#i love botws world
ganondoodle · 8 months
wait i just realized... the mastersword isnt even important enough to warrant zelda doing to such extreme lengths to repair it bc its NOT EVEN REQUIRED FOR DEFEATING GANONDORF
idk about you but the mastersword being not just this weak after all this but also not even required is like ... hurting the whole plot SO bad for all that zelda knew she was basically killing herself by doing the dragon thing ONLY for the mastersword, which isnt even needed to reach the end why do the dragon thing at all??? she could have put it in some other divine place for it to recover (she knew where the springs are, she knew where the krog forest is, heck she even knew where the forgotten temple is BC THEY WERE ALL THERE* and im not going to belive any of them came into existence afterwards), in botw it took 'only' a 100 years to regenerate the damage it took in botws past which, while not as extreme as in totk, was pretty bad! yeah it gets outright broken in totk but like ... really? far over 10 000 years to recover it? through ZELDA? one of the most divine being IN THE FORM of one of the most divine beings aside from the very gods themselves?? whats the use of it being able to regernate if it takes THAT long?? feels easier to forge a new one for that matter?? and the excuse that "it needed to be able to resist miasma" is like .. why tho? yeah ok fine i could do the entire bossfight with JUST the mastersword, but again, its not required! i can do it with anything else!! and its doesnt cleanse miasma either, like the sword did in tp when you could do away the twilight stuff when it got the super glow stuff so its really like ... she did that JUST for the sword? really? the fact that her becoming a dragon is the way to get her back into her time isnt something she could have known and it working out like that makes it feel like a massive fail of the writers bc it makes it feel less like an actual decision she made for good reason and more bc its a decision the writers made bc the writers already knew where it would end, the writers knew shed be turned back in the end no problem so they had her do the dragon thing despite it being pretty senseless from her perspective
(wouldnt it have felt more in character and logical to put the mastersword somwhere safe where it can recover over all those centuries and search for a way to return to her time herself? like in these two games ZELDA feels like the more important thing that the sword, -zeldas prone to sacrifice herself for other- WHY! its better for everyone if you are alive rather than dead! you got to this time by yourself and also somehow not jsut shifted the time but also PLACE bc you sure as hell didnt appear in a cavern in the middle of the land, you have wielded incredible magic before and are a researcher, surely theres some way for you to at least TRY to return on your own?? how cool would it have been to find little markers and spots where clearly she has left you some sort of message, maybe like a way for you to do something that helps her in the past, USE THE WEIRD ASS TIME BUBBLES FROM THE TUTORIAL AGAIN!! send back something she needs to return! go and talk with impa and purah to determine what shes trying to tell you, help her along the way and in the end she makes her triumphant return, having grown and learned with what she did instead of regressing her chaarcter to the big eyed maiden that you get as a reward at the end through unsatisfying bs reasons and hurray she doesnt even remember, perfect little fairytale of no consequences wahoo- im salty about this let me be salty-)
you can absolutely combine a free to explore open world with good story without restricting it by much, like locking the bossfight behind aquiring the mastersword doesnt feel like that big of a change and its not making it a whole lot more linear, most people do it anyway right?
(also a thing im doing in my rewrite of it is locking certain things for some parts, it just makes sense if you are trying to tell a story, but its pretty clear now they werent trying to do that, just throw you into a box of virtual toys, and i think thats just sad)
*yeah actually whats up with the sonau/rauru putting their little nuclear super weapon storage room inTO THE ANCIENT RELICT OF THE FORGOTTEN PAST TEMPLE BEHIND THE BIGGEST STATUE OF HYLIA IN EXISTENCE?? you cant tell me all those ancient ruins (springs, forgotten temple) were made AFTER all of the shitshow that went down in totks past; putting it behind that statue? building it into there feels incredibly disrespectful, maybe it makes more sense if you just see it as the devs wanting to put somethign new there, but if you consider it in universe its just ??? also HOW is any of it in such a good shape??, it looks like they buried sonia there a year ago, the structures look like they just came out of a 3d printer despite supposedly being older than their recorded history??
on that note ... how does the room with the order and location of zeldas tears make sense .. are you telling me someone of the past ran around after dragon zelda recording where her fucking tears went down and what markings it made on the ground and then built a room next to the nuclear weapon storage room with the laughably unceremonial grave of the fucking queen just to put all that into statue form? also none of the geographical things changed in ALL that time?? the castle is drawn on there too so i guess that was super fresh then since it "was built above ganondorf as a symbol of royal blahbla" at least in botw you had the photos on your SHIEKAH stone to recover them once you found the place they were taken in, it felt so organically integrated ..
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
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Small Revali’s for anyone who needs it. This guy has me in a chokehold
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ganonfan1995 · 5 months
And it's not exactly that all fans ever want linear games (some do~) Most people I've spoken to who didn't like BoTW, simply wanted a game with a bit more depth and energy put into the story and the world.
While I don't fully agree on that front with BoTW (personally I think BoTW was one of the most concise LoZ games to date) ToTK only amplifies BoTW's weaknesses, rather than its stengths.
I understand the desire to expand on Hyrule, to make a truly vast and vibrant world, flush with exploration. Now with next-gen consoles and better hardware, there's a lot more opportunity for these types of games to take front and centre.
But at the same time, large procedurally generated landscapes can often break immersion while feeling bleak and unnatural. Even if landscapes are generated to be as natural as possible, worlds are as much a character, as well...the characters. (I could go on a whole tangent about design here, but I digress..)
I think what people miss from LoZ titles, is the human touch and energy invested into making Hyrule, feel like a place, rather than an idea.
BoTW wasn't perfect, but it was their first swing at this type of world and gameplay. I do think it can be improved on, and honestly, I was expecting progress on that front in ToTK.
But given that ToTK (past the demo lmao) was nothing more than a 100$ expansion on BoTW...I'm not feeling too confident myself moving forward with these open-world Zelda games.
Despite being linear games, growing up OOT and WW felt open world enough for me. LttP was a super fun play that had both a linear story line, and open world possibilities while giving the player full access to all the dungeons and tools off the bat.
If sacrificing genuine, thoughtful, world-building and design is what it means to have a truly open world Hyrule...I kind of don't want it either.
I dunno just some thoughts
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yogurtlid10000 · 4 months
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Stupid stuff I’ve drawn recently 😓
Had to hop on the trend with my personal favorite characters I WOULDVE DONE BRAINSTORM OR PERECEPTOR but I thought it was funnier with Megan
Recently I’ve been thinking about whirl 🤔hes a very interesting character to me
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Another whirlydoodle
😎I CAN ONLY DRAW THE HOLOFORM sob it’s embarrassing
Ok goodbye 😇I need to speed run Christmas cards
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ozlices · 1 year
nintendo het baiting w sidon and his fiancee only to pull the gayest shit ive seen in a While by having sidon renew his vows w link (they got married at the end of ruta’s quest in botw. obviously. clearly.) and giving him a power that lets him ‘stay by his side forever’. i see you husbands i am so glad your marriage is thriving. good for them. good for them. they also both have two hands for anyone who wants to pull any nonsense im js. there is room for yona she just has to understand link has held sidon’s heart for years first.
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cremsie · 1 year
The new Pokémon game is a glitchy buggy rushed mess. But it’s still selling like hotcakes and people are still gonna play it.
It’s kinda sad at least to me because that all the promises they’ll keep making BAD games because they know it’ll sell regardless. Just because it’s Pokémon. I feel bad for the people who work there and try to genuinely make good stuff.
And all glitches even OVERLOOKED. The game looks bad guys I mean come on. Take off the nostalgia glasses and recognize a subpar attempt at a professional game. If it were anyone else it’d get a pity excuse but this is the fuckin Pokémon company. Make them live up to it!
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achiepy · 1 year
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creativesplat · 9 months
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Early Morning
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jauffre · 1 year
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undergoing-mitosis · 2 days
so what if i just
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*stares at you in ^-^ and ._.*
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smilesrobotlover · 10 months
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I’ve seen some people with their own takes on Mipha and Sidon’s mom and so I wanted to do my own thing with her too! She looks a little too much like Sidon but I know I wanted him to take after her more so idk what’s up with that lol. None of the two take after Dorephan except for Mipha’s more softer features so they look a LOT like their mother
She’s a very tough and mama bear kinda lady and is very protective of her kids. But I assume she died right after Sidon was born. How? Idk, but rip.
The picture doesn’t do its justice but I know I want her to be TALL. Like taller than Sidon. But yeah! I wish these games would do more with her but they literally don’t mention her once lol. Rip.
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princeyam · 2 years
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pokemon au part 2 💕
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husku-u · 1 year
Once Tears of the Kingdom comes out I will be hurtling back into the Linked universe fandom at terminal velocity
Took a step back while Rain world hit me over the head with sad robots
And when Silksong comes out I will be struck down once again by Hollow Knight
It’s a busy few months and dear god I just hope it happens AFTER finals this time I CANT KEEP DOING THIS
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the tone of totk trailers is so funny like oh no! scary bleeding hyrule! ganondorf is back! zelda has fallen into a pit! but also link is making some fucked-up vehicle out of scrapmetal and using the goddess' sacred magic to dunk on funny monsters and it's like yeah. that's my little guy :)
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stayatsam · 9 months
elden ring has smashed any expectations i could have for modern open world games like. i struggled trying to play breath of the wild again because nothing about it hit the same as ER
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dooxliss · 8 months
note for the unaware: 100 gold coins = $1 and i have 625 so whatever i get will detract $6.25 from the total price
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