#i haven't genuinely shipped a straight couple in years
cxptainmxrvels · 2 years
i cannot believe marvel is actually making root for a straight couple
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sevensoulmates · 25 days
Hi I just wanted to say I was on twitter and saw someone discussing and sharing your meta posts and I was genuinely intrigued and curious because you guys are obviously so devoted to the buddie couple and it's really endearing. And I was just really interesed about this perception of the couple you guys seem to have because is so different to the other side of the fandom I'm actively interacting with. I'm obviously a B/T shipper and only got into the fandom because of them but I'm really loving the show (currently I'm on season 5). I'm just curious about how is it that you guys see buddie as romantic when I think their interactions are clearly platonic, they obviously have a deep relationship, an intimate friendship but no more that that.
Again, I'm not trying to hate I just wanted to ask because it looks like the buddie shippers are settling themselves for disappointment just waiting for them to go canon. You all are obviously loyal fans and I think that's lovely but I honestly just don't see the show writing Eddie as queer now and I really think Tommy is here to stay (I think there's too many signs pointing to this fact like the buck actually episode and the old guy named Thomas). Again I'm not here trying to hate because I think you guys love the ship genuinely but I just wonder how is it that after all the things the shows portrays you guys are still rooting for buddie. Please feel free to ignore my question if I'm annoying you, I really don't want to come off as rude I was just really interesed in the topic.
There are a boatload of reasons why I and many other people ship Buddie. Most of them are far too long to get to in one ask like this because Buddie have had 6 years worth of material to sort through and it would just take far too long.
Long story short: in the same way that Buck was confirmed bisexual over the course of a single episode after years of many people saying Buck could never be anything other than straight, Buddie could be made canon in one single episode and it would be accepted just as easily even though it's been years and a lot of people are still saying they could never be together.
It's TV. The writers can do whatever they want. The second they decide to start bringing in more explicitly romantic things, people will suddenly start "getting" it.
To be more precise: I think it's easy for people to see a ship like Bucktommy and latch onto it because it's very clearly, explicitly queer. It's a lot harder for people to believe in or "see" ships where a queer couple hasn't done anything explicitly romantic like kiss or hold hands, etc. It's unfortunately due to heternomativity and the sad death of the slow burn. I can't really do anything about either of those things.
For me, the primary reason I ship buddie is because of the deep special bond and obvious family they've built over the years that feels different from every single other relationship they've had with literally anyone else on the show. That includes Tommy, Shannon, Abby, etc. You can view it as platonic if you want, that's anyone's subjective opinion.
You seem like a sweet person, but you're also coming into the show with a bias towards Bucktommy, which is fine. They're what brought you to the show, they're the ones who initially intrigued you, and they're also the only ones currently explicitly queer. I get it.
I am going to be so honest with you: I think the show has been writing both Buck and Eddie as queer men for many many years. But just like how Buck was only allowed to confirm it this most recent season, they haven't been able to confirm it for Eddie just yet. I could write essays and essays about how Eddie is so obviously deep deep in compulsory heterosexuality and has been almost since the beginning, but it would take too long. There's plenty of posts I and others have made all over tumblr and on my blog.
Slow queer burns featuring characters that aren't introduced in the first 5 seconds as queer are almost non-existent, they very rarely happen in popular media, and because of that it's almost impossible to ship something without someone coming at you saying "they don't see it". Fact of the matter is that Buddie is one of the easiest ships to "see", if you were looking at a man and a woman, but they're not. I can't really convince people to see what they don't want to see.
If you're curious about the specifics, I'd encourage you to go through my blog/meta or other buddie-positive blogs on tumblr to find many talented and intelligent individuals who will have a lot to say on why they believe in buddie.
When it comes down to it, I don't think the fandom at large is ever gonna believe it until they see it. That's kinda just human nature and the state of how we all consume media right now.
But once the show does go there, they're gonna be like damn can't believe I didn't see that until now while the rest of us sit here like "we've been trying to tell you this whole time."
In the meantime, I'm enjoying Bucktommy for what it is, for however long it lasts, and I'm gonna enjoy buddie just the same, regardless of if they go canon or not, or how long it takes.
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demonsfate · 18 days
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Whilst Asuka and Lili are yuri bait, tbf... Tekken as a series is just horrible with romantic relationships. I think Harada himself has confirmed that he sucks at love stories. It's not just the "gay" ships that suffer this, but even the straight ships.
Of course this was filled with comments like "wHaT wOUlD mAKE yOU thINK tHEY'RE aNymORE tHAN fRIENDS???" but like...
look at Jin & Xiaoyu. Most people can agree that Xiaoyu is indeed Jin's love interest. But... what have the two done that's any special from other type of relationships in the games? That Xiaoyu was willing to hunt down Jin no matter what? Hwoarang is literally the same way. Xiaoyu held Jin's hand? Jin held a lot of people's hands in the games, the only difference is that he held hers a little more "tenderly" and longer. The only ""confirmations"" we got that Jin & Xiao are supposed to romantically love each other is in 1) Xiaoyu said "you're the same Jin I've always loved," and 2) Xiaoyu's (noncanon lol) ending in TK8. Other than that, there's... nothing else. Yes, it's obvious since, at least 4 maybe, that Xiao has had a crush on Jin. But there hasn't been much of anything to show that Jin felt the same. Jin himself never even utters the word "love" to Xiao. Yes, people use that Jin flashbacks to Xiao when saying "I want to live" but again... that's also a blink & you'll miss thing because he also flashbacks to his other friends when fighting Kazuya. Jin & Xiao haven't even kissed each other - no, scratch that, Jin & Xiao haven't even HUGGED EACH OTHER. The only time we've EVER seen Xiao hug was in a noncanon daydream in TK6. Why couldn't they have at least hugged?
Jun & Kaz are such a wreck that, until TK8, fans HEAVVILY debated whether or not they were ever actually together. Some people argued it was a one night stand, some people argued Jun loved Kaz but Kaz didn't love Jun, some people had more unsavory theories. This is all because there wasn't a SINGLE OFFICIAL GAME where Kazuya mentioned how he felt about Jun. Even in TK6's recaps of the games, Kaz just mentioned that she was "mysterious" and nothing else. He never said that she was the only woman he's loved, or that he even misses her. It wasn't until TK8 that they made it more apparent (with his ending, and I guess Jun's ending) that Kazuya is genuinely in love with Jun.
Alisa & Lars, from what I remembered, are probs the "clearest" of these relationships, especially in 6. Fuck, at least we SEE Alisa hug Lars (in TK7, I believe she tackles him) "Jin" mocked Lars for "loving" Alisa in TK6, and both of their TK8 endings involve them being "lovey dovey" toward each other. But even then, they're NOT CANON since Alisa's bio for TK8 mentions she feels "weird" around Lars, which heavily implies she's in love with him... but it implies it as if she's confused, that they're not in a relationship yet. Hell, in the canon story, Alisa seemed more interested in Jin than Lars like lmao.
Eddy & Christie are also often debated if they're supposed to be a couple. But from everything in canon, it just seems like they're only good friends.
Kuma and Ganryu both have unrequited crushes that never go anywhere and...
Heihachi & Kazumi are the only ship where it's evident that they were married and loved each other.
Other than that, everything else is just so... vague! Even with the main character ships (Jin & Kazuya) - it's unclear, and we don't even get these characters hugging. Most of these "ships" are just a character having a crush on the other for 30 years and nothing really developing. I don't know why this is. I don't know if Tek really just doesn't care about relationships (if so, why add all these "crushes" and stuff?) or if they're just really that bad at writing relationships. But regardless, even if Bamco was relentlessly teasing Asuka & Lili, that's... literally what they do with all their ships.
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imhereformr · 4 months
Tag game: Tag nine (9) people you want to get to know better
Tagged by: @florelia12
Three Ships:
(Why have I just forgotten every show I've seen or book I've read???)
Musa/Riven (Winx Club): I don't think this needs an explanation...
Ben/Leslie (Parks and Rec): I love you and I like you. I mean, come on! There's nothing I love more than a healthy couple (we all know that's a lie cause my #1 ship is Musa and Riven but, like, stfu) that genuinely like each other and respect each other.
Mickey/Ian (Shameless): Me again, proving that I am a hypocrite with my so-called love of healthy relationships while actively LOVING dysfunction. I just love Mickey and I love how much he and Ian love each other. (I also love that Mickey became a groom-zilla - as a wedding professional that one made me laugh a lot). I cried when Mickey showed up as Ian's cell mate. Legitimately, cried 😭😭
First Ship:
Sakura/Tomoyo (Cardcaptors): Now, I watched the American version as a kid where they named Tomoyo MADISON??? and had her very much less in love with Sakura. That being said, I still shipped it. (And yet it still took me 25 years to figure out that I'm not straight?)
Last Song:
Penthouse by Kelsea Ballerini
My girl was ROBBED at the Grammys. Rolling up the welcome mat deserved the best country album award. That shit had me feeling and crying like I was going through a divorce too (I am in a healthy, happy relationship). I listened to 70000 minutes of Taylor Swift last year and yet 4/5 of my top songs on Spotify were from this album.
Last Movie:
My friends and I (try) to do a monthly movie-night where every month gets a theme, then we suggest movies and vote on a winner. We haven't been able to get everyone together since September so we watched our October movie 2 weeks ago... Bring It On: Cheer Or Die. It was awful.
Currently Reading:
Sabriel by Garth Nix. I just got Terciel & Elinor, so I have to reread the whole series. I've read this series 3 times. I highly recommend.
Currently Watching:
...Should be watching Winx Club. Am actually rewatching Brooklyn 99.
Currently Drinking:
Currently Craving:
Would absolutely kill for cream of broccoli soup rn. With some nice warm baguette.
Tagging: holy shit i gotta think of people... @duchessodette @redhairedgirl95 @onehellofakathy @valtors-bitch @anotsosecretdreamer @charmixpower @skylaryozora @sunacousins @krissykakesss
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somewhere-on-knowhere · 9 months
@malvo-ish Starbula bingo for you! :D
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Unsurprisingly, I LOVE THEM. The ship that brought me out of a looooong writing retirement because I love them that much xD
Long ramble/essay below!
I actually started shipping them in the months leading up to Vol. 3's release as a crackship, thinking about how cute it would be if Nebula developed a crush on him, but also angsty because she is once again going after the love/approval of someone who prefers her sister over her. So when I saw the opening of Vol. 3 for the first time, I straight-up had an out-of-body experience for a second because it was exactly what I wanted but thought would never happen xD Like, I thought we'd get a couple of friendly interactions between them at best! And then the shippy moments just kept happening! (The sound I made in my quiet-ass movie theater when the "it sounds more like her" scene happened will haunt me for the rest of my life xD)
But yeah, I love everything about their dynamic in the movie. The old married couple bickering, the way they can communicate without words, how they take care of each other. And I genuinely feel like they could be really good for each other once they take the time to get over their respective issues on their own. Both of them are learning to love themselves, doing things that will help them grow and become better versions of themselves, and at some point down the line, I like to think that Nebula will know better how to deal with her feelings for him, and Peter will become open to loving someone new.
Their relationship is just, a combination of so many things that make my head go brrr. Like, just the idea alone of Nebula falling in love with someone is really interesting and something I didn't think would ever be explored, and it shows how far she's come since GOTG1. I usually don't care about romance in the MCU but in this case, it's a great direction for Nebula's arc if you ask me. Also, the DRAMA. Because I find a lot of the appeal of Starbula comes from both characters' relationship to Gamora. They both loved her and she loved both of them, so they probably connected over their shared grief, and once romantic feelings emerged between them, they'd retreat from it at first.
Like, this is all headcanon now but Nebula might see it as betraying Gamora if she were to act on her feelings, not that she even knows how to do that. And Peter would have a shit-tonne of trouble moving on from Gamora. And I think both of them would have this lingering fear that their feelings weren't genuine. Nebula might think her crush is a result of her still feeling like she has to compete with Gamora and prove someone will choose her over her sister. And Peter might assume his feelings for Nebula are just him projecting his love for Gamora onto someone connected to her. I know these are very real criticisms of Starbula but like... if they could get over these things, I think that would be the ultimate sign that they're getting over their issues related to loving and being loved; kind of a perfect conclusion to their healing arcs?
Idk I love that these two make me think like this xD I haven't spent this much brain power on something in many years, hence why I can't stop writing about them (I've got like seven WIPS now help). I adore them both and they deserve happiness and love, and I want them to love each other. And it'd be great if a future movie or special explored that, but if not I'm more than happy to rotate them around in my head and draw my own conclusions. That's the beauty of how open-ended GOTG3 is. <3
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priyemma · 6 months
yesterday was a very rough day for me. I was very anxious which caused me a lot of stomach pain and headache. Kept walking back and forth hoping and praying that when the episodes drop I won't see what I ended up seeing. I could barely sleep the night before it either. Then I saw the google drive link for the episode on twitter, downloaded it and skipped straight to the end just to see who goes home, hoping that all that constant pain and fighting wasn't for nothing. Turns out they were all for nothing. I made a comment about it on reddit then I just cried my eyes out. All for nothing, yet another lose and proof that I have no luck, that nothing in my life ever wants to work out the way I want. I cried, then my chest hurt so much that my mom had to take me to the hospital. I am fine and can think and talk properly now, however i have no desire for anything anymore. Absolutely nothing. And whenever I think about what happened I just feel bad. I was able to watch episode 4 in full a few hours ago and was completely let down by how they wrote them. It was so awful. I was able to stomach how Emma went home last season but here? This ain't it. I haven't felt this bad watching a total drama episode in my life and I have 0 desire to continue watching it, and as someone who constantly defended the show this really hurts more than it should. I feel like I got stabbed. Priyemma haters won, I lost. Congrats to everyone who wanted her to go early, you won, she's not gonna compete ever again. I bet all of them are celebrating right now, good for them.
So this leads me to my goodbye. Everyone i know told me to leave everything about this show behind for my own well beng. And that's what I'm going to do. Thank you to everyone who liked me, and to those who didn't, I am sorry. I had some fun times here and I'm happy I was able to make some people laugh either with my yuri jokes, my fanarts or with my love for Priyemma, which yes, is genuine, I do genuinely have an obsession with them even if they’re not real, even if their relationship is a piece of shit, it’s my piece of shit. i'm gonna keep this account up for a few more hours then I will delete it for good unless the mods will be faster than me and delete this thread before it for being too off topic. No more coming back unless maybe some miracle happens and I find out that either them or another ship I really love will compete in another season. But i'm not gonna be that lucky because this whole thing proved that I never will be, no matter how much I beg for it. Why remain here when I'm not interested in any of the future episodes and the show will likely end for good after it, if not forever then definitely for a couple of years. No point in staying here. Goodbye and as Emma once said, have a good life./c
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threewaywithdelusion · 9 months
I truly don’t understand people who think Byler is going to be canon. This is nothing against people who ship Byler, because I absolutely see what would draw people towards that ship.
But some people genuinely think it’s going to happen in season 5 and that’s what I can’t wrap my head around. Stranger Things is a show written by, as far as we know, two straight men. It’s a mainstream show and it’s target audience is everyone from teens to adults. A large portion of this audience is going to be straight.
The Duffer brothers are probably patting themselves on the back for their excellent queer rep. They have two whole queer characters in the main cast. I think there’s a decent chance Robin will end up with Vickie, in which case we have three characters who are confirmed gay and one gay couple ending up happily together. The Duffer brothers have been at least exploring the fact that Will could be gay since season 1, when Joyce said that Lonnie used to call him gay slurs. They committed to it in season 4, but also in a very subtle way. Queer audiences saw this coming years ago. I rewatched season 4 with my parents and had to explain to them that Will was crushing on Mike. (I straight-up said those words and they said, “you mean… he likes Eleven?”). Straight audiences are not picking up on some Will/Mike love story. And yes, I don’t think Mileven was super well-written in Season 4. But that’s a problem with the writing itself, not proof that the Duffer brothers don’t intend for Mileven to be endgame.
Also, Mike is arguably The Main Character. Especially with how he was framed in S1. Modern shows might make one (or several) main characters or series regulars queer to show how inclusive they are and appeal to queer audiences. But I truly don’t believe we’re at a point where you can make the main character queer without alienating straight audiences (especially if your fan base is not just younger people). Maybe that’s cynical of me, but I think people want to watch shows with queer representation but that aren’t Queer Shows. And that’s what Stranger Things would be if Byler happened, because both Will and Mike (two of the main leads) would be queer and together.
Even if the Duffer brothers wanted to make Byler happen from a creative perspective (which I seriously doubt), it would be a terribly marketing move. I just don't believe we live in a world (at least yet) where predominately straight audiences want to watch shows with large gay casts. (Of course there are exceptions, but I'm speaking in generalities). So while I totally think there's space for Byler in fan fiction and that it's a fascinating dynamic to explore, it bewilders me that people think it's going to happen for real. I think this comes from being in fandom spaces and/or interacting mostly with queer people.
The majority of the world isn't the fandom and also isn't queer. We're still years away from a time where a hugely successfully, mainstream money-maker like Stranger Things can make two of its main characters queer and in love.
I adore the world y'all are living in though. I don't think we're there -- but I hope some day we will be.
Addendum because I wrote this quickly: I also think Mike/Eleven are a really important relationship that is central to the show. That's not to say that Will and Mike aren't, because I do think they have one of the closest friendships on the show and that there's something special about their bond. But the show, from the beginning, has centered around Mike and El as the protagonists for the kids' generation. Their love for each other and trust in each other has been a huge characteristic of both Mike and El and a huge driving force for the plot. They haven't adequately set up a pivot from that central relationship, and I don't think they could do it in the final season without doing a disservice to the past four seasons, but especially to El, who is the center of this whole show.
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acaplaya-musings · 4 months
Not-Fully-Human Voiceplay AU (part 2)
(Yeah so I was originally planning on posting this either the same day of or the day after the original post, but turns out I had a lot more thoughts than I first realized, and typing it all became trickier than first expected, and I realised I was overthinking things just a little and this is supposed to be fun) A follow up to this post that's basically "what if Geoff wasn't actually 100% human (and neither are Layne and Eli), with me adding elements of magic/fantasy to the real-life story of Voiceplay so far (some of it anyway - I don't claim to be an expert and this is not a flawless/fully fleshed-out story or whatever, it's just a mostly-coherent collection of ideas that my brain came up with, and it's just a bit of fun really). Go look at Part 1 if you haven't already, then click the Read More to keep reading!
When 4:2:Five's original beatboxer, Scott Porter, left the quintet [to become an actor], Layne was more than happy to take over the role. He was shown the ropes of beatboxing by Geoff [true], and was a fast learner, especially when he started to have fun with it.
The lineup of the group changed a little, and 4:2:Five became Voiceplay, which brings me to...
Eli: [I don't know when exactly he joined the group but I'm guessing it was at some point after the name change.] Human who keeps getting reincarnated after death. Started out in the Norse/Viking era (that's as far as his memories go back anyway), was a travelling bard during the Middle Ages, rode on pirate ships here and there during the Golden Age of Piracy, and was in a rock'n'roll band for a while in the early 2000s [true, though I don't know the exact years he was in the band for], before finding his way to Voiceplay.
Eli is, by and large, mortal (on a physical/physiological basis at least), though he often seems to have a little less need for air while singing than the average human [no seriously go watch VP's Part Of Your World mini]. And he's of course a bit more knowledgeable about certain parts of history than most, but don't expect him to help you with any history assignments ("you probably can't remember everything that happened in your life, let alone when, but you think I can keep all my lives straight and chronological in my head? Please."
Now I can start getting into the interesting bits, like the matter of subharmonics! First of all, here are the genuine reality facts that I know: Geoff stumbled across a video talking about subharmonics and how to do them while touring with the rest of Voiceplay. I don't know exactly when this was or even what part of America they were currently in at the time, but I also know that the first video that he used subharmonics in was a Twenty One Pilots mashup video that VP did with Kurt Hugo Schneider on his channel, which was released in November 2016. Now here's how I'm explaining things, using the lack of other specifics to my creative advantage:
I really wanted to have Geoff have some sort of association with earthquakes, because well, y'know, and after doing some snooping around on Wikipedia, I discovered that a magnitude 5.8 earthquake occurred in Oklahoma in September of 2016, and it's apparently the strongest earthquake ever recorded in the state.
Maybe it was just a "regular" earthquake, maybe it wasn't, but one way or another, it unlocked something deep within Geoff (who was in Oklahoma at the time while touring with Voiceplay), and though the ground did not in fact swallow him whole, the rumbles and vibrations sent him a message; he was still no ordinary human being, and constantly trying to act like one was only wasting his potential.
(I know the common trope is "half-human half-fantasy-being comes into their abilities when they enter puberty or first reach adulthood", but that doesn't really fit with the "real" timeline here, and I've got my own explanation, though it may seem a bit contrived).
Geoff would have been 36 when this happened, his birthday being a couple weeks earlier in August, and hear me out: half of 666 (the demonic/'devil's' number) is 333, and what do you get if you add the second and third individual digits together in the number? 36! (insert It's Always Sunny meme here)
So Geoff and the guys are rehearsing in the tour bus one day, like let's say the day after the earthquake, and suddenly Geoff hits a low note that he's never hit before, without barely even trying, and it sounds... different.
Earl: "Woah, that was impressive! What did you do?" (Earl is still human, but knows The Truth, given that he went to school and college with both Geoff and Layne) Geoff: "Currently, your guess is as good as mine."
In this universe, Geoff's subharmonics (which Eli ends up nicknaming "subterraneans") are different to the human equivalent of them. Think of it like a world where magic-users (witches/wizards/warlocks/etc) exist, but there are still ordinary humans that can do "stage magic" using special props, trick items, sleight of hand, etc. So the Youtube video on subharmonics is used as a cover story/explanation, which then makes it easier for Layne to convince Geoff to start using them in their song covers. Layne reasoned that the collab with Kurt Hugo Schneider was the perfect opportunity to properly try them out in a video, because if Geoff wasn't fully content with the final result, it didn't matter as much, as it wasn't going to be on their own YouTube channel anyway, and it could just be explained as a special "gimmick" or the like.
As it was, Geoff didn't do a subharmonic/Subterranean on camera again till months later, the following year [the earliest sub I can identify in one of Geoff's vocal lines on a Voiceplay cover is Daddy Sang Bass]. And well, the rest is history!
Right, enough linear narrative stuff, time for various headcanons and stuff that inspired me to make this in the first place!
Maybe the decision to grow his hair long was in some way connected to his true nature, maybe it wasn't, but one way or another, it went neatly hand-in-hand with Geoff's shift to "insane bassmaster 3000" that lured in new fans and had pre-existing fans loving him even more.
All the stuff about Geoff calling himself "old and boring" or "a baritone with a bass range"? Yeah it's a cover; a personal attempt to make himself seem like a "normal human", kinda like Clark Kent attempting to avoid any possible suspicions of him being Superman whatsoever. (A lot of Geoff's fans think he's way too humble, if not just in a whole lot of self-denial).
Occasionally, when Layne arranges a cover for the group, Geoff will see his part and be like "there's no way I can sing this", but not because it's too difficult, but because he believes it to be pushing the limit of believability just a little too much in regards to appearing/acting human (he can occasionally be persuaded though, like with that glorious ~15 second B0 Sub in Valhalla Calling)
Alien!Layne, though, has no such qualms about showing off his full vocal abilities, and will make vocal percussion look like literal child's play (see: the These Boots Are Made For Walking mini for Layne being absolutely unhinged). Sleigh bell noises? Sure! Bubble sounds? Easy! Inhaled bass? Pretty uncommon for humans to do it, but heck, let's hit an A0 while we're at it! (Sh-Boom).
Geoff, however, would be lying if he said he didn't also get into the spirit of fun and theatrics from time to time, and well, after the massive response that Oogie Boogie's song got, there was really no turning back
Oh and finally, J None also finds out the truth, but Cesar hasn't yet. The others swear that they will sooner or later, they just "haven't found the right opportunity yet".
I could go on, but I think I've typed enough for the time being, and if literally anyone is interested in this and wants to talk to me about it, I'm down! But that's all for now! I'm out!
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captain-astors · 1 year
17, 20, 42 & 49 from the ship ask with Seidou x Akira??🙂
Ooh haven't seen seiaki around for a little. Presuming this is all post-ghoulification?
the ask game
17. How well do they communicate? Are they open with their feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
More reserved, by nature and by extensive trauma respectively. Also if Seidou stayed quiet about his feelings for god knows how long so it's not like this is entirely new. But if anyone can pry this guy open like a clam, (lovingly) it's Akira, and she'll open up pretty quickly verbally about anything she doesn't like, and more positive stuff Seidou's actually alright at sniffing out, and that assurance that if he does something "wrong" he'll be told gently actually brings him a lot of reassurance. He's already aware of the consequences so even if he worries about messing up, he's not worried that she'll be angry at him.
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
Akira's rather blunt about it, but not in a rude way. "No I don't hate you, your brain is being stupid. Hug me if you want or keep your personal space but I'm here for you." And it's a pretty good matchup for Seidou's feral cat of a mind. Sometimes it freaks him out but for the most part that lack of vagueness and straight "yes I do care about you, stop that" doesn't leave his mind much space to fill in the gaps with fears. For Seidou, he's more wordless about it, just sort of hugging her in a little "I hope you feel better soon and I'm sorry." This is a huge testament to his trust and Akira is conscious of that, so often the significance alone is enough to be effective. But just like how occasionally her bluntness frightens Seidou, his touch and lack thereof sometimes makes it worse but she does her best to be understanding.
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Surprisingly pretty good when it comes to their closer friends. Seina teased Seidou a lot the first time she met Akira, but is genuinely super supportive of this. She's so happy to see that her brother is alive, happy, and finally absolving that rivalry that consumed him for years. As for Akira well- Rest in Peace Kureo. Obviously a lot of the CCG is still a little apprehensive about ghouls, especially one who's brutally slaughtered so many of their ranks and realistically could do the same but as much as their fear the Owl they tend to fear Akira a little more for long enough to warm up to him. He's kind of skittish and keeps to himself anyways, kind of funny for someone who's probably killed a friend of yours. Amon is a little confused but supportive.
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
Absolutely. They do their best to create environments where they both feel comfortable sharing, but they still both have an inclination to keep it quiet until they remind each other that it's alright. There are some things they'll never revisit, not because they don't trust each other but because those events are just too traumatic and recent. And that's alright for now, one day maybe, but currently they're both still within a couple years of some wild nonsense and those boundaries are mutually respected.
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khaoray · 11 months
top 10 kdrama couples? and top 10 romantic kdramas? (i wanna watch something with good romance haha)
oh nonnie this is gonna be a challenge but i will do my absolute best. one thing you need to know about me and my taste in romance is that i'm really not here for straight up fluff. i need a bit of melodrama and angst to keep me invested. gonna stick it under a read more bc i feel it's gonna get lengthy asdfghjk
ji ho and jeung in (one spring night) - they invented being in love and facing your problems with maturity and they're just so important to me.
kang doo and moon soo (just between lovers) - if there's one thing i love in my romance it's angst and hurt people learning to heal together and literally no one does it like them. kang doo remains my favourite junho role too, so.
kyeo rye and yeon joo (if you wish upon me) - similar to jbl tbh kyeo rye is such a broken man at the start of the drama and watching him slowly fall in love and heal from years and years of trauma destroyed all of my emotions.
gong myung and se ra (into the ring) - THE childhood friends to rivals to friends to lovers ship!!!!! no one does it like they do honestly they're THE standard when it comes to emotional maturity.
joong gil and ryeon (tomorrow) - listen if you were around last year then you know just insane they made me. soulmates defying literal fate to end up together after centuries of trauma they make me so sick.
cheoljong and so bong (queen cheorin) - THE standard for enemies to lovers. nothing has ever been able to replicate the buzz they gave me week to week.
seon gyeom and mi joo (run on) - the softest couple on this entire list actually i think. they're just so sweet and cozy and safe and i love them so much.
taejun and taeyang (love all play) - my babies!!!! the drama itself kinda sucks but theyyyyy. one of the most mature relationships i've ever seen in a drama actually like we love a couple that actively talk about their issues and try to overcome them together.
vincenzo and cha young (vincenzo) - enemies to coconspirators to lovers excellence honestly who is doing chemistry like them. they're just so sexy.
dong jin and woo joo (call it love) - hi hello it's another instance of two traumatised people falling in love and finding happiness together what can i say i have a TYPE.
one spring night - i've already talked about why i love this drama so much so i won't do it again but just know. i love it so so much it's so important to ME.
just between lovers - another one i've talked about a lot at this point but outside of the romance, this drama is just so GOOD. it deals with a lot of heavy themes so i'd advise discretion but it's so worth it imo. but just 10/10 experience wish i could go back and watch it again for the first time.
if you wish upon me - i love it for a lot of the same reasons i love jbl they're very similar imo. also. kyeo rye is the most character of all time i genuinely don't think ji chang wook is ever topping him.
into the ring - underrated!!!! underrated!!!!!!!!! underrated!!!!!!!!!!!! y'all slept on this one so hard and i still haven't forgiven you. i love romance between two grown adults who actually act their age and don't fall victim to stupid tropes.
run on - this drama makes me feel so cozy and safe and fuzzy idk man it's just pure good vibes for my soul.
call it love - if you love dramas that are slow, where a lot is said with very little dialogue and where the colour grading tells you a lot about the characters emotional states then boy do i have the drama for you.
witch's romance - can i interest you in twinky park seo joon in love with uhm jung hwa??? bc that's what this drama has to offer and it's so fun. it might be a bit dated now bc it came out in 2014 but i had such a good time when i first watched it.
queen cheorin - aside from the last half of the last episode i had such a good fun time watching two absolute idiots fight tooth and nail against falling in love with each other. when are we ever getting that level of chemistry again???
moon embracing the sun - alright i'm gonna be honest i don't actually remember all that much of this one anymore. i only watched it because kim soo hyun's in it. but i watched it as it was airing and it emotionally destroyed me so that's gotta count for something.
first love hatsukoi - yeah yeah it's not korean it's japanese but it's also the best show i've watched in the last year so!!!!! y'all can just take my rec and live with it. please please PLEASE watch it it's one of the most beautiful dramas i've ever seen and all four of the main actors are absolutely incredible in it.
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airasora · 1 year
I hope this doesn’t come off as rude because it’s just an observation I’ve had.
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone who edits Disney do it like you do. You only edit with your few chosen ships and nothing else whereas everyone else has their main ships sure but they edit with lots of different characters and change it up all the time.
Is there a reason why you don’t ever edit anything else? Does it not get boring editing the same couple over and over again? How do you come up with new edits to do cause surely with things like Hollina you’ve used all the footage in all the ways that it can possibly be used and you can see in some of your videos that you’ve reused situations.
Again sorry if it’s rude I’m just genuinely curious cause I’ve not seen anyone go so in-depth with their ships like you do and I find it interesting.
I have very recently edited with new characters so I'll be honest and say I find the timing of your ask a little ironic cause I am indeed for the first time in years ACTUALLY editing with new characters. So I wouldn't say it's rude, but it's a little weird you're asking this when the newest edits I've made are with characters I haven't edited much with before... 😅
I mean, my first Charmine videos was from December. And my Sinric stuff is from January. My last Hollina video is from November 2021, that's a year and a half...
So I'm not entirely sure why you're asking this now?
But like I said, I don't think it's straight up rude as such, but the way you're phrasing it does sound like you're judging me at least a little bit 😂
I disagree that I've done everything I can with Hollina. There's plenty of footage for them both that I've never used before and considering how many Hollina AUs I have, I have absolutely not run out of stories and situations to put them in. There's a few shots I have reused over the years, but it's very few and it's usually ones that I worked too hard on creating to use just once. It's also worth noting that since there are indeed AUs, every single one of my Hollina videos are from Hollina AUs. So some videos belong in the same universe and story. So of course some situations will be repeated there because it's the same story they take place in 😊
If I found it boring, I'd stop. I'm not forcing myself to edit anything I don't want to. And for a while, all I wanted to do was Hollina.
Then all I wanted to do was Thraxette for a bit.
Now I'm working with entirely new characters. Except Odette, since I'm using her for MxDisney, but her family is Medusa from The Rescuers and Michael from Peter Pan. Also two characters I've never edited with before.
I think the best way to explain how and why I go so in-depth with my ships is that it's just the way my brain works. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. So when I get into something, I tend to hyper focus and sometimes that lasts a week, sometimes months and then sometimes years, like Hollina did 😂 Not to say I'm not into Hollina anymore, but I'm not hyper focused on them anymore.
I also have ships I hardly ever do any work with. Like Robin Hood and Basil. I've shipped them for YEARS and only ever made like 2 videos with them.
I think what's also an explanation why I sometimes hyper focus on one ship for a while is also dependent on you guys. If I create a ship and loads of people get really into it, I get really into it. I didn't expect Charmine to become this popular, to the point where I've received SEVERAL asks and comments and AU ideas from you all! That, to me, is so amazing and makes me want to do more with them, because I also want to create what I think you guys will enjoy as well! So when you guys seem to be into a ship I like as well, I get more encouraged to make more with them.
Robin and Basil isn't straight up unpopular, but it's not nearly as popular as some of my other ships. Which is completely understandable, it's an anthro ship and what I usually do are humans 😂 so that's a ship I kinda just keep to myself sort of 😊
I've also always been very imaginative. Nothing is ever really... I don't know what to call it; "shallow" in my head? I go into depth with stuff, I like to analyze, do Easter eggs, inside jokes and get really deep into a plot or idea.
I think another way of saying it too is that I don't like canon couples. Or like, they don't interest me much. Why? Because they're already together. We know their story, we've seen how they get together. Of course you can still create your own universes for them and whatnot - and I do have a few canon ships - but it just doesn't trigger my creativity. With crossover couples, you have to make up stuff yourself. So why not go into depth? Why not imagine every single way these people could interact? At least, that's how my brain entertains itself 😂
I'm never bored. And that sounds weird, but I'm serious. I don't know what boredom actually feels like. My brain can always come up with SOMETHING. And it's never vague, it's always detailed and complicated.
That's why I can keep coming up with new stuff for the same ships. That's why I don't get bored with it. That's why I still enjoy working with characters no matter how many times I've already worked with them.
I've never had a problem with creating a ton... my problem has always been limitations. Hence why my response to your ask became this long 😂 Once I get going, I can't stop!
So, no. I'm not bored working with the same characters. Because I keep coming up with new stuff to do with them 😊
Thank you for your question!
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greenlightbulb-s · 2 years
Fic writer interview!!!!!!
~editing some bits by adding info!~
Since @irishseeeker tagged me (cheers for that! 💖), and it's the first time I've been mentioned to participate in this kind of questionnaire, here are my answers! 🤗
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 12 (I thought there were less of them lol)!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
They're two: Bridgerton and Anne with an E/Anne of Green Gables.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Right Path (Bridgerton)
Still... (Anne with an E)
A spoon full of... what on earth is this?! (Anne with an E)
Blue-eyed Girl (Anne with an E)
And, what do I get in return? (Bridgerton)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Sure thing I do! However, it's true that I rarely reply instantly, as I never access Ao3 on my phone with my account (from where I always read all the fics) because I always forget the password and I almost never access Ao3 from my computer unless it's to post a story.
But yes, I always reply to comments. Just like authors (lol me an author!) like to spend our time writing, readers who spend their time reading what we write are more than deserving of our response to what they tell us.
Needless to say how my heart grows a little bit bigger with every comment and kudo from readers. Seriously, without the readers we would be nothing! They are simply the best. 💖
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I hate (seriously, I HATE) angst and that's why I never write angsty endings. Real life is already angsty enough to end a fic like that (that's my opinion, you may disagree, of course!)... However, I do write angsty scenes because I want to reflect that life is not always rosy.
Anyways, I'm currently writing a fic in which angst is assured in most of the plot! 👀
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven’t, and I don't think I'll do it! But never say never!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Luckily, I haven't received anything! And, taking advantage of this questionnaire, please, PLEASE! If you don't like a fic for whatever reason, don't send hate or unkind messages to the authors because the fic wasn't what you expected. Just stop reading, close the browser tab where you are reading the story and forget about it! And if you're feeling like dm-ing the author anyway, constructive and polite criticism is the only acceptable thing to do.
Simple, easy and for the whole family! ✌
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do!!!!! And it's hella funny! I'd say it's quite vanilla-like; I don't really feel comfortable writing about other sexual practices because my only "reference" is p*rn and THAT'S NOT REAL SEX!
Besides, it's heterosexual smut, as an a straight person it's the only sexual orientation which I can write in a way it's 100% genuine. Of course, I love seeing same-sex couples in fics/shows/films and them "talking" (in fics they can't literally talk 😂) about their activities, but I feel that, if I write about it, it wouldn't be right or I'd do justice to these people/characters.
And one last thing: when I write or plan writing smut, I write it in a way that's real; foreplay, laugh, talk about odd things whilst doing it, stopping when they're not into it... I hate when smut in fics is too cliché or is highly based on p*rn.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, no! And I hope I don't! I need to disable downloads/sharing tabs...
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, I don't think so! In fact, it's me sometimes who translates some big parts of my fics from my mother tongue into English!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven't! But that's about to change... 👀
13. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
That's the big, big, biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig question! 🤣 I have shipped many couples over the years and, if you ask me, I still love them even though I don't follow them anymore! For instance, Finchel from Glee, Katniss and Peeta from The Hunger Games, Ron and Hermione from Harry Potter, Gilbert and Anne from Anne of the Green Gables...
Right now, I'm a Kate Sharma (or Kate Sheffield if we talk about the books) & Anthony Bridgerton b*tch. Just a quick peep at my profile can assure you of that! And lately I'm obsessed too with Jily (Harry Potter's parents, for those who don't know lol).
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Sharma's Indian Cuisine. From tradition to your mouth series. I'm stuck on a crucial part in Part 2 and I'm unable to dedicate time to writing lately with all that is coming up in my life. I'll finish it, surely, but not as soon as I wanted.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I seriously have noooooooooooooo idea! I'd say it's the plots. I know they're nothing new under the sun, but they are the kind of stories, but I know they're the kind of stories that don't resemble what we're "tired/bored" of reading (it's not exactly tired or bored the right words, but we all know that plots, as much as we like them, can sometimes make us feel that way!). I don't know how to express this right; please, don't misunderstand it!!!!!
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Same as above. I have no idea, because I'd say all involved in writing! Perhaps, to put into words everything I want to express with my story: the scenery, settings, moods, sometimes the dialogues, concentration/creativeness for developing the plot further... And English. Although I'm fluent in English, I don't always express myself well in the language, and that's reflected in the story.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Planning on doing it in Part 3 of my series! I'm not *fully* fluent in the language I'm planning to write, but I'll be open to corrections if I messed it up heavily once I publish it!
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Anne with an E. I love Anne and Gilbert dearly, and I want to write again about them... But concentration and creativeness are b*tches and I'm laking of ideas. 🤣
I know it's not related to the question, but I'd also like to write about James Potter and Lily Evans/Potter some time!
19. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I'd say And... What do I get in return?, Of Rain and Storms series and Bitter Sweet Symphony. I know the question asked for only one, but these three have a special place in my heart.
Feel free to do it yourself! Not tagging anyone! 😅🤗
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judesstfrancis · 4 years
so I was late to asking u things and I don't want u to have to repeat yourself so answer all the questions in the thing that you haven't already answered thank u 😌
the way I had to pull out my laptop to answer these bc I couldn’t keep them straight on my phone clipboard................ fdskjfsdkj I think I’m gonna put most of these under a read more so they don’t take up too much dash space. thank u!! <3
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please!
honestly I’m great! it is currently almost 2 in the morning but my day was nice, I got some new clothes, did my laundry, made a good dinner...good vibes all around, loving it for me rn
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of!
I haven’t really listened to a lot of new music lately dkfjskj I think the most recent new artist I started listening to was orville peck?? but that was back in like february
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
uhh when I’m at home. yes I’m a homebody <3
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home? 
truly it’s with the thots I just feel so at ease
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend.
it’s just easy, u know? like no matter what we’re doing, even if we’re just vibing on our own together, it’s nice. I can tell them absolutely anything and it’s not weird and I don’t have to force it out at all
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off?
ok first I always see if any of my friends are busy fkdjsfkj and if they aren’t I see if they wanna just chill or w/e but otherwise just like. turning some music up and sitting in my room with a book/a couple movies I love is ideal for me on a day off. I am very simple I just like to chill
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad?
yes! there are two whole people in this world that I spill absolutely everything to bc I trust them with my life and esp when I’m sad bc they always make me feel better. talking to them when I’m having A Day is like I vent and instantly I am normal again. they know who they are I’m sure but for transparency’s sake, it’s u (robin) and maya, no one else gets to unlock my tragic backstories <3
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? 
relaxing evenings!
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything? 
actually I am currently rewatching cycles 1 through 22 of america’s next top model, I’m on like cycle 5 rn I think. having the time of my life, thanks for asking
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)?
I am very much more into creative endeavors, like work-wise, but I feel like the way I think about things is much more analytical. like I prefer Making things, writing or various crafts or what have u, but even when I create I think about the things I’m doing like analytically?? so ig left-brained
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? 
boy with squirrel by john singleton copley. I love him
english red; what animal do you relate to most?
interesting question! I have no idea. maybe birds? like a finch, maybe. they seem like they have fun
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? 
this one is hard for me to answer bc like. I truly have no idea what a “type” is idk if that’s an ace thing or what. no? maybe? all the people I’ve had crushes on have been vastly different, in terms of like physical looks so probably not actually. I’m not attracted to muscular people tho bc I don’t think they have feelings <3
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like?
once again I have never pictured a date. I just want to hold hands! I think for the ideal first date question I said it just had to be going somewhere where we could Do things together, like walking around a museum or going through shops downtown or something, and that does still apply here, but for the sake of shaking it up, uhh...idk maybe staying in and watching a movie. like not at a theater no one needs to know my business like that but like. at a House. whoever’s, I’m not picky, again ideally I just want to hold hands.
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date?
yes. literally if the first thing u do is kiss me I am okay with it. I’m 23 someone just take the shot and kiss me already I’m going crazy over here
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to? 
really looking forward to the holidays personally I got everyone some really good gifts this year and I can’t wait to hand them out. also my copy of 13 storeys is supposed to finally ship out this week, for real this time! so that’s exciting too
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? 
u know that idealized house with the yellow paint and the white trim? yes. just small and cute and homey
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? 
I guess not?? I’d like to be somewhere near my mom bc she’s important to me but like. as long as I’m living with someone I love it doesn’t really matter where I don’t think
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down?
uh. settling down to me equates to like falling in love and living together so honestly that could happen any time. I need to get a job before we live together so I can like Help Out but like. really any time
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
I have not been to a lot of places! I’ve been to new york, and san diego, and like. phoenix outside of where I live so. actually if I can include like buildings in places I would like to say that one opera house I went to in new york. I learned I wasn’t a fan of operas BUT I also learned those chandeliers were cool as hell
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it?
I’m usually in a good mood, I think? my baseline mood is genuinely just like. happy/chill, pero I think the last time I felt Euphoria (tm) was a couple days ago when my mom and I made a really nice dinner together and my brother was there and we just played board games all night
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
I have this recurring habit of waking up from dreams but only barely so when I fall back asleep it feels like I just woke up within the dream? anyway the last one was like that but in one of the times I ‘woke up’ I looked out the window and instead of outside there was like this. static photo of buffalo grazing in open fields?? and it was like green screened kinda, so when I move the image moved with my line of sight it was weird. that’s how I knew it was a dream and woke myself up again, only to immediately fall back asleep and feel like I was waking up from a dream within a dream again
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each?
I think living with friends would be cool. like I want to have a significant other I live with but also if we lived with other friends that would be fun. kids, maybe! would be something I’d have to discuss with whatever partner I have in the future. if yes to kids, max two. also I don't want babies, preferably I would adopt older children. pets absolutely, however many doesn’t matter. I’m open to just living in a house with the love of my life and like twelve dogs, that’s ok with me
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could?
I do like my name! I think it’s nice and it feels like it fits me. I don’t think I’d change it ever, but if I did I think maybe I’d go with jude bc yes I do love to project <3
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
it’s a tie between suntan lotion and the lumber aisle of any hardware store
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
vanilla rooibos tea supremacy!
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
lots of flowers, first of all. also some kitchen herbs. maybe some fruits!
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog?
yes <3 I want to force people to listen to my pretentious horror opinions and get paid for it
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
look I just have to say it: I’m hot. last night I took a photo and saw my nose from the side and went “omg who IS she” like it’s cute. I’M cute. I’ve seen my ass in the mirror and nothing can top it, sorry
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
all I’m getting is those scenes from horror movies where eerie whistling starts and like birds start going crazy
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
I think so?? I’d like to be more financially secure, pero. I think for the most part yeah I’m alright
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
ireland and greece for sure, ireland is the one I have most planned out in my head. ig maybe england for the third one, just bc I know my mom wants to go and also I’m very bad at geography so I don’t know what counts as a country. I had to look all these up, I do want to visit them tho, genuinely! esp ireland
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn?
the one I’m most fluent in is spanish! and I’m still cracking along at russian, currently I can hold a conversation with like a 4 year old and we can understand each other, it’s pretty cool. I really wanna get into learning irish!! I have a few resources downloaded onto my phone I just haven’t gotten around to it yet
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
a little life <3 yes I hate it when things are sad just to be sad yes this is my favorite book I contain multitudes
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
the burbs! I’ve seen it so many times but it always hits
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
the day IS over it’s like two thirty am now but uh. drink some water before I sleep probably
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent?
I post the “kirby’s fucking pissed” meme on twitter and then I ask u (robin) if I can yell for like five minutes and then I feel valid and then I am normal again
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
it’s a little bit jock and it’s a little bit 1980s skater boy but the best way I can really Describe it is just “gay”
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angelspn15 · 4 years
A/N: You can find my book on Wattpad for more stories (Initial D Oneshotes,× readers and ships)My profile:HellAngel1525
  It was a peaceful Friday evening. Hot air filled your lungs as you were walking around the quiet streets of Akina,a light breeze causing your H/C hair fall on your face.The sky was soaked in bright yellow and orange colors. You could see the sun setting behind the now dark mountain of your hometown.
You sighed as suddenly Takumi's bored face popped up on the back of your mind. You and Takumi had been close friend since last year. He was a year older than you so you didn't see him much at school but this didn't stop you from hanging out with him and Itsuki. Unlike his best friend, Itsuki, Takumi was quite, genuine and sincere. Even in critical situations he was always calm and would always find a way to get out from unpleasant situations. You admired than in him. In fact,you admired him.
  'ahhh~I wish Takumi would see me as something more than just a friend...' you were so caught up with you thoughts that didn't noticed how you bumped into something or... someone spilling all of the hot coffee you were holding on the person's shirt.
"Ahhhh!"a smooth boy's voice,that you knew oh so well,was heard as the hot drink came in contact with his skin.
"Takumi!!!! Oh my God, I'm so SORRY!!!"you said in panic. "Here,let me help you!"you said as took a napkin out of your bag and began to rub your friends shirt.
"Y/N, it's okay, don't worry.." Takumi's blue eyes looked straight into your E/C ones. Both of you blushed and looked away. 'God, he's so cute...' you though once more and smiled shyly. "I'm really sorry, Takumi... does it hurt? Maybe you should see a doctor! What if you got burned? I-" you were cut off by Takumi's precious smile. "Y/N, I'm ok, really! You don't have to worry!"after thinking a bit he added "you seemed to be deep in thought...mind telling me what were you thinking about?"
'you' you though but would never tell him. "I...uhm..well..."you smiled awkwardly, your face as red as a tomato. The boy in front of you chuckled lightly and grabbed your hand interlocking his fingers with yours. "Come"he said and started walking.
"Shhh" he continued walking and the both of you reached the tofu shop but you didn't enter. Instead,he motioned you towards his car. You were confused but opened the passenger's door and sat inside. Meanwhile, Takumi had disappeared inside the shop and and a few minutes later he appeared next to the car, wearing another shirt. "Sorry for making you wait,I went to change..."he said and started the engine. You nodded and looked outside of the window as your friend drove through the streets of Akina towards the mountain.
  As soon as he reached the foot of Mt.Akina he started speeding up and drifting around the tough turns. You looked outside of the window to admire the sunset. The sky was now crimson red with dark blue. You could see some stars shining above in the sky. It was beautiful. As beautiful as the driver next to you. You turned to face Takumi who was concentrated on the road. "You know, staring is rude...but I don't mind"he said out of the blue startling you. "I- I wasn't!"you pouted and crossed your arms earning a warm smile from Takumi. A few moments later you reached lake Akina. Takumi got out of the car and opened the door for you like a true gentleman. "Thanks"you mumbled and walked towards the lake. "It's really beautiful Takumi. Akina is a little heaven on Earth...."
"Well... it's not as beautiful as...you Y/N..." Takumi stood next to you. You turned to look at him, shocked from his words. He didn't return the gaze but continued staring at the reflection of the sky in the deep waters of the lake. "You know Y/N...I really mean what I said... you're... stunning" he mumbled clearly uncomfortable by the whole situation since he had never done this before and was slightly nervous. He had never liked a girl as much as Y/N but he was too afraid that he was not good enough for her.
"Ta-Taku-mi -kun...."you whispered not knowing what to say or what to do. Yes,you liked him. You loved everything about that boy. Fujiwara Takumi was just too perfect.
"I..kinda like you..." you heard his smooth voice filled with love from next to you. The next moment both of you were staring at each other's eyes filled with hope. "I understand if you don't feel the same way...I know we've been friends but...I don't really want to be friends with you,I want something more...I feel like I can be myself when I'm next to you,you complete me Y/N..."he said and came closer. "Takumi...I feel the exact same way when I'm with you... earlier you asked me what I was thinking...I was thinking about you.."
  That was all Takumi waited to hear from you before placing his thumb and index finger on your chin, slightly lifting it up since he was taller. Your heartbeat increased. He slowly leaned in and gently placed a light kiss on your lips. His lips felt soft and warm and they perfectly locked with yours. You stayed like that for a couple of minutes neither of you wanting to pull away. This,this was everything you've ever wanted. It felt like the whole world didn't matter. It was only you and him. It felt right. It felt that this was meant to be.
  After a while Takumi pulled away. You whine not wanting this moment to end but you knew that this was only the beginning.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met and I feel so lucky..."he said and wrapped his hand around your waist pulling you into a tight hug.
"And you're the most handsome tofu boy I've ever met"you giggled and he smiled. A real, bright smile.
"Come on, I'll take you home."he said and started to walk towards the 86 only to be stopped by you. "Wait...you haven't got a delivery today, have you? Can we stay a little longer.. please?"you asked and looked at him through your long eyelashes. Takumi sighed but came back.
"Anything for you"
A/N: Hooray,my very first × reader! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Tell me what you think of it! Takumi is really a soft boi! I hope to see you in the next chapter!!!
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solo-pitstop-vibes · 5 years
Don’t Have to Tell Me Twice
A/N: I wrote this one kinda quick, maybe it’s not too bad. I’m trying to really work on my writing so I’m going to try to get the part two for Come Home to Me out soon. Enjoy!
Words: 2,333
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"The murmur is gone."
The words that stopped your heart, your breathing, and echoed in your mind for weeks, months, days, and years. The second those four words slipped from your sweet Eugene's lips, your world stopped. You held it together, but that night you cried yourself to sleep. You knew Gene would be shipping off soon, off to fight the war that he had so desperately been trying to claw his way to. You didn't want him to go, you knew better than to beg, so you didn't dare ask him to stay. His heart was with the war, and if he didn't go, his heart would never be at home. So you collected yourself the best you could and came to terms with him leaving. You didn't know how long he'd be gone or if you'd ever see him again. You two had known each other for several years now, him being the first person you met when your family moved to town when you were 13, and now you were inseparable. You and Eugene had just been together as a couple for about 9 months when he shipped out.
Seeing him off at the train station almost broke your heart entirely. Especially when he gave you that adorable half-smile of his standing out on the platform.
"You better not run off and find another gal on your way home when the war is over," you had said, in an attempt to lighten the mood, a small grin on your face.
"I'll try my hardest darlin'. Ain't nobody as pretty as you though, gotta make sure I come home so no one steals the prettiest girl in Mobile out from under me," Eugene smiles that smile that made you fall in love with him all over again, and your blush could be seen a mile away. The whistle of the train caught your attention and broke your smiles. It was time.
"Don't forget, mother and father want you over for supper every Sunday afternoon, and you can take Deacon on a walk anytime you like. Don't be shy, they love you," Eugene reminded you.
"I know, Gene. Thank you for reminding me, I'll make sure to give Deacon extra lovin' since you won't be there to spoil him." That dog had gone everywhere with you two the past few years, he had become like a child between the pair of you. You never saw you two without Deacon. The train whistle blew again, meaning it was time for Eugene to board. Tears had started to well up in your eyes, and Eugene pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Don't cry, sweetheart. I'll be back, I promise. I love you (Y/N)."
You hugged him back with everything in your body before pulling away.
"I love you too Eugene," your hands settled on his chest and his came up to cup your face, pulling your lips to his. You knew the next kiss shared between you two would a very long time from then, but you never thought it would be nearly 4 years later. In your heart, it felt like an eternity.
Life had been passing by, but not truly lived while Eugene was away. You had kept Gene's reminder in check, and you had supper with his family every Sunday evening and walked Deacon at least every other day. Since Eugene had been gone, you had moved out of your family's house into a small one bedroom house closer to town. It was exactly what you wanted, and everything you could ask for. Your parents had offered to help you purchase the small home, in exchange that you took classes at Alabama Polytechnic, and kept a small job. Three or four days out of the week after your last midday class, you were an assistant in the office at the elementary school downtown. You always loved seeing the kids during the school year, and when the summers rolled around, they always let you help out the rest of the staff with any repainting they did around the school. Most of the staff had gotten to know you, so they always tried to keep you busy and your thoughts off the constant worry in your mind.
To everyone else, it seemed as if you were doing just fine, but on the inside, you were a pile of shattered glass. Each waking moment was a struggle, every moment was filled with dread and worry. Your worst nightmare was hearing the news that no one wanted to hear, the news that made mothers, fathers, siblings, and significant others crash to their knees and weep. Each letter from Eugene was a small relief, but his letters were filled with glimpses into the hell he was living. He tried his hardest to spare you the gore and the hideous details of each day in the Pacific, but you knew he was struggling to keep it together. You did your best writing him back, you never wanted to glorify the quaint life of Mobile. That was a cruel thing to do to a man in war. Eugene's letters often came months late, and you may only receive one every 3-5 months. When you other best fried, Sidney Phillips returned from the Pacific, he did his best to comfort you when you were down. Although, he was still trying to help himself to recover from the horrors he had seen in the war himself. Since Sid's return home, you both decided to at least have lunch with each other once a week, usually every Tuesday. You were actually the one to help him get up the courage to finally ask Mary Houston it, a girl he had been pinning after since he was a young teenager. After a few months of them dating, Mary started joining you two for lunch, and you and her became friends. This became your routine, every Tuesday you three would meet at the little diner downtown, have lunch, talk, and enjoy each other's company. A year passed and one day, the couple sitting across from you couldn't stop smiling at each other. It warmed your heart to see them so happy together, but this affection was a little more than usual.
"Okay, you two," you giggle, setting your coffee cup down on the table in front of you, "y'all haven't stopped smiling at each other since you walked up. Something tells me that something is goin' on here that I just don't know about yet. You best spill the beans before I have to pull it out of ya."
They both laughed and Sid caught your gaze, a broad smile on his face. It clicked in your head and you already knew what he was about to say. A genuine smile spread across your cheeks, "Well Sid I hate to tell ya, but you might have a few men try to jump you when you announce that the Mary Houston is officially off the market for good." You all laughed and Mary gushed about how romantic it was when Sid asked her to marry him. Their engagement started a new branch of your life that helped you pull through each day. Mary began including you in things with her friends, and she always had a list of things to ask your opinion on each Tuesday. You never let the news break to Gene, Sid said he wanted to break the news to him himself, so you kindly agreed. You helped them plan their small engagement party, which was held at the new banquet hall down by the bay. That night, your heart ached that you couldn't have Eugene by your side, but you put a smile on your face for everyone. The wedding creating a new thread in life for you, which helped brighten your days. The couple decided to wait until the war was over to have the ceremony, mainly due to the fact that Sidney wanted Eugene to be his best man, even though you offered to wear one of Eugene's old suit coats over your dress and be a stand-in. He declined the offer, saying you were too pretty to be standing in for Eugene, that he needed the real deal.
Between the wedding planning, working at the elementary school, and attending college, before you knew it, another year had passed. You were painting a large cartoon farm in one of the halls at the elementary school when the news rang out on the radio nearby. The other ladies helping you paint went frantic.
"The war is over!"
"The troops are coming home!"
"No more war!"
You were stunned, the paintbrush still tight in your hand.
"(Y/n)! Aren't you excited, your lover boy is coming home!" That comment caught you, and the rest of the day, you couldn't wipe the smile off your face.
You called Sid the second you got home, questions flying from our lips. When do you think Gene would be home? Do you think he'll come straight home? You also told him to ask Mary what you should wear to the train station. He only laughed and said, "Slow down speedy, I don't know the answer to every question you've got now. We'll just have to hear from Gene first, he can answer more than I can. He might be rounded up for some cleanup work, so it could be another few months, but Mary said she'd come over tomorrow to help you find something."
Turns out a few months ended up being six before you finally got word from Eugene that he'd be home soon. You were ecstatic, well that was more of an understatement. Your mood improved, your smile brightened, and your heart ached less knowing Eugene would be returning home, alive. The exact date of Eugene's arrival was kept strictly between him and Sid, Eugene said he wanted it to be a surprise, which you hated. That boy was going to be the death of you as if he hadn't caused you any heart troubles already. Awaiting Eugene's arrival you tried to keep yourself busy instead of just staring out the window all day, and Eugene's mother was a huge help. It was currently a cool fall evening, you were at the Sledge household helping Mrs. Sledge do some cleaning. She was inside washing some of her glass plates and cups that she had on display in the dining room, and you were outside hanging freshly washed bedsheets, curtains, and other linens. Humming to yourself lightly, you hung up a bedsheet. The soft fabric flowing in the wind as you pinned the corners to the clothesline.
"(Y/N), dear! You have a visitor, I'm sending them out to you," Mary Frank's voice rang out from the back steps. You didn't bother shouting out a response, not wanting to try and yell across the yard. It was probably either Mary Houston or Sidney. Anytime they couldn't find you or get ahold of you, they always came here. You hang up the last sheet in your basket and smooth it out before you finally lookup. Your heart stops, and you freeze in your place. Through the sheets floating in the wind, you catch a glimpse of dark green moving towards you. Maybe I'm just seeing things, you thought.
"Gene," your voice is barely above a whisper, the words struggling to come out. The wind blows harder this time, the sheets floating through the air almost horizontal this time, and that's when you see all of him. The black shoes, the dark green pants, and coat, with a hat to match. He looks so different but just the same, all at the same time. His skin is tan, his shoulders are broader, and he stands taller than before. He makes his way to you, your breathing uneven, your hands shaking. Please don't be a dream, if it is, so help me God. Eugene stands a few feet from you now, that smile that you love so much appearing on his lips. You didn't think your heart could beat any quicker, but, oh boy, weren't you wrong.
"My mother tells me that I'd be able to find the prettiest girl in Mobile out here, you wouldn't happen to know her would ya?"
His voice was slightly deeper, rougher but it sends waves of comfort through you. A smile broke out on your face, a faint blush covering your cheeks. Before you knew it, your body lurched towards Eugene's and you had wrapped your arms around him in a hug. Tears rolled down your cheeks as Eugene gently pulled your head from his neck, using his thumbs to wipe the tears. "Don't waste those tears on me, I'm home now. You don't have to worry anymore darlin'."
"Ya know, Mitch Haygood kept asking me on a date at least once a month while you were gone, he made the mistake of catching me out with your mother about six months ago. Let's just say, he never asked again," you both broke out into giggles, both knowing how Eugene's mother can be.
"I'm glad she handled it so I wouldn't have to go give him a talking to when I got back. Can't have anyone stealing my girl when I'm away," Eugene replied looking down at you. He simply held you there after he spoke, just looking at you. His hands were cupped around your cheeks and jaw, his thumbs brushing your cheekbones. Your hands grip at the uniform cinched at his waist. His tongue reached out to quickly swipe across his lips. You hadn't kissed those lips in four years, and if you didn't soon you felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest.
"You better kiss me, Eugene Sledge, before I go calling Mitch Haygood."
With a crack of that beautiful smile and a small rumble in his chest, Eugene replied, "Don't have to tell me twice, sweetheart."
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margridarnauds · 5 years
whatever numbers from that lgbt+ ask meme u haven't already been asked?
1. What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?
~Tentatively~ bi (Not into dating dudes, but can appreciate them aesthetically); she/her. 
3. Have you experienced being misgendered? What happened and how did you overcome it?
I’ve not, thankfully. Having longish to medium length hair tends to mean that people ping me as a woman because for some reason we as a society decided to equate reproductive organs to dead skin cells. 
5. Describe what it was like coming out, what did you feel?I’ve talked before about how very laid back my mom was about it (Sometimes to extremes. Like...MOM. I KNOW YOU STILL LOVE ME, I APPRECIATE IT, BUT I DON’T NEED YOU REITERATING IT EVERY FIVE SECONDS. I KNO-) Still, it was genuinely good to have that weight off your shoulders. There’s always that moment of fear anyway, or where you’re worried that you’ll be told that you’ll change your mind. Coming out as an atheist was actually more stressful, tbh. 
6. If you’re out, how did your parents/guardians/friends react?
I don’t think I’ve ever REALLY gotten any blowback, it’s kind of like an “Oh.” I KNOW my aunt thinks it’s a phase, I have no idea how she’d deal with me actually DATING someone, especially since she’s hanging with a very conservative crowd at church and she’s a chameleon. 
10. What does makeup mean to you? Do you wear any?
For me, makeup is a personal choice, albeit one that IS often forced on women by either society or by their own businesses as a way of being “professional.” I hate how radfem culture has infected the discussion on it, to the point where normally STAUNCHLY anti-radfem bloggers unknowingly parrot the same talking points, I don’t consider it to be INHERENTLY evil and I DO think that some women can personally find empowerment with it. I’ve been BLOWN AWAY by the cosplay work people can do. But it IS fucked up that society EXPECTS women to spend hours each day on it. 
And, while I’m at it, while I don’t blame COMPANIES for naming their makeup things like “sex on the beach,” (astonishing, I know) because those are things VERY OBVIOUSLY AIMED AT ADULTS, I DO think that influencers are pure evil for convincing kids that they need them. (And also it’s not like the companies REALLY care about where they’re getting the money from, and the INFLUENCERS are getting money from somewhere, lest anyone think I’m giving capitalism a break here) And I blame parents for not being willing to discuss it with their kids, given that my mom was always very encouraging when it came to telling me that I didn’t need it when I was, like, 8. If you’re going to have kids, you need to be prepared to PARENT. And that includes discussing things with them, sometimes things that are uncomfortable, rather than simply giving them the $50 eyeshadow they’re asking for. And, to this day, I STILL don’t wear any, simply because I don’t feel like spending the time on it. I could probably magic myself some cheekbones if I really wanted to, but I don’t want to learn, not really, and I’m happy existing as I am. 
11. Do you experience dysphoria? If so, how does that affect you?
I’m not sure if I would describe it as DYSPHORIA, per see, but there can be this very odd, disjarring feeling when someone calls me a woman or uses she/her. It doesn’t really LAST per se, it’s very much a momentary thing, and, as I’ve said before, I favor it compared to the other pronoun/gender options, but it’s definitely not something I’m 100% happy with. 
15. Have you ever been to your cities pride event? Why or why not?
I haven’t been! Simply because even though my mom’s been open about being willing to take me, it’s still....awkward when you need to rely on someone else. Hopefully, next year, things will be better. 
16. Who is your favourite lgbt+ Icon/Advocate/Celebrity?
As far as people who are ACTUALLY LGBT+, I have a lot of personal respect for Janelle Monáe and Kristen Stewart. As far as icons and people who have been willing to speak out on behalf of LGBT+ rights while at least APPEARING to be straight (since I’m not going to pry one way or another), Taylor Swift, who has REPEATEDLY gone out there and embraced her LGBT+ fanbase. 
17. Have you been in a relationship and how did you meet?
I haven’t been, a fact which I bitterly lament to anyone who’s willing to hear, which I’m sure is a VERY attractive trait. [/s]  
19. Have you ever faced discrimination? What happened?
I haven’t, one of the advantages of not “pinging”/ not being in a relationship with anyone. Can’t face discrimination if you’re holding your own hand. 
21. Who are some of your favourite lgbt+ bloggers?
Hm, outside of here, I don’t really FOLLOW that many LGBT+ bloggers. And here, just about all my mutuals are some brand of LGBT+. Obviously, there’s you. As far as people who tend to work a lot with gay content, particularly in a historical context, I highly recommend @marzipanandminutiae. For more general fandom-y stuff, my old friend @taylorswiftnuswnt, who has been really instrumental as far as helping me realize that I was something other than a Straight Girl™ (and who helps me keep up with the Gay Migration at any given point in time.)
22. Which lgbt+ slur do you want to reclaim?“Queer”‘s already mine and they’ll have to pry it out of my grubby hands. 
27. What do you think of gender roles in relationships?
Some people REALLY need/want them, some people don’t. Personally, I resent the EXPECTATION that we HAVE to have them. 
 Personally, I’m not interested in replicating a 50s marriage with a gay bent. I spent my entire childhood dreading being forced into that kind of gender role in a relationship and really dreading the idea of a relationship in GENERAL because of that; I’m not going to get into a carbon copy of that. 
If someone ELSE wants to do that, I’m not going to shit on them, because it’s THEIR decision. Go forth and be happy, though I do want BOTH partners to be aware that there are other options. (I saw so many people in my old hometown become essentially cookie cutter brides after they graduated from high school, all of them with kids, all smiling faces, all “stand by your man,” and yes, it does give me Stepford Wife vibes.)
I know that back in the day, Butch/Femme couples were shit on for “replicating heterosexuality,” and that was obviously wrong, so I’m not going to try to pretend like one way is the most progressive, but also for me? Nada. And I do kind of resent how Tumblr’s turned top/bottom discussions into “Let’s replicate the gender binary with gay ships.” Basically, people SHOULD have the ability to choose what makes them happy, but also? It is NOT some kind of default. 
28. Anything else you want to share about your experience with gender?
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