#i could do this with eu books as well
ofwings · 9 months
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@melordama did this and got me thinking abt my complicated relationship with all the star wars that i have consumed over the years
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chimaerakitten · 2 years
I think one of the big strengths of fanfiction as a medium is that it can, on average, assume the reader has a way higher degree of familiarity with canon than like…canon can. If you’re in the Star Wars AO3 tag you probably like Star Wars enough to remember more things about it than the average Star Wars-enjoying-ten-year-old. Which makes it way easier for fanwriter a to get to the juicy stuff and really engage with the worldbuilding or minor characters without having to spell out like. Who Wedge Antilles is for everyone who forgot or never noticed him in the first place. You could write a book about Wedge in the old EU because EU readers could also be assumed to be serious fans, but you can’t make a new canon Disney+ show about him. Those cost money to make and are intended for a broader audience.
And all this means that like. A good fic writer can and often will surpass canon when it comes to like. Thematic resonance and stuff, because they can really dig into something. Star Trek 2009 gave Kirk a new, more generic tragic backstory because it couldn’t expect the average moviegoer to be familiar with Kirk’s old, way more interesting tragic backstory. (Frankly, I’m not sure jj abrams knew about TOS Kirk’s backstory) whereas I have read a LOT of well-written, interesting, deeply resonant fanfic examinations of Tarsus IV, and what it means for Kirk’s character that he’s a genocide survivor. Star Trek 2009 answers the question “why did Kirk cheat on the kobayashi maru?” With “‘cause his dad crashed a spaceship when he was a baby.” A close examination of TOS canon implies the answer is “because he lived through a real-life Kobayashi that did have a win option, but which wasn’t taken.” BUT—and this is significant—even the TOS canon movies can’t really assume knowledge of the full TOS tv show, so that implication is never examined or made explicit. Instead it’s fanfic (and maybe spin off novels? Idk I’ve only read 2 trek books, if there’s one out there that covers this that would be really cool) where we get dives into that thread, where Kirk gets a commendation for original thinking because he can look a testing board in the eye and say “I’ve seen what happens when someone is entrenched in this kind of thinking, and I cannot let it happen to me. I understand the lesson, but it’s not hypothetical anymore and it never will be. I did what I had to do.” And that’s interesting! That’s meaningful! That can’t happen in a summer blockbuster. But it can happen in fic, easily, and that’s a strength of fic, I think.
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mistysblueboxstuff · 9 months
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✨ We Could Have Been Us / Group of the Two of Us ✨
A lot of folks were asking about the new Good Omens artbook, and originally I was only gonna do a S2 A4 book, but some people wanted an A5 softcover and some people wanted a combo s1&s2 artbook...so here we are xD
✨We Could Have Been Us ✨ - hardback
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A4 hardback, perfect bound, matte laminated cover
70 pages, contains all of my art for S2 of Good Omens
$50, ships worldwide, shipping is calculated at checkout
We Could Have Been Us on Peecho
✨ We Could Have Been Us ✨ - softcover
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A5 softcover
70 pages, it's exactly the same as the hardback content-wise, just a different format and a different cover :')
$25, ships worldwide, shipping is calculated at checkout
We Could Have Been Us softcover on Peecho
✨ Group of the Two of Us ✨
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A4 hardback, matte laminated cover, perfect bound
146 pages, contains all of my Good Omens art I've done since 2019 until now ☺️
$90, also ships worldwide but it's a chonky book so I expect shipping to be a tad chonkier as well - depends on where you are, so it's calculated at checkout
Group of the Two of Us on Peecho
Peecho ships from the place nearest to you, so if you're in the US your book will be shipped from within the US, EU orders are usually shipped from Germany, UK orders from within the UK, AU from the AU and Asian orders from AU/NZ ☺️
I think that's it! These took forever to put together xD But I really hope you guys are gonna like them! Thank you so much for the support and encouragement, none of this would have been possible without you guys ❤️
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moonstruckme · 6 months
HI, how are you?:))) so, I don't know if you are receiving orders :/ sorry if that's the case and I'm bothering you!
mas eu gostaria de pedir um leitor James Potter×Hufflepuff!, por favor ♡
where she is seductive but in a discreet way? She pretends to be stupid and innocent but in reality she is a pit of hell
I'm sorry if it's vague or there's something wrong, I'm from Brazil and I don't trust myself and I used google translate :)))
Hi, I'm good! You've got nothing to apologize for my love, thank you for requesting <3
cw: pre-smut? idk there's a mention of a hard dick
James Potter x fem!reader ♡ 463 words
“Hiya, sweetheart!” James calls happily as you flounce up to the marauders in the library. 
“Hey, Jamie.” You bypass the chair he pulls out for you, going straight to his lap. “How’d your potions exam go?” 
“Good, I think.” His hands land automatically on your hips, and he inhales softly as he presses a kiss to your cheek, smelling the perfume you’d put on before coming to meet him. 
“Yeah?” You coat your voice in honey. “Did our studying last night help?” 
James stiffens behind you. You make your eyes big and innocent in the way you know how, and Sirius and Remus are none the wiser, both bent over their charms books in preparation for the exam tomorrow. 
“Yeah, angel,” he says, voice soft but amused. “Our study sessions always make me feel good.” 
You bite your lip. “I’ll bet,” you reply lightly, shifting on his lap in a suggestion of how good your “studying” had made him feel the night before. 
“About exams.” James’ voice gets a bit choked. His grip tightens on your hips, trying to still you. “They make me feel good about my exams.” 
“I’m glad to hear it,” you say, all sweetness as you turn your head to peck him on the lips. You give his top lip the lightest nibble, and he jumps. 
His chair squeaks against the floor, making Sirius look up. “Alright, Prongs?” 
“Yeah,” James coughs. 
You lay your head back against his shoulder, looking up at your boyfriend and giving him a view down your shirt in the process. “Are you sure, Jamie? You feeling okay?” 
“I’m okay,” he insists, growing hard beneath you. He gives the fat of your hip a warning squeeze, well aware by now of the mood you’re in. 
You have to bite your lip to keep from smiling, but you pass the action off as concerned. “Maybe you’re just tired from your exams,” you suggest. “You’ve been working really hard. Need to take a break?”
James’ laugh sounds almost dizzy. “You know what, I think I am a little tired. Come with me back to my room, angel?” 
You hop up gaily, and Remus rolls his eyes as he flips the page in his charms book. “You could at least try to be subtle,” he says to James. 
James’ tawny skin reddens, but you widen your eyes in a well-practiced look of naive blamelessness. “What do you mean?” 
Remus’ gaze flits to you, softening. “Nothing, love.”
“Begone, you rake.” Sirius waves him away. You take James’ hand, helping him comply as he holds his book low to hide his stiffness. “Some of us are trying to study, and your girlfriend didn’t come to the library to be demoralized.” 
“Neither did I,” James mutters as you lead him off.
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cleolinda · 11 months
I'm gonna admit that I got on Twitter like a big ol' dramatic dork last night and said, knowing full well that Elon Musk was doing exactly this, "If he changes the name to X, I'm out, I can't do this anymore."
Not because "X" is doofy and a terrible branding move, although it is, but because he wants to do THIS shit. Yeah, no, I am not hanging around for your global interactivity "everything app" bullshit. You want me to fucking BANK with you? YOU? You just lost about $30B running a platform into the GROUND by FIRING EVERYONE and doing whatever damn thing popped into your head between shitposts? Are you HIGH? I cannot hang around for this "tech king of the world, 420 blaze it lmao" bullshit. I could not stay at my beloved Livejournal after SUP said all the users would be subject to Russian law in 2017. I know The Moment when I see it. I can't do this.
I admit, I might go back every few months and say "Hey, I posted XYZ on any platform but this, please leave this godforsaken place," and I don't want to delete my accounts. I've been on Twitter since 2008, and I have a ton of livetweet threads (on my main and also on an alt for that purpose. Remember that time I livetweeted the Twilight gender-change book? That glorious trainwreck?). I've saved some of them via Thread Reader PDF downloads, but there are still more to get. I don't want to utterly destroy book and TV discussion we did over there.
I haven't used Twitter regularly since maybe 2016 (about the time the post-Gamergate alt-right really moved in), but the conversation and community, decentralized though it was, before that--we're going to lose the last vestiges of that, the way everyone on Reddit was upset about losing the collective knowledge over there. And I'm so fucking angry about it. I'm so angry. I immediately came back here the week he took over last year because I knew, I KNEW, somehow that Twitter would be destroyed. I just thought it would burn down in a smoking heap of rubble, not turned into a shambling tech zombie under a different name. I just. I can't do this anymore.
Also, shut the fuck up, Linda Yaccarino. Just because you can put Elon Musk's nonsense into coherent verbiage doesn't mean "a global social media/marketplace/banking system/walled garden that's basically X-Treme AOL" isn't a fucking nightmare. I hope the EU bans the fuck out of you both. See you in bankruptcy court.
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bimoonphases · 1 month
@wolfstarmicrofic May 4 - prompt 4: Marriage of Convenience [word count 759]
“Mais merde à la fin!” Sirius cursed, failing for the third time to properly knot his tie.
“Here, let me help you.”
James got up from the bed and reached for Sirius, his fingers deftly working on the tie, his own already perfect and a white rose in his lapel.
“There you go,” James forced a smile before he sighed. “I really hate this. I’m supposed to help you fix your tie the day of your wedding to the love of your life, not as you get ready to marry a complete stranger.”
“Yeah, well, blame your fellow countrymen for taking this place out of the EU,” Sirius grumbled. “It’s either this or me having to move back to France and I haven’t lived there since I was three.”
Sirius gritted his teeth. After the exit polls things had gone barreling towards the worst for him quite quickly, ending him up in the position he was in that very day, with only those two options, the second of which he refused to consider. His whole life was in London, he wasn’t about to move. So he had to marry someone with a citizenship as soon as possible before the new laws ended up with him being deported. Thankfully, he hadn’t been alone in that. The London queer community had so many people in his same situation that Lily and her girlfriend Pandora had immediately sprung into action, changing the goal of their charity into something that these days resembled a matchmaking scheme. At first they had had the time to set up meetings between people, but as time ran out and laws were made and protests ignored it had all turned into a text with a picture, a name and date, time and location of the wedding. Since he knew her well, Sirius had been privileged enough to get a call from Lily after she had sent him a picture of a guy in a brown velvet jacket, a book in his hands.
“He’s a good friend of mine, Sirius, and he’s truly a wonderful person. He’s very active in the community and teaches at UCL, I’m sure you two will get along.”
He had thanked her but shrugged it all off. It wasn’t as if they needed to like each other to sign a piece of paper. This Remus Lupin had volunteered to help out, they would both walk into the marriage office knowing it was just for convenience.
“It should’ve been me,” James sighed as he slipped another white rose in Sirius’s lapel. “If you have to marry someone to stay in the country it’d be better if it was your best friend.”
“You’re already doing that for Regulus, James.”
“That’s different, Regulus is my boyfriend.”
“Exactly, and he would murder me if I tried to marry you before he could,” Sirius laughed, then he patted James’s arm. “Let’s go, it would be rude to keep my future husband waiting.”
The ride to the registry office was silent, and when they emerged on the steps of the building Sirius immediately scanned the crowd, looking for the man in the picture.
“That must be him,” James said behind him. “By the main door, talking with Lily.”
Sirius looked up and blinked a couple of times. Remus Lupin was very tall, dressed in a navy blue suit, a white rose in his lapel too and a cigarette in hand.
“God Prongs, he’s hot,” he whispered.
“He really is,” James chuckled. “Come on, let’s go to them.”
They walked up the steps and Sirius had the time to detail Remus’s soft-looking hair, his long fingers and the way his white shirt hugged his torso. He almost didn’t greet Lily when they stopped in front of them.
“Your picture really didn’t do you justice,” Remus smiled at him. “And it was one of the hottest pictures I’ve ever seen all the same.”
Sirius felt himself blush as he shook his hand.
“So you’re doing this only because you find me handsome?” he chose to say.
“Anything to send a big fuck you to this government,” Remus shrugged.
“A real Englishman in shining armour then.”
“Fuck that, I’m Welsh.”
Remus put his cigarette in the nearest ashtray and extended his hand.
“Shall we go pledge our love until death do us part then?”
As Sirius walked into the registry, his fingers intertwined with a stranger’s and his heart pounding he decided he would wait until they had both said yes and then he would ask his husband out on a first date.
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calummss · 1 year
Neymar Jr Drabble
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summary: cute domestic fic of dentistry student reader and neymar because why not
pairing: fem! reader x neymar jr
words: 650
a/n: i dont even keep up with neymar but i saw fans were starving in the ff compartment so i whipped this up. also who do you think will win the world cup?
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It was a chilly December day as the midday’s light sprawled across your books that were piling up on the table. Every inch of wood covered with texts, essays, flashcards, books and tools for your study session. Occasionally chills raised goosebumps on your skin, layers of clothing and blankets not stopping the cold from affecting you. Yet you enjoyed days like these. As hard as studying was, the relaxation of being at home and enjoying your own comfort was unmatched. You were humming your favourite song as you copied the last of the page’s information on restorative dental work when you heard the doorknob followed by the swinging of the door that lead to your study space at the end of the hall so that you could focus better.
‘Decided to finally get up?’ You joked, your nose still stuck in your book paying no regard to the person that had walked in.
‘Mhmm,’ he hummed softly, the floorboard squeaking beneath his steps as he walked towards you.
Neymar’s arms wrapped around your shoulders, pulling your back into his still warm chest, kissing your cheek repeatedly as you giggled. You patted his arm, turning around to kiss him properly.
‘You know, I’ve learned a lot of English since being with you,’ his deep voice sent vibrations down your spine.
‘Oh really?’
He spun your armchair around so that you were facing him. He lowered himself on his knees to be on your level, his warm eyes staring into yours.
‘It’s because of the lack of Portuguese you speak.’
‘I know,’ you protested with a pout, your hands finally letting go of your pen, reaching towards his face to cup it gently. ‘I know how to say some things though,’ you paused briefly, grinning at him. ‘Ainda me lembro do nosso primeiro beijo.’ [I still remember our first kiss.]
‘Oh meu deus [Oh my god],’ his face scrunched together the second you finished your sentence with a smile. A smile he so deeply loved. ‘That was so disgustingly corny yet adorable. Do it again.’
You could feel a warm flush on your cheeks as a small chuckle escaped your lips, ‘Ainda me lembro do nosso primeiro beijo.’ You repeated the same sentence slower, inching closer to his face as you spoke every word.
Heat arose from your stomach to your chest. His lips were getting closer and your heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t the first kiss but his presence made you nervous like a little girl.
‘Seeing you sitting here like this makes me realise how much I love you and how attracted I am to you.’ He rested his forehead on yours, his eyes still carrying the sin from the previous night. ‘But the images of you bouncing on my cock last night are still driving me crazy,’
Your whole body tingled, the feeling of his frame leaning on yours, as his arms wrapped around you felt like a sin. His lips brushed against yours; softly, passionately. His hands cupped your face as his lips crashed into yours, lips plump and smooth against your own. His arms found themselves to your back, pulling you closer than was possible. You gently grabbed his jaw, slowly pulling away from the kiss, deep down not wanting to break apart from him.
‘Don’t distract me,’ you smiled at him, his face still in your hands.
‘I love that you are studying but technically you don’t have to. You know that, right? I’ve got you covered.’
‘Well I’m not like that,’ you snuck a quick kiss before twisting back the chair so you sat in front of your notes again. ‘Now leave. I have an exam coming up and if you want to be my future patient who’s satisfied with my service, you better leave me to study.’ You scolded.
‘Of course, Doctor.’
‘I love you.’
‘Eu te amo tanto.’ [I love you so much.]
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qutiesquish · 2 years
Coming Out as Transgender to “Wednesday” characters
Characters: Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, Eugene Otinger, Xavier Thorpe, Ajax Petropolus, Tyler Galphin, Bianca Barclay
Pronouns: None(this works for trans fem and trans masc and any other trans but I did target it in the masc/fem direction)
Warning(s): Includes trans Gomez & Morticia, deadnaming(accidental), Y/n x Enid x Ajax in one of them, all Y/n’s have pretty different personalities
Wednesday Addams:
Y/n, chilling in Wednesday & Enid’s dorm: “Wednesday, I need to tell you something.”
Wednesday, typing on her typewriter: “Is it important? I’m in the middle of writing my novel.”
Y/n: “Very important.”
Wednesday, turns around to face y/n: “carry on then.”
Y/n, taking a deep breath:
Y/n: “I’m trans.”
Y/n: “Are you gonna say something or—“
Wednesday: “My parents are trans as well. Is that all?”
Y/n, stunned: “uh- oh uh- uhm yeah- that was it.”
Wednesday, turning back around: “Very well then.”
Wednesday, typing: “What will you go by now? Also what pronouns shall I use when addressing you?”
Y/n: “oh uh- Y/n and [he/him]/[she/her](or any other variation)”
Wednesday: “Alright then.”
After that she would stop someone mid conversation to correct them on your name and pronouns if they messed up and misgendered anybody who purposely deadnamed or misgendered you(the consequence if they continue after that tho is unknown). Don’t try and thank her though because she will say she’s just having common decency.
Enid Sinclair:
Enid: “So there was something you wanted to tell me?”
Y/n: “Oh uh- yeah…”
Enid, resting a reassuring hand on Y/n’s shoulder: “You can tell me anything [deadname]!”
Y/n: “well uhm.. I actually wanna go by Y/n and use [he/him]/[She/her] pronouns..”
Enid: “Oh! That’s so cool!”
Enid, pausing: “Wait- I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to call you by your-“
Y/n: “It’s fine, I just came out to after all. You couldn’t have known otherwise.”
Enid, whining: “true… but I still feel bad about it!”
Y/n, softly smiling: “You didn’t know, don’t worry about things you make mistakes of when you had no knowledge on them.”
Enid, smiling: “I’ll try! Thanks for trusting me enough to come to me with such information Y/n, I’ll make sure I will work on the pronoun and name thing!”
Y/n: “Knowing you, you’ll probably get it down in a week.”
Enid: “Really?!”
Y/n: “Really. Now let’s go, I did offer to go shopping with you the other day.”
Enid: “Yay! Ooo could we get matching keychains?”
Y/n: “Sure.”
She proceeded to correct everyone on your name and pronouns after that. She also did get your name and pronouns within the week.
Eugene Otinger:
Eugene: “You wanted to tell me something?”
Y/n, taking deep breaths:
Y/n: “Eugene. You got to promise me you won’t tell anyone what I’m about to tell you, at least not until I’m ready.”
Eugene: “Okay?…”
Y/n: “Eugene I’m trans.”
Eugene: “Really? That’s cool!”
Y/n: “You’re… you’re fine with it?”
Eugene: “I have two moms… there’s nothing wrong with being apart of the LGBTQ.”
Y/n: “Well I know that Eu.”
Eugene: “So do you have a new name now orrrr?”
Y/n: “Oh! I wanna go by Y/n.”
Eugene: “Y/n, huh?… That’s so cool! I like it! It really fits you.”
Y/n: “Really?”
Eugene: “Totally!”
Y/n, smiling: “Thanks Eu. I appreciate the support.”
Eugene: “Of course! You’re a hummer after all! And Hummers….”
Y/n, rolling their eyes with a smile: “Stick togetherrr… now come on, I want the bees to meet the new me.”
Eugene: “They’ll still love you! I just know it!”
He introduced you to the bees all over again as Y/n and your new pronouns, and after he did that he told you that the bees said they still love you and are very proud.
Xavier Thorpe:
Y/n: “Xavier i have something to tell you.”
Xavier, drawing: “Hm?”
Y/n: “I’m trans.”
Xavier, still drawing: “I know.”
Y/n: “I hope that you accept me—“
Y/n, processing:
Y/n: “Wait what?”
Xavier, looking up to Y/n: “I had a dream where you presented as the opposite sex and went by a different name,”
Xavier, passing his note book to Y/n: “I even drew you from my dream.”
Y/n: “That’s scary… I was planning to do exactly that to my hair…”
Xavier: “Haha… yeah… my dreams are kind of weird but back to the topic, what are you going by now then?”
Y/n: “I was thinking Y/n.”
Xavier, smiling:
Y/n: “That’s what I went by in your dream huh?”
Xavier: “Possibly.”
Y/n: “Oh my god. Let me guess, there’s more of those drawings, huh?”
Xavier: “Well I couldn’t get the dream out of my head so yeah, plus you’re a pretty good muse.”
Y/n: “You’ve got to show me.”
Xavier: “Do I have to?”
Y/n, smirking: “I’m your muse, right?
Xavier: “… fine, after school.”
Y/n: “Bet.”
He had no issues with your name or pronouns, and he had around five or so drawings of you which were super cool. He also offered to help you go buy new clothes for outside of school, only if you agreed to then model for him from time to time so he could draw them.
Ajax Petropolus:
Ajax: “Ayeeee wassup? What’d you wanna talk about?”
Y/n: “Ajax, I’m going to need you take this conversation very seriously, okay?”
Ajax: “Is something wrong?”
Y/n: “What? No, I just- Okay I’m just going to outright say it.
Y/n, takes a deep breath: “Ajax, I’m trans.”
Ajax, shocked: “YOURE LEAVING?!”
Y/n: “Yes I am.”
Y/n, processing:
Y/n: “The fuck? No- where the fuck did you get that from?”
Ajax: “But you just said you’re transferring?”
Y/n: “Ajax, no. I’m trans.”
Ajax, distressed: “Yeah, you’re trans. That means you’re leaving Nevermore!”
Y/n: “No, Ajax. I’m trans GENDER.”
Ajax: “Oh…. OH! My bad.”
Y/n, shaking their head: “Oh my god Ajax you’re gonna be the death of me.”
Ajax: “You’re welcome- wait does that mean you go by something different now orrr?…”
Y/n: “Y/n.”
Ajax: “Okay okay, bet, I can do that.”
He’s genuinely really happy he’s the one you came out to first but also feels bad he didn’t understand what you were saying at first.
Tyler Galphin:
Tyler: “Oh hey, [deadname]! Something on your mind? You don’t normally visit after hours.”
Y/n: “Tyler i need to tell you something.”
Tyler, sitting next to Y/n: “Oh? What’s up?”
Y/n: “Tyler I’m just going to kind of drop this on you so prepare yourself, okay?”
Tyler: “Uhh okay?”
Y/n: “Tyler… I’m trans, and I wanna go by Y/n now.”
Tyler: “Y/n, huh? I like it.”
Y/n: “You do?”
Tyler: “Yeah, it fits a pretty [boy]/[girl] like you.”
Y/n: “Glad you think so.”
You’re now only referred as Y/n or pretty [boy]/[girl] unless you ask him to call you otherwise. He also offered to see if his dad could help you change your name legally if that’s what you want.
Bianca Barclay:
Y/n: “Bianca I need your help.”
Bianca: “Hm? What’s up?”
Y/n: “First off, sorry for barging into your dorm, I really need to get this off my chest.”
Bianca: “It’s fine, just tell me what you need to.”
Y/n: “Okay- so like- I uh-“
Bianca: “Take your time, I’m listening.”
Y/n: “okay. Okay…”
Y/n, taking deep breaths: “Okay… Bianca, I’m trans.”
Bianca: “Oh?”
Y/n: “yeah and like- I need help looking more [masc]/[fem]/[Androgenous] because I may or may not have a date tomorrow with Ajax and Enid so like—“
Bianca, sighs: “Fine, fine, I’ll help you. But first you have to tell me if you have a new name or not.”
Y/n, grinning: “Oh! It’s Y/n!”
Bianca: “Alright Y/n, meet me at the gates around 4:15(pm), I have a few things I need to finish.”
Y/n: “Eeee! Thank you! I appreciate this so so much!”
Bianca: “Yeah, yeah.”
Not only did she pick you out the best outfit for your date the next day but she helped pick out stuff for everyday wear. Bianca also said if you ever wanted/needed help when it came to stuff like binding/tucking(if you decided to start) she’d be there to help you as she has met quite a few trans people due to “connections”, whatever that meant.
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smallfrenchstudyblr · 2 years
Local European law PhD person is breaking down why Twitter is in trouble with European authorities - bc we live in a dystopia and I am procrastinating my research.
TL;DR : Twitter is loosing all the experts required to actually make (good, but really any) decisions regarding data privacy in Europe, and it's even funnier because they picked the one(1) European country that would give them the most tax cut but it's also the one that is really into dragging Big Tech all the way to the highest instances in the EU to make knock them down a peg.
But also more under the cut bc this is hilarious and I CANNOT WAIT for Elon Musk to discover the EU. Very much going to be a unstoppable force meets unmovable object situation, because trust me, TRUST ME, there are few things as slow, inhert and full of bureaucrats who are NOT on twitter as the EU. Anyway here is too many paragraph of me putting my diploma to good use or something, my Masters Director would be proud.
Step 1: TF is the GDPR, like, actually.
Ok the the General Directive on Privacy Regulation is a European Union Regulation, which sets clear rule on what you can and cannot do with people's information/data, in order to protect their privacy. It is very wide and very cool and the US wishes it had it (Except you, California, you're doing great).
And what's cool is also that the moment you want your digital services to be available on European territory, you need to comply with the GDPR. Doesn't matter where you are based, if it's not GDPR compliant, you don't get access to that sweet sweet European market.
For example, after the GDPR was entered into force, there were a bunch of US News Media website I could not access, because they were not complying with the GDPR yet, and were not willing to take the risk to infringe on the GDPR. Doesn't matter if they are not Europe based. What matters is the market. Dw they are fine now.
Ok, cool.
Step 2: Twitter was doing ok so far - I know, I'm surprised as well.
So Twitter is a US-based company, but blue-bird had to comply with the GDPR like everyone else. So far, so good-ish, and by that I mean that Twitter was not really targeted by any European or national authority for not complying.
But let me tell you the thing about the GDPR: it is. a. mess. Getting to UNDERSTAND what's even required guaranteed my cohort of European Law major that we would ALL be employed in the upcoming years. It is atrociously difficult. THE REGULATION HAS ITS OWN WEBSITE imagine a law having its own website, what the hell honestly.
The GDPR is challenging for your local true crime book club handling the email addresses of its 12 members, ok.
Behemoth social media platforms require a massive amount of workforce and expertise to make sure they comply with the GDPR. Like, I cannot stress the absurd amount of work and constant vigilance it requires. But they were doing ok.
Step 3: Elon Musk is an authoritarian manchild and Twitter is bleeding experts
I know both things are related but trust me, it's important to mention them separately, you'll see in a second.
Among the many high-ranking people who left, we have:
The Chief Information Security Officer
The Chief Privacy Officer / Data Protection Officier
The Chief Compliance Officer (unconfirmed officially but I would bet on it)
So they are trying to do some emergency creative problem solving by apparently having data engineers be the ones certifying compliance with the GDPR (lmao as someone who works with a bunch of data scientist I would pay money to see that happening) and nominate people to temporarily take over all these positions. To be transparent the guy they nominated as "acting GPO" (lmao I'm really feeling the confidence right now) does not seem fully incompetent, but this is still hilarious.
Step 4: Haha it's funny because it's Ireland
Now, ok, here is the kicker.
Twitter so far has been using a system that the GDPR allows, which is the One-Stop Shop. OSS means that Twitter picked the authorities of a specific EU State to report to, when it comes to compliance to the GDPR, it's easier for everyone than massive online companies like Twitter going to 27 different states to report what they are doing.
So they picked Ireland, because their European headquarters are based in Ireland.
(spoiler: it's because Ireland is a tax haven).
Now. You might think there is ONE problem on the table, but get ready, there are TWO, baby.
Haha Twitter's GDPR person has left, mate, you want to explain how you're going to comply with the GDPR when you don't have you GDPR experts anymore??
Elon Musk is, as stated before, an authoritarian manchild and the GDPR is also not super super fond of that, mate if you want the OSS system you actually need to give minimal guarantee that the data-privacy-decision-making is happening in the State of the OSS. When clearly, right now, decisions are happening wherever the hell Elon Musk decided to have his morning protein shake, and I'm pretty sure it's not Dublin. And also around 50% of the Dublin headquarters have been fired, so I don't know who is supposed to take decisions over there, honestly.
Like the case about the guy who sued Facebook for violating the right to privacy in the way it handled data? It's the Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner case, and it comes from Ireland. Irish Judges had no issue being like "Yeah, Facebook or not, we're choosing violence".
Step 5: Ok now what ? Aka I sit back and grab some popcorn
So right now, Twitter is trying to convince the DPC that it's totally absolutely doing GREAT.
Sure Jan.
Anyway, the question is whether the DPC is willing to buy it. We know there has been meetings, and the DPC is at least putting SOME form of pressure on Twitter.
Outcome 1: the DPC is feeling petty and does NOT buy it. Then I'll write another post, but I think the DPC would give Twitter some time to put things in order and give enough guarantees before going on the offensive.
Outcome 2: the DPC buys it (because Dublin LOVES its Big Tech companies, and they are driving prices up to the point where Dublin is experiencing a massive housing crisis, it's fine, this is fine) . And we wait for an individual/NGO to bring a formal complain to the DPC, for the DPC to refuse it, and for the individual/NGO to challenge that decision before the Irish Courts and that becomes a whole new story that will warrant its own post - and I get to show off some useless knowledge on EU procedural law.
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ge0rg1ewaa · 1 year
"They set it up!" - Neymar jr
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A/n : this is so confusing and idk if it makes sense. I just wanted to post something, anything. hope u still enjoy it :)
[Third person pov]
The smell of freshly prepared pasta wafted through the corridors of the apartment. The atmosphere was soothing with a blanket on the couch & a favorite movie on the TV. The setting sun and its last rays were the only thing that could be seen through the window.
Today was Y/n's day off and she decided not to bother going out, to be honest, she wasn't in the mood either. Yesterday, she broke up with her boyfriend of a year and a half because she found out he was cheating on her. She didn't do anything all day. In the morning she went out to do the shopping, but since then she has been at her place, reading the unfinished book and finishing watching the last few episodes of the series she has been bingeing on lately.
After pouring herself a portion of the pasta, she headed to the sofa, taking her phone from the charger. The girl had not yet checked her social media, her phone flooded with messages from Instagram, Twitter and Messenger. There was nothing interesting in the internet world. There were no dramas at the moment, or at least Y/n hadn't run into them. One of the messages was from her boyfriend well ex now, Neymar jr, and read 'I'm really sorry. I promise you, I haven't done anything. You know I would never touch anyone else expect you. I love you. Baby please answer me. ' and stuff like that, but Y/n just blocked him. Less than a minute later, her phone rang. As soon as she saw that it was Neymar, she let him ring, but as soon as she realized that he was not going to give up so easily, she picked up the phone, but remained silent, letting him speak.
"Hi meu amor. I know you are there, but you are silent because you want me to speak, so I will speak and tell you everything. The other night after we won the game we went out for a treat but we got drunk and I don't even know how I got home. I swear to god I don't know the girl who was next to me. They set it up! We haven't done anything, I promise you. I know the pictures you saw don't do justice to my words, but I have a video where she is paid to lie next to me half naked. I'll send it to you so you can make sure too. Eu te amo muito. Eu nunca faria algo assim para te machucar. Você significa muito para mim. [ I love you so much. I would never do anything like that to hurt you. You mean so much to me.]" After he explained everything to her in one breath, Y/n unblocked him to send her the video. And he was right. The girl could be clearly seen haggling for the amount of money and eventually getting it, before taking off her dress and laying down next to the sleeping Neymar. But how did she get into his room?
"You can see for yourself what it's all about. I still don't know how she managed to get into my room and who helped her and why they took pictures, but at least I can rest assured that you know the truth." Neymar sighed, his red eyes filled with tears once again. He doesn't know how he let things get here. Only a day since the love of his life left him, but he doesn't know what is happening around him. At least now that Y/n had let him explain the ugly situation, he hoped she would return to his arms. He missed her, her touch, her kisses, her voice, her laugh, her presence in general. He was so deeply madly in love with her that he was ready to leave his family and end his career for her, and we all know how important family & football are to him.
He was just about to hang up the phone when her soft breaking voice called. "Ney, im so sorry. I should have let you explain earlier, but because of my stubborn head, I didn't and hurt both of us. I wish I could hug and kiss you. I miss you." Y/n said, her voice quiet but understandable. She knows that's not possible because of the miles that separate them every day.
" Se você descer e sair, seu desejo pode se tornar realidade. Se você descer e sair, seu desejo pode se tornar realidade. " [If you go downstairs and go outside, your wish may come true.]" Neymar replied with a small smile that could be heard in his voice.
He was here. He was finally here. Her smile shot across her face. Y/n would finally see him. She was so excited that she didn't even bother to get a jacket and flew down the stairs, opening the front door as quickly as possible. And here in front of her stood Neymar. With his classic smile and different hairstyle. He opened his arms and Y/n ran up and jumped on top of him. Her legs wrapped around his hips, his arms around her back and under her thigh to keep her from dropping to the ground. She nuzzled her face into his neck, smelling his fresh scent & he buried his face in her hair, inhaling her shampoo, which smelled of vanilla and cinnamon.
They pulled back and smashed their lips into each other's. Their lips seemed to be made for each other and fit together like a puzzle. Ney couldn't seem to enjoy Y/n's cherry lip balm & her hands were tangled in his curls.
"I missed you and I'm so sorry I didn't believe you at first." Y/n whispered, forehead pressed against Neymar's.
" Tudo está bem agora. Eu te amo." [ Everything is good now. I love you.]
" Te amo mais." [I love you more.]
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familyparadox · 4 months
I find it a pity that they did hardy did anything with the fact that the Cheetah Planet lives in through Ace (okay it may be a metaphor but I don’t care) because they could do so much cool stuff with Ace still being Part Cheetah person all the EU gives us is:
Makers her faster
Can smell the Master’s Cheetah pheromones
That’s it. I want her eye’s to still tun yellow and to grow fangs in times of deep emotion. Ace should be able to all kinds of Cheetah things as well. She should be a better tracker and climber. Not mention the strange Eldritch power of the cheetah planet should allow to mentally link with the Master. She should be able to tell him how much she hates him whenever.
Not to mention the EU hardly did anything with the idea of Planet of the Cheetah Lesbians full stop beyond the cheetah lesbians appearing in the Mr. Men crossover books.
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Maso! Do you have anything for our EVP birthday boy Matthew? I’m sure you can write something awesome for him
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Yes babe, I can! And although it’s not Matthew’s birthday, I still did it because at last I finally finished something 👏. And no, I didn’t write EVP!Matthew, just regular Matt, it was what worked for this so I hope you get to enjoy it either way.
Also, I didn’t put the translation to the lyrics but you guys let me know if you’d like me to translate the entire song (google translate will fuck up some of the phrases as per usual), but for now I’ll leave it like this. And yes, I highly recommend you to listen to the song because it’s *chef’s kiss* the melody and flow is ugh, so good. Hope you like this, love💋
A/N: Huge shout out to @theworldofotps and for supporting me through this. Love you babe 🥰
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*Written in Matt’s POV*
“Eu quero a sorte de um amor tranquilo
Com sabor de fruta mordida…”
The beauty of the known is often looked upon and taken for granted as something that shouldn’t be cherished. Because it’s comfortable, unexciting, predictable, trustworthy, and completely capable of making you yawn with boredom. But the thing is that the true beauty lies in what is expected, what you already know, in all of the things you can replay in your mind even before they happen.
You know it all, from the long pauses to the hesitation, the doubt in every word silently marked with an interrogation point. The uncertainty beneath the “I made a chicken pie for dinner”, it’s all so foolish to some, but to me, it’s the most wholesome thing that could ever exist in this world.
Love is overrated, not because it is a frivolous thing but because people often over-glamourize it as everything that it is not. Real love is not being excited to see your significant other every day, it’s not the urge to touch them nor the need to hear their voice. Real love is not marked by excitement but in fact, it’s nothing more than comfort.
When we’re young we have this vision that love will sweep us off our feet every day for the rest of our lives, and then reality hits us and love becomes everything that’s not advertised on TV shows or movies.
“Ser teu pão, ser tua comida
Todo amor que houver nessa vida…”
There is that raw excitement in the beginning, but after a while - like every new experience in life - you grow out of it and the only thing that remains is the person you know well enough to predict everything they do, from behavior to clothes, from speech pattern to preferences of food, drinks, movies, books, colors, vacation…you can name their routine as if it was your own, and that is the true beauty of love.
Not the eagerness to be together, but the comfortable silence as you watch the news. It’s the casual “Do you need something from the grocery store?”, it’s the care, the mute expression of true feelings, the lack of necessity to say anything at all.
True excitement lies in asking “Do you want some prunes on your greek yogurt?” just so you can see their nose scrunch up in disgust before the already-known answer of “Of course not! Yuck” fills up your ears and you silently repeat it along with them.
“E ser artista no nosso convívio
Pelo inferno e céu de todo dia
Pra poesia que a gente nem vive
Transformar o tédio em melodia…”
If anyone asked me “If you could, would you do it again?”, my answer would be “Absolutely”. I would choose the same woman, over and over again. I would experience the highs and especially the lows with a smile on my face because I know the outcome is worth it.
What makes our love special is not the two honeymoons spent on the Caribbean sea, but all of our endless crying and praying sessions on the kitchen floor at 3 am because we had no idea how we would pay the rent.
That’s why as I stare at her now, swiping the living room floor while singing the very same song that I now know the lyrics all too well, I’d confidently say “I do” all over again.
“Is everything ok?” She asked, after suddenly settling the broom to the side to skip the song currently playing on the speakers.
“Yeah, why?” I ask, incapable of keeping the soft smile off my lips. Sipping on my cup of coffee, I mentally mimicked her as she squinted her eyes “Are you sure?” She asks, a hint of uncertainty coating her words, “You’re looking at me funny”.
“Funny?” I chuckled “That’s an interesting choice of word. I wouldn’t say ‘funny’ but rather something deeper”.
“Todo amor que houver nessa vida.
E algum remédio que me dê alegria”
“Oh yeah?” She teased, “Like what?”
“Admiration perhaps?” I offer, before hiding an amused smile behind the rim of the cup.
“Nah” She clicked her tongue in sarcasm but was unable to hide the gleam of happiness in her eyes. “Get a life, you weirdo”.
“I already have a life” I keep staring at her, and the once amused smile turns into a full toothy grin.
“Rather boring I’d say” She teased, throwing one of the couch pillows at me.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, dove”.
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @bayleymania , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl , @ripleyswhore
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the--highlanders · 3 months
I hope you don't mind me asking but what are your favourite Jamie EU stories?
oh my god not at all, I never mind being asked about my favourite little guy <33
I'm gonna break this down by media type, but there's some parts of the eu like comics that I'm not super familiar with, so if anyone wants to add some of those on (or any other eu stories) then go ahead!!
putting this under a cut because it got LONG rip
big finish
the jigsaw war
jamie is trapped inside a puzzle, experiencing events out of order, and has to figure out how to escape. this is THE audio for me in terms of like. recognising that jamie isn't stupid just because he comes from the eighteenth century. he really gets to shine on his own rather than being relegated to 'dumb exposition prompter' (which I feel like some audios can be kinda guilty of.....) also the fact that two and jamie canonically have a strong enough connection to form a psychic link over long distances makes me chew through glass. this audio GETS it in a way some others just don't.
the glorious revolution
two, jamie, and zoe travel back to the time of the glorious revolution, the event that set the jacobite cause in motion, and jamie grapples with not being able to change the past. if you saw that audio snippet going around a couple days ago you'll have an idea of why I'm reccing this one. it has been a while since I've listened to it & I do really want to relisten and check it out for historical accuracy. but regardless it's another one that gives jamie some of the depth he deserves, this time in terms of emotional depth and his feelings about his backstory.
the selachian gambit
two, jamie, ben, and polly get caught in the middle of an alien bank heist. this one is pretty focused on ben, polly, and jamie as a trio - they're largely taking on the action while two keeps the detective work of the plot chugging along. jamie doesn't hugely stand out here in terms of the audio really adding something to his character, but it does show his dynamic with ben and polly pretty well. in particular there's some great scenes with him and ben working together, and I love their friendship a lot so that's always a good time.
honourable mentions: helicon prime (I do feel this one underutilises jamie a bit and undersells him in some weird ways, but if you're looking for two/jamie content you can't get much gayer than this. plus it's the origin of the whole 'jamie and kirsty get married' thing which I hate on principle & am obsessed with in practice), the phantom piper (it's got so much more potential than it gives imo but the tidbits that we get are so good. jamie's relationship with his grandparents.... his best friend taking a bullet for him and dying in his arms...... I just wish I could explain to the author that there's no such thing as a bedroom door in a blackhouse)
the roundheads
two, jamie, ben, and polly travel back to the 1600s, and get largely split up by events unfolding around them. this is a pure historical and it delights in that. if you're after ben and polly content, the roundheads delivers on that too - but it really is some great early twojamie content. (whatever way you choose to read them - it's definitely a shippable book if you're into that). they spend the majority of the book together, both for plot reasons and just hanging out (they go to a frost fair!! two buys jamie treats and then makes himself a flower crown!!) and you get a great sense of jamie figuring two out early into his travels, and how he's far more interested in the doctor as a person than some other companions - he's the only one to show interest in susan when the doctor namedrops her, for instance. this is the best two-era book to me.
the wheel of ice
two, jamie, and zoe visit a space station built a little before zoe's time, and find that not everything is as it seems. again, this is a great one for zoe content as well as anything else, and for some very sweet moments with zoe and two. I don't necessarily feel this one always nails two and jamie's dynamic, but they don't spend a massive amount of time together here, so it's not too jarring. really I'm reccing this because of the scenes where jamie falls in with a bunch of teenagers from the space station, and finds himself kind of responsible for them. it's just nicely done and gives a good sense of jamie as a caretaker character and someone who feels a drive to be responsible for other people.
honourable mention: the episode novelisations (these are a lot of fun, especially if you have particular episodes you enjoy. they often add in extra details, background for side characters, or just little things from the episodes that were cut from the script. I really like them for adding a bit more depth and life to existing stories, and just little things that make you go 'yeah I'll add that to my belief system').
short stories
the time eater/across silent seas
two and jamie give a massive time-eating creature a funeral, and save a space whale from being turned into a weapon. both from the compilation destination prague. literally nobody gets me like the destination prague stories get me I'm not even kidding. these are THE eu two stories to me. both of these are arguably 6b, and they really work in that position - both in showing two and jamie with a very settled, devoted dynamic and in their themes and subject matter. the time eater is a story with no villain, and even the incidental threat of the dying creature causing havoc in time is secondary to the emotional keystone of jamie helping two accept death rather than running away. across silent seas has jamie nearly being aged to death and two absolutely losing it. they're both really about age and death and loss, which hits hard for 6b, with jamie's determination to stay with two forever and two's growing realisation that even if jamie doesn't choose to leave or survives their adventures, his lifespan is still going to be far shorter.
the age of ambition
two, jamie, and victoria land at the house of one of victoria's father's friends, only to find he has been trying to reanimate the dead. from the compilation life sciences. this is really a victoria story, probably the defining victoria story for me. it's got backstory, it's got gothic horror/victorian scientific ambition vibes in a similar way to evil of the daleks, it's got victoria character moments. but it's also a really crucial story for jamie, to me. as a character, I don't think jamie never quite forms into the brawny action man stereotype he was originally drafted as - and that's one of the things I love most about him. again he's too much of a caretaker, he's a piper rather than a soldier. he's rarely truly angry, even when he fights he never seems out to cause much actual harm, and you get the sense his protectiveness over his friends wars with this almost inability to do harm. the age of ambition GETS that and pushes it to the extreme, with jamie being unable to fire a killing shot to save his friends, to the point where victoria has to do it herself. it's such a compelling character moment for both of them and their dynamic.
on a pedestal
two, jamie, and victoria travel back to meet william wallace, who jamie idolises. from the compilation the quality of leadership. this is another one that really gets and hones in on a particular nuance of jamie's character - in this case, the strength and rigidity of his morals and sense of responsibility, and his dislike of people who fall short of that. he's faced with the fact that someone he admires was once careless, lax about taking responsibility for their actions even when other people are at risk, and just a bit childish. it shakes him, and he spends much of the story grappling with that. it's such a good look into the qualities that jamie admires versus the ones that he can't stand. but that's balanced out with some very sweet moments (the whole scene with two, jamie, and william wallace going fishing is very fun and again gives a nice little snapshot of two and jamie having this very settled, secure dynamic). AND jamie gets recognised as a basically supernaturally gifted piper which. love to see jamie actually getting to be a musician, love to see him piping without it being the butt of a 'bagpipes suck and everyone hates them' joke.
honourable mentions: that which went away (this is the 'jamie turns into a bear' story I'm always talking about. I do think it has some major issues in terms of weird primitivism, both in terms of the side characters and how it treats jamie, but also. jamie turns into a bear. and two begging him to come back to him is just *chefs kiss*), undercurrents (two vanishes from the tardis and another man mysteriously appears. jamie believes this newcomer has done something to harm two, and very nearly kills him for it. this is one of the few moments where jamie gets really, properly angry and is willing to actually cause harm and I LOVE to see him pushed past the breaking point of his usual moral code), the slave war (two, jamie, ben, and polly in the roman empire. also really good for ben and polly content, but there's some interesting stuff with jamie grappling with the idea of becoming involved in another rebellion, but ending up getting involved anyway)
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taco-pal · 10 months
AHSOKA REVIEW: I'm sorry but Dave Filoni has got to go lol. Ahsoka show is so mediocre in execution. His dialogue and style of directing just do not translate to live action well at all. The dialogue is so stilted and full of pauses, enough that it feels like actors are in entirely different spaces when reciting lines. All of it feels so expository and flat. Characters do not act like real people, they act as plot and lore delivery machines.
Rosario Dawson and Mary Elizabeth Winstead are not a bad actors. And yet here...Ahsoka is played so stoic, so emotionless, that it has to come down to the directing and writing telling her to do so. None of the charisma Ashley Eckstein and the animators of TCW and Rebels is here whatsoever. Winstead's Hera Syndulla is also played very flat. Can we also talk about how the blue eye contacts for both make the characters look absolutely lifeless and cheap? You can also just tell Natasha Liu Bordizzo is being instructed to act a certain way and wants to do more with the character but cant. It's so frustrating!
There is some stuff to like here: the stuff going on with Skoll and Hati at least seems mildly interesting, but it's also doing the Dave Filoni thing of changing the entire lore structure of a pretty well known universe by introducing more and more fantasy elements and glup shittos from the EU. It is just not dramatically interesting, sorry. Marrok at least looks cool as fuck by emulating Rinzler from Tron lol.
And this just brings us to the problem with modern Star Wars; It is all becoming so interconnected to the animated tv shows that they assume you'll have seen them already and understand who so and so blorbo's and glup shittos are and why they're here. But new SW creators are also in the trap of having an entire generation of younger fans created because of those shows now watching and wanting to feel validated. How do creators please both camps? How do you make people suspend disbelief enough to think that Thrawn really was part of the Empire that Lucas established in the OT? It just feels like Lucasfilm and Filoni steered the ship into the trap of fan service and ridiculous lore by mistakenly believing it could make up for the flaws of the prequels and any inconsistencies they might have later on and it is just sinking the entire ship.
Casual fans just do not care about this stuff and it's causing the entire SW machine to fail. It is also what made The Mandalorian drop hard in quality and also Book of Boba Fett.
The animated shows have never had any REAL parity with the main saga and it is a huge mistake to make it the backbone and catalyst of all the new content. I'm sorry, but most people don't want to watch 100+ hours of an animated show to understand what's going on in the series their grandma also wants to watch and easily understand. Only Disney Adult 30+ year olds and younger millennials that grew up on The Clone Wars could possibly find this pleasing.
(The way I had to hold off on talking about Andor's brilliance in comparison here...consider yourself lucky. ANDOR STANS RISE UP!!!!!)
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commsroom · 5 months
One more Eiffel question: do you think Eiffel likes reading? He references books fairly often but does he enjoy it? If yes what kind of stuff would he like.
... it's complicated! eiffel references books, but notably he references a lot of classics with movie adaptations. there's no way he wasn't a "i watched the movie; good enough" book report kid.
when someone asked gabriel urbina what eiffel's favorite book would be, he suggested either splinter of the mind's eye (first star wars EU novel) or something "unpretentious, like a pulpy 80s action movie of a book." and he said eiffel might like something like fight club or high fidelity, which... yeah, those are books he'd pick up because he's seen and likes those movies.
like, eiffel has read books. he is capable of reading books. he even wants to read them, sometimes. but, i think there are way, way more books he's picked up, read a few chapters of, and never went back to than ones he's read cover to cover. he likes reading out loud; he'd love to read to someone, and do character voices. i think that also helps him process it more easily; if he's reading quietly on his own, he's absolutely spacing out and realizing he doesn't remember anything from the last couple of pages on a regular basis.
(when he's reading hui's lovecraft book out loud in lights out, he says "it's no r. l. stine", which is a typically flippant eiffel remark, but also does not necessarily bode well for the last time he read regularly.)
as an aside, i think sometimes people defend eiffel's intelligence in the wrong way. like, he's smart! he's good at some very difficult, very technical things. he thinks very quickly, he makes connections, he's a lot more capable of understanding complex ideas than he makes himself out to be. but he's not an academic. he's not book smart, he does not have a four year degree in anything, and he's not reading a lot of classics for fun. (though, i think he could like vonnegut.)
in my opinion, that ties into something else gabriel urbina said - when someone asked about eiffel referencing casablanca, and whether he likes it. eiffel has seen a lot of older movies he's not even necessarily into because he was an unsupervised "tv is my parent" kid, and, as gabriel urbina said. if it's a choice between going to bed or watching casablanca, that's not really a choice at all. a lot of the classics he references are science fiction, and he'd watch a lot of those film adaptations on purpose, but others? might've just been on tv.
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bedlamsbard · 10 months
this whole thing about the Ahsoka show just makes me existentially sad in a way that's hard to articulate without sounding like a lunatic, and I think it's also the reason that I eventually had to leave Star Wars.
like, yeah, Star Wars had been making me angry for years and I hadn't been having a good time for a very long time by that point (June 2021), but NOTHING fucked me up like the way they were just aggressively rewriting canon while openly pretending they weren't. I could deal with it when it was just the films, because those teams weren't really related and that sort of thing is normal anyway, not to mention that I came out of the PT-era EU when TCW was just treading gleefully over the EU. that's fine. the books and comics doing things? not great, but like. the EU's always been that way. (though even before 2021 it was messing me up because Lucasfilm was swearing -- and is still swearing -- that everything is equal levels of canon. it is blatantly untrue.) Mando made me feel like I was being gaslit, made worse by the fact that it was a lot of the same team that had done TCW/Rebels, but there was still the live action/animation distinction. TCW S7 and then finally TBB was the thing that finally made me snap, because then that live action/animation distinction had collapsed and they were still doing it, and it was worse. it made me feel like I was going insane.
I'm aggressively avoiding everything about the Ahsoka show because it brings all of that up again, only worse and more hurtful, because it's just...this thing I really loved chopped up and made palatable for someone else because ~it wasn't good enough. look, I don't know what's going on in this show, I don't want to know, I won't watch it, I don't want to hear about it, but everything about it, the overwriting of everything that came before on every level, MESSES ME UP. it's wildly destabilizing. it's not a logical reaction, I'm well aware of that, I'm not having fun with it either.
(I have everything related to That Show blacklisted, but things about it sneak through on various socials, so I still know a fair amount and I've seen stills and such-like.)
there is something existentially horrifying and destabilizing, and downright cruel, about the canon itself, the cast and crew, telling you that the story they told, the thing you loved, isn't good enough as it is. I can't get over that.
(this is about Star Wars but the MCU isn't immune to it, it's just honestly better at handling it. it's one of the reasons I find the Time Heist in Endgame and portions of Phases 3-5 unbearably sloppy, but by and large it doesn't feel as abjectly cruel as Star Wars does. there are exceptions, of course.)
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