your head again. One that wanted you to get up and find your masked friend. These people were all so nice and accommodating— which was fine in general, but you needed to decompress after everything with Ghost Face. You couldn’t exactly moan about how great he’d felt between your legs or how easy the banter was with him to anyone here. They might try to hang you or something.
Really needed to either find him and fuck him or find a place you could relax by yourself. Maybe do some yoga or something. You needed to question yourself in silence on how moral ambiguity was so easy for you. Psychoanalyzing yourself into an existential crisis and all that.  
The final nail so to speak was the sensation of being watched that’d come on about half an hour ago and you thought maybe...hoped it could be Ghost Face...you didn’t really count on it, but the desire was still annoyingly there.
“Go for it girl, you can’t really get that far anyway. Not without walking into killer territory. You’ll know when you do. Just watch out for them and come back this way. They can attack you if you’re on their side, you’ll still end up respawning back here, but who wants to give those dicks a free kill?” 
You agreed with thanks and made your way into the woods once again. It didn’t take long before the quiet conversations and crackles of the fire were lost to the silence of nature. There were crows occasionally, but nothing else. No insects to fill the silence, no wind, no other sounds. The silence was so loud, but strangely it calmed you more than the fire and camp comradery. 
A sigh left you as you were finally able to relax and breathe. The woods here had thicker fog than what you’d seen before. The lighting was low, but you kept walking and looking around. There wasn't much variation in landmarks or anything that stood out. So you just aimlessly wandered around. 
The feeling of someone watching you was still there, but it wasn’t concerning. Even if it was some random killer who took an interest in you for whatever reason, they weren’t bothering you. And you were cool with leaving it that way. 
You stopped when you saw a glimmer of light shimmering through the trees ahead. It was an orangey glow, so definitely some kind of fire. The light was flickering off the trees in a soothing pattern that enticed your senses— drawing you in. Curious, you were about to go investigate when something covered your eyes. Or someone.
Going stiff the smell of leather and a metallic tang invaded your senses. Waiting was the only option you considered. Screaming was out, hitting the person probably wouldn’t be the smartest, and running was out too, you kind of didn’t remember which way you’d come from anyways. 
It was discernibly a pair of gloved hands covering you and that ignited the glimmer of hope that sat inside you. Their breathing had enough sound to let you know they were wearing a mask. And when they learned in the same crisp clean scent you’d smelt on Ghost Face overtook you. Maybe you were wrong, but that scent had you relaxing slightly.
He must have felt it somehow because he snickered, “Figured it out already? Or do you just find kidnapping situations comforting?”
Yep, definitely him. A sound of disgust escaped you, “Of course I don't, who would?” 
“I don’t know, you seem like the type.” he had that mocking tone from before. You scoffed, "Yeah? And what types that?"
He removed his hands and turned you around, mask tilted as he regarded you, "sociopaths."
You stared up at him in silence and then, "Wow, sick burn, Dude. You really got me there. But I don't even think that's part of sociopath classification."
The smugness was clear in his voice, "You’d know wouldn’t you, cupcake." He let out a patronizing coo, "My cute little sociopath."
The possessiveness shot a hot rush of arousal down your spine and satisfied that deep dark void inside you, “Mmhmm, well, what's that make you? My psychopath stalker?” He extended a hand to pat your cheek and agreed in that appealing deep voice, “Only when you’re good. Otherwise, I’ll be your psychopathic murderer.” 
You groaned, “Fuck, that shouldn’t turn me on.” His hand dropped to grip behind your neck, “But it does, Cupcake, and that's what makes you special.” That filled you with satisfaction while giving him a smug look of your own, “Oh, I’m special now?” 
He gripped your neck tighter— thumb extending to press just under your jaw bone tilting your head to a deeper incline. He shuffled closer and spoke in a sinful chide, “Well, I don't finger just anyone, I do have standards, Dollface.” You jutted out a lip and snarked, “What? Sociopath a requirement for you?”
He tilted his head, “Wasn’t before, but after you? It’s a prerequisite.” That sentiment had you both giddy and irritated. That you could affect him enough to change his preferences had your arousal growing. But the ‘After you’ didn’t sit right. Not at all. If he could be possessive, then you didn’t see why you couldn’t either. 
That dark void in you whispered viciously that, ‘no, there wasn’t an ‘after you’, not one that he’d enjoy anyway. You’d make sure of that. He got you to admit something you never would have spoken aloud to anyone otherwise. He was probably just doing it for his own amusement to see you struggle, but he’d dug his own grave. There was no way you were letting the person with that knowledge go. 
He had said you were stuck with him, but he was the one stuck with you too. 
Those thoughts must have left you with some kind of look because he tutted at you antagonizingly, “Aw, how precious. She can get a little jealous too? Cute.” he ignored your huff of annoyance, “Don’t worry, you’ll know if I get bored.” 
Needing to change the subject because he was way too smug for your liking, “Anyways, stalk much? How long have you been watching this time.” At your question, he released his hold on you to cross his arms and raise a hand to his mask as if he was mockingly thinking about it, “Hmm, let' see, about when you went to your new friends comfy little camp. Can’t believe they said I was the worst killer to get for a newbie. Talking shit behind my back. Unacceptable.” 
He shook his head and waved a hand, " I mean, look how much you enjoyed it.” 
A blush settled on your cheeks as you silently agreed. Damn, he got you there and you knew that watched feeling back at the fire had been him. He was nothing if not dedicated because he’d been watching for a while, “Bro, that had to be like a few hours ago. You don’t have another trial to get to?” 
He chuckled, “You’re one to talk. Maybe the entity wanted us to have some alone time and you were over there wasting it by trying to play nice. I’ll give you that it was kind of fun to watch though. Seeing how well you put on a little act to blend in with them.” His shoulders shook in a silent laugh, “How well you can lie about being clueless and scared when we both know you’d enjoy gutting them just as much as me. I give it a solid 7.5. Could work on your social skills. ” The flush brightened as you sputtered, “You...you...thats...I don't even know what to say to that.”
“Well, don't injure yourself trying to think of something.” annoyance spiked, “I really want to hit you right now, you asshole.” 
“That's sweet, Cupcake. But you'll have to get in line.” He ignored your threat in favor of pressing into your side, “Anyways, I have somewhere I want to show you.” Irritation still coursed in you, but you were curious, so cautiously you asked, “Show me what?”
He flicked your forehead before answering, “For our date, idiot. I said it could be arranged, so I did.” 
Startled, you made a good impression of a fish opening and closing your mouth before you came back to yourself, “What..that..how many people have you taken on dates here because that was fucking quick.” 
He scoffed and released you, “Oh, did you want lazy?” Pacing away while he grumbled, “Fine, I can leave you here and ignore you for a while if that's the kind of attitude you want to have Cupcake.”
You were flattered, he’d actually followed through, that was rare. It didn’t matter that you were absolutely sure it couldn’t be anything nice. Definitely wouldn’t be taking you out to dinner. But you hated how much you liked that he’d already had something set up, “Oh my god, don't be so dramatic. I’m sorry, I’m just not used to the attention.”
The silence stretched as he regarded you and then he extended a hand, “Yeah, I’d be impressed with me too. So, what are you waiting for, come here.”
You squinted at his outstretched hand suspiciously. 
On one hand, you’d get pulled deeper into whatever this was between the two of you if you listened. But did you really want to get led off to who knows where with him? Ok, that's a dumb question, because yeah, you did. 
But on the other hand, maybe that wasn’t such a good thing if you wanted to fit in with your new buddies back at the fire.
Eh, who were you kidding, you didn’t care about any of them or fitting in. 
Well, It's not like he can kidnap me here…and murders already covered.
Your eyes traveled up his arm to his mask at the thought. You had no idea what this guy even looked like, but it honestly didn’t really matter that much. He just seemed to get you. His head tilted in question as you dropped your gaze back to his hand— he wiggled his fingers. 
So with a sigh, while shaking your head, you reached your hand out to him, “Fuck me, alright, I’ll bite— I mean I’ll go.”
Before you could reach his hand, he snatched your wrist and pulled you to his side. His arm made its home on your shoulder. With a snicker, he pulled you forward, “Now that's an idea, Cupcake.”
He whisked you two off into a different direction than what you'd been going, "You should really be thanking me." You looked up at him, "Oh?" 
"You were about to walk right into the cannibal's territory. He's a nice boy but would have had a field day with you. Couldn’t have that."
“Uhh...Like a real cannibal?” Murder you could deal with, but being eaten? That freaked you out. 
“You know a fake one?” His skepticism rang out clearly and you spoke through clenched teeth, “...Touché. I could be wrong, but don't think I’ve met one before.” He patted the shoulder he had a grip on, “I’m sure you’ll meet him soon. Not very talkative. Likes chainsaws.” 
That made you think, “Are most killers like you or is talking just your specialty?” He strummed his fingers along your arm, “Asking about other killers on our date? It’s like you're trying to hurt my feelings, Cupcake.”
Rolling your eyes you poked his chest, “You’d have to have some to hurt in the first place.” There was an exaggerated gasp, “Now that's a party foul. I have feelings about a lot of things.”
“Uh-huh, here I’m sure I can count them all.” Lifting a hand you counted off on your fingers, “Stalking, voyeurism, stabbing, murder, sadism probably” tilting your chin up to gaze at his mask, “Did I miss any?” he exaggerated the tilt to his head in thought, “You forgot the chase, planning a murder, the story it can tell, writing” nodding with his additions— those seemed about right, the last one unexpected though. Writing? That was interesting. “Oh, and most importantly, me fucking your mom.”
You tripped and cursed as you tried to catch your footing, “Oh my god, Ghost Face! Are you fucking twelve? A mom joke? Really?!” He was laughing at your expense and tugged you even as you rolled your ankle on a twig, “You set it up, I’m just intelligent enough to capitalize on it.”
His grip was really pulling on your shoulder and now your ankle was irritated. Grumbling under your breath as you struggled to keep up, “I think you mean immature enough”. He tugged again and you crashed into his side while he hissed, “Wanna try that again, Cupcake?”
Steadying yourself against him while shaking your head, “Nah, but are you going to answer my actual question?” His hand crept back over to grip your shoulder and he echoed you mockingly, “Nah.” Clicking your tongue in vexation was the only response you gave him. 
Looking around the trees were becoming slowly less abundant and on the horizon, you could surprisingly see what looked like the shape of houses, “So...where are we going?” he kept the steady pace, "You'll see, not much longer now, don't worry."
You hummed in acknowledgment and decided to just stay quiet until you reached wherever he had planned.
The landscape drastically came to a change. Like you’d just walked into a suburban neighborhood. That's probably what Feng meant. Killer territory, huh? Houses lined the block, each with nicely groomed gardens and lawns. Cars were parked here and there. You wondered if any of them worked. There was even a playground type area the two of you passed. 
Everything looked normal if not a little barren. You noticed all the houses were missing doors. An odd thing, but you weren't in the questioning mood. A few cop cars with their lights flashing sat in the middle of the street and added an interesting dynamic to the street lamp lighting. 
"What is this place?" Ghost face only acknowledged your question with a quick, “Not important” as he turned the both of you into one of the houses. Walking through where a front door should be, he brought you into what looked like a living room. There was a roaring fire in a nice freestanding wall fireplace with a convenient comfy looking red couch situated across from it.
Hed let you go so you could look around and you were surprised at how cozy it all felt. Sure the wallpaper looked kinda aged and why the hell wasn’t there a door? But overall the atmosphere of the dark outside, the fire, and a loveseat couch— it was all strangely intimate. You had to wonder again if he did the kinda thing on the regular because damn did he just have this ready?  it's actually kind of nice. Much nicer than you were expecting. 
Before you could voice your poisonous thought there was a yank on the back of your shirt and you felt yourself drop backward, flailing your arms wildley, you were sure he got a laugh out of it. Thankfully you landed on the couch, which had a nice bounce to it. “Hey!” yelping in distress you caught him in your periphery— he was already sitting at the other end legs man-spread with one arm on the back of the couch looking for all the world relaxed.  
He shushed you and pulled out a bottle of an amber liquid with an illegible label. 
“Is that what I think it is?” You marveled at the bottle. Alcohol? Was he carrying that the entire time? Where’d he even get it?
He gave it a little shake and smugly added, “Guess that depends on what's going on up in that noggin. If you guessed Bourbon you’d be right.”
Sass was a language you both spoke, so his didn’t phase you, “How’d you even get that? Is alcohol just laying around? Because I could have really used some of that when I woke up in the dirt.”
He unscrewed the cap slowly “Have to know where to get it, but I’m generous and willing to share.” He divulged in a way that screamed bragging. You really wanted a drink and you didn't even really like alcohol. 
Especially not straight liquor, but holy shit you’d take it. The last time you’d even seen alcohol was back in normal reality and it was really anyone's guess how long ago that was. Absentmindedly you added, “Lucky me.”
He tilted the bottle towards you, “Lucky you is right.” you were leaning towards him to take it when you thought of something, “Wait, how are you going to drink some? Can you through the mask?” 
He let you take the bottle, “I’ll have some if you promise to be a good girl and not look.” you were running a finger around the rim as he said that. It had you flushing and muttering out an “mmhmm, I won't.” After a moment you threw caution to the wind and with as much sass as you could muster, “I mean if you're shy.”
You lifted the bottle and tried to prepare yourself for the taste. When the liquid hit your tongue you remembered why you hadn’t enjoyed alcohol, but the burn hit just right. Ghost Face growled at you, “Sure, call me shy. Just wait until I have you bent over taking it like a little whore. See who's shy then.” 
The bastard had waited until you were mid-swollow to say that. He knew what he did. He must have been trying to kill you because you choked and sputtered on the alcohol, pulling the bottle away, some dribbling down your chin as you tried hard to swallow what you had in your mouth without spitting it out before coughing to clear your throat, “Dude what the fuck!” You wouldn’t acknowledge how that’d made your panties instantly damp.
He snatched the bottle back from you, “Yeah, you’ll be choking just like that too. Probably be just as messy and let it drip down your chin.” 
Fuck. him. Fuck me. Groaning out at how his words sent a hot flush through your system and a dirty pulse right down to your core. Wiping your chin you fumed, “That was a dick move.” He held the bottle by the neck, “Yeah, and you fucking liked it. Probably already wet too. Doesn’t take much for a little slut like you.” 
How the fuck did he know that? Was there some kind of sign on your forehead you didn’t know about? “Now be a good girl and look out the window.” 
You hated him because there wasn’t even an ounce of resistance in you. Fucking hated how good it felt to have him speak to you like that. Hated how easy it was to do exactly what he wanted. Hated or loved. You weren’t really sure. It was a fine line after all.
You heard shuffling and the sound of the liquid sloshing around before he let out a groan that could only be described as auditory sex. It had you flushing with desire again. You gripped your skirt in hand as the temptation to look mounted. Find out what he looked like, what his hair looked like, if he even had hair, what color it was. See his eyes. God, you wanted to see his eyes. See if they were dark or light, how they glittered. Memorize his features and have them burned into your memory forever. 
You wanted that so bad. You wouldn’t of course because, fuck if you weren’t what he called you— a good girl. You’d listen to what he said because it got you off in a way that probably wasn’t healthy— But you’d recently come to realize healthy didn’t seem to be such a big concern. You wanted to be bad. Wished you could. Wanted nothing more at that moment than to sneak a peek at him. See his throat bob as he swallowed. Damn, that mental image sent shivers down your spine. 
Just as you were imagining that, you heard a snap from a leather-gloved hand, “Thinking too hard over there, Cupcake.” you looked back towards him and nothing was out of place. You’d missed your chance. Damn. He held the bottle back out, “Come over here if you want more.”
He didn’t have to entice you with alcohol for that, but it was an easy excuse. So you slide closer until you were nestled into his side. Taking the bottle you took a few deep swigs from it. The burn got easier the more you drank and soon you could feel the flush of alcohol through your system. The arousal you’d already felt amplified, you’d always been a horny drunk— you could feel yourself relax into him. The crackling fire was a nice view. 
On your 5th drink, you looked up to him, “You just want to get me drunk.” He was already looking down at you, “Nah, wouldn’t be any fun with you plastered.” His hand on the back of the couch slid down into your hair, “Closest we’ll get to going out for drinks.” His hand threaded through your locks, “Besides, I don't have to get you drunk for you to let me do whatever I want to you.” 
You squeezed the bottle and pouted while grumbling, “True, but you don't have to sound so smug about it.” He snickered in agreement, “I don't have to, but I want to.”
Taking another sip after feeling your heart pickup and the hot flush pulse straight through you settling in your core. You needed to stop drinking soon. You were a lightweight and you could already feel yourself getting pretty tipsy. So you lifted the bottle for him to take, which he did. 
You went to turn away, but he used the hand still tangled in your hair to hold you still, “I didn’t say for you to move.” you looked at him confused, “I thought you di-” he cut you off and used the hand in your hair to direct your face into his chest. “Just keep your eyes down.” his hand never left your hair. 
More rustling and another deep groan that did things to your insides and had you squirming in your seat. He had no right, absolutely no right to sound that good. He already made you feel hot on the regular, but mix in the alcohol, and now the sounds? Not to mention his mouth. You might as well just die in his lap. He’d probably like that. It had arousal coursing through you like it was your lifeblood. Your nipples were already stiff and begging for attention. 
“Am I gonna have to tie you down? All that squirming.” With your filter lowered from the alcohol you didn’t even think about stopping the moan from escaping you at the threat. He snickered, “Yeah, you would like the idea of that.” You weren’t gonna argue at this point, you just shrugged. 
You felt him release his grip on your hair to smooth it down and settle back into the couch, “So tell me, Cupcake, where are you from. Actually what year is it for you?” That was an odd question, “I’m from a town in West Virginia called Silent Hill. And the year? Why do you need that?” He just made a motion with the hand holding the bottle, “Humor me.” you had to think for a second. What year had it been? “Uh, well it was 2013 last I checked.”  
The hand in your hair made its way down to the back of your neck, “Nice, we’re from relatively the same time period.” Your head shot up at that, “What? There's different time periods here?” He just nodded, “Yeah, it's a clusterfuck. Lots of 80's but it's really all over the place. You’re just a few years ahead of me though. I could still hunt you down if we somehow, unfortunately, get out of this thing.” you couldn’t say that you didn’t like the idea that he could find you even back home. 
“Now that's out of the way, how come you haven’t done it yet?” You stiffened at his question. Thank god he’d plied you with alcohol, you'd probably have shut down and avoided this hard otherwise. You knew exactly what he was asking. Why you hadn’t killed yet. “I...It...I just..” you weren’t sure what exactly to say. You just hadn’t. The opportunity was usually inconvenient and your job kept you busy.  
There were times you’d had to fight yourself to not do it though. There were some people that made it so tempting to give in. But you’d won against the urges each time. He somehow made you feel like you’d lost. Like you should have done it. “You really are too much of a good girl, huh? Need to kill that small conscience of yours instead.” The acidic way it rolled off his tongue didn’t seem like praise this time.
The alcohol coursing through your system wanted you to quickly correct that. “No, my conscience doesn’t mind. I..I think about it a lot. I came really close once. I was right there.” The way you’d said it sounded like you were grieving a loss. You guessed in some weird way, you were. 
Reaching up for the bottle and he let you take it. As you chugged a healthy gulp you felt the hand that the back of your neck dropped to your waist. “Oh? What stopped you?” 
You relished the burn in your throat before handing him the bottle and deciding that was your last. No more or you’d be on the sloppy side of tipsy, “My job.” his hand on your waist tightened, “And what jobs that?” You looked up to his mask, “I'm an aerialist for Cirque Du Soleil shows.” That caught his attention, “Oh, so she's flexible.” You snorted like you hadn’t heard that before. “How’d that stop you?” 
You found a loose thread on your skirt and zeroed in on it, “Usually it keeps me too busy...but once when we were on tour, well, it was the closest I’d come. We're usually international and most of the time we stay in that country for about a month or two depending— a perfect setup.” You moved on to picking at your nails, “There was someone there that I ran into consistently when I went off exploring the city.” You felt Ghost Face’s hand slip under your shirt to grip at your bare waist. The feel of his leather against your skin had your nerves light up. It was only your waist, but somehow it was like a livewire straight to your core. You were back to squirming in your seat. “I’m not gonna describe the person, they’re not important.” His silence said go on as he squeezed your side.
“We got to know each other and I just...Something about them made me...It was the way they moved, maybe? I think? I don't know...I just,” You were squirming with arousal remembering what you’d felt back then, “I couldn’t get it out of my head. Needed to have it. Needed whatever it was inside them.” He lifted you up onto his lap, your back to his chest, his thigh splitting between yours. Fuck, he felt so solid, so good under you. 
“Yeah? Needed it bad?” His hand on your waist dropped to grip your hip and direct your movement. Your head fell back against his shoulder. His other hand reached up under your shirt to squeeze your cleavage through your bra.
You kept moaning out as he dragged your hips across his thigh, “I knew what I wanted to do to them. What I wanted to make them look like. I thought about it. God, I thought about it so much.” he reached under your bra to give a quick squeeze and then pinched your aching nipple. 
You hissed out a moan, your panties drenched and your breathing was out of control, “Did you get off thinking about what it’d feel like to finally do it? Finally, kill them?” He pushed his thigh up into your core, rocking just right and it hit your clit so good. 
You cried out at the feeling and then at the question, “Yes. Fuck, yes I did. It was so good. Ohh, you’re so good... I’d get so wet thinking about it.” His hand switched to your neglected breast, “Yeah? Like how your cunts drenching my thigh right now?” 
Rapidly nodded was all you could manage through your moans, but he quickly admonished you, “Ah ah, I want you to say it.” He rocked your hips hard and your clit caught against the pattern of his leather and shit, it had you moaning out, “Yeah, had my pussy wet like now.” he cooed at you, “Good girl, dirty fucking girl. Keep going.” 
A shuddering breath left you as he quickened the rocking of your hips, “I had a plan. Ev—erything set. Ahh, fuck that's, oh god” You moaned into his neck and then whispered, “I was right there, I could almost taste it. It was so exhilarating. They had no id-idea, ahh, Ghost Face, fu-uck..no idea I was even a threat. They just thought I wanted to fuck.” 
He chuckled at that, “They wouldn’t have been able to satisfy your whore cunt anyways. Not like this can.” you groaned and whined your agreement into his neck before continuing, “Just before I was a-about to g—go through with my plan my j—ob ended our tour early. There was some kind of permit issues suddenly and we were being...Oh fuck, please, please, please…” You were a begging mess and you didn’t even care how desperate you sounded. He continued to alternate between your breast, teasing your nipples with the feel of the leather. Grinding you roughly onto his thigh, “Keep going, Cupcake.”
Your mind was hazy, you could barely think with what he was doing, where had you been? Oh right, “W-we were being relocated to the ne—xt country effective im-immediately. I probably could have still gone through with it...but it was ruined. Didn't have the same appeal.”
Ghost Face had pushed your bra fully out of the way and was playing with your tits freely while his grip on your hip still dictated your pace. “I get it babe, Has to be on your terms.” He stilled your hips and you whined, “Please, please Ghost Face, please don't stop.” He had you whimpering with how bad you wanted to keep rocking on his thigh, “Describe what you wanted to do. Tell me all the disgusting delicious details and I’ll let you cum all over my thigh.” The hand playing with your breast slid up to grip your throat, “Fuck, yes totally...god that's so hot. You...oh fuck right there.” 
He’d started rocking your hips and gripped your throat tighter, “Fuck! It wasn’t anything exciting. I’d been back to their ap-partment plenty of times. Knew the lay out-t, knew wh-where they kept the kn-ives.” he hummed in appreciation, “Using a knife? After my own heart.” you leaned back into him more and felt something rock hard brush up against your ass. 
The hiss he let out was masked by the lewd sound from you when you realized how hard he was. You pushed your ass against him as you continued to grind,  “Yeah, there was a k-knife of theirs I liked...fuck, ohhh keep doing that, please! ...It had these pr-pretty swirling engravings...Ahh! You feel so good.” He groaned as you dragged against him hard, “I had a li-little evening planned...ohhh Ghost Face, you feel so fucking good….with them. We’d have dinner, watch a movie” You had a shaky intake of breath at how your rocking was putting delicious pressure against your clit, “And I could never exactly decide on wh-which way I wanted to do it. I had t-two I lik—ed. So I kept the knife on my th-thigh under m-y skirt.” 
He fully pulled you back against him while bunching your skirt around your waist and pushing your ruined panties to the side. The feel of leather on your bare pussy had you shaking in a sob. It rubbed against you in all the right ways. Grinding you roughly on his hard on while his hand still gripped your throat. “Yeah? Tell me what you wanted to do to them. Tell me what my filthy Cupcake wanted” you groaned at how sexy his voice was. Fuck, he was completely wrecking you. 
It was so good. Fuck he gets me so hot, “ I could never decide if I wanted to slit their throat on the co-couch. Deep eno—ugh to cut their vocal cords, so they couldn’t ss-scream while I looked for what made them tick. Take what I wanted from inside. Or tie them to the bed gagged and play with stabbing them— feel the fight die in them. Then take what I wanted.” 
He groaned next to your ear and ground against you hard, “You're so fucking cute— playing with your food. Which made you cum harder?” Groaning you tried to think, “The couch one….oh god right there, please!” groaning into his neck he helped you move rapidly against him, “You’re gonna fucking cum on my lap and then you’re gonna clean it up, understand?” 
Reverently rocking against him you cried out, “Yes! Fuck yes! Please!” The idea of cleaning your cum off his leather and then hopefully have him fuck your throat had you whimpering and squirming wildly. You wanted anything he was willing to give. He groaned in your ear, “You’re so fucking filthy telling me about a murder you were planning. I fucking love it. Such a nasty filthy little slut for me.” 
Sobbing all you could do was grind harder against him, “Say it.” You sucked in a shaky breath, “Fuck, I’m ohhh, I’m a filthy slut for you Ghost Face!” he growled in your ear, “That’s fucking right you are. If I was in that little scenario, I’d let you slit their throat and have you sit on my cock as they bled out.” 
You pushed back against him and moaned loud and hard, “Have you moaning just like that. spread you open so they could see your pretty pussy stretched around me while they couldn’t do anything but watch. They'd hear how fucking wet your cunt is for me, watch as I pounded you and how you’d take it” He rocked up against, “Take it like the good fucking girl you are.” 
You were sobbing with how much you needed to cum. The alcohol was making everything so much more intense. You were almost there, just a little more and you’d cum all over him. In a breathy sob you whimpered, “Yes...yes! I’d be so good for you!” pushing you roughly against his leg while his hand that was around your throat slid up to your lips. 
Instantly you opened your mouth to let two of his fingers in. The leather felt so good against your tongue as he spread them around and played with your mouth, “Then fucking do it, you whore. Show me I own this cunt and cum.” You cried around the digits in your mouth as your clit caught against his pants again and sent your orgasm shattering through you. Your eyes rolled in the back of your head and your back arched away from him. With your blood rushing in your ears you never even heard the snap of his camera. 
He let you continue to slowly grind against him as you sobbed around his fingers in your come down. After a moment you went flaccid against him and he pulled his fingers out of your mouth. You felt so good. More fulfilled than you ever had before. His hands were soothing up and down your sides helping you come back to yourself. 
His soft whispers of how good you were, how dirty you were for him drifted into your awareness at the same time that his rock solid cock pressed against your ass. Getting your breath under control while he caressed your waist. Taking a deep breath you let it out and slid yourself down his lap to the floor. Turning to kneel between his thighs you looked up at him. His arm had made its way back up over the couch and you could see the stiff bulge in his pants. His other hand reached out and gripped your chin, “Look at that, I don’t even have to tell you twice.” 
You looked up at him pathetically, God you wished you could see his face or even just his eyes, “I want it. Please...please, let me do it? I want to do it.” you were gripping his knees looking at him desperately. You really wanted to make him moan just as much as he’d made you. His thumb brush your bottom lip, “Of course you fucking do. Clean up the mess you made then, Cupcake.” 
As soon as the permission left his mouth you were on him dragging your tongue up his thigh. The leather was slippery with the taste of your own cum making it tangy against your pallet. Your eyes closed as you moaned against him. You obediently worked your way up the thigh you’d ridden as you felt his hand smooth through your hair. When you heard a click your eyes shot up to him. 
He had his camera out one hand holding your hair back the other taking pictures, “Stick your tongue out for me.” You did as he asked, tongue sitting against his leather-clad thigh, “now drag it up nice and slow.” You kept staring into the camera all the while. “That’s it. Now keep going” You did until there was nothing left on his thigh.
Leaning into him more you licked all the way up to his straining cock between his legs. Moaning, you licked around the area making sure to graze your check against his straining cock on every pass. He groaned and gripped your hair in a tight fist, “You’re such a cock tease”.
He pushed your face against his clothed cock and had you rub against it until he pulled your head up suddenly, “Here's what's going to happen, Cupcake. You're going to take my cock out, play with it some, and then I’m going to fuck your face. Sound good?” Your eyes fluttered. That's exactly what you’d wanted. Even though you’d come less than 5 minutes ago— you were ready for another one.  
You sounded so desperate in your answer, “Sounds so fucking perfect.” Without waiting for a response you went to reach down, but his grip yanked your head back, pulling your eyes back up to him, “No touching that pussy unless I tell you to.” 
You pouted up at him, that was going to suck. You were going to get inconveniently wet from this. Oral was something you actually enjoyed doing. But you wanted to be good for him. Just had to keep your hands on him instead. Once you finally nodded he finally released you, “Get to it then.” He leaned back into the couch watching as you dove down to release him.
You pulled him out of his pants and fuck he looked delicious. 
He was definitely above average in height, thick, and the head was an angry swollen purple red. He looked so fucking good. Precome already dripping from the tip. Unconsciously licking your lips you smeared the tip across your lips and then both cheeks before bringing him back to your lips and giving the tip a lick with the flat of your tongue. The moan he let out had your pussy clenching around nothing. 
You looked up as you gave him a few kitten licks and he was looking down, watching you, taking a few pictures. You made him moan like that and it was so fucking satisfying. 
When you took the tip in your mouth and flattened your tongue against him you felt a hand settle on the back of your head. You released the tip and went to the base of him— rubbing your cheek against him you then placed an open mouth kiss to the base. Giving it a slight suck you felt the hand run through your hair as he groaned out. 
You could feel yourself getting wet enough that some was slipping down your thigh. Flattening your tongue against the underside you dragged up against the vein running up to the tip— he let out a rich moan that ended with a groaned, “F-fuck.”. Giving his frenulum a few licks you looked up as you felt the hand tighten in your hair. His head was thrown back against the couch and his breathing was labored. You’d done that. Another rush shot down your spine making you slicker. 
You wrapped your lips around the tip again and tongued the opening. He gasped as you circled your tongue around his pulsing tip. His hand moved deeper into your hair as you took a little more in and slowly gave a good suck, hands working his base, “Fuck— look at you..so good”. 
Lavishing the frenulum at his praise before you sank him down until he hit the back of your throat. He choked out a groan, “Feels so-o good, Cupcake”. The silky feeling of him felt so damn good against the roof of your mouth. You hummed in appreciation and his hand gripping your hair tightened. 
Both hands were working his base as you bobbed back to the tip. Giving one more lick to the tip you opened your jaw wider and took him all the way down to the base, swallowing around him. “Fu-uck—” His hand gripped your hair in a fist now as he held you down, “Fucking little cockslut” He groaned, “Your mouth is so fucking good.” your pussy clenched again and there was a pulse in your clit at his words. Swallowing around him again before you bobbed back up to the tip. You set a manageable pace with your hands working his base while you bobbed up and down. He was rasping out groans regularly now. He’d let you set the pace until now, but his grip on your hair was now directing your moment. “Your dirty mouth is so fucking good.” 
He was roughly shoving you up and down his shaft, “You were fucking made to suck my cock like this.” You moaned against him and swallowed around him when he shoved down your throat, “This w-what you needed, isn’t it? My cock stuffed down your fucking throat!” You swallowed again and his hips jerked up against you. 
He snarls down at you, “Shit, you fucking slut.” He pulled you up and shoved you back down, “Pretty fucking girl. T-taking it s-so good. All fucking mine.” His voice was just as rough as his movement. Tears were running down your cheeks from the burn of him in your throat. It felt so good to have him like this, everything he was doing, how rough he was, have him call you his. 
You had to grip his thighs to stop your hands from moving into your panties. Your hips had started bucking uncontrollable— looking for some kind of relief. He rasped at you in a straining voice, “You’re so f-fucking pretty with my cock in your m-mouth.” you moaned as best you could around his quick pace, “I’m gonna c-cum all over your pretty little fucking f-face!” he suddenly ripped you off and started to vigorously stroke himself over you. 
Without him asking you’d already had your mouth open tongue out waiting— whining for it, “F-fuck! You’re so fu-cking—” before he could finish that sentence you felt a spurt against your cheek— a thick rope running over your nose and eye. Another spurt on your other cheek before his tip was suddenly against your tongue filling your mouth with the last few spurts. You sat there moaning at the salty tang in your mouth, but not swallowing— hips still squirming in arousal. You heard his heavy breathing before you heard the telltale sound of his camera. 
“Open your fucking eyes and look at me.” You did as asked and could see his cum strung between your upper and lower lashes on the left. Looking at him you saw him taking pictures, “Shit, you look so good covered in my cum.” You brought your hand up to your open mouth and dipped your fingers in the cum. Spreading your fingers around in it you heard him hiss on his inhale. 
Some of his cum dripped out of your mouth, rolled down your chin to drop down your throat. You looked at him through fluttering lashes, playing with his cum in your mouth, while your hips were still rolling, “What’d I tell you earlier? So fucking messy.” He groaned when you let more spill out, some running down your hand now too, “Shit! Fucking swallow it you cumslut.” Making a show of it you tipped your head back, swallowed hard, and opened your mouth back up to show him. 
He reached out and gripped your chin— swiping up some of the cum that’d spilled out he pushed his thumb into your mouth. You swiped your tongue against his glove and cleaned it off while staring up at him, “Get on the fucking couch, face down, ass in the air.” 
You let go of his thumb, “Wha—” He cut you off, “Shut up and do it!” So you did, his cum still on your cheek smearing against the fabric, “Keep your fucking eyes closed and face down or I stop.” You were about to question him when you felt his hands pull down your panties and a second later a hot, so hot tongue licked a strip through your folds. 
“Knew you’d get so fucking wet from blowing me. I wanted a taste.” you cried out “Ohh fuck” your back stiffening at the sensation. You pushed your hips back as you shoved your face into the cushions. “That’s right, needy girl. I got you.” His hands slipped up the backs of your thighs as he dragged his tongue over you again. 
He lapped at you like a starved man and you whimpered. He circled your clit and then sucked it between plush lips. Fuck, his lips felt so damn amazing! You couldn’t keep the whining sobs from escaping you as you ground back against his face, “Oh! Fuck, Ghost Face, gmmhh!”. You could feel a slight stubble along his jaw scraping against you every so often. And holy shit did knowing that hit just right. 
He slipped a finger in while he kept giving attention to your clit. You shuddered a sob and balled a fist. He was fucking wrecking you. He slipped a second on in and scissored them. Your hips kept pushing back against him as he licked through your folds. You weren’t going to last, you’d been so wound up from the face fucking and now he was eating you like a messy peach with his fingers fucking into you? You could feel it rise up in you. Your voice coming out in a higher pitch with a string of 
“Please- Please- Please- Please!” and he gave a harsh suck to your clit while tonguing it roughly with his fingers hooked inside you— sent you over the edge. You came with a needy cry while faintly hearing yourself chanting, “Ghost Face, oh Ghost Face”. You were trembling and could feel the aftershocks rolling through you before he slowly pulled away. 
You could hear him shuffling around but you couldn’t even move if you’d wanted to. The man had killed you. Murdered you with an orgasm. So when you felt his hands moving you there was no resistance. He settled you back into his side with one of your legs over his lap. You were trying to find yourself in the pleasure haze still in your brain. You could feel him playing with your hair, but you didn’t feel your eyes closing. There was just a relaxed sigh— you or him? You couldn’t remember.
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hueningshaped · 3 years
☆ crown | xu minghao and jeon wonwoo
▰ genre: college au! / NO READER INSERT = ORIGINAL CHARACTER / drama, coming of age, romantic, angst ... so original characters and seventeen *gasp* you guessed it — a svt fanfic
▰ word count: about 2.7k
▰ a/n: interest check of a full fledged story i’ve planned but am refraining to put effort in due to possible, complete lack of reads or audience (nobody’s fault but mine). i’d love to hear your feedback! this is chapter one; please let me know if i should continue or just leave it at this LOL
▰ synopsis: jo woolim can’t juggle to save her life, and yet she is somehow managing to stay with her boyfriend: jeon wonwoo, who is possibly cheating on her (again), her strained friendships, fitting into her new school, estranged family, learning to wholly love and forgive herself - in a time unprecedented and searching for the boy of her dreams, xu minghao, the prodigal foreign exchange student. she’s looking for real love, where it’s lacking, where it’s needed, and where it’s always been. by the way, it is not easy!
▰ additional: i listened to epilogue by justin hurtwitz as well as mia and sebastian’s theme (which is somewhat a reprise of it despite it being previous to epilogue, of course) as i wrote it so here u go!
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Jo Woolim's feet hurt for multiple reasons, but getting stood up, time and time again, to now, at the age of twenty three is the main contribution to the pain.
The stairs are a pretty humiliating choice of seating, especially to conduct her double digit calls to the person who stood her up, which is her harmless best friend, Sookyung. So, no hard feelings, right? (Right?)
She shouldn't even be that embarrassed because it's not Wonwoo — the Jeon Wonwoo, her very own boyfriend — that stood her up, but she supposes she can be since he'd refused to go and even teased her about wanting to go.
The staircase is fine marble, allowing each footstep to click and clack with each heel that ascends because the party's just beginning. With this venue mimicking a palace, Woolim feels way out of place. Some girls have poofy dresses and others possess thinner material, accentuating the hills of each girl's curves and edges walking in. The boys are all the same, offering the bare minimum. Why does everyone get to be beautiful except her?
Shaking the last thought off, Woolim exerts so much effort to make it look like being alone and ugly doesn't bother her. But, she has to bite the bullet and make a move.
So, her legs spring up, taking her up to the rest of the party. She ignores the heat accumulating from the small of her back to just about every part of her body as she walks in, trying to take everything in and not look like such a loser. Jesus, is everyone looking at her? Are they talking about her?
There were definitely perks to this new university and one of them is the commencement of her class, which arrives in the form of a ceremony with a festivity that follows immediately after. Of course, as a transfer, she gets the initiation that throws a theme, so she has to wear the clown paint and clothes that they inform you to wear to match.
All she is missing is a crown and she's a royal fool.
The Masquerade Ball, as the provost and student affairs staff, had been rumored since before she'd even transferred to the school, which added up to just two months ago. Three months before, she had received that acceptance letter.
She should've known.
Woolim stifles a cough, hoping that the callousing - painful callousing - in her soles due to her starchy dress shoes would be able to mask the humiliation that was beginning to sting behind her eyes.
Of course, she had no identity, but everyone still looks over at her in pity.
The room offered dim lighting, romantic hues of pinks, and citrusy chardonnay beading the adjacent walls. Woolim thirsts for an exit.
The song changes to something unattainable audibly but she must not even be able to hear herself, and before she knows, someone to the side of Woolim bumps into her, back slamming against her body and into the wall.
A frantic, male voice follows, yelping out apologies, as he reaches down to pull her up.
"Jesus, I'm so sorry. Told him to not try and shake what his mama gave him and here we are, here you are, we're both so sorry..." Woolim's vision focuses as she returns to eye level and manages a minor grin at the boy as much of his appearance stands out wonderfully.
With heavily dyed platinum hair, a turquoise suit with rhinestones in various floral designs across the front and wrists, tiger eyes, and led lights curling around the outline of his mask, this boy looked like a lot of fun. A head of chestnut locks remain bowed by his shoulder.
The blond grabs her palm desperately, and he's making wailing sounds.
"I apologize for not only Seokmin but for his upbringing. May Satan guide him in return." He prayed aloud, apology too comical to be real but nonetheless real.
Woolim finally speaks up when the music quiets down just a touch and she doesn't have to stammer to be heard.
"No, you're fine! I can't really see with this mask." She reveals, voice too out there for its own good, but at this, the boy's eyes expand in shock and the bowed head lifts up with intrigue.
"Are you sure? It was pretty rude of us, wasn't it, Seokmin?" He nudges his friend, who's dressed in a simpler, humbler suit, who nods sullenly.
"I'm really, really embarrassed... besides, I think she gets it, Soonyoung."
"Whatever, Oprah singer."
"It's opera!"
The air around them hardens as they begin to bicker. Seokmin places his hands on his hips to deliver his rebuttals but the last thing that Woolim wants is to make two friends fight, let alone cause trouble while she has no date.
"I really am alright! No harm done. I'm just...a little relieved actually that someone's speaking to me," she admits wincingly. There's no need to be as honest as possible, but that doesn't stop her from adding, "I didn't come to the ball with anyone."
The two boys frown and coo, letting out maple syrupy aw's, surprisingly sympathizing with her.
"If it makes you feel any better, our dates were too busy to come, so he and I came together. We also do have another buddy with us, officially making it a threesome!" Soonyoung chats loudly and Seokmin elbows him in the chest at the last comment.
"That's not what a threesome is, Soon."
"Whatever," he waves his hand dismissively. Woolim notices that despite the gravity between the two friends, they remain focused on her. It feels nice. "We did lose him a little while ago though. Maybe he's around here somewhere."
Woolim then levels with them to form a line so she could follow their eye as they peer around the venue, which seems futile since their view is obscured by the angle, decorations, and crowds. The opaque curtains of the many entrances within the main venue gave the illusion that this place was endless. It feels like a trance that went on forever. Reality washes over Woolim and she can feel the weight of being the person one meets and should leave.
"Uh...I'm sorry for getting in your guys' way initially," she announces with a tone that makes her seem unsure of the words on her tongue. Seokmin rolls his head over at her, eyebrows drawing inwardly and puppy dog eyes. She's about to coolly and casually make her leave to no longer bother the boys, but Soonyoung has a different idea.
"Nonsense! It was our fault to begin with, and to repay your gracious hand," Soonyoung then motions to Woolim's bare hand as the other apparels one silky dress glove. "We're trying to at least become an even foursome with you and our friend! God knows where the hell the great Minghao is though!"
"Right behind you." A chilling, oolonged voice speaks up suddenly and startled enough, Woolim's disposition remains unaffected despite her heart catching up to leap in her chest with her delayed reaction.
"Minghao, you wanted to give me a heart attack, didn't you?" Seokmin sighs dramatically, voice hitching to imitate crying. Upon hearing the rich laugh, Woolim tips her head slowly and changes her footing to turn round.
The supposed Minghao peers down at Woolim, unreadable expression through the simple glow of his ivory mask. His raven black hair, lengthy and healthy, adorns his crown like he deserves a throne to come with the apparel.
"We found a person and we found you!" Soonyoung hesitantly wraps his hand around Woolim's wrist, loosely keeping his fingers around to lift and wave.
Minghao snickers delicately.
"I found you actually," he corrects, eyeing his friends, even meeting Woolim's to speak. "And I'm sure you didn't meet because of an accident, right?"
"That was on my part," Woolim speaks up but bites on her bottom lip once his piercing gaze trains upon her. "Sorry..."
"You’ve done no wrong, though?" Minghao's lips stretches into a wonderful smile.
" — yeah, it was Seokmin." Soonyoung mutters, earning himself a tiny shove.
"Minghao, you didn't come here with anyone for a date, right?" Seokmin poses. Woolim notices from his accent that Korean is not his first language but has such a grip with his words, it almost passes one's mind initially.
"Not this time," he answers nebulously. Woolim has to hold back a scowl. "If you’d like, I would love to have you... er, and what's your name?"
She can feel Soonyoung's and Seokmin's excited watch upon her but since this is the first night that she's seen boys be so decent, she figures she might, as well, make their night. They certainly have made hers, after all, excluding this Minghao at the moment.
"I'm Woolim. W-Woolim," she says twice, one too many. Minghao's expression loosens with pleasant awe.
"No surname?" He quizzes, voice too serious for it to be a joke. Woolim feels absolutely no urge to joke around, anxiety fizzing in the very marrow of her bones, so she just shakes her head and hopes he wouldn't see her cocked eyebrow.
"Well," he clears his throat. "I'm Xu Minghao. Seo Myungho. I've got 4 names."
"I've got three," Soonyoung pipes up and everyone groans.
"Soonyoung, don't say it in front of her. That's so gross." Seokmin leans over to shake his head but eye Woolim, in the way that friends who’ve known each other for a long time do. It's a nice feeling.
The music changes, taking a turn from some pop electronica to some heavy pulse from a contemporary rhythm and blues type, and the bass rocks hard enough to shake her ribs.
Minghao locks eyes with her and beams charmingly. He even takes her surprise further by reaching a hand out, fingers long and elegant.
"Would you care to dance with me? Or do you want to take this chance to leave like you were looking for earlier?"
Woolim feels like she merely imagined him asking the last question, which leads her to consider bolting for the doors last minute. Surely, Wonwoo would be home and maybe tonight, he'd be in the mood to love her and like her.
Oh, what she'd do to be loved and liked at the same time.
"Do what you would like," his tone lightens into something sweeter like rosehip. "I don't think you should put your lovely ensemble to waste."
Woolim swallows hard at that and just when she is about to acknowledge the two excited chitters from the other two boys, Minghao takes her hand into his. A cool grip overtakes a clammy warmth. Wordlessly, they somehow sail across the linoleum floor.
All the half hidden faces that had been judging her now evaporate with the blue and green lighting, hues and keys ascending into reds and minors.
Minghao is the type to maintain eye contact and Woolim hates it.
In the back of her mind, bits and pieces of her mind offer memories of what she could see of herself in the reflections. Since Sookyung shared the same favorite color that she did, Woolim went with another: sleet blue. Thin straps hang off her thick shoulders that had a loose, lace cover across her biceps and chest. The hems are riddled with sparkles and flowers. The rest of the silk sticks to each and every edge of her body before drifting off past her chronically swollen ankles with the extra layers adding volume. Her skin appears mottled but overall amber. Her mask is ridden in silvery lace and false white gems and roses. Woolim never knew she could look lovely.
"Do you mind if I hold you close?" He leads, raising their joined hands to sway.
Woolim opens her mouth only to nod. Despite the darkness of the brown and the dim lighting, she sees that his eyes are dotted with flames of the bits of lighting around the venue. The night of his pupils burn right through her and yet she only feels sparks from him, especially once his other hand comes to gently graze her waist.
"Are you okay with this?" He sways them a little more to the right with each movement. Woolim doesn't fancy being this quiet and immobile so she moves his hand into her. His hold is gentle and electrifying as if eternities have passed since she's last been embraced as sweetly as this.
"How long have you gone to this school?" Minghao leans in to better emphasize his question.
"I just transferred, actually," she says as casually as possible since the strokes they make when they sway are becoming too grand for her to catch up.
He's incredibly quick on his feet, so much so that her eyes must drop to follow their direction. Many bodies and pairs round about the two, but they all blend in with the backdrop of the room.
"Follow my counts. One, two, three ─" He drifts into quadrants, slow enough for her to catch up but she continues to knock into his chest. "─ and four. Let's go again. You're alright, I promise. Seokmin used to firmly believe his body was not built at all for anything besides existing."
Woolim glances to the side to see Seokmin rocking his hips next to Soonyoung side to side within frequent increments. They also somehow manage to can-can despite the slow synth and phrases of the song.
"Are you always this quiet?" Minghao breathes and this question catches her off guard. Perhaps taking her breath away had been his intention and he uses this to intertwine their fingers like they're meant to be.
"I’d tell you a lie but since you don't know me, I'm going to tell you the truth; I think I like having you try and get me to talk." Woolim purses her lips tightly as soon as she finds herself smirking.
Minghao steps back, which she nearly leaps to follow, but with the gentlest pivot of his wrist, Woolim twirls like one of the toys she'd wanted all her childhood. Her chest rides past the clouds and her heart pursues, shuttling upwards.
"My goodness, you're a natural!" He comments when he swings her to one side and right back into his embrace. She's smiling.
The song is still playing, and if at all possible, it's hanging above her head precariously and it's just the two of them on the planet.
"Are you sure you don't want me to know you?" He asks once more, and this time, she sheds a few feathers of her insecurities.
The song is still as powerful enough to beat as her heart.
"You ask a lot of questions, Minghao." She manages to grin and their steps narrow to continue to tread the same space.
He peers down at her and the flames are still lit.
"I can't help it. Honestly, honestly. I want to know you truly, honestly."
His loving smile buckles under the bite into his lip. She must be lying when she sees his eyes drop to her mouth. This must be a dream.
"I'm-I'm an open book," she murmurs, captivated by his own lips, and gasps quietly when the hand on her waist is suddenly cupping her jaw. No, she is not, the more authoritative Woolim reprimands silently. But it matters not - she's not loud either.
The song is still playing. It could play for eternities.
He rubs her cheek so tenderly and it has her eyes all a twinkle without realizing.
Wonwoo is no longer a thought. Sookyung no longer crosses her mind.
It only takes a few more countless seconds of wordless confirmation before Minghao dives in to take her lips with his and something behind her rib cage blossoms. He speaks against her mouth, but she doesn't care. She doesn't care.
He continues devouring her lips for the taking and she's left speechless, breaths searching for something to hold onto in between their own mouths.
The daily lows of her life are a fleeting death as she now soars high in a fairy tale-like limelight that only pertains to the two of them. All she's missing is a crown.
Where is her crown? Her mind's whispers fade with every proceeding second. And for once, Woolim feels so good that nothing matters.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
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There was literally more than ten people asking for this, holy shit. I just didn't take a screenshot because my cellphone wouldn't allow it for some whatever reason
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You blinked before rubbing your eyes to see if what you just saw wasn't just a illusion or some mind trick. But when you opened your eyes again the same image was still there.
On Chrono's shoulder. A tiny little black bird with a cute as fuck jacket similiar with your boyfriend's and the same haircut as well... and eyes...
"Kurono-kun..." you mumbled worriedly while he only sighed with a hand on the back of his neck.
"Yeah. Exactly what you're thinking of- MOTHER FUCKER!" He let out a shout when he felt a painful sting on his neck, accidentally letting Chisaki, whose indeed was in a bird form, fall from his shoulder.
Luckily you had catched him with both of your hands in time. Now analyzing closer, he still carried the same stoic expression as always... even as a bird.
"First, is not my fucking fault." He hissed in pain with a hand on the place where Chisaki had hurted him, you noticing how chisaki glared at him from your hands "Second, (Y/n), it might not take long for him to get back... I hope." He looked down at your hands and accidentally let out a snicker escape his mouth at seing Overhaul in such a form.
"Pi!" He chirped angrily, making you awe and gasp at his cuteness and Chrono laugh.
"I'm sorry Kai, I can't take you seriously like this-!" He laughed even more, making Chisaki's feathers ruffle up in anger and embarrassment due to your reaction.
"Pi! Pi! Pi!" Your giggles weren't even hidded anymore as you still had your careful and gentle hands supporting him while Chrono was almost falling in the floor due to his laughter.
"Ne ne Kai." You cooed, patting his little head with one finger while he huffed and glared at you instead "Calm down love, when you get back you can teach Chrono a lesson." Hari immediately stopped laughing and gulped down at hearing your words. Chisaki's scoffing mentally and already planning Chrono's death as he tried to not to just... melt by those touches.
Wait. Did you even washed your hands?
He squirmed a bit away from your finger immediately, you giggled in response before walking away from Chrono through the halls.
"Right right. Where do you want to stay them? On my shoulder like Kurono's?"
"Pi." He shook his head, staring up at you with boredoom eyes. Glaring when you muffled your giggled at hearing him chirp.
"Ok then? Where?" You paused in your walking as you brought him close to your face a bit, giggling at the way he averted his eyes away from you as his feathers ruffle in embarrassment at you being so close to him.
He suddenly looked up and chirped again. You, getting the message, placed him on the top of your head with the extreme care and gentle way you could.
"My hair is a nest now?" You let out a yelp when he pecked your head repeatedly "ouch ouch! Ok I take it back Kai! Please enough!"
He huffed again and just let himself relax a bit, scenting your perfume that shampoo of yours made your hair be like it is... soft and clean.
You started to walk again with a smile before he pecked your head again.
"OW! What is it?!" You exclaimed before he took a few steps in your head indicating the bathroom on the top of your head.
"... you're joking right?" He pecked your head again "Ok ok! Im going geez!"
Demanding birdy we have here...
Chisaki continued on his chirping, clearly monitoring how you washed your hands and even dared to peck your hand hard when you threatened to get out without placing some alcohol gel.
In revenge though you splashed some drops of water on him... he glared daggers at you before shaking a bit and the way his black feathers standed up was juST TOO CUTE-!
He although pecked your hand again when you tried to get your cellphone...
He went back to your head, signalizing for you to go to his office as he nestled himself on the top of your head.
"Enjoying yourself?" You giggled while opening the door.
"Pi..." this one was slightly sleepy than the others you heard today, making you smile warmly at the sound and feel butterflies on your stomach.
"So whacha you want love?" He chirped again, hesitantly getting out of your head to nestle himself on your shoulder, pointing with his tiny beak at his shelf. "Ah, reading a book?"
"Distraction huh?" You smiled before slidding your fingers through the shelf until you grazed one and he started flaping his tiny wings a bit.
"Pi! Pi Pi! Pi!" You snickered and even felt a bit ticklish at hearing the chirps so close to your ear and his movements.
"Ok, this one." You grabbed and made your way to you huys shared bedroom.
He stayed like that for hours, jumping as he read it the pages and chirping at you for you to turn the page whenever it was necessary.
You were starting to get pretty bored and sleepy, before he jumped in your lap, making you open your eyes to look down at Chisaki staring you up.
"Something wrong?" You asked while tilting your head.
"Pi!" He flapped his wings a bit, deadpanning when your confused face got worse.
He thought for a minute before he jumped out of your lap to go back to his book, pointing with his tiny feet at certain letters, hoping that you would get the message.
"H.." he nodded before going into another "U... N.. G.. Ah! Got it!" You lifted yourself from the bed to go to the kitchen. "Be right back!"
He nodded and settle himself for reading the next page... only looking up and widening his eyes a bit at seing Pops entering the room with a confused as fuck face.
"...what the-?"
"Pi." Great. Pops saw him. Just great.
He chuckled a bit before getting closer to the bed with a unamused expression and crossed arms.
"Did (Y/n) brought you here little one? My boy will be pretty unhappy of knowing your existence inside this house."
"Pi.." indeed.
You got back with a few crumbs of bread, praying mentally to god that Chisaki didn't take this personally, before deparing with Pops.
"Ah, my dear (Y/n). Mind me explaining this?" He pointed at Chisaki who only glared back at you.
"Sorry hon. Pops, that is actually Chisaki." Your boyfriend chirped like crazy after this and you only giggled, acustomized with his pecking already.
When you explained the situation Pops succumbed into laughter, Chisaki merely deciding to hide between the crook of your neck and hair... despite you being a brat, you always did somehow bringed comfort to him.
"Gosh my boy, you dont have much luck!" He laughed before standing up and patting your head "Take care of my bird son for me will ya my dear?"
"Sure!" You giggled, watching the laughing elder getting out of the room. "You're still hungry?" He chirped, making it sound more like a growl than anything.
You sighed with a smile, lifting your hand up to your shoulder for him to step on and showing it to him the crumbs after.
He glared at you and you only smiled apologetically.
"Im sorry my devil, but I think that if you eat another thing, it might not end up being good for you right now..." he huffed while sitting on your hand, glaring at the crumbs of bread.
"Pi.." you tilted your head with a 'huh?' before he looked up at you with irritated eyes "Pi!"
"You want feeding?" His feathers ruffled at the words and you cooed adorably "Aww! You want!" He pecked your palm, silently demanding that you shutted uo already and ended this at once.
So humiliating...
After what seemed like a lifetime, he was at least satisfied... but another problem soon came...
When the hell he felt this sleepy before?
"Pi.." he lowered his tiny head on your tummy, while you stared down, blushing and screaming internally at such precious sign.
"If you want to sleep you can." You offered while carresing a bit with your index and middle finger the top of his head gently... he started to roo at such affection and just nestled himself onto you... falling into a quite fast sleep shortly after.
"That fast?" You whispered before carefully picking him up in your hands to bring him to your face to give a kiss on him "Sleep well my beautifil bird."
You layed down and placed him right on your side on his pillow, carresing his feathers untio you fall asleep.
You woke up with a groan and immediately smiled at seing normal AND HUMAN golden eyes staring back at you... still a bit clouded with sleep.
"Kai..!" You exclaimed wuietly in happiness as he rolled his eyes before dropping his arms on your waist "Morning my birdy..." you scratched a bit his scalp, shivering at his growls on your neck.
He separated a bit to pick your hand in his before he brought closer to his lips to... bite it.
Yes, he just bitted/nibble on your hand
You yelped while he scoffed a smirk, closing his eyes to lay back with you on his warmth and naked chest.
"Thanks I guess..." he muttered befofe nuzzling his face on your hair.
Uh... certain things didn't changed.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
La fin
Inspired by this ask.
Present day Duff and Vivian reflect on their romantic relationship
I sat down with my best friend to discuss our affair for the first time in 26 years…and gain a final piece of closure the two of us have yet to attain from one another. 
"This is gonna be interesting because both of our spouses are here." I say as I sit down, at my kitchen bar and Duff takes a sip of his water before joining me.
"Nah, Su's as cool as a cucumber. We got this." He replies. "...I don't know about Sixx but me, you and Su can handle it." He teases. 
"If you get war flashbacks, baby, just remember you're sober." I tell Nikki and he chuckles. 
"I'll just go to the bathroom and sing 'Kumbaya'." Nikki adds and Susan laughs. 
"It won't be that bad." She assures him. "I got my waterproof mascara on. I'm ready." 
"I'm getting through this without crying." I state.
"You cry over google commercials, Viv." Duff informs me.
"Because they know how to market. This happened…" I have to do the math. "...thirty-two and a half years ago. I won't cry." 
"Okay, well, just in case, I came prepared." Susan tosses me a pack of Kleenex. 
"Thank you." I say to her, doubting I'll need it.
"I'm about to start the camera." Nikki tells us, going to press start on the camera he's got set up to film this. "Oh, it's already started." He states. 
"It's okay, people won't care." I shrug, taking a sip of my Pepsi. "Okay, Hey, Guys." I say to the camera. "This is a very special occasion because I'm here with my best friend, and the father of my first child, Michael Andrew McKagan a.k.a Duff McKagan a.k.a Daddy McKagan according to some of you nasty, freaky, bastards." I pipe and Duff rubs his face. 
"Oh my God." He chuckles. 
"Do you read your instagram comments?" I remind him and he nods. 
"It's just so weird to hear it in real time." He explains. "I think that's one of the most odd things you can call a sexual partner. Like…'daddy'..."
We just stare at each other for a moment and I look at the camera. 
"He just single handedly dragged me in the nicest way possible." I say to him as Nikki and Susan try not to laugh. 
"No, I jus--well, you can say whatever the hell you wanna say and call him whatever you wanna call him because you've earned it with the shit you've been through, but it's just odd for me to go online and there's, like, girls 30 years younger than me calling me 'daddy.' Like, I'm not sure if you realize this, sweetie, but I have daughters your age." He points out and I start laughing. "I-I could actually be your dad. Careful now." 
"I think Vince has a higher chance of being these horny girls' father." I state. 
"I know, but it's just food for thought, you know?" He shrugs. 
"I don't even know how to transition from that to the topic--which is a serious topic, but this is just...oh my gosh." I giggle out, not able to stop. 
"Speaking of 'food for thought'," He creates a transition for us to go into what we're talking about and I take the opportunity. 
"Yes, we will be discussing our weird relationship-but-not-really-because-I-was-married-and-confused situationship in honor of my book coming out 'Verbatim: The Truth, The Whole Truth, & Nothing Left Unsaid', which tells everything that happened from 1981, to early 2000s, that people have already read about in everybody else's books." I explain. "I've had this, 'it isn't anybody's business' mindset and now, I feel like I'm in a place where I can tell what happened, including our thing--which is something, believe it or not, we have not talked about as much as people think we have." 
"No, we haven't." 
"I don't know exactly why we haven't spoken about it much, like it happened, it obviously happened because we got a son out of it...we just haven't acknowledged it happened, really. Which is why we're gonna ask the tough questions and hopefully get through some stuff."
"Which is nice because I honestly think the last time we even alluded to it was 1994, right after I got sober, and was advised to resolve things in my friendships, and even then we didn't get everything out there." He replies. "At least I didn't, and I feel like a lot of people have something to say about it, and we spent so many years letting other people define what that time was to us--which it was such a private and personal thing between the two of us that other people's two cent shouldn't have had the impact on us that it did--but we let it get to that point where we lost sight of what it meant to us and let it be defined however the fuck people wanted to call it. And that wasn't good for either of us, and I think that's one of the things that's kept me from bringing it up again. Especially now that, ya know, I'm married, have two grown daughters with Susan, you have Nikki and your children, and I've always thought there's no point in bringing something up that happened--like you said--thirty-two, almost thirty-three--years ago.
"Because you don't want to hear the b.s."
"Because I don't want to hear the b.s." He agrees. "But the more I've thought about it, there are parts of me that feels like I didn't get to say what I wanted to say when we decided to go separate ways, and that just gets fucking heavier and heavier with each year, and I'm sure you might, too." 
"Oh, definitely." I agree completely, able to relate to it. "I feel like one of the main reasons for me, why I haven't tried to talk to you about it is because, like you said, people will automatically start something out of absolutely nothing, but also because I felt like I never had the right to." I state and he furrows his brows a little. "Why did you wait so long to tell me how you really felt about me?
He lets out a breath before thinking a moment. 
"I refused to hinder what little happiness you had left in your relationship with Nikki. I knew you guys were struggling, I knew you were fighting like hell to get your relationship back on track, and I didn't want you to have any more confusion going on than what was already being put on you and if I would have told you how I felt, that would've done that. And then I was with Mandy for a while and that kinda helped me feel like I was over those feelings, but I realized I wasn't when she and I broke up."
"Did anybody else know about how you felt or..?"
"Well, I--yeah, Stevie thought it was just a little, like, I had a crush on you, but Izzy knew I loved you...which is why he wasn't shocked when they found out about us." He says. "...Of course he wasn't surprised because all the Nikki/Vanity stuff happened, so he was kinda expecting you to do something, which--okay, I don't know how to ask this." He admits, thinking of how to word it, glancing at Nikki. 
"What?" I ask him. 
"I just don't want to come across as an asshole for asking this because I'm assuming it's a lot deeper than just...okay, whatever, I'm asking it." He decides. 
"Okay." I prepare for it and he sighs. 
"Why did it take that level of public humiliation for you to realize you weren't in a good marriage?" He asks and it nearly makes the breath leave my body, Nikki and I looking at each other. 
"Because it was public." I confess. "Everything else that had been done, had been done in private. There was no public input on it, there was nobody watching the situation unfold under a microscope, everything that happened up to that point was private. So, he could trip during a crack binge and shoot me and I could stay with him because I didn't have the public watching me, giving their opinions. But when his mistress announces it on TV, I can't just gloss over that because now everybody knows and has an inkling that 'uh oh, they're not this perfect relationship they've made people believe they are' and yes we came out and said it was a lie and tried to undo that damage that Denise caused, so physically I was still in the marriage, mentally I was drawing up divorce papers. And I'm not completely sure it was just the very public aspect of it, I think it was the fact it was her. And I realized, 'I can't compete with a woman who has absolutely everything about her that Nikki is addicted to: she knows how to have a good time, she's equally as wild as him, she's got the sex appeal, she's got all the drugs, she's on the same level as him in terms of entertainment industry' just everything that I wasn't...she was. And I was too exhausted at the point to try to compete with her so I gave up when that came out."
"I remember Izzy ranting, 'she's fucking comparing herself to Vanity and there's no reason to'." He impersonates Izzy and I chuckle. 
"He drilled into my head for years to follow that I was fine the way I was, I didn't need to change anything about my looks, my personality, my hobbies, my sobriety, like it was like 'The Help' when she's constantly reassuring the little girl 'you is smart, you is kind, you is important'." I quote. "Anytime Izzy could see me struggling with myself or not feeling my best he'd be like 'seventeen outta ten, Viv. Seventeen.'" 
Duff looks enlightened, and points to the space behind my right ear. 
"That's why've got '17' right there." He realizes and I nod. "In his writing." He adds. 
"In his writing." I confirm. 
"That's--wow. I didn't know you struggled with that for so long because there was no competition." He assures me.
"Well, I already had shitty self-esteem and then that made it worse, and then even when you and I were together I still had this fear a little bit that you were only with me to help yourself get over Mandy." 
"Abso-fucking-lutely not." He doesn't even think before saying and I feel myself tear up a little. "No way. No freaking way. I loved you, Viv, I really, really did. When you told me that you were filing as soon as the tour was over I started planning out our lives together, as crazy or cheesy that makes me seem, like, I was really going for it." He tells me.
"Duff." I feel guilty, my heart aching a little. 
"I remembered, 'okay, she wants this many kids, she says she likes dogs but really wants a cat, too, she doesn't want to live in the middle of the city, she doesn't want an over-the-top house, she wants to go back to school at some point so I'll put away some savings for that', like, I was planning out everything and fitting Guns N' Roses in wherever there was time in that whole plan. I was ready to be with you and start a life with you. I really, really was." He adds and I see Susan's sympathy for him, only adding to my guilt. 
"Well, just rip my heart out, why don't you?" I ask him to add some relief and Susan giggles, her bright smile coming back to her lips. 
"Right?" She asks. "Geez, babe." 
"I'm just saying." Duff tells us. 
"Nikki didn't even plan his days out when he woke up back then, and then you were there with a calculator adding up how much money you probably needed to put away for my schooling." 
"We wouldn't have had any money to go to school, anyway, Viv, 'cause it was all going to taxes and heroin." Nikki points out and I think for a moment. 
"And house payments." 
"And house payments." He agrees as I look back to Duff, who looks like he's thinking about something. 
"Okay, sorry if this is a weird question, but what did you mean you felt like you had 'no right' to talk about our relationship?" 
"Okay, well, we broke up, I was working on things with Nikki, you married Mandy four months after we broke up...I felt like 'okay, you've already gotten your husband back, he's gotten Mandy back, they're married, who the--' pardon my french ''--fuck are you to bring up your relationship and how it affected your friendship when you're both married to other people and doing your own things? Who are you to be worried with your time with him when you're with Nikki and he's got a wife, now?'." 
"Ohh, yeah. Yeah." He knows what I'm talking about, nodding. "So, you kinda felt like it was disrespectful to dwell on it too long." He adds. 
"Exactly. And I didn't want to disrespect Nikki, or Mandy, or Linda, and now Susan, by trying to work on us again, as friends, because we are exes, whether we want to admit it, we are. We dated. And I feel like it's easy to forget that sometimes because it was so long ago and that freaking sucks because I don't want…" My voice cracks and he looks at me pointedly as tears come to my eyes and I take a deep breath. "...I don't want to forget that time. And I'm not trying to be rude to my marriage or yours or make it seem like I still have those feelings for you, because I don't, but I don't want to forget there was a time in that hellacious cycle my life was in at that moment, that for a few months, I was genuinely happy in the midst of my life falling apart." I explain, sniffling. "And that wouldn't have been the case, if not for you. And I don't want to forget that." 
"Vivian." He says as I grab at a tissue and I see Susan knuckle a tear in her tear duct. 
"I don't know, it just felt like there was never a right time to address what happened fully because everything was happening so fast in our personal lives, for you and Guns, for Nikki and the band, I started having kids, and you got married a second time and your drinking was worse and worse, so it just never happened." 
"Can I ask you something else?" He says and I nod. "When do you think we should have said, 'look, we were together, it happened, and it's okay'. Because we avoided it like the plague for years and still do at times, and that's practically due to--like I said earlier--listening to how people defined it. Like you were called a 'whore' and a 'slut' and just awful shit in public and in papers and tabloids for years after it happened and I feel like because of that, there was that element of 'we should be ashamed of ourselves and just pretend it never fucking happened' surrounding it, even though we had Monroe who's breathing proof of what happened at some point, but we just treated it as if we adopted him together as friends or something like--" I laugh, wiping a tear, and he laughs with me for a few seconds. "--it's the truth, though, we never talked about our relationship. We went on Howard Stern in '88 right after Monroe was born, and he grilled us about it, but we just shut the fuck down after that and didn't speak of anything again for a couple years until we got in that fight over you limiting my time with Monroe, and then again in '94, and that was it--and none of those times really accomplished anything. At all." 
"We should have had that conversation before you got married to Mandy that May." I point out.
"That was so, so soon." He smiles nervously. "That was too soon, way too soon, to get married."
"You proposed to her the day after we broke up." I recall and he nods. 
"I sure did. I sure as hell did. So stupid." He states. "I learned not to make important decisions when I'm in pain. 'Cause I married two different women when I was going through some painful stuff and only made it worse." He explains. 
"And see that's the thing because you had me completely convinced you wanted Mandy. Like I felt so much better when we broke up, knowing you were with who you really wanted to be with, and I was with who I wanted to be with, and then I found out in an argument with you that you were miserable and married Mandy to try to make yourself excited about being back together with her." 
"And that's exactly why I told you that because I needed you to be happy and if I would have told you how I really felt about you, you wouldn't have been happy because you would've felt guilty for staying with Nikki and fixing things with him. And I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I would have put you through that so I married Mandy so fast because I was hurt, and I thought I loved her as much as I loved you, and I held on to that and ran with it." He tells me. "Why wasn't I good enough for you to stay?" 
I go to answer, before the weight of what he's asking really hits me, and several tears topple down my cheeks before I'm wiping them away. 
"I can't begin to put into words how highly you surpassed 'good enough'." I inform him when I finally speak. "Um, my decision to stay with Nikki had absolutely nothing to do with you. That was all me, and issues I thought were resolved within myself that weren't resolved at all, I was just ignoring them." I say. "And something in me was telling me not to stay with you...and I fully believe that was God telling me to back the hell off because he had a plan for you and I had no business accompanying you in that plan as your significant other." I explain. "And I hate to say this, but I really feel like we would have gotten divorced." 
His eyes widen and his brows raise, a knowing smile on his lips as his nods his head. 
"And I hate to think that but we would have made it, maybe, up until '92 because I wasn't even your wife or your girlfriend but just being around you made me so miserable." I admit. "I-It was like--you would get up and start drinking until you passed out that night. I was watching the person who had his shit together the most in my life, fall apart, and that was scary for me because we had a son who was witnessing his dad spiral." 
"Yeah." He rubs his lips together. 
"And getting you to take accountability for what you were doing was like trying to bathe a cat." I add.
"And it took me months after getting sober to evaluate what went wrong in my life with the band, what went wrong in my relationships, what went wrong in my parenting with Monroe, what went wrong in my friendship/co-parentship with you, and own up to what I played a part in because none of it imploded on it's own, or just because of other people, like I played a part in all of it, too, and admitting that took a lot of time to swallow my pride and just accept that I became the very thing I got pissed at Nikki for being, years prior to that, and saying, 'okay, I made all those mistakes, I fucked up, how can I do better and learn from it to better myself, to better my friendships, to better my relationship with my son, and just do what I'm supposed to do?' And I even ended up going to Nikki, and apologizing for what happened between us," he motions between me and him, "because even before you and him were separated over the Vanity thing, knowing you went to me for shit, over him, made him feel less than, made him feel like he wasn't a good enough husband and I kinda felt the same way when he stepped up for Monroe when I was going through my drinking, and it made me feel like I wasn't adequate enough as a father because Monroe was leaning a bit more on him than he was on me, and for the shit I was going through in my life with my alcoholism and drugs, I was doing the best I could do as a dad. And it made me realize that Nikki was doing the best he could do as a husband back when he was in the thick of his heroin addiction, because he was sick and couldn't fucking help himself, just like I was sick and couldn't help myself, and neither of us wanted to hear we had a problem, neither of us wanted help. And I know people are gonna, 'well, Nikki cheated and was mean to her and this and that', I know what you looked like when Nikki was hurting you. I know the look you would get on your face...I know that I hurt you as much as Nikki did through my drinking because you would look at me the way you would look at him when you weren't recognizing the person in front of you due to how royally they had fucked themselves up." 
"Yes." I nod, not even arguing. 
"And that fucking hurt to realize that I was hurting you as bad as he had, and I remembered getting so pissed at him for doing that back in '86/'87 as he got worse, but then I did it, too, and that experience really opened my eyes when I got sober because I wouldn't have been humbled in that way had I not had a drinking addiction and reached that low, and I do think that's one of the reasons that was allowed to happen to me." He finishes and I take a deep breath before asking:
"If Monroe wouldn't have been conceived, if we wouldn't have had a child to come out of our relationship, knowing what we know now, how we ended up not staying together, the public slander and stuff we had to go through...would you still have had a relationship with me, if you could go back and change it?" 
"Without a doubt, yes." He says, matter-of-fact. "It would have been a waste of a blessing to not have taken the opportunity to love someone as recklessly--maybe even stupidly, at times--unconditionally, with the magnitude I loved you with, at such a young age. Like, usually you can expect to find something like what we had when people get a little older, and get through all their bullshit relationships before finding the person that loves them for them fully, but I had the chance of experiencing that when I was, like, in my early twenties...and I didn't experience that again, and so much more, until I met Susan." He says and I nod. "And I don't want you to think that because we haven't spoken about it, maybe as much as we should have, that I'm ashamed of you or us or embarrassed, because I'm not proud that we did what we did in that timing--because it was really shitty timing and we both can agree on that, I think," he raises his brows and I agree, "but I will never be ashamed, or apologetic,  or embarrassed that I ever had that with you. I felt like one of the most fortunate people to even know you, and then to have that relationship we had--even for the few months it lasted--was just...it was such a short time compared to how long you've been with Nikki and how long I've been with Su, but we spent it loving each other the best that we could. And we really did love each other, and we do still love each other--even if it's not in that same way, the spirit of it, I guess, is still there. There's still that 23 year old kid in me that'll kick somebody's ass over you, and wants to see you happy, and is in absolute love with you. And don't get me wrong, there's a 56 year old me that wants to see you happy and that'll still kick somebody's ass over you." He clarifies, making me laugh. "I'm just pointing out that even when those feelings went away, I don't think that bond ever did." 
"Yeah." I nod, sniffling as I press a tissue to under my eye to catch more tears. "Do you, um...do you remember our break up?" 
He exhales and gives me a little smile, nodding, before tears come to his eyes.
"I--yeah, I...I remember it…" He informs me. 
"We had just gotten done messing around, and if we did anything before we went to bed we would just stay in bed and go to sleep, but if we did anything in the afternoon or whatever we'd get up shortly after and clean up and go about the day. And we got done, it was, like, 2:00pm, and it was this odd feeling in the midst of it that 'this is gonna be the last time we ever do this with one another', and neither of us said a word, we just laid there with each other for four hours when we were done, taking in every second that we could. Well I finally got up to go back home and check on Nikki because he had OD'd the night before." I explain. 
"And you went to the door to leave and I stopped you, and was like, 'I know you're going to make things right with Nikki, and I'm going to fix things with Mandy, and I want you to know that I love you, and I'm proud of you, and I always will and always will be'. Of course you can understand me a little better now because I was crying when I choked those out, but, um," he laughs and I smile back more tears. "And you said, 'thank you, I love you, Duff' and gave me a kiss and a hug and then you were gone." 
"And we rarely spoke about it, again."
"And we rarely spoke about it, again." He confirms and I let out a breath, feeling more tears swell in my eyes. "What a fucking way to end a relationship." He adds. 
"This is where I'm really gonna start crying, um…" I start, chuckling nervously. "...I wasn't thanking you for being understanding, I was thanking you for everything that you'd done for me, and it took me a while to understand that that was one of the things I felt like was unresolved because that 'thank you' had a lot of weight behind it." I tell him. 
"Okay." He tells me, listening intently. 
"This is so freaking stupid and unhealthy but I wrote suicide notes for when Nikki finally OD'd and died, because I knew if he were to go, I'd have to go with him, I couldn't live without him." I tell him and he looks a shocked. "You taught me that I could live without him when I didn't think that I could, and you brought me so much peace and rest in a time when I couldn't remember the last time I was at peace, and I sure as hell couldn't get any rest. And I felt, and still feel, so indebted to you for those months that you spent trying your hardest to fix what you didn't break--you risked your career over me, you protected me, you defended me, you supported me, you loved me--and that's what I was thanking you for that day, and I feel like I've got a weight off my shoulders now because I have never told you that and I've always wanted to but didn't think it was a good time." 
"Holy shit, Viv." He wipes a stray tear, and I see Susan doing the same, Nikki just smiling at me like he's glad I've gotten that weight off of me, because he knows I've been wanting to say it for years.
"And I'm sorry it was such a shitty breakup that kind of came out of nowhere." 
"The way you were screaming and crying and begging God whenever we were trying to get Nikki to wake up, I knew if he lived you were gonna fix things. I was prepared for it, I promise." He assures me. "And I'm really glad we got to do this and get this out there with each other and I really hope you were able to get some closure with this, because I really did." 
"I did, too." I nod, wiping more tears. 
"I love you." He tells me as we get out of our chairs, giving me a quick, innocent, peck on the lips, before hugging me tightly.  
"I love you, too." 
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