#i rest my fucking case
dryadalisliv · 7 months
I dont care, the line: "Dont go where i cant follow" is the number one most romantic line i've ever read in my entire life. And you will not tell me it was wasted on a couple of bros being dudes... that line was from one lover to another
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kexing · 8 months
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Jojo: In this scene, I asked Book to play it in two ways: angry and unable to hold back and another with a soft and gentle edge, but let it be known that he can't take it. In the end, we used both versions. But Book gave a real and moving performance with Force, who feels guilty and caught off guard. He played it well and I was shocked by Mew. He's very talented.
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 6 months
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Shitty art but I will never forgive y'all for this
(the art is very shitty I apoligize, I am not an artist)
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Why Tyler Galpin Deserves a Redemption Arc
The number one thing I want to see in S2 is some form of redemption for Tyler, but honestly it’s not even redemption because he did nothing wrong. I just hope that Netflix doesn’t decide to make Tyler a villain, because that would be unforgivable.
Reasons Why Tyler Needs Justice:
Tyler was clearly sexually assaulted by Gates/Thornhill. That whole scene where she was like “tyler kill her for mama” while caressing him and stroking his chest….. tf?? You can’t seriously say that he did that voluntarily, especially since he’s underage and she held a position of power over him.
Again, the whole thing about Hydes being forced to do whatever their master says. That whole police station sequence could’ve been involuntary, especially since when you see him turn away he’s crying. Tyler was pretty much Laurel’s slave, and she probably ordered him to do all that.
Honestly, I think that Netflix would lose more views by painting a victim of sexual assault as an antagonist than giving Tyler a redemption arc. Saying anything along the lines of “but tyler liked being with laurel!!” is absolutely horrendous, since it’s been clear that Laurel was terrible to him (may i call to attention this:)
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I dare those writers to look me in the eyes after that and say that he enjoyed being with Laurel. Fight me.
So Tyler definitely needs justice.
Let’s only hope that the writers can see that.
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tadaxii-i · 10 months
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circusfreakk · 5 months
chubby dib
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Finally got him to ask Edgeworth out, you're welcome everyone.
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harrows-bones · 1 year
“Strangers” by Ethel Cain is actually about Gideon Nav and her time in Harrow the Ninth and how she just wants Harrow to eat her because that’s why she sacrificed herself, and not understanding why Harrow couldn’t just do the one thing she asked of her
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“I never blamed you for loving me the way that you did”
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like-the-poets-say · 2 years
the seeker is such a gay quidditch position. what are you searching for???? a boyfriend????
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odd-one-advocate · 7 months
You know, it's pretty interesting how Only Friends viewers have such a black-and-white perception of the characters, that they can excuse anything the "good ones" do & show no mercy to the "bad ones" when they're wronged.
Like Mew, Nick, and Sand are seen as these innocent victims, while Top and Boston are labelled as the ultimate villains. Even Ray, who's far from perfect, gets a bit of a pass.
But let's face it, none of these characters are faultless. Yes, when they make mistakes or hurt others, it often stems from their own pain and brokenness (which is very human of them).
Boston, on the other hand, seems to do terrible stuff seemingly unprovoked, making it hard to empathize or forgive him? I guess this is why Boston bears the brunt of all the hate.
Most of these characters are flawed but are seemingly good people who do bad things. Meanwhile, Boston acknowledges his bad boy image, and he doesn't pretend otherwise. He owns his asshole-ness.
But when you look at everything he's done, like his whole thing with Nick, he's been pretty upfront about it. He made it clear that they're just friends-with-benefits and nothing more. He's honest about seeing other guys too, although he does sweet-talk Nick into feeling special.
But if we compare, Ray's not much different with Sand, minus the playboy aspect. Ray got close to Sand, led him on, but went to Mew as soon as he got the chance. He only comes to Sand when he's lonely. In fact, even after getting to know Sand's story, he said hurtful things to him.
But because Ray's got a load of trauma and self-destructive tendencies, we're more inclined to understand him, while we know nothing about Boston's past to redeem his behavior.
What makes Boston seem even worse is that Nick is way more obsessed with him than Sand is with Ray. I mean, Sand genuinely cares for Ray, so it's heartbreaking to see how Ray treats him. But because Nick is down atrocious & was probably way more hurt, Boston seems like the bigger dick in comparison.
Also, the night when Boston ruined the get-together at Sand & Nick's place by spilling the beans about Ray still loving Mew? Yeah, we hated that cause everyone was having a good time & it was none of his business to meddle in their relationship. 
But guess what, Ray did the same thing at Mew's party, exposing all his friends & ruining the birthday celebration.
Like yes, he was angry because he bears a one-sided love toward Mew so it seemed unfair to find out he's getting cheated on by the man he chose over him. But he publicly made a scene & even involved Cheum & April who had nothing to do with any of it.
It's just that Ray did it out of love & anger while Boston did it unprovoked. So Ray can get a pass but Boston definitely doesn't. 
Now, definitely the worst thing Boston ever did was hooking up with his friend's almost-boyfriend. That was a terrible betrayal, no doubt. He may not have done it to hurt Mew but he did it out of jealousy and the need to feed his own superiority complex, with zero excuses or remorse.
But as bad as that was, there's no excuse for him being illegally recorded having sex, not once, but twice, without his consent.
That's a cybercrime, plain and simple. Nick had no right to record Boston, especially because they weren't even dating? It's not like Boston was cheating on him because he never implied they were exclusive.
And then Sand stealing the video and everyone passing it around? Aren't they all cybercriminals for spreading around an illegal sex tape?
And how come nobody condemns Mew's threat to post Boston's non-consensual sex tape as revenge porn? Like I've seen people say "If I were Mew I would have posted it". HELLO? NO. That's .... not okay.
People are so blindsided by their hate for Boston that they don't see it as a violation.
Like I'm glad that Mew DIDN'T post it but threatening to show it to his dad, who may not even know Boston is gay? That's EVIL.
Not to mention, how Mew burnt the sketch Top made him in front of him, despite KNOWING he has fire-related trauma?
Like listen, I get Mew. His boyfriend cheated on him with one of his best friends; that's definitely the worst betrayal ever. So I GET him, we all get him. But if we can understand & excuse his actions, why can't we spare a little bit of that understanding towards Boston (or Top)?
Nobody calls out the cybersexual harassment against Boston because he's seen as a "fuckboy" who deserves it. Being a slut is obviously the worst thing a human can be.
Like, everything Boston did in this show is immoral, no doubt. But the others have committed not just immoral but illegal acts, all in the name of revenge or love or hurt.
So, while I won't argue that Boston is a first-rate jerk and a terrible friend who can't be excused for his actions, we've got to admit that he's not any worse than the other characters. 
Maybe it's because we haven't seen his side of the story, it's hard to empathize with him. 
Regardless, I think that disliking Boston for being a jerk AND realising that he doesn't deserve to be violated or cybercrimed are two things that can exist at the same time. That's my take on this.
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melonisopod · 1 year
The “Ultimate Malewife” poll was just a glorified popularity contest however I’m all for MandricardoSweep my boy deserved it.
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middlechildkin · 1 year
I think it’s really a crime that DMD F!Leo doesn’t have more vote so I’m here to argue my case of DMD F!Leo deserving the best dad award in the peepaw poll. Or I guess Dad Poll.
This is gonna be a long post I sincerely suggest you give it some thought because I think he deserves at least the time. (Will contain spoilers for later chapters of DMD and the oneshot sequel: Return of a Champion)
Look at him. He so Dad he protect, even when he doesn’t know what danger is coming he makes sure the kiddos are out of the way before anything happens.
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The Dad vibes are so strong he bonds and jokes with the kiddos and makes them comfortable with him. Like, are you kidding?? Father is that you?
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He gives them fucking reassurance. He listens to them, and by them I mean the kids, then provides the support to make them feel at ease.
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He even gives the kids affection, so much that it reminds him of when Casey was just a little boy. The fatherhood is strong within him.
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He praises the kids. Like are you kidding? Appraisal? Give. In my hand. Now.
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Part 1 | Part 2
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because-she-goes · 9 months
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kiki, booba, booba, booba
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So I was rewatching Wednesday for the seventh time yesterday and there is no way that you could POSSIBLY convince me that Tyler’s feelings for Wednesday were all a ploy.
I mean the whole crypt date scene is just AMAZING. Even if Laurel had ordered him to do it, I don’t think he would have bought black and white popcorn boxes for someone he was being made to spend time with. Yes, he could’ve been acting but I seriously doubt he would’ve gone that far.
Secondly, the dance. THE DANCE. Tyler clearly wanted to be there, and even when Wednesday does that whole Goo Goo Muck dance (which was iconic but anyways) he doesn’t get embarrassed or anything. He just smiles dorkily at her and even tries to dance along at one point. This man has fallen, hard.
Also, whenever Wednesday has a vision throughout the show, he catches her. Every time he’s there. I mean if I was him, even if she was my friend, I just would’ve sorta let her fall and laughed but that’s probably just my sociopathic tendencies. ANYWAYS. He clearly cares about her well-being beyond just keeping her alive for the ritual.
Feel free to fight me on this, I do want to hear other people’s perspectives on this.
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arson-the-living-crime · 10 months
Whenever I'm reading dn fanfics and I see something about L actually sleeping I fucking die like this man had Watari invent a fucking HUMAN WASHING MACHINE because bathing is a "waste of time" and people think he actually sleeps ? He won't even take a 5 minute shower what makes you think he'd waste multiple hours sleeping ? Bro probably injects caffeine into his fucking brain or something but sleep ? You know who does sleep ? Kira. What else Kira does do ? Kira kills people . L doesn't kill people himself , at most sets them up . So why would he sleep ?
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noraiir-arts · 1 year
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