h0riz0nstuff · 1 year
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Since there's no new butterflies, I'm concentrating on birds… obviously xD Anyway. At Fleet's End, the Herborist has a blue jay in a cage. And next to the campfire, there's an open cage. The animations change around that fire, but you can find someone with a pet blue jay sometimes.
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chengyi · 1 year
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daydreamsatelier · 10 months
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❁Bienvenid@s a mi pequeño atelier❁
19 de julio ❁ verano de 2023
La mañana trae los primeros cantos de los gorriones, la lavandera curiosa, espera desde lejos que termine de regar las plantas para acercarse a darse su primer baño. Mientras se hornea el bizcocho saldré a recoger algunas plantas que necesito; vamos a preparar los ingredientes de algunas recetas y hechizos para la próxima luna llena de agosto. ¿Dónde habré dejado mi hoz? ¿En qué día cae la luna llena de agosto?
Si os gusta mi contenido, podéis apoyarme en Ko-fi o en mi tienda de etsy
También estoy en instagram y pinterest
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fny-s · 10 months
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Characters for a personnal project :) Mully and Perry MOSS
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Design SKU Shopee Atmos.Official Herborist Just For Skin
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Geliat Kebangkitan Pariwisata Bali Melalui Herborist Bali Fashion Carnival 2022
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, TABANAN – Sektor pariwisata di Indonesia, khususnya Bali, kembali menggeliat pascapandemi. Hal tersebut ditandai dengan ramainya turis lokal maupun mancanegara yang kembali mulai memadati objek-objek wisata di Pulau Dewata sehingga berdampak pada kondisi pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif di sana. PT. Victoria Care Indonesia Tbk (VICI) melalui merek Herborist bersama YMM Event Organizer melihat kesempatan tersebut dan menunjukkan komitmennya untuk mendukung perkembangan dunia pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif melalui program-programnya, salah satunya adalah Herborist Bali Fashion Carnival 2022. Berlangsung sejak Juni yang diselenggarakan di Secret Garden Village, Bedugul, Bali, Herborist Bali Fashion Carnival 2022 merupakan sebuah ajang parade fashion show yang menggandeng 22 desainer lokal ternama dan berkolaborasi dengan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf)/Badan Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Baparekraf) dan Secret Garden Village. Selain itu, kegiatan ini membuka ruang partisipasi dari beberapa mitra co-branding Kementerian Pariwisata & Ekonomi Kreatif (Parekraf) dalam payung Wonderful Indonesia serta didukung juga oleh Bali Tourism Board. Rangkaian acara ini berisi modelling & photo competition, bazaar UMKM hingga acara puncaknya yaitu Parade Fashion Show. “Herborist sebagai brand yang terinspirasi dari Bali tergerak untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan ini tak hanya sebagai wadah kreativitas para desainer lokal, tapi juga untuk membantu perekonomian dan pariwisata Bali. Diharapkan, acara ini juga bisa menjadi daya tarik tersendiri untuk menarik minat turis lokal dan mancanegara untuk terus mengeksplorasi Bali untuk mendukung #BaliBangkit dan #ItsTimeForBali,” ujar Sumardi Widjaja, Direktur Operasional PT Victoria Care Indonesia Tbk. Lebih lanjut, Sumardi Widjaja menambahkan bahwa dengan adanya Herborist Bali Fashion Carnival 2022, diharapkan Bali tak hanya dikenal melalui pariwisatanya saja, tapi juga bisa menjadi icon fashion di Indonesia dan internasional. Terakhir, Sumardi Widjaya menuturkan apresiasinya atas keterlibatan beberapa mitra co-branding Wonderful Indonesia. Senada dengan yang dikatakan Sumardi Widjaja, Anton Thedy, Direktur Operasional PT Natura Pesona Mandiri (NPM) yang membawahi Secret Garden Village, menjelaskan bahwa acara ini digelar untuk kembali meningkatkan minat para turis lokal maupun mancanegara untuk berkunjung ke Bali. “Kami memilih fashion show karena bisa mengangkat bakat-bakat kreatif baru di Indonesia. Selain itu, ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk #BaliBangkit dengan beragam keindahannya,” imbuh Anton. Martini M Paham (Direktur Komunikasi Pemasaran Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf RI) mengatakan bahwa kegiatan yang ini tak hanya berguna sebagai ajang promosi Bali saja, tapi juga berdampak pada perekonomian dan UMKM setempat. “Adanya inisiatif dari mitra co-branding Wonderful Indonesia patut kita syukuri. Kegiatan ini tidak hanya menyentuh pariwisata saja, tetapi juga salah satu sub-sektor dari ekonomi kreatif yaitu fashion. Pencapaian ekspor ekonomi kreatif pada tahun 2021 mengalami kenaikan sebesar 27% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, dengan penyumbang terbesar capaian berasal dari subsektor fashion yang menyumbang hamper 61% dari total keseluruhan ekspor ekonomi kreatif. Berdasarkan data BPS yang diolah kembali oleh Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf mencatat bahwa pada tahun 2021, subsektor fashion tumbuh sebesar 2,98%. Pulihnya subsektor fashion juga dapat dilihat dari peningkatan jumlah sumber daya manusia yang terserap. Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf memperkirakan bahwa tenaga kerja di subsektor fashion ikut meningkat. Tren positif ini semakin mengisyaratkan bangkitnya industri kreatif fashion nasional. Harapannya pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif ini menjadi instrument penting dalam pergerakan perekonomian Indonesia, dalam hal ini di Bali,” ujar Martini M Paham. Kemudian, Martini M Paham yg akrab dipanggil Diah Paham ini juga mengucapkan apresiasi atas terwujudnya salah satu kata kunci dari Menteri Parekraf/Kepala Baparekraf, Sandiaga Uno, yaitu kolabor-aksi dengan berpartisipasinya beberapa mitra co-branding dalam penyelenggaraan ini. Tidak lupa, Diah Paham juga menyebutkan bahwa kegiatan Herborist Bali Fashion Carnival 2022 ini bisa dikategorikan sebagai bagian dari Road To World Tourism Day 2022 yang akan diselenggarakan di Bali pada 27 September 2022 mendatang. Sementara itu, Septyana Nataya, Senior Brand Manager PT Victoria Care Indonesia Tbk, mengatakan bahwa diharapkan acara Herborist Bali Fashion Carnival 2022 ini bisa menjadi salah satu sarana agar masyarakat semakin sadar dengan keragaman budaya Indonesia. “Selain untuk membuat Herborist bisa lebih dikenal masyarakat Indonesia dan turis mancanegara, Herborist Bali Fashion Carnival 2022 juga diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesadaran akan budaya Indonesia, di mulai dari usia anak-anak hingga dewasa yang turut berpartisipasi dalam modelling competition, serta mendorong para penggiat UMKM dalam melestarikan karya-karyanya,” ujar Septyana. Herborist Bali Fashion Carnival 2022 sendiri diikuti oleh 22 desainer ternama Indonesia, beberapa di antaranya adalah Tjok Abi, Inggri Kendan, Subarqa Benz, Sugeng Waskito hingga House of Hasto. (aar/bpn) Read the full article
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mosaique-sante · 5 months
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something-feral · 10 months
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esoterique-fr · 1 year
Plantes médicinales
Quel sont les plantes médicinal ? Il existe de nombreuses plantes médicinales 🌿, ayant chacune des propriétés spécifiques qui peuvent aider à traiter vos maux et améliorer votre conditions de santé. Par exemple, elles sont souvent utilisées pour les problèmes d’insomnie, dépression et anxiété, maux de tête, douleurs menstruelles, mais également pour renforcer le système immunitaire, prévenir les…
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playvodfr · 9 months
PlayVOD attire votre attention sur « Le Procès de l'Herboriste »
Plongez dans l'émotion cinématographique avec PlayVOD. Découvrez le biopic « Le Procès de l'Herboriste » de Agnieszka Holland. Un voyage captivant à portée de clic.
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kecantikanshop · 1 year
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littlewildleaves · 2 years
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🌿Petit extrait du travail d'illustration que j'effectue en ce moment pour mon livre. Ponctué de recherches botaniques et culinaires. C'est un travail de très longue haleine. Je commence tout juste a voir le bout de ma liste d'illustrations a faire. Il me reste la partie champignons a illustrer et je pourrai passer a la mise en page et le travail d'écriture a proprement parler ! Je me renseigne aussi sur les imprimeurs, les types de reliures...etc. bref pour tout vous dire, je ne sais pas du tout quand ce projet arrivera a l'objet livre fini. Pour le moment je suis pleine de doutes sur la duree que necessite ce travail...D'autant plus que je vais devoir le mettre entre parentheses bientot pour me concentrer sur la conception de nouveaux produits a vous proposer sur la boutique en ligne. 🌿🔥Mais c'est un tel bonheur de faire ce travail qui me courrait dans la tête depuis plusieurs années, j'ai tellement hâte.... 🙏🙏🙏Un immense merci aux personnes qui soutiennent mon travail dans mon quotidien, ici ou sur Tipeee, a ceux likent, commentent, partagent 🙏💚 vous ne pouvez pas savoir comme c'est important, motivant, et rassurant de voir que ce projet et mes petits dessins vous plaisent :) ! #plantessauvagescomestibles #plantessauvages #herboriste #cuisinesauvage #livreillustré #botanique #folk #greenfolk #forestcore #greenliving #illustration #natureillustration #illustratrice #botanicalillustration #bookstagram #flore #herbier #cabinetdecuriosité #livingwild #workinprogress https://www.instagram.com/p/CfHl23HKKau/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sara-scribbles · 1 year
The Littlest Dragon (Part 2)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Malleus Draconia/GN!Reader Summary: Your quiet life as a herbalist is disrupted when you take in an injured dragon Word Count: 7,251 Notes: I might write a part 3 as an epilogue. Hope you enjoy! Warnings: None
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
With no word from Riddle, you go about your life as usual. Unfortunately, Tsunotarou is unable to accompany you on your trips into town due to his sudden growth. Though he gives you sad puppy dog eyes, you firmly tell him to stay home. He’s also a lot heavier so trying to carry him would be too difficult. Though you feel bad, you heed Riddle’s warning of keeping him out of sight.
It is a bit lonely without having his constant presence while you shop, but you quickly get used to it once more. Browsing the shelves at Sam’s, you grab a new mortar and pestle. Turning down another aisle, you nearly collide with another person.
“I’m so sorry!” you apologize quickly.
“Maître herboriste!” You recognize the voice immediately before even seeing his face. 
Rook Hunt in all his feather hat glory, smiles widely at you. “Hello, Rook,” you greet. A bit eccentric, you know him through Vil.
He points to your loaded basket. “Shopping for supplies?”
“I’ve worn out my mortar and pestle, so I thought I’d get a new one,” you explain. You note his basket is filled with top of the line beauty products.
“Always so busy, Maître herboriste! I hear you have a little assistant, no?” The glimmer in his eyes tells you all you need to know.
Sighing, you nod. “Yes, I do have an assistant. No, you cannot hunt him.”
He gasps dramatically, hand flying over his heart. “I would never ask something like that! I just wish to…observe him a little closer than from the trees.”
“Trees?” Pinching the bridge of your nose, you inhale sharply before exhaling. “Have you been spying?”
“Non! Not spying, just observing.” His bright smile does nothing to make you feel better.
Now you’re starting to realize why Tsunotarou spent a lot of time glaring out the window as of late. He most likely sensed Rook and saw him as an unknown threat. And here you thought he’d liked watching the hens.
Heaving another weary sigh, you shake your head. “I don’t think coming would be a good idea. At least not alone. If Vil needs to drop by, you’re welcome to join.” Saying ‘no’ to Rook is useless. He’d just continue his spying or try something even more extreme if he really felt like it.
“Oh, so thoughtful of you! You truly are so très gentil!” He beams brightly.
After a few more compliments and praises, you manage to buy what you need and leave the shop. Rook can be a bit exhausting at times, but he means well. You just hope Tsunotarou doesn’t decide to roast him the moment he walks through the door.
You wake up suddenly from an odd dream. Yet, the moment you try to remember, it disappears. The feeling of the dream remains. Rolling over on your side, you reach for Tsunotarou but are met with nothing. Sitting up, you glance at the open window. Though you leave it open for him in case he ever wants to go out, you do sometimes worry. Sure he’s a dragon and can probably fend for himself, but you still remember how he looked when you first found him.
Getting out of bed, you head downstairs. Taking a quick peek out the window, you don’t see anything out of the ordinary. The full moon hangs low in the sky, illuminating the quiet night. Heading out the garden, you inhale the scent of moist grass and crisp air. It’s warm with a slight breeze, a nice night stare at the stars.
Sitting down on the bench swing in the back of the garden, you have a view of the cottage and the rows of plants growing. You idly swing your legs back and forth causing the bench to gently sway. The soft chirping of crickets and buzzing of insects fills the air. Fireflies lazily float by, giving the night an ethereal glow.
So distracted by the sight, you miss the approach of someone until they’re nearly standing a few feet away. Stiffening, you halt the lazy movements of the swing. Looking at the uninvited guest, you realize he’s the naked stranger from last time. Thankfully not naked this time.
He’s wrapped in a long black cloak that matches the inky color of his hair. Sharp, almost glowing peridot eyes gaze down at you. Your gaze lingers on the pointed ears and horns atop his head. His pale skin glows under the moon, almost making him seem ghostly.
“H-hello?” you greet, hesitantly. Unsure what else to say, you at least want to break the staring contest.
He smiles, flashing sharp incisors. “Hello, child of man. What brings you out?” His voice is smooth and low, like a warm whisper.
“Just couldn’t sleep,” you answer truthfully. “What are you doing here?” What you really want to ask is why he’s in your garden. It isn’t because you’re afraid, no he doesn’t give that sort of aurora. You’re genuinely curious why he’s here again. And since he’s not naked, your freak-out meter is low.
He gestures to the garden. “It’s very peaceful here at night. I thought I’d take a walk.” Pointing to the bench, he asks, “May I sit?”
You could say no. You really should say no. He’s a complete stranger, who you first saw in the nude. However, you nod and scoot over. The bench swing dips at the added weight. He quietly tips his head back to stare at the stars.
Leaning back, you observe the night sky. It’s been awhile since you’ve been able to just enjoy nature. Potions and salves keep you busy enough. By the time night comes, you’re dead on your feet. Though with the extra help, you aren’t so tired anymore. Having Tsunotarou around has made your life easier. And less lonely. 
You didn’t realize how lonely you actually felt until he showed up. Sure Ace and Deuce visited sometimes, but it wasn’t often. You did correspond with some other people through letters, but it didn’t make up for the lack of physical contact. Though he can’t respond in words to what you say, he understands. He does his best to let you know he’s listening. 
“You seem to be deep in thought, child of man,” the stranger interrupts.
Realizing he’s now staring at you intently, you sit up straighter. “Just thinking about stuff…”
“What sort of ‘stuff’ may I ask?” His tone is gentle and curious. 
Looking away, you wonder if you’re really going to tell a stranger your worries. However, you don’t take much time to spill. “I recently made friends with…someone. And I realize now that as much as I enjoy my solitude, I was lonely. It’s funny how spending time with someone can change your views so quickly.”
He nods sagely. “Sometimes it only takes a little change to open our eyes.” Glancing at him, he seems to be lost in his own thoughts.
You continue, “I’ve gotten so comfortable with his presence that I’m afraid of what will happen when he leaves. Everyone has to leave at some point. And someone like him probably needs a change in scenery.”
“And have you asked this person if he wants to leave?” he asks, gaze once more focused on you.
You chuckle, scratching the back of your neck. “That would be easier than needless worry, wouldn’t it?”
“He did say humans can be very convoluted about their desires,” he muses.
An eyebrow goes up. “Oh?” Not sure who he’s referring to, you’re somewhat offended. But there’s truth in his words.
He nods but flashes what you assume is supposed to be a reassuring smile. “But I can say you are not like that.”
“How do you know that? We’ve just met! For all you know I could be the worst human you’ll ever meet,” you half tease. 
He shakes his head. “No, you’re nothing like that.”
It’s almost as if he knows you. But that’s impossible! You’ve never spoken to him until now. The only time you’ve seen him was a month ago when he was standing naked in front of your chicken coop. You’d remember seeing someone as beautiful as him. Unless he’s someone like Rook, who likes to spy from afar. That sends an unpleasant shiver down your spine.
“How are you so sure?” you ask, curious to see what answer he’ll give.
His bright eyes sparkle. “I just have a good feeling.”
Since he’s not elaborating further, you can only nod. “So, this might sound rude, but you’re not human, right?”
Chuckling, he shakes his head. “That’s correct. I’m a fae. You may call me whatever you wish.”
You know very little about fae, though you vaguely recall a lesson on them. A species that had many different types, they’re well connected to magic, though some more than others. With their long life span, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if the fae next to you is hundreds of years old. And one more thing you remember is that fae don’t lie. They might twist the truth to fit their needs, but it’s never a lie.
“I’m not the best at giving nicknames, so I’ve been told,” you warn. Eyeing him, you try to wrack your brain for something. However, nothing comes to mind until your gaze settles on his horns. “Hornton!”
There’s a pause as he blinks twice. Then, he bursts out into laughter, throwing his head back. “You never cease to surprise me,” he says once he manages to gain his composure.
Shaking your head, you point out, “I did warn you.” But since he doesn’t seem offended by the name you’ve chosen, perhaps your nicknames aren’t so bad.
“It’s a wonderful name,” he reassures. 
There’s a pause before you blurt out, “Why were you naked last time?” You immediately bite  the inside of your mouth. It’s something that’s been bugging you for a while now. 
“Certain circumstances made it so that I had no clothes at that moment,” he answers, not at all bothered.
“So where’d you get your clothes?” Did he steal them from someone’s laundry? Not that you’re too concerned with that. You do prefer him covered as you’re pretty sure seeing him naked again wouldn’t be good for your health.
“This was made by magic. Unfortunately my magic is being limited right now, or I would have created something more elaborate. And this won’t last for very long.” He plucks at the black fabric, brows creasing.
So he’ll be naked. Again. Covering your face with both hands, you mutter, “So you’re suddenly going to lose your magically made clothes?”
“Something like that.” His tone is nonchalant as if the idea of being naked in front of a stranger isn’t concerning.
This really sounds like a Cinderella moment except it’s way past midnight. A deep sigh escapes your lips. Perhaps fae aren’t as concerned with nudity as humans. Or perhaps it’s just this particular fae.
“Is something the matter?”
You quickly shake your head. “No. All good!” Deciding to take your mind off the topic, you switch gears. “So where’s home?”
“Briar Valley. It’s a small place west of the Queendom of Roses.” You’ve heard of Briar Valley. Though you haven’t traveled since your school days, you have a vague idea of where he’s from.
“It’s noted for its black forest, right?” Something you recall reading about places to visit. You’re not sure if you would want to visit the forest considering it’s said no one comes out.
He nods. “Yes, though I’d suggest against visiting. Humans tend to get lost in the forest unless guided by a fae who knows the area. Even then, some fae can get lost too.”
“Definitely not on my bucket list,” you mumble.
“You should come visit Briar Valley. It’s quite charming. I’d love to show you around.” He grins, eyes glimmering.
Ace and Deuce would probably berate you for this, but they’re not here. “Sure! Traveling isn’t something I’ve thought about, but I wouldn’t mind going away once and awhile. A friend from school, Kalim, has been asking me to visit him in the Scalding Sands. But I always put it off because of work.”
“I’ve only been to the Scalding Sands when I was a child,” he muses. His brows draw together as if trying to recall something. He shakes his head. “I wonder how much has changed since then…”
“We can go together someday.” You can almost hear the duo shouting at you. Maybe you shouldn’t be making deals with a fae. But you’ve always been a bit reckless. You haven’t done anything dumb in a long time.
He smiles. “Wonderful! I can’t wait.”
You wake up feeling tired and groggy. Maybe staying up to chat until the sky started turning light wasn’t the best idea. However, it was nice to speak with someone. Your new friend had bid you goodnight once the first rays of light started peeking through the horizon. He promised to visit the next full moon, which you found odd, but chalked it up to fae stuff.
Yawning for the nth time, Tsunotarou chirps worryingly. “I’m okay. Just didn’t get much sleep last night.” You pat his head. “We don’t have much to do today, thankfully. Think I’ll take a nap later.”
However, just as the words leave your mouth, there’s a sharp knock at your door. “Bonjour, Maître herboriste! Vil and I wanted to pay you a visit.” You sigh as you recognize Rook right away. He doesn’t even need to complete the sentence and you know it’s him.
Tsunotarou bristles. “It’s okay,” you reassure. “They’re friends. No need to set anyone on fire. I know Rook has been spying, but he doesn’t mean any harm.” You hold your hands out in a stop motion. He settles down a little, but his eyes remain narrowed.
Opening the door, you give the two what you hope is a pleasant smile. “Hello, you two. I didn’t think you’d be coming around today.”
Vil sighs. “I’ve been working with Riddle, but I decided I needed to see the dragon for myself. And you know why Rook is here.”
Said huntsman gives you a cheery wave. “Oh! Is that the magnificent creature?!” Spotting Tsunotarou from over your shoulder, you step aside to let the two in.
Rook makes a beeline for him. “Simply magnifique! He’s gotten even bigger than last time!” While Rook is busy studying Tsunotarou from all angles, Vil examines him from afar. 
“He is a sight,” the guild master murmurs. “From Riddle’s description, the measurements are off. Though he did mention that the creature seems to be growing in size. How much has he grown since the last time?”
Scratching your head, you shrug. “Not sure. I don’t keep track, but he does seem a little larger than yesterday.” Maybe ‘a little’ is an understatement. His head reaches your shoulder when he’s sitting on the floor. You woke up to him taking up half the bed.
“I do sense the magic. It’s as potent as Riddle said. This won’t be easy and we might not be able to do anything,” Vil tells you. His attention is momentarily taken away as he leans in closer to your face.
You inch back under his scrutinizing gaze. “Vil?”
“You have bags under your eyes. What have I told you about getting proper sleep, spudling? Sleep is vital not just so we look refreshed but so we feel refreshed.” He shakes his head. “Tsk, it seems all my lessons on good health have been for naught.”
“I’m sleeping fine, Vil. I just couldn’t sleep last night, that’s all. I promise it’s not a common occurrence.” Eyes darting over to Rook and Tsunotarou, you attempt to turn the conversation away from you. “Anyways, will Riddle be coming over too?”
“This conversation isn’t over,” he warns. “Not today. He has some things with his guild he needs to take care of. I just wanted to come here and take a look at what we’re dealing with. There’s no potion in this world that’ll be able to break a curse of this magnitude.”
Tsunotarou, completely ignoring Rook now, is focused on Vil. The two stare at each other much like the staring contest Riddle had. Vil chuckles. “He’s a smart one. Already assessing if I’m a threat, it seems.”
“Of course! Such a powerful creature recognizes a powerful mage!” Rook pipes in between taking pictures.
“We should head back to the guild. I need to do more research now that I know what we’re dealing with.” He pauses and turns to you, “Can I speak to you outside?”
“I’ll be right back,” you call to Tsunotarou before leading the two outside. Coming to the front gate, Vil stops before glancing back at your cottage. “What’s up?”
In a low tone, he says, “You probably don’t realize this, but that creature in there is dangerous.”
“Aren’t all dragons da-”
He cuts you off. “That’s not what I meant. I’ve seen a few dragons before but none as powerful as this one. The magic radiates off him in waves. I’m not sure if Riddle didn’t notice because of the curse or if something has changed since last time. I’d be careful with him. Dragons are temperamental creatures by nature.”
“Tsunotarou wouldn’t hurt me. At least not intentionally,” you argue. “He’s different and I trust him.”
“Tsk. Still reckless as ever. Just keep what I said in mind.” You can see the concern in his eyes. 
“I’ll be careful,” you promise.
“What are these?” Horton asks.
You had handed him a bundle the moment he appeared. “Clothes. I had to guess your size, but I think they’ll fit.”
He seems surprised. “For me?”
“I thought real clothes might be better than magically made clothes that only last for a while,” you explain. 
You had asked Jack for advice on what to get considering you didn’t know his size. He looked to be a little bigger than Jack, so you hoped the bundle the beastman got together would fit. Jack had mumbled something about underwear while looking away, so you can only assume there’s undergarments in the package.
“Thank you, child of man. This is a wonderful gift.” He looks all too pleased to receive a plain white shirt and black pants.
The way he’s looking at you is like you gave him the greatest gift in the world. “They didn’t cost me much, so it’s nothing big.”
“May I put them on?”
“Sure.” The moment those words are out of your mouth, he snaps his fingers and the outfit he was wearing disappears in a flash of green. “A little warning!” you shout, covering your eyes.
There’s a chuckle and you can only imagine the amused look on his dumb face. The rustle of fabric is all you hear. After a few moments, he says, “I am dressed.”
Pulling your hands away, you’re quite pleased to see that the clothes mostly fit. The pants are a little short, coming a little above his ankle. “You look great!”
He holds up a thin white string. “Is this meant to go somewhere?”
Laughing, you take the tie from him. “Come sit.” While he sits down, you hover over him. “It’s mostly for decoration, but you just weave it through the holes up here to make a crisscross pattern.”
Leaning down, you carefully pull the string through the loops of his shirt. After fiddling for a bit to make sure it’s even, you glance up. “Perfect!”
Your eyes meet and you suddenly realize how close to his face you are. “Thank you.”
He’s probably the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen. Sorry Vil. With long, thick eyelashes that brush against his pale skin, you wonder absently if all fae are as beautiful. Up close, you can even see the specks of darker green in his eyes.
“So pretty,” you whisper.
His eyes widen and there’s a sharp intake of breath. Realizing you just said that aloud, you pull back with a jerk. You suddenly find interest in something far away. “A-anyways, I hope the clothes are comfortable. Cotton is good for this weather even at night. I guess I should’ve gotten you shoes too,” you ramble.
“You’ve already given me so much. Thank you again, child of man.” The way he thanks you is almost reverent. “I wish to return the favor. Is there anything you want?”
Quickly shaking your head, you can’t imagine taking anything from him for something so simple. “No, I don’t need anything.”
He frowns. “Are you sure? Aren’t you supposed to return the favor when receiving a gift?”
“Not all gifts require something in return. This is something I wanted to do, so don’t worry about giving me anything.” His brows are still drawn together.
Tilting his head to the side, he studies you. “You’re very strange for a human. Many would jump at the chance to receive a favor from a fae.”
The pressure of his gaze makes you nervous. Looking away, you stare at the grass. “Like you said, I’m a strange human.”
His chuckle sends a shiver down your spine. “Yes, very strange. But that’s what makes you so charming.”
You ignore the fluttering of your heart.
Waking up to being half smothered to death by a dragon has become the norm. Tsunotarou has grown so big, your full sized bed is starting to feel too small. At this rate you might need an upgrade. You don’t mind that he’s grown, it’s just waking up because you can’t breathe isn’t the most pleasant.
“I’m pretty sure you're almost as tall as Riddle with his shoes on…” You eye him as he sits patiently on the stool while you stir the cauldron.
Tsunotarou makes a noise in the back of his throat. “I’m not complaining about your sudden growth spurt. Just that we might have an issue with sleeping if you keep getting bigger.” 
You toss in a few dried rosebuds. Stirring clockwise three times, you pour in a handful of pink sand. Tsunotarou drops a jar of fresh newt tails in your outstretched hand. You throw in a handful of those before stirring counterclockwise four times. The concoction bubbles and steams before changing colors.
“Hmm… That should be enough for six bottles.” While you pour the potion into bottles, he corks them before putting them on the table in a neat row.
You’re almost done when you hear loud, angry clucking. Then an even louder voice. “GET OFF YOU FOUL BIRDS!”
Glancing at your dragon companion, he doesn’t seem concerned about the sudden commotion. “Alright, guess we get another guest.” You can’t pinpoint the voice as anyone you know.
Taking a look out your window, you can see the three hens surrounding a very angry looking person. He waves his arms around trying to scare them off, but the three ladies just continue to peck at his boots.
There’s another person standing next to him, but he doesn’t do anything. The more you look, the more you think the silver haired one is sleeping. If he is sleeping, it’s quite a feat to do while on his feet and next to someone shouting.
Deciding to try and save your hens, you step outside. You let out an ear piercing whistle, which causes the green haired to stop his shouting. The one sleeping blinks awake as well. The three hens leave the stranger alone to go back into the coop. Though you note that Merryweather gives his boot one last peck for good measure.
“Can I help you two?” you ask once the hens are gone.
The loud one straightens his outfit before clearing his throat. “WHAT KIND OF HUMAN ALLOWS PEOPLE TO BE ATTACKED BY SUCH VICIOUS BIRDS?!”
You resist the urge to plug your ears. “They tend to not like strangers wandering near their coop. Also, no need to shout.”
He seems to stand up straighter and open his mouth, but the other one quickly intervenes. “We apologize for trespassing. My name is Silver and this is Sebek.”
After a beat, you ask once more, “Can I help you?”
“We’re looking for someone. A signal was sent from somewhere in the area,” Silver explains.
“I’m not in town as often, so I might not be the best person to ask. I’d suggest trying the guilds in town.” You gesture in the general direction of the main road.
Giving you a brief bow, Silver nods. “Thank you.” He turns to his companion. “We should head to town then.”
“Hold on! We might as well ask if the human has seen him. It’s hard not to notice such a magnificent person,” Sebek says, pointing at the human in question. His eyes zero in on you. “Human, have you seen the great Malleus Draconia?”
Your face twisted into something akin to confusion. “Who?”
The green haired one lets out a gasp. He looks equally offended and shocked. “YOU DON’T KNOW WHO THE GREAT MALLEUS DRACONIA IS!?!”
You proceed to plug your ears. Forget about being polite! “Can you stop yelling? And yes, I have no idea who you’re referring to. Like I said, check with the guilds.”
“How can someone not know the glorious young master???” He mutters to himself, not hearing a single word you said.
Giving you an apologetic look, Silver tugs his companion. “Thank you.”
Once they disappear down the road, you go inside. Tsunotarou, who had been peeking through the window, turns to you. He makes a series of grumbles. “I have no idea what that was about.” Shrugging, you go back to your potions.
After packaging everything, you plop down on the sofa with a deep sigh. “I’m already tired and it isn’t even that late.” Huffing, you close your eyes. The sofa dips and extra weight is dropped on your lap. 
Tsunotarou rests his head in your lap while chirping at you. Opening your eyes, you chuckle. “Hey, you.” You affectionately rub his head. Adjusting your position so you’re laying across the sofa, Tsunotarou nestles half on top of you. His tail hangs off the couch and onto the floor.
“Ooof! You’re getting a little too big for this.” With his head resting on your chest, he peers up at you. “Don’t look at me like that! I’m just stating a fact. You’ve grown a lot.”
Scratching him around his horns, you can’t help but study them. They remind you of something, but your brain is too tired to figure it out. “Ever since you’ve come into my life, it seems my days aren’t so monotonous. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the quiet and routine. But I’ve come to realize I cherish having you around.”
He gurgles happily. “But you’ll have to leave someday, right? You can’t stay here forever and if you continue to grow, I don’t think the cottage will be enough.” Chuckling to yourself, you’re reminded of the conversation you had with Hornton.
Tsunotarou nudges your cheek with his snout. “Do you want to leave?” you ask. He shakes his head while making a few noises. “I don’t want you to leave either. But I don’t think we’ll have much of a choice. We’ll deal with it when the time comes.”
The two of you doze lightly, but a sudden knock on the door sends you tumbling off the couch. Tsunotarou somehow managed to catch himself as he peers down at you. “Who’s visiting at this hour?!” Grunting, you get up and march to the door.
You’re greeted by the two from before. The shorter of the two opens his mouth to speak but is quickly interrupted by his companion with the loud mouth. “HOW DARE YOU LIE TO US, HUMAN!”
“W-what?!” Confused, you look between the two. “Can someone explain what I supposedly lied about. Without yelling.”
“Excuse me!” Riddle shoves his way from the back. You hadn’t even noticed there were more people. Ace and Deuce pop up as well giving you nervous looks.
Riddle holds his hand up to prevent the green one from shouting. “Sorry about that. They came saying they were looking for someone. After they explained what happened, I figured out who it was they’re looking for. And rule 233 states I should escort guests to their desired location.”
“Okay, but that doesn’t explain the accusation.” You’re too tired to be nice.
Shaking his head, Riddle sighs. “They’re looking for him.” He points over your shoulder. All eyes turn to the dragon sitting on the couch.
“Young master!”
“Your highness!”
Sebek pushes his way past you to get inside. Grumbling a few not so nice words under your breath, you allow the rest to come in as well. Sebek falls to his knees in front of the dragon while wailing something incomprehensible.
Silver turns to you. “I apologize for the accusation. Sebek can be a little…excitable when it comes to his highness.”
“Highness? Wait, so Tsunotarou is a prince?!” Angry green eyes turn to you.
“HOW DARE YOU REFER TO HIM WITH SUCH A VULGAR NAME!” Even Riddle looks put out. Seeming to realize his volume, he tones down just a little. “Not only did you kidnap him, but you subjected him to a ridiculous name?!”
Ace and Deuce move to stand in front of you when Sebek advances. “It’s okay guys. I’m not afraid of him.” The two give worried looks as you step forward. “Listen here. I did not kidnap him. I found him unconscious and injured in the woods. I took care of him and he’s been staying with me of his own free will. Tsunotarou is free to leave whenever he wants.”
He opens his mouth to say something, but you stop him with a sharp look. “I don’t appreciate people barging into my house making accusations! So, sit down and use your inside voice or I will kick you out on your ass!”
Ace lets out a low whistle as Sebek stands there slack jawed. “Are we done now?” Riddle asks, having taken a seat during your little speech.
There’s a moment of silence before Silver gives a small cough. “Again, I apologize for everything. We’ve been looking all over for his highness for a while.”
“It’s fine. Let’s sit down and have a civil discussion.” You take a seat on the couch. Tsunoartou sticks to your side despite the forlorn look Sebek gives him.
Once everyone is sitting, you gesture to the two. “So, who are you?”
“As we said before, I am Silver and this is Sebek. We are personal guards for his royal highness, prince Malleus Draconia,” he explains.
Looking at the dragon leaning against your side, you eye him curiously. “So you’re actually a prince?” He gives a nod. “You do know I was joking about the whole cursed prince thing, right?”
He grumbles deep in his throat, seeming not too pleased about something. “Your prince is a small dragon?” Deuce asks, scratching his cheek as he tries to wrap his head around it all.
“Of course not!” Sebek glares at him. “The young master’s true form is much more elegant and refined. Even his real dragon form is better than this! Not that you humans would understand the beauty of fae.”
“So how did he end up like that?” Ace pipes in.
Pressing his fingers to his temple, Silver sighs deeply. “It was punishment from his grandmother for not doing his duty. We didn’t think he would get carried off by a demon crow when we weren’t looking.”
“What kind of person is your grandmother to curse her own grandson? Scary…” It sends a shiver down your spine. His grandmother must be very powerful since both Vil and Riddle said the curse was created with old magic. 
“The curse thing has happened before,” Silver explains, not sounding concerned at all. “Getting lost is new.”
“He’s been living with me for almost a year, and you just decided to search for him?” If he’s a prince, shouldn’t they have been looking for him sooner?
Silver sighs. “The queen assured us that he was fine and ordered us not to search for him. However, a few weeks ago, she told us to find him. I’m not sure why she changed her mind…”
“I assume the one who put the curse on him can take it off? We’ve been studying ways to lift the curse, but haven’t had any luck.” Riddle’s cheeks are puffed out, most likely annoyed that he couldn’t find a way to break the curse himself.
Silver nods. “Yes. We will take him back home so the queen can lift the curse. Though looking at his form, it seems his own magic was working on breaking the curse from within. I’m sure fath-Lilia will be interested to hear this…”
The two stand up. “We need to head back home, immediately!” Sebek announces.
“Right now? But it’s night time. It could be dangerous,” you point out.
“We’ll be fine. We have a charm that will take us directly to the castle,” Silver explains.
“Of course you do.” You can’t delay the inevitable. “Can I have a moment alone with him? Please?”
“Of course. We will wait outside.” Despite Sebek’s protests, the two head out.
Riddle, Ace and Deuce also stand to leave. “I’ll head back to town to let Vil know what happened.”
“We'll be outside if you need us,” Deuce informs you.
Once everyone leaves, it’s just you and Tsunotarou once more. Suddenly a heavy feeling settles on your chest. “You’re leaving… I guess the time has come, Tsunotarou. Sooner than I would like, but you have to go home.”
Sitting up to his full height, he places his front paws on your shoulders. Staring at eye level, he silently conveys his message. Chuckling, you press your forehead against his. Wrapping your arms around his body, you give him a squeeze.
“I’ll see you soon Tsuno-no, that’s not your name. I’ll see you soon, Malleus.” Pulling away, you press a kiss to his forehead. He freezes while his eyes widen. You laugh at his shocked expression. “I just wanted to see if it would work.”
You give him one last hug. You’re not sure when you'll see him again, but you have a feeling you will. You just have to wait.
Half a year goes by and things return back to how it was before you found Malleus. The same routine that you once found comfort in feels empty. You go through the motions but none of it really registers. You tell yourself you’ll get back into the groove of things eventually. You’re lying.
Ace and Deuce drop by more often, which you appreciate. Though they don’t say it, they know you’re feeling down. However, they can only stay for so long before they’ll have to find a new commission to take. 
“Hey, do you guys actually know who Malleus Draconia is?” Ace asks one day over breakfast.
Deuce throws him a look, but you wave him off. “It’s fine, Deuce. It’s not like we can’t talk about him. And no, I don't know who he is.”
“He’s the next king of Briar Valley! And he’s considered one of the most powerful mages in the world! Can you believe that someone that scary was living with you?!”
You shrug, not really caring. “To me, he was just Tsunotarou. And even now that I know who he is, I don’t care.”
Ace snorts. “Of course you wouldn’t. Still, can you imagine how powerful his grandmother is? That’s one terrifying family you don’t want to mess with.”
“Though now that you mention it, Briar Valley sounds familiar…” Thoughtful chewing on a piece of bread, you wrack your brain. “Oh! That’s where Hornton is from!”
“Horn-what? Who’s that?” Deuce asks between mouthfuls of food.
Taking a sip of your juice, you nonchalantly reply, “You know the naked stranger I mentioned a long time ago. Turns out he’s from Briar Valley too.”
“Are you asking to be killed? Why would you talk to someone who can’t even wear clothes?!” Ace looks at you like you’ve grown too heads. “And what kind of name is Hornton?”
“It’s a nickname. He didn’t give me his real name so I gave him one.” 
Rolling his eyes, Ace shoves the rest of his breakfast in his mouth. “Yew swuk at maming!” Bits of food fly out of his mouth. You childishly stick your tongue out.
Deuce is quiet before asking, “Have you seen him recently?”
“No. He usually shows up during the full moon, but I haven’t seen him.” You did spend a few full moon nights waiting, but he never came. After a few times, you gave up. “Now that I think about it, he hasn’t shown up since Tsunotarou left…”
“You met one of the most powerful beings in the world and not only did you give him one dumb name, but two?!!”
“I didn’t know!”
Covering your face, you let out a frustrated groan. The table falls silent once more. Then from the redhead in a barely contained laugh, “So, you saw his crown jewels?”
“Ace!” Deuce's face turns bright red.
“What the hell is wrong with you?!” There’s a pause before the table erupts into laughter. Sometimes you question your choice of friends, but at times like these, you’re grateful for them.
“Do you have everything?” Deuce asks for the umpteenth time.
You adjust the straps to your bag. “Yup! I’ll be back in a few weeks at most. Just don’t burn down my home. Please.”
“I’m not that bad! If anything Deuce will burn down the cottage,” Ace shouts in the background. Merryweather gives his shoe a hard peck. “Evil bird!”
Shaking your head, you turn to Deuce. “I want all my ladies to be here when I get back. Or else.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine,” he reassures. However, seeing Ace run away from three angry hens does little to relieve your concerns.
“Maybe I shouldn’t go…”
“Go! You got a personal invite from a prince to visit.” He waves you off. “Anyways, Trey will be coming to make sure your house is okay.”
“At least someone responsible will be here,” you mutter. Giving Deuce one last goodbye, you head over to where Sebek and Silver are waiting just outside your front gate. “Be nice to them, Ace!” you shout.
He’s too busy trying to fend off the hens to say much. “They truly are vicious creatures. Are you sure you didn’t train them to attack?” Sebek shudders at the sight of the redhead getting pecked at.
“They’re just overprotective. So, how are we getting to Briar Valley?” With a suitcase and backpack, you’re ready to leave home for the first time in a long time. Malleus’s invitation is safely tucked away in your bag.
Silver produces a small piece of paper from his pocket. You note there are some ruins written on it. “Everyone, hold on to me.” Placing a hand on his shoulder, he rips the paper in half. The ruins light up momentarily, before you’re engulfed in a blinding light.
You blink rapidly, trying to clear the spots dancing in your vision. Once you can see again, you look around. No longer home, you’re standing in front of a gate. A marvelous castle looms above. Despite all the opulence, you’re solely focused on the figure standing on the path leading to the castle.
Pushing through the gate, you rush forward. “W-wait!” You ignore Sebek’s shout.
Stopping just a few feet away, you break out into a grin. “I see you’re wearing clothes this time.”
He returns the smile with one of his own. “I wanted to look my best to greet you. You’re a very important guest after all.”
“Can I give you a hug or is that breaking decorum?” you ask, ignoring Sebek’s sputters of protest.
“Come on, Sebek. Fath-Lilia wanted us to see him right when we returned.” There’s a few words exchanged, but they leave you two alone.
Malleus opens his arms. “I would like that very much.”
Without hesitation, you wrap your arms around him. Despite not knowing Tsunotarou and Horton were one and the same until recently, there’s a sense of familiarity. He might not be a scaly black dragon like you’re used to, but he holds the same scent and warmth. His gaze has the same wonder and affection.
He nuzzles the top of your head. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” Pulling away, you take his hand. “Though I do kinda miss your little dragon form,” you tease.
Malleus squeezes your hand. “Perhaps I should ask grandmother to curse me once more?”
“No!” However, you note the way his brows are lifted and his mouth quirks up. “You’re teasing me, right?”
“Of course. I guess I missed the mark on that.” He shakes his head. “Before I can show you around, grandmother would like to meet you.”
“Right now? I’m not even presentable!” This is not what you expected. You’ve only been in Briar Valley for a whole 5 minutes, and now you’re expected to meet the queen!?
Malleus doesn’t seem worried, though. “You look wonderful as always. Come, let us be off.”
Before you can protest, he pulls you to his chest. Arm around your waist, you temporarily lose the ability to think as you’ve never been this close to him before. Well at least not in this form. In a blink, you’re no longer standing outside the castle.
You stand in a large gazebo surrounded by rose bushes as far as the eye can see. They’re all in full bloom. There’s a lot of time and effort put into the garden. You also notice a rather scary looking gargoyle further away. 
Someone hums with interest causing you to turn your attention away from the roses. The only other occupant in the gazebo is a regal looking woman holding a teacup. A table filled with small dishes and a tea set are laid before her. She has the same inky black hair as Malleus, though you note streaks of white in her impeccable style. Her horns are intricately decorated with delicate gold chains studded with gems. Green eyes flash with interest as she sets down the teacup without making a sound.
“Malleus, what a lovely surprise. Who is this?” she asks, eyes never leaving you. Her knowing gaze sees right into your very soul. 
“Grandmother, I’d like to introduce to you (Y/N).” You realize he’s still holding you close to his side. Disentangling yourself for him while stepping away at a respectable distance. You don’t know if you should be bowing. She is the queen after all!
She smiles, revealing shiny, white teeth. You briefly wonder if the smile is meant to be inviting or intimidating. Maybe both. “It’s a pleasure to meet you in person, little human. My grandson has been talking about you non-stop since he came home. And I must say, you’re as adorable as he described~”
“I-It’s nice to m-meet yo-you too, your highness!” Did she just call you adorable?? Your neck prickles as you suddenly feel too warm.
She stands up, towering over your form. Not only is she intimidating just by her aura but also in height! “Hoho, so formal! You can call me grandmother.”
There’s silence as your brain stutters to a halt. You can hear Malleus let out a deep breath while the queen's laughter echoes in the garden.
Tagging: @starsilluminateourgalaxy @stormyovent0aster @hanafubukki @mscarterakaviola98 @sparkleypancakez @youaskedfurret @yokokai @hajimeseyo @ravenlking @peter-the-pan @enchanted-nerd @nocturneabyss @chaasworld @lechuko @bloomsapphire @amar-farasha @itszzmoon @xlifexdeathx @supernovaicloud @mysterypotatoink @illytian @depressed-bitchy-demon @cheyuma @liquidfurby @bigcandlesmolbrain @thetruepair @chibishae34 @strawberry-soap-bar @sus0daddy @inana-mm @liliaviper @musclefanatica @loivre @chuchotheblackcat @lorkai
1K notes · View notes
ayanekosims · 2 months
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Medieval Makeover:
🧉Celene López from the The Sims 4: Werewolves As a medieval fantasy Herborist
CC list Hair (+acc) by  @flowermilksims
Outfit by @zx-ta Genetics: Eyes / Eyelashes / Eyeliner / Blush / Skin Details
Thank you to the wonderful cc creators for spicing up cas!
45 notes · View notes
thefandomdirtymind · 6 months
I love your sanji fics so much it’s crazy, I was wondering if you could make an angsty sanji fic!!
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A/N IMPORTANT:  Hi anon ! Damn this one have make me doubts myself. Angst wasn't my strong suit but I had this idea about those mistake you made when your young and the result push me to ask myself what I would do in those kind of situation and how much a person can grow from his mistake. I also enjoy write more of Zeff, even adding a little Bonus scene. Thank you for your request !
Shout out again for : @alienstardustwrites !
Oregano and others things
Soundtrack : Mine by Kelly Clarkson
OPLA - Sanji
Warning: Angst, Cheating theme, young mistake, redemption
Sanji / OPLA Masterlist and Coming Soon
* English is not my first language, I tried really hard to correct myself but, I hope you will excuse me if some mistakes are still there.
The water was agitated, making your little marchand boat tang a little more than to your liking. Taking a deep breath, watching the floating restaurant in front of you, you know what you have to do. You have to put your feet on that dock, wear the waiter uniform waiting for you, help Zeff with his understaffed problem and come back home. Simple, truly a walk in the park. All that and…avoid Sanji.
You came from a respectable family of fishermen and herborists selling their catch on the local market. Little girl, you were in charge of carrying the ice for the cold table and wrapping the customers' fish. You will always remember the day your parents had started making business with Zeff. The tall man, even sitting at the little table in the back of the stall, was imposing enough to at the same time scare you and make you curious. But, the little blond boy, only a few years older than you, following him like his shadow, intrigues you even more. 
As you grow up, gaining new responsibility in the shop, you soon regularly help your dad doing the delivery to the Barratie, having the chance to pass some time with Sanji. Their pretext being that you would both benefit from having somebody your own age around, even if it’s for a few hours when it was in reality, for them, a moment to share a drink and talk supplies. The young cook would usually profit from this occasion to make you taste his cooking and ask you many questions about your knowledge on fish. 
Adolescent, you had at many occasions,succeeded to sneak out of the not so watching eyes of the adult to respond to some question like only puberty could ask. Partner in crime for many first in your life, it was now hurting you like a knife in the wound to see him, an hour, a minute, a second.
Pushing the side door of the restaurant, many fabulous smells filling your nose, you quickly make your way to the changing room. Place which had welcomed many child games like Hide and Seeks and other less childish things like : what’s hiding under those clothes.    
It wasn't the first time that you were serving tables for the Baratie. Your loyalty was, of course, going to your family,putting them first. But often, in occasional need like this, you had accepted to cover some shift to help. However, it's been a few years since you came back here for more than an exchange of ingredients and money. But, like riding a bike, you could remember the important stuff and Zeff had assured your dad that nothing had changed. You wish you could have liked to say the same. 
Freshly changed, taking a nervous deep breath but confident,  you exited the room, not noticing the tall blond getting out of the kitchen, angrily putting back his suit jacket.
Sanji couldn’t believe it, it was the second time this week that Zeff was rejecting one of his creative plates, sending him to play the waiter. Didn’t the old man see that his mediocre menu was killing him, and making him serve tables was the ultimate insult. He was, after all, the best cook of all this shitty restaurant.     
A vision pushes him, half-way in a move to pick a fresh tray of rolled bread, to stop ruminating his dark cloud to instead freeze in place.  
A little writing pad in hand, you hair styled into a practical but elegant way, your old uniforme clinging to your curve, you were standing in front of a table of happy imbeciles ( ready to all order medium well prime ribs for sure he presume) who’s was devouring you with their eyes. But the worst, for Sanji, was your smile, a generic one but a rare sign he hadn’t had the joy to see for way too long. 
Seeing you like that, moving like a fish in the water around the tables, was bringing back the best and the worst moment of his life all at once,twisting his guts. And he knew exactly who to blame for that. 
Turning on his heels, returning in the busy kitchen, his footstep quick and stiff, he easily spotted his mentor. 
“ Zeff, why the hell is she here ?” Sanji asked, not feeling the need to clarify who ‘she’ could be. The old pirate already knew, of course, only him could have made her come to help as a waiter.
“ We’re under staff, little eggplant, she knows the job. Deal with it.” Zeff replied, his focus on inspection of the plates ready to go. 
“ Really, even after you know our history ? Let me bring back your ex here and tell you the same. Would you deal with it ? “ 
“ Ex and History” The old man crackle” Is that what you call your little pathetic teenage adventure ? Anyway,you’re welcome to try to bring my Ex here, but I encourage you to prepare yourself to freeze your arse off. The bottom of the sea is pretty cold, just like that fucking witch. “ 
“ We don’t need her. We can absolutely run the restaurant like we have always do “ 
“ Sure we can,little eggplant, but we run way better now that she is with us. Anyway for what you did to the poor girl you deserve to feel some guilt. Now stop whining and get out of my kitchen ! “ The chef cut the discussion crossing his arms, his expression dissuading any replies. 
His lips pressed in a thigh line, facing his second defeat of the day against the old man, Sanji makes his way to the double door, before stopping at only a few each of the exit, his breath stuck in his throat. 
Entering the overheated place, ready to ask for the order of your customers, you briefly meet his gaze, momentarily losing your smile, regaining it as you face Zeff. 
“ Four prime ribs…” You begin to say. 
“ Let me guess, medium well ?” Sanji sarcastically said from the doors.
“Medium well for table five “ You still finished trying to ignore his chuckles or the caress of his gaze on you after so long. 
“ Ignore him, little peach. Four prime rib mediums-well for table five !” Zeff advises you, before shouting the order. 
“ I do my best uncle…Chef “ You smile, remembering your kitchen manners.  
“ This table seems like a bunch of idiots, let me serve them for you “ The blond offered, his voice softened. 
“ I can handle them myself, thank you “ You coldly replied,leaving him behind, trying to regain control of your emotions. Even after all those years, your traitorous heart was responding to his presence.  
Making a stop at a few of your tables, seeing on the side Sanji do the same on his own. You gave table five their drink. It was obvious that those four weren't the best sailor sailing on the east blue. It was in fact, almost a miracle that people around them hadn’t complained since they were one of the most noisy tables around. But, you didn’t need his help, you will follow the plan even if the avoid part was now near impossible. 
“ two old fashioned, a whisky net, a beer and a long Island “ You enumerate, placing the drink in front of the right person, putting the last one in the middle. “ You’re order is place in the kitchen I will come back soon to give you your food” 
“ Wait pretty ! “The taller one exclaimed, pushing gently the long island in front of you “ This one's for you “
“ I’m sorry, I can’t accept it or drink on the job.” You declined,plastering a polite smile on your lips. 
“ Oh come on pretty, only a sip, we will not tell ! “ Another with greasy hair laughs. 
“ No thank you, Gentleman, I will come back with your order soon “ You firmly answer suddenly feeling the hand of the tall one grab you arm. 
“ It’s not polite, we had brought you something, you could at least drink a little of it with us.” 
Opening your mouth to put them back at their place, you hear Sanji behind you, his voice cold as ice. 
“ First of all, a gentleman should never force a lady or touch her without consent “ The blond tells, removing finger by finger the hand of the man on your arm. “ Second, the lady say no, drink yourself your poisonous gift and let her work in peace.”
“ Sanji, it’s okay, those gentlemen were about to lower their tone and let me go” You explain embarrassedly, looking around to see many side eyes enjoying the drama. Pirates, as well as most of people,were always fond of dramas.
“ Calm down, we are only trying to know her better “ The third protest, throwing to your Ex a dark gaze. 
“ Trying to know her,while she is stuck at serving you and already told you no.”
“ Sanji…” You tried. 
“ It isn’t a way to treat a lady forcing her to endure your deplorable attempt. Just face it, she’s too good for all of you” Sanji finished.
“ Oh, that’s it, you want her for you lover boy “ The taller laugh” Sorry to say it to you but at the gaze she give you, you seem to have less chance that’s us” 
“ Oh no, not at all. I already have the pleasure to kiss her sweet lips, even if she annoy by me, I could never be lower than you.” The blond smirked. 
“ That’s enough ! Gentlemen, I came back with your plate. Please lower your tone, you disturb the dining room and you,come with me !” You said,taking Sanji's hand, forcing his taller stature than yours to follow you in one of the storage rooms. 
The room, lit by a solitary lightbulb, was one you didn’t come to really often, only once in fact and it was that fatidical day. Surrounded by the many shelfs full of goods, you take three deep breaths before facing the only one you wanted to not face today. 
“This was ridiculous” You abruptly said“ Everything was under control and they didn’t have to know our past history.” 
“ Under control ? “ Sanji laughed,closing his eyes before tilting his head. “ Ma chérie, he gripped your arm. I know you hate that I was right about those idiot but I truly had help you there” 
“ I’m not your chérie, not anymore” You remind him, the old wound reopening slowly.
You could perfectly remember that day. You turned seventeen in two days and, as your birthday was approaching, your dad had promised you that you would be the one doing the delivery alone to the Baratie for now on. Excited about the news, you had sailed to tell Sanji the good news. But, as you had searched the kitchen, the dinner room and even climbed to his room, you couldn’t find him. It’s only when a cook told you he had seen him near the storage that you regain hope. However, as you were approaching the room, you didn’t have the force to go further.
His hands, who had so gently touched you, were locked around another girl's waist, his lips you loved so much pressed against hers. Only his gaze, enlarged in shock, was fixed on you. Tears were rolling on your cheeks without you even noticing that you were crying. The only thing you noticed was a piercing pain in your chest and your body reacting by himself, stepping away as Sanji was trying to reach you, calling your name, telling you that he was sorry. 
You hadn’t answered, running as fast as you can. This year, you didn’t make the delivery at the Baratie. It was only when your father felt sick that you finally take your place in the delivery bargain, only dealing with Zeff and no one else.  
“ You had broken my heart, Sanji, remember ? “ You painfully said, angry about yourself to hear a point of sadness in your voice.
“ Y/N I was young…” He sighs, guilt painting his trait.
But, as you were trying to calm your heart,years of anger filling your veins.
“ You were young…that's your excuse ?!” You spit, your hand turning into fist. “ After all those years, I was waiting for an explanation who’s never come, crying every night. I finally thought I was able to get over it but it was it...you were young ?…I was too ! “
“  I know I am the one at fault here but you weren't the only one to suffer” Sanji muttered, his gaze darken, refusing to meet yours “ I didn’t know why I did it, and would you have accepted to see me, talk to me ? Your father was looking at me like he wanted to gutter me like his fish and Zeff wasn’t better, kicking me everytime he heard you were crying, whether it was my fault or not ! “ 
“And for today ? If it should have one who doesn't want to see the other it should be me. So what’s your problem !?” You abruptly asked. 
“ My problems…My problems is that I hate having to fight everyday with Zeff about his shitty menu and I hate he put fucking oregano everywhere ! I hate that he has asked you to help knowing how it will make me feel, I hate how sexy you look in that uniform and the way that throws me back. I hate those guys who hit on you without knowing how a fucking brat you can be. “ 
Sanji answered, passing angrily his hand on his hair,planting his gaze in yours. 
“But I hate even more that I was scared of my feelings back then ! I was a coward okay, you were amazing I freak out ! I used to think about how to impress Zeff every day and night, new recipes or new knowledge to become the best chef but the only thing I was about to think about was you. If you would come with your dad the next day, would you enjoy my Risotto or hate it? Should I make you something sweet ? Did you enjoy our kisses as much as me? How can your skin be so soft under my hands or did my hand feel too rough? Did you think of me as much as I did of you? I was falling in love so fast with you but I knew I didn’t deserve you.”
Letting a sigh escape his lips as his voice takes a more annoyed or that is an embarrassed tone as he continues his confession. You couldn’t turn your gaze of his, mute by his raw feeling finally exposed. 
“Yet, the worst of all is that I hate the fact that I still do it after all those years. Every night I ask myself if you will be the one doing the delivery tomorrow, will I be able to have a glance of you or will you finally meet my gaze, will you stay mute like everytime or finally say hello and forgive me, that’s is my problems Y/N” 
You didn’t know at first what to say, anger having left his place to sadness. As you were standing both still. You could clearly tell by some details in his features and physics how much he had grown since the last time you had stood like that face to face. But being scared wasn’t a reason, neither erased his act or the pain you had endured. Worst, how could you trust him after all this. 
“ Well, at least after all this time, I have answers. Yes, I think about you everyday. But it also hurts me everyday,how could I trust you, I don’t know you anymore. The last time I was here we were young and you made the choice to hurt me. It’s too late for us,maybe we could try again someday, in another life. “
Leaving him behind, heading back to the restaurant level, trying to catch the tears from falling out of your eyes, you distantly heard Zeff asking you if everything was okay. Nodding of the head, putting back a smile on your lips, you take your orders and come back to the dining area. 
As the sun was pursuing its course, coloring the sky with a vibrant shade of orange, pink and purple. You gave a hug to Zeff, his smell, a mix of leather, sea salt and spice recomforting you.
“ Thank you for your help Little Peach. I know it wasn’t easy with…all this…but you truly help us today “ He tells, freeing you of his bear hug. 
“ I was glad to be able to help Uncle Zeff” 
Lifting his gaze to the restaurant, the old man seems to shortly struggle to find his words, playing nonchalantly with one of his braids.
“ Sanji isn’t a bad kid, a brat who made some terrible mistake, yes, but I think he really regretted what he had done. I made him regret it too for your sake of course, little Peach…But I saw how his mistake had made him grow. Sometimes you have to lose a treasure you thought was already yours to realize how important it was for you. “ 
“ I know Zeff “ You smiled, letting so many things go unsaid,trying not to cry again. After all, how do you explain to the old man that feeling of not knowing that man in a suit when you had only known him with a cook uniform or unable to knot a necktie.Or knowing perfectly why his loyalty to the pirate chef will forever prevent him from leaving the restaurant.“ Same hour tomorrow ? “ 
“ Like always” The old chef smiles, helping you step in your small boat, watching you leave his dock. “ Keep your feet dry “
A week later. 
The fresh air of the morning was filling your lungs. On the water, the fishing boat was immobile, painting a peaceful image succeeding alway to put you at ease. 
As you were preparing the stall, for your opening of the day, careful adjusting the spice jars on their little shelfs, waiting for the fisherman to bring your fresh fish, you heard a small cough. 
“ So it was you who sold all that oregano to the old man, “ Sanji's voice gently said, as if he was trying to not scare you away. 
Standing at only a few steps of you, a duffel bag on his shoulder, his suit and tie impeccable in the sleepy dock market, you take a full minute to process his presence. 
“ You had left The Baratie…” You shockingly said, more a realization of a thing you thought would never happen than a question. “ I mean, what are you doing here ?” You finally asked, still unsure if it wasn’t a trick of your brain. Young Sanji would never leave the restaurant or miss an opportunity to learn kitchen tricks, other than for necessary utility.
“ Yes, Zeff had sent me as a return of favor for the help you gave us and I didn’t protest” He replied, taking a few precautionary steps, the idea that you still could decide to attack him by throwing one of the jars at his face, not far in his brain. “His precise words were to work my ass off or be ready to have my butt kicked. Look, I know that I mess up everything and I will regret it all my life. But I’m well intended to work right today and prove to you that we can maybe have a…fresh start ? “ 
“ A fresh start “ You repeat, considering the idea. Even if nothing could change the past, you had, in the last week, known that climbing to it now that you had your answers wouldn’t help you in any aspect of your life. And, now that miracle seems to happen, it was maybe all you need. “ You will not say to the clients that oregano is for savages, is that clear ? “ 
“ Even if it’s the truth ? “ He asked, an amused smile playing on his lips. “ We will have to review the quantity you send to the restaurant it’s way too high “ 
“ You really have a problem with it are you “ You let yourself joke. 
"Hadn’t hated another herbs as much as this one, “ Sanji replied, putting aside his bag.
“ Maybe your taste is just too fancy” You laugh, feeling your heart seem to regain its pace for the first time in a long time.
“ Maybe that’s why your lips always look to me like a one of a kind delicacy “ Sanji flirted. 
“ Sanji, fresh start !” You laugh, returning to your opening preparation. “ Just for that you will refill the oregano jar ! “ 
“ Yes Madam “ The blond cook responded, a smile on his lips, a spark you thought long gone freshly back in his eyes. “ Fresh start “ 
Bonus : 
His old back against one of the piles supporting the platform surrounding the restaurant, his wooden leg removed, Zeff was smiling. 
“ They aren’t bad kids, mistakes have been made, kicks have been given. But it’s the good things in life. Errors make you grow and paths who’s we thought never crossed come back. Often it doesn't work, but I hope for them it will.” 
“ I hope Zeff, you have grown too, you had more lines in your face than the last time”  The timeless woman said, his head resting on his crossed arms, the lower half of his body undulating in the dark water.  
“ It’s not everybody who’s an immortal sea witch, “ Zeff replied. 
“ I had offered you to share my ageless life, you had decline it “ She remind him. 
“ The little eggplant needed me, he was only a child. But I never thought you would forget us on that rock. “ He argued, still bitter of the memory. 
“ Time is an abstract notion for us, but you survive, don't you ? “ The sea witch smiles, having the decency to look embarrassed of his own mistake.
“ Will you forget me when I die” Zeff asked. 
“ Probably, but the water will remind me of Red boots Zeff and his sacrifice to save a little human.” She simply said, returning into the deep of the sea.
Turning his gaze to the stars, Zeff smiled.
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