#hate on people named bruno and for what reason??
69ottersinatrenchcoat · 4 months
Re-watching Encanto only ends two ways: crying while wishing for your generational trauma to be mended, and singing along
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WIBTA for ghosting someone in RP?
This is a very chronically online problem, I'm aware, but I could use Tumblr's input. This is kinda long, so tl;Dr at the end.
So I (ftm), Z (nb), and O (f) (ages unimportant, but we're all adults) have a server for a shared fandom of ours. There are other people on the server too, but they're relatively unimportant to the problem.
One of the major channels to note was an rp channel. Things started off peachy keen! Everyone was having a grand old time! However, little problems started to pop up. O began introducing some ocs to the rp group chat, which, while outlandish for the setting (her ocs were ghosts from 1500's Minecraft Germany or whatever? I'm still not entirely clear since she's bad at continuity). And while I'm not against more out there ocs, the issue was how she used them, constantly trying to solve problems instantly. They felt more like MacGuffin's than characters. But whatever, she's our friend so we didn't really care.
Then, the racism incident happened.
It's a cool name, but sorta makes it sound more important than it was. Basically O had "monster form" at the end of each of her characters names, since apparently they had human forms too. Well, in an argument, a character referred to the group of ocs as monsters (since, how else would you refer to all of em at once?), and in one of her ocs replies they said smth like "oh btw thanks for the racist remark".
IMMEDIATELY in the ooc chat, Z and I both go "hey man, we're not playing the racism game", which... caused O to leave the server temporarily. Fun.
The relevance of the racism incident is to show why we can't just talk to her ooc about the upcoming issues.
((Very offhandedly she also keeps trying to pressure Z specifically into rping? Even though Z has made it clear many times this month that they are busy with the holidays??))
Anyways, time passes and O keeps wanting to tack on useless shit to her characters (both canon and ocs) for literally no reason. From "Bruno esk powers" to "shapeshifting genitals", it just felt like feature creep.
Eventually this comes to a head when she asks if her 32 year old character could be a WWII veteran.
You know. In the text chat based rp where characters use hashtags and emotes and talk about Twitter.
After a small back and forth between Z and O in the ooc chat, Z just kinda, gave up. Part of the reason they made the server was to transfer their previous rp writings to a server they own, so they don't have to worry about it getting deleted. (Before anyone assumes Z is just being strict, trust me. Z had been very accommodating with letting me and O make inputs and have our characters make an impact. This wasn't an issue of O's lack of control, but rather lack of care about the setting.)
Z admitted in a group chat with just me and their partner that they basically are just going to give up on their previous rp, and just let O do whatever she wants.
This really, and I mean REALLY, ticked me off.
Now, I will not start a ruckus about it on the server itself since I know Z hates confrontation, but now I've just settled on to give O the cold shoulder in rp, not replying to her ocs, barely interacting with her canon characters, etc.
I feel like in character I have a valid reason to ignore her (her ocs made one of my ocs upset, and my other characters are upset for him), but I can't tell if this would be too mean?
ALSO quick little note I forgot to mention above, but it's basically just the three of us in the rp chat, so with Z busy for the holidays, I'm the only other person who O would be able to rp with, if that impacts the vote.
TL;DR - Someone in a rp server is being a right ass and we cannot talk to her about it without potentially starting a huge fight, now I want to ignore her in rp. WIBTA
What are these acronyms?
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beesmygod · 11 months
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thats the homo photo of my dad
answer: i dont know.
the unfortunate and honest to god truth of the matter is that the protagonist of JJBA part 5, giorno giovanna, fucking sucks.
what if that little shithead from the twilight zone episode "it's a good life" was gay and watched "goodfellas". you might think "wow that sounds great" but, well, somehow it's not.
it is months later and i have been struggling with writing this for a bazillion reasons: i got sick, real life events occurred, i had to work on comic, i died, etc. but the most strenuous reason of all in the end was facing the impenetrable, tangled, and deeply complicated gordian knot that is the little ladybug loving bitch named giorno and not knowing where the fuck to even begin.
i had to think long and hard about how to approach the problem of "giorno giovanna". he is like a diamond of sucking ass: multi-faceted and beautiful in his perfection but is, ultimately, just a stupid fucking rock from the dirt. he completely lacks the innate charisma and personality inherent in previous jojo protagonists AND antagonists; despite having both the joestar AND brando gene pools to pull from, he manages to snag a net total of 0 personality traits. this problem is multiplied 100 fold once he starts actually doing things to move the plot along and the universe repeatedly bends itself like a pretzel in order to gift him undeserved and unrewarding (to us, the audience) win after win after win.
his theme goes hard as hell tho
if you were to ask me what is wrong with giorno, i would have no problem making a long and detailed list of why i want to slap the little cinnamon rolls of his head. i have no idea how to organize that list into a more coherent form of criticism that points at the overarching structural weakness of part 5. part 5 really, really wants you to like and root for giorno. it hinges on it. his victories are explicitly supposed to be emotionally and morally gratifying. they are instead trite and annoying.
for years, YEARS, my only experience with the entirety of part 5 outside of infamous panels and the most basic information about the story, was this incredible, evergreen and laser targeted tweet:
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i thought this was a funny shit post. all i knew giorno had some kind of "life creation" power. what i didnt know was:
giorno says this exact line and then turns cars into frogs so that they (the bad guys) cant catch them (they do catch them)
giorno's power IS fucking stupid
i fucking hate him
he should stop using it
abbacchio was right. he was right about everything
how DO you talk about giorno? giorno's blandness permeates any situation he has the misfortune of attending and the parts of the narrative where he's missing for one reason or another are significantly improved by his absence. in comparison with the deuteragonists (bruno bucciarati) and tritagonists (the members of bruno's squad in the mafia family passione), he has all the flavor of a communion wafer. his character arc is non-existent. emotionally, he might as well have just gone to the store and back by the end of the story.
and, look, araki likes to play fast and loose with how powerful a stand is or what its abilities are. im not here to measure power levels or fucking whatever stupid shit people get up to. the more wild and insane he gets with his incredibly "unique" ""understanding"" of science and geometry, i'm 99% on board for. but giorno's stand, gold experience, is whatever the narrative needs it to be at any given time with no consistency. it's OP as hell long before he gets the 11th hour power boost; his stand has the extra trans-dimensional ability to remove any tension from a fight scene. through this, gold requiem can destroy the psyche of the audience, truly making it the most powerful stand of all time.
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people used to love to bitch about not understanding how the villain's stand works in this part, but if anyone tells you they understand what the fuck THIS means they're lying to you.
anyway, there is only one solution i can think of when it comes to how to approach this: assess the major story beats in order. i think jumping around in the progression of events to highlight individual flaws in the character will not adequately impart the suffering one feels as an audience member while the narrative yo-yos between being rollicking good fun and being at the mercy of the little 15 year old twink with god mode on.
and so, having made it past koichi's tiny ass role (and his tiny ass) in the story and addressing how we can proceed, we can cover bruno (a genuinely wonderful character), polpo, and the wasted character building opportunity of the piss drinking scene, which vexes and infuriates me to this day. [thinking about the piss scene and getting mad again] ooooh!!!!
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Got any headcanons about team Bucciarati and their relationships/thoughts on the members of La Squadra? :eyes:
Yes!!! I love this ask! This is gonna take place in my everyone lives au, that most of my headcanons take place in. SPOILER WARNING btw
this one is kind of long.
-firstly, Trish hates them all and for good reason.
-secondly, Bruno has an issue with their morals when it comes to selling drugs. Because drugs are like, his least favorite thing. They call him no drugs Bruno.
-Thirdly, they all adore Sorbet and Gelato!
- Giorno gets along with formaggio alright, he thinks he is a piece of shit though. But he finds his shrinking stand to be very interesting and they have combined their powers together before to make a tiny jungle.
-Narancia and Mista are best buddies with Formaggio, and they cause chaos all the time. Narancia and Formaggio have a little rivalry going on though because of their fight, but they’re pals because they are all dumbasses.
-Fugo hates him because when Fugo gets upset about something, Formaggio will activate his stand to make him small so his yelling is higher pitched.
-Abbacchio doesn’t like when Formaggio is around because he makes the loud ones even louder. He has a special pair of noose cancelling headphones for when he visits.
-Bruno doesn’t really talk to or like Formaggio.
-Giorno respects him for the fight they had and the determination he showed. Hates his guts though.
-Illuso can’t forgive Giorno, Fugo, or Abbacchio for causing him to go through so much pain. He doesn’t know if he blames Giorno or Fugo more for getting infected so bad with Purple haze. Those three don’t really like Illuso that much, Giorno is the only one that at least respects him out of the trio.
-Bruno thinks his stand is neat because he likes other dimension stands.
-Trish thinks his hair is ugly.
-Prosciutto likes Narancia because he reminds him a little bit of a braver Pesci. Pesci doesn’t like Narancia because he is jealous of him/thinks his big bro likes him more (which isn’t true). Narancia won’t forget how prosciutto made him look like a rotten grape.
-Mista likes Prosciutto because he shot him three times in the head, if it had been four times his ghost would hate him. He thinks Pesci looks like a pineapple.
-Abbacchio thinks Prosciutto is wonderful because he was the cause of “the best nap of his life” when he was in the turtle on the train. Like sure it almost cost him his life, but to be able to sleep like that again.
-Bruno doesn’t think Pesci is anything like Narancia, but can see where prosciutto is coming from. Bruno didn’t like Pesci at first, and is often irritated with him. But he does have a soft spot for him now.
-I think they all hate Melone to be honest.
GHIACCO: (or however you spell his name)
-Fugo and him talk about their anger issues and pet peeves, and Fugo gives him advice about how to control your anger better. They surprisingly get along alright, but if they are both upset at each other it is bad.
-Mista likes to irritate him. Narancia irritates him, but not on purpose.
-He and Giorno and Fugo went ice skating one time, he made the ice rink. It was summer. People were confused.
-Abbacchio doesn’t like him, there can be only one best dressed goth in town.
-Bruno respects him and likes how he cares about his team. Risotto likes Bruno, but what is up with that haircut? When his team complains to him about something he will say “well at least you aren’t working for a guy with an ugly haircut like bucciarati” and someone from his team responds with “yeah, but we get the ugly hat …”.
-Risotto likes Narancia because of how he “let him” use his stand that one time. Narancia thinks Risotto has a better outfit than Abbacchio, but he won’t say it.
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hello-nichya-here · 6 months
There is such a strange obession with always having to humble Michael Jackson.
He fits like the extrem case of a Tall Poppy Sydrome.
1# His brothers (Jermaine) how they say he wouldn't be Michael Jackson without the Jackson 5. Kind of dismissing his talent and wanting them to be a part of his success.
2# People who claim Joe beat talent into Michael. And is success is thanks to his abuse. If that was the case. What went wrong with the others then?
3# The constant comparsions with todays artists. Who not only benefit from the streaming era but are also way below him talent wise or impact wise. Taylor Swift, The Weeknd, Bruno Mars, Drake, Chris Brown... Them naming new King of Pops like Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, Harry Styles. The comparsions can be looked as a compliment that he is looked as the standard or as an insult because they try to dismiss him and put him om the same level as these artists not respecting he is a league on his own..
#4 These stupid lists billboard or rollingstone put out ranking him ridiculously low. Like tf you mean Michael number #86 on the best singers list. Or the 20 best Halloween songs doesn't involve Thriller eventhough it's the most recognizable one.
#5 Claiming Eagles Greatest Hits was the best selling album of all time back in 2018. Eventhough it was only in the US. ( allegedly) But of course these trash tabloids had to make it look like it was the world.
#6 The stupid allegations. If they put any effort into reading would know are bs. When their smear campaign failed they just made it look like "separating art from the artist" bs.
#7 Them reporting other artist broke his record. Eventhough it isn't comparable. You can't compare Drakes shitty number ones who are mostly features in it or he features in them to Michaels number ones where he is mostly on his own and also wrote most of it. The songwriting is also something they can't believe and try to dismiss aswell. Also Drake has the benefit of the streaming era. Michael didn't. Aint nobody buying a bus tickets to drive 15 minutes downtown and purchase an album of Drake.
Their pathetic attemps really knows to bound. They would literally choke if they just admit he is the greatest.
The one about his father's abuse being the thing that "made him what he was", as well as the unfair slander against MJ for accusations that were so ridiculously they were laughed out of court are, by far, the ones that piss me off the most.
Joseph abusing his son was not the reason why Michael was the greatests, it was one of the many reasons why we lost him so soon. I'm always EXTREMELY suspicious when people try to push that kind of narrative of "abuse is not that bad and has positive consequences if you're not a crybaby", especially when it's someone in a position of power, because it just screams "I want to get away with exploiting people AND I want to be praised for it."
The lies of "Michael was a pedophile" are just the kind of stuff that breaks my heart and makes me furious. And I gotta laugh when the same people that tried to destroy MJ because of stuff they KNEW was bullshit now pretend it never happened or, like you said, use the "separate art from the artist" argument. It just proves that Michael had earned so much respect from both the public and the few decent people in the industry, AND was so fucking talented, that those idiots were eventually forced to realize that they would have made much more money celebrating him than they ever made by tearing him down
And we all know THAT is why they did it, the good old business model of "Give the public a great icon, then tear said icon to pieces in front of them." The people that are still on the hate/devalue MJ train are split between people that are too proud to admit they fucked up, and the people that built their entire lives around telling the public which popular thing is actually not that good (be it in a "I'm too good for stuff that the masses like" way or in a cancel culture type of way).
Plus, we all know Michael was not afraid to openly trash the media and even his own record label when they pissed him off enough, and you just know some rich assholes that are not used to people talking shit about them and getting away with it and still hold a grudge for it.
As for the comparisons with modern idols - it's not just things like streaming that make said comparisons not just unfair, but downright nonsensical.
The very fact that people will go "Oh, this person is the new Michael Jackson/King Of Pop" is already a contradiction. The reason Michael has the status he has is because there WASN'T a "king of pop" before him. He had people who influenced him and there were artists that were HUGE, sure, but there was no one that fit the role of "The MJ before MJ" so to speak. The closest "match" I can think of is Beatle Mania, and even then, that was a group. Even when people talk about the "most important/famous" Beatles, it's always Lennon AND McCartney.
Michael Jackson's fame as a solo artist was on the level of "People legitimately did not fucking know someone could be this famous" and to this day nobody has done it again - which is a big deal since, like you pointed out, it is a lot easier to have acess to an artist's work now.
And yet everytime one of today's artists is called "The new king/queen of pop" in some internet article it just never catches on... yet the title of said articles DON'T have to add a "(Michal Jackson)" after saying the words "King of Pop" because if you know these three little words, you know the ONE person they refer to.
Another important factor here is that all of these "new coronations" so to speak happen literally every year - to more than one artist. We are TOLD "this random music critic saying this about this artist is a big deal" but it doesn't match what we're SHOWN because, again, to reach Michael's level of fame, one would need to be literally "The only artist that matters, everyone elsa can just fight for the title of second best." If everyone is "the new MJ" then no one is, not really. At most they're just "Super popular artist" and there's nothing wrong with that.
Things like the internet and streaming have also made the term "fifteen minutes of fame" much more literal than it ever was. So sure, you easily find people that went viral - but how many of them had any real, lasting sucess? How many times did an artist do something cool that pushed to everyone all over the globe, and then just a month later they were a has-been?
And even the well-stablish artists of today, even though who started really young, don't have the same kind of long career Michael had because most artist don't start singing at the age of five, spend their entire childhood and adolescence gaining more and more fans, and then spend their adulthood as the biggest thing ever because they put out the first AND second best selling albums of all time. Michael had already been performing, and been absurdly famous, for nearly two decades when he finally released Thriller - which just got a 40th anniversary edition because even after four decades since it's debut, and 14 years since Michael letf us, he is STILL such a powerhouse that the world just had to celebrate his music once again.
Comparing that to artists that have only had one or two decades in the industry is ridiculous because of course they're gonna lose, just like their modern songs are obviously going to be front and center instead of the ones made decades ago, from an artist that is deceased and whose sales did not benefit from streaming, or even CDs, for a long time. And once again, the fact that Michael STILL has a presence on Spotify, Youtube, TikTok and literally very platform ever speaks volumes of just how solid his legacy is. Meanwhile all these singers he's being compared to are still making stuff that will one day become their legacy. It's comparing apples to oranges.
And since I mentioned the (ungodly evil thing) that is TikTok, that brings me to yet another major difference between MJ fame and modern fame: how artificial it all has become. Don't get me wrong, musical trends and popular "formulas" to make a hit have always existed, but things today are often SO calculated to have "viral qualities" (a part the is guaranteed to become popular on TikTok, never going over a specific length, everything needing either a sped up version or a slow reverb version, etc) that they might as well have been made by algorythm.
Meanwhile, Michael became the biggest singer ever because the priority when making anything was to make sure it was GOOD, no matter the style, length or topic of the song. Michael often said his approach when making records was to have no songs you can skip - compare that to artists and labels trying to make 20 seconds of a song catchy to blow up on TikTok, rest of the thing be damned, and you have yet another reason why MJ's legacy is solid, while plenty of promising new artists disappear overnight.
And, finally, we that brings us to the final difference between Michael and plenty of artists today: how he COMPLETELY altered the industry, in every way.
Michael Jackson is the reason why Superbowl performances are a thing, why music videos have all kinds of cool aesthetics and even enough plot to be considered short films instead just being an artist dancing to their own tunes on camera. He was the first black artist to ever have his music videos air on MTV. Fans passing out during his concerts was a regular thing. Plenty of artists all over the globe have him as a reference to how they should sing, dance, dress, or even just stand on stage because Michael had such presence he could stand on stage without moving for an entire minute then slowly, dramatically remove his sunglasses, and people would still be screaming their heads off.
Once again, let's look at Beatle Mania: it was a level of fame nobody had seen before, for artists that were breaking all the rules. But nowadays a group of young men playing love songs and having seemingly every teenage girl in the country following them around is nothing out of the ordinary, and while their songs are still fantastic, plenty of bands over the decades have done awesome things with rock music that are just as revolutionary, if not more.
Meanwhile, Michael is still THE reference, and his music is still the definition of "quality." If you hear his biggest hits, you can totally tell which bits modern singers were inspired by - yet if you didn't know who he was, you could wrongfully assume some of these songs are modern because they were SO ahead of their time they still sound groundbreaking today.
Seriously, there's a reason NONE of these artists that was ever compared to Michael tried to actually claim his title: saying you're as good as him is one hell of a bold claim that gives people a ton of impossibly hugh standards that you better meet, without flaw and making it look effortless, otherwise you look like the most arrogant person who has ever lived - and nobody wants to deal with that kind of pressure.
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thisaintascenereviews · 9 months
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Various Artists – Barbie: The Album
Mentioning the phrase “pop music” seems to illicit a lot of reactions, usually within the realms of “I love it” and “I hate it.” Most people either seem to love pop music, or at the very least, certain artists within it, or they loathe it. I wanted to preface this review with my own rather complicated history with pop, because pop music is a genre that I have a rather strange “relationship” with. I got into music during the early to mid-00s, when pop music was in an interesting place, thanks to house / dubstep music being huge, and a lot of well-established artists now were just getting started, such as Lady Gaga, Kesha, The Jonas Brothers, Justin Timberlake, Bruno Mars, and many more, but pop music was starting to become boring and bland. I was also much more into emo, pop-punk, and metalcore, although I would come to realize years later, a lot of the pop-punk that I listened to was merely pop-rock with an emo lens through it. Thirteen-year-old me thought I was the bee’s knees for listening to that edgier and darker kind of music (I did like some “classic rock” at the time, too), and I thought that was “real music,” as every preteen and teenager tends to think during adolescence. I just didn’t find anything to like when it came to “mainstream” music, but that all changed in the winter of 2012.
I remember it like yesterday, because it was one of those things you won’t forget. I was in FYE, and I had just discovered the magic of that store, but I was looking around for whatever I could find. I was always looking for anything at all, and I could spend hours in music stores, but I ended up finding a copy of Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Say what you will about Jackson as a person, as well as his legacy, but Thriller is one of the best albums ever made. Without going detail into it, it’s a record that I knew about without even knowing anything about pop music. It’s one of those albums that I knew I needed to hear, so I picked it up for a good price (they always had stuff on sale, too, and that really helped my decision picking it up), and I ended up falling head over heels for it. What was interesting, however, is that, despite being released in the 1980s, it changed my perception of what pop music is, let alone what it can be. Ever since then, I became a fan of pop music, and for years after, I enjoyed plenty of pop records, such as albums from Justin Timberlake, Carly Rae Jepsen, and Harry Styles’ solo material, just to name a few artists, but listening to that record opened up a whole new world for me.
Pop music, at its core, is escapism. Whether it’s from their own lives, or wanting to live through their favorite pop singers, they want to escape. The same can be said for all kinds of music, but pop music has always been “popular” for a reason. When people think of pop music, they think of catchy, accessible, and “safe” music that doesn’t push boundaries or offend anyone. When I listened to Thriller, that misconception was completely shattered. That was when I took pop music seriously, and every now and again, you can find a great pop record, but a lot of pop music is still relatively safe, tame, and bland. Not that it’s bad, but it doesn’t push any boundaries, although that’s not the point, since it’s to sell records and make money.
I’ve found myself not as interested in pop music over the years, thanks to own tastes shifting, and pop music as a whole changing. It just hasn’t appealed to me, minus a few artists, but every once in awhile, I’ll find something I like and that “something” right now is the Barbie movie soundtrack. This film, released just a few weeks ago, is the latest topic in the pop culture zeitgeist, alongside Oppenheimer, and alongside the film, a soundtrack was released that caught my curiosity by featuring some of the most popular names in pop, such as Lizzo, Khalid, the Kid Laroi, Dua Lipa, Karol G, and Billie Eilish, although one of the big songs from this record is the remix / interpolation of “Barbie Girl” by Aqua that features Nicki Minaj and Ice Spice. That’s a very stacked list of artists, let alone the whole record being produced by Mark Ronson of “Uptown Funk” fame.
Despite not listening to a lot of pop music anymore, I was curious to see how this soundtrack would pan out, especially not having seen the film yet. You can talk about this album in two ways, the first being how it holds up on its own as a soundtrack, and the second as a soundtrack after seeing the film, but because I haven’t seen the movie yet, I thought I’d first talk about it on its own, and then talk about it again once I see the movie, or write a small companion piece to along with this. Soundtracks typically are companion pieces to the movie or show they accompany, and there is often an expectation that they need to be as good, if not better, than the work they’re apart of. I won’t comment on the film, as I haven’t seen it yet, but I will say that the soundtrack works quite well on its own. The soundtrack doesn’t say anything or do anything that pushes any kind of boundary, and it does what you’d expect a Barbie soundtrack to do, which is give you an album’s worth of catchy, fun, and summery jams, and that’s okay! I’ve talked about many times how not everything needs to be deep, and this is a perfect example of that.
The Barbie soundtrack is fun, lighthearted, catchy, and enjoyable from beginning to end. A lot of the songs are quite good, if not great, and it feels like a cohesive soundtrack, instead feeling like a random soundtrack, instead feeling like a random assortment of artists. I’m curious as to how these songs work in the film, but a lot of solid tracks are here, such as “Pink” by Lizzo, “Speed Drive” by Charlie XCX, “Silver Platter” by Khalid, or the “Barbie Girl” remix I mentioned earlier. It won’t blow your mind, or ultimately change the way you think about pop music, but it’s a fun ride through the world of Barbie. There are a few standouts, such as Billie Eilish’s “What Were We Made For,” which I guarantee is going to do some numbers in the coming weeks, but there are also a few songs that don’t add anything or do anything, such as the Tame Impala song “Journey To The Real World,” which seems to have a better purpose in the movie, but it’s only a minute long, so it doesn’t really do anything or go anywhere. Haim has a song, too, entitled “Home,” and it’s a good song, but it’s nothing really that special. I enjoy listening to it, but I wouldn’t pretend it’s one of my favorites. If anything at all, listen to the soundtrack and pick out your favorites, but I don’t think anything on here is worth outright skipping, although Gayle (who’s famous for “abcdefu” from a couple of years ago) does have a weird song that interpolates “Butterfly” by Crazy Town. It’s kind of fun, but also very weird and makes no sense, especially for the Barbie movie, so I don’t know how that song fits into the overall narrative, but it’s a decent song, nonetheless.
I’m interested to see how the songs from the soundtrack fit into the film, so when I go back and listen to the soundtrack after seeing it, I can picture the songs in my head. I’m very excited to see how “I’m Just Ken” by Ryan Gosling, who plays Ken in the movie, fits into the film, because that’s one of the funniest songs here. Nonetheless, this is a soundtrack that works for what it is – a catchy and fun good time. You don’t need anything more sometimes, since not everything needs to be deep, challenging, or have an underlying message to it. Sometimes a song or album can be fun, and you can enjoy it merely on a surface level. Sometimes enjoying things at face value is all you need. Pop music is at an interesting place right now because there’s nothing happening within the genre. I mean, the top three songs in the country as of this moment are country songs, so there’s no trend or overall idea that’s getting traction, unless you look at the trends of artists interpolating songs (the “Barbie Girl” remix is a perfect example of that), or the influence of nostalgia, but pop music is at a crossroads right now, so it’ll be interesting to see how this soundtrack charts and the impact that is has, especially since the film itself is doing very well at the moment. If you’re a fan of pop music, it’s worth hearing, because it has some catchy and fun summer jams on it, even if it won’t necessarily change your life.
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sharknadoslutt · 2 years
Can you post some absolutely disgusting nasty filthy unfiltered NSFW Bruno Madrigal head cannons? >:#3
I had promised anon I would work on these once I finished chapter 38 of Antisocial so here I am! I just took a special gummy and I'm ovulating so these should be obnoxiously detailed.. I'm writing these as general romantic headcanons that get progressively filthier with a Fem!SO for a post-Encanto Bruno in mind sooo.. letsgoletsgoleettttsgoo~
NSFW Bruno Madrigal Headcanons~ Follow @papayawhipped who is an amazing artist and provided this beauty 😍💚
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Just a reminder 18+ only please this blog is filthy
I dont give a damn what yall say this man is a 50 year old virgin when we see him living his best depressive life in the walls
"there is no way you can be that old and not have had some encounters" "it's unrealistic" YALL EXCUSE ME NO
This is a 1950's TINY CATHOLIC TOWN (Maybe a population of one hundred thirty people??? one seventy five??? Most I could give it is two fifty) AND EVERYONE HATED HIM. WHO??? WHOO??? Like, not a single person in the town had a good thing to say about our beloved in We Dont Talk About Bruno. NAH MAN. this man is luck if he's had a girl skim his knee during a polite makeout session in his late teens.
until you he's not had a TASTE
He prefers a partner who is bolder than he, more dominant in a romantic regard
Bruno is a sub leaning man who is comfortable leading, but is not afraid to take the lead and be the more dominant one when he's needy enough
This precious man gets hardest for you when being topped. straddled and bounced on while he watches your pretty face, free to let his hands roam you. There's something so erotic for this unconfident dude that someone is attracted enough to want to do this to him, on him.. with him. That you are so horny that you want to ride him??? Just does something for his self-esteem and he's grateful
Despite this being his favorite sexual act, don't fret.. Our lover is very playful. And very blunt. Once he's comfortable with you, that is
He isn't very.. verbally dominate, but his actions and gaze can be demanding. Let's say you're getting something from the top shelf and stretching while you two are alone in the kitchen, he sees your hips.. If the mood strikes him, he'd come up behind you and grab your hips, huskily proposition you and ask "I want you.. Can we go somewhere?"
NOW - THAT's WHEN HE IS BRUNO. This man is an actor, remember.. that 10000% extends to the bedroom
Hernando? A straight freak. Will prop you on your hands and knees and demand you look back at him and moan the whole time, or he stops. FREAK.
Jorge? Man will take a shower with you, then hand your head off the bed for a nice consensual face fuck. But don't worry yall he's generous, he'll eat you for DAYS afterwards.
Julio Voltaire, King of the Pirates? Well, you didn't need to walk the next day anyways, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯😵‍💫
But Bruno.. Sweet, passionate Bruno is a giver in all his forms.
He overthinks his movements, studies you deeply. He's a fast learner and a good read (He's read/written quite some filthy literature in his day). He likes you to speak to him, tell him what you want, tell him how to please you.
Though he loves your blissful faces of pleasure, our boy isn't the greatest at reading facial expressions so communication is encourage. Lots of, "Tell me how to please you, amor.." "What do you want?" "How do you want it, little minx..?"🥵
I know it makes 0% and there's no reason for it, but I think as a fandom we all agree that his eyes glow when turned on.
He sees you drying your body after a bath HORNY
He watches you undress HORNY FLASHLIGHTS
You're spooning him in bed and you rub your ass a little too close to his cock? HORNY
It's become such an exciting little signal that you're body reacts and you start dripping immediately
I feel like he would say your name a lot in the sack. there is just something so raw and sensual about groaning someones name when you cum.
Shivers everytime you use his name in bed.
When he's first gaining sexual confidence he gets overwhelmed easily, and avoids direct eye contact. Almost fainting at the idea of direct eye contact.. but as the love affairs grows more passion and his love for you is solidified.. EYECONTACTEYEConTACteyeCONTACTeyecontact!!!!👀🥺
He loves it. Intimacy in the bedroom is very important to bruno. Which is why unless he's in character (Almost masking/shifting from himself in a fun way) he needs to feel connected to you, he needs to know that this is more than just sex, but an act of love. A form of craved affection, heart to heart ٩(⊙‿⊙)۶
Is 1000% the man to whisper "I love you.. I love you so much..." breathlessly after a good romp. the endorphins are going and he is mesmerized
Man is hairy, uncircumsized and a think king 🍆💚
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silverloreley · 1 year
Do you any more takes on Carlos being a Madrigal?
I sure do, I'm writing a whole fic!
Carlos had no idea who his father was for a very long time. That's because marriages are not registered on the Isle but also because Cruella forbade everyone to tell Carlos anything about his father, name included (no one talks about Bruno, no matter the universe he's in, poor man). The only thing he knew was that his father had been chased out of Hell Hall at some point and never came back. He doesn't know Bruno actually never left but hid in Hell Hall's secret passageways and stuff, just to take care of him in secret.
Carlos, as the Disney prince(ss) he is, is beloved by pets, in particular, his cat Beelzebub and Bruno's rats have an agreement only for his sake. It's more a truce than else, but they work together to make sure Bruno knows things and can help when Carlos is in a pinch. Dude will be included in the loop, at some point, once Beebs will stop being jealous, and Dude won't bark at all of them anymore.
Carlos is touch-starved, Bruno is even more so, meaning that once they are officially reunited they end up being rather affectionate with each other. Ruffled hair, pats on the back, side hugs, full hugs, anything goes. Evie thinks it's cute, the VKs, in general, are a bit envious, until Bruno figures out and starts doting on them too (except for Mal, Hades is a jealous dad and Bruno likes to be alive, so Mal is the one who has to start any contact).
When it comes the time to meet the Madrigals, Carlos is worried he won't fit in, and this never quite goes away, even years later. He goes along with them as well as he does with Diego and his other de Vil relatives, if not more, but it's not enough to make him move to Encanto for good.
Among his aunts and uncles, his favorite is Julieta: she's everything he imagined a good mom would be and she dotes on him a lot, even more so after she finds out about the kind of childhood he had. He likes Pepa too, but her temper reminds him a bit too much of Cruella's at times, with the added malus of the thundering, which scares him. His second favorite is Felix, for the sole reason he's sunshine incarnate and he can calm down or make smile everyone, two things Carlos desperately needed.
Among the cousins, Mirabel is the one he's closest to (they bond a lot in the fic), the second is Antonio (they bond a lot over animals and being the youngest in the family).
His relationship with Abuela is complicated at best, they both are aware that the lost time can never come back and they have a hard time understanding each other at times, although they try. Abuela hates that Cruella manipulated Bruno and Carlos to the point of making them so nervous with people (more than they'd naturally be) and sees some of her own faults mirrored in it, Carlos sees she tries to fix her mistakes and is a lot more forgiving than he is with his mother. Also, knowing Abuela's sometimes hard personality comes from trauma, he starts to try to figure out what went wrong with his own mother (that could be a fic on its own, now that I think about it).
He won't stay to live in Encanto, although after the rebuilding he'll have his own room there. He'll come back often enough, though, every summer at least (I refuse to acknowledge Carlos' canon death or anything after D3. Actually, D3 is on thin ice too). Since he becomes a veterinarian, with a side specialization/hobby in inventing machinery for pet care, he has his own studio in Encanto. Antonio will follow in his footsteps and will become a vet too, taking over the studio when Carlos isn't there.
Abuela wanted to meet Jane as soon as she heard of her. It was very awkward at first, Jane was a nervous wreck and couldn't talk much, which didn't leave a good first impression, the one who helped the most was Camilo, who started making jokes and impressions until Jane laughed and calmed down enough for the things to flow. Carlos will be eternally grateful to Camilo for it.
Cruella will never ever set foot in Encanto and it's better this way. Pepa would kill her if she did, all the Madrigals were so horrified by how she treated Bruno and Carlos that they hate her without even needing to meet her.
The de Vil cousins and the Madrigal kids get along like a house on fire. Literally, Ivy and Isabela almost set Casita on fire. They claim it was an accident, Hunter and Dolores know better, Carlos pretends he has no idea, Camilo actually has it all on camera and would have used it as blackmail if Luisa had not deleted it all.
And whoops, I think it's long enough, for now ;)
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m00dysunflower · 1 year
Testimone di Gangster vs Purple Haze Feedback
Just came fresh off of reading the new Squatizi light novel (which I LOVED) and decided to ruminate on why I loved one and hated the other so much.
I want to preface that if anyone is nasty in replies or tags about my views and opinions of PHF, I'll block you, I don't have time to fight over a non canon Fugo centric light novel. And I think it's valid to compare the 2 stories because they're both based around part 5 and in light novel format that supposedly expands upon the part. If you find my thoughts valid and insightful, cool, if you don't, move along, you're not going to convince me to change my mind sadly.
Also this isn't going to have too bad of spoilers. I'm kinda more vague when it comes to talking about the Squatizi story.
Purple Haze Feedback:
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I respect that people needed more Fugo content and it was a genuinely good premise. An aftermath story of Fugo returning to Passione under Giorno and Mista? Yeah I would have loved a story about that. But if you need to warp characters' personalities and throw in a bunch of forgettable stands and their users to do it... I honestly can't bother to care.
If it was much shorter then I could tolerate it, but it wasn't, so here I am. I'll be going point by point with PHF just to organize my thoughts better for such a chaotic story.
1. It warped the pre-established characters.
Mista I think was done the most dirty with that opening scene, but to insinuate that Abbacchio and Fugo killed kids behind Bruno's back felt like absolute whiplash. Also Abbacchio is bisexual obviously, he would have slept with men too, not just women lol.
I don't like that they made Trish become a pop star. Maybe she would have been better as a model, but regardless, not so soon after part 5 when she needed her time to be normal and heal, or at least be under Giorno and Mista's protection.
The whole "Fugio" moment also felt off-putting to me and is part of the reason I don't like the ship. Look, it was absolutely no rain scene or "The only time I feel at ease", let's not try to compare it.
Fugo was okay, but he was just boring and I feel that's not good... you know, considering he's the protagonist of this story. He got better near the end, sure, but by the time I got to the end I was so tired and done with the story. A better writer would have done him and the story more justice.
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2. Uninteresting supporting cast and villains
Cannolo was a fine addition, but I never understood what his stand actually did, same with all of the villains' stands. I think that's just poor writing if people walk away not understanding what just happened. I had to reread scenes and I still didn't get most of what happened. Voodoo Child was a cool stand, reminded me a bit of Moody Blues, but I didn't like Sheila as a character. And I'm sorry, who let's a 14 girl in a skimpy ass outfit be the Don of Mafia's bodyguard? Sheila's whole design was so hyper-sexualized and gave me the ick, especially if she was allegedly supposed to be indigenous coded. I've only seen speculation though so I won't go into it further.
Volpe and Manic Depression are the only villain names I remember. I couldn't even tell you the names and stands of the others or what Manic Depression even did as a stand. None of them felt like an actual threat.
3. Felt like a poorly written fanfic
The random mention of Tonio from DIU as Volpe's brother was also a whiplash "where the fuck did that come from" moment, because it was so unnecessary and felt like a cheap tie in for something that was formally published in a book. It really helped give it an average fanfic feel (and I write cheesy, overly dramatic fanfiction!). I think that was also when I was nearing my breaking point.
I once had someone try to mansplain to me that PHF was a "more realistic look of the mafia"... it is not, I promise you that lol. Mafia had rules about women and children and all other kinds of shit that Passione definitely does not abide by. Real life Mafia has so much more to it. This is camp fictional media, no one should ever take it so seriously.
In short, I just think PHF had a lot of wasted potential and would have done better with an altered story. I just can't convince myself to blindly love it, no matter how much I tried to like it.
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Testimone di Gangster
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I read it last night so it's still so fresh in my mind, but this is how you expand upon a story in my humble opinion. This is also probably going to be shorter just because it was a shorter and more focused story with less characters. I also don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read it yet since it just came out in English.
First off, I think it was a such great idea to take two characters we knew so little about and expand upon them in a way that felt so much more natural. There's less room for warping characters when they didn't have such distinct personalities to begin with and also helps build the world up.
There was no overly complicated plot about drugs and stands and it gave more insight on how the crime world works in Jojo's version of Italy. It even had nods to other real life gangs and how Passione fit into this world with them. It even gave nods to the Cosa Nostra and a real life prosecutor (Falco) who dealt with a lot of gang business in Italy and I think that's just so cool. I love shit like that so much, I adore me some good worldbuilding in general that we didn't necessarily need, but it's just cool to see.
I'll admit, the story was bit hard to follow in the first chapter, but once I picked up that it was from Squalo's perspective, it was such an easy and fun read that didn't make me question what was going on every two paragraphs.
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It really showed us how Tiziano is clever and calculating and can be such a useful stand user and teammate. It solidified why he and Squalo are partners (and most definitely in more than just crime for sure now ahaha). I also just love the idea of him being an attorney, especially with Talking Head as a stand, it was a fantastic concept.
The entire time I was just so entertained and caught up in the story, it was so much more engaging than I thought it was going to be. I was genuinely invested in the trial and how Tiziano was going to win the case for Passione. I'm almost sad that this story was so much shorter and would have loved more in between moments with Squalo and Tiziano, but maybe it was for the best not to drag things out.
The ending was a great nod back to their involvement in part 5 and this was in general a great insight into who they were before joining Diavolo's special guard. Plus it makes so much more sense and is amusing to know that he had a lawyer (Tiziano) apart of his elite team.
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Now look, I don't think I necessarily have a bias because I do like Fugo just as much as I like Squalo and Tiziano. I also normally don't care for light novels when comes to anime/manga so I don't think it could be that either.
Maybe it was simply the Fugo/Fugio lovers had over-hyped and demanded that everyone read PHF that it just soured the novel before I even read it? I couldn't say for sure. All I know is I went into PHF was no expectations and was so dissatisfied where as I went into Testimone di Gangster with some expectations and was thoroughly entertained.
This is by no means a dig at Fugio shippers, like I said, PHF's ending and the hype around it made me personally more uncomfortable with the ship than I already was before reading it. Simple as that.
If I were to recommend additional Jojo content, especially for the part 5 lovers, Testimone di Gangster is the one I would urge people to read if they have an hour or two to spare. It's a short and sweet look at some great side characters and has more of part 5 spirit without getting caught up in a bunch of bland ocs.
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Putting aside the murder mystery, do you think Chekhov’s Sicilians might be likely? Marigold acts like there’s a big problem, and besides Drago, they’re the only third party that’ve been mentioned at this point, and it feels like we’re a good way into the story.
this might be a bit of a stretch, but I got curious and looked it up. Drago is an Italian surname, but is apparently most frequent found in the country of Malta, an island close to Sicily… he seems pretty lawful good, but that doesn’t necessarily rule out some kind of connection.
i think we can have it all, i.e. i think marigold's big problem could be related to the murder mystery, since mordecai went from "well i wish i knew what marigold's big problem was" to "i am going to interrogate this guy marigold wants dead instead of killing him and hide this from my coworkers and get all stressed and say i probably shouldn't be doing this, in order to try to find out what marigold's big problem is, and bring up that i'm This Driven about it b/c of some perceived possible connection to the murder mystery"....plus how bobby arbogast said that "whatever's giving [marigold] the nervous twitch lately" is what's causing marigold to station agents to hang around / monitor / patrol the premises, which has caused the shootout on the lackadaisy triumvirate's end....which will presumably cause some direct conflict between marigold and lackadaisy, which is. a factor
anyways, that's to say it sure seems pretty centrally encompassing, and the Murder Mystery does too, and it's at least linked in that mordecai supposing it Might Be connected is making him act up and increase stakes, conflicts, possibilities, etc
to finally get around to an answer: yeah, i was kinda getting at a chekov's sicilians theory lmao, since like you say, they and drago are the only specified third or fourth parties out here, And that with any Mystery thread it doesn't hurt to be on the alert for anything that's touched on that you might go "huh, weird" or "huh, that sounds like something that Could be important" but then is kind of glossed over, or some other specific element of it is focused on instead, which in this case, is the focus on exploring a specific flashback / talking about the history between the arbogasts' funeral home and atlas / lackadaisy / viktor (& mordecai)....and it's a speculative leap to go "like, mafia?" but it's not as though that'd be so irrelevant when the general topic here is prohibition. but, whoever they are, they could still be Out There, active and relevant to the story. could've been after atlas, marigold, or both
drago's truly a mystery as well, still....his lawful goodness could sure be either "i love cops, let's keep it honorable lads ha ha" or else "i hate cops, i'm just infiltrating the treasury department, i'll help you keep cash from them / get phonecalls to potentially get out of here"....sure can't nail down naming conventions as hard evidence lol like catch us going "pretty Romantic name you've got there, horatio bruno, if you catch our drift" anti-italianly microaggressing the lackadaisy doorman, or "and they say [politicians] with [maltese-american] can't become [u.s. secretary of transportation]"....but there's the added reason to question drago of how like, gracie's saying that he never had any real info to provide, but that didn't seem to bother them, Like They Just Like Hearing Me Talk....what's the good of having informants in the periphery of marigold? setting up a really long con infiltration, having them keep checking in just so you know they're still there, and hoping it's now easier to plant people a little deeper and get Any Real Info? i'm not rhetorically asking lol, maybe there Is some high-profile treasury department raid Straightforward Explanation in it, but it's hardly guaranteed....
at this time in writing things out i went off and had an exasperating experience lmao, let's see if i can get back into the swing of things. okay, so. walking through a theory that [drago is in turn a plant at the treasury dept] it's like....for whom? so far, like you say, we don't exactly know of any non marigold / lackadaisy (or non feds) parties besides Some Sicilians. could be an as yet undisclosed fourth party. or some personal agenda of his lol. and he seems interested in marigold, and uninterested in lackadaisy....with the feds going through all this trouble with informants for no obvious benefit yet, and marigold going through all this trouble with those same informants for no obvious benefit yet, in that mordecai notes it Should Be ultimately more lucrative to keep them on & pay off some parties than kill these dues-paying people....and gracie saying he's never been able to give any useful info as that informant. if it's not about the info (or isn't it???) or not about the money (or isn't it???) then. then it would be about different things lmfao.
really have to take baby steps and go over & over some presumptions and scrutinize them....like my confusion about mordecai in the same breath seeming to be worried about "were marigold and lackadaisy at odds after all" And "does marigold know how atlas died. b/c i thought that i did" which, yknow. Might simply be interpreted, as gracie seems to interpret it, as mordecai thinking marigold killed atlas. but we know there's some other layer in whatever shared secret he has with mitzi....have to like draw out some axes here to chart like, [mordecai killed atlas: if yes, if no] and [marigold knows what happened: if yes, if no] and whether there's any fitting Explanation for each combo and what we've seen so far. going back to a thought the other day that maybe what was so [??] to mordecai is that asa warning mitzi and saying he warned atlas too implies that asa Doesn't Believe that mitzi killed atlas, even though that's the scuttlebutt, as they say. also, sidebar, shoutout to gracie's humor in duress out here lol, in times like these i guess all you can do is laugh....anyways. it's like, if mordecai's concern is "i hope nobody knows i killed atlas"....if he's worried that Marigold knows that, i'm not sure it makes sense: so prior he'd have thought marigold believed mitzi killed atlas, but he's not acting as though he also ever thought they might kill mitzi over that. and it's not like marigold's evidently suffered after atlas's death, rather than benefitted. and, what, are they just planning to kill mordecai Eventually? idk. feels quite shaky
i'm going down the murder mystery route here to be sure lol, but hey, can't really disentangle them, and It Is My Passion....the possibility mordecai is questioning The Leadup to atlas's death / whether asa Really Did Have Something To Warn Atlas About. what does that change....mordecai Could just really really care to know. or he could be like "someone might wanna kill me, and i'm only just finding out now, and i need to ascertain this"....probably not marigold? suppose it's like, maybe anyone who wants revenge for the lodge incident. but this is evidently a lot of effort for that, And when it's like....so these people start agitating marigold overall, while mordecai's kept in the dark about things, instead of marigold just tossing him overboard to deal with it? unless, of course, this is just a reignited conflict with lackadaisy And marigold from these restored third parties....in which case, not like mordecai has much to be worried about from them directly. much like: would mordecai be very worried about a federal agent going after marigold, or after him Through marigold (though a prohibition agent would surely be more focused on the bootlegging and its central agents than even a hitman, who also only has so much info to offer (does mordecai even get to know who's higher up than asa? hardly established that he totally does))
and there's the like, timeline confusion of: say that, for whatever reason, mordecai's concern is All [marigold knows what happened re: atlas's death? they shouldn't]....asa talking about Warnings is something happening After the fact, about something that would have happened Before the fact....head in hands baja blast Musing Hard, like, god how does it figure in....if mordecai killed atlas: he wouldn't question that, only question Why [these circumstances Really came about] or Who Knows About It. if he didn't: he could question who really did, and who knows about it; apparently either way he thought marigold was uninvolved and had No Info.
wait fuck there's also the fact that mitzi thought mordecai Could have told asa something. which doesn't exactly lend itself to the idea that mordecai would live in mortal fear if he thought marigold knew anything about anything; and he sure doesn't have so dramatic an immediate reaction, even if he's willing to pull a stunt like [interrogate gracie, Who's Supposed To Be Dead]
i'm really not exaggerating that i ought to like, make charts lol. visuals would only help organize some thoughts....
speaking of visuals, i'll break up some text with this next relevant point:
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there's A Pause before mordecai dismisses "let gracie pin atlas's death on marigold to his contact," such as that maybe he considered it at all for real, and the cited reason that he'd be without a real answer....even though he sure might be withholding things from gracie here / Maybe outright lying about some things, but i also doubt there's much of that, if any....Is he lookin to join the loose ends club himself over a dead man? Maybe, i.e. this is all about Emotional Motivations re: atlas (besides that potential "i'm afraid someone wants me dead" re: atlas's Death)
there's also the thought i was having that like, i think having a diable thrust upon him that provides illumination, and this scene having literal And figurative illumination, does suggest that now having this drago thread is indeed Relevant to whatever mordecai wants to ascertain out here. mysterious how, as per the last panel in which mordecai asks if they meet regularly, and where, it's suggested that mordecai plans to meet him, or at least see him from afar / undetected....but probably the former, since what tf does he learn from what he looks like? he's not doing this For marigold, and even if he was, a name's surely sufficient. but what does he think he can say to, or ask of, a prohibition agent....becoming a higher up informant? asking for information about marigold? not like drago, whether he's himself a plant or not, would just provide said info for mordecai's peace of mind....of course, it being mordecai, he could try for the [interrogation like with gracie here] route. but that'd be all the riskier, surely. try to follow him home, and go through his shit later?? is it about wanting drago's information, drago Being the information....what could any of it tell mordecai about whether marigold knows things about atlas's death....
i've been keeping [and what of the sicilians, maybe] in mind while i've been going through these other thoughts, lol, just haven't found any places where it seems Obvious they'd fill in some potential missing detail. let's say they've been bearing down on marigold: mordecai talks of paltry competition, and is hypothetically bringing up [could marigold warning of competitors mean they know how atlas died??] like....how's it figure in. supposing they're bearing down by going the "we can do a federal raid, with plants," couldn't they do it just as, or more easily with just the nonplanted federal agents? how would that factor in to anyone knowing more about atlas's death than they should....the feds take him out to simplify some shit; marigold's ceo is worried about the same fate?? while the one informant mordecai's talked to is saying he never had good info for his contact, mordecai might not even know who he works for, mordecai might be on the right track by now knowing Of drago....waugh. or trying on: the sicilians are working With marigold, marigold's insulating b/c why?? lord.
mordecai shoots atlas, asa having warned atlas of anything beforehand makes him question if asa knows how atlas died....how? just b/c he doesn't assume mitzi killed atlas? mordecai didn't shoot atlas, knows mitzi was't even there when atlas died, it was a private affair, asa warned atlas of something and mordecai's questioning if that means asa knows what happened to atlas, which mordecai Thought was a private affair....
now trying to follow that latter [okay, suppose mordecai didn't shoot him either] idea further: suppose that mordecai Knows mitzi didn't kill atlas because mordecai was with mitzi at the time. and was told something by atlas such that he thought he knew what was going to happen to atlas, and didn't himself question this after atlas died....i'm embracing this idea that mordecai is all riled up on his Professionalism b/c his involvement in atlas's death is such that he did whatever he did b/c atlas asked it of him (generous phrasing on my part) as a Professional request. or order. so now mordecai's alllll about citing his Professional Approach; he does it at the end of his proper introduction, even. maybe atlas's "do it for the professionalism" directive was about mordecai protecting mitzi for him instead of atlas, as he usually did as that apparent semi bodyguard. maybe it was about That, but also about protecting mordecai, in a "i'm absolutely going to be killed; as my right hand bodyguard man you'll be caught up in that; so go protect mitzi instead. that's an order XD but really, it is :I"....whether That's what mordecai Blames mitzi for, damnit if he wasn't married to you he wouldn't have sent me to protect You from [whatever threat] instead and i would of stopped it, rip to atlas's self-defense abilities but i'm different
why would mitzi hand mordecai, gunman, a gun in that case....he probably has his own?? or maybe he doesn't, it was too short notice (unlikely....). or maybe it was mordecai handing mitzi a gun, instead, for good measure.
to be sure, atlas being like "the [threat] are after me, imminently. mordecai, go bodyguard my wife instead, as my loyal and Professionally Committed employee who's really good at that and i wouldn't trust anyone else haha get outta here" and mordecai doing so, grabbing onto that Professionalism with both hands such as to have a death grip even now, resenting mitzi for atlas's death (b/c mordecai couldn't be present, though he thinks he knows how it happened) has given me a pang....Possible, though still has weaknesses like "what would the [threat] be such that mordecai considers it to have been a private affair if he didn't shoot atlas himself (which, if he did, i'm also embracing the theory of: it was also at atlas's Professional Request / Order)" / "what would be bearing down on atlas with enough short notice / Certainty that he couldn't manage to avoid his own death despite seeing it coming at all, even if he sent his best bodyguard elsewhere"
whether atlas was slowmo diving in front of a bullet for mitzi here (figuratively), which, who would be going directly after her? doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would be phrased as Mitzi's culpability/fault....and, i dunno, if it was obvious that atlas died To Save Mitzi / Lackadaisy overall, mordecai might be devoted to either party. certainly atlas didn't request it of mordecai outright; while mitzi doesn't act like "oh i have to keep lackadaisy up & running For Atlas," rather than that she knows maybe it'd be better to close, but she's kinda doing it for Possibility still / old times' sake....makes most sense that of course atlas died Because of lackadaisy, but he didn't like refuse to take some approach in which he Could've Lived to instead die to better ensure its continuation. if that makes sense.
mentally rotating everything furiously, i'm reluctant to wrap up any of these posts as if i'm bound to just suddenly Solve That Mystery, what's new scooby doo....musing on the possible chekov's sicilians again for good measure....how much changes if mordecai thinks that marigold knows who killed atlas, and he doesn't? that he wants to Know if marigold Knows? that he wants to find out and get revenge on whomsoever it was, supposing in this case, of course, it wasn't himself? that maybe atlas lied to him about who/what was threatening him, whether or not he was then like "professionally shoot me" or "professionally leave me and make sure nobody shoots my wife, who isn't even living with me at this time, things have visibly deteriorated"....
augh it's quarter to one a.m. all of a sudden and i've mostly just talked about the murder mystery some more lol. but it's a "yeah maybe" from me re: your original question lmfao. and a standing invite to any and everyone to muse on this mystery with me / send insights/ideas
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Volt Wave (Villainous Oc)
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Name: Simona Bronte 
DOB: Setempber 13th
Relatives: Nephele Bronte/ Wildcord (mother) ; Bruno Romana (father); Tejon/ Castor Polo-Romero (future husband)
Headcannon Voice Actor: Jenna Ortega (English); Sarah Gomez (Spanish)
Ethinicity: Caucasian/Mexican-American
Love Interest: Tejon
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Villain 
Residence: Fairhome (Birthplace/Frequent Target);  Rutherford Springs (Frequent Target)
Age: Same Age As Coywolf and Tejon
Sexuality: Straight
Abilities:  Electric And Magnetic Manipulation; Flight
Personality: She is very much like her mother in personality which is rude, brash, and loves to trash talk people. However, despite being a villain she does show a softer side to others like Tejon who she has had a big crush on since they were kids. On the other hand, she has no real love for Coywolf (despite being a fellow villain) and does what she can to antagonize him. She is an outspoken villain and loves giving commentary on other villains. She also doesn't mince words about how she feels about heroes. Due to relying on her powers, she tends to get cocky and ends up underestimating her opponents which can bite her in the butt. Even though her mother told her that relationships with heroes was were pathetic, she still ends up falling for Tejon. She can be very grateful and can honor her word if she feels a hero is worthy like Tejon. She is very protective of Tejon and hates it when any other villain harms him. She can be a bit self-centered and wants the spotlight.
Background: She is the daughter of Wildcord with a man named Bruno Romana, who looked like a normal, human version of Coyote and was her lackey. She would grow up under her parents who would teach in the ways of villainy and she would eventually have encounters with Green Rod, Coyote, Polecat, Coywolf, and especially her future love interest Tejon. At first her mother would instill hatred of any child of Coyote and Green Rod but she still ended up being interested in him. As a result, she often in secret tried to see him anyway. She also developed heavy animosity towards Coywolf who she found as her rival. She would later go to the Black Hat Institute where she again would see Coywolf and their rivalry would heat up. When she graduated she started going into villainy and make a name for herself, while also becoming the archenemy of her love interest, Tejon, who became a great hero. 
* She can instantly tell the twins apart even if they are disguised as each other. 
* The reason why she and Coywolf don't get along is that they are too similar. 
* Her mother's relationship with her father was a rebound relationship and there is hints she's never fully over Coyote. 
* She would later follow in her mother's footsteps and becomes an online influencer. 
* She would have a rivalry with Heed's daughter, Miss Deed. 
* She speaks Spanish and English. 
* Her parents are married and her father basically worked as her mother's toady/boy toy. 
Created through picrew.me/en/image_maker/18658…
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
jimin fans have to bend over backwards to prove to the fandom that they're not solo stans, but other members stans don't pay 2 seconds of attention to jimin anywhere and they don't face the same antagonism. like it's truly surreal how jimin has the whole fandom scared of him and his own impact to the point where they complain about him and choose not to support him in the name of being ot7.
Throughout the years I've seen "OT7" who even had Jimin's name muted. Modobora or whatever her name is, can't make it any more obvious that she doesn't like him and she has thousands of followers; even taekookers who openly hate on him have thousands, if not millions. There's been times when someone would say something about JK or Taehyung, or a hyung line member and people asked that everyone reports said account, and they did, and the account was taken down within minutes. I've seen people reporting and suspending accounts for saying the dumbest jokes, like I don't know "Jungkook doesn't shower". Account suspended. I know, I am aware that there are a lot of accounts that are really bad that don't get suspended, but the point is that they do it so quickly when it's not about Jimin lol. How come taekookers are never suspended? Probably half of the fandom thinks Jimin can't sing but if you say I don't think yoongi is a good rapper, you're done.
I think Jimin is awesome. I really believe he's brilliant and a force to be reckoned with, in so many aspects and for so many reasons. He's not perfect, the way nobody is, but *Bruno Mars voice* you're amazing just the way you are. Still, I don't think anyone else has to think the way I do. Whatever I think of Jimin (and any BTS member for that matter) is very personal to me and I don't really expect anyone else to think the same. I like Jimin's voice, but I don't believe that everyone should like it. So I say this as objectively as I ever could, but because of what I know, the things that have happened in all of these years, most of the fandom really is uncomfortable when the attention is on Jimin. I remember people saying that Jimin was #1 on brand ranking every month because of twitter likes, so they stopped liking his tweets, even on BTS official account.
There are so many factors to consider, and maybe you and I both are making a gross generalization but it's true that I never see people complaining about other "solo stans" the way they complain about and fight with pjms. Obviously none of this matters in real life, because Jimin is thriving anyways, but it's interesting -for lack of a better word-, since most of our fandom experience is online anyways, it's what we can talk about.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
We Don't Speak of Maddrix (We Don't Talk About Bruno Parody)
Granny May: We don't speak of Maddrix, ohhhh no. We don't speak of Maddrix.
Granny May: It seemed like just a normal day.
Hal Hardbargain: It was just a regular old day.
Granny May: People were minding there own business and there was not an ounce of crime around.
Hal Hardbargain: No crime anywhere to be found.
Granny May: Soon Maddrix appears with a dark smile and teeth bared...
Hal Hardbargain: Bloodshed!
Granny May: Excuse me Hal who is talking right now!
Hal Hardbargain: Sorry about that Granny May go on.
Granny May: Maddrix announces that he was going to make things change.
Hal Hardbargain: What was he saying?
Granny May: This created confusion and worry in everyone's brains.
Hal Hardbargain: No one saw his plan coming.
Granny May: He slaughtered all the heroes in one day!
Hal Hardbargain: What a horrific tragedy but the point is anyway..
Both: We don't speak of Maddrix not at all, no. We don't speak of Maddrix.
Joe (speaking): Becky, you and Rex need to listen.
Joe (singing): My dad lived in fear of Maddrix's scheming and tyranny. He was always afraid of becoming the monster's fall guy or pawn. It was always rumored that Maddrix may not be man but a demon spawn. ooo-oh-o.
It was a constant fear over the power Maddrix was having. He left villains and civilians constantly scrambling. Trying to hide from powers no one seemed to comprehend. Maddrix was truly an awful man.
Reason: A menacing figure who will cram knives down your throat.
Amazing Rope Guy: When your the target of his hate you know there's no hope.
The Butcher: The guy was so mean what he did made us scream! So..
All Together: That's why we don't speak of Maddrix, never at will! We don't speak of Maddrix.
Edith Von Hoosinghaus: He told me my security guards would break. The next day there was no trace!
Fair City Citizens: Oh dear!
The Mayor: He terrorized most of my family so that's why I live in an empty space!
Fair City Citizens: That fiend!
The Grocery Store Manager: From villainy I'm glad I retired or Maddrix would have my life e-rased!
Fair City Citizens: So true! There was no where for the heroes to run when Maddrix they were doomed to face!
Dr Two Brains: Maddrix promised me that all of my goals and dream could be achieved by following his lead. He promised me that I could be as powerful as he, how foolish I was to believe.
Amazo Guy: Maddrix taunted me, he said his son and I could never be as his heart belongs to the path of villainy.
I wish I could change things now. x2
Dr. Two Brains: Becky please, just stay out of this for me.
Amazo Guy: I want to change things now.
Wordgirl: But the thing about Maddrix...
Kid Math: We really need to know more about that Maddrix
Wordgirl: We have to protect everyone from Maddrix
Kid Math: Why won't someone give us the whole truth about Maddrix.
News Reporter (speaking): This just in, Maddrix the Malicious has been spotted heading towards Fair City after escaping maximum confinement.
Wordgirl, Kid Math, Amazo Guy, Joe, The villains: Time to prepare!
*lyric compilation* (I am not going to write down this part, just picture the original song mashup with the parody lyrics please.)
Maddrix (speaking): I'm back.
Everyone: HE'S RETURNED!
Everyone: Don't speak of Maddrix!
Wordgirl: How can I stop Maddrix?
Everyone: Fear the name of Maddrix!
Dr. Two Brains: I wish my daughter never had to meet Maddrix!
(This is my first attempt at writing a parody song. Hope you guys enjoyed it.)
Joseph "Joe" Smith belongs to @drtwobrainsstuff
Wordgirl belongs to PBS Kids and Soup 2 Nuts
"We Don't Talk About Bruno" is from the movie Encanto and belongs to Disney
Maddrix the Malicious is my oc and part of the last superheroes au I made for the becky boxleitner au.
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the-al-chemist · 1 year
Might be Saturday when you get this, but since Artemis and Jacob’s relationship is on the rocks following the end of the Hexley saga, how does this affecting them as adults? Does Artemis get to know Cleo? How much of Jacob’s past/the vaults does Cleo know?
It was Saturday when I got it, but it’s Sunday now that I’m answering it. I think we’re even?
You know the song “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”? Well, Artemis has her own lyrics for that one, and you can guess whose name she’s put in there. Still, we can talk about Jacob, I’m just putting a cut in bc spoilers for anyone not caught up!
Yeah, THAT last twist. Sorry about that one. I really debated whether or not to go through with it. But, I figured Artemis had to lose someone else by the end. If it hadn’t been this way, someone else would’ve needed to die, and I didn’t want to kill off ANOTHER youngun. George R. R. Martin doesn’t live here. Also, I had my own symbolic reasons for Jacob’s final betrayal, which I may or may not go into one day.
Artemis and Jacob’s relationship will never recover. Not to the point that it’s meaningful, anyway. They still co-own a house, so he still has a sort of presence in her life (not that she appreciates it) but aside from that, they are two strangers who happen to be related. Artemis was 8 when Jacob left, she didn’t know the real him at that point, and though his actions saved her life, they led to him not getting to know her as an adult.
My Jacob is an interesting character because even I as his creator don’t actually know him that well. He’s a master manipulator, as much as he’d hate to admit it to himself, and a bit of a chameleon. However, I do know that he has been left with a LOT of trauma and guilt from the decisions he made as an older teen/young man, and that repressed self-loathing causes him to have a tendency towards self-sabotage as an adult, even after Cleo comes along (why do you think he and Angelica are separated?). Still, I think fatherhood is the making of him, and having Cleo in his life is the making of Jacob and probably his one saving Grace as a redeemable character.
Cleo does not know the extent of what Jacob did. Not many people do, aside from Artemis, a handful of her closest friends, and Jacob himself. Why would he tell her, or anyone? She does not really know Artemis, either. The two of them met once at a family event in America when Cleo was about 4, and again at a photography exhibition when she was 10. She only vaguely remembers Artemis, and Artemis is still trying to block out the memory of Jacob being there.
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ruinouss-archived · 2 years
@vendettacanons​ said: “Sorry to bother you, miss.” The sharply dressed man that had knocked at Faye’s door pulls his hat off of his head and places it over his. “We don’t mean to intrude but… well… we’re from the coroner’s office, and… we’re looking for one Bruno Michael Chavez. A body came in recently and based on DNA testing, that is… We’d like to ask him to come in and, potentially, identify our Jane Doe. If he can?”
Having not heard any of the conversation, Mike steps out of the kitchen with their two fresh plates of hot lunch and takes a few step towards Faye. He pauses for a moment, the beaming grin on his face dropping a fraction at the grim expressions directed at him. “What’s up, princessa? Why the long face all the sudden? And…” he tilts his head, squinting to the man at the door. “Who’s he?” 
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     Eyes instinctively narrowed as she opened the door to see the sharply dressed man. It was odd for anyone but a lost traveler or delivery person to come out this far. She made it difficult for a reason. Her body instantly stiffened as Mike’s full name was spoken. Her heart raced, realizing who the Jane Doe might actually be. A tightness formed in her chest as she quickly tried to decide what to say or do. While there was always a possibility for a trap to capture them this was far too personal and she wasn’t certain how many people knew Mike’s true name or that he wasn’t exactly in touch with his family. Her mouth opened when she heard his footsteps. 
     Looking over her shoulder, she noticed the same suspicious look she’d first given the man. It felt as if her throat was beginning to swell and if she didn’t speak soon she knew she’d be unable to. Another glance to the man before she opened the door a bit wider while she turned to face her boyfriend full on. It was with a heavy heart she finally decided to tell him the truth. 
         “It’s a man from the...coroner’s office,” her mouth went dry as she struggled to find the right words and the right way to speak. “He...he asked for you to come identify a body.” This part was going to be the hardest. Identifying a body was one thing but possibly having to identify someone you’d be hoping to see again one day was absolutely the worse thing and she hated that she was the one to relay it to him. No, that wasn’t quite true. It might’ve been better to come from her, someone he trusted, than from a stranger. “It’s a Jane doe. They did a DNA test and your name came up.” her voice faded as she looked to Mike, eyes full of sorrow for having to deliver cruel news.
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amberswords · 2 years
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Age: 20
Gender: Non-Binary (They/She)
Height: 5ft (1.52)
Nationality: Italian
Affiliations: La Squadra Esecuzioni
Stand: 「Under Pressure」
Love Interests: Bruno Bucciarati, Formaggio
Early life:
Celestina is born in a family of gamblers. The Castiglione name once represented luxury and wealth, but it grows into a dull memory of greatness once the addiction starts to take over their daily lives. Celestina quickly is thrown into huge, inherited debt after an accident that wipes out most of her family, and she is left alone to figure out what to do next.
As a young teenager, she's turned away from job opportunities and the financial help she tries to get isn't enough to quell their debts. She escapes from getting turned into the adoption system, desperately clutching the last bits of what she considers her independence by turning to the mafia, requesting a place under Polpo's approval. She gets her stand after failing the lighter test, and is sent into a small subgroup of mafiosos where she will spend 3 years of her life.
She climbs the power ladder within her group fairly quickly, proving that she's a great asset to have and an exceedingly good assassin, but her group dislikes having her there, feeling cornered and shadowed by the attentions she's given by the district's Capo. No one ever properly finds out what happened to her workmates, but they are never found after attempting to assassinate Caragnoli, and she's transferred to work with La Squadra Esecuzioni, where they stay until they turn 20 and the events of VA start.
Golden Wind:
Caragnoli is sent alongside Risotto Nero to attack Bucciarati's group, where they both run into Doppio and need to fight him together for the ensuing battle. Caragnoli barely survives, slipping away into the ground and slowly travelling as droplets of honey until she reaches Bruno, who sees her barely holding onto life and manages, alongside Narancia, to rush back and help Risotto fend off Doppio/Diavolo before it's too late for him.
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Caragnoli is eerily quiet most of the time which, paired with their closed eyes, makes for someone who doesn't seem to be paying attention to what is around them. This is entirely wrong for their character, since Caragnoli prides themself for being as attentive as a person can get, parsing out people's emotions and the most efficient course of action just by using her ears.
She has a mean streak, finding enjoyment in dissing her friends when they least expect it in ways that might seem hurtful, but that are actually only the rapport she has with them, and it's done entirely out of playful tenderness.
She has a low, calm voice that she rarely raises, and whenever she gets upset she scoffs and sneers, crossing her arms and sometimes even pretending to fall asleep to spite people.
Her stand, 「Under Pressure」 can cause strange effects on her body when she's been hurt or is exhausted, making her skin seem to melt into honeycomb.
She can actually open her eyes and they are entirely functional, she just dislikes the light.
She was friends with Bucciarati since first joining the mafia, both of them kind of growing together.
Bruno knows that she likes Formaggio and is entirely okay with it. The same goes with Maggio.
The issues with the Boss caused big breaches to open in their friendship and relationship. They are still recovering.
She hates gambling due to obvious reasons, but has an extremely good poker face.
Ghiaccio loses his temper with her so often by how little importance she seems to give things.
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