#he's very adaptable but it'd be interesting to see what he'd make of it
yandere-daydreams · 5 months
tw - stalking, unhealthy relationships, mentions of masturbation, obsessive behavior, and medical malpractice galore.
Harper is the kind of man who can't help but study what he loves.
It's a bad habit - an unfortunate combination of natural curiosity and burning academic passion that always seems to end with a mess and a few broken toys. A childhood fascination with insects might lead to shoeboxes full of tattered wings and twitching bodies. A passing interest in hemogobular coagulation would be poured into a university internship that gave him access to more pints of blood than he knew what to do with, despite his best attempts to put it all to good use. A lasting fondness for hypnosis could, theoretically, earn him a small collection of pocket watches, a soothing timbre that often played underneath his passive speaking voice, and a few asylum patients too far gone to ever truly recover.
His research wasn't always destructive, but it could be. His love tended to veer towards obsession; the kind of burning infatuations that could leave more than a little devastation in its wake, if he wasn't careful. A measured amount of collateral damage was acceptable, compared to the alternative.
He studies you, too. Idly, at first - nothing more than an intrusive thought allowed to fester during your all-too-infrequent appointments, a quick jolt of excitement when he noticed your name on his schedule - then more consciously, in the form of an extra question asked at the very end of his time with you, a note tacked onto your file that doesn't strictly have to do with your health. His chances for observation are limited. You rarely make it to your therapy sessions, no matter how often he insists you should see him, and you're sturdier than he'd like, too used to being thrown around and mistreated to come running to him every time you scrape your knees. That's something he decides he doesn't like about you fairly early on. Part of a case study is deciding which parts of your subject will need to be adapted, and even you aren't beyond correction.
He records your reactions to his mis-prescribed medication with a religious sort of zealousness, reviews your symptoms and lab results while fucking his fist in-time with your pulse. He makes sure to visit your bedside personally whenever you find your way into his emergency room, and you're rewarded for your newfound attentiveness with a healthy supply of shots that leave you too removed from reality to remember your time on his examination table. Harper's always preferred the written word, but he find himself with a budding appreciation for film during his nightly evaluation of your records. His memory is keen enough, but there's nothing quite like being able to study your body detail by detail whenever he isn't fortunate enough to have access to the real thing.
He thinks, as he watches a pair of his nurses drag you through the asylum doors, that it might be time to start the next leg of his study. Studying is useful, but you've always benefited from more proactive measures, more personal attention. It'd be a discredit to his occupation if he was too preoccupied with his own little pleasures to see to the needs of his favorite patient.
It's far past time he moved on to more hands-on research methods, when it comes to you.
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adelrambles · 1 month
I am so sorry I promise I’ll stop spamming you about Bishop now (maybe.)
Do you think Bishop could ever be in a healthy relationship? What would the dynamic be like with evil Bishop versus Fast Forward Bishop?
And no I don’t mean Stockshop. 😭
Oh no worries at all I'm enjoying your questions!! Please feel free to spam to your heart's desire. Sorry it took so long to get around to this one, I have admittedly not put much thought into Bishop in romantic scenarios, so I had to think on it a bit!
So, could Bishop ever be in a healthy relationship? Short answer NO. NOT AT ALL LOL
Slightly longer answer, there is some potential depending on how you like to interpret Fast Forward!Bishop. I think it's impossible for Present-day Bishop to be in any sort of healthy romance (and I'll go into way more detail than neccessary about that below 👍) but if you take FF's presentation of the character at face value, there's certainly a possibility.
So long answer, Bishop is one of the single most self-centered, unexamined people to walk the damn earth. There are a lot of factors that go into why he would be just, the absolute worst in a relationship, but the biggest issue is he doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself. If we throw everything else out and consider a hypothetical where he enters a relationship for the relationship's sake, he is not capable or willing to see things from a partner's perspective. In any disagreement he will be unwilling to consider he could be wrong, and will go to great lengths to ensure the other person concedes or backs down. He is a paranoid control freak who would not stand for anything less than being agreed with and obeyed, and he is perfectly willing to break someone down to achieve that. And in a scenario where, indeed, his interest is actually in the other person, we know he has a terrible possessive streak. As long as his interest holds, there is no out for the hypothetical partner. He is going to be emotionally and mentally abusive at best.
Moving more to the particulars of what he'd want a relationship for, it's worth pointing out that Bishop is very single-minded and relentless in his ultimate goal. I find it very difficult to consider a scenario where any single person would be considered worthwhile enough to distract him from that. We've seen him willing to sacrifice personal friends in-canon for the sake of his experiments, (if you ascribe to the theory that J. Finn was mutated on purpose to some degree,) so his work is ALWAYS going to come first. But that's the nicer option, because there is always the possibility that he would consider a relationship if it benefitted his greater goal (OR fed his ego tbh.) In which case, he's only in it for what he can get out of the other person, and the second they've outlived their usefulness to him, well-- I guess it depends on how much sensitive information they know, by that point.
But, okay! Let's consider President Bishop. He's certainly less likely to lure in a partner just to use them and then dispose of them, so he has that going for him. With him, there is a lot of room for how you want to interpret his "change of heart." You could take it at as presented in the show, or read more into his actions based on what we know about his past. Personally, I prefer the latter, but I'll examine both for the sake of thoroughness, and also for funsies.
So let's assume Bishop is being genuine in how he acts, first. In this case, I think there's a decent chance he could learn to be a good partner, though I don't think he'd start out that way and I doubt it'd come naturally to him loL. His job requires a lot of time and attention from him, and he is always going to prioritize it; he is, after all, "a bigger picture kind of guy." Kindness does not come naturally to him, so in times of stress he may default to meaner actions. However, he is also pretty effective in learning and adapting, so with good communication he probably won't make the same mistakes too often. In this scenario I think time constraint really is the biggest obstacle, given his job.
Now, assuming his Good Guy act is just a mask for politics? He's still pretty damn toxic. Bishop's tactics have changed, but his personality remains pretty similar. I'm not sure his pleasant demeanor goes that deep, once you get into more than small talk. It's a necessity for his job, but he still appears to be cold and utilitarian underneath it. He still thinks he's right about everything, and based on the insidious ways he phrases his own backstory to always shift blame away from himself, (even throwing Stockman under the bus, STILL, just to look better in comparison,) he's gotten a LOT better at making it feel like he is always in the right. What you've got is a Bishop who can lie, persuade and charm better, who also still doesn't care about much beyond protecting his territory and using the people around him. This presents us with a partner who, unlike 2000s-era Bishop, is far FAR more subtle with his abuse. And again, heaven forbid he actually genuinely has an interest in his hypothetical partner, because now he has galactic-wide surveillance and public sway on top of the immortality, and they're never getting away.
I hope that answers to satisfaction! Honestly while it's not my cup of tea it is really interesting to examine this facet of his character, so thank you for the question!!
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simlit · 7 months
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first of all, how rude.
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
His resilience. Eifra is constantly seen as an easy target, and physically, he's not particularly strong, but he's endured a lot and has the ability to bounce back from just about anything.
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
His kindness. It's the one thing he's most taken advantage for. He's aware of it, and people constantly warn him, but I don't think even he would choose to be different.
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
All of the above lmao. Depends on the threat. He does naturally frighten easily, but he's also a very seasoned hunter. Even if he's afraid, he has the ability to temper his nerves to withstand a fight, but if he knows it's a fight he'll lose, he'll happily flee.
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
Eif would never endanger others, but he would put himself through a world of pain if he thought it would help someone he loves. Again, all depends on the context.
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
Not... easily. He would have to be put in a very precarious position, to know it was his only option, or if someone's life depended on it. But he's also not so much of a goodie two shoes that his moral compass is swung so far to one side.
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Ah, this is a fun question. I think I mentioned before I actually intended for Eifra's PoV to only exist as an introduction to Zeh's. But instead he became pretty much the defacto protagonist and narrator for the sequel. I didn't expect to love Eifra as much as I did, and I got attached to him, both as a writer, but also through Zehel. In the same way that I fell in love with Yeryn's romance, Zehel and Eifra's relationship *is* the main dynamic of Arcaen'vel. Eifra is Zehel's crux. He's his driving force and he pushes both the plot and Zehel's character development forward. I went in thinking Zehel would be the main character in what I thought was his own story, but Eifra really had another plan (though I'm sure if I explained it that way to him, he'd disagree and hold Zeh's pedestal that much higher lmao). The two share the spotlight in different ways. But if you asked me like three years ago if I thought the successor to Yeryn's line would be some random hybrid kiddo I'd have slapped your face.
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
NO lmfao. Eifra would never just commit murder. But he certainly wouldn't have the braincells to get out of it if he did.
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Yes! Zehel's theme for Eifra is "A Sky Full of Stars" by Coldplay, and I can literally not listen to this song without thinking of him. "Cuz you get lighter the more it gets dark, I'm gonna give you my heart."
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Tbh, I think Eif would work in any AU, but I'll have to choose the most boring and say I'd love to see him in a modern storyline with Zeh. Just because Eifra adapts so well to our timeline.
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Bow and arrow. He can hunt well regardless, but his arrows are also the only way he can channel dragonfire. It's the only defense he has, not having been born with arcane magic.
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Yes, and no. I think he sometimes gives too much of himself away, but I wouldn't say he's actively tearing himself down. But he'd be willing to let people walk all over him if it'd make them happy and that's not a particularly healthy way to live, either.
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
Probably LOL. I mean he's a much MUCH better person than me, but his self-deprecating humor is so relatable. He's a really uplifting person, which is actually the type of person I most enjoy being around, but he does lack the petty shittalk side I require my friendships to have so that I may thrive lmao.
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
I don't think he much cares how other perceive him, but I think he'd like his friends to see him as reliable. Someone that can be depended on, even when things get difficult.
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
We all know I don't do real human face claims, but I do have an artwork I pinned ages ago that encapsulates his vibes down to his stature and dress style, the only thing off about it is the hair, otherwise really spot on: here.
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
Surprisingly high. Eifra has been through... shit. And he's conditioned himself for things most people have never had to. He's been forced to survive most of his life, and I think that gives someone a lot of internal strength. He also has an incredibly good hold of his mental. In a situation where he knew he'd have to endure something to save someone, he wouldn't even miss a beat.
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
He's very personable, but honestly he understands people wanting space. He gets attached to Zehel so easily because he feels like he owes him his life (he kind of does lmao), so it's a bit of specific situation. Normally, Eifra is the type to only approach if asked, but he'd always be able to reply. He's incredibly charismatic.
How does your OC behave when enraged?
I think Eifra has only been truly angry a handful of times in his life. Only once severe enough to have some physical repercussion. Usually he lets things slide off him, and doesn't get caught up on negative feelings.
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Unsurprisingly not at all lmao.
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
Neither, but I suppose in the context of their world, he's sort of "broken". He's half elf, half dragon, but he was born magicless, and his wings never developed properly. He's also not able to shift into dragonform, which is usually something that gets bred out over many generations. As he's a "first generation" mix, this is exceedingly odd. He's the only known halflyn to have one dragon parent and not be able to shapeshift.
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
Lawful/Neutral Good
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
Desire. Eifra has an incredibly difficult time asking for anything, even if he needs those things to actually survive. He feels embarrassed and burdensome to ask favors of others, and hates to be indebted to them. He constantly sees himself as a weight holding back his friends, and would rather starve than to ask for money for food or anything similar.
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
His tenacity. Eifra is such a hard person to keep down, and even though I find these people really annoying irl, I think in stories, juxtaposed characters like Zeh, they become so much more likeable, and important. I think Eifra has a lot of qualities I gravitate to, but being in Zehel's head for almost four-hundred pages, my love and violent need to throw my life on line to protect Eif at all costs is so deeply engrained in me LOL. Zehel really following in Daddy's footsteps by being the world's second biggest simp, only in his case it exists within a platonic friendship, and honestly, I think it's the most fitting storyline I could have written for him.
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Batkids ranked from best to worst candidate to take over the Batman mantle according to my very objective (/sarcasm) opinions:
Cass: Cass is loyal to the bat symbol before all else; the bat pulled her out of an aimless, guilt-ridden existance and gave her purpose, a chance to help others, and she takes this very very seriously. She's canonically the most similar to Bruce out of everyone, and values the no killing rule more than him. She wants the job so bad, because to her, Batman is everything she could ever hope to be. Continuing the bat symbol into a new generation, to help and inspire others like her, would be the greatest honor for her. Becoming Batman would be the natural conclusion of her arc.
Dick: Has canonically been Batman and did very well at it, better even than Bruce, canonically. But Nightwing fits him better. He adapted to the Batman mantle, and eventually stopped being miserable in it, but it was a choice made out of necessity, not personal drive. Nightwing was his own creation and fits him like a second skin. He can do Batman, he can do it well, but it won't be natural for him like it would be for Cass.
Steph: There's a fucking curveball for you. Honestly Steph is here bc other than Cass and Dick I don't think there's a good choice for Batman, if Bruce kicks it and neither of them are around I think Batman should just die, but for the sake of this list we will look at how much I'd enjoy seeing the other kids take up the mantle in canon. Steph becoming Batman would be so funny. It'd be a great storytelling opportunity because there's no way she should even be in line so what happened? How does she deal with it? But most importantly, once again, it'd be SO FUNNY if Steph got the mantle of Batman after Bruce treated her as shittily as he did. That's what you get old man.
Tim: idk he'd handle the job badly and would be miserable but this is my list and I don't really care about him so he's here as a placeholder. If Tim became Batman I'd be annoyed but not enraged. So there.
Duke: Perhaps an unpopular opinion among Duke fans but I fucking hate the idea of Batman!Duke. It can work in very specific Elseworld circumstances like Dark Knights Metal but in the mainline continuity? Absolutely tf not. Duke's whole Thing is a radical departure from the batfam's status quo. He's thematically and literally attached to daylight, he has superpowers. Both of those are already wildly antithetical to Batman. In addition: his current hero identity is an homage to his mother. Why would he throw that away? Batman!Duke could be interesting for an arc or two, because all this WOULD make for interesting narrative conflict, but permanently? It'd be a wild misuse of Duke's character to take a character designed to defy the status quo and stick him in a mantle that exists to uphold it. If Bruce dies and Duke's the only one that could take over, Batman should die and Signal should take his place.
Damian: FUCK Batman!Damian all my homies HATE Batman!Damian. All those arcs and character development about how blood doesn't define him only for him to let blood define him, just on the other side of his family? You're all so fucking boring and you should feel bad. And while we're here, no he shouldn't be Nightwing either, that's only slightly less bad, why would stepping from one Dick Grayson legacy mantle to another denote character growth? I have OPINIONS on this. Damian should create his own identity to show that he's grown into his own and found his own path outside of his families. Also 90% of the arguments for Batman!Damian hinge on blood relations which is weird and creepy and also very very very boring.
Jason: I don't think I need to explain this.
Any variant of sharing the mantle: Every time the 'who should be the next batman' debate comes up there's always SOME motherfucker insisting that x and y can just share and two things to that: 1) coward, are you gonna hand out participation trophies next? 2) Batman should not be a status symbol. The batfam should not be a hierarchy with Batman at the top. That's the most boring way possible to approach the Batman mantle. I get that's what DC does in canon, but in canon, they won't ever let Bruce die permanently anyway, so what canon does is kinda a moot point. And frankly? Pretty much all 'x and y should share' arguments seem to be based in the idea that Batman is automatically a better, more prestigious mantle than all others, and that being deprived of it means you're worse than whoever took it. They want everyone to hold the mantle simulaneously because they don't want their fave(s) to 'lose'. It's not a competition of skill, it's a matter of narrative satisfaction. And the only character whose arc would be actively strengthened by becoming Batman is Cass. She shouldn't get it because she's the best fighter, or lose/share it because she's not the best detective; she should get it because it would be a perfect bookend to her arc of self hatred and self determination via the bat. Everyone else is better off with a solo identity or a different legacy mantle. So no, sharing is not a magic solution; it's a cop out.
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sunshinemoonrx · 8 months
Cai, Bedwyr and company
So pretty much ever since this post about the original folkloric magical-warrior Arthur, I've been doodling designs for other characters surrounding him (and that real good art I rb'd yesterday kicked my ass into wanting to upload them finally).
Of the companions of the Welsh version of Arthur, Cai (or Cei/Kei) has to top the list. Most magical guy in the world. Per Culhwch & Olwen dude has heat and cold powers, he can grow giant, he can survive underwater for nine days. He fought a giant cat once. (It's actually kind of interesting that he later was adapted into the boorish, incompetent Sir Kay because of how amazing he originally was; it's the classic anime rival bit where you can show how cool your new OC, Lancelot or whoever, is by having him be better than the existing best guy)
I was already leaning into the "slutty magical anime boys" aesthetic and, with characters like this who only appear once the legendary Welsh versions of the 9th century on get into full swing, I felt more license to go further with that (whereas my Arthur and Trwyth look slightly more down-to-earth because they appears even earlier as small-scale local figures).
So my concept for Cai is that since he can generate heat from his skin so intense no rain can touch him without evaporating, by anime girl character design logic obviously he has to leave his back and shoulders and thighs uncovered since that's where I'm having his wings of magical flame project from.
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The hair gave me a little trouble--I briefly thought I could give him two-coloured hair to reflect his heat/cold thing, but then I remembered one of the popular HeroAca guys is a two-colour-hair fire-ice-powers guy so I hard-swerved away from treading on those toes. In the end I settled on the MILFy ponytail at the bottom since it'd keep his hair clear of his back, since again, it's very logical and strategically important for the skin there to be bare.
The gloves and metal bands, meanwhile, are meant to be like a shadow the hedgehog power-limiter kinda deal, where he can take them off to unleash his full elemental power. That works with gloves but not really the boots, but I didn't want to lose the symmetry, but then! A piece of medieval Welsh poetry gave me inspiration for another function, and a way to make the design hornier I guess.
One of the Triads of Britain refers to the Three Fettered Men of the Isle of Britain: "Because horses could not be obtained that were suited to them, owing to their size; so they put fetters of gold around the small of their legs, on the cruppers of their horses, behind their backs".
Cai isn't one of the three, but in addition to his main epithet "Cai Wyn" ("worthy Cai", or "Cai the Fair", so it's important he's hot you see), he's also known as "Cai Hir" ("Cai the Tall"), which may be a reference to his ability to grow giant, and fits the 'reasoning' in the Triad. So the bands on his legs became fetters of gold, and my idea is he releases his power by breaking the chain to do his Ultraman rise.
A "crupper", meanwhile, seems to be like, an ass-harness? Sure, that fits the vibe we've ended up at. I figured that can be what he slings his sword from, and then spent...a while trying to figure out the logistics of that. So y'know I had to draw his hips and ass a bunch. For science.
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As you can see, there's a couple of attempts to render the leotard as chainmail; one story, Rhonabwy's Dream, describes Cai as wearing mail of pure white rings with pure red rivets, which sounds gorgeous but I dunno how to draw white chainmail so I mostly gave up. He can wear one over the other, I guess?
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In Culhwch, Cai (who is the best sword-maker in the world, naturally) forges a sword for the giant Wrnach Gawr, then kills him with it and takes it, so I figured that'd be a cool weapon to give him. Cai asks if he'd like it to be white-bladed or dark-blue-bladed, and Wrnach answers "whichever way you prefer"; we never find out what that is, so I thought an asymmetrical design incorporating both would be fun.
Anyway, here's another friend: Bedwyr! Precursor to Sir Bedivere, Bedwyr is Cai's constant companion, who "never feared a quest that Cai went on". Do Not separate them. He's the Fast Guy; though he has one hand, he can draw blood three times faster than anyone can with two; by the time you notice he's stabbed you once, he's stabbed you another seven times, etc. He's also noted as the most beautiful man in all the land (except Arthur, and one other guy whose name never comes up anywhere else).
I had kinda wanted to give Cai lots of hair volume but was thwarted by the bare-back thing so I made that Bedwyr's thing, and he's gotta be a spear guy given the above (another fun thing is his spearhead can fly off and stab guys on its own then come back to him). Another Triad calls Cai one of the "Three Diademed Battle-Leaders of the Isle of Britain", but adds after giving the three that "And one was diademed above the three of them: that was Bedwyr son of Bedrawc." So that's why they both have little tiaras, and while I flip back and forth on the look I settled on making Bedwyr's a little fancier and Cai's simpler to conform with the poem.
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So that's how we arrive at what I consider my final designs for these two lovebirds (one poet tells us Bedwyr's death left Cai "heartbroken"); in the end I prefer the sword-harness just looking like a simple belt from the front, and I added some boots? Thigh-socks? Something?? to Bedwyr to break up the design a bit. The asymmetry of them to conform with his tunic's skirt is inspired by Marin from Saint Seiya, who really rocks the asymmetrical leggings.
And on the right is an initial go at Gwenhwyfar, precursor to Guinivere (and I try to respect the Welsh spellings and pronounciations generally, but I may sometimes refer to her as just "Gwen" in this case). I was inspired by a fragmentary dialogue between her and an antagonistic warrior Melwas (who spends half the dialogue trying to fight Cai actually), where he calls her "Gwenhwyfar of the deer's glance", which brought a vision of a spooky lanky cryptid lady with all-black too-long eyes to mind.
The battle of Camlann was said to be brought about by conflict between Gwenhwyfar and her sister Gwenhwyfach, and a blow struck by the latter to the former, but they might also be like...reflections of the same person's good and bad sides or something?? It's all very murky. In any case, I couldn't stop thinking of Gwen as someone who punches dudes, and the main other instance of that in Welsh legends are their versions of "witches", who wear armour and kill with iron claws. Gwen's mother is a member of the Roman nobility, so I thought fuck it, let's get real wacky and ahistorical and dress her like a cestus-wielding gladiator. Roman influence, iron claws, punching dudes, it all comes together.
Oh, and her father is a giant, so I drew a little Arthur to scale at the bottom to show she's inherited some of that too. I wanna draw her more and refine this, make her spookier (one Triad presents her as being three people? Or Arthur just had three wives with the same name? It might just be a pun? Unclear???) But for now, here's one final page of assorted stuff, presented a couple ways up for clarity:
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So there's another Bedwyr; below him, the Cath Palug, the giant cat Cai fights in the poem Pa Gur, which I do intend to do a big funky monster design for, but much like Trwyth in the first post, I had fun doing a human one too. What, am I not gonna draw a catgirl when I can draw a catgirl?
From the other angle, there's Melwas, foe of Cai and Gwen mentioned above. He describes himself as young, and Gwen calls him a "lad of black and yellow", so I made him a twink with dyed hair, but I'll do a more full design later. Probably not before doing Cai's fight with the Cath Palug though.
Caledfwlch, the pre-Excalibur, I drew before, but I did a more ostentatious version here based on its description in Rhonabwy's Dream, where drawing it is like flames leaping forth from the jaws of the serpents whose designs were on it, so blinding no-one could look at it. I like to imagine it having the more humble look until the critical moment when it reveals its true form.
Aaaaand then there's Arthur on a motorbike. (You may have noticed there's one of these way further up in this post in one of the Cai pages) This is just me continuing to think about that idea from the last post about him popping back up in the modern day. Mostly what I orbit around is that he'd defeat whatever evil wizard he was summoned to deal with and then people would be like "so your job is done?" and he'd be like "what? no, the world is clearly in grave peril" and start running around destroying fossil fuel infrastructure. In fact I have a real hankering to make that a comic, but I'd need to be like, an actual artist for that.
So anyway the idea is he gets the spirit of his horse (Llamrei) to inhabit the bike, enabling it to do sick physics-defying stunts. Here's another for the road in fact:
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(Wow, Cat, do you like Kamen Rider or something?)
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formulatrash · 1 year
Hey Hazel,is there any driver you'd really like to see in FE?
[dropping to my knees, howling at the sky] Alex Lynnnnnn
no, he's in a better place now. but never forgotten. uhm; I guess right now I can't really say I think FE is a good place for a driver but if we slightly shift reality to a better version of Gen3 and a championship in a more stable place, then there's a bunch of people it'd be cool to see.
FE has a very odd driving style, if you ask drivers about - actually you know what, I have asked drivers about it one moment let me get a quote Stoffel gave me.
"It's probably actually one of the the biggest changes, career wise almost, jumping from F1 to Formula E, just because of the way you have to drive the car.
I would say in Formula 1 and all the junior series leading up to Formula 1, everything kind of makes sense. Every car has a little bit more grip, a bit more downforce, a bit more power, it's a bigger car and every step you do is kind of logical.
While suddenly jumping from a Formula 1 car to Formula E, it's like: the whole technology, the way the car behaves is... well, there's only Formula E, there's no other car that behaves that way.
So in terms of driving style, you really have to get used to certain things, especially the braking where you have the regen on the rear axle, the feeling of the brake pedal is quite different.
And then we have a lot of software tools and programmes that help us out, or you can influence as a driver as well, so it's quite technical. And yeah, it's not a straightforward one to jump into."
which is why sometimes it doesn't work out for drivers who've done well in other categories. and there's not particularly a recipe for what makes a good Formula E driver, except that they need to be someone who can handle a strange car. and they really need to be able to memorise massive amounts of information to handle the energy management in the race. drivers that don't get much out of sim work are probably going to struggle.
given that, someone like Lando would be interesting. I think he'd find the car frustrating but fun. it'd actually suit Sainz's driving style (he has some interesting interpretations of kerbs)
(Lewis would either find it the most fun ever and kind of a novelty or be immediately incredibly annoyed with the whole thing, I don't think Seb would like it at all)
I'd love to see Alice Powell get a race seat (she's the test and development driver for Envision) and Tatiana Calderon was blisteringly fast when she did a rookie test, I think she'd be really great in a full-time seat.
I sort of hoped Max Fewtrell might get rescued into a seat or at least a test/sim role a few years back, since he was talking about wanting to be in FE. I'm pretty sure any talented junior series driver would, if they put their mind to it, be able to make the transition to FE and do well.
Marcus Armstrong's description of himself as liking braking earlier (in The Side Pod yesterday) makes me think he'd probably be weirdly naturally adapted to FE. but if he likes hitting the apex of corners he might struggle with the absence of downforce or grip. he does have experience with having relentlessly, sinfully appalling luck though and doesn't seem to have completely given up so he might have what it takes.
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aragarna · 1 year
I'd always kind of 'imprinted', I suppose, on Aramis since I was young -- I had always had this draw to religion, and then went off to study theology at university. xD For me, he's the one I wish I could talk to, if only to discuss these things (although I have a certain sense he might consider me a heretic xD).
I've been disappointed by the movie versions of Aramis before -- the 2011 version with the airships, he was very much sidelined and never really given much to do. The whole running joke of telling Athos' servant to shut up never felt right to me, either.
I adored the Charlie Sheen version of him, though. xDDD His cheeky sense of humor combined with his romanticism and the depth of his faith always felt so much more vibrant (seeing him giving the fallen soldiers last rites remains with me as one of the best moment movie!Aramis moments).
BBC!Aramis is still the one I turn to for comfort, though. He has a gentleness to his manner that feels sort of steadying. His warmth and kindness, his little expressions of faith, his devotion to his duty, and his sense of humor very much bring him to life, and make him incredibly endearing. =)
Flying ships? what flying ships? That movie doesn't exist. No no no. There's a line and I draw it at the flying ships LOL
I do agree that it'd be great to have discussions with Aramis, on any subject. He's well educated, smart, and articulated. (Not sure how he'd take my hardcore atheism, though. That might be a little too far for a man from the 17th century).
Thank you for sharing your views on the different versions of Aramis. It was very interesting to read. :)
My own comfort adaptation remains The Man in the Iron Mask I think. I have many issues with that movie and *yet* that might remain the best one of the modern era.
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catboyeddy · 2 years
Okay so obviously we know very well that Danny has zero intention of bringing eene back but like if that did happen how’d you think he’d go about it? Like would it have some sort of plot line following BPS or be something random for each episode like the series was? New characters, relationships? Would they still be the same age range or would they’d be aged up? Or even a prequel of sorts where they’re even younger? Fhsjcj sorry I’ve gotten into the eene rabbithole again and kinda bummed out we won’t get more eene.
Honestly I don't really know how Danny would continue the series if he did so I'm just gonna give you some thoughts I have about the characters I think a like dream reboot would've leaned into
It would've been nice if it picked up right after bps cause we could've seen the changes in the characters slowly happen
Also to see Eddy consciously changing to try n be nicer and dropping some of the traits he picked up from Bro
I think 'Dueling Eds' is a good example of Eddy doing something out of pocket and trying to understand and make up for it so think a lot of similar episodes
I heard there was a cut ending scene in bps where Kevin is like being overly nice to the eds and they're a kinda freaked out by it n I'd love to see that too like that learning curve where the eds and other kids are trying to get used to each other and used to actually being friends and being casually nice and playful ribbing instead of like just being an asshole
Like it'd take a while for the friendship to feel sincere on both ends but they do want to get along
Also be v interesting to see changes in Double Dee as school life gets more hectic n watching him go through burnout
I feel like he'd never lose his love of learning but he'd lose his ability to be perfect at everything n it'd affect him
Double Dee but he's more tired of everyone's shit than ever before
Ed and Sarah bonding and drawing art together and defending each other to their parents
Would also be nice to see more moments of Ed noticing when somethings up and trying to comfort his buddies
I like to think of the eds and kids being mischievous together and like pulling pranks (I think Eddy drops scams post bps for bro related reasons also the main reason the kids had beef with them were the scams)
I do still think they make little inventions n come up with cool ideas just maybe a little more honest about stuff not working or involving the kids in making things
There's more stuff but I've talked about it in a lot of my hc posts about eene
An adult ish reboot would be interesting, watching the eds try and adapt to a adult life and their respective careers
I really like the hc that Eddy runs a small diner, it let's him do something he can be creative with and proud of and he gets to use his charisma and be a social butterfly. I think it plays to all his strengths in the best way
I also really like the hc that Edd becomes a creative journalist I think it fits his flare for the dramatic and 'Truth or Ed' is a good example of him making even mundane events dramatic
I'm in the popular hc camp for Ed's career cause I really like him being a horror comic artist, also would be cool if he illustrated other writer's work on the side (I like to think he illustrates some of Jonny's stories)
I like Kevin as a local mechanic, Sarah as an animator, Jimmy as an interior decorator and Jonny as an author I can picture him jumping back n forth between writing creepy stuff and just normal cute stories
But I still haven't decided on a career for most of the other kids
I'm sorry this response is kinda all over the place and not really what you asked for. I've just like not thought a lot about a potential reboot since the shows vibe just feels a bit too specific for a reboot to really work in my head
I would've fucking loved if we got to see a full season 6 tho, there were a few fun episode plots I wish we could've seen play out
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littlesparklight · 2 years
There's some scholars that speculate there was a different Paris (or Alexandros, depending on which name might be less traditional) before the Iliad as we know it. They suppose the author(s) of the Iliad, or the material that was used for it, reinvented Paris to what we see in the Iliad (similar to how there's some proof from lost epic material and even a little in the Odyssey and such, that might imply a somewhat similar reworking for Menelaos).
This sort of speculation goes along the line that Paris was more properly "the/a hero" in this older/other traditional material, with Hektor then given most of any positive traits while Paris were given his "negative" ones as we see in the Iliad.
The thing is, would Paris be as interesting as he can be, if he's allowed to be, with the portrayal as we have it in the Iliad if he'd been this more "heroic" character that's speculated about having existed? He'd be much like any other of the male characters in the Iliad, then. And I don't mean that that means they're not interesting, but setting aside as much dislike and aggro as possible when looking at him, Paris is an interesting character.
He's not manly. He's effeminate and he's the "anti-hero" (if you will), in terms of that the way he acts and the values he both verbally claims and implicitly espouses are against the [masculine] elite heroic society. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place in terms of fate - like, as soon as you bring in Hecuba's dream omen and any exposure, Paris will end up knowing 1. he's supposedly supposed to destroy Troy, 2. his parents tried, however roundabout, to have him killed for this, [3. they then regret that and welcome him back at first opportunity]. Just looking plainly at that sort of knowledge, if you'd be aware of it it'd fuck you up.
There are ways to make his crimes regarding Helen and Menelaos less than the Iliad presents them - Helen's ambiguous/partial willingness is already one, existent there in the Iliad - and other, later versions (never mind modern adaptations) have used some of them. The biggest is of course avoiding Paris staying in Sparta/with Menelaos present, which removes breaking xenia, but you could just as well lean more into any crimes/"crimes" he does in going to Sparta are god-sanctioned, and on top of that...
You can't refuse divine gifts, and he didn't ask for any gifts, either. Those were offered, in a situation where he couldn't refuse to take part, and he'd always anger at least one, but most probably two, goddesses.
Even if you keep the last part, keeping the Judgement as-is (though a Paris more properly manly, more properly "heroic" as per the culture, wouldn't have chosen Aphrodite, so we'd have a different setup in that case), but Paris adjusted towards this hypothetical pre-Iliad version would be less interesting in the position he's put in, then, I feel.
Actually engaging with the fact of Paris' personality, foibles, and how much he breaks [gender] social/cultural norms as he's presented in the Iliad makes for a far more interesting character, even with the faults (his inconstancy in being present on the battlefield, even if we actually see very little of this in the Iliad aside from the one notable event) he's given.
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Grand Premier
Summary: Barely in Paris and Kagami is already expected to rub elbows with the local elites. Specifically, one Adrien Agreste. At least he dresses better than his father.
Kagami didn't want to be here.
"This is an important deal for our company's expansion into France, Kagami," Tomoe Tsurugi reminded her in Japanese. "Be polite with Adrien Agreste."
"Yes, Mother." Kagami would play her role to perfection. Even if it was at the premier of a mediocre movie.
"And if the young Agreste isn't polite I hear he fences at the same school we're enrolling you in."
Kagami didn't smile. No, not at all. And if she did there were no witnesses. "Yes, Mother."
Keeping her usual stoic expression as the parasites, pardon, the paparazzi used flash photography in her face Kagami walked down the red carpet. Arm extended for her Mother.
Gabriel was just as tedious as she imagined him and wearing the ugliest suit Kagami had ever seen. And she'd seen ugly yakuza suits in person. At least Adrien's all black suit was suitable for a family in the fashion industry.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tsurugi Kagami," the blond boy greeted in heavily accented Japanese. A polite smile on his face as he bowed slightly. "Welcome to Paris. My name is Adorian Aguresuto."
Kagami raised an eyebrow. That didn't sound right.
Eyes widening as he realized his slip up and- Wow, those were expressive eyebrows. -hand going to rub the back of his head as a faint blush painted his cheeks. "I mean Aguresuto Adorian! I, yup..." Suddenly self-conscious Adrien jerked his hand down. Smile nervous but more honest.
Kagami decided to have mercy on him. "Your inflection needs work but the pronunciation is adequate."
His lips twitched. "Adequate?"
"Yes. That is the most accurate description," Kagami stated matter-of-factly.
"Well, then I guess I better ade-quit while I'm ahead," Adrien joked, switching to French.
She could pinpoint the second Adrien noticed what his mouth had said (seemingly without permission) by the way his rosy cheeks went into full bloom. Kagami was fairly certain she was interpreting that expression correctly. "I see why you learned, Japanese."
Apparently deciding her impression of him was already ruined, Adrien forged ahead. "Anime has some impressive puns. I couldn't resist."
Kagami's perfect posture straightened ever so slightly. "Oh? What kind of anime are you interested in?"
Adrien began listing several shonen. Which, honestly, Kagami should have seen coming. At least it included One Piece. Kagami resisted the urge to proclaim the merits of the completely arbitrary power ranking system unprompted. It just fit the story so well and- No! Focus! What was he saying?
"...but right now I'm reading Fruits Basket."
Ooh! Kagami's self control slipped just a little bit. Her eyes might've lit up even. "Yuki is my favorite character."
Adrien beamed at her. "He's amazing! Torhu's my favorite!"
Kagami glanced at a large poster of the movie. Chat Noir displayed prominently with Ladybug. Oh, right. That was a thing. "I would've thought it'd be Kyo"
"Not all catboys are created equal, Kagami," Adrien stated solemnly before breaking into a grin. "He's my second favorite. I just really like Torhu 'cause she's so kind and selfless and..." Adrien paused. Looking down as he fiddled with a silver ring on his finger. "And she's so brave. After losing her mom like that. I really admire her."
Kagami felt she was missing something. She usually felt that with strangers but it was on the tip of her tongue.
Before Kagami could pinpoint why Adrien's appreciation for Honda Tohru felt the way it did Adrien snapped out of whatever he was in. "Anyway, what about you?"
"I relate a lot to Saiki Kusuo. He has trouble understanding people despite being telepathic." Was that too much? It felt like too much.
Apparently not 'cause Adrien's smile was back. The honest one, not the polite one. "Yeah, it's hard to understand people when they don't say what they mean."
Oh, thank you! "What's worse is when they say things they don't mean. It's very confusing."
"Right!? It'd be so much simpler!"
"..." Kagami was supposed to respond here. She was positive that it was expected. But she didn't have anything she felt like adding at the moment. "... So have you read Fullmetal Alchemist?"
Kagami was positive Adrien was restraining himself from vibrating in excitement. She could tell because his eyes were huge and his grin unrestrained. His enthusiasm making her lips form their own smile. Kagami had never met someone her own age she could tolerate, let alone geek out about the differences between anime and manga adaptations.
Most of the other rich kids Kagami knew acted like that ponytailed girl who thought Kagami couldn't see her glaring from across the room. But she wasn't important.
... Actually, there was something Kagami wanted to know. "I hear you fence."
Suddenly shy again Adrien's hand went back to rubbing his neck. "Uh, yeah. Not to brag but I'm the best fencer on the team."
"Not for long."
"I'll be coming for that top spot, Adrien," Kagami promised.
Adrien's eyes widened, then a competitive gleam sparked in his eyes. "Looking forward to it," he smirked.
In the end the movie was just as mediocre as Kagami thought it would be. Enjoyable sure, if you ignored all the cliches.
"It's even worse on screen!" Adrien proclaimed cheerfully.
Kagami eyed him as they filed out of the theater. "Aren't you the male lead?"
"Against my protests!" He grinned.
"A pleasure doing business with you Madame Tsurugi," Gabriel Agreste's grating voice said from his assistant's tablet. Kagami amused herself by imagining Gabriel was actually that small in person. "Come along now, Adrien."
"Yes, Father." The open expression was gone. Adrien's demeanor immediately subduing at Gabriel's call. Turning towards her, Adrien gave her a small smile- "I look forward to seeing you at school." -and winked with his whole head.
Kagami's cheeks heated up slightly as she returned his smile. "I won't go easy on you."
Adrien frowned. "Well, of course not. That would defeat the entire purpose of dueling."
Kagami's smile grew wider. "Yes. Yes, it would."
She stared at the passing city through the window as they made their way to their new home. Committing the unfamiliar skyline to memory.
"And how was the young Agreste, Kagami?" Tomoe asked. "Was your interaction fruitful?"
Kagami thought about Adrien's predilection for certain manga tropes, how he'd blundered effortlessly past her walls, the clear eagerness Adrien felt at talking to someone else who gets it. He was... endearing. And Kagami wouldn't mind his company again.
"Yes, Mother." Yes, it was.
Notes: Written for the Alternate First Meeting promt of Adrigami Week 2021.
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zabrak-show · 3 years
In the novel Clone Wars: Stories of the Light and Dark Obi-Wan's chapter retells the episode "The Lawless". While overall I found the book, while certainly not bad, missing a certain something and although some chapters really add to the corresponding episodes such as Rex' retelling of the Umbara arc, many are just very close retellings of the episodes. Now Kenobi's chapter was a mixed bag to me because some of it is really just an exact recount of the events of the episode, however, I found some additions made in regards to Maul interesting.
To no one's surprise there's a bit about Obi-Wan's almost hatred: "Hate was not the Jedi way. But for this man, Obi-Wan had grown weary of keeping it at bay."
Then we get confirmation that Maul is either just very perceptive, simply has Kenobi all figured out or is actually able to mindprobe even such thoroughly trained - albeit here clearly distraught - Jedi as Obi-Wan: "Maul seemed to sense his thoughts."
And of course we have Obi-Wan's reaction to Satine's death - which tbh made me all the more convinced that even though Obi-Wan might have crushed on her as a padawan, he is more fond of than in love sith her at this point -: "When Maul killed Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan was stricken with sorrow. Sorrow gripped him again. But there was something else, as well. Something dangerous. Something that scorched. Satine wasn't Maul's enemy. She was just a tool Maul had used to get something he wanted, the throne of Mandalore. And a tool to hurt Obi-Wan. Using a person that way was the worst form of cruelty. Satine had been a person, and her death wasn't just a loss for Obi-Wan. It was a loss for so many more. She'd been a child on this world. Like other children, she'd taken her first step, uttered her first word, laughed and chased flitters in the tall grass of the Mandalorian plains. She'd learned to read, made friends, suffered hurts, recovered and laughed again. And she'd become a leader. She should have lived to see her world thrive, to see her people find peace, to prosper, to make music and art. She should have grown old and been able to look back on all she'd achieved.
"But in a split second, Maul had ended all that. He'd extinguished a light in the universe and replaced it with shadow. Such an act was truly the definition of the dark side. And Obi-Wan burned with rage.
"With the rage came a vision: Eyes smoldering with hatred. Screams in the red glare of a lightsaber.
"Obi-Wan would cleave Maul in two. He would do much worse. There would be nothing left of him. Or the Dathomirian. Or the commandos, those Mandalorian traitors. He would kill them Almec. He would kill anyone who'd had a hand in overthrowing Satine, anyone who'd contributed to her death.
"And he would kill anyone who tried to stop him. Anyone who stood in his way, by word or by deed.
"Maul laughed. "And now we see the true Obi-Wan Kenobi. The one he hides behind a mask of wit and charm. The one who yearns to be set free."
"And if Obi-Wan gave in to his desires, he'd be giving Maul exactly what he wanted."
So overall this just aligns with the episode. Although I do think Maul's additional taunt in this is so in character for him (and it'd be hilarious if it weren't for the entirety of the situation that Maul describes Obi-Wan as witty and charming). Although it's interesting just how close Obi-Wan came to falling. And ofc this passage really just hammers home the point that Maul wanted for Obi-Wan to fall to the dark side rather than wanting to kill him.
Anyways. The passage I've been dying to point out as an avid Obimaul shipper is the following:
"You can kill me, but you will never destroy me," Obi-Wan said, trying to keep his anger under control. "It takes strength to resist the dark side. Only the weak embrace it."
"It is more powerful than you know."
"And those who oppose it are more powerful than you'll ever be."
There was still a chance to turn this right. He could not overpower Maul, but maybe he could reach him. Maybe he could match Maul's fury, not with equal fury but with understanding. With sympathy. Maul had not always been this way. He'd had his future stolen from him. He'd been warped by the Force-wielders of Dathomir. He'd been groomed to become a creature of anger and vengeance who stood before Obi-Wan.
"I know where you're from," said Obi-Wan. "I've been to your village. I know the decision to join the dark side wasn't yours. I know the Nightsisters made it for you."
Obi-Wan cringed. The words had not come out as he'd intended. He'd wanted to extend a kindness that Maul perhaps never experienced. But he let his own anger and his own fear infect his words with venom."
And then the scene moves along as seen in the episode.
But phew. I feel like there is so much to unpack here. Obi-Wan trying to reach out for Maul is soooo good. I love that meeting anger with understanding and kindness is the Obimaul trope and this is pretty much that. It's interesting that Obi-Wan aknowledges that he couldn't strike the right tone.
Honestly all of this makes me yearn for the AU where he does reach Maul and maybe I'll even write it myself. Just Maul giving in and opening himself up to said kindness (although the staging might have to be different for that e.g. Maul visiting Obi-Wan in prison as an additional scene before he kills Satine).
This also made me reconsider the Siege of Mandalore. We all know, that Maul at that point of the story is not out to kill Kenobi. And honestly, considering that Maul is hyperaware of Kenobi's emotions in these scene and could possibly also have felt Obi-Wan's "kill 'em sith kindness" impulse, isn't it even more likely, that Maul wanted Kenobi to join him in robbing Sheev of his priced pupil Anakin but also killing Palpatine? I always thought Maul wanted to reveal Sidious to Kenobi and he only adapts his plan because it isn't Obi-Wan that arrives. But with this scene in mind, couldn't it possibly be, that Maul remembered that Obi-Wan once tried to reach out for him and wanted to extend the same gesture with the goal of overthrowing Palpatine? Whilst there is this short moment in "The Son of Dathomir" comic in which Maul and Dooku unite in fighting Kenobi, I feel like after Talzin was also killed by Palpatine Maul was kind of aimless - because in the comic he (unfortunately) has essentially moved from seeing himself as Sidious' tool to being Mother Talzin's tool (he even states the latter directly) - and nothing matters to him as much as overthrowing Sidious in that final arc, because he knows if not now then never. He has foreseen what Sidious and Vader will become and knows this is his last shot to truly hurt Palpatine in any way. And lastly Maul is certainly not that delusional that he'd think he can kill Kenobi and Skywalker alone (which is an interpretation I've seen and honestly just feels wrong at that point)
Essentially I am convinced that Maul wanted to form a sort of alliance with Obi-Wan to overthrow Sidious (The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that). Maul knows that Obi-Wan knows him better than anyone and I think at the very least he hoped he could convince Obi-Wan of the truth. Additionally Obi-Wan is the only being left in his life Maul has a connection to, who hasn't been killed by Sidious.
All I am saying is that I join the ranks of other anons and blogs as a huge Obimaul enabler.
Wow!! This was so informative and awesome. I don't have that book so I appreciate the run down A LOT! And will probably save this as reference point tbh.
I don't really have anything to add other than thank you for sharing with me, and that I think you absolutely should write an AU where Obi-Wan is able to reach Maul. How that would play out and what happens when they do is a delicious thought.
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oldblog-ileft · 3 years
So @musicfeedsmysoul12 made that post answering a fic title prompt, with the whole "izuku has a quirk that gives him a tail", they specifically mentioned a monkey tail. I love monkeys and I love Izuku so of course I tacked on and ended up assigning a monkey type, as well as aspects of the quirk, and how it changes/affects Izuku. Of course, I had to draw at least something for it. Doodles for Monkey Quirk! Izuku! Featuring a quickly put together design for his hero costume.
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(Click for better quality)
The original concept technically belongs to @musicfeedsmysoul12 and the anon who sent the prompt, but I was the one who added everything on about the quirk so under the cut I added some details, world building, and timeline changes that I thought of while I was drawing.
Quick warning, I wrote a lot.
I mentioned the monkey type he'd be most like are Capuchins, but that's more just a base of what the quirk is like, and not exactly what it replicates. Kinda like Hawks and Miruko. Hawks is named after just that, a hawk, but his wings don't have any specific bird-like features or patterns aside from having feathers. He really strays far from that, actually, with how the feathers work. Same with Miruko, she's not based on a specific kind of bunny or hare. She just has the standard ears, legs, and senses of one.
His body type would definitely be slimmer than canon Izuku, as his body had to adapt to the fact that he's constantly twisting and bending to get where he wants. Canonically, Izuku's body is a little too... I don't want to say stocky, but it's certainly not lithe. Make no mistake, this does not mean he lacks muscle. He has a lot more muscle in middle school than canon Izuku did at the time, this comes from constantly having to carry and swing his own body weight.
His entire body is covered in a thin layer of fur, but it's absent in his heels, palms, and under fingers on both his hands and feet. Fur would get in the way of gripping.
I kind of debated on which parent he gets the quirk from, because a mutation quirk like that has very low chances of being one a person can get with parents with non-mutant quirks. I decided on Hisashi. First of all, the idea just wouldn't leave my brain, and it was too cute. I headcanon Hisashi with white hair, so he'd just be this big fluffy white monkey and I couldn't let that go. Second, I think it'd be an interesting way for class 1A or others to learn about Izuku's dad in America by trying to speculate where Izuku got his quirk from. Sure, their face shapes are similar, they're both kind and emotional people, and both have green hair, but Izuku how the hell did you inherit a monkey mutation quirk from a low-range attraction one??
Honestly, I don't think Izuku would really have as many problems with bullying in this AU. Yes, people have speculated that mutant quirks are not exactly welcome wholly with open arms i the MHAverse, but Izuku's quirk is pleasing to look at. He's cute, and the quirk is actually pretty dang helpful. While people would poke fun at him, calling him hairy, or treat him like an animal or pull at his tail, it's certainly not enough to warrant suicide baiting. He'd definitely be self conscious of his quirk and appearance though. Honestly, most of it would be led by Bakugou like always, so it's not that anyone really sees Izuku as bad or anything of the sort, they're just following Bakugou's lead.
I also don't think he'd have the nickname Deku. Mutant quirks (or at least mutant features of quirks) had to be something that a person was born with, because honestly I find it very hard to believe that someone's body can change so drastically like that. That's bone that's actively changing and molding, not just skin, hair, cartilage, and brains. That would cause some serious health concerns, even in a world with powers like quirks. So Izuku was never really "useless" to Bakugou. He was helpful, he could climb trees other kids couldn't to get stuck toys. He could hear things even teachers didn't know about even through loads of kids yelling. He wouldn't have any reason to be called useless, because he earned the knowledge that at that time, he was more capable than the other kids. Maybe something like Ape, Gorilla, or even going really derogatory and referring to him like he's a freak in a circus act. Juggles, Freak, Hairy, Caveman. Those sorts.
I imagine Izuku would practice martial arts here, much like Ojiro. His quirk would certainly help him. He's be stuck close-range, with his fists and feet (and tail) so he'd have to learn how to actually fight, as opposed to people like Todoroki, who can blast fire and ice from a safe distance away. That's why he wears the fingerless gloves on his hands and feet in his hero costume, to protect the skin and fur if he's fighting or gripping. Bonus brass knuckles attached to the gloves on his hands for when he wants to throw a punch.
I don't see any possible way he could get his dreams crushed by All Might, much less have such an important question that would require him to grab onto his leg when he jumps. So Izuku more than likely doesn't get One For All, at least not before UA, if he ever does. I also don't think Izuku would idolize All Might so much. Yeah, he'd still admire the guy, but he'd probably be more focused on people like Hawks, Gang Orca, and Miruko. They have mutant quirks like his, they're people he can actively look up to. So even if he did have his dreams crushed by All Might, it certainly wouldn't affect him as much as it did in canon (not that it did much anyway lol, Izuku went right back to jumping into fights to save people)
The original prompt said that Ojiro would be a partner for Izuku, but I see some missed opportunities for ships with Shoji, or Tokoyami. Hell, I could even see it working out with Sero, Kirishima, and Asui.
Shoji and Tokoyami probably faced some bullying for their appearances. Shoji literally hides his entire lower face. Izuku would definitely be able to connect with them. Sero, in the fandom, has been called a Spiderman bootleg more times than I've drank water in my entire life. He'd definitely try to swing around for faster mobility and who best to help him with that than Izuku? They would so easily bond over teaching each other swinging tactics. Kirishima... it's kind of hard to put that into words, it just really feels like it could work in this AU. He;d be like a stable perch for Izuku, is I guess part of my thought process. And for Asui, well, she didn't have many friends in middle school. People often saw her as disturbing because of her struggle to express emotions through her face. Izuku faced something similar. The two would understand one another.
Though I still really like Ojiro pairing here too. Izuku would probably help him feel noticed, and we all know how compassionate and caring the greenette is. He'd be great for Ojiro.
Izuku would probably go for being an underground hero here? I also see him easily making it to at least the top 20 when he graduates, his quirk is pleasing to the eye and he's already great hero material in every way. But I also think he'd be an expert at sneaking into places that would normally be locked from access to heroes, seeing as he can pull and hold himself in places he could hide better in. I guess he'd be a twilight hero. Not quite underground, but not quite limelight. Just treading the line between them, kind of like Sir Nighteye.
That's all I have so far, but I love this so much. I definitely want to expand more on it and I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up writing something for it.
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piratadelamor · 4 years
ok so, i just analyzed kageyama's birth chart! 
i made this out of pure entertainment, boredom and curiosity and i don't actually believe that astrology works on fictional characters (i even have my doubts that astrology defines one person's personality since i'm inclined to traditional astrology, but anyway, this is only for fun purposes aand it's very superficial and not supposed to be taken seriously as an astrology work!!) i'm also not the type of fan who knows every single detail about a character or who remembers every single appearances and lines so i probably won't go too deep into examples...
kageyama's official birth date is 22/12/1996 and he's from miyagi, okinawa. with this information only we can already identify most of his chart: he's a capricorn sun, capricorn mercury, sagittarius venus, virgo mars, capricorn jupiter and aries saturn (i dont use neptune, uranus or pluto). being born on that day, he could either be a taurus or a gemini moon, and, of course, there's no information about the time he was born, so his ascendant is also a guess. i tried to find a solution based on the chart as a whole, and i think it makes a lot of sense!!
first thing i wanted to look for was a placement that talked about his sport skills. being sports a matter of the 5th house, it seemed clear to me that that's where his sun should be placed. the sun represents life. in one's chart, it talks about our ego, our conscious identity, and it's placement tells us where we shine, where we direct our creative life force. for mundane astrology the sun represents the authority of the state, the government - presidents, nobles, and kings. kageyama is called "the king of the court". to me there's no doubt that his sun should be at the 5th house - where he rules, where his light shines brighter, where his will to live is directed.
if so, considering the whole signs house system, we get a virgo ascendant (house I), and so on: libra (II), scorpio (III), sagittarius (IV), capricorn (V), aquarius (VI), pisces (VII), aries (VIII), taurus (IX), gemini (X), cancer (XI) and leo (XII).
it was also very convincing to me that this would also place his mars on the ascendant (virgo). being the 1st house the part of the chart that talks about our physical body, and mars talking about a person's vitality, people with mars on the ascendant or even opposite to it (VII) usually tend to push their physical body to its limit, being pretty driven to physical activities (we can clearly see that on the way kageyama and hinata always stay until very late practicing at the club, for example... kageyama’s often seen running on his free time too). it would also make a lot of sense considering his appearence (both physical and the impression he gives off) and the way he acts. mars is the planet of war. it is violence, action. people with mars on the ascendant can easily give off an intimidating appearence or presence. being a capricorn on top of that, there's no escape: that's the famous resting bitch face..... he's energetic, straightforward, competitive and independent. and that also explains the way he can become pretty agressive sometimes, mostly regarding his competitiveness and his desire to be on top. i also found it funny that while i was looking up for kageyama's birth date i came across a few descriptions of him talking about his "sharp glare", and sharp objects are also a matter of mars. about the placement on virgo, the ascendant also talks about how perfectionist he is, including his appearence (he's always filing his nails, for example, and he's never negligent about his health. actually he takes it very seriously), and mars in this sign, besides the already mentioned perfectionism, is also about being very goal-oriented and critical. it's also interesting, if we play a little with words, that virgo's symbology talks a lot about serving, and kageyama's position as a setter is about "serving" the best tosses to his teammates, besides being his serve one of his strongest weapons.
on 22/12/1996, there were 2 times when the ascendant was in virgo: around midnight and around 10pm - 11pm. but the problem is, around midnight his moon would be taurus; around 10pm his moon would be gemini. once again, the placement of the moon made my mind. for a taurus moon, it'd be placed on the 9th house. a gemini would be placed on the 10th. i'd go for a gemini moon. you could doubt that, knowing that kageyama isn't very good with words, and having a virgo ascendant, which is ruled by mercury, the planet of communication and also the ruler of gemini, could be a little off. but it's not true that all geminis are talkative and sociable like that (specially because there's not a single placement in a chart that can speak alone for a person's personality). i believe the moon in gemini fits the way kageyama mentally deals with what he loves. he keeps a fucking volleyball journal!!! and while he's playing, he's always thinking and observing every minimal detail. his mental work is impressive. no wonder he's a genius. he might not have the best way with words (and this is about the way he's not good at dealing with emotions, which a gemini moon really might not be) but he can read his teammates very well and adapt to them perfectly. this is all gemini. speaking of mercury, a mercury in capricorn isn't very good at being sensitive with words either. they also have an authoritarian way of speaking and can be quite judgemental and impatient (specially if someone doesn't get something obvious to them). with mars in virgo, moon in gemini and mercury in capricorn, i guess we get a pretty close picture on kageyama's temper and communication skills.
i thought a lot about it's placement on the 10th house as well. the 10th house, being the highest spot of one's chart, is not only the house of career and success, but of our public image too. a moon in the 10th talks about an emotional need for public recognition and an emotional energy directed to the career. this is a very important placement for him, being his moon not only in the 10th but also conjunct midheaven, which means, literally at the highest spot of his birth chart. kageyama knows he's good and he wants to be the best at what he loves the most. he wants to be on top. and that's what he's passionate about. the moon also talks about our early childhood, which is when tobio's passion for volleyball began: the events of his childhood defined the path of life he chose to follow. but he also learns that that's not something he'd conquer alone. and it makes so much sense to be gemini. after all, gemini's symbol is the twins. not even the moon shines by herself alone. considering how kageyama learned this lesson, it seems like such a beautiful placement for his chart. that's something he had to understand in order to grow and get better and reach the position he achieved.
about his venus, the planet of love and relationships, in sagittarius, it brought me to his relationship with hinata (speaking as friends/teammates/rivals/whatever you want tbh). when venus is in sagittarius, a relationship is a place to experiment and grow. sagittarius is ruled by jupiter, the planet of expansion. a sagittarius venus will want you to take them beyond, to expand their horizons. that's exactly what hinata did to kageyama since the very beginning. "when you get stronger, you will definitely meet someone even better". hinata's always pushing kageyama beyond and that's why they get so connected to each other. hinata always surprises him, their relationship/partnership is never dull, but exciting, impredictable. it's fire burning.
i'm not going too deep into analyzing jupiter and saturn, and i'm not very good at analyzing aspects, but since kageyama's such a capricorn (sun, mercury and jupiter - like me! heheh) there was no way i could look away from his saturn in aries: after all, saturn rules capricorn, and his saturn squares his sun (a hard aspect). (btw, i found out that the kanji for “kageyama” means “shadowed mountain”, which is SUCH a saturnine name?? both shadows and mountains can be related to this planet) doing a little research, i found some interesting things about this placement. about saturn in aries: "Stifling your normal and healthy, more aggressive, competitive, or self-centered qualities can be detrimental to you, possibly causing headaches. You don’t like showing weakness. (...) You fear your own feelings of inadequacy. (...) You need to be careful not to limit yourself too much due to fear of failure or fear of making a poor decision. (...) You are highly resourceful. Your ability to start fresh helps you achieve your goals". like... that was really on point i guess. i think we could relate this to his development, as he began to adapt to the karasuno spikers due to a fear of repeating what happened during middle school. saturn is the planet that talks about fears and limits, and when it squares his sun, his position of "king of the court", this is what happens: he feels limited on the way he plays, on his true nature. and by limiting that, by denying his true nature, he was limiting his space to grow. there's a really good post i came across very recently on this matter, so i'm leaving this here.
i believe this aspect would be crucial to understanding his position as the "king". saturn in aries is the dispositor of his sun in capricorn. that means, the way his sun in capricorn "behaves" is modified by his position of saturn. aries is a self-centered, hot-tempered sign with needs of control, and that defines the type of role his sun plays as the "king". of course, this relates to an especific episode of kageyama's life, but it's a crucial episode, a truly turning point of his life - like most saturn related events. to add one more detail, the sun rules his 12th house (leo), and one of the 12th house's themes is isolation - what kageyama got in middle school by acting like a "dictator king" and what he feared the most that would happen again.
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akindridspirit · 3 years
𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞 ― ᴇxᴄᴇʀᴘᴛ » ᴄᴀsᴛ » ɪɴғᴏ
Ao3 FanFiction.Net Wattpad
THE SKY IS STILL DARK, but she can't sleep. She thinks about the tribute whose death she is now devising as she listens to the crackling of the fire a stone's throw away from the base of her tree. Jaydah has to bite her tongue to keep herself from shouting every foul word in her vocabulary at the fire starter. Surely, the Careers were out hunting the remaining tributes, and here she was strapped in a tree unable to move because her general location is being broadcast to any killer within a half a mile radius.
She tugs at the edge of her sleeping bag out of habit, fidgeting with her fingers thinking that if she could get out of the tree unnoticed, she wouldn't have a problem taking out her neighbor. Going into the Games she had made a silent promise to herself that she wouldn't attack unless she herself was attacked first, but obviously this tribute is a hazard. She's sure that while the girl may not have much in the way of weapons, Jaydah has the knife Clove had nearly killed her with. The same knife she had used to kill the boy from 7, Weston, when he tackled her from behind.
It's then that she hears it. Several pairs of feet breaking into a run in the direction of the fire starter. She must have dozed off because they are on her before she can escape. She's sure it's a girl now, she can tell by the pleading and the agonizing scream that soon follows. Then there's laughter and congratulations from several voices, but no canon. Jaydah swallows hard at the thought, knowing the gamemakers weren't afraid to wake tributes with the sound of said canon.
The girl wasn't dead, and she felt sick to her stomach knowing it.
Someone cries out, "Twelve down and eleven to go!" which gets a round of appreciative applause.
They were fighting in a pack. She wasn't surprised though, as alliances were formed in the earlier stages of the Games. Typically, the strong band together to hunt down the weak, and when the tension becomes too great they begin to turn on one another.
She doesn't have to think too hard to know who had made the alliance. The remaining Career tributes from District 1, 2, and 4. Two boys - Marvel and Cato - and three girls - Glimmer, Clove and Marina.
Jaydah can hear them going through the girl's supplies, and she can tell by their comments that they had found nothing of use to them all while the girl has yet to die. She wanders for a moment if the victim is Rue, but dismisses the thought right away. She is smart and wouldn't be building a fire like that in the middle of the night.
"We better clear out so they can get the body before it starts stinking." She is certain it had been Cato who had spoken, and it was obvious that he thought the girl was dead. His voice was different, she noted, as he spoke to the other Careers, different than it had been when he'd spoken to her alone on the roof the night before the Games.
There are murmurs of assent and then, to her horror, she hears the pack heading toward her. They don't know she's there. How could they possibly know? She is well concealed in the clump of trees, at least while the sun is down. When the sun rises her sleeping bag will turn from camouflage to a whole heap of trouble
If they keep moving they will pass her and be gone in a minute.
But the Careers stop in the clearing ten yards from her tree. They have torches to illuminate the darkness below. She wanders if they had spotted her, but as far as she could tell by their words that their minds were elsewhere.
It is then that she hears the canon and knows the girl had just died. Not that it was impossible that someone else had died in the night, but she was sure that it was her. Jaydah hopes it was her.
"I told you she wasn't dead!" Marvel shouted, walking backwards with a cocky smirk, pointing a crooked finger at Cato.
The blonde glared. "She's dead now, isn't she?"
Marvel just shrugged, turning to walk forwards, catching up with Marina. "Did you see the look on her face?" he asked the red haired girl who just laughed, replying with a much quieter voice.
"'Oh no, please don't kill me'," Glimmer mocked with a gasp, her tone shrill.
"That's actually a good impression," Cato told her, sounding somewhat genuine but not interested as he turned to look back in the direction they had came. "Hey, Lover Boy," he called and Jaydah was thankful that she had strapped herself in. "You sure she went this way?"
"Yeah, I'm sure," she heard her brother say and instinctively covered her mouth with her hand.
"You better be," Cato spoke, his voice demanding. She knew then that they were talking about her.
To say she was hurt would be an understatement, and she couldn't help but think about what their parents would think. What Rylee and Kade would think. Or even Meridath, and her family. What would they think of Peeta joining the Careers, helping them track down his sister, his best friend. She was well aware that if she wanted Peeta to win, she would ultimately have to die, but that didn't mean she wanted him to see it. Much less take part in killing her himself.
"Yeah, that was her snare we found back there," Peeta spoke and she had to resist the urge to scream until her throat was raw.
She looked down and watched her brother disappeared into the trees with a spear in his hand. At least he has something to defend himself with, she thought pitifully, unshed tears threatening to fall. She blinked hard, leaning back against the tree with her arm wrapped protectively around her torso, missing the knowing look that Cato sent her way once Glimmer had walked away.
ᴠɪʀɢɪɴɪᴀ ɢᴀʀᴅɴᴇʀ ― ᴊᴀʏᴅᴀʜ ᴍᴇʟʟᴀʀᴋ
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ᴀʟᴇxᴀɴᴅᴇʀ ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ― ᴄᴀᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅʟᴇʏ
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ᴊᴏsʜ ʜᴜᴛᴄʜᴇʀsᴏɴ ― ᴘᴇᴇᴛᴀ ᴍᴇʟʟᴀʀᴋ
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ʀᴏss ʟʏɴᴄʜ ― ʀʏʟᴇᴇ ᴍᴇʟʟᴀʀᴋ
ᴄʜʀɪs ᴄᴀʀᴍᴀᴄᴋ ― ᴋᴀᴅᴇ ᴍᴇʟʟᴀʀᴋ
ᴢᴏᴇʏ ᴅᴇᴜᴛᴄʜ ― ᴍᴇʀɪᴅᴀᴛʜ ᴀᴍᴏs-ᴍᴇʟʟᴀʀᴋ
ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ ᴇᴄᴋʜᴀʀᴛ ― ᴛʀʏsᴛɪɴ ᴍᴇʟʟᴀʀᴋ
ʀᴏʙɪɴ ᴡʀɪɢʜᴛ ― ʟʏᴅɪᴀ ᴍᴇʟʟᴀʀᴋ
ᴇʟɪᴢᴀ ᴛᴀʏʟᴏʀ ― ᴀᴀʟɪʏᴀʜ ᴍᴇʟʟᴀʀᴋ ✞︎
ᴀᴅᴀᴍ ʜɪᴄᴋs ― ᴅᴀʀɪᴜs
ᴀɴɴᴀsᴏᴘʜɪᴀ ʀᴏʙʙ ― ᴍᴀᴅɢᴇ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀsᴇᴇ
ᴋᴀᴛᴇ ᴜᴘᴛᴏɴ ― ᴅᴇʟʟʏ ᴄᴀʀᴛᴡʀɪɢʜᴛ
ᴇᴠᴀɴɢᴇʟɪɴᴇ ʟɪʟʟʏ ― ʜᴀᴢᴇʟʟᴇ ʜᴀᴡᴛʜᴏʀɴᴇ
ᴊᴏsʜᴜᴀ ʀᴜsʜ ― ʀᴏʀʏ ʜᴀᴡᴛʜᴏʀɴᴇ
ʟᴏɢᴀɴ ᴍᴏʀᴇᴀᴜ ― ᴠɪᴄᴋ ʜᴀᴡᴛʜᴏʀɴᴇ
ᴍɪʟʟɪᴇ-ʙᴇʟʟᴇ ᴅɪᴀᴍᴏɴᴅ ― ᴘᴏsʏ ʜᴀᴡᴛʜᴏʀɴᴇ
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴄᴀsᴛ ᴀs ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʀᴇsᴘᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs
✞︎ ᴍᴇᴀɴs ᴅᴇᴀᴅ ᴘʀɪᴏʀ ᴛᴏ sᴛᴏʀʏ
I do not own The Hunger Games, I only own Jaydah and any other characters you may not recognize from the book/film adaptations.
For this story there won't be a specific update schedule, as I still have some kinks to work out, but there will be one eventually. I have zero plans to become a writer who abandons her stories, at the very least not this one as I have mapped out the entirety of three books since I'd first gotten the idea a year and a half ago. Some things may not make sense at first, but I promise that I'll make it make sense. Now, I'm not going to be one of those people who withholds updates for comments and reviews, although it'd be nice motivation and I promise I'm nice unless given a valid reason not to be. With that said, thank you for taking the time to read my story!
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