#hunk garrett X reader
quadballz · 2 years
I. 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚
next: ࿔*:・゚i. | table of contents
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THE MISSION was supposed to be simple— a quick infiltration to gather some intel and search for the Holts, maybe free a few prisoners if they had the chance. Albeit simple, the mission was still risky and Allura had decided (with much forethought) that pairing Keith and Lance together would be their course of action. A terrible choice that could have been avoided with little to no hindsight had Allura not been insistent that the paladins had to get along. That insistence, of course, was what had gotten them into that mess.
"We have to take a left! No... a right! Wait, yeah, left!" Lance vacillated through grit teeth as he and Keith looked through the corridors that surrounded them. "Well which is it?!" spat Keith while trying to pull up the map, to no avail, "we aren't getting anywhere closer to the main deck! Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you with the map!" Lance scoffed as he slapped his arm, making the map that hovered over it visible for a few seconds before fizzing out into nothingness.
"You can't even get the map out!" Lance pointed out, smacking his arm again to get a mere blip of the screen which disappeared yet again afterward, "Quiznak!" Keith let out a short, dry laugh while pressing himself against the wall of one of the corridors. "How was I supposed to know that the signal would get jammed?" Keith sighed as static and Shiro's broken speech crackled through his helmet. "At this rate, we'll get caught." Keith missed the look of fear that crossed Lance's face as Keith fiddled with the screen on his arm.
"Yeah? Well, it'll be your fault, Mullet," scowled Lance, bristling under his armor as his hands clenched into fists, shaking. Keith grit his teeth, spinning around to face Lance with newfound vexation. "Oh, my fault? That's funny coming from you," Keith hissed as Pidge's voice sputtered around his helmet in short, quick-tempered bursts. With another sigh, Keith fidgeted with the screen on his arm, ignoring Lance's piercing gaze at the side of his head. "Fuck you." Keith didn't even bother looking up, paying little heed to Lance's footsteps which grew softer with each passing second.
If Shiro had been with them, Keith was sure Lance wouldn't have been as annoying as he had been. Maybe even tolerable. But Shiro was with Pidge and Hunk, all three of which were on the side of a nearby rock formation with the camouflaged Green Lion. And had he not been with Lance, Keith knew he would have been able to navigate through the Galra base without walking into an area where all their communications were jammed. Keith grumbled curses under his breath as he tried to get the map to clear up on the screen above his arm until he heard a set of frantic footsteps.
"Keith! Keith- there's a shit ton of noise coming from over there," Lance said, stumbling against the wall with blown eyes. Keith shot Lance a look of derision— was Lance not aware of the type of mission they were on? "Great, so we know not to go that way," Keith huffed as Lance raised his hands to his head in disbelief, and had he not worn his helmet, Lance would have pinched the skin between his brows. "No, no, it's cheering, Keith," Lance clarified, expecting Keith to come to the same conclusion. "Uh, okay? Nice," Keith replied with a deadpan, "anyways, let's head away from the noise, yeah?"
Lance groaned loudly and grabbed Keith by the back of his armor, dragging him in the direction of the cheers. It wasn't until Keith had heard them that he realized the implications. "A...fighting arena..?" Keith managed to say as Lance shook his head frantically. "Keith, look, I know you're all," Lance paused to gesture at Keith, "you. But we should keep this to ourselves. If Pidge found out her family was here... who knows what she'd do." As reluctant as Keith was to agree with Lance, Lance was right. Plus, Shiro wouldn't take it well in the slightest.
"Fine," Keith replied after breaking away from Lance's grip, slapping the gauntlet on his arm to try and pull up the map for the hundredth time. "Let's go back to-" Keith stopped short at the sound of heavy footsteps heading from two of the three corridors they were at the crossroads of. "Shit." Lance shot Keith a glance before looking at the empty corridor beside them. "This way," Lance whispered, just loud enough for Keith to hear, and rushed down the corridor with echoing footsteps that blended in with the others. Just as they reached the end, however, the looming shadows of Galran druids appeared.
Lance took a sharp breath, looking back and forth until he spotted a door a few feet away. "Go, go," he screeched as softly as he could, tugging on Keith's arm frantically. Keith quickly slapped his hand on the scanner and he and Lance slipped in before shutting the door immediately. "Lock it," Lance cried as Keith twisted his palm, sighing in relief when a lock symbol appeared over the scanner. "That was way too close," grumbled Keith as he tested his comms, receiving nothing but static, "but, of course, you thought going towards the noise was a smart idea." Lance grimaced and spun around to shove a finger against Keith's chest plate.
"I told you the map said to go that way before it went, poof!" Lance spat, shoving his finger harder against Keith's armor, and pushing him back against the wall. "The soldiers and the druids being there wasn't my fault." Keith scoffed, swatting away Lance's hand with a furrowed brow. "What? Are you saying it's my fault now?" Lance cradled his chin between his thumb and his forefinger, tilting it with a sarcastic hum before nodding. "Yeah. You were the one who was rushing me earlier! If we weren't practically running to our deaths, I could have been able to memorize the route!"
"Fuck off, Lance," Keith seethed with grit teeth, shoving Lance back, making the blue paladin stumble back harshly. "Come mierda, cabrón!" Keith had no time to react when Lance shoved him back against the wall, his hand slamming against a small control panel. A sharp, almost ear-piercing, beep stopped them in their tracks, Lance paling as the wall adjacent to them slowly started to rise. Without a second to waste, Keith and Lance pulled out their bayards, transforming them and holding them tight as they awaited what would come next with anxious stares.
"What the..." "...Quiznak."
The cheers they had at some point blocked out had now hit them at full force as they scanned the arena the room had overlooked. It was filled to the brim with Galra, their fucked-up excitement piercing the air. In the middle of the arena were two aliens, one drastically larger than the other. It was heartbreakingly obvious who was going to win. The smaller of the two aliens swung their weapon feverishly, heaving as they tried to hit the larger alien. It wasn't even moments later that the alien was nothing more than a corpse. Lance felt sick to his stomach.
"Keith?! Lance?! Come in!"
Lance was dead silent as Keith gritted his teeth, fists tightening until he could feel a sharp stinging in his palms. "This is Keith...we..." Keith faltered in remembering Lance's previous warnings about telling Pidge the truth. It was all futile when the crowd erupted into cheers so deafening, that the comms had heard them loud and clear. "Is there a... a fighting ring?" Pidge's weary voice made Keith shudder and it was Lance's turn to respond. "There's no way Mr. Holt and Matt are here," Lance began while crossing his arms, "they're too smart to be put in a fighting ring of all places." Pidge let out a soft 'yeah' that made Lance and Keith frown.
The cheers of the arena were still echoing through the comms and Keith fidgeted while waiting for Shiro to break the radio silence. "I... I didn't think this place was a...a fighting ring," Shiro finally managed to say, pain audibly visible in his voice. Lance could faintly hear Hunk comforting Pidge who was tapping away at her screen and when he glanced over at the glass, another alien had been pushed out into the arena— he turned back around before he could see much more. Allura was next to speak, clearing her throat awkwardly. "Paladins...maybe we should call off this mission."
"No! We can't! The information we got said a human was being held here!" cried Pidge through a voice crack, "what if it's Matt...or- or Dad? I can't leave them here. Even if it's not them, we're the defenders of the universe aren't we?" Allura sighed as the comms went silent again, "you're right, Pidge. Paladins, continue the mission. Keith, Lance, if you find Pidge's family, bring them to the castleship immediately." Lance half-smiled yet before he could say a witty comment or flirt with Allura, the echoing voice of a Galran announcer interrupted him. The language was translated through their helmets, making both Keith and Lance grimace.
"What a fight! Seems like our reigning champion lives another day," the announcer said as laughter bled through the glass of the windows, "but now, it's time for your favorite part of the evening!" If the cheers hadn't been deafening before, they certainly were now. Keith and Lance approached the glass as the cheering died down, and the announcer chuckled. "A glorious intermission led by the only one of her kind—" Pidge let out a 'huh?', "— the charming enchantress you all know and love..." There were wolf whistles and screams of delight as some fog rolled out into the arena, blocking their sight.
"Que mierda-What the hell is happening?!"
"The marchioness..."
"How the fuck would I know?!"
"...of the Galran Empire..."
"Both of you shut up!"
"...Lady Andromeda!"
The arena went dark, a single purple spotlight falling in the middle of it. There, in the dreadful beam of light, you laid. "Guys, you might want to see this," muttered Lance, pressing a button on the side of his helmet to show the others what he was seeing. He and Keith watched as around twelve other aliens surrounded you, trembling as you raised your head from your crossed arms. The silence that had just loomed over the arena ceased when an eerie rendition of Clair De Lune resounded through it, sending chills down Lance's spine. You were on your feet now, arms raised above your head before you lowered them down gracefully to the beat of the music.
Lance's gut wrenched when you raised your leg— the metal one that consisted of just a small coil that mirrored the shape of ballet shoe ribbons and the metal 'foot' built to resemble a ballet slipper. You were a ballerina and you were dancing in the middle of a fighting arena. Lance could already see his younger cousins performing their recitals in the living room with cheap tutus, pink stockings, and no ballet slippers in sight. He could feel the smile tugging at his cheeks when his cousins would try to imitate the ballerina on the tv behind them while looking back far too often. He could hear their laughter and their stupid little jokes as they tried to be as elegant as the prima ballerina.
Yet, there you were, the pinnacle of perfection.
Lance nor Keith could take their eyes off of you, even with the frantic conversation of their teammates in their helmets discussing their next moves to save you. You didn't seem fazed by the aliens rigidly dancing around you as you twirled softly onto your toes Keith couldn't help but wonder, for a moment, what it was like to dance with a prosthetic while Lance stared at the black fabric of your tutu which glittered like the stars that shone over Varadero. While Lance started thinking of his cousins again, Keith could feel anger bubbling in the bottom of his stomach as you danced without a care in the world— you reminded him too much of Shiro.
Shiro, who pretended that he wasn't affected by the constant fights or the need to survive as 'The Champion' in the middle of space. Shiro, who came back to Earth screaming and thrashing about the Galra only to get sedated and quarantined. Shiro, whose disappearance was covered up as a failure on his and his team's behalf. Shiro...who was completely silent. "Shiro?" asked Keith, the realization of Shiro's silence settling in, "what's wrong?" Shirt let out a choked noise and Keith's breath caught in his throat, "Shiro?!" Lance turned to Keith with a furrowed brow which Keith mirrored as Shiro took deep breaths over the comms.
"I... I know her. Lady Andromeda, I- she and Zarkon watched me fight once but I didn't know she was... human."
Keith turned from the glass, walking to the corner of the room to open a private comm between him and Shiro. Before he could, however, Lance shouted. It wasn't one of contempt like it usually was between him and Keith, but a guttural one that made Keith rush back over towards the glass. "Lance, what-" Lance had clamped a hand over his mouth so tightly that Keith was concerned that Lance might inadvertently suffocate himself. But when Lance pointed shakily at the arena, Keith (sadly) immediately understood why. At your feet was an alien, its head nowhere to be found.
"What the fuck."
Lance curled in on himself, breathing heavily as Keith's eyes stayed glued to the arena, watching as you moved toward the alien behind you, its arms shakily lifting you into the air. Not even moments later, its head was gone, tumbling down into the fog. It wasn't like Keith wasn't used to such violence (war was war after all), but you looked so unfazed that it made him sick. Any pity he held for you was gone as he grit his teeth, fists clenching as he stood and watched you send more innocent aliens to their deaths. Keith tore his eyes away from the glass before his anger got the best of him, pulling Lance along with him.
"We aren't going to save her," grumbled Keith as cries of confusion rang through the comms but he stayed firm in his judgment. "She's a lost cause. She could try and save those innocent aliens but she isn't! She's probably been brainwashed by Zarkon," Keith insisted as Lance stood, flabbergasted. "B-But Keith...she's still," Lance hesitated— it wasn't like Keith was wrong but there was something about the way you were dancing. Lance's gaze floated over to the arena where you leaned into an alien's arms, mouth moving just clearly enough to make out one word: sorry. You weren't doing this willingly, you couldn't have been.
And Lance wasn't going to leave you behind.
Lance grabbed Keith's arm just as he was unlocking the door of the room they had locked themselves into, a knot in his brow. "What Lance," asked Keith exasperatedly while Lance gnawed on the inside of his lip. With a deep breath, Lance pulled Keith over to the glass, forcing him to watch as you stood amidst a ring of aliens, not a spot of blood on your dress. But your ballet slippers were soaked in blood, a sickening hue of black. You slowly sunk in on yourself, wrapping your arms around your midsection as you gracefully sat in a circle of corpses. While the Galrans cheered and whistled, you looked up in the direction of the balcony they stood in, a strained smile on your face.
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1800rue · 1 year
Keith Kogane X Reader: Fluff Alphabet
gender: gender neutral
type: fluff alphabet by @snk-warriors
acronyms: f/c = favorite color
characters: keith kogane
warnings: maybe out of character keith?
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He enjoy's any quality time you both spend together. However, you- besides Shiro, are one of the people he's really close with. So he likes to train with you and show you some new moves he could use some criticism on. He also enjoys you showing off some of your moves.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
You understand him better then anyone. That's what made him know you were on the one for him. You can contrl his anger issues and calm him down when he seems to just- go all out- if you know what I mean.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Not the best at comfort, but I headcanon (or is this canon, idk) he struggles through he's on panic attacks. Everyone has them, so there's nothing to be ashamed about. He wants you to be able to go to him when you're down or on the verge of panic attacks. He would try his best to stop you from crying, for example, rubbing your back, whispering in your ear, combing your hair with his fingers, or just holding you when you need him the most.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He just wants you to be happy. If he's with you, there's no other place he's rather be. He's travel hell and back with you if it was possible. He's basically traveled through space for/with you, so hes got that all setted.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Somewhat like Lance, he's a switch between passive and dominant. He likes to hear what you have to say and will never deny any of your ideas, unless there stupid. Then yes, he will have to take charge, but he does like to have others pitch in- sometimes.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He's a hothead. So going into this relationship with him you were bound to run into arguments here and there. He would never actually do anything to physically hurt you, but he may say something and you let it sink in for days until he apologies. He tends to say sorry at first, but leaves and doens't talk to you until he's ready. He doesn't enjoy arguing with you, but sometimes he can't help but raise his voice at you for something stupid.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He had no idea where his life was going until he laid eyes on you and actually got to know you. He felt like he had a place in the world and that would be with you through out everything. Good or bad. He is aware, how can he not be. You make sure he's eating. You make sure he's sleeping properly. That he's not overdoing it training. Taking breaks and having some time with friends and loved ones. He won't admit it in front of the others, but he sheds a tear when you do these small things for him.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He lies sometimes. And normally, you'll catch him in the lie but before you could question he's already gone. In his room, his lion, or even just out on his own somewhere. He doesn't want to lie to you because he knows youd never lie to him, but everyonee lies about something. You both know you have your personal problems, but you both want to get through those problems together.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
As said in 'G' he wouldn't know where he would be going in life if he hadn't met you. You gave him a purpose to keep fighting. He would want to try new things with you,but he would never forgive himself if he saw you hurt and he could have done something to prevent it. As said in 'H' as well, you both want to help each other overcome personal problems one step at a time.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He mostly gets jealous at Lance when he 'play-flirt' with you. This was also when you both weren't even dating yet. Yup, it was that early he was alreadt getting jealous. "Y/N. It's time for traning, get moving or I'm adding in an extra 10 mintues for the rest of the week!" Lance would notice and tease the half-Galra Paladin about, but he pushes the Cuban away. "Is someone a little bit, oh what's the word? 'Jealous~'?'" "Shut up, Lance." He tends to talk to you about his jealousy, days after the incident had happen.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
You would say he's an amazing kisser, but he says otherwise. He tenses up mid kiss, unsure when to pull away so you're normally dominant when it comes to kissing and making out. The first kiss? He made the first move at a family celebration of yours. That was also the time he confessed his feelings for you.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
-kinda answered already, but I'll add detail- It was your siblings graduation party. You invited Keith and the others, but they didn't want to intrude in your family celebration. However, you were shocked to see Keith by your doorstep. You invited him in and introduced to your family. Of course, your mother asked if you both were dating and you both blushed. You father pulled your mother away and apologized. At the end, everyone was heading home while some slept over. Keith, not wanting to intrdude any longer, pulled you outside to have a small talk with you. How your week was, if your doing okay in school. Until he watched as you were about to walk back into after your father called to help clean-up. As you turned, the Galra grabbed your wrist and turned you back toward him. Gefore you questione, he smashed his lips to yours and you were both shocked. You actully, non-intended, melted into the kiss. Moments later you pulled away for air. Keiith pants, watching you smile softly. "Is there- something you wanted to say, Mullet?" You teased, panting for air as Kaith blushed a deep red. "I-" It was written all over his face. He fell for you. Hard. And you could tell. "I-I love you, Y/N." You giggled as you pushed his bangs back and kissed his forehead, "Took ya' long enough."
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He is flustered when it came to proposing to you. You've been dating for years, he didn't want it to be taken away by a silly question. Howver, through all you've been together, meetings, all the Voltron show bizz, saving the universe, he couldn't find a time to ask you until the end of it all. This was day's after Allura's sacfrice. He found you on your balcony one starry night, looking up into space. The same place you watched the lions leave once more, ready to fight along side new Paladins. His hand was behind his back, gripping a small box as his other covered his mouth as he couched, attemping to get your attention. At first, you both talked and laughed about your pst adventures. You already missed your time as a Voltron Paladin, but in a couple of minutes, you're life was about to change forever. As you were distracted by the shooting star, Keith was able to sneak behind you and bend down on one knee. You called his name before you turned around, almost falling to the floor when you saw him on one knee with a ring box in his hand, revealing a beautful (f/c) gem in the middle of the silver metal. He promised to stay with you until the day he dies. He will never let you do anything on you're own anymore. He will be with you every step of the way. As you cheered 'YES!' and tackled your fiancé to the ground with a hug, All the others watched from the door and Lance snapped a quick picture of his friend getting attacked with kisses and hugs.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
When he's cheeky, Sweetheart.
He mostly calls you by any preferred nickname, but those two are his top pick to use for you.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He tries to hide it, but is terribly at it and accidently blurts it out durning an agrument with Lance, causing everyone to literally freeze and drop whatever they had in their hands. He didn't see anybody after that 1 afternoon until the next day. He saw Lance hand two 20's over to Pidge, who snickered at Lance's deadpanned face. Keith being in love is nothing to joke about. If he say's he loves someone, he'll be dead fucking serious. He wouldn't tell anyone if he wasn't.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He's so shy- oml. Not as shy in private though- ahem ahem. Moving on- Keith likes to hold you close while cuddling. His also likes to rub your thigh now and than, catching you off guard sometimes. He tends to hide your relationshp to others, but of he see's another person on you he'l drag you back and leave a kiss to your lips, loud and clear enough for the other perosn to see. He sends them a death glare saying 'touch them, and you die.' Plain and simple.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He respects you so much. If no body worthships the ground you step on, their nothing to him. He does everything he can to make every date night a special one. Little doesn he know, just being with him is special.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Cliché. To make you happy? Just be with you. That's all he needs to do in order to make you really happy. He can be romantic at times, while other times he's got no clue what he's doing at first and lets you to take the wheel. Don't get use to all this power though, because he's a fast learner.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
100% he believes in you. He tells you if you seriously know what your doing, he'll be your number one supporter, trailing behind you. He wants to help to the best of his ability, but if he doesn't think it's a good idea he will step in and ask you to re-think your ideas.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He would prefer for a certain routine, but he also finds it fun how excited you get when you want to try new things. He's like the black cat in the relationship while your the golden reteriver. Of course, he will never let you do anything that will, or may, get yourself killed.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He'll listen to what you need to say and try his best to give the best advice his can. However, there are sometimes where he doesn't know what to do but ask for some help from Shiro. Give him time and he'll try his best to help you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
If someone hurts you he's going full Galra. Fangs and claws are out, baby. Better start running, You're so important to him, he wouldn't know what to do without you. He never thought he'd be here, but now that your in his life he's doing everything he can to keep you in it.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
I headcanon he's hands, oher then Lances, are cold and somewhat rough. He laughs at your cute reactions when he stuffs his hands up your shirt, rubbing your bare skin. This leads to a all out tickle fight. Laughter and sceams could be heard from down the halls.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He doesn't hate it, but he would want his personal space once ina while. He also does the same for you. However, other times when you do hug him he may never let you go. You're so warm and cuddly he'll basically use you as a blanket/bed from now on.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Doesn't matter, because he's never going to lose you. If you're away on a mission, that's something else. He'll write to you when he can and smile when he finds you wrote back to him.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He. Will. Kill. For. You. Okay, too extreme. But he will try his best to do anything for you. If you need help, he'll be there in less then 2 seconds.
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First Meetings~
Voltron x reader drabble about the first time they met each other 💖💖💖 Gender neutral reader ALWAYS !
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This cheeky boi. He first laid eyes on you back at the Garrison when he saw you and Pidge talking one day at lunch in the cafeteria. Hunk and Lance came strolling in to find Pidge, presumably to bug them and mess with their current technology fixation. Before the two boys have even sat at the table, Lance has his eyebrow cocked, a smirk on his lips and a hand slowly running through his hair.
"Hey...name's Lance." He looks down at you, leaning on the table to get closer to you. You smile at him politely, unsure of his motive with such a flirty tone.
"Hi. I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." You offer him your hand to shake and your smile widens. Right then, as his hand fell into yours and you were being so nice to him (and he was lowkey admiring your smiling lips), he felt it. It was kind of like he had to throw up, but also like he wanted to run a marathon. You'd think he'd go for the ol' kiss on the back of the hand cliche, but not with you. He just stares, in awe of how cute you look. You were different...he didn't know why, but he just couldn't keep his cool around you.
"I-I like your name. Heh...uh yeah. Nice to meet you, too." He mumbles, now a shy blushing mess. Your hands parted, but he kept staring at you. You couldn't help the blush that crept up on your face as you quickly looked away from him. "Oh brother..." Pidge mumbles as they roll their eyes, still tinkering with their device. "Dude, you good?" Hunk whispers to him as he watches the awkward staring contest happening between you two.
"Uh I should...get going actually." You stand slowly, smiling at the two boys again before gently nudging Pidge's shoulder. "See ya later, Pidge." Pidge simply nods, not looking up from their current project. And with that, you quickly run off to your room to scream into a pillow because OH MY GOD WHO WAS THAT CUTIE AND WHERE HAS HE BEEN ALL YOUR LIFE??? And Lance...yeah, he just starts screaming right there in the cafeteria...in front of everyone because the boy is S T A R S T R U C K.
Aww space dad is so sweet and polite. You and Shiro met when you helped Keith rescue him when he landed back on Earth after the failed Kerberos mission. You had befriended Keith just after Shiro had disappeared and while you knew who Shiro was, you had never actually gotten the chance to meet or interact with him before you were dragging his limp body off of that medical table.
As soon as he woke up, Keith was by his side. "Shiro? Hey...how are you feeling?" Keith stood from his seat and quickly approached the bed Shiro was laying on. He sat up slowly with a groggy groan. "I'm alright." He replies softly before rubbing his eyes.
"Hey, Keith. You haven't eaten all day. Come on, why don't we-" You stop in your tracks upon seeing Shiro awake and standing slowly. You had been concerned that Keith was just rotting away in his seat waiting for Shiro to wake up, but all thoughts left your mind when you saw him. He reaches his long, strong arms above his head to stretch and you just watch, taking note of how much taller than you he is. Seeing him up close like this had your heart doing back flips. His eyes look so soft and his hair is a bit disheveled and he's smiling at you. Oh god, he's smiling at you...
"Oh, uhm. Hi. I'm (Y/N), Keith's friend." You blurt out nervously, fidgeting with your fingers. Shiro nods and holds out his hand to you. "(Y/N). Nice to know Keith is making friends. I'm-" You cut him off as you slap your hand into his, shaking it excitedly. "Shiro! Yeah, I know who you are. Everyone does." His smile becomes bashful as your eyes meet, giving you a firm hand shake. He can't find the strength to let go of you, not when you were looking at him like that, his smile growing by the millisecond. The way he repeated your name made you forget how to breathe for a second. It was like in the movies, a slow motion love-at-first-sight scene.
Keith simply raises a brow and crosses his arms as he watches you guys get lost in each other's eyes for a moment. "Uhm..." Keith's voice brings Shiro back to reality. He quickly pulls his hand away, averts his gaze and clears his throat. His once soft and lovely expression has turned more serious. "I have so much to tell you, Keith."
Let's be real...Matt TOTALLY hooked ya'll up. You were Matt's friend before you met Pidge. He was nice and funny and hella nerdy just like you. You guys just got each other. One day, he invites you over to help you with some very challenging homework because he's obviously way smarter than you and he could tell you were struggling.
You sat across from him at his family's kitchen table, your head in your hands as you sighed. "I'm gonna fail." You groan, causing Matt to chuckle. "No you won't, (Y/N). Come on, let's go over it again." You sigh and try to follow along in your textbook as he reads to you. A small figure sneaking to the cupboard catches your eye. You glance up to see who it was looking for a midnight snack. Matt stopped reading and smirked a bit. "Pidge, you better brush your teeth after you eat all that sugar." You watch the younger of the siblings turn towards you, their arms full of different candies and chocolates. "You're not the boss of me." They reply in a snarky tone, making Matt whip his head around to look at them. "I'm the oldest person in this room, that makes me the boss of both of you." Pidge simply rolls their eyes as you struggle to look away from them.
Pidge approaches you guys, slowly sliding a mars bar across the table to Matt. "Don't tell mom I'm eating sugar this late, please?" They mumble shyly as they attempt to bribe their sibling. You can't help but stare. This adorably small person with long, messy hair and tired eyes was the most gorgeous person you'd ever seen. Matt snatches the candy bar with a cheeky grin. "Only if you share with (Y/N), too."
Pidge glances over at you and sighs. "Fine. What kind do you want?" You panic, barely able to function with them standing so close. "Uh...you uh...got any Reese's?" They go to slide the candy over to you and as you reach out for it, your fingertips touch just for a second. That's all it takes for you two to make eye contact and you both become blushing messes as you both yank your hands back. The eye contact doesn't last long because Pidge is just a shy little bean, but Pidge definitely keeps glancing over at you as you reach out and pull the candy closer. You open it and take a bite, smiling a bit. "Mmm, I love peanut butter." And Pidge just can't look away now. You like peanut butter, they like peanut butter and the way your face looks as you chew. Wow, they think you're too cute.
Pidge just stares as you take another bite. The silence, at this point, is too much to bear. Finally, Matt chimes in, "Geez, Pidge, stare much?" You blush as you look up and meet their gaze. You flash them a small smile, watching them get flustered. They quickly look away and angrily snatch the candy bar from their brother's hand. "I hate you." They grumble before walking off back to their room.
"They totally like you. Oh ho ho! I'm never letting this go." Matt snickers as your face grows more red.
Baby boy met you after you were rescued from a galra prison. Pidge, of course, needed to search every cell for her father and brother and they stubbled upon you, dirty, weak and starving. You looked exhausted but hopeful. Pidge calls for some help in getting you and the others in your cell back to the castle. At this time, Keith was much too busy being the protector to really help you all escape.
Once back at the castle, all the others who were held captive with you were doing fine, but you were in much worse shape. The galra seemed to really despise humans so you were thrown in the ring to fight and man handled the most. Bruises littered your body, scrapes and dry blood painted your face. You had a hard time even making it off the galra ship and to the castle, so Shiro and Allura thought it would be best to put you in a healing pod.
It wasn't long before all the paladins were surrounding your pod, wondering how another human ended up all the way out here in the hands of the galra. Finally, as the pod begins to opens, the group goes silent as they watch you. "Someone better grab them. Last time I did, Allura nearly ripped my poor ear off." Lance shoves his hands in his pockets. "Don't look at me! They're like twice my size!" Pidge protests, their arms crossed now. "Guys-" Keith tries to intervene. "Just do it, Lance." Pidge argues and suddenly, the blue and green paladins are full blown shouting at one another. As Shiro tries to deescalate their fight, Keith notices that your eyes are still closed, but you're slowly leaning forward. He jumps forward to catch your weak body before you nearly face plant. You fall into his arms with a grunt, slowly opening your eyes.
"Hmm? Where...where am I?" You ask the boy holding you, his eyes looking deep into yours. "You're uh...We're uh..." Keith just couldn't come up with any words as his pretty purple eyes bore into yours and your hands clutched the sleeves of his jacket. Your lips began to stretch into a shy smile as he slowly came down to his knees, still cradling you in his arms (lmao bonding moment <3). He gently rests you on the ground, nearly scrambling to get away from you and back to his feet. You look around at the others, a confused look on your face. As Allura begins to explain where you are and who they all are, Keith is just staring at you down on the ground. He rubs his arms where your hands were just resting, a blush quickly tinting his entire face and neck. If God is real, Keith is pretty sure he just met them.
You stand slowly, feeling tired but better than before. "Wow, no way I was saved by the paladins of Voltron. Cool!" You smiled brightly as you clasped your hands together behind your back. "Uh, sorry. I'm (Y/N)." You look around the group as they all begin telling you their names. When your eyes landed on Keith, his eyes went wide with embarrassment. "Keith..." He mumbles shyly, making your stomach drop. "Thanks for catching me, Keith." You watch as he looks down at his shoes, his long dark hair covering his beet red face. You are so damn cute, what the hell? He's never felt this way before and neither have you. The way his name rolled off your tongue made him want to punch something, but also made him want to cry? He is such a dense guy, but something about you softened him just a bit that day.
You and Hunk met back at the Garrison. Lance was no doubt out trying to impress some cute pilot while Pidge sat up on the roof, looking for signs of their brother and father. So, that left Hunk to go on a mission of his own. It was late, far past curfew, but when your stomach is grumbling you decide to sneak into the cafeteria in hopes of finding a late night snack. It was dark and quiet as you tip toe through the halls, constantly looking over your shoulder for anyone who might catch you. As you scurry into the kitchen, you slowly open the large industrial sized fridge. The light from the fridge illuminates the room around you and as you look back once again to check for anyone who might catch you, you nearly yelp as your eyes meet Hunk's. He's sitting up on the counter with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon, his eyes wide when he sees you.
"Geez, you scared me" You both whisper in unison. The way the dim light lit up his cute chubby face had you seeing stars. There was a bit of peanut butter on the corner of this mouth and his cheeks were turning red as he stared at you. He couldn't see much detail with the way the light was shining behind you, but just the way you were standing with your hands behind your back and the way your voice sounded tired and the way you wouldn't tear your eyes off of him. Boy was whipped. "I-if you tell anyone about this-" You whispered before he jumped down from the counter to get a closer look at you. "No, its okay. I come in here all the time after curfew. It'll be our little secret."
Now that he's this close, he can see the color of your hair and the shape of your jaw and the curve of your smiling lips. You looked back and forth between his kind eyes and the jar of peanut butter in his hand, your heart racing. "You...want some?" He holds the jar out to you and you shake your head. "Uh no thanks. I was looking for something salty like chips or something." And before you can finish your sentence, he's opening cupboards to help you find a good salty snack. You watch him for a moment before you realize your heart is POUNDING in your chest. He was so...big. Not that you mind that, you just couldn't help but wonder how warm and comforting his hugs must be.
"Ah ha! Hope you like salt and vinegar chips." He turns to hand you the bag, a bright smile plastered across his tan face. You took the bag from his hand and nodded. "You really know your way around the kitchen, huh?" Your voice is still soft, just above a whisper. He lets out a soft laugh as he nods his head. "I mean...I'm not trying to brag, but I do whip up a mean apple pie. Do you...like pie?" He watches as you stare up at him. He wanted to look away because we all know Hunk is a shy babe, but he really loved the way your hair was messy right now and the way you looked at him made his knees feel weak. "Apple is my favorite pie." And at that, you're both full blown smiling at each other.
"I'm (Y/N)." You offer him your hand and he's quick to grab it, shaking it gently. "Hunk." He lets your hand go, but he wishes the contact would never end. Your hand was so cold in his and now he was picturing you two cuddled up in bed, his warm body bringing you comfort. You both stood in a comfortable silence for just a moment before you both hear talking and footsteps coming from the hallway.
"Goodnight, Hunk!" You whisper shout before taking off back towards your room. He watched you scurry off, not even worried about getting caught right now. He couldn't look away, not when you had just said his name so soft and panicked.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He sighs dreamily.
You met the princess during a mission in which team Voltron had to sneakily board a galra ship in order to deactivate a weapon that would soon be used to try and capture their precious lions. The galra were using you to their advantage- you were a weak human but you were feisty and a decent fighter so they forced you to protect and serve them and, in return, you were treated a bit better than the other prisoners.
As sirens blare in the ship, you run to where you were told to go. You were simply following orders. As you quickly round the corner, your body SLAMS into another, sending you both falling back on your butts. You quickly regain your footing and reach for your dagger before realizing the hard collision of your bodies sent it flying off in another direction. As the other figure stands, you lift your hands and take a wide-legged stance, ready to fight with your bare hands. Before the fighting began, the tall woman in front of you takes off her helmet, making you nearly gasp. "A human?' She asks, her eyes wide. Your hands fell back to your sides as you watched her. She was so tall and pretty. Did you just die and go to heaven because you are so sure she's an angel.
You shake your head to regain clarity and raise your fists again. "Yeah, and who the hell are you?" She steps closer to you, her hands up in a nonthreatening way. "I'm Princess Allura, I am with Voltron. How did you end up here? Why are you working for the galra?" You blink in shock, your hands once again falling to your sides. "Voltron?" You repeat, realizing this could be your savior. "The galra are keeping me here, forcing me to work for them. I-" She cuts you off by grabbing your hand and leading the way. As you run along behind her, you're quick to grab your dragger off the floor and return it to it's sheath on your hip.
You couldn't help but let your eyes wonder the back of her figure, admiring her long legs and slender fingers wrapped around yours. Your hand was sweating but not as much as your face was. This beautiful lady was rescuing you after you nearly punched her just seconds ago. You simply followed along as the rest of the team took out the weapon and soon returned back to the castle.
Once back at the castle, you introduce yourself, explain your situation and sheepishly apologize for making their mission harder. "Well, I'm glad you're here, (Y/N). If the galra were utilizing your talents then I'm sure we can make good use of you, too." The way your name sounded on her voice made your mouth dry. You gulp nervously, staring up at her bright blue eyes. "Y-yeah. I'm glad I'm here too, Princess." She smiles sweetly at you, causing both of you to blush slightly. For just a moment, everything else disappears and it's just you and her, eyes locked, lips slowly turning up into a smile, cheeks growing more and more red. She realizes that the moment is becoming awkward and tense so she looks over to the others, noticing their smirks. They all knew you two were falling for each other. "Well then...are you hungry?" She asks you before glancing at you once more. "Starving." You reply softly before following the team to the dinning room.
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Hello! :D I know it’s a silly question..but i was playing sims(as one does) and I wondered if you had any hcs of the paladins interior style? Like what colors (not only their signature I guess)and type of furniture? What type of home/apartment?I’d appreciate the help! Have a nice day!
okay absolutely have not had mental capability for like anything creative but I’ve also started a job in real estate so interior design make me go brrrrrrrr lately-
Shiro I feel like is either really plain and like necessities only or really homely. Like he either has the most basic cheap couches and tables and chairs and like, the plain white plates you can by at Walmart for like 10 bucks (you know the ones) and all the walls are just whatever color the previous owners/renters had them as so he has a random light pink room, a green room, etc. OR OR OR you walk in and get smacked in the face by comfort, like he has knick knacks and pictures and random antiques littering every surface, he has a china cabinet with the fancy dishes, he has a cabinet dedicated to coffee mugs and like only two of them match cause the rest of that set broke ages ago, all the other Paladins have their own designated mug, like it’s never specified but like, you KNOW the teal one with the cow that god knows where came from is Kieths, and that’s just how it works. I don’t think he has a specific color pallet bc it’d depend on like what the house looks like, and it’s either minimalistic or the vibe of the house.
Kieth has an apartment, his bed is on the floor, the only reason he has a couch is because Lance and Hunk just showed up with it one day and left it there. His cabinets are boxed Mac and cheese and canned beans, he uses paper plates/bowls and plastic cups/silverware, and there’s only like two pictures in the whole place, one of him and the other Paladins (and Allura and Coran) and one of him, his mom, and Kosmo. He’s not much of a stay in one place type so he doesn’t have a lot BUT if he were to decide to settle and make a home it’d have a garage, a huge backyard, and enough space for any and all of the Paladins to visit, and let’s face it, Lance probs did most of the decorating, as long as Keith has a place to sleep he doesn’t really care much what it looks like.
Lance is Aesthetic™️ and you can’t change my mind. He’s full on redecorating his house for every single holiday, his attic is a maze of shit only he knows how to navigate. His kitchen is probs black and white with a pretty accent color and his dishes all match the kitchen color scheme, like the fancy ones with the swooshy designs, ya know? So. Many. Throw pillows. Lol. Has pictures of his family and the paladins everywhere, along with various pieces of art. Walking in is like stepping in a magazine but at the same time feels so comforting.
Hunk plants everywhere. I don’t know how to explain it, but he’s a total plant dad. His kitchen is immaculate, the kind of place you love to hang out in, also has mismatched mugs bc he likes to collect them from places he’s gone and it’s a go to gift for him. I think he has a bunch of books on everything from How To guides to the entire Riordanverse. Tools scattered everywhere and various projects littering almost every surface. Has a blanket his grandmother knitted him draped over his couch. Random Voltron merch everywhere bc he can’t help himself when he sees it.
Pidge is either a clean freak with a perfectly put together house (as long as you don’t open those drawers) or it’s a fuckin mess and a half with a walking trail from one room to the next but otherwise there’s no way in hell. Also has projects literally everywhere, collections of random space tech, we’re not gonna question it. Probs a fairly monotonous place, lots of whites and greys, has an entire bookshelf for family pictures and sentimental things but aside from that, it’s the house of a scientist. Has a plush green lion on her couch. Has two perfectly cleared out mostly untouched guest bedrooms in case her family or any of the paladins visit.
~Admin Rori💜
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rainytomorrows · 9 months
Hunk x GN!reader | Leaping for Love Letters
Hey, y'all! I have had no willpower to write my ao3 fics, so I thought I'd throw up a cute little one-shot. I've had violent Hunk brain rot for a while now, so I made him ANOTHER fic. He totally deserves it. Enjoy! Gender neutral as always. (1,995 words)
Letters had begun showing up from under your door. Beautiful colored envelopes closed with cute little stickers. Though, miraculously, whenever you opened the door to check who had sent them the hallway would always be hauntingly barren. A particular silence overtook it each time as you’d return to your room to read them. The paper was always decorated in a way that pertained to you. A faded print of your favorite flowers in the back, a pretty color you liked, never dull white paper. They read like old-time poets and Hozier songs, yearning dearly for you in such a beautifully worded way you couldn’t do anything but wonder who sent it. Realistically, there were only three people who could be sending these. Unless one or more of them were in cahoots with some alien and indirectly handing these off to you. You continued to sit on your bed, thinking of each and every possibility. Any singular way that it could be anyone but Hunk.
It’s not that you didn’t want it to be him, you dearly hoped so. There were just risks with getting your hopes up. You were stuck in space with him- with everybody. Making things awkward would be so much worse.
The endless cycle of overthinking was killing you. Who could it be? It ate at you nightly like a dog gnawing on a bone. A deep part of you seemed to find hints that didn’t truly exist, the same part that hoped desperately that it was Hunk behind the correspondence. You’d wake up in the mornings wishing, and spend waking nights hoping. Though with no hope, as every night that the letters came in there seemed to be no trace leftover. You were one letter away from performing high-level espionage.
Then came the fateful afternoon, you were reading another letter when you heard a knock at the door. Setting aside the letter you called out, “Come in!” and Pidge walked their way into the room. They could see a particular air around you, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside you. Having solved many problems on the ship with Hunk, they began to notice whenever someone was trying to mentally figure something out. Seeing this they moved from the other side of the room to sit next to you.
“Whatcha thinkin' about?” Pidge questioned, their usual voice quirk raising at the end of the sentence. Their head in their hands as their legs dangled off of the bed beside you. “Well,” You hesitated, unsure whether or not to bring Pidge into this. “I’ve been receiving what seems to be love letters, and I have no idea who is sending them.” You admitted, picking up the said letter and handing it to Pidge. “…Do you have someone you hope it is?” Pidge asked, almost seeming as if to interrogate. You turned your head a little, looking off in thought. “…Maybe”
The two of you talked for a while, you had some unshakeable feeling that they knew more than they let on but you tried not to test it. Ever since the letters started you were suspicious enough of everything as is, it’d be best not to jump to suspect any single person you talk to as some sort of accomplice to the letters.
Pidge had talked with you every so often, but not all of the time. It almost seemed obvious, but at the same time, it could just be your predisposed hopes. The letters were loving and well thought out. They had attention to detail and were tooth-rotting-ly sweet. The only people on the ship around your age were Hunk, Keith, and Lance. High hopes on the former, Hunk. Keith was too much of an edge lord. Sure he could have a soft side, and maybe you were being judgemental, but the letters just did not seem his style. Not to mention, the way they were written just seemed too, intricate, for Lance. He was flirtatious for sure and you could see him writing daily letters way easier than you could see Keith doing it, but something told you any love letter written by Lance would be a lot less formal and a lot more amorous.
Then again- what if Hunk was simply helping them write their letters? That would be a real punch in the gut. Or back to an earlier suspicion- what if an alien you met on another planet was simply getting these letters delivered to you? You relayed memories, trying to remember any alien that was any sort of a romantic. Admittedly there weren’t many you could think of, but it still wasn’t a crossed-off possibility. Hunk seemed more the type for these kinds of letters, but the concept of it was stuck behind a mental jail cell. That possibility entirely depended on him even liking you back. The concept seemed too foreign. The idea that a guy such as him, a total catch, had reciprocated such feelings. Not only regularly, but to the degree to send secret letters and on occasion even well thought gifts alongside them. It was unthinkable. He was amiable and adorably friendly to you- but that didn’t mean squat. I mean, he was friendly to most people. He was a nice guy. You had no right to assume based on just that. Sure you were also a total catch, and no doubt incredibly attractive. Though still, with any crush there’s a sense of doubt.
Days dragged on and hints grew thin, you had no real valid proof or reason. At this point, it wasn’t far-fetched to imagine you hanging up a corkboard littered with pins and string in your room. The same way they do when they solve mysteries in the movies. Letters stockpiled within your desk, notes in journals. You were desperate to find who was sending them, in the same breath desperate for the author to be Hunk.
More weeks passed and no closer. It was a Saturday, and by the time noon had shown itself on your clock nearly all you did all day was try and figure out who was writing you. By now, everything about their handwriting down to the exact way they dot their i’s was memorized. The way they spoke, their mannerisms. Exhausted, you dramatically sat up from your chair. Cracking your back, stretching your arms and legs. It was time for a break. You fixed yourself a snack and roamed the halls, whoever you spotted first you’d likely try and join them out of boredom. Taking miscellaneous sips of your drink whilst looking into any doorway you came across.
On your way, you cross Hunk’s room. The door was left open but he wasn’t there. Strange. You were about to leave when a pile of various colors spot your eye. It was a pile of cute decorative paper. Similar to the ones used for the letters you were receiving. Next to it, the same cute envelopes you always found them in. And a sticker book, the ones they always got closed with. Next to all this, a piece of cute paper with an unfinished letter. Was this the final hint? Was it truly him? Not yet, you told yourself. One more hint though, one more sign, and you might just lose it. Finally, you leave without poking around too much. Continuing your journey to find people.
Just your luck you finally spot some people, it just happened to be Pidge and Hunk problem-solving at a blackboard. There had been some issues with the ship that Allura and Coran couldn’t figure out. It was very minimal, but nipping things like this in the bud was always good. You sat yourself down before taking a good look at the board, leaning back in your chair and asking Pidge what was going on. Hunk was busy on the blackboard writing down some equations alongside some notes to try and solve the aforementioned issues.
“Well, there are some navigation issues and general glitches. Doors won’t close when they’re supposed to, the food machine is being weird again, and on top of all that the map seems to be-” They didn’t even get a chance to finish their sentence before you suddenly spat out your drink, hopping out of your chair and running towards the board. Your gaze shot back and forth between him and the board fervently, placing your drink and snack down to run a lap around the room. Once you were done you returned to him, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him in excitement.
“I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT!” You shouted eagerly, spinning around and pumping a fist in the air. Part of you wanted to stop- to think of what other explanation there could be for the similar handwriting. All silenced by your overflowing joy at the possibility of it realistically being him. “What? Knew what??” He asked confused, unsure what about his equation could be sparking this sort of revelation in you. “YOU’RE THE ONE WRITING ME ALL THE GODDAMN LETTERS!” You exclaimed vehemently, throwing your hands up before gesturing at the board. “I’ve been studying them this whole time! All day every day! I’ve memorized the handwriting, it’s the same! The same way you dot your i’s, the same way you write your a’s, it’s identical!!!” You laid out your observations. Unaware of how crazy you sounded. “You uh,” He started nervously, a light blush only further proving any point you had. “You memorized my handwriting that- acutely?” He questioned, impressed with the dedication you had clearly put forth. You were unsure from your perspective how he felt, however. “Well, yes.” You began, now a lot less energetic and confident than before. “I uh, I really wanted it to be you.” You backed off a little, unsure of how to read his expression.
“I TOLD YOU!” Pidge responded for him, also jumping from their seat now. “I TOLD YOU THEY WERE TOTALLY INTO YOU! BUT ‘NOOOO THERE’S NO WAY’!” Pidge asserted. As it turned out, Pidge was in on it the whole time. Pidge delivered all of the letters, and while they had no input on what went into the letters they were deadset on it working. Absolutely sure that the two of you were uselessly pining for each other. Hunk was a blushing mess, hand on the nape of his neck while he tried to gather his words.
It seemed Pidge had enough of this, as before he could successfully do so they were pushing y’all out the door and shutting it. Not without struggle, as they still hadn’t fixed the doors, but they did so. You were stuck, also without words, with the man you had only now learned had reciprocated feelings for you.
“GO ON A DATE ALREADY!!” Pidge shouted, muffled by the door they had just managed to shut. Leaving you alone without any sort of plan to follow up with. Or your food. Hunk turned to you slowly, clearly also unsure of what to say. Until he noticed at the same time you did that your food was stuck in there.
“How about for our first date,” He began, gaining your full attention. You were so alluring, he choked on his words for a minute before gaining the ability to speak again. “I cook you some more food to make up for the stuff you lost in there?” He offered, hands shaking and face going red. “I’d love that.”
Y’all hung out in the kitchen for a while, him cooking and you giving the rundown on all the notes you took on the letters. An impressively long conversation in that regard. He returned it by mentioning the work it took to find all your favorite things. Your favorite flowers, colors, snacks, and interests. All the things he mentioned and used in his letters.
The two of you started out starstruck, and as you started to date that never seemed to go away. ♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡ Hope you enjoyed it! I had a lot of fun writing it, lord knows I'm a sucker for big strong men with a soft spot. I just know he could throw me around like a paperweight and would totally care about you. What else do you need in life? Anyhow, have a good day/night, and a great life!!
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hello my little creme soda cans,
I JUST HAD TO HOP ON HERE AND SAY that im watching voltron and im so obsessed and immediately agree that we need more voltron moots to revive the fandom
so yeah if you have voltron requests... send em through 🧚‍♂️💛
okay cool have a good day/night xx
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This is my Masterlist, please look at ‘The Rules’ before requesting.
My Hero Academia Izuku Midoriya Denki Kaminari Katsuki Bakugou Hitoshi Shinsou Eijirou Kirishima Mezo Shoji Shouta Aizawa Hizashi Yamada
Seraph of the end Mikaela Hyakyua Yuuichiro Hyakyua Shiho Kimizuki Yoichi Saotome Shinoa Hiragi Guren Ichinose
Fruits Basket Kyo Sohma Momiji Sohma Hatsuharu Sohma Yuki Sohma Tohru Honda Hatori Sohma Ayame Sohma
Voltron: Legendary Defender Lance McClain Keith Kogane Takashi Shirogane Katie “Pidge” Holt Tsuyoshi “Hunk” Garrett
Demon Slayer Inosuke Hashibira Zenitsu Agatsuma Tanjiro Kamado
Sword Art Online Kazuto “Kirito” Kirigaya Eugeo Tsuboi “Klein” Ryoutarou Alice Synthesis Thirty
The Disastrous Life of Saiki. K Kusuo Saiki Riki Nendou Shun Kaidou Aren Kuboyasu
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Edward Elric Alphonse Elric Roy Mustang
Stranger Things Eddie Munson Steve Harrington Robin Buckley Argyle Nancy Wheeler Jonathan Byers
NON X READER ONLY Dustin Henderson Erica Sinclair Jane ‘Eleven’ Hopper Max Mayfield Mike Wheeler Lucas Sinclair
The Walking Dead Daryl Dixon Glenn Rhee Maggie Rhee/Greene Michonne Hawthorne Paul ‘Jesus’ Rovia Tara Chambler Negan Smith Eugene Porter Enid Carl Grimes
The Umbrella Academy Viktor Hargreeves Klaus Hargreeves Five Hargreeves
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just-my-fandom · 3 years
Could we possibly get some Paladin dating HC's? (with your choice of characters)
Date started; January 15, 2021
Date posted; January 28, 2021
Oof, I haven’t written for them in such a long time. Might be a little rusty. I did my main three favorites, Keith, Pidge and Hunk. Xx
We’re finally getting things posted, folks.
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You and Keith met before the paladins were put together.
Went through the Garrison together; both hotheads- and somehow you both clicked
Maybe it’s cause you both got a punch out of James Griffin
When the team was brought together and Allura and Coran started training everyone, you and Keith would share looks of dread.
The team didn’t even know you two were together tbh
Lance found out first ofc
He’d run into Keith’s room to wake him up to go to the upside down pool or something
And find you and Keith both in Keith’s bed
Lances first reaction is shouting at you and waking you up, you confused and drowsy while Keith is just irritated for getting woken up,
Keith quickly realizes you don’t have a shirt on
Protect Keith where he pulls you against him and demands Lance to leave in the next five seconds
The team lets you hear it at breakfast
“Since when was this happening?” -Pidge
“Since before we even knew you existed,” -You
“Okay, not completely surprised. You’re literally different genders of each other,” -Hunk
“I thought you guys were siblings,” -Lance, while face palming
The team then realizes that the way Keith is protective over you isn’t just friendship
When you find out Keith is part Galra, you honestly aren’t phased,
“This doesn’t bother you?” -Keith
“Should it?” -You
You meeting Krolia and getting along instantly
“What do you see in him?” -Krolia
“Honestly, idk,” -You
“I’m literally right here,” -Keith
When the team sets down on Earth, you and Keith don’t really have anyone to come home to besides the Commander
(Your family left you on your own at a young age. Another reason why you get along with Keith)
You, Keith and James all making up
James teasing about how you and Keith finally getting together
Ofc Keith gets jealous once you and James become actual friends
“Babe, it’s only you,” -You
Once Earth is saved, you and Keith get a place together and just settle on it being just you two
Plus Kosmo ofc
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You met Pidge when the Paladins were brought together
You figured out pretty quickly that Pidge was indeed a female
You promised to keep it secret until she was ready to out the rest of the team ofc.
Y’all didn’t realize your feelings for one another until one of you almost died on a mission
After that, you both struggle with separation anxiety for each other
While it’s cute you guys are always at the hip, it can get annoying sometimes when they need one of you specifically for a part of a mission
You meet her family when you all touch down to Earth.
Pidges mother is already in love with you.
Matt just loves the fact that he basically has two sisters now
Her dad is happy as long as Pidge is happy
You both definitely cry tears of joy when Zarkon is defeated.
Hug each other for hours.
Once Earth is saved, you and Pidge get an apartment together.
Stealing Pidges glasses although they fuck up your vision
The cute shit you know?
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You and Hunk grew up together.
Went to the Garrison together, got lost in space together, you know the drill.
It takes a lot of time to get you two to actually start dating.
You’re worried your mental health will break you two apart after being away from home for so many years
He’s worried of being rejected and losing your friendship of over ten years.
You don’t actually start “dating” until Hunk finds you homesick, and one thing leads to another and you’re kissing.
Lots of teary giggles in that moment.
“Wait, you like like me?”
“Yes, Hunk, I like like you,”
You and Hunk cook together. Him meals and you sweets.
You get low key jealous when Hunk tells you about Shay.
“You’re not gonna ditch me for her, are you?”
“Babe, no one can replace you,”
His mother is ecstatic when she finds out you’re together
“Dios mio, finally!!” [Oh my god]
Hunk proposes to you literally during battle.
“Y/N, if we make it out of here, Imma marry you,”
“Are you seriously proposing right now?”
“Guess we gettin’ married then,”
You do. Like literally two weeks after battle.
Y’all would have cute kids no joke.
Okay I’m done.
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pretty-setter-bois · 3 years
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request; The paladins headcanon reaction to started dating their crush and it’s been like 2 weeks and maybe like they’re both just doing something together and s/o with the straightest face ever says: “oh my god… you’re so cute…”?
summary; fluffy shenanigans with the paladins of voltron.
word count; 822™
warnings; none.
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shiro is a very straight forward man
but there are times where he may lose his composure
so when you accepted his proposal (to date) he was the happiest man alive
he was still getting used to calling you his and enjoying your company
so during the times that he’d review battle plans
you’d join and help
and this one time you were helping him with the notes
you recommended he take a break after working for so long
when he comes back, he finds all the work done
even a cute little note heh
‘don’t over work yourself <3’
he had a little blush on his face
and it was one of those moment where he realized you were dating
and he just
squeezed the life out of you
‘thank you’
‘what for?’
‘for being you, for being mine’
literally the ceo of antisocial
let’s be real here, you probably asked him out
he got all flustered (like the red lion flustered) and almost said no
lance was def in the back yelling something like ‘say yes, idiot!’
anyways, theres two things he’s overprotective over.
one: you
two: his belongings
one time he was training
and you being you, took the chance to come and see him
he didn’t notice you when you came in, so you sat on the bench to wait
you wear his jacket
he finished training after a while
he catches a glimpse of you in his jacket
at first he’s confused
he’s sure you must have bought another one to match his
but then he goes to grab his
it’s gone
he looks at you
you look at him
‘is that… my jacket?’
‘oh, uh, yeah. i was waiting for you, and i don’t know why i wore it, but i’ll give it back.’
you begin to take it off and he stops you
‘n-no. keep it.’
he even zips it up to your chin, and you look even cuter than before
you look up at him, confused
‘cute. i-i mean, y-you. you’re… cute.’
we all know resident lover boy has tried every trick in the book to get you to date him
every trick
but every time, something had to go wrong
or you wouldn’t understand
so when you asked him out, he had to back track a little
‘w-wait, really? y-you, want to date… m-me?’
long story short he began to run around the castle on pure adrenaline but got lost and got tired
anyway, lance sometimes forgets you’re dating — or it seems too good to be true
and he just can’t get used to your cute little gestures
one time, when coran had dragged him off to help him clean the cryopods, you offered to come with
coran said he was going to get more cleaning supplies, and left you two
you began to clean — to which lance payed no mind — and somehow got your towel stuck above the cryopod
so, you nervously approach lance
tug on his sleeve (and your hand stays there)
and mumble something about your towel
although you can’t see his face, he’s blushing because he can’t believe how cute you are
he hands you the towel, and you shyly thank him
‘um… huh?’
‘you, you’re really… cute.’
‘oh. thanks.’
and then you smile
and lance isn’t sure how to keep it together
i feel like he would worship the land you walk on if you dated
he gets such an ego boost once he remembers that you’re dating
‘yes, my s/o is that absolutely good-looking person over there. need anything?’
he’s very respectful of boundaries though, and won’t hesitate to try and make you feel better if you’re feeling down
he’d find everything you do cute, to be honest
his reaction would always be the same,
bear hug
wide smile
‘you’re so cute!’
and it would instantly make you feel better :)
she’s not very romantic
it’s always slipped her mind, really
until it came to you
it felt like you were the first person that understood her, besides matt
you would always find her in her lab
help her out with experiments
and you soon began dating
anyway, you were helping her out in her lab again one day
and she said she had to grab something from coran
and left you
you decided to try and understand her experiments
so you looked at the open books and beakers and her laptop
you end up getting what she needed to finish it, and did it for her
she comes back, defeated because coran didn’t have what she needed
you show her the experiment
she instantly perks up
‘you… finished the experiment?’
‘well, of course.’
‘you… you’re… cute.’
‘oh… thanks. you too.’
awkward mess of a tech whiz and science nerd
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makeitcanoncowards · 4 years
The Coward’s Voltron Masterlist
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Here is a collection of Voltron writings I’ve done!  I’ve run out of voltron requests so if you have anything you want to see send in a request!! 
| The Big Ol’ Masterlist | Ao3 | ko-fi  <><><><>
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[no imagines yet! Check him out in the headcanons list!] 
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Battle Klances:  [fluff, platonic reader] 
Keith and Lance have both convinced themselves they are in love with Y/n, but maybe they are just looking at the wrong person 
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Battle Klances: [fluff, platonic reader] 
Keith and Lance have both convinced themselves they are in love with Y/n, but maybe they are just looking at the wrong person 
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Chocolate Chip Couples Therapy:  [fluff] 
Hunk and Y/n are trying to have a relaxing day baking, but something always comes up
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Hologram Roses:  [fluff]
Y/n asks Pidge to visit her in the greenhouse, and Pidge is rightfully freaking out! 
General Headcanons:
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Paladins w/ a SO who Can’t Sing:  [fluff] 
Headcanons for Paladins+Allura
Jealous Paladins: [fluff, jealousy] 
Headcanons for paladins dealing with jealousy. 
The Youngest Paladin:  [cute, platonic reader] 
What happens when you’re the youngest member of Team Voltron
Friends to Lovers: [fluff]
It takes a little time, but once you find out you’re in love with your childhood best friend you have to tell them immediately.
Another revamped Fandom Masterlist!  I started calling myself The Coward for some reason but i like it so~
Let me know if you want to be tagged for voltron posts! 
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quadballz · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ the paladins of voltron have finally found another human-
but she seems to be much happier over the idea of not going back to earth.
𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 © PLANXTAS ༊*·˚ 𝐯𝐥𝐝 © j. dos santos, l. montgomery ༊*·˚
table of contents:
I. 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚
up to date version: click here ༊*·˚
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multi-fandom-asks · 4 years
Relationship head cannons with the Paladins please ☺️
here you go, my dear! enjoy! (as always, I’m including Shiro, Allura, Keith, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge)
s h i r o 🖤
never, ever takes his partner for granted
he’s been through so much, and has lost even more, and he’s going to cherish every little moment he has with the love of his life
always the gentleman
holds the door open, buys flowers, never forgets an annverisary or birthday, and holds out his hand or arm when they’re getting out of the car or down the stairs
he’s also pretty touchy
he especially loves putting his hand on the small of his lover’s back
pet names; oh so many pet names
love, sweetheart, doll, honey, baby
very affectionate and considerate
wakes up in the morning and just admires their partner silently
the best person to cuddle up with and just talk for hours
he’s just an amazing boyfriend, okay?
k e i t h ❤️
fairly bashful at first, definitely a little awkward, but he couldn’t be more genuine in his intentions and feelings
super cuddly - and this only strengthens as he grows more comfortable in the relationship
very protective of his partner, and he has to learn to let go a little bit so he doesn’t become overbearing
he obviously is flawed; with his short temper, sharp tongue, and impulsiveness, he needs someone with patience, but not pity
he may have trouble expressing it but he couldn’t be more thankful to have found his soulmate
finds romance in the most ordinary of tasks
sneak ups behind them and plant kisses on their shoulder when they’re cooking or doing dishes
road trips late at night, just listening to music and basking in each other’s company
the goodest boi
l a n c e 💙
always happy to take his lover on extravagant dates
his favorites are theatrical performances and strolls in scenic spots
again, plenty of pet names
usually babe, baby, gorgeous, or terms of endearment in Spanish such as mi corazon (my heart), mi amor (my love), or novia/novio (sweetheart)
always speaks in Spanish to turn his partner on
he can be such a tease
but he’s really such a good-hearted, supportive, and sweet guy
serenading their lover
his voice is like a gentle stream, just so calming and appealing
kisses, kisses, kisses
A+ boyfriend and ceritfied sweetie pie
h u n k 💛
so? gentle? and? loving?
always supports his partner, no matter what, he’s got their back
cooks for them - all the time
loves to spoil them and let them know that they’re cherished
he wants to express his love in lots of sweet, little gestures and it is guaranteed that his partner will just absolutely melt
very playful and giggly; loves to laugh until his stomach hurts
loves subtle displays of physical affection, like having their lover latch onto his arm when they’re walking, or slipping their hand into his
always the most calming and levelheaded person ever when comforting his partner
snuggles! endless snuggles!
buys his lover gifts whenever he can, and he likes to hide them around the house for them to find
he is actually the sweetest boyfriend ever
a l l u r a 💖
always so proud and grateful to have her lover as her partner, feels like the luckiest woman in the galaxy
thinks of them whenever she’s away; and always misses them terribly
but their reunions are the cutest thing in the world
she has so many stories to tell and loves to tell her partner tales of her travels
never fails to take her lover’s breath away with her beauty (and she’s always just as smitten for her partner)
loves to cuddle, she’s very physically affectionate
she prefers the position of little spoon but her height can make it tricky
but she’s just happy to cuddle
very adventurous and curious about everything regarding the universe; loves nothing more than to explore what’s around her with her partner
a stellar girlfriend
p i d g e 💚
she’s so adorable and it just makes her partner melt
stays up all night playing video games with them
piggyback rides when she’s tired
puts her glasses on her partner and playfully tells them they look super smart
quite the jokester
so casual and easy to be around, just someone to relax with
puns. just...so many puns (Lance really has rubbed off on her)
the best person to snuggle - she’s so tiny that it works out perfect!
playing with the space floofs together
always just a blast to be around, and even more so to date
- mod Aoi 🌺
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I live for active VLD blogs
anyways I love your writing style! could i please request going with the paladins on a space walk and admiring space and telling g each other they love them? preferably she/her pronouns but they/them is fine and thank you :)
HELLO ANON 😏 thank you so much for requesting! So, I only write x readers as gender neutral and with they/them pronouns. I just want anyone and everyone who reads my writing to be able to imagine themselves in the story, regardless of their gender or lack there of. I also try not to add any detail about skin color/race, weight, height, ect. I just want to be as inclusive as possible! Thanks for understanding and I hope you enjoy 💖
Ps: I only included the main 5 paladins cuz this was getting soooo long and I wanted to finish this in one day!
It was a nice day off for you, rare but greatly appreciated. You’re happy that your day will be calm and stress free, but…you’re kind of bored. Besides training, what else was there to do with yourself? Just as you’re racking your brain with ideas of what you can do with all your free time, you hear a knock at your door. You’re quick to jump up from bed and open it, your favorite person on the other side.
“Hi.” “Hey.” There’s a brief moment of silence as you stare at each other. “Wanna…go for a walk?” You smile a bit but raise a questioning brow. “Like…around the castle?” “No, out in space.” You laugh softly for a second. “Oh…oh wait. You’re serious?” “Yeah, let’s find a nice looking planet and take a stroll.” A dreamy smile forms on your face as you nod slowly. “Sounds like a date.”
Keith had taken you in the red lion to a tiny planet not too far from where the castle is now. It was so small, in fact, that you two began walking in silence and found your way back to the lion in a matter of minutes. You walked the entirety of the planet in literally 12 minutes. The planet was small and simple, having light blue skies and grass similar to Earth. Keith finally breaks the silence as you stand still now. “Welp…I guess I picked the tiniest and most boring planet ever.” This causes a soft laugh to leave your mouth as you step closer to him. “No, that’s not true. This is so cool! We can tell everyone back on Earth that we walked the entire planet in mere minutes! That’s hella cool! It’s perfect for a first date.”
You sit down in the lush green grass and let your hands gently run over it, the texture reminding you of when you were a kid playing in the grass at the park. It was quiet again, so you look up at Keith who is still standing beside you. “What are you thinking about?” You question, seeing his face turning pink behind his long dark hair. “You said…first date.” You nod and watch him glance down at you then quickly avert his gaze when he sees you staring up at him. “Yeah, and?” He slowly sits beside you, his arms resting on his knees. “Does…does that mean…we can go on more?” His voice is so soft now, you have to lean closer to hear him. “Of course. But you’ve got a busier schedule than me, Mr. Red Paladin. So, you let me know when you’re down for a second date.”
You’ve never seen such a huge grin on his usually grumpy face and that makes a huge, dorky grin form on your own face. “You’re cute.” You tell him before your hand gently rests on his shoulder. “No, you.” Is all he offers in response before he removes your hand from his shoulder and holds it tightly in his own. It was often like this with you two, short soft spoken phrases with gentle touching. “You really are though.” You give his hand a squeeze as you watch his lips move. “What?” “Cute. You’re…r-really cute.” And suddenly, the words just began to flow from his mouth. “I love being alone with you, (Y/N). You’re the nicest person I’ve ever met and I adore you and you’re always so easy to talk to and you just get me and I…I just love you so much.”
Your once smiley face has turned to one of shock. “You love me?” You ask, voice barely above a whisper. “Yeah. Like…a lot.” He responds just as quiet and you’re at a loss for words now. You’ve loved this stubborn boy for so long now but you were never sure how he felt about you. It was obvious he liked you as more than a friend but love was a strong word. “You don’t have to say it back. I just need you to know that I love you.” You struggle to find the right words now. “I love you too! I’m sorry…I just…wow. I don’t know, I’m just…” He is staring at you now, trying to read your expression. “I’m sorry. I’m not good with words…and you’re making me nervous.” You say before chewing on your lip nervously. He moves his hand in yours to interlace your fingers. “Shit…I’m sorry. Maybe it’s too soon for me to have-“ You’re quick to stop that train of thought. “No no! I really do love you too, Keith. I guess I just thought I’d be the one to say it to you first and now I’m just…speechless.”
“I’m not good with words either. Let’s just shut up now.” He keeps his hand in yours as you both embrace the silence once again. He’s staring at his shoes now, the smallest smile on his lips and you watch his face, wondering what he’s thinking now. All that’s running through his dense head is “I really do love you too, Keith.” He can’t get your voice out of his head for weeks. The way you followed the ‘I love you too’ with his name just made him feel all gooey inside. He’s got it soooo bad for you.
Of course Pidge takes you somewhere cool as fuck. “Look! There’s four moons! Isn’t that the coolest thing you’ve ever seen?” They are excitedly pointing and rambling, long scientific words spilling from their mouth at a rapid pace. You were always a little lost when Pidge got like this and they knew that, but you always listened and nodded along and they loved that about you. You never interrupt, you just listen and try to follow along. “Wow, the air here is safe for us to breathe.” They check the info about this planet on a gadget attached to their wrist before they pull off their helmet. You copy them, pulling your helmet off with a sigh.
“Wow. It’s beautiful.” That’s all you could come up with after the long rant Pidge just went on about this amazing planet and it’s many moons. You’re looking around, admiring the dark and barren land surrounding you as Pidge’s gaze locks onto you. As you turn your head, your eyes meet. “What?” You tilt your head at them as they continue to stare. Like…hardcore stare until they finally speak up. “You’re the only one who listens to me.” Your lips slowly turn to a soft frown. “What? No way. Hunk is always more responsive with this stuff than I am. And what about Matt? You guys literally complete each other’s sentences.” Pidge looks down at their shoes, gently moving some dirt around with their foot. “Yeah, but you’re missing the point. You actually LISTEN. You make me feel heard. You never talk over me or try to out smart me or even ask questions when I know you have no idea what I’m saying.” This causes an embarrassed blush to appear on your face. “Yeah. I just…like your voice.” They look back to you, their lips turning up into a grin. “I like /your/ voice.” They shoot back in response before they step closer to you.
Now only inches apart, eyes gazing into each other’s, you’re both consumed by red hot blushes and shy smiles. “So…is this…like actually a date?” You ask at a low volume, nervous for their reply. “Do you…want it to be?” You nod as you clasp your hands together behind your back, still keeping eye contact with the green Paladin. “Then it is. The first of many. Uh…I-I mean if that’s what you want. Is that…is that what you want?” Suddenly, the little genius seems to be stumbling over their words, obviously nervous about the lack of space between you and the way your sparkling eyes won’t look away from them. “More than anything.” And your response has them giggling with excitement. “Cool. Cool.”
You begin to wander, bending down to pick up interesting rocks and looking up at the dark blue sky. You look back, seeing Pidge glued to their spot. “I thought we were gonna walk.” Your voice brings them back to reality, making them scurry over to your side. “Right. Sorry.” They loop their arm in yours, walking slowly with you. It was quiet for a bit before Pidge began ranting again. “You know, the gravity on this planet is just less than on Earth.” You nod and look over at their face, noticing a smirk on their thin lips. “Yeah? What’s with the face?” “I bet I could pick you up.” “No.” “Come on, let me try!” “No, Pidge. Pidge! Don’t you dare- AH!”
A yelp rips from your throat as Pidge sweeps your legs out from under you, picking you up bridal style. “Oh my god, YOU BETTER NOT DROP ME!” You can’t help but laugh at the face they’re making right now. Their whole face and neck are turning red, they’re holding their breath and you can feel them shaking. All they ever want is to impress you. “Wow, my Prince Charming.” You lean in to kiss their cheek just as their muscles give out on them. Instead of dropping you completely, they fall to their knees with you still in their thin arms. They smile sheepishly, admiring the way you’re laughing, taking note of your squinted eyes and the small wrinkles around them.
“I love you.” They blurt out, their smile never dropping. “What?” “I love you, (Y/N).” They repeat plainly, watching for your reaction. “I love you too, Pidge.” You feel them sink down to the ground more, still holding your legs in one arm and your back against the other arm. They’re not the strongest on the team, that’s for sure, but seeing the deep sincerity in your eyes when you declare your love for them made them sooooo weak~
Lance had brought you to the first planet he saw and after landing, you sat in his lion for longer than expected, just chit chatting and enjoying alone time together. “I thought we were gonna go for a walk, lover boy. Stop flirting and take me on a walk already.” He flashes a cheeky grin before standing from his seat, dramatically gesturing towards the exit from his lion. “After you, darling.” His multitude of pet names for you always made your heart race when he said them, always different and ever changing. You walked down out of blue’s mouth, gasping slightly when you realized the gravity here was similar to the moon of Earth. It took several seconds for your feet to gently meet the ground, making you and Lance get all giddy and excited. “Oh my god, this is so sick!” He exclaims before he’s trying but failing to run to you. He forgot for a second that he couldn’t run at the same speed here that he could on Earth. This leaves you laughing so hard you’re gasping for air. Lance never failed to make you smile and laugh and feel genuine happiness when you two were together.
You watch with a smile still stuck to your face as he tries to make his way over to you, his lanky limbs swimming through the air. He reaches out for you, huffing when you ignore his hand just inches away from yours. “(Y/N)! I wanna be close to you.” He whines, finally making you grab his hand and pull him to you. He’s fast now as he pulls himself up against you, his arms wrapping around your shoulders. “Mmm I love you~” He sort of moans, finding great comfort in your embrace. You’re silent now, eyes wide with surprise. “Huh?” He pulls back to look you in the eye, his typical flirty facial expression causing you to blush all over. “I said…” And he leans in to your ear, whispering in a deeper voice now. “I love you.” As he tries to pull back and get a good look at your dumb and flustered expression, you hide your face in his neck, hugging him tighter. “Shut up.” “I mean it.” “Yeah right.”
Now as he pulls back, he looks very serious, almost concerned. “I’m serious, (Y/N). You think I’m messing with you?” You look up at him now, biting your lip as you think of what to say to him. He flirts with everyone, even with Keith sometimes. How were you to know if he was truly into you or not? Sure, you were head over heels for him but…are you enough for him? “Oh my god. And they say I’M the dumb one.” His comment causes you to lean away from him. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m in love with you, stupid…like so hardcore. Listen…” He sighs. “The flirting with other people…I’m sorry, it’s just a nervous tick for me. I’m not good at making friends so I flirt and try to be funny. That’s all I really know how to do. I’m…I’m really only into YOU though, (Y/N). Seriously. You gotta believe me. I swear-“ You stop him. “I love you too, Lance.” And now he’s smiling again, nearly melting out of your arms as he admires your plump and smiling cheeks. “You do?” He asks in an excited, high pitched tone, making you laugh again. You can’t go a single second without laughing when you’re around him, he just has that affect on you. “Obviously.” You reply, watching him wiggle with happiness. He pulls you against him tightly, nearly squeezing the air out of you. You didn’t mind, you’d happily let him crush you to death in his arms. It would be the best way to go.
“I want you to be my partner. Let’s go steady.” He says in all seriousness and now you’re pushing him away. “Ewwww you’re so cheesy. ‘Go steady’.” You mock him. “You’re straight out of an 80’s romcom movie, I swear to god.” He laughs as you push him harder, making him float away from you. “Hey! Get back here! I’m not done expressing my feelings for you! Come on, (Y/N)! I love youuuuu.” He continues to pester you as you both swim through the atmosphere, your cheeks hurting from how hard you’re smiling.
Shiro totally let you decide where to land and took soooo much time checking to make sure it was safe for you two to exit the black lion. Finally, without speaking, he grabs your hand and pulls you out into the vast openness of space. The planet you chose was huge and pretty dark, it was almost spooky. Shiro watches you for a moment, smiling sweetly as you examined your surroundings. You could really see the stars around you due to the lack of light and it took your breath away. “Wow…the stars look so pretty! I’ve never seen the stars like this.”
Suddenly, you feel his big arms circle loosely around your shoulders from behind. “Isn’t it wild how different things look this far away from Earth.” He speaks softly to you, his helmet gently resting against your own. “It’s truly remarkable.” You respond before turning around to look at him. Usually Shiro knows all the right things to say, but similar to Keith, his throat goes dry and his mind goes blank when you look him in the eye.
It’s quiet for a moment before you finally decide to speak up. “This is so-“ “I’m glad we got the chance-“ You speak at the same time before you both break out into laughter. “Sorry, sorry you go-“ “You talk first-“ You laugh more as you continue to talk over each other. “I was gonna say…I’m glad we finally got the chance to sneak away from the others. I love spending time with you like this, Takashi.” You see his lip quiver as his face begins to feel hot. He wants to respond but he forgot what he was even gonna say in the first place. Shiro is malfunctioning at this point. No one has called him by his full first name in quite some time but the way you say it makes him lose it for a second.
He leans in towards you, his eyes fluttering closed as he wraps his arms around you more. You can’t help but smile as your eyes mimic his, leaning in closer. Your palms are resting on his hard chest and you’re standing on your tippy toes to get the best angle. Suddenly, your helmets collide and all that’s heard is a plasticy “thump”. You both begin laughing as you realize you were so caught up in this special moment together that you forgot you even had helmets on. “Hahaha! Oh my god, we’re so dumb.” Your laugh rings out into the air, making Shiro laugh along with you. Sure, the moment was funny and laughable but Shiro just found your laugh so sweet and infectious. Even in the most serious of moments, if you began to laugh, so would he.
Now, you’re impatiently yanking on his arm, trying to get him back to his lion. “Whoa, what? We just got here.” “Yeah, but I want that kiss.” His smile widens as he rubs the back of his neck with his other hand. “Geez, you’re so eager.” You scoff, pulling on him harder. “Psh! YOU leaned in to kiss me first, sir!” He nearly chokes when you call him ‘sir’ and now he’s totally running with you back into his lion.
You push him into the pilot’s seat and plop down in his lap before yanking your helmet off, watching as he follows along. The kiss was hot and very eager and almost comedic. You’d always thought your first kiss with him would be super romantic and serious and soft but here you are, giggling against his lips as his hands gently tickle your torso. “I love you, (Y/N).” He pulls back from your lips for just a second to see your reaction to his words. You throw yourself against him once more, kissing him harder than before. “I love you more, Takashi.” You mumble against his lips, his breath lingering on your skin. You’ve never felt so safe and warm in your entire life.
You and Hunk sort of argued for a bit over where to land. Not like a full blown argument but he’s a worry wart and would never forgive himself if anything happened to you so he’s double checking EVERYTHING. “I guess this seems fine. You can take your helmet off here if you want.” And at his word, you yank your helmet off and toss it behind you before you’re running out of his lion. “Hey, wait up!” He throws his helmet off and chases after you. The planet you landed on was mostly water but it was all very shallow, maybe a foot deep at the most. You splash around and laugh, loving the feeling of the warm water on your legs. “Oh my god, babe! This is sooooo coooool!” You continue to play in the water as Hunk just watches you, a goofy smile plastered across his tan face. “Did…you just call me babe?” You stop abruptly and look back at him. “Noooo….” You reply shyly but before you know it, he’s running towards you, water splashing up with each step he takes.
You squeal with joy as he swoops you up in his arms, twirling you around before he plops down in the water, soaking both of you from head to toe. You playfully flick water at his face, smirking as he returns the gesture. Within seconds, you’re in a full blown wrestling match, trying to see who can dunk the other’s head under water first. “Ah! Hunk! No!” You yell and laugh and try your best to overpower him. He takes you down easy, pushing your face under the water for just a second before you pop back up and rub the water out of your eyes.
“I adore you, (Y/N).” Just as you open your eyes again, you are greeted by his shy blushing face just inches away from yours. “What? Me?” He chuckles and nods. “Yes, absolutely.” He responds whole heartedly before he leans in to gently kiss your wet forehead. You’re both kneeling on your knees now, the water coming up to your waist. You slowly crawl even closer to him, his heart pounding in his chest as he watches you with nervous eyes. You gently cup his face in your hands, giving him an innocently sweet smile as you lean in closer. Once you see his eyes close and his lips pucker, you use all your strength to push him backwards, cheering triumphantly once he’s full submerged under the water.
You jump up to your feet, hooting and hollering as he sits up and huffs. “That was so mean! I thought we were gonna kiss.” You offer him a hand to help him to his feet. He takes it and once he’s standing in front of you, you gently grab him by the shoulders and pull him in for a soft and short peck on the lips. “Happy?” You ask softly, watching as he blinks a few times, completely dazed by this whole interaction. “No. I think I need another one…to make up for you pushing me so hard.” You laugh softly as your lips meet again and this time he’s wrapping his thick arms around you and lifting you up off your feet. “I love you so much, (Y/N). You’re the only thing keeping me brave and sane out here.” He stares up at you with a look of such fondness and comfort.
Your playful smile disappears and is replaced by a mushy gushy expression of love and gratitude. “Aww. You…you really mean it? You really love me?” He sets you back down on your feet and slides his hands down your arms until they fall so perfectly into your own. “With all of my heart. You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.” And now he’s just examining your laughing face, noticing your pink cheeks and shiny teeth and wet hair. “I love you too, Hunk. More than I could ever explain.” Eventually, you found yourselves laying back in the water, side by side, floating on your backs while holding hands. What a perfect day with the perfect person.
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sweetheart-station · 4 years
I love your writing for Keith from Voltron! I miss Voltron 😭😭 I was wondering could I request some head cannons for the Paladins x reader and having there first kiss? 😊
Oh boy! A multi-character post! Get ready folks, this is gonna be long! - Mod Venus
Paladin’s First Kiss Headcanons (REQUEST)
Keith Kogane
A first kiss with Keith happens before something major, like the calm before the storm. He’s mulling over things while sitting on a windowsill, one leg drawn up and arms crossed as the cosmos glitter out the window. S/O, having a hunch, goes and finds him and promptly sits on the sill too, facing him.
After a soft inquiry on their part and a bit of a pinched look on his face, he opens up about what’s on his mind. At this point, he already knows he can trust them, so saying what he’s thinking isn’t quite as hard as it used to be before they got together.
After he explains himself, he lets S/O talk. Hearing what they have to say is important to him after all. Their words start sinking in and he finds himself subconsciously relaxing in their presence, shoulders not so tense, face softening.
How do they just...do that? Listening to his deepest troubles and making it seem like something beatable instead of some towering wall?
On one hand, he’s glad he doesn’t have to face everything completely alone anymore. On the other...he’s scared. If he loses them...
Next thing he knows, he’s drawn them up into his arms, pulling them close and resting his forehead against theirs. S/O pauses mid-sentence in surprise as their eyes meet. His eyes are intense, but not threatening. That passion he’s known for is simmering beneath the surface, and it’s sucking S/O in.
“No matter what happens...there’s no way I’m letting anything happen to you...got that?”
S/O can feel his breath brushing their skin as he murmurs those heartfelt words before his lips meet theirs, chapped but tender...tentative...uncharacteristically vulnerable. A hand in his hair makes him melt internally and feel like he’s floating all at once: an odd combination, but not unpleasant.
Even after they part for air, Keith is reluctant to let the go. Bearing so many feelings out in the open like that leaves him a bit emotionally raw, so he’s almost dependent on S/O’s presence like a healing balm for such a young, weary soul.
To sum it up: Keith’s first kiss with his S/O came from a place of fear...of worry for the future. However, it is also a promise; an oath of how much he loves them and how he will fight for the sake of their future together.
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Hunk Garret
Hunk and his S/O were up way late one night...probably from nerves. And what better way to get rid of nighttime nerves than some late night snacks, right? Except...there’s not much to raid in the pantry...so the two decide to whip up a little something instead!
Even if S/O doesn’t know their way around the kitchen, Hunk is happy to let them try and help, or to have them sit and watch while he works...though his focus may be more on the food.
The two try not to make too much noise, but they can’t help but chat about anything and everything: from Voltron to weird alien food to just innocuous things.
It’s not long before the treats are ready, and soon the conversation is accented with comments of how delicious it turned out and how great Hunk is in the kitchen.
Hunk, caught between being humble and being proud of his talent, gets flustered. S/O, who has given him pecks on the cheek before, goes to do so, but because the motion catches him off guard it instead ends up planting squarely on his mouth.
There’s a pause before the two panic, apologizing profusely, followed by another pause and finished with a duet of bashful chuckles at how ridiculous the situation is.
S/O quietly asks if they should try that again. Hunk, with a warm smile and overflowing heart, says they should. The sort-of-first-but-technically-second kiss is sweet and soft and dusted with cookie crumbs. It’s the kind of kiss that immediately gets addicting, because your insides feel like cotton and are warm like fresh laundry.
To sum it up: Hunk’s first kiss is steady and sure, the next step in a happy life together. After this milestone, kisses become much more frequent and as natural as saying each other’s name. The man has domestic bliss written all over him, after all.
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Pidge Holt
So...Pidge may be smart, but romance-wise, she’s a bit of a...lame duck. At least at first! She’s good at the casual things, like hanging out and playing games, or messing with Lance for a laugh at his expense. But...what she labels “gushy things” ...? A bit out of her field.
The first kiss didn’t happen for a while and the reason it happened wasn’t exactly romantic. It was getting real late, but it looked like Pidge was shooting for another all-nighter at her computer, much to her S/O’s dismay.
S/O had dozed off for a bit, woken up, and realized Pidge hadn’t moved an inch; the little brainiac was hunched over her clickety-clacking keyboard like some sort of bespectacled space gargoyle. It would be funny if it weren’t so concerning. S/O started off with a quiet inquiry, only to be met with a soft mutter of “Go back to bed.” S/O tried again, more insistent, bordering on pleading, but what the Green Paladin lacks in height she makes up for in sheer stubborness. She merely dismissed her S/O’s concerns again, stating that this isn’t the first time she’s done this and she’ll sleep when she’s done.
S/O, getting miffed, can’t help but snark about how long that’ll take, exactly. Pidge, who was mentally drained even without admitting it, doesn’t take kindly to this and snaps back, only to be shocked when S/O rushes forward and snaps the computer shut. Before she can protest, she’s stunned by the expression on S/O’s face: a scowl with glassy eyes and a slightly trembling lip.
S/O starts on a mini rant about how much it hurts them to see how little she cares about her own well-being when they care so much about it in her stead, and how it feels like what they say doesn’t seem to matter as much as some line of code or encrypted file, and how is she supposed to function properly when dead on her feet in the morning?? It trails into the idea that maybe because they themselves don’t understand this stuff, that maybe she doesn’t trust their judgment as a person; but she should at least know that they only say these things because they worry about her, and it hurts to be brushed off like some sort of pest.
Pidge watches owlishly as S/O stalks off before they really blow up and say something they’ll regret. The silence that ensues is deafening, and ultimately too uncomfortable for her to sit in as she goes and heads over to S/O’s room. She bites her lip as she sees them trying to calm down their breathing. As soon as she sits down next to them, she does her best to awkwardly start up a fresh conversation with S/O’s quiet gaze on her. She stammers during the apology, not from scrambling for excuses, but out of nerves and panic at the idea that she might have ruined the relationship. In the end, she pleads for them to not feel like they matter less than whatever project she’s working on, because it’s not true.
After a beat, S/O nods, much to her relief. After she mutters something about being a terrible girlfriend, she’s surprised by the feeling of S/O’s hand over her own. There’s some relief however when S/O quietly jokes that it’s gonna take a lot more for her to win “Most Terrible Girlfriend” award, followed by a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth that she quickly indulges in, not wanting to waste it.
To sum it up: Pidge is so driven that sometimes other things fall to the wayside. A first kiss with her is a way to plant her back on the ground; a reminder of what she has, and all-together a way for the bond to deepen even farther.
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Lance McClain
Oh, this romantic had been dreaming about this for a while, even before he and his S/O got together. Which means that he’s looking for just the right moment when they do.
It’s one of those moments you read about in sappy romance novels. Lance insists on sneaking out one night when they’re staying on a planet. He takes them on a little adventure: A bit of perusing the streets, indulging the nightlife, and checking out the local sights before headed to a more secluded spot on the edge of the settlement, where the foliage gives way to a horizon crowned with stars.
The two of them sit down and just talk. Lance and S/O, already super close and practically bound at the hip, were no strangers to hanging out together, but this felt so much more intimate. More private. Laying on the ground might’ve been uncomfortable if it weren’t for the happy mood.
There’s banter, but they’re mostly just reveling in each other’s company and taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the universe that’s under the Paladins’ protection.
The air is quiet, with the exception of some local fauna here and there. Lance is suddenly not so bouncy; instead, he is pensive. His bright smile is faded, catching S/O’s attention. When they ask, he takes a moment to steel himself before coming clean about seeing them as more than just a friend.
“Heh...judging by the look on your face, you weren’t expecting that, huh?”
S/O is stunned, yes, because though they felt the same, they had no idea he liked them that way. He seemed like the type to straight up say he was interested. Lance, sensing the question, looks up with a nervous smile.
“You...you’re worth more than just a wink and a pick-up line, you know? I know it’s hard to believe, but...” his eyes dart to the side, downcast. “I don’t mean this as a fling. I really-“
He’s cut off when S/O moves in close, startled out of his ramble when their hand takes his. Warm tingles skitter up his spine at the contact, and he’s dumbstruck when they tilt his face to look back at them.
“That’s good...because I bet you weren’t expecting me to like you too,” they quip softly. Lance is torn between laughing and getting embarrassed, so he just kinda gurgles out of bashful nerves. When they smile and chuckle at his reaction, it just hits him what’s happening right now, which jumpstarts his brain back to life. He gets this real tender look on his face, hesitantly reaching to brush some of their hair out of their face before leaning in and pressing his lips to theirs. His heart soars and does backflips when he feels them reciprocate, and when they part he can’t help but smile softly.
There’s just this sense of completeness that washes over the two, like two missing puzzle pieces finally coming together to make the picture or a river meeting the sea. It blooms like a cactus flower in the night: fresh and new and oh so worth the wait.
To sum it up: a first kiss with Lance is amazing and memorable, but not flashy, despite what his personality might lead to believe. In matters of serious relationships, Lance gets nervous because real feelings are nerve-wracking (in a good way,) and he doesn’t want to mess up such a good bond. Still, the romantic in him wants to kiss them right at the start of it all, because it just...feels right. Plus, it’s a great story to pass down in the future.
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Takashi Shirogane
A first kiss with Shiro is...a bit complicated.
The man has so many responsibilities on his shoulders that romance is pushed to the side a lot. Not that he doesn’t care about it or his S/O, he just feels obligated to focus on the situation at hand rather than indulge for himself.
His S/O understands that. There’s no way they’d be able to make it work if they didn’t.
On the other hand, his S/O wants to be an anchor for him. With how much he’s been through they have a hard time believing he can just brush that off so easily like the rest of the team might believe - The price one pays for being so revered...
They manage to make a point one night while Shiro is in the training room, asking if he wants to spar with them instead of the robot so they both get some work in. He agrees, happy to help.
It’s too bad the rest of the paladins aren’t awake at the moment to see it, because the sparring session that ensues is quite a sight to behold. Every move and transition and counter is so smooth.
Shiro comments on how much they’ve improved, and they merely reply with a cheeky “Are you really that surprised?”
He laughs, but doesn’t falter. The session comes to a midpoint and the two take a quick break for water.
“It’s good knowing I have someone like you watching my back,” he chuckles, taking a swig from his water bottle. S/O decides instead to douse themselves a bit with theirs. They nod a bit, but their face looks a bit more serious.
“You can always count on me...even when I’m not throwing punches,” they remind him. He pauses, sensing the underlying emotion in that statement, and sighs.
“I know I can, (Name.)” he says in a reassuring tone, but he can’t help but yell in surprise when he suddenly finds his legs swept out from under him. He falls onto the mat with a grunt, sprawled out in his back and staring up at his S/O, who is now straddling him, in shock.
“You say that...but you still take everything on your shoulders no matter how many times we tell you otherwise...!” S/O scolds. “How am I supposed to believe you when you don’t tell me how to help?” Their voice goes quieter as they slouch forward a bit, anger starting to ebb into tired pleading.
“I’m not going to tell you what you can and can’t do...” they murmur hoarsely as they lock eyes with him. “But...I hoped that you would trust me enough to tell me when you’ve had enough...to come to me once and a while.”
Shiro is speechless at first, mouth dropped open in bewilderment, before his face softens. A soft hand hand touches S/O’s cheek, catching their attention.
“S/O...this’s been bugging you for a long time now, hasn’t it...I’m sorry...”
Dark eyes reflect regret as he pulls them into his chest after sitting up, not too tight, but definitely firm with conviction. “It was never my intention to make you feel like I don’t trust you...that’s the furthest thing from the truth...I was so focused on not wanting you to worry that I made you worry anyway. I guess I’m a bit of a hypocrite that way, huh?”
The two share a small chuckle at that.
“Maybe...but knowing you, you won’t make that mistake again, hm?”
“Well, if you’re going to sweep me every time I do, I better not,” he jokes. There’s silence between the two as they look into each other’s faces, tension passed. S/O, after a moment of consideration, presses a kiss to his mouth, which he happily reciprocates and even deepens a tad to make it last longer. The weariness in his body slowly fades, replaced by a softness comparable to a fleece blanket after a long trek in the cold rain.
“Don’t worry. Even if that happens, I’ll still be there to pull you back up on your feet.”
To sum it up: A first kiss with Shiro is a mark of trust. For Shiro, who tends to put almost too much on himself, it is a sign that he doesn’t have to be the only one to bear the weight. He can finally find refuge in someone who will stand by him through it all and offer him shelter emotionally.
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Princess Allura
Ah, yes. A first kiss with a princess. Who hasn’t dreamed about that?
This spirited young lady is torn between propriety and just going for it.
It takes time for Allura to come to grips that she even has feelings for someone because, like Shiro, she has such a strong sense of duty that she believes she has no time for romance.
So a first kiss comes along in a moment of peace after a hard-won victory. Her mood is uplifted and she feels a weight taken off her shoulders. For now at least.
S/O on the other hand, seems..off. Jumpy, nervous, a bit spastic. Could it be some sort of odd Earthling disease??
Determined to find out, Allura starts tracking them down. When she first approaches, S/O seems to panic, which makes her even more concerned.
“You’ve been acting so strangely. What is the matter?” She asks, dainty eyebrows drawn together in concern. Somehow, S/O just looks even more nervewracked as they sputter an excuse before darting off. Allura just stares after them in bewilderment.
After several more attempts, she finally corners them somewhere away from the others. No one to distract them, nothing happening that just so happens to need their attention, nothing. She immediately nips any excuses in the bud as she stared directly into what feels like their soul.
“Now, what in heaven’s name is going on? Have I done something to offend you or what??” She demands, exasperated.
“What? No! You haven’t done anything to me! Er, well, not that way, at least,” S/O yelps as they bumble through an explanation. Their eyes are glued to the floor as they continue. “I...there’s something I need to tell you...I’m just too big a chicken to say anything...”
Her face relaxes a little, going from frustration to concern, though a small smile does grace her face.
“Whatever a chicken is...you are far from one, S/O. What is it you wanted to say?”
Cue more stumbling and awkward pauses before S/O finally just sighs, looking at her with a helpless expression.
“I love you!” they spit out, before slapping a hand over their mouth in horror. S/O was hoping to be more subtle than that!! Allura’s just staring at them; of all things, that was not what she saw coming.
Well, it’s not totally unbelievable...she’s not going deny how close they’ve become over the course of their journey together. The late night chats, the sharing of Altean and Earth cultures, the laughs, the tears...
She thinks back on all those times, and her heart swells as the thoughts in the back of her mind come pouring in. She knew she had treasured their relationship for a long time, but now that S/O had given it a name, she couldn’t deny it.
She snaps out of her reverie when she notices S/O stammering out an apology, voice watery and hollowly casual with a face that screams how much they want to go hide under a rock. Immediately, she is filled with regret because she hadn’t realized she’d tuned out that long, which couldn’t have looked that favorable a response.
Before S/O can run off again, she quietly takes their hand and squeezes it. The gesture cuts them off mid-ramble, making them look at her, puzzled. She just smiles, blue eyes soft and twinkling, as she leans forward to press a kiss to their mouth.
At first, S/O is shocked beyond belief. Could this really be happening after how badly they botched their confession? Then, they just melt into it. There’s this sense of tranquility that seeps into their veins.
It lasts a few seconds before their lips part softly. S/O looks flustered, but smitten, which makes Allura melt inside. She’s used to people pledging loyalty and camaraderie to her, but this is a whole new level.
“Now...before I kiss you again, how about I tell you how I feel, hm?”
To sum it up, a first kiss with Allura is sweet and tender. It’s soothing like a lullaby, but steadfast and sure. She wants S/O to have no doubts about her feelings ever again, so she makes it a point to kiss them often. They’re also a good way for her to relax when things get tense; at the very least, she has her S/O with her during this perilous journey.
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*faints* this...took...so long...I’m so sorry... - Mod Venus
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maandags · 5 years
in conclusion, fuck seagulls.
 @panda-noosh  @groot-omens
Hunk had just wanted to eat his damn cheese roll.
It was around noon and he was hungry, and he’d bought a cheese roll from the little bakery that lined the boulevard, and he quietly enjoyed the scenery as he nibbled the snack. It wasn’t a very warm day; the sun shone, but the wind howled and Hunk admired the stubbornness of the people lying on the beach and ignoring the sand being blown into their faces at full speed. 
He strolled leisurely along the boulevard, breathing in the salty air and squinting slightly against the wind, watching the people walking around him and observing their faces.
That’s when it happened. 
A seagull swooped down and pecked at his roll. Hunk squawked and just managed to shelter it from the bird, but it was determined and dead set on acquiring the snack, flapping clumsily around his head and diving down again, taking a chunk out of it this time around. 
Hunk was both confused and scared. He’d never been a huge fan of birds, but he was sure that now he’d have nightmares of evil seagulls attacking him in his sleep and pecking out his eyeballs. It was unclear whether his cheese roll would survive until his saviour arrived.
Saviour in the form of you.
You wore a blue headband and sunglasses covering almost your entire face, bright orange tank top and purple shorts. You were barefoot, which Hunk found a brave choice, and you brandished a broom like a spear and thwacked the seagull over its head, and shouted: “FUCK OFF, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!”
The seagull screamed and flapped, but seemed to recognise it was hopelessly outmatched by you and your broom-whacking tendencies. You viciously glared at it as it flew off, folding your arms in front of your chest and blowing a strand of hair out of your eyes. “Fucking little shits.” Then your gaze flicked to him. “Not your fault. They have a nose for inexperienced and innocent ones. I’m guessing you’re not from around here?”
Hunk dumbly shook his head. Your presence was such a, well... presence, that he was kind of overwhelmed as he tried to take you all in, from your bright clothes to your weaponized broom to the spark in your bright eyes. You smiled crookedly. “’S okay. I see it pretty often. Little buggers pick their targets carefully, come out victorious more often than not, too.”
“Huh.” He’d almost lost his appetite. Almost. “Can I still eat this?”
You scrutinised the roll, picked away the pieces the gull had nibbled at and handed it back to him. “There ya go.” Your voice had a pleasant accent that he couldn’t quite place. As you handed his food back to him, he saw your hands were calloused and your skin glowing from the sun. You were so unlike the people he met usually--he couldn’t help but be intrigued by you.
“Are you from here?” he asked, trying not to sound too curious. 
You nodded, rubbing your nose absent-mindedly with one finger. The skin there had started to peel away and Hunk felt the strange urge to brush away the flecks of dead skin. “My dad’s a fisherman. I help around, y’know. Live just around the corner.” He followed your finger to the narrow street you were pointed at.
Hunk nodded. He found that he liked talking to you--however strange your appearance may be. He liked the few moments he’d shared with you so far. Hoped there could maybe be more. “Well, thanks for saving me from the gulls, anyway.”
You grinned. “’S no problem. You looked so distraught, I couldn’t just sit and watch.” 
“I’m glad you didn’t.” 
“I’ll bet you are.”
“Silly tourists, right?”
You regarded him and something like amusement flashed in your eyes. “I don’t think you’re a regular silly tourist.”
Hunk raised an eyebrow. “Really? How so?”
 “Well, for starters,” you said, “tourists usually throw the food to the gulls even if they haven’t picked on them yet.” 
“They do that? No wonder they think they’re so entitled.”
“Secondly,” you continued, ignoring his comment, “I don’t usually offer tourists a tour of the more... interesting parts of town.” Your gaze was curious.
Hunk hesitated. “Is that what you’re doing?”
“It is.” You held out an arm. “Shall we?”
How could he do anything but accept? He had a feeling he’d find you more interesting than whatever part of town you’d show him. “We shall.”
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kerberos-hcs-blog · 5 years
idk if you got this but how about some hc's ona youngest paladin who is LEGIT THE BIGGEST CRY BABY like they see anything remotely cute; crying, anything sad; crying, life?; SOBBING
A/N: I love this idea! ❤❤
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane
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🖤 Being the space dad he is, he will try to calm them down and honestly... If there was something super extra mega fucking extra cute, he might cry too
🖤 He has been thru so much that seeing someone cry pains him so hard
🖤 When they're not on a mission, he hugs them close and sooths them
Keith Kogane
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❤ He is very hotheaded and would be annoyed at first
❤ He thinks, that they're overreacting but then he sees something super ducking cute and how they started crying
❤ He may see it as overreacting, but learnt to accept it
Lance McClain
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💙 First time he saw them crying he almost started crying too
💙 He was ready to kick someone's ass but then he saw over what were they crying: a small space creature similar to kitten
💙 He sometimes cries with them over space kittens
Hunk Garrett
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💛 He cries a lot, so when he spots them crying
💛 He's like: "OMFG ARE YOU OKAY- AAA" 💛 Sometimes they cry toghever over stuff
Katie Holt / Pidge Gunderson
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💚 This little ball of anger was ready to beat anyone who did anything to them
💚 Then she saw it and was like: 😐
💚 Couldn't get used to it until like... 0.0001 seconds later
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