#i am no tech whiz
baekuras · 6 months
sorry guys I can't play Baldurs Gate with you yet, it needs to install for a bit :/
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entomolog-t · 2 months
Hey! I’ve been a fan of G/T content for quite a while, but I’ve mostly stuck to Deviantart&Wattpad. Pretty recently I decided to create a Tumblr account in an attempt to find more content, and I’ve been amazed by how interactive the community is here! However, I noticed something that I find pretty weird, and just wanted to get an opinion from someone who seems to be a pretty active member of the community, at least from what I’ve seen.
In all the posts I’ve seen, I’ve never seen VR mentioned even once. I might just not be looking in the right place, but I just found it weird. I’ve been an avid VRChat player for a while, and having spent a large amount of time there I noticed the potential it holds for genres like G/T. I was expecting to find at least a single mention of it somewhere here, but I never have. I see lots of posts from both sides of G/T that mention something like, “I really wish I could just hold/be held by someone, etc.” and, well, I’ve had experiences like that. I’ve fallen asleep and woken up in a friend’s hands before. I’ve had friends sitting/standing on my shoulder. They don’t even know this community exists, these interactions just happen naturally. 
I just want to share some of the experiences I’ve had, and when I went looking, nobody here seemed to know it was even possible. So yeah, that’s what finally motivated me to interact directly with the community. To at least let someone know that it is possible, and far more accessible than most seem to realize.
I’ll also make a standard post, but considering the fact that I’m a very new account I don’t expect many to see it. Thus why I messaged directly. I know this was a bit of a ramble, I'm still a little nervous about finally interacting with something I've only passively watched for quite a long time. So thanks for taking the time to read through, and I’d love to hear your opinion on why it isn’t mentioned, or anything else you wanna say! Take care out there!
OH! This is quite the interesting ask!! I may not be the best person to answer as I am far from techie.
First off, that sounds incredibly fun! I've only ever tried VR with an escape room - which oddly enough had a silly sizey experience; There was an issue with the calibration or something on one of the headsets and a friend who's just a little over 5ft had their in game avatar show up ballpark around 7ft tall.
I love that g/t seems to happen naturally with your interactions too! I'd love to hear more!
Now for the meat of the question- why isn't this mentioned? Again, keep in mind, I'm no techie or avid gamer so this is really biased towards myself. In no particular order,
Price point
Tech Difficulty
Missing sensations
My first guest would be age. I myself am in my mid/late twenties, and just never really grew up with that kind of tech, so theres just a lack of knowledge and not more than a passing interest in it. I think with age there also comes issues with free time, though I'll speak on that more with privacy. I think in general there tends to be a perception that VR chat rooms have a lot of minors (whether this is true or not, I have no clue, but as an adult that is a concern).
My second guess would be price point. Now, again, I am not a tech wiz, so I really don't know too well what would be a good headset (if any ol' cheap one would work, or if the oculus is the way to go), but I know the well known headsets are not at all cheap, and do also require a something to run them on (from my understanding thats just a good enough gaming pc? I have no clue.) Basically, there is a monetary component at play.
Thirdly would be tech difficulty. Some people are just bad at technology, and don't want to learn a new form of it.
Now privacy is what I would think is a big factor- and not online privacy. Roommates, siblings, spouses, family- if someone lives with another person they may not be comfortable being seen interacting on VRchat (especially with how paranoid some of us get with g/t), and then finding alone time is just an absolute pain with work, school, clubs, responsibilities etc.
Lastly, I think some people are hesitant about the missing sensations. Essentially, "who cares if all I can do is see it, I want to feel it." I think for some people it may have the opposite effect, and the degree of realism mixed with the very obviously "not real" cues could be more upsetting- being so close to having something you fantasize about but being reminded its not actually real.
Those are just my thoughts- and I hope others will add some of their own! This is quite the interesting topic and I'd love to hear more about it! As I mentioned earlier, I have very limited experience with VR, but from what little experience I did have it was a ton of fun! I feel like VRchat could be something a lot of people in the community could enjoy if they knew more/had access to it.
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 2 months
r. eeling. wh ere is it,,,
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((/lh!!)) i can't find your mouthwateringly tasty leoichi w/ adopted jellybean fic and i've been searching for. like two minutes..... a tragedy........ i don't think the link on your masterlist is working 😔😔😔 i'll report back with details later!!! detective kitty is on the case!!!! JUST YOU WAIT FIC, IM FINDING YOU. skitters away dressed in a knockoff sherlock holmes costume from the dollar store next door
KITTY!! MY DEAREST DETEKTIV KITTY!!!! Ahhh actually, I do think I know what the issue is!! I'll fix it lickity split and report back here to tell me if it worked! =D
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4mulaone · 2 years
enough of charles lecat. time for charles lefawn
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happyandticklish · 2 years
Once I'm done with them I keep em on my computer till I run out of room and then I delete em. School can see anything I save on my onedrive
Oh shit, I didn't even think about that with school. That's a smart idea though lol.
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existentialflirt · 5 months
The day's project has been hacking and modding my PS Vita because fuck it. The console's library is mostly trash, and for a company that abandoned the console for dead not long after releasing it, they sure do like to price their games like she just came out yesterday. Never mind trying to find them on ebay or in the wild. Would you like to pay 60 usd for a port of a 20 year old game lmao? Some obscure visual novel no one's heard of? Christ. Anyway, may as well turn it into an emulator and try out some homebrews. Anyway, once I sort it out, i may lurk some more.
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tazzertopia · 9 months
phantom troupe: do they snore?
this idea for phantom troupe hcs came to me randomly at 2:00am last night so enjoy xoxo
-probably not unexpected but not really
-he’s generally a super quiet sleeper
-the loudest he ever is in his sleep is breathing loudly on occasion
-his lack of snoring is most likely attributed by the fact he’s a very light sleeper
-he’s one of those bitches who will wake up because the whistling of the wind was slightly louder than usual
-his ass sounds like a heavy metal concert when he sleeps
-his snores are earth-shaking. ear-splitting. pain-inducing.
-his snores single handedly contribute to noise pollution
-think of how loud your dad snores and x1000
-if the troupe members have to share a room at any point during a mission, they will throw a whole rock paper scissors tournament to see who’s taking one for the team and sacrificing their sleep (it’s usually nobunaga)
-because covering his mouth with a sock doesn’t stop the snoring, the troupe have an emergency weighted blanket on standby
-the complete opposite of chrollo, this man could sleep in an active war zone and and not budge an inch (in other words you cannot wake his ass up by force to get him to stop snoring so the only option is to wait it out or sleep somewhere else)
-the most silent sleeper ever
-not even a peep from miss pakunoda
-the ideal person to share a bed with. she doesn’t snore, her breathing is inaudible and she’s extremely still
-almost unnerving in a way bc she looks dead when she sleeps
-if you were to share a bed with her you’d probably spend most of the night checking her pulse to ensure she is actually alive and breathing
-he’s one of those people who when he snores the buildup is super loud but he exhales quietly (i hope that makes sense)
-ljke the buildup is super dragged out like hhhHhhhhhhUUUHHHUUUH but the exhale is just hoooooooo !!
-idk how to express snoring via text so you may have to act it out to know what i mean
-honestly this type of snoring is arguably worse than uvogin’s bc at least his is consistent whereas phinks will give you hope that he’s finally stopped snoring until it starts up again ☹️☹️😢
-he will forever deny he snores tho
-comedic ass snore
-probably snores like mimimimimimimimi zzzzzzzzz 😴💤😴💤😴💤
-he sleeps like he should be wearing a night cap and a long night gown with a candle on his bedside table
-trying not to piss yourself laughing while he’s snoring if you’re still awake is an olympic level sport
-one time shalnark recorded him while he was snoring and showed it to him (when he was down with him, he ensured the recording was eradicated from his phone)
-ik realistically he would probably be a silent sleeper but the idea of him sounding like a whole cartoon character is actually hilarious to me
-sleep? WHAT’S THAT? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 (get it because he’s the tech whiz so he probably stays up all night gaming lololololol XDD)
-probably a loud ass mouth breather
-like he sounds like a broken ventilator sometimes
-he sounds like he ran a lap around mt everest before bed why is he so loud
-if you pissed him off during the day he would probably amp up the volume on his breathing to prevent you from sleeping well (now we’re both mad xx)
-for the most part very quiet
-occasionally she will jumpscare you awake by randomly snoring out of no where
-like you’ll wake up to this loud ass noise only to realise it was just shizuku
-sometimes she’ll wake up aswell and accuse you of snoring
-aside from that pretty quiet- not as ideal to share a bed with as pakunoda but fine for the most part as long as you don’t mind surprises
-i feel like he’d have one of those super low growly snores ???????
-like those low, shaky ones
-the ones that kinda sound like grunts
-idk if i’m making sense so i pray i am 🙏
-they’re not that bad tho bc they’re quiet enough to not keep you awake and are low-key kinda relaxing
-if you’re gonna share a bed with anyone who snores, it’s nobunaga
-another generally quiet sleeper except for occasionally sighing in her sleep
-from time to time she’ll just go like huhhhhhhhh :// and then will go back to being quiet again
-don’t bring it up the next day tho bc she WILL deny it and seem embarrassed
-you can tell when she’s having a nice dream based on how often she sighs
-surprisingly quiet
-you wouldn’t expect his oversized enormous ass to be quiet but he is
-similar to chrollo, the most you’re getting out of him is some occasionally loud breathing
-aside from that he’s a quiet sleeper
-i feel like bc of the holes in his body he’d probably make a whistling sound in his sleep
-like a pan flute
-not the worst tho bc like nobunaga it’s low high key relaxing
-free asmr what could be better xxx
-quiet as hell
-are we really surprised
-sorry to the two kortopi fans out there but i can’t be bothered to think of anything to add on he’s just quiet
another tazzertopia classic 💯💯💯💯 if you like these hc posts pls give me requests (idk if the ask box is visible on my profile but do it through here or via the comments) bc these are super fun, i can also do other characters too !!! if i do more i might start doing them for other shows anyways bye xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
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miralure · 5 months
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New Simblr Introduction ♡
Although I've had this account for about a month now, I guess I can still be considered a "new simblr" because I'm relatively small, and when I did this the first time Tumblr didn't show me in tags so I didn't get any reach... So here we go again!
Basic Information:
Name: Lauren Age: Young adult (18) Aspiration: Computer Whiz Traits: Family Oriented, Overachiever, Loyal, Music Lover, Childish Job: Tech Guru Simself: Pictured above
I've been playing Sims since 2016 and was inspired by simtubers and simblrs like @farfallasims, @pixelglam, @marilynjeansims @largetaytertots and @oshinsimblr to create my own Simblr and share my work.
I am a heavy modder and CC user, and use maxis-mix CC. I would consider my gameplay style cozy and I usually play happy family dynamics. However, I'm very open minded and love to see other gameplay styles!
I (used to) play sims on a 2020 Macbook and have taken years to work out how to make it run decently with minimal lag and good graphics. Now I play on a shitty Lenovo Z13 ThinkPad which gives me the ability to use shaders!
On my account, you'll see CAS screenshots, lookbooks, sim dumps, CC recommendations, photoshop tutorials, gameplay photos and more! I am very WCIF friendly so if you ever want to ask a question I'm more than happy to answer it. Also, sim requests are always open! :) Just send an ask (for WCIF and requests)
There will never be any NSFW content on my page, and as a general thing please don't expect a follow back if your page is full of sexually explicit content.
I would really really love to find new active mutuals and friends!! I am always always looking for new mutuals so if you’re an active simblr I'll follow back (I'm a good mutual, I'll like and comment [and rb] anything you post). And if you ever wanna chat, just DM me because I'd love to talk :)
Please, feel free to like, comment, follow and reblog this post (help a gal out)
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phoenixyfriend · 7 days
This was on a reblog of a fic concept someone added one of my posts but I decided it was risking backlash against the person, and also it ended up half vent post, so just tucking it into its own little post here instead.
I'm glad you're enjoying this, but... Okay, actually, I'm really sorry but this goes against what I was thinking with this post in a lot of ways. I know you didn't intend any malice, but I just. I cannot not talk about this right now. I need people to know to just... not do this to my posts. Because it keeps happening.
I do know which "the younger person should be the sugar daddy, like they made an app or something" post you're thinking about, and i'ts a good post, but that is 100% an Obikin plot. Cody is not a guy to make a super successful app. That is an Anakin thing. In that respect, this is an Obikin fic in Cod*Wan clothing. I mean, I've talked about wanting people to do more Obikin plots in Cod*Wan, but that's about exploring the age difference and power dynamics, not Cody Is A Tech Whiz.
A billion is too much. The only, only ethical ways to get to billionaire status are 'lottery' and 'relative I never heard of just died and left me everything.' In both cases, the only ethical way to proceed is to invest enough to live off of comfortably, and donate the rest. If an app makes that much money? The app is screwing someone over.
I also cannot imagine Obi-Wan in the financial industries sector unless he absolutely loathes his job or is an auditor who delights in making Rich People's Lives Miserable. Better option would be that Obi-Wan is the president of a charity that Cody partners with, like the CEO of a Free Housing For The Homeless initiative or a big name lawyer in an activist lobby for environmentalism or something. This might just be my "I am a business major who hates the business major norms" and look at financial services industry types with uhhhh distaste. If he's a financial advisor, it is for a nonprofit. At most, he is part of a company that specializes in helping rich people funnel their money into charitable ventures.
This also just doesn't fight my envisioning of either Obi-Wan or Cody.
I do need to throw in that my first thought reading this was my Codakin version where Cody wins the lottery and Anakin is the sugar baby. It's not that similar, but the vibes were there (for me).
Finally, it's just... the point of this post is that I find it frustrating when people make Cody the same age because I find it disingenuous to flatten the power dynamic. Some people do it fine, are multi-shippers who are as honest about Cod*Wan as they are with something like Obikin. If they have one fic where Cod*Wan are the same age with no power diff, and another where the power dynamic is flipped, and a third where the power dynamic is as in canon and just explored as necessary, that's fine.
But with the number of Cod*wan (and Barr*ssoka, which is full on NOTP for me as a direct result of this behavior, despite having a canon age diff of 4yrs) folk that have talked shit to and about me and mine for doing something similar with ships like Rexsoka or Obikin... The amount of shit I've had to deal with for shipping Rexsoka for adjusting ages in a modern AU, coming from people who do the same thing with Cod*Wan, is the driving force of this post. It's basically this: If I don't get to change the ages a bit to make things palatable, then neither does anyone else.
This is not just about the age difference. It's about looking at canon and going 'if you guys are going to give me shit for my ship, then play it straight on your end. What does it look like when you're honest about the power dynamic?
There is a reason my first suggestion is Cody having a crush on his boss.
The intent was always that Obi-Wan is the sugar daddy, because Obi-Wan is the General. Because Obi-Wan is the one with power. Because Obi-Wan is the one with control.
Because this post was about "if I don't get to change my ships to make them less problematic, then neither does anyone else."
Also because I just find a lot of Cod*Wan fics to be OOC, and not in the fun way.
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 1
Episode 3: Mo' Danger, Mo' Problems
Reporting to his job, Henry walked into the elevator and hit the down button. Even though he braced himself, the sensation of falling down the shaft in the broken machine still made him scream all the way to the bottom. The elevator door opened, letting the pyjama-clad boy step out.
"He's got to fix that elevator." He groaned and huffed to (y/n), as he walked into the Man Cave.
"Where's Ray? He triple-beeped me." Henry asked the sleepy-looking woman, who like him was wearing pyjamas. 
"Honestly? I don't know. Jerk woke me up and just said to give you this and to tell you to put it on your wrist." (y/n) held out a watch for him and rubbing her tired eyes.
"Sure, what else would I put it on?"He joked, fastening the strap, as (y/n) chuckled at him.
"Flip the cover." She said as she sat down with her arms on the back of the couch. She let her head flop down as she looked at Henry. 
"Hiya Henry!" Ray said excitedly in hologram form. 'So that was his plan.' (y/n) grumbled in her mind.
"Oh!" Henry looked at the little Ray in shock at the sudden appearance of his boss.
"Ray?" He said to make sure it was him.
"Yep. I'm hovering over your wrist in hologram form!" He said waving his hands in a silly manner. Henry wanted to see how his new gadget worked, so he poked Ray in his eye, causing him to clutch it in fake pain.
"You poked my eye out!" He screamed, making (y/n) roll her eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Henry thought he had injured his boss and put a hand over his racing heart.
"I'm just kidding. You can't hurt a hologram or a Captain Man!" Ray reassured him, doing a little dance.
"This is so cool." Henry geeked out at the thought of having hologram tech. 
"It would be even cooler if I hadn't been woken up." (y/n) mumbled, her words slurred from her face being smushed into her arms. 
"It's like we're in the same room." Henry carried on complimenting the watch.
"We are." The holo-Ray turned around and walked off, causing the image to fizzle out. Henry looked confused and waved his hand over his wrist to see where the man had gone.
"Where'd you..." Henry started, but Ray had crept past (y/n) and patted him on the shoulder, scaring the wits out of the boy.
"Peek-a-boo," Ray said, as Henry screamed. The young woman at the couch wasn't happy from the noise and looked up at the males who were keeping her awake.
"Couldn't this have waited until morning, doofus?" She glared.
"Aww, she's always grumpy when she's tired." Ray fawned over her despite the killer look she was giving him, before turning back to his sidekick.
"Now, take off your old wristband." He instructed.
"Okay, why am I--" Henry started, but Ray was too impatient for questions.
"From now on I'm going to contact you on your new whiz watch."
"So what do I do with the old one?" Henry questioned, holding the old gadget in his hand.
"Toss it up in the air," Ray replied nonchalantly.
"It's about to self-destruct." He told the teen, who promptly threw it to the ground with wide eyes. The bracelet started beeping, but there was a delay between the beeps and the explosion.
"Hmm- that's weird. It was supposed to--" They were caught off guard by the wristband imploding, making them jump into each other's arms and (y/n) to awake from her dozing with a start.
She looked up and saw the two hugging each other in fear, but they soon found it awkward, so they parted, clearing their throats and avoiding eye contact. 
"I see you're wearing pyjama pants," Ray mentioned, trying to diffuse the awkwardness. 
"Yeah, it's almost midnight. I was studying for this huge test I have tomorrow." Henry explained.
"And I was asleep, but you came into my room and jumped on my bed." The girl had walked over to Ray and was pointing an accusing finger in his face. He just smiled at her and pulled her into a warm hug.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." He said, his body heat making her sleepy again, so she stayed silent and just let herself doze off against his chest.
"What subject?" Ray asked over her head, trying to ignore the sweet smell of her shampoo. The vibrations from his chest made her face feel funny.
"Puerto Rican history." Henry overlooked their cuteness and didn't mention the embrace, because he knew Ray would kill him.
"Ahh, Puerto Rico, Land of..." The superhero began, but he trailed off when he realised he didn't know a lot about the country. 
"Puerto Ricans?" Kid Danger filled in for him.
"Right." He admitted defeat, but the emergency alarm went off, which made (y/n) jump in his arms. With a whiny moan, she stepped out of his warmth and trudged over to the supercomputer with them, opening the camera link to the store above.
"What's up, Gooch?" She slurred with her elbows on the control panel and her face in her hands.
"There's a robbery in progress." He instantly reported.
"Where?" Ray interrogated. 
"At the 24-hour antique bottle shop."
"Glass from The Past?" Henry asked, knowing where the store was in downtown Swellview.
"Affirmative," Gooch said.
"On it." Ray said, as his best friend slowly pressed the off button, cutting the video call. 
"Right here to Glass from The Past, ETA is like, 15 minutes I think." She said quietly, rubbing her face so she could wake up and notify the owner about Captain Man's arrival.
"Shall we?" Ray showed his gum tube to Henry, who shared his look of determination.
"Let's blow some bubbles and fight some crime," Henry said, putting the gumball in his mouth. They chewed and stepped away from the computer, so they could transform properly into their Captain Man and Kid Danger costumes.
"Let's hit it, Kid Danger." Captain Man said to the boy on his right.
"Fist." Henry and Ray fist-bumped each other, both running on adrenaline. 
"Get some sleep." Ray said to (y/n), who was wearily looking on from the computer chair. She waved at the two, as they ran to the tubes and slapped their belt buckles.
"So whipped." Henry chuckled, once his tube was down and only Ray could hear him.
"Up the tube," Ray said in a slightly stern voice, looking at Henry with his serious face, but the boy cheekily grinned back, as they were sucked up.
"Aw, my boot!" Henry couldn't believe his shoe had fallen off, all the way down at the other end of the tube.
"Ha! Serves you right! Just yell, 'Up the boot!'" Ray bit his tongue, amused that karma had paid Henry back for all his teasing. With Henry gaining his boot back, the two made their way to the store, ready to kick some criminal butt.
~(y/n)'s PoV~
I hadn't felt that tired in a while, but working for Captain Man meant that every couple of weeks brought a few sleepless nights. The last robbery at Swellview Bank had only been a few days before, and Ray didn't come back 'til 3AM. Like me, he was exhausted from fighting The Toddler and the rookie criminals at the bank. Still, he was lucky that he now had Henry to help him. I made him some hot cocoa and we both fell asleep for 14 hours, waking up the next day to another emergency call.
I blushed when I remembered how Ray's arms were around my waist from him spooning me in our sleep. He groaned as he got up, and I quickly had to answer Gooch's call before he saw my red face.
'No, no no, focus on the task at hand.' I scolded myself.
'Just call the store owner and tell him Captain Man is on his way. No distractions.' I took in a deep breath and dialled the number on the supercomputer.
"H--Hello?" The man on the other end of the line shakily said. 
"Hello sir, Captain Man will be with you in a few minutes, please remain calm," I said softly, not wanting the man to freak out and do something that meant the robber would hurt him. 
"Please! I need him here now! I'm being robbed!" I sighed, feeling too tired to deal with this, but I carried on, knowing my colleagues would be there soon.
"Sir, please stay calm. Captain Man and Kid Danger will be with you shortly." I tried to keep the man quiet, knowing the criminal was close by, possibly even in the same room as him. 
"Put that phone down, come on bro, open up that cash register." I heard the thug shouting and slamming on the counter. 'Sweet cheese, come on Ray.' I prayed that things wouldn't get ugly.
"I'm going as fast as I can, boss!" I made out the owner trying to tell him, but it seemed the robber wasn't a patient man.
"Give me that pretty lavender bottle, 'cause it matches my motorcycle helmet." My eyebrows furrowed when I heard the strange request, deducing that this was another nutjob, bad guy. 
I continued the listen to the poor owner follow the demands of the robber, hearing the rustle of paper and his compliant answers. 
"Excuse me." I let out a sigh of relief when I heard Ray's familiar Captain Man voice through the speaker. The owner's delighted words reassured me that he now had the proper help and that the criminal was about to face justice. 
I pressed the end button on the panel, glad that my job was done. I slowly got up from my chair and stretched my tired muscles. Feeling the sleepiness creep up on me, I decided to take Ray's advice and slowly lumbered up to the sprocket and off to bed.
~Glass From The Past, 3rd Person PoV~
"What the--" The robber looked over to see Captain Man had just entered the store, much to the happiness and delight of the owner he was threatening.
"I hope you're planning to pay for that lavender bottle," Ray told the criminal, but he knew the real answer.
"And I hope that, too!" Henry added in, as he shot through the door and stood next to the older man. The store owner was so relieved to have the duo in his store to protect him and his property.
Ray walked forward, in time with the goon, and stood in front of him in a standoff. The two glared at each other.
"I ain't afraid of you." The thug said in a tough voice, raising the metal bar in his hand and whacking it on Ray's head. Keeping cool, Ray swallowed down the yelp that threatened to escape and coolly looked back to the criminal.
"Try again. Keep your left arm straight." He said, his eyes squinting in a challenge to the large man. Not backing down, the man hit him again with more force, the pain making him grunt this time.
"Strike three." He growled huskily, having had enough with the criminal, but Henry butted into his imposing façade.
"That was only two." He pointed out.
"Okay, don't correct me in front of the criminals." Ray chastised him, not wanting to look dumb. Henry backed off, so Ray could stop the man on his next swing. Grabbing the arm with the metal pipe in, Ray knocked it back into the man's face, making him scream in pain. Stepping back, Ray then kicked him into a display of antique bottles, which horrified the cashier.
"You really wanna fight us? Ray asked, not caring about the broken vases. The man looked between the large, muscly superhero and his smaller, scrawny sidekick.
"Can I just fight the kid?" He asked looking at Captain Man, which offended Henry, who thought he could take on any bad guy, even if they were three times his size.
"No, you can't just fight--" Ray started.
"Sure he can. Come on, tough guy." Henry challenged, getting into a fighting stance and rocking back and forth on his toes.
"Okay." That was all the criminal said, as he just put his purple helmet over Kid Danger's face and grabbed his pipe.
"Oh, this smells so bad!" Henry complained, trying to get the helmet off so he could see. Ray stood there, unimpressed and agitated, but he didn't want Henry to be hit by the metal pipe, so he grabbed two antique golf clubs from the shop wall. The man at the cash register protested at him, not wanting any more damage done to his shop.
"Kid Danger, catch this golf club!" He shouted, throwing one at Henry, but due to his inability to see, it just hit him in the face. The criminal charged forward, the metal pipe in the air, trying to hit Captain Man, who was narrowly dodging his blows. 
"You're not helping me!" The owner shouted at them, as more and more antiques were destroyed. The battle resulted in nearly all the bottles on display being smashed, either from Ray and the thug missing each other with their weapons, or Henry blindly swinging his golf club around.
"Captain Man, where are you?" Henry yelled, not know what was happening.
"Follow the sound of my voice!" he told the teen, and they started to play Marco Polo in an attempt to find each other.
"Polo!" They continued to smash up everything in the shop.
"Could you superheroes please just leave?!" The cashier pleaded, his whole livelihood turning to nothing on the floor, as Ray roundhouse kicked the criminal into a shelving unit. Finally being near Henry, he avoided the boy's wild swings and brought him under control, removing the helmet.
"Where is he?" said Henry, ready to keep fighting, but the bad guy was on the ground, writhing in pain. 
"Did I get him?" He looked up at his boss.
"Yeah, you got him," Ray said, mostly to keep him happy.
"My whole store is destroyed!" The owner sounded distraught as he looked over the damage.
"No need to thank us." Ray smiled at him.
"Thank you?" The man replied rhetorically.
"You're welcome." Ray didn't understand that the man was upset.
"Let's go, Kid Danger." He said to Henry, ready to go back to the Man Cave and relax. 
"NO! Nobody leaves until you boys clean up all of this broken glass." The owner insisted, making the superheroes turn around with surprised eyes.
"Alright." Captain Man conceded.
"But I've got to get up at 7AM tomorrow for my test at school." Henry reminded him, not liking the idea of staying up all night to clean up. His test was too important.
"This will only take us like, five hours. I'll get you a broom." Ray tried to sound positive, but it was futile. He walked to the back of the store, as Henry staggered back to the wall, already exhausted from the notion of hours more work. He slumped to the floor in defeat.
~Five hours later, Ray's PoV~ 
I let out a long groan as the tube dropped me back down into the Man Cave. Cleaning up at the robbed store had left me feeling drained, and I was glad to be back home. Removing my mask and rubbing my eyes, I decided it was best to forget grabbing something to eat and to just go to bed since I didn't know when the next emergency would come in.
Going through the sprocket, I walked down the corridor towards my bedroom. I slowed down as I passed by (y/n)'s room and remembered how tired she was. Without a second thought, my hand pressed the button to open the door and I poked my head in to check on her. I saw her tucked up in bed, sleeping soundly, making me release a breathy smile. 
'Too cute.' I thought to myself, noticing how her chest was rising and falling in a steady rhythm. My face flushed when I realised I was staring, and I quickly retreated from her room, closing the door behind me. I walked quickly down the hall to my room and I could feel my ears burning. 
'Just friends, nothing more. She's outta your league.' I said the mantra in my mind, thinking that she could never be mine. Finally, I got to my room and started to remove the super suit. I dumped it into my laundry basket, knowing that (y/n) would clean it as soon as she woke up like she always did. 
Pulling on some pyjama bottoms, I made my way over to my bed and flopped down onto it, pulling the blankets over me. Sleep rapidly brought me under, and I gently drifted off to dreams of a girl with (y/c/h) hair and (y/c/e) eyes. 
~Swellview High, 3rd Person PoV~ 
"Henry." Called Miss Shapen, Henry's history teacher. She looked down at the boy, who had fallen asleep in class from fighting crime all night. Deciding that no student was going to sleep in her class, the teacher put her finger into her mouth and then into Henry's ear, giving him a wet willy. He jerked awake from the feeling and looked up to see the woman sneering down at him.
"Whoa, whoa, what happened?" He blinked through the sleep and looked around the class.
"Did you just give me a wet willy?" Henry asked in disgust.
"Mm-hmm. It was real wet." Charlotte mentioned from behind him.
"You slept through your entire test." Miss Shapen scolded him.
"I did?" Henry couldn't believe he had missed his test, as he'd not written a single thing down.
"You all see this boy? This is what happens when you stay up all night on Twitflash and Twiddlegram." The teacher said to the class, pointing at Henry.
"Excuse me, Miss Shapen?" Jasper requested from his seat near the back of the classroom.
"Can I have a wet willy?" His question thoroughly confused her, and everyone else listening, but it was Jasper, so they all ignored how weird it was.
~Henry's house, later that night~ 
Henry had run upstairs to his bedroom, after getting a triple beep from Ray on his watch. He'd had to make an excuse to his family about being too tired to eat his 'chilli balls'. Locking the door, he flicked the watch open.
"Henry, why aren't you on your way here?" Holo-Ray said, confused as to why his young sidekick was still at his house.
"Because I got in trouble for sleeping in class today and I had to make chilli balls," Henry explained.
"Did he say 'chilli balls'?" He could hear (y/n) wondering in the background.
"It was my night." he replied, trying to convince them that he had been forced to make dinner for his family.
"Kid, there's been an escape from Swellview Prison. I need you." Captain Man urged him, knowing that there were dangerous criminals on the loose.
"Alright, I'll be there in 10 minutes." Henry sighed, he was way too tired to fight some bad guys, and he still needed to study for his big make-up test on Friday.
"Good, run like a bunny," Ray said, which made his best friend.
"When have you ever said that before?" She giggled, but the hologram shut off before Henry could see them argue. Closing his whiz watch, he walked to his bed and tried to clamber over it, so he could reach his gum tub on the nightstand.
"Okay, just gotta get my special gum." He said to himself, leaning across the pillows. However, the feeling of the soft mattress and fluffy pillows caused his tiredness to creep upon him. His gum tube was in hand, but the lull of the sleep he so desperately craved made him drift off, mumbling something about bunnies.
~90 minutes later~
Henry's watch was beeping like crazy, but the teen couldn't hear it from his deep sleep. He also didn't hear Captain Man climbing up to his window, even though he was banging on the glass and angrily calling his name.
"Henry, open up!" Seeing that his attempts were useless, Ray was too impatient to wait for Henry to wake up and decided to use his laser remote to shoot open the lock on the window. Sliding it open with a grunt, he rolled in and saw Henry still asleep. Feeling extremely irritated that his sidekick hadn't noticed his presence, he shut off the beeping watch from his remote control and wafted his scent over to the boy. The foul smell made the boy wake up with a scowl on his face.
"Ugh, what is that smell?" Henry asked, still not noticing Ray.
"I'm that smell!" Ray yelled at him indignantly.
"Wh-- Captain Man, what are you doing here?" He asked, shocked to see the superhero in his room.
"What are you doing here?" Ray shot back rhetorically.
"I called you 90 minutes ago and I told you we had an emergency!" Ray squeaked out, the anger making his voice go high-pitched.
"R--right, I guess I fell asleep," Henry replied in a small voice.
"I guess I fell asleep" Ray mocked him in a whiny voice. Henry stepped forward and sniffed his super suit more closely, his nose wrinkling at how bad the stench was.
"Ugh, why do you stink?" His grimaced.
"I stink because I just spent the last hour chasing three criminals through the Swellview Sewer. You know what's down in the Swellview Sewer?" Ray shot back, emphasising how he had to do it alone.
"Poop?" Henry guessed in a tentative voice. 
"POOP!" Ray confirmed with a shout. Suddenly, there was a bang on the door and Henry realised that Piper was trying to get in.
"Oh, my sister." He said, trying to shove Ray to the window. Piper would implode if she saw Captain Man in his room.
"We have a lot to talk about." Ray tried to say, but for a small kid, Henry was surprisingly strong and kept pushing him backwards. Not wanting to be pushed around by a child, Ray let up the ledge in Henry's room and dived out of the window onto the ground below.
"I'm okay." He shouted back up. Henry knew he wasn't hurt and went to unlock the door so he could let his sister in.
"Who were you talking to in here?" She quizzed him as soon as the door was open.
"Nobody." Henry scoffed.
"MOM!" Piper yelled in her shrill voice, wanting to get Henry in trouble. 
"What is it, sweetie?" Mrs Hart appeared.
"Henry was talking to someone in his room and now he says nobody's in here." The 9-year-old snitched. 
"Well, I'm sure if Henry said nobody was in here, then-- Ugh! What is that smell?" Mrs Hart's rational thinking was cut off when Ray's poop smell hit her nose.
"Uh, it's Piper. She hasn't had a bath in a week!" Henry lied, knowing it would kill two birds with one stone; it would explain the smell and get rid of his annoying sister.
"That's a lie!" Piper protested, but Mrs Hart pulled her away anyway. Hearing Piper's shrieks down the hall, Henry slammed the door shut and locked it again, glad to finally be alone. But the hand tapping on his shoulder said otherwise.
"Don't sneak up on me like that." He said to his boss.
"You disappointed me tonight," Ray said in a voice that all grownups have. 
"I'm disappointing everybody. People should just call me 'Kid Disappointment." Henry whined, feeling depressed because nothing was going right for him.
"All right, well, just tell me what the problem is," Ray stated, looking up at Henry, who was now sitting on his couch by the window.
"Time, school, working for you, my family. It's just--it's a lot to handle." He admitted, which made Ray think for a moment.
"Well, giving advice is (y/n)'s strong point, but I do know a guy that could get rid of your family." He said, semi-joking.
"What?" Henry looked at him with a shocked expression.
"Kidding! I joke... I do know a guy." Ray smiled and pointed at the boy.
"Oh! I think I can fix your problem." He said suddenly, clapping his hands together.
"Really?" Henry was sceptical, but he kept listening.
"Meet me at headquarters tomorrow." Captain man said excitedly.
"I'm there." Henry agreed, but Ray got distracted by a photo on his table.
"Hey! Who's this?" He said flirtatiously.
"My mom," Henry said in disgust.
"Niiiiice. She, uh, she still married to your dad?" He said smirking, but Henry wasn't having any of it.
"Yes. Dude, don't you like (y/n)?" He said in exasperation. 
"Just friends. Does she ever seem bored or lonely to y--?" Ray tried to say, but Henry felt too tired to deal with him.
"Go home, Ray." The superhero moved towards the window, the photo still in his hand.
"The picture, Ray." He took the photo back, as the superhero climbed out of his window, down the tree and subsequently, went home.
~The Man Cave, 1 hour later~
Ray shot down the tube and as he stepped out, still covered in poop, he noticed that (y/n) was sat at the computer. She was eating popcorn and laughing along to a cheesy romcom. 
"Hey." She greeted him in a happy voice, but then the smell wafted to her side of the Man Cave.
"Oh my God, what is that?" She looked at him in repulsion and walked over to him so she could identify the smell. Stepping closer, she took a sniff of his suit but immediately stepped back, as Henry did earlier. Her hands snapped over her nose, trying to block out the offending odour.
"God, you smell like sh---" Her voice was muffled by her hands.
"Yes, I know. I had to climb through Swellview sewer. Alone." He said, yanking his mask off in irritation.
"Alone? Where was Henry?" Normally, (y/n) would've given him a hug, or put a comforting hand on his arm, but there was no way she was going to be near the superhero in his current state.
"Asleep! The kid fell asleep in his room and never turned up!" Ray recalled, his voice going high again.
"He did spend all of last night cleaning up with you, and he has to go to school." The young woman reasoned, knowing the superhero life was tough, especially for a young boy.
"He really let me down tonight," Ray muttered, walking to the couch to sit down, but (y/n) hastily shooed him away.
"Don't touch anything! Get that suit off and go get cleaned up!" She scolded him, pointing to where the showers were.
"Oh, and don't give Henry a hard time. All teenagers have a lot going on, and he's now a superhero. You should understand how hard that is." Her voice was soft, but the look in her eyes left no room for an argument, so Ray just whined and went up to the sprocket.
"He's coming over tomorrow, I've got a plan." Ray said, walking down the corridor, leaving the girl alone.
'Not another plan.' (y/n) rolled her eyes, wondering what tomorrow would bring.
~The next day~
(y/n) stood with a brain scanner in her hand, and she was busy using it on Henry's head, who was looking uncomfortable with the situation.
"Um, what's that thing doing?" He asked her, not knowing what was going on.
"Scanning your brain," she said, smiling so it sounded like a good thing.
"Oh, cool." The boy replied, seemingly impressed.
"Take a deep breath for me." The young woman instructed, switching sides so she could scan the other part of his head.
"Now go, oodle, oodle, oodle." She said, just wanting to see if Henry would do it.
"Oodle, oodle, oodle." Henry mimicked the noises she made, which resulted in (y/n) giggling.
"You're off-key. It's oodle, oodle, oodle, oodle." They started to do it at the same time, laughing alone with each other.
"Why are we doing this?" Henry asked.
"Relax, kid," Ray said, coming out of the door near the auto-snacker.
"I can't. I got a huge makeup test tomorrow and I gotta study, and (y/n)'s making me go oodle, oodle, oodle." Henry explained, feeling agitated from the weird stuff he had to do and from the stress of his upcoming test.
"You're still not doing it right." She said in a flat tone.
"I don't care! I don't have time to relax!" Henry shouted back.
"Exactly! Your only problem is a lack of time." Ray said mysteriously, making Henry look to the left in thought.
"Imagine if you could do all you studying for school in only 30 seconds." (y/n) proposed.
"How can I learn anything in 30 seconds?" Henry wondered, not understanding the correlation.
"With this. The cerebral data transducer, or as we call it, the H.R.Z" Ray lifted up a technical-looking helmet that was connected to a long wire.
"This device can transfer knowledge from a data source directly into your brain, at 90 million digibles per second." The young woman explained the science, briefly looking up from the controls. 
"Why am I locked in a chair?" Henry queried.
"Do you wanna get a good grade on your Puerto Rican math test?" Ray asked him.
"History." His sidekick corrected.
"Same thing." Ray's short answer made his best friend laugh.
"Right, let's do this thing." (y/n) said, and Ray placed the helmet on Henry's head, making it flash and beep.
"Now, I'll just set the computer to acquire all the world's historical knowledge on Puerto Rico," Ray said, reaching past (y/n) who was fixing the cable
"Woah, intense. But, uh, will this hurt?" Henry asked, his heart thumping loudly in his ears.
"Yeah, a lot." There's no point in lying to him.' The girl thought, as she turned up the power with Ray. They each ran over to the controls, and both pulled down a lever, starting the extremely painful process.
"Wait, so, how will I know--?" Henry started, but the rush of information flooding into his mind made him cry out in agony. The two grown-ups with him could only look on and hope it would work.
"Just enjoy it!" The superhero tried to encourage, but Henry couldn't hear him over his screaming.
"Does that look enjoyable to you?" (y/n) looked at him with lifted eyebrows. Henry was kicking his legs out and his knuckles were clenched white on the armrests, making Ray and (y/n) grimace at the sight of him. However, Ray being childish, made a begrudging (y/n) take a picture of him smiling and giving a thumbs-up next to Henry and the machine.
They brought the power back down as the process was complete, and the 13-year-old slumped back down into the chair, the pain slowly releasing from his body. Each taking a side of the H.R.Z, (y/n) and Ray unscrewed the locks and took it off him, noticing how traumatised he looked. 
"Well?" Ray looked down at him.
"That hurt badddd." Henry clarified, the fear still evident in his eyes.
"Sorry about that, but now, tell me everything you know about Puerto Rico." (y/n) smiled at him from the other side of the chair.
"I don't know anything about-- Puerto Rico is a series of islands with a landmass of 3,500 square miles and a population of 3.6 million people. Its glorious beaches and lush rainforests make it the perfect setting for a wedding, bar mitzvah, or growing bananas." Henry recited the information, making the two friends behind him nod at each other, pleased with their success.
"Whoaaaa. I know Puerto Rico." Henry looked at both of them in awe.
"Yeah, you do." (y/n) nodded with him.
"You see? You can learn anything you need to know for school in a matter of seconds." Ray said, putting the H.R.Z back.
"Yeah. Wait, do you think that's cheating?" Henry asked them in an unsure voice.
"Eh... no, not really."
"It's a grey area. No one will ever know." They reassured him. 
"I guess. Anyway, I really doing this appreciate you for me." Henry tried to speak, but all his words came out in the wrong order.
"Oh sweet cheese, the side effects." (y/n) facepalmed.
"What side effects?" Henry looked petrified.
"Y'see, after you use the H.R.Z, when you talk, you might mix up your words for a few days," Ray said, looking sheepish.
"Well, you could have before that you told me." Henry jumbled out, not really making much sense.
"Look at it this way, now, you're gonna do well on your test." (y/n) said to cheer him up. Henry perked up a bit, but then let out a loud, girly shriek. He looked a Ray in fright, as (y/n) grinned at the outburst.
"Why did I just--" he began.
"Another side effect." The woman said tentatively.
"Sometimes you'll scream like--" Henry cut him off with another screech.
"--a girl." Ray finished. 
"Just for a few days, no biggie." (y/n) was also trying to convince herself that everything would be okay.
"Oh, so I'm a girl like a days for a few screams. Wait." The word mixing was back. And then, Henry released another ear-shattering shout.
"You guys wanna get lunch?" Ray said to distract them all from Henry's problem. 
"Yeah." (y/n) quickly agreed, walking over to the snack machine with Ray, who wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"What?" Henry just looked at them, as they walked away from his issues.
~Henry's school~
Henry was concentrating on the history lecture Miss Shapen was giving, ensuring he wrote down everything she said. He had just finished his sentence, when the bell rang, symbolising the end of the lesson.
"Okay, everyone, get out." Miss Shapen didn't have much love for her students.
"Henry, may I see you?" She called out to the boy, who was hoping he hadn't done something wrong. 
"Yeah sure. What's up?" He slung his backpack over his shoulder and went over to her desk. Charlotte decided to wait for him at the door. His teacher looked at him with a proud smile.
"Your grade." She said, passing him his test.
"100, I makeup test on my got?" Henry said, all in the wrong order.
"I mean, I got 100 on my makeup test?" Henry quickly corrected himself, before Miss Shapen was too weirded out.
"You answered every question perfectly." She complimented him.
"Awesome." Henry smiled before he let out one of his girl screams.
"That was inappropriate." Miss Shapen and Charlotte stared at him with a concerned face.
"I just got excited." Henry tried to explain.
"I'm proud of you Henry, I'd give you a hug if it wouldn't get me fired." His teacher gave him a rare compliment.
"Have a good weekend." That was all Miss Shapen said.
"Too you." Henry shook his head at his incorrect words but resumed walking to Charlotte by the door, who congratulated him on his result.
"Where were you yesterday? You weren't in class." Dang, Charlotte was too smart for her own good.
"I go to had somewhere." He lied, confusing his friend.
"One more time?" She requested,
"I had... to go somewhere. Nailed it!" Henry spoke slowly, so he could speak correctly. He was glad he managed to say something right until he shrieked. Again. Charlotte jumped back from him.
"You later see." He quickly left the classroom, not wanting to do anything else odd, leaving Charlotte utterly confused as he let out more screams in the hall.
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moog-rt · 2 years
ᴄʏʙᴇʀʙᴜʟʟʏ [ʀɪꜱᴇ!ᴅᴏɴɴɪᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
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Links to parts: one two three four five
Fate brought you and that purple-clad turtle together in the form of endless battles of code.You were a purple dragon recruit, and he was your target. He plays your games as you tease him with the slim possibility of victory.
You may just let him win if you are feeling particularly merciful.
enemies to lovers (I think?); slow burn; takes place after the movie; reader is a villain
If you’d prefer to read it on Ao3, here’s the link:
ᴄʏʙᴇʀʙᴜʟʟʏ [ʀɪꜱᴇ!ᴅᴏɴɴɪᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ]
Otherwise, enjoy!
♡ ♡ ♡
You couldn’t help but admire the interior design of the purple dragons’ home base. Purple backlighting from hidden LEDs accentuated every nook and cranny of the space, and large lit-up monitors could be found every which way you looked. There was a long, sleek desk set up along the far wall. A counter which held all sorts of tools and mildly threatening contraptions cut the room in half. The side you were on functioned as more of a lounge area with two plush purple couches, a matching armchair, and an especially expensive-looking coffee table that reflected the lights of the room in all the best ways.
You swung your legs back and forth as you entertained yourself by playing with the hem of your brand-new purple satin jacket. It was the most appealing thing to do as you waited for your meeting with the other purple dragon members to start. Jeremy handed you the jacket along with a friendly smile and pat on the back when you arrived. It fit perfectly, not too snug that it would be uncomfortable if you wore a hoodie underneath, but also not too large as to allow a draft, which would defeat the purpose of wearing a jacket at all.
As soon as she was finished scolding Jase, Kendra turned her attention to you. She gave you a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, but what was new? Making her way behind you, she placed her hand on your back and leaned around your shoulder, face only a few inches away from your own. You could easily smell the remnants of laundry detergent on her clothes and a hint of lavender, which you could only assume was from her hair. She gave your back a firm pat.
“Newby, awesome job on your first assignment. That’s the kind of efficiency we need.” Kendra shot a look toward Jason. “Othello Von Ryan’s blueprints certainly do not disappoint. With them, we can begin creating our own improved tech to help us achieve our goals even faster.” You shut your eyes, nodding along as if you knew what these goals she spoke of were.
“Ah, wait—” you said with a grin. Kendra angled her face more in your direction, still so close to your own. “That’s the dude’s name? Othello Von Ryan?”
Kendra shrugged.
“Othello Von Ryan, Donnie, Bootyyyshaker9000,” she began listing all the guy’s aliases. “Why’s it matter?”
“Oh, it doesn’t. I just think it’s cool.” Your grin widened. “Like a spy.”
Kendra just shook her head with the subtlest of smiles on her lips.
“The name doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that the guy is a tech whiz, and we need to take advantage of that the best we can,” she continued giving everyone the rundown. “That’s especially where you come in.” Another pat. “His specialties lie in development. Yours are more towards attack. Your role here is to get as much out of his files as possible. Then you give them to us, of course, and we’ll take it from there.”
“Gosh, I am so excited!” Jeremy squealed as he pulled his hands to his chest. “I’ve already got so many ideas from the blueprints we’ve gotten so far. I can’t wait to get to work!”
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself at his childlike excitement. It felt like your heart was swelling at the thought that your achievements could bring someone such intense joy like that. Just that alone was enough to inspire you to keep up your work.
“Oh, yeah, and don’t let your guard down.” Her eyes narrowed as she looked at you. “That turtle thing and his friends aren’t the type to just sit back and let things happen. They’ll try to fight back, so make extra sure there are no holes in your defenses, got it?”
“Ha, no worries there. I have a lot of fun with my botnets. They’ll make sure his servers are too bogged down to—wait.” You whipped your head to face Kendra, nose to nose. “You just call Sir Von Ryan a turtle?”
♡ ♡ ♡
It felt like your palm was beginning to fuse with your face as you leaned over your desk, staring vacantly ahead of you. The entrepreneurship professor made for some pretty good white noise. It felt like you were meditating. You could feel the enlightenment buzzing at the tips of your fingers.
You weren’t absorbing a lick of what was being taught. You didn’t have the energy for it, and you didn’t have to. Your parents, being the successful businesspeople that they were, would happily tutor you on the subject whenever you needed it. Besides, you had more important things to do than learn how to play capitalism. For instance, ponder the news of turtle people living amongst you.
You squinted your eyes, eyeing up the hooded ‘classmate’ to your right.
For all you knew, he—or she or they—could be one. Maybe even Sir Von Ryan…your archnemesis!
Just how turtle were they, anyway? Were they bipedal like humans or did they still walk on all fours? They had to be fairly human if they were able to create such complex and futuristic machinery. If they were part human…how? How? Did somebody…? No. No, that would be awful…also probably very much impossible. You really didn’t want to entertain that idea.
Maybe they were a result of some whacky genetics experiment! That was plausible. But then, wouldn’t they be in a science facility getting tested on? They most certainly wouldn’t have the freedom to play around with robotics and learn to code. So maybe that first guess wasn’t so crazy…
Upon noticing everyone else packing up their laptops, you quickly put away your own so you could head to your next class. This one you could actually be excited for. You slung your backpack over one shoulder and weaved your way out of the classroom and through the hallways, ignoring any complaints of you shoving past. Bio class awaited you, and you had a very important topic to discuss with your partner.
The trip across campus was quick enough for your sanity. You flopped down at your table, pulled your laptop out, and began looking up diagrams and whatnot. You had enough time to find all that you needed before April arrived, taking a seat beside you.
“Good morning—”
“So, if a turtle and a human had a baby…” you began and started flipping through all the tabs you had recently created. You landed on a google image search of humans and turtles, which showed mostly divers with cute baby sea turtles.
“Now, what on Earth—”
“What is the probability that their chromosomes—” You flipped to a tab containing an image search of turtle chromosomes. “—Would match up in such a way that the offspring were still viable and high functioning?”
April blinked with no readable emotion whatsoever.
“I’m talking, like, ability to make things and use computers and stuff,” you added as if that was the extra bit of info April needed to give you an answer.
“Did you take something this morning?” The girl leaned in to inspect your eyes and then pressed the back of her hand to your forehead. “Have you been licking the city’s sidewalks?”
“April, I have happened upon a mind-boggling discovery yesterday evening,” you stated, scooting forward in your seat a little bit.
“About…human-turtle babies?” She leaned back, looking at you through her lash line with a single eyebrow raised.
“There are turtle people, April,” you whispered, leaning towards her. “They’re here. In New York.”
Your partner’s eyes went wide, and she went even more slack-jawed than before. You tilted your head and waited for some kind of response. She was frozen. She didn’t even blink at you this time around.
♡ ♡ ♡
“Which one of you idiots got caught again?”
April marched her way right to the brothers’ lair as soon as her class had ended. She received no response, and because none of them were in sight, she took it upon herself to sniff out the little devils. First up was Leo who she quickly found lounging about in his room, a comic book in hand.
“Make a new friend?” April interrogated, taking a wide stance in the turtle’s doorway with her arms crossed and chin jerked upward.
“Mm… What kind of friend we talkin’?”
“Oh, I don’t know. The human kind?”
“Hm, yeah, nope!” Leo sang, raising his comic in front of his face once more.
“Really? Then why was my classmate asking about y’all this morning?” April asked, stepping further into the room until she was looming over the unbothered turtle.
“Oh? Was it a cute classmate?” He tilted his comic book back down to reveal one of his signature grins.
“Goodbye, Leo.”
April proceeded on her quest, finding Mikey and Raph yet still coming up with nothing. The next stop would be Donnie’s workshop. At this time of day, he would almost certainly be there. However, after bursting inside, she found that he was surprisingly absent. It was eerie, almost like walking through an abandoned ghost town. It felt so off.
Hesitantly, she left to go check the game and movie room and ended up with the same result. Something definitely wasn’t right. Luckily, there was a sudden holler, which she could easily identify as her purple-clad friend’s, and she wasted no time following it to its source.
She barged into Donnie’s room with her arms wide and chest puffed out. She was promptly ignored as her friend remained seated at his desk with his face mere inches away from kissing his monitor. The only sounds being made were that of frantic clicking coming from his keyboard and the occasional buzzing, which sounded like the kind you’d hear after getting the wrong answer. She noticed with each buzz, Donnie’s face became more and more scrunched together.
“Hey, Donnie,” she sang through gritted teeth and walked over to him. Still silence. She put her hands on top of his shoulders and whipped his sorry ass him around to face her. His eyes went wide, and he let out a guttural screech as he scrambled to get himself turned back around again. April, however, had a vice grip on him, keeping him in place. All he could do was pathetically attempt to reach behind for his keyboard with little whimpers.
“Donnie!” April yelled, giving the turtle a firm shake. He went still, and his eyes slowly rolled over to meet hers.
“Yes, dear April?” Donatello’s eyes narrowed. “I was kind of in the middle of something important…”
“Whatever it is can wait. You didn’t happen to come in contact with another human, did you?” She cocked her head to the side cutely with a false smile on her lips.
“In person? No. I am offended you would think that I am careless enough to put myself into a situation where I would,” he stated with a shrug, waving his hand as if to shoo her away. He went to turn himself back to face his computer, but April spun him right back around.
“You remember my biology partner from the other day?” She leaned back, finally taking her hands off of him so that she could cross her arms. Donnie raised his eyebrows and smirked.
“Oh, I remember. Did she decide to take me up on that tutoring offer?” He leaned forward with his hands holding onto his seat between his legs, resembling a child watching their favorite television program on a Saturday morning.
“What? No, Donnie. Today, she greeted me by giving me a presentation about the biology behind a half human half turtle baby,” she began explaining.
“Ah, that’s so like her. I’d expect no less from my future student—”
“Boy, don’t pretend like you two are besties. She was asking about that stuff because she found out you guys exist. Telling me about turtle people living amongst us and all that,” she continued, waving her hands about.
“That’s strange… Leonardo probably created a scene or something. Now, April, if you please, I was not exaggerating when I said that I was in the middle of something important,” the tech genius reasoned, brushing her off and turning back to his computer.
“Dee, this is important. I did my best to convince her that wherever she got that idea was nonsense, but she gives me the vibe that she’ll dig,” April pressed, stepping around to Donnie’s side so she could still speak to his face.
She glanced over at his monitor to see what exactly was so much more important than their conversation and noticed the screen was filled with code. Her friend seemed to forget about the discussion completely as he typed away frantically. His eyebrows were pressed together in a way that seemed almost pained, and he had his bottom lip sucked between his teeth.
All she could do was watch, entranced, as coding flew across the screen endlessly. All was silent except Donnie clacking away at his keyboard and the electrical humming coming from his PC and all other sorts of tech around the room. At least ten minutes had passed, and nothing had changed.
Seemingly out of nowhere, his screens became covered in error messages as an obnoxious alarm blared out of the speakers hooked up to his PC, causing April to nearly jump out of her skin. The next second, all of the monitors went black, and the room was filled with complete silence. No clicking. No humming from the PC.
“Heh… I think I am going to scream,” the turtle said with a blank look on his face. He leaned onto his desk and held his face in his hands. His right leg was tapping relentlessly. April felt terrible seeing her friend like that. She wanted to rub his back or put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but knowing his aversion to physical contact, she refrained.
“Dee,” she murmured. “Is this the same hacker from the other night, you think?”
He sighed and shook his head, leaning back in his chair with a weak shrug.
“It has to be. The speed at which they are breaking through all of my security—and mind you I have amazing security—is just unreal. From what I have seen, the methods they use are similar if not the same as the one from the other night.” He began rubbing at his forehead. “You know, I thought that it was the purple dragons at first, but this is unlike anything I have seen from them before.”
“So…what does that mean then if they’re not the purple dragons?”
“It means that it’s someone completely new.”
♡ ♡ ♡
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sadgirlsims4 · 1 year
base game aspirations legacy challenge
hey yall!! i'm sick of legacies that include all the packs because I am broke, so here is a base game compatible legacy challenge, based on the game's 10 aspirations!
generation one
aspiration: athletic
additional traits (active+positive trait+negative trait): self-assured, music-lover, ambitious, loyal, outgoing, snob, materialistic, glutton
career: athlete, unemployed/stay-at-home parent
if athlete: reach a net worth of $25k and top level of career
if parent: have all children fully level up movement skills, achieve maximum body potential
generation two
aspiration: creativity (pick one, check career and below!)
additional traits (creative+positive trait+negative trait): cheerful, romantic, art-lover, music-lover, loves outdoors, loner, hates children, non-committal
career: if painter extraordinaire, painter (freelance or career). if musical genius, musician (freelance or thru entertainer). if bestselling author, writer (freelance or career).
if painter extraordinaire: own a home with a studio, have only one child
if musical genius: remain single, release 25 songs, master an instrument
if bestselling author: write 5 books, have 2 or more children, remain married to your first spouse
generation three
aspiration: deviance (pick one, check career and below!)
additional traits (evil+positive trait+negative trait): genius, bookworm, neat, perfectionist, mean, hates children, kleptomaniac
career: if villainous valentine, secret agent. if public enemy, criminal. if chief of mischief, eSports gamer (lmao)
if villainous valentine: marry and divorce 3 times, reach maximum mischeif skill
if public enemy: have 3 enemies, have a child with one of your enemies
if chief of mischief: reach top level of career, have an at-home gaming room
generation four
aspiration: family  (pick one, check career and below!)
additional traits (family oriented+positive trait+negative trait): cheerful, neat, ambitious, loyal, childish, erratic, gloomy
career: if successful lineage, business. if big happy family, stay-at-home parent/ freelancer
if successful lineage: have at least 2 kids, reach top level of career
if big happy family: have 4 or more children with one spouse, remain married until all your children are young adults
generation five
aspiration: food
additional traits(foodie+positive trait+negative trait): romantic, active, ambitious, glutton, snob, hotheaded, perfectionist
career: if master chef, chef or freelance. if master mixologist, mixologist or freelance
if master chef: maximum level cooking skill, 1 child, max job
if master mixologist: max mixology skill, have an at-home bar, remain single
generation six
aspiration: fortune
additional traits(materialistic+postivie trait+negative trait): ambitious, genius, neat, art-lover, snob, jealous, mean
career: business, criminal, or freelance
have two kids, reach max career level, live in 4 bed or larger 
generation seven
aspiration: knowledge
additional traits(genius+positive trait, negative trait): creative, bookworm, loyal, erratic, kleptomaniac, gloomy
career: if renaissance sim, freelance artist or writer. if nerd brain, astronaut. if computer whiz, freelance programmer or tech guru
if renaissance sim: have 1 child, maximize logic skill, publish a book
if nerd brain: reach max level of career, have 2 kids and a stay at home partner
If computer whiz: have 1 child, have a computer room at home, remain single
generation eight
Aspiration: love
additional traits(romantic+positive trait, negative trait): 
career: if serial romantic, entertainer. if soulmate, business.
if serial romantic: marry 3 times, have a child with each lover
if soulmate: only marry once, have 3 children
generation nine
Aspiration: nature
additional traits(loves outdoors+positive trait, negative trait): creative, genius, bookworm, geek, loyal, snob, lazy, glutton
career: if freelance botanist, freelance gardening. if angling ace, freelance fisherman. if the curator, doctor or freelancer
if freelance botanist: have 1 child, maximize gardening skill, have a home farm
if angling ace: reach max level of fishing, have 2 kids, have a fishing pond on property
if the curator: have 1 child, have a collections room at home, reach max level of career
generation ten
Aspiration: popularity
additional traits(+positive trait, negative trait): 
career: if friend of the world: style influencer, tech guru. If party animal, musician, style influencer. If neighborhood confidante, stay-at-home parent, freelancer. if joke star, comedian or musician
if friend of the world: have 4+ children, maximize charisma skill, have 5 friends
if party animal: reach max level of career, have 2 kids, throw a party for each of you and your household’s birthdays
if neighborhood confidante: have 1 child, don’t move homes, befriend your next-door neighbors
if joke star: have 3 kids, marry and divorce at least once, max level of career
here's a link to mine!!
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officesuppliez · 3 months
hi there! DSaF Enthusiast here
I found like, a Minecraft Custom Skin profile, and I was curious to know if that's you
If so, I am very proud of the Dave Miller skin you created, however I'm having a struggle with using it on Minecraft because apparently the stupid app doesn't recognize it as a "valid Minecraft skin" despite me exporting the file properly
that is indeed me! it should be working, I've tested the skin before on java and bedrock edition. have you made sure your game is fully updated?
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it was possible for me to upload to bedrock,
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and java. I'm not much of a tech whiz, though. I'd say google it, see if microsoft themselves have any answers :]
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cutestkilla · 2 years
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Tuesday Fic Recs!
Thanks for tagging me @messofthejess (and last week too)! Since you asked... I actually thought about this silly format for doing recs a while ago, so here goes.
Four recs: something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. I am committed to reading fic, after all, so I think stealing this old wedding superstition makes sense in a way. That, and I need structure!
Something Old (aka an older fic)
The Start of Everything by Canadian Snow (Rated M, 15K)
Watford-era secret relationship as told through all the times Simon and Baz gave in to their feelings and allowed themselves to be together. The magic sharing in this is one of the things I love most about it. The descriptions of Simon's electric magic are some of the best I've ever read, and the way Simon and Baz use magic together is so cool, though a bit different from canon. But also, it's a story about intimacy and taking comfort in one another, all while secretly working together against the agenda that has cast them as mortal enemies.
Something New (aka the opposite of old)
in the Dust of Dragons by @martsonmars, with art by @nick-eyre (Rated M, WIP)
I’m reading SO MANY GREAT WIPS right now (many of which I’ve already rec’ed under my ‘fic rec’ tag) so to narrow it down I decided to recommend one here that I feel is both relatively new and a bit of an unsung hero if you go by kudos alone.
This is a brilliant fantasy AU that casts Simon and Baz as childhood friends to enemies and, eventually, to lovers. The writing is gorgeous and atmospheric, with rich descriptions and meticulous world building. So far, we’ve seen adorable flashes back to Simon and Baz’s childhood as a carefree actual dragon (with the ability to transform at will between dragon and human form) and fire mage, and in the present, Simon and Baz are very much apart and appear to be working at cross purposes as a treasure hunter and a jaded mercenary, respectively, on opposite sides of the fracture that tore them apart as children. The set up is just amazing and I encourage everyone to check it out and behold the author's genius. The art is gorgeous too!
Something Borrowed (aka an AU based on an existing story/piece of media)
A New Day (Carry On) by @technetiumai (Rated T, 38K)
This is a snowbazzed retelling of Agatha Christie’s Murder is Easy and it is SO SO GOOD. (And also highly underappreciated in the fandom, IMO.) Set post-AWTWB, Simon, Baz, Penny and Shep have decided to start a PI firm. Actual Scooby Gang vibes (Angel Investigations for my buffyverse peeps), and honestly, the vibes are perfect – blackboard walls abound – and the backstory of how they decided to go into this line of work is stellar. The characterization is so on point and incredibly insightful at every turn for all four POVs, the dialogue is brilliant (if you’ve read the the author's other work, you know to expect this from her every time), and it’s chock-full of well-thought out and totally believable worldbuilding that makes stepping into an Agatha Christie story seem like a totally logical and natural progression for the gang. (BONUS: Mordelia is their tech whiz!!) Oh yeah, and on top of all that goodness, we get a really fun murder mystery story and to meet some of Simon’s extended Salisbury family.
Something Blue (where by blue I mean risque, as in blue comedy, as in smut recs!)
When I Feel Alive by @facewithoutheart (Rated E, 3K)
This fic is one of my go-to reads when I want a quick pick-me up. The setup is: The final battle. Or is it? The tags include ‘Things aren’t always what they seem’ and ‘Honestly Dev needs a raise’, but I don’t want to give too many more hints as to what happens because the experience of reading this without reading the tags first is truly worth it. I consider this fic to be the perfect blend of dark Watford era angst and sexual tension, straight up good sex, and pure crack. Delightful in every way! Just go read it if you never have. You can thank me later. (Also definitely read the author's current rock band AU WIP This Will All Go Down In Flames (Rated E, WIP) which also promises to meet the "blue" requirement for this category, and will equally make you laugh and feel things. The smut is imminent, so now is the perfect time to start it if you haven't. And also comes with a killer playlist.)
I could go on (like I REALLY could, but this list would be so very long) so maybe I'll do this again. If anyone likes this format, feel free to join in and share yours for these categories too.
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intertexts-moving · 9 months
ROSWELLL HI HI HI HI i hope u are having a good night give ur puppy a kiss for me <3 im leaving the beach tomorrow (sadge) and i am going 2 be in the car for like 12 hrs.. what was that band u were talking abt the other day with the weird sea emotions 👀 i need stuff 2 listen to. (also if u have any other music recs. grabby hands)
HIIIIIIIIIIIIII MACKEREL GHOSTIEZONE HIHIII i hope YOU r having a good night too!!!!!!! pupy had SUCH a good vet visit today she. got carsick twice on the way the way there but she LOVED the vet techs (gave her cheez whiz) <3 & ahhh... evil. i hope u had a wonderful wonderful beach time though!! saw many beautiful sunsets & lovely creatures & such! that is like ur natural habitat i think. evil 2 remove u from it. sdhfsdhgf. anyway anyway i did infact. make a playlist for u i just never got around 2 sending it ur way sadge BUT. here u go!!!
& hgbhhh... i have been listening 2 not a ton of stuff lately & it's been mostly different than my usual (bunch of electronic + trip hop + hip hop) BUT. here r some current ones i like that u might too!! deltron 3030 a concept album about a mech pilot from a dystopian cyberpunk future who saves the world through a rap battle cardboard castles by watsky... sloppy seconds is still the cbee song of all time 2 me sorry.... also hes just like. good! safe at harbor by kate wolf is good... she's got like maybe one of my favorite voices ever. if ur in the mood for classic 70s folk certified air raid material is like one of my favorite albums ever i don't even know how many times ive listened 2 this one this summer. it just like scratches the brain itch??? psyence fiction i will recommend listening to if u just want 2 turn ur brain for an hour and listen 2 good sounds. i will also say its like very much a cult album & very much for a good reason if yr into this kind of sound!!anyway love u hope u have a good drive tmrw!!!!! kiss loki on the forehead for me ok????
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script-a-world · 1 year
Pylon Bios!
As we've added some new team members, please allow us to introduce ourselves!
First of all, we call ourselves Pylons. What the heck is a pylon? Well, outside of this blog, it’s an upright structure for holding up something, usually a cable or conduit. When this blog was started more than five years ago (whoa), the group chose the word Pylon to describe ourselves collectively, as a fun little nickname. Whee!
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Without further ado, meet the current Pylons! (in alphabetical order) (For retired Pylons, please visit the Historical Pylons page.)
Addy: Howdy hey, I'm Addy! I dabble in many (many) things, but I'm most familiar with civil engineering and general logistics, along with some knowledge about vernacular architecture and neat ruins. Beyond that, I have some pretty eclectic knowledge from a lifetime of Wikipedia binges. I tend to lean towards fantasy, but do have an interest in sci-fi. 
My favorite thing in worldbuilding is taking an "unrealistic" premise (eg, a flat world) and finding a way to make an internal system that makes sense. No matter what you do, you want your system to run by consistent rules - beyond that, there's a lot of freedom.
Brainstormed: Hey there, call me RB or Brainstormed, and you can find me at @thunderin-brainstorm. Any pronouns will do. I'm a student, illustrator, and world traveler currently back in the US. Worldbuilding has been my hobby for quite a long time and I'd love to give you some tips and tricks that I've learned, or take your idea and turn it on its head to perhaps show you a new perspective. The many projects I've developed have been lifesavers for me, as they allowed me to harness my Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder and use it as a positive tool for creativity. Aside from drawing and daydreaming, I spend a lot of time biking, hunting for cool rocks and bones, binge reading any scholarly article that catches my eye, and memorising completely useless random facts that I spout at any given moment in lieu of remembering actual important information.
Constablewrites: My name is Brittany, and I'm a California girl living in the Midwest. I use she/her pronouns. I've always loved stories with rich and detailed worlds, whether in movies, books, games, or something else entirely. I'm the kind of writer who will spend hours researching to confirm a minor detail. Naturally, I not only write SFF, but my recent projects have all required worldbuilding on more than one axis (like multiple types of magic, or time travel on top of historical) because I am apparently something of a masochist. I'm a walking TV Tropes index and a whiz at digging up random useful knowledge, both of which come in handy as a Pylon. Other random facts: I'm a trained actress and singer, I used to work at Disneyland on the Jungle Cruise (among other attractions), and a laptop held together with duct tape is responsible for my day job in tech support. I blog about writing as @constablewrites and about random things that amuse me as @operahousebookworm.
Ebonwing: Hi, I’m Ebonwing. I’m a writer and worldbuilder, and sometimes a worldbuilding writer or a writing worldbuilder. I gravitate towards fantasy, though I’m not going to say no to the occasional stint in scifi, and as I’m also a giant language nerd, I enjoy making conlangs for my creations. Other than that, I’m also an artist and indulge in any number of other crafting hobbies, and if I’m not doing any of those things, I can probably be found playing video games. 
Feral (she/her): Hi! I'm Feral, and you can find me @theferalcollection where I reblog things nearly exclusively or on my website theferalcollection.com where I post original writing content and offer freelance editing services for indie comic books. I work in the interiors & home furnishings industry and have previously earned degrees in comparative literature and theatre & drama. 
I’ve been writing and worldbuilding for over twenty-five years now (jfc). I used to consider myself a fantasy writer, but I’ve been writing almost exclusively science fiction for the past six years. My first love was Star Wars, so I think it will always be a little of both. 
My worldbuilding philosophy is that internal consistency matters more than just about anything else, and it really all comes down to the story you want to tell with your world - whether it’s told to others or just yourself.
Licorice: Hi, I’m Licorice. I’ve worked as a full time secondary school teacher of social studies for several decades now; my specialism is world history, but I also know a fair bit about law, politics, philosophy, anthropology, the history of medicine, and current affairs generally. My current academic interest is Chinese history. In my free time, one of my hobbies is writing fanfiction. I have travelled all over the world, and spent long periods of my life living in cultures not my own, mostly in Europe and Africa. I speak English, French, and beginners’ Japanese.
Miri: Miri here, with my main tumblr @asylos and my writing tumblr @mirintala. I am a Canadian Pharmacy Technician by day and a small time ePublisher and gamer of many types by night. Mostly wandering around the Internet helping to organize events in the FFVII tumblr fandom (modding at @ff7central and @ffviifandomcalendar), and stumbling around in various video games with my friends. I use she/they pronouns
Synth: I’m @chameleonsynthesis on Tumblr, but that’s a mouthful, so just call me Synth. Any pronouns work. Born and raised in Canada, but living in Norway since late 2007. Been worldbuilding in one form or another for some thirty-odd years now, with a predominantly science-fantasy bent. I’m of the artsy creative type, with way too many projects on the go at any given time, and enjoy long walks through Wikipedia and getting caught in TV Tropes. The best thing is when I stumble across some strange factoid that can justify aspects of my many weird alien species. When I’m not working on my worldbuilding or my art or at band rehearsal I can often be found exploring the hiking trails in the mountains surrounding the city.
It seems I have become the main “space ask” person ‘round these parts.
Tex: Hello, I’m Tex. Most of my hobbies are centered around fandom and worldbuilding for it, particularly on the science side, though I also like cooking and reading up on fiction and non-fiction whenever I have the time.
Utuabzu: Hi, I’m Utuabzu, I previously was part of ScriptMyth (RIP) where I tended to take the lead on Mesopotamia and Egypt related asks. I’m most of the way through a Bachelor of Linguistics, e parlo italiano und ein bisschen Deutsch. I have a deep and enduring interest in the history of the ancient world, particularly the ancient Near East, and I’m also a bit of a nerd for politics, which is helpful when it comes to worldbuilding. My random adhd-fueled 2am research binges have resulted in my knowing a lot of odd things. I enjoy traveling and experiencing other cultures, however as I am Australian this unfortunately requires flying, which I hate a great deal, and a fair bit of money, which I don't have. I expect to one day be crushed beneath a pile of my books. It is a demise I am ok with. If I must be referred to in the third person, he/him is fine, but don't stress about it. Other pronouns are more likely to cause confusion than offence. I have an unfortunate tendency towards really long sentences.
Wootzel: Hi, I’m Wootzel, or @wootzel-dragon! I use she/her pronouns. I'm a writer and artist of various flavors of fantasy, when I'm not being swallowed by life's obligations. My favorite thing about worldbuilding is making things as realistic or pseudo-realistic as possible, and finding a justification for everything. Sometimes, this is also my least favorite thing about myself, because it can make things very hard! But, it can also be really rewarding when I get things to work out in a way that I enjoy. 
My other hobbies include trying to rehabilitate my anxious dog, starting ambitious sewing projects on a whim, and wondering where all my time goes on a daily basis. I am still unsure about what I want to do with my life, except that it’ll always have writing in it somewhere. 
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