#her babies are very very cute
kyngsnake · 1 month
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Our foster momma had her puppies yesterday!
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crybaby-bkg · 9 months
cw: babies!!!! you’re also referred to as “ma” once
okay but like,,,,,first time dad Bakugou giving his baby their first bath after coming home!!! you’re fluttering around the kitchen, trying to make sure you have your daughters towel ready, her baby safe soap, a tiny washcloth, that her teeny tiny pajamas are in the dryer.
it’s only when you take a second to ask Bakugou something do you finally just—pause. your gaze instantly softens, a lovesick smile inching on your face as you watch your big buff pro hero husband hunch over the kitchen sink.
your daughter is resting in the baby bath seat, lilac colored and reclined back. she squirms when Bakugou lets the warm water run over her naked, fat little belly. her face scrunches at the new sensation, fists balling up against her chest. he coos at her, gentle,
“I know, ya little princess. Feels weird on ya, doesn’t it?” he asks her, voice so small under the running water. he cups his hand, holds a handful of water, tilts her fat cheek up to let it slide in her neck rolls that always smell like milk. she whines at that, sniffles and hiccups before she cries. you go to take a step forward, to console her, but Bakugou is so patient.
“It’s alright,” he kisses her tears away. “Daddy’s just tryna help you.” he runs the water all over her body, and paired with his softly spoken words, does she finally quiet after a few seconds. her little body trembles with the aftermath, pouty lips puffy and he can’t help but smooth his hand over the softness of her face.
“Yer a crybaby, just like your ma.” he whispers to her, grinning when that breaks you out of your stupor to smack him on the shoulder. you both laugh at that, and you finally feel the peace that is your little family. you lean against Bakugou’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to his jaw before looking at your daughter again.
“You’re gonna be a great dad,” you mumble into his skin. he doesn’t say anything, but you can feel his shuddering breath, and the calmness that blankets the rest of your house.
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spielzeugkaiser · 9 months
okay we've seen geralt react to tiny milek but can we also see little ciri react to baby milek 👉👈?
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Not quite a baby anymore, but I'll come to that one day!! But they are siblings 🥺 (in all versions of that universe honestly)
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lavenderedhoney · 1 month
Shower sex we've had over the past couple weeks:
We were switching places under the water and she joked that I was pushing her up against the wall in a fake turned on voice... and then got turned on for real, lmao, so I decided to ACTUALLY push her up against the wall. That got her hard so I slipped her cock between my legs and fucked her with my thighs till she came. Really need to give her more thigh jobs, they're pretty awesome 🤔
She got hard while teasing me (I was being really pathetic bc I can't help it, which always goes to her dick) and I started begging so she spun me around, bent me over, and plowed me. 💖 It always hurts from that angle bc she ends up slamming into my cervix with every thrust and it's GREAT! I told her she needs to fuck me like that more often and why and she gave me a big kiss lmao.
Which leads into, immediately after that she kicked me out of the shower bc I'd forgotten to take my birth control and was a few minutes late (😳), while also putting one foot up on the edge of the tub and stroking herself so it would be extra difficult to tear myself away. As soon as I had the pill down I ran back in and got on my knees so she could jerk off and cum on my tongue. It was so fucking hot and then I kissed her with her cum in my mouth and she DIED. She had to sit down in the tub and recuperate for at least 5 minutes 🥰
(This post is about trans + lesbian sex. DNI: cishet men, minors, ageless blogs, agepl*y/inc*st/abuse/oppression kink blogs)
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muffinlance · 1 year
Mini-Muffin 2.0 has successfully left the oven!
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Why yes I am already typing over her why do you ask
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(Crochet pattern is free here, for any interested.)
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the-genius-az · 9 days
(Mai and Ty Lee finding out that Azula has a son).
Mai: Where did you get a baby?
Ty Lee: Did you kidnap him?
Azula: What?! No! I found it in a trash can, and it was cute.
Ty Lee:
Mai: Damn it, Azula!
Ty Lee: Can I be your mommy too?
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i wanted to talk about this again because...
what the fuck is a mean hufflepuff?? their defining trait is literally kindness. hufflepuffs are known for being kind, compassionate and impartial people.
nate is just making shit up at this point. i haven't watched nor read harry potter, and even i know what the hogwarts houses are. you can't sort your most ruthless villain into hufflepuff and say “okay but they're not like other hufflepuffs, they're mean hehe” because then they wouldn't be in hufflepuff.
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shrublub · 10 months
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pshaw! but thanks. i think you’re pretty, too.
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forevercloudnine · 15 days
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I know I've been out of the loop, but how did it not cross my dash ONCE that not only did they bring back Riddler's daughter this last December, but they brought her back SPECIFICALLY by having her go on a date with Kate Kane????
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reigningmax · 3 months
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with a fan in Melbourne via
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appreciation post for the way leela consistently rests her head on fry’s chest or puts her hand there whenever they’re intimate or even just cuddling <3
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crybaby-bkg · 7 months
new dad Bakugou who’s going back to work full time almost a full year after his daughter his born and he now has to grapple with the fact that….goddamn, he’s spoiled the shit outta her.
well, he doesn’t think it was spoiling her. in actuality, he just created a routine with her, gave her every bit of his attention, held her when she cried, scolded her (yes just at eight months) whenever she’d babble for more puffs even though she’s had enough already. it wasn’t spoiling, it wasn’t. he vowed to never be that dad, to raise a snot nosed brat, one similar to himself.
but here he is, on a Tuesday morning three weeks after her first birthday. he’s standing halfway between the front door and the living room in full uniform, with his still sleepy baby and her even sleepier mama. she’s gripping his neck like he promised to abandon her, wailing and crying so loud and dramatically, that you can’t help but chuckle at her antics and how he wavers ever so slightly.
“You promised you’d go back to work,” you scold him gently, rubbing at your daughters quivering back when she whines again the moment he acts like he’s gonna pull her off. Bakugou frowns at you, and you shrug, smoothing her unruly blond curls away from her sticky forehead.
“But you guys need me.” He pouts, eyebrows downturned as he pulls her away enough to wipe at her wet face. she blubbers again, whimpering out a small dadaaaa noooo, that absolutely breaks his heart.
“And so does the world.” You smile at him, gently pulling your daughter away from the matching glassy red eyes who watch her go. “We’ll be fine, my love. Promise.”
Bakugou looks unconvinced, especially since your daughter reaches for him with another cry of his name. you don’t say anything when he sniffles discreetly, quickly reaching down to the coffee table to snatch up his utility belt that he dropped when she waddled out of her room in tears. he snaps it on wordlessly, and you go to turn to the kitchen when he wraps you both up in his arms.
“Love you,” he whispers against your forehead before pecking it, leaning down to kiss your lips next, and then your daughter’s fat little cheeks. He whispers another love you to her, and wipes away at her rosy cheeks when she pouts at him.
“Rub you.” your daughter pouts, the both of you freezing in shock.
“Oh my god,” you whisper, grinning. “She said I love you back!” Bakugou matches your grin, laughing under his breath as he presses another torrent of kisses all of her face. for the first time since she’s opened her eyes today, she laughs, loud and joyous and familiar. he thinks that maybe going back in today won’t be so bad after all. not if this is what he’ll be coming home to.
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momentomori24 · 4 months
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I may just be going bonkers, but I absolutely mistook her for a desertizised Sara doll because of the hair style at first glance. Am I crazy or does someone else also see it? The bangs just scream Sara to me. I don't know whether or not she's supposed to be a strawberry shortcake or a strawberry sunday or whatever other strawberry-centred deserts exist on God's green earth that I'm unaware of, but the fact that it's strawberry is worth pointing out, I think. Because-- correct me if I'm wrong-- Kai's laptop mentioned Sara really, really liking strawberry things, specifically jam. It could just be coincidence, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's supposed to be a hint of sorts or something significant.
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lesbians4yoohyeon · 1 year
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satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Draft folder my beloved, what would i do without you?? 🥺
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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moeblob · 4 days
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A succubus and a demon! (The succubi don't have names but the demon is Kronos and the succubus is one of his bosses in Hell and he's not /fond/ of the succubi for many reasons but they all adore picking on him)
Also because I love them and like to point it out, the succubi act more as pleasure dealers in the sense of they offer up whatever a human wants most in exchange for their soul. It's rarely of a sexual nature since it's what they want MOST in life. And most people's ambitions are outside of a bedroom. (happy pride, asexuals are able to get affected by a succubus now without discrimination)
#my characters#did i make succubi in a plot that i could fall victim to as an asexual personally? yeah#kronos is just a petty lil baby with a younger brother who is very nice for a demon#kronos is responsible for being a dick to everyone in the plot and yet has the weirdest morals and its not fine#but hes gonna make that everyone elses problem not his#for instance he originally goes to earth bc a human has somehow just stolen all of the Devils attention and its annoying#why fixate on one human doomed to Hell just let the guy live and die then fixate#so he goes to kill the human but ends up saving the guy and then agonizes because even as a demon#its REALLY tacky to save someone and then kill them#so he doesnt kill him and instead demands to be a roommate until he returns to hell#and then they team up to kill demons and other creatures that seem obsessed with the human#and so they just kinda kill and banish demons back to hell and its fiiiine kronos is just causing problems for Hell#thats not even a new issue hes always doing that !#and then they meet a siren who refuses to talk and kronos is like oh time to be the biggest dick ever#and is like well if she wont talk and she needs a name i vote halibut#as a mean joke bc why would she want to be named after a fish#and she lights up and is SUPER happy and nods and beams and is so happy with her new name#and then the human is like well she needs more clothes than one outfit right#also shes barefoot and its cold i need to buy her shoes idk what tho#and kronos is like here buy her these rainboots and so the guy buys them and is like just wear these#until you can show me what you want bought ok and halibut is in love with her cute lil yellow rainboots#so basically everything kronos does out of spite to the weird mute siren (by choice) backfires#and she adores him and doesnt know hes trying to be mean to her#anyway the succubi collectively like to pick on the really silly and childish demons they outrank#like kronos! so he is constantly a target for them to mock which is why he isnt fond of them which fuels them more#the succubi are just really chill most of the time though ?#and its just. i love my succubi ok theyre wonderful#and that has been another story time in the tags bye
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