#i am delulu
mimi123meg · 6 months
White Collar is insane to me, yes I understand that I have an unhealthy obsession with late 2000s/early 2010s network television but White Collar is objectively the strangest one of the bunch to be obsessed with tbh. Like Neal Caffrey on paper is not an interesting guy and he is frankly annoying, but like Matthew Bomer was crazy for this, he is so fucking good at playing him and making him a character you want to root for. Neal Caffrey is the worst but he wants to be good so badly, he is a slave to his emotions but he tries so hard to be rational, he thinks he's the best but he is full of self-loathing, I am so normal about him (i am delusional)
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petals2fish · 4 months
Lily Evans failed a lot of tests her first year at Hogwarts. She kept every letter anyone wrote to her in shoe boxes under her bed. She made her tea in the morning with sugar, but at night she liked to drink it plain. Lily hated ancient runes and walked out of the class in third year. Her hair was always long, except for the summer in fifth year when Marlene cut it on a dare. Her fingernails were short from her nasty habit of chewing on them when she was nervous. Her first kiss was James Potter. If she was crying, she was in pain. If she was laughing, she was loud. If she was quiet, then no one in the room dared to cross her. She wasn’t in the popular crowd and yet everyone was her best friend. She wasn’t a saint, but no one could ever remember the detentions she served. Lily believed in love more than she believed anything else in the world. She dried flowers between the pages of her potions books. Lily’s socks were often mismatched because she was too lazy to sort through them. She hated the snow, but loved snow days. She wore her heart on her sleeve. She had the biggest dreams. She hated her nose. She loved her singing voice. There were few people who trusted her with a boiling pot, but she was a natural at gardening. She lied to her sister about a lot of things. When the autumn leaves fell, she always went to go dance in them. She married James Potter because somewhere along the way he’d become her best friend. She always forgot to take her medicinal potions and got pregnant on accident because of it. She spent a ton of time with Bathilda Bagshot because she thought the old woman was brilliant, not batty. She wrote lipstick notes on the mirror for her husband. She always left glasses of water all over the house. She loved her son. She died too young.
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trentione · 7 months
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huniipum · 7 months
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not genshin but here’s a sneak peak to what i’m planning ✨
yes, yes i want the Simon alt to kiss Simon, yes i know what i’m doing, no you do not have a choice to unsee the impact i’m about to have drawing these two feverishly kissing each other
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dustyskies747 · 3 months
It is time for more DELULU HOURS!!
todays subject (haha): this isn’t Albedo
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Exhibit a: his eyes!! Here we see our beautiful baby boys eyes on the left/top (idk how this’ll be formatted)
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Beautiful eyes and NOW for the new official CN art:
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He’s got these weird yellow iris’ which while pretty are definitely not his usually eyes(they remind me of an anemo slime), and I dont think it’s the fires reflection bc ambers eyes are normal:
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Exhibit b: the star!!
Albedo usually has a star on his neck
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Subject two doesn’t
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And where’s the star?? GONE.
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Could they have forgotten it?? Yes but you didn’t come here for reasonable hours you came here for delulu hours! In conclusion subject two/ nigredo I miss you very much please come home I promise I’ll love you just the way you are even with you’re weird anemo slime eyes
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willowhatter · 8 months
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This is the sabezra girlies rn trying to explain that based on Sabines reaction the sister part that there is still a possibility they can be cannon.
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oliverwolfboy · 9 months
No no no because the entire meursault thing is actually just a very elaborate scheme to make chuuya and dazai hook up, fyolai are the best wingmen.
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mistofstars · 10 days
"Wir gehen uns jetzt einmal duschen, umziehen und dann können wir gemeinsam frühstücken"
Ja klar. Alles normal.
Alles cool.
*ist tot wegen Shipper Herzanfall*
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2 hrs before your average shippers brain explodes and we all collectively pass out and die . but like in a good way
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moliathh · 10 months
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bnuy alutegra
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kalevalakryze · 7 months
Pointing at you and your tags frantically and excitedly
oh, you mean these tags
dangling them like the statefarm fishing pole commercial
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you mean the little fluff headcanons between my little lesbians
the little cuddles
the little
"who's the big spoon in your relationship?"
"I'm the knife."
"She's the little spoon."
The little ficlet of softness where sometimes, shin isn't the little spoon, but the cuddle board?
the little lesbian guys?
Yeah... I'm pointing at them too, aren't they great ?
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takaratic · 1 year
eerrmrrmrmrm them <3 ANYWAYS, might make more edits in the future soooo keep an eye out >:)
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mgdlnkrn · 5 months
My Roman Empire is James Farrow
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gothinstrawberryland · 7 months
I wish being transgender wasn't a thing.
People just feel comfortable and okay in the body that we're born in.
Most people wouldn't get plastic surgery, unless it was for health reasons. No one would have to fit themselves into a mould they are told they have to contourt themselves into. People wouldn't feel uncomfortable in their bodies.
Society would reinforce that just existing is beautiful. Life is beautiful. We don't need to look a certain way in order to be worthy.
Worthy of what? It wouldn't be necessary to be worthy for specific values such as Love and Rights and Peace and Life; it would just be given. Would being "worthy" even matter? You wouldn't be worth "something" or worth "it" you would just be Worth. Women and men and all humans and everyone would just be Worth. Perhaps "Worthful" is accurate.
Women generally wouldn't feel the need to get "gender affirming care" such as breast implants. Society would let her just Be. Transgender people wouldn't feel like just because they have a period still, or lack of, then they are less than who they are "supposed" to be.
If people could just be people. Not in factions or groups. "Marginalized" people are just people. People who didn't get the life circumstances that they would always be considered "worthy."
And, because of this, everyone is afraid.
And everyone is deprived of a life of Worth.
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w0lfie-drawz · 6 months
Honestly, if Cellbit and Roier do fight, it's probably going to be a huge joke instead of being dramatic.
Cellbit and Roier know that Roier would kick Cellbit's ass if they fought. So they'd definitely laugh about it. They would just be like
"We gotta kill each other for this game, lmao."
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deanarcherswife · 1 month
❗️❗️❗️❗️Major Spoilers for Chicago Med, Season 9❗️❗️❗️❗️
OKAY, SO, as my username suggests, totally in love with Dean Archer (yes, ik it's a questionable choice, but the daddy issues made me do it) and I thought maybe I'd be safe and the writers would not give him a love arc, and if they did it would be with Hannah (which, I would have lived with) BUT NO, THEY PUT HIM WITH THIS RANDOM MARGO CHICK? I THOUGHT I WAS SAFE. Now I have to see him love someone else (I'm so delusional, send help)
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