#guardian mami
machimachilegends · 20 days
"To think one such as myself would be relegated as a mere bench-warmer."
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How the mighty have fallen.
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miaqc1 · 3 months
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Artist: tarekalkhaldi/HARTART2020
Minako must replace Creamy Mami for the day.
Minako in Creamy Mami cosplay.
Minako's dream has come true. She's the idol Creamy Minako!
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pigtailpoll · 1 year
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the-phantom-peeves · 1 year
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rough drawing of a character from a short story i wrote when I was 15 in a summer assignment. To test an app on my phone/start warming up to digital again (it is so hard to do i am way more comfortable with a pencil + paper)
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umbreix · 2 years
how would nagisa try to handle/understand kyouko once she learns about her history with mami? and in a similar vein, how would yuma handle mami after learning that history?
one day i'll ask for ideas/hc about someone other than nagisa or yuma, i swear.
(I am always happy to answer about the kids I love them dearly)
I think a fundamental thing to note about both Nagisa and Yuma is that they like both Kyoko and Mami. While they have their 'respective caretaker' who they care about a lot, they definitely enjoy time with the other! For example, Nagisa enjoys that Kyoko is a lot more free spirited then Mami. Whereas Yuma enjoys Mami's more structured approach to life.
That said they would likely be a little protective of their side at first after hearing the story (Nagisa knowing how sad Mami can get and being mad at Kyoko, while Yuma relates to Kyoko's loss and gets defensive about what happened) but would end up realising that the both of them were hurting and be determined to fix things.
Which leads to a nine year old and an eleven year old dragging them to sit down and talk about their past. Yuma's therapist arc starts young and Bebe makes a fantastic creature to hold and hug as you talk about the emotional fallout of your friendship.
Neither of them would hold a grudge on this kind of thing, especially after Kyoko and Mami truly reconcile. (The ol 'I was lashing out after losing my family and it wasn't fair on you but I was actively grieving at the time') They'd be happy that they made up and that they then both get to spend more time with KyoMami together.
That said if either of them learnt about Kyoko referring to Mami as her "ideal" or the Fiance comment that one of Mami's classmates made those kids would tease them mercilessly. Inescapable. Hell of their own making.
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Hey, would you be interested in sketching Sideswipe and Sunstreaker from your "The mamy lives of Optimus Prime"? Perhaps them Bering troublemakers (because the are a walking double trouble right?) to whatever Guardians the twins had some time after A-88 rescued them from the mines?
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The twins were shipped right off to school and never got put with a foster home. They were a bit too much for that. So Swindle held onto them for a few months and hated every moment of it.
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ayyyy-le-simp · 1 month
Hey pookieesss 🤭
Happy Final Bad Batch Eve. I’m totally not crying.
All day I’ve seen final goodbyes and sad edits. And so to help ease the nerves and anxiety, I come here with some hopefully funny shenanigans. Featuring my beloved Mami again.
My mother has very little knowledge on Star Wars (which relatable, im still learning). And so I’ve asked for her to give me her thoughts on The Bad Batch characters!! I call this ✨ pre-game comfort ✨. Writing this two hours before midnight (it’s 10pm where I live).
Enjoy <33 and everyone thank my beloved mother!! (Spanish lines will be translated, blue print is me)
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“I already told you, Rambo.”
“Was he ever shirtless?”
“Unfortunately no.”
“He’s a 7/10 though.”
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“That’s the one who died, right?”
“Pobrecito.” (Poor thing.)
“Cómo se llama?” (Whats his name?)
“Ahh okay. He died the same way Bucky Barnes died.”
“Bucky Barnes didn’t die though. He came back as the winter soldier.”
“Exactly. And who’s that mystery clone guy?”
“I think that mystery clone is Tech.”
(Guys she supports our delusions.)
I’m typing this on my phone at the moment, and for some reason, tumblr isn’t letting me type under pictures and it’s literally annoying me and I’m too lazy to made separate posts, but stay tuned. But I might make another version on my tiktok 🤭
Moving onto Crosshair
“He reminds me of your dad. Bald and tall.”
(I showed my mom the scene of Crosshair sitting by himself in the cafeteria)
“Ay pobrecito.”
Moving onto Wrecker
“He reminds me of Drax. From guardians of the galaxy.”
“I think he would like Pitbull.”
“I literally love him.”
“Quién? Wrecker or Pitbull?” (Quién means who)
“Estas loca.” (You’re crazy.)
Moving onto Echo
“What happened to him?! Why does he look gray?”
“He needs to eat some red meat. Get some blood in that skin. That’s some low iron.”
“Yo le daría carne asada.”(I’d give him carne asada.) [steak]
“Echo? Like the movie Earth To Echo. I like that movie.”
Moving onto Omega (my literal daughter)
“She looks like her name would be Estella. Or Estrella.” (Estrella means Star in Spanish)
“I like Omega. It’s a cute name.”
Moving onto Phee
“I like her, she’s voiced by Wanda Sykes. I like Wanda Sykes, she’s funny as hell.”
“She really liked Tech.”
“She and Tech deserved better.”
“In my mind, Tech is not dead, he’s happily married to Phee.”
“You’re delusional.”
“I know.”
“Pobrecita, she didn’t see him around.”
Moving onto Cid
“Isn’t that the puta that snitched them out?”
(Puta means bitch)
“Hm. She’s a witch for that.”
“Que guapo.” (How handsome.)
“But he’s a captain?”
“Oh no. I can’t go cheating on my Captain America. America’s ass. He’s the only Captain in my life.”
“He can be your space Captain. Space’s ass.”
“Space’s ass.”
“Space’s ass.”
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megabondlocalfan · 11 months
God I hate it when people say that Magical Girls are too dark nowadays. Like, c'mon magical girls have been dark since the dawn of the genre.
You guys want an anime like Sailor Moon again and yet fail to realize that Sailor Moon itself is dark as fuck. Literally in the first finale of the show, all the Sailor guardians fucking die. Sure they're brought back to life but still.
Also, I get the hate towards the Madoka copycats. I get it. But most of these copycats aren't copycats. Daybreak Illusion, Yuki Yuna is a Hero, and Magical Girl Raising Project are all there stories. Except Magical Girl Site I guess.
Also Princess Tutu, Fresh Precure, and Heartcatch Precure are all pretty dark before Madoka Magica came to be. (Although Heartcatch was the inspiration for Madoka Magica)
You want more light hearted magical girls? Well, you won't get much because in every magical girl show you will get something dark. Even in western shows. For example, Lolirock, the main villian has probably killed multiple people during his reign. This includes Talia's and possibly Iris's parents.
Even the most light hearted of shows aren't safe from this. Except Magical Angel Creamy Mami. I haven't made it so far to the anime so it's probably a cute title.
Anyways, if you want a more cute magical girl story, then maybe make one your own. Do a webcomic, a small short series, or even just make OCs based on the ideas.
Why am I even ranting about this? Well, I remember seeing a post that says that Hirogaru Sky Precure was already (and I'm exaggerating a bit here) dead to them because of spoilers. Let's just say that the season was already getting into dark territory by that point.
I'm not going to name who that was (because I forgot) but dark Precure seasons already exist. The aforementioned Fresh and Heartcatch Pretty Cure are all considered the darkest seasons of Precure and they were successful. Especially Fresh, since that season basically saved the whole franchise.
Dark magical girl series are here to stay. They have been around for quite around now and they won't stop anytime soon. The only magical girl series that I want to see made fun of is Magical Girl Site. Anyways that's it. It's just a little rant I have about the magical girl fanbase.
I should do the same thing for the Vocaloid fanbase too because holy hell I hate the gatekeeping in that fandom.
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brbzonedout · 10 months
Earth 42 Rio and Miles go grocery shopping!!
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I saw this art by @bluumey and had to make something. Also, I wrote this all in one sitting so don't jump me too badly.
“No Miles…for the 47th time”. Rio sighs as she ducks into the driver's seat of her car.
He trails behind her and repeats the same motion on the passenger's side. “C’mon mami- hear me out! If you let me start driving now”, Miles clicks his seat belt into place. “I'll be a stupid good driver by the time I take my test”.
“And I’d be a stupid bad mother if I let my 14-year-old son drive through Brooklyn without a license or permit!…so we done here?” She pulls off from the street to the nearest store.
They arrive and park in a nearby garage then get out and make their way into the store then BOOM all hell breaks loose. Y’all know how moms (or other guardians) be in stores.
“De acuerdo, Hijo!” She snaps as Miles starts to walk away on his own. “No no, I need your help it'll be faster that way.”
Soon as he hears that it's over for him he knows that he's not getting out of this store until the sun goes down.
Rio drags him all over the store as he walks behind her picking everything off the shelf that she listed.
“Ma are these ripe enough?” Said as he gestures towards a group of plantains sitting in the produce section.
“Let me see…” The look on her face was confused as I don't know what, “Are they serious, putting these out knowing damn well they're not ready…you know what excuse me!” she exclaims as she flags down an employee.
“Oh lord-”
They finally grab everything from her list and make their way to the checkout line. Miles puts everything up on the conveyor belt, his job every time a trip to the store is taken. Rio hands over her coupons and cash to the cashier, everything is going great.
When all of a sudden they're about the walk back to the parking garage Miles hears…
“Oh, a la mierda mi vida... cada vez...” Miles says folding his arms and laying down on the cart handle.
Mrs.Morales hears her name and spins around leaving him with the cart.
“You’re kidding!!! It's been so long!” They run up and hug each other.
“I know 7 years I think?! That's crazy, how’s the family- wait I'm so sorry about Jeff.”
“It's hard but you know one day at a time…”
“I know that's right- oh my god” The old friend looks behind Rio at the boy leaning over the shopping cart. “Is that the baby?!”
Rio giggle “Yeah that's him…not so much of a baby anymore…Miles! Ven aqui say hi!”
Poor Miles just wants to go home but reluctantly walks toward them the cart rolling in front. “Hi…” He waves with an awkward smile.
“Ah! He's so big…damn time really does fly what grade you in now?”
“9th…at Brooklyn Visions.”
“Oh ok! I see you gotta brain just like your mama..”
Rio and her friend talk for at least thirty more minutes. Until they finally hug and part ways causing Miles to get a lipstick mark on his cheek at just won't come off.
Finally, they make it back home and pull into a parking spot. “Ma…you know I love you but, please next time just send me down there with the list.”
Rio cracks up laughing, once again noticing the sunset and the prominent red kiss mark on his face. “Yeah, ok baby…maybe that's an idea for next time.” She says while licking her thumb trying to remove the stain.
“Stop- Mami!” he groans wiping the spit from his face, as she continues quietly laughing.
“Just stay still!!”.
That's all this definitely feels short and fast but I just wanted to put something else out! If y'all have any tips on how I can my writing sound more fluid let me know, thanks for reading<3.
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canirove · 4 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 8
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This year everyone had outdone themselves with the Christmas market, making it look like something from those cheesy movies, and Julia was loving it. 
She had already bought an ugly jumper to wear on Christmas day, a few ornaments for our tree, and now we were looking for one especially for me.
"You are living with us now, which means that you deserve to have your own ornament to put on the tree" Lucy said. "It must be something that represents you."
"What was yours?" Rúben asked her. He was looking so cosy and handsome with his nice coat, his hat and his scarf... It was impossible not to stare.
"A shark."
"A shark?" I chuckled.
"That's what one of my teachers told me when I finished my career, that I was a shark. So I took it as my animal” she shrugged. “What's yours?"
"A cat" Rúben and I said at the same time. 
"Oh, twins!" Julia giggled. 
"Twins indeed" her mum said. "Though Rúben, I think you are more of a tiger. Because of your size, I mean."
"It's not the first time someone tells me that" he grinned before both he and Lucy turned to look at me.
"Let's see if we can find twin cats for you!" Julia said, grabbing me with one hand and Rúben with the other. Now she was the one being my guardian angel.
But after checking most stands and not finding anything, she finally gave up. 
"Mami, can we go ice skating? I'm bored."
"Sure. But I'm afraid that’s something Rúben isn't allowed to do, right?"
"I'm afraid not. But don't worry, Julia. We'll keep searching for those cats while you and your mum have fun" he smiled.
"Oh, perfect. We'll meet later where they have all the stands with food so we can have that hot chocolate. See you, guys" Lucy said before disappearing with Julia.
"Should we continue?" Rúben asked. 
"Ok" I smiled. Or tried to. I was alone with Rúben. At a Christmas market. Looking for ornaments for my tree. Why did this look like a date the two main characters of a romantic movie would have? 
"You know, if we can't find a cat, maybe we can find a piano" he said. "I know it is something kind of bittersweet, but you wouldn't be here if it wasn't because of it."
"I guess" I said, checking one of the stands and seeing a familiar face. "Is that..." 
"Come" I said, grabbing his arm and walking towards the stand. "That's your friend John, isn't it?"
"That is him, yes" he chuckled, checking the ornament. This stand had personalized ones with both City and United's players, and they actually looked pretty cool. "Do you think they'll have mine?"
"Hello, can I help you?" the owner of the stand said.
"We were wondering if you had..."
"Oh, you!" the man said with a big smile. "I know who you are! Looking for yourself?"
"I actually am, yes" Rúben replied.
"I think there are none of yours there, let me check down here" he said, opening a box behind him. "Yours sell really well, especially among women. Wonder why” he chuckled. “Here you are."
"Oh, my God" I said, looking at the ornament the man was showing us. "Do you make them yourself?" 
"I do, miss. Do you think I make him justice?" he laughed. 
"This tiny version of him is much better" I smirked, looking at Rúben through the corner of my eye. He was rolling his eyes but also smiling.
"The good thing about this one is that he will fit under your tree. The real version is too big and there would be no space for other presents” Rúben said.
"Who says I'm asking to have you under my tree?" 
"Who says you aren't?" he replied with that smirk. "We'll take it."
"Oh, wonderful" the man said. "But it is a gift."
"No, no, I can't accept that. We are paying for it."
"But you are... You!" the man said, trying to not catch people's attention. "I can't make you pay for this!"
"You spent your time and money making it. It's the least I can do" he replied, his wallet already in his hand.
"Ok, then" the man said, putting the ornament on a small package. "My son won't believe me when I tell him I sold one of these to the man himself."
"Why don't you take a photo together?" I said. "That way you'll have some proof to show to your son."
"Oh, no, there is no need. I don't want to bother you anymore, have people recognise him, and ruin your date."
"We aren't..." I began.
"It'll be fine, don't worry" Rúben smiled. "Can I ask you something?" he said after I took a few photos of him with the man.
"Of course” he replied.
"Do you know about any stand that sells cat ornaments? We are looking for a couple."
"I don't know if I've seen any, but there is one that sells like cat miniatures with fur and everything. Kids love them, they aren't creepy” he laughed.
"We'll check it. Thank you very much, sir" I said.
"Thank you both" he replied. "And Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas" Rúben smiled.
"I'll take over now" Lucy said, picking Julia from Rúben's arms. After meeting with them again and finally having that hot chocolate, she started to get tired and didn't want to walk anymore, so he carried her all the way back home until she fell asleep. "Thank you very much, Rúben."
"No problem.”
"You can keep the welcome party going, tho. There is no rush to come home" Lucy winked before closing our apartment's door. Well, technically it was hers, but...
"Do you want to come in?" Rúben asked. "We've been walking for a while, you may want to rest your feet."
"Sitting down and resting my feet sounds like a wonderful idea, yes" I said, following into this apartment. Despite being the same as Lucy's, Ruben's looked very different. And not only because there were no toys laying around. 
"What do you think?"
"It looks... It looks like you."
"What?" he chuckled.
"I didn't imagine you with a house full of stuff and furniture of different colours."
"Oh, you mean that I have a boring house because I'm boring."
"That's not what I meant and you know it" I said, sitting down on his couch. His very comfy and soft couch. "Oh my God."
"You can't even imagine. Can I lay down?"
"Make yourself at home" he chuckled.
"This is the best, Rúben. Who cares if it's boring?" I said, closing my eyes.
"Don't fall asleep."
"Too late. This is it. See you in a week."
And maybe I didn't see him for a week, but half an hour...
"Good morning, sunshine" he said when I opened my eyes. He was sitting next to me, my feet on his lap. 
"What... what happened?"
"You fell asleep."
"I did?"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. But I guess I was way more tired than I thought. What time is it?"
"Almost dinner time. Do you want to stay? I can order something."
"Just don't fall asleep again" he smiled, putting my feet to the side and getting up.
"I'll try not to” I smiled back.
"Don't forget this" Rúben said, giving me the package with his ornament.
"I thought this one was for you?"
"I'm not putting my face on my tree” he laughed. “Besides, we agreed you were the one putting it because the real me was too big."
"That's what you said."
"Does that mean that you will be asking Father Christmas to find me under your tree?" he smirked.
"If you come with that sofa, maybe" I said, matching his smile. And then we just stared at each other in silence while smiling, no awkwardness between us. At least until his phone rang.
"I better go pick that up" he sighed.
"I... Yes, you should."
"Good night, neighbour" Rúben said, opening the door with a little bow like Roger always does.
"Good night” I replied, trying really hard to not start smiling like an idiot and miserably failing.
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machimachilegends · 24 days
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"Okay...who taught the pigs how to dance?"
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𝙈𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙭 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙖!𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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Cw: fluff
Notes:Here's to everyone that requested it, it really made me so happy that it had feedback!! 5 anons asked for it and people commented on the post, I really can't stress enough how much I love feedbacks on my writing
>He's a no sabo kid and doesn't realize, so he embarrassed himself in front of you when he met you
>"houla chica, mi nombrrue es Miles, cual es tuio?"
>you just awkwardly stood there, and asked: "¿Qué?"
>You pretended your spanish was rusty and didn't understand, you didn't have the heart to tell him his pronunciation was awful 💔
>He's away from his mom's influence, so having you with him helps him keep connected to his heritage
>Unlike 42!Miles he doesn't call you mami, that's how he calls his mom and he doesn't have the habit of referring to women like that, or what it means, so he goes for "bebé" or "bonita"
>this one dances, sometimes he's uncoordinated, but dancing is about having fun, and he sparks so much joy while doing it
>he FEELS every latin song in his SOUL
>If you put on No Me Queda Más by Selena, Mile's BAWLING
>I feel like he'd show you off so much, like, talking to everyone about how cute and amazing you are
>His mom adopted you
>If you (like Rio) have a temper, he just gets: 🫡🫡🫡
>He's just like his dad, absolutely worshipping the floor his girl walks on
>Loves pda
>He will talk about you to his extended family
>You figured he was spiderman when Spiderman was spotted eating an empanada the same day you gave your boyfriend one
>But you like to attribute it to your intuition "ojo de loca no se equivoca"
>He tries to be accepted by your family so bad
>It's the "hola tío" scene with Miguel, but with your dad/mom/guardian
>The tías call him a sweetheart
>He's very good bonding with your younger cousins and nephews
>He overall loves you very much 🥹🥹🥹🥹
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pigtailpoll · 1 year
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
I, personally, am slightly more for the Alexia agenda. If Bambi goes with Jenni, there's not really a way for Alexia to properly patch things up with Bambi, and I can see Bambi never really letting go of the fact that her mami gave her up. Sure, she'd be happy with Jenni, but I think knowing that Alexia made a decision to give her up, no matter whether Alexia thought it was the right decision for Bambi's well-being, would lead to a whole host of insecurities. Of course Alexia and Olga need to be 100x better, but if Bambi stays they can put in the work to prove they've changed and they do care for Bambi, that it really was a mistake that they are determined to fix and make up for. In no situation will the wounds ever really go away, but at least if Bambi stays with Alexia they can help them slowly heal.
It's definitely one of those tricky situations.
Bambi would definitely be happy with Jenni but it does pose a problem with her future relationship with Alexia. To young Bambi, it's never that Alexia 'gave her up'. It was just that she now lives with her Mama.
It's never a legal 'giving up' either. In Injured IX, Jenni makes the point in saying how dangerous it is to only have Alexia as Bambi's legal guardian from a medical standpoint as she's the only one who doctors can give updates to and they need her permission to change treatment plans. So, Alexia stays as one of Bambi's guardians permanently so it's more like Alexia let Jenni raise Bambi rather than giving her away.
For the decision being made, Alexia (and also Eli) have to weigh up the whole situation. Mainly, if the damage has already been done and if there's any hope that Bambi will actually thrive with Alexia. Jenni is the obvious choice for an environment Bambi will thrive in as she's already shown but it's all down to if Alexia can provide the same
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hum-aapke-koi-nahi · 5 months
i related a lot with your recent post on friends , I completely agree with you , I am always bad with friendships and i end up staying alone.
But what hurts me more is when I share this with anyone, people advise me to go out and make friends , instead of listening they start giving suggestions
and this groupism exist everywhere in school/colleges everywhere and you cant just enter with force, and when you try to be friends with people in the group , they ignore
people who have friends and never struggled to make friends will never understand how painful it is stay with thousands of your own thoughts
Man.....this is so true. When we try and open up to a trusted person about these problems, instead of listening the whole thing first, they hit us with a "socialize and go out or be extrovert", like damn mami, I live in a brown household with 2 strict guardian figures who won't let me go outside other than tuitions and keep a check on my screen time. They are damned for coming up with such suggestions. And don't get me started on the school groups. Honestly, to hell with them. One of them told me that I'm welcome to join them, but proceeded to treat me like a total outsider. I never felt wanted in these so called friends group where everyone secretly hate each other.
Trust me, the 2 closest friends I have are my childhood friends and they live in another city and the few people I call my friends are passed out seniors. It's difficult. VERY difficult to make friends in this era of social media. But I still have the hope, that I will be able to make genuine friends one day.
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
Shinzo (2000) 爆裂战士マシュランボー
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Director: Tetsuo Imasa / Kenji Nakamura / Haruo Kosaka / Toshiaki Komura / Miyo Sasaki / Mitsuo Hashimoto / Tomoharu Arata Edited by: Izumi Higashido / Makoto Kanjima / Kenichi Kaneka / Hiroyuki Kawasaki / Yukito Nonaka / Kenichi Yamada / Yōmichi Shirai Starring: Minami Takayama / Yuko Minakuchi / Yasuhiko Kawazu / Naosuke Tatsuta / Atsushi Kashiwagi / Kyoko Yamada / Ai Maeda / Tsuyoshi Hisakawa / Atsushi Kashiichi / Tomoe Sato / Junko Shimakata / Michitaka Kobayashi / Hideyuki Hori / Kenji Utsumi / Takashi Nakao / Mami Koyama / Toshio Furukawa / Keiko Han / Hiroo Egawa / Takeshi Aono / Banjo Ginga / Takashi Koda / Koji Fukusaku / Kazuko Sugiyama / Takumi Yamazaki / Horinoku / Nobutake Tatsuya / Tomohisa Aso / Norio Tsukui / Ienaka Hiroshi / Chie Seguchi / Hitoshi Domon / Akira Tahara / Kazuya Ichijo / Masaya Takatsuki / Masaharu Sato / Mitsuo Iwata / Keiko Yamamoto / Kunihiko Yasui / Hikaru Midorikawa / Mami Kanazuki / Hisaya Suganuma / Chigusa Ikeda / Hiromi Konno / Daisuke Nari / Yuko Nagashima / Nobuo Satouchi / Daifumi Tanaka / Naosuki Imamura / Takayuki Inoue / Akiki Chatan / Munehiro Ehoku / Rie Aoki / Yo Murakami / Tsuyoshi Nishi / Tsuyoshi Toshita / Higashi Genre: Animation Official website: www.toei-anim.co.jp/tv/mashura/ Country/Region of Production: Japan Language: Japanese Date: 2000-02-05 (Japan) Number of epsiode: 32 Also known as: Mushrambo IMDb: tt0293741 Type: Reimanging
In the distant past, the Guardian of the Milky Way galaxy named Lanancuras began to harbor a desire for more power. Because of his connection to the galaxy, he was able to absorb parts of planets and add them to his strength. As a result, he began invading the worlds he was assigned to protect. In the wake of his destruction, a following of creatures from across the galaxy pledged allegiance to Lanancuras and became known as the Kadrians. Taking notice of his ever-growing power and followers, the other Celestial Guardians confronted him; however, he had become too powerful, and they were defeated. Unable to subdue Lanancuras, the Celestial Guardians each gave up a part of their power and combined it into a single new Guardian, Mushra. In a final desperate attempt, they used Mushra's core by transforming it into a powerful card with which to seal Lanancuras in a prison. The prison was created from the remains of planets that had suffered under Lanancuras' tyranny. Because planets are themselves large beings, their combined strength (along with the power of the card) was able to restrain him. Thus Lanancuras was successfully sealed in a large meteorite.
The meteorite was sent off into the galaxy to be sealed forever. Meanwhile, the way Lanancuras had increased his strength had consequences on the planets of the Milky Way On Earth, around the 22nd century, it was in the shape of a virus that merged with human DNA and destroyed the humans that way. In order to eliminate the virus, scientists worked on combining human DNA with the DNA of animals and other creatures immune to the effects. They succeeded and created a sentient race known as Enterrans (a race of engineered Earthlings) which are based on humans, insects, reptiles, birds, sea creatures, wild beasts, and phantom beasts. Eventually, a cure was found and the human race survived.
However, due to Lanancuras' influence, the Enterrans fought their human creators as well as the robots that worked with the humans, driving the human race to a near extinction state. Luckily, a scientist named Dr. Daigo Tatsuro placed his 4-year-old daughter Yakumo in a sleep chamber in hopes that she would save the human race and find the human sanctuary Shinzo and bring peace back to Earth which was then renamed to Enterra. When the meteor that Lanancuras was imprisoned in struck Earth during the earlier parts of the Human-Enterran War, its fragment had struck an infant Yakumo giving her abilities that she would later discover.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinzo
Link: https://kissanime.com.ru/Anime/Shinzo-Sub/
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